#anya corazòn
punkeropercyjackson · 22 days
I swear fake superhero dudesbros would scream,hurl,cry and then explode if i told them as someone who's read for a wide variety of comic book characters and has specifically read everything Red Hood is in and is working on the same for the Spiderverse comics,that since Superman was made by jewish men to reflect the jewish experience and has jewish-coding as a result and BATMAN is also jewish for the same reason and Wonder Woman was created out of William Mourton Martson's love and respect for his bisexual girlfriends/wives,being a minority is not only not a bad trait in a superhero BUT A REQUIREMENT FOR BEING A REAL ONE BASED OFF COMICS HISTORY.Did you know Green Arrow is a socialist despite being a white cishet blonde guy also.And that Green Lantern is implied to be transfem on at least one occasion.And that there's multiple girl Robins and even more Batgirls of color and a black Robin who's more of a real superhero than Danny F*nton or whoever the fuck could ever be.And-
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