#amelie vaguely says weird shit
roachmattea · 1 year
tumblr polls are like uquizzes but without the quiz part
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sparrowsabre7 · 4 years
Used a guide, because life is short and this game is long. So I'm meant to talk to Fragile by selecting Fragile jump in my room. I guess that makes sense but given it's only ever been for fast travel not sure how I would have worked that out as a method of communicating, or that Fragile could put you into a beach.
It's quite a nice story beat, that Fragile can't jump to Amelie as previously explained, but she can jump to Sam and Sam can get to Amelie through the things that bind each of them like knots on a strand. It may be a little on the nose but it still works, as does perhaps the first moment of consensual touch Sam allows in the game, after Fragile quietly says "I'll have to touch you" and he silently accepts. For all his weird sexualisation of some scenarios and badly worded dialogue, Kojima can still sell emotional beats when he needs to.
On the beach at last; ok, Higgs is Darth Vader now and has force powers. He creates a BT spiderweb and sets Amelie at the centre before a fourth wall breaking monologue about stick vs rope and one last boss fight: no items, final destination, Fox only.
It's Strandin' Time!
Ok this kind of... blows. It's a stealth segment where he can find out where you are almost instantly. Why the fuck wouldn't you take any weapons Sam? It's really hard to break line of sight. I know I need to throw the boxes to distract him but it's not working. Did manage to yeet one right in his dumb fucking face though. Didn't see that coming Mr. God Particle.
Ah fuck this; LEEROOOOOY mmJENKINS!! Decked the shit out of him then pivoted to bind and then kick the shit out of him some more. God, that's satisfying.
After a few rounds of that, "I don't need a gun Sam". Brave of you to say half way through the fight dickwad. Come at me.
When you were partying, I studied the strand. When you were learning how to control BTs, I mastered the parry mechanic. While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner strength. And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for a boss fight and expect victory. Welcome to dirt, punk.
Oh, and apparently you don't need a gun but do need grenades. You're a real honourable warrior, Higgs. Truly the last of the samurai.
Kicked out a Snake-like "Aaaaaah" from him and it's over.
No. Wait. Round 3. "We got DOOMS, Sam! This was only ever gonna end one way." Ok, I... I don't know what that means but now we're in Tekken apparently. Health bars above our heads and everything. Oh no, it's Mortal Kombat, with the slow mo jaw break.
This is kind of a shitty end to a boss fight... I'm literally hammering attack and winning it's just so incongruous with the rest of the game, should have left it at stage 2.
It's got dramatic music like it's meant to be the Snake and Liquid fight in MGS4 but I have no emotional connection to Higgs, in-game or out. He's just kind of a shithead, there's no brotherly bond here and he's not been established enough.
Ah multiple headbutts finisher. It is literally trying to be that MGS4 fight.
I know this isn't the end since Cliff's thing is still unresolved, but it is definitely trying hard to feel that way.
Oh shut the fuck up Higgs, stop with your "you won but still lost" bullshit. Fragile, kill the fuck out of him, please. Ugh, don't repeat I'm not that Fragile like it's your catchphrase.
Ha! Fuck you Higgs! Run out of BT juice. Oh... was that it? One punch. Also, don't just repeat "You're damaged goods" back to him like you're in a Joss Whedon film and that's an adequate comeback. Wow after a strong start this not-finale has been super anti-climactic.
Oh nope,she is going to shoot him. But offscreen. Fragile managed to bring Lou over too, nice. "Where should I take you?" Fragile asks, before Amelie butts in with "He doesn't need you, he's got me." Alright, calm down. Jealous much. But Sam is like "yeah you should go." Glad Fragile at least calls them both out on it.
Ok, so now Amelie says she could have left at any time basically, but did it to force Sam to connect the Chiral network.
And now we're "Mario and Princess Beach" running back home.
And now everything has gone insane. Now Bridget is here but maybe she's also Amelie and Die-Hardman is here to kill Bridget for fucking the world up and now Cliff is here and he knows Die-Hardman (who's real name is John) and Bridget is sending him after Sam but now she's Amelie again and behind Sam and tells him to run by pushing him in the sea, causing him to repatriate but in the repatriation sequence it's not BB inside Sam but one of those horrid dolls.
What the FUCK.
Ok and now I'm back in my room and Deadman tells me Amelie ported me here and then checked out to "finish what Bridget started" which I'm guessing may still mean blow up the world or the beach or something. Christ it has got very dense very quickly.
"We've been operating on the assumption, Higgs was controlling Cliff"; have we? News to me, I always assumed they were two separate antagonists given the Battlefield was entirely separate from Higgs' brand of goopy nonsense. So now Cliff has Amelie AND Die-Hardman on the beach. Great so things have gotten worse. Now Fragile can't port me to the beach either because reasons.
So I have to walk all the way back East all the fucking way because she transported all the secondary characters before me.
Thanks a fucking lot. This has been a real kick me while I'm down moment.
At least I don't need to carry anything there save protection and climbing gear. Hope I can at least drive some of it.
Ooh more flashback time. Looks like Bridget was intending to use BB as a sacrifice to build the UCA, unclear if by causing the Death Stranding or somehow starting the Chiral network.
Anyway now I'm walking these 6k or whatever back to Lake Knot. Some zipline help but one asshole put the zipline where the dismount is off a cliff. Sam echoes this though with a "nice zipline, asshole".
I also have no equipment, so stopping off at the paleontologist to gear up. Nice, a free bike too. Everything's coming up Bridges.
Oh fuck off Deadman, I don't want a Cliff notes session (pun intended), especially when you're just restating a bunch of theories. So Cliff wants BB to b whole, yep already gathered, the battlefield is tied to him due to his anger dragging his hellscape through with him. Sure, cool, can I get back to my drive now?
Oh come on... BTs can now spawn as catchers immediately, don't even need to grab you. Fuck this, I'm running. Sorry purple bike!
Jesus fucking christ Deadman, fuck OFF. Blah blah secret BB experiements were to make BT detectors but actually they were designed to make the Chiral network like I thought.
They made the network by building all the cities with a BB integrated into each one.
Jesus Fucking Christ, I didn't see that coming...
That's some heavy shit man. This is that episode of Doctor Who with the space whale heavy.
While I ponder that horrific choice I'll inevitably have to make I am enjoying coming back and seeing how much bigger the highways have gotten in my absence. It's so fun to boost down them on a trike.
Another call from Deadman. Cliff put his BB in the care of the scientists but didn't know they were going to use the BB for the Chiral network, I assume he thought the experiments were benign per the lie told. Deadman says he's unsure how he was able to arrive on Bridget's beach and that there must be more to their connection so I'm going to go ahead and guess, he's Sam's father as well as the BB's, or he's a sibling of Bridget.
Fucking hell, another call from Deadman. Jesus give it a rest. No apparent connection between Die-Hardman and Bridget because his past has all been redacted, also suggested that Die-Hardman had no connection with Amelie/Bridget and that it's DH connection to Cliff that allowed him access to Bridget/Amelie's beach. God my head hurts.
Heartman's saying that the beaches are beginning to merge into a single seam, aside from the battlefield and Heartman's beaches. Amelie may have some kind of super bridge that controls all beaches which further my theory that she was BB patient zero.
Oh boy, big ol' Chiral storm, looks like it's battlefield time.
Flashback time, Cliff gives a sad speech about being a father and it looks like Die-Hardman killed Cliff under Bridget's orders.
Ok we're in Vietnam now and Cliff's wearing DH's mask. Comparatively this opener is less badass than the WWI and II battlefields but only in comparison. In any other games this would be a ridiculously cool moment. The arena itself excels as always, still not sure I could pick a favourite. Vietnam feels more linear but the mix of violent explosions, fire and oppressive silence and darkness work so well together.
Ok, I was wrong, actually reaching Cliff gives a supremely cool scene of Cliff and co marching through a lake of fire.
Another intense game of cat and mouse later and Cliff is finally down.
It's actually a really nice moment of emotional catharsis. Cliff begins to whistle a tune to BB and Sam completes it. It's not a big shock reveal, just a quiet mutual realisation that Cliff is Sam's father. They embrace and then a gunshot is heard and Cliff disappears, having first transitioned from combat gear to a suit, I hope implying his becoming whole and at peace. Despite minimal development until this past hour of exposition, Cliff has been a much more successful antagonist compared with Higgs.
Another flashback, DH is saying that Cliff should escape with his BB, but he will be forced to carry out any orders Bridget gives, hence the previous flashback. Seems DH was one of Cliff's soldiers. Still unclear if the woman lying on the bed, who is Cliff's wife, is the same person as Bridget. It's deliberately vague and when Bridget approached the BB in a previous scene her face was covered with DH'S mask.
Oh... Sam seems to think Cliff is Lou's father but that very much wasn't my take away from that scene. Deadman comes along with a recording of DH, says that Amelie left a message for him to get to the beach with one of Cliff's dolls. He knows it's a trap but plays along anyway and says Amelie also has no recorded past and made the point no one's ever met her in person. Seems to point to the fact that she may only exist on the beach.
DH says that her soul remained on the beach while her body deteriorated in the real world, but with high DOOMs abilities. She could then travel to the beach body and soul by the time she was 20 and the president said never contact Amelie except by hologram, but once the Chiral network was up and running DH checked the old records:
Bridget had uterine cancer in her 20s and never had children, yet Amelie is the spit of a younger Bridget, so... what's the connection?
Ok, now Fragile's here, and says Amelie was behind Higgs, she led the Demens and he abandoned Fragile when Amelie showed up, began the extinction initiative. She could control BTs and she was the one who turned Higgs into Homo Demens, able to command BTs at will. There was no BB in Higgs' chest pack either, only another of the dolls Cliff had.
But if that's all true, then why did she not just trigger the death stranding when Sam competed the network? Why did she need Sam to kill Higgs?
Another chapter closes but I feel we've still got a ways to go.
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aaeoluss · 5 years
more headcanons to soothe ur soul: Percy and Amelie would be a perfect platonic match!!! Miri would get along with Lucy really easily because Miri loves people with that type of personality. Jules and Anna would be good friends, they'd have a lot of conversations abt life & stuff. Erin loves little kids so she'd adore Max (my smol child). Erin and Katherine would also be a great friendship. I just rlly adore your OC's lmao and all of our OC's are friends, those r the rules :)
i love your OCs so much too !!!!!!!! ksdfksd our OCs match up so nicely it’s because you and i are the same person and we just make the same OCs but a little different i love it so much 
- I think Percy and Miri would also have a lot of fun !!!! they could do nerd shit together lol. honestly Percy would fit right into your fanfic. he’s like the missing third from the trio u didn’t know you needed
- also can i just say miri is so pure and i love her so much 
- Also!! Everyone from part 5 is a little France oriented!! i feel like Adoline (i forgot her name for a sec lmao) would be like Amelie’s weird aunt. or like her mom’s weird friend that she sees sometimes and who gives her wine and vague life advice 
- Marc and Amelie would get along so well idk why i think that but i just feel it in my bones. he would be like a father figure to her and teach her how to cook and about cars and wow it would be soft
- I feel like Carson likes the idea of ghosts and aliens and stuff? i think she would meet Anna and be like wow that’s tight 
- Also I think Miri and Sarah and Charlotte would be good friends because they’re all kinda into being pretty lmao. they could braid each other’s hair and talk about horses and stuff (i think Miri would get tired of them after awhile tho, she’d only see them like once a week aha) 
thank u so much for stopping by, these soothed my soul 904983044% and u are a TREASURE slkdjf
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Listen y’all
Because I’m this Petty and Extra™
Have this. 1. Amelie Lacroix used to be a ballerina.
Old Habits: 
Reaper sneers beneath the mask.  “I will not work under Talon.”
“Oh no, we are aware of your...peculiarities,” the agent says, a little more cautiously.  “We’ve heard the stories of your...abilities and were interested in seeing how you feel about a...partnership.”
Reaper glances towards him, then back towards Widowmaker.  His thoughts are unraveling, struggling to jam puzzle pieces together.  Why the fuck won’t his thoughts settle down -
“I’m not interested in any sort of deal - ” his words and thoughts die in his throat.
Widowmaker has shifted slightly in the moonlight and, fuck, he’s not really sure why - maybe it’s his stronger senses post-meal, or maybe he’s just so fucking keyed up from the events of the night - but something finally fucking clicks and it’s like he can see it as clear as day.
The name rushes through him like fire consuming dry tinder and he feels something inside him explode with energy.  Now that he’s seen it, he doesn’t know how he’s missed it - the tall figure, as graceful and powerful as a ballerina, her long hair pulled back tight, pale skin and dark sneers.  But there’s something missing from her - some characteristic that he’s not really entirely sure what it is.  He stares at her with a loss for words, his thoughts shoving each other to get to the forefront of his mind.
How in the fucking FUCK I thought she was dead we all thought she was dead I fucking TOLD JACK to do a rescue mission but no he thought it was TOO FUCKING DANGEROUS WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS SHE DOING HERE didn’t Talon fucking kidnap her why is she working with them
He attempts to steer his thoughts back on some sort of course, but it’s like the world has fucking shifted beneath him and he can’t get his footing back.  A god damn mental paradigm shift had broken into his thoughts and scrambled them like eggs on hot pavement, and he is left reeling until a thought stampedes its way to his brain.
 2. The Reyes shrug
76 + 127: How We Were Made (SEP-era Reaper76):
Even now, Jack knows Gabriel has already found a way out of his cell.
Jack just has no idea what he did.
Think outside the box, he can practically hear Gabriel whisper incessantly to him in his rattling, loose brain.
I can’t, Gabe - I’m fucking trapped inside the box.
You just gotta assess the situation critically.  You have advantages, Jack - you just gotta find them.
Being locked in a cell has zero advantages over a guard in light body armor and a rubber-bullet gun.
The haze of sleepiness and exhaustion and pent-up frustration and roiling, thunderous energy in his veins is killing every idea in his head.
Look at your situation, think of what you have that 16 or 14 doesn’t.
“...So you are you gonna suck 16’s dick or nah?” 83 asks him vaguely from across the hall.
Sucking dicks is thinking outside the box, right? Jack half-wonders to himself, half to whatever sliver of Gabriel exists in his exhausted mind.  He can practically see Gabriel’s shrug - Gabriel would understand if Jack sucked a dick to get out of jail.  Gabriel would probably do that himself.
Had Gabriel sucked his guard’s dick for the key?
The thought alone makes his head pound harder.
3. I’m not the one with the statue.
Segador: It Is Not Him:
“Uh -” Reaper says unhelpfully as Sombra snaps out a hand to 76, pulling him over to the holoprojector, saying eagerly, “Oye, oye, Jack - is this Gabe??”
Jack takes a second to process the image and then -
In the stiff, awkward, uncomfortable, deadass silence -
He fucking laughs.
The years and the stress and the explosion and his myriad of problems have tempered the sound, made it harsh and gravelly, filled it with the ashes of what they had once been, but there’s a light there, a brightness, as if someone is pulling the sun out of the depths of the oceans -
And then Sombra is laughing again too, and snapping a picture with her biosystem as Jack wheezes, “Can I get a copy?” and Gabriel growls, “Listen assholes -”
“What the shit is going on over here?” Ana asks as she joins them from her rounds about the museum hall and both Jack and Sombra pull her to the projector and suddenly all three of them are laughing and Gabriel -
“Fuck this shit, I’m gonna rejoin Talon,” Gabriel huffs but suddenly there’s a warm, gentle pressure of a hand on his arm and Jack is there, smiling brightly at him from underneath scars and a silver-white five-o’clock shadow.
“Don’t be mad, Gabe,” the ex-commander chuckles to him and Gabriel softens a little at the words.  Jack jerks a thumb to the statue of himself a little ways off to the side, asking playfully, “Wanna help me knock the head off that jackass?”
“Fuck yeah, let’s do it.”
4. “Gabe, anything else you’re not telling me?”
Old Habits (preview - Pre-SEP meeting):
Reyes looks at him with a little bit of embarrassment until Jack sticks out his hand.
“What?” the cadet asks in surprise and Jack just grins, “Name’s John, but I fucking hate it, so call me Jack.”
“Are you fucking serious -” Reyes breathes, “A goddamn handshake?”
“Aww, after all we went through, and you won’t even shake my hand?” Jack mocks at him and Reyes glares at him fiercely before smirking wickedly, “I can see why people want to punch you, jackass.”
“I mean, it is my kink - ”
“I am going to regret saying that to you,” Reyes sighs before taking Jack’s hand.
His hand is rough around the knuckles and joints from years of boxing, but it’s warm too.
“Gabriel,” he mutters.
“Encantado, Gabríel,” Jack beams at him and he sees Gabriel’s left eyebrow quirk a twitch at the Spanish, but Jack rolls on, “This is the part where you tell me you hate the name ‘Gabriel,’ so I can call you ‘Gabi,’ right?”
“Oh, holy fuck, now I really see why people want to hit you, pendejo.”
5. Strike Team “Blue as Blue Can Be” Uniforms
Segador: It Is Not Him:
With pounding frustration and an increasing headache (or was it increasing frustration and a pounding headache?), Gabriel steps out from behind the little partition where they had given him room to get changed.  He squares up before the small group of people in the room - his four closest companions, Ana’s seven-year-old daughter Fareeha (who’s looking rather bored as she smashes some buttons on her gamepad), and a bunch of the new recruits who are milling about awkwardly.
“I look ridiculous,” he growls.
The four heroes - Jack, Ana, Reinhardt, and Torbjörn - are lounging around the main room of the base, all of them also wearing these fucking weird ultra-blue “Overwatch” armor sets.  Reinhardt looks especially uncomfortable and especially blue - Torbjörn had barely managed to whip out the cobalt armor for him last-minute when Adawe had told them about the “Overwatch global reveal” photoshoot to them last week.  The tiny engineer, meanwhile, looks completely out of place without his usual red armor, and he tugs at his beard nervously as he assesses the new recruits.  Jack and Ana seem to pull the look off well, as its basically the get up they’re already used to: Ana’s reading something on her datapad, adjusting the beret perched on her silky black hair.  Jack is leaning slack against the arm of a cheap couch, looking completely at ease with himself, tapping away at his datapad with a faint smirk as Fareeha next to him whines, “Jack, that’s not fair -”
“This is why I told you not to battle the Overwatch Pokemon Champion, Fareeha,” Jack grins to her before he and the others turn their attention to their commander -
There is stiff, awkward, uncomfortable, deadass silence in the room, broken only by the faint electronic chirping of some pocket monster passing the fuck out on Fareeha’s gamepad.
Torbjörn snorts as Fareeha’s tiny shoulders begin shaking.  Ana flashes a terrible, dry smile before covering her mouth and looking away.  Reinhardt squints at him with his good eye and Jack gives him the most awkward, fucking fake smile Gabriel has ever seen on him, muttering with some effort, “You - you look good, Gabe.”
“I look fucking ridiculous -” Gabriel starts with a scowl before Ana shouts, “LANGUAGE, GABRIEL.”  Her daughter doesn’t even seem to notice, however - Fareeha is giggling and chortling to herself as she shakes Jack’s arm with bubbling excitement and the blonde second-in-command is also starting to shiver with stifled laughter.
6. Push Ups
76 + 127: How We Were Made (SEP-era):
Jack sighs again, not sure if he loves or hates the pressure in his head and neck, before pushing his arms up off his elbows and onto his hands.
Upside-down push-ups suck.
Gabriel’s wide, smug, fucking charming grin flashes into his head.
Jack winces against another wave of nausea and sets into his first rep.  He’ll only do five at a time - before the mere act of being upside down makes him want to puke - then put himself back into a normal push up position on the floor, then repeat a few times until he actually throws up or gives himself a nosebleed.  He doesn’t know what the fuck is in the “enhancements,” but every other person in the group has had nosebleeds or mild seizures.
It had been fucking terrifying the first month.
After that, the fear slowly eased up when everyone started getting them.  Apparently that made it...more normal, though Gabriel loved to point out that even if 100% of all 150 of them got the nosebleeds and seizures, that statistically proves nothing except that the chemicals are fucking all of them up instead of a subset of them.  Jack loved to point out that Gabriel was not very good at math, and that would cause Gabriel to point out “Shut the fuck up, Jack, I passed three levels of statistics at West Point” which would cause Jack to point out “So did I, pendejo - I had to help you study for all three of them.”
Jack does his push ups and then slowly puts himself back down on the ground when 78 groans from his cot, “Dude, you gotta try to get some sleep.”
“Yeah, last time that happened the alarm went off,” Jack sighs, letting himself slump face-down on the cool, dull concrete floor.
Fuck, even that feels comfortable.
7. Gabriel, Jack, and NES video games
127 + 76: Trick to the Game:
“How are we gonna shoot ducks indoors?” Gabriel mutters as they reach Jack’s room, and Jack smiles mischievously as he punches the lock code into the keypad, saying with a playful threat, “Oh, you’ll see.”
“What the fuck did I say about scaring me -” Gabriel begins as door slides open, Jack pulling and tugging him inside until Gabriel can finally see the screen glowing on Jack’s side of the room, with a small white video game console actually hardwired to the tv’s only USB port because what the fuck kinda video game system runs on wires these days -
 “The fuck is that??” Gabriel asks as Jack bends down and grabs some sort of weird long white remote -
“It’s a Wii U!” Jack states happily and Gabriel just looks at him totally lost and rather distrustfully, before he sputters out, “The fuck is a Wee You?”
“It’s one of Nintendo’s worst-selling consoles ever,” Jack continues, pointing the remote to the infrared sensor bar that he’s taped to the wall because there’s no spot to put it on the holo-tv.  He flips to the main menu (the little plaza thing is empty because there’s no internet connection, and even if it were available, Nintendo’s had the servers down for decades now), and selects -
“Ay Dios mio,” Gabriel swears as the words [DUCK HUNT] load up in bright, bold, electric blue letters.  The older candidate rubs at his forehead with his hands, mumbling, “I cannot fucking believe you went through ALL THAT just for this joke.”
“YES,” Jack shouts, fist-pumping into the air, “The long con pays off!  I still got it.”
And then, after a pause of grumbling silence, Jack looks at him and asks, “...Do you really think that geese are ducks?”
Gabriel looks up and squints at him, saying dryly, “...Aren’t they?”
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roachmattea · 1 year
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roachmattea · 1 year
i made anothger one. pick some things and ill assign you some random shit from my room. its much goofier than it seems i promise
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roachmattea · 1 year
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thank u sm @comas-are-for-sleeping 💪 🙏
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roachmattea · 4 months
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roachmattea · 1 year
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i should've guessed, taylor bickett / firearm, lizzy mcalpine / footnote, conan gray
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roachmattea · 1 year
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first love / late spring - mitski (2014)
el tango de roxanne - moulin rouge (2001)
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roachmattea · 1 year
you want to see the beans i made you want to see the beans i hand rolled and shaped and hand painted so bad
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roachmattea · 2 years
love language: sending a post with no other context then ‘blorbo’
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roachmattea · 1 year
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i made a green graop emoji
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roachmattea · 1 year
me when it is unbearable: oh no
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roachmattea · 1 year
new url AGAIN hello it is amelie mylarivera <3
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roachmattea · 10 months
do u guys here on tumble know the card game set.
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