#and a love letter to intimate car rides
lov3rs-go · 2 years
i wrote a harringrove fic where billy and steve r together but tommy findes out so billy outes steve in half assed attempt to remain closeted so his dad doesn't find out and go apeshit. but also theirs fields and purple flowers and talks abt running away to Cali
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biteofcherry · 16 days
Happy Wetnessday 💦
I think it's time for some King Steve, don't you? Here's a little this or that for your life with him:
modern day or medieval times
arranged marriage or king falling for "peasant"
summer or winter solstice wedding
castle in the nature or city centre
reads to you before bed or cuddles by the fireplace
No matter what you choose he's completely smitten and can't let his hands off you.
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
STEEVIE 🥹💖 back in my arms ❤️
And King Steve on top of it? You spoil me, Wetnessday Anon! Thank you!
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I'd pick medieval times, because I'm in deep need of wearing beautiful gowns daily, not just for shmancy galas. Also more forests and fields than skyscrapers and yelling car drivers. Besides, I want Steve with a sword, not just some ceremonial stick 😎
While I love me some romantic falling for who you shouldn't be with, I was never actually fond of such drastic class difference romance? Idk, I always thought of them to be bullshit in the making and maintaining 😂 How about we mix it up a bit? An arranged marriage, but not with a Princess equal to Steve's status, but perhaps a daughter/sister of a knight who was Steve's very loyal, close friend, but after death you'd be left with no protection and possibly some nasty distant uncle would claim all everything and decide on your marriage. So Steve arranges for your marriage to him, to protect you. And no one would dare make any claims on you and your dowry when the king himself has taken you.
The castle is built on a hill, overlooking the grounds below and the wide, blue ribbon of river crossing right next to it. There are fields and forests around; a long main road with hawthorns growing on both sides and blooming beautifully in spring.
Steve is absolutely wonderful. Your marriage may have happened due to his strong sense of duty and protectiveness, but he doesn't close his heart on the love that blooms between you two. He's absolutely smitten and most doting. Sometimes he will read out to you some formal replies, seeking your opinion, and sometimes you will visit him when he reads piles of letters, requests and reports. You'd pick one of the letters and read it in a silly, mocking voice to make Steve laugh. But one of your favorite ways to spend time with Steve alone, with no duties to fulfill, is to be in his arms as you sit by the fireplace, drinking some mead or wine and just enjoying the quiet, or some hushed intimate conversation.
Though you also love to go on rides with him. Especially in winter, when you're bundled in most lush coat lined with fur and Steve holds you in his embrace as you sit in front of him on his horse. Winter rides remind you of your winter wedding. How the light from the torches stuck in the snow reflected in the frosty layer as you were lead through the courtyard. The evergreens weaved into your hair, as a symbol for the solstice, white gold of the stunning jewelry you were gifted as brilliant as the sparkling snow. Steve awaited you at the bottom of the stairs and then, hand holding yours, lead you up and into the main hall where you were married.
It's also on winter solstice that you give birth to your first child (and Steve gets so happy drunk on mead he forgets you're married and asks you to be his queen 😆)
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got-ticket-to-ride · 8 months
After a palpable silence, Paul said, "Well, that's an interesting one" also known as "slowly dying inside"
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According to an article by the Daily Mail, this picture was taken by a fan on May 28, 1968. John Lennon coolly stares into the camera. Alongside him, George Harrison has in his shirt pocket a resignation letter from Paul McCartney – apparently written a full two years before he would eventually quit. Mr Herring says he took these intimate pictures of the Beatles after turning up uninvited on John’s doorstep, later sharing a car ride with him to George Harrison’s house to see the Beatles recording – and witnessing the opening of a letter said to announce McCartney’s resignation.
Could this have been Paul Mccartney's kneejerk reaction to having to listen to Two Virgins?
In his 1980 David Sheff interview John said: "After Yoko and I met, I didn’t realise I was in love with her. I was still thinking it was an artistic collaboration, as it were – producer and artist, right? We’d known each other for a couple of years." (also known as forcing myself to love someone to mend my broken heart because someone betrayed me)
As far timeline goes, John left India April 12, 1968. John then went to find his next best thing to "get back" at something someone did in India. In May 2, 1968 he made the "Two Virgins" tape with Yoko and presented it to his bandmates.
After a palpable silence, Paul said, “Well, that’s an interesting one.” ALSO NOW KNOWN AS "wait till I send you my resignation letter on May 28, 1968"
John then says: “You need to understand that this is where she and I are now. I don’t want to hold your hand anymore.” (this was directed to The Beatles - but we all know who it was for)
Ringo and George are just silent throughout the whole thing, because mother and father are fighting. And mother's heart is breaking.
So in conclusion, I want to hold your hand was their love song, huh.
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emailsfromanactor · 4 months
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I went looking for more Hamlet photos and found this one of William Redfield and Marlon Brando at an airport! It's from August 5, 1953, so I thought it might be related to their Arms and the Man tour, but I did a bit of digging and found another photo of Brando with a more detailed caption:
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No passport, no voyage. Actor Marlon Brando sits dejectedly on luggage belonging to his friend, actor William Redfield, after he was refused an emergency passport by the State Department. Brando was supposed to sail for Europe aboard the Ile De France, but he lost his fifth passport when it was stolen along with his luggage from Redfield's car. The French line politely told the actor they just couldn't take him along under the circumstanes.
A bit more digging and... huh:
Brando and his then regular lover, fellow actor William Redfield, had been thrown off the Ile De France in New York harbour because, for the fifth time, Brando had lost his passport.
Emphasis mine. I did not expect this. Even more digging below!
Okay, maybe based on this picture, I should have expected it? Find someone who looks at you the way William Redfield looks at Marlon Brando:
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(The only source I can find for that one is Pinterest, sigh.)
Oh, uh. This is blunt:
During the previous month, Marlon had been seeing a handsome young actor, William Redfield, who had become an almost constant companion. Marlon was hanging out more with this Manhattan-born stage actor than he was with Wally Cox. Marlon chose the lesser role of Sergius, the aristocratic Bulgarian major with Bryonic pretensions. The more important role, that of the pragmatic, anti-romantic Bluntschli, he graciously conceded to Redfield. Among Marlon’s friends, Redfield was the only one lucratively employed at the time. But he gave up a profitable job on TV to follow Marlon to New England. As one of the original members of Actors Studio, Redfield had befriended Marlon. “Befriended isn’t really the word,” [Carlo] Fiore said. “I think he worshipped him. That summer the two men got to know each other on intimate terms.” “I’d known Redfield for several months before finding out he had a gay streak in him,” Fiore said. “Of course, I think most actors have a gay streak in them, even the straight ones. One night on the road I walked into Marlon’s bedroom and found them going at it. Redfield was on top. Seeing me, Marlon shouted, ‘Get the fuck out of my room. Can’t you see I’m busy?’ Redfield was so intent on riding it to the finish line that he didn’t even seem to notice my intrusion.” “Redfield and Marlon were virtually inseparable that summer,” Fiore said, “although both of them got some female ass on the side. But always together. They even fucked chicks together like Marlon and I had done in that long ago summer. Redfield followed Marlon around like he was a lovesick puppy. I think he really fell in love with Marlon. I warned him to keep the relationship physical—not emotional—but the fool wouldn’t listen to me. Like a bitchy queen, he accused me of wanting Marlon for myself. He claimed I was jealous. I was jealous of their friendship, as I wanted to spend time with Marlon, but only as a friend, not as a fuck buddy. Redfield didn’t believe me. Since he wanted to fuck Marlon, he just assumed that I did too.”
That's from Brando Unzipped by Darwin Porter. Carlo Fiore wrote his own book called Bud: The Brando I Knew: The Untold Story of Brando's Private Life. I don't know how reliable either writer is, but the relationship seems not unlikely!
Also from Brando Unzipped:
After The Saboteur: Code Named Morituri was released in 1965, Redfield wrote a famous book on acting, Letters from an Actor, eventually published in 1966. The New York Times ran an excerpt of the book. In it, Redfield claimed that Marlon had "dishonored himself" by appearing in so many trashy movies. The actor built a case that Marlon should give up films and return to the stage, where, as Redfield generously suggested, "he could be our finest Hamlet." Although it was not a vicious critique of Marlon, Redfield's New York Times article produced an avalanche of protests from Marlon fans who defended their star. One reader asked, "If Marlon Brando has William Redfield for a friend, he need look no further for an Iago." An infuriated Marlon told Fiore, "Billy has betrayed me. The Brutus to my Caesar. I can't believe that I ever trusted him." Even though he'd never speak to Redfield again, Marlon did delight in the success Redfield eventually had while co-starring with Marlon's own friend, Jack Nicholson. The two actors appeared together in the Oscar-winning One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, released in 1976. When Redfield died of leukemia the following year, Marlon uttered the following pronouncement: "Even though I banished him as a friend, his death causes me great pain," Marlon said. "Like so many other friends in life, he tried to cash in on his association with me, and that is wrong. He should have stood on his own accomplishments, and be judged as a man that way. Regrettably for him, his epitaph and his only claim to fame will be one achievement: FRIEND OF MARLON BRANDO. Those words should go on his tombstone."
Yikes. ...and coincidentally, the first description of Carlo Fiore that pops up on Google is "an actor who now is remembered only for his friendship with Marlon Brando."
Well. Learn something new every day!
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stormyoceans · 1 year
For very important science research - what are the best scenes where Puen and Talay touch/hold hands????
1) the hand holding after their reunion in episode 11. THE COMFORT THE REASSURANCE THE INTIMACY THE LOVE!!!!!!!
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2) talay holding onto puen's hands as puen hugs him in episode 12. idk what to tell you except that this makes me rabid in ways i can't even begin to comprehend and much less explain.
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3) puen holding onto talay's wrist during the greyllery confession in ep 8. well okay im not sure if this can count as a hand touch but the idea of puen having to ground himself like that because he can't believe talay actually said he likes him is. A LOT.
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4) the pinky promises in episode 3 and episode 11. once again im not sure if it counts but they're incredibly important for their journey so i had to include them.
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i also find it interesting that at the beginning of episode 3, when they make a deal to live the best life they can in the alternate universe (which puen ends up misinterpreting), they actually shake hands but then at the end they switch to a pinky promise (more intimate and personal).
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(those veins tho..... I MEAN WHAT WHO SAID THAT)
5) talay holding puen's hand to calm him down at the premiere of their first movie in episode 5.
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6) puen doing the exact same thing at the premiere of their second movie in episode 10.
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puen grabbing talay's hand and still holding it while they take group pictures before that is very good too.
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7) puen holding talay's hand and kissing it during the car ride in episode 12 after talay draws letters on puen's palm.
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8) the hand holding day in our skyy episode 1 gave us some really great ones GOD BLESS
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9) puen holding talay's hand to his face while they recreate the scene from their movie in episode 9.
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10) right in front of up's popcorn in episode 9. or more like IN his popcorn. GOD THEY'RE INSUFFERABLE AND I THINK UP AND AOU DESERVED TO MAKE FUN OF THEM MORE
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+ the ultimate bonus
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marvelsswansong · 2 years
Very important question, who would make a better boyfriend?? Steve Harrington or Eddie Munson?? Thank you babes
oh nonnie you're really gonna get me in trouble. okay so I think it really depends on what kind of person you are!!!
✨ Steve Harrington ✨
Preferred boyfriend if you like someone that's really sweet, reliable and domestic!
Type of boyfriend to carry all your grocercies in one hand and hold your hand in the other, to stay up late when you're out late with your friends to make sure you get back to your shared apartment safe, to always remember all the little anniversaries and traditions you two build up over the years
Very family oriented so if you want kids Steve would be such a good choice because he'd 100% be a model dad and husband fr fr
Big fan of soft compliments, intimate dates like walks in the park and dinners in the dark, loves PDA and gentle affection giving/receiving
Kind of boyfriend to give you forehead kisses and cup your face in his hands to peck your lips
Gentle but firm boyfriend vibes - would be protective over you (i.e. you're not walking on the side of the road next to the cars, he wants to hold your hand in crowded spaces, etc.) but never possessive
Big fan of physical touch and quality time, his gifts are always thoughtful and sentimental. His letters are touching and he takes genuine time and effort into writing them, even if he's already written you like a ton before
The best best best planner like if your birthday is coming up or you tell him that you want to invite friends over, he's on it - he thinks of everything too, very thoughtful, remembers all your likes/dislikes so accurately it's kinda scary
Type of boyfriend to apologize by bringing you flowers and wordlessly hugging you from behind, swaying you from side to side with his head on your shoulder whilst muttering a million apologies into your neck
Type of boyfriend whom once you start dating everyone rolls their eyes (playfully) when y'all show up together because "here comes the model couple"
🔥Eddie Munson 🔥
Preferred boyfriend if you'd like someone who's energetic, spontaneous and funny!
Type of boyfriend to never repeat a date, to tug you alongside him excitedly everywhere, to insist on holding your hand everywhere or else he'll "die"
Would make you a playlist for your birthday, loves seeing you ride front seat of his van whilst he blasts the radio with the car windows drawn down
Possessive boy and not afraid to show it - if he feels like someone is too close to you or getting to flirty with you, he'll intercept with a proud smirk whilst looping an arm around your waist and asking you smugly "oh babe who's this?"
Big fan of hugging you so tight you can't breathe, cuddling you so close to him when you two sleep that he takes over most of the bed, kissing you in inappropriate moments because he just can't help himself
Will pout and act immature (in a cute way) if you don't give him enough attention
Acts of service and words of affirmation are his love languages, he'll almost never call you by your name because he already has adopted a million nicknames for you (i.e. babe, angel, love of my life, etc)
Type of boyfriend to 100% commit to everything - like say you sign up for a pottery class for a date idea, Eddie will take it super seriously and will genuninely try and impress you. Similarly, if you have a hobby he hasn't picked up yet, he'll take time to study it and try to get into it for you.
If y'all fight, Eddie will just mope around and bat his eyes at you and gently coax you into forgiving him whilst muttering apologies alongside kisses on your skin.
Type of boyfriend who'll do anything to make you laugh, everyone will see him around you and say "now that's someone completely whipped for their s/o"
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arcxnumvitae · 13 days
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bold what applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies.  ( repost, don’t reblog! )
cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / empty ski lodges / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / road trips with no destination / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / seaside towns during off season / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea / wild flowers off abandoned highways
wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / possessive love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / cherry flavored chapstick / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets
community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / street food / car shows / pop art drawings / fruity flavors / mist on produce / running through sprinklers / cucumber water / wrap around porches / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / yard sales / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / angel food cake / windmills / flashlight beams
marshy swamps / cajun recipes / haunted graveyards / old road signs / the house people tell stories about / lights flickering / jazz music / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests / labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grottos / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / park theater productions / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns
crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / grainy camera footage / black and white photos / dust filled attics / empty theaters / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces
crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / brightly lit hospital rooms / empty train stations / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / plane rides for fun / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / the scent of a running dryer / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
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caemthe · 9 months
bold what applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies. ( repost, don’t reblog! )
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cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / empty ski lodges / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / road trips with no destination / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / seaside towns during off season / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea / wild flowers off abandoned highways
wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / possessive love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / cherry flavored chapstick / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets
community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / street food / car shows / pop art drawings / fruity flavors / mist on produce / running through sprinklers / cucumber water / wrap around porches / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / yard sales / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / angel food cake / windmills / flashlight beams
marshy swamps / cajun recipes / haunted graveyards / old road signs / the house people tell stories about / lights flickering / jazz music / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests / labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grottos / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / park theater productions / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns
crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / grainy camera footage / black and white photos / dust filled attics / empty theaters / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces
crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / brightly lit hospital rooms / empty train stations / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / plane rides for fun / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / the scent of a running dryer / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
tagged by: @toadmiretoweepover ty for tagging me! tagging: @rvinfall @memovia @ryogai @holyrisen @oblyvn @astrcls
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endlss-voiid · 2 months
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bold what applies to your muse.
italicize what sometimes applies.
repost, don’t reblog!
cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / empty ski lodges / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / road trips with no destination / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / seaside towns during off season / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea / wild flowers off abandoned highways
wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / possessive love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / cherry flavored chapstick / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets
community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / street food / car shows / pop art drawings / fruity flavors / mist on produce / running through sprinklers / cucumber water / wrap around porches / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / yard sales / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / angel food cake / windmills / flashlight beams
marshy swamps / cajun recipes / haunted graveyards / old road signs / the house people tell stories about / lights flickering / jazz music / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests/ labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grottos / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / park theater productions / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns
crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / grainy camera footage / black and white photos / dust filled attics / empty theaters / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces
crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / brightly lit hospital rooms / empty train stations / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / plane rides for fun / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / the scent of a running dryer / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
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TAGGED BY. No one. TAGGING. Anyone who wants to participate in this.
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oculusxcaro · 10 months
rules: bold what applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies. ( repost, don’t reblog! )
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𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / empty ski lodges / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / road trips with no destination / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / seaside towns during off season / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea / wild flowers off abandoned highways 𝐑𝐄𝐃 wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / possessive love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / cherry flavored chapstick / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / street food / car shows / pop art drawings / fruity flavors / mist on produce / running through sprinklers / cucumber water / wrap around porches / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / yard sales / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / angel food cake / windmills / flashlight beams 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍 marshy swamps / cajun recipes / haunted graveyards / old road signs / the house people tell stories about / lights flickering / jazz music / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests / labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grottos / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / park theater productions / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / grainy camera footage / black and white photos / dust filled attics / empty theaters / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / brightly lit hospital rooms / empty train stations / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / plane rides for fun / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / the scent of a running dryer / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
Tagged by: Nobody, stole while exploring! Tagging: @acidbite, @arkhmlcst, @babydxhl, @bdybag, @byanyan, @elisethetraveller, @grasshopperqueen, @novaless, @paleobird, @sanguine-salvation, @smilingmxsk, @the-rorschach-mask (and your other muses!), @twcfaces and anybody else who'd like to do this???
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thewolfisawake · 3 months
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bold what applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies.  ( repost, don’t reblog! )
cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / empty ski lodges / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / road trips with no destination / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / seaside towns during off season / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea / wild flowers off abandoned highways
wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / possessive love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / cherry flavored chapstick / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets
community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / street food / car shows / pop art drawings / fruity flavors / mist on produce / running through sprinklers / cucumber water / wrap around porches / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / yard sales / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / angel food cake / windmills / flashlight beams
marshy swamps / cajun recipes / haunted graveyards / old road signs / the house people tell stories about / lights flickering / jazz music / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests / labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grottos / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / park theater productions / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns
crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / grainy camera footage / black and white photos / dust filled attics / empty theaters / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces
crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / brightly lit hospital rooms / empty train stations / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / plane rides for fun / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / the scent of a running dryer / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
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oathofpromises · 10 months
bold what applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies. ( repost, don’t reblog! )
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cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / empty ski lodges / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / road trips with no destination / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / seaside towns during off season / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea / wild flowers off abandoned highways
wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / possessive love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / cherry flavored chapstick / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets
community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / street food / car shows / pop art drawings / fruity flavors / mist on produce / running through sprinklers / cucumber water / wrap around porches / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / yard sales / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / angel food cake / windmills / flashlight beams
marshy swamps / cajun recipes / haunted graveyards / old road signs / the house people tell stories about / lights flickering / jazz music / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests / labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grottos / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / park theater productions / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns
crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / grainy camera footage / black and white photos / dust filled attics / empty theaters / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces
crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / brightly lit hospital rooms / empty train stations / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / plane rides for fun / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / the scent of a running dryer / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
Tagged by: no one(original post found here)
Tagging: @diademreigned @hyaciiintho @crystalmarred @phantomrune @vierandancer and anyone else that wants to do this just say I tagged you
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wnana-oh · 1 year
To you.
Pairing: Neteyam x fem!human reader.
Summary: you've arrived on Pandora along Quaritch's avatar and manage to escape to join the natives. after the passing of neteyam, you've finally decided on the next move and decide to write him a letter to end your mourning.
Warnings: I didn't cry but may be sad
Notes: I'm out of my delusional stage. Decided to put an end to my hopes of a revival, so here's my letter to boo.
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Mom used to tell me to write down my unexplainable feelings. And tonight as I went back to my tent after dinner, yours told me that it was time to put an end to my mourning, in the way I deemed proper.
So I want to tell you, all the things I left unsaid, the thoughts I never spoke, the worries I never shared, the memories I couldn't recal. In a way I'll be done regretting all of those.
I'm happy you found me. I'm happy your family and tribe believed in me after having met your father and the abominations my people did. I'm happy I was able to spend my precious hours alongside the nature I despised so much on Earth. I'm happy you made me love nature, and it's inhabitants, it's ups and downs. Thank you for teaching me your ways and being oh so patient.
I'm proud I stayed true to myself despite all the bullshit engraved in my head. I'm proud I valued life more than survival. I'm proud I knew everything had an end and that the one of my people was so close, escaping to another planet wouldn't save us. I'm proud I fought for you, for this precious world of yours, for this intimate relation you have with it, for everything I didn't understand but respected nevertheless. Thank you for keeping me on the righteous path.
I regret not being adventurous enough. I regret not riding ikrans with you because I was afraid I'd fall. I regret not being tall enough. I regret not being able to connect to Ey'wa. I regret my doubts. I regret not killing the men I should've shot. I regret being weak and not worthy of a warrior like you. I regret leaving Earth. More than I thought I would. I miss its disgusting, self-centered people. I miss its contaminated air, its dying eco system, its concrete walls and floors. I miss my friends, my insane, lunatic mother. I miss its music, the movies, the books, the fictions. I miss the late night walks, the trains, long car rides. I miss every little thing about it. Only because it was my home, because I grew up there, full knowing it was dying, in and out. Only because I am very much alike these disgusting self centered people, the colonizers, hungry for money and youth in a world were even tomorrow is uncertain. I hate that, I miss it so much I cry about it at night. I hate that you never knew about it, that you wouldn't understand the stories I told you, the fun things I did that were unknown to you. I hate the you who doesn't know about phones and theaters, the you who doesn't know France, the States, China... The you who would nod and smile to make me feel understood when you had no idea what I was babbling about. Thank you.
I was afraid your people would turn their backs on me, suspect me, lynch me and leave me to die. I was afraid I'd wake up alone. I was afraid I'd be a burden. But after hearing my story, you protected me as one of yours, made me feel accepted and I'll never thank you enough for it.
Never was I delusional, thinking I'd ever be a part of what you, as a community, were. Never was I delusional enough to think I'd spend the rest of my pitful life on Pandora. Because, I am from Earth. I don't deserve what's yours. I wasn't here because I wanted, but because I was forced to be. I wanted to fight for the right cause and I did. I wanted to be helpful to the right people and I was. I helped and fought for you, I'd do it again. In fact, no matter how many times I have to live this life, I'd still fight for you. As a human. Not as a Na'vi. I don't want to become greedy. I don't want to stay. I don't want to have to live like this for much longer. I finally understand what it's like to be a minority and I'd rather go back to my world than to mourn you forever, hating myself for not being born blue.
Now that the fight is over, there's still a war to win. And I can't believe you won't be fighting again. I can't believe you're gone, that we didn't even try to save you. I know it's nobody's fault, but Quaritch's. Nevertheless I can't help thinking things could have been different. After your burial, I fought with your father. It was selfish. Selfish of me to call him out for letting you go so easily, for accepting that there was no saving you. I got mad at him for going soft, being clueless when he grew up a solider. I cried because I knew things he didn't and was terrified. I yelled at him because he didn't double check Quaritch's body. Because I knew Miles saved his father and was too shameful to admit it. I knew he did, because I would've saved my father too, had it been him. And you know what ? I was grounded for it. I guess I forget who he was for a moment. God I could barley look at him in the eye while arguing.
I miss you. Your brother is taking up your role and is acting somewhat more mature. Kiri has been having more seizures and is always missing. I think she's finding refuge in the secluded areas, where it's quiet. Tuk comes to me a lot to talk about you. She misses you so much. You know I thought about how, if I stayed on Earth I'd probably be in pre med by now. Health is the only thing that matters now back home. I wanted to work in science boosted fashion, creating clothes to heal and protect my weak people. I now find myself wanting to save yours. Wanting to know the body, enough to heal a bullet wound.
When I find a way to travel back to my planet, I want to leave in peace. I want to leave with no regrets. I want to leave, knowing war wouldn't hit your family again. I want to leave, with my people, and for them to never look back. I'd love for us to care about Earth, but I'm afraid it is now too late to stop its decay, or that we wouldn't even try. I want to leave with a smile on my face, and on the faces of the ones I'm leaving behind. Buisness done, case closed. I want to go back home, to die in peace with it. And when I do, I hope, and I'll pray everyday until then, that Ey'wa will allow me to see you again. I can only wish for Ey'wa to let me rest with you.
Next time we'll see each other, I'll ask you first, to surprise you, "Let's go for a walk".
I love you. Today as forever.
I see you. Neteyam.
Thank you.
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
My thoughts: Sometimes I do wish things could go back before we had iphones/cell phones and the internet. Life seems so simple back than. And I probably wouldn't be addicted to my phone so much. What made me think of this you ask? I'm watching this movie called Ammonite (haven't finish it yet, but I love Kate Winslet, I love lgbtq movies, and I love the beach and ocean. So I know I'll love this) it's so intriguing and nice. I know life likw that is obviously hard and had it's own sense of problems, but it was so gloriously simple too. No phones, no cars, just walks and take carriage rides everywhere. You want to talk to people you talk to them or write letters. It's so intimate and real. Personal. And lovely.
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misplacedreporter · 10 months
bold what applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies. ( repost, don’t reblog! )
cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / empty ski lodges / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / road trips with no destination / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / seaside towns during off season / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea / wild flowers off abandoned highways
wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / possessive love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / cherry flavored chapstick / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets
community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / street food / car shows / pop art drawings / fruity flavors / mist on produce / running through sprinklers / cucumber water / wrap around porches / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / yard sales / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / angel food cake / windmills / flashlight beams
marshy swamps / cajun recipes / haunted graveyards / old road signs / the house people tell stories about / lights flickering / jazz music / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests / labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grottos / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / park theater productions / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns
crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / grainy camera footage / black and white photos / dust filled attics / empty theaters / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces
crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / brightly lit hospital rooms / empty train stations / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / plane rides for fun / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / the scent of a running dryer / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
Tagged by: @seatedsacrifice
Tagging: @full-of-mercy @forgivenpunishment you!
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detectivechandler · 5 months
COLOR AESTHETICS, bold what applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies.  
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BLUE, cloudless sky / ocean waves / winter dusk / deserted rest stops / dust filled book jackets / sea salt in your lungs / open space lofts / mountainside meditation / empty ski lodges / calm before storms / electric charged air / lighthouses / road trips with no destination / desert skies / summer breeze through a cottage window / cool air against water soaked skin / seaside towns during off season / wind-chimes / big bed with lots of blankets / coming home after a long time away / a wolf howling in the distance / fingers dancing along spine / a hug from an old friend / afternoon tea / wild flowers off abandoned highways RED, wine soaked lips / internalized rage / blood on knuckles / four poster beds / barefoot on marble floor / velvet drapes / lipstick marks / murder mysteries / old barns with hay lofts / mouth full of weapons / possessive love / dark chocolate / apple orchard visits / handwritten letters / fresh strawberry fields / cherry flavored chapstick / soft candlelight / vintage pumps / tingles over your body / strong but gentle hand around your throat / scarf tied over your eyes / fog on a rainy night / intimate bar settings / complete destruction / kiss swollen lips / scratches against flesh / sitting by a fireplace / blood orange sunsets YELLOW, community gardens / sunflower seeds / open fields / blowing dandelion fluffs / bubbles in spring / warm champagne / drafty cottages opened after winter / soft buzzing near your ear / loose braids / flaxen sundresses / handmade straw hats / warm butter on fresh toast / daisy chains / drum circles / sun on your face / maypoles / outdoor festivals / street food / car shows / pop art drawings / fruity flavors / mist on produce / running through sprinklers / cucumber water / wrap around porches / worn pages of a book / honey in tea / yard sales / freckled skin / tarnished gold lockets / angel food cake / windmills / flashlight beams GREEN, marshy swamps / cajun recipes / haunted graveyards / old road signs / the house people tell stories about / lights flickering / jazz music / twig snapping / campfires / ghost stories / urban exploration / vines creeping up brick / wooden flutes / quiet forests / labored breaths / hiking trails / rain on leaves / bonfires / fresh smoothies / water logged grottos / painful whispers from jealous lovers / successful business ventures / leaky cellars / park theater productions / mint scented lotions / ambitious promises / pine needle covered floors / oil lanterns / aloe on warmed skin / crushing floral foam / forgotten towns BLACK, crinkle of leather jacket / midnight walks / bulbs burning out / black lacquered nails / the sound of bats screeching / distant marching band music / noises when you’re home alone / blood soaked knife / dark lipstick on pale skin / scent of sulfur / soot on boots / slasher movies / glint of cat eyes in the dark / oil slicks on dark asphalt / basement bedrooms / investigating a noise / grainy camera footage / black and white photos / dust filled attics / empty theaters / whistling in the middle of the night / scratches at your window / wrought iron gates / lace neck ruffles / long floor sweeping skirts / broken music boxes / needle scratching on vinyl / lost memories / disembodied voices / forgotten faces WHITE, crisp scents / laundry on a line / fleece blankets / brightly lit hospital rooms / empty train stations / genuine laughter / feathers against skin / new life / cotton dresses / log cabins in winter / swan gliding through water / harp music floating through the air / plane rides for fun / mountain tops / ice sculptures / first snowflake of winter / linen freshly pressed / the scent of a running dryer / vanilla and cinnamon milk / a smile from a stranger / letters in the mail / a longing finally satiated / kiss of moonlight on skin / fresh canvas / snow glittering like diamonds / paint strokes / pretty lie told from a kind mouth / sparklers / coffee foam art
stolen from: @junktrap, ages ago. its been in my drafts. tagging: @gentlemanstarkey, @dodgedabullet + you !
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