#anti Caroline dries
bennettmaximoff · 6 months
Damon was incredibly protective and loving of Bonnie and ended up being her soulmate in the books, and the tvd writers thought “Hm, let’s make him a complete asshole to her throughout the entire show and hurt her at every given opportunity.” They took one look at how Stefan and Bonnie’s friendship was progressing throughout S1-S2 and decided to completely retcon it and started having him disregard her the same way everyone else did. You see, none of the main male characters were allowed to have actual meaningful connections with her because god forbid Bonnie be considered a potential love interest for them and not their self inserts. Damon can’t even tell Bonnie he loves her without them making sure to include “The same way Elena loved you.”
It’s the same reason why they didn’t have Bonnie attend the Mikaelson ball even though her being there made more sense than Matt or Caroline attending since the literal hostess was going to be siphoning her bloodline’s magic. She couldn’t be seen dressed up in a pretty gown like the other girls and dance with any of the male characters because again, god forbid Bonnie be held in the same regard as the other girls and ever thought of as a potential love interest for anyone besides throw away characters. It’s the same with Bonnie not interacting with any of the Mikaelson’s outside of her protecting the MFG from them. There are numerous connections between the Mikaelson’s and the Bennetts. Ayana Bennett was Esther’s mentor and seemed to be incredibly close to all her children. Abby desiccated Mikael, Esther wanted to use the Bennett Bloodline. Yet, not once are these connections explored. These could have potentially been some of the best storylines in the show, but that would have required the writers to not be prejudice and have biases towards certain characters.
But all this begs the question…if you’re going to make a character black or a poc so you can meet the diversity requirements, yet still neglect their character and use them as nothing but a shield to your white characters, then what is the point? Because I have no doubt that if they kept Bonnie’s race the same, she would have gotten the same opportunities as the other girls and wouldn’t be seen as just a mule. She would have still been poorly written, not debating that, but she would have been treated entirely differently by the writers and the fans.
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klonnieshippersclub · 6 months
Bonnie, The Bennett’s, Black Witches and The Magical Negro Trope & Mammy Trope - TVD META
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Bonnie and the Bennett’s have very rich lore. It’s not glorified by the fandom unless it’s by Bonnie fans themselves. That’s the way it’s always been, no one paying any mind or deeper thought to Bonnie/and the Bennett’s outside of her fans. This isn't a new thing but I want to highlight this once again because I don’t think fans understand there is more than one negative trope rooted in Bonnie, the Bennett’s and black witches only.
Before we get into anything heavy let’s have some key-terms here: Let’s define a magical negro trope: where a black character appears in a plot solely to help a white character and then vanishes. Now what a mammy is: a black woman engaged to take care of white children or as a servant to a white family.
Everything in the series can be tied back to a Bennett witch. Let’s list a few things the immortality spell, immortals, the other side, the cure, supernatural hunters, creating rings to preserve life, the Gilbert device but only a Bennett witch can enchant it, prison worlds, the traveler's curse, vampires, hybrids etc…You name it without the Bennett’s creation there would be nothing. You would think because of this the Bennett’s would be respected in the narrative and by fans. Wrong. Some of these women aren’t even given actual names. Everyone can have a Bennett witch at their disposal but they won’t be respected either. Bennett blood is essential to certain spells. A loophole.
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Let’s talk about Ayana. The Mikaelson’s were only able to become vampires because Esther stole Ayana’s spell. It is forgotten that Esther/Mikael begged Ayana to perform the spell first. The Mikaelson’s as humans trusted Ayana. Rebekah was in shock that a necklace from Ayana burned her. While Ayana remained unnamed this time while the story was told. Rebekah was talking about Ayana. Ayana was known as a healer and given Esther’s praises they were close. The series doesn’t show us why Ayana should value the Mikaelson’s but we do understand why Esther, her husband and children valued her. That infamous necklace that Rebekah loved belonged to Ayana. We don’t know about Ayana’s life outside of being a healer. We don’t know her marital status, how many children she could’ve possibly had and anything tied to her after the plot has used her up. One would think with how close Ayana was to the Mikaelson’s, they’d have some respect or acknowledge Bonnie but that never happens.
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We see this in how Emily was enslaved to Katherine. Julie may have labeled Emily a handmaiden but we knew what that meant. Emily only had one request from Damon that he watch and protect the Bennett line which he never did. The black witches never ask much of anyone in the plot or ever given the chance too. Yet when a request is made no one ever meets said request for them. This form of slavery repeats again through Lucy. She claimed Katherine saved her life therefore she is indebted to her for however long she needs. Sheila has her hand in aiding the Gemini Coven, Beatrice helped with the Sirens.
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There are other witches that are black who serve a purpose to aid in many and leave such as: Gloria, The Martin’s, Bree, Aja and her coven just to name a few. Friends of the main characters or enemies but quickly there and dropped. Originally due to all witches appearing Black fans believed they were all Bennett’s. Julie has no answer for why all witches that is until they weren’t. Remember witches were servants of nature. The Mikaelson’s popularity, Gemini Coven and other witches. Fills the space that Black witches were once in. Notice a pattern here?
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Qetsiyah’s plot line should’ve centered on how she created immortality, the cure, and the other side. But Qetsiyah’s existence revolves around demanding and enforcing continuous revenge on Silas and Amara. Tying her into another repeated love triangle in the franchise. May I add that she and Bonnie are the only women to have been betrayed by a partner and criticized for their reactions. There’s nothing wrong when a man wants and craves power but Qetsiyah is considered the worst of them all. Here’s an amazing video that details Qetsiyah’s writing too. Please review.
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Lastly, The Bonnie of it all:
Bonnie’s a loyal, powerful and brave woman. She doesn’t let anything happen to her friends if she can stop it. She cares for them. That kind of loyalty can be beautiful but equally harmful when Bonnie has no regard to her own feelings. She continues to give for everyone and her friends rarely return the favor. Bonnie’s never thanked or rewarded for being there. The friendships stop being equal very early. Her traumas aren’t valuable in the plot. We don’t know what Bonnie’s home looked like. If Bonnie does grieve it isn’t shown on screen. Her family life is limited, while Liz and Alaric aren’t main characters. They have their own plotlines. It is revealed that Abby’s reasonings for abandoning her is for Elena’s benefit. Abby is killed in a coin toss and transitioned. Caroline gets to have a good friend moment while Bonnie isn’t have any feelings towards her mother for abandoning her after. Rudy isn’t seen in the plot longterm and when he appears in season 5 he’s killed in front of Bonnie. She grieves this in silence while grieving her own death that she didn’t make aware to her friends to avoid inconveniencing them. The plot makes it clear if the white counterparts aren’t happy then Bonnie will never either. Elena, Caroline got happier endings while Bonnie’s job was completed. Bonnie never once got to call out how her friends can disregard her, she feeds into them and they grow while sucking the life out of her. In the end, Bonnie went back to Africa. Never any reference to her life from there.
Another thing Bonnie isn’t shown to be feminine. Her best friends go on dates, go to dances, dress up and receive compliments. Caroline or Elena has ever given Bonnie a compliment that aided in her beauty. We don’t know Bonnie’s ambitions or fears. But you are aware when Bonnie wants to save her best friend. Thoughts on Bonnie’s relationships and ships is for the next meta though.
White witches did follow the servitude of others. They were still given the privilege of agency that black witches were never going to have. Witches like Dahlia existed, and although she had one goal she had more personality than others.
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When you have people like the TVD writers that continue to push harmful stereotypes there’s always going to fans who listen and continue to perpetuate those stereotypes. The writers had no value for Black women nor do the fans. They don’t care about how black women or people of color are treated in fiction or the media simply because their favorites get to reap all the benefits. That tweet is just one tip of the iceberg, there’s plenty more from Bonnie’s relationships, and storylines.
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cancerian-woman · 7 months
I’m in a petty mood so :P
if Bonnie wasn’t the most disrespected character of tvd then maybe…idk there wouldn’t be videos, books, articles online that has to thoroughly explain this topic repeatedly with detailed evidence. Then you fans that claim Bonnie didn’t suffer the way other characters did or it wasn’t as bad only have that argument because you let your hatred for Bonnie cloud anything else. Pull up a video that explains how badly Caroline and Elena was treated that lines up with Bonnie’s. Like I said before NOBODY has ever said Elena and Caroline didn’t struggle that would be false but their struggles will never align with how the MAIN black woman was treated for 8 years.
Yall be upset over characters like Katherine, Vicki, Caroline, Elena etc etc. when Julie never went on Twitter tangents about her disdain for that character or actress , never bashed or nitpicked at those fanbases. Caroline Dries never intentionally talked over Candice, or Nina in interviews because they had ideas. Candice was so loudly loved that not only was her character placed with nearly every male, but they written in her pregnancy for Caroline connecting her to 2 more shows. Nina got to do more scenes as Katherine.
There’s plenty of other things but Kat could give yall losers a PowerPoint presentation detailing about how she was sidelined from Bonnie’s sexuality, repeatedly making remarks about how often Bonnie’s sacrificed and gets nothing, the relationships, and even her wardrobe. On top of continuously mentioning how she felt like they didn’t want her there. She’s even said directly she thinks there wouldn’t have been problems had she been white. I mean look at the white witches… The series will never let us forget how beautiful they found the other women yet NEVER gave Bonnie those compliments and moments to just be beautiful in a gown. Mystic Falls had a dance every damn moment yet how many of those was Bonnie enjoying herself? She couldn’t even win prom queen without that being taken from her. “She’s always had good friends…” what? The friends that didn’t notice she was dead for months and only wanted her back because they needed her magic? The friends that don’t check up on her at all period until they want her magic? “Her family loves her” oh you mean the Grams they referred to as an alcoholic in s1? The father who worked soo much but clearly never wanted to stay. You mean Abby the woman that loved Elena and herself more than she loved Bonnie? Wait, no no you mean Lucy the woman who said she’d see Bonnie again and dies offscreen? Or all of the lovely WOC we never get to see…
Yall really be talking out your ass. The fans that claim “people make it so hard to love all three!” because of these metas ONLY have these issues when Bonnie fans want to speak and cater towards Bonnie first. Dont follow Bonnie fans if you’re going to get mad everytime they speak about Bonnie. I don’t fucking get that at all. WHY go out your way to follow someone and you know you don’t want to read anything they have to say. Not smart but whatever.
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stelenasired · 4 months
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Damon and his incapability to respect boundaries.
If I'm not mistaken all the above GIFs are from when Elena was with Stefan.
DErs defend your fav now.
*none of the GIFs are mine*
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xxgothchatonxx · 8 months
Speaking of vampires and queerness - the way The Vampire Diaries treated canon-queer and queer-coded characters in the early seasons was absolutely vile. (I gave up after season 5 so I have no idea how the queer characters post-then were treated)
First there was Isobel. The evil manipulative deadbeat mum with her sexy brainwashed fucktoys, one male and one female. She Bites Both Ways.
Then there was Katherine. The evil, selfish, blatantly bi-coded Slut™ who was demonized for doing the same shit her male straight counterparts got a pass for because It's Hot When They Do It. (Not saying she didn't do anything wrong but the double standards here were pathetic.)
And then of course there was Bill Forbes. The first openly gay character on this show. Who performed conversion therapy on his vampire daughter. This episode was written by Caroline Dries, who is openly gay. Who apparently never had the thought of "wait, this is morally fucked, I should not write this" (honestly that can apply to every plot-line she was involved in *side-eyes in Bonnie fan*). So she made the first openly queer character perpetrate a blatant metaphor for one of the most horrific homophobic acts in history, that still happens to this day. Who later refused to become a vampire because he finds it unnatural and disgusting.
"Well, it was 2009-" yeah that is no excuse.
Congrats on being a vampire story straighter than Twilight, TVD.
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hydesjackiespuddinpop · 5 months
michael trevino <3
Adore him. One of the sweetest and most talented actors. Needs to stop working on projects with JP and CD though. Those two are not doing that man justice.
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lady-corrine · 7 months
The way book Bonnie pulls all the bitches and is known as a heartbreaker but the show made her seem unattractive and undesirable it's truly so despicable. And we all know why. 😐
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kmze · 5 days
Thoughts on 7x01 - 7x12 welp the best way I can describe it so far is weird, this is the weirdest this show has ever felt for me. The biggest issue is the heretics and how the show tried to make them the main characters without putting any effort into making us care about them. They tried to do what they did with the originals but the difference with that was we were slowly introduced to that fam, this was basically six new characters at once! And it doesn't help that it's very obvious by episode 5 Valerie is getting the screen time Caroline usually would have. Whether that's because Candice was preggo (like she doesn't do much but walk, sit or stand around) or Dries' sabatoge I don't know but I didn't like it! I do give the writers some credit for at least trying something new with the FF but I just felt like I was watching a completely different show for most of these episodes. The good news is once we move onto the huntress and the phoenix stone it gets better, again all my bitching below and accompanying meta about the bane of my existence!
In retrospect EL OH EL that right after Stefan talked to Caroline on the bench he walked by Valerie.
“She’s going to want to know how Ric died of alcohol poisoning” don’t threaten me with a good time Bonnie!
The whole bomb idea is incredibly dumb but the scene where Caroline and Stefan talk about it is great. I love that Caroline just picks up the bomb and Stefan is like "what are you doing!" like those memes of all the brain cells leave my body when I'm around my man LMFAO
This episode just feels off, I can’t really explain it, it’s kind of like 4x01 like the writing for everyone is just weird. Some stuff just sounds soooo dramatic and I just want to roll my eyes, especially the diary voiceovers.
“What would Sheriff Forbes do” let Damon kill everyone!
I do love the “you make me happy” scene and the kiss is great but it’s cut up so weirdly it feels rushed and choppy, fucking Dries.
I think my biggest problem with the heretics is that it was too many at once. They should have only had like 2-3.
See this is why I don’t fuck with Enzo!
Yo Stefan walked in mad! I love how NOT HERE for Damon he was in this whole episode lol he was so pissed off as he should be!
Damon and Lily crack me up!
What Bonnie sees when she touches the phoenix stone looks like a scene from Event Horizon which is the scariest movie ever. So I agree with Bonnie! Like absolutely NOT! GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!
"I'm just saying when a guy's willing to let another guy die so his girl can live, there's usually something cooking in the kitchen" that was 100% shade at Stefan letting Elena die so Matt could live, you can't convince me otherwise!
Why didn’t Damon just snap Enzo’s neck?
Who ever shot the scene of Stefan walking in to save Caroline, I hope you step on a lego.
The skin to skin contact joke was so cheesy, dork. I do love that Stefan is always teasing Caroline when he flirts with her, he's been doing it even before he realized he had feelings for her.
Bringing people back from the dead with a stone is just a line I would not cross. I know it’s a supernatural show but like nah, that’s too ominous to mess with. No thank you.
I agree with Matt this is all Damon’s fault!
There’s just no way I can believe Matt is letting Stefan and Damon live at the Lockwood mansion. I know it’s because of limited set pieces but there’s just no way!
I really love the “I don’t want to hear the name Stefan Salvatore EVER again” scene, like she is so mad! Then she walks away all dramatically until the moment she stops and catches her breath and breathes out to calm herself (like he taught her) and the look on her face where she thinks 'he came back' and all the emotion that hits her with that realization. So much credit goes to Candice on this scene too, she plays it to perfection.
Prime example of Dries weaponizing the FF, they had to have Stefan say the car line to Lily because he burned his car in the future (which why?) so he wouldn't say "tell those brats to stop torturing Caroline" first so it wouldn't hold as much weight. Hoe.
"So you know what it's like to have a completely unforgettable place in someone’s mind" I can't believe how much Val played herself with that line! Because she learned that Caroline had a completely unforgettable place in Stefan's mind (7x18).
I can’t believe they killed Oscar he was the only interesting one!
Stefan thinks showing a girl his mothers grave is romantic HE IS SO WEIRD!
You’re in trouble now Damon! Fuck Ric too! And furthermore why does ever Bamon scene have to have Ric there too!
They DEFINITELY hyped up the SV flashbacks lol. Apologies to the anon who said this and I couldn’t remember how OD the whole thing was, you were right. But it’s also so boring so it’s really hard to care as much they (Dries) wanted the audience to feel this. They tried to do what they did with the Stebekah flashbacks in 3x03 and it fell incredibly flat IMO.
Stefan and Caroline inadvertently worked together to get Caroline free by being honest with Lily. All the razzle dazzle of these flashbacks but the true team is still Steroline.
The fireplace scene is still one of my favs. I love how they each got zapped because they keep forgetting the spell because of their love language is touch. Lots of honesty in it and I really love that Stefan says "you're here and you're safe and you're with me" because that's the opposite of what's going on in the FF and it works as a full circle kind of thing that he gets that back in the finale.
I remember I was so confused why Damon seemed so mad at Ric in the FF and now I realize he was just being proactive of his OTP!
Baroline you are both so adorable!
Stefan and Caroline’s other love language is shenanigans!
“Torture” this man wants sexy Caroline time SO BAD
I am very here Stefan manipulating Mary Louise and being ready to kill her so he could have sex with Caroline! Then Caroline appears so we know it was their plan all along. The whole sequence too parallels with their no-humanity first time which was so important because it showed that their first time still had their essence. Like Steroline's relationship revolves around them being vampires, I always felt Caroline helped Stefan accept his vampire side more and that’s why the duo off arc was so great for them (and no other ship got that). This episode was so good for them.
Paul and Candice were so great in the scene where they burst into Caroline’s bedroom to have sex. Stefan sounds so out of breath lol and he’s smiling and so desperate like he needs to touch Caroline everywhere now! Candice does such an adorable look when Stefan says “I’m thinking about you” and like melts into his forehead. I love it, just wish the lighting wasn’t so dark, overall this season's lighting is super dark like S1 again.
Why does Ric think Bonnie is here to be his assistant GET AWAY FROM HER!
The morning after scene and even Damon barging in is all completely adorable and hilarious! Stefan teasing Caroline about how well he knows her, the kiss is super sexy and sweet. Damon picking up on Caroline’s ‘tude about Valerie and making Stefan more and more uncomfortable. The part where Stefan mouths “SHUT UP” at Damon clenching his fist then smiling up at Caroline! A+ comedy!
The lyrics to the song playing are “can’t forget the sex we had” this show is too much sometimes lol.
HA! Julian and Stefan both committed murder sprees on CHRISTMAS!
“Will you please just shut up” CRYING Stefan is ready to kill him!
Told you that stone was evil! The "who's soul is it really" was a cool plot.
The Bonenzo scenes in this episode were surprisingly good! I wish they had kept the momentum and not done Lily/Enzo. Then they could have teased Bonora too! This is how they shot themselves in the foot with the FF though, this show never operated on a structure of showing you what happens and building up to that. The timeline is always chaos, sometimes it’s a day between episodes sometimes it’s a week, hell the 2nd season was 3 months in total!
Valerie pretty much orchestrated all these dramatics so she could reveal the truth to Stefan and ruin his date with Caroline. She heard him making plans with her at the gas station and looked right over in jealousy so you know it affected her. And Stefan falls for it because he always has a weakness for a crazy bitch with a sob story. But I think there’s more nervousness over his kindness than when he would sympathize with Katherine or Rebekah because of the FF (and the sabotage against SC scenes). We know Caroline hates him but we don’t know why and we know he saved that journal.
Damon is diabolical! Do love this Bamon scene though and finally they get a scene without Ric!
The manipulation kiss scene reminds me of the scene in 6x19. The dopey lovesick face Stefan makes as Caroline puts her arms around him is so damn cute! Even though their scenes are too few and have been played down on purpose, it feels like them. I've liked every scene since the fireplace scene in the 3rd episode.
Stefan’s murder face!
Credit to Damon for figuring out his brother was an unhinged maniac with murder on his brain so fast.
“Wow that was a wonderful story Hemingway” CTFU
Matt working with unhinged Stefan! Plot twist!
Caroline so appalled at Valerie’s complete lack of tact lol.
Bonnie’s styling is at its best this season though so at least there’s that.
Beau’s character is… a choice… I S2G there’s never been more proof there’s no black people in the writers room than having a black character who can’t speak appear as a “servant” to a bunch of old white witchpires. The optics are HORRIBLE!
I do kind of dig Julian and Lily and that kiss was hot!
Really nice Defan scene where they talk about being Dads and Damon agrees to help Stefan commit murder.
Caroline’s scared BB face!
Still can’t believe after all that we never got to hear the broadcast!
I do not remember this plot with the people being compelled to sit around Mystic Falls on an IV.
Show why are we acting like vampires being “older” makes a god damn difference on this show now. As if 1000 year old Klaus wasn’t constantly being outsmarted by literal supernatural teenagers.
Stefan always has to do psychological torture with a theme, last season it was the B&B now it’s murder thanksgiving! I love how Damon just grabbed a plate ready to sit back and watch Stefan play his little mind games.
Matt’s face at pregnant vampire CRYING
Damon wasn’t really the best person to send to protect Lily Stefan LMFAO
Well Valerie you don’t make it easy to trust you!
Man this was some other Dries bullshit trying to fracture Matt and Bonnie’s friendship and for what!
This Defan scene is one of my favorites and Ian does such a fantastic job, I love how he says all three of them will never change. When he says “I don’t want to know the whole story!” CHILLS
I know everyone hates the baby plot but I really love that Caroline got to be a Mom and as someone who watched Legacies I love Lizzie and Josie and that the school and the girls were her endgame. So I’m just accepting the nonsense part of it because I do love what it gave to Caroline.
I find the huntress/stone plot line way more interesting than anything with the heretics. I also feel Defan/Lily wasn’t explored enough because so much time was wasted on them.
Oh here's an example of “Things Dries took from me” there was supposed to be a convo between Stefan and Caroline talking about the SV baby and it was cut because she’s the worst, and this goddamn scene was the perfect spot to put it in!
IDK why but this show just loved doing proposals in the final seasons lol. There’s been four so far and if my calculations are right there’s seven all together, Stefan had four alone!
Forever love how Julie retconned the greenhouse to be on the Salvatore plot instead of this random house in this random episode lol. This was a nice scene where Valerie tells everyone the truth, I honestly don’t hate Valerie at all she’s shady and crazy but she isn't annoying.
The Stefan and Lily scene warms my heart, it’s just so good! Stefan finally getting that one last day with his Mom and being able to ask her for advice about the girl he loves. And I always felt Lily’s words stayed with him about Caroline sacrificing everything for her girls, I thought it was a big part of why he sacrificed his relationship with her to keep the girls safe. Also LOL at Stefan being like “Damon give me the you’re dead to me look on a weekly basis” you get used to it.
The I love you phone call is great, I like that it was a subversion of what happened in 6x15, Stefan made sure to tell her in time.
My god it took Lily a long time to die due to plot contrivance!
Makes zero sense that Stefan wouldn’t take Valerie with him since she’s super powerful and all. So it was definitely because he didn’t want her there if he was going to get the chance to see Caroline again.
FUCK THIS SNOW SCENE! I will never not be bitter that Caroline didn’t go to Lily’s funeral for this shit. God they even parallel Stefan and Caroline with how they say goodbye to their mother with “I’ll make this all right” “I’m going to be alright” and how their choices after were anything but that FOREVER BITTER!
At least Damon makes me laugh.
God Mary Louise is the most insufferable of the heretics. We should have just had Valerie and Nora last past the 2nd episode.
The theme of this episode is crazy vampire people who won't just sit and talk about their problems or feelings!
Caroline visiting her Mom's grave is so sad but I love that they're showing how conflicted Caroline is about the babies and what she feels for them. In her head she thinks it should be easy to give them up because their not hers but there's a part of her who feels something for them. I actually love the way Klaus phrased it as "it's okay to love something you can't explain" (it's a good line I cannot lie).
They needed to make it more obvious but Valerie was waiting for Stefan's call. Because in the next scene you see Caroline arrives at the boarding house because Stefan called Caroline instead after Damon was stabbed because he finally broke out of his revenge-fueled haze. He admits he should have let it go and Caroline assures him she knows what it's like to not be able to move on from your Mom's death. Really love the moment where Caroline touches Stefan's should and he has such a reaction to her touch, like he's been craving it to soothe him. That is at least back to the essence of who Steroline is, which was very much missing for most of these episodes, thank god it gets better after this. Eat shit Dries!
Honestly Stefan kinda needed to take a nap, in hell!
"They tell us to only send good news, but I cannot. The days grow darker in Mystic Falls, and my heart darker still." ADSFJSHBFEWGDG KILLS ME EVERYTIME! THE DRAMA!
See now THIS feels like the show I had been watching for 6 seasons, besides 7x04 this is the only episode that felt like the usual Mystic Falls shenanigans of yore. Neil Reynolds is the hero we needed this season.
The way Bonnie stood up ready to fight Stefan CTFU I told you she don't really fuck with him! Mama bear had to step in!
The groundhog day sequence is great, I am a sucker for that plot device.
The Defan scene with PS!Stefan is really great too, this is honestly a very good season for the brothers and their relationship and really dives into how off balance it is.
Caro with the vervain needle this time!
The whole derelict Mystic Falls taken over by Julian’s goons was not my favorite.
Two great parallels with 2x02 in this episode! One where Hallucination Damon almost stabs Caroline on the Steroline date is filmed like when he tried to stake her 2x02 (plus it’s literally brought up). Then the scene where Caroline takes Stefan into her room to calm him down mirrors when Stefan brought Caroline into the bathroom to calm her down in 2x02. Caroline even repeats some of his words like “you have to try” “it’s the only way” etc.
I cannot believe Damon killed Tyler. He deserved so much better.
Honestly I kinda dig watching Stefan and Damon go a little crazy pants this episode.
God this scene is so frustrating. Because I’m watching it and I’m like YES STEFAN YOU GET IT when he says he’ll never be happy until Damon is out of his life. And he makes so many god damn strides in doing that from the end of this season into next season and the finale just crushed all of that. Notice as well that Hallucination Damon keeps trying to kill Caroline because that’s Stefan’s happiness. This episode is a bright light in a sea of dark.
Ending FF with “you’re the easiest way to get to Stefan” while the whole episode the Phoenix stone was using Caroline being in danger to get him to learn the lesson. Good tie-in.
Bless this cute scene with Caroline eating fries and Stefan giving her heart eyes I haven’t seen the heart eyes since episode 4! It’s also very cute when he takes her hand and says she scared him for a minute.
Damon’s such a maniac lol.
You know what the Stefan Valerie coffee scene didn’t bother me I thought it did in the past. The Steroline coffee scenes were always about Stefan bringing a coffee to Caroline so doesn't feel the same.
Omg Julian never stops talking! Thank god Stefan kills him in this episode but like 3 episodes too late my lord.
The huntress stuff is truly interesting and I am enjoying Bonenzo way more than I did the first time I watched. I really like how front and center Bonnie is with that storyline (foreshadowing her becoming the huntress) and she’s getting dual attention from Nora and Enzo.
Oh wait the huntress was activated by Enzo I take it back he still sucks.
Again good FF tie in with Stefan not getting to Caroline in time both in the present and future.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: At which point, we kill said person, storm the castle and save your damsel (Stefan's right he was having so much fun at Stefan's expense it's so much better when they aren't in love with the same girl)
Damon: Bastard links his life to my mom's and then engages in a duel. What is this, Hamlet community theatre? (I love on the nose jokes!)
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zalrb · 2 years
Loyalty {SE Fic}
I ended up writing an SE fic. I was stuck on an original project but had writing energy. Alas.
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Elena lay on her bed. Even that simple act, the act of just being, exhausted and confused her but she was committed to doing nothing because it was the least stimulated she'd been since turning. The hunger never dissipated, urges she'd never imagined tempted her --- the urge to hunt, to feed, to kill, but it wasn't all physical. The emotional toll of her new condition was what had pushed her into bed.
She didn't know what to do.
Vampirism had revealed another dimension to her love for Stefan, it was undying, unending, a bottomless well of emotion that both overwhelmed and comforted her. She yearned for him even when she was with him because she knew eventually, for whatever reason, they'd have to leave each other to go about their days, even if he needed to go to another room, she wanted to go there with him, a second away from him was a second too long; the simple touch of his hand, briefly brushing against him as they passed each other, roused her emotions and desire and she wanted to bury herself in him. He assured her, smiling, that she'd be able to control the intensity in time even though a part of, the part of her that didn't care if she never got anything done, didn't want to.
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But Damon persisted in a way she didn't expect or even exactly welcome. Each time she saw him she found it difficult to concentrate on anything other than what it would be like to give into him, she wanted him under her or above her and she wound up thinking about it often, dreaming of it, hallucinating it, not what it would feel like to experience him but what it would be like to finally give him what he wanted, how good he would feel and how good she would feel for making him feel that way.
Maybe that was why she'd blood-shared with him. A clandestine moment in the bathroom at The Grill, which in the moment had felt thoroughly satisfying, she was satiating her hunger with a willing participant, the blood had frenzied her and hearing Damon sigh, feeling his affectionate hand in her hair, feeling him against her, feeling him happy and turned on it ... pleased her. She was pleased he was pleased. And then it was over and she never wanted to see him again.
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Damon had told her not to tell Stefan about their moment and so she didn't. It felt like betrayal what they did in that washroom, her gluttony combined with his desire, and not telling Stefan about it caused her more pain than it did guilt. She hated not telling him everything in a way that made the secret feel like a literal stone weighing down her body.  At the same time she didn't want to betray Damon's trust either, the thought of that scared her. Every time she thought about telling Stefan, every time she opened her mouth to try, panic roused in her chest at doing something Damon had told her not to, at the possibility of him not trusting her or confiding in her and that made Elena stop. She didn't know what that was or why it was or how to stop it and she stayed up nights, pacing, trying to figure out where her split in loyalties came from.  
He was there, in her house, and she felt excited and disappointed in equal measure. Looking at Damon, standing in the doorway, Elena confirmed what she already knew --- she didn't feel for him what she felt for Stefan, but she couldn't stop her curiosity, she couldn't stop the way her body was drawn to him.
"I can't stop thinking about it," he said. "The bathroom."
Elena wanted him to go and she was keen for him to stay.
"I know you're thinking about it too," he said.
She swallowed hard. "No," she lied. "Anyway, it didn’t work. I threw it all up, remember?"  
Damon walked into her room. "So let me feed from you. I just need to feel it one more time."
Elena felt suddenly angry. Stefan was the only one who had fed from her and he would be the only one to ever do so. But his words coiled within her head --- I just need to feel it one more time --- she wanted to give him something.
She bit her lip. "Maybe I can feed from you again?"
"Yes," he said eagerly, walking up to her. "You need blood from the vein and I’m right here.”
It should be Stefan. She should be feeding on his desire. She wanted to. The thought excited her. So why did this excite her too?
"Just one more time," he whispered. “That’s all I need.”
Elena felt herself getting flushed at his neediness. He bit his hand and she reacted immediately, taking his hand in hers and gorging from him. The blood felt good, felt necessary, she hadn’t realized how hungry she’d been. Damon’s relief, his satiation reverberated throughout him and Elena could feel it, how she was scratching an itch, and then suddenly he was flung away. She looked up. Stefan had rushed into the room, pushing Damon off of her, making him stagger back. He went to advance, grabbing Damon by the throat and Elena told him stop.
"Stefan, it wasn't! He didn't---"
He turned to her, eyebrows furrowed then he looked at Damon who was grinning smugly. He let Damon go when it dawned on him what was happening and Elena's whole world was torn apart at Stefan’s realization. Anger had left his eyes to be replaced with a devastation that shook Elena to her core.
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She quickly wiped Damon’s blood from her lips. She wished she'd throw up like last time, she wanted to purge.
Stefan didn't say anything, he didn't think he could, he didn't think he was present in his body anymore. No, he was removed, looking in on himself, on Elena and Damon, the entire situation, as if he were someplace else. He had detached from the emotions that had threatened to overcome him in the moment, and then Damon spoke.
"Just trying to keep your girl satisfied."
Elena could've killed him. Stefan turned around and punched Damon in the face, and when he rebounded, he punched him again and again and again, smashing him into the walls, crashing into dressers and desks.
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"Stop it! Both of you stop!"
Elena couldn't sort it out. She felt protective toward Damon, an alien sort of anger toward Stefan for hurting him, and a desperation for Stefan to stop so they could talk, so she could explain, so she could try and take away his pain somehow. She needed him to look at her.
Damon blocked and dodged a few of Stefan’s blows, getting a couple in himself, but Stefan was unrestrained, holding nothing back, pummelling him until Damon stabbed him in the gut with a piece of broken furniture and Elena flinched violently, as if the wood had pierced her instead.
Elena ran over and pushed Damon away, falling in front of Stefan, holding him on either side of his face, bringing his head to hers so their foreheads touched.
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"You're OK," she whispered urgently, pressing her hand against his wound. "You're OK, you're OK."
Stefan couldn't help it. Even now, her pull was undeniable, focusing him, grounding him, binding him to her.
Elena turned her head slightly to look at Damon, to wordlessly ask him to leave, to release her for just a few moments. He rolled his eyes, wiping the blood from his mouth.
“I’ll be waiting for round two,” he said before staggering out the door.
Elena quickly bit her hand. “You need blood.”
Stefan couldn't stomach it, tasting her blood after she'd tasted Damon's, it made him feel sick and yet even now, he longed for that connection with her, to know her, to be with her in any and every way imaginable.
"Blood bags," he groaned.
"I don’t want to leave you to get them right now, Stefan, please."
           She was anxious, he could tell; she could never bear to see him hurt and now, so soon after the turn, he could see that being in this state was gut-wrenching for her, and he hated seeing her in pain as much as she did.
He tentatively pressed his lips to her palm, intending for a perfunctory feed but once he tasted her blood, he drank from her with earnest.
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Elena threw her head back, gasping as her body shuddered with a euphoria she wasn’t prepared for, that guided her to Stefan's emotions, his desire, his pain so that she felt it all like they were her own and she felt him explore her feelings. This wasn’t what happened with Damon, not really. She could see it, the washroom, the hunger, the pleasure, the guilt and then she quickly withdrew her arm, realizing that Stefan had felt that too.
Stefan got up, walking to the other side of the room, hands on his hips, a chaotic energy making him pace back and forth. Elena watched him, her hands pressed to her lips.
"So, it's him," he said finally. "You wanted to choose him, you love him, you've always loved him..."
"That's not true," said Elena at once.
"You keep feeding from him," said Stefan. "You went to him before me, you--"
"I don't know why I did that." He didn't understand her confusion. "Stefan, I love you."
"I do," she said. "I love you so much."
The words were a lance straight through Stefan's chest, partly because he didn't know if he believed them and partly because he knew that he did. He closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly.
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Elena sped to the other side of the room, putting her hands on either side of his face once again.
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"Look at me, look at me. Please? Stefan, please. I meant what I said. You? Picking you?" Her earnestness brought tears to her eyes. "The best choice I have ever made."      
"But?" he said, his voice hoarse.
She looked at him, pained.
"There's a 'but' right?" He insisted. "But you love him too."
"No," she said through gritted teeth.
"Then you want him too."
"He's who you want." 
He wasn't. But he was. Not in place of Stefan. Never in place. But what she felt for Damon now was more than she'd ever anticipated, she couldn't, try as she may ignore it.
"Something's changed..." She puts her hands to her mouth. "I can't explain it but I can't lie to you, there's this ... this attraction to him, it's..." She shook her head, running her fingers through her hair, "it's like, it's, it's consuming me?"
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Stefan only nodded, trying to keep the emotion from crumpling his face.
"It doesn't mean that I don't love you, because I... I literally didn't know the way I feel about you could have more ..." she struggled to find the words. "Depth. You told me how everything is magnified now and what I feel for you is-- " She put her hand to her chest, sighing deeply. And she knew from the way he furrowed his eyebrows, the way his eyes shone that he understood what she was trying to communicate because that was how he felt too.
"But..." She choked out the word.  "This Damon thing is just, it's ... I can't get rid of it and I just ... I don't know why this is happening?  I'm kind of ...” The tears made her blubber. “I’m kind of going a little bit crazy, you know? Thinking about him, but if I could make it stop I would."
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Stefan found himself retreating into complete and utter dejection. He smiled sadly at her. "You're hiding."
"You chose me because that's what you want to want."
"Why are you saying this?" 
"It's what you think you should want."
Elena felt an anger burn through her, an anger that he would ever speak of their bond this way, that he would ever minimize her feelings for him, but something kept her from telling him that even though losing him made her feel like she'd lose herself.
"That isn't what I said because it's not true, Stefan."
"No, you just said the chemistry is so intense that you just can't help yourself."
"That's not--" She buried her head in her hands.
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He regarded her and asked softly, choked. "Is it ever going to go away?"
Elena opened her mouth to speak but found that she couldn't answer because she genuinely didn't know.
"I don't ... know."
He nodded. "OK." 
There were a few seconds in which they stood in painful silence, in which Stefan gathered the will he needed, and then he closed the gap between them, walking up to her with purpose, purpose that Elena discerned the moment his expression focused onto her, and her exhale just as he pressed his lips to hers loosened something in him and he wasn't restrained or chaste.
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He kissed her hard and deep and urgent, holding her to him so she wouldn't buckle from the intensity of his affection and sorrow, his desperate desire, and she responded with a desperation of her own, to keep him to her. This. This was how he wanted her to remember their last kiss. He wanted her to gasp if ever it came across her mind, he wanted her breath, one last time. They pulled away, winded and stunned, their foreheads once again touching.
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Finally, he looked at her.
"I can't do this, Elena," he said. "Not anymore."
Elena watched him walk away, and felt her body start to quake, she felt the waves of heartbreak making her undulate, her breaths came out short and shallow, and she held onto her stomach in an effort to keep herself together. She whispered out loud, her voice thick, “OK Stefan. Whatever” and then sank to the floor.
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Elena decided to go for a run. She’d spent the night in bed, gasping and hiccoughing, clutching her pillow and willing for tears to come but she only shuddered and gulped and wheezed instead, like she’d forgotten how to breathe overnight. At first, she didn’t want to run — it was a Stefan tactic: sublimating dark emotions, dark urges for exercise, she’d seen him do it, had her do it, and the mere act of doing something so entwined with him defeated the purpose of distraction.
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Elena had to appreciate the irony, then, that she ended up outside of the Salvatore Boarding House. It wasn’t planned, it was instinct, her feet had just brought her there. She wasn’t going to go in, she was going to keep running, leave it behind her, but then she saw Damon in the window and she was opening the door and walking into the Salvatore living room.
           He was at the bar, pouring himself some whisky. “Stefan isn’t here.”
Elena sighed. "You were an ass yesterday. You didn't have to say that."
Damon looked at her and then tilted his head in concession. "I just wanted him to know that I could do something for you that he can't.” He took a sip of his drink and shrugged. “I’m not a perfect man."
"Don't intentionally hurt him again.” Elena wanted to be firm but when she saw him squint his eyes at her, trying to suss out how angry she was and when she saw a pout form, she softened her voice and added, “Please?”
"It wasn't one of my finer moments, I'll behave." He walked over to her.  "How did the conversation go with little bro after I left anyway?"
The question surprised her. "He didn't tell you?"
"He didn’t come home. Probably moping in the woods. Taking his anger out on bunnies and chipmunks."
"We broke up," said Elena.
Damon looked at her. "I'm..." She could see him thinking of something to say that wasn’t self-interested. “Just because of one little blood share, he’s overreacting.”        
“He isn’t,” said Elena. “It’s because of what I feel whenever I’m around you.”
Damon beamed and Elena felt strange; she hadn’t meant what she said as a compliment but the fact that he took it as one made her change her meaning internally, a wordless self-correction of thought.
He pushed his mouth to the side and raised his eyebrows. "I can't say that I'm sorry," he said finally. "It's what I wanted. It's what I've always wanted."
Those words called to her.  "Well, what else do you want?"
Damon moved closer to her, their noses touching. “You know what I want,” he said.
But he needed to say it. "Show me, Damon," she said. "Show me what you want."
And then he was kissing her. It took her a minute to respond, the feel of his lips on hers never felt quite familiar, quite right, but she finally put her hands on his face. He deepened the kiss and if Elena was honest with herself, she'd have preferred less tongue. Much less. She was nearly gagging on his enthusiasm but his enthusiasm urged her forward.  He was happy and she liked that. She pushed him against the wall and ripped open his shirt, kissing his neck, making him moan and that spurred her on.
Damon moved her to another part of the living room gripped her leg, lifting it so she wrapped it halfway around his waist.
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 Elena had a sudden flash of Stefan lifting her onto him in a single motion, her legs around him, toppling her onto his bed and rocking into her until she gasped,
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but then felt guilty for the memory coming to her; thinking about someone else, about Stefan, the man she loved, surely wouldn't make Damon happy and everything in her body wanted him to be pleased with her, it was all that mattered. The more she buried herself in him, the longer Stefan retreated from her mind until he came back to her in flashes, different tones each time, their hugs, their kisses, his face when he'd caught them blood sharing, when she'd told him she'd kissed Damon, and then Damon's moan or sigh would bring her back to the present, thrilling her with its desire, making her body respond to keep that feeling going for him, and she'd kiss him to keep herself in the present, put him on his back, straddle him, to keep herself from thinking.
When it was over, he fell asleep almost immediately and Elena had to get out of the bed, had to move. She put on his shirt and headed downstairs into the living room. Abruptly, the door opened and Caroline and Klaus walked into the foyer and Elena screamed from the living room while Caroline put her hands to her mouth.
"Oh, God," said Elena.
When she saw Klaus, she quickly closed Damon’s shirt, doing up the buttons. “What is he doing here?”
“What are you doing here? Whose shirt is that?"
            At that moment, Damon entered the living room in a swish, wearing nothing but unbuttoned jeans. Klaus raised his eyebrows, pressing his lips together in amusement.
           “I do envy sometimes the closeness between your brother, you two share practically everything.”
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           Elena glared at Klaus while Caroline glared at Damon. "What did you do to her?"
She sped toward the living room, advancing on Damon and before Elena knew what she was doing she pinned her against the wall before she could reach him.
           “You can’t hurt him,” she said.
           “Well, something clearly is going on like he brainwashed you!” She pushed Elena off of her, freeing herself from her grip. “You and Stefan—”
“He broke up with me.”
“So, you’re having revenge sex with Damon?”
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“It’s not like that.” Elena swallowed the sob that started erupting in her chest. "I don't want to talk about him.”
"Do you hear yourself? Do you see what you’re doing? What you did?"
“Or who,” Klaus muttered.
Elena shook her head, gritting her teeth. She knew Damon was putting on a brave face, that this conversation had to be upsetting him and the thought of that upset her. Caroline needed to shut up. "OK Caroline, you know, I don't have time for your judgmental—”
"Of course I'm judgmental, look at who you've slept with!" Caroline gestured wildly at Damon.
"You know, you're one to talk considering that you threw yourself at him and jumped into bed with him the first chance you got!" Elena snapped.
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"True story," said Damon.
"I'd stay out of this, mate," said Klaus.
“You’re not the only one who can make snarky comments,” said Damon.
“I’m also not the one who slept with the love of my brother’s life.”
Elena didn’t want to think about Stefan, not now, not like this. “Shut up!”
“Yeah, no more input from you, you cart your siblings around in caskets,” said Caroline. “And me and Damon happened before I knew what a,” she turned to look directly at him “sociopathic narcissist he was!” She turned back to Elena. "You above all people know what he's done, Elena. Stefan aside—"
Elena screamed. "STOP BRINGING UP STEFAN."
“What is the matter with you?”
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"Her devotion to you is inspiring, Damon" said Klaus with a grin. "They're not quite as fierce for me."
           “Klaus, what did I just say?”
           He smiled. “Sorry, love.”
           “OK Caroline, I know that Damon’s history is a little spotty—”
           “Spotty? Seriously? How do you think Jeremy is going to take it knowing that you’re sleeping with his murderer?”
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           “Attempted murderer,” said Damon. “Slight difference but a difference.”
           “Who makes jokes about it!” Caroline’s voice was so shrill it was barely intelligible. “This is the man you’re sleeping with? How low do you have to be to get to a place where that’s acceptable?”
           It was brief but Elena saw a wounded expression pass over Damon’s face and
           “Get out,” she said.
           “Get out, you can’t just come into Damon’s home and insult him like this! I don’t care if you don’t approve or if you don’t get it!”
           “Damon’s home?” Caroline repeated. She laughed humourlessly. “It’s Stefan’s home too. Where is he? God, I hope you didn’t start this—” Caroline made up her face as she pointed at the two of them, “while he was still at home.”
           Elena’s eyes flashed. “Leave,” she said quietly. Dangerously.
Caroline rolled her eyes and stormed out, Klaus trailing behind her, and headed into the woods behind the house, ranting as they walked.
`           “She is acting entirely unhinged and acting like I’m the one who’s wrong. What is going on with her?”
           Klaus looked at her and grinned. “I think it’ll make sense soon enough.”
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Stefan wished he could talk to Lexi, listen to her sage advice, listen to her laugh, just hang out with her as he struggled to stay above the torrent of all that he was feeling, and the fact that he couldn’t and that Damon was the reason why, had sent him plummeting even further into a despair. He was by the quarry, lying on the grass, thinking about how months earlier he’d made up his mind to die there, how decades earlier Damon had vowed him an eternity of misery. A ring interrupted his introspections.
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He looked at his phone and when he saw that Caroline had called for a third time he picked it up. He didn’t even get to say ‘hello.’
"Why aren’t you picking up your phone? Elena is with Damon now? How could you let this happen!"
Stefan sighed. "Caroline---"
“He has wormed his way in and it’s not a good look, Stefan! You should’ve seen her today, the things she was saying, all wrapped up in his shirt, ugh.”
Stefan sat up. “She was in his shirt?”
Caroline didn’t say anything for a bit. “I’m sorry, Stefan,” she said in a small voice. “I didn’t want to tell you, at least not like this.”
He was dizzy. Everything came in a rush — he saw the nights Elena spent in his room, in his house wearing one of his shirts,
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and then pictured her in Damon’s, pictured her in his room, in his bed and felt himself edging toward a vortex. If he let go he could lose himself in blood, in the craze and the haze and the high and the thrill, crest the ecstasy of it all until he passed out and did it again. He wouldn’t have to feel anything but that rush, he wouldn’t have to think about anything either.  Stefan squeezed his eyes shut and took deep breaths, focusing on the physicality of sucking in air and pushing it out, doing everything he did when he needed to resist temptation. But then he thought of them together and the image made him strike out, ramming his fist through the first thing he could find — a trunk — hitting it over and over until his knuckles were bloody and then the tree was felled.
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He was panting heavily and didn’t realize that Caroline was still on the phone, quiet until she felt it appropriate to talk again.
“Stefan, I really think something is wrong,” Caroline said quietly. “Even Klaus noticed it, he—”
"What was Klaus doing there?"
"Nothing, not important. I just mean, he listened to the things she was saying, how she was acting and … well, he found it funny because, you know, Klaus, but I mentioned your name and she freaked out and he said something about her loyalty to Damon. It’s—”
“Wait a minute,” said Stefan. “Klaus said something about her loyalty?”
"Yeah, he was talking about…”
Stefan waited for Caroline to continue. “Caroline?”
“He said that he wished that they were as loyal as her.”
“Ones? What does he mean ‘they’ what …” Something clicked into place. “Like hybrids?”
“Stefan?” said Caroline. “Stefan, are you thinking the same thing?”
“I don’t think it’s possible,” he said.  
“But it makes sense. I have never seen her act this way. Her defending him was like … her life depended on it, it was … it was really weird. Klaus knew it too. He told me it’d come to me.”
           Stefan sighed. “Elena’s sired to Damon.”
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Caroline had told Stefan to meet him at The Grill but when he arrived, she wasn’t alone. Jeremy, Bonnie, Matt and Tyler were seated with her, hunched in their seats and whispering. He could only make out “I don’t want to but if he’s not on board…” until Caroline cleared her throat and they all stopped talking.
           Stefan sat down in the free seat and nodded his head. “So, all of you know about Elena.”
           “We have the right to that information as much as you do,” said Jeremy. “We knew her first, something I think needs to be said a little more.”
           Stefan raised a hand. “You’re her brother, you’re her best friends, I’m not disputing that.”
           “So maybe sometimes we should be the ones taking lead when it comes to protecting her,” said Matt.
           “The last time you and Jeremy concocted a plan, your car ended up going off a bridge.”
           “And every time you and Damon concoct a plan, Damon gets someone killed,” said Jeremy.
           “Look, before you do anything, let me talk to Damon first. Right now, this is just a theory. We need proof before we do anything.”
           “And then what?” said Bonnie.
           “Then  we  will deal with it. We’ll find a way to break the bond.”
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"No," said Jeremy suddenly.
Stefan furrowed his eyebrows. "Jeremy, what—"
"We have allowed Damon free reign for too long. Every single one of us has suffered because of something he's done," he said. "He snapped my neck."
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"Used me as his plaything," said Caroline.
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"Tried to kill me," said Bonnie.
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“He killed my uncle,” said Tyler. “After torturing him.” Jeremy lowered his head.
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"He killed my sister," said Matt.
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"Matt, I killed Vicki," said Stefan, his tone contrite.
"Because Damon turned her," said Matt. “Because why? He was bored?”
"And now my sister is under some supernatural thrall?”
Stefan leaned forward. “We don’t know that for sure.”
“OK we don’t,” said Jeremy. “Does that mean she should still be with him? No, no, there comes a time where you finally have to say 'stop'."
Stefan sat up straight. "What are you saying?"
Jeremy looked at him. "He has to go." 
Stefan narrowed his eyes, refusing to believe what he was hearing. "If you want him to leave town--"
"That's not what I meant.”
"Jeremy, we'll find another way. I will find another way. I will fix this. I--"
"No. They're right, Stefan," said Bonnie. "I told you that if he doesn't change I'll take him down." She shook her head. "And I haven't lived up to my word.”
“He’s personally saved each one of you---”
“And then he puts us in danger like a week a later. It’s always one step forward and a thousand steps back,” said Caroline.
“The amount of carnage that he's created is astronomical,” said Bonnie. “He has to die, Stefan."
94 notes · View notes
blue-green69 · 2 years
Acknowledge bonnies pain
Acknowledging bonnies' pain breaks the illusion of the white supremacist fantasy world where black people serve them, willingly suffer for them, and adhere to racial hierarchies. They know that since the dawn of the oppression we have fought and will continue to fight for our freedom and human rights.
They wrote her in a way that would villainize her off the bat so people would hate her. Her defiance was seen as a threat, as bonnie complained and they tried to silence her.
we loved her
we love her
we see her
we see you bonnie
44 notes · View notes
Kat Graham brought to tears reflecting on the wigs they made her wear on The Vampire Diaries res (and other racist things said in front of her face about her character Bonnie Bennett)
21 notes · View notes
bennettmaximoff · 6 months
The way this god awful fandom still treats Bonnie, Tyler, and Marcel to till this very day is insane. The way these characters are talked about hasn’t changed one bit. Still very much misunderstood, still overly hated for absolutely no reason, and still unappreciated and undervalued by a fandom that claims to have progressed, when in reality is nowhere near different than the one a decade ago.
64 notes · View notes
klonnieshippersclub · 6 months
Hi Rikki. If Bonnie doesn't like vampires and Klaus doesn't like witches in canon, how do they make sense as a couple?
Long post warning: I think it's important to note that Bonnie doesn't hate vampires and never has. She hates the bloodshed and violation of humanity that comes with vampires. If anything, Bonnie does hate killers. When she meets Kai and finds out he murdered his family, she immediately has a problem with him.
Bonnie’s entire arc was not about hating vampires. Now why is this change ignored by the fandom? Well, who knows. Bonnie has never outright attacked any vampire simply for being one. Just those who were causing harm to her friends or have hurt her directly. Fans don’t try to acknowledge Bonnie and write her off as a vampire hater for 8 seasons. When Bonnie accepted vampirism from ALL her friends. She places their own emotional-needs and wellbeing before her own but that isn’t enough for fans. Bonnie’s emotions are defined as irritating and judgmental when the entire show is about humanizing vampires.
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Bonnie doesn't have the luxury like Caroline and Elena to flirt with murderous vampires. Until the very end of the show in season 7 with Enzo at that time Bonnie she claims Damon is her bestfriend. That’s before Elena and Caroline. There’s issues there as well but I won’t get into that. Yet even with the hypothetical thought of Bamon there’s still this continuous negativity directed on Bonnie’s end. Julie insulted Elena just to prove a point. The Bamon Ban existed and it was real. It may have applied to Bamon but with the writer being so vocal about their dislike for Bonnie it meshed with all Bonnie ships.
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Klaus hated what his mother did to him and his siblings. He hated his mother for binding his wolf side. The blame for those actions has been to his parents only. There was a never a moment in canon where Klaus blamed anyone else but his parents for what happened to him and his siblings. Bonnie is a witch just like Esther, but why would Klaus hold her accountable for something she did not do. Bonnie wasn’t even alive when Esther did that! It’s ridiculous take to think Klaus would blame Bonnie for his trauma and would not like her because she’s a witch like his mother. Bonnie is NOT Klaus mother and has never been in a maternal position to Klaus. Notice this claim and outright refusal doesn’t exist when people discuss Stefan and Klaus friendship. Stefan wanted revenge for what Klaus had done and they’re still well liked. Caroline can celebrate Klaus death in season 3 and fuck him in season 5 they’re one of the most popular ships. No questions on either of these but it’s Bonnie that people have such a huge issue getting over when it comes to Klonnie shipping. For a ship that is so small and limited in canon there’s always a fan commenting on how “disgusting” and “illogical” the ship is.
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Klaus had allies in witches like Gloria, Greta, Genevieve and Maddox. He’s had sex with both Greta and Genevieve who are witches like his mother. Freya is a witch, Hope is a witch. Klaus did not wake up everyday blaming and hating these other women for the actions of his parents. So I must ask again, why would he turn to Bonnie and hate her simply for being a witch? Doesn’t make sense to me. In 2x17 Isobel and Katherine discuss Klaus and witches. Klaus was abandoned by Ansel he still slept with werewolves like Hayley or Lana.
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The fandom places rules and regulations on Bonnie because the writers did. I’ve given enough evidence to prove that Klaus would be willing to date anyone despite his parental trauma, as would Bonnie if she is given the affection and chance too. The problem will forever rely in the writers and the fans who continue to push these narratives. A ship so little like Klonnie shouldn’t have many fans arguing about how disgusting and gross it is. Why is shipping Bonnie with Klaus (or any non-canon character) disgusting but none of the canon white centered relationships get this type of reaction. Finally, if the series kept up with Klaus taste in witches the only woman who matches the woman Klaus was intimate with at that time would be Bonnie.
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cancerian-woman · 10 months
Kat Graham spoke on the Driven Minds podcast as a guest. She detailed mental health, health, having boundaries and even given some thoughts on how that has changed her life or blended with her career. She’s very aware that she and Bonnie had plenty of disadvantages than her co-stars and other characters because of her race. Whether that be love interests, clothing, hair or Bonnie having agency. To quote her directly: “had I been a caucasian female I do think the writing would’ve been different”
It’s just as important to hear this from her perspective first and foremost as much as the fans rallied behind her then and now.
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xdarkeningkrystals · 2 years
Foes anybody remember what Bam on Scene that Caroline Dried wanted to cut but Julie Plex kept it in? I honestly can't remember or never saw it and now I'm curious. Please help. Thanks so much, in advance!
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fearlessfairy · 29 days
M'kay. If dullena could do vamp pancakes, which was a bamon thing, all I'm saying that Bamon could kiss, that would be a fair exchange.
But we know, let's stuff Elena into everything Bamon had.
When you think about it, it's pathetic....bamon can't even have a damn pancake thing, aesthetic, ritual. :D It's more funny than sad how insecure Julie Plec, Dries and literally everybody was about Bamon potential and Kian chemistry.
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