#anyway last art of 2022 woohoo!
reddiamondyeet · 5 months
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Goodbye 2022
I was tagged by the wonderful @the---hermit ! It was lovely to just sit and reflect for a bit. This definitely helped in my New Year’s Resolution brainstorming process!
What are things you've grown to like this year?
Biodesign and architecture! Also, phylogeny, paleontology, zoology, marine biology, microbiology, mechanical engineering (in principle anyway at least lol), Intersectionalism, and nutrition science. A lot of these are things I’ve liked in the past but have really grown to like and appreciate more this year! As for things that are NOT academic disciplines, I’ve grown to like solitude a lot more this year. I like quiet spaces. I like three AM walks on the beach where I can sing and only the wind and the water hear me. Oh! I also really like designing generally! I’ve grown to love making art and music and designing spaces/city planning. Making art and music has been central to my character for a good long while, but I’ve finally started being more disciplined about it, which has been VERY fun. I’ve really grown to love the (occasionally frustrating) process of just making things. As for design and city planning… design and I did not get off on the right foot last year, and for awhile I desperately avoided it. But this year, it’s been everywhere I look, just relentlessly inescapable, and I finally buckled and decided to try my hand at it again. And now I quite like it! I love breaking things apart seeing how the work, and imagining ways to put them back together just a little differently, a little better, than they were before.
What are things you've learned this year?
I’m quite opinionated, as it turns out! My tongue is a bit sharper than I’d realized, and my sense of (in)justice is more of a defining quality than I had previously acknowledged. I’ve spent a lot of years being Quiet and Obliging even when my values are trodden upon, and this year I’ve learned that an excess of quietude/passivity is not the virtue I have always assumed it to be. So I’m learning how to be Loud, which is new for me! I’ve never really allowed myself to even try that before. I’ve also just learned a lot about how to be a functioning human person, how to cope when things just Keep Going Wrong and there’s nothing you can do about it. (The secret is making jokes as often as you can.) Ive learned a lot about the kindness of strangers who witness suffering and about many of the ways to be both well and unwell. (It’s not a dichotomy at ALL, and there are so many shades of each quality!) I’ve gone through a whole series of mental resets during this year honestly. I’ve also learned a lot about those subjects mentioned in my first answer!!
What works did you enjoy this year, be it films, books or other art?
BOOKS: Deep by James Nestor, Voices in the Ocean by Susan Casey, The Invisible Kingdom by Meghan O’Rourke, Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Pérez, This Is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollan, The Obligation to Endure by Rachel Carson, and Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin
FILMS/SHOWS: Inside Job, Brooklyn 99
I’m sure there are others, but those are the ones that most immediately came to mind!
Is there something you're still looking forward to this year?
Finishing the 22 books in 2022 challenge! I completed my yearly goal of 222 books (WOOHOO!!) and am now at 237 books! Wild!! I’m looking forward to (continue) celebrating that with more 2023 Book Planning! I’m also looking forward to connecting with some friends this holiday season. 💕Also also! I’m really excited to work on planning out my next year! I have many big hopes and dreams!
What would you like to see happening next year?
A few things! I’d like to:
1) move back to the coast and work in conservation there. 2) be well enough to travel again! I’m hopeful at least! 3) read 223 books 2023. I’m sticking with my lofty reading goals. 4) get better about balancing work/school/life in a sustainable balance. 5) write one short story every three months. 6) schedule more personality system clients!
Those are the main goals for now!
Tagging: @daydreaming-optimist @sweetlikehoneysteve @contre-qui @humble-boness @willowstea @notetaeker @silhouette-of-sarah @deirdredoodle and anyone else who wants to!
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wp-blaze · 3 days
What are the key features of great songs?
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I’m in the midst of learning ‘Clair de Lune’ at the moment, and I’ve already gone past the ‘I love this music’ part. I don’t know about you, but when […]
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theclo4ked1 · 8 months
I was sorting through my dirty laundry today and needed some music. Suddenly, memories of my SECOND time on Instagram (yes there was a first but thats not pertinent at the moment) came flooding back to me. Instead of sorting my dirty clothes, I got distracted listening to the past that is the email chain I have with myself. That time on Instagram was during the period in my life when I was just getting into music composition. I used to change my name A LOT too and the one I stuck with, that time, was a persona by the name of Charlotte Tricks (stylized as ch4rl0tt3.tr1ck5), possibly due to a Game Night of Light Fingers with my uncle, sister, and brother. Anyways, since I didn't quite have the footing and style I have today with Deflemask, then, I was using resources (a website in this case) like beepbox.co to make chiptune music, hence why it sounds so basic in comparison to what I've made in 2022 (since I haven't made much since then. too many things burning my creativity i want to leave). For reference, please check out my SoundCloud playlist, PROJECT NINA (c. 2019), songs 7-15. Below are the only three I made when I used the website.
I think I made them specifically to put on my page for Pride Month 2019. beepbox stores user's musical data through a url that's entirely unique for every project because all characters after the hash (#) is raw data that's processed by the website and becomes output place onto the DAW. or something something tehcno-babble i dunno. I'm just surprised the website still stands after four years.
gaypride, made June 1, is just plain, nothing too remarkable about it. Please note my current stances on these old tunes I've created are not reflective of my thoughts on the Gays, Lesbo, and Bicycles, respectively. I feel obligated to make this as clear as I can since some people can misconstrue things and/or get offended easily, and can jump to conclusions that the someone, me in this case, is bigoted.
lesboprideday, made June 2, is where things get more interesting, on a technical level, because the melody is made from a repetitious C major scale arpeggio. But then at the end of the track, part of Nina's theme song (not quite a leitmotif here) is played during the last two measures. Why here? I can't remember, but the reason I would say makes more sense for the next song.
bipride, made June 3, is a song I remember someone positively commenting on the buildup. It's also one I, undeniably, have a bias for, solely for the fact it was just another one of the many versions of Nina's theme song, one with a few names either incorporating "Nina" or "Neko" into it. This one specifically is just that because in her infancy, I initially wrote Nina as a bisexual character, who had a crush on my friend's OC, Cat Woods (please check out their art, it's real good shit btw). Later down the lane, years later, I was like
yknow what, lets make her PANsexual she could love everybody just because she could!
Mind you, I didn't exactly know the full extent of sexuality at the time. It's not just love, it's also wanting to fuck that person, so Nina being panromantic (if that's a thing) would make a lot more sense... interjectory edit 10/7/23: I'm not sure if I can believe if "panromantic" even is a real thing. From what I've read, it's just...basic-ass love (whatever that is) and compassion for your fellow man; man, used in an all-inclusive sense--I shouldn't have to say that. I hope you understood that I didn't just mean literal men, i.e. those with a penis and can create testosterone and semen yada-yada, and I hope you don't believe I'm like "woohoo patriarchy less goooo". Just...please understand that I meant EVERYONE. ...however, Nina's sexuality being anything but straight makes no sense nowadays, so that one story I wrote that's meant to be noncanonical is totally fucked. It also touched on how puberty would work for her (she turns into a giant spider monster with neurotoxic-zombification venom and would return to her former state by midnight unless otherwise events i cannot remember). That story is very much not for kids. Please don't think I'm exclusive of non-white-LGBTQA+-plus-sized-etc. characters because I made Nina straight (also she's not even white wtf). I'm only doing what makes the most sense for the story and, more importantly, her character. Also because I'm older than I was during her conception, I are more smarterer now, okay? I just don't want things to feel forced. There exists no kind of concept of sexuality in the land she lives in, in fact, there ARE no other humans but her, so what's there to love/sex? The Koi fish? The trees? Well, there is that one part in Shattering Jugs...
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(Each .GIF and the above image were made on the Piskel website)
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bahamutgames · 10 months
June 2023
Hello again and one last (slightly late) Happy Pride everyone! I'm extremely late to posting about what I played last month because originally I was planning on combining it with THIS month since I wasn't expecting to play much. But I actually ended up playing a LOT of games in July so, I'm separating them again. BUT it's never a bad time to celebrate Pride! Woohoo gaymers....
Metagal (May 23, 2016) - PC
Starting off with Metagal! I got this a little while back because I was starting to get into Megaman and it was like, 99 cents on sale I think? Which was nuts. So I decided I wanted to play something short, and since I finally started the Megaman Classic games, I figured I had no reason not to try it out! Ultimately? I'm pretty pleased with it.
Metagal is a short Megaman like where you play as Metagal and defeat her 4 sisters in order to break them free of their mind control and gain their powers ect ect. It's got some pretty nice sprite work and some pretty good music. I think the girls themselves aren't necessarily PERFECT but I think they're pretty cute!
The gameplay itself is pretty standard but does some things to make it stand out from Megaman. The first thing is that special weapons don't require weapon energy. They recharge over time. PERSONALLY I think this is a great change cause lord knows Megaman has some situations where you can get screwed over by not properly spending every bit of weapon energy perfectly (the Megaman 2 boss. You know the one.) And secondly, the lives system is pretty neat. Rather than having a set amount of lives, you have infinite lives. Dying sends you back to the last checkpoint every time. BUT, you can collect extra lives and spend them like currency to respawn right at the screen you died at instead. It's simple but it's pretty neat!
The low points from what I remember are the boss battles. They all kinda suck. I just remember one miniboss I think in the fire stage that took SO long to take down cause it was hyper specific how to avoid its attacks and when I beat him I accidentally clipped into the wall and got soft locked. I also remember the final boss being HORRIBLE and more gimmicky than the other fights. Overall the game certainly isn't amazing, but there is some unique stuff in it and if you're a Megaman fan I think you could get something out of it especially when it becomes so cheap! Also the same team made another game more similar to the X / Zero games and it looks AMAZING! Will absolutely have to check it out!
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Kitsune Zero (September 12, 2022) - PC
Next up is another game that's like an NES game! Kitsune Zero is a simple Mario like that's all about Yokai! You play as a Fox girl and you platform across various levels fighting Yokai and collecting power ups to beat back the Ogre Clan!
It's simple but I mean, it's Mario! You can't go wrong with it! It has ADORABLE sprites and art, cute reimaginings of Mario enemies as Yokai (Kappa Flappa is sucha good name), cute music. What's not to like? It's been a little bit since I played it but I do recall it feeling a little off compared to Mario which made some levels a little difficult to get through. But overall it's a simple and fun platforming experience.
Weirdly enough this is actually DLC for a game called Super Bernie World which is, more of the same. Except you play as Bernie Sanders. Which is funny, but so insanely random. Really feels like Super Bernie World should've been the DLC for THIS game. But regardless, it's neat and I will absolutely check out the game this is a prequel to eventually!
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Paradise Marsh (October 13, 2022) - PC
Last but not least, probably my favorite thing I played in June: Paradise Marsh! This game is just a simple walking around and doing fuck-all simulator. Which by this point you should know is always a favorite of mine. The whole goal is to go around and catch animals so you can restore constellations and go home. There's lots to interact with, lots to catch, and there's no enemies or time limits. Just relaxing in this big open Marsh.
There's not a whole lot to say on this game cause again it's pretty simple and short. I loved figuring out how to catch the animals, I loved just interacting with random junk, I loved how relaxing the game was, I love the graphics and the visuals. I ADORE that it had a day/night cycle that's always a good call in my book. The constellations were funny (Dragonfly was probably my favorite?) and the ending was very cute. I liked the game so much I even 100% completed it!
The only real negatives I have about it do shockingly come from that day/night cycle. A LOT of this game focuses around night time. You can only put the constellations back at night, a LOT of the animals are only available at night. Which is fine but I feel like night is way too short, and day too long. I know you can sit down to make time go quicker and I found myself using this CONSTANTLY but sometimes I also found I couldn't get up off the seat at the proper time. It's small but it is still a little frustrating. My only other complaint was the STUPID LILLYPAD ACHIEVEMENT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET WHY IS IT LIKE THAT WHO DECIDED ON THAT UGH!!
But yes, good game.
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happybdaychase · 2 years
not ur birthday yet again!!
oh my gosh, it’s been 4 years since i’ve last made a post on this blog but it feels like it’s only been a couple of months. visual of me making this post rn. 
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that’s also me because i don’t know how to use tumblr anymore??? so we’re just going to have to get used to me now being a grandma and not knowing how to navigate around tumblr circa 2022. ANYWAY how have you been? do you even see these? it makes me laugh that i’ll get a random memory of you and then i jump on my laptop or phone (i deleted tumblr off my phone again lolz) and come to this blog and make a post. i’ve actually thought about you way more than once in 4 years trust me but i felt so discouraged but whatever. if you don’t see this, you don’t see it. but if you do, at least you know that i still very much appreciate and am so grateful for the friendship we shared even if it may not be the same now or if you forgot about it, i know in my heart that it was one of the greatest friendships i’ve ever gotten to experience in my 21 (almost 22 years) of living. 
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ALSO did you notice i’m not using camila gifs anymore even though i said it was our “thing” and that i would always use her gifs, i lowkey like olivia more. i’m pretty sure you must’ve heard her songs “drivers license”, “good 4 u” or even “traitor”. have you listened to her album sour??? she wrote it when she was 17/18 and WOW what a body of work for a teenager. when i was a teenager i could barely form sentences LMAO. i just really love her music and her so much. she’s so beautiful and intelligent and talented like look at her in that gif ^ and every other gif i’m going to use today
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life update: i’m a nurse now woohoo but i’m going back to school to get my degree bc now i just have a diploma which i’m still very proud of but i’m on a hunt for that degree you feel me?? i’m so excited to be going back to school, it sounds weird and i usually hate it in the moment but i love having a routine and feeling like im doing something with my life. what are you doing in life?? are you in school? are you working now? are you seeing someone? are you planning on travelling around the world? what kind of music do you like? has your taste differed since you were a teen? what do you like doing in your free time? so many questions i wish you could answer and maybe one day when you see this, you will. :) 
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another life update: i’m obsessed with timothee chalamet or at least i was for a good week. that crush has partially gone away now but i still think his face is a work of art. ANYWAY i think i’m going to end this post here. still praying and hoping you’ll see this one day. i hope your day is going amazing today and everyday. BE THE AMAZING PERSON U ARE CHASE!! XOXOXOX
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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