#anti-nicola coughlan
Okay, imho, NC has only been polite and kind towards SA because she's either been told to or bc it would be good to prop her up for her season/career. Otherwise if she really gaf she would've been doing that alongside Phoebe since the beginning.
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doomed2repeat · 26 days
If you’re honestly saying Debling likes Penelope for who she is when he likes her because he thinks Lady Whistledown herself would be happy on the fringes of society… do YOU know Penelope? Penelope loves society, the right man for her will encourage her to take her place at the center of it, not encourage her to remain in the shadows.
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Yes, of course, but not everyone has exploited their friends' personal business and sex lives, as well as that of many others, slutshaming, calling POC racial slurs, publicly, FOR PROFIT then playing the victim and decrying that it was something great when getting called out on your shit. That's not sending a regrettable text it's cyberbullying. It's having the ethical integrity of cotton candies. People getting sued for libel and defamation over this shit and deservedly so. It's not "Oopsie I made a tiny lil' mistake when I was angwy it's not fair to be unkind and unforgiving to me uwu." There's a substantial amount of accountability needed to be taken to redeem this shit. The scope is way off base here honey.
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I’m sorry but the criticism about the “chemistry” in Bridgerton Season 3 isn’t holding up, and it honestly feels like people are just making up excuses to be rude about Nicola Coughlan being plus-sized.
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It’s not just Nicola who people are being vile about, there’s been so many people who’ve made cruel remarks about now Luke Newton looks, calling him ugly and insulting his acting.
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Don’t get me wrong, there are most definitely issues with this season of Bridgerton and the writing, and it’s more than okay to prefer other couples, but mocking the actors like this is not okay, and it annoys me to see. Acting like it’s impossible for Colin to be attracted to Penelope is so gross, like okay, she’s not skinny, but she’s still absolutely stunning, get the fuck over it. It really makes me so happy to see someone whose body type is similar to mine being desired and loved like Penelope, like it just made me so thrilled to see.
But being for real, in my opinion, there’s no way that Colin and Penelope have worse chemistry or a worse story than Simon/Daphne given that Daphne marital-r*ped her husband 💀 the entire season isn’t even out yet, so let’s maybe wait until all the episodes have dropped to make judgements.
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polin-erospsyche · 1 month
There’s promo
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And then I guess there’s whatever the hell this is? 😂
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 11 months
People still making Mariana out to be the devil is so funny to me because they love white woman who do worse let’s say Georgia from G&G the same people who love her and think she’s badass amazing mother for doing everything children also love and watch Bridgerton but are call marina most vile cruel things all bc she too wanted to do what was best for her and her child everyone and their mothers how much I love and will die for Penelope but even she’s done unspeakable things to Colin Eloise and his family but they still ship her with him but Marian tries to trap him and she’s the demon span or the devil himself it’s so hilarious to me because it’s not them looking out or caring about Colin it’s them being flat out racist and they act like we don’t see it and pretending to hide their hatred for marina by saying she’s not a good person like ma’am neither is pen when she’s writting most cruel things about the guy she loves and his family and Mariana just say y’all racist and hate Mariana bc of misogynior and go stop hiding behind wanting best for Colin cuz my perfect baby still wanted to marry her and liked her even when pen told him about Mariana plans he understood her and acted like the perfect gentleman he is so don’t even pretend to be doing all that hatred and cruelty and name calling in Colin honour bc he would spit on your face if he wasn’t such a perfect gentleman!
It’s not shocking that a yt show has so many old hag yt woman hating on the one and only black character in a world they think black people don’t belong or shouldn’t be in because it’s not historic accuracy or whatever or don’t think black people don’t exist I haven’t seen polin stans hate Kate but I think they would’ve if she was somehow in the way or was an interesting enough character that was getting attention just because it’s taking away from their self insert yt girl they identify with (bc men probably never looked at them and they feel like Penelope book version at least with how she looks down on herself in comparison to other girls and the men thank god tv pen is amazing badass queen who has her own flaws but bigger better complexities) being centre of the story thankfully was so bland and boring she couldn’t take attention away from anything or anyone which is shame for an actress like Simone!
I don’t even know or like marina or if her name even is marinina because I’ve only seen s2 and I’m pen polin Edwina and Benedict person do not care about anyone else but them and ofc the queen the OG queen ofc! I just think it’s tired seeing so many polin editors making marina out to be devil all bc she lied like my best beautiful hiro Penelope ain’t been lying to her men and bestie for years the hypocrisy the double standards and the obvious racism and misogynior of it all makes me sick to my stomach y’all don’t like her and you are getting your polin season and she ain’t even there nor has she been a problem so why y’all still on her ass it’s weird and it’s showing y’all loser insecurities over a character that’s no longer there who was never ever a thread because show keeps sticking to the books ending so let the girl go and leave in leave and stop this very obvious racism as pen fan y’all make me sick!!
What gets me the most is they like Anthony of all men Anthony the most horrible vile character on that whole show but wanna speak on marina please it’s plain and simple racism anti black and misogynior the end stop lying to yourself making excuses shes mean cruel nah it’s not that it’s bc she’s black and dared to get with ur yt boy fav Colin and tried taking something y’all think belongs to ur yt girl self insert fav Penelope simple af!
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antipolin · 2 months
An article has a quote from Jess Brownell saying it was a last minute decision to make Polin S3, which directly contradicts Nicola in 2022 claiming they were told about 2 weeks into filming season2.
So who is lying? My gut tells me Nicola is, because there was an odd turn in the story that made the second half feel off, which means they made changes to the Pall Mall game or pretended to make the order mean something.
I have been saying for MONTHS now that there's NO WAY that narratively Nicola's schtick about 'S3 was planned from the beginning of S2' was true. But no one wanted to listen or believe me.
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Benedict was originally planned and set up as the S3 lead and then Shonda & Jess decided to take that away from Luke Thompson at the last minute.
Nicola fucking lied to everyone, big surprise b/c she knew there'd be backlash on her if people found out her character took away a fan favorite's season at the last minute.
So she lied and pretended it was always the plan when it clearly wasn't.
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
All I can say abt them wanting me to care abt Penelope or polin is sorrows sorrows prayers
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waitingforeddyneddy · 10 months
Aww Nicola liking some of Simone’s latest posts, I genuinely love their camaraderie. Can’t wait for them to play sister-in-laws in season 3!
Not a Nicola or Penelope fan I’m sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I definitely don’t wish to see Pen and Kate act like sisters in law, not when pen called Kate a beast in s2 💀
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markrothkono61 · 2 months
ohh my darling ana @thalassiokhtos thank u for tagging me <333
rules: answer + tag nine people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
favourite colour: red
last song i listened to: karma's a bitch by brit smith (this is so embarrassing of me to admit but yes i did listen to it because of the jojo siwa karma debacle)
last film i watched: my own private idaho, i was bound to love it as i am obsessed with shakespeare's histories more than it is humanly possible. river phoenix was marvelous
currently reading: a ton of articles for uni, but also anti-oedipus by deleuze and guattari. so far i agree with my friend's assessment that it's not so much a book that you read but rather, an experience you go through
currently watching: big mood (with nicola coughlan)
currently craving: a long walk in the park
coffee or tea: herbal tea
tagging: @cordeliaflyte @goldrambutan @mtvunplugged1996 @nizynskis @cry4judas @loukoumia @medalsofgold @emilyedkan @amadryades if you guys feel like doing this!
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So this is not to comment on either side of the Marina vs Penelope/Lady Whistledown argument. That would be an extremely long and detailed rant that I might do later. I will say that both Ruby Barker and Nicola Coughlan seem wonderful and I have nothing negative to say about either of them (and wish to hear nothing negative of either)! This is simply because the antis are ramping up again and I keep coming across a certain video. There is one phrase people have been quoting and I cannot keep myself from saying this anymore. You are all incorrect because you can, in fact, "Disneyfy a Dichhead". *Murder, Kidnapping, Manipulation/Mind Control,Torture even Sexual Assault have all forgiven and sometimes, at least seemingly, forgotten. The worst villans have been given a redemption arc and considered good or even heroic by the end and it all started with a new look and Tale of True Love.
Whats truly insane is that It Worked! It worked so well that it ran for SEVEN season!
FOR FUCKS SAKE, It only ended 5 years ago. There was even a one season spinoff with a complete story!
And this was all done on ABC with Disney characters portrayed as adults. So maybe we're all being a little hard on the teenagers in Netflix's regency Shondaland.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
What's weird and troubling about the anti Penelope/Polin and Nicola Coughlan is that they're saying that they are doing it to support Kate and Simone Ashley.
Like how people are anti Edwina and anti Charithra Chandran because they think it's supporting Kate.
I'm not saying that there's a racism problem in the fandom, just look at any given comment about Simone Ashley, but their method in combating this problem is going after a Caucasian actress?
I don't know anon, Bullying is bullying and whatever reason people use to justify it.
let's examine definitions by our old friend Wikipedia, ahh, here it is, Bullying:
Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception (by the bully or by others) of an imbalance of physical or social power. This imbalance distinguishes bullying from conflict. Bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior characterized by hostile intent, imbalance of power and repetition over a period of time. Bullying is the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another individual, physically, mentally or emotionally.
Sounds familiar?
You could be defending racism, ableism, or feminism, all you want and still be no better than a schoolyard bully, simply because your argument is being made with the intent of causing someone else emotional or mental distress by imposing your will on the will of others.
And I know, this may be hard to hear, but we do not like Bullies in this fandom. Their arguments can be 100% right, they can be super convincing, but if they're using those arguments to attack, belittle or intimidate another user who's just here to have a good time then, that's still the wrong thing to do. And it still doesn't make their grass any greener.
Want to support an actress, go ahead, click on their interviews, buy their merch, comment on articles admiring what good job she's doing. That's what will get that actress more acting gigs. Like it or not, bad press may still be press, but boy does Hollywood love to hire more when the actors have good pressed attached to them. And Simone Ashley doesn't need headlines that read 'Nicola accused of racism against Simone' what she needs right now is headlines of articles that repeat over and over 'Fans demand more Simone Ashley scenes" or things like "All Simone Ashley merch sold out in 15 minutes, SimoneMania sreads everywhere"
What I do think about Nicola is that she's very good at promoting her work in social media. In ways other actors aren't. And I understand how that can make it look like Nicola is getting more attention. But remember that for stars, the more she does promotions, the less privacy she gets, so it's a double edged sword. I don't know if other actors don't promote their work by choice in social media, or if it's in their contracts that they need to keep their posts about the job on the minimum unless authorized by the network and Nicola simply has gotten more authorization to post than other actors. Whichever the case. She's just doing her job.
What's up with fans thinking that just because an actor landed a starring role, then that automatically makes the Actor public property and anything they do or say in public can be held against them if it doesn't fit in with the parameters of behavior the fans have previously set for their behavior. Because I think that's kinda toxic. You certainly wouldn't treat your dentist that way, then why do it to an actor who is also getting paid for providing a service?
I don't know Anon, cancel culture has always felt like bullying to me. And I know that may not be the case for other people. But I don't like when my mother forces me to do stuff I don't want to do. If I were an actor, and my fans were policing my behavior the way my mother does, then maybe I'd also be reluctant to post stuff about my job in social media.
And that's the tea
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atlasburdened · 1 year
#   𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃   .          independent  ,  selective  ,  private             𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄            featuring  muses  from  marvel  comics  ,  wednesday  ,  critical role  &  more            !           cherished  by  alexys      :   she  /  her  ;      30   .
𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃  | 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 | 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎 : 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 .
𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒 :   princessofpranks | everlighted | baukitten
𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 & 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑡 !
rules ; 
one . indie selective multimuse roleplay blog. headcanon based and canon divergent. features muses from critical role , bridgerton, chicago fire , criminal minds & dc comics. cherished by alexys. two . this is a mutuals only & private multimuse blog. my portrayal can be & most likely will be canon divergent & headcanon based. triggering content may be present, whether i intend it or not. i will always tag something i believe might be triggering ( ex. # gore / ) but please let me know if i miss any or you have a person trigger that you need tagged and i will tag them right away. three . i am very open to shipping, canon or otherwise. this is a multiship blog, and all ships non-canon will be set in their own verse. ( & exclusivity in a ship will be discussed beforehand. ) that being said : not only do i need to plot a ship out extensively i would also rather ship with someone i am also comfortable with ooc. i have a tendency to be a little more than over anxious when it comes to shipping and by being in touch with someone ooc it makes it much easier for me when i know that the other person is invested. four . for my own comfort i will only be roleplaying with mutual followers, that being said i try not to discriminate when deciding who & who not to follow. that being said this blog is 18+ which means i will not be following/roleplaying with five . anti - jkr !!!
comic muses ; 
illyana rasputin / fc : anya taylor joy / 616 & hc based / primary mary jane watson / fc : samantha logan / 616 & tasm based / secondary 
literature muses ; 
calpurnia hartwell / fc : tamla kari / book based / secondary ginevra weasley / fc : kennedy mcmann / hc based , anti-jkr / secondary hermione granger / fc : antonia gentry / hc based , anti-jkr / primary lily evans-potter / fc : sophie skelton / hc based , anti-jkr / secondary penelope featherington / fc : nicola coughlan / book & show based / primary
television muses ; 
brienne of tarth / fc : gwendoline christie / canon divergent / secondary din djarin / fc : pedro pascal / canon compliant / secondary enid sinclair / fc : emma myers / canon compliant & hc based / primary grace ryder / fc : sierra mcclain / canon compliant / secondary lucy chen / fc : melissa o’neil / canon compliant & hc based / primary maddie buckley / fc : jennifer love hewitt / canon compliant & hc based / primary parker / fc : beth riesgraf / canon compliant / primary  rhaenyra targaryen / fc : emma d’arcy / canon divergent / secondary stella kidd / fc : miranda rae mayo / canon compliant / secondary temperance brennan / fc : emily deschanel / canon compliant & hc based / primary veronica mars / fc : kristen bell / canon divergent / secondary
ttrpg muses ; 
cassandra johanna klossowski de rolo / fc : crystal reed / secondary imogen temult / fc : meaghan rath / canon compliant & hc based / primary juniper shorthalt-trickfoot / fc : antonia gentry / hc based / secondary keyleth of the air ashari / fc : malese jow / stream based / secondary maya agrupnin / fc : n/a / canon compliant & hc based / tertiary
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deepdonutkid · 9 months
Let's talk about Delly Cartwright.
Do you like her character?
What do you think about Katniss' description of her: "Delly Cartwright is a pasty-faced, lumpy girl with yellowish hair"
How did you feel about her exclusion from the movies?
What do you think happened to her after the war?
Do you have any fancast?
Any fanfic with Delly as main character or with her POV of the book events?
Thank you :D
Delly. Woah, that's a hard question, because we don't have that much information about her in the books. And she was completly cut out from the movies.
I think Katniss, who is usually quite neutral about people's appearances (unless it's Peeta or Prim), has some bias towards Delly, because Delly was one of the girls from her school and Katniss was very skeptic towards her class mates. She was even wary around Madge, who she would end up describing as a friend.
So I guess Katniss really didn't see her in any flattering light. But this might make her description very harsh. Delly isn't presented to us like she is pretty at all.
To me, Delly is in direct contrast to Katniss, being her opposite appearance wise. She is supposed to model the "normal merchant child" as having enough to eat and doesn't look worn out, because she didn't have to work early on, like Katniss and Gale did.
But that makes her actually a good character. She has all those traits, Katniss dislikes, because Katniss thinks they have it so easy. Through Peeta, we know, that's simply not true. All of the people in the districts went through hardship in life.
It's clear, that Delly is still a very positive, friendly person and it underlines, that Katniss' narrative towards the merchant people was wrong. Of course, there were individuals such as Peeta's mother, who is quite unpleasant to be around.
Delly was very crucial to Peeta's healing process in my opinion, because he really needed a non-threatening person from D12 to remind him of home, since there was nobody of his family left.
But I can understand why they cut out such a minor character from the movies, with the focus clearly being on Katniss and making it a war movie (but it's actually an anti-war movie). I also think they would have used Delly in the movies to give Katniss a situation, where she can act jealous towards Peeta. So I'm glad they didn't do that. I don't think Katniss would've been jelly towards Delly, because she is the wrong person for that.
And also jealousy as a trope can really backfire on the story and putting up a whole other question, so I'm glad THG didn't use it that much. (Again, another pin point for another post)
Fan cast... actually haven't thought about that one a lot, but from the tip of my tongue I would say:
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Nicola Coughlan- I love love love her and I'm so looking forward towards the next season of Brigerton!
And I think Delly went back to D12 after the war and rebuild the town. She owns a plant's shop and is into farming. And yes, she knitts a lot. Sometimes she comes over to Katniss and Peeta for a cup of tea.
She will not be the main character, but a strong side character in my upcoming multi-chap "Jabberjay", where Peeta's and Katniss' roles are reversed in mockingjay. I have a headcanon, that she and Peeta are really close friends from the time before the Games, and she was one of the few people to visit him in his house after the first Games. So, she will play a crucial role in this story. (but I think I will only start uploading in November, because I still have to work out some aspects of the plot)
Thanks, @curiousnonny
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lily-s-world · 3 years
The creator of the tweet could had call her: Lady Whistledown, Penelope, Nicola... But decided that "the fat girl" was apparently a better description that all the previous names suggested. And then excused herself, saying that she was also a fat girl.
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It doesn't matter if you're a fat girl and feel okay with people calling you fat, because it doesn't mean anything to you. A lot of other people still doesn't feel comfortable or doesn't like when people call them fat, and we need to respect that.
Also, I think there are dozens of names or descriptions that can be used instead of calling out the weight of the person.
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viatorix · 2 years
Thinking about Theo Sharpe and who he could be is making me wonder if his character will be Irish, as Calam Lynch is an Irish actor. Not that Irish actors necessarily play Irish characters (Nicola Coughlan is right there, obviously). But if they keep the historic anti-Irish/Hibernian sentiment of the era, it could be a really interesting layer added to his character and why he might have a personal stake in fighting for the rights of all, on top of being from the working class, and working what at that time would be a very demanding and thankless job. 
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