#also this is inspired by the fact that i was watching ben 10 ultimate alien force this morning bc why not and there are two episodes where
salem-xx · 2 years
I need an angsty sage fic where he’s completely corrupted and maybe instead of working with the los he kills mike (bc he hates him and mike sucks so it’s just what should happen) and takes his place just wreaking havoc on porrima and at first anisa felix and mc are trying to find a way to bring him back from the corruption but sage doesn’t want to be saved and is completely corrupted so they realize the only thing to do is take him down but MC refuses and is sure they can bring back sage, but rime (bc do you remember how annoying he was when he was in ch 12/13/14 of sages route) is like no he’s completely gone…. and MC confronts Sage alone to try and talk things through and maybe they’ve found a cure/way to help and basically that scene in the forest in Ch 10/11/12? where he is full hulked out and MC either waits patiently or talks him down from the corruption but this time he’s yelling at them for following him and basically tries to kill MC (obviously doesn’t or does he 👀 i mean whatever floats your boat) so i’m gonna need a whole fic of that
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twin-books · 11 months
I got sick and so I finally got some free time to finish Ben 10: Alien Force and Ultimate Alien. I am finally on the last season of Ultimate Alien (like half way through it) and I can safely say I enjoy it far more than Alien Force. I have no idea if that's actually a hot take but there it is. Now that I have finally watched this stuff and am nearly finished... I am still kind of shocked this is like considered top tier for the franchise. I find more issues with it than I did Omniverse. Not to say Omniverse is better because, aside maybe for my tastes, it isn't. To me they're pretty equal if I put my personal bias aside. It's just shocking in a sense because... I expected with how hated Omniverse was and how beloved these two were (besides season 3 of AF) that this would be amazing. It's not. I suppose I should learn that I can't take everybody at their word, especially when it comes to nostaglia. I still think the Og is top tier and these three other shows can't really compete with it. They each bring their own fun and frustrations to the table though. I can finally tell you my favorite versions of each character based on all I've watched. My favorite Gwen is Og, I think the following franchises didn't do her any justice. My favorite Grandpa Max is Og. I find every other iteration of him a pain. My favorite version of Kevin is obviously AF/UA. He is literally the best thing about those two shows. But my favorite Ben is in Omniverse. And I think this mostly has to do with the fact he's the most like Sonic (one of my most favorite fictional characters of all time) in Omniverse. Obviously he's still his own character but I can't ignore the comparison. I enjoy him the most in Omniverse as he's not quite as annoying as in Og (though I still love Og Ben), he's actually entertaining compared to Alien Force Ben who was kind of boring to me, I'm sorry. And while Ultimate Alien Ben was better his whole "I have a big ego and saved the universe dozens of times" jokes felt very inappropriately timed and wrong? Omniverse really gets that right for me, for whatever reason. I also feel as if it remained the most faithful to his character even in the poorly written episodes whereas in Ultimate Alien there's like this whole plot where Ben is ready to just kill a friend he’s known for a while now simply because they went a little insane with power which I wouldn't normally take issue with if this hadn't happened before and Ben wasn't like vehemently against hurting anybody originally. They even go as far as to point this out in the episode and Ben kind of steamrolls over it with, "Well, it was my fault so I should take this more seriously" despite the fact he never acts like this again so I don't get the point of it. It was actually really depressing, to be honest. Also, the amount of digs at Og Ben in Ultimate Alien is honestly frustrating. It's not huge or anything but it's enough to annoy me. It fundamentally misunderstands what Ben 10 Og was to prove some sort of point about their Ben. Look, I get it. They changed a lot so I'm sure so many fans at the time were complaining about how AF/UA Ben is nothing like Og Ben but do you gotta be this gosh darn insensitive about the source material your show is based off of and inspired by? Like in the episode Duped Ben splits into 3 different Bens and the rude and obnoxious one says, "I'm Ben 10 classic. Miss me?" Am I the only one who finds that mean? And then that episode where they have Og Ben actually show up and he's just an obnoxious asshole the entire time except that one deep moment they give which was to justify why he was an asshole as child which they didn't even need to do. He was 10. Of course he would be a brat. But he wasn't always a brat in the original and he did actually understand he could hurt peoples' feelings. Omniverse actually has a similar episode to this except big Ben and Og Ben switch bodies and in that he is not as a big of an asshole as Ultimate Alien made him out to be in that episode. I do not understand why it was necessary to make him so gosh darn mean. I really, really like Ben 10 so to constantly have these digs at the source material is frustrating. Aside from this Ultimate Alien is pretty great. I find Julie much less frustrating as a character, the episodes are fun, I have actually laughed out loud more than once, and, again, Ben is actually fun to watch. I cannot stress enough how much more fun it is that Ben actually seems to act like the teenager he is rather than some mini adult. I know realistically after all the hell he's been through he would have matured a lot but that doesn't mean he doesn't still have a teen mind and won't act like a kid sometimes. Also, Ultimate Alien actually killed a character on screen. Like no cut aways or some kind of logic to explain it or off-screen shenanigans. An alien just flat out died on screen and that took me so off-guard I laughed. I'm having so much fun enjoying an old cartoon I loved, despite my frustrations. This has been great. I couldn't recommend the whole of the Ben 10 franchise more. Aside from the reboot which I still have yet to watch in full but considering how upset the first two episodes made me, I'm a little scared to give it a chance again.
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
I swear like half the phandom doesn't want Danny, they want Benjamin Tenneson. Like I'll be reading a fic and Danny's characterization is just Ultimate Alien Ben 10.
Real Ben 10 quote "Heres what's going to happen, you're going to release these prisoners. You're going to crawl back from wherever you came from, and you're going to stop hunting down aliens because if you don't I promise you will regret it for the rest of your very short lives"
That feels like something I'd read in a ghost king fic.
Like Ben's smart, carefree, serious, and got dumped by his girlfriend. What more could you want?
The phandoms so weird bc its almost disowned the source material. Fanon Danny, in fact the fannon in general seems lightly inspired by the show more than anything.
But also I think what a lot of ppl want from fanon can funnily enough be found down the road in Ben 10 particularly Alien force and ultimate alien
Bad as fuck overpowered main character
Trio of friends who can all fight
Genuinely well written and strong women character
Childish at times but still capable of being serious when the plot picks up protagonist
Moral quandaries
Deeeep lore, it's actually kinda wild but Ben 10 has a genuinely expansive universe
Mentor figures™
Mc that threatens murder and would actually go through with it if the rating was higher. Actually it's been awhile but I'm pretty sure he did kill someone, or at least thought he did.
A woman lead with witch powers.
Ben's probably even got Danny's whole power set between all the aliens.
Though I suppose it doesn't have Valerie, Dani, or Cannon Vlad like characters
Idk this wasn't actually supposed to be a shill post for Ben 10. It was just supposed to be an observation but it is what it is.
Anyway before someone asks the watch order for Ben 10 is
The original series, the animated movie, alien force, ultimate alien, and then omniverse. 2017 is a reboot. And the animated movie is canon but I'm pretty sure the live action one isnt.
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
I was looking up Ben 10 aliens for nostalgia, and I thought "hey, let's Zero to Tentacles some of these guys". I dunno how much you know about Ben 10 so I'll give a little write up of what they're about for context (and if you already know, for your followers too). Sorry if this is too long!
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This is Big Chill, he can freeze things through ice breath, beams, or just touch. He can become intangible and he can freeze things just by phasing through them
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This is Ripjaws, a regular ol' angler fishmonster who swims fast, opens his jaws wide, and has a lure light. He can't stay out of water for too long or he'll dehydrate
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this is Eye Guy he makes laser beams with his eyes
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lastly there's Ghostfreak, a ghostman with ghost powers. His species wears a second skin over their real bodies to protect himself from sunlight. The real body is the middle two designs.
Ben's watch scanned the DNA from the source alien, Zs'kayr, but turns out any fragment of DNA of that species contains the consciousness of that species, so there was a long fight for control between Ben and Zs'kayr. Eventually, Ben was able to chain down Zs'kayr's consciousness and become his own person as Ghostfreak, hence the color change and chains in the last design.
Again, sorry if this is too long!
I'm chuckling because, with the exception of one of these (I guess I missed the episode they were in) I know them pretty well.
I used to such a huge fan of Ben 10. Particularly the original series, Alien Force, and Ultimate Alien until they really started pushing the whole Gwen and Kevin being the 'parents' of the group despite the fact that they were dysfunctional as hell -- No, I'm not saying this as a former Bevin shipper, what are you talking about?
Also, we should talk about how the show had the cutest teeny-bit of teratophile rep with that one Native American girl who Ben had a crush on but who, at the end of the episode, flat out told him 'You're sweet... But I kind of liked you better when you were a Yenaldooshi (werewolf)!'
Anyway, let's talk about some aliens!
Big Chill!
Oh my God, the amount of Bevin mpreg fics that I read back in the day that were inspired by the catalyst that was the Big Chill episode where he laid those eggs..!
For the alien itself, obviously I have to give an instant +10 for the use of blue. But, yeah, even as someone who isn't the biggest fan of insectoid character-design, they did a good job of making him otherworldly, giving him that 'cool'/toyetic factor, but still keeping him aesthetically pleasant.
The rest of this is going behind a 'Read More' for the sake of the dashboard
... I don't want to sound like a shallow bitch, but they really should have incorporated some blue into this design.
As it is, I like how they didn't go with a conventional 'audience-friendly' animal like a dolphin and chose an anglerfish for the core inspiration. The way that they use black for the loincloth/tail really gives some dynamic pop to the design that can be appreciated.
The Omniverse version of the tail actually comes off as a better incorporation.
Eye Guy
I have never seen this alien before in my life and, honestly, I feel like that was for the best.
Otherwise known as 'The motherfucking GOAT'! Let's fucking, go..!
The growing saga with Zs'kayer was definitely one of the highlights of the series and the progression in horror with the design was a treat.
... That being said, what in the didgeridoo FUCK happened with that Omniverse design? I know you explained the plot-significance but, holy shit, talk about a downgrade!
The fucking green, the fucking green! I know the core color of the Ben 10 IP is green, but 'less is more' is a saying for a reason! They could have just gone with the Alien Force design and given him the green chains. God, have me spamming the 'Go back. I SAID GO BACK' button...
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gronjon44 · 4 years
This inspired by @ben-10-setting-omnicrom and their Omni-Rant so bare with me.
I've always seen way too much flak being flung at Ben 10 so I feel like ranting and sharing what I personally find to be particularly awesome/enjoyable about the series.
First, the art style/animation
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Why did people hate the art style so much? Like, I thjnk its the most dynamic thats the series has had do far. It helps the characters look more fluid I think and it just looks really cool. Also i think the character designs get too much flak. I mean yeah they have WAY more green then alot of the older designs do, but cmon. They look awesome.
Next up, the villains.
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I absolutely love the villains in Omniverse, both big and small, though for now im focusing on the major big bads for the purpose of this.
- Albedo is put to some of the best use in this show, even if he just becomes a sort of M.O.D.O.K clone. He has good banter when he's around, the ultimatrix is put to better use here then in Ultimate Alien I think, and the fact he remains a more active presence then Vilgax says alot. I'll admit I never saw too much of his inclusion in UA and AF, but what I like about Omniverse is that it still manages to still keep his inclusion so solid that it doesn't feel kike you have to watch the previous shows to understand his motivations as a villain.
- Khybar is by far a fan favorite, and his sheer determination for trying to kill Ben keeps him interesting. Plus he introduces Skurd so that helps (Also the nemetrix is by far my preferred alternative to act as the opposite Omnitrix) I think hes one of the best reacurring villians the series has and, while i acknowledge he has flaws as a character, I think they can be looks past pretty easily.
- Ghost Freak (Zs'Skayr) is put to SUCH GOOD USE. I love the fact that Omniverse went into more detail about his home planet, and they even brought back Dr Victor as an active part of the story. Also was Cujo supposed to be the Yenaldooshi? Cause it always bugged me why he looked so different from other Loboans, including Benwolf and Scout) And yes there's the obvious fact that he has a much more apparent alterations to his design, but I like hoe they tried to make him look more like a Grim Reaper. I think it works and I believe that it can stand well next to the classic Ghostfreak design.
- Malware is hands down my favorite villain. Not only is he voiced amazingly by Corey Burton, who also played Megatron in Transformers Animated, he's also just hands down an amazing villain. Yeah they could've gone more into his potentially sympathetic side, but even still he's so well written, and even has a major part in the first couple seasons of the series. I'm still annoyed at how he wss essentially turned into a suit for Vilgax but nonetheless it doest change anything.
- Maltruant is a great series finale villain, and while i was never a huge fan of Clockwork as a alien or character, I like how they put more focus on the Chronosapiens as a species with Maltruants character. Plus we get more Time Travel antics and while this isn't necessarily a beef I have with Maltruant, I just think this treatment shouldve been stretched out to Eon who, frankly, got sidelined pretty hard outside of his inclusion with Proffesor Paradox. Also last thing, HE'S VOICED BY MARK HAMIL! I SWEAR MARK HAMIL NEEDS TO MORE VOICE WORK AS ANIMATED VILLAINS.
Legit I love everything about Psychobos. His banter with Asmuth and the galvans, the fact he has such a massive ego he could give The Leader a run for his money, and he's seemingly outsmarted by both Blukage and Driba its just stupid funny to me. And like he can actually be a semi threatening villain. When I was first introduced to Alien Force as a kid I loved Brainstorm, just for the fact that he's a super intelligent crab. It just stuck with me.
And this isn't even including the other side villains in the series. Psyphon, Fistrick, Fistina, hell even fuckint Thunderpig, they're all enjoyable villains. Really theres only 3 villains I actually dislike, and thats Vilgax, Kundo, and Eon.
Kundo was just meh to me, Eon I feel like was rather underused outside of Proffesor Paradox (yeah I know I said it twice)
And Vilgax... Vilgax got sidelined heavily, to the point his most interesting inclusions was when a janitor/plumber was mistaken for being Vilgax. And I think this comes from how oversaturated he's become.
He was such a central villain in the original series, up until Sectret of the Omnitrix. But after that I think he was just, kinda overused. Yeah in the latter half of AF and part of UA he was fine, but he just got overused. He's basically a Cthulu version of Thanos with his reputation and all.
This is all personal and I know some people still think he's one of the best villains in the show, and I agree. I just think that he started to lose his touch after the original series ended. Plus, I just didn't like his various redisigns. The tubes and the massive dark armor just stuck with me more.
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Tell me, which one looke like an extremely intimidating villain who could slaughter planets? And which one looks like an amalgamation of Thanos, Darkseid, and Cthulu?
Finally, my overall thoughts on the show as a whole and Bens growth throughout it, compared to previous shows.
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I think the show does really well for what it tries to accomplish, and I don't quite understand the hate. Yes I admit, it has some rather crude or cringe worthy moments, but it has some equally funny and heartfelt moments,, intercut with some fun and enjoyable action all throughout the series.
And for those who think he's at his worst as a character in this series. How is it compared to how Ultimate Alien essentually turned the Ben we knew from Alien Force back into immature and clueless 10 yr old Ben? The Omniverse interpretation actually has more explanation for his more slacker/relaxed moments.
Like @ben-10-setting-omnicrom said, he isnt just a hero on his own or working with a nonexistent alien government like the plumbers. He's been doing this for so long now its become second nature to him at this point. I like to tbink of him as the "Tony Stark of Bellwood". He's a celebrity and for him, all of this is just second nature of force of habit, so he acts more freely and cocky with situations, because he knows how they'll always play out.
That is to say, he isnt without his mature moments or losses. He loses plenty of times in this show, or he is forced into situations where he can't be his usual cocky self.
When the Incursians invaded earth and he was banished, forced to stay away at the risk of his whole planet being destroyed? He planned an infiltration strategy, executed it with minimal to no issues, and managed to return to earth and save the planet.
When Feedback was erased from the Omnitrix and he was forced into an emotional slump, losing what he believed to be an integral part of his being, what did he do? He grew from the situation, learned to never heavily rely on one alien (for the most part), and he grew to learn form that loss and become the hero he is today.
If he was just an immature teenager who didn't really bother to care for fights or their outcome, shy would he jump headlong first into a literal big bang. He was willing to sacrifice himself and risk never even existing, just to ensure a villain didn't win.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk, I'm gonna go sleep this off now.
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bahytarek · 5 years
Ben Tennyson - Ben 10,000 - Ben 10K
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Hero of Heroes - Wielder of the Omnitrix
Ben has been through a lot growing up. It all might seem glamorous, and sometimes it looks like fun but the truth is that this life isn't all perfect.
He's had many victories throughout his life. He defeated Vilgax, destroyed Zs'Skayr, made peace with the Highbreed, saved Galvan Mark II from a psychotic vengeful Galvanic Mechamorph, prevented the Incursean Empire from taking over the Earth, made other realities and dimensions a safer place, and created the entire Universe twice.
This man never stops doing what he does best, being a true hero. He spends most of his time saving the universe or stopping some crook. However big or small the problem, Ben risks his life and jumps ahead to save the day. We saw that sometimes, Ben does get hurt, even if he got hurt as an alien. Ben risks his physical health without even considering how bad things could get because he believes that if he doesn't step in, things could get worse, and can you blame him? People depend on Ben on a daily basis, and the job just gets harder and harder on him the older he gets, never really getting a chance to relax. Notice how I said job.
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Ben started this life since he was 10, and took it as a game up until Vilgax threatened his family and showed him the risks of being a hero. Ben has spent most of his childhood as an outcast and as a target for bullying, the Omnitrix made him feel like he was worth something, like he was a hero. After defeating Vilgax for the first time, Ben still goofed off but knew deep down that there will come a time where he'll have to get serious.
Zs'Skayr is a complete psycho, instead of beating the snot out of Ben like Vilgax, he hit him where it really hurt, mentally. Zs'Skayr possessed Gwen and threatened Ben by making her stand on the ledge of a building, willing to commit suicide by jumping off. The next time Zs'Skayr attacked Ben's family, Ben was over protective of Gwen and Grandpa Max, he was scarred by his last encounter with Zs'Skayr. Gwen took it as him being cocky and selfish but the opposite is true, and for a 10 year old, Ben was completely brave.
In Secrets of the Omnitrix, Ben believed that Gwen was killed and completely blames himself, wishing it was him instead, a feeling that no 10 year old should feel.
Ben eventually unlocks Feedback, an alien he feels strongly attached to. During this time, he became enemies with a corrupted Galvanic Mechamorph named Malware. Malware eventually destroyed the Conductoid's DNA within the Omnitrix, making Feedback unaccessible. Ben loses for the first time, and in his rage he straight up murders Malware. I assume it was after that incident Ben removed the Omnitrix for 4 years.
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Enter Alien Force. Ben wears the Omnitrix again because he fears for his Grandfather's life. This choice wasn't easy because it shows that he enjoyed being normal, but as soon as someone needed his help, he didn't hesitate to slam it on his wrist. He eventually becomes close friends with former enemy Kevin E.Levin.
Ben matured a lot during the first two season of Alien Force when he had to deal with the fact that his beloved Grandfather "died" and that he was in the middle of a Galactic War. After it ended and Max was revealed to be ok Ben managed to be happy again in season 3. Yet once again, Gwen mistakes this as him being cocky and wreckless, and even though he was a little cocky, Ben was just truly happy for once, and felt like a true hero again. At the end of Alien Force, Ben blew up the Omnitrix to stop Vilgax, proving that it's not the watch that makes him a hero. Ben doesn't feel this way though, and proceeds to take the Ultimatrix from Albedo.
In Ultimate Alien, Ben is now famous, not only across the stars, but on Earth as well. He has to deal with fame and criticism at the age of 16 while still trying to pass in his classes and save the Universe everyday. To a kid, this is a lot of pressure. In the beginning Ben seemed fine with it, but at some point it just seemed exhausting. Above all of this, his relationship with Julie, his girlfriend at the time, was rocky. She wished that he was there more but how could he? He's constantly trying to keep the Universe safe, he hardly even gets a good night's rest, and she expects him to be available? Again, the other characters make it look like it's all Ben's fault but the truth is, Ben can't do anything about it, despite the fact that he could turn into aliens, he's only human!
Ben eventually fails to save the 5 aliens that trusted him and then has to deal with the fact that his once best friend Kevin, is once again evil. It's up to Ben to stop him, it has to be him wheither he likes it or not, and this obviously hurt him, but he has no choice but to stop him, even if it meant to go to the extreme if the situation required. Because deep down, it's his fault, or so he thinks. He believes that maybe if he defeated Aggregor himself, if he was strong enough, Kevin would be ok. In the end it all worked out, but at what cost? Ben considered killing his friend, this will forever haunt him. He even willingly "sacrificed himself" to free all the Ultimate Aliens that blamed him for their imprisonment inside of the Ultimatrix, not because he had too, but because he wanted to. Freeing these creatures to him were far more important than his own life. At the end of Ultimate Alien, Ben gets the Ascalon and can now recreate the universe in anyway he wishes, destroy all evil, but he doesn't, he just fixes everything. Ben isn't arrogant or misuses his powers. Even though Ben can now control Alien X (or eventually) he wouldn't do anything extreme because he has limits, he knows right from wrong.
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In Omniverse, Ben has gone through a lot. Gwen and Kevin left him behind, his only two real friends that could ever understand him in a way. He eventually gets close to his new plumber partner Rook Blonko. At some point, Ben recreated the Universe after it was destroyed and is the only one that remembers it's destruction. Even though he did something so heroic, he was forced to stand trial in front of the entire Universe for it. Not only that, but because of this one moment, another villain, Servantis, makes a hit squad to kill Ben just because he believes that Ben is too powerful to be trusted. Servantis also reveals Kevin as a sleeper agent. Ben again would blame himself for Kevin's turn but was more optimistic about saving him this time. Instead of trying to kill him, he just wanted to leave, regroup, and come up with a plan (he didn't know of course that Kevin was secretly good).
Ben was also forced to leave his friends and family behind on Earth thanks to the Incursean invasion. He was forced to deal with Malware, the alien that killed Feedback and mentally scarred Ben for years. He learns that in most realities he becomes evil. He temporarily died right before giving his Omnitrix to another Ben, but instead of being saddened by the fact that he's dying at such a young age, he gives advise to the other Ben to become a hero, to protect this Universe from monsters like Vilgax. Ben as a person has gone through so much growing up, and we got to watch him become a true hero, a hero of heroes. He mentored a younger alternate version of himself, he taught Rook how to be a hero instead of just being a plumber, he taught Kevin the importance of friendship, he inspired Gwen to become Lucky Girl and pursue magic, he motivated Grandpa Max to become a plumber once more. Literally everyone that gets close to Ben will have some kind of heroic trait because Ben shows them what it means to fight for others, to be selfless, to truly become a hero.
Ben knows about the man he'll become in the future, he's well aware that things will get harder and that he'll be a hero for ever. The pressure of knowing that he'll have to fill those shoes eventually must put some pressure on him sometimes.
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We now know that at the age of 20, Ben becomes more serious and more of a loner. The reasons why are unknown, and the possibilities are endless. Maybe he blames himself for the loss of his Grandfather's arm or maybe he couldn't handle the fact that he was forced to throw Kevin into the Null Void again. Whatever the reason, Ben decides that it's for the best to do what he does on his own. Due to his history of almost losing his loved ones, it's easy to understand that at some point something happened that made him quit having a team. He'd rather die than see the ones close to him get hurt, but with this solitude and loneliness, he eventually became angrier and less sociable. We also learn that with the help of his master control, Ben used XLR8 to patrol the entire planet on a daily basis to stop any kind of crime from happening.
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Ben no longer sees this as a game, it's his mission, it's the one thing he believes he's good for, being a hero. It's all anyone ever needed from him, it's all he thinks he needs to do. What's troubling how ever, is his loss of self. Ben got so comfortable with the idea of going hero all day 24/7, he no longer becomes Ben, because to him, Ben is just a weak human transformation. He no longer needs Ben, he's just the wielder of the Omnitrix, all that matters to him is being who people need him to be when he's needed, but not by being himself.
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After the episode "Ben 10,000", Ben lightens up and begins to become the man he once was, one by one. In "Ken 10" he's happy, up untill he sees Kevin again, realising that he can't escape the mistakes of his past. This is when Ben reverts to his serious, more stubborn self, and pushes Ken, his son, aside to take Kevin down. Later when he sees Ken hurt, he loses his temper and demolishes Kevin as Waybig.
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Four years later, we see that Kevin is better, angry, but better. Ben is still happily married with Kai (unlike Julie, Kai is also a hero, thus understanding the responsibilities and the pressure that Ben is under), Ken grew to be more of a hero, making his father proud, and Ben's life seems to be fine in a way.
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Ben's life wasn't easy nor fun, but in the end, he has a group of loving family members and friends to support him when needed, and as long as they are by his side, he can learn to enjoy life and still be the hero the world needs him to be.
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cat-scarr · 5 years
The Significance of Ben’s Characterization in Season 3 of Alien Force Onwards
There has been quite a bit of controversy surrounding Ben’s characterization in season 3 of Alien Force onward. Ben is criticized for downgrading as a character, and just generally being written much worse than he was in the previous two seasons. Although there is definitely a shift in the way his character is presented, I would like to go over the why - aside from the writers’ decision to make him “more like his ten year old self”, which seems to be what the majority conclude his later characterization to. My point is not to defend everything the writers decide to do with his character, I only want to defend my favourite character by trying to understand where Ben himself would have been coming from since these events are still canon and true to his story. 
This “new attitude” begins to be apparent in the episode “Vengeance of Vilgax.”  I would argue this is the beginning of Ben’s “hero” identity really becoming a permanent aspect of his immediate life since he has obviously gained quite a large amount of notoriety from Alien Force’s seasons 1-2 concluding with establishing peace between the Highbreed and the rest of the Universe in “War of the Worlds.”  
I mean, when did he even get all of this?!
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Being “Ben 10″ the “superhero” has become kind of a big deal at this point in his life. Not that he was unheard of before, but, like I said, this “title” is now much more permanent since he has proved that he is capable enough to stop, not only a war, but a xenocidal mass murder of every species in the Universe along with the Highbreed. And that this was ultimately done without resorting to complete violence, which is why I would say it is more important that peace was established between races rather than “a war was stopped.” 
Just to give Ben the credit he deserves, everyone depended on him to come up with a solution. To put this into perspective, all the pressure is on a fifteen year old to think of a way to stop an alien invasion which intends to commit alien genocide. 
Even Azmuth, who is very intelligent and probably has an even better understanding of what the Omnitrix can do than Ben, ended up saying “all is lost, they are too powerful to fight.” 
Ben realized that fighting the Highbreed to the death was not a solution because it promotes death on one side of the battle. It was more important to establish peace because that way, nobody “loses.” Everyone can continue to live - a hero’s job is to save lives. 
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Furthermore, as we were shown throughout Seasons 1-2, this kind of work starts to become increasingly prevalent in his life. In other words, it starts to become his whole world. And as you might guess, that takes up a lot of his time. I'd say the amount of time he spends fighting aliens only increases the longer he does it. 
Being a “superhero” is a 24/7 job. There is no “schedule.” 
So even if he values the work he does and likes his job, doesn't that mean he has less time for himself?
You might say that this kind of rationalization is selfish since Ben chose to do this work out of selflessness. But, does choosing to do work which involves putting your own life on the line mean one must also sacrifice their own individual private identity? 
Does he automatically becomes only a an “alien superhero” and no longer has the right to be a human? 
In “Vengeance of Vilgax”, Ben is late for a mission with Gwen and Kevin because he was immersed in his free time, watching TV and being awarded another metal. 
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On a separate note, Gwen and Kevin had an unusually hard time taking down Ssserpent. They should be powerful enough to do that in less than the hour they claimed to be fighting him for before Ben finally showed up. That only proves that Ben is the reason they win half the time - he really is the most powerful. This could have been because they were inexperienced with Ssseprent, but even so Ssserpent shouldn't be that hard to defeat because they absolutely have more than enough experience fighting much more dangerous offenders. Ben didn't even put that much effort into stopping him so that probably aggravated them even more. 
This is where his "arrogant" attitude comes in. Although I can see how his attitude would be taken as arrogant, I believe the bigger issue moving forward is a lack of caution when Ben is confident in his abilities. Which, in the given circumstances, he has the logical right to have. Anybody who has access to as much power as Ben does would realize how capable they are and in turn develop a level of confidence. The problem with this is that fact that it might lead them to either underestimating their opponent or overestimating their chances of being successful. Realizing one’s own strength can be both a blessing and a curse. 
Later in the same episode, Kevin brings up the idea to hack the Omnitrix, and because neither Ben nor Kevin seem to have much caution going into this operation, it backfires on them. Hacking the Omnitrix was a bad idea with even worse consequences. But, this was not just done out of stupidity. They were about to go up against Vilgax - who they haven’t seen since “Secret of the Omnitrix” and is now allegedly much more powerful. Keep in mind, Vilgax probably showed up again due to word of Ben 10′s recent success spreading across the Galaxy. Vilgax prepared himself to fight Ben 10 and end him.
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They knew that they would need the best the Omnitrix could offer to take him on successfully. They had a justified reason, but it was absolutely still a bad idea. 
I get the feeling that many of us seem to think Ben has become a whole new character, possibly a “worse” character than he was in the first two seasons of Alien Force. “Vengeance of Vilgax” exists to set up a character flaw to demonstrate that Ben is human, and humans are not generally overpowered perfect Gods. Being a human means being fallible. But being a fallible human does not mean that one is no longer capable of being inspiring or successful. It does not make you a failure or useless. 
It must be even more damaging to think that, while part of you is strong, the “real” you underneath the superpowers is not as “great.” Would you not try to match that strength on both sides of your identity? 
Because Ben is written as a character who becomes a superhero by choice rather than being born super powered, there is a balance to be established between being the ideal version of himself that the Universe expects and not losing his true self in the process of fulfilling this “destiny.” 
Just because this flaw is being written into his character, it does not mean all his previous traits are erased. Something that is still constant is Ben’s motivation to do the right thing. Every time there is a scene where Ben interacts with Max, his tone of voice is more serious and he pays close attention to Max. This comes from his human connection to his Grandpa and all that he has learned from him. This is his vulnerable, human side. 
Max: It’s almost showtime, Ben, and I’ve been thinking. Vilgax is Plumber business. Good as you are, you’re still just a kid. I’ll take him on.
Ben: This is my fight, grandpa. Vilgax challenged me, and I’m the one with the Omnitrix. At least most of it.
Max: You’ve got less than an hour, Ben.
Ben: I’ll be there. And I’ll win. Love you, grandpa.
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He jokes around, but he is not insensitive. 
Ben: “Hey, Kevin, why don’t you change back to normal? You've been ugly for like 40 miles.”
Kevin: “I can’t.”
Ben: “What?”
Kevin: “I can’t!”
Kevin: “Let me bring you up to speed, hero. Thanks to you, I can’t turn back. I’m a monster.”
Ben: “I’m sorry, Kevin. I didn’t know. I was just kidding around.”
That is because Ben has not just been reduced to “an arrogant jerk”, he is still the same person we have known the entirety of the series. And just like anybody would, he is reacting to the circumstances in which he finds himself in at this point in his life. People generally, in terms of personality, are not just one way their entire lives. Especially when the person we are talking about is a teenager who has been through much more than any other average teenager you may know. And on top of that, will continue to be faced with increasingly difficult situations as he gets more and more invested in the life of a superhero. 
If that is the case, how much would it help him to give in to every insecurity that might stand in his way? He has dedicated himself to being “Ben 10.” This responsibility only gets heavier as time goes on. Why else would Vilgax feel the need to acquire the powers of the greatest heroes of ten worlds in order to “prepare” to take on Ben again? Vilgax perceives Ben as a threat to his own strength. This is ironic because there are moments throughout the series where, even though his enemies think highly of him, he seems to believe he isn’t as great as they say. He needs to match the heroic greatness with his own personality, and that is where this shift in characterization comes from. It is entirely an emotional thing. 
The following are episodes which fall under Season 3 Ben’s supposed problematic Characterization: 
This is even more proof of almost every species in the Universe having a very high expectation for “the great Ben 10.” He stopped one war, he could stop their war too, they seem to believe.The problem is that these aliens don’t seem to have any grasp on what it means to have so much responsibility. And when this is what is being asked of him, do you really expect Ben to not at least try?
“Vreedle, Vreedle / Don’t Fear the Repo”
The most important part of this episode in terms of Ben’s characterization was his dialogue in court. If just taken at face value, his words can be interpreted as very self-centered. But keep in mind at this point in time almost every being in the Universe who has heard of Ben Tennyson thinks very highly of him. 
In order to convince the court to take his side, he plays up his attitude to match this reputation. You’ll even notice the way he says it sounds “acted.” 
“Your honor, I am Ben Tennyson - The Ben Tennyson. Wielder of the Omnitrix, saviour of the Universe. I’m sure you’ve heard of me. I need you to do me a little favor, Judgey. There’s been a little mix up here. Ship is part of my team now. That’s, the famous Ben Tennyson’s team. Say, ever seen an Omnitrix up close before, Judge?”
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“Judge Domstol. Dom, may I call you Dom? These things can happen when you’re chosen to bear the awesome responsibility of the Omnitrix.”
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“The court rules in favour of...Ben Tennyson. There is no reason the wielder of the Omnitrix should have to bother himself with petty matters such as this. I apologize for wasting your time, Mr. Tennyson.”
It seems that if they had just tried to explain the matter in the way Kevin was attempting to, Baz-El would have won because, legally, Ship was his physical property, not Julie’s. But because Ship helped out during the Highbreed war, that makes him a part of Ben 10′s team and therefore it would be in an injustice to a very important public figure such as a superhero if the property had been repossessed, as well as an injustice to the rest of Universe because Ben 10′s team works to promote galactic peace.
Aside from that, another part of Season 3 onwards was the argument that “Ben was a jerk to his girlfriend.” Here, you might come to believe so because this episode makes it seem as though Ben doesn't care about Ship being Julie’s “dog.” The reality of the matter is that Ship is not “a dog.” Julie sees him as a dog only because she doesn’t have as much experience with alien technology as Ben does so it makes sense for Ben to perceive Ship as the Galvanic Mechamorph that he is. He should have his guard up when it comes to alien technology. What selfish reason would Ben have to not want Julie to have Ship anyway? Would it be so far fetched to assume Ship could potentially harm Julie? 
“Ghost Town”
According to Gwen, what Ben did here was “really really stupid.” 
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He threw himself into Ghostfreak so that the rest of Vilgaxia would no longer have to endure his slavery. Ben’s intention was not to hurt anyone, especially not Gwen or Kevin and while he was possessed by Ghostfreak. He probably had no idea what was happening around him anyway! He didn't just act oblivious because he “didn't care.” That’s not like Ben to do at all. 
“The Secret of Chromastone” 
This episode is a great example of what was started in “Vengeance of Vilgax.” Not only does he have much less time for himself, but something like having a cold doesn't mean his job ends. 
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Even if Ben did stay home, Tetrax would probably still find him to get to Chromastone. Being the wielder of the Omnitrix is still relevant in times where he probably feels less than heroic, whether he likes it or not. 
“Above and Beyond”
This episode might not have worked so well if it had been done in a previous season because Ben’s characterization here is very specific. The first time Ben went up against Manny and Helen in the season one episode “Plumbers Helpers”, they actually seemed to overpower him.  
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I would argue that since then Ben has built up this confidence, so it allows him to believably pretend to be “evil” because he realizes what he is potentially capable of. This episode shows us how unstoppable he would be if morals weren’t a factor and he didn’t hold back. 
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Contrast this with how unsure he was in “Ben 10 Returns” about whether he would even be able to do it without Max. Well, here, he is doing all of this without Max. 
“The Final Battle”
“Azmuth help me! Please! Just so I can help them.” 
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The final episode of Alien Force, where Ben is shown having a very significant internal conflict after being forced to hand over the Omnitrix to Vilgax. If you put this turn of events into perspective, realize just how much it must weigh on him. He has previously proved to be so capable of defeating Vilgax easily. The entire Universe put him up on a high pedestal this entire season. 
It probably made him feel useless, like he really didn’t deserve to be so praised for everything, that it was all because of the Omnitrix. 
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Is it the tool he had that lead him to act like a hero, or his selfless ambition to use this opportunity to do good? 
After all, anybody can be armed with a weapon, but it is then up to that person to chose what they will do with it. And now that he has chosen to use it to help others, that is what he is expected to continue to do. 
I feel like he needed this arc to establish how having the entire Universe begin to depend on him can affect him for better and worse. This was the transition from being a vigilante superhero, to well known on a galactic level, to world famous in Ultimate Alien. Moving forwards through the series as he ages, I would say there is definitely an improvement in how much of a hero he believes he is, and how he goes about doing his work as he settles into the reality that he can no longer be “normal.” The whole entire Universe is in his hands and he is expected to live up to their expectations of him. 
That is enough to make anyone start acting “different.”  
As he comes to accept this moving forward, just by his actions you can see it is not always an “act” he puts on to be considered “a hero.” This is especially apparent in the Ultimate Kevin arc. He so very cautious about Kevin's rampage that he couldn't allow him to hurt anybody else. Which is what led him to consider that putting him down might have to be a possibility. During the Ultimate Aggregor arc in general, Ben is always shown to be attentive to the immediate problem at hand. He is not so focused on appearing to be “the great Ben Tennyson” or be what everyone expects him to be. Rather, what is more important is handling the situation in a productive way. Again, he is not insensitive to others’ opinions on his “flaws”, but if it is not immediately vital, then he does not make the situation all about him. 
Azmuth: “We find ourselves in a situation so dire, that perhaps I should risk giving Ben my new Omnitrix.” 
Ben: “New Omnitrix? Gimmie! I’ll kick Aggregor’s butt!
Azmuth: “No, it’s not completely ready and clearly neither are you.” 
Ben: “Not yet?” 
Azmuth: “At the rate you’re regressing likely not ever.” 
Ben: “I’ve wanted a chance to apologize to you for months. But right now I’ve gotta stop Aggregor. If you’re not here to help, we’ll catch up later.” 
Max: “Wait. Ben. Hear him out.” 
Azmuth: “Your lack of patience is foremost among your many weaknesses.” 
In the Ultimate Alien episode, “Map of Infinity”, Azmuth interprets this as a lack of patience and claims he is “regressing.” Even if this is a flaw, it stems from a place of good intention - the reason why he continues to do this job. 
Now, here’s a question to consider when criticizing someone. 
Is there anyone who never does anything stupid? 
And just because this person has done something that some might consider to be “stupid”, does that mean you should totally give up on them? Are they not capable of improving? 
I would argue that there are levels of “immaturity” and “stupid decisions”, depending on the harm they cause and intention behind the action. And, as I keep reiterating, a person learning a lesson does not guarantee that they will never make the same mistake again. That is just reality.
So is it not a little unfair to continuously go back to Ben’s past mistakes since he has grown from that and established so much more character development? Doing something bad and then recognizing that what you have done is wrong is character development in itself. There does not always have to be a lesson learned or punishment given, just the realization that nobody is always perfect.
This is especially important when everyone expects you to be perfect because you are a “legendary superhero.”  
This is something touched on in the Omniverse episode “Showdown.” Ben is reminded of the time he lost his favourite transformation, Feedback, which he blames himself for. This loss clearly emotionally weighs him down because he doesn't blame anyone other than himself and realizes the mistake he made.
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In order to accept it and move on, he realizes he must forgive himself because continuing to beat himself up over it is not going to help him in any way. He’s already established what he decided to do in that situation as wrong, now the only thing he can do is try to be better in the future. 
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Forgiveness and acceptance that you are not and never will be “perfect” is the only way to improve in the present moment. 
Going back to the fact that “Ben 10″ is so glorified throughout the Universe, I’d like everyone to realize that, just because Ben has matured since he was ten years old, does not mean he has “left behind” his flaws. His has not suddenly become someone to idolize. It is absolutely fine to look up to him as, I believe, there is something everyone can learn from him. But, even though he has the ability to become one, he is not, and does not try to be, a God. 
Maybe this is what influences Ben’s quite accepting perception regarding other people’s flaws, weaknesses, and past mistakes. Come to think of it, he doesn't really tend to pick on people’s specific flaws all that much. Definitely not as much as others tend to do towards him. He “gives people second chances." 
“You trust people. You give them second chances. And they live up to your expectations. Kevin was a sociopath when you were kids, but you trusted him anyway.” - Max (Ultimate Alien episode: “Absolute Power” part 1)
As the series progresses, this is still something that is constant in his characterization. Ben doesn't seem to focus on what people have done wrong because blaming others for their mistakes and guilting them does not help them improve in the immediate moment. 
In the Omniverse episode “Hot Stretch” , Ester is responsible for what could have potentially been a disaster. 
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The only thing is that she allegedly didn't know the full extent of what her petty crime would lead to. But does Ben see a point in guilting her for it when there are lives in danger as they speak?
 "We're past the blame stage."
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This where I would like to insert some lyrics which provide a much more vulnerable view of the reality of such an idolized, legendary superhero who is still, and always will be, a fallible human underneath it all. 
“I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train And it's not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry Fall upon my knees Find a way to lie About a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd, but don't be naive Even heroes have the right to bleed I may be disturbed, but won't you concede Even heroes have the right to dream And it's not easy to be me”
“Men weren't meant to ride With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet Digging for kryptonite on this one way street Only a man in a funny red sheet Looking for special things inside of me”
- “Superman” by Five for Fighting
Alien Force’s Season 3 onwards showed Ben finding how he can “be the hero” rather than just “acting” like how a hero should according to others not in his place.
It is not as easy as one might think to just be given abilities and always do that is expected of you to do with them. There will be times when you will doubt yourself, there will be times when others will underestimate you and it will affect the way you see yourself. Becoming one’s best self is a process of fall down and get up again, trail and error. That is part of being human. The part of Ben that seems to always be left out when talking about “Ben 10.” 
No Watch Ben seemed to parallel Prime Ben in “Ben 10 Returns” because of what he thought he was “missing” - not only the Omnitrix, but the authentic, confident, selfless, self-assured heroicness that is something he developed over the course of the series. 
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The other alternate Bens also have their own watches along with level of confident attitude, but they were not heroes. They became their own downfall because they got so submersed into the act of being “all powerful” that they let it consume them. 
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“It’s just a gadget. Be the hero!” - Prime Ben’s “dying words” (Omniverse, “And Then There Were None”) 
To conclude, I feel like the title "hero" ends up becoming somewhat restricting when it comes to this. It's like it takes up the entirety of his character, and people forget that you can't have "Ben 10" without "Ben." Ben, the human, is the one who is affected by all this underneath all the superpowers. He becomes such a great hero and fights for peace, but does he ever really get to experience peace himself?
There is quite a bit that Ben can’t be any more. Making a mistake on any level will be condemned by everyone if it falls out of the parameters that define being a “hero.” 
So how much time in the life of a hero is there to doubt oneself when everyone is depending on you to get the job done?
Not much when it’s always “hero time.”
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pixie-skull · 6 years
# 12 Post: Top 10, OFFICAL Animated Men List, part 4
So to explain myself, I made a list of men from different studios, yet unlike my women’s list ( https://nerd-indigo.tumblr.com/post/168587304582/post-12-part-2-finally-top-ten-2d-animated ) from different animation studios I can own up my list, I felt my men was not as official who I have crushed on ( https://indigo-psyduck.tumblr.com/post/168600736687/post-12-part-3-finally-top-ten-2d-animated-mens ). Yes spoiler, mostly Disney and Dreamworks. XD Rules - - - > https://indigo-psyduck.tumblr.com/post/167091245072/post-12-part-1-rules-for-animated-crush-list and a few repeats, as well one tie.
10. 1978′s The Lord of the Rings: Frodo Baggins
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Yes went from honorable mention to actual member of list. XD Now if someone can look at me like he does to Samwise. Now on to why I like this Hobbit. One huge reason, younger me was borderline (or was) obsessed with The Lord of the Rings. I rewatched all the movies a lot (I first saw the movies when I was maybe near five-seven ( I am blanking, yet was somewhere in this age range by the last movie) years old,in theaters. No shaming my parents, one of my older siblings watched the movies for a birthday movie thing), blush like an anime character at the mere mention of Frodo. So in attempts I guess find a kid friendly film, my family found this animated gem. XD Years later watch this video (as in video cassette. Yup 90′s kid here) and read the books, this animated Frodo closer to books, which earns more cute points. Even Frodo thanks for your part in my taste in men.
9. Ben Ten Ben Ten, series of both Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, Ben.
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As the first list with men before, his reasons still apply. Only 10 for combined with personality, younger me did crush, yet not as much as the rest. Here is the reasons: “He is kinda a smart alec (or donkey), yet not too bad. He is funny, a good family member and quick on his feet. Plus his green eyes so cute. I enjoyed the show started to let him grow up and found fun see how it is grow almost together.“ It is nice too he has green eyes. :D
8. 2004′s Howl’s Moving Castle, Howl.
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As the first list with men before, his reasons still apply. Here the given reasons, “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwROgK94zcM Please note I do NOT count for my Disney entry. XD So this character starts as a womanizer or something similar (which not a fan of), yet he clearly wears a mask of insecurities, and grows. Also, has colorful hair (blonde[not a fan of blonde look], ginger, maybe an odd ball color, and black). I like how he willing have adventures, I enjoy someone take me on one, as long not overstimulated due to Autism does that to me. :( I see him as Pan. I have as 7 for as much I like his design and his arch, I am not a fan of a mask, just be yourself, unless that means you hurt others, then no. XD”. I am typically attracted to a something like androgynous and feminine, so Howl fits this so well. 
7. 2003′s Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas Kale tied with Proteus 
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Yea a new character crush that differ my old list, well two. XD Now besides being tied for being in the same movie, they do differ. Both are just drawn to be sooooo attractive (Kale seems to be a love child of one of my formally dated [that smirk and muscles, kinda voice, who was my first guy kiss {my first kiss was with a woman} ] and a guy friend who I have a crush on. [playful nature and go with flow, pierced ears, and hat taste] XP and Proteus just from long hair ( @thenamelessdoll  you get this struggle XD ) to willing to help citizens, sacrifice his life, and more. I am sadden these two get such little love. Yes Kale does win by a few slim points. Yes this movie is jammed back with so many attractive characters (not counting Sinbad for he comes off to Brad Pitt like and I am not attracted to Pitt).
6. 2002′s Treasure Planet Jim Hawkins
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Like 10, started out as honorable mention, then bumped onto list. So besides being voiced by the inspiring feminist and cutie Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the baby blue eyed Jim liked for; how sincere he cares about others, smart, has a nice punk edge, and many other reasons other swoon him.
5. Static Shock series and DC Comics, Virgil Ovid Hawkins AKA Static.
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Here are the reasons of why I liked him on my other list, “Even though not shown on the show, Virgil’s best friend, Gear, is openly gay, yet the shows does show and explore issues of life.  I crush on Virgil for he showed more a realistic at high school, he had a similar humor like Spider-Man, only not as mean jabs at the baddies. He was not as much a dork, actual more the calm and fun laid back friend everyone would maybe want. I do like nerds (like movie and comics), yet I rather have a heart than just a brain.”
4. 2003′s Brother Bear’s Sidka
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I am aware he has less than most on this list, yet he still showed traits I find attractive. Caring about his family, a voice of kind reason, funny, a relax nature, and more. Plus his long hair and voice. ^_^ Without spoiling, so sad what happens to him. :(
3. 2001′s The Road to El Dorado, Miguel.
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^ First  can someone please make that character he flirty with an edit of me? Just swap gown to be indigo and hair a lighter brown (like Don Bluth “Anastasia”) with violet tips. Back on to the list, so yes the fact he and Tulio were originally meant as a couple do not escape my mind. So with this fact and my headcanon he is gay, why is he on my list? Because even if gay, he is cute. XD Also not the first time for me to crush on someone who happens to be gay. Miguel is one of very few characters with a full set of facial hair I can like. I tend not to like that. Any ways yes, unlike most top tens, who ties him with Tulio, I personally can not like Tulio. He just seems not as genuinely kind as Miguel. Also Miguel just a goofy goober and that is good be funny and understanding. Plus he seems to love life and not need to steal to enjoy it. Also dark green eyes are a nice bonus.
2. Sailor Moon (90′s Version), Mamoru Chiba AKA Tuxedo Mask
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Reasons from other list, “I admit the English dub (the bad one, where they take away lots of LGBTQ+ themes and characters), his American dubbed name and since then very much like the name Darien. So he would have number 1, if after rewatching the show (yes I got a gift from a family have all five seasons, three movies, and more goodies) I realized how unnecessary Tux’s teasing went. Luckily by season two and mostly afterwards become the cutie I know little kid me had a crush on him. He is likable in how romantic, supportive, had his funny moments, was both a hero and could be fine being saved too. Plus physically he is attractive, from messy dark (sometimes deep green), tux, Prince and King outfits, (mini spoilers) a nice dad, and more. I want to say he could be Bi, I am not sure why, just a feeling. Like Biromantic Hetrosexual.By the way not sure, yet these gifs make the Sailor Moon characters seem more white, sadly not Japanese”.
1. 1998′s Moses, Moses.
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That smile is so precious. Also his speaking and singing voice are both so kind and can be powerful. I admit he looks better with facial hair. 
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Now on to the reasons from my past list, “I have to admit he or Joseph (Prince of Dreams) were both runner ups. I ended up with Moses because when upset and even hurt by loved ones, Joseph felt a sense of revenge. To an extend valid for (spoilers) sold to slavery and mistaken as dead, but to want hurt someone just feel equal, not fair at all in my book. To be the better person to me, means try to forgive, maybe talk out, and think ahead. That momentary sense of revenge could take a life and that is something to never get back. Yes maybe after a lot of pain and the person seems there a limit, but again think ahead. Also, yes in the Bible Moses I know an old man, yet that is another reason like this film, it does not follow that, so to enjoy the few changes, make me feel it is fair to like Moses more. I like him for the above, personality, love for family, sense of right and wrong, and more...”
0. 2002′s Lilo and Stich David
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“... Any who why I like him. He a HUGE romantic and supporting person. He is also great with kids and animals or I suppose Aliens is more accurate? David understands no and gives Nani time to figure out things before he feels she would be ready to date. Plus so much more. :D Looks, well he has the plus having little body hair, not that little is bad, yet I tend not like chest hair. XD ... “ 
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I admit I tend to like my men lean or not have a lot of muscles, not sure why, I do know I like being stronger. XD As long in good shape then that works for me. XD I task @thenamelessdoll @sailorzelda94 @myhollie1911 AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO :D
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markuseg-blog · 7 years
BEN 10 Series Review
On Saturday, December 27th, 2005, at 10AM, the original Ben 10 series premiered on Cartoon Network. I can’t believe it it’s already been 10 years since then. It’s also pretty cool that the night before at 9 o'clock, My Gym Partner’s a Monkey premiered. Anyways, Ben 10 has become one of the most popular media franchises in the world since then, garnering over billion dollars in global retail sales. This is where it all started. Hey guys, monstersreview here. Like I just said, Ben 10 premiered 10 years ago today, so I thought it was appropriate timing to give my thoughts on it. Created by the writing team “Man of Action”, Ben 10 is about a 10-year old boy named Ben Tennyson (pretty creative name, amirite?). He and his cousin Gwen embark on a cross-country road trip with their Grandpa Max in an RV dubbed the “Rust Bucket”. On their first night of camping, Ben discovers what appears to be a wrist watch after it fell from the sky towards their campsite. This device resembling a wrist watch is the omnitrix, and it permanently attached itself to Ben's wrist. This gave him the ability to transform into 10 different alien life forms, and each of these had their own special ability or power. For example, XLR8 can run really fast and Heatblast has the power to release and generate heat and fire. Ben uses these various aliens to defeat enemies that stand in his way, and also has to learn the responsibilities of being a hero. Ben 10 lasted for four seasons from 2005-2008, and also had two movies based on the it, which were Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix and Ben 10: Race Against Time, with the latter being live-action. The series of course also spawned videogames, a toyline, and various other forms of merchandise. Ben 10 is an absolutely fantastic show. In my opinion, the mid 2000s was a great time for action cartoons, and this just added on to that greatness. The show has fantastic writing, and the action is great. I also adore the fact that show includes moments where there’s humor, but there’s also a lot of times where you can take the show seriously. This show reminds me a lot of Avatar: The Last Airbender, in the sense that a young boy that has unique powers and abilities develops not only as a child but also a hero. They also both travel throughout a certain region throughout the span of the series, and both of their art styles take inspiration from Eastern Asian art. Another thing I really enjoyed in this show were the villains, which tends to be unusual for me. There would usually be short-term villains that would come in for only an episode or two, but there was also a few overarching villains like Vilgax and Kevin Levin who appear more frequently. This show paved way for 3 sequel series, which were Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, and Ben 10: Omniverse. All of them are arguably worse than the original Ben 10 though. There’s also a reboot currently in the works, for a planned international release in 2016 and a North American release in 2017. Ben 10 was just one of those shows where you could really understand the characters, and the series really felt like a journey. It was supplemented by some great action sequences, and some great comedy bits. Ben 10 is definitely a show that is just as good today as it was 10 years ago. Anyways, that’s all I have for you today. Video:
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erikbachh-blog · 7 years
Ben 10 Game
On Saturday, December 27th, 2005, at 10AM, the original Ben 10 series premiered on Cartoon Network. I can’t believe it it’s already been 10 years since then. It’s also pretty cool that the night before at 9 o'clock, My Gym Partner’s a Monkey premiered. Anyways, Ben 10 has become one of the most popular media franchises in the world since then, garnering over billion dollars in global retail sales. This is where it all started. Hey guys, monstersreview here. Like I just said, Ben 10 premiered 10 years ago today, so I thought it was appropriate timing to give my thoughts on it. Created by the writing team “Man of Action”, Ben 10 is about a 10-year old boy named Ben Tennyson (pretty creative name, amirite?). He and his cousin Gwen embark on a cross-country road trip with their Grandpa Max in an RV dubbed the “Rust Bucket”. On their first night of camping, Ben discovers what appears to be a wrist watch after it fell from the sky towards their campsite. This device resembling a wrist watch is the omnitrix, and it permanently attached itself to Ben's wrist. This gave him the ability to transform into 10 different alien life forms, and each of these had their own special ability or power. For example, XLR8 can run really fast and Heatblast has the power to release and generate heat and fire. Ben uses these various aliens to defeat enemies that stand in his way, and also has to learn the responsibilities of being a hero. Ben 10 lasted for four seasons from 2005-2008, and also had two movies based on the it, which were Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix and Ben 10: Race Against Time, with the latter being live-action. The series of course also spawned videogames, a toyline, and various other forms of merchandise. Ben 10 is an absolutely fantastic show. In my opinion, the mid 2000s was a great time for action cartoons, and this just added on to that greatness. The show has fantastic writing, and the action is great. I also adore the fact that show includes moments where there’s humor, but there’s also a lot of times where you can take the show seriously. This show reminds me a lot of Avatar: The Last Airbender, in the sense that a young boy that has unique powers and abilities develops not only as a child but also a hero. They also both travel throughout a certain region throughout the span of the series, and both of their art styles take inspiration from Eastern Asian art. Another thing I really enjoyed in this show were the villains, which tends to be unusual for me. There would usually be short-term villains that would come in for only an episode or two, but there was also a few overarching villains like Vilgax and Kevin Levin who appear more frequently. This show paved way for 3 sequel series, which were Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, and Ben 10: Omniverse. All of them are arguably worse than the original Ben 10 though. There’s also a reboot currently in the works, for a planned international release in 2016 and a North American release in 2017. Ben 10 was just one of those shows where you could really understand the characters, and the series really felt like a journey. It was supplemented by some great action sequences, and some great comedy bits. Ben 10 is definitely a show that is just as good today as it was 10 years ago. Anyways, that’s all I have for you today. I hope you all enjoyed my series review of Ben 10 and if you did indeed enjoy it, please leave a like below. Also, tell me in the comments your thoughts on Ben 10. Here I have my series review of Camp Lazlo, my news video talking about the upcoming Ben 10 reboot, and my most recent video, which is my 2015 Christmas haul, so you can check those out videos by clicking on their thumbnails. Ben 10 Up to Speed on GooglePlay
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ferragusgo-blog · 7 years
Play BEN 10 on Android
On Saturday, December 27th, 2005, at 10AM, the original Ben 10 series premiered on Cartoon Network. I can’t believe it it’s already been 10 years since then. It’s also pretty cool that the night before at 9 o'clock, My Gym Partner’s a Monkey premiered. Anyways, Ben 10 has become one of the most popular media franchises in the world since then, garnering over billion dollars in global retail sales. This is where it all started. Hey guys, monstersreview here. Like I just said, Ben 10 premiered 10 years ago today, so I thought it was appropriate timing to give my thoughts on it. Created by the writing team “Man of Action”, Ben 10 is about a 10-year old boy named Ben Tennyson (pretty creative name, amirite?). He and his cousin Gwen embark on a cross-country road trip with their Grandpa Max in an RV dubbed the “Rust Bucket”. On their first night of camping, Ben discovers what appears to be a wrist watch after it fell from the sky towards their campsite. This device resembling a wrist watch is the omnitrix, and it permanently attached itself to Ben's wrist. This gave him the ability to transform into 10 different alien life forms, and each of these had their own special ability or power. For example, XLR8 can run really fast and Heatblast has the power to release and generate heat and fire. Ben uses these various aliens to defeat enemies that stand in his way, and also has to learn the responsibilities of being a hero. Ben 10 lasted for four seasons from 2005-2008, and also had two movies based on the it, which were Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix and Ben 10: Race Against Time, with the latter being live-action. The series of course also spawned videogames, a toyline, and various other forms of merchandise. Ben 10 is an absolutely fantastic show. In my opinion, the mid 2000s was a great time for action cartoons, and this just added on to that greatness. The show has fantastic writing, and the action is great. I also adore the fact that show includes moments where there’s humor, but there’s also a lot of times where you can take the show seriously. This show reminds me a lot of Avatar: The Last Airbender, in the sense that a young boy that has unique powers and abilities develops not only as a child but also a hero. They also both travel throughout a certain region throughout the span of the series, and both of their art styles take inspiration from Eastern Asian art. Another thing I really enjoyed in this show were the villains, which tends to be unusual for me. There would usually be short-term villains that would come in for only an episode or two, but there was also a few overarching villains like Vilgax and Kevin Levin who appear more frequently. This show paved way for 3 sequel series, which were Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, and Ben 10: Omniverse. All of them are arguably worse than the original Ben 10 though. There’s also a reboot currently in the works, for a planned international release in 2016 and a North American release in 2017. Ben 10 was just one of those shows where you could really understand the characters, and the series really felt like a journey. It was supplemented by some great action sequences, and some great comedy bits. Ben 10 is definitely a show that is just as good today as it was 10 years ago. Anyways, that’s all I have for you today. I hope you all enjoyed my series review of Ben 10 and if you did indeed enjoy it, please leave a like below. Also, tell me in the comments your thoughts on Ben 10. Here I have my series review of Camp Lazlo, my news video talking about the upcoming Ben 10 reboot, and my most recent video, which is my 2015 Christmas haul, so you can check those out videos by clicking on their thumbnails. My Pin
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janneuman-blog · 7 years
Ben 10 Games
On Saturday, December 27th, 2005, at 10AM, the original Ben 10 series premiered on Cartoon Network. I can’t believe it it’s already been 10 years since then. It’s also pretty cool that the night before at 9 o'clock, My Gym Partner’s a Monkey premiered. Anyways, Ben 10 has become one of the most popular media franchises in the world since then, garnering over billion dollars in global retail sales. This is where it all started. Hey guys, monstersreview here. Like I just said, Ben 10 premiered 10 years ago today, so I thought it was appropriate timing to give my thoughts on it. Created by the writing team “Man of Action”, Ben 10 is about a 10-year old boy named Ben Tennyson (pretty creative name, amirite?). He and his cousin Gwen embark on a cross-country road trip with their Grandpa Max in an RV dubbed the “Rust Bucket”. On their first night of camping, Ben discovers what appears to be a wrist watch after it fell from the sky towards their campsite. This device resembling a wrist watch is the omnitrix, and it permanently attached itself to Ben's wrist. This gave him the ability to transform into 10 different alien life forms, and each of these had their own special ability or power. For example, XLR8 can run really fast and Heatblast has the power to release and generate heat and fire. Ben uses these various aliens to defeat enemies that stand in his way, and also has to learn the responsibilities of being a hero. Ben 10 lasted for four seasons from 2005-2008, and also had two movies based on the it, which were Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix and Ben 10: Race Against Time, with the latter being live-action. The series of course also spawned videogames, a toyline, and various other forms of merchandise. Ben 10 is an absolutely fantastic show. In my opinion, the mid 2000s was a great time for action cartoons, and this just added on to that greatness. The show has fantastic writing, and the action is great. I also adore the fact that show includes moments where there’s humor, but there’s also a lot of times where you can take the show seriously. This show reminds me a lot of Avatar: The Last Airbender, in the sense that a young boy that has unique powers and abilities develops not only as a child but also a hero. They also both travel throughout a certain region throughout the span of the series, and both of their art styles take inspiration from Eastern Asian art. Another thing I really enjoyed in this show were the villains, which tends to be unusual for me. There would usually be short-term villains that would come in for only an episode or two, but there was also a few overarching villains like Vilgax and Kevin Levin who appear more frequently. This show paved way for 3 sequel series, which were Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, and Ben 10: Omniverse. All of them are arguably worse than the original Ben 10 though. There’s also a reboot currently in the works, for a planned international release in 2016 and a North American release in 2017. Ben 10 was just one of those shows where you could really understand the characters, and the series really felt like a journey. It was supplemented by some great action sequences, and some great comedy bits. Ben 10 is definitely a show that is just as good today as it was 10 years ago. Anyways, that’s all I have for you today. Video:
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cat-scarr · 6 years
Which Ben do you like the most? Alien force, ultimate alien , or omnivores you can only choose one.
omg I lowkey hate questions like this!!
I’m sorry I can’t just choose one Ben I like more then “other Bens” but I allow me to explain why…
By asking me to pick “which Ben I like the most”, you are basically asking me if I liked Ben better at a certain age and time in his life over the way he would be presented now. I almost feel like it would be offensive to say “I liked Ben better when he was 10/15/16/whatever” because people are constantly growing, changing, and evolving with every experience they have. 
And Ben, being a realistically written character who I have a deep emotional attachment to, is my favourite character not because of a certain way he is presented at a specific time (whether that be how he looks or acts) but because of the way he has been developed over time. In fact, I think watching him age actually makes me love him more, as strange as that sounds. But that’s because real people don’t just stay 10/15/16 forever. That isn’t to say that they aren’t the same person anymore, it’s just that what they have endured has affected them in a way where they might re-evaluate their thoughts, actions, and way they perceive the world. 
I think Ben 10 gets better with time. I really liked Ben in UAF, but you can tell that the person he was in Ben 10 Returns vs in The Ultimate Enemy is a bit different. 
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Ben (about Grampa Max) : “I just wish he were here. He would know what to do. He always knows what to do.”
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Ben has accomplished so much in the time between those two episodes. So many things have happened that have affected his character in both negative and positive ways. 
And then OV…where many people absolutely love Ben and many people also absolutely hate him. But once again, in the time between The More Things Change and A New Dawn, so many things have happened that have affected his character in both negative and positive ways. 
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(Even though he didn’t really express the way he felt with the change of team, you can see how it affected him in the beginning.)
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(I also really love that the last episode was titled “A New Dawn” implying that this is not the end even though it is the last episode of the continuity.)
So once again, I’m sorry. I can’t answer your question in the way you want me to. My favourite character just has so much dimension that I can’t say I prefer him one way or another. 
And I think it goes without saying that if the series were to continue on the path to the Ben 10,000 future, then his character development would also continue in the same pattern that it has. But that’s because it’s realistic. It’s believable. Might I even say inspiring.
(Personally I would love an animated continuation where Ben is a bit older but not Ben 10,000 quite yet, but I guess for that kinda thing we have this WHICH SHOULD TOTALLY BE ANIMATED I’M LOOKIN AT YOU MAN OF ACTION)
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