#also Wendy’s there bc she’s my friends and she’s the most chill about me having The Demonic Dude Who Tried To Blow Everything Up
amporella · 2 years
bendy? 👀
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This made me remember how much I love them!! Augh!! That being said, this also took a little bit of thinking: I love them in concept but I haven't actually thought THAT much about the little things in their lives. So I am very up to being convinced on any of these. Explanations under the cut:
Lends Clothes/Borrows Clothes:
They definitely do that thing as kids/young teens where whenever one of them buys an outfit it basically belongs to both of them, but they can't do that as much when Bebe starts getting taller + they start developing their own unique styles </3 but they still share outfits whenever it fits/its up both of their alleys. Bebe ends up lending hers more often just bc it's more likely to fit.
Pet Names:
I just think Bebe is that type to use a lot of pet names for everyone!! I don't really have a reason for this. Same with Wendy; she just doesn't really strike me as the type.
Bebe LOVES being social, and tbh is very rarely alone; she's always got a friend over. Wendy's also fairly social (she is one of the queens of the Pleases and Sparkles Club) but she's more likely to want her alone time/time with only one or two people after big social gatherings.
Both of them do a lot of both affection through words and affection through actions, but I think they both have leans. Conversations are definitely one of Wendy's love languages, while I think Bebe is more of a quality time kind of person? Which kind of connects back to affection via words vs affection via actions.
Kind of similarly to style, I don't really see there being an 'official' confession between them!! They're so close that they kind of end up falling into a relationship naturally versus having an official confession. But if someone were to confess, I think it would be Wendy; she probably notices her feelings first and doesn't waste time about it.
Squashes Bugs:
Neither of them are really afraid of bugs. Wendy's just more likely to squish them because Bebe doesn't want to get bug guts on her good shoes.
Dislikes PDA/Loves PDA:
This is probably one of the areas where they differ most significantly to me!! I think Wendy probably prefers keeping her relationships a little more private (?) as she gets older, as opposed to Bebe who's very affectionate with everyone, all the time. But especially with her girlfriend. They figure it out tho.
I love Wendy being very jealous and very protective of her relationships, augh. The way she behaved in Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society was a fluke!!!! I know in my heart she would defend her!!! I think Bebe is generally chill going, but probably more protective of Wendy than she is of the average person. She's only not super protective because she knows Wendy can hold her own.
Relationship Experience:
Wendy has a few long-term relationships, and Bebe has a lot of short term relationships, but it ends up coming out to them having pretty close to the same amount.
Thank you for the ask alister!! <3
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wired-heartbeats · 3 years
Me: This is a bad idea
Bill: that’s never stopped either of us before and you know it
Me: Yeah but Wendy’s gonna get pissed if we call her at 2 in the morning again to legally get us out of holding again
Me: Let’s push it back a few hours so we can aim to wake her up at at least like 5 cause she wakes up at like 6 anyways
Bill: What I’m hearing is we’re still doing it >.)
Bill: And who cares about us being ‘human legal’ you’ve literally broken us out before and I can just-
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cobraghost · 2 years
( personals do NOT REBLOG !!!!! I’ll post it on my main over on @billyjoecobras if you’re  a personal who would like to rb. )
thinking about in DTMG, how it outright implies in "where's wendy" that bjc has been dead at LEAST five years, at most seven ( we know this because of how long it takes for the kind of croc that Wendy was to grow to full adult size -- and she was taken when she was a baby, bc he died when she was stil in her infancy ).  in another ep about spence trying to get the perfect class photo, it shows spencer has been living in the house since he was about 10 -- give or take a year. we know this because we see he has MOSTLY had the same classmates every year according to his yearbook photos -- but spencer says he used to live in a much more rural farm area before living here. THIS means, that in all that time, he's been in beverly heights. and ........... he's only been able to see billy for about 1 year, if billy only finding out about the yearbook photo problem is anything to go by. because he didn't know billy was even around the past 3 or 4 he lived there.
so, in all that time, he was haunting a house that nobody ever paid attention to him in. ever. at all. in fact, discovering him was probably an accident -- like spence going thru billy's stuff for props for a movie, only to end up seeing bjc while trying on something of his. which makes a lot more sense why he’s so clingy to spencer in show . It’s why he’s so fucking upset and ‘overreacts’ when spence breaks his guitar pick necklace and can’t see billy -- which spencer just tells bjc to chill, and it’s played off like he’s just having a diva moment. but like ... billy would be so fucked up from that?? like of COURSE he’s gonna panic. he’s been completely isolated for YEARS at that point, and only recently got contact with spence ( and later on his friends, but they’re a bit..irrelevant?? no offense i love the bhagwati sibs but they’re just not all that present in bjc’s interactions. ) . He’s desperate to not be forgotten or unseen / left alone again, for ANY amount of time.
Even just a week sends him into a panicking spiral -- like, if you were completely alone and isolated, and nobody ever even knew you existed for ~4 years, and you finally got someone able to see you -- only by sheer chance initially -- and then lost it not even a year into this changed situation  ... ? Wouldn’t YOU be messed up as shit from that too? It always struck me as something weird to portray billy as being over dramatic, but i think it’s honestly completely understandable that he acted the way he did. Sure, he did make things a bit tougher when Hoover came over and tried to capture him, but give the guy a break. he’s lonely as fuck, dudes.  Billy gets a lot of flack or eye rolling from spence, but i don’t think he knows how traumatic that is for billy. I don’t expect him to understand, either -- BJC probably wouldn’t open up about how much being alone fucks him up, and why he’s no doubtedly way touchier than he used to be as a ghost vs when he was alive ... but, im also tired of the show’s writing having portrayed him to be in the wrong for feeling the way he did.
He wasn’t just having a diva tantrum, he was having a legitimate meltdown over going back to being unseen, like he was for four years.
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ribombeee · 3 years
2, 7, 12, 23 for Geranium?
THANK U so much for coming in clutch and letting me talk about my silly little people ok here we go
2 - who do they look to for guidance?
if geranium needed advice she would probably go to one of the administrators like greg or his husband or wendy :) bc her and rindle are literal straight up orphans and they r constantly getting involved in very dangerous and unfortunate situations they end up getting u know. pretty well acquainted w the staff especially gregory!!
7 - any family scandals? does your character know about them?
besides her grandmother geranium doesnt have any family members that are alive and that she knows the location of. considering there isnt really any extended family to speak of i would say no not really any family scandals
12 - what is the fastest way to upset them?
geranium doesnt get upset very easily and takes most things in stride, but i would definitely say she does NOT like her friends fighting. shes very chill and gets along with most other people or if she doesnt she just leaves them alone and it makes her annoyed when other people cant do the same. her friends are also very important to her as basically her family so she doesnt like when they argue especially over things she thinks are stupid or no big deal.
23 - what do they want most in life?
in the childrens home she would hypothetically really like to kind of....get out, see the world, experience something different than what she has already experienced, but probably wouldnt admit this bc it didnt seem like a possibility for her. the school provides this opportunity for her which is partially why she ends up getting into so much shit...shes excited!! this stuff is all new to her!! shes doing important things and having new experiences and of COURSE if something weird happens shes going to follow up on it bc this is EXACTLY what she always wanted. also again friends and a sense of community r a huge thing for her so i think she wants to create that for herself (which she does!! good for her)
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fearsbellsarchived · 4 years
[me? Thinking about a gf fairytales au instead of being productive? More likely than u think!!! think ou.at buT BETTER and w/o the real world dimension hopping part. under the cut bc i just copy/pasted my tags from forever ago to put them in one place
mabel and dipper are hansel and gretal
paz is sleeping beauty 
bill is maleficient 
if we’re gonna get disney about it wendy as merida 
i LOVE the idea of tambry as rapunzel??? 
mabel can also be like...eric from the little mermaid 
so mermando can be ariel 
bill is also rumplestilskin 
stan can be the huntsman (idk from which story cause theres a fEW BUT)
ford is the sorcerer from fanstasia 
ford is teaching dipper magic....and instead of a true love’s kiss that’s how he wakes paz (maybe?)
the northwests made a deal w bill like in the most famous version of rumplestilskin but instead of wanting paz for himself he just wanted to steal her body at 16
so when they lose the deal they ask for help from ford and ford’s like “yo i can maybe change the deal??? a little bit???” so instead of bill taking her over when he goes to she falls asleep ​
so dipper wasnt supposed to wake her up but he found her and fords notes and he and mabel went on an adventure
bill is all the villains 
so stan has to leave mabel and dipper in the woods (idk y it wasnt for long the twins are just impatient) so stan disappears and the twins are like “lETS EXPLORE THE WOODS”
they come across some creepy old house w a lot of spiderwebs (can u guess the villain yet?)
an older woman comes out and is like “why are you guys lost in the forest?”
mabel points to the glitter trail “we’re not lost”
dipper looks behind them ‘mabel!!! where’s all the glitter?!”
so they lose the trail 
meanwhile stan is losing his fucking mind
he follows the stray glitter but it’s blown all over
so the old lady offers for them to stay the night bc its getting late
dipper is SUPER sus but he plays it cool surprisingly
mabel is So In!
long short...stan eventually saves them from darlene’s trap
usually shes just a maneater but look
when u live in the woods u do what u can
so stan hauls them back to their cottage
dipper knew there was weird shit out there but he wants MORE
he starts going through his great-uncle’s journals (*cue the dipper squee*)
he reads about bill and his deal w paz’s parents
he’s like....’maybe we should rescue her?’
ford wont tell him why they cant
so dipper and mabel sneak out
they steal the grunkles’ boat
mabel falls over board???
dipper tries like HELL to save her
but then he sees mermando save her
gideon (who had long-loved mabel from afar) finds out
he visits the merman to trick him
all mabel remembers is his voice
so YES mermando trades his voice for legs just like the movie
sue me okay w his distinct accent it makes sense!!!
so the twins get sidetracked bc mermando shows up out of nowhere
they dock on a small island for a pit stop and thats when ‘kiss the girl’ happens
they dont kiss so they move on
they dock on another stretch of land the next day
the twins have only heard about him from their grunkles so mabel hears his voice and goes *heart eyes*
mermando is Distressed
dipper is Focused on getting to this sleeping princess
mabel makes fun of him for liking her
at one point dipper catches him w/o the amulet that makes him sound like mermando
and he tells mabel and its kinda like “the hand that rocks the mabel” or whatever the ep was called
it takes dipper and mermando being threatened (and gideons voice slipping) for her to catch on and she breaks up w him
dipper wants to throw him overboard
they just leave him on the next inhabited island they find
mermando got his kiss but decides to go back to the ocean anyway
he promises to write
mabel is Sad
the twins come across a land near the one paz is on and decide to stop for food and to stretch their legs and other hygiene things
they find out there’s some archery thing going on and mabel is like ’ooooh can we try?!’
turns out its for neighboring kingdoms’ princes to win a princess
mabel and dipper think this is RIDICULOUS so they crash it
mabel steps up to shoot and everyone’s like ‘wHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?’
then dipper steps up beside her. neither of them have shot a bow before
they shoot at the same time. mabel’s like thisclose to the bullseye. dippers too far right
but wendy is like ‘ACTUALLY ILL SHOOT FOR MYSELF THANKS’ and splits like three arrows down the middle w her accuracy
she looks at mabel and dipper and is like ‘u dudes look fun! ive never seen u before who are u???’
and they’re like ‘WELL!’ and launch into detail about their adventure w overlapping voices and sound affects and VAST description
anyways. i cant decide how old people are rn okay 
so wendy is like “hey dad??? im going on an adventure w these guys!” and her dad is like “unusual but u DID just win ur own hand. so ill allow it”
“YES! can i take soos too?!” 
sO THEYRE OFF AGAIN!!! lemme tell u the ship is filling faST!!!
they get to paz’s land. and the first thing they find is a girl in a tower with long purple hair.
everyone is pretty much just making ‘wtf’ faces for like....ten minutes.
finally wendy calls up the tower like “YO! WHATS W ALL THE HAIR?!”
tambry leans out the window w a bored expression and goes “its mine. im tambry. who r u?”
they introduce themselves and are like “u wanna come on our adventure?”
and he knows where the princess is!!!
”oh yeah. her. shes also in a tower. its got a door but its guarded by gnomes.”
then robbie climbs tambrys hair pecks her cheek and ducks in the tower
they decide to head for the tower robbie directed them to. but they have to pass the castle. Northwest Castle
robbie warned them about the northwests. said that the princess was one and before she disappeared she was the snottiest brat hed ever met
so they became friends despite the fact that he plays music for a living (and not very well either)
her parents told her of the spell when she was twelve
so robbie’s like “they are not nice people and neither was she??? most of the townsfolk are glad shes asleep tbh”
but dammit! dipper came here for an adventure!!! he wasnt going to stop just bc the princess wasnt what he expected!
so they continue on!
mabel is like “maybe she doesnt KNOW how to be nice!”
and soos is just excited to be there!
and wendy is just...u kno...chill
they start to get close to the castle and they feel like they’re being watched
and then soos notices the PEACOCKS!
they assume theyre spies for the king and queen. which is half true?
they can also warn bill if someone is near pacifica
oh damn imagine that
being stuck asleep w a DREAM DEMON in ur head
sorry for the accidental psychological torture paz
i think to make up for risking her life as a baby ther parents were like “we’re just gonna spoil u rotten and PRETEND u do no wrong eVERYTHING IS FINE”
so dipper is reading the journal and he FINALLY gets to the true loves kiss part of the deal
and he looks around at the party like “oh shit true love what do we do???”
mabel suggests he at least try and everyone agrees that yeah okay thats the back up plan
but dipper wants to use a SPELL!!!
so the king and queen see him w the journal and remember ford having the same one
so everyone is brought to the king and queen
theyre like “pRINCESS GWENDOLYN?!”
bc this is MY STORY and if i wanna give wendy a more princess-y name thEN I WILL
i say as i continue to refer to mason as DIPPER!!!
wendys like “yes that is me the princess” and then everyone else introduces themselves...w dipper introducing himself as mason bc it just sounds more fairytale-y
soos is jesus (hey zeus! not jee sus)
soos is like....wendys bff/personal servant but mostly bff
so they explain their adventure to the northwests as quickly as possible
preston is no patient man and he’s is like “tbh its probably important she be here for her 18th bday soooo??? as long as she wakes up by next year why not???”
but only bc dipper was like “i wANNA USE MAGIC I DONT WANNA KISS HER THATS PLAN B!!!”
plus u kno...even if he DOES whats the guarantee itll work???
the guarantee is me being a filthy shipper tHATS WHAT!!!
so they continue to the tower!
there is probably a sidequest thingy with giffany bc i liked that episode
also soos needs more screentime im sorry
also theres a manotaur/multi-bear sidequest i just thought of bc i like THAT episode!!!
is this gf, a fairytale, sk.yrim, or a d.n.d campaign now??? WHO KNOWS!!! ITS NOT ME!!!
first they offer safe passage in exchange for mabel as their queen
after thats declined theyre like “or the redhead. well take her!”
this is also declined
finally jeff tells them to attack
at first the party tries to fight them off and they do okay
finally mabel just pulls out her trusty crosSbow (aka “GRAPPLING HOOK!”) and they just make a tightrope to the window above the door
wendy goes first and NAILS it
then everyone else follows
soos almost falls and gets left to the gnomes but everyone helps him balance and they all make it through the window
coincidentally. the window leads to the princess’s room
oh well. anyways.
everyone is looking around the room and like...taking it all in
dipper takes a moment...then walks over to the princess
he isnt sure if waking her will also wake the demon
crossover even more w my old paciphera au??? idk probably not
so dipper tries the spells he narrowed it down to
none of them work
all his friends have returned to the princess’s room and mabel is like “u gotta kiss her brobro!”
so dipper...poor poor dipper...just leans forward and kisses her
paz pretty much snaps her eyes open when dipper is a half inch from her face while he’s pulling back 
and even tho she was forewarned she wasnt expecting DIPPER so she SCREAMS
dippers ears are ringing
she shuts her eyes and stills her breathing and sits up.
so once shes a little more calm they explain the whole adventure to her
paz feels a little honored they came all this way just for her
also since True Love beats everything bill is like.....back in his home dimension. also paz has been fighting him for like....over a year.
so paz is like....ready to Go. u kno. just wants to go HOME.
they get pazs shit together and exit the tower through the door
she says goodbye to the gnomes. all by name.
“oh yeah mom and dad made them my personal guard when i was like...eight. theyve been prepping for this my whole life. they’ll meet me back at the castle.” so then she starts telling them about herself and her last like 
two years of being asleep w a DREAM DEMON
“sometimes i got the weirdest nightmares??? and they never ended. but when i woke up i couldnt remember anything specific.”
she and dipper talk away from the group. he tells her about how hes her true love and everything “okay well. we’ll have to lie to my parents and say it was a spell. bc they will NOT approve of us being true loves and if they hurt you...”
“then they hurt *you* too!” dipper finishes (idk maybe a combo w a soulmate au thing?)
meanwhile mabel is like...whining about boy problems??? and wendy is like “this is y boys r dumb.”
soos is like...wandering off. I WANNA INCORPORATE MELODY BUT WHO SHOULD SHE BE?!
paz and dipper start like....arguing about how to deal w her parents
apparently they actually ARENT that nice. if she doesnt marry a prince they’ll give her over to bill completely...or something idk
SO theyre nearing the castle!!!
theyve written theyre grunkles okay no worries. also mermando.
thats y mabels complaing about boys.
mermando and that manatee wife of his!!!
paz is not exactly ready to face her parents so she convinces the party (roll for charisma) to go the long way
which is actually just circles
we run back in to melody and soos and the party is like ‘wHOOPS WE DIDNT EVEN NOTICE GLAD U DIDNT GET EATEN BY A SPIDER LADY!
maybe melody is like....a fairy???
something light and ‘childish’ bc thatd fit her personality
soos is like “ive BEEN here. u dudes have been going in circles.” and everyone glares at paz.
“im sorry!!! i just dont want to go back!!!”
“ur dad made us promise to have u back for ur 18th bday.” says dipper while he tries to stay mad at his future wife
idk why paz and dips are being better at being soulmates here okay i was like....sleep-drunk when i first wrote this
so the party has a choice to make.
take paz back home where she wont be able to be w her TL (which in some cases has probably led to death) OR!!!
sneak her out and take her home w them?!
wendys probably gotta go back to her own kingdom tho.
and soos wants to stay w melody
so anyways
mabel and dipper decide to help her sneak out
luckily she knows all the blindspots
it takes longer but they finally make it back to their ship
they say theyre goodbyes to soos and melody and paz wishes them well in her kingdom. she promises to return when shes ready to rule
they load the ship and sail to wendys kingdom next
they stay a few days to recuperate
paz has trouble sleeping bc when she does the nightmares come back.
cue a kat.niss/pee.ta thing where paz sleeps next to dips bc it keeps the nightmares away
wendy has to explain why soos isnt w them to her dad who kinda shrugs it off?
“u proved u can protect urself.” or something.
after like.....a whole fucking year the twins are heading home.
paz and dipper sleep together on the ship too bc its just fucking easier
paz is nervous to meet the grunks
she and dipper arent exactly....dating??? its def more like soulmate au
where theyre AWARE theyre supposed to be together but they dont even rly know if they WANT to be together.
paz is p much “i dont rly wanna be w anyone else. ill let u kno if that changes.” and dips is like “tbh same.”
mabel is already planning a big royal wedding.
iDK Y BUT I WANT THEM TO FIND OUT THEYVE BEEN ROYALTY ALL THIS TIME??? probably just bc i LOVE that trope!!! but theyre not so its whateves.
so they FINALLY get home. mabel has been writing letters this whole time. to mermanso. to soos and melody. to wendy.
shes the captain of the dip.ifica ship and shes gotta keep her crewmembers in the know!!!
the twins also wrote to the grunks the whole time so!!!! no worries!!!
paz tries writing to her parents...but she can never find the right words.
meeting the grunks isnt as bad as she thought???
stan loves her off the bat. partially bc shes rich and bc she doesnt take shit
ford is pleased to meet the girl he saved and shes v v thankful to him for saving her life as best he could.
it takes her like a YEAR to write the letter.
she promises her parents she’ll return. AFTER shes married.
at this point she and dipper ARE together. they figured all theyre confusion out and are just living the good life!
mabel and wendy are doing the long distance thing. shes still friends w mermando.
robbie and tambry found paz and they write back and forth.
everything is as happily ever after as it can get.
and then dipper proposes despite knowing what it means.
*end credits roll. an epic theme song starts playing*
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summersromance · 4 years
TEN QUESTIONS TAG GAME! ( thanks for tagging me, @septemberliterature​!! )
i. how did you come up with your wip’s title? what does it mean in relation to the story?
well, my title is the entire point of the story!! so, irl, mission: kiss the girl was an idea i had back when i was, like, eleven?? i’m not sure how i got the idea, but it was an untitled wip about a girl who wanted to kiss another girl bc she felt bad that her parents kept being homophobic to her best friend (yeah ik it doesn’t make sense). i titled it recently to reflect the main goal, and it just seemed logical!! there’s a mission to kiss a girl, and i was like “wow, now this wip is mission: kiss the girl.”
ii. do you title your chapters? if so, what’s your favourite?
i do!! they’re all REALLY bad so i’m probably gonna remove them, but my favourite rn is “summer clichés, special days” (chapter one). in emmy’s family, there’s this whole thing around “special days”. everyone has one special day, which is just a number (emmy’s is 24) and on that number of that month, you can do whatever you want. like, for example: on the 24th of ANY month, emmy can do ANYTHING. this really doesn’t serve the plot, so i might cut it out, but i really love this idea.
iii. what’s a recent line you really like?
uh probably this one (yes, ik this isn’t a line):
“Instead, I curl up in my room. Just thinking, reflecting. Watching bad YouTube videos and Vine compilations to try and forget about the fact that Liam’s bi. I sit there, just delaying the inevitable, delaying a confrontation with my friends and my peers, just sitting.
I want to run. I want to escape, to steal a car and fly off into the distance, to disappear in the night and never look back. I want my brother back, I want to talk to Briar again, I want to sing in the diner without a care.”
iv. are there any writing-related quotes you really like?
uh probably anything talking about how much first drafts suck!! like seriously they’re utter shit and i love them for that.
v. Do you have an idea for a cover design for your story?
i,,,, do not.
vi. what sort of au can you imagine your story being?
okay, so, i would LOVE a harry potter fanfiction of this book,,,, like just metaphor it up and it’d be ready to go. also: fantasy. i don’t really like writing fantasy, but i love reading it and that would be so cool.
vii. which oc would be the most angry with you as the writer?
honestly, emmy’s pretty chill. while she’d be mad at me initially, she’d cool off and chat with me for a bit. i think adi, emmy’s best friend, would be so mad at me for all that i’m putting emmy and adi through.
viii. if you had to tell the story from a different pov, which character would you choose?
oh my GOD this is such a good question!! i think i’d love to tell it from briar’s perspective, liam’s ex girlfriend. that’s a bit unorthodox, i know, but let me explain:
briar devlin is the type of girl that’s planned her entire life. she knows when she wants to get pregnant, when she wants to get married, and she knows every little detail. for her, high school is the time to kick back before “the real world” kicks in, right? so she’s dating this boy, and everything’s going well, and then he tells her: he’s bi. of course, this doesn’t change anything, but another day, he abruptly says he wants to break up with her. she asks why, and he says that he wants to explore dating a guy (and she’s like yeah suuuure)
of course, this is like five hundred gut punches at once. briar’s parents, who are very much cookie-cutter strict parents (and who also loved liam) are upset, and start to ignore her. and THEN, liam talks to her, and asks if he can stay in her house because he’s 100% sure that his parents are gonna kick him out. so, liam stays in her house, and briar has to deal with her parents trying to them back together, wingman her ex-boyfriend (who she still likes), and deal with college applications at the same time.
shit now i want to write briar’s story
ix. what would be your oc’s taste in music if they lived in our world?
oh my gOD i love this question.
emmy would love like boyband songs?? she’s so basic i love her. her playlist is just taylor swift + ed sheeran + one direction + check yes, juliet
wendy - a total hoe for girl bands... like little mix, spice girls, etc
adi basically just loves anything rock or country. dolly parton + dorothy
preston doesn’t listen to music bc he’s the devil
liam is a soft boi!! cavetown, mxmtoon, etc
briar likes every genre of music!! she’s a total musical fan ngl
x. what’s one personal goal you want to achieve by the end of the story?
i just want to have a complete, finished, story!! i’m not expecting to publish this story, or anything like that. this is just my palette cleanser novel -- i’ve spent so long writing fanfiction, that i can’t write anything BUT that. i just want to draft, revise, edit, and finish this.
tagging whoever wants to do this!!
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snickwrites · 3 years
quarantine hcs | song series edition
am i bored? yes, but i’ve also wanted to to headcanon how my song kids deal with quarantine. when i was washing dishes and really thought about it, i amused myself so now i wanna write it down.
ignore me, as per usual.
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it would drive her absolutely mad
but shes also a little freaked out at the health connotations, so shes very serious about following health protocols, like she laminates them and spreads them all across the house + rooms
therefore, welcome clean freak wendy
obsessively cleaning surfaces, is seen furiously scrubbing and spraying
but she looks absolutely adorable whilst doing so; like, shes got a bandana on, shes in gloves, maybe a summer dress ( because quarantine hits just when its summer dress season ;-; ) if shes feeling up to getting dressed a bit
shed still do her regular walks, but keeps it around the house and liminal spaces she knows doesnt have much humans
she already does walk by herself even before quarantine hit so its ok
would start getting into the bread-baking trend
house is constantly smelling like freshly baked bread, mans in love all over again
would absolutely try and keep herself busy by planning through it and asking leon to join with some activities (if shes quarantining with leon, if shes not, she’ll video call him all the time, and isnt afraid to say how much she misses him)
if she is quarantining with him, they plan dates once a week and dress up all fancy
my girl will probably start sending letters like shes from a past century w/ gifts for friends
she’ll take up all kinds of hobbies too omg, baking being the primary (will obsess over making the best bread, like, legit. Michelin quality fucking bread, your honour), some sewing (enough to make a few clothes, cute), and even botanical (quits while she’s only kid one plant. my girl doesn’t have a green thumb, sad face)
if she’s not quarantining with leon, will cope better than his ass lmao
will prolly bond a lot with her parents, map out movie nights and game nights (her stepmother is competitve as fuck and its hilarious)
Tumblr media
mans ok with it honestly
doesnt leave the house much so??? sure might as well
also gives him an excuse to take long naps with wendy in his arms so-
as long as he has internet, books, and food, hes ok
seriously, this man would be ok
would seriously get fat tho, bc if hes quarantining with wendy, man wont forget to eat since shes in charge of the kitchen
if he’s not quarantining with her tho, oh boy
will absolutely break down, have wendy on video call 24/7 he doesn’t give a flying fuck
this man cannot function without her being phyiscally present
as soon as quarantine restrictions get a little less tight enough for him to leave the house, you bet your bottom dollar this man is rushing to get to her period. he’ll either take her to his house or he camps out at hers, he doesn’t care as long as she’s within reach
co-depent motherfucker
oh man, he’d go insane on the first week
he’d get into all kinds of crap
he’d replenish all the movies/shows he’s missed, would start cooking, be active on social media ( esp when he started working out; phew, mans horny, in need of release, send help )
honestly. would get ridiculously horny
would work the fuck out
mans gonna get built
will learn creative recipes tho and get really good at cooking food
built af? cooks well? H-word?
please, a thirst trap
would get back to teenage quinn: mangas, animes, shows, films, and prolly start webtoons herself
would send thirsty photos to james just for the hell of it
will dye her hair numerous times, pls save her poor roots
would get into makeup trends
will do the tiktok trend of like, cooking food from different eras
but will not cook ordinarily, still too lazy
will get into tiktok
both pranks + dances
will lose it after the first few months, she’d be so lazy
will video call all her friends bc she misses them
pranking government agencies get intense and more ridiculous
will befriend someone from each agency; cia, nasa, mi6, and even mossad
will start a dnd group w/ them
god, i see this man get bombarded with video calls from family members, pls save him
would lose it in a month but will not show it
will also become a gym nut
boi would meet the gang after quarantine looking jack as shit
oh my go,d he’d go into an online shopping spree addiction
and since he only really spends expesivenly on particular things, it gets out of hand fast
like, intervention status stat!
pls, he’d also start journaling
but he sounds like a mid century polish boy afraid of the plague outside of his house
gets obsessed with cleaning as well
another online shopping spree addict
will completely refurbish her house, pls
new !! outfits !!
will be that annoying friend/relative who wll constantly call/video chat bc shes vv lonely, no matter how close you are to her
she does this daily
will dress up everyday, regardless
social media presence? uh, yes pls
will probably start lives just bc
most likely to be drunk before 3 o’clock
hes surprisingly ok with it too
he’ll start cooking more and more than going for takeouts, will shyly have a more social media presence, prolly get into a dnd group (Accidently gets on quinn’s tho whew), and go for the shows/films he hasnt got time to watch
will not walk away from online relationships tho
chill about it
will actually forget how much he misses human interaction until like, someone calls him or like, he passes by his neighbours
will pamper himself tho
buy some bathbombs, some bath salts, oof, get some face masks
mans coming out of this looking young as shit
will start a random hobby?
mixing cocktails? do puzzles?
man will prolly lose his mind
one week? nah, third day this man has given up on life
will be the MOST annoying; will call anyone who doesnt drop his calls bc he craves human interaction
will play music like a madman
start watching some musicals
sends rando ass gifts to his friends only to fuck with them, followed up by an actual decent gift
will legit start adopting left and right
mans found an ad and became feral
come end of quarantine, he introduces his 12 new children
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jinwoowoohoo · 6 years
I’ve been tagged by the ever lovely Liv @cha-eunwoow to do the Top 10 Bias Tag~ (thank you btw, I’ve lowkey been interested in this one haha)
rules: list your top ten biases and then answer the question
I’ll list them in the order that I stan their group
1. Amber - f(x) 2. Jinjin - Astro 3. Onew - SHINee 4. Wonpil - Day6 5. Dami - Dreamcatcher (I might double stan her and JiU.... I’m yet undecided....) 6. Scoups - Seventeen 7. Hoshi - Seventeen (I definitely double stan here;;; you understand) 8. Wendy - Red Velvet 9. Ellin - Crayon Pop 10. Eunhyuk - Super Junior
1. Between biases 1 & 4, Who would you rather kiss?  
Oh Amber for sure. I love PIl but I’m definitely a soft stan for him ^^’
2. Between biases 2 & 7, who would be your best friend?  
(this question made me remember that they’re friends and I got really soft aaah) I think I would get along with Jinwoo better, mostly because I know him better but also because he’s definitely more chill haha (I love Hamster Hoshi but he might be... too much for me sometimes)
3. Between 5 & 10, who has the better voice?  
Eunhyuk has a really unique vocal timbre, but I have to give this one to Dami. I think she overall probably has better technique and I loooove her deeper timbre
4. Between biases 1 & 8, who is the funniest?  
Oooh that’s a tough one! I think they’re probably pretty close but in different ways? I’m more familiar with Amber’s humor though
5. Between biases 6 & 9, who would you date?  
Bruh. They’re both gorgeous??? And adorable??? Scoops is really into sports though and idk if I’m about that life so maybe Ellin lmao
6. Between biases 4 & 6, who would you do a collaboration with?  
I don’t really have any sort of vocal talent, so I’d probably be more suited to doing some sort of instrumental collab with Pil
7. Between biases 4 & 8, who is the best dancer?  
Why do you keep asking about 4??? Anyway Day6 are clearly the worlds best dance band soooo (Wendy. The answer is unequivocally Wendy 😂)
8. Between biases 3 & 5, who would you most likely marry?  
If you had asked like a year ago I would have said Onew, but at this point I realize he and I are just very different people and we wouldn’t really match each other. So I guess I’m marrying Dami!
9. Between biases 1 & 7, who would you nurse when they are sick?  
This is a silly question bc we would all obviously nurse both people. The real question here is who would be more whiny when sick 👀 (My money’s on Amber)
10. Between biases 2 & 3, who has the better smile  
You dare???? Pit my two favorite sunshine smiles against each other??????? Impossible. Completely preposterous. I’m calling my lawyer.
11. Between biases 6 & 8, who would you vacation with?
I feel like Wendy would be fun to travel with, since she already has experience living abroad and learning your way around a new place!
I’ll tag @georgieporgiepuddininpie @eyesoftheshinigami @myunghjun @eunrocky and @yuto--da (don’t have to if you dont want to, etc etc  💕)
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writing-freestyle · 7 years
find model!jisoo: here!  model!jennie: here! and model!lisa: here!
doesn’t do runway that often because she already has to stand a long ass time for her job, she don’t wanna have to walk in some crazy high heels too
only does it when a lot of her other friends are in the same show or her company won’t let her refuse
like “rose... this is gucci. you can not say no to gucci.”
she’ll put 110% effort into any project she does, though
this is her job, after all, and she does enjoy it, and it makes it even better knowing that she put her best effort into it
this girl is the LITERAL definition of photogenic
like, most people have at least one funny photo of them out there somewhere, but rose? has? none?
not even from her pre teen years, like EVERYONE has a cringe middle school year, but hers like fricken amazing
jisoo tried to make it her life mission to get a derpy photo of rose, but literally every time she took a photo of her off guard, it just looked like a really beautiful candid
eventually, jisoo gave up, she was just like ‘screw this, you’re too beautiful, i give up’
did i mention that she has the cutest friendship with wendy? like, obviously she’s closest to jisoo, jennie, and lisa, but her wendy have had such good chemsitry since day 1, like they just get along so well, it’s v v v cute
was once in a music video for TVXQ, and jisoo almost cried (she actually cried), but rose was like ‘i gotchu, boo’
then proceeded to bring jisoo to the filming site (with permission ofc) and introduced for to Yunho and Changmin and jisoo got to talk with them and take pictures with them, and they even gave her a hug right before she left
jisoo was so over the moon that she showed up at rose’s apartment a week later and was like ‘pack your bags, we’re going on a vacation, i already cleared it with your company.’
and rose was like ?? omg, jisoo, this is so last minute?? where are we even going??
*jisoo, throwing clothes into a suitcase*: it’s a surprise
turns out they were going to australia. rose started crying when she saw her family waiting for her there at the airport. jennie and lisa were there as well, and they were like: ‘we’re gonna let you hang with your family for a week, we’ll meet you back here in a week’
rose: ‘i love you all so much?’
the rest of bp: ‘we know’
rose has this habit of saying ‘wait, what?’ even though she heard and understood everything perfectly, and jennie just sighs and gives her a few seconds to catch up with the conversation
her and lisa always competing to see who can eat a fried chicken the fastest, and it always ends up in a tie
you’re actually fairly close to rose because you’re a photographer that works with a brand that rose models for a lot
and rose is your favorite model to work with because, while she is immensely photogenic, she’s also a sweetheart that takes interest in what you do as well?
like, models don’t need to know what kind of camera you’re using or the type of equipment you prefer, but rose is always so interested?
like, ‘oh, are you using a new camera today? what type is it? what are the good points of this camera? would you recommend it?’
sometimes she’s scared she’s being annoying by asking too many questions, but you always reassure her that you actually love it when she does that? it’s endearing, and you appreciate her making conversation over something you’re interested in
she constantly expresses that your photos of her are her favorite, and she’s always showing off your photos on her instagram and @ ing you and telling all her followers to go follow you!
someone named @bobbykim keeps commenting ‘my otp, i’m fanboying’ whenever you two make a post about each other
your friend/coworker joy keeps trying to get you to ask her out, but you keep going ‘she’s just being nice, i don’t think she sees me in that way’
and it takes you guys traveling to a different continent to finally figure that out, like hot damn, you guys couldn’t have figured this out at home
like the both of you had been flown out to europe for an exclusive photo shoot, and rose is so excited to hear that you’re the photographer that she calls up lisa and is like ‘THE CUTE PHOTOGRAPHER IS HERE’ and lisa is just calmly like ‘you guys are in the city of love, do not let me down by coming back single’ and hangs up bc international calls are expensive af
and rose kinda stands there contemplating her options when you come up to greet her
and you end up scaring the living day lights out of her, causing her to trip and fall
profusely apologizing but rose insisting that she’s alright, she was spacing out, so it’s partially her fault
que a slightly awkward silence, followed by rose asking if you were doing anything after the shoot ended
you: ‘i was thinking about walking around a little, but i’m afraid of getting lost alone and not being able to communicate with anyone’
rose *outloud*: ‘oh! well, i’m actually pretty fluent in the language and was looking for someone to go sightseeing with me. would you be interested?’
ofc you say yes, you’re still in your right mind
and it’s perfect, sightseeing with rose as she shows you into her favorite shops and has you try some food that you can’t even pronounce the name of
but something in the back of your head keeps bugging you because
is this a date? or is rose just being nice and friendly?
your question is answered at 8:00 in the evening, when the sun starts setting, and all the sudden you feel a really soft? and warm hand? slipping into yours?
and you look over to find rose looking down at her shoes, blushing profusely
your heart melts, she just looks so pure and beautiful, so you just loosen her grip a little, only to properly entwine your fingers together
if you had a heart reading on rose in that moment, it would be the most dramatic drop, and then a rapid increase, most people would be like ‘that is not healthy’
rose looking at you with wide eyes, and you just shyly going ‘i prefer to hold hands tightly’
she swears she could have just kissed you in that moment but she was like @ me..... chill
everyday for the week you two are in paris, you and rose spend it getting to know each other a little better, sipping wine on her hotel balcony, and even taking a picture of her as the sun sets behind her.
that picture is your pride and joy, and is now in a frame, sitting on the nightstand next to your bed
as you two come back, lisa is already at the airport, waiting for rose, and she’s sad when rose emerges, without you by her side, because... did it not... happen
but, no, lisa, it’s only because you two took different flights, and you’ll be arriving tomorrow morning
rose doesn’t tell her that, though. she decides to surprise lisa by going to their scheduled lunch date 4 days later, with your hand entwined with hers.
lisa flipping in the middle of the restaurant and jennie being like... lisa... pls... we’re in public
bobby+jennie+jisoo: ‘we all called it, sit down and decide what you want to eat, you’ve been staring at the menu for half an hour.’
rose falling more in love with you when she sees how well you get along with her friends
and eventually falling in love with you again when she sees how much you enjoy being around her family
a while after you start dating, rose takes on the habit of taking photos of you for a change
you’re really shy about it at first because ‘i’ve only ever been behind the camera’
rose reassuring you, saying ‘while a camera can’t capture all of your beauty, it’s nice to have something to remind me of you when we’re not together’
every model you ever worked with now knows you and rose are dating, and it’s like?? how??
everyone in a 100 mile radius: she likes to tell anyone and everyone about how perfect you are
concept: the next time you and rose do a shoot together, rose is naturally more flirty and cute, and while you two are looking over the photos together later on, you’re like ‘is it me, or did rose get more beautiful some how?’ and joy, from ten feet behind you two just goes: ‘I WANT TO MAD BY ALL THIS MUSHY CRAP, BUT IT’S SO CUTE THAT I CAN’T’
then rose smiling shyly at that and giving you a kiss on the cheek while joy takes a picture
which is now your phone background because it was just too cute
should i do another model!au with another group after i finish lisa’s, or should i do another au? let me know!
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b00mingsystem · 6 years
Top Ten Bias Tag
Rules: Write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions.
tagged by @markleetrashh (ill Cheryl 💕)
I had to think so hard for this lol I don’t stan as many groups as i thought i did 
Also i stan so many sm groups wow i didn't realise this
1. Donghyuck / Haechan (nct)
2. Johnny (nct)
3. Joy (red velvet)
4. Wendy (red velvet) 
5. Jungkook (bts)
6. Lisa (blackpink)
7. Kyungsoo / D.O (exo)
8. Mino (winner)
9. Chen (exo)
10. Taemin (shinee)
ahhh idk omg i’d probably say haechan, but like not in a romantic way? More like on the cheek or nose bc he’s so soft and adorable
Johnny for sure lmao I feel like we have a ton in common but at the same time have enough differences to be good friends (???) 
ummmmmmm taemin
HAECHAN have you seen this kid he’s hilarious
woooow um i have to say lisa idk i feel like chen would be an absolute sweetheart but i gotta say lisa (dont ask me why its kind of like a gut feeling idk)
uhhh both are so great i’d look ridiculous next to them but probably Taemin bc i can sort of dance, but my vocals kind of suck lmao
gotta go for my boy mino here have you seen him bust them moves on knowing bros (it was amazing what a dork lmao)
jungkook LMAO is this even a question (im sorry joy but she's more like the badass gf that people initially disapprove of before they get to know her i mean have you seen her latest teasers 💦💦)
BOTH how can i choose between my sunshine prince and squishy pls let me say both
this question is impossible i can’t choose holy shit they both have such amazing smiles????? Johnny’s is so cute like his whole body reacts to the smile and he scrunches up so adorably and then joy is a goddess whose smile literally shines light upon the deepest darkest trenches of my soul wow i can't choose
mino!!! I feel like it would be super super chill and fun and im all about that
i’m going to tag: @suntaeil ; @chani-babe ; @cutiexiule ; and @peachy-chenle (you dont have to do it if you dont want to!!)
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ycmiis-blog · 7 years
fairy tail youtuber au because i’m trash hi
i didn’t even get to write anything about the other guilds it got so long, this is how invested i am
lucy is an upcoming youtuber who lives by herself, her videos are a combination of beauty, fashion, books, and writing.
it’s levy who contacts her one day asking to do a collab and lucy freaks the fuck out because it’s levy fucking mcgarden she’s part of fairy tail
fairy tail is the giant collab channel that all the fairy tail members have, even tho they have their own channel, fairy tail is where the group shit goes down and everyone fucking loves it
levy lives with jet and droy and they’re always in each other’s videos so lucy expects them to be there when she arrives and she’s still lowkey freaking out because fairy tail but so far everything is as she expects it to be
and then she’s in the middle of filming her collab when the front door just opens and they hear “YO LEVY I ACCIDENTALLY BURNED THAT OLD BOOK YOU LEANT ME DO YOU HAVE ANOTHER ONE ALSO I NEED TO BORROW A FIRE EXTINGUISHER YOU DON’T USE YOURS RIGHT”
levy’s mad but it’s natsu so she’s like “ok i should’ve known not to give that to you”
lucy’s even more shook because “how many more people from my favourite channel i’ve loved for years am i gonna meet slay me now”
natsu’s channel is mostly shenanigans at his house, him burning stuff, stuff about his cat, and he’s always versing his roommate gray at video games it gets really competitive
mario kart is the worst it’s become a giant meme in the fandom
gray is a daily vlogger who’s just sorta ~chill~ pun intended, he kinda stands to the side unless he’s brawling with the others, but the fandom loves him, he’s the one with the most imagines about him on tumblr
natsu lives with his little cousin wendy, who’s sorta unofficially part of fairy tail, since she’s kinda young and only appears in the guild’s videos and doesn’t have her own channel
the fandom loves her everyone wants to adopt her
erza doesn’t have a channel to herself actually, she just sorta takes charge of fairy tail’s main channel and is always a referee of sorts during channel games and the like
gray is childhood friends with cana, who’s either filming drunk or filming fortune telling things or filming fortune telling things while drunk
everyone loves her videos because she doesn’t give a fuck, what’s censoring yourself?? wHAT IS IT??
mirajane is a hUGE beauty blogger, easily the most popular out of the whole fairy tail squad, she’s the nicest person you will ever meet unless you decide to act privileged™ at a meet and greet and then you get The Demon
her channel started out with just her, but soon elfman and lisanna got in on it and it features them just as much
elfman has a separate channel for his workout videos but otherwise just goes on mira’s
lisanna does a lot of DIY and has a lot of animal-related videos and she’s just a sweet cinnamon roll
except when she and mirajane are doing videos where they just gossip bc she IS mira’s sister
the strauss siblings have a series on their channel where they all cook in the kitchen together and it’s hella cute and wholesome
the raijinshuu are all roommates because of course they are
they have a combined channel to themselves that’s for roommate challenges and group projects, then they have their own personal challenges
evergreen’s channel is fashion and beauty, there’s lots of talk about ‘TREAT YOSELF’
freed and laxus have their own channels, but they mostly just use freed’s anyway, and it’s seriously domestic and shit everyone’s shipping them
they have no idea, but evergreen and bickslow laugh about it constantly
bickslow’s channel is a mixture of things, gaming and weird ass story times, roasting his friends, he’s got it all
bickslow convinces them all to go demon hunting and laxus is surprisingly into it and where laxus goes the others follow, so
bickslow turns it into a giant meme tho
makarov appears in a lot of their videos and he’s actually so into the whole youtube thing, whenever he’s over at the apartment he sees the camera and is like “OH ARE YOU FILMING CAN I JOIN IN”
people love it when he’s involved in the fairy tail challenges he’s a riot
gajeel and juvia are hackers for a hacking ring called phantom lord and they basically hack into ALLLLLLLL the FT members’ channels and it’s a huge mess
phantom lord eventually disbands tho and all the channels are set back to normal
a lot of people are interested in the hackers and what they do and so juvia starts making videos and because she lives with gajeel, he’s often in them
this results in a lot of snarky diss videos between gajeel and natsu, so much so that gajeel and juvia just end up in fairy tail anyway and no one really knows how it happened but they’re not complaining
loke is a guy who’s connected with everyone, and the fans L O V E him
he lives with his 12 other roommates aka the other zodiac celestial spirits in this huge house and it’s honestly so entertaining because everyone is so different
in almost every video you can hear aquarius yelling from downstairs and loke doesn’t bother editing it out anymore
taurus isn’t allowed at meet and greets anymore
virgo has some questionable interactions with fans too, loke says the handcuffs are a bit much
if you can’t find gem or ini anywhere, that’s probably bad
there’s honestly so much more i could add omfg i’m so tempted to write this
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
1. what’s your favorite food?
i think sushi.  smoked eel nigiri roll, and trust me, it’s amazing
2. do you have any ‘special’ talents?
maybe writing idk i’m an average writer
3. what’s your zodiac sign?
4. have any siblings? older or younger? brother or sister? do you get along?
younger brother, and we’re like best friends.  we get into a lot of trouble together
5. what was your first ship?
the first one i was head over heels for would be scallison.  still am.
6. how old are you?
16 in july
7. if you had to get married right now, who would you choose and why?
ummm dyaln o’brien? sorry that was an unrealistic question i’m probably always gonna answer with him.  a l w a y s
8. any interesting life mini stories?
ok so last summer, i was hanging out with my bff @taegdcl1018, and she lives by the playground so we went to hang out there.  it was real chill, swinging and listening to music and stuff.  and when i got up and started walking, there was A BEE ON MY SHIRT.  so i screamed, and started wigging out, and of course brooklyn is like ‘girl chill’ (and tbh bees don’t scare me that much) anyways, this bee is still on my shirt, and im running around, and it’s still stuck on it.  and THAT my sweeties, is how i took my shirt off in a public playground.  NO WORRIES THO! there was no one around besides me and my bff, and she gave me her over shirt thingy before we left.  (also, it’s still difficult for me to wear that shirt.  it’s like i have PTSD)
9. who are your favorite artists/musicians right now?
melanie martinez, twenty one pilots, lana del rey, halsey, marilyn manson, blue october, blackbear, arctic monkeys, and kaleo
10. Want kids? Why?
i like the idea, but i think i’d say no.  i’m just not that responsible, not enough to care for a little person who would need me
11. hobbies?
writing, reading, playing piano, drawing, collaging (if that’s how you’d put it?) and editing
12. any pets?
oui, a chihuahua named delilah that my friends and i call taco
13. favorite ship(s)?
14. best cartoon?
Bob’s Burgers.  I love it.
15. best friends?
@taegdcl1018 and @peter-andhislostgirls.  they’re my besties.  we’re mermaids.
16. what color are your eyes?
morning sky blue lmao
17. what is your relationship status?
utterly single but flirting 
18. favorite pair of shoes?
19. favorite snapchat filter?
the bunny with the snow lol
20. favorite book?
The Replacement, by Brenna Yovanoff
21. opinion on drugs/alcohol?
gross.  i don’t like to judge, but I don’t like people throwing their lives away.
22. dream vacation?
Los Angeles.  everywhere there, just walking in the streets and listening to music
23. how many pictures are on your phone?
24. best ice cream flavor?
chocolate chip cookie dough with hot fudge 
25. where do you go to shop?
hot topic and forever 21 are my favorite
26. favorite class?
enriched english.  from the literature we get to read and the comedic of a teacher, it’s just great.
27. most embarrassing memory?
um, did you not read the story about the bee on my shirt?
28. what’s one of your favorite memories?
spending one of my bffs birthday watching horror movies in our underwear and hello kitty blankets.  there was also home made cake and doggos involved
29. what are your five most frequently played songs?
1. Where’s My Love - Syml 2. Drive - Halsey 3. Killing Strangers - Marilyn Manson 4. Hard For - Kevin Gates 5. Crazy In Love - Beyonce (um the 50 Shades of Grey remix…)
30. play any instruments?
piano and i used to know guitar and ukulele but it’s been a while
31. best breakfast meal?
chocolate chip pancakes with a shit ton of butter
32. who was the last person you called?
@taegdcl1018 for 2 hours and 17 minutes last night.  we discussed doing a collab ;)
33. fries or onion rings?
34. daytime or night time?
night time.  it’s much more peaceful and overall more beautiful
35. how many languages do you know?
english and I’d like to say french, but i’m not fluent so i don’t think it counts
36. if you could only date one character from Teen Wolf, who would you date? why?
Malia Tate.  I feel like we could really teach each other things and she’d be overprotective and cute and yeee
37. best friend IRL and best friend via social media?
BEST FRIENDS IRL @taegdcl1018 and @peter-andhislostgirls and my best friends via social media are @failingmemequeen and Sarah (who doesn’t have a tumblr)
38. favorite picture?
there’s one my friend took in the lunch room last year, a selfie of her and my other bffs
39. fanfiction or fanart?
40. when did you first start writing fanfics?
two years ago, my first teen wolf was a scallison one that i wrote before i even watched the show
41. favorite type of noodle?
the mac and cheese that looks like shells
42. favorite summer activity?
writing outside lol
43. if you could take a pic with one character at Disney, who would you choose?
alice from alice in wonderland.  i just love her.
44. best season of Teen Wolf?
i’m stuck between 3b and 6a
45. ok do you watch ANYTHING other than Teen Wolf?
I do! The Walking Dead, Riverdale, The Fosters, American Horror Story, Shameless, Orange is the New Black, Shadowhunters, Friends, and Pretty Little Liars
46. apple or samsung?
apple.  duh.
47. an annoying experience that you would like to vent about?
one time this girl told me if a man punches a woman, she should be grateful.  she claimed it was because of gender equality, which i am ALL for, but i thought it was disgusting, because if ANYONE punches you, no matter the gender, honestly i think you should just go ahead and punch them back
48. favorite pop tart flavor?
hot fudge sundae
49. McDonald’s, Burger King, or Wendy’s?
BK I can’t say no to a hershey pie
50. would you rather fly or be invisible?
hahahaa be invisible then my embarrassing moments wouldn’t be noticed
51. favorite board game?
candyland or monopoly 
52. circus or magic show?
magic show bc my brother loves magic tricks and i always get to see him try them and it’s just funny
53. waterpark or amusement park?
amusement park, i love rollercoasters and thrills!
54. any sentimentally valuable possessions?
my grandmothers first engagement ring, she gave it to me
55. what’s your favorite mode of travel?
car trips
56. what piece do you choose to be in Monopoly?
the top hat.  i love hats.
57. when was the last time you cried? why?
yesterday because i read SUCH a good stiles angst i teared up
58. favorite Marvel character?
ooh….um…. if i HAD to choose, i think i’d have to choosequicksilver from the X-Men franchise.  woot woot evan peters!
59. any nicknames?
yea: potato, captain crunch, and scoot.
60. what will be/is your senior quote?
“if someone from the future doesn’t come to stop you from doing something, then how bad can it be?
61. play any sports?
62. if you were stranded on an island and had to bring 3 other people, who would they be and why?
my besties brookie and tay, and dylan o’brien cuz i’m gonna need entertainment somehow
63. lucky numbers?
8, 88, 666, and 18
64. label yourself (ethnicity, gender, sexuality etc)
i’m a white, bisexual, atheist woman
65. dogs or cats?
i love both so much but kittens man…
66. scooters or skateboards?
67. favorite DC character?
harley quinn by far
68. bugs bunny or daffy duck?
daffy duck
69. are you sexually expierienced? (lol iyt #69 so i had to)
does reading smut count?
70. did you have a valentine this year?
71. vlogging or blogging?
so i do have a tumblr and technically it’s called a blog but i mean it’s not really a blog.  and sometimes my friend and i pretend to be vloggers so i guess vlogging
72. pandas or polar bears?
panda bears
73. favorite hello kitty character?
tuxedo sam
74. if you were going to travel to another country, where would you go?
Savoy France, to see a girl that I’ve become friends with and have wanted to see for a while
75. most used emoji?
the squid.  it just looks so happy and joyful.  i use it to tell people i love them
76. why did you start writing?
fanfiction? bc i was disappointed in jeff davis for killing off an angel who didn’t deserve it.
77. favorite fanfic?
I CAN’T CHOOSE!!! everything @writing-obrien has ever done
78. what’s your favorite show to binge?
teen wolf and riverdale
79. dresses or skirts?
i like both but i’m always in jeans.  but probably skirts 
80. favorite app?
tumblr duh
81. favorite word?
82. what’s your favorite thing to write about?
stiles imagines and things about trees
83. who is your inspiration? for anything really
writing-obrien aforementioned for writing.  and twenty one pilots for music
84. would you rather go to neverland or wonderland?
wonderland! I want an unbirthday tea party!
85. favorite actor?
dylan o’brien
86. favorite actress?
crystal reed
87. favorite youtuber?
brandon rogers.  11/10 RECOMMEND WATCHING
88. if you could live in any fantasy land where would you pick and why?
still wonderland, because i feel like it’d just be so much fun lol
89. sleeping or eating?
ooh that’s a toughie.  probably eating.  I’m a high class food slut
90. favorite letter of the alphabet?
91. fruits or veggies?
92. modern or ancient?
93. smut, fluff, or angst?
fluff is my #1 but i like it all
94. if you were to go into a battle, what would be your weapon of choice?
probably a unicorn horn.
95. unicorns or pegasuses?
more unicorns!
97. thoughts on swearing?
swearing is so fucking dumb.  like why fucking do that you fucking fuck?  lmao swearings ok in the appropriate places.  not in a kindergarden classroom, but who cares if you’re at a bar?
98. reading or writing?
99. big cities or small town country sides
big cities
100. east coast or west coast?
livin on the east coast but dreamin of the west
101. what do you love about your favorite character?
i love the way she really delves into her emotions, even though everyone thinks she doesn’t really have any, you can really tell what she’s feeling through her eyes, and that’s hard to do when it’s on a screen and not written in a fanfiction
thank you guys so sooo much for 300 follows! it made me tear up this morning, and means a lot to me that people actually like and enjoy my writings and i really hope that the only way i can go, is up, and i just really hope that i still have the love and support you guys give to me :) big hearts and big hugs for every one of you
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