#since its rlly just a character analysis
lov3rs-go · 2 years
i wrote a harringrove fic where billy and steve r together but tommy findes out so billy outes steve in half assed attempt to remain closeted so his dad doesn't find out and go apeshit. but also theirs fields and purple flowers and talks abt running away to Cali
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Is there's something I'm thankful Thing taught me was that it was possible and morally ok to see a character and just pick them up and take them somewhere inside your brain to care for them and hangout literally the best information i have ever obtained
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I have so many ideas but none of them can be put into words, all I can do is just wheeze as they come along🤣
Also remember how wordy and flowery Teyvat speech/dialogue is? ADD THAT TO THE FACT THAT TEYVAT HAS ITS OWN LANGUAGE---
Reader can understand the basic speech which is why they are so blunt (I love this idea so much 🤣) and can piece together an idea what the person is talking about.
*insert random person talking about a commission with a long ass backstory*
Traveller & Co.: *understands completely and making plans to retrieve said commission*
C!Reader: (They said they had a cart.... a bunch of hilichurls appeared... dancing?.... they want us to dance fight the hilichurls???? Dance off???)
Actual story->The person's cart got ambushed by a group of hilichurls and taunted them by dancing around it.
....... it doesnt always translate well
Also imagine Reader heaeing random names and overthinks it as a word instead of a name.
Example: Pantalone means pants in Philippine English (sorry not sorry Pantalone)
Tsaritsa??? Oh do they speak russian there??? - reader
Capitano -> captain in some countries
(I once mistake Sandrone as Sandalone and I just went "... ehh??? Standalone? Sandalone as in Sand Alone???? Sandal (Flip flops)????
Oh wait its Sandrone" ".... as in Sand and Drone??--)
-Vine Boom
Gif is me writing u anything ever:
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Man theyre written language looks so scary to learn, kinda like when I looked into trying to learn Mandarin/Japanese (and even Korean), the letters r just inherently so different i was so intimidated
And u dont even read it like left -> right like English
Omg i tried to reply to a arabic comment on my art post once, and i felt so acommplished when i finally was able to type "اشكرك (thanks)" but like, i had to put it on the OTHER SIDE OF THE TEXT BOX, LIKE ALIGN IT TO THE RIGHT INSTEAD OF HOW U KNOW ENGLISH IS INHERENTLY ALIGNED LEFT, IT WAS SO TRIPPY-
Going thru genshin life only understanding minimal words of anything anyone says is honestly how i feel like ive been playing Genshin LMAO
Those analysis videos/lore are saving a bitch's life out here
That would literally be you in genshin tho, like i could easily see it being like, back to back misunderstandings 😭😭
Like u think u got it right (Oh so his name is Rex Lapis, wait what? Morax? Ok his name is Morax...?? What??? Zhongli??? WHO IS THIS MAN-)
JFC first they gotta have a whole different language (like u saw in game)
No... just, no.
U quickly decide u like what little bits of language u could pick up so far, which just results in,
U guessed it, simple speech and short fragmented sentences (or broken Teyvatian)
U cant even bring urself to care when u give half the characters a heart attack and send the rest into laughing fits
No fucks given, they wanna make this extra hard on u by being wordy on top of a new language,
Yeah u dont care what comes out of ur mouth anymore
Also, since everybody is raised in Teyvat very few ppl dont know the language, which once again brings us back to ancient/older deities/creatures who have a more simplistic version/outdated version of modern language
Omg getting stuff mistranslated bc u cant understand it all/only keywords sounds like hell but also rlly funny
Traveler/Paimon: "Alright, yes, all is well. We will accept this comission, and depart soon."
You: "...they want us to?? Dance fight?? Hilichurls...???"
Traveler just stares at u half in pity, half trying to hide their amused smile, Paimon is giggling
The commissioner is shook bc a supposed ancient creature?? Just accepted?? Their simple commission?? And u think they want u to dance battle???
Signora: "You shall rue the day you crossed the Fatui mortals!"
You: "Lady we don't care, just fight us."
(Signora just means 'Lady')
Signora: *offended gasp*
Traveler/Paimon trying to stifle laughter
Raiden Shogun jaw dropped a little
Pantalone: "What a pleasure to finally meet you traveler, and thine wonderful companions!" *little bastard smile*
You: "And it was awful to meet you, Pants."
Oh its so funny, everytime you talk about Childe you always phrase it like he's an actual child bc u thought everyone was just calling him a little kid for some reason (u dont know how Teyvat ages work, he could be for all you know!)
Not very long, but Vine Boom anon your brain >>>>
Ur ideas r so on point, i love them sm
That makes perfect sense why u could be talking blunt too, like an in world explanation really
For you, all the desserts🥰 🤲🍪🍨🍰🍮🧋🍦🍡
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pumpkinsy0 · 4 months
the outsiders early 2000s au hcs
for some character analysis i did check here
•he would add pony and angela somehow into most of his projects
•angela and her friends had ds’ and used pictochat to communicate when one of em
•mcbling angelaaaaa hellllloooooo
•OK LOOK ik this isnt ONLY in the 2000s but i still wanna include it, so yknow how friend groups made up names for their groups that EVERYONE just knew them by and so that was just their clique??? yea angela and curlys friend groups have their own name
•angelas friend group called themselves “the bratz” and curlys friend group called themselves idk “cyber bytes” or somethin, mostly bc they rlly play video games together
•unlikely for them to b one but lets all imagine johnny, pony, and angela as scene kids
•i say let pony and anglea be popular on myspace, they deserves it
•if ponys not famous on myspace at LEAST hes popular livejournal
•johnny posts on flickr sm??? like my god he loves taking pics and videos, he always carries around a camera
•u can usually find curky and his fuck ass friends
in the back if a taco bell parking lot
•johnny and pony were those kids watching sonic/teen titan tribute vids on youtube
•they all either had a flip phone OR thise phones where if u slid them up the keyboard was right behind them, yknow what i mean???
•NONE of them had unlimited data LMFAOOOOO
•and if i told u all their pastimes was being in omegle what would u do🤨🤨
•two bit loves kaomoji’s lol
•darry bought pony a sony walkman and he just NEVER put it the fuck down like EVER
•darry still has his gameboy!!
•curly has a ps vita he just lets pony take home for whatever reason and pony lets the gang play around w it a bit but not for long
•cherry and marcia r lps collectors and they trade a LOT
•two bit fucking loves silly bands in the shape of dinosaurs, his sister gives him a shit ton and he wears em
•sylvia was that girl to get tans and she had that playboy bunny sticker print left on her hip
•curly got pony into portal (like the game)
•soda and steve r BIG beyblade and hot wheels fans
•twobit LOVES pokemon, dally thinks its fucking stupid but he does like watching ppl get riled up over it
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strangertheories · 10 months
the biggest reason I don't rlly like romantic ronance is because I don't really ship nancy with anyone - I am a firm believer in Single Nancy Supremacy! I think that the two romantic relationships we see her have (with steve and with jonathan) both struggled because of her grief in relation to barb - its much clearer with her relationship to steve as it literally breaks down as a result of her grief and guilt and that idea of faking happiness, and I think that may also be the case with her relationship with jonathan as well, and we know that she's been questioning things about the relationship and hiding that she feels unfulfilled, though in her eyes she feels like she wants steve, but i think she just remembers how easy things were with steve before all the upside-downy stuff and wants to go back to how things were back then. I feel as though she struggles in those relationships because the type of companionship she is searching for is the easy, comfortable, platonic love and closeness she had with barb back then, and its clearly a huge part of her character arc, since losing barb is what caused her to become actively involved in all the upside-downy stuff and piqued her interest in journalism through her work with murray (alongside her clear desire for solving mysteries and the like). what nancy needs right now isn't a romantic relationship, but a platonic female friendship, a connection that is not fueled by anything sexual at all - hence my stance as a Platonic ronance truther!! we already see the closeness and trust the two of them have with each other as they scheme to break in to see victor creel and as they work together later on, and I think that kind of platonic connection between two women will be wonderful for the both of them, and robin as well deserves a platonic friendship that isn't just with the guy people keep thinking she's in love with. I really hope the show does take it that way, especially since platonic relationships have played such a key role throughout the show (the party's dedication to each other (excluding byler and their romantic love for each other but thats a whole other thing), dustin's relationships with steve and eddie, platonic stobin ofc, jonathan and argyles friendship (this one is so important to me as well as robin and nancy because of how dedicated they are to each other), and especially the friendship between el and max (I could write a whole nother essay about that tbh)) and I think it would be a wonderful ending for both robin and nancy to find that friendship with each other!!
This is completely fair and valid, plus a good analysis. For me personally, I prefer Ronance to single Nancy. Firstly because I just like their dynamic being 80s sapphic enemies/rivals to lovers. Secondly, I think Robin dating an established character is easier writing wise cause the show adds too many people and has less time to flesh out Vickie because of it. However, I also like it because of Nancy's character arc.
I think her character is very male centric and the writers seem to abandon her life goals to push her into the box of being Steve's suburban wife or in other words, her canon worst nightmare. Despite being the badass feminist character, she feels so focused around men and Steve and it's really odd to me. Especially how weirdly confrontational she was to Robin because she assumed she was dating Steve. They broke up two years ago and Nancy never even loved him, it's so odd.
Anyways to circle back to my point, I like the idea of Nancy's ending not being her settling down with Steve. I'm very anti-St4ncy if you can't tell. I'm less opposed to Jonathan and Nancy but even then, she's still at risk of falling into her nightmare with him. I think this is part of the reason why single Nancy is good and canon wise, I think that's her best outcome.
However, Nancy says right from the start that she wants to truly rebel. She dates Steve as an act of rebellion but because she's rebelling in the way everyone else does, it's ultimately a way for her to safely fit in and tell herself she's doing something radical as Jonathan points out. She hides her true feelings because whilst she knows she won't be satisfied by the life she's heading towards, she's scared to do anything otherwise.
I think 80s badass sapphic feminist Nancy dating a woman would both act as her embracing her true feelings and rebelling away from the trap of being a suburban housewife that her mother fell into. Single Nancy can work for that too, but I think having Nancy canonically like girls would perfectly fit into her framework of actually truly rebelling against expectations instead of seeking safety in a boy she tried to force herself to love.
I think these two opinions can coexist but that's just why I think romantic Ronance is great for Nancy. I do agree that platonic relationships would be good for her, but I also think that this relationship romantically would work with her character arc too. Thanks for the ask!
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unclassedguy · 15 days
Jjk 261 leaks ahead:
Alright I was going to post about this in the morning but I got distracted and needed time to process everything anyways.
I don't usually share my thoughts on the new chapters publicly but I will make an exception now 😔.
Yap incoming
ok, so there were a lot of theories floating around before 261 about if we would actually be getting a gojo comeback or not. Honestly, some people pointed out why gojo reviving might not be the best decision for the story, but I was placing bets on it anyways because I too was pretty bummed by his end and also because my naive self chose to believe it was the most likely choice for gege to make.
However I did try to keep my hopes reasonable, choosing to belive that it could just be a hallucination.
Truthfully, I didn't think it would be Kenjaku. I'd seen the theory that it could be them but I honestly doubted gege would do that. Yet in the depths of my copium filled soul I had always been holding onto the hope that kenjaku would somehow return to the story. When I tell you my secret little stash of cope was as potent as some gojo fans im telling the truth 😭.
I honestly hoped maybe it would be kenjaku, just maybe. This morning I sought out the leaks and you know what I saw? This:
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I was DYING. For a second I thought gege had really done, I was in disbelief, I was in shock, I briefly wondered if this was a joke.
AND THEN I WAS SO HAPPY. I was like: Yes! Answers! Yuji-kenjaku interactions! An unexpected twist in the fight! Forget the logistics of how kenjaku ended up in Gojo's body, I was going to trust gege's cooking and enjoy the chapter before taking a step back and critiquing anything.
And then I read that it wasn't kenjaku. It was Yuta using kenjaku's ct.
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I didn't want to belive it could be Yuta. Of all the outcome I thought it CANNOT be Yuta. Not possibly. BUT IT WAS. IT WAS YUTA.
I have felt emotional when consuming media before, and sometimes underwhelmed or critical when something didn't rub me the right way, but I'd never understood people who act so utterly devastated by an author's decisions.
I've been mourning all day man 😭. My gojo cope, my kenjaku cope, all of it down the drain just like that AND ALL AT ONCE. I genuinely am not sure what about this chapter gas prompted such emotion in me. Am I lobotomized after all? I choose to belive its the sheer shock of this chapters events.
Tbh, I read the rest of the chapter in a bit of a daze and I'd have to go back and look over it again to share any actual thoughts or analysis, but I will says some other things stood out at me about it.
first of all, I don't hate Yuta. He's not my favorite character but I don't hate him and I wish the best to you yuta fans, however yall are feeling. his line about how the others are so worried about becoming monsters, unknowing that they've forced that role onto gojo all this time hit pretty hard for me. And now Yuta is taking on the same role since gojo's gone. He's strong and is not just taking Gojo's body but in a way taking on his position as the 'monster' of the jujutsu world, even if only for the dubious amount of time he had left.
Also the way sukuna just, punches yuji aside 😭. Nahh. The disrespect. He rlly just sees yuta in gojo's body and tosses yuji away. Rlly hope my boy beats him up next chapter and it doesn't become a yuta-one-man-show.
Overall I'm dying, I'm crying, I'm gritting my teeth, I miss kenjaku, I miss gojo, rip yuta 😭
(Please gege give me my wife back. Even just a kenjaku flashback is enough. Gege pls.)
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
I feel like an interesting thing about remus and sirius dynamic in the wfrau is that they're not really that different, it just is kind of convenient that the cause remus works for happens to be the moral highground, bc rlly what other choice does he have when he was forced into prostitution before them. like the order, despite the sacrifices he has to make, is literally the best place for him: he gets a purpose, friends, food and shelter, and a life beyond anything he could have on his own. idk this could be a TOTAL misread of his character, and since we've been looking through sirius' eyes its natural to want to sympathise with him more, but it would be a lot more of a cost for sirius to abandon his life and join some (in the shadows)(LARGELY unsuccessful) rebellion where he could easily be found out and killed/tortured gruesomely. Remus admits himself that he's prideful ("But his pride—that’s the one thing that’s always remained his own.") and he obviously looks down on sirius a lot for the life he lives, but I feel like at the end of the day they both just want to a) avoid suffering/protect themselves and b) protect the people they care about, and they both only have one place to turn to to do both of those things, and remus' just happens to be morally superior to sirius'.
correct me on this if you think I've misread remus (cause hes v complex obviously) or the worldbuilding, and not to understate that sirius is doing bad things and remus is (trying) to do good things, and that it is possible to escape the life sirius has (regulus did, apparently), but idk I just wanted to try and tell what makes their dynamic so interesting.
oooh such a fun analysis for me 2 read!! v interesting 2 see how other people interpret the things i write etc. before i respond tho i feel like i need 2 put a little disclaimer that like, i believe in death of the author etc such that i don't think my interpretation/intent should necessarily be taken as inherently more valuable, bc once a work like this is shared ik there are going 2 be varied ways of reading + interpreting it, and i don't want 2 encourage anyone 2 approach stories like this as if there is one Ultimate Correct Interpretation drawn from the writer's intent that u need 2 find, etc.
that being said, i'm happy 2 share my own interpretations + the thinking + intent behind what i've written thus far! think this is gonna get long so i'm gonna put a cut tho lol
so i definitely see the parallels ur drawing between remus + sirius both joining the organizations they joined due in part to coercive conditions outside their control as well as seemingly sharing some core motivations. however i'm not sure i would go as far as you have in saying that their situations are essentially the same and remus just ended up on the "right side" (to paraphrase)
first off - while i see where your take on remus is coming from, keep in mind that at this point in the fic we don't actually know anything about how or why he joined the order. i do have a backstory in mind regarding how exactly he started working with them, and it might not necessarily align with ur interpretation here. don't want to spoil too much, but i will say that remus's choice to join the order was a choice. it wasn't just a matter of having no other options.
something i specifically wanna put pressure on with ur reading is the idea that he was "forced into prostitution" before joining--it seems like ur interpretation of why remus joined the order is that he did it to escape sex work. but keep in mind that remus joining the order resulted in him "selling himself" in a much more dangerous and violent way--he joined the fighting rings + began risking his life every month as well as killing and maiming his fellow werewolves. we know, from his pov, that this is not something he would have done were it not for the order mission; it's reasonable to conclude that remus himself would have preferred sex work to becoming a fighter in the rings, but did so anyway for a larger goal. i'd encourage you to reflect, here, on whether you have a more visceral emotional reaction to the thought of remus "selling himself" as a sex worker versus "selling himself" as a ring fighter--whether the former strikes you as inherently more debasing, more abject, more likely to warrant a desire to "escape." if so, i'd encourage you to reflect on why that might be, and how it affects the way you think of sex work and sex workers. additionally, we know that his involvement with the order did eventually require him to engage in sex work again--so the idea that he joined the order to escape sex work isn't really something that i'm trying to get at in my writing.
also, getting back to the idea that remus was "forced into prostituion"--again, i wanna step back here and ask u 2 reflect a bit on what your choice of phrasing there might say about the underlying associations you have with sex work that might be influencing your reading. my intent in writing remus's backstory with sex work was not to give the impression that he was an abject victim forced by powers beyond his control into sex work as his only option. rather, it was to portray him as a character who is constrained, yes, by the forces that oppress him--specifically, the government that bars him from using magic, accessing stable work, accessing accommodations for his condition, fails to provide any social safety nets, operates + sustains itself on unfair labor conditions which require an exploited class of laborers, etc. but within those constraints i specifically wrote in that remus does have other options; he has, in the past, found other types of work, and there are, of course, the fighting rings or any other number of illegal methods by which he could try to obtain money. remus weighs those other options and chooses to turn to sex work because it seems like his best choice; whether that's because he thinks it will offer him the most control, or the most money, or the most security--it doesn't matter. what matters is that all his options are equally constrained by his oppression, all come with their own pitfalls and humiliations and degrees of exploitation. mysticizing sex work as somehow inherently more abject than the others is...not really what i was going for. that's part of why i wrote about his experiences with it--including experiences that might be viewed by some as grave violations--in a purposefully casual way. for remus, his body has always been an exploited object; sex work is not something he would have felt the need to "escape," from, because he chose to do it, and it's at least a way to make use of his marginalization by exploiting the fact that his condition is made into a fetish. it doesn't mean he's not aware of the coercion involved in his choice--maybe if his father hadn't been so sick and he hadn't needed cash fast for medicine he would have made a different decision, but there likely would have always come a point where he needed money fast and his dad wasn't able to act as the breadwinner anymore. remus has always been very aware that his options in life are limited.
all this is to say, remus's decision to join the order is not something done out of desperation because he thinks his life will be better with them--it's done specifically with a broader political goal in mind. and this is a significant reason for his disdain for sirius. because remus isn't just trying to survive, to protect himself and his loved ones--he and his loved ones are risking their lives every day in service of their ideals, to fight for change. the fact that sirius, who is so much more privileged than remus has ever been, only joined the death eaters because he was forced to is not something that really wins points with remus. it shifts his view of sirius, sure, to know that he doesn't like...delight in serving voldemort and has enough of a conscience to feel guilty about what he does. but remus still disdains a person who would harm others to save their own skin--it's just that sirius is a coward, not a sadist.
and remus doesn't really know or understand how the drive to protect regulus was bound up with sirius rising through the death eater ranks. he's only had glimpses into sirius's home life and his relationship with his brother, and he honestly isn't going around trying to dig up explanations about any of it--he would much rather continue viewing sirius as a contemptible, cowardly death eater than change his perspective, because sirius literally embodies the forces of oppression that have been hurting remus since he was a child, along with his loved ones.
and then the last major difference i'd point out between their joining of their respective organizations is that sirius does benefit, in many tangible ways, from joining the death eaters. like--remus joining the order is mostly just putting his neck on the line and a target on his back, though he does of course benefit from obtaining a community and friends and support in many ways. but in the larger systems of power at play here, remus joining the order only marginalizes him further, when he was already marginalized.
sirius, on the other hand, gains power from becoming a feared and respected death eater. obviously, he suffers many personal injuries and hardships and would not choose to join them had he been given a choice. but he does, in some ways, enjoy the power he obtains from his status. he enjoys his wealth and the comfort it brings. he enjoys it when he's able to accrue enough power to go off and play rebel in small ways that allow him to grasp onto the illusion that he's not given in totally to these people who he knows are corrupt, when he's able to make himself virtually untouchable by the vast majority of people. for sirius, most of his hardship and struggle is internal, emotional, and though he, too, has suffered and been marginalized in some ways by larger systems of power, when offered an avenue to take advantage of those systems of power it's not as if he hated every part of the ride to the top. yeah, he was forced to join the death eaters because he was a kid whose parents wanted to make sure their heir didn't end up a faggot. and that was incredibly traumatic. but his joining the death eaters did not actually marginalize him--it granted him access to a lot of power. and this is something remus is acutely aware of, and another reason that, from his perspective, it's difficult to just feel sorry for sirius.
anyway, you're not wrong that there are definitely parallels between them, but i'd say when it comes to the organizations they're each working for an important difference is that remus actually believes in what his organization is fighting for, while sirius sort of knows that what voldemort's doing is wrong but ignores it and remains complicit.
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raprockcity-moved · 6 months
ok now onto proper character analysis: is keicho a catboy or a dogboy? I'm convinced he's a dog person but he could still be cat-coded you know
i hav drawn keicho and badco as a bunch of cats so id say hes kitty-coded. i think okuyasu is a dogboy tho. if we're going by cartoon animal stereotypes, cats tend to be quite well-groomed and a bit prissy. since keicho really likes order and routine (as seen by bad company's mannerisms and his reaction to when josuke killed a few), i think hed be more of a cat... i think catboy keicho would love to keep his tail and ears nice and w/o any extra strands sticking out. i think itd ruin his entire day if he found out that something is even slightly uneven and he will spend the time combing it out. (do catboys groom themselves? more at 9.)
it doesnt seem that keicho rlly likes anyone but himself in canon (at least that's what he wants u to think. he cares abt okuyasu a lot, hes just. very very very unwell and uses having balance and harmony in his stand and even possibly day to day life to compensate for his awful life.) so i think that adds onto him being more of a .. less social catboy. unlike akira who loves meowing and gets the zoomies which annoys the hell out of keicho.
NOW. abt okuyasu who.. ok he just kind of shoved himself here but. i jus wanna add more insight to my argument abt keicho being more catboy-coded by adding some contrast. ok
dogs are usually portrayed as rowdy and messy. during tonio's arc, okuyasu had a lot wrong with his health ranging from poor hygiene (his cavities. but this could also b due to genes. but tbh knowing that him and keicho do not live in a very . good place this is jus sort of Obvious) and also insomnia, iirc back pain and other health issues. this gives a glimpse into okuyasu's mental state and lack of order in his life u know. * i think he is a dogboy also bc he tends to resort to violence or aggression first and foremost when encountering things he doesnt understand or feel comfortable with. (like when he insulted mikitaka and tried to get all up in his face while josuke held him back from doing something stupid. oh also him telling mikitaka to get out of the way during toyohiro's arc. oh and also his interactions w shigechi and him immediately going after harvest when it didnt even harm him directly during their first meeting.) and also his want to stick to ppl and rely on them since apparently everyone loves telling okuyasu that hes stupid . so he eventually internalized that but i digress.
* this also plays into well. his experiences in the past which im not comfortable talking abt whatsoever. its learned behavior passed on from his dad -> keicho -> and then him. dogs tend to mimic and pick up on things quite well which adds onto my point.
rohan mentioned that okuyasu has a complex surrounding his dead brother and how he always thinks of "what would keicho do" before making big or life changing decisions. dogs tend to try to please whoever's taking care of them and they look up to their owners as 'rolemodels' .. which kind of shows how okuyasu thinks of ppl like keicho and by extent josuke too. OFC im overanalyzing this to all hell but. okuyasu is def more of a dogboy than keicho.
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distort-opia · 2 years
do you ever think that joker's character would be hated less if harley was never created? dont get me wrong i love her, its just that her inclusion in the first place was for joker to beat the gay allegations and the abuse isnt rlly fun imo. whining about this is kinda pointless since we cant change the past but i just wanted to hear how you feel about this topic
Mm. This is a bit complicated. I know that it's a popular belief, the idea Harley Quinn was created to make Joker appear less queer, but that's not entirely rooted in fact. Not saying this motivation didn't play a role at all, but if you read up on Harley's origins, some writers involved were against her becoming a regular character on BTAS because it would humanize Joker too much to have a love interest; that was a significant concern. When introducing her to main comic continuity, Dini specifically had Joker be as dark and murderous towards her from the start, and this persisted in most comics featuring them afterwards.
It's not Harley's sheer existence that contributed to the hatred for Joker's character in recent times, in my opinion. It's three combined factors: her redemption arc for the past decade or so, Joker's abusiveness towards her, and the fact she was given a female love interest in Poison Ivy (which turned her into explicit queer representation). The draw of Harlivy as a ship and of Harley being depicted as an abused woman standing up for herself was understandably massive, for a big segment of fandom. And unfortunately, many were eager to forget about Harley's past crimes and choices because of this; after all, it's not difficult to just blame Joker for all the "evil" parts of Harley in order to justify her actions. Joker undoubtedly had a big influence, but it really takes away from her character if her agency is denied entirely (I do hate this recent cross-fandom tendency to take conflicted darker characters and sanitize them). And there is something to be said about Joker being written as a one-dimensional abusive asshole, in order to uplift Harley's character arc and make her triumphs over him more impactful. It is a pity... while I can't say I am a fan of Harley, I find her interesting, and her relationship with Joker has some fascinating aspects to it that get downplayed and ignored in this wave of oversimplification. The main reason she stayed with him was because she thought there was humanity to him, and that she could be the one to bring it out. The tragedy of it, of course, is that she's not wrong-- it's simply that Joker is pretty much incapable of seeing anyone other than Batman as an equal and a fellow human being. Joker does care about her in his own twisted way, but as an extension of himself; a possession, something he created. He also treats her as an extension of himself, which is to say... badly. Because despite how contradictory it might seem at first glance, Joker is suicidal and self-loathing.
Anyway, an analysis of Jarley isn't the point of this :)) To make a long story short, it's true that Harley never being created would've led to none of this happening... but thing is, I do think a female sidekick was inevitable. If they didn't give Joker Harley Quinn, they would've come up with a different character like her eventually, and then who knows where that would've gone. And even if you try to imagine a world with Joker having no one like Harley in his story... the current hatred towards Joker in Tumblr and Twitter circles is quite intertwined with the rise of purity culture and with Joker fatigue (due to DC's overuse of him). Joker as a villain is associated with alpha male toxicity and the whole "we live in a society" mindset, which instantly makes fans on this side of the fence wary; although, even leaving aside the fact Joker has killed countless people in canon, it's more that he shot Barbara Gordon and killed Jason Todd that gets him the biggest amount of hatred. Of course that his abuse towards Harley plays a big part as well, but personally, I don't think it's the main cause. Batman has so many villains, but few of them have harmed Bruce and his Family as personally as Joker has. Seeing as the fandom for the Batfamily is the biggest one, it's not surprising that Joker is disliked within it. (Which is perfectly fine. Issues only arise when fans don't make the distinction between reality and fiction and begin to harass each other over make-pretend non-existent people.)
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carlyraejepsans · 11 months
I rlly admire ur analysis on UTDR, ik a lot of people have probably said that but I’ve had Undertale as a special interest since its’ release, and I just love the way you talk about the characters and your perspectives. U also seem like a lovely person :] ty for being a part of this fandom! 💕
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homeshippinglikeapro · 7 months
they dont int in the comics i think
idk anything abt epilogues or hs2
i just think their dynamics would be fun to explore esp since theyre both self loathing fucks
and karkat fights desperately for other ppl when he cares abt them and doesnt rlly hide it
like hes more direct with it even if he fucks up
where dirk purposely fucks up and shit because he feels itd be better if everyone around him didnt wanna be around him
so itd be this constant cycle of push n pull
idk i just think its bland to only stick to ships that have canon interactions sometimes
I can see the fascination with "putting those two together and forcing them to interact and love each others cuz I said so". It does sound very fun lol, but usually it's not for me.
I get a little bit better now the appeal (thanks!), still, not very much for me. It might be very good for character analysis though, maybe I might read a fanfic with that premise.
The self loathing part is something I really hate about Dirk, for the way he approaches it, but that's really a Me Problem.
Also I do value canon interactions A LOT, I wish I could be reckless like those shippers who ships characters of different STORIES, but I really can't 😅 I admire those shippers a lot
This is so incoherent shit I will go to sleep now bye *dies*
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zhuhongs · 2 years
would it be weird... if i added suggestions to your abbachio analysis essay?? it is really good but your replies are off and its been 3 years since you wrote the essay and i wanted to expand on this specific line
"I was sick of misogynistic, homophobic, and racist tropes (which jojo 100% has). Whenever I voice this complaint, a lot of people claim that I should just turn off my brain to enjoy anime.. Personally, I think that that is the biggest insult to any piece of media."
i feel like not enough people take this into account when doing a character analysis on any jjba character in general, and it gives your analysis so much more depth. like most people do their analysis without accounting for the fact that araki himself wrote the characters, and that he himself carries biases with him that show in his characters and writing
Yea ofc go for it!! thank for asking also. i rlly appreciate it^^
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voltrixz · 2 years
Then do Auditor
Show us your thoughts
Ty for this wonderful opportunity
However,Woopsies this one took a while, had to condense my thoughts here and there because I don’t wanna share everything just yet (I want to talk about them more later down the line)
First Impression: I seem to have a trend of not paying much attention to one character at first and then becoming obsessed with them the next time. Anyways I just thought of the Auditor as the silly flame guy. Who had a whole agency to kill one single guy (what a loser (affectionate) Idk i just thought they looked really cool (gender envy) (another factor of me realizing I wasnt cis)
Impression Now: MANY MANY THOUGHTS, several discord messages with my friends are just about me rambling about Auditor, hell I have like 2 or 3 docs with hc’s/analysis’ about Auditor. But basically, I like to think that they’re the youngest of the employers (yes they’re all siblings, i love the employer siblings hc so much) and i think that sorta facts in with how they’re like rlly stupid and just kinda incompetent (like have you seen how much he struggled to fight hank in his mag form?) plus its been mentioned that they’re the only one of the employers to actually interfere directly with Nevada, which kinda gives me that “younger sibling that wants to prove themselves to the others but ends up messing up horribly as they’re very impulsive and kinda foolish” Also think they’re like secretly very interested in nevada and the people there, sorry i just kinda think they fit the like ‘sheltered disney royalty’ trope. ALSO!!! I think they rely too much on just how much command and how they’re like a literal god, and they just rely on that sorta status when really it weren't for all that, she would be almost powerless i think, Which i think rlly factors into how we seem him struggle a lot in fights against hank and why like in project nexus they just make people take care of everything for her. Also ermm I think they’re also like rlly into flashy entrances like the whole pillar scene thing where it rises and theres like flames everywhere, what a showboat (affectionate). So in conclusion, secretly very curious and a bit foolish while also thinking they’re above everyone else and having a really really short temper. Also ermmm took the lil tidbit of Auditor liking sugary things as a secret soft side, which I will talk about later and also ermm also gets embarrassed easily. Sorry I'm all over the place woopsies.
Idea for a story: MANY IDEAS, like one that explores the sibling dynamics in the employer family + Maker (yes i think Maker is the “father” of the employers) (he just created them from thin air and went “My kids!!! I love em!!”) anyways a lot of stories for that, sorry I love family content. For other stories, I have a bunch of au ones like the one where Auditor and Phobos temporarily took care of the knight in my madcom x hk au. Also have a few ideas of how I think Auditor views humans/nevadas and all the things that confuse them. Also a few on his day to day and like her decreasing mental state (sorry they’re my fave character ever and that means they have to suffer through the horrors) oh and a lot, a lot, a lot of Auditor/Phobos ideas, love these 2 sm. Yet also ermm will put them through the horrors (I have several solo fics about Auditor dealing with Phobos death and post fall of Nexus time) but also just a lot of stories exploring their dynamic and how i think it would develop
Unpopular opinion: Ummmm not sure here honestly since I havent heard too many people talk about Auditor sadly but ermm I guess just like a lot of people kinda brush over Auditor a lot and ermmm it makes me so sad because they’re actually so so so interesting, idk it that counts as an unpopular opinion or whatever but like eh
Favorite relationship: If you’ve been on my blog for a while, I think we all know what I'm going to say. AUDITOR AND PHOBOS!!!!! Love love love these 2 so so so much. Guys I need more people to like this pairing so I can ramble about it more. LIKE GRGHAHH love these 2 evil bastards being in love. So many hc’s about them (I have dedicated doc for them) (and a bunch of short ideas) (might share some them here tbh…) But graghhh love thinking that Auditor decided to interfere with Nevada and ended up having to work with Phobos’ annoying ass only to slowly fall in love with him. Sorry, I just really like to think about how their relationship would develop. Phobos would go from teasing and joke flirting with Auditor for Auditor to turn it around on him, until the Auditor deemed it “far too unprofessional” and called a truce. (they still hated each other but they decided to might as well try to put up with each other for the sake of this “business” relationship (ended with them growing closer and learning more about the other) (which led them to find solace in each other’s company, and enjoy their little friendship until they realized wait a minute I'm like actually in love with you, how is this happening) LIKE GRGAHHH love these 2, their dynamic is so silly.
Favorite hc: All of mine (/hj) but tbh the good thing about having a favorite character that isn't talked about, is that you get to make all the hc’s yourself. And oh boy do I have a few (MANY) but we’re doing favorites so I’ll keep this as short as possible. Auditor has a more dragon like form, which he just has large wings, a tail and horns, which means he can fly around YIPEEE!!!Also its very easy to tell Auditor’s emotions just by looking at their flames, flames will like flicer much more slowly and droop a bit when stressed/tired, when they’re furious, their flames will rise and spark violently, when they see something they like (or someone (hi phobos), little heart shaped sparks will emit from their flames, etc etc. Also like I mentioned before, very curious about mortals in nevada, despite seeing them as below them, Auditor finds them very interesting especially Phobos (they’re gay) ALSO!!! An awful cook, they just summon food they like out of thin air and will set the kitchen on fire if they try to cook anything. Also of course the usual touch starved and attention craving hc, this guys craves some sort of affection. Also!!! Definitely gets teased about her crush on Phobos by their employer siblings. Oh and woops angst jumpscare but Auditor would pick up Phobos’ smoking habit (yes I hc that he smokes) after Phobos dies as a coping mechanism. Couldnt let you guys off that easily. (evil little grin)
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rosewinelonging · 2 years
mm thinkin bout projohn. i know its not ur cup of tea but its just fun to think about, sburb is the thing that matures john- much too fast and when he wasnt at an age ready for it. it was a force of nature, something he could not at all understand or ask questions about beyond what he was told.
bro gives him the same maturity, but with a layer of humanity. john is a lot more like jane than anyone recognizes, he puts a wall between himself and what greatly effects him- he just doesnt break it like jane does.
with bro, john gets that humanity- though also cruel and harsh john knows its a purrson, and can accept what is given much easier,
bro is a systematic purrson, he keeps everything in a specific corner of his mind and refuses to let it down- like dirk. but john as a breath player, changes the flow of things. bro never wants to settle down, he wants to keep going and with someone who both goes with and changes the flow at will- it puts that control in jeopardy- possibly relating to a... ehem "dominance issue" that puts him both in control and out of it. johns no pushover, he wants what's right and he will scheme to get it. bro- even as a aplinter of dirk- misjudges such action.
anyeewayz sorry for the ramble and thanks 4 ur thyme, '^u^
mannn i like brojohn i think ive made a few posts abt them but yea i dont talk as much since i wasnt sure if my followers liked it lol
BUT YES!!! holy shit anon i loveeee thinking abt things like this and doin all analysis like with dynamics and god u hit every mark
honestly ive been thinkin abt john a lot these past couple days. hes a passive player who causes so much change even to those who dont realize it. he goes alongs with things bc he doesnt have the time to think abt stuff and bc of this his outward expression to ppl is. hes easy! hes simple and he listens bc thats whats expected of him, he doesnt have the chance to say no to anything though thats not the reality
as an heir of breath, freedom is his whole deal. he naturally falls into the into the inability to be tied down and in the future as things progress AFTER he begins to process things is when he starts doing things his way, a surprise to people around him who thought him simply passive [ie. refusing to give vriska the ring, beating caliborn up, etc etc]
and combined with the fact of, as you said, the wall of forced repression it very much leads a lot of people, specifically people who pride themselves on 'manipulation' or just crave dominance by understanding others, to misunderstand him severely. which is very VERY good. its such a thing i love with characters and the dynamic possibilities are endless
which is why i rlly like john paired with characters like bro [or even vriska, condy, etc THOSE types of characters] cause you get that misunderstanding and struggle of power. and yes he would misjudge johns actions or intentions which honestly can be funny as fuck
im less confident abt my uhhh perception? i guess of. all striders really i have a version in my mind but idk how close to canon it really is but for me i see bro as a more extreme version of dirk. he would set everything up in his head and it WILL go the way he thinks it will. views the world as more um i guess the best way to explain is in boxes. everything has a set purpose and he compartmentalizes things so it all works in a well oiled machine
so when it comes to john- they would meet, forces him into maturity in anyway you can imagine, and of course this isnt some mystical force from the universe. its a person which WOULD make things easier to understand leading to less passivity once he gets his thoughts together. OR you could say bro had already formed an opinion on john by observing his actions with say like dave! or possibly even rose since she the one he listens to most w/o question
either way it comes to a point that john is likely to fight back or act in a way that goes against the predetermined expectations. john would let him do whatever he wants before suddenly turning around and deciding. he doesnt want to do something and so he simply will not. its a complete toss up that will leave bro stumbling
of course at this point i want to point out that this is what makes dirkjohn fundamentally different from brojohn. dirk and john are on pretty equal footing bc of age which makes the expected power struggle an either-or situation where it could go both ways
while bro has a much larger advantage bc of age [assuming john is 13 - 16] and general appearance [sorry. short john propaganda i cant see him as anything over 5'5 lol]
so naturally bro would still get that control but it means nothing with the fundamental misunderstanding of john. its like he would take simple actions to the extreme [believing he has planned things out when it was really spur of the moment] or any scheming he does as not planned bc he wouldnt get WHY he would that and bc he doesnt understand why he would do something it means he wouldnt have done it
but yea anon you managed to hit exactly why i like thinking abt them. i love love love the idea of their relationship being built on bro just. not understanding how john works. which i explore a lot in royalty au's lol its fun to do court scheming and political drama
bros playing 3d chess while johns playing checkers
ummmm so yea! i like john a whole lot hes one of my favorites to think abt an brojohn less bc of the ship an more bc of that specific flavor i get from it
WAIT! ok before i forget. the only thing ive really been thinking abt these past couple days is john with women vs john with men. essentially boils down to if a woman asked he would be on his knees in an instant. you say jump he asks how high etc etc hed act out enough to get attention but not really to destablize the power dynamic
but he just absolutely refuses to willingly sub for a man. or if he does it doesnt end like he wants it to. so the only way to get him to submit is by harsh force and even then hes a brat till the end. takes pleasure in making bros life just that much harder
ok anyway back to ending notes. yea i like them! i like pretty much any m/m ship as long as johns in it LOL like if youre worried abt me not bein into something remember this:
any girl with any other girl? yes. im literally in the middle of making a doc of every dynamic between all human and troll girls whether they have a canon one or not
any girl with any guy? this is a toss up. if i like / post a lot abt the girl in the ship then yea id prob like it. i dont mind any of the human guys. i dont care for any of the troll guys. well. i like eridan most times, hes fun and im an aquarius and tavros in certain moods.
any guy with any guy? if one of them is john the answer is probably yes. hes my little darling and he surpasses gender. my Only issue with june is that i dont like the name change bc i cant get used to it lol but basically theres no difference in my mind with them when it comes to gender fuckery. an also i switch genitals based on mood so i guess thats something but yea i love him lots esp when it comes to stuff like this where u analyze his character <3
despite my content. i Would say that john is my unanimous favorite character
ALSO im literally writing a long fic where brojohn is the main focus lol well that and davejohn but he literally only gets sex scenes w bro sooooo
but yea go ahead an ramble in my askbox i rlly enjoy it cause i get to ramble back <33
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ahqkas · 7 days
hii! hru? hope ur doing well ^^ i hope ur resting rn, since im sure ur tired from ur work and stuff haha, speaking of— good luck at work :DD
okay im not sure if u saw my other ask or if tumblr ate it up but JANSNDN i just wanted to continue to compliment ur writing on ur new fic!! the dino one c:
u rlly captured mattheo’s sweet side’s essence and i love it sm 🥹 the way he cares for u even at the little things, and the way he made time for reader even if he’s busy is SENDING ME u are making me giggle and kick my feet every time u write, ur fic is DELICIOUS!!
ooh and enjoy ur time while watching those documentaries and reading!! also happy festival to ya :DD , btw my timezone is gmt+8!! its 10:02 pm where im from as I write this ask huahah
SORRY JF THIS ASK DOUBLED I WQSNT SURE IF U RECEIVED MY ASK EARLIER 🥹🥹 anw always take care of yourself! please dont forget to drink water c: , thank u!! - c: anon
you’re the sweetest my love i swear 😞😞🙏 !!! i got ur asks but i didn’t have the time to answer them earlier i’m so sorry 🥹🥹 THANK YOUUU ur comments mean a lot to me <33
i can’t write him any different , i’ve seen some people hc him as someone who wouldn’t fall in love and even if he did he’d be distant and cold ,, i agree w some of those hcs but i think he’d fall in love quite easily as he haven’t received any kind of affection during his childhood (based off my hc of him growing up in the same orphanage as tom) 😿😿 hmm i’m thinking of writing my own set of hcs and analysis of his character for my fics
thank youuu , i’m watching shark documentaries rn 🥹 OHH good night then !! it’s around 4:30 pm for me !!
and also don’t worry if you forget to sign ur asks , you’re pretty much my only anon who i talk to like this and i can recognize u now 😼😼
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jihyoruri · 2 months
never thought I'd see the day Id do a wowyn analysis... Keep in mind its been a second since I reread all the wowyn works😭
Id like to preface this by saying I do not have a very good grasp on wowyn as a character- I am not entirely sure how you guys view her but I've said this before.. I think wowyn is truly a very sad person. maybe she's not sad emotionally but the way she views things and acts at certain points makes me... I don't know. she does some shit that annoys me 😭I don't view her as a baby or something like that.. she's clearly the "cool" one in the group lmao😭
I'll be focusing on wonyn, and chaeyn for this..
wowyn clearly is uncomfortable with being "known" per se. When she starts to really like someone, she immediately distances herself. I can't tell if it's because she's afraid of getting hurt, or just because her issues with her dad gave her an avoidant attachment style..
I'm not completely sure what happened with her father, and why she's like this now..
wowyn is nonchalant with chaewon. From what we've read, chaewon has started to like(?) wowyn, and finds her cool. I don't think wowyn has started to like chaewon yet, and if she has.. damn😭
I can't tell if wowyn Is avoidant of vulnerability at all, because it seems she keeps up this cool and unaffected front so she doesn't show emotions she doesnt want other people seeing. Shes clearly scared/uncomfortable to love someone(?) because, as you said, she realized she liked minjeong so she broke up with her.
wonyn.. It brings me a sort of satisfaction to know that wowyn will end up with chaewon and not wonyoung. the idea that someone will always come back to you, and that they'll always want you, so you just expect them to ?? chase after you?? rubs me the wrong way. I hope that wowyn will at one point get over wonyoung and actually like chaewon more (even though it seems impossible) cause its CRAZY wonyoung thinks chaewon is delusional (it's not crazy she lowk is)
If she DOESNT get over wonyoung... I feel bad for chaewon. knowing that you'll always be second place SUCKS.
I don't know what made wowyn so attached to wonyoung in the first place, but I'll guess they met when they were a bit younger because the wowyn now seems like she doesn't let people in like that anymore..
In conclusion I do not understand wowyn at all. I know she has an avoidant attachment style and clear vulnerability issues from something with her dad... but fundamentally I find her sad. I can't tell if she wants to be understood and wants people to know her, but she's scared, or she doesn't at all because she's scared, or she doesn't care and I'm reading it wrong?? wowyn seems like the person that never lets people too close, always with a suitcase in hand (metaphorically) ready to leave when she realizes "this person knows me". I mean in that one ask "aeri knows too much about wowyn to date her" or something along those lines.. does she not want to be known, or does she secretly want it?? I don't know.
I'm glad she'll be with chaewon in the end, but I hope she gets a therapist because if I was chaewon's friend I'd be like.. don't go for someone so painfully emotionally unavailable 😭
(this might be all wrong, I literally don't understand wowyn she has such an insane mindset to me. im ace so ig I've just never had a crush that has me always coming back to them like this?? I don't know man wowyn is confusing to me. the way people act like her stans here scares me cuz what if I get jumped but... wowyn isn't a monolith.. she's cool on stage but her mental state is definitely... a whole trip.. pathetic isn't the right word but I've said sad so many times.. like her mindset and actions just make me frown I kind of pity her???)
it kinda makes me smile when you say that she don’t understand wow!yn cause that means that I did what I wanted to do with her she’s rlly complex like I want people to have a hard time understanding her, like every time ppl try to analyze her they’re completely wrong and it makes me giggle LMAOOOO
you always seem to go back to wow!yn chasing and always going back to wonyoung 😭 and I feel like I’ve said this before but wow!yn doesn’t have some crazy crush on wonyoung she USED to but she doesn’t it’s just wony is that person always in the back of her mind who she find comfort in because she’s someone who yn is so close with it’s not a situation where it’s like omg I love you so much I can’t get over yo, it was never that yn knows her and wony aren’t going to work out I’ve said that before like that’s something that’s something that yn isn’t even waiting for. Honestly I want to know what actions of hers annoy you because from what I’ve written wow!yn is just so chill and nonchalant like you guys she haven’t seen her make any decisions yet besides breaking up with winter.
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