greatqueenanna · 11 months
I get frustrated whenever I see all those BringElsahome people hating in Frozen 2. I don’t think that Frozen 2 destroyed the franchise or ruined the messenge of the original Frozen.
I would recommend blocking them and their tags. They are incredibly vile towards Jen Lee and bully other fans, love to come up with conspiracy theories about the making of F2 or Jen Lee's personal life, and some users within that group have been proven to be racists. They have taken criticism of F2 beyond the realm of opinion and have made it a toxic lifestyle. They're not worth your time.
As for the opinion of F2 ruining the message of Frozen, I don't agree at all. I've heavily followed the creation of Frozen and Frozen 2, up to release. I don't see anything in F2 that warrants that criticism. It is still very much a story about sisters and their connection to each other. Elsa trying to find her purpose and Anna learning to accept change does not negate this.
As for destroying the franchise...there was literally a global pandemic. F2 sales were affected by that, and fans have been leaving because of a lack of content. The same thing happened to Frozen around 2016-2018, with fans leaving because of a dry period before F2 was in full advertisement swing. Not to mention the backlash Olaf's Frozen Adventure got. Did that film ruin the franchise too? Please. Frozen will be just fine.
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blogitalianissimo · 9 days
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In questo paese è evidente che nessuno conosce il significato di "discriminazione"
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bluehairperson · 4 months
altro punto a sfavore dei Nadia defenders che vorrei precisare in quanto persona allagata irl: la bro è tanto brava buona e misericordiosa mentre Lucio e Valerius sono brutti e cattivi come se lei avesse fatto qualcosa per il quartiere progressivamente sempre più allagato 💀
tbh di questi tre quello con cui ce l'avrei di meno è Valerius per il semplice fatto che il poveraccio è praticamente salito al potere overnight ieri l'altro e nelle situazioni presenti di allagamento è difficile fare qualcosa (l'acqua è ormai alta in molte case, si può evacuare e cercare un modo per arginare i metri d'acqua)... ma in passato sarebbe stato facile sia prevenire sia gestire la situazione in letteralmente qualsiasi altro modo...
Spero abbia senso quello che sto dicendo perché è difficile metterlo a parole 💀
Ammetto di essere un po' arrugginit sull'argomento, ma specificano mai QUANDO nella timeline avvenga l'allagamento del distretto? Nel senso se durante Lucio o dopo la sua morte? Potrei sbagliarmi ma ho dei vaghi ricordi di Nadia al Lazzaretto che parla di come Valerius sia stato corrotto (da chi non si sa) per non sistemare delle infrastrutture. Ma appunto non ricordo benissimo, quindi non commento oltre.
Comunque sì, Nadia è comunque un'omertosa di merda. E se Valerius fosse effettivamente corrotto sarebbe un altro punto a suo sfavore come regnante per non averlo calciorotato fuori dal palazzo.
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abr · 9 months
Col 99,97% di mamme femmine e l'74% di insegnanti femmine, é un fatto che sul piano educativo dei maschietti, siamo immersi nel più deleterio degradante sbilanciato e CRIMINOGENO dei matriarcati di stampo amazzone. Se te ne rendi conto, praticamente tutto si spiega.
Eppure eravamo avvisati: da sempre le peggiori detrattrici delle donne - cape colleghe parenti amiche nuore utenti fornitrici - sono sempre donne. Perché conoscono il nemico da dentro.
Lo penso davvero? Proprio io turbo individualista anti generalizzazioni? Beh, mica sono stato io il primo ad alzare il ditino non si permetta, a generalizzare voi uomini noi donne minacciate e offese come classe e categoria. Ad analisi un tot al chilo, si risponde con analisi un tot al chilo e mezzo. Se quel mezzo kg è più fact based ed "elegante", nella accezione scientifica di sintetico ed efficace.
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Michael Cassidy, 35, a former Navy officer and Mississippi congressional candidate, toppled the demonic statue of Baphomet and tossed its silver ram's head in the trash before blasting those who attempted to justify it on constitutional grounds, according to the Republic Sentinel....
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mariacallous · 6 months
Since its start, the war in Gaza has been thought of as potentially foreshadowing a direct conflict between Iran and Israel. Hezbollah continues to threaten to open a new front in the war, and Iranian hard-liners have welcomed their country’s direct intervention. Last month, Iran’s former foreign minister, Javad Zarif, mentioned a letter written by hard-line officials to Iran’s supreme leader attempting to persuade him to engage in the conflict with Israel on behalf of Hamas.
The likelihood of an expanded regional war, however, is low. Despite the slogans echoed by Iranian hard-liners, the reality of Iran’s strategic thinking is more circumspect. There are at least seven reasons Tehran is likely to avoid starting a war with Israel on behalf of Hamas.
First, the Islamic Republic of Iran cannot rally society to engage in a new war as it did during the war with Iraq in the 1980s. It was the relentless mobilization of human waves, among other factors, that resisted the Iraqi army and forced Baghdad to withdraw from Iran’s territory. However, several decades later, society’s support for the political system has significantly declined. Following last year’s protests, coupled with the economic crisis caused, in part, by U.S.-led sanctions, discontent among the youth and the urban middle class has surged.
Second, the moderate faction in the Iranian government has been warning against Iran’s direct intervention in the war. Indeed, the war in Gaza has deepened political cleavages in Tehran. In the threat assessment of Iranian hard-liners, the destruction of Hamas is automatically associated with the subsequent collapse of Hezbollah and, ultimately, a military attack on Iran. That is why they support targeting American bases in Iraq and Syria by Iran’s Shiite proxies. This view stands in stark contrast with that of moderate officials, particularly Zarif, who has consistently warned about the destructive consequence of Iran’s potential involvement in a war with the U.S. According to Zarif, if Iran takes a more radical stance on Gaza, it could trigger a deadly conflict with the U.S., which Israel would welcome. And despite being marginalized by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s government, Zarif still holds significant influence among the political elites of the Islamic Republic and even its society.
Third, Israel’s apparent failure in deterring Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7 does not alter Tehran’s strategic calculation toward Israel. Despite Israel’s reliance on high-tech defense technology like the Iron Dome missile defense system, Hamas inflicted a significant military and intelligence blow against it, thereby shattering its deterrence policy. But that does not shift Iran’s perspective on Israel or the power dynamics in the region. Though the Hamas operation rattled Israel’s long-standing credible deterrence strategy, it does not provide Iran with the opportunity to challenge Israel using missile power. Conversely, Iran may believe that Israel feels that reestablishing deterrence is an existential priority for which it’s worth taking extraordinary military or political risks.
Fourth, contrary to the conventional wisdom, neither Hamas nor even Hezbollah is Iran’s proxy; it would be more accurate to think of them as Iran’s nonstate allies. There is no top-down relationship between Tehran and Hamas. Even as Hamas aligns its actions with Iran, its approaches could diverge, as they notably did during the Syrian civil war when Hamas supported the Sunni anti-Assad rebels. American and Israeli intelligence has suggested that Iran’s top officials were not aware of the Hamas operation. In mid-November, Reuters claimed that Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas, that because the Iranian government was given no warning of the attack on Israel, it will not enter the war on the Palestinian group’s behalf.
Fifth, Iran’s strategic partners in Moscow and Beijing have not declared their full support for Hamas. Iran has sought alignment with China and Russia under its Look East policy and would be loath to spoil its relationships with those countries. Tehran is, in fact, following a similar policy in Gaza to the one it adopted after observing the Sino-Russian wait-and-see approach to the capture of Kabul by the Taliban two years ago. The goal for Iran is to avoid being isolated in major international crises.
Sixth, there exists a deep belief among influential decision-makers in Iran that the Arab sheikhdoms of the Persian Gulf would welcome a large-scale war between Iran and Israel. Iran may hope that Arab countries would sever their ties with Israel as a result of a wider war, but that is unlikely. Arab public opinion holds little sway over their countries’ foreign policies. And Arab leaders have long perceived Hamas as a disruptive Iranian proxy that they would be happy to see Israel dismantle once for all.
The last and the most significant factor influencing Iran’s apparent reluctance to engage in war is Khamenei’s specific point of view toward regional conflicts. Contrary to the mainstream view in the West, Iran’s supreme leader approaches responses to regional conflicts from a realist standpoint rather than an ideological one. Having served as the president of the Islamic Republic during the devastating war with Iraq, he is acutely aware of the consequences of war, especially with the U.S. This awareness led Iran to choose a relatively measured response following the assassination by the United States of Gen. Qassem Suleimani, the former leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force. Such behavior aligns with his overall strategy in handling regional crises. More than two decades earlier, when Iranian diplomats in northern Afghanistan were killed by the first Taliban emirate and public sentiment in Iran leaned heavily toward a major intervention, Khamenei and Hassan Rouhani, head of the Supreme National Security Council at the time, helped prevent escalation.
These seven interconnected reasons explain the Islamic Republic’s reluctance to involve itself in the war on behalf of Hamas. The war in Gaza may, however, accelerate Iran’s nuclear program. There are strong voices in Iran, predominantly in the hard-liner camp, arguing that the country’s most significant tool to prevent the destruction of Hamas hinges on its decision to fully pursue nuclear capabilities. They believe that Iran’s trump card lies in its threat to develop nuclear weapons, showcasing vital support for its allies—similar to its past support for the Assad government of Syria. This reasoning gained substantial momentum when Israeli ultranationalist Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu advocated for the dropping of “some kind of atomic bomb” on the Gaza Strip “to kill everyone” as “an option.”
None of this implies that Iran is willing to abandon Hamas, its strategic asset in Gaza. Rather than standing idly by, Tehran is likely to continue applying pressure on both Israel and the U.S.—through Hezbollah and its Shiite proxies in Iraq and Syria—without escalating the conflict to a full-scale regional war.
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kp777 · 6 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Nov. 29, 2023
The Republican-led push to establish a fiscal commission for the U.S. debt was met with vocal opposition during a House Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday, with progressive advocates and Democratic lawmakers calling the proposal a thinly veiled ploy to further undermine and cut Social Security and Medicare.
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), one of eight witnesses who testified at Wednesday's hearing, said he was "a little skeptical" that Republican lawmakers are now concerned about the national debt given that they have driven it up with tax cuts for the rich and large corporations in recent years—and are still trying to increase it.
According to one analysis, the series of tax cuts approved under former Presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump have added $10 trillion to the debt since their enactment and are responsible for the bulk of the increase in the debt ratio since 2001.
Social Security, by contrast, is not a driver of federal deficits.
"If we want to ensure long-term solvency [for Social Security], there are two choices: Some on the other side think we should cut benefits, I think we should ask the ultra-rich to pay their fair share. We don't need a commission to tell us that," McGovern said during his testimony. "And my fear is that a commission would be used by some as an excuse to slash Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal anti-poverty programs."
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), a member of the House Budget Committee who served on the infamous Bowles-Simpson commission that proposed deep cuts to Social Security, expressed similar concerns during Wednesday's hearing.
Schakowsky said she was "happy" the Bowles-Simpson proposals—which she vocally opposed at the time—weren't adopted and warned that a fiscal commission of the kind backed by Republicans and right-wing Democrats is "a way for members of Congress to get out from under having to take the blame for the kinds of cuts that may be presented."
In an op-ed for Common Dreams on Wednesday, Schakowsky wrote that "if Republicans cared about improving our fiscal position, they would demand the rich pay their fair share."
"If Republicans wanted to actually solve our budget challenges, they would robustly fund tax enforcement to ensure corporations are complying with laws already on the books," she added. "But Republicans aren't serious about the deficit. They aren't even serious about governing. They are serious about only one thing, and that's ripping away Social Security from seniors behind closed doors."
Wednesday's hearing examined three pieces of legislation put forth by bipartisan groups of lawmakers in the House and Senate.
A bill introduced earlier this month by Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)—both of whom testified at Wednesday's hearing—would form a 16-member bipartisan, bicameral fiscal commission comprised of 12 elected officials and four outside experts tasked with crafting legislation to "improve solvency of federal trust funds over a 75-year period."
If approved by the commission, the legislation would be put on a fast track in the House and Senate.
Romney insisted during his testimony Wednesday that he doesn't know of a single Republican or Democrat who wants to cut Social Security and said benefit reductions should be off the table.
But Social Security Works, a progressive advocacy group, pointed out that a proposal released earlier this year by the Republican Study Committee (RSC)—a panel comprised of 175 House Republicans—called for raising the Social Security retirement age, which would de facto cut benefits across the board.
Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas), who presided over Wednesday's hearing, is a member of the RSC. During his opening remarks, Arrington described efforts to prevent what he called a "sovereign debt crisis" as "our generation's World War."
Alex Lawson, executive director of Social Security Works, told Common Dreams that "at today's hearing, Republicans made the true purpose of their 'fiscal commission' crystal clear: demolish Social Security and Medicare behind closed doors, while avoiding accountability from voters."
"Chairman Jodey Arrington referred to the commission's supporters as 'partners in crime,'" Lawson added. "That's exactly what they are: criminals who are plotting to reach into our pockets and steal our earned benefits."
"It should be a national scandal that middle- and working-class families have to pay Social Security taxes on all of their income but millionaires and billionaires do not."
Instead of taking the deeply unpopular step of slashing benefits, Democrats who spoke at the budget committee hearing argued that Congress should pass legislation requiring the rich to contribute more to Social Security. This year, because of the payroll tax cap, millionaires stopped paying into the program in late February.
"It should be a national scandal that middle- and working-class families have to pay Social Security taxes on all of their income but millionaires and billionaires do not," said McGovern.
Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), the top Democrat on the House Budget Committee, said at Wednesday's hearing that Congress could extend Social Security's solvency through the end of the century by requiring the rich to pay more in taxes.
"I think that is fair. I think that is appropriate," said Boyle. "And for those who disagree, I would be very interested in seeing what their plan is and their alternative."
Following the hearing, Rep. Summer Lee (D-Pa.) delivered a speech on the House floor condemning Republicans for working to "establish a death panel commission to gut earned benefits" and described the effort as part of a "cycle" that must be opposed.
"First, Republicans pass tax handouts for their filthy rich donors, promising a trickle-down miracle that never has and will never happen—from Reaganomics to Trump's tax scam," said Lee. "Then, when their tax scam causes the economy to slow and deficits to grow, they refuse to correct their mistake. Instead they blame immigrants, poor folks, Black folks, and brown folks."
"Then they repeat the cycle," she continued, "hoping enough of us will forgive or forget their scheme to tear away Medicare and Social Security and believe their lie that they were 'only after' food assistance, healthcare, and housing for poor folks—not your earned benefits—when the truth is that they always were and always will be after it all."
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ernestinee · 1 year
En mai 2022, je combattais depuis quelques mois des démons bien particuliers. Ceux de la perte, de l'attente, de la déception, de l'infinie tristesse. Entre février et mai, les événements s'étaient suivis comme une volée de gifles.
Mais un jour de mai avait été particulièrement heureux. L'amitié était là, la bonne ambiance, les crêpes, les spectacles d'un petit cirque extérieur, assis sur de la paille, avec des petits drapeaux colorés qui faisaient des jolies ombres par terre. Et j'avais trouvé tellement de grâce et de contrôle chez les artistes aériens. La corde lisse, le tissu, et surtout le trapèze.
Qu'importent les gifles que tu viens de prendre, quand tu te tiens à une corde, quand tu es en équilibre sur une barre qui bouge, quand tes mouvements doivent être précis et contenir autant de force que de souplesse, ton cerveau n'appartient plus qu'à toi. Il ne se laisse plus envahir par des flots continus de tristesse ou de remise en question.
Et je crois, avec du recul, que c'est ce que je cherchais en m'inscrivant au cours de techniques aériennes.
Mais ça a été violent. Dès le premier cours en septembre, mon corps me disait avec une énorme entorse qui m'affaiblit encore la cheville aujourd'hui, que ce n'était pas pour moi. Que j'étais immobile depuis trop longtemps. On ne réveille pas un corps en sursaut de cette façon.
Je ne me suis pas écoutée.
J'y suis allée avec la douleur, et avec une chevillère, et avec des anti-douleurs et des anti-inflammatoires.
Quelques semaines plus tard, je me coupais un doigt en sculptant, pile sur l'articulation. J'ai encore du mal à plier aujourd'hui. C'est encore gonflé.
Entre tout ça, mon corps n'a eu de cesse de me dire que je suis trop vieille, trop rouillée. Mon entourage, à part mon ado bien sûr, a dit pareil et a considéré la chose comme un caprice de quadra qui fait sa crise.
Et parmi tout ça j'ai appris des figures. Me hisser sur un trapèze, réfléchir mes mouvements la tête en bas, me souvenir des enchaînements, être pendue par les pieds et remonter mon buste jusqu'à les toucher, être en équilibre sur quelque chose qui bouge, assurer des appuis, enrouler les cordes autour de mes jambes et terminer une posture dans la douleur mais sans la moindre trace de cette douleur sur le visage, chuter la tête en bas et écarter les jambes au bon moment, pour coincer mes chevilles aux extrémités de la barre, constater des bleus, des brûlures, des courbatures, et recommencer la semaine suivante.
Et les "Beh ne te plains pas de tes courbatures, tu l'as bien voulu". "Tu vois bien que c'est trop dur".
Recommencer le yoga pour être plus forte et plus souple. Faire chez moi des exercices bonus.
"T'es sûre qu'il faut que tu continues ?" . "C'est pas grave d'abandonner"
Entre les difficultés physiques, la fatigue du boulot, la gestion de la maison, les encouragements par ci, les découragements par là, j'ai décidé de taper fort : voici quelques semaines que je me prépare pour un spectacle pendant lequel je ferai des figures au trapèze. Je visualise, je fais des abdos, je renforce les bras, et des postures de yoga pour que le renforcement ne diminue pas ma souplesse. J'ai customisé ma tenue, je serai en bleu foncé avec des sequins dorés.
Je serai en hauteur, et concentrée, et remplie de souplesse et de force.
C'est samedi, c'est dans 6 jours. Et omg qu'est-ce qui m'a pris ?! 😱
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sainztander · 2 years
Per quanto riguarda la famosa distanza tra i Charlos: beh, il loro rapporto è oggettivamente COMPLICATO. Loro sono l'eccezione in un mondo dove la regola non dico sia lo psicodramma gay tra Hamilton e Rosberg (distruggevano le stanze d'albergo e si mettevano le mani addosso), ma diciamo i rapporti non sono solitamente sereni in un top team. Di conseguenza, vedere una relazione così vera, tenera tra loro e leggere Carlos che desidera mantenere Charles nella sua vita dopo la Ferrari è TANTA ROBA.
BEH lo psicodramma gay brocedes è na roba irraggiungibile e irripetibile purtroppo. quest'anno tutti hanno provato a paragonarli ai charlos (credo perché i brocedes siano quelli con la lore più famosa) ma??? sinceramente boh. non c'entrano niente, né per rapporto, passato, contesto e, soprattutto, carattere dei singoli. vedere charles e carlos quest'anno lavorare insieme paradossalmente molto più in armonia rispetto all'anno scorso (quando la posta era molto più bassa, i riflettori molto lontani da loro)... mi ha fatto ricordare gli anti-brocedes, cioè kimi e seb. ed è strano, perché kimi e seb erano buoni amici da molto tempo prima di diventare compagni di squadra (cosa che anche loro, come i brocedes, avevano sognato). ma ricordo un'intervista a seb in piena era brocedes in cui disse che se tra lui e kimi non c'era la stessa tensione era perché loro due sono quelli con "meno problemi di ego" che è un po' la chiave, no? sincero rispetto reciproco e la stessa disponibilità a mettersi a disposizione della squadra, e quindi anche del compagno. però appunto seb e kimi erano già molto amici ed erano anche molto più maturi... vedere charles e carlos comportarsi un po' come loro, fare fronte unito, cercarsi alla fine di ogni sessione in pista per chiacchierare, darsi consigli, proporre giochi di scia per aiutarsi, farsi complimenti continui, rimanere in garage dopo il proprio dnf per guardare la gara del compagno?!?!?!?!? come dici tu è una cosa molto forte per dei compagni di squadra come loro! sono due piloti giovani e talentuosi con ancora molto da dimostrare e la voglia di farlo che gareggiano per la squadra dei loro sogni!!!! SENZA SENSO che siano così dolcini e patatini. ah no aspe hanno detto che c'è della diStAnzA tra loro. ok allora (??????????????)
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backlinkshub454 · 10 days
Understanding Therapeutic Techniques for Managing Anxiety and Depression
Living with anxiety and depression can be challenging, but seeking help from a therapist can make a significant difference. Therapists employ various techniques tailored to each individual to address these mental health concerns effectively. In this article, we'll explore some of the common therapeutic techniques used by professionals to help individuals cope with anxiety and depression.
Understanding Anxiety and Depression: Before delving into therapeutic techniques, it's essential to understand what anxiety and depression entail. Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry and fear, while depression involves persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest or pleasure in activities. Both conditions can significantly impact daily functioning and overall well-being.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach for treating anxiety and depression. It focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to these conditions. Through CBT, individuals learn to replace irrational thoughts with more rational ones and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Therapists guide clients in recognizing triggers and implementing strategies to manage symptoms effectively.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Mindfulness and relaxation techniques are valuable tools for reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Therapists may teach clients mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation to promote relaxation and reduce stress. These practices help individuals cultivate awareness of their thoughts and emotions, allowing them to respond more skillfully to difficult situations.
Interpersonal Therapy (IPT): IPT focuses on improving interpersonal relationships and communication skills to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Therapists help clients identify problematic patterns in their interactions with others and explore ways to develop healthier relationships. By addressing interpersonal conflicts and enhancing social support networks, IPT aims to improve overall emotional well-being.
Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy is particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with anxiety disorders, such as phobias or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Therapists gradually expose clients to feared situations or objects in a controlled and safe environment. Through repeated exposure, individuals learn to confront their fears and reduce anxiety responses over time.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT encourages individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings without judgment while committing to actions aligned with their values. Therapists help clients identify core values and set meaningful goals, despite experiencing anxiety or depression symptoms. By fostering psychological flexibility, ACT enables individuals to live more fully in the present moment and pursue a fulfilling life.
Supportive Counseling: Supportive counseling provides a safe and empathetic space for individuals to express their feelings and experiences related to anxiety and depression. Therapists offer validation, encouragement, and guidance as clients navigate their mental health challenges. This approach emphasizes building trust and rapport between the therapist and client to facilitate healing and growth.
Medication Management: In some cases, therapists may collaborate with psychiatrists to prescribe medication as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for anxiety and depression. Medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall functioning. Therapists monitor medication effects and work closely with clients to address any concerns or side effects.
Conclusion: Therapists employ a variety of techniques to address anxiety and depression, catering to the unique needs of each individual. Whether through cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness practices, interpersonal therapy, or medication management, the goal remains the same: to empower individuals to manage their symptoms effectively and lead fulfilling lives despite the challenges they face. If you're struggling with anxiety or depression, don't hesitate to reach out to a therapist who can provide the support and guidance you need. Remember, you're not alone in your journey toward mental health and well-being.
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valeriozannoni · 7 months
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clearblazedaze · 1 year
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The Cia puppets wanted blood to wash the square, but the PLA chose to rather become martyrs than senselessly slaughter their own people
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🐰 Riportiamo in auge una «vecchia conoscenza» per chi segue da tempo il Collettivo Shaoshan, presentata durante il lavoro del Canale atto a sfatare l'ennesimo tentativo di rivoluzione colorata anti-Cinese degli USA nel 2022: Chai Ling 🤮
😡 对于柴玲的卑鄙,我的厌恶是无穷无尽的 ❗️
🤡 Chai Ling, una dei "leader studenteschi" dei "manifestanti pacifici", dichiarò di aver sperato in uno «spargimento di sangue», affermando che «ci sarebbe voluto un massacro, che avrebbe versato sangue come un fiume attraverso la Piazza» per convincere il Popolo a seguire una cricca di dementi imbevuti di propaganda USA a rovesciare il Partito Comunista Cinese 🤦‍♀️
😵‍💫 In pratica, desiderava la violenza per i suoi connazionali nella speranza di un po' di "libertà dell'Impero Americano" 🇺🇸
❔ Che fine ha fatto Chai Ling? Beh, Chai Ling scappò due giorni prima del tentativo di golpe del 04/06 del 1989. Dove scappò? Serve dirlo? 😂
😡 Dato che Chai Ling e le figure pro-US sognavano un «massacro» per far crollare il CPC, quando il massacro non è avvenuto hanno creato la «narrazione del massacro», secondo il pericoloso mantra: «La percezione è la realtà», nonché «Ripetete una bugia cento, mille, un milione di volte e diventerà una verità» 🤮
🇨🇳 Civiltà (文明), Armonia (和谐), Stato di Diritto (法治), Integrità (诚信), Patriottismo (爱国) sono valori intrinseci del Popolo Cinese, così come i valori di Unità e Stabilità, presenti in Cina fin dai tempi di Confucio 🐲
🐰 Dagli "8 Onori, 8 Vergogne", dell'Era di Hu Jintao:
一 "以热爱祖国为荣, 以危害祖国为耻" - "Onore a coloro che amano la Patria, vergogna per coloro che la danneggiano" ⭐️
二 "以服务人民为荣, 以背离人民为耻" - "Onore a coloro che servono il Popolo, vergogna per coloro che lo tradiscono" ⭐️
六 "以诚实守信为荣, 以见利忘义为耻" - "Onore a coloro che sono degni di Fiducia, vergogna per coloro che barattano l'Integrità per i profitti" ⭐️
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🐰 We bring back an "old acquaintance" for those who have long followed the Shaoshan Collective, presented during the work of the Channel to debunk yet another attempt at an anti-Chinese color revolution in the USA in 2022: Chai Ling 🤮
😡 对于柴玲的卑鄙,我的厌恶是无穷无尽的 ❗️
🤡 Chai Ling, one of the "student leaders" of the "peaceful protesters", stated that she had hoped for "bloodshed", stating that "it would take a massacre, which would pour blood like a river across the Square" to convince the People to follow a clique of idiots imbued with US propaganda to overthrow the Communist Party of China 🤦‍♀️
😵‍💫 Basically, she wanted violence for her countrymen in hopes of some "American Empire freedom" 🇺🇸
❔ What happened to Chai Ling? Well, Chai Ling escaped two days before the coup attempt on 04/06 in 1989. Where did she escape to? Need I say it? 😂
😡 Since Chai Ling and pro-US figures dreamed of a «massacre» to bring down the CPC, when the massacre didn't happen they created the «slaughter narrative», according to the dangerous mantra: «Perception is reality», as well as «Repeat a lie a hundred, a thousand, a million times and it will become a truth» 🤮
🇨🇳 Civilization (文明), Harmony (和谐), Rule of Law (法治), Integrity (诚信), Patriotism (爱国) are intrinsic values ​​of the Chinese People, as well as the values ​​of Unity and Stability, present in China since ancient times by Confucius 🐲
🐰 From Hu Jintao Era's "8 Honors, 8 Shames":
一 "以热爱祖国为荣, 以危害祖国为耻" - "Honor to those who love the Motherland, shame to those who harm it" ⭐️
二 "以服务人民为荣, 以背离人民为耻" - "Honor to those who serve the People, shame to those who betray them" ⭐️
六 "以诚实守信为荣, 以见利忘义为耻" - "Honour to those who are Trustworthy, shame to those who trade Integrity for profits" ⭐️
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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Healthcare IT Industry Banks on ESG for a Sustainable Future
The need for sustainable strategies to conduct business responsibly and ethically has prompted healthcare IT industry players to invest in ESG practices. Robust ESG policies can foster innovation, build trust, minimize risk, reduce costs and boost trust among stakeholders. Regulators and industry leaders are assessing the demand for ESG in the healthcare sector, which can play an invaluable role in enhancing healthcare access and fostering environmental justice, diversity and workplace safety. Prominent companies have furthered their emphasis on patient access, service distribution and quality of care with a focus on social issues and sound governance. 
Stakeholders, including patients, employees, shareholders and bondholders, expect ESG to have a compelling impact on the healthcare sector. Soaring demand to minimize environmental impact and bolster product quality, labor management, access to finance and human capital development have played a pivotal role in reshaping the industry. Moreover, good corporate behavior, anti-competitive practices and transparency have remained catalysts in the landscape. 
In a bid to bring medicine and vaccines to save and improve lives, increasing access to healthcare may partly depend upon a commitment to ESG performance. The prevailing dynamics can foster sustainable value for society and business. 
Discover more regarding the practices and strategies being implemented by industry participants form the Healthcare IT Industry ESG Thematic Report, 2023, published by Astra ESG Solutions
Environmental Perspective
ESG action integrated into business strategy has gained ground as climate resilience garners headlines to build future healthcare organizations. Low-carbon sustainable health systems have become the talk of the town amidst the healthcare sector being infamous as a major emitter of GHG and other pollutants. For instance, Philips has been at the forefront as it has aligned its goals with UN Sustainable Development Goal 13, “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.” Overconsumption of resources, pollution, waste and soaring demand for healthcare have furthered the need for strong ESG performance.
Philips focuses on a more agile and simplified operating model, supply chain reliability, patient safety, and quality. The company is also investing in products that consume less energy and materials and contain recyclable substances. Rising adoption of digital technology, shifting consumption patterns and transition to value-based care provide opportunities for leading players to underpin solutions that enhance people’s health and protect the planet. 
Social Perspective
Employee safety risks, soaring costs of care, access to healthcare and privacy & data security have spurred the need for a robust social pillar in business operations. Reported health disparities and the prevalence of behavioral and mental health issues have compelled organizations to infuse funds into digital technology in healthcare. For instance, WELL alluded to zero reportable data breaches in 2021 in its inaugural ESG Report.
Harnessing the insights and knowledge of a diverse workforce and a strategic approach to employee development and workplace inclusion need bullish social goals. Notably, 70% of senior executive team members represented a visible minority at WELL as of June 2022. Meanwhile, Cardinal Health has fostered its diversity, equity and inclusion efforts with the representation of a 71% female and 14% ethnically diverse workforce in its executive leadership team (according to its FY 2022 ESG Report). 
Is your business one of participants to the Global Healthcare IT Industry? Contact us for focused consultation around ESG Investing, and help you build sustainable business practices.
Governance Perspective
Incumbent players have raised the bar with investments in corporate governance, board diversity, accounting, ethics and corporate behavior. An emphasis on ESG priorities can help build trust and make informed decision-making. Notably, the healthcare sector has evolving regulatory requirements, prompting prominent companies to underscore the regulatory aspect. In FY 2022, McKesson integrated regulatory excellence into its business strategy playbook as a major foundational discipline. It has also upped its investments in traceability and transparency. The company is gearing up for the next stage of the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), which is slated to be witnessed in November 2023. The prescription drugs are expected to be serialized in the U.S. and need to be traceable throughout the supply chain. 
ESG will continue to gain ground in the mission-driven nature of the industry as its integration into the core of the business will be pronounced in the ensuing period. Forward-looking companies have furthered their focus on organic & inorganic strategies, including but not limited to collaboration, mergers & acquisitions, technology advancements and innovations. For instance, in November 2022, the GE Board of Directors approved the spin-off of GE Healthcare. Under the ticker “GEHC,” the company was expected to start trading on Nasdaq on January 4, 2023. These trends suggest the global healthcare IT market could witness around 29.3% CAGR during the forecast period. 
About Astra – ESG Solutions By Grand View Research
Astra is the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) arm of Grand View Research Inc. – a global market research publishing & management consulting firm.
Astra offers comprehensive ESG thematic assessment & scores across diverse impact & socially responsible investment topics, including both public and private companies along with intuitive dashboards. Our ESG solutions are powered by robust fundamental & alternative information. Astra specializes in consulting services that equip corporates and the investment community with the in-depth ESG research and actionable insight they need to support their bottom lines and their values. We have supported our clients across diverse ESG consulting projects & advisory services, including climate strategies & assessment, ESG benchmarking, stakeholder engagement programs, active ownership, developing ESG investment strategies, ESG data services, build corporate sustainability reports. Astra team includes a pool of industry experts and ESG enthusiasts who possess extensive end-end ESG research and consulting experience at a global level.
For more ESG Thematic reports, please visit Astra ESG Solutions, powered by Grand View Research
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gcorvetti · 1 year
Oggi è Venerdì 13, di solito metto la foto di Jason con tanto di machete, ma oggi no, perché ci sono stati troppi morti nel mondo nell'ultimo anno e non è il caso di farne altri, anche solo virtualmente. Mentre aspetto che mio figlio finisca la sauna scrivo due righe. Scorrevo gli short video di FB e c'era una scena di un film dove un tizio spiegava ad un altro che dal medico in Cina ci si va 4 volte l'anno, per prevenire, perché è logico che è meglio prevenire che curare e che in quel caso il medico viene pagato, se il paziente s'ammala il medico lo cura ma non riceve compenso, beh non male, così il medico deve per forza di cose farti stare bene. Poi leggendo i commenti, pochi in realtà perché mi è venuta l'orticaria, c'erano commenti del tipo: "ma l'aspettativa di vita in EU è di 83 anni e in Cina di 77" e cose tipo queste, volevo intervenire ma il mio allarme anti vortice risucchiattutto mi ha fermato. Volevo scrivere, ma scusate tra 77 e 83 cosa cambia? Non è che in quei 6 anni potete andare in discoteca o a fare sesso con una 50enne, non siete in ogni caso capaci di fare quello che fate adesso. Personalmente, sarà anche il periodo che stiamo vivendo e l'andazzo di un futuro non proprio roseo, ma io mi sono rotto il cazzo di sta vita ora, figuriamoci tra 34 anni, anzi pensare di campare così tanto mi terrorizza. Mio nonno che è morto a 94 anni mi diceva che si era rotto le palle e che non ha senso vivere così tanto e quando gli chiesi il perché mi disse che quello che puoi fare a 94 anni è solo aspettare la morte e non andarti a divertire, fare sesso, fare tardi la sera e cose che quando sei giovane ti sembrano normali ma che con l'età non puoi fare più nonostante lo vorresti fare.
Oppure come quelli che essendo credenti ti dicono che andranno in paradiso, cazzo ma allora muori e vacci subito, ma le persone sono così attaccate alla vita che non si rendono conto della merda che li circonda, delle credenze popolari che gli vengono infilate nel cervello come supposte in uno sfintere, anche perché sappiamo tutti dentro di noi che dio non esiste, solo che non siamo così coraggiosi da ammetterlo o per paura di tirarci le ire di mandrie di pretacci che hanno un mestiere redditizio e che devono seguire il dogma.
Fotte sega della vita se è questa, non ho paura di morire, la mia preoccupazione è per i miei cari, spero un giorno di riuscire a fargli capire che se muoio è solo una parte della vita, la fine, ed è naturale che sia così.
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