#and you can only perceive a small percentage of them at a time
dw-flagler · 22 days
i'm gonna be honest, i actually really hate the webtoon format for the singular reason that it's possible and even common to be unable to fit a single panel onto one screen. like i understand the design philosophy of making it easily phone-scrollable but it still sucks and takes away from the often-times excellent art.
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There are hundreds of millions of southern European white people with an olive (tan) complexion. It’s what happens when white folk live in warm sunny climates. Same is true in South America where tens of millions more of white/white identifying people have been living for generations. Being Hispanic or having a Spanish name doesn’t mean you automatically aren’t white or capable of being a racist.
Fascism held sway in Spain and to a lesser extent next door in Portugal for a good part of the 20th century. Fascism, usually hand in hand with racism, also has a history in South and Central America. Even if someone doesn’t identify as white doesn’t mean they can’t be racist, or xenophobic, etc. Bigotry exists outside the box that young Americans want to fit it in. Only a small percentage of Europeans are pale, blonde/red, and blue-eyed. The overwhelming majority have dark hair and brown eyes, and many more are olive. This simplistic bullshit that someone can’t be a white supremacist because they have an ethnic sounding name is ridiculous MAGA talking points that’s being bought into by Dems. Republikkkan talking points have become so pervasive and so persistent that a majority of progressives buy into them without question or even being aware of it. We’re wasting time debating the perceived identity of a killer that was radicalized for the sole purpose of murdering and intimidating us.
In point of fact the press using the term white supremacist to describe the Allen, Texas shooter is in itself fallacious. He was a staunch xenophobe (and repeated “Great Replacement Theory” tropes learned from Tucker Carlson) and billions world wide don’t like immigrants, it isn’t limited to Caucasian Americans. I’ve said this before, Republikkkans can not generate enough angry white guys so they have been recruiting heavily among “Hispanics” to bolster their numbers. 1/3 of of Hispanics are registered Republikkkans. They have also been recruiting from other groups with much less success. Stop putting people from South America into boxes, that methodical behavior is an Anglo-Saxon characteristic that was transplanted here. Decades of radicalization are bearing fruit for the far-right while we quibble over whether or not the Republikkkans are actually attacking us.
People from South America identify by national origin just like everyone else. They’re Colombians, Peruvians, etc. Terms like Hispanic, Latino, Chicano, etc are inventions of American immigration officials trying to fit people into boxes. Why are we (our media) so obsessed with this when Republikkkans are launching their decades long planned assault on our basic human rights.
MAGAts, white supremacists, Nazis, xenophobe, Aryan Brotherhood, Atom-Waffen, III%’ers, etc can and do find kindred spirits beyond national origin and outdated stereo-types based on appearances. Our enemies are evolving and branching out. We must be aware of their present and historical attempts to spin what they want us to believe. Further you need to know historical context. American racist groups admire fascist dictatorships from South and Central America and wish to emulate them, hence the “Right Wing Death Squad” logos. They admire and learn terrorist tactics from radical Islamic groups as well. Look at WWII, you’d think the “Aryan” German Nazis would have had a problem with the Asian Japanese. Just the opposite, both the Japanese and Germans at the time felt they were racially superior to their respective neighbors and bonded over being kindred spirits. It wasn’t a political expediency. They were too far apart to support each other or have any meaningful trade. They were fascist states that both wanted to impose their own unique fascism in there own sphere. We can’t let history repeat itself either here or abroad.
Not enough people in our society are taking the threat of Republikkkan fascists seriously. If you’re taking the time to read this rant then you were already in the know but the general public, both our side and theirs are not. This threat goes beyond the identity politics so en vogue with young people, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s part of a much bigger war against us all. Republikkkans don’t even realize they’ve been co-opted by Nazi’s and the few that do don’t care.
I’ll keep repeating this ad nauseum but the racists, homophobes, militias, evangelicals, xenophobes, Republikkkan politicians, and even the fascists are all foot soldiers duped into waging war against the rest of us by the billionaire oligarchs and their corporations. It always comes back to money. Yes they share most of the same beliefs and each thinks they are manipulating the others. But the only ones with the power (dollars) to bring this shit storm together in a cohesive fashion are the oligarchs. The Rupert Murdochs, Elon Musks, Koch, Walton, etc are coordinating and funding everything for power and profit. Meanwhile we are fighting a Hydra of Nazis, Confederates, Klansmen, evangelists, and armed militias.
In 2020 we took to the streets to protest the George Floyd execution but that quickly morphed into a widespread national protest of Trump. We can’t only begin massive protests when one of our African-American allies is killed unjustly. We should be doing this for every major issue of the day; abortion rights, disenfranchisement of black voters, gun control, trans-persecution, preservation of Medicare/Social Security, migrant rights, union rights, and all basic human rights that the corporate/Christo/fascist/Republikkkans are taking away from us. They are no longer content to persecute people of color and are coming for us all, at once.
This isn’t an intellectual exercise anymore, we have become a de facto fascist state under the yoke of an oppressive and hostile Republikkkan Party. They aren’t even pretending to disguise it anymore. Their leaders and political spokesmen are openly telling us they are going to strip our rights and begin sending us to death camps. They’re past the concentration camps already and we barely even protested those on the border. Between their control of the state legislatures and the Supreme Court they are doing as they please and will begin overturning election results in 2024. A few more takeovers of state legislatures and they will hold a Constitutional Convention to write a MAGA/Republikkkan Constitution.
Now is the time to fight. Resisting didn’t work and a tidal wave of GQP laws and SCOTUS decisions prove that every day. You can not take the high road with Nazis or anyone who is literally trying to kill you.
Rant concluded. Please bear in mind this is food for thought and not an incitement to violence. Remember John Lewis and his “good trouble.” Also try to refrain from violent comments about Republikkkans in comments, notes, and reblogs. We certainly don’t want any of us to be de-platformed by admins.
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jenniferstit · 1 year
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pac: what makes you UNIQUE?
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you have a remarkable ability to remain balanced. no matter what happens, positive or negative, you operate from a place of neutrality. you are neither impulsive nor impatient, you understand and appreciate the value of hard work & endurance. you have excellent resilience, and you are not afraid to get your hands dirty, so to speak… you recognize that you are the only person who can take yourself to where you want to go. you are a truth seeker, you see things clearly. you don’t let others’ doubt cloud your clear mindset. i’m also hearing “don’t take no for an answer.” i feel that you handle rejection very well. you recognize that one closed door simply leads to another opportunity. you welcome new beginnings and aren’t afraid of change. this pile is very independent. your belief in yourself and faith in the universe is unmatched. i believe this pile is highly protected & very in touch with divinity… earth angel vibes. whatever seeds you are planting at/around this time will sprout beautifully in the next few months… big or small. there is an energy of emerging victory present. stay true to yourself & remain authentic. the world needs it. you know your shadow traits and you keep them in check. it may spook the people around you because they never see you step into a negative energy, giving them the impression that you do no wrong. this energy cracks me up bc it’s so calm & assured… you’ve been this way your whole life so you don’t recognize it as special but these traits are indeed unique, embrace it.
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ok this group has lots of messages coming through, the last pile was more straight forward. so i see that you have big dreams, especially related to finances, or it could be that you have a strong emotional desire for family or some sort of stability or support. you definitely have star quality, whatever financial aspirations that you have can be achieved if you believe in yourself & plan accordingly. if you try to cut corners or achieve things quickly you will almost certainly run into obstacles. universe is really emphasizing the importance of patience & planning. i’m seeing that you are an EXTREMELY creative individual and your creativity needs to become the primary focus. i’m getting the energy of someone who’s thinking too far ahead into the future. success will come but what are you doing right now to ensure that success? i’m seeing that these thoughts abt success/finances may stem from self-worth issues. i recommend really putting in the work to develop your solar plexus chakra bc that will 100% help you get to where you want to be. in order to have this success you need to believe that you are truly worthy of it and this reading suggests that you may not [unconsciously] believe that. i definitely believe that you are meant to be a star, at any age, but you have to believe it too.
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what makes you unique? you’re showing up as the magician, which says a lot. it’s also showing up here with the high priestess so i’m definitely going to say that you are a witch or mystic of some kind… even if you don’t practice. you just give off that energy. i’m seeing that people don’t know whether to love or hate you lol. it’s like they find you inspiring but they also put themselves in competition against you… weird. you may deal with a lot of weirdness from people… inconsistent behavior, oddities, things that just can’t be explained. this has nothing to do with you but everything to do with them and how they choose to react to your energy. i’m seeing that people try to compare themselves to you but they’re only able to perceive a percentage of who you are. it’s like they’re comparing 100% of themselves when they really only see abt 20% of you lol… not a rational thing to do. but that’s just it, these people aren’t thinking with their rational minds. 2222. you have a strong sexual presence as well, i think it’s very easy for people to idealize/sexualize you. you may find fantasy creation to be a problem inside your relationships bc people just can’t receive the real you. it’s very easy for people to perceive themselves to be inadequate when in your presence. i think you’re aware of this on some level and you intuitively know to stay away from such people. i think you have an incredibly powerful auric field and you consciously or unconsciously carry the weight of that. you may perceive it to be a burden bc it’s challenging for you to make quality connections, or even just navigate normal social situations. things won’t always be this way, but i think it’s important that you learn the lessons from these situations bc the lesson is the most important thing. i also have to say this: if you are manifesting a romantic relationship with someone, it will happen, but not when you expect it. it will be with a king of pentacles character— someone established and well off financially.
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☆ more readings on tiktok ★
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terrence-silver · 1 year
What are some scenarios that could lead old man Terry to meeting his future beloved? Like where would that era of Terry most likely meet his beloved?
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The most obvious answers could be something like; at the Country Club! Some exclusive Gala! A high-end garden party! A Synagogue! An art exhibition! An elite charity event! A corporate meeting! An auction! A Yacht! An invite-only gentleman's joint! An Opera, for all we know. Anywhere from Korea, Tahiti, Japan and back again! Anywhere in the world, globetrotter that he is. Wherever the rich and the famous might mingle --- a crowd where Terry very much belongs and finds himself at home with. But, I think that answer only covers a small percentage of the actual truth.
Because I think Terry Silver, unbeknownst to most anyone, mingles everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. Yes, often times dressed as a common, unassuming bypasser just minding his own business; now you see him and now you don't. Sometimes, he's driving a run-down blue Ford truck posing himself as a hard-done-by Dojo owner downtown and other times, decades later, clearly not having changed all that much from his old ways, he might just be some smartly dressed, not at all shabby looking old man at the local Mini-Mart, intimidating Daniel Larusso between the produce aisles and leaving without buying a single thing. That's just a casual Wednesday for him. Nobody suspecting this is one of the wealthiest men on the West Coast, if not much, much further.
I think Terry Silver likes to scope out ordinary people, just for the sake of it.
He likes to scope out ordinary places too.
I think he enjoys the sport of getting down there with your commonplace Joe-Schmoe, and just observe, like one observes a Safari of animals. He likes to feel the pulse of everyone around him. Seek out opportunity, even if that opportunity rears its head in the form of some kid he bribes at a random club in 1985 to tactically hit on some girl so he can agitate Daniel into violence, right before making his quick escape into a back-alley in the dead of night, having caused a ruckus on the dance-floor. Yes, why not. It is fun, and Terry Silver seeks fun. It is also an investment and he seeks that doubly so. He seeks chance. Out on the street, in unexpected nooks and crannies or at a parking lot at midnight, while the very next day, he might be on the cover of Forbes as the most, ehm, Charitable Man of the Decade, and an incidental pedestrian would be none the wiser. Or they might just see his face on front page and think that that looks awfully familiar to that one guy, borderline thinking they've gone mad and are imagining things. That can't be same person, right? That might amuse Terry, in the most perverse and chaotic sense. Give him a sort of power --- over his environment and everyone around him, even mere strangers he has no intention of seeing ever again, except for what research and amusement they provided in the moment. The gleeful satisfaction that he's so big and so important and yet nobody knows. Not unless he wants them to, being entirely in control of the narrative and his identity --- and how it is perceived. That his ability to camouflage, disguise and hide himself with just a few cleverly chosen fashion choices and a difference in bearing is that great that it can trick people. The world is a sort of playground for him, and day-to-day people tend to be hilariously prone to being bribed, threatened, influenced, swayed, talked into things and used. Their lives are raw and interesting in ways that are hard to describe and it is a special type of voyeurism Terry Silver has undoubtedly indulged in in one form or another all his life.
Didn't Roman Emperors occasionally disguise themselves to mingle with the plebian rabble too? Terry fancies himself similar. In fact, he knows he is.
He also might be something of an adrenaline junkie; where just minding his own business stripped down from the strappings of his wealth might be genuinely engaging and good sport for him because he gets to know exactly how he will be viewed when nobody knows he's a Billionaire. His fascination almost experimental in nature, bearing a mischievous, childlike curiosity, if not an off-shoot of his tendency to pathologically lie and fabricate whole entire personalities, changing himself and his colors like a chameleon. Almost like he's goading people to show him exactly who they are. What they're like. What they're true nature is when faced with just some guy they've nothing to gain from out there.
So, beloved? Beloved might meet their King Cobra anywhere.
Anywhere at all.
A prospect both exciting and in equal measure daunting.
Because one never knows...
(I write more about this topic in my fanfic right here x)
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saijspellhart · 2 years
I think people are afraid to approach you because for the time I've known you, I've seen that you tend to snap at random people or misjudge their intentions as antagonistic. You also focus so much energy on what you don't have (notes, comments, etc) or on a single annoying person here and there, than express appreciation for the fans you do have.
Acknowledgement where acknowledgment is due, I am prickly when I perceive someone to be harassing me.
Why? Because I do not receive the occasional “annoying person here and there,” I receive lots of harassing, guilt trippy, rude, or entitled messages every single day. The amount of “please update,” “why haven’t you updated?” “Have you abandoned your fic?” “When are you going to update?” is just overwhelming and anxiety inducing. And I delete most of them. I only respond to a few, and it’s usually to remind people to not do that sort of thing. You can only receive so much anon hate and rude messages before it erodes your patience away. People would not even relent when my mother died and I said I’d be on hiatus. They STILL sent me mean/guilt-trip messages on anon. You only see a small percentage of the hate mail I get, and I’m honestly not obligated to share my entire inbox with you. Suffice to say I’ve had to have friends and family vet and delete my emails and notifications before because I got so much that I went spiraling into depression.
If someone genuinely messages me with kind words, patience, and the intent to have a conversation then I am delighted to engage them. I am so extremely chatty. But when someone approaches me to send me guilt-trippy, pressuring, or harassing messages, then I am not delighted to engage them. And 90% of the time I delete them. Because I don’t like having an inbox filled with those comments on any of my socials.
As far as wanting more notes, comments, etc. When? When in the last two, three years have I made posts bemoaning that my work isn’t receiving enough attention? When have I asked for notes?
Are my fans not appreciated enough? I respond to very many of my asks with doodles and drawings. I’ve spent my birthdays before drawing cute arts for my fans just so I could respond to their birthday wishes with cute doodles. I’ve done art and writing giveaways, I’ve accepted fanfics prompts for pairings. I’ve done art doodles and kiss drawing prompts. I leave dedications in my fanfics to certain fans. I’ve given away free shiny Pokémon for the Pokémon games. And when fans ask me to read their fics, more often than not I go check out their work and leave feedback.
TO FANS: if you are feeling unappreciated. What are ways I can make you feel more appreciated? I’d be delighted to know ways I can improve in showing my love and appreciation.
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kedreeva · 2 years
What is my age and gender?
You are 22 (almost 23) and are a cis human male
(condensing asks about You for space)
Q: Do i have family, friends, or community that I want to get back to, or that would hurt me/them if I don't return as I am right now?
You have a pack of werewolves, one of whom is your lover. You also have a father, and friends back in your town of origin.
Your werewolf lover thinks the god is neat and would also like to go away from this place relatively soon, as the god does make them all a little nervous. He's mostly been talking to Georgia's girlfriend. But he would like you to come back, and you would like to stay with him.
Q: What is apocalypse life like? Are people banded together in small communities doing fairly well or is it more of a mad max situation. What percentage of people survived the apocalypse. Are there a bunch of weird cults? Another way to phrase it - what is the closest media that accurately represents post apocalypse life?
In your experience, the apocalypse is pretty okay. There are communities forming that are doing well. You've been having a good time traveling with your group and learning magic and meeting people. The first couple of weeks of it wiped out a good 90% of the population of the world, and the ensuing year or two afterward saw more losses, but for the last couple of years things have been improving. There are not a bunch of weird cults; the strangest are humans that have taken up hunting supernatural creatures.
"Love and Monsters" is a good start for how the world is.
Q: "I do the god a favor" is the favor accepting the marble, or is the marble some sort of reward for the favor, which was something else?
The favor was assisting two of the gods' siblings in returning to their own realm.
Q: Why did I do the god a favor?
Because it asked you to.
Q: what kind of magic am i trained in? what is it about me that allows me to perceive the marble and swallow it? and/or why can't someone else swallow it?
You are trained in rune magic, which is also sometimes called world magic. it is the magic that runs in a network throughout the world but that must be accessed by keys (runes and sigils).
You are able to perceive the marble because the god gave it to you.
Others are not able to perceive it because the god did not give it to them. You are the only one able to perceive the marble in order to swallow it.
Q: When the village and I were trying to figure out what to do with the marble, did we have a particular goal in mind? Like, is there something we wanted the marble to do, and we couldn't figure out how to make that happen? Or were we just trying to figure out what the marble is for? Related: when I received the marble from the god, had I asked for anything in particular? Or was it more like "you helped my siblings out, here you go have A Thing"?
The village cannot perceive the marble, nor can you explain it to them. Your attempts to discuss it with others during the three days were unsuccessful. They are able to tell you are holding something but they are unable to tell you what or anything about it or remember the instance later, and if you ask them about it in the moment or afterward, they just have confusion.
Your own considerations were to figure out what to do with it, and what it could do. As near as you can tell, it is a marble. You learned that animals cannot perceive the marble, and it has no effect on the physical world, but it can be affected by the physical world (for example, if you were to put it in your pocket, the pocket would hold it). If you lick the marble, it tastes like a marble.
You had not asked for any reward or gift for your assistance, the marble was given to you without prompting from you.
Q: When and why did I first come to this town?
You came to see what the gods you could see in the distance were.
Q: When and how did I first encounter this god and its siblings?
You first encountered them when you arrived in the town.
Q: How did I return the siblings to their own realm? How exactly did I help the two siblings? What did I do?
You created a portal/bridge to their realm using your magic and theirs. They walked through of their own accord.
Q: Do I have any reason to want to remain in my realm?
You have many reasons to remain in your realm.
Q: did i know magic existed before the apocalypse that brought the gods? do i know how to work magic, generally?
You did not know magic existed prior to the apocalypse. You have been trained in how to work one kind of magic.
Q: Am I able to manipulate the magic of my realm?
You are able to manipulate the magic of your realm
Q: What is my realm called?
Your realm is Earth, post supernatural apocalypse
Q: Do *I* have to swallow it or can I give that to someone else?
You are the only one who can perceive the marble in order to swallow it.
Q: Why did you (I?) come back after 3 days? Did something happen?
You left for three days to help around town and consider what you were going to do with the marble, including trying to ask others. When you were unable to figure out what to do, you returned to the god to ask.
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as someone with little to no empathy but no personality disorder + a fraught relationship with my narcissistic father, i have a difficult time summoning any compassion or sympathy for people with npd/bpd. they seem socially defective at best and an active source of harm to others at best. i suppose i recognize their humanity on an objective/rational level but not an emotional one. however, a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with bpd and i’m trying to get over my resulting distrust/antipathy towards them. any tips?
It is good that you recognize people with stigmatized disorders as people even if just on an intellectual level, and that you are willing to change your mind and overcome biases.
There are many points that could be used to make a rational case here. Most importantly that "abusive" is a pattern of behavior rather than a characteristic inherent to one's personality.
It is not only common for people without any kind of personality disorder to be abusive, but in terms of pure math you are more likely to be seriously harmed by someone without a disorder than by someone with one.
Abusive parenting norms such as "children are property" or "corporal punishment is needed for proper childrearing", for example, are widespread worldwide, perceived as morally good socially, and often also supported by religion and the personal experiences of those who perpetrate them.
This is not something that could endure if it was just a small percentage of people with personality disorders who believed these things and everyone else was averse.
The truth is that most humans are disturbingly tolerant of abuse as long as they believe it is necessary or deserved.
There is a common idea that people with disorders like NPD are basically just sadists who hurt everyone around them for funsies, and may be literal demons or evil spirits (religious fanatics get weird about it). However, if you truly come to understand the points above then people with personality disorders don't really come off as anything special.
They can be abusive, but so can everyone else, and even someone who meets every single symptom of a disorder like NPD (and you don't even need to meet them all to qualify) does not necessarily present those symptoms in a way that is likely to harm anyone.
Also, given how often the people complaining about "narcissists" seem to take conservative or religious bents, I'm halfway convinced it's an attempt (not necessarily a consciously deliberate one) to sanitize the more conservative institutions that are disproportionally responsible for child abuse. They support things like the "traditional" family and the church, and instead pass abuse off as a problem with a minority of mentally ill people rather than anything common or larger in scale.
It doesn't help that far too many people are eager to armchair-diagnose every single abuser with a personality disorder to "explain" their behavior even when the actual sources of said behavior clearly do not involve any psychological abnormality but rather just common cultural norms.
For example, these are the comments on an awful conservative song about how hitting your children makes them more virtuous and morally good. These people are convinced that the only reason they respect others is because they were hit as children.
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These are people who will proudly parade bible verses about how disobedient children should be publicly stoned to death, and then they go around saying that this is all good because it might prevent their children from becoming narcissistic.
Beliefs like this are common throughout the world.
I don't know, the real source of these issues just seems clear to me, and it is not cluster B disorders.
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impetusofadream · 2 months
Do you ever look at your life and just think "How the fuck did we get here?" Like this was NOT the plan, by any stretch of the imagination and even though you lived through every moment of it, you can't really pin point how you got from Point A to Point So Far Off the Rails We're Not Even on the Map Anymore.
I am 37 years old and I'm still living in the house my parents own. I pay them rent but I'm definitely not proud of this fact. I just somehow ended up as another idiot with a completely useless BFA in a town where I can't even afford a studio apartment on my slightly above local minimum wage income. (And our minimum wage is like $15. This is also not taking into account the fact my anxiety requires a door that locks to my bedroom).
I'm not sure I was ever capable of imagining my life past 30 as a teenager (I was too desperate to get away from how miserable the here and now was making me at the time.) But I always thought I'd be... more?
I definitely didn't picture myself alone, with barely a half dozen people I've dated over the last 20 years and none of them ever developing into an actual relationship. (To be fair to my younger self, she hadn't realized she was ace-spec yet.) Which yeah finding someone willing to accommodate potentially never having sex again... is exceeding difficult and emotionally draining. And honestly more often than not ends up feeling kind of degrading. Esp when your dating ocean is more like a small pond.
That gnawing loneliness that underlined honestly 90% of my life past about age 6, I didn't expect that well of pain to keep overflowing instead of finally being capped. Unexpected, but unsurprisingly it just get worse when all your friends start getting married and having kids and you realize that everyone else has at least one person who outrages you on thier priority list. The universe suddenly materializes as this massive cunt for not having the grace to make you aro on top of ace so you could at least wrinkle your nose at the entire concept of nonplatonic relationships.
But no, that bitch made you a MASSIVE sap, which when compounded with your deeply touch starved upbringing means you DESPERATELY crave intimacy... but you live in a world where a large percentage of society believes that kind of intimacy only comes from romantic/sexual relationships past a certain age.
So you find your 37 year old self awake at 2 in the morning in the same room that she used to sob into a Minnie Mouse pillow to about being bullied by the popular kids, now quietly crying into a capybara squishmallow because it's the only thing that doesn't complain about 5 seconds in your life about being held onto; Wondering to yourself, "how did I get here?"
and wondering if maybe you really are broken and deficient in some way everyone else can perceive except you.
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contextualstudiesd · 5 months
“The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism”
In the reading the main concept that is underlined is the shift from the first modernity to the second modernity. The first modernity developed after the second Industrial Revolution, and by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century second modernity was overcoming the first one. When the writer, Shoshone Zuboff, talks about first modernity she refers to the mass production that came with the changes in production, like the assembly line, and how the consumption was directed towards masses, which meant that products were the same for everyone and there was no space for customization. Zuboff then recalls what Henry’s Ford used to say: "You can have any color car you want as long as it's black”. (Page 29) What changed between the first and the second modernity was towards whom the consumption was directed. In the second modernity the consumption was towards the individual, and therefore we talk about “individualized consumption”. According to Zuboff there have been three main events that are symbolic of the second modernity. They all happened on the 9th of August 2011, and the first one is Apple with the inversion of production. In August, Apple launched the IPod and ITunes platform which made the customization of a playlist possible, and in our age and time an individualized consumption is what modern consumers expect. The writer takes as evidence the narcissism and eagerness of customers “what I want, when, where and how I want it” (page 30). What makes us different from the first modern consumers is that we now know our worth as individuals, and we expect to be treated accordingly to our individual and specific needs. Nowadays our life is an “open ended reality” (page 33) and we are not bonded to our roots and family, we can change the trajectory of our life making it different from the one of our ancestors. With this new mentality the “Apple Miracle” and many other capitals it corporations found a fertile ground where to grow, and generated wealth, more wealth that has ever been generated.
However even if we live in a wealthy world only a small percentage of the world really lives off that much wealth, which leads to immense discrepancies in the distribution of the wealth.
The other two events that signed the second modernity are the indignados movements from Spain and the London riots that happened following a police shooting. The riots and the movement had at the core a sense of inequality and injustice in the economical and social environment: many people lamented a “sense of being invisible” and “ a lack of job, money or opportunity”. (Page 44)
Finally Shoshana ends by underlining the control that many corporations have on our privacy and sensible datas. At first many people were shocked and scared by the fact that some companies, like Google, scanned email to generate advertising. The second modernity is seeing both a changed and more individualized consumerism that leads to a growth and inevitable capitalist surveillance on individuals.
I personally enjoyed reading this article, and I found myself relating to the new generations living through the second modernity. I sometimes find myself annoyed at some of the behavior I adapt when something on my IPhone, or WiFi connection does not work, because I expect them to always be working. Therefore, I see myself in the “what I want, when, where and how I want it”, and it's quite difficult to detach myself from that kind of thought because as Zuboff explains, I perceive myself as an individual “worth” of being seen and being represented.
Zuboff, S. (2019) “The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism: The fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power”. London: Profile, pp. 31-46
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khloeblair · 7 months
Prompt: Highlights (part 1) from Seth’s February 9, 1970 session in Seth Speaks.
We realize that our identity is not dependent upon form, therefore, of course, we do not fear changing it, knowing that we can adopt any form we desire.
We do not know death in your terms. Our existence takes us into many other environments, and we blend into these.
We follow what rules of form exist within these environments. All of us here are teachers, and we therefore adapt our methods, also, so that they will make sense to personalities with varying ideas of reality.
Consciousness is not dependent upon form, as I have said, and yet it always seeks to create form.
We do not exist in any time framework as you know it. Minutes, hours, or years have lost both their meaning and their fascination.
We are quite aware of the time situations within other systems, however, and we must take them into account in our communications. Otherwise what we say would not be understood.
There are no real barriers to separate the systems of which I speak. The only separation is brought about by the varying abilities of personalities to perceive and manipulate.
You exist in the midst of many other systems of reality, for example, but you do not perceive them.
And even when some event intrudes from these systems into your own three-dimensional existence, you are not able to interpret it, for it is distorted by the very fact of entry.
I told you that we do not experience your time sequence. We travel through various intensities. Our work, development, and experience all takes place within what I term the “moment point.”
Here, within the moment point, the smallest thought is brought to fruition, the slightest possibility explored, the probabilities thoroughly examined, the least or the most forceful feeling entertained.
The moment point is the framework within which we have our psychological experience. Within it, simultaneous actions follow “freely” through associative patterns.
For example, pretend that I think of you, Joseph. In so doing I immediately experience — and fully — your past, present, and future (in your terms), and all of those strong or determining emotions and motivations that have ruled you.
I can travel through those experiences with you, if I choose. We can follow a consciousness through all of its forms, for example, and in your terms, within the flicker of an eye.
It takes study, development, and experience before an identity can learn to hold its own stability in the face of such constant stimuli; and many of us have gotten lost, even forgetting who we were until we once more awakened to ourselves.
Much of this is quite automatic to us now. In the infinite varieties of consciousness, we are still aware of a small percentage of the entire banks of personalities that exist.
For our “vacations” we visit amid quite simple life forms, and blend with them.
To this extent we indulge in relaxation and sleep, for we can spend a century as a tree or as an uncomplicated life form in another reality.
We delight our consciousness with the enjoyment of simple existence. We may create, you see, the forest in which we grow.
Usually however we are highly active, our full energies focused in our work and in new challenges.
We can form from ourselves, from our own psychological entireties, other personalities whenever we wish.
These, however, must then develop according to their own merit, using the creative abilities inherent in them. They are free to go their own way. We do not do this lightly, however.
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vivacapital28 · 1 year
The Distinction Between Asset Based Lending And Factoring
The normal unused dedication payment accounting remedy is to offset them in opposition to the direct loan origination prices. This selection will switch the web site from presenting info primarily about the United Kingdom to information about the United States. If you wish to swap again, you may use location choice choices at the top of the page. ✔️You are not required to pay a lump sum or set quantity that may penalize you if you paid again the funds early.
The bank valued and desired to take care of the real property and depository relationships with the shopper, but the distributor now not met the criteria required for the present line of credit score. The Relationship Manager realized the bank would both have to take on outsized danger or risk dropping the banking relationship completely. Rather than waiting for the inevitable, the Relationship Manager contacted The Southern Bank’s altLINE staff to see how they could assist. Finding the proper product at the proper time may be troublesome, but the payoffs could be huge. This was the case for one midsized firm looking to benefit from market circumstances and accelerate their development via acquisition.
In some instances, corresponding to when they are based on excellent invoices, asset-based loans could be structured as revolving credit score, based on Jeffrey Bardos, CEO of Speritas Capital Partners. With mortgages, you have a time period (e.g., 30 years) and an interest rate (e.g., 4%) that may help determine your month-to-month what is asset based lending payments throughout the lifetime of the loan. Defaulting on the loan jeopardizes the collateral (in this case, real estate, similar to a home or storefront) and permits the lender to repossess it to cover the loan. Borrowing base structure can broaden with the company because it grows its working capital property.
While this determine could not sound very spectacular, it represents a considerable gain over previous percentages for these specialty lending establishments. The failure of the united states banking business to help small businesses and mid-range companies with lending options asset based lending has been a topic of much dialogue within the financial world over the past few years. Manufacturing companies have been particularly exhausting hit by the shortage of lending options out there from conventional sources.
In many instances it is because the exit technique throughout the marketing strategy is weak. There are a number of companies who've respectable reputations in the Bank Guarantee market. Only the only a few are credible for not only offering their shoppers with a Demand Bank Guarantee, but arranging credit score lines if they are rejected by their bankers.
It have to be famous that some lenders will require an appraisal earlier than closing on an asset-based loan. Pricing on ABL amenities also can vary broadly depending on the liquidity of the asset and perceived high quality in the occasion of a liquidation of the borrower. ABL lenders require a first lien place on these assets in virtually all circumstances. We are additionally capable of assist with a cost-benefit analysis and determining potential tax implications when looking asset based loan at safety in particular person countries, in help of an international group refinancing. This article considers some of the benefits of an asset-based lending construction and the important thing themes for lenders and debtors to contemplate as against extra traditional forms of secured lending. ‍Most manufacturers preserve a reserve of merchandise and materials to ensure continuity of operations.
But real success means understanding the native markets you serve—which is why we convey the business options, insights and market perspective you want. From recapitalizations, acquisitions and growth, and dealing capital to capital expenditures, debt restructuring and turnaround conditions. Your rates are considerably lower than they'd be with a pure factoring solution since our risk is lower due to your good credit and robust monetary reporting. For extra data on where to go for this specific service we a can arrange an introduction to respected companies about which we have obtained good feedback.
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dentistenthusiast · 1 year
The Benefits And Disadvantages Of Dental Implants
Implants are a well-liked tooth substitute choice among today’s dental patients. If you suppose that your mouth would be more healthy by getting a number of dental implants installed, then finding out extra in regards to the safety of implants is a great thought. Paying for dental insurance with the hope of getting coverage for dental implants could what are dental implants be value it, but it all depends on your distinctive scenario and the way much dental work you want. Many insurance policies cover only a percentage of main services, so you’ll must be ready to pay for the the rest of your implant surgical procedure yourself.
Once the implant has been given time to heal, it will be topped off with a restoration, together with a dental crown, part of a bridge or a everlasting denture. Keep in thoughts that getting a bone graft or gum graft will come at an additional value, and extra time shall be necessary to heal before the implant dentistry process can resume. If you might be contemplating implants, your mouth should be examined thoroughly and your medical and dental historical past reviewed. If you mouth just isn't ideal for implants, methods of improving outcome, corresponding to bone grafting, may be beneficial. With a bridge there is no replacement for the lacking tooth roots, the bone beneath the bridge will continue to shrink.
If you are having IV sedation, you will be advised not to eat something after midnight the evening before the surgical procedure. Verywell Health's content material is for informational and educational what are dental implants functions only. Our web site isn't supposed to be an various alternative to professional medical recommendation, analysis, or therapy.
Dental implants eliminate the embarrassing inconvenience of removing dentures, as properly as the necessity for messy adhesives to keep them in place. Because they become a half of you, implants remove the discomfort of detachable dentures. If your implant feels free or painful, inform your dental supplier right away. Ask your dental supplier what model and mannequin of dental implant system is being used and maintain this info in your data.
Many of those early catches can save you money and time by averting bigger points. However, many people nonetheless experience frustration when their dentures become unfastened, slip, and rub against the gums. Missing tooth can result from harm, smoking, or poor dental hygiene. Severe tooth loss is higher what are dental implants with ailments like diabetes, asthma, or rheumatoid arthritis. Dental implants is not going to impression the encompassing enamel, they usually offer much less threat of an infection. A dental crown replaces the decayed a part of a tooth that can't be retained.
The dental implant abutment is usually hooked up to the implant physique by the abutment fixation screw and extends via gums into the mouth to help the connected synthetic enamel. If your jawbone is not thick sufficient or is too delicate, you could want bone grafting before you'll be able to have dental implant surgery. That's as a outcome of the highly effective chewing action of your mouth exerts nice stress in your bone, and if it can't support the implant, the surgery probably would fail. Replacing your lacking teeth with dental implants will be costlier than getting fixed or removable dentures.
As far as restoring your implant, either your basic dentist who has had coaching in implants or, preferably, a prosthodontist, can be your best professional. There is, however, a small group of pros who have been educated in both periodontics and prosthodontics. These dual skilled professionals, like Dr. Scott Nakamura, perceive each the surgical in addition to the restorative features of dental implants. The scientific success of an implant is dependent upon multiple factors together with the biomaterials, case selection, quality of bone, implant-bone interface, and postoperative care by the affected person.
These are dental implants that are less than 3.0mm in diameter. They do serve a significant function in patient care, however they've limitations as a end result of, you guessed it, they are quite small — mini, in fact! Gum illness could cause harm or decimation of your tooth enamel, leading to decay and cavity formation over time. But, with the right regenerative care, it is potential to restore your gums.
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greyschannel · 2 years
Instagrid dimensions
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#Instagrid dimensions how to
It is precisely because it’s much harder to execute that this strategy is harder to replicate. If you struggle to make this type of visually excellent photography or video, the best option is to hire or collaborate with someone who feels comfortable in both photography and grid coordination. The key to executing this strategy effectively: In comparison to the Multiples of Three Pattern strategy, this is much harder to consistently execute unless you already have the content creation skills needed to pull it off. This is how those account’s grids look:Īgain, these Instagram accounts are creating similar content to many other accounts, but by paying extra care about how their grids look, they differentiate themselves and therefore grow faster. also employs this strategy by only posting photos and videos that share shades of green and blue. In comparison to the Multiples of Three Pattern strategy, which cares about the pattern in which you post, the Color Scheme Coordination only cares about making sure that each photo you post has a degree of color coordination with all other posts on your account.įor example, lifestyle blogger executes this strategy by only posting photos and videos that share tones of peach, pink, and white. The second main strategy you can follow to differentiate your grid is a Color Scheme Coordination strategy. Otherwise, there will be no perceived visual uniqueness when people first scroll through your grid, and you won’t generate a larger percentage of Follows from the people who discover your page.
#Instagrid dimensions how to
OK, now that you know how this strategy works, how to execute it, and what not to do, remember the key to executing this strategy effectively: consistency.įor any of these Multiples of Three grid patterns, the most important element to maintain them is to repeat the pattern you chose consistently, without changing or stopping it, unless it makes the grid look better when people scroll through it. Sure, you’ll have a distinct grid, but none of the individual photos will get engagement (which means that your account won’t be valuable) because the only thing your audience will see is a small portion of a larger photo that makes no sense and has no value on their home feed (plus, is usually blurry due to the photo size). This creates a cohesive grid because it looks like every row was crafted thoughtfully, and it’s visually pleasing for the eye. As long as you always post visually related groups of three, each row of your grid will look unique as well as build into an overall cohesive and differentiated grid.įor example, the ceramics curator account posts three similar-looking photos in a row featuring ceramicists who share visual similarities in their work. After a grouping of three, you post another grouping of three that tells a different distinct visual story. Meaning, you post three photos or videos that tell a visual story or are at least visually related back-to-back-to-back. You could also continue with a wide number of variations of what a grid could look like as long as you continually post the same pattern in a multiple of three.Īs long as you don’t deviate from the pattern, it’ll look like a well-thought-out grid.Īnother widely used but rarely perfected take on the Multiples Of Three strategy is always posting visually related imagery in groupings of three. You could accomplish something similar by always posting a photo of someone’s face every third post, or a quote every third post, or whatever other types of content are visually cohesive and you can consistently repeat. In an increasingly competitive Instagram landscape, that matters. Over a long enough time, that slight increase in conversion can turn into thousands of new followers. But it will increase the percentage of people discovering you who are converted into new followers, in comparison to a page that offers something similar but doesn’t make the effort to craft a differentiated Instagram grid. Having a carefully crafted Instagram grid won’t get more people to discover your page. The process is quick and simple, and since most Instagram users (us) don’t take the time to thoroughly read through an account’s content, we mainly evaluate of whether we find it interesting or valuable enough to follow exclusively by how the account’s grid looks when we scroll through it. If the account offers the type of content that interests us, in a way we find interesting and/or valuable, we follow it. You can learn about the whole process of how to grow and monetize an Instagram account through my Instagram Small Business Class 👍🏽
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greenekjeldsen93 · 2 years
replica designer handbags
Best Quality Designer Duplicate Handbags Bags Luxury baggage from big manufacturers are ridiculously expensive and in a lot of the instances, they are priced high only for their brand name and never essentially the quality. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you may get it for $100 or lesser? Most of those replicas, look the identical, really feel the identical and have an identical craftsmanship. That’s the issue for more than half of the purchasers of these big brands in the baggage market. After faculty, I moved into my cousin’s huge house on a hill in Rhode Island for the summer season. She had a whole room dedicated to expensive designer garments, fur coats and leather-based baggage. At the top of the season, I promptly swapped out my fakes for her Fendi bag and hightailed it to New York in her white fur coat. I didn’t believe in myself, however I believed in the bag; I needed one thing to mask my worry, insecurity, and anxiety—and it was simply the ticket. Y first New York cease was at all times Canal Street, where I went to stock up on faux designer wares. Although the value is a bit more expensive, total it feels value buying, and the usability and look are perfect. Hesitated between the mini and 23cm, however as a result of there's a constance mini before, though very stunning however the true capacity is too small, not significantly convenient. So I chose 23cm, though there isn't any mini dimension, but it's also lovely, and the capability is enough, and the lengthy pockets could be put down. Switching luggage are far more convenient than Kang Kang. We perceive that there are some risks concerned when buying something on-line. Find the proper baggage, cases & boxes producers of China in much less effort. https://phoenet.tw/ It's the place you go to keep away from wasting and get inspirations for your bag sourcing plan. It’s advisable to check for suggestions from the seller earlier than buying any bag. These bags are promoting like loopy in 2019 and for any retailer who buy them in wholesale form the proper supplier; these bags can work as a reliable and profitable useful resource. Selling these baggage to your prospects could be a great thought and it can save you a lot. Ever thought about buying a bag on the Internet and found the prices unattractive? It could be installed in its true shade, or the method to start this name. Listening to this name alone, this is stuffed with character. The personality is accompanied by a novel and chic romance, which is wonderful. Replica Gucci Bags Dionysian bag is gorgeous, beautiful in type, more lovely, how beautiful? The backpacks on Dhgate price anyplace from $30 to $100 relying on the backpack. Also cute backpacks of Louis Vuitton and Gucci are available. You will discover plenty of G-Shock replicas here for a minuscule percentage of the unique worth. Don’t neglect to go to the MK Store for some pretty cool replicas of Louis Vuitton baggage. wikipedia handbags Jil Sander is certainly one of the German designers who contributed to the continuous improvement of the creations of within the Italian and French trend world.
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