#ara interacts
tuliptic · 1 year
🐇 Best Way To Show Yourself Love
We have been talking about love and since Valentine’s coming up, why not we talk about loving ourselves? Have we thought of how to show ourselves some love? And in what form?
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: What is the best way to show yourself more love? Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or images used here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck.
Pile 1
Main theme of querent - The Fool, The High Priestess
You're someone young in energy and yet has an old soul at the same time. You're probably someone who has tapped into your spiritual abilities and has been using them subconsciously. There’s some form of learning I’m seeing? There’s a chance that you’re also learning some stuffs of spirituality and learning to be more in tune with yourself.
What do you need in terms of love - King of Swords rx
You need rationality and structure, you need things that are concrete, you need stability instead of flightiness. Some form of maturity, some mature energy. I have a feeling that some of you may be Saturn dominant as well. There’s also some sort of empathy and compassion that you need due to the over rationality that you have.
Why do you need those needs fulfilled - Four of Swords
You’ve been deprived of love for yourself. You’ve been giving out love until you’re nothing but an empty husk. You need structure for yourself, so that you won’t over give until you’re empty, and that you need people to love you too, you need those compassion directed towards you. You’ve been so, so tired of giving and giving, never receiving. So it’s time that you learn how to set boundaries.
When, especially, you need to love yourself more - The Magician
When you want others to love you. Lemme explain. When you want people to love you, when you wanna “manifest” love into your life, it’s a sign that you’re not loving yourself enough that you want to rely on other people to love you, to validate you. It shouldn’t be that way. You should love yourself more, and other people will follow suit to love you when they see you loving yourself, knowing that you’re worthy of love. I hope I’m making sense here.
How can you love yourself more? - Four of Wands rx
Be in harmony with yourself. I know it’s difficult but this is something that takes a long time as it’s a lifelong process (I say as though I’ve been through an entire lifetime). But for real, face that fear in you, nurture your inner child, celebrate every small wins, etc. Start from something small, as every small wins will build up to a huge win. Know that you’re on the right path and believe in yourself.
What will it be like when you’ve loved yourself more - The Hierophant
You’ll be more grounded and less flighty. You’ll learn how to look at things from various perspectives and learn how to nurture yourself better, starting with yourself. For some reason, I’m also seeing that people will respect you more? Maybe cuz of the boundaries you’ve set, maybe because you’ve learnt to pamper yourself and work on yourself more instead of focusing on others? Either way, the change in you will be evident that people’s view on you will change. But most importantly, the change in you will be evident to you as well, where you’ll learn how to focus on yourself more.
Advices for you - Five of Wands rx
Release whatever tension that’s within you. It’s not easy, so let’s start with remembering that life is not a competition, that there’s no need to keep rushing and comparing with other people. There isn’t a necessity to keep running away from conflicts. Avoid what can be avoided, face up what needs to be faced. Just listen to your heart, it’s stronger than the anxiety you have in you.
Extra card - Three of Cups rx
Spend some time for yourself, meditate if needed. There’s a huge call for independence for this pile. Maybe some of you have been relying on others, some have been relying on substance/alcohol. But most of all, most of y’all have been relying on external validations, as mentioned in the above sections. Let your dreams guide you, inspire you, let your heart show you the way. Find the missing piece in your heart and accept limitless joy into your life.
Overall energy - The Empress, Wheel of Fortune
There’s fear I see in this pile, where you’ve been waiting for The Fated Time to save you out from your problems and all. There’s a need to nurture yourself. Your higher self is calling you to connect with them and they want to help you to nurture yourself. Dreams may be significant so focus on them, do not fear the dreams and the mysterious notion behind. 
Pile 2
Main energy of querent - Chariot rx
There’s some form of stagnancy here, like you’re standing at a crossroad and you have no idea which direction to head. There’s no strength nor will nor balance in you, and there’s some form of flighty energy where you just wanna charge without thinking, but there’s also a rational energy stopping you, and now you’re at a stalemate.
What do you need in terms of love - Seven of Cups rx
You need some form of personal alignment, you need to readjust and find the values you stand for, and live with it. You still don’t know the values you wanna hold on to, your baseline, and you need to spend time to find them. I feel that messages around you are important, like the Universe is guiding you to find your values. It’s like trying an error, where you notice something’s wrong when something off happens, and you’ll go “Oh that’s a red flag for me.”
Why do you need those needs fulfilled - Two of Cups
There’s a need to nurture yourself and to be in harmony with yourself. This card to me is a couple card, so there may be a reason that you need those needs fulfilled so that you can find the other half you’ve been craving. Always, and I mean always, love yourself first, then only you can attract someone of your mentality and someone who can reciprocate the energy (in this case, reciprocate your love to them).
When, especially, you need to love yourself more - The Fool
Everytime. The Fool is a card that talks about new beginnings, and he’s always on a journey to meet the various cards. So yeah, you need to constantly love yourself, you need to constantly remind yourself that you’re worthy of love. Know that whatever that happens around you is planned, it’s like a divine timing, where everything will happen in place.
How can you love yourself more? - Eight of Pentacles
Aim for more variety, expose yourself to various things, various skills. The more things you learn, the more interested you become, and you’ll realize how amazing you are. Especially when you’ve learnt to master a certain skill. There are people around you who support who you wanna be and they share your values. I feel that this is a very pleasant card cuz it’s not only you, but there are people around you who fully support you.
What will it be like when you’ve loved yourself more - Four of Pentacles
You'll be more self assured, like there’s some form of stability and security for yourself. You’ll be able to hold on to your values and for some reason, I see spending on yourself more? Like, you’ll learn to pamper yourself more instead of pampering others. It’s not really a bad thing but just be aware to not let yourself be isolated from your social circles, and to also treat others nicely too.
Advices for you - Ace of Cups rx, Five of Swords
Right now, you’re probably experiencing an unhealthy uhhh bunch of emotions. There may be some hold back or over venting your emotions over a situation to a close one. It’s difficult to balance out and you constantly feel defeated over that particular situation. It’s high time for you to take charge of your emotions and to not let it rule over you. Worry not, it’s time for you to heal and move on, and things will move rather fast compared to what you originally expected.
Overall energy - The Lovers, Death rx
I have a feeling that some of you are questioning relationship related items. Maybe the unhealthy bunch of emotions mentioned earlier are due to this? No matter what it is, you’re currently unable to move from it. There’s some form of past that is linked to this issue that is haunting you, making you unable to move forward. However, things are bound to change. You’ll need to learn how to let go. With the help of your dreams, know that you are ready to make changes towards a new you.
Pile 3
Overall theme of querent - The Chariot
Unlike Pile 2, your energy is fast forward. You’re prolly the type of person with the motto “Do first, think later”. You charge ahead fearlessly, you love fearlessly. You do it because you know that others won’t do, and even if it may harm you. You’re going forward at a fast pace without looking around much. You probably should slow down and also consider some other options as you’re traveling on your way, so you can make the choices that will benefit you the most.
What do you need in terms of love - Three of Swords rx
Healing is needed in terms of love. You’ve been through too many hardships and that has kept you on your toes, that has made you work for others to earn their love. This should not be the case. People who naturally love you will love you for who you are. You don’t need to earn their love and respect. You are already deserving of love, and you need to learn that.
Why do you need those needs fulfilled - Nine of Swords rx
To release yourself from whatever dark thoughts that have been haunting you. It must have been tiring, lonely and cold to walk on this road alone. You have never been selfish for yourself, always have been working and wanting the best for others. This has thrown you into some turmoil and has been making your mind wander around to the negative side more. Do know that your vulnerability shows how human you are, and you should allow it to honour your inner grace, wisdom and beauty.
When, especially, you need to love yourself more - Nine of Cups
When you need emotional fulfillment. The cards are all linked together from the various sections. You have been deprived and now, you need to love yourself the most when you want yourself to feel full of love. No greater love comes from within you. Your guides have been sending various messages and hints to you to tell you to love yourself more when things have been difficult, to pamper yourself more. Have you noticed the things that you wanted are on sale? It’s time for you to get it!
How can you love yourself more? - Knight of Wands
Go on an adventure, have a change of pace, see things from some other point of view, enjoy and let yourself be impulsive at times. You need to start to take action to change your life for the better, and it’s all up to you. No one can make you change, no prep talk would be able to do that. It has to come from within you, that you need to let go of whatever burden that’s holding you back and let yourself be free, to go and do whatever you’ve wanted to do.
What will it be like when you’ve loved yourself more - Strength
You become stronger. No I’m not talking about the physical sense of being stronger, I’m talking about the mental and emotional state of you getting stronger, more at peace and more affirmative with yourself. You have more claim, more power over yourself, over your own emotions. You control your emotions, you’re taming the lion, not letting the lion of emotions rule over you.
Advices for you - King of Cups rx 
There are themes of self sabotage that I’m seeing here. So take this as a warning to be conscious of what you’re doing, to make sure that you’re not treating yourself unfairly. There may be times where you’re extremely moody but know that those times will pass. Love others by loving yourself. Stop self-sabo. I don’t know what else to say cuz that particular theme is just screaming out at me.
Extra cards - Death, Four of Swords rx
Change is needed. You’ve been stagnant for so long and that’s doing you no good. You’re no longer in your comfort zone, you’re in your mold zone, because you’ve been there and have not moved a little bit at all. Which calls upon change, change in point of view at least, where you move from one place to another and to have a different view, to have a different experience, to experience wonder, delight and joy. 
Overall energy - Strength, The Empress
Strength has appeared again and this time, it’s paired with the lady who tames the fiercest beasts, the Empress. There’s a feminine strength to this pile’s energy, where you’re in tune with your feminine energy and know when to use it. You also know how to let yourself be surrounded by those who share your visions and values, and you also support them. There’s some Moon energy as well here so some of you may be Moon dominants.
Pile 4
Overall theme of querent - The Fool rx, The Sun rx, The High Priestess rx
First of all, Pile 4, are y’all okay? The cards legit flew out and it made me go 👀. Have y’all been reckless recently? I have a feeling that y’all have been doing shit on impulse and then regretting it and then doing it again just because. There’s also some risky yet withdrawal kinda energy here and I certainly hope that none of you are doing substances or unhealthy habits or addictions like please. (I feel like I’m calling out myself)
What do you need in terms of love - Knight of Swords
First thought is words of affirmation. Love letters are something you’d die to receive. There’s a huge mental energy that’s here, giving me the feeling that you’d prefer intelligence over emotional sensitivity. But then this card here is telling you that you need patience, compassion and kindness as well, else everything will not be balanced. Love comes in a full package, where everything needs to be present to make your heart feel full.
Why do you need those needs fulfilled - Five of Pentacles
The feeling of being all forlorn and forsaken have been looming over you. You’re probably someone who has lost faith. You can only help yourself to push yourself out of this state of grief, pain and loss. I think it’s cuz you’re going through something tough and hence, you’ve been relying on external things to help you cope with whatever you’re experiencing. You need people to be patient with you, be kind to you so that you can have that spark of faith back again.
When, especially, you need to love yourself more - Six of Swords
When you’re transitioning into a new phase of life. You need that courage to move from this phase of… Slump into a new and brighter place. And you need to give yourself time, allow yourself to be vulnerable to be able to heal and move on. Know that you yourself create peace, prosperity and joy in your life. You are in charge of your life, you are the one who’s gonna decide when you’re gonna move into that new phase, where will that new phase be.
How can you love yourself more? - Four of Cups
Contemplate, evaluate, meditate. Contemplate on your visions, on what you want; evaluate yourself to see if you’ve been working towards what you’ve wanted; meditate to let your heart be at ease. You can also surround yourself with those who support your vision and share your values. Self introspection is required, but having a community that supports you to be better is equally important.
What will it be like when you’ve loved yourself more - The Hanged Man rx
You’ll be able to move on from whatever that’s holding you back. You’ll be learning to see new things from different perspectives and get moving, awakening with a feeling of being energised and you’ll be able to begin your day with gratitude. You have the ability to spring to action and to move on, but it’s entirely up to you if you wanna do it or nah.
Advices for you - Ace of Swords rx
There’s a lot of clouds being around you, hindering you from obtaining your inner clarity. This card is here to tell you to think twice or thrice when you’re about to do something, to define your goals. Check for any disturbances that may be preventing you from achieving mental clarity and happiness. Let your thoughts to flow and maybe write them down with the various methods, 5W1H or the various Whys to get to the root cause of a particular thought or emotions.
Overall energy - Judgement, Two of Swords rx
There’s some form of fear of judgement that I’m seeing here. There’s some form of indecision here, where you have no idea you want to spend that energy and time to change, or you wanna continue to be in your current state. In the case you wanna change, I’d suggest you to start by getting into the kitchen and making yourself a simple meal, where it can symbolise you moving from the old to the new.
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themountainsays · 9 months
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Commission for the lovely RM, based on the sixth chapter of their fanfic "The butterfly came home", thank you so much RM!! Everyone go read their fic, it's really good! I haven't finished it yet, but as soon as uni gives me a moment to breathe I will <3 <3 <3
If you like my art and would like to support me, consider commissioning something from me! I’ll draw almost anything.
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wondipity · 23 days
no titty reveal? fine just take a selfie sucking a dildo thats hot enough for me
wtf ?? pls do not interact with me if this is the shit u are going to say.
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stillresolved · 2 months
so uh, annie has some thoughts here ara ( @uroborosymphony )
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“You’re going out again?” She frowns, watching Ara slip on the final touches of her outfit. It’s a gown, one that screams money and class. If Annie didn’t know her, she might have mistaken her best friend for one of those very people. The ones Ara sought to make even with. “I thought…you didn’t like those people.”
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uroborosymphony · 9 months
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"Something better than what? Getting to know you? Come on... Boy who's spending a lot of time with my Annie... We're having sooo much fun right now, aren't we? I'm Fun." Speaks Ara with dry smirk on her lips and a tone that sounds more psychotic than Fun. Better things to do he questions, than staring for the past 10 minutes with a death stare on and polishing her empty glass like a shiv. It isn't like Ara to take gloves in a conversation yet due to the presence of Taiyang, Annie and others, she tries. Barely. A little party thrown by one of Taiyang's friend, a tranquil one - Ara was impatient to invite Annie, Annie who for the first time brings a +1 - smart, having people all around them is preventing Ara to get her actual knife, she does have one in her boot. People gravitate, in and out the circle while Ara remains on the couch, legs crossed in her usual heels and black tight pants, chin down her elbow on the armrest, simply staring at him. "What do you do for a living again? I hope not breaking pretty girls's hearts that would be a shame, especially when they are prettier than you." Another dry smile of hers."HAH!" She exclaims out loud in a hysterical scoff as if what she just said is a joke - it's not - her serious immediatly coming back on. "I care about everything that happens in our Beautiful City therefore I keep an eye. I have seen and heard your name, multiple times, in the Law Spheres, the high ones. The Law right... how honorable." Ironic of course, for the anarchist she happens to be, the system of justice is the last thing she believes in. "Or am I mistaking you for someone else?"
        for @ofgentleresolve, from here
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skyfclling · 3 months
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@donararanha said : ❛ what are you smiling at? ❜
𓂅 ⠀ ⠀ ⚡⠀ ⠀zane não precisava de desculpas para arrastar seus amigos para explorar o acampamento. o fazia com maestria e com uma insistência inigualável. mesmo que ele conhecesse aquele lugar como a palma da sua mão, ele ainda gostava de ficar andando por aí, cuidando da própria vida, mas ao mesmo tempo garantindo que todos estavam bem. dessa vez a proposta veio com um propósito maior. zane queria tirar fotos para o seu catálogo e colher ramos que ele achava serem perfeitos para algumas ideias de artesanato que tinha salvo no pinterest há um bom tempo atrás. eu acho que alguém chegou aqui antes. eles estavam perto do local onde zane havia encontrado os ramos, verdes e no ponto perfeito para serem colhidos e trançados, quando ele avistou o motivo para ele ter parado e começado a sorrir feito um idiota. ele deu uma risada fraca e apontou para o meio da mata, um casal de coelhos se alimentando há meros metros deles. olha que fofo! ele teve que disfarçar e puxar a câmera para uma foto, ou iria acabar passando vergonha com um surto de fofura.
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kamipyre · 7 months
time to meet the origami machine ara!! || closed starter for @uroborosymphony
“If you’re looking for Lee, he’s gone out. He probably won’t be back until after we’re long gone.” Of course that does annoy Suki because he’s definitely not taking time off. The guy who will read through the same case file for hours on end, taking more than half the day off? Yeah, that’s unlikely- she and Jae-hwan know that well. 
The same can’t be said about the new hire, probably. Grabbing their makeshift company’s newest employee by the arm, Suki drags her out of their drab office.
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“C’mon,” Suki says, rather breezily, “He won’t notice if we take off for lunch. Or for the rest of the afternoon.”
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ferrancoves · 7 months
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oreoskys · 1 year
With our (ocs) Enby powers combine, they are: The only couple of competent people in NRC
(My offer to have Eugenio say hi to Ara)
WOOO sorry it took so long! Senior year has been kicking my butt-
Speaking of kicking butt- BEHOLD the brains of NRC (patent pending)
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although one of them is competent and the other is... Ara.
But that's okay!! Ara is always glad to meet new friends. I'm sure they'll get along great, and I'm sure Ara would Love to hear Eugenio play the violin!
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king-nyx · 1 year
If anyone is interested. Here's an interpretation of what Athena might be like.
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themountainsays · 1 year
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I just... i just needed to draw them
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luckydxy · 2 years
@leondxs​ ;; Cont.
"Oh, wouldn't you love to know." She quips with a sardonic glance, mimicking his tight-lipped grin sarcastically before slinking into the seat on offer. She didn't mean it. Not entirely. Her short temper was typical as of late ; the distant malice in her eyes giving a glazed & distracted look.
Ara was feeling irritable.  Clearly. The air around her thick with a miasma of disgust. The Imperial was sick. Sick of politics. Sick of keeping face. Sick of her own façade. Sick. Sick.  Sick.  She wished to infect someone. A vessel for her disquiet. A toy to abuse. Anything. Anyone- To distract from her spiraling spite.
Leondas would do. For now ...
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"I feel like death." She declares, crossing her arms & pouting at him as if he was meant to do something about it, "I feel like death & I wish everyone else were dead instead." to any who might overhear, she sounded little more than a miserable brat who'd been denied her way, but to any who may know better ... Well, the fire & brimstone all but sparked from her tongue. An inferno begging to happen. Each joyous shout & bark of laughter driving her deeper & deeper into a state of petty rage. How dare they ? How dare they enjoy themselves when she felt so glum ? When she sacrificed so much for--- for what ? For her countrymen to galavant around ? To waste the gift that had been given to them ? Perhaps it was dramatic, but she nearly missed those blasted oblivion gates. She wished dear old Dagon would pop one up here & now !! A glass breaking nearby snaps her back into reality.
"Party foul ..." Ara sighs in reponse to no one in particular, lazily plopping her upper torso against the table, glowering up at Leo just the same, "I thought I'd come for some entertainment," she admits, "now I'm not so sure why I bothered. Nothing fun ever happens around here anymore."
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stillresolved · 4 months
continued from here. / @velvetineblue & @uroborosymphony
Outings can be tricky for Annie. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she knows this atmosphere is familiar, one where her blood spikes out of anticipation, the bright lights and the cacophony of music and conversation over alcohol spurring the adrenaline along. She missed that, Annie likes to think, even if it makes her heart race in a bad way a lot sometimes- the line between fear and excitement isn’t always that apparent after all. 
Maybe that’s why Imo was skeptical when Annie told her about the party. Maybe that’s why her old friends drifted away too- a person who barely goes outside of her aunt’s store, a person who covers her ears at sounds no one but she can hear doesn’t quite make for a fun friend to hang around, does it? Ara doesn’t seem to think so, thankfully- why else would she have invited Annie- and neither does Ga-ram. Annie didn’t think he would actually agree to come though. He repels people the way insect repellents do; she just happens to be one of his exceptions.
Which is why Annie feels, well, a little guilty for leaving him alone. And Ara too- they’re the reasons she’s at this house party to begin with. But the concept of being in a conversation ( about fashion trends she’s neither ever heard of or cares about ) without them realizing she’s mad is too tempting- a reprieve, one might say, from the 'mad girl' reputation. They won't suspect her if she doesn’t say anything. 
The only problem is when the subject of conversation turns to her. Granted, the girl- she said her name was Yoona- probably doesn’t any harm, but even her compliments hackle on Annie’s nerves. What is Annie supposed to say? What would she think and would she tell the others? So it’s a relief when Taiyang, however much Annie still doesn’t trust him, motions her away from Yoona with Ara’s name on his lips. 
At the edge of the party, Annie feels her nerves calm a little, the lights and the music of the room softer. Ara’s hand, warm and callused, in hers helps too. “…They’re nice.” She offers simply with a mostly sincere smile. She tries not to blink too much either. “They talk a lot.”
She lets go of Ara’s hand and turns her other friend. If Ara is bursting with warmth at the seams, then Ga-ram is cooler, like a stream of water running down her skin. He towers over her and seems agitated, yes, but he looks more concerned if anything. She barely hears him over the music even when he leans in.
“You good?”
She nods, sharply. She doesn’t need to be coddled and definitely not by him. He ruffles her hair, which she takes to mean ‘okay.’ She huffs- she had curled her hair for tonight too- and tucks a strand behind her ear. She can’t tell if she’s making it up, the sound of Ga-ram snorting under his breath. 
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But there’s no time to think about that, not when Ara and her boyfriend rejoin them with an offer of a pool game on the table. The moment over, Ga-ram hardens once more. He turns towards her once more in question.
“We…We’re down,” Annie says, answering for her and Ga-ram. “I might um…I might not be very good though. I’ve haven’t…I haven’t played in a long time.”
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“You two go first.” Ga-ram then picks up, tersely, on the way over to the pool table. He follows behind Annie, hands shoved in his coat pockets. “You’re the ones who made the offer so the hosts should go first.”
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uroborosymphony · 11 months
annnnnd 18 with arannie?? Feel free to ignore any and all of these prompts tho; have a good day in the meanwhile lynnie 💕💕💕
Ara & Annie.
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"I never told you this. But, the bracelet I gave you. I bought it years ago, even before meeting you. I feel a little silly about this...but.. " There is a smile on her lips, not embarrassed nor ashamed, surprisingly at peace with a piece of her past she has never shared yet was about to. The sun was bright over their heads as they were lying down in the grass, in the summer. "My mother. When she wasn't being fully herself, when she was losing a little bit of her mind, she wasn't so kind to me. Saying that..." She pauses, her voice, slow and tranquil and deep. "I was just like her. Saying nobody would want to love me, that nobody would want to be my friend, that Us, Jung women were like the plague. Unlikeable. I wanted to prove her wrong, I wanted to prove her wrong so badly that I bought two bracelets - these friendship bracelets girls my age were always wearing. These were the chepeast I could afford, with the little money I stole. I told her I bought them for me and my best friend, I told her, all proud and arrogant... See, I have a friend, she is real, her name is Mihee and she loves me very much. She believed me, I think. As later on she kept on asking if I was away off with Mihee, if I was going over to Mihee's, if Mihee wanted to come over to play. I kept that lie running for as long as I could - overselling it, it was clumsy. Truth was, one bracelet was at my arm and the second, simply... hidden in a box under my bed. My mother was never doing any cleaning, I knew she wouldn't find out." A pained snicker escaped from her mouth. "It's ridiculously sad. Thinking back... I'm sad for Young Ara. And I wish I could send her a letter, something that would travel time, just to tell her that," Her throat is knotting. "Tell her that it gets better. That one day she will meet a friend. A real one." Her head slowly fell to the side, her eyes remaining on Annie's face. There was tenderness in Ara's features and perhaps even nostalgia already, of knowing the end of year was here. She extends her arm, the hand wearing the bracelet, reaching out for Annie's fingers, lacing together. "They're a little old and dusty and ugly now that I look at them again, I'm sorry-." She speaks, laughing she watches Annie's wirst in the grass, wearing the matching one, her thumb brushing over it. Ugly and old they were, but they had a meaning. "I don't really want you to go." Ara admitted in a whisper. Words that for her weren't so easy to speak. It has taken years for the tigress to open up the way she did, with Annie. There was something almost pure, in these rays of light caressing Annie's features, of the way the breeze was making the fabric of their clothes dance gently, the colors of the seasons on their skins. Ara could not remember for how long she stared at her, that day, to anchor this moment as deep as she could, in her memory - fearing the future would take it all away from them.
"Will you come back?
To visit me?"
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silverthief · 1 year
“Is this yours?” Izuku held out a feline with a slightly injured hind leg. “I think it got into a fight with another cat.”
Hues of jade blinked at the feline held out at her.
She recognized the feline at first glance. Tabby fur, viridescent eyes, a glint of mischief concealed within those pupils and the most noticeable trait? A scar, which ran from the inner corner of its right eye to the tip of its nose. Indeed, that could be no other than Bean, her cat or rather; she was the cat’s human.
Changing her posture, Charmaine placed both hands on each side of her hips. Bending forward slightly, she leveled herself to meet the eyes of the creature. “What the hell happened to you now?” She spoke, indicating that this was certainly not the first time that her furry friend had gotten itself into a brawl — and probably not the last time either.
In fact, it happened regularly enough to not cause Charmaine to react with immediate concern when the boy passed her the details. Typically, however, it was just a few scratches. They usually healed up perfectly on their own afterward.
(Who knew how many battle scars were actually hidden beneath that fluffy coat of fur?)
At that Bean responded with a single pitiful “meow” which only evoked the feeling of sympathy in the young woman. Ugh, this cat knew just how to wrench her heart.
Charmaine released a sigh, relenting. "Alright, okay.." She wished she didn’t have such a soft spot for the creature, because now she was probably going to give off the impression that she was a crazy coddling cat lady.
Oh, well, it couldn't be helped. After all, she worried more for the feline's well-being than how some stranger was going to perceive her.
Straightening up herself, she lifted Bean from the boy’s hold. In her grasp, the tabby cat’s body was limp, dangling in the air like a loose metal spring. She tilted her head and cast a glance at the supposedly injured hind leg, then repositioned Bean in her arms, cradling her like a baby for closer inspection.
Oh no, the injury appeared worse than she had initially anticipated. This time, she might actually have to bring Bean to the vet.
However, with no pet insurance, fixing the injury was certainly going to be costly, wasn’t it? Money was tight — it always was. The last time she had taken Bean to the vet was a few years ago, after their first encounter. Back then, the bill had been hideous, and Charmaine doubted that the prices had changed much since then.
If she had to take Bean to visit the vet, then well, she couldn’t afford it. She'd probably have to get Aki to foot the bill.
Finally, the young woman shifted her attention to the green-haired boy. She squinted at him. “Who are you?” He seemed to be around the same age as her own teenage brother. “You sure that’s what happened?”
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kinhagamer · 1 year
[XBOX GAME PASS] 7 jogos de lançamento próprio para 2023 (Console, PC, Nuvem)
[XBOX GAME PASS] 7 jogos de lançamento próprio para 2023 (Console, PC, Nuvem)
Pra quê vida social? Eu não queria mesmo…. Particularmente estou esperando por Redfall e Starfield. Forza só se eu tivesse um volante (e espaço para usá-lo), Age of Empires já tentei, mas não rolou. E Ara eu quero também! Redfall (Xbox Series, PC, Nuvem) Nossa que assustador, pensando bem quero mais não ^-^”’. Brincadeira quem não quer um fps sobre vampiros? Eu quero. Desenvolvedora: Arkane…
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