#anaheim sucks lmao
un-pearable · 6 months
i want to go to legoland again so bad
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mangeretpain · 1 month
Please Don't Tell Me That I'm Dreaming
Pairing: JD x TZ
Word Count: 1.4k
Slight warning for language and it being hrpf lmao
Title from 'Jamie All Over' by Mayday Parade
A/N: I know like most of this is not accurate at all, especially like time-line wise and the extent of Jamie's injury. I am also aware that they were both in Cabo over the all star break but it didn't fit with my vision™️. Enjoy :)
Jamie wasn’t pouting. He wasn’t, fuck you very much, Yorkie. It was perfectly normal to feel like shit after an injury, especially when it was the same shoulder that had caused you to miss an entire season the year before. So to say he wasn’t in the best mood right now would be an understatement. And if he wanted to lock himself inside his brand new Philly apartment and only leave for his PT appointments, he felt like he was entitled to it. It had only been two days since the injury, and his shoulder still hurt like a bitch. The one saving grace was that he wasn’t in a sling this time around. The trainers said it didn’t look too bad, they just didn’t want to risk aggravating the injury further so they were being cautious by placing him on IR. So for right now, he was out for the next couple of weeks, falling back into a routine of no practice and PT sessions everyday. It sucked, a lot, especially since he had only been in Philly for about a month. He was eager to prove his worth to his new team, so of course he had to go and get injured, again. Fucking Penguins, this is why they couldn’t have nice things. 
Jamie was being slightly dramatic, he knew that, but he couldn’t help it. He was hurting, in a bad mood, and alone. The pain in his shoulder had nothing on the loneliness he was feeling. Last time he had been in this situation, he’d had Trevor by his side. Trevor was there to change his ice packs and make sure he wasn’t aggravating his shoulder by trying to lift anything. He had gone into full on mom mode and had banned Jamie from doing anything around the apartment until his shoulder healed. Having him around, as well as the rest of the team and the Duck’s amazing medical staff had been what got him through last season. Now though, he was in a new city, with a new team he had only known for a few weeks, and without Trevor. 
He felt kind of pathetic, admitting how much being away from Trevor was affecting him. It had been so long since he’d lived alone, he was used to always having another presence in the house, especially one that was as loud as Trevor’s. He had thought about asking his mom if she would come down for a few days, but he didn’t want to worry her anymore than he already had. Besides, he didn’t think being bored and lonely was a good enough excuse to get his mom out of work. So instead he was stuck here in his empty apartment, with only Trevor’s texts for company. 
Trevor had been watching the game and saw the hit live. He had been blowing up Jamie’s phone ever since. Trevor had called him as soon as he left the hospital, out of his mind with worry and convinced that Jamie was dying. Jamie had to talk him down from jumping on the first plane out of Anaheim, which he couldn’t exactly blame Trevor for, since he had been about to do the exact same thing when he broke his ankle. Trevor had been insistent that Jamie did not have to fly back to Anaheim literally the day after he had arrived in Philly. Realistically, Jamie knew that, but he was worried and fuck whatever Torts thought, if Trevor needed him he’d be on the next flight out. So, yeah, he couldn’t exactly blame Trevor for his reaction. 
Knowing that Trevor was so concerned made him feel a little bit better. At least he knew he always had someone in his corner. Trevor had been sending hourly ‘checking in’ texts that he was trying, and failing, to pass off as just sending him memes to make him feel better. Jamie could see right through him, knowing just how worried he actually was. It probably didn’t help that Trevor was also injured, so he didn’t have anything to focus on other than their collective injuries. Jamie knew Trevor was struggling, no matter how much he tried to play it off. They were trying their best to make this long distance thing work. It was a first for the both of them though, not used to not being able to see each other every day. They had gotten to spend the All-Star break together, even though most of it was spent packing up Jamie’s stuff and getting it shipped across the country. The one week hadn’t felt like enough though, and being apart was weighing on him more than he’d like to admit. 
No matter how Jamie was feeling about it though, he knew Trevor had it ten times worse. At least he had hockey to focus on, and trying to find housing plus navigate a new city and new teammates had been a good distraction for the last month. Trevor had gotten injured the day after Jamie had left, which meant he didn’t have hockey to focus on like Jamie did. He had tried to be there as much as he could for Trevor, but it was hard when he was on the other side of the country. Jamie knew how bored he had been the first couple weeks of his injury, and he had over 100 Tik Tok messages a day to prove it. One thing every hockey player could agree on was that being injured was the worst. 
Trevor still hadn’t answered his good morning text, which was weird. Even with the time difference, Jamie knew he would be awake by now. Trevor usually had PT early in the mornings, and he always answered his texts first thing. The radio silence was starting to worry him. Jamie knew he was probably being paranoid, it had only been a couple hours since he texted. Trevor was probably busy, or he was late to PT this morning and hadn’t had a chance to check his messages. It was probably nothing, and it definitely didn’t have anything to do with him being bored and lonely. Definitely not. 
Jamie was just thinking about ordering lunch when the doorbell rang. It was probably Yorkie coming to make sure he hadn’t died of boredom yet. Jamie rolled his eyes, easing himself off the couch and trying not to jostle his shoulder. The doorbell rings again, and then a third time. 
“Jesus, Yorkie. I’m coming, calm down.” He calls, reaching for the door handle. Jamie opens the door to Trevor standing on his doorstep, wearing shorts and Birkenstocks like it isn’t -15° in Philly right now. His broken ankle is in a boot now, so at least he isn’t trying to balance crutches on top of the suitcase in his left hand. He looks slightly rumpled, like he had been sleeping on the plane on the way here. His hair is squashed on one side, and sticking up like he’s been electrified on the other. Jamie shakes his head, breaking out of his Trevor induced trance long enough to speak. 
“What are you doing here?” He asks, shocked at his boyfriend's sudden appearance. 
“What am I doing here? Jimmy, you almost died!” Trevor shrieks, dropping his suitcase handle. 
“I did not almost die.” Jamie rolls his eyes, but he can’t help the grin that creeps across his face. 
“Well, I don’t know about you, but from the angle I saw it looked like you were on the verge of death.” 
Jamie chuckles, “Are you done being dramatic now?” Trevor straightens up, nodding. “Get in here then so I can kiss you.” A grin spreads across Trevor’s face, he crosses Jamie’s porch in two steps and throws himself into his arms. 
“Ow, watch the shoulder.” Jamie laughs, shifting to hold Trevor with his good arm. Trevor surges up, pressing his lips against Jamie’s. 
“Sorry.” Trevor mumbles against his lips. “I missed you.” 
Jamie smiles, pulling him through the doorway. “I missed you, too.” 
It’s not until later that night when they’re laying in bed that Jamie remembers something. 
“So it’s fine for you to fly across the country when I get injured, but I’m not allowed to fly across the country when you’re injured?” 
Trevor lightly slaps him on the chest, already half asleep. “I’m also injured, it doesn’t count. Besides, I waited a few days to make sure it was fine with the trainers. I promised them I’d continue my PT while I was here so they’d let me go.” 
Jamie chuckles, shocked at how well thought out this surprise visit was. “Either way, I’m glad you’re here.” He presses a kiss to Trevor’s forehead, smiling to himself.
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mcbitchtits · 2 years
verdantrivers reblogged your post “i will not do theme park analysis of the jurassic...”
#do a theme park analysis of the jurassic world movies
so it’s worth noting I only ever saw the first jurassic world, and i thought it kind of sucked, so I never watched the rest of them.
my main reaction, aside from “i need seventy Margaritaville Isla Nublar” shirts, was that their whole park capacity was extremely low and the resort price of getting a single person in the park was going to be, like. $10,000 a day per person. so i think there’s a lot lacking in the sequels by way of the park conceit, but given the rest of the writing that’s not really surprising.
free range ride vehicles? lol. lmao. i mean i guess at $10K a day and negligible hourly capacity it becomes sort of a moot point, but i think the interesting thing about all of that is that the inevitable result is that this “theme park” is actually an extreme luxury resort. not “a luxury extreme resort”, but an “extreme luxury” resort. already the insanely wealthy are the only people who can afford to go, but you know what’s interesting about that? it’s kind of the same problem disneyland has right now.
DL has a capacity problem. they own a lot of land in anaheim but not enough for the number of people who want to go there. so for the past 20-30 years (i’m really approximating here), they’ve been jacking up ticket prices. supply and demand, right? if you only have so much capacity, then to drive disinterest, you increase the ticket prices. it hasn’t exactly worked; disney is so successful in being THE place that people want to go to and return to that there is definitely an amount of “we will pay anything” to go there. and now a one-day park hopper ticket for DL/DCA on a high capacity day are OVER TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. just to get in the door! that doesn’t include parking ($30), or food, or souvenirs. or hotels. the highest DL pass (yeah yeah, it’s not a Pass anymore, whatever) is something like $1400.
and you know what? disney is not disincentivized for their parks to be seen as a “luxury” product. the disney parks are the most consistently profitable part of the entire disney company. and i can assure you that profit is not going back into the parks much; relatively no more than any other product arm gets funding. in fact, in mostly just gets bled dry. (RIP to all the great live entertainment that has suffered lately.)
so what happens when you drive prices up for decades, completely detached from actual value? (unrelated: did you know it costs like $30K annually to be a member of club 33?)
well, you have a new problem: an american “middle class” family is starting to realize that disney dream vacations are way out of their budget. WDW is up there too, not just DL, because the hotels and travel are expensive as hell also. but do you know what the number one predictor of a family taking their kids to disney parks is? if they went as a kid themselves. so what happens when you have a generation of people who couldn’t, who can’t, afford to go? well, we don’t know yet, and also disney doesn’t care, at least in DL, because their problem right now is they have too many people. they jacked up the prices and tried to limit capacity and all that’s done so far is get them sued by passholders! (i don’t imagine this suit will go anywhere, but i’m not a lawyer, so who knows.)
anyway, what does this all have to do with jurassic world? again, I didn’t see the latest two or three or whatever we’re on. so this really lacks significant nuance and is mostly a reaction to the post about how Dominion felt empty because it was suffering the same problems “as a park” that the movie suffers “as a franchise”. I.E. the park designers trying for New and Novel and Big and Exciting when really it’s all messy and empty and totally lacking the critical elements that make it substantial and interesting.
I do agree with that analysis as a franchise problem; I think it haunts almost every franchise, any kind of episodic storytelling-- the urge to up the narrative stakes by upping the risk. I think that’s a mistake though, because 1) you eventually run out of room narratively, if you’re continually successful, and 2) as you grow the scale of the story, you also start moving away from the intimacy of your characters. And it’s very, very, very difficult to maintain a consistently growing ensemble. the characters we see in dominion are flat and empty and the stakes are impersonal and vacuous and there’s no narrative tension anymore because we’re not invested. (theoretically, i say, having not seen it.)
But anyway.
so my understanding is that the company that owns the dinos is doing this in a bid to create Bigger and Better and Newer, regardless, of, you know, ethics and sustainability and safety and whatnot. and the tumblr post is saying that this is a critical part of theme parks, which I think is a little bit inaccurate, or at least enough to bother me, even if it isn’t wholly untrue. theme parks are, generally, always building new attractions, and safety and interest are all parts of what goes into them. advertising the biggest/the fastest is a part of that (and it can get you killed).
but you know who doesn’t have to do that? disneyland.
of course, disney the company wants to see marketing putting up advertisements and driving sales to the park and whatnot. but disneyland has too many guests. they don’t have to actually drive people to come here because their problem right now is they can’t stop people from coming!
so why would Jurassic World have to? people keep coming to see the dinosaurs, generation after generation, enough where they’re willing to pay X thousands of dollars per person PER DAY likely, to do so. at that point, just having dinosaurs really might be “enough” of an attraction. you don’t have to dig into it being a zoo or not a zoo (or nahtahzu), because it probably already succeeds financially at its most central directive, which is get paying customers in the door to see dinosaurs. 
I don’t think Jurassic Park(s) are quite a 1:1 to Disneyland, and when it comes to the storytelling, I can assure you that the limited plot construction makes zero nuanced understandings to theme parks; it’s just the conceit. But I do think it’s interesting that there is this IRL luxury ticket problem, and in my estimation Jurassic World has to be a luxury resort of a kind. I doubt they’re trucking in guests with $50 tickets just to get capacity up; the park couldn’t sustain those numbers.
On the other hand-- maybe this is completely the wrong way of looking at it! Disney also just rolled out the Halcyon galactic starcruiser vacation, which is the star wars immersive experience, and they pitch it akin to their cruise line packages. (From my recollection, it’s all-inclusive sans souvenirs.)
Aaaaaand it’s potentially flopping. It’s $1200 a night, per person. (Roughly.) It’s moderately popular, but the general consensus seems to be that the prices are too expensive to maintain full interest. And it’s not because it’s bad (though, god knows they also suffered from a lot of design cutbacks), it’s just fucking expensive. From observation, after the initial months, reservations seem to have opened up a lot. However! Disney is also hinting that they want to build one in Anaheim, which also could be that it’s popular enough with the wealthier crowd.
And then Disney also just went and did this:
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The luxury market may be well and truly solid, and that wouldn’t surprise me, to be honest, since wealth inequality is greater than ever. (Interestingly, I feel like this offering from Disney strikes about right on par with my Jurassic World estimation-- it’s about $10,000 per “park”, or $5000 per day per person. Presumably including flights-- which I would assume the Isla Nublar ticketing would also.)
So! There’s two ways of looking at Jurassic World imo. I really do think they are a luxury vacation in all likelihood, and in that sense you are on a completely different playing field. People don’t buy $5000 gold-plated donuts because they like them, after all. And regardless of that, I don’t think you spend decades building and rebuilding dinosaur parks if they were 1) unpopular on their own, 2) people keep going despite the fact that people have died and the parks have imploded.
OR, and this is more in line with the original plot, it’s all capitalistic roulette. Maybe it’s so absurdly pricey that they can’t attract enough guests and they can’t feed the animals. Maybe they’re cutting corners on design to save money. It’s not impossible. But again, beyond the primary conceit-- it’s a theme park, and the attractions are inherently dangerous to the point of death, beyond mere injury-- the text doesn’t bear out much detail. (Again, I say, having not seen the newer ones.) So all we’re left with is a lot of talking around stuff, analytically.
On the other hand, there is this weird thing about theme parks: they already are inherently dangerous. The animatronics in pirates of the carribbean won’t bite your face off, but you can certainly get injured trying to climb out of the boats. And how much electronic/hydraulic force do you think is behind the motions in one single animatronic figure? Now multiply that to moving a false room that’s bigger than a literal boulder. I mean, hell. The yeti cracked its foundation, and now it’s turned off for esssentially ever. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous! That’s kind of the whole magic of it!
Theme parks and amusement parks and even carny rides are all about perceived risk. There is inherent thrill from walking that line between safety and danger. These are novel problems but they’re not unheard of. I don’t think dinosaurs would really be that much different. It really all comes down to execution, which is different than design (guess who cuts the checks).
Jurassic Park/World is weird, but in some ways I don’t think it’s unrealistic. It really is a matter of hitting the right or wrong market in the right or wrong ways. And where the movie flopped, out of a sense of lacking coherency or relevance or whatever-- I completely think the park could succeed, as an attraction, commercially and profitably. New custom dinosaurs or not.
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clippy · 1 month
if they put you in charge what would you put in the new disneyland expansion zone
this is pretty much confirmed already (by which I mean it's been brought up like, twice, and a photo of it was in a pamphlet someone gave me), but the TRON coaster....... i miss my wife (tho ideally i would want this added in during a GIANT tomorrowland overhaul rather than put into the disneyland forward area)
anyway uh. as far as other stuff goes... i genuinely have no idea. like, blue skying it, i would want it to be entirely new, theme park specific IP! like bring back some discarded old imagineering ideas for it, clone something original from an international park or something. idk. im not picky.
it wouldnt happen but a Dinoland USA clone would be so funny considering Dinosaur and Indy have the same track... but i want my friend Dr. Seeker to be known to the Disneyland goers because he is probably my 3rd favorite parks character
if i had to pick movie-based IP stuff, my top pick would be the disney villains land that's been... kinda hinted at for magic kingdom? i feel like that would go over INCREDIBLY well here, considering how popular the oogie boogie bash is lmao.
as far as my opinions on what's possibly coming in, since i dont have any ideas of what i would IDEALLY want...
zootopia land is in the rumor mill which i would be okay with if it wasnt. zootopia. the attraction for it is a trackless police chase ride with Judy and Nick... having this so close to LA (since LAPD is awful + SoCal in general is rife with fatal police chases) is in poor taste so that is one thing i DONT want.
also not a huge fan of the rumored Wakanda land cuz that just feels....... weird? they have to make it "canon" so idk, seeing a bunch of white people running around it (both as guests and likely CMs, too) seems tone deaf to the movie's message? i say this as a white person though. but maybe im missing something, and im sure it would be cool as fuck to see an incredibly important part of the MCU as a black kid, but again, not a perspective i have, and im sure there's a bunch of nuances im overlooking etc etc. esp since i dont care for the MCU and dont keep up with that stuff lol
other possible stuff ive seen thrown around are....
a Pandora clone which i feel indifferent about (mainly because Na'vi river journey sucks, and neither it or flight of passage are particularly high capacity rides, which the DCA part of the expansion will DESPERATELY need; Pandora is speculated to be in the DCA side)
world of frozen clone, which, again, i feel indifferent about. i thought it was going to be a fantasy springs clone (which is what Japan has and it's frozen, peter pan, and tangled) so finding out it's likely JUST frozen (based on what the park president recently said... tho looking, the DLF site still mentions peter pan and tangled) and will have that short ass kiddie coaster is a bummer
toy story land, which i will be OK with if we get a good version of the land... which is likely since our midway mania is already in pixar pier, which in theory gives us room for slinky dog dash + some flat rides... slinky dog dash is mandatory so i can see my friends Mr. Mike and Wheezy
anyway i just think it's funny how we might get an entire third theme park's worth of stuff greenlit when we STILL dont have any idea what that avengers E-ticket at avengers campus is gonna be LOL... curious what all is gonna get confirmed if the city of Anaheim approves this next month, or if we will have to wait until August to hear more at D23
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agentstarkid · 10 months
Oh bestie that meme is how I feel about baseball! I love the Anaheim Angels and they suuuuuuuck but they're mine ❤️
Even when they lose to the Dodgers and give up 5 homeruns 😫
oh that's exactly what it's like being a merc/ferrari girlie (and a danny ric girlie but that's a lot to unpack right now lmao) in the "pinnacle of motorsport" 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽 they suck this year and the last 2 years-ish (some weekends the suck a little bit less) but i keep my faith on them, then they do poorly and i swear i'm not gonna watch the next races anymore but come next saturday night and i'm setting my alarm to wake up at 8 the following day 🤡 so yeah bestie, they suuuuuck but they are mine indeed ❤️
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shotani · 2 years
not to be a refs suck type but they’re not giving me much to work with
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bisexualclarkkent · 3 years
Concept: Halyx is from the Star Wars universe, they’re an up and coming band from Naboo and they were traveling to a show off planet when their ship got lost (sucked through some type of black hole or some shit, idk I dont write sci-fi lmao) and they landed on our earth in 1981. In Anaheim, CA. They take the job performing at Disneyland because they need the money to repair their ship. That’s why they only performed at Disneyland for that one summer and we earthlings don’t have the Halyx albums we’d definitely have eaten up — they went back home and enjoyed a lengthy career. In a way, they made it 🙌🏽
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miaclemeverett · 3 years
what sucks is that i literally live in anaheim, 15 minutes away from the convention center, and i’m not going to vidcon lmao
the tickets got expensive incredibly quick and it didn’t seem worth it considering i’d be too damn terrified to approach streamers anyways
i hope you have fun at vidcon though
THAT SUCKS ANON:(( im glad i have time to refund in case anything happens because i live like over an hour away lol
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juicysaros · 7 years
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tweet of the year???
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beecherdrysdale · 3 years
Haha yes!! I trust you to go first! By the time you and Dylan land in the water I’ll get over my fear and force Jamie to jump w me lol. Ooo I feel like quinton and ryan would jump after? I just have that feeling. I’m can’t do any tricks but I would be in awe of you doing them!.
Aw thanks, but all in all it was a pretty toxic friend group and I’m glad that we are done :). I’m just focusing on sports and school. Oo I love sending you asks! You always respond and go along with my weird scenarios hehe. I’m glad we are connecting and becoming friends! You understand sports 💗 we be connecting real good w the team☺️
Pfffff is it weird that can imagine that?! Just us being chaotic and laughing at each other. Haha somebody walking by would be so confused. Just an entire hockey team and two girls(honestly it’s kind of a flex lol) . It’s probably easier to skate backward on ice hehe but it would be crazy if we did that on rollerblades but I think everyone would try?. I would probably land on my ass hehe and then one of them would land on me.
Yesss you tripping and pulling dyl down w you! Aw the hand holding 🥺 not gonna lie I would probably tease you lol .
Awww that’s nice that they let you in. I have no ice cream place near my house 😭 what’s your fav ice cream flavour. Also did u see the photo of Trevor Zegras, is he in Jamie’s jacket? It looks exactly like his?.
Ooo we would totally rock the gym hehe. I love working out, it makes me happy and I get to badly music. It would be sm fun to workout w them! Like if any of them asked me I would gladly join! I know, we have the same music taste, I was happy when they said they were playing 2000’s music! I vibe with that.
I can totally see you teaching them to swim and then racing w them! I’ll swim and then take photos hehe.
What other vacay activity would you do w them ? I was thinking abt going clubbing or just exploring the nightlife ?
Aww that sucks that she didn’t let you lol 😆
true i get those vibes from quinton and ryan, idk why. they just seem like once they saw a couple people in the water they would definitely go for it. and honestly to do tricks you kind of just have to go for it. like the first time you try to do a flip it’s lowkey really scary but then once you realize you aren’t gonna get hurt it’s really fun and then you can just practice your technique lol
i’m glad that you got out of your toxic friend group and are focusing on school and sports :) they’re both super important even tho i sometimes don’t act like it lol. i love your asks sm and i’m super happy that we’re becoming friends. and i feel like both our personalities would connect super well with the team☺️
yesss people walking by would be so confused lmaooo, but we would just be flexing on them hanging out with the team canada boys. and yes skating backwards is way harder on rollerblades and also slightly terrifying if you’re going downhill. and also because there are usually like rocks and stuff on the ground that you don’t really see. so yeah dyl would definitely be coming down with me, but it’s fine. also it’s fine you can make fun of me lol, all me irl friends do bc i injure myself all the time. one time i slipped and fell down an entire flight of stairs at school and my friend just goes “it’s brigid she’ll be fine” lmaoo 
yeah i honestly expected them to not let me in bc i didn’t have shoes, but at the same time it was during covid (so you couldn’t eat inside anyways) and i think they needed the business. that sucks that you don’t have an ice cream place near you, the one i went to was like 1.5 miles from my house so not super close but not too far. my favorite flavor would either be something with chocolate and cherry or something with peanut butter and chocolate, hbu?
yeah i saw the picture, trevor was wearing jamie’s jacket. it’s because they both came right from wjc, and the usa boys didn’t have to bring suits so trevor didn’t have a jacket lol. so then he had to borrow jamie’s when he got called up to anaheim
yesss i love working out with guys, whenever we have to work out for swim team i always go with the guys. especially when we lift bc the other girls do like 10 lb olympic lifts and i’m doing like 90 lbs with the guys lol. and yes i vibe with their music sm, i feel like they would have the best workout playlist tbh
and yes that would be sm fun to teach them how to swim. i would love to see them try do flipturns and swim fly 😂 and then racing them and they’d be like you have an unfair advantage even tho i’m doing fly and they’re doing free lol, just flexing on them. and yeah i was really sad when my soccer coach said no bc it would have been so funny to watch everyone try to do my sets lmao
i think it would be really fun to go hiking or go to an amusement park with them. that would be like the most chaotic hike ever lol but it would be really fun, and then going on all the roller coasters with them. and i bet at least one of them is secretly afraid of roller coasters but doesn’t want to say anything so they don’t get chirped lol. but it would also be super fun to go clubbing with them (we’ll ignore the fact that i’m not old enough lol) like they just seem like they would be a really fun group to go drinking with you know?
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smilestudy · 5 years
tbh I assume that you're like, very sporty & love to do things you enjoy :0c
sort of!!! i used to really keep up with the NHL for a few years but i’ve kind of fallen out of it (especially since it looks like Anaheim sucks now lmao) but i do really want to start following the football leagues in the uk so i can fit in when i move
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soraryuuzaki · 7 years
Wings @ Anaheim Day 2
ya girl hit the fangirl jackpot and got to perform with BTS. keep reading to find out how it went down
i got to the venue around 4:30 and wasn’t expecting to do too much. we went to the dining room around 5:30 and ate dinner and as we were finishing up, V, Jungkook, and i think Rapmon walked in and started getting food :O :O :O :O
i got up to throw away my trash and i walked past jungkook who knocked the tongs over in one of the catering trays and without thinking i reached over and picked it up and i realized i was HELLA FUCKING CLOSE TO HIM and my first thought was “shit i’m gonna get fired” ‘cause we’re not allowed to talk to them or interact with them but i just sat there and enjoyed being in their presence 
i was talking to my friend and she was asking about what they were doing and as i was telling her what was happening they walked out and V ran back over to the food to grab a couple of pieces of shrimp tempura before running back out LMAO
anyway we were just chilling the entire time until the concert started and we were called up for standby and when i tried to walk up the stairs the stage manager on my side ran down and was like NO WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT SONG
like jesus christ dude
the stage manager likes to just tell me no all the time fuck
anyway we were waiting there and jungkook was singing Begin and i was like omg i just want to cheer him on ‘cause not gonna lie i was super happy that he bowed to me yesterday so i said WHOOO JUNGKOOK as he passed me on his way down the stairs and the stage manager came by and was like please act like you don’t know them backstage and i was like well fuck i thought i was gonna be drowned out by the fans’ cheering but nope apparently not
anyway during First Love i was super happy because Suga was performing so well and i was lowkey tearing up and just enjoying the moment
i escorted myself off the stage after that ‘cause i didn’t want any more confrontation from the stage manager lmao but when we came back into the wings to get ready for Awake there was a camera and none other than jungkook was messing around by the stairs just waiting and warming up and i was like aaaaaaaah i’m so close to him
and then he decided to go uP THE FUCKING STAIRS TO WHERE I WAS
another stage manager came by and told us to wait for his signal and that caught jungkook’s attention and he turned and saw us and bowed to us again and my heart fuCKING MELTED
like shit man i didn’t really have a bias before this but i can safely say that jungkook is now my baby
anyway we got onstage for Awake and after the performance was over Jin walked in front of me and i followed him offstage, only he forgot which way to go and i ended up bumping into his security guard as he came and fetched Jin and escorted him off the stage
after that we asked if we could stay and watched the concert but the producer told us no :-( which sucks but i got to live the fucking dream dude i’m just happy that i got this experience
and i got paid to do it
b l e s s u p
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craigy-ferg · 7 years
post 10 facts about yourself and pass it on to 10 faves✨
who left it on anon whatehefuk WHO DID IT??? Show ur face babe, i won’t bite.Hmmmm 10 facts? I suck at these omg i’m terrible at thinking of things to know about me…i’m just gonna list whatever comes to mind. this will probably be embarassing.
I’m currently still listening to Day6′s new singles for this month ^^
I’m supposed to be catching up on Hwarang but I keep putting it off for some reason
I’m gonna go see ♥♥ BTS ♥♥ in anaheim this year in like 3 months !!!!
I have two cats !!! Iris (respectively named after iris west [i’m a nerd]) and Eren (respectively after eren jaeger himself [i’m also a loser]) and i love them very much
i’m like 5 ethnicities thrown together in a confusing jumbled mess, but i’m proud of all of them
I have a pillow with Rin Matsuoka’s face on it and i cherish it (told u i was a loser)
I once got my nose pierced and then went to a concert that same day like an idiot (i’m apparently punk af fight me)
I’m either too loud and won’t shut up, or i’m too quiet and not speaking there’s no inbetween. My social skills are drowning in anxiety lmao
I’m still trying to figure myself out tbh
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itsjustascarecrow · 7 years
welp, looks like i’m done going to hockey games this season; reign just got knocked out of the ahl playoffs and i also just found out i can’t go to oilers/ducks game 5 on friday so. i mean if that series goes 7, i could maybe go to that game, but idk if i could stomach an elimination game in anaheim, esp. if anaheim wins.
but yeah i mean. i went to a fuck ton of games this season over like 3 different leagues so i guess it’s finally time to take a break until next season. just kinda sucks i guess. also good luck to whoever plays the gulls in ahl round 2; please destroy them, lmao
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