#and that the aerith we see in cloud's dream reality is the aerith from remake with all her knowledge of the future
aerithisms · 23 days
i still have so many questions about the ff7 remake story. why did aerith even have knowledge of the future in remake to begin with? from a watsonion perspective, why does she lose that knowledge after the end of remake when sephiroth doesn't? (i'm fully aware the doylist reason is that having a character who knows the future would totally break the plot but i'm still curious if there's more to what they were doing with aerith's remake character or if this is it). what was her motivation to encourage the party to fight the whispers in the original game when she knew the party would defeat sephiroth in the end if events followed fate? was it simply that she wanted the chance to live? because that makes me want to lie down and cry!!!!
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breakfastteatime · 1 month
OKAY! Spoilers for Original Final Fantasy VII discussion of Rebirth! This is your only warning.
Cloud remembering Zack was a real surprise... even if he remembered wrong. Well, I'm sure in another world that's exactly what did happen, but not to this Cloud. I did love Tifa being all "I'll let Aerith know, okay????" because she knows Cloud's not got it right...
I really like that they're playing up the degradation angle with Cloud, even though that's not what it is. S Samples INDEED. It's been a minute since I played Crisis Core, but I also think that's why Zack didn't experience degradation. Of course, he also died sooooo...
When you're talking with Biggs, it's like he's from the main remake timeline whereas Zack is from the alternate universe. Initially I thought maybe they were dead in the lifestream, but of course that didn't make sense... And how Cloud can see into that other world in his dreams... but it's also not the one he winds up in near the end, because the only way to keep track of what universe we're all in is based on Stamp the dog. I think we've seen four variations now?? Maybe five? Because when Zack makes his choice in the tunnels, he creates another alternate world. UGH SO GOOD.
Oooh, but the opening flashback where you see hints of the REAL Cloud under the mask... So subtle. So good.
Evil Cloud. Evil, Sephiroth-quoting Cloud who kills indiscriminately. YEEEEEEEES. He was so ready to straight up murder Elena daaaaaaayum.
I love that they're really playing up how unstable and genuinely dangerous Cloud is to be around. The real Cloud is in there somewhere, but he's so lost. And the ending where he's chatting away to Aerith even though she's dead... although that did also undercut how impactful that part of the original was. The part where Sephiroth tells him he doesn't have any feelings because he's a puppet and Cloud fights back against that was lost in Rebirth because we flick between realities - including one where Cloud murdered her (at least that's what it looked like to me). Ultimately, I do like the ending, but the original did it better. Honestly, it will be easier to figure out how far they're taking that once we play the final part of the remake. I understand they have to pace a three part remake very different because in the original you just... carry on to Icicle Inn.
...seriously though, does he think she's alive???? Because it really feels like he thinks she's alive... which, well, I guess we'll see him mourn later.
The way they're really foreshadowing how Cloud is ultimately the most successful robed figure - albeit without the robe - because Hojo considered him to be a failed experiment. Again, it's in the original, but they're able to really expand on it here.
Oh - another minor complaint but still: did not like that we can't go upstairs in Shinra Mansion. Another part of the original I loved. But LOL at the door code. I SEE YOU, SQUARE ENIX.
The sidequest with the dude who makes a weapon for Barret and says that someday Barret might not need the gun any more. Nice nod to Advent Children.
Speaking of Advent Children, which obviously at this point in the remakes isn't canon, but with Cloud being so out of it re: Aerith it kinda takes away the whole him coming apart because of his depression and guilt in AC.
Hey, SE, while you're busy remaking stuff, wanna update those graphics on Advent Children? I always forget how GREY it is until I watch it again. And Cloud has such pretty eyes in the remakes!
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Hello, I'm the creator of the Irregularity AU here!!! I gotta say you made the AU more amazing. I actually didn't meant that Y/n went back to multiple crucial points in the FF7 timeline therefore gave birth to many small worlds of the FF7 universe (Like the theory where your different choices can create alternate realities and in another world,you went the other way)
She only went back to the start of FF7 Remake since it's the timeline that was reversed but still what you wrote is much more amazing. It's interesting that Y/n went back to many important points in time of FF7 timeline like CC or Pre Nibelheim
FF7 Remake is complicated, there's the theory of multiverse (Example: Zack lives bitches!!!). I watched an analysis of the game on YouTube once and it actually made sense in a way. Aerith and Sephiroth somehow sent their consciousness when they were in AC timeline back to the past and their past vessels,specifically the start of FF7's main story therefore we got FF7 Remake. In a way it does explain how Sephiroth and Aerith seems to know more than they should've had, meaning the reality had been tampered with in some ways
I noted that Sephiroth wasn't even physically present in the entire game yet somehow he killed President Shinra,bc he was encased in mako energy at the Northern Crater. Then how did he does it? FF7 Remake is like a fever dream
Anyway great job you did there with writing Irregularity AU!!!
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Ah, okay, my bad. 😅 I want to watch that analysis! I will try to search for it! And alternate reality is what I love about the remake. Lots of interesting things the writers are trying to do differently so it wouldn't be the same story with pretty graphics. I'm excited for the new things they'll come up with for the next two games in the remake trilogy. But at the same time, the OG game was full of interesting, major events so I'm worried some important moments will be cut or altered too drastically... But anyways, thank you! I still love your AU, so I came up with another scenario for it! And I see the other spicy AU you got cooking up in my inbox too~! 😏
Content Warnings: Physical Abuse, Blood and NSFW themes, slight non-con under the cut (i mistyped the last word with an n)
༻❁༺ A new opportunity to remake.
Within your AU, I like to think that the darling, having traveled so far back in time, will be lulled into a false sense of security, because Sephiroth is just a cruel mastermind. Eventually, she'll believe she has escaped him. As she's presented with a new chance to reintroduce herself to Cloud, she wouldn't notice the sudden darkness forming in her room as she stares at Cloud from her window. She's made a terrible, terrible mistake in assuming her security... When Sephiroth steps out from the darkness of her room, she's filled with dread as she slowly turns to watch his menacing prowl toward her. The possibility of meeting Cloud again, which she had been so eagerly anticipating, had been cruelly taken away from her.
Cloud will remain in the area with unease, as if something should be happening, but he couldn't figure out what.
Now with AC Sephiroth and 7R's Seph's conscious as one? He'll dispense a cruel, eternal punishment on the darling.
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༻❁༺ Not the reunion she wanted.
He'll summon Masamune and kick her down, and put his boot down right on her lower stomach. His eyes will soften with delight as he rambles about how happy he is to reunite with his darling once more. Pride will radiate from him, as no matter how much time or space shifted, it couldn't prevent their reunion. He'd then ramble about his darling's womb, how he couldn't wait to plant his corrupted seed within it, to start his dynasty to rule time and space as he puts more weight on her lower stomach... Then, with a wicked smile, he watches his darling squirm in terror and discomfort, before mockingly questioning her ability to escape him this time as Masamune draws the slightest hint of blood from her delicate neck.
He'd remember how, (in the AC timeline), his darling hung around Cloud and his friends, daringly interacting and smiling at other men... It's a shame that Sephiroth needs to correct his darling before she could greet Cloud this time. Did his darling really think the warmth caress of his touch was inferior to any other? The cold steel of Masamune draws more blood, threatening to turn the darling's stinging cut into an agonizing wound at any moment.
Before she can ask how he caught up with her, his darling will hear him chuckle, saying no matter how much she ran, he could always catch her.
Before his darling knows it, he's eye-level with her, his soft, glossy lips almost brushing against her own as he slowly spreads her legs apart. He'll lovingly trace her inner thighs while staring her down. She can try to kick and move, but his magical prowess prevented any movement. She can open her mouth, but only quiet whimpers will come out. As Sephiroth plants a tender yet passionate kiss on her lips, tears will spill down her cheeks. After all what she's done, it meant nothing. This is only the start of her eternal punishment...
Meanwhile, Cloud lets out a heavy sigh, feeling a strange emptiness as he leaves the area and continues his mission.
Side Note: I still like to think Aerith assisted with the darling getting away from Sephiroth initially considering how she would be her best ally.
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dutchdread · 1 month
Hello, I have a question for you, do you think they will make Clerith canon through some bizarre timeline multiversal stuff in the remake trilogy?
Warning, this will have massive spoilers for Rebirth. No, for one that would heavily diminish the themes of the OG as well as the weight behind Aeriths death. Maybe this is just the well hidden optimist in me speaking but I don't think they'd ruin their own story quite that much. Let's be honest, "no, she's not alive, so we didn't betray our themes, she's just alive.....somewhere else, so everyone can be happy and we don't have to make a choice because whatever you want to have happened has happened" is the most cowardly writing ever, and I doubt they'd sink to it. More importantly though, Rebirth already seems to be hinting that this will not be the case. We've seen from the Zack alternative timelines that Rebirth is essentially following a very "final destination" type ruleset. In remake we saw that the whispers tried to course correct any mistakes in the timeline, such as by pushing Wedge off of Shinra HQ. If they fail to correct the changing of destiny a new timeline seems to be created. But as we can see in rebirth these timelines are unstable and destined to be destroyed. Biggs and Zack both survive their deaths in the original timeline break, but Biggs still gets gunned down. Zack breaks timelines several times but consistently runs into squads of Shinra grunts trying to gun him down. And all the broken off timelines have the same tear in the sky. Now whether these "alternate dimensions" are real physical dimensions or just dreamlike manifestations of hopes and dreams in the lifestream doesn't matter that much. What matters is that they are unstable and doomed to end, which is indicated by the huge sky tear. By the end of Rebirth Cloud alone can see Aerith, seemingly live in front of him. But he alone can also see the giant tear in the sky. The most likely reason for this is that Cloud himself, in his deluded state, is keeping this alternate dimension alive, it is a manifestation of his desires, his desire to protect, to not be a failure. He rejects reality and substitutes his own, a reality where he didn't fail to Save Aerith but was in time. This reality, which exists in the form of lifestream inside his head, can be argued to really exists according to the rules of FFVII, where the lifestream is more than just imaginary. Or rather, where imaginary is more meaningful than it perhaps is in the real world. I don't know yet if there is an actual second dimension where Cloud saved Aerith, and that Clouds deluded mind sees that dimension because he believed that's the one he's in, or if it is ALL in his mind. But really it doesn't matter. What matters is that there is only one "real" dimension. One dimension without a sky tear, and in that dimension Aerith is dead. And all other dimensions, be they pocket dimensions with an altered fate, or completely imaginary, are doomed to be destroyed, as shown in Rebirth through Zack. Zacks segments have been stated to have the intention of showing us how the world of FFVII operates, so the fact that his worlds are all destroyed is rather significant, and with it having been stated twice that the remake project will "link up" to Advent children it seems very unlikely that there is a way to postpone destiny for ever. One of the biggest themes in FFVII is acceptance. Acceptance of the past, and oneself. And the most likely thematic core of Aeriths seeming spiritual "survival" is that Cloud will have to accept her death, accept the past, and move on. Right now, in typical Cloud fashion, Cloud is not accepting reality. This is the same flaw that led to his fake persona. The theme there was never "fake it till you make it". It's almost certain that this change is a continuation of the same concept. Cloud has to live in reality, and not deny it over and over again until his delusions become reality. That would be the message given by Cloud continuing to not accept Aeriths death, and eventually get her back somehow, and that message would conflict with literally everything FFVII has ever taught us.
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arqinnovations · 3 years
10 things that I want from FF7 Remake 2
Some of these are a given, but just for fun, others are a bit of a long shot. Spoilers abound, so turn back now if you're still making your way through Midgar as we speak. In no particular order:
Jessie. I'm going to be honest, it took some self-restraint to not make this a 10 things I'd like to do to see from Jessie list. One thing that Remake did incredibly well was flesh out the Avalanche crew, and Jessie was undoubtedly the one who benefited the most, going from ponytailed plot device to forward and fiery courter of Cloud. I absolutely dreaded her inevitable death scene, and nearly jumped out of my chair at the suggestion that she may have actually survived this time around. I won't ask for a pizza and chill side quest, but I would be thrilled to just see her alive and well in the next chapter.
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Gold Saucer. It's not a question of if it'll be in the game, but of how it will be presented. I'm expecting that a lot of love and care will be put into this locale, and I want everything: Chocobo racing, roller coasters, a beefed up haunted house, battle square, a potential date with a pissed off Barrett...all of it. Saying that I'm excited to see an updated Gold Saucer would be a massive understatement.
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Open world. Or not. I'm fine with either. I remember how massive the FF7 world seemed to me as a kid while playing the original game, and I just can't see how something of that size will scale to the table that Remake has set so far. I loved - loved - roaming forests and taking long road trips with the boys in FF15. But Remake has a completely different world with different stakes. While the idea of a free-roaming epic is indeed attractive, there will inevitably be other games that have done an open world on a far grander scale, and it'd almost be a shame to see Remake try to draw from Skyrim when the reality is that it doesn't have to. Midgar was linear in nature and it was still beautiful and felt massive in its own way. I'd be fine with a series of mostly contained villages and towns with the second installment.
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Playable Turks. This one falls into the long shot category, but you can already feel how badly the creators are itching to turn the Turks into good guys. We know that this timeline has forked off into a direction different from the one that we grew up with, so perhaps we can get a few missions with Reno and Rude running point? I'm not holding my breath, but it would be awesome.
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Bahamut. And not just one, I want all three back. Vanilla Bahamut, Bahamut Neo, and Bahamut Zero! Heck, give us even more. Omega Bahamut! Ultima Bahamut! Bahama Bahamut! Nobody goes into battle without a Mut!
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No more squiggly dust ghosts. Yeah, enough of those guys. I can go as far as to say that I appreciated what the Whispers provided the story, but now that our heroes have apparently ripped through the threads of fate and are playing with a freshly shuffled deck of cards, I could do without seeing them again.
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The Highwind. I don't think there's any doubt that we'll be seeing the Highwind, given it's importance to Cid's character and the fact that the airship becomes the party's main mode of transportation towards the latter half of the story. What is in question is to what degree players will be able to control the massive aircraft. While we had the ability to manually fly exactly where we wanted to in the original, there's understandably some doubt as to how this will work in Remake with the game's open world status still very much in question. I'd bet on control being limited to the bridge of the ship with the option to select predetermined destinations from a world map. And I'd be fine with that. Just give us that sweet Highwind music.
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More of Rufus in action. Seriously, look at that pimp. A character this cool deserves to be seen in battle more than once.
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And less of Zack. Assuming he's alive and well in this reality, I could go without seeing too much of the guy. The original FF7 was such a fantastic story about life and identity because Zack passes on and symbolically entrusts his hopes and dreams to Cloud (who somewhat hilariously takes things way too literally). That story doesn't work quite as well if Zack is just hanging around being...uh, alive and stuff. And if he is, what has he been doing all this time while Aerith was getting harassed by Turks every day? Swell guy, that Zack. Or are we to assume he's alive, just not in this reality? Honestly - and it might just be me - I thought the reinsertion of Zack into the fray was one of the few missteps Remake made.
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Aerith has a chance? Square knew what they were doing when they opted to establish a new timeline. I'm not saying that Aerith surviving would make the story better. On the contrary, I'm not sure if it works at all without Sephiroth jumping in and making her into an Aerith-kabob. What I do know is that there's now some definite intrigue to that moment, and they've effectively put all the suspense back into a scene that we had assumed would end in a familiar, heartbreaking fashion. It's a smart move, regardless of what eventually does happen.
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silver-wield · 3 years
tbh after playing the remake, I get the appeal of CA, because it's a familiar manic pixie dream girlfriend type love story. It even plays into the tragic boy loses girl trope which helps frame it as some grand romantic story. and yeah they're cute, and they definitely have a special connection. I think I could ship it if not for the whole rest of the story. It's a relationship that has the potential to become romantic, but it doesn't exist in a vacuum. 1/5
The remake is doing a great job on untangling a lot of the ambiguity the OG left us with. Yes, Cloud could develop feelings for Aerith and vice versa, but the remake is planting so many seeds that confirm he currently has feelings for Tifa (which she reciprocates) and I don't think it's possible for any feelings he might develop for Aerith to overcome these feelings he has harboured since childhood. 2/5
Unfortunately those feelings are something he cannot fully understand because of his comprimised mental state. But you can clearly see that his deep affections for Tifa and desire to protect her stay with him despite that (as can Aerith). The problem with the OG (other than having to potray this incredibly complex subversive nuanced story through text and polygons) is that the LS scene recontextualize so much of who Cloud is, but by that time people had already made their conclusions. 3/5
With the remake you can see them trying to fix this by having a constant thread of romantic undertones to all of cloti's interactions. The CA relationship meanwhile is potrayed with these moments that play into romantic tropes and expectations. The bridge scene is flashy and grand and draws the attention, but it doesn't carry the substance that a single hand-clech does. 4/5
It's meant to be a smokescreen to the real story - just as Cloud is not the hero you think he is, the love story is also not the one you think it is. And that's what makes FF7 so great. It's all about the subversions of what you expect - it's about the truth underneath these grand and compelling illusions that is complicated and real but still just as beautiful. 5/5
Okay, first off I don’t see how anyone can play Remake with Cloud being biggest mood around Aerith and find that appealing. Personally I think it’s the most toxic and harmful behaviour in the entire game when he’s alone with her and she’s literally trying to force him to act like her dead boyfriend. There is zero appeal in that and it’s not cute how she behaves, it’s arrogant and self serving. Like I said in a different post (or maybe a tweet) both Sephiroth and Aerith use Cloud to fulfill their own selfish desires. Sephiroth needs Cloud to destroy the planet by getting him the black materia, and Aerith wants Cloud to emulate Zack so she can fool herself into believing he didn’t die. In both cases what Cloud wants doesn’t even factor into things. That harmful dynamic doesn’t give them a special relationship. It mirrors Cloud’s relationship with Sephiroth in that it hurts him. Aerith and Sephiroth are two sides of a coin and the whole isn’t anything that benefits Cloud. Even after they’re both dead they continue to harm him through their obsession with him. It’s only at the end of AC when they’re both truly gone from his life completely that he’s able to smile and be at peace. He has no stalkers in DC and that’s why he’s so cheerful. He gets to live happily with Tifa and not worry about ghosts coming after him. It has zero potential to become anything because to make that a thing, you need to totally destroy everything else about the story and characters themselves. You have to take away Zack being Cloud’s best friend and saviour, at which point he’s just dead. You have to take away Tifa being his motivation to become a soldier, at which point he’s dead cause Sephiroth still comes to Nibelheim and burns it. Point is, there is no way that dumdum dinghy is possible without removing Cloud and most of his personality from FF7, at which point he’s just a pretty face, so people should just go write AU fanfiction and admit they wanna bang the pretty boy and not deal with his canon personality and story. 
There wasn’t any ambiguity in OG because 7R is FF7 and the devs have said multiple times the story is the same as before. The problem back then was a poor translation, bad advertising and people refusing to follow the narrative to its proper conclusion. Cloud at no point in OG or any of the compilation could develop feelings because it’s shown in the entire compilation that he has always and will always love Tifa. Before Crisis he loves Tifa. Crisis Core he loves Tifa. OG he loves Tifa. AC he loves Tifa. DC he loves Tifa and Remake he loves Tifa. There’s zero room for anything with Aerith because his entire character arc is consumed with his desire for Tifa. It’s literally shown in the damn game that he’s in love with her. So, no, there never was any chance for Aerith, and I’m tired of people trying to entertain one by saying “if she lived”. Sorry, not sorry, if she lived Cloud is still in love with Tifa, so he never would, could or want to develop any feelings for Aerith. 
Cloud loves Tifa. It’s the goddamn plot. 
There isn’t any problem with the lifestream scene being the big reveal at that point in that game. The problem, again, is that people refused to follow the narrative to its logical conclusion and got hung up on their dumbass headcanon about Aerith. The entire premise of the game is built on illusion vs reality and yet some people still refuse to wake up and see reality. The game spells it out for everyone. They got so triggered over her dying that they acted like the game ended at that point instead of it carrying on and reaching the actual true culminating arc where we find out Cloud wasn’t himself this entire time. People seem to think Aerith dying is the plot and that she’s the main character or something. It’s Cloud’s game. The plot revolves around him. That’s why the lifestream scene is the apex of it. 
It’s Cloud’s story, not Aerith’s. 
I’ve pointed out several times how Aerith’s optional scenes in Remake show that Cloud is barely even a fixture. Her language of flowers you barely have Cloud in shot while she’s doing all that talking. She’s basically talking to the player. Her optional dress scenes show the illusion for what it is. That bridge is tiny and yet in the red dress is looks like this massive structure. I laughed my ass off when I spotted it. The pink dresses perspective shortens drastically for each one, with the funeral dress having Cloud standing nearest to Aerith, so that one’s probably closer to reality than that ott scene with random fireworks and fans popping up from nowhere. Not to mention the fact Aerith’s entire figure is padded out to fill that dress and she’s got hair extensions in and a ton of make up and the ost is actually called a mess of makeup or something like that and not a certain gaudiness. I mean, Madam M tried to turn Aerith into Tifa to win the bride contest and beat Sam. The game makes things very clear that the illusion is Aerith and the reality is Tifa, and players can’t turn Aerith into Tifa to make Cloud notice her no matter how hard they wanna believe they can. Her resolution literally has her repeating her OG lines from the GS about how Cloud isn’t himself, but she also arrogantly assumes he fell in love with her or would because she’s arrogant. It’s a character trait that again mirrors Sephiroth’s arrogance. It’s what gets them both killed in the end. Aerith underestimates Sephiroth and Sephiroth underestimates Cloud. 
And we already saw what Cloud had to say about her declaration cause he only ever refers to her as a friend and didn’t show any romantic behaviour when he rescued her. Unless “Yep” is the height of romance now. It’s not that the romance isn’t the one you think it is. It’s that it’s the one you ignored and acted like wasn’t important because you hate the heroine. Tifa and Cloud are together from start to finish, but because people decided the pink girl was more important they acted like Tifa had no right to what was hers from the beginning. She didn’t get between Cloud and Aerith. There never was any Cloud and Aerith. It was always Tifa. She just took what was always hers and kept it. 
Anyone who doesn’t understand that should try playing the game cause it’s clear they didn’t.
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dansantcaparet · 4 years
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I keep hearing the argument "lots of OG CxA scenes were omitted in the Remake" & "Tifa got way more scenes in Midgar than she got in the OG."
Well, SE stated they wanted to keep it "equal" due to the social media discourse: "Team Aerith" vs. "Team Tifa"
But if that is the case, doesn't that suggest Aerith will be getting "equal" screen-time later in the game?
Does that suggest an alternate reality? Or her death occurring later in the game?
SE said major plot points will stay the same. Aerith likely still dies. But does she have to die at the same point in the game?
Cloud could save her this time but ultimately, Aerith still has to die so she can direct the lifestream from within the Planet to help Holy stop meteor.
Even if Cloud saves her, Aerith knows the future, and knows she has to die to direct the lifestream from within the Planet to assist Holy.
Killing Aerith later in the game keeps the major plot points the same (ie: Aerith dies), but allows us to be shocked (yet again) because we don't know exactly when it will happen.
It also ensures Aerith will receive "equal screen time" later in the game just like Tifa got in Midgar. Gotta keep it equal, right? If Tifa gets more in Midgar, doesn't that suggest Aerith will get more later?
In 1997, SE was bombarded with letters from fans about reviving Aerith. Gamers spent endless hours trying to bring her back. Maybe now they want a version where gamers can play with her to the very end of the game, but still keep the main plot points the same -- which would mean that Aerith still dies, but much later in the game.
Shock value? Check. Equal time? Check. Main plot points the same? Check.
And I know this isn't technically about the Remake, but it fits with the idea that Tifa is supposedly going to dominate the second half of the Remake once Aerith dies:
Bugenhagen takes Cloud and everyone back to the Forgotten City for an extended amount of time to talk about Aerith. REAL Cloud states he remembers Aerith "a lot."
This is both an underrated and forgotten moment of the OG.
Aerith's presences looms large over everyone. Aerith also comes back at the very end of the game and reaches out to Cloud from within the lifestream. Cloud's question to the Planet has been answered -- he can meet Aerith in the Promised Land.
Aerith's face is the last image we see -- just as it is the first image we see. Aerith's face is the "full circle" moment that ties everything together in a pretty pink ribbon.
If the main plot points stay the same, Aerith will still loom large over everyone during the second half of the Remake.
Our "omitted" scenes are more than made up for with picking flowers at Aerith's house, high-five's in the tunnel, the Wall Market battle arena, and the dream scene where Cloud wants HIS OWN SAY on loving Aerith.
If we are going to talk about who got what scenes omitted, I think it is fair to further analyze the scenes as they are placed within the narrative.
To me, Tifa's scenes felt overshadowed by Jessie (Tifa's promise scene is during Jessie's side-quest). I also believe new gamers probably forgot about Tifa's scenes by the end due to Aerith's storyline being the main narrative. Not only does Aerith propel the storyline to Shinra HQ, but she is the one who confronts Sephiroth and asks everyone to join her in stopping him.
I know I'll get criticized for bringing this up again, but if you look at this from the perspective of someone new to the FFVII fandom, I don't see how my analysis is far off.
Sure, if you already love Tifa and CxT, you will disagree. But I'm looking at it from the perspective of someone who played the Remake with no prior knowledge.
After all that transpires, what would a casual gamer likely think by the end of the game?
To me, the answer is obvious: Aerith. Aerith. Aerith.
Tifa's scenes happen way too early and are overshadowed by Jessie. On the contrary, Aerith's storyline drives the main narrative forward for the majority of the Remake.
Point is -- what CxA lost from the OG in Midgar was more than made up for with what we gained. We literally have a scene that discusses LOVE. What more could we ask for? Cloud wants his OWN SAY on loving Aerith. That's f'ing amazing.
And why do people keep bringing up Zack as if he disqualifies Clerith?
We know the REAL Cloud grew to care for Aerith. That's why he has has feelings for her in AC. Can we just stop with the Zack nonsense? HE IS NOT IN THE OFFICIALLY ESTABLISHED LOVE TRIANGLE.
Zack is only brought up to delegitimize Clerith despite Aerith saying she wants to move FORWARD with her life & despite the REAL Cloud showing feelings for Aerith *AFTER* regaining his memories.
But as it pertains to the LTD, I think Aerith will die at a later point in the game.
If equal screen-time is a big factor for SE in the Remake, and Tifa got more scenes in Midgar, then Aerith will likely get more scenes later on. This suggests to me that Aerith will die at a later point in the game so we can play with her until fairly close to the end.
Just like with the dream vs. hug, will Aerith now have the possibility to be an option under the Highwind?
I know this suggestion will make everyone's heads explode.
But if you look at it objectively, the Highwind scene was always inherently variable from day 1. And if SE is going to continue with "equal time" (dream vs. hug), I bet we will see Aerith being an option for scenes like the Highwind scene later in the game.
I don't see how Tifa can get more scenes in Midgar without Aerith getting more scenes later on. According to SE, they are going to keep it equal.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Hey! I just newly found out your acc and so far, I’m loving your posts/analysis. Idk if you’ve already answered or been asked this question but... how did you become a Cloti fan and the reason why you stan them (like what did you like about their tandem etc)? I’m just curious about your “journey” lol. Anyways, keep it up and have a nice day 😁
Hey anon! Thank you!
Oh you want me to ramble! I can ramble about this. Adding a Keep Reading!
You know, I’ve thought about this a lot today because of a conversation on Twitter. I can’t say I TRULY remember much about when I first played FFVII prior to the other pieces of the compilation coming out, things I saw in passing online, or other things that probably have affected how I remember it. 
My Thoughts on What My Journey MAY Have Been
I played FFVII 20 years ago. Of course I THINK I remember how I felt about everything, but the more I do seriously think about it, the more I think the bulk of my opinions have been impacted by multiple different areas over that 20 years. On top of it, I’m not sure anybody who didn’t stay very active in the fandom would fully remember what went on 20 years ago with the game, nor could you truly remember what you felt prior to seeing everything else. It impacts your ability to say “Yes, I was this way, 100%.” 
I wasn’t the biggest FFVII OG fan. I liked it a lot, but I preferred FFVIII and Xenogears by far. Those were the two I focused on the most. In terms of things like FanFiction, for example, I didn’t read Cloud and Tifa or Cloud and Aerith ones, I read Vincent x Lucretcia ones. As an adult, I appreciate FFVII OG much more.
I recall not being the biggest fan of Aerith, and I honestly don’t remember how I felt initially about Tifa. I do remember it feeling like it came out of left field when suddenly she’s in love with him in Mideel (we know it wasn’t sudden, but there was no real obvious buildup to me). If I’m being completely honest, I don’t think I cared at all about who Cloud “ended up with.” My assumption - and this I can say with certainty - was that Aerith died, so that was that. There wasn’t a relationship past that, nor could there be. She was dead. 
Playing FFVII first, but FINISHING FFVIII first may have impacted this opinion as well. FFVIII was in your face romance. FFVII was not. There are a lot of people (myself included) that felt there was very little romance in OG. However, as with all of the other games I played, I did not question the story much at all. Cloud and Tifa have the Lifestream, which I do remember being like “WHAT?!” over that reveal of Cloud being a Shinra Soldier, not a First Class SOLDIER, they have some words Under the Highwind, and then at the end he catches her from falling. The dialogue during the ending bothered me because it made no sense to me at that point. After seeing the original story board, I can see why. I don’t think that was the intention, but for some reason they changed it. One thing I’m pretty certain on is that I got that weird feeling in my stomach where I got annoyed over that line. 
I can recall being weirded out when people said that Cloud and Aerith ended up together, because I remember her dying. In life, 21 year old’s don’t pine for somebody that they knew for a month. That’s just reality. I’m not saying he didn’t feel anything for her, but it still weirds me out that people are okay with thinking he’d shut down and/or take more extreme measures to “reunite” with her, that I don’t even want to get in to. I will say that CA fans were much more vocal online, which I think is why folks like me who didn’t care never really got involved in online fandom. I never understood how it would make sense after beating the game, but I wasn’t the only one who assumed they did something weird at some point and made it where they could be together. I just didn’t care enough to look in to it. 
My sister actually said to me, “Isn’t he with Aerith?” And I said, “No, but I had the same feeling at one point for some reason, and have no idea why.” And I reminded her Aerith died and she said “You’re right.. why would they be together?” Shrugs. I honestly think at one point I assumed they pulled a FFX and revived her in some offshoot game I didn’t play and that’s why people were saying CA.
Oddly enough, I think when I played KH and KH2 it made it obvious to me that they weren’t really pushing CA at all... even though I know some use those games as an argument. Mind you those are NOT canon to the FFVII Compilation, but I found it interesting that they bring in Tifa for KH2 and it ends up that a) Cloud was looking for Sephiroth and b) Tifa appears to have been his light. Even they way Aerith acts towards Cloud in KH never felt romantic to me at all. 
Why I Like Cloud and Tifa
I like Cloud and Tifa because their relationship is very complex. It’s not flowers and sunshine like a lot of the FF romances. Not to say those don’t have drama - I mean Tidus is technically a dream, but they “revive” him anyway later on (never felt right about this, by the way... but I accepted it as part of the story). 
Even in OG, it’s shown that they have quite a history, and Cloud pretty much has built all of his life decisions around Tifa. I do laugh every time I see the meme of the Lifestream and it’s all “Tifa Tifa Tifa”. I believe, I truly do, that the intent in the Lifestream was to make you realize that Cloud had a false persona up until he breaks at the Northern Crater, and once his TRUE SELF is revealed, along with it comes his true feelings. So up until that point, when you, as the player, could make decisions for Cloud and move him in a direction you thought was YOUR CHOICE, it’s not. It was an illusion. 
I, in no way, thought that eloquently 20 years ago. However, I realized that he was in love with Tifa (which I thought was interesting for some reason) and that he created this fake personality to protect himself. The game doesn’t go into it much past that point, you get Under the Highwind, really, as a follow up to the feelings part, but that’s it. So I never saw the romantic aspect of it all as super important - it’s a nice to have.
Remake, however, really does seem to be pushing a more romantic angle, which ultimately made me a hard Cloti stan. I can’t say I WAS one before, even with all the “wait, is he with this or that one?” I never really thought he ended up with anybody TRULY except Tifa, but, like I said, I just didn’t care.
REMAKE MAKES YOU CARE ABOUT ALL OF THESE CHARACTERS. Like a lot. So I didn’t like Aerith in OG - I love Aerith in Remake. I love her relationship with Tifa, I love her sassy, judgemental attitude and her trolling of Cloud, because it’s hilarious. I don’t agree with EVERYTHING,  but she’s by far better for me than she was in OG.
So Remake definitely made me go “holy cow” on the Cloti stuff. IT’S SO IN YOUR FACE. The Train Roll, the touching, the staring, the longing, the flirting. Even if you go the Aerith route, you can’t avoid a large chunk of that. You can skip all of her side-quests and still have a boatload of Cloti. Remake made me love the pairing and love all of the characters. 
Cloti is now by far my favorite media pairing. When you compare it to Squall and Rinoa or Tidus and Yuna it seems much more interesting. Yeah, I’m saying it, and I’m a huge Squinoa fan. BUT - Remake didn’t make me care until now. Remake had me start researching the compilation, to understand where this and that came from. Folks on here have explained things that I may have missed or previously didn’t care about. 
I also have a hard time with CA now after all of the compilation stuff. CC and ACC made it clear that Aerith loved Zack. This is NOT obvious in OG. The only references you get about Zack are “we weren’t that serious” when it’s first brought up in the park, IF you take Aerith with you to Gongaga, then she’ll say he was her first love, and Zack’s parents will say he wrote home about a girlfriend. None of that makes you believe that there was anything really serious between them.
CC clears that up, ACC reinforces it. After that, I can’t mentally do it because of the whole “bro code” thing. If Aerith knows Zack and Cloud were best friends, I can’t see her simply saying “cool I’ll just go with him now.” If Cloud was aware that his best friend was Zack, I don’t think he’d go with her. Prior to that, I can see why people would be okay with it. After finding out everything we know about how close Zack and Cloud really were, I can’t do it. This is a personal thing to me, it doesn’t mean I think nobody should ship CA. This is just how I view it, and I can’t see Aerith OR Cloud being okay with it if they were aware of it. This is also my view post compilation.
Remake reinforces, even further, the whole Zerith thing. As somebody who was meh before about them, I love them now. Remake makes you really look at the whole compilation if you’re not totally familiar with it or haven’t seen/played something in a long time.
So yes, I am definitely a Cloti stan, and probably always may have been, but just didn’t care until Remake. 
But aside from all that - I took it as True Cloud’s One True Love was Tifa - and that’s part of what comes out in the Lifestream. So I don’t think True Cloud would have dropped Tifa. 
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scatterpatter · 4 years
Some expanded thoughts on FF7R under the cut [SPOILERS]
So! Overall I freaking LOVED the remake and I can’t wait to see the rest! Midgar feels so alive and expanded, you really feel attached to everyone, it’s... muah! Honestly a lot of the points I’m gonna make are more nitpicks than anything. I won’t make any commentary on the gameplay because I watched a let’s play instead of playing by myself(im broke and cant afford a PS4 and $60 game >_>)
So the designs are GORGEOUS... no, the entire GAME is gorgeous. Midgar looks so good and detailed, there’s so much great implementation of color theory! Cloud is sooooo good looking!!! Barret and Aerith and Sephiroth are all GORGEOUS! Reno Rude Tseng and Rufus.. AAAA!!! The only slight complain I have is that- okay so Tifa looks AWESOME, but I honestly wish she wasn’t so skinny. Like she’s a melee fighter, but her waist and arms are so thin! I wish they gave her a bit more tone and muscle, but, oh well. I honestly can’t stop staring at the character models they look SO good
Plot-wise, I really like most of the changes/additions they made! Especially with Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. They’re wonderful and I love them and did I mention that I love them because they’re just so dorky!!! And good!!!
Honestly, I like that Aerith is actually written to be likeable. I know that doesn’t seem like much but a lot of games fall into the trap of telling you that you’re supposed to like the female protag(looking at you, Breath of the Wild) or tell you that she’s a strong character, but they fail to show that, so the player feels like they’re just being told to get attached. Aerith, though, is actually really likeable in this game!!! She’s cute and down-to-earth, really dorky and even snarky, easily seeing past Cloud’s tough-guy act, and she can fight! It’s just so nice to see a game that shows a strong female protag instead of just telling you.
Legit everyone is horny for Cloud and I’m so here for it
Okay so like. I love Roche. I didn’t at first but he quickly grew on me. He’s so awfully chaotic and I just- I love him. I’m mad that he was just kinda forgotten, though. Like! He could’ve shown up at the ending chase!!!
THEY REALLY WROTE HOJO TO BE AS CREEPY AS POSSIBLE HUH. Like I’m not complaining because like he’s basically the reason why everything happened, but! Ahhhh he makes me squirm he’s a creep with a gross science fetish and I wanna stab himmmmm
Okay so. President Shinra is a little bit TOO stereotypically evil? Like having a gold statue of himself and not even caring about sabotaging one of his own reactors when one little console gets destroyed??? Like it’s almost comical how evil he’s written to be. Though, I do like the scene where he calls Barret out on his ideals, that was neat!
Nowww, Heidegger Scarlet Palmer and Reeve? MUAH. Heidegger and Scarlet are written so sadistically but like in such a likeable way, especially Heidegger. God I hate them both but you just love to hate them!!! Palmer is HILARIOUS- I love how he’s written to be the spoiled kid whose parents forced the other kids to include him so he’s just there even though he doesn’t do anything. And Reeve? Well...
SO REEVE IS MY FAVORITE ATM SINCE WE DON’T HAVE VINCENT YET, AND REEVE IS JUST... <3 <3 <3 Okay so first off, his design is perfect. He doesn’t really stand out in the same way that Heidegger Scarlet and Palmer do. He just has a normal build, normal suit, normal hair slicked back- he just looks like a normal employee, totally inconspicuous... which is very fitting considering how he ends up being undercover and needs to look inconspicuous ;)
Though Reeve shows clear signs of overworking himself and being emotionally abused by his coworkers which... sucks. I mean it’s good writing but I feel so awful for him- Like you know it’s bad when someone just has to hold up a hand to get you to shut up and sit down. I like that he tries to do good things but steps down when he’s told to, that he’s empathetic but cowardly. It does a great job at setting up his character arc in future chapters <3
Okay so one thing- I thought the build-up for the plate dropping was amazing, but honestly... the plate itself falling was slightly underwhelming, to be completely honest. Like- I just didn’t feel the impact that a plate falling would have! Mainly because, you don’t see a single death which is interesting. Like you see people running from falling debris, but legit not a single death is implied. Honestly? I thought the scene would have been far more impactful if they showed:
Seventh Heaven actually being destroyed
The people topside reacting to the ground beneath them collapsing and them falling to their deaths(They only tried to evacuate Sector 7 slums! Not the topside!!!)
More people actually being implied to have been crushed(No, Im not counting Wedge). Like in the original FF7 there’s a scene where someone’s watching tv and you see the plate falling from outside the window- and there’s a reporter just doing his normal shit before he suddenly looks up and things go to static- like- thats an intense scene and I wish the remake did more stuff like that!
They do great showing people REACTING to the plate falling which is why its so appalling to me that they dont show much of the actual devastation DURING plate fall
I LOVE that Cait Sith shows up at the plate falling! It shows that Reeve actually tried to warn people(something he asked to do and was denied earlier), even if he was too late. The only problem I have is that new players who dont know who Cait Sith is will be horribly confused as to who and why he’s there???
Also, when the crew goes back to Sector 7, you don’t really... feel the impact right away. Keep in mind, an entire section of city just fell onto another section of city WITH the supports holding it up, there should have been way more rubble. Yet, the area where Seventh Heaven is just... looks like it was hit with a major earthquake. There should be way more rubble, like mountains of it. It’s weird since the opening cinematic really captures the scope of how huge Midgar is, but the plate falling just doesn’t really show the scope of how much devastation there was to losing an entire plate.
The scope of it is done a bit better when climbing up Sector 7, but I still feel like the weight and scope of destruction isn’t lived up to its full potential.
Okay so- Wedge and Biggs. ... Yeah, it takes away from the impact of their deaths to have them not die. I mean, I can’t make a total opinion on this just yet, because the other parts haven’t come out yet, but... if FF7R is gonna keep them alive, they better have a good reason for it tbh.
They might have done a little bit too much foreshadowing with Cloud and Aerith? Like I like Cloud having memory issues, it’s kept pretty vague... but him going “Mother?” with Jenova is a little bit too spoiler-y. Like yeah you gotta tease his whole thing but like- don’t give it away this soon!!!
I also don’t mind Seph showing up as much as he does. Like, in the original, you don’t even hear about him until close to the end of the Midgar arc. Obvi since the remake ONLY covers the Midgar arc so far, I totally understand bringing him in sooner. Again, having the clones existing might be a little too spoilery for the big twists later on, but I can let it slide since it’s still treated as very “wtf” and I’m sure anyone new to the story hasn’t put it together yet.
Did I mention how much I love Seph he’s so creepy and his eyes are gorgeous and he’s so intimidating by just being there
And the Whispers... I honestly didn’t like them. I kept forgetting that they existed honestly. They just feel so... detached from the plot. I don’t mind adding new content/story, but the Whispers just... didn’t feel well-implemented. They also felt really campy towards the end. Like, the fact that they could un-stab Barret and shield Avalanche from car accidents while they were escaping? They were legit like “no you can’t die even if you tried because fate” and takes away any tension of the scene because... well, they know they cant die.
That being said, the ending was interesting. I uh. It was interesting! So they actually defeat fate itself in order to change... who knows what. The future, maybe even the past??? I’ve got many thoughts on this
If the future is changed, that can be exciting since people who know the original’s plot won’t know what’s gonna happen next so like- okay!
If the past was changed... y’all know I’m talking about Zack. Was fate changed so that he could live? Keep in mind, we see Whispers surrounding Midgar before they dissipate and Zack’s like “ohey did I get all of em?”, implying that fate would have forbade Zack from ever getting to Midgar. Having the team defeat fate means... Zack may have now reached Midgar. 
Is alternate reality/timeline stuff going to happen now???
Cloud’s character revolves around Zack dying. What’ll happen to Cloud now???
I feel so bad for people new to the plot who don’t know who Zack is.
Nomura... you madman.
So with the ending... Nomura and Squenix is setting something up. They’re going for something huge. I uh. I fear, honestly! Because this could very likely get WAY too ambitious and WAY too confusing(Think Dream Drop Distance’s bullshit plot), and could totally fall on its face and end up being Squenix’s biggest flop of all time. But... if this succeeds and they actually pull off whatever they’re trying to pull... holy shit. I would be floored.
I honestly am a bit afraid that the plot will be too confusing for new players. Like- no one would know whats going on with Zack unless they knew the original plot, so like while this would be a great game for FF7 fans, I’m really worried that it won’t be a good game for people new to the series.
Cloud in a dress is the greatest thing and I’m so happy they kept that scene I love him so much the entire scene is so queer <3
But overall, despite some nitpicks, it was a SUPER SOLID game and I’m soooo hype to see where they go with it! I wanna see Cait and Yuffie and Cid and Vincent!!!!!!!!!
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atopearth · 4 years
Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3 - The “Death” of Avalanche (Ch 12-14)
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Seeing an extended version of the Avalanche members’ dying is going to be terrible. I think the fact that Wedge calls Cloud “aniki” is so cute, so it’ll be sad that this is the last time we’ll hear it. My heart kinda broke for Biggs tbh. Seeing him entrust the future to Cloud, and for him to think about the Leaf House orphanage kids even during his dying moments was saddening. I remember being so surprised at Ms Folia (the orphanage teacher + Honeybee dancer) saying that the one who taught her everything and inspired her to be who she is was Biggs. I knew he had a big heart and cared for everyone, but it was nice that they added in all these other little things about him. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle Jessie’s death tbh. It’s going to be heartbreaking!! 
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Aerith going to save Marlene is something I looked forward to seeing, and I think it showed really well how gentle of a heart Aerith has, and how self sacrificing she is. Especially when she encouraged Wedge to not give up and allow himself to have regrets for not doing more. I like that the Shinra soldier Wedge passionately convinced into opening the gates to leave Sector 7 for everyone to escape was the newbie soldier that was kinda in training and couldn’t be mean to anyone (when you talked to him before this). It’s understandable that he would be the one to go against orders. Nice to see Tseng! He looks pretty good. On the other hand, Rude interfering with Reno so that his gun would miss Tifa was hilarious. I love that they kept the idea that Rude likes Tifa, I guess they’ll be keeping the idea that Tseng likes Aerith too then! Elena liking Tseng is something expected though since it’s a big part of her character imo haha. Btw, I’m glad that Reno recognised how tasteless it was to have to do the pretend act that this whole destroying Sector 7 thing was done by Avalanche. Anyway, Aerith convincing Marlene to come out and leave with her was adorable~
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It was hard to see Jessie go again, especially when she talked about how she kinda “deserved” it considering the amount of people she killed with her bombs, which was something that always stuck with me in the dialogue of the original. Despite Jessie’s hopes for the future and everything, she knew what what she was doing involved the deaths of a lot of people, innocent and guilty alike, she always felt terrible about it, but she wasn’t as soft as Tifa to think about giving up on it. She took those burdens with her to achieve what she needed to, so it’s heartbreaking that she had to die thinking that. It was saddening yet cute when Cloud said Jessie owed him a pizza, so she can’t die haha. It’s too bad that it’ll never happen. Sometimes I wonder if the reason they all like pizza is because of how Barret refers to the plates above them as a “pizza”, so they like to eat them up hahahaha, nah just kidding, pizza is good, everyone loves pizza.Seeing Reno and Rude tag team fight was so cool! I loved how Reno still had that skill that puts you into the triangle barrier to kinda immobilise you. Otherwise, Reno is so difficult for me to handle lolll, I suck fighting against him. And Rude hits Tifa when you control her!! Although he kinda just does a light chop to her, not sure if it’s specific to her but it was kinda cute lol because it honestly seemed like he was taking it easy against her compared to other battles when we faced him. Seriously though, I think it’s so annoying how those “ghosts” always interfere at crucial moments, it’s like, it wasn’t in the original game and it’s honestly unneeded here. The truth is that Cloud and them were unable to stop the plate from falling regardless of whether those ghosts were there or not, it’s annoying to make it seem like they could have stopped Rude if they weren’t there, when in reality, it shows (in the original) a much crueller way of looking at things when you try your best but you’re still too late. We don’t need no supernatural phenomenon to make it seem like it’s at fault and that’s why Cloud and them failed! Yes, I rolled my eyes when they appeared because at this point, I’ll admit that I’m sick of them. It’s like how they ruined Aerith and Cloud’s first meeting with them! I only wanted sweetness and curiosity towards a flower girl, not mystery with these supernatural things I don’t care about! Sigh! 
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Anyway, seeing Tifa and Barret broken over not being able to save their home and its people was saddening. Maybe it’s nostalgia or whatever, but I think it hit me harder in the original though. Btw, it’s kinda funny but understandable that instead of Tseng flying near the explosion to kinda show that they’ve captured Aerith etc, Tseng tells them through the screen haha. Gotta protect the Ancient! Oh, and Sephiroth honestly appears way too much, I honestly don’t remember him being so apparent, I know they’re really just the numbered black robe guys, but I feel like back then it was mostly just Cloud feeling the effects of something, but not being very clear on what it is. Now we’re just stuck with an overbearing Sephiroth zzz, yes there’s such a thing as too much Sephiroth. I guess it’s nice that it kinda explicitly tells you through them that Sephiroth thinks/believes/insists he’s got Ancients’ blood running through him, so he’s the rightful ruler of the planet though. Really though, with the plate falling, you can really understand the helplessness and fear of the people under the plates (through the NPCs talking in the background), it’s like, wow, they can actually fall and destroy everyone?! It kinda shows that regardless of how great Shinra is in giving people “better lives”, Shinra is also essentially in control of their lives. Oh yeah!! And Cait Sith!! Did not expect to see him! It felt weird without his white doll (since I used to think the white doll was him until I realised there was a cat on top lmao), but it was nice to see how *spoilers* Reeve tried to do something about Sector 7 in both forms. Seeing Cait Sith devastated at the sight was pretty saddening. But I have to admit, imagining Reeve controlling it and making it fall to the ground is funny yet interesting loll.
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Omg, how old is Tseng?! Aerith is like this little kid and he’s an adult already?! I never realised there was such a big age difference.. Anyway, kid Aerith is adorable. Elmyra’s story is always saddening to hear, but I think the original showed it a bit better, mainly the train station part. I remember in the original, you could really feel the sadness of Elmyra through the contrasted happiness of the people beside her at the train station who were overjoyed at seeing the people they were waiting for come home to them. And it slowly shows how nearly everyone who was waiting there was able to reunite with their loved ones, everyone except her who waited every day there. I feel like she even asked the train station attendant if there were any more trains or people too. Her taking in Aerith healed her and herself, so honestly, I’ve always been happy that they both had each other to lean on for so many years. But yeah, otherwise, seeing Ifalna (HD) and everything was nice. It’s interesting that Aerith needs to be willing to go to them in order to help with their quest in finding the Promised Land, because how exactly do you make her willing?? Hahaha. I mean, she just did it for Marlene so she’s not exactly “willing”. It’s so weird that they didn’t bother adding the line where Barret asks Elmyra to take care of Marlene for him. It’s like, you can’t make him a “caring dad” and not even say something like that before he leaves lol! It’s important!
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Okay, I’m glad Wedge is alive, but at the same time, I have mixed feelings towards it haha. It’s nice though, gives Cloud and them more hope I guess. We should all thank cats, they save lives apparently~ On the other hand, Aerith appearing in Cloud’s dream was…very interesting. Like, it was nice, but at the same time weird loll. Especially when she told him that if they seemed like they were attracted to each other romantically, it probably wasn’t real. I honestly didn’t need that, especially when I feel like the Tifa fanservice coupling is everywhere and more apparent than with Aerith imo. I felt like the romance with Tifa was more vague in the beginning for the original. Anyway, Cloud was right, Aerith can’t just one-sidedly say all that and just leave, he should have his say too, especially since these are his feelings! And tbh, although Tifa and Cloud are super comfortable with each other and rely on each other, I feel like a lot of the times, they feel like trustworthy friends more in the remake imo. I think what solidifies (for me) how much Cloud cherishes Aerith was when he said he’d take her home again (lmao) after she showed him the way to Sector 7, enough concern over her safety with Don Corneo that he would cross dress, and his reaction when Aerith shows up with the extravagant red dress. He was so stunned at how beautiful she was! To be fair though, I was pretty stunned too, until I realised I better take screenshots lmao. Overall though, Cloud is constantly saving and taking care of all the girls, it’s kinda crazy. Like, I know he may be Prince Charming but c'mon! Only Tifa gets to be cool whereas the other girls get saved wayyyy too much whether it be from random falls or whatever. I also feel like Elmyra stopping them from going to save Aerith felt more like an unnecessary plot delay to squish in the Wedge part, but oh well lol, time for Shinra building time! Can’t wait to see Red XIII!
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Or not, I’m stuck doing side quests lmao. Those pull ups were more annoying than squats zzzz, but they were okay I guess. Didn’t take that long to win the pro. The most annoying thing was that letting the pull up timer go on (when I obviously failed) was faster than the stupid loading screen when I press give up lol. Mireille being the Angel of the Slums was expected I guess, although I was never curious anyway haha. Kyrie is kinda cute but annoying lol. Kinda sad that I don’t actually get to ride on a Chocobo though….like I found all those lost chocobo and yet I don’t actually get to ride them? T_T Wow, I can’t believe the behemoth horn was used for medicine!! What kind of medicine are they making??! It was a hassle to kill that guy! Lmao tonberry is as cute and deadly as it usually is! Kept stabbing me lol! I know I could have probably thrown magic at it, but I thought it was hilarious to see it stab me lmao. The Colosseum battles were pretty easy, I was kinda worried but all good! Whack-a-box was super easy for the hard mode btw! I was like ohh noo when I saw hard mode thinking it’ll take me a while like the pull ups but dang, third time was the charm! Smashed it!🥰 Hmm, pedometer materia was interesting…lol, super easy to get the 5000 steps since I had to look for those annoying chocobos, but yeah I guess it was worth it! AP Up would be useful. I’m glad the side quests didn’t take too long because I really started considering just dropping them lol.
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I’m glad they delved more into Leslie’s backstory, but I guess it was expected since he was the only pretty boy out of all the lackeys lmao. I found Leslie really endearing though, mainly because of his looks and how kind he was to keep warning Cloud and Aerith that they shouldn’t go to the audition haha. It’s saddening that his fiancee was chosen by Corneo and now she has disappeared. I kinda liked how his story interlinked with Cloud and Aerith though. Tifa told Leslie that the flower pendant his fiancee gave back to him before she left meant “we’ll meet again” in flower language, and that’s the flower Aerith gave Cloud, so it’s nice to see how Cloud linked that, and sorta renewed his resolve into finding her asap. It’s nice to know that rather than focusing on finding Corneo to exact his revenge, Leslie is now instead looking for the girl. Good that he’s got his priorities straight. She’s much more important than revenge! Hope we get to see him actually find her in the later parts or something~
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Overall, not much to say about these few chapters. I think the running up the stairs/pillar part to save Sector 7 + Wedge, Biggs and Jessie were pretty faithfully done, and it was done pretty nicely too. It felt just as annoying with the monsters/soldiers, whilst being just as saddening with seeing the death of the Avalanche members lol. My only gripe with it was the Whispers popping up ruining the whole mood of the event, it really made it seem like Cloud and them could have changed the outcome that ended up happening but was stopped for “reasons” beyond their control, so they shouldn’t feel too bad about it kinda thing, it just changes the whole “feel” of it. Anyway, the changes with Wedge being alive and the “dream” with Aerith are things I have mixed feelings about. Wedge being alive really, as I kinda said before with the pillar, it changes the mood and atmosphere of everything. Like, it’s not terrible, but what solidified a lot of my feelings towards Avalanche and the dropping of the plate in the original was done with the impact of the deaths of our Avalanche members because they’re the main people we’re familiar with. Anyway, gotta love how (aside from Biggs and Jessie) a lot of the people we’ve seen are alive and well, and lol even the item shop etc people have good stock! Kinda miss the days in the original or in other older JRPGs where shops would follow the story and be lacking in supplies or whatever during times of disaster etc. Anyway, that’s just me being picky as usual lol. And yes, I’m starting to see how A LOT of the scenes involve Cloud and the others saving each other, mainly Cloud saving all the girls, and it’s nice but honestly overdone considering the amount of scenes where it happens. This time around, the changes (from the original) are half half to me, not better, but not exactly terrible I guess. Anyway, now that I’m going through this and reading my thoughts again, this was probably the point when I started thinking about whether I liked the remake for what it is or was I really just banking in on the hype and nostalgia of a favourite game? Honestly, it’s mainly the latter (sadly).
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lockhartsss · 5 years
Final Fantasy Ultimania Archive Volume 2: Cloti Goodies
I got the FF Ultimania Archive Volume 2 and it’s chock full of Cloti goodness, so I wanted to share with my fellow Cloud/Tifa fans.  There are some obvious translation errors in the book, some hilarious ones even, but errors happen (”this guy are sick” lmao). This is just Cloti stuff, but if you’d like to see character stuff for Cloud, Tifa, or any other character, just shoot me a message, I’d be happy to share some scans.
Now, onto the shippy goodness.
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A Night for the Two of Them As the final showdown with Sephiroth looms, Tifa and Cloud descend from the Highwind in each other’s company. Knowing tis evening could be their last, they make it a memorable and emotional encounter.
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Strength Born From Rage Although he dreamed of joining SOLDIER, Cloud lacked the strength for the elite program and became and ordinary soldier instead. When his village went up in flames and Tifa suffered grave injuries, the despairing youth tapped into a shocking well of power. In that moment he defeat Sephiroth, a legendary figure within SOLDIER.
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“You can’t die! There’s still so much I want to tell you!” -At Mako Reactor 5, calling to Cloud as he’s about to fall from the plate.
Tifa usually keeps her emotions in check, not wanting to lose someone important to her before she can figure out his mysterious behavior. But her feelings bubble to the surface when Cloud is in danger.
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“I never lived up to being ‘Cloud.’ Tifa . . . Maybe one day you’ll meet the real ‘Cloud.’“ -At the Northern Cave, breaking down and apologizing to Tifa and his friends.
Gut-wrenching words that fall from the lips of a broken man, they affirm the truth of Sephiroth’s claim that Cloud is a mere puppet, but despite this fact the youth’s true and noble self lies within the depths of his heart.
His true and noble heart. I love him so much.
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Spinning Wheels on the Ferris Wheel After everyone is asleep, Cloud invites Tifa on a date. She cannot bring herself to express her feelings face to face, and she ends the date with only the barest hint about wanting something more.
Obvious translation error is obvious. Tifa invites Cloud out.
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“Umm, if you get really famous and I’m ever in a bind . . . you’ll come save me, all right?” -At age thirteen, Tifa casually asked her friend Cloud to commit to this vow. Their youthful promise has a great impact on their future lives.
The promise! The start of it all! Great impact! I can’t wait to see this in the remake.
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“Mom . . . Tifa . . . My town . . . give it back . . . I had so much respect for you . . . I admired you . . .” -During Cloud’s flashback from five years ago, as he stabs Sephiroth while Nibelheim burns.
In his false flashback, Cloud speaks of his sadness in a dramatic fashion, but in reality he spoke in a childish tone. Even so, the depth of his grief, rage, and loss is evident in his words.
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Let Me Be by His Side After Cloud falls into the Lifestream, he undergoes Mako poisoning and loses his mind. The party finds him in a sanatorium in the remote town of Mideel. Unwilling to abandon Cloud to the mental maze he’s trapped inside, Tifa leavers her comrades behind and devotes herself to supporting him.
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Tifa sits atop the water tower in Nibelheim, a place where she and Cloud once promised to help each other in times of need. Under the starlit sky in this place of memories, what thoughts could be running through her head?
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Ex-Soldier No More Sephiroth generates a vision that seems to prove that Cloud was never at Nibelheim five years ago. Tifa’s reaction appears to confirm this version of events, and Cloud finally snaps, as his mind begins to fall apart.
When he thinks he’s lost Tifa’s faith in him he finally snaps. Boy wasn’t lying when he said it was only TIfa’s opinion that mattered.
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“Oh, Cloud . . . ! It’s really you, isn’t it?” -At Cosmo Canyon, hesitating to ask Cloud about what really happened five years ago.
Cloud speaks about the deeds of SOLDIER member Zack during the tragedy in Nibelheim as if they were his own. Tifa keeps her anxiety about these false recollections to herself as they approach a decisive moment.
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“Words aren’t the only thing that tell people what you’re thinking . . . “ -At the Midgar Wasteland, talking with Cloud on the eve of the final showdown.
Tifa and Cloud have cared for each other for many years. Only before the final battle with Sephiroth are the two finally able to realize the depth of each other’s feelings.
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True Desire Made Clear In his youth, Cloud stayed isolated from his peers. He was an eccentric child who always viewed himself as different from the rest. The only person he held close to his heart was TIfa. Their love is brought into the light when Tifa explores Cloud’s subconscious.
This translation is a little off too. The last sentence should be speaking of Cloud’s love for Tifa, not their love for each other. It should probably read something closer to ‘This faint, young love was revealed in the spirit world.”
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Cloud: We’re going home Tifa. Tifa: Huh? Cloud: We have something we need to do when we get back. Cloud: We haven’t seen the other side of that mountain. Tifa: Yeah, let’s go home.
This idea of “the other side of the mountain” shows up in the game. Specifically, during the lifestream sequence in the scene where Tifa falls from the bridge. She wonders if her mother is on the other side of the mountain and heads to find out. I think a similar idea shows up in Cloud and Tifa’s conversation at the end of the game, about being able to see Aerith (and by extension all their loved ones) when they die and rejoin the Lifestream. Still, I’d like to see this expanded on.
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And finally, something small and rather meaningless. It’s actually storyboarded that Cloud grabs Tifa’s hand when the Highwind is escaping from the Northern Crater and I think it’s cute.
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trantuanvinachali · 3 years
I don’t want to strengthen the sluggish label that all bisexuals are greedy
I donвЂ
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t want to strengthen the sluggish label that all bisexuals are greedy
By Dom Peppiatt, Monday, 16 September 2019 13:10 GMT
We donвЂ
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t want to strengthen the sluggish stereotype that all bisexuals are greedy but on Wednesday September 11, 2019, once the Tokyo Game Show trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Remake dropped, i really couldnвЂ
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t do any work with three hours. Along with just about each of games Twitter, I happened to be swept up in a thirst publishing social media marketing cyclone that basically revolved around yeeting photos of last Fantasy 7вЂ
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s fundamental cast into the void and gushing on how fucking hot all of them are after their 22 12 months radiance up.
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s arms, RenoвЂ
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s chest, BiggsвЂ
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cheekbones, Aeris for the reason that dress, JesseвЂ
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s asymmetrical bangsthem, Pygmalion style, into an Unreal Engine 4 character creator… itвЂ
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s like Square Enix took a composite of all the most common features from my Tinder match list and trained an AI to sculpt. Literally making my aspirations become a reality.
“Tell me Ifrit isnвЂ
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t bait for probably the most intense type of bear/daddy fan art” Those eyes!” exclaims Rude as he views Cloud for the time that is first. “I understand, friend, I’m sureas I melt into a feckless pile of goo” I whisper at my monitor. Clearly, RudeвЂ
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s commenting from the Mako coursing through every molecule of our spiky haired protagonistвЂ
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s human anatomy, nevertheless the headcanon IвЂ
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m shipping has a lot more of a ‘love in the beginning sightвЂ
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kinda vibe.
Then we arrive at Reno the cocky, open redhead that is shirted very very first aided me be prepared for my bisexuality when Square Enix first circulated Final Fantasy 7: Advent kids in 2005. This cunning flirt, this CGI catnip in human form in the film, Reno evolved from this podgy clump of polygonal limbs to this androgynous nymph. Minimal did i understand it, but RenoвЂ
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s appearance for the reason that terrible animated spin down film would instigate a lifelong attraction to (and subsequent dating of) androgynous people, redheaded people, and individuals that prefer to wear matches with a lot of buttons undone.
If Square Enix has a leaf out from the last Fantasy 15 book of ‘how to flog a dead horseвЂ
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, possibly we’re able to see an Episode Reno DLC once all the chapters of Remake are call at the crazy an statement that, if my Twitter feed is almost anything to pass by, would deliver gamers of all of the sexual identities into meltdown, IвЂ
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m yes.
Thus far, weвЂ
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ve seen Jesse, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, Biggs, Wedge, a fresh (since yet unnamed) SOLDIER, Cloud, Sephiroth, Reno, Tseng, Rude, and also two summons Shiva and Ifrit. All are fit. Yep, perhaps the spirits. You appear at Shiva and let me know she actually isnвЂ
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t radiating Big Domme energy. Let me know Ifrit is bait that is nвЂ
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t probably the most intense sorts of bear/daddy fan art.
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ve also seen pouches for the deep, dark internet thirsting following the sleazy vibes of Mark HamillвЂ
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s Don Corneo, drawn in by the thrall of his greasy lilвЂ
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moustache and daft, tufty mohawk appearing like most of the worst individuals at a Kasabian gig. The main point is, in terms of IвЂ
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m stressed, IвЂ
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d swipe close to every one of those individuals (and spirits) on Tinder. And now we have actuallynвЂ
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t also seen Yuffie or Vincent yet. Be nevertheless my emo that is beating heart. Yes, IвЂ
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m being glib and foisting my unadulterated thirst you solely for activity value, but i actually do think thereвЂ
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s a spot to be produced in switching every one of one’s in game characters into a whole thirst trap: it is progress.
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s another action away from that hackneyed videogame attention roll of just attractive to a man look of creating ladies attractive (browse: big upper body, quick dress) whilst making most of the guys a palette swap of Marcus Fenix or Doomguy. Last Fantasy 7 was always a location for https://www.camsloveaholics.com/ thirsty gamers to project their lustful dreams a cursory search of any hentai imageboard will show that in a heartbeat therefore in switching those poly that is low models into these genuine angels that appeal into the the greater part of sexual choices… well, just what has Square Enix surely got to lose?
A palette swap of Marcus Fenix“ItвЂ
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s another step away from that hackneyed videogame eye roll of only appealing to the male gaze of making women attractive whilst making all the men”
Right individuals, homosexual individuals, greedy bisexuals like myself and whatever other mixture of sex identification and sexual choice that enjoys gaming has one thing to love right here (except, evidently, my primary partner). No accounting for flavor, eh?
In a weather where designers have criticised for virtually every thing they are doing, personally i think it is crucial to commemorate Square Enix to make a cast of figures that everybody can fall deeply in love with yet again, for his or her characters and their character arcs, as well as their God that is frankly tier visual. We wonвЂ
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t be objectifying the heroes and villains of Final Fantasy 7 Remake or playing the video game solely for intimate satisfaction, IвЂ
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ll be playing it with a huge, dumb Labrador laugh plastered across my face because I’m able to reconnect with a game title that piqued my interest as being a hormones addled tween whilst being awed by way of a cast of characters that is simple on the attention.
I really hope everybody else plays it exactly the same way: interested in the figures that do it for you personally, and appreciating that even although you wouldnвЂ
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t share a sleep with Cloud heвЂ
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s a fucking gorgeous ottery twink that may cleave you by 50 percent with simplicity (interpret that while you will). Many Many Thanks, Square Enix, for creating a cast that sacks down appealing to your male look and alternatively appeals into the individual look rather. The thirsty females, gays, bis, pans, aces and whoever else when you look at the ever expanding Fantasy that is final fandom you.
Of all of the modifications Final Fantasy 7 Remake is making towards the game, it is maintaining probably the most essential element of its legacy intact: back when you look at the 90s, the Enjoy Doh character models and glimpses of gorgeous spiky haired heroes in low res cutscenes somehow been able to capture the imagination of the generation of horny teenagers. The Remake is performing all of it once more but this time around, I’m able to even appreciate it more because IвЂ
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ve arrive at terms utilizing the proven fact that IвЂ
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m a greedy bisexual that simply canвЂ
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t get sufficient. Sometimes we consist of links to online stores. We may receive a small commission if you click on one and make a purchase. To learn more, visit here.
Nguồn bài viết : I don’t want to strengthen the sluggish label that all bisexuals are greedy
source https://vinachali.com/i-donv%d1%92t-want-to-strengthen-the-sluggish-label-2
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magpiejay1234 · 4 years
Further thoughts on FF7R, especially the ending:
Yeah, they are not going to complete this into an actual storyline, especially considering the Sephiroth fight and lacking nature of the Whisper fight in contrast to other multi-phase bosses.
The idea of a Peggy Sue fanfic that stars Aerith that exists purely to retcon out Advent Children and make Cloti canon is perfectly fine by me, as long as it is well written, and so far Remake is very well written.
But given the fate of other sort of post-ironic retellings/continuations like the Rebuild of Evangelion and PMMM: Rebellion, it is clear that is just meant to be a tech demo for their next project. Rebuild movies for Anno were purely a means to get to his Godzilla movie, and PMMM: Rebellion was largely just a cash grab for its studio, since Urobochi has already left.
This game, on the hand, feels like post-modern mediation by the current Remake team (Kitase, Nojima and Nomura) to create a discourse about Hironobu Sakaguchi’s original vision of FF7, namely that Kitase and Nojima are salty that Cloti didn’t became canon, and Nomura is salt because he has to work with Clack instead of the “hotter” Sefikura. And both sides are salty about Aerith’s death like %90 of the fandom.
If I’m wrong, and there is an actual continution, you can ignore the first three paragaphs. But considering how the remake reuses assets from Advent Children and reuses the Sepritoh/Cloud fight’s entrance from the end of the original game.
Anyways, story thoughts, since I only looked at later chapters from videogamers.eu, these will be through that gameplay:
*I like how more explictly Jewish the Cetra are made to be, especially with their scriptures and mythology of the Promised Land. Originally Cetra were a generic nomadic tribe in allusion to Ainu people of Japan, but since the current Midgar is more 1920s New York and less 1920s Tokyo, the characters end up being closer to Western analogues than their Asian counterparts.
*The second clone that holds Jenova Dreamweaver/no.49 clone seems to be Genesis, especially considering we actually see his face and his “2″ tatoo, but also because he was alluded to by Hojo during the board meeting.I have no idea who the clone no. 49 is though. IIRC, didn’t Genesis have a girlfriend before Crisis Core?
*Many of the added sections look very good, except for the early Nanaki sections. It seems they were inserted as a last minute since they are not too polished. Some other sidequests like Tonberry midboss also look unfinished.
For bosses, and game design:
*The NPC designs are all over the place. Certain plot relevant NPCs like Leslie are very well designed and animated, others like Kyrie and Johnny do not have properly fitting lipflaps  for the English audio, and others like Ms. Folio has been reused as a design for a old lady in the same Sector 5. Some of the generic NPCs faces look like they are facescanned from real Japanese SE workers to save time.
*Monsters are largely used cleverly. All of them have upgraded variants to fill up the beginning’s otherwise lacking monster selection, but I dislike the lack of SOLDIER enemies besides Roche and Third Classes. I guess the emphasis on Shrina Troopers is so SOLDIERS can be properly introduced in the second run through Shinra.
*Sector 7 section retread is pretty fantastic, but I like in-game background better than the FMV sequence. It shows the destruction better. The Valkyrie boss, despite being long, is also good, largely because it feels something that would be designed by Scarlet.
And for meta:
*The game is pretty obscenely Marxist, and I kinda love it. Shinra are shown to be just the largest cog of an inheritely unstable capitalist system that went from an imperialist phase to a military-fascistic corporate state. It is almost as if Gramsci codirected this, or Nomura went full Chapo after Kingdom Hearts.
Everytime Shinra is humanized, the game immediately reminds you that not only the company is literally killing the planet, but they are also committing war crimes
*I like how Sector 5 still has greeny, while it dimishes Aerith’s house from original, it also shows these sectors are not fully claimed by industry.
*I do not like Aerith’s Cetra mindmeld. Not one bit.
*Some people are assuming the Whispers of the final battle might be Sepritoth kids from AC, but given their names it is more likely they are supposed to be souls of the Weapons, which interesting. I guess the remake is trying of a “Dream of Fayth” approach to the summons and WEAPONs in Gaia, except these time they are not always crystallized people, they are generally critters.
*Nomura’s attempts to make Sepiroth symphatetic aways fail, and this game is the biggest showcase of that. I wonder if Nojima deliberately heightened up Sepiroth to ruin Nomura’s Sefikura wet dreams, or to ruin his other idea of Hojo being the actual main villain, which I’m more symphatetic towards. Making Sephiroth a self-insert fanfic writer doesn’t help either.
*Since Zack and Biggs are alive due to Whisper butterfly effect(why is this a thing ughh??), I’m wondering what sort of timeline nonsense to bring Wedge and Jesse back.
*Cheers to my man Uematsu for making me think Hollow is a Clack song, when it is in reality both a Clack and Zerith song. I’ll see you in the steel sky bruh.
0 notes
silver-wield · 4 years
Just finished watching Aerith resolution (i had Tifa’s) After A said not to fall for her C gives off the reaction he already did ??i’m sorry but C honey you’ve only knew her for 36 hours and you spent a whole day being annoyed with her and the half with T and her the whole time you were fighting off beasts left and right not to mention he’s mentally unstable to have a romantic feelings for anybody right now ,so 36 hours and he already thinks he have feelings for her i’m sorry is this disney -1-
Why can’t we have a beautiful friendship between them why can’t a girl and a boy have friendship without pushing romance into it , even his reaction to Tifa mentioning the flower he got from Aerith i really didn’t understand it, A spent a day making fun of him and put him as stand by for her dead BF while T did everything to him a place a job,helped him making connections and aided him when she found him by the train station all that and he thinks he’s fallen for a girl he barely knew -2-
Sorry i just don’t understand where SE is going with that i saw people say the LTD was an illusion in the OG but we already resolved that since he ended up with T right? I know she said it not real what he feels for her but from what i saw the CA fandom seem to not let go of this LTD since 97 and SE knew many misunderstood their story years ago don’t they know putting the L words makes that other fandom go crazy and start being delusional, sorry I rambled this much -3-
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Cloti resolution
Death to the LTD
All resolutions are canon
More death to the LTD
I hate starting sentences with actually, but actually Cloud is surprised Aerith can touch his face because he thought it was a dream. It is a dream, but she got up in his personal space and touched him without permission, so he's not happy about that for starters. He really doesn't like people touching him, except Tifa, and he's not used to it either, so he often reacts by getting aggressive.
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And in the moment before she touches Cloud, he's actually looking at the house where Tifa is because this resolution follows on from hers where real Cloud hugged her. But because Cloud isn't aware he has a dual persona he believes soldier Cloud is the only Cloud, which is who Aerith is talking with in her resolution, so soldier Cloud thinks he hugged Tifa.
Do you see the reality now?
People assume his reaction is for Aerith when it's actually for Tifa. The same way the OG theme had people saying soldier Cloud had feelings for Aerith. He didn't. He misdirected real Cloud's feelings for Tifa. This is another misdirect, only it's through using camera angles. You need to think about where Cloud's looking because it's not at Aerith. He barely looks at her during this. He's mostly looking at the house to where Tifa's sleeping because Remake Cloud isn't like OG Cloud. He knows his feelings a bit better. He can't define them, but he's definitely chasing Tifa every single moment he can.
Cloud’s reaction about the flower in Tifa's resolution is in the link I included.
You have to look at part one as giving people what they expect. The LTD is part of player expectations, so they included a reference to it with the arm grab, but even made that clear who Cloud prefers.
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Soft face and a small smile for Tifa. And not for Aerith.
And anything else people say is LTD motivated is wrong. This is the reference to it and the resolutions are the gold saucer date mechanic. And even in that Aerith tells Cloud he's not real. The difference between the two is in Remake she never says she wants to know him for himself. She says she's glad she met him. But, she didn't meet the real him. So, she's glad she met soldier Cloud, who is a fake persona partly based on Cloud's memories of Zack.
And that's what makes her happy. She got to pretend she saw Zack again, and then she tells Cloud he's not real. So, she's admitting to them both that they were deluded. Aerith by pretending he was Zack. Cloud for having a split persona.
And Cloud's "heroic" line at the end is just him being a dork. It's canon he's a dork.
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That's meant to be taken generally. Cloud's a dork and always has been.
I hope that's cleared a few things up for you 😁
Tldr: Cloud is canonically a dork who stares at Tifa even when it's just her bedroom window he can see. Links provide further info. Aerith isn't interested in Cloud and he's not into her either. Ltd refs had to be included as part of disc one callbacks. There's no LTD.
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silver-wield · 4 years
I love the difference between T and A like with T she said she wanted a hero to save her and the moment she met the hero Sephi and the soldier Z she didn’t get interested in them because in her eyes there was always C but with A she was in love with Z but the moment she met C she begin to get interested in him because she saw Z in him a really big difference indeed this is not an anti A but a true fact T was loyal to her feelings to C for 7 years no man made her waver from C 1/2
The antis like to use this “ she get interested in C because he wanted to be a soldier “ yes this is not wrong but she met the hero and a first class soldier and still was C in her mind and heart but they upgrade A to something she isn’t ,not anything against A but she really does seem like a disney princess i love T because she’s so realistic to me many girls see themselves in T that why she’s so loved worldwide fans like realistic heroine nowadays this disney one has become old trope 2/2
Maybe in OG, but in Remake Aerith is only interested in Cloud to find out if he knows Zack. Everything about her is Zack from the things she makes Cloud do, to the things she says and even the places they go. She even hums price of freedom in that tunnel scene where they think Cloud cried for her. But, it's the only time we don't see her dying in a flash so why would the devs not show it there? Because he didn't cry for Aerith he cried for Zack. It's the illusion vs reality again.
As for Tifa, no, she didn't get interested in Cloud when he said he wanted to be a soldier. She was already interested in him. She went to the water tower dressed up because she thought he was gonna confess. It's a dating spot he asked her to, so when he disappointed her, she came up with a reason related to his dreams in the hope he'd come back to her some day. Tifa doesn't care if Cloud's a soldier, which is shown when she asks him to be her helper collecting filter money. She just wants to spend time with him and when he says he's a soldier, she's all "and that's why no one won't agree to pay". She compliments his skills as one because she's acknowledging his success, but after that she never mentions soldier again. Same as she says they're friends twice and never says it again. She focuses more on Cloud as real Cloud because that's who she wants ❤️
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