#also war of 1812
clove-pinks · 22 days
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BONUS: I have to draw the resulting soldier.
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timegays · 7 months
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They are all so so silly to me
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thesewers · 1 month
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Natashaaa i think about her
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pristina-nomine · 6 months
Great Comet fandom!! Finally, I’m joining your ranks!
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emeraldelysium · 4 months
omg it's the duel between pierre and dolokhov! (rambling analysis between the show and the book under the cut)
it's really interesting to compare these chapters to the duel (song). in the book, this happens far before the whole thing with anatole and natasha (like 6 years before). notably some characters & lines are different, all in favor of how the plot in the show has to move a lot faster, e.g. several paragraphs when dolokhov misses his shot become just three lines in the song ("missed, missed / oh my mother, my angel / my adoréd angel mother"). nesvitsky becomes anatole, and nikolay, who is dolokhov's second, is absent (denisov does get to stay though!) anatole being pierre's second is both for the convenience of a known character (the cast is cut WAY down in the show, for obvious reasons) and to further pierre & anatole's relationship for the audience. in the book, nesvitsky has to tell pierre how to hold a gun because he's never done so before (and then goes "oh yeah, i totally knew that. i just…forgot" because he doesn't want to admit it lol), which comes out in anatole's lines warning pierre to hold his fire. book pierre also seems more reluctant/willing to admit how stupid this is, but his apathy makes him go through with it (anatole is the one to acknowledge this instead, which is a great line because lucas steele is amazing "OOOOHHH this is horribly stupid :(", and pierre's apathy is shown in the show through his reply to hélène (who is there in the show but absent in the book, good for both showing their terrible relationship and to make the audience think pierre died for a sec) it makes sense for musical pierre to be more caught up in the heat of the moment though, and regret it afterwards, which leads nicely into dust & ashes
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aldenhan · 9 months
has anyone else noticed that while in the pit pierre watches natasha much more consistently than any other character who passes him? i might be seeing nothing but i really wonder if that’s on purpose.
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I heard you say you were good at math, do you happen to have any good tips at studying math? Genuine question here, I just failed my final exam for a math course. I am bummed and looking for advice. Sorry if this was a weird question to ask of you on this blog. And for also asking on anon, im a bit to embarrassed to ask this on my account.
I'm not sure if I have any good types and tricks...math was just my Neurodivergent Perk that I've had since I was a kid...also full disclaimer that I completed my high school math credits in middle school and my college math credits in high school so while that is a pretty epic gamer moment, it also means I have not touched a proper math course in like 6 years
Fun time math lesson with Danny below (:
One pattern that I used to do (at least when it came to formulas) was kinda organize my work into categories, if that makes sense.
So let's say you have a physics (shush it's still math) problem that's looking for the potential energy of an item weighing 7kg that's 5m above the earth --
What's the formula? - PE = mass * gravitational * height
What's the values we already know? - m = 7m, g = 9.8 m/s^2 (this is an always constant value for earth's gravity), h = 5m
Plug it in - PE = 7 * 9.8 * 5
Final answer - PE = 343 J (Jules)
Sometimes you're going to have to use other formulas first before you can get to the meat of your main problem. So let's use the same example, but now the height is 7 feet. You'll need to convert that first into meters before you can plug it into your formula and it can help keep track of your work --
What's the formula? - meters = ft/0.3048
What's the values we already know? - ft = 7
Plug it in - m = 7/0.3048
Final answer - m = 2.1336 (usually round off to nearest 100th, so we'll use 2.13). meters = height // h = 2.13m
What's the formula? - PE = mass * gravitational * height
What's the values we already know? - m = 7m, g = 9.8 m/s^2, h = 2.13m
Plug it in - PE = 7 * 9.8 * 2.13
Final answer - PE = 146.18 J
Now let's say we know the PE is 68.31 J and it's resting at a height of 8m, but we don't know its mass? Simple! Do the same exact sequence of organizing and you'll be able to tell how to work backwards.
What's the formula? - PE = mass * gravitational * height
What's the values we already know? - g = 9.8 m/s^2, h = 8m, PE = 68.31 J
Plug it in - 68.31 = m * 9.8 * 8 // 68.31 = m * 78.4 // 68.31/78.4 = m * 78.4/78.4 (this will cancel out completely, so it will NOT be m * 0) // 0.87 = m
Final answer - m = 0.87
My overall suggestion is to focus on memorize your equations first and foremost, and from there use the 4 steps to organize your work. The variables will always be given to you, so as long as you can remember which formulas (and constant variables!!) are necessary for that information, you should be golden! Then, you can plug and play as needed, but keep in mind you may need additional equations to get all of your variables first. If you're able to, there tons of free specialty calculators you can use specifically for certain formulas! I used omnicalculator's Potential Energy Calculator to check my work here in fact, give or take a few decimals.
Granted, this information mostly applies to math likes physics, algebraic, and trig. I am dogshit at geometry because I can't visualize and angles vex (heh) me so...man good luck to you if that's the field you're struggling in.
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handmadeangels · 5 months
unfinished sonyer
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id: a digital drawing of Sonya Rostova from Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812. Sonya has light skin, brown eyes, and red hair. she is wearing an off-white nightgown. Sonya is turned to the side with her left arm raised as if she is gesturing. she appears upset as she looks straight ahead. the lineart is in varying shades of red. the background is off-white and around Sonya is a pale red outline. end id
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anotherfandomtrash · 2 years
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I've been listening to this song for a while now. I can't stop thinking about it for even longer
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clove-pinks · 6 months
I know that targeting civilian infrastructure is a war crime, but I think that we should make exceptions for objectively hilarious war crimes (with no casualties)—such as the time Sir George Cockburn wrecked the equipment of a hostile newspaper publisher during the invasion of Washington D.C. in 1814 with the zinger, "Be sure that all the C's are destroyed, so that the rascals cannot any longer abuse my name."
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405blazeitt · 19 days
this is my favorite genre of canadian music. it's a bit strange that there are multiple bands that do exactly this, but thank goodness for them.
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topgunreacts · 1 year
In the story for the Werewolf Ice, you said that each of Val Kilmer's characters should turn into werewolves. We couldn't agree more on that! But could you please tell us what breed and color of wolf you have in mind for Val’s characters?
I am extremely headcanon-promiscuous, so each iteration would definitely come with its own distinct type of wolf. Overlaps, if they happen, would be circumstantial. When I write Iceman, he has a completely different family in each story, for example. I like the diversity, and enjoy being forced to come up with a different background that makes me consider what it was about THAT background that made Ice himself.
It doesn’t always need to be deep, either. Werewolf Iceman is an Iberian wolf, a subspecies of gray wolf that lives in Greenland. Just kidding. It’s the Iberian peninsula. I picked that wolf for Top Gun Iceman because they are trim, tightly muscled, and golden in color, just like Iceman’s tits in the volleyball scene. Also, Iberian wolves are cool.
Time for a
~Thunderheart Intermission~
Werewolf Ray Levoi is a Eurasian wolf, also a subspecies of gray wolf. Because Thunderheart takes place on an Indian Reservation and features a character of mixed indigenous/western European descent, I incorporated that into the lore of the story. The ancestral werewolf who gives Ray his power lives in modern day France, where she is worshiped, respected, and mostly feared. Ray’s mother is from a line of females (my werewolves pas down their power matrilineally) who immigrated from Europe to America. They are out of place in the US. Lost and isolated from their arcane culture. Ray specifically struggles with that on both fronts. His mother the European werewolf was too afraid to pass most things down to her son, and white settlers initiated multiple genocides to wipe out local werewolf populations, even seeking to kill the local ancestors to hobble them. This is because werewolf magic works to prevent things like consolidation of magical power. They’re like the water cycle but for magic. That makes hoarding magic very difficult! So Ray has almost NO connection to his werewolf side. He can’t even get in with the local werewolves because there aren’t any left (that he knows of…).
Similarly, he feels disconnected from his father’s people, the Oglala. His dad died when he was young, so he had very little exposure to Oglala culture. He’s white passing, and only goes back because his bosses at the FBI want him to root out activists, which he will do suuuuuper successfully by ingratiating himself with the locals. This will happen because he [checks smudged writing on partially censored document] shares an ancestry with the people his bosses are trying to put in the ground. For obvious reasons, this does not make him popular there because everyone with a brain cell knows what the fuck is up.
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This is Walter and Ray doing their First Look on their wedding day. :) The sexual tension here is palpable.
But wait there’s more!!! In this AU, Ray is a black Eurasian wolf. Why? Because all black wolves have a little domesticated dog in them. That’s where they get that color. I didn’t pick a representative identity for the wolf and dog parts, since that’s not what I’m going for, especially given the fact that this AU is working with indigenous Americans: marginalized groups of people frequently compared to animals by virulent racists. Instead, the color is meant to symbolize Ray being torn between the magical and mundane worlds, being unable to find complete belonging in either place.
~the intermission has ended~
And now what you probably came here for: a small, unofficial official list of potential Val Kilmer Werewolves.
Tombstone Kilmer: red wolf that is always a lil dusty
Batman Kilmer: a timber wolf that was born in a zoo next to the bat enclosure
Real Genius Kilmer: a coyote pretending to be a wolf
Willow Kilmer: a tundra wolf wearing a wizard hat
Prince of Egypt Kilmer: Wepwawet's cousin
10th & Wolf Kilmer: human. too human.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Kilmer: extremely smart great plains wolf that willingly does enrichment puzzles with human field researchers for fun
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re-alku · 2 years
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nervousenby · 1 year
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I know these pictures are shit but pspsspspsps Caroline Abbott girlies look at the cool shit at my local science museum’s exhibit on Lake Ontario and the USS Scourge!!!
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marryat92 · 9 months
The Frank Mildmay poll is complete: thank you to everyone who voted, including the substantial number who selected the neutral option (better to be honest if you're unfamiliar with the book and/or Marryat's life).
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Frank Mildmay (The Naval Officer) is one of the Marryat books I love to recommend, even if it's rough around the edges and has a rushed redemption arc for the title character. It's heavily autobiographical, and along with Marryat's daughter and other biographers I see many passages in Frank Mildmay as coming directly from Marryat's real life. (Interestingly, there is another fictional version of Frederick Marryat called "Frank"—in the naval novels of Marryat's friend Edward Howard.)
In some ways Frank Mildmay is clearly a separate, fictional character. Frank's mother dies when he's still a young man, along with most of his siblings, but the mother of the real Marryat outlived him (as did many of his 14 siblings). Frank Mildmay is also a great singer, unlike the Captain. And, no offense to Marryat, Frank appears to be more handsome than the real naval officer.
I think Frank Mildmay is more cold-hearted than the real Marryat. In The King's Own, his next novel after The Naval Officer, Marryat goes out of his way to emphasise that he is a very emotional person who cries often; and he puts distance between his fictional characters and his real life ("for you must know that this is all fiction, every word of it. Yet I do not doubt but there are many who will find out who the characters are meant for, notwithstanding my assertion to the contrary." [emphasis in original])
While he's handsome and brave and rescues men who have fallen overboard (like the real Marryat), Frank is less heroic in the War of 1812. He shows mercy to the captain and crew of a captured American ship, but the real Marryat bravely defied his captain to assist American prisoners of war (as recounted by the American captain years later).
I think Mildmay being less emotional and more cruel is ironically part of what makes him idealised. He doesn't have as many messy feelings and trauma as the real Marryat (although Frank also describes being emotionally numb). You always have to be aware that Mildmay isn't Marryat, but often the lines feel blurred. The winning result on the poll is also what I chose, as being the closest to the truth.
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feerz · 10 months
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The Dave Malloy brainrot is getting less funny
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