fruitsalad03 · 19 days
Hi all. I’ve been in contact with Ameina, a Gazan mother, on Instagram. She’s raising funds to evacuate her children and husband as well as his family from Gaza to Egypt. Amina and her son Omar were injured in the latest bombings on Rafah, and their tent was destroyed. Please donate if you can and share Amina’s gofundme page, they’re so close to their goal we have to help them survive!
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andrea-writes · 4 years
Waking The Elder - Chapter Three
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Having a solid new lead to the mystery surrounding Ina's identity, her and Amelia go to investigate the site where another young woman disappeared...
Chapter Index: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26630194/navigate
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focsle · 2 years
On Joan Druett’s excellent preliminary list of women who went whaling (443 of them! tho only 4 among those who disguised themselves as men—the rest were wives of officers or passengers), she listed an individual as who was identified as a “female disguised as a ‘steerage boy’” on the ship William & Eliza in 1856, who signed on under the name John Ameinas. If that’s a reference to Ameinias I am SO intrigued. Can’t find anything more on that tho with my limited access to Resources. BUT STILL…intriguing.
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simshousewindsor · 3 years
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[Saint LeSun Convent, Forgotten Hollow]
Mother LaKisha McKee: Thank you for waiting. We were so happy to hear that you received Sister Mary’s letter.
Queen Rowena: Yes, it was quite a shock. I still don't fully understand it all.
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Mother LaKisha: Your mother arrived here almost 50 years ago under the name Sister Ameina. Her story always seemed odd but we didn't question many things back then. Sister Ameina became a model missionary and quiet nun.
Queen Rowena: She never spoke of her past?
Mother LaKisha: She spoke of many things through the years. I have known her since she first arrived. It wasn't until we noticed signs of dementia that her past became relevant again. And with us being such a small nunnery, we lack many of todays’ advanced pieces of technology. It wasn't until we recently unearthed her file and started putting pieces together that we discovered who she really was.
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Mother LaKisha: While reviewing her original in-take file, key things stood out. When she first arrived, she was quite shaken up. She cried for days. 
Queen Rowena: My poor mother!
Mother LaKisha: There were many night terrors where she spoke of a ‘palace’ and ‘Ro-Ro’. Eventually it all stopped, she pushed those memories far away. She was Sister Ameina to us.
Mother LaKisha: She’s waiting for you. She’s in room 32L.
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Queen Rowena: Hello? Sister Ameina?
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Princess Niema Zulu-Sulani: Please come in.
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Princess Niema: Oh my, Ro-Ro! Look at you!
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Queen Rowena: Mommy! I can't believe it’s really you!
Queen Rowena: I thought I’d never see you again. When I was taken from you, they said you were killed.
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Princess Niema: I got free from them and ran for the city. I was rescued by a young missionary and smuggled out of the city. I reversed Niema, became Sister Ameina and joined the nunnery.
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Princess Niema: The two who helped me escape didn't know who I really was. I am the only one left who remembers but dementia is taking what’s left of those memories.
Queen Rowena: It’s ok, mommy. I’m here now.
Princess Niema: What? Who are you? What’s your name again, baby?
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Queen Rowena: Rowena, mommy. It’s Rowena.
Princess Niema: Ro-Ro! You’re alive!
Queen Rowena: Yes, mommy. I am Queen consort of Windenburg. You are safe now. We are safe now. So much has changed, mommy. I’ll take care of you. We’re going home!
Princess Niema: Home!
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stilesloverdaily · 7 years
The Right Decision
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Percy Jackson x Reader
Words: 1040
Warnings; none that i can think of, besides Greek mythology and mentions of a break up, fluff
Sitting upon the edge of Camp Half-Blood, my eyes roamed the lake in front of me. It glistened an orange as the sun was going down, the water still. My eyes drew attention to the little house not far from the bank of the lake, owned by the son of Poseidon. He was sat outside his house, talking to some girl whom I expected to be the Goddess of Wisdom’s daughter, Annabeth.
The two seemed to be in that of a heated argument, so I faced away and enjoyed the sunset from the little cliff I was sat upon, minding my own business. The sky faded into oranges, pinks and purples and I smiled at the thought. I always felt at one with nature, but I guess that was the perk of being the child of Mother Nature. Some rustling was heard next to me, so I turned around and stuck my hidden blade in the direction of the noise, only to be met with goat legs. Glancing up, I noticed Grover was the owner and recoiled my blade.
“Geez, it’s just me.” Grover sighed, sitting down next to me. “Damn.”
Glancing to the Satyr beside me, I put my hands up in surrender, “Sorry, Grove. Habit.” I explained myself.
“Damn well, it’s a habit Y/N.” He stretched his hooves out and chuckled, “I thought you and I were supposed to be chill, you know Satyr and Mother Nature’s child.”
I let out a laugh, “Of course, Grover. You just don’t sneak up on people like that.” My head found his shoulder as I continued staring at the sun, however, Grover’s eyes were elsewhere. He glanced at the two in the house below and their fighting. “Your so nosey, you know that?”
He sat up straight, his head turning back to the sun. “It’s the gossip that attracts me....” I sighed as the sun was almost finished its decent into darkness, the woods around the lake fading into the creepy darkness it became at night. “Especially when they’re pointing over here.”
Grover’s words distracted me, my head whipped to the two down below as Annabeth stormed off, shouting the words, “We’re over, Percy.” My eyes traveled to Grover’s as an ‘oh shit’, and he glanced back. I cut our look short as we heard a splash from the water.
Percy had dived into the water, leaving his clothes behind, so he swam in only his boxers. The boy didn’t surface for a while, as he could hold his breath for a long time, a perk of being Poseidon’s son, I guess. He finally surfaced, only to just mindlessly float in the water.
His brown hair spreading out in the water around him as his ocean blue eyes were hidden under his closed lids.
“Maybe you should join him.” Grover chimed up.
I rolled my eyes, “Maybe you could.”
He stuck his hands up in defense, “Hey, they were pointing over here, Y/N.”
I took his words into consideration in my head, as the man had a point. But, did I want to intrude on his obvious ‘I just broke up with my girlfriend and I need to be alone’ moment? However, they were pointing over here and that intrigued me. Just as I was about to come to my decision, Grover stood up.
“Well, it’s dark now, so I better head out. Plus, Ameina wanted to meet up, and I cant deny her, I mean come on. It’s Ameina.” I waved the horny goat off as I too stood up.
Sighing to myself, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head, and pulling down my jeans, only to be left in my underwear. Kicking my shoes into a pile with my clothes, I went back a bit and did a run up, before diving into the lake. Sinking down, I pushed myself back up and gasped for air. Once I had enough, I swam underneath the water until I saw the boy.
“Y/N?” Percy asked as I resurfaced. I smiled at the boy as I wiped the water off of my face.
He giggled at little, “ ‘hey’? No explanation on why you’re here.”
I was taken aback, was this not the right decision? “Well, I saw you and Annabeth fighting, and then you jumped in here, so I wanted to see if you were okay.” I rambled to the boy.
“Okay.” We both just decided to float for a bit in the water, staring at the stars above. Both of us floated in silence for what seemed like ages, but was probably only five minutes, as the world went past. “I’m fine. Thank you for your worry.”
Smiling to myself, I stole a quick glance to the boy before continuing my stargazing. “It’s really gorgeous tonight, if I do say so myself.” I spoke up. It was, the sky was ebony black, with white speckles scattered through it, a moon shining bright and no cloud in sight. A clear night sky, was a peaceful image right now.”
“You’re really gorgeous too, if I do say so myself.”
I looked towards Percy confused, to find him already looking at me. A smile etched its way onto my face. “Well, I’m flattered. However, you just broke up with Annabeth from what I’m guessing with her shouting as she walked away.”
“Did you hear anymore of the conversation?”
“No, Mr. Jackson, because I’m not as nosey as Grover.”
We both laughed as we swayed in the water, “Well, we broke up because she found out that I had feelings for someone else.”
“I’m guessing that’s me?” My smile continued as I turned to face the sky once more.
He chuckled, “Very smart.”
“Well, you see Percy Jackson, I indeed was not born yesterday.”
His hand reached over to mine, and out of respect, I held his back. “I know this is quite soon and stuff, but I’ve learned to go with my gut. So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?” I debated over it, before looking to him to give him my answer and finding him already glancing at me with his eyes that sparkled in the moonlight.
“Of course, Percy.”
Tagged: @justsomewritingsandshit , @itsnotnormalteen
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honey2omb · 10 years
Number 6 finds themselves locked into a malfunctioning elevator with number 4. What happens?
Eden blinked as the lights flickered, paling considerably. Oh, god, she was gonna miss her ultrasound- the Doctor was gonna get mad and Antonio was gonna yell at her, or... Or he would get mad or something, she didn't know but- it's small and dark. There's a girl she doesn't know in here and she's pregnant and the elevator stopped moving. What if it falls? What if she dies? What if the lady is a murderer and stabs her and the baby dies? Oh, god, no, not her baby...
The woman must've noticed her internal panicking, because next thing she knows the woman is asking her if she's alright.
"Lady? Are you okay? Um, I'm sure it's just a, uh, quick malfunction thingy. We'll be out in a minute, don't worry. I- I'm Ameina!" She steps in front of Eden, her green eyes wide and scared. She's young. Younger than Eden, probably a teenager. Hickies litter her neck. She tried to cover them with concealer but the scarf she's wearing- red, Antonio's favorite color- rubbed it off.
"I- I- Eden." She mumbled out, tears welling up in her eyes. Ameina- the name sounds familiar, but she can't quite put her finger on it- nods slowly and gently takes Eden's hand.
"I-It's gonna be okay- You- It's gonna be fine, Eden. I'm sure. Do you wanna play a game?" A game? Eden looks at her as if she's mental, but Ameina smiles quickly, sharply. Sweetly. Reassuring. 
"Okay. Let's play a game..."
"Count to twenty-five, and the last thing you think of- tell me it. I'll try to guess why you thought of it. My boyfriend taught me this game- it's kinda fun, and it gets your mind off of stuff." The game's familiar.
At 25, she thinks of red. The color. Ameina guessed her scarf, and then went into a story about how her boyfriend, Lius, bought it for her. Eden mentions how her husband's favorite color is red. They continue playing the game.
By the time they leave the elevator, it's been an hour and Eden has a new best friend. A girl named Ameina, who is twenty years old and plans on being a pediatric surgeon.
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simshousewindsor · 3 years
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[SNN Studios, Windenburg]
Shon Gableton: Good Morning Windenburg. We interrupt our regularly scheduled broadcasting to bring you live coverage from Buckingsim Palace as King George and Queen Rowena hold a press conference on their recent trip. Let’s go to the press conference already in progress.
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[Buckingsim Palace, Windenburg]
Queen Rowena: ...so His Majesty and I felt that you, the people, should share in the joy that has been added to our family.
Queen Rowena: Several days ago I received a credible letter from Saint LeSun Convent in Forgotten Hollow. The letter stated that a resident nun of 50 years by the name of Sister Ameina could be my mother who was presumed killed along with my entire family during the Zulu palace siege of 1970. As you know, I was but a child and only survived because the palace maids took me away.
Queen Rowena: His Majesty, Lady Delores, and I urgently flew to Forgotten Hollow to see Mother Teresa, Mother superior of Saint LeSun Convent and meet with Sister Ameina.
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Queen Rowena: DNA testing has been completed and we are happy to announce that Sister Ameina is my mother, Princess Niema Zulu-Sulani! She escaped the palace siege, was smuggled out of the city, changed her name, and hid in a nunnery for safety thinking her entire family perished. Had it not been for the dementia, the convent may not have discovered her true identity and reunited her with her sole surviving family member.
Queen Rowena: We ask that you respect our privacy as we process this news, give my mother time to heal, adjust, and catch up on lost time. We have not yet figured out what is next but my family and I couldn't be happier! We will not be answering any questions today but Palace Spokesperson, Elisha, will take your questions. Thank you and God Save The King!
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Elisha Morris: Any questions?
Elisha Morris: Yes, Britney from CBS...
Britney: Will His Majesty still attend the G5 Summit next week?
Elisha Morris: Yes. This will not interrupt His Majesty's schedule. The King will leave for Willow Creek on Sunday, as planned. Next question...
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