#as a Jason fan I apologize :( I also love your special little guys and gals
unboundbnha · 9 months
Okay I’m gonna post something controversial
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multifandom-world8 · 4 years
We had a few more days in London before we fly to San Diego for the comic con.
Henry texted me that he wants to take me to breakfast and that whenever I’m ready he’s waiting at the lobby.
I put on a wintry outfit since and it was a bit chilly outside and left my room.
“Good morning love” Henry smiled when he saw me “good morning” I smile and kiss his cheek.
He took me to a restaurant called
‘Victory garden cafe’, it was style like an old Greek place, vintage.
“Good morning and welcome Mr.cavill and Ms.heard follow me”
The hostess said as she gestured us to follow her causing me to frown
“I’m a regular here” Henry shrugged
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and I chuckled.
After we both ordered our food we shared some experiences from past movies we filmed.
That is until my dog sitter called
“Oh I've gif to take that one in sorry” I quickly apologized to Henry Henry before I picked up
“Lea, is everything alright?” I asked her
“She has stomach aches y/n what do I do?” Lea asked me in a panicked tone
“Okay give her the special dog food and rub her belly until it passes, she’s joining me soon tell her that she’ll calm down” I instructed her “okay I’ll keep you updated on her condition” Lea said before she hung up.
“You have a dog?” Henry asked me
“Yes, a Siberian husky, her name is Isabel but I call her Izzy all the time” I smile as I show him a picture of me and her that’s also my Lock Screen.
“She’s so beautiful, almost as big as my dog” Henry chuckled
“Yeah Kal is HUGE” I chuckled too
“He’s coming to San Diego too, maybe they’ll keep each other company” henry suggested
“Sounds good but can your dog sitter handle both of them? Because I won’t have mine” I chuckled
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“Yeah that’s no problem” Henry shrugged.
We both enjoyed an amazing breakfast before we went to have a little tour. Henry was here before so he took me to all of the beautiful and time-worthy places.
Back at the hotel, I thanked him for the amazing tour and we had dinner together too before going to sleep.
The next few days we spent by interviewing local news and signing autographs before we finally headed to San Diego for the comic con.
I was beyond excited to fly to San Diego, not only because it’s my first time there, but also because it’s my first comic con.
When we landed at the airport I saw Lea with Isabel, my dog,
And immediately ran to her, not caring than I just abandoned Henry with my suitcase.
“Oh I missed you so much” I hugged Isabel tight While she licked my face “did she behave?”
I asked lea
“She was amazing as usual. But she got a stomach ache again on the way here so I stopped giving her her sweets for a while” Lea said as she handed me Isabel’s bag
“Thank you so much, Lea, enjoy your vacation” I hugged her and when we broke she ran to her gate to catch her flight.
“She’s so cute” Henry said once he catches up to us
“Omg hen I’m so sorry I abandoned you with my stuff” I apologize
“It’s alright I would’ve done the same for Kal” Henry chuckled
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“Well then you’d have to kiss your suitcase goodbye because not all of us have crazy muscles as you do”
Isabel licked my face again before she ran and started jumping on Henry, trying to get to his face
“Traitor” I muttered and Henry chuckled “she’s so cute” he said as let go of the suitcases and bent down to pet her.
Seeing Henry so sweet and caring with Isabel made my heart swell with happiness.
I no longer saw him as Henry that was had a dark side, but Henry the giant softy.
This time henry and I decided to share a room at the hotel with princess and Kal.
Kal was waiting for us at the lobby with Henry’s dog sitter and surprisingly, Isabel liked him immediately too.
The two just jumped around each other excitedly.
“They are so adorable!” Gal said as she joined Henry and I
“Just like their owners” Jason smirked
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“Oh shush you” I blushed deeply.
Jason, gal and Henry kept talking about something while I noticed Ben glaring at me from the reception area.
“Hen I’ll be right back, keep an eye on her for me?” “Is everything okay?” He asked me “yeah yeah just need to talk to Ben for a second” I reassured him before I handed him Isabel’s leash.
“Okay, what’s with the glares? You’ve been giving me the stinky eye ever since we left London” I asked Ben
“Is everything a game to you?” He spat
“What are you talking about?” I frowned
“Did you use me to get a reaction from him? Huh? I thought you said he was mean to you and had a thing with amy” Ben growled
“Woah take a chill pill man. I was not using you, we went out for a drink, I thought it was a friendly hangout. And he wasn’t mean on purpose amy was blackmailing him” I explained even though I didn’t think I had to justify my actions to him.
“You’re lying. Amy may be crazy but she would never do such a thing” Ben scoffed
“she’s a class a psycho ben, You know what if you don’t believe me ask Henry I’m fed up with all of these accusations” I told him angrily before I stormed off back to henry.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Henry asked me once he noticed my angry expression
“I’m not in the mood to talk about it” I said as I felt tears threatening to fall.
I took my room key and went up to the room with Isabel and hugged her as I cried.
I guess I cried so hard because I didn’t hear Henry walk in until I felt Kal licking my cheek.
“Y/n please tell me what’s wrong”
Henry said as he sat next to me on the floor
“I’m so fed up with all the criticism” I sobbed
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“What did Ben tell you?” Henry asked, a hit of anger in his tone
“He thought I was using him to provoke you, that I’m a liar” I whimpered.
Henry pulled me into a hug and brushed my hair with hands softly
“I’ll talk to him later, you’re amazing y/n, you saved me from Amy, I don’t know what I would do without you” he muttered and I felt myself smiling as I lean into him more.
“Thank you hen, I needed it”
“No problem love” he kissed my head.
We stayed like this a little more until it was time to get ready for an interview we had with all of the cast(except for Amy thank goodness).
I was seated between Henry and Jason, making me feel like a complete short ass next to these two giants.
“Guys welcome! So nice to see you all together. Are you feeling like a proper family?” Jamie, the interviewer asked us
“It’s like a family reunion every time you know” Ray chuckled
“So, like if you were a family, who’s got the worst habit?” Jamie asked
“I think Ezra” I said “I chew my nails a lot, and it’s apparently bad for your nails in a long term, is it really bad or is y/n just messing with me again?” Ezra asked
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“I don’t think” Gal shook her head
“Jason has a habit of taking our clothes off all the time” Ben said and Jason raised his hand proudly while saying guilty making us all laugh
“Henry in this film has a habit of being dead so you’re gonna see him” ray shrugged “yeah I’m the dead uncle” “that’s right ” ray chuckled
“It’s nice to see the ghostly figure. Spotting some nice facial fluff” Jamie said, referring to Henry’s mustache
“He had it before” I said “really?”
“Yeah” Henry chuckled
“Well I wanted to talk to you about something and it’s beardy Batman” Jamie said as he looked at Ben
“Beardy Batman, yes. At the beginning of the movie you get to see bearded Batman which we haven’t done on screen before and uh I thought it was kind of cool and just so you know they added in the white streaks in the beard, those were not present before” Ben explained
“Well obviously with all of you in together you get to see your very cool costumes, was there any costume envy?” Jamie asked
“I was jealous of Gal’s costume because Unlike mine hers is not tight” I said causing her to laugh
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“I could barely breath in it”
“Yeah I was kind of envious of ray because he didn’t have a costume” Ben said “I had an onesie, I was calm cool and collected. I did have a muscle suit that I wore sometimes with like the hoodie and sweatpants and I got the feel of what it's like to be them on a certain level. But I envy their costume because they actually exist you know?” Ray smiled
“What’s the costume like at the end of the day?” Jamie asked
“Sweaty” Ben and I said at the same time
“Smells like a foot” Ezra added
“Yeah even mine” ray chuckled
“Costume people on this movie earned their money” Ben said
“Re you guys ready for the world of the dc family? A few of us have done a few of these films now. They’re absolutely obsessed aren’t they?” Jamie asked
“Passionate for sure, I wouldn’t say obsessive but we all are we love our characters” I said and everyone nodded in agreement
“You’re doing these movies knowing there’s going to be expectations from the fans, they’re going to pay a lot of attention to the details and everything that comes out to the internet,even the minor nonsense turns into a big story” Ben explained
“Gal you tweeted yesterday and already have 46,000 likes “ Jamie said
“How much?” She gasped with a smile
“46,000 likes” Jamie said again
“look at her- how many likes?” I asked as I intimated Gal’s voice
Causing everyone to laugh
“I think that the fact that people care so much about these characters is pretty amazing because I think that there is this amazing device of universe that we can tell stories with and so many people are interested in hearing what we have to say. It’s an amazing thing and it’s not to be taken for granted and this is the reason why we keep on making these movies...because people care so much” Gal told Jamie
“Okay thank you guys so much for coming, it was fun” Jamie said and the interview was over.
Henry and I returned to the hotel to have dinner together before we headed to bed.
“You were quiet today during the interview” I told Henry “well most of the questions were not directed to me so but I did talk” Henry shrugged
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“It was fun to be with all of the crew” I smiled
“I’m glad you had fun love, now rest up, we had a long day” Henry kissed my head before he turned off the light and we fell asleep.
A/n-I’m opening a tag list for my stories, comment if you’re interested to be in it!💕
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ellalynnmonroe · 7 years
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VanCon 2017, my second convention is under my belt. Now that I’ve finished my finals for school, I can fully recap the events of the weekend and appreciate them completely. If there are any typos, I apologize now. My brain hurts from taking said finals. Hah.. oh, and uh. I haven’t entered in those fancy ass cues to seperate paragraphs since I was on Live Journal… like 15 years ago. So.. sorry for the continuous paragraph. 😂 The weekend began with this sweet gal (@winchestersnco) arriving at my door step. This woman was my right hand woman and savior this weekend. She was so incredibly helpful, patient, and loving when it came to my two month old daughter.. who’s name happens to be Amara. **Long backstory short.. my bf and I loved the name and the uniqueness. The fact it’s a character from our favorite only had a small part it.. as is the fact she was created at VanCon 2016…. #porncouver 😂** The drive to Vancouver started out great. Amara slept for the first third of the drive. And then hated us the rest of the drive. Though it was rather exhausting, me feeding her in her carseat is a memory neither Erin or I will forget, I’m sure. Needless to say, Amara had worn herself out so much, she only woke to eat and slept nine hours that night. Friday! The show started later than I remember it starting last year. The energy was also different. Maybe I got spoiled with Kim and Brianna. Rich is a neat dude and all, but those girls really set the bar high. Lol. The panels were fun. The first and only time Amara made a sound during a panel was during Samantha Smith’s. Of course I get called out and stand up to show her I actually have a baby. Jason Manns was added to the guest list at the last minute and I was so thrilled! Amara slept so soundly through his panel; she loves her music! Our autographs for the day included Sam Smith, Emily Swallow, and Brianna Buckmaster. Sam was apparently upset I didn’t actually walk Amara up to her during her panel. Lol, oops. She was in awe by the eye contact my tiny can make. She said “You are not new”. She said Amara is “an old soul”. A mother generally thinks their kid is the best, but hearing how alert and aware your two month old actually is, kinda makes your heart swell. 😍 Emily… ah, how do I put this nicely?.. I’m not a fan. She’s a bit… snatchy. Guess I can’t put that nicely. For those who don’t know, Emily plays the character, Amara on SPN. Coming into this auto, I thought even if this lady thinks I’m a total dweeb and I named my daughter after a SPN character because I’m incredibly obsessed, she would pretend to be amused. Nope. She was so blandly like, “Oh… cooool”. And then proceeded to take this stuffed doll someone made her and wave it in front of her face. I was hardly impressed. Brianna is probably one of my favorite human beings. I walk up and immediately she says “I kinda wanna hold that baby”. I told her she could, but she insisted on keeping the baby comfy. She was pretty entertained by the origin of her name; she said the last reason was the best reason. I just want to be her bff. She’s pretty damn rad. Karaoke…. well. We showed up late so all the guests were already tossed. ESPECIALLY my favorite person if the day. You guessed it. Emily Swallow. One of my roomies of the weekend stayed with me for a bit; Amara slept the whole time. It was the freakin’ Emily Swallow show. She sang over EVERYONE that sang a song. And by sang, I mean yelled with a vibrato. Not. Impressed. Saturday!! I really wanted to watch the first panel, but sleep took over and I slept too late. I love sleep, so I wasn’t to hard on myself. Hah. Mark Sheppard’s panel was entertaining, as usual. He’s so sassy. I attempted to ask him what activities he likes to do with his kids, now that he has some free time. Before I even asked my question, he looked at Amara and said, “That’s not my baby”. Hahaha. After me asking my question and him not answering, I tried to repeat my question and he called me bossy and continued to avoid my question. 😂 there’s a video or two of the ordeal running around out there that I need to acquire. I was pretty bummed he didn’t walked around the audience like he usually does. Idk who did what to him to make him pissed off, but they should be slapped. Misha Collins’ panel was absurd. I laughed so much, I can’t remember too many specifics. The moment I’ll never forget; however, is him asking how to sign “take a dump” in American Sign Language. I died. Matt Cohen, Rob Benedict, and Richard Speight Jr had the last panel. Amara had started to get a little wiggly, so I was in and out for that one. Rachel Miner’s panel… I am too hormonal for that shit. The guys carried her out to the stage and the audience gave her a standing ovation. I wept. She is one inspiration gal. We had a photo op with Brianna and autos with Matt and Mark that day. Our photo with Briana was all thanks to Erin.. Seriously. This girl is the effing best. I can’t brag enough about her. Anyway, back to Briana. When we walked up, I said to her, “You can hold this baby now!”. She did not argue one bit. Chris about died when he say her homemade ‘Wayward AF’ bandana-turned-bandaeu. Mark signed a book my friend gave to Amara, “If I Were a Moose”. Mark’s response? “If I were a moose, I’d kill myself”. Lol. Jesus Christ, Mark. 😂 Matt was cute and sweet as always. Nothing particularly memorable was said. But I do want you all to know that man is getting some of those silver highlights in his hair… Hey. Girl. Hey. Rachel was just as sweet as she was in her panel. She’s is a fighter. I could only hope to be the bad ass this woman is! I had the chance to chat with Jason Manns for a minute. He picked out which album of his Amara would like best. He was so sweet, and I’m so glad he was there. Louden Swain performed a couple acoustic songs in the lobby before signing autos for those that bought some merch. They had they’re SNS album available, so obvioisly I purchased it. Lol they too, were so nice. The talent these men posses is unreal. SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL. What’s there to say, that hasn’t already been said. The SNS never disappoints. Louden Swain is PHENOMENAL. Emily was annoying and Brianna nailed it. Oh yeah. And Jensen made an appearance and knocked everyone’s socks off.. or should I say panties? 😉 Fucking SUNDAY, BITCHES. J2 day. This is the day that everyone is anxiously awaiting. The panel was obviously hilarious and fun. These boys NEVER disappoint. There were too many funny moments to explain, but my fav? The endless butt jokes. YouTube the panel if you wanna get in on the jokes. Amara and I had a photo with Jensen and then I have one by myself with Jensen. As soon as I walk up to him and he sees Amara, his mouth drops. I asked, “Would you mind holding her for a photo?” He obviously did not object. Who can resist a tiny baby in a shirt that says ‘World’s cutest Supernatural fan" and a little black tutu with a SPN themed bow on the front of it?? Chris died, once again, after coming on close to check out her outfit. Bless that man! He took three quick shots and printed each of them for me to ensure we got a good one. And then I hand the tiny off and tell Jensen I have one with just myself and he proceeds to give me the best hug, Chris takes the pic, and Jensen gives me a tight squeeze. I tell him thank you, and he says something along the lines of “Congrats, mom”….. and I died. Hahaha. When I go to grab Amara, the head dudes in charge are fawning over her. I’d say her outfit was a success. Coming down the escalator, Gil McKinney came over to take to Amara. This man had been eyeballin’ her all weekend. It was pretty cute and sweet how he approached us. Jason also came over to see her Sunday outfit. I’m telling you, these guys are rad AF. Our autos were at the end of the day, and Amara was getting tired. Thankfully she stayed awake long enough for the two boys to see her. We get up to Jensen and he’s still all about her. He asks her name, and I tell him and the story to go with it. You can tell he’s kinda listening. For comedic value, I decided to say to him, “she’s out souvenir from last year” and the look on his face was priceless. It took a split second for him to register it, but once he did, he chuckled a bit. I thought Jerad was going to steal her. As soon as I walked up, he said “Look at the knees! And those thighs!” He was amazed by how strong she is and couldn’t believe she was only two months old. Now.. this is suppose to be the time I say, “That was that and we went home”……. But no. It. Gets. Better. So Erin and I had stood in line with our weekend roomies. They were toward the end, with maybe a dozen people behind them. Once they went behind the curtain, and Amara was sound asleep in her shoulder, she began walking back to our seats. I told her to slow her roll. I’m thinking, maybe if we linger long enough and stealth enough, some magic will happen…. AND DID IT EVER. Jensen comes out and waves to everyone, waves at Erin and I.. but does a double take when he sees this sleeping ball of chunk on Erin’s shoulder… he then RUNS OVER TO AMARA, PINCHES AT HER SWEET CHUBBY CHEEKS.. AND THEN.. GIVES HER A KISS ON HER CHEEK. JENSEN KISSED MY BABY. I vowed to never wash her again; however she had gotten herself so worked up on the ride home, she projectile vomited ALL OVER ME. It was a wonderful weekend, not too hectic, filled with such wonderful memories that I can’t wait to share with Amara when she’s older. 99% (lol) of the guests were so sweet and supportive of me bringing my tiny. The fans all loved her. I only had a few people harass me about ear protection, of which I brought, one lady get salty about being next to a baby before she had a chance to show her what an angel of a baby she is, and one person suggest I breastfeed in the bathroom after I asked where would he a good spot to sit and feed her. Other than that, everyone was great, I had a great time, and I miss all my ladies!
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