#watching them get erased for any of the ‘’main’’ bat boys
unboundbnha · 9 months
Okay I’m gonna post something controversial
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ineffable-human · 9 months
Season 2 (potential) Clues
Get ready for another theory post y'all we don't have enough clearly
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GIF made with help by @afhyer
Being a collection of things I found weird/noteable in Season 2 that could be potential Clues for Season 3. (and my theories, some sound, some crackpot)
Note 1: I use my dudes non-genderedly 
Note 2: I am not tech savvy enough to get screenshots from Scamazon or make gifs or anything so sorry for the low-quality phone images/lack of images in some cases
Jim and the God Possession
Jim and the whole memory loss thing was a great part of the show, but it did bring up some interesting moments when Jim got God-possessed (As I like to call it). These moments prove to be fairly crucial, especially the first one. 
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It’s through the God-voice that Aziraphale and Crowley get to thinking about the Job job. Now I have oodles of theories about what this does to/for them, but ultimately I think it comes down to relaying two main ideas. 1. There’s always a work around to the main problem
2. Demons (and to an extent angels) have free will/a choice
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Now the second one is less God-like but still leads us (and Crowley) into the minisode about the magic show. Here we learn two more important pieces of information.
1. There’s such a thing as a miracle block
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2. Aziraphale and Crowley can pull off tricks without needing to use miracles
My (crackpot-ish) Theory: knowing Gabriel is commonly referred to as God’s messenger in many bibles/renditions, I think it’s likely that he got redirected to Aziraphale’s shop by God to deliver these messages.
Aziraphale’s reactions during the Beelzebub/Gabriel scene
They’re feckin’ weird, my dudes. 
I noticed two things right off the bat.
First. His lovey-dovey face. 
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Okay, I know we all know that Aziraphale feels love and that he loves love, but that doesn’t seem to be the entirety of what’s going on here. Look at that face! LOOK AT IT! 
Extremely crackpot theory: Aziraphale knew about Gabe and Beelz’s relationship ahead of time.
Most likely theory: Aziraphale is happy seeing proof that it’s possible to find something more important than choosing sides
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(couldn't get a gif but watch it cause there's certainly a thought pattern going on when this happens) Second. His reaction when Crowley tells Gabriel and Beelzebub about Alpha Centauri. He looks both saddened and regretful. WHY? Not just because he rejected Crowley once, but because (crackpot theory) he knows he’s gonna have to reject him again!!! Idk whatever way you look at it that’s QUITE the reaction to Crowley giving away their spot like that.
Crowley's reactions after
Let’s start with whatever Crowley is up to when the angles are all talking.
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He’s just off, lounging in the chair. Doing nothing. Doesn't even RESPOND when Michael threatens to erase Aziraphale. Mr. I DID NOT CARE FOR IT, just sits there and lets that go unanswered. WHY??? Even if the book of life isn’t real like he claims, it’s still a little out of character for him to just do nothing at all. And the fact that he just sends Azirpahale off with the Metatron after is like…bruh really? 
Okay now, go look at Crowley AFTER Aziraphale goes for a chat with the Metatron. IDK about anyone else but this boy does not look happy. (couldn't get any clear shots SOB) He looks angry when he’s talking to Muriel about the breakfast. And when was the last time he mentioned needing an extreme amount of alcohol? When they were trying to stop the first apocalypse.
I know that everyone’s thinking he’s all excited and happy to go see Aziraphale and get together etc. But this all happened BEFORE Maggie and Nina walked over to tell him to confess.
My Theory: Crowley does know Aziraphale, and knows how badly he wants to work with heaven and be good and all that jazz. Which is why he’s anticipating Aziraphale coming back to say, hey I’ve been offered a job. He expects them to go talk it over at breakfast and is preparing to say goodbye/help him come up with a plan to stop armageddon pt2. But then he gets the idea to confess and Aziraphale hits him with the ‘be an angel again yay’ whammy, and he just loses it.
The Non-Acceptance Acceptance
Something just interesting to note…the Metatron sends Aziraphale into the bookshop with a ‘take your time, we don’t need an answer right away’ but then comes in right after Crowley leaves acting as if Aziraphale said yes all along.
Theory (potentially crackpot): The Metatron (potentially with the help of demon Maggie{I got ideas, my duded}) manipulated and orchestrated their breakup by getting them both to a heightened state of emotions and throwing them together. He knew Aziraphale would get into a fight with Crowley and that Crowley was the only reason he wouldn’t go with them.
The Coffee and the Embassy
Do I wish the coffee was super drugged and Aziraphale was not himself? Yes. But let’s put that idea aside and just look at the facts.
I’m gonna start with how weird it is that the bookshop is still an embassy. Aziraphale does call it an ex/past-heaven outpost, but it’s still his and still has heavenly power. Whereas Crowley lost his flat when he lost his job.
Why is this? It’s possible that the flat was owned by hell whereas Azirpahale bought the shop himself. But it still doesn’t explain why heaven was still ‘protecting’ the home of a ‘traitor’.
My theory for this does concern the coffee. But not the drink itself or what may or may not be in it. Rather, the way it’s presented to Aziraphale. 
First, the Metatron says some of the things in that weird way of his, like the “hefty jiggy of almond” and whatnot. It sounds very ‘hint-hint wink-wink nudge-nudge’ to me, like he’s talking in code to Aziraphale. 
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Second, Aziraphale says that there’s nothing left to talk about, and he’s made his position quite clear. The only time we’ve seen them talk was in Season 1 when Aziraphale tries to talk to God. And in that conversation, Aziraphale didn’t say anything about his *position*.
My theory: Azirapahle and the Metatron talked at some point between S1 end and S2 end. Most likely very closely after S1 ended, and Aziraphale did something (perhaps made a deal) where he was able to keep the shop and maintain its embassy status.
Addendum HELLA CRACKPOT like so cracky it’s just a giant hole: Metatron secretly good guy come at me XD
The flow of the fight
So I won’t go deep into my big crazy theory about the fight being fake, but I will point out the strange things I noticed, why they feel off, and what I think it might mean…. I also could not garner the energy to take pictures of this scene sorry SOB
First, Aziraphale when he’s telling Crowley the ‘good news’. He keeps glancing out the window. As if checking that the Metatron is still watching. And if he’s watching, we don’t know if he’s maybe listening too. And Azirpahale’s whole attitude in this opening bit feels kind of like his stage-presence.
Next, we get the weird half-information about the talk with the Metatron. We don’t really see the full convo, which is part of the point, I believe. We don’t even know if that conversation happened at all. 
After that, Crowley gets thrown for a loop with the whole restoring angel status, obvs. But then they go right into their old fight of heaven and hell and good and bad. Which was, I think, the main thing that’s a little off here. And that’s because of how much Aziraphale noticed and was seen noticing those ‘light-grays’ of the world and of the whole situation. The entire graverobbing bit was him learning that the difference between good and bad and right and wrong are blurred/a matter of how you view things. 
Yes, the miscommunication is the main issue here, but the fact that the good/bad debate comes up again is interesting to note. Especially since it’s Aziraphale that pulls the hell is bad heaven is good card. If we go on the idea that this conversation is being bugged and they’re trying to talk between talking, it kind of seems like Crowley is throwing out the ‘I thought we weren’t choosing sides???’ and Aziraphale brings up the good/bad to indicate that it’s not about choosing sides but about doing what’s *right* (like saving goats and children).
Next, Crowley hits us with the line about heaven ending life on earth. Because he knows the angels were planning a second armageddon. Now I don’t believe that Crowley, for however hurt he is, believes that Aziraphale would willingly go along with that plan. But Azirpahale doesn’t know about it, right? This out of place line (in direct response to heaven being the side of truth light and good) is Crowley’s way of cluing Aziraphale in on the bigger picture. Note, specifically, the pause before Crowley speaks again as Aziraphale processes that.
Aziraphale didn’t say no, but he also didn’t say yes. I think this is the key point in the argument. Aziraphale just learned that heaven is still planning to try and destroy Earth. And he knows that if he does nothing, they probably will. So here he is, essentially accepting the job so that he can put a stop to it. And here he is trying to tell Crowley that’s his plan
Crowley understands what’s going on. And he decides to confess, right? This confession gets *interesting*. First, Aziraphale glances out the window when Crowley says they’re a team, yes? Because he’s still checking for Metatron’s presence. Second, Aziraphale looks confused by Crowley’s line of reasoning. Crowley is talking about them relying on each other and working together, but Aziraphale’s idea of that (in this situation anyway) would be him coming to heaven to help.
Crowley’s eyes wander a lot, but he also looks pointedly out the window at one point, while he’s struggling to get the words out. And I think that he’s trying to get his confession out while knowing that they’re being watched/listened to. I mean, gosh it’s tough enough to confess let alone when someone is watching.
As to why Crowley decided to confess: I don’t think it’s an act of desperation to get Aziraphale to choose him over heaven and just abandon everything. I think it’s his act of desperation to get Aziraphale to realize that going to heaven has BIG FUCKING TRAP written all over it and that they can do more to fix things together on Earth than anywhere/way else. And Aziraphale pulls a similar move by asking him to come with him. He knows it’s dangerous and he does need Crowley there to help.
Now this is another weird turn in the convo. After Aziraphale asks Crowley to come with him again, Crowley throws out ‘you can’t leave the bookshop’. And Aziraphale responds with the ‘nothing lasts forever’. Now I’m sure I’m missing something here because both of these lines feel so weird and out of place I’m gonna assume they are some kind of code or I’m dense about the line of reasoning here.
What’s really interesting tho is that Aziraphale looks kind of…hopeful? After he says it, right before Crowley walks away. Like he was expecting some kind of different reaction to that line. Maybe Crowley missed the Clue, too.
After that, it’s easy to see why Aziraphale would stop him from leaving and reharp on the point of them working together in heaven. He doesn’t know if Crowley fully understands the Plan, or if he’ll help when Aziraphale needs him. And he’ll definitely need him.
Then we get another little shift in the mood/convo. Aziraphale gets angry/frustrated, possibly because Crowley isn’t picking up on the idea. We’re so used to seeing Crowley get angry in their fights, but the few times Aziraphale does get angry he gets *angry*. Here, however, he’s clearly trying to mask it. 
Okay, the whole Nightingales line, imma be honest, made no sense. Like, in the fandom it makes sense because of the song, but like, in the depths of this conversation I was like ??? what a strange way to put it. But Aziraphale does react to it, so we have to assume there’s something about it that they both understood/knew. (I will touch BRIEFLY on my ‘the entire argument was a magic trick bit’ to say that this is Crowley letting Aziraphale know that the kiss/his feelings aren’t part of the scheme).
I don’t even know with the whole ‘I forgive you’ bit, man. There’s a lot of ideas, but the way Aziraphale’s face changes from shocked, to sad, to angry, to immediate regret after says a lot as well. Crackpot theory: Aziraphale trying to change Crowley to an angel early by ‘forgiving’ him as the new supreme archangel so he can kidnap him away to heaven.
After the Fight
NOW! An important thing to note after the fight! When the Metatron mentions the second coming, yeah Aziraphale get’s that OH SHIT face. But I don’t think it’s an ‘oh shit they are up to no good’ face. It’s an ‘oh shit this is a different beast than just shutting down another apocalypse’. And the way he looks at Crowley after is very much a ‘help me I’ve bitten off more than I can chew’ kinda look.
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Also a potentially important thing. Crowley’s face is pretty blank during both that and the driving away. Which is weird because his face is usually so expressive you can tell what he’s feeling even with the glasses on. He looks more…pensive than sad to me but that Could Just Be Me.
Aziraphale's fucking smile at the end
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I mean just look at that, lil bastard. That’s totally a hahaha I FOOLED THEM face. Enough said.
The miracle block and Aziraphale's failed Jedi mind trick
Putting aside the totally real possibility that Maggie is a demon (further evidence available upon request), I thought it was weird that Aziraphale’s little jedi mind trick to try and get her to leave/forget about the night didn’t work. 
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Where else did we see miracles not work? The magic show!
My theory: Someone put a miracle block on the bookshop during the invasion. My addendum theory: It was Maggie
The weird music sting and Mrs. Chen
Furfur did mention that he could muster up a feel of illease/malcontent, but this moment when Mrs. Chen is heading in and we get that little music sting feels very weird. It’s such a noticeable/long cut that it just feels like it’s gotta be something more.
And it’s a very similar music sting as when the Metatron gives Crowley his lil evil snarl face My theory: I don’t even have one, but there’s something there.
Crowley not remembering people/the thing about not seeing their faces
Okay this one kinda gets a little iffy but stick with me for a second. Twice in the show we see Crowley not remembering someone (first, Furfur and then Saraqael). Now, someone asked Neil Gaiman about this and iirc his answer was something along the lines of ‘who says Crowley sees people’s faces?’
So, from that answer (if we can trust anything he says XD), we can gather that Crowley recognizes people based more on their aura/soul than their physical features.
Now then, this is an interesting thing to keep in mind when you see his reaction to new Beelzebub and Jim.
When he sees Beelzebub, he does immediately recognize a difference. But it’s important to note here: Beelzebub mentions they’ve had that face for ages. Remember this.
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When he sees Jim, he recognizes him as Gabriel, even though we could suspect/assume that his aura/soul looks different since losing his memories and angel powers. 
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But what’s the real kicker, is that Crowley recognizes the Metatron off the fucking bat when none of the feckin’ angels do, despite probably having seen his giant floating head during the trial.!!!! AND let’s not forget the the Metatron instantly recognizes him as a demon and calls him as such when the rest of the season has shown multiple times that angels can’t immediately recognize demons (at least not on Earth) 
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Now, we can chock it up to, well yes Crowley would recognize their faces since he’s interacted with them more/more recently, but we should also keep in mind a very useful/common storytelling tactic: which is to make something important seem unimportant by playing it off as a joke.
A prime example is Jim and the fly. He tries to sway them with books, and makes a joke about gravity. But the fly did play an important role. The jokes distracted from the importance.
And both scenes of Furfur and Saraqael are played a bit as a joke from their reactions. 
My theory: Crowley is suffering some kind of memory loss from the great war.
Addendum/Alternate theory: Some/Most demons got themselves new faces when they fell, and the face Beelzebub has now was their old angel one. 
Gabriel and the Institutional Problem
When Jim is talking about what he remembers, he says “if it happens again, It can make it seem like an institutional problem.” But the og bad subtitles had him saying “if it happens again, *I* can make it seem like an institutional problem.” If the subtitles *were* correct it would put a pretty big disconnect between what the Metatron said in the trial and what Jim/Gabriel thought or said.
My now sadly discounted Theory: Gabriel was purposefully trying to expose the issues in heaven/lead to some kind of shenanigans that would shut down further apocalypse attempts. Crackpot Addendum: he was instructed to do so by God. ((And yes, if you're wondering, I did come back on Tumblr after like, 3 years of being gone just to post this nonsense thank you and goodnight!))
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
T.W.A.A: The Eccedentesiast
This is a one shot I started last night and I finished it at around 2 am because I’m an insomniac. Sadly this isn’t the 10k+ word one shot I was talking about (I’m still writing it aaa) but this one is around 4-5k words long so I hope you enjoy. This is rushed, badly written, badly plotted and badly named.
TW: Dark topics such as sexual assault and suicide is mentioned in this piece of writing.
Paris, the City of Love, what a big misconception that was. If anything, Paris should've been labeled as the City of Misery considering the fact it was haunted by a villain who preyed on negative emotions. No one outside of Paris knew though, they were oblivious to the fact hundreds, thousands even millions had died in the city home to the Eiffel Tower, only to be resurrected and tormented with the memories of their death. It was worse for Marinette though, she had watched all the citizens, her beloved citizens, die before her eyes and she was powerless to help them. Their screams of anguish and cries of pain forever ghosted her nightmares. It wasn't just their blood that she drowned in, she was bullied, abused and betrayed in her civilian form by those she trusted the most.
Her classmates. She thought she could trust them but they left her for someone shinier and newer. They all hurt her, destroyed her hard work, verbally and physically bullied her. Nino and Kim, her childhood friends had turned their backs on her too, even joining the others in causing her physical and emotional pain. Alya, her best friend, had become her main abuser. The reporter stabbed the poor bluenette in the back, figuratively. Lila was the one who did it literally. Lila, the sound of the name itself made Marinette sick, after all, the brunette was the one who did this to her. She made her friends turn their backs on her, she made them abuse her and she only watched with fake crocodile tears and a smug smile when no one was looking. And Adrien, he was the worst of all. When Marinette was younger, Adrien was the embodiment of perfection. But now? All she could see was a spineless coward and a predator.
As Chat Noir, he wouldn't participate in the battles, only flirting with her hero persona. He would whine like a toddler when she rejected his advancements. Even when he did join in the battles, he was useless, ignoring anything that Ladybug would tell him and go straight for the kill which never worked. Chat Noir was incompetent and a sexual harasser. As Adrien, however, he was much more. Just two days ago, he had tried to sexually assault the young bluenette. The blonde had underestimated the girl and she managed to get away but nothing could erase her memory of the event.
The ultimatum Lila had delivered to Marinette when she thirteen seemed over-dramatic and seemingly impossible at the time. Yet three years later, she was at the point of no return. Her classmates, her friends, her teachers, the boy she once loved, her partner, her parents. They all left her. Mayor Bourgeois, fearing for his daughter's safety, had sent Chloe to New York with her mother. Luka was on tour with his father so they could build a better relationship. Kagami had a family affair back in Japan that would last for at least a month. She was truly alone. Her parents had fallen victim to Lila's lies and Marinette overheard them discussing about kicking her out. The only one by her side throughout the whole ordeal was Tikki, her beloved kwami. Even Master Fu had to leave her.
Marinette felt shut out by the rest of the world. Sure, Paris adored Ladybug but it felt different. She was fighting battles alone, she stood as the last survivor, the last protector of Paris. She took that title in stride, or that's what the Parisians thought. In reality, she was hiding behind a mask.
The bluenette had suffered endlessly for years, she was ready to break that cycle of torture. Yesterday, she came to the solid conclusion of who Hawkmoth was, who is accomplices were and what his motive was. Gabriel Agreste was the man behind Paris' torment, Nathalie Sancœr was one of his accomplices and so was Lila Rossi. For his motive, he wanted to bring his wife back. Marinette understood the pain he was in but she wouldn't go to such extreme lengths as he did. Many years ago, Marinette made a friend, one of her very best friends who she fell for. But she never told anyone who he was, where he came from or even the fact that she met someone. The reason behind this was the fact she witnessed his murder. That death, of all she witnessed, was the most heartbreaking. Even when all these years have passed, she never truly got over his death. His green eyes always lingered her mind.
The bluenette let out an anguished sigh, she was on the Eiffel Tower, admiring the city's skyline despite all its obvious flaws under close inspection. Though Marinette had drastically mentally changed, she would always put on the same mask, she would always portray herself as a regular school girl. This was the one time she felt a little peace in her chaotic excuse for a life. Her blue eyes stared off into the distance, focusing on nothing in particular when she heard footsteps coming from behind. In her peripheral vision, Marinette could see the figure of Gabriel Agreste slowly approaching. Not wanting anything to happen, she made her knowledge of her appearance known.
"I never expected to see you somewhere so public, Monsieur Agreste" Her voice remained neutral. Gabriel didn't flinch meaning that he had expected her to sense his arrival, it made the young girl slightly unnerved but she refused to show it.
"The Eiffel Tower holds the greatest inspiration, as a designer yourself I'm sure you are aware" Marinette was used to his cold voice by now, she kept her guard up reminding herself that this was Hawkmoth was standing a few feet away.
She hummed, putting the two miraculous users in a deathly silence, until she decided to break it. "You know, you could've just asked" The older man raised an eyebrow in confusion but Marinette never looked in his direction, "It would've saved a lot of bloodshed"
Gabriel managed to catch up with what she was saying. "Are you implying that I am Hawkmoth?" He didn't sound offended or defensive, merely curious.
"I'm not implying anything" She replied curtly, then turning to face him. "I am merely stating a fact"
The miraculous user turned away from her, focusing his gaze on the city's skyline once more. "What are you going to do with this knowledge?"
The question confused Marinette, surely he would've attacked her or try to get her to remain silent?
He must've noticed her confusion. "Even if you wanted to, you wouldn't say anything"
Marinette turned her full body towards the taller man, she was going to end Hawkmoth's reign as quickly as she could. "I can heal her"
"I can heal her" The bluenette repeated. "Emilie"
Gabriel also turned to face her, his usual cold scowl was replaced with a staggered expression. "Y-you can? Even after all I've done as Hawkmoth?"
Her head twisted back to portrait that was Paris. "To end it all, yes I will"
"Then please, follow me and I promise I will give you my miraculous as well as Mayura's. Just, heal my wife please" His tone changed from intrigued to pleading, Marinette could see that he meant every word.
"Oh don't worry... I will"
"I did it!" Tim's voice echoed in the Batcave.
"Did what replacement?"
"I found Hawkmoth's identity!"
Around three months ago, Wonder Woman had noticed Green Lantern trying to delete a video. She stopped him before he successfully did the task and watched the video herself, calling a meeting to express her anger about the situation. Most were shaken since they had never seen the Amazonian this livid before. She briefly explained how her mother was once a miraculous user and how powerful these magical jewelry could be. Aqua Man also shared his concerns, revealing that the fall of Atlantis was due to the miraculous. They knew the logical decision was to work on this from outside of Paris, the villain preyed on negative emotions and they had been ignoring the Parisians' calls for help for four years. Their sudden appearance would definitely trigger the heroes. So in the last month, they had gathered files of nearly every person in Paris as well as all the necessary information about every akuma attack. It was tiring for the Bats but they trudged through it anyway.
Damian had taken a special interest in the spotted-heroine specifically, without the knowledge of any of his family members. She appeared similar to a female friend he had made quite some time ago, the one who had witnessed an assassination attempt on him. He saddened him to no end knowing that the friend he loved thought he was dead. The green-eyed boy became one hundred percent convinced that this hero was his friend.
One day, Dick had caught him in the Batcave observing a recently taken image of the Ladybug heroine. His older brother thought that Damian was crushing on the lady and began to tease him as others entered the cave.
"Tt, that's not true" the green-eyed boy retaliated.
"If you don't have a crush on Ladybug then why are you staring at an image of her?" Dick added more information necessary so that his younger brothers could join in on teasing his youngest brother.
The Robin vigilante sighed and brought everyone's attention to the screen. "See that?"
"All I see is this little lady Demon Spawn" Jason's smirk was quickly gone when he noticed Damian's serious expression.
"She's alone" he stated simply and before anyone could get a word in, her explained further. "There is usually a team with her"
Everyone seemed to lean closer to the screen.
"She's fighting alone. Her 'partner' doesn't participate in the battles anymore, he stays on the sidelines, observing" He let the others catch up to what he was saying. "The attacks have been lasting a lot longer than usual, Ladybug leads a super hero team correct? Then why is she fighting alone this time."
"They could have all been killed... We have to go to Paris to help the poor girl" Dick turned to Bruce. "Who knows how much longer she'll last alone fighting a psycho butterfly man!"
Bruce's fatherly instincts were screaming at him from merely looking at the photo. "I'll announce to the League that we'll be joining the fight in Paris"
Gabriel lead Marinette to his office, Nathalie wearily watching. Just as he was about to open the double doors, his assistant collapsed in uncontrollable coughing. Marinette was much faster than the older man so she got to the woman first. The bluenette carefully put Nathalie down on one of the chairs available while putting her hand on where she thought the assistant would where the peacock brooch. The blue-eyed girl could sense the broken miraculous' energy trapped in the woman so she did the only reasonable thing she could at that moment, she extracted the corrupted magic, healing Nathalie almost instantly. Marinette ignored Gabriel's relieved expression and gestured for him to lead her to Emilie.
"When this is over, I wish to have a restraining order against your son"
"May I ask why?"
"...I understand, I'll make sure to tell Nathalie"
The older man stopped before a painting of his wife, his fingers reached for the painted shapes and pressed on them, revealing an elevator to which he went down in. Following his motion, Marinette placed her hand on the painting and allowed herself to descend down the mansion. It lead her to a repository with a catwalk which lead to a circular platform covered in luscious greenery. In the middle on the platform was a class-covered cryogenic pod which the sleeping body of Emilie Agreste lay. The bluenette carefully made her way to the glass casket, placing her hand on the transparent material when she finally reached her destination. Focusing all her energy, a red light erupted from her finger tips and it soaked into Emilie's skin. Gabriel opened the pod, carefully watching his wife as Marinette took a step back. Suddenly her eyes fluttered open.
"G-Gabriel, what happened?"
The man didn't reply, he simply hugged the woman of his dreams before turning the the young girl.
"I... Thank you Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng, I can give you the miraculous now if-"
"Ladybug will be at the Eiffel Tower soon, I suggest you give the miraculous to her then"
Gabriel nodded and thanked the girl once more as she left. Before she reached the lift that would lead her back up to Gabriel's office, Marinette turned to face the newly reunited couple.
"Enjoy the happiness in your life, Monsieur Agreste, you never know when it may end"
She then turned to leave, not wanting to here what her former idol had to say. When she reached the main floor of the Agreste Mansion, Marinette was greeted by Nathalie. The bluenette acknowledged the assistant with a nod, meaning that Emilie was awake. The assistant let out a sigh of relief and rushed to Adrien's room, not wanting to be around the blonde boy, Marinette promptly left. Once out of the premises of the mansion, she transformed and waited for Gabriel to return the miraculous. What she didn't realise was that the Justice League would also be coming to pay her a visit.
It felt like an eternity, waiting for the miraculous to be handed back to her but the bluenette was patient. She waited four years for this moment, but she had to share the moment alone. It was bittersweet. Soon enough Gabriel arivied, hastily giving Ladybug both the brooches with apologetic eyes and leaving without a word. The spotted heroine presumed that he wanted to get back to his wife and son, she couldn't blame him. Ladybug reached for her yo-yo teary-eyed, she was going to put both miraculous in her weapon before returning them in the miracle box but she stopped when she heard multiple figures approaching where she was standing.
Batman and his sons were the ones to go to Paris and alert Ladybug of their findings. The five men found themselves in front of the Eiffel Tower, Tim found out that was were the heroes would return to after their patrol.
"We must tell Ladybug right away" Batman pulled out his grappling hook and flung himself to one of the higher levels, all but Robin followed suit.
The vigilante had a feeling to remain on a lower level. He wanted to be reunited with his long lost friend but he couldn't find the words. Simply, he used his grappling hook to bring him onto one of the beams, low enough so he couldn't be seen but high enough to hear any conversation.
"Greetings, Ladybug" His father's voice echoed through the quiet building.
"Monsieur Batman? Wh-what are you doing here?" Her voice sounded almost exactly as he remembered, of course it sounded deeper and more matured but it had a more desolated edge to it.
"We apologize for not intervening earlier but we didn't know how well we needed to control our emotions" Red Hood watched as Nightwing brushed a hand through his hair nervously.
"But we can help now!" Red Robin's excited voice came out of nowhere, Ladybug looked at the vigilante in surprise. "We found out Hawkmoth's identity so we can finish this once and-"
Ladybug put a single hand up, a small smile on her face, silencing Red Robin's rambling. "That's very considerate of you, all of you" Her gaze landed on each vigilante one at a time. "But I... have things sorted" She pulled out two brooches from behind her back to show the men before putting the miraculous in her yo-yo. "I appreciate all you've done, truly I do. But can I ask one for one more favor?"
"Of course, what is it?" Nightwing asked, clearly wanting the spotted heroine to be gleeful once more.
"Could you... help the other heroes to help the Parisians to heal?"
"It's the least we can do" Batman replied. "Will you be there too?"
"I'm afraid not" Ladybug turned around and leaned forward on the banister. "You know how Hawkmoth prays on negative emotions, so I've had to deal with my emotions in an unhealthy manor but now... Hawkmoth is no more. I can be free"
"Thank you, truly" Ladybug jumped up on to railing, facing the group of vigilantes. Her sad smile faded as she stared at the floor.
They didn't even get a chance to process what was happening before it did. A bright light surrounded the young hero and they were forced to close their eyes. As the light died down, Red Hood saw a small bluenette. She looked so weak, so pretty, so... fragile. It hurt the vigilante's heart seeing someone like this being the sole protector of Paris with no one by her side.
"Hey little lady-"
"I'm sorry Tikki"
The girl looked at all the vigilantes slowly, mouthing a 'thank you' before letting herself lean backwards.
Gravity took the Parisian heroine and she fell.
A small creature holding something shiny stared in horror as its owner fell."MARINETTE!" The small creature's anguished scream seemed to bring the vigilantes back to reality.
Robin's head shot up, that name was all too familiar. Suddenly, he took note of a figure falling fast from above, her raven hair flowing in the wind. Without giving a second thought, he bounded down the ledge he was on, landing on one of the platforms and had his arms out ready to catch the fallen angel. The bluenette was close enough for Robin to grab her and he pulled her in so that her feet landed on the platform, her body still looming over the edge of the building. His brother and father landed not far from him, bounding over to help the bluenette but Robin took no notice of their presence.
"Why didn't you just let me f...all" The girl's voice trailed off as her eyes widened in recognition, the air in her lungs escaped from her lips. "...d-Damian?"
The two friends took no notice at how the vigilantes behind Robin stiffened. Her eyes developed a watery sheen as the situation began to really hit her. Tears threatened to spill as her lip quivered. Robin pulled her away from the ledge and she jumped into his arms, she was heavily touch-starved. Much to his family's surprise, he didn't push her away. In fact, he hugged her back. They heard what she said next.
"I... I thought you were dead, Dami"
"...why? What made you do this, Malaki?"
They didn't hear what she said next as her mumbling was muffled in Robin's chest. Nightwing walked up to the two first, kneeling down to be eye level with the girl.
"Hey Sunshine... we don't know what you've been through but we're willing to help you though it okay?" The girl looked at his sincere gaze, her eyes were so round with innocence, Nightwing thought he would melt.
"I... thank you, I'm sorry for worrying you when I... jumped" No one failed to notice when Robin ran his fingers through the bluenette's hair.
"Don't apologize Little Lady" Red Hood walked over to where Nightwing was kneeling, sitting next to his older brother. "Hawkbitch forced you to bottle up your emotions, you were just strong for too long."
Marinette looked between the two men, a grateful smile on her face while she wiped the tears of pure happiness running down her cheeks. "Thank you, I- this... this is the nicest I've been treated recently"
"If you don't mind me asking," Batman walked over and Marinette felt slightly intimidated you his presence as well as his tone. The dark knight must have noticed this since he cleared his throat and began talking in a softer manner. "What happened to cause you to go to such extremes? You're obligated to not having to talk about it right away if the subject makes you uncomfortable"
"Well I guess I do have to talk about it eventually..."
Recognising the bluenette's discomfort, Red Robin stepped in. In his palm was the shaken kwami who flew straight for Marinette once the vigilante got close enough. "Since you know Robin's identity, and we already sorta know yours, it's only fair if we tell you who we are, right?" He looked at his two older brothers and then at his adoptive father. "My name's Tim Drake nice to meet you"
Marinette was about to take his offered hand when the vigilante she presumed was Red Hood took it instead, "Jason Todd, Robin's most charming and handsome brother" She giggled at Damian's obvious annoyance.
"Well I'm Richard Grayson, Robin's favourite brother, but you can call me Dick" The vigilante in the suit who comforted her first, introduced himself.
"It's nice to meet all of you"
Batman soon came over as well to aquatint with the young heroine, offering out his hand for a handshake. "Bruce Wayne"
She returned the hand shake and brightly smiled, it blinded nearly all those near. "Thank you, Mr Wayne. Wait..." she turned to face Damian, one of her eyebrows raised. "Wayne?"
"I may have failed to mention that part" To Robin's surprise, Marinette started giggling so he huffed in taken offense.
"Sorry it's just- a girl in my class as been boasting about dating you and about the Wayne Family seeing her as their 'honorary member'. I knew she was lying I just didn't know that I would bump into the people she was lying about"
Bruce hummed. "We'll have to do something about this girl you're talking about. In the meantime, why don't you come back to the hotel with us? You and Damian can catch up" The older man saw the hesitation in her eyes but he also saw the willingness that shine through the most. "If you're living in a bad environment then you do have to escape" His sons nodded along.
"I'll come, can I bring some overnight clothes? It's been a long day..."
"Of course, you go get your belongings and you can meet us at the Grand Paris Hotel"
"I... thank you again" She transformed and headed in the direction of her house, leaving Robin at the mercy of his brothers.
"You like her, Brat" Red Robin spoke up first.
Nightwing pretended to wipe his tears. "Baby Bird's all grown up now"
"That means you can't adopt the little Pixie, don't think I haven't seen the adoption papers"
When Marinette destransformed on her balcony rooftop, she quickly went inside, packed some clothes as well as some essentials. When she was satisfied with her belongings, she gave a macaron to Tikki before heading downstairs where she was met with two disappointed looking parents.
"Is something wrong?"
"We've decided," Tom began. "We're kicking you out for what you've done to your lovely classmate, Lila"
"We don't recognise the person you've become, Marinette. You are not the daughter we raised" Sabine added
"May I pack my things in the morning?" Marinette inquired, her eyes void of emotion. When her parents nodded, she left the bakery and down to the hotel where Damian was waiting in the lobby. As she approached, he took her bag and intertwined their hands together. She blushed at the contact but leaned into his embrace.
When she entered the hotel room she was greeted by the vigilantes who were now changed and unmasked. The bluenette was welcomed with open arms, she felt the warmth in her heart for the first time since Lila's Tyranny. She briefly explained Lila's lies, what she had done to Marinette and how the bluenette was able to protect Paris. She would've carried on longer if it weren't for the hotel phone ringing. It was the receptionist, saying that someone had asked to see Marinette. Confused, she went down with Damian, Jason followed closely behind since he had grown quite attached to the little fairy. Waiting at the front desk as a woman, Damian and Jason recognised her instantly as Mayura. Damian tried to step in front of his friend but she completely ignored their futile attempts to keep her in reach.
"Ah, Hello Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng"
"Hello Nathalie, we're you the one who asked for me?"
"Yes, I just need to clarify a few things"
"Go ahead"
"You're request for the restraining order has been fulfilled" the bluenette nodded, waiting for Gabriel's assistant to continue. "May I ask what did he do to make you request for it?"
The two notices how Marinette stiffened. She contemplated before sighing. "Attempted sexual assault. If you look at the camera footage outside of the Louvre from two days ago, seven pm onwards, you'll see your evidence." Marinette turned away from Nathalie and walked back to Damian who, once in range, pulled her in for a hug.
"I'll never let him near you again, Angel"
The next day, Bruce had shown up with Marinette at her parents' bakery. Upon hearing about the young bluenette being kicked out, he had asked for her permission for him to be her Guardian until she was old enough to live in her own. Marinette accepted his offer. When they had entered the building, her parents had greeted their customers kindly before recognising Marinette. Bruce turned to the young girl next to him and smiled.
"You go pack your things I'll deal with this" She smiled and bounded upstairs, leaving Bruce to talk with the bakery's owners.
"Hello Sir, how may we help you?" Sabine began, wanting to know who this man was.
"I've come to gain guardianship of your daughter, Marinette Dupain-Cheng"
"Why should we give you guardianship?" Tom asked.
"I'm sure you know the liability for child neglect, Mr Dupain" With his words, both adults seemed to turn white. "I will file the necessary and submit it with the court, I'm sure you'll be willing to give your approval"
Both Marinette and the mystery man left, true they were glad that their mistake of a daughter had gone but they wondered who she had gone with.
Later that afternoon was a charity event which the Waynes were supposed to attend as they were invited by the mayor himself, the plus side was that the Akuma class would also be attending and they had no clue the Wayne Family would be there.
"...And finally I'd like to thank the Wayne Family for joining us this evening" Mayor Bourgeois finished his speech and all heads turned to the table the Waynes and Marinette were sitting on. As his speech was over, a teenage girl with glass and a very pale brunette came over to the table.
"Hello Mr Wayne, My name's Alya and I'm your honorary daughter's best friend and I was hoping-"
"Marinette" Bruce began, cutting off the aspiring reporter. The Alya girl only then seemed to notice that the bluenette was sitting at the table. "Is this girl you're friend?"
The bluenette took one hard look at Alya before shaking her head, "No"
"Marislut what th-"
"It would be appreciated if you did not talk about my honorary daughter and future daughter-in-law on that manner" Both Damian and Marinette turned red, one much more than the other. "In fact we should be leaving" Bruce and the rest of the family got up. "Miss Rossi, I will not tolerate your lies. You will receive a lawsuit for defamation and slander. Have a good evening" They left, leaving a reporter, a liar and a class speechless.
When they reached the hotel room they finished packing up, they would be leaving that night. Marinette made a few phone calls, telling her friends that she would be moving to Gotham. They had their belongs taken to the limo downstairs and had a few snacks before making their way down. In the lobby were many different people around the bluenette's age, she recognised them as her classmates and continued walking beside Damian until Alex came over.
"Marinette... we're sorry. We understand that you probably won't forgive apps but we wrote you letters anyway" the skater girl gave Marinette a pile of enveloped letters, ones she put in her bag straight away.
"Thank you for your apologies but I don't think I can forgive you just yet, goodbye Alix" the bluenette got in the limo and let out a breath she knew she was holding.
Her eyes glanced out the tinted window, she smiled knowing that she was leaving Paris for a better life. A better life with a friends, a better life with a new family. A better life with Damian.
The harsh blizzard outside was definitely being felt from inside the manor, leaving a cold and tired Marinette on the couch. Damian, noticing his girlfriend's state, went to grab a blanket to cover both Marinette and himself. She snuggled into the green-eyed boy, taking all the warmth she could get, and slowly she drifted off to sleep. Damian too felt drowsy so soon followed his girlfriend into dreamland.
Jason came in a few moments later to find the sleeping couple, he was then reminded by how tired he was so he went on the couch and leaned his back against his youngest brother, himself too falling victim to slumber.
The next person to walk in was Dick, he had just finished training so he was exhausted. But he couldn't help to coo when he came across the scene in front of him. The eldest son then got on the sofa and carefully leaned against Marinette, similar to what Jason had done with Damian. It didn't take long for him to join them in dozing off.
Tim arrived with a big cup of freshly made coffee, one which he was about to drink until he noticed his siblings all curled up on the couch sleeping. The co-CEO went back to the kitchen, left his cup of coffee then went to grab a blanket to join his family. Wrapping himself in a blanket burrito, Tim placed himself on the floor pressed up against sofa.
When Bruce returned home safely, he went to the main living room to see his children, and his future in-law who was basically his own by now, sleeping soundly with the TV still running. Reaching for the remote, he turned the television off and grabbed his phone to take a picture. He planned on printing it out and having it framed in his study. Bruce sat on one of the armchairs, taking a book to read. If there was peace in the house, he might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
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number5theboy · 4 years
Please elaborate on how Five could've turned into the most insufferable character to watch
Thanks for asking me to elaborate on this text post:
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@tessapercygranger​, @waywardd1​ and @margarita-umbrella​ also wanted to see a more detailed version of it, and I ended up writing an essay that’s longer than some of my actual academic essays. So buckle up.
Number Five: The Concept That Could Go Horribly Wrong
Alright, let’s first look at Five in theory in an overarching way, without taking into account the execution of the show. The basic set-up of the character, of course, is being a 58-year-old consciousness in a teenager’s body, due to a miscalculation in time travel. Right off the bat, Five is bar none the most overpowered of the siblings; by the end of Season 2, no one has yet been able to defeat him in a fight. He is a master assassin – and not just any master assassin, but the best one there is – and a survival expert, able to do complex maths and physics without the aid of a calculator, shown to have knowledge of half a dozen languages, has very developed observational skills and, to top that all off, he can manipulate time and space to the point where he can literally erase events that happened and change the course of history. And Five knows how skilled he is; he is arrogant, self-assured and sarcastic, and his streak of goodness is buried deep inside. David Castañeda once described Five in an interview as 90% chocolate with a cherry in the middle, meaning that you have to get through a lot of darkness and bitterness before knowing there is a good core, and I think it’s an excellent metaphor. However, Five is also incredibly, fundamentally terrible at communicating with anyone, and, because he is the only one with time travel abilities, the character a lot of the actual plot - and the moving forward of it - centres around. Also he’s earnestly in love with a mannequin, who is pretty much a projection of his own consciousness that functions as a coping mechanism for all the trauma he has endured. All in all, this gives you a character who looks like a teenager, but with the smug superiority of a fifty-something, who a) is extremely skilled in many different things, b) has a superiority complex, is arrogant and vocal about it, and most of the superiority is expressed through cutting sarcasm, c) has one very hidden ounce of goodness that he is literally the worst at communicating to other human beings, d) is what moves the plot along but is also bad at talking to anyone else, meaning that the plot largely remains with him, and e) his love interest is essentially a projection of himself. Tell me that’s not a character who is destined to be just…obnoxious, annoying, egocentric, a necessary evil that one has to put up with to get through this show. There are so many elements of this characterisation that can and should easily make Five beyond insufferable, but the show manages to avoid it, and I’m putting this down to three aspects.
That Trick of Age and Appearance
Bluntly put, Five as a character would not work if he was anything else than an old man in a 13-year-old body. Imagine this character and all his skills and knowledge, but actually just…a teenager. Immediately insufferable. Same goes for him being around 30, like his siblings, all of which are stunted and traumatised by their father’s abuse. If Five, being comparatively unscathed by Reginald to the point where he explicitly does not want to be defined by his association with his father, were 30 like his siblings, it would just take the bite out of that plot point and also give him a lot less time in the apocalypse, reducing the impact it had on him as a person. And making Five his actual 58-year-old self would make him very similar to Reginald, at least on surface level, with the appearance and attitude. Five and Reginald are two fundamentally different people, but having one of the siblings being a senior citizen that’s dressed to the nines and bosses his siblings around in a relatively self-centred way does open up that parallel, and would take away from Five’s charm as a character. Because pairing the life experience of a 58-year-old with the appearance of a teenager gives you the best of both worlds. You get the other siblings (and a lot of the audience, from a glance in the tags of my gifsets) feeling protective and paternal about Five, but his age and experience also give the justifications for his many skills, his arrogance, in a way, and his ability to decimate a room full of people. It’s the very interesting and not new concept of someone dangerous with the appearance of something harmless, a child. This is also where Five’s singular outfit comes in. I know we like to clown on Five to get a new outfit, but I think what gets forgotten often is how effective this outfit is at making the viewer take him seriously. The preppy school uniform is the perfect encapsulation of the tension between old man in spirit and young teenager in appearance. The blazer, vest and especially the shirt and tie are quite formal, relatively grown up. They’re not something we, the audience, usually associate with a teenage boy wearing; it makes Five just a little bit more grown up. But there is also a reason characters in this show keep bringing up Five’s shorts and his socks, because those are not things that we associate with grown men wearing; they’re the unmistakably childish part of his school uniform. Take a moment and imagine Five wearing a hoodie or a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers; would that outfit work for him as well as the uniform does? Would he be able to command the same kind of respect or seriousness as a character? I don’t think so; the outfit is a lot more pivotal in making Five believable than a lot of people give it credit for.
Writing Nuance
The other big building block in not making Five incredibly insufferable is the writing. Objectively speaking, I think Five is the most well-written, and, more importantly, most coherently written character on the show (which does have to do with the fact that the show’s events are all sequential for him), and his arc and personality remain relatively intact over the course of the two seasons. More to the point, a giant part of what makes Five bearable as a character is that he is allowed to fail. He is written to have high highs and low lows, big victories through his skills and his intelligence, but also catastrophic failures and the freedom to be wrong. His superior intellect and skillset are not the be-all end-all of the plot or his character, just something that influences both. His inability for communication has not (yet) been used to fabricate a contrived misunderstanding that derails the plot and left all of us seething; instead, it’s a characteristic that makes him fail to reconnect with the people he loves. This is a bit simplified, as he does find common ground with Luther, for example, but in general, a lot of the rift between Five and his siblings is that they can’t relate to his traumas and he does not understand the depth of Reginald’s abuse, which is an interesting conflict worth exploring. Another thing that really works in Five’s favour is that he is definitely written to be mean and sarcastic, but it is never driven to the point of complete unlikability, and a lot of the time, the context makes it understandable why he reacts the way he does. Most of the sarcastic lines he gets are actually funny, that certainly helps, but in general, Five is a good example of a bearable character whose default personality is sharp and relatively cold, because it is balanced out with many moments of vulnerability. Delores is incredibly important for this in the first season, she is the main focus of Five’s humanising moments, and well-written as she totes the line between clearly being a coping mechanism for an extremely traumatised man and still coming across to the viewer as the human contact Five needs her to be. In the second season, the vulnerability is about his guilt for his siblings, it’s about Five connecting a little bit better to them. There’s also his relationship with the Commission and the Handler specifically – which honestly could be an essay on its own – that deserves a mention, because the Handler is why Five became the man he is, and this dynamic between creator and creation is explored in a very interesting way – their scenes are some of the most well-written in the entire show. And TUA never falls into the trap of making Five a hero, he is always morally ambiguous at best, and it just makes for an interesting, multi-faceted character, well-written character, and none of the characteristics that should make him unlikeable are allowed to take centre-stage for long enough to be defining on their own. I know a lot of people especially champion the scenes where Five goes apeshit, but without his more nuanced characterisation, if he was like that all the time, those scenes would not hit as hard.
Aidan Gallagher’s Performance is Underrated
But honestly, none of the above would matter that much if the Umbrella Academy didn’t luck out hard with the casting of Aidan Gallagher. I think what he achieves as an actor in this show is genuinely underappreciated. Like, the first season set out to cast six adults having to deal with various ramifications of childhood trauma, and a literal child that had to be able to act smart and wise beyond his years, seamlessly integrate into a family of adults while seeming like an adult, traumatised by the literal end of the world, AND had to be able to create the romantic chemistry of a thirty-year-long marriage with a lifeless department store doll. The only role I could think of to compare is Kirsten Dunst in Interview with a Vampire, where she plays a vampire child who, because she is undead, doesn’t age physically, but does mentally, so she’s 400 in a child’s body. And Kirsten Dunst had to do that for a two-hour movie. Five is a main character in a show that spans 20 episodes now. That’s insane, and it’s a risk. Five is a character that can’t be allowed to go wrong; if you don’t buy Five as a character, the entire first season loses believability. And they found someone who could do that not only convincingly, but also likeably. As I said, he is incredibly helped by the costuming department and the script, but Aidan Gallager’s Five has so much personality, he’s threatening and funny and charming and arrogant and heartbreaking. He has the range to be convincing in the quiet moments where Five’s humanity comes to show and in the moments where Five goes completely off the rails. Most child actors act with other children, but he is the only child in the main cast, and holds his own in scenes with adults not as a child, but as an adult on equal footing with the other adult characters. That’s not something to be taken for granted. But even apart from the fact that it’s a child actor who carries a lot of the plot and the drama of a series for adults, Aidan Gallagher’s portrayal of Five is also just so much fun. The comedic timing is on point, he has the dramatic chops for the serious scenes, the mannerisms and visual ticks add to the character rather than distract from him, and his line deliveries, paired with his physical acting, make Five arrogant and smug but never outright malicious and unlikeable. It’s just some terrific acting that really does justice to the character as he is written, but the writing would not be as strong if it wasn’t delivered and acted out the way Aidan Gallagher does. He is an incredible asset for this show.
Alright, onto concluding this rambling. If you made it this far, I commend you, and thank you for it. The point of all of this is that Five, as a character, could have been an unmitigated disaster of a TV character. He is overpowered, arrogant, uncommunicative and could so easily have been either unconvincing or completely unlikeable, but he turned out to be neither. It’s a combination of choices in the costume department, decisions in the writing room, and Aidan Gallagher’s acting skills that make the things that should make him obnoxious and annoying incredibly entertaining, and I hope you liked my long-winded exploration of these. Some nuance was lost along the way, but if I had not stopped myself, this would’ve become a full-blown thesis.
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dragonclaw29 · 4 years
Top Ten Anime (Sorta)
Hello everyone it is that time of year again, time for my annual top ten anime list. In order not to be boring I have removed any repeats from any previous years. If you want to find those you can search my blog for top ten anime and they will come up. Well I know you didn’t come for my ramblings so here is the list. 
10. Devilman Crybaby
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This show I think reflects what sin actually looks like and what it does to a person. Akira is a high school boy whose friend has a mysterious past. A past which will come to dominate not only their friendship but the world as we know it. When demons are on the prowl one might find themselves stooping to their level. 
9. Erased
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How does the disappearance of a girl from a mans childhood have anything to do with his mothers death. A man must find out in order to prove his name, and stop tragedy from repeating itself. I would say more but I don’t want to ruin any surprises. 
8. Darker than Black
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BK201 a mysterious Contractor involved in the deaths of dozens of people. Ever since 4 gateways around the world appeared people with powers have started to manifest no more so deadly than BK201. With a great opening and a fun character cast from all over the world, Darker than black will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat. 
7. Demi-Chan wa Kataritai
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In a world where human looking monsters exist it is up to teachers and parents to make sure that they can integrate successfully into society. This show is a cute story about a group of friends trying to fit in despite their differences. Demi-chan is adorable, funny, and has a great message and is a show I could recommend to every one. 
6. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
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If you have been on tumblr for longer than six seconds and were into anime you already have heard of this show. Its great.
5. Paranoia Agent
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Japanese society is thrown off its hinges when a mysterious bat wielding man starts to terrorize Tokyo. A mascot designer lies at the heart of this. This show takes no prisoners with its mystery and I am certain you will not guess the twist. Ps. Best episode is number 10, objective fact. 
4. Konosuba
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If you were to actually isekai the average teenage boy this show is what I think you would get. I love this show its hilarious, the art style is great, the characters lifelike. Kazuma the main character suddenly finds himself dead and in front of a God. When asked what to bring to the other world he demands that the god comes with him, hilarity ensues. In short this two season show will make you cry laughing. 
3.  Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
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The only romance anime on this list Tasogare amnesia tells the tale of a man and the ghost who fell in love with him. This show is surprisingly funny with some really emotional scenes. I fell in love with the shows heroine and her antics as she harasses the only person who can see her. 
2. Shinsekai Yori 
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Oh god do I have so many thoughts about this show. I can’t sum them up in a short paragraph. If I had to say anything it would be that everything about this show is designed perfectly to have you stay up late at night thinking about it. This show is not for the faint of heart but it promises one of the best stories ever written. Only reason it wasn’t in my top ten last year was because I still wasn’t over it. 
1. Ima soko ni iru boku
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Why does man do evil? That question is explored in this show as the main character Shu is thrust into a world he doesn’t understand but is very much like our own. This show gave me whiplash between the first two episodes, and if you watch it you will know what I mean. I won’t say much on it, it will ruin the effect if I do but be ready to see both the cruelty and beauty of man. 
So thats this years list done and dusted. As per usual feel free to message me to ask questions or tell me that I am wrong. If you have any anime recommendations send them my way. Big shout out to @drunkusaurelius​ for watching many of these shows with me and being just an awesome person. Also make sure to check out @sassymomfriend​ who will upload their own top ten list, tell her I say hi and that not all of my anime choices are life scaring just most of them. 
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katara0524 · 3 years
Impromptu Ramblings about the NEO:TWEWY Demo
In case y'all weren't aware, I've been a pretty big fan of TWEWY for a couple years now, and with the sequel coming out next month, the excitement I feel for this game is greater than ever :) I played the Demo for the first time yesterday, and following a couple views of some livestreams of others playing it, I felt like sharing my (very ramble-y) thoughts prior to the release of the full game. This post WILL contain spoilers for both TWEWY and NEO:TWEWY, so if you want to avoid those from now on, please block the tags: #twewy spoilers, #ntwewy spoilers, #neo twewy spoilers, #ntwewy, and #neo twewy ^_^ Oh, and if you wanna keep up with any other posts I make about my experience with this game, please refer to the tag "kat plays neo twewy" :)
-First things first: I have not watched the Final Trailer and I don't plan on doing so to avoid spoilers, especially after the pre-release era of KH3 where a lot of the later trailers spoiled a lot of the endgame content. That being said, I've seen some minor screenshots from the final trailer including what many believe to be characters from the original TWEWY, namely Shiki and Joshua. That is all I know about the Final Trailer and I would very much like to remain as blind as possible going into NEO :)
-The very first cutscene was quite ominous in the sense that this game is likely going to be about "changing fate" (a recently common theme in Squeenix games, which I do appreciate), perhaps leading off from the end of A New Day in the OG and trying to stop an Inversion of Shibuya. Also worth noting that A New Day had similar aspects in which the main character experienced "future visions" of tragic events, although in A New Day these events were not able to be changed, while in NEO it seems like one of the main "powers" our protagonist has is specifically to rewrite these events and avoid a "bad ending." Very interesting indeed!
-I really like the revamped comic book style dialogue scenes, it's much more fluid and modern, which is an excellent direction for the series to take!
-I would love to have an actual PokemonGO knockoff of Final Fantasy creatures, please Squeenix that would be incredibleeeeee
-Also the LINE stickers??? Are so cute???
-I would just like to point out that Fret is an absolute treasure throughout this entire demo, he's hilarious and I will protect him with my life
-UHHHH don't like that Fret picked up some Reaper Pins just out of nowhere.....or the fact that they're apparently popular all over Shibuya.............did y'all not learn anything from the OG game or what lmao
-Okay so when I first got the "curry or ramen" scene and heard NPCs talking about the new curry place replacing the old ramen place I became IMMENSELY distressed that Ramen Don was totally cut from the game because....well, Ramen Don is a King okay?? But I'm glad to learn that no, he didn't fall off the face of the earth, he's still in business and he's the one opening the curry restaurant lolol. PHEW, crisis averted!
-.....I don't like the sudden appearance of a Wall Reaper and being able to read NPC thoughts. Wtf happened when they left the ramen place??? Are they playing the Game alive somehow?
-Okay so I have my own theories about this "Swallow" character and what they're up to but considering this is only the Demo and I still Have No Idea What's Happening, I'm just gonna say that I think Swallow intentionally led Rindo and Fret to the Crossing so they could join the Game. I mean, add in the fact that Swallow still communicates with Rindo during the Game and you've got yourself a suspicious character right there lol
-"Hey they're shooting off fireworks!" Fret honey that's not fireworks oof (see also: "*laughs* I'm in danger")
-WOOOOOO way to traumatize Rindo right off the bat like that LMAOO
-The visuals for the intro are VERY GOOD, the song is pretty decent until it gets all "screamo" (which I absolutely cannot stand sorry lol)
-Shoka is every Customer Service employee ever and I respect that
-Susukichi went from being "meh" to "WOW THIS GUY IS FUN" in the span of 10 seconds and I also respect that (he is also built like an Absolute Unit which is hilarious)
-The Wall Reapers (and just Reapers in general) seem.....way nicer and more helpful this time around?? Like in the OG the Wall Reapers were SO RUDE gfhjgjdfkhn and yeah I'm sure we'll get some like that but the juxtaposition of the first Wall Reaper in the OG compared to the first one in NEO is insane.
-The puzzles are quite a bit more entertaining this time around even if it's generally the same "fetch quest" formula lol
-"Rindo's Group" way to go Fret HFKJDGHSDFKJ mans really left the default name in there lmao
-OKAYOKAYOKAY so to those who aren't aware I am a MASSIVE SIMP for Sho Minamimoto, he's my absolute favorite and I think about him daily. HIS INTRODUCTION IS. INCREDIBLE. I LOVE IT SM.
-GOD hearing him actually SPEAK FULL SENTENCES is just SO SURREAL I love this sm
-Also the remix of his theme???? NEO TRANSFORMATION????? IT'S SO GOOD????????? It's like gone from a Boss Theme to a more triumphant sounding theme and I am HERE for it (every version of Transformation is just INCREDIBLE and getting a new one is even better)
-I Love Him, Your Honor
-Also idk how exactly but it's kinda weird seeing Sho in the OG vs NEO, cuz while he's mostly the same Insane Math-Obsessed Catboy, he's.....calmed down quite a bit?? Like OG made a whole point of how poorly he cooperates with others (not to mention just being completely unhinged and trying to kill everyone), whereas here in NEO he's......actually kinda working with others??? HELLO???? Sir what happened to you and Neku during those 3 years I would love to know all about it
-I guarantee you Sho is still probably scheming shite and will likely pull some total insane BS later down the road, and I am very much looking forward to that. Also, is he looking for a certain Pin or something??? Cuz he keeps talking about different Pins and even mentions "this is just another Psych Pin" like he's actively looking for a Pin to do something with. Maybe it also has to do with the "latent powers of Players" thing he mentioned as well??? What is this dude UP TO oml (also is he in contact with Neku at all?? they're both technically fugitives at this point right?? WHAT HAPPENED AFTER A NEW DAY I AM BEGGING YOU)
-I seems like Sho ALSO has an idea of what's going on in this specific game (even if he won't admit it straightforward). Per his quote "The game's 142,857. Factor it out," he's essentially saying, "This game is a neverending cyle, figure out how to get out of it" (or at least that's what I got from his "cyclic number" nonsense lolol)
-I do like how Sho mostly stays out of sight until he's needed for a battle or assisting with a mission, that's kind of on par with his whole "uncooperative" quirk from the OG, plus he might literally have to stay out of sight of other Reapers and Players considering he's likely breaking the rules of the Game (not surprising considering him and Neku broke practically every rule in the book during OG)
-The nicknames for Sho- I can't- They're so FUNNYYYY GFHJSDFKJ
-He goes from being called "Pi-Face" and "Tabooty" in OG to "Mr. Minami" and "M-Teezy" in NEO LMAOO
-(Wowee I just realized I've been mostly talking about Sho oopsies sorry y'all, this is what I meant by thinking about him almost daily he is THAT much of a fav of mine ghfkjsd)
-Okay RIP Fret and Rindo for not getting literally ANY explanation as to how the Game works OOF, that is kinda cringe that whoever gets the Pin earns points, not whoever erases the Noise (which like I understand but also URRRGGHHH I WANNA SEE THE SQUAD SUCCEED)
-"I should be going home now it's getting late" Oh you sweet summer child-
-Also love the mention of parents in this game???? KH you could learn a thing or two from TWEWY (poor Rindo's mom fhgjkdh)
-KUBO IS HILARIOUS I SUPPORT HIM AND HIS GROSS FACE (also thank you Final Trailer thumbnail for spoiling my suspicions about him very cool smh)
-Kaie is a LAD I also support him, go King type those funky texts I believe in you
-FRET PLS STOP SCANNING FHGJKSDHKJFGHFKJ he's like me when I scan in OG during Weeks 2 and 3 and see Taboo Noise coming after me ghfjdshfj
-Also Rindo can you stay off your phone for TWO SECONDS ik you're trying to figure things out but Fret is a jelly boi and I don't want him to be upset with you my guy
-Sho being an actual sorta mentor to the kiddos?? Who are you sir this is so unlike you ghfgskj what happened to the guy who tried shooting children in the face 8 times over LMAO (granted he's probably just using them but it's still nice to see him actually cooperating and sharing knowledge with the kiddos aaaaa)
-hgjkfshgkjf "we aren't glorifying capitalism on my watch" THATS SO FUNNY TO ME GFHJFSDGHJKS (also an all-orange ensemble is disgusting you deserve jail for one thousand years fkn Cheddar Goldfish Cheezit ass woman)
-gfhsgjf Poor Rindo embarassing himself for the sake of the Game that's incredible
-R e t u r n t o M O N K E. That is all.
-Dialogue during boss battles is HELLA cool i love that
-HHHHH THE KANON SCENE MADE ME A N G E R Y FRET STOP SIMPING MY GUY says the girl with a Literal Simp Encyclopedia and simps for pixels on a screen daily
-Can't wait to see the other Reapers :eyes emoji:
-CAN'T WAIT TO SEE NAGI MY BELOVED YEAHHHH WOOOOOO AAAAND that's about it for the demo lolol, I absolutely CANNOT wait for next month, this game is gonna be INCREDIBLE holy hell Prepare for more simping, more screaming, and more vibing from Yours Truly :) I fully intend on sharing more general thoughts like this on both Tumblr and Twitter so it's not just reblog-retweet-reblog-retweet with the occasional comment fhgskjd
If you wanna witness my insanity up close and personal I have a Square Enix Discord server called Sea Side Dreamers! You can look it up on Disboard, or you can add me on Discord @Katara0524#9244 for a direct link :) We have topics about Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, NieR, and ofc TWEWY (as well as other topics!), so if you want some good ol' chaos and chitchat, you're more than welcome to join!
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Making this its own post because replying to the ask got so weirdly formatted I can’t even. Oh tumblr. You work so well.
@themessofthecentury  asked:
jsksjf my tumblr notifs are bugging and i didnt see your post but!!! The patron Saint of Robins?? I am much intrigue!!
(This is from this ask game, just....gotten to late, lololol. And I still have more I’m getting to, no worries. Just had a rough couple days is all, laid me up a bit.)
Okay, so The Patron Saint of Robins is kinda like the situation at the end of Grayson, except also not at all. And actually this is one of my older WIPs, and according to Scrivener I started it in 2015 afhislfhalhfalf, so it really has nothing to do with that. Also, its Young Justice-verse, but for two specific reasons:
1) YJ-verse is my go-to for Good Dad Bruce Wayne, when I don’t want to actually tackle the issues I have with his and his kids’ dynamic in comic book canon. I don’t carry over things like the adoption issue or the Robin succession into YJ fics, as I don’t think there’s anything that suggests they’re ever a specific issue in YJ and I don’t feel a need to make them one. So pretty much anything and everything I write in YJ goes with the backstory that Dick’s already adopted by Season One, and he’s the one to grant each later Robin permission to use the mantle, with no conflict over that, and more of a pre-Crisis transition to Nightwing than the post-Crisis firing from Robin. And this fic inherently needs Good Dad Bruce Wayne to work, lol.
2) I needed Klarion the Witch-Boy. Who of course exists in comic book canon, but is muuuuuch different there, and I just needed him to be a little demonic evil shithead, who sets everything in motion to get payback on the heroes for thwarting the Light in Season One, and he targets Robin due to being the oft-cited ‘first of the baby brat heroes’ and the ‘heart of the cape community.’
You don’t really need to be familiar with YJ canon at all for this one, as it goes sharply AU from after Season One, and only faintly and vaguely references specific events from that season. And I use my own YJ-ized version of the Titans as much as the actual YJ Team.
So basically, the plot of this one is to take revenge on the heroes for spoiling his game in Season One, Klarion plays a new game, by putting a chaos curse on Robin. It essentially erases him from peoples’ memories, though he’s perfectly able to make new ones. If he re-introduces himself to someone ask Dick Grayson, for instance, they don’t suddenly remember who Dick Grayson is or was, but they don’t forget about him again from that point onward, its like they meet him for the first time as a stranger.
But the curse part of things is only Batman can break it and restore everyone’s memories of Dick and his actual history, and only by identifying him for who he really is. And Dick can’t be part of breaking his own curse or else it seals it and makes it permanent and unbreakable forever.
Which of course leaves Dick completely miserable at first, understandably, and Bruce (and everyone else Dick knows, to varying different degrees) feeling some kind of loss but with no idea what it is they think or feel that they’re missing. Dick makes some half-hearted attempts at starting a new life for himself in Gotham, and in the process befriends a street kid named Jason Todd, though Dick introduces himself to Jason with just the name Robin.
The way the curse operates is it restitches together peoples’ memories to cover up the gaps where memories of him would go. So for instance, even though Jason never knew Dick before the curse, he was familiar with Batman and Robin just as much as any Gothammite was.....but due to the curse, the name Robin, upon meeting Dick, had no special meaning to him or anyone else. As far as he knew, Batman had always operated on his own in Gotham, the first teen superhero was that Speedy kid in Star City, etc. So when Jason first meets Dick, he just thinks he’s some dude whose name happens to be Robin.
Eventually, because Dick’s been kinda torturing himself by spying on Bruce just to ‘keep an eye on him’ and still watch his back, and he’s recognized by now that Bruce is mourning his loss without even knowing that he’s missing something....so Dick, who has also kinda come to see Jason as a little brother figure due to watching out for him as well....decides to kill two birds with one stone, unfortunate pun not intended. (Jason doesn’t die in this one, lol). Basically, Dick puts in motion the chain of events that lead Jason to stealing Batman’s tires, because he doesn’t know EXACTLY what Bruce will do but he knows it’ll get his attention in a big way and Bruce will take it from there.
One thing leads to another, Jason ends up living with Bruce and when eventually he wants to be trained by Bruce so he can do what he does and protect kids like he used to be.....when asked to pick a name....Jason names himself after the guy who always looked out for him, and who led to him being found by Bruce in the first place. He doesn’t know that his friend ‘Robin’ steered him towards those tires deliberately, just to bring him and Bruce into contact, but he does credit him with making the suggestion that ‘inadvertently’ (as far as he knows) enabled his and Bruce’s introduction, and so he names himself in honor of the boy who helped him and who he tried to track down again to similarly help, after Bruce adopted him, but was never able to find again.
Over the years, Dick also ends up steering Tim, Cass, Duke and Damian to Bruce in different ways than comic book canon (Steph and Babs’ debuts remain their own, as family adjacent but not family specifically) and thus is integral to the forming of the Batfam and has a connection with them even before the curse ultimately ends up broken and he’s able to reclaim his full identity. And each of them end up Robin at least briefly, like Steph is never Robin in this AU, and sticks with Spoiler, whereas Cass IS briefly Robin before becoming Batgirl after Babs. I did this for a few different reasons...
One, I really like that Cass is never Robin in main continuity as it creates a different dynamic between her and Dick than most of their siblings have, BUT I’ve always been curious to play around what Cass-as-Robin might even be like, just for an AU. Two, part of the Black Bat and Batgirl but never Robin sequence of mantles for Cass in the comic book continuity is like.....although it doesn’t get explored nearly enough, Babs was as much a kind of mother figure for Cass as Bruce was a father figure, despite Babs’ young age. So it makes more sense for Cass to stick more to just Bat-mantles than to ever be a Robin in the comic books. But in YJ, Babs is even younger, and just way too young to have the specific kind of dynamic that leads to that in the comic books, so its not as unreasonable IMO for her to have a different dynamic in her early days in the family here, before becoming closer with Babs and taking up the Batgirl mantle after she moves on to become Oracle.
And then also, and this is also the primary reason for making Duke a Robin briefly, before Damian is old enough....I got hung up on the title and it just didn’t work as well if it was Robins + Cass and Duke, lololol. See, in addition to helping steer the family into the points of introduction that make them a family, over the years he also acts as like, a guardian angel figure to the various family members, looking out for them and interceding in times of extreme danger, like when Jason is almost killed by the Joker. He’s always in disguise, but the kids eventually compare notes and realize there’s a singular figure behind each of their introductions to Bruce and the guy swooping out of nowhere to save their behinds whenever they’re most in danger, and Jason eventually connects this back to the guy who apparently NOT so coincidentally suggested he go after the Batmobile’s tires that fateful night, and the kids end up jokingly/not-so-jokingly referring to this figure as the Patron Saint of Robins. (Shout-out to the occasional mentions/allusions of Jason’s Catholicism).
They never tell Bruce about this figure (at least before Bruce starts to put together clues on his own), because they all figured out that for whatever reason, this person despite wanting them all to meet Bruce seems to want to avoid Bruce himself, and they kinda want to respect that as a kind of payback for his help, and also like....Bruce, even a kinder, gentler Bruce, is still Bruce. And when Bruce is gonna Bruce, that means Batparanoia. And all of them for various reasons DO trust that this guy has nothing but good intentions towards them, and so they don’t want to like....ruin or tarnish the positivity they associate with his intercession in their lives with paranoia or treating him like a bad guy. Which ultimately is really just smoke and mirrors for saying that he’s kinda a ‘just for them’ secret. Its a Robin thing.
(Until its not).
Because meanwhile, Dick, in between meeting the various Batfam members and pulling strings and looking out for them from the shadows, at first travels the world looking for ways to break his curse. But when ultimately its clear that the only way to break it is the loophole built into it already, Bruce identifying him for who he really is, but without Dick doing anything to steer him towards the answer, Dick settles into a new hero identity as Nightwing, and forms the Teen Titans, a public group of young superheroes (minus Roy and Wally, unfortunately, but still with Donna, Garth, Raven, Kory, ignoring season 3 Vic and also Terra because AU redemption arc what what, etc). And the Teen Titans avoid both the Young Justice Team and the Justlce League with EXTREME measures, much to the other heroes’ confusion and aggravation, because in the early days of the Titans, in a moment of what he’d term weakness, on one of his ‘bad days,’ Dick tells them enough of his story that they’re able to put together a good sense of what happened and who he really is by reading between the lines and what he leaves unsaid....
BUT as a result, all end up extremely committed to not mixing and mingling casually with the rest of the cape community because they don’t want to risk dropping any hints about the guy under Nightwing’s mask, in case that might count as steering Batman towards clues and seal the curse for good. So I have a lot of fun with having the Titans just nope out of the scene the second the bad guys are defeated even when they have to team up with other heroes, leaving the other heroes confused as hell and trying not to be all ‘WHY DON’T YOU LIKE US??”
Anyway, so yeah, that’s the gist of this one, lol. With it of course following the eventual plot that like...the Batfam starts to Detect and put things together.
Damian versus Klarion: Round One
“Aww, its adorable that you think you’re in my league,” the Witch-Boy cooed in an absolute mockery of sympathy. Damian bristled, but before he could do anything more than that, he was faced with a much more pressing matter as reality completely lost its mind.
The walls of the cavern fell away in an instant, only to be replaced with a whirling dervish of winds all around them, as if they now stood in the center of a cyclone that bled red and silver and black. It shrieked and wailed in a chorus of voices just on the other side of being comprehensible, a symphony of the damned that set every nerve in Damian’s body aflame with a primal instinct to get out, to find silence, to be anywhere but here.
He’d barely staggered a step backwards when the ground erupted beneath him, splitting apart into jagged obsidian shards that bobbed precariously in the sea of magma barely glimpsed through cracks now spiderwebbing their way across the floor. Spears of lightning burst upwards through them, stabbing impossibly at the heavens rather than raining down from them. They hissed and crackled as they flickered like forked serpent tongues of electric violet and black. The forks becoming branches, the pillars of sky-shattering light transforming into the trunks of great trees that grew upwards and outward, weaving a canopy overhead. One that wept violently red leaves that fell gently to the ground, only to hiss and bubble like acid once they did.
“See, normally this is when I’d hit someone with a little razzle-dazzle like this,” Klarion called out over the song of madness he’d created, as it crooned and careened wildly all around them. He snapped his fingers, and in the span of a second it all ceased. Reality reaffirmed itself, and all was right with the world once more…except now the two of them stood at the end of a hallway in Wayne Manor.
Damian stumbled, the sudden reappearance of firm ground paradoxically being the thing to challenge his balance. The demon boy standing beside him crooked his thumb and forefinger in the semblance of a gun, the smile pasted across his face one of wickedly gleeful malice.
“But you, kiddo, you’re special. Cuz there’s nothing I could do to you now that could top what I’ve already done, so why try when I can just savor the moment instead?”
“What are you babbling about?” Damian demanded roughly. In the wake of what the Witch-Boy had just conjured up with nothing more than a gesture, he was keenly aware of how flimsy a shield his bravado made. He just had absolutely no idea what else to fall back on.
Klarion only threw back his head and laughed though, skipping merrily down the hall as he did.
“I know something you don’t know,” he sing-songed and Damian lost what little grasp of his patience he’d managed to hang onto.
“You overestimate my need for an answer. Attempt to intimidate me all you wish, but I have no desire to indulge your little game any further.”
Klarion jerked to a stop and spun around, his face screwed into a childish pout. He stomped his foot, petulance personified. “I’m not intimidating you anymore, I’m gloating! Ugh, you’re so stupid! They’re completely different, how can you not tell?”
Every light in the hallway flickered and fizzed abruptly. The walls wavered, bubbled, momentarily molten as if made of wax.
Again Damian was reminded just how mercurial this being he was faced with was, and how dangerous. Perhaps, as Father would say, this was not the time to indulge his own instinctive inclinations. Or as Todd would put it, just because you’re already fucked, that’s no reason to fuck yourself over more than you have to.
Crude as his older brother was, there was occasional merit to his…pithiness. Not that he would be admitting that any time soon, of course.
“Fine. What is it you wish to gloat about then?” Damian grated out. The appeasement, such as it was, tried its best to stick in his throat before finally clawing its way free. But at least it proved worth the effort when the godling’s mood reverted back to impishness as readily as with the flip of a switch.
“Well. Its like this, you see.” Klarion said. He dragged it out as he folded both legs underneath him to sit cross-legged in the air, plopping his head into his hands. “I did a baaaaaaaaaaaaad, bad thing to your family, a loooooong time ago. And none of you have done anything about it, because you don’t even know! Isn’t that funny? Doesn’t matter how big a hero Daddy Bats is if he doesn’t even know what needs saving huh? Little Catch-22 there, you might say.”
“Yes. Quite hysterical,” Damian said dryly. “So what is it you claim to have done then?”
The Witch-Boy just sat there, regarding him with amusement, and the seconds marched on into minutes. Damian’s skin crawled. Prickling with impatience and possibly something…more. He wasn’t quite ready to name it anxiety or something as melodramatic as all that yet. In fact, he’d rather not put a name to it at all, but today did not appear to be a day for configuring things to his liking.  
Klarion’s wicked grin grew as if sensing his thoughts, though to the best of his knowledge (and Damian did quickly ransack the library of his memory just to be sure) there was no indication telepathy was included among the Chaos Lord’s many, many powers. And still that detestable smile stretched slowly wider all the same, in perfect synchronization with the rising tide of Damian’s unease. Perhaps the Witch-Boy’s file was in need of annotation.
“How many doors would you say are in this hallway?”
“What? Seven.” Damian snapped out his answer, annoyed by the non sequitur. Not to mention baffled. Was it too much to expect even a semblance of linear thought from the Chaos brat?
“Are you suuuuuuure?” The Witch-Boy stretched his query out obnoxiously. “Maybe you should count again. Just for kicks and giggles.”
Damian throttled back each and every retort attempting to spring to his lips, stuffing them back down and cramming a lid on everything he most dearly wished to say to this most vexing of…shitheads. Once again, it appeared as though nothing less than Todd’s preferred form of nomenclature would suffice. Wonderful. On top of everything else Damian had to deal with today, he seemed to be finding common ground with the man all over the place. Was there no end to the indignities he must suffer?
But marshaling his own formidable willpower, Damian took a deep breath and indulged the Chaos Lord, glancing his eyes down the length of the hallway and counting out each doorway one by one. There was his own room of course, with Cassandra’s to the right of his, and the room Brown used when staying over to the right of hers. That was three. Then there was Thomas directly across from his own room, with Drake to his right and Todd just beyond that, with Father’s room at the very end of the hall, his master suite staggered and with no direct opposite like the others. Seven.
Except all of a sudden there was a door directly opposite his father’s. For a total of eight.
Damian’s brow furrowed in consternation. The faint whispers of uncertainty already seeded throughout him bore fruit, ripening into poisonous stabbings of doubt.
“That’s not real,” he stated with as much conviction as he could muster.
The Witch-Boy’s smile only grew wider still. “Isn’t it, though?”
“There’s never been a door there before,” Damian persisted, striding confidently down the hall towards it. The Chaos Lord flitted ahead of him, inverting til he was upside down and skipping merrily once more, though this time from the ceiling.
“Or has it been there all along?” He sing-songed some more.
“I would think we might have noticed if it had been,” Damian growled.
“Yes, you’d think, wouldn’t you? You are all supposed to be a family of detectives, I thought. Makes you wonder…if you could miss this, what else might you have failed to notice?”
Damian snarled to himself and did his best to shut out the demon boy’s prattling. He quickened his strides, eating up the length of the hallway in his haste to reach its end. He wasn’t sure what opening the door would prove, let alone what bewilderment the godling had conjured on its other side, but it appeared the only end to this game of his was through it, so let there be an end to it already.
And yet, for all his certainty - or best facsimile of it - he couldn’t help but pause once he reached the door in question. His hand hovered within reach of its brass knob, but some instinct, some…caution, held him at bay. As much as he wanted to dismiss all this as just one more of the Chaos Lord’s inane charades, there was a tension in the air that felt too weighty to be the product of just magical conjuring. Something more was in play here. Real forces were at work. His father might disdain magic, but Damian had been around enough of it himself to know when true power had been raised. And the span of empty space between his hand and this hither-to-unseen doorknob held more of it than Damian had felt throughout all the mad warpings Klarion had made of reality thus far.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” Klarion asked from somewhere overhead. His voice, usually pitched to carry, was so soft for a moment Damian mistook it for his own inner doubts. “Some doors are easier to open than to close again, you know.”
Even knowing the goading for what it was couldn’t stop Damian then, and with a simple breath to fortify himself, he reached for the knob, spun it once, and shoved the door open all in a single sharp movement.
The Witch-Boy giggled up above.
The door swung wide, a forceful arc that should have revealed anything and everything within it all at once; the better to react quickly to whatever that might be. Fine in principle, perfect in execution, but thwarted by one small detail:
There was nothing on the other side.
And not in the sense of it being just an empty room, but true nothingness. A pitch-black abyss darker than the deepest night, yawning forth from the doorway in a vast, impenetrable shroud. Nor was anything hidden in the darkness, Damian knew, even if just intuitively. He could feel it, that he stood on the edge of an impossible cliff, that there was nothing beyond this threshold but an aching chasm of emptiness and loss. The surety of it hung in the air, thick and heavy, a miasma that seeped through to his side of the doorway and clung to him like the moisture of a fog beads upon the skin.
Klarion’s head suddenly popped up alongside him, hovering just over his shoulder.
Albeit still upside down.
“Well that doesn’t seem right,” he mused, tapping at his lips with a forefinger. “What do you suppose is meant to be in there?”
The last of Damian’s brittle patience shattered.
“Enough! What is the meaning of all this, demon? Speak plainly, for once in your miserable existence!”
His self-preservation instincts and the reminder of just who it was he was shouting at kicked in too little too late, but he wouldn’t take his exasperated fury back even if he could. He was who he was after all. But fortunately, that described the Witch-Boy just as accurately, and rather take offense or perceive any actual threat from Damian’s rage, the Chaos Lord just shrieked with laughter and sprung backwards. He flipped right side up, still hovering in mid-air, and clapped his hands with glee.
“Oh, I should have done this ages ago,” Klarion sang out. “Why, you’re almost as fun as he used to be. Back before he got all droll and serious, that is. He’s no fun at all anymore, nothing like this. Never wants to play, always just running back to his tower with that little bitch of a demoness.”
His face soured like he’d just sucked on a lemon. But rather than stop there, his countenance kept morphing into an increasingly savage scowl, the longer he ranted. The hallway was suddenly sweltering, baking with unseen heat that twisted the air into shimmering ribbons. The small horns sprouting from his forehead burst into scimitars of flame that cut through those ribbons and set them similarly ablaze.
“Always putting on airs like she’s some kind of royalty, just because her Daddy Dearest put the fear into a few peasants back in the day,” the Witch-Boy snarled viciously. “As if that’s enough to put her on par with the likes of me. No one is the likes of me. NO ONE!”
Reality itself quaked with the force of his shout. White-blue flames spat forth and crescendoed down the length of the corridor, splashing against its walls and searing them to a crisp. Damian braced himself for all the good it would do, keenly aware of the void still gaping hungrily behind his back, but before the fire could become an actual danger to him as well, all was quiet once more.
Silence hung in the air much like the demon boy, poised yet motionless. Suspended. Waiting.
And then Klarion simply inhaled and brushed his hands down the front of his garments, smoothing out the wrinkles as he reclaimed his calm. The corridor restored itself to its former self, curtains of vintage reality unrolling from the ceiling to the floor as though papering over the damage. Damian felt rather than saw when the portal behind him swung shut and was replaced with the expanse of ivory paint and ornate sconces he was used to seeing in its place.
“I am one of a kind, after all,” Klarion finally remarked. It was a casual drawl offered forth almost off-handedly, as if more a reminder to himself than uttered for anyone else’s sake. He used one hand to spell out letters in the air. They appeared and vanished again in bursts of fireworks and fluorescent flame. “U-N-I-Q-U-E.”
“As I, apparently, am not,” Damian said, seizing upon the Chaos Lord’s restored calm and good cheer. “Who is this ‘he’ you mentioned? If I’m to be pitted against him as entertainment in your eyes, might I at least know his name?”
“Nuh-uh-uh,” the Witch-Boy scolded. He wagged his finger at Damian. “No spoilers. That’s not how the game is played.”
Keenly aware of the boy’s power once more, Damian gritted his teeth and pressed on. “Well, if there are to be rules, shouldn’t I at least know what those are?”
Klarion sucked in a deep breath, drawing himself up along with his inhalation as though preparing for some great speech…and instead just toppling backward, flopping onto an extravagant fainting couch that suddenly appeared beneath him, though similarly floating in the air.
“I can’t recall at the moment.” His now-faint voice drifted up from where he lay buried amid a mountain of pillows. “I’ve had a terribly exhausting day. But you’re supposed to be a detective, remember? Go…I don’t know. Detect things.”
He flapped an arm at Damian dismissively, and then crooked a finger into a twirling motion that set his divan to spinning in lazy circles.
“Isn’t life grand?” Klarion sighed fondly. “With all its twists and turns, its eddies and swirls. I mean, take the two of us. Scant hours ago, we were mortal enemies, and just look at us now.”
The Witch-Boy lazily rolled his head to the side as the couch drifted to bring him face-to-face with Damian. His lips spread wide in that malevolent, wicked grin of his once again, but somehow it managed to be even wider than any he’d shown off before. His eyes blazed with a hellish inner light, and his voice, when next he spoke, dropped deep into a demonic register. A bass that boomed forth and set Damian’s very bones to rattling.
“Ain’t we got fun?”
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Love Isn’t An Illusion (8)
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Pairing: Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki X Reader x Bakugou, VERY SLOW BUILD
Summary: First day of training camp, chilling with Todoroki and falshing Bakugou
Words: +-6900
Warnings: fear of forgetting something, parents with tone, anxiety, showering, wet hair, sitting with Todoroki, skirts, nervousness, quirk getting taken away, fighting dirt monsters, flashing Bakugou, lack of eating, tiredness, swearing, yelling at Aizawa, angy, bath / hot spring, scars, nudity, Mineta (nothing happens it’s what he did in the show).
Tagged:  @kittycatspervertedheart​ @lemorrite​ @gwendlynn​ @marleps​ @thicctati2​ @saitamastamaticsoup​ @succulent-momma​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @imjusttireddudes​ @misconceptualised​ @ochabby​ @katsukisuwus​ @gayverlinq​ @star-witchs-blog​ @icyhotpie​ @kyrah-williams​
A/N: I wrote this for the fans. I do not own My Hero academia or the characters, I don’t own most of the plot for this story, I had watched the show and re-written the dialogue and plot as if the reader was the main character. Everything is centred around the reader. Please comment, makes me happy. Ask if you wish to be tagged.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Waking up to the blaring sound of an alarm wasn’t the best but I could have woken up worse. Throwing my arm out of the warm soft covers I turned off the alarm and closed my eyes for a second sighing then throwing myself from the bed. I wasn’t a morning person, I never was and I never will be. I walked to my bathroom letting out another sigh as I removed my clothes placing them in the hamper before moving into the shower. It was warm and my muscles instantly began to relax, a week with my class non-stop. A whole week, this was going to be long but I knew I was going to have a lot of fun. 
Washing my body and hair, I left the shower making sure to step on the rug and not the tiled floor having fallen far too many times to not be careful. I placed my hair in a towel cage. Flipping my head down, placing the towel over my head and twirling the fabric before flipping it back over my head. Hair drying and out of my face it’s was a win-win. I stretched and looked over my bag one last time making sure to pack the extra, extra charger for Todoroki. 
I knew I had to get dressed but I just didn’t want to, I didn’t want to get dressed or move. I was tired and needed more sleep even though I had gotten more than the recommended amount. Shaking my head and slapping my face lightly I nodded and began to get ready.
I got dressed and was thankful for button shirts as my hair could stay in the towel and dry for a little while longer waiting until I took the towel off to throw on the jumper. I made sure to look at my bag again, I had everything I knew I had everything but the fear of forgetting something was a lot to take. I shook my head. I’m sure someone would let me borrow something if I desperately needed it. I wasn’t worried. I was excited. I moved to take my headphones off charge placing the charger in and then rolling my eyes making my way back into the bathroom and placing all my toiletries in the travel bag than in my bag. Now I was sure I was ready. I was confused about why we had to wear our uniforms but I didn’t question it. 
I walked downstairs with my suitcase and then looked to my mum saying I was ready. It took more effort then I would ever admit to putting my suitcase in the car but that was for another time. Finally sitting down we began the drive to school. 
“Message me on your way back, hopefully, we will be home but if not you can call Lacy” Lacy who was mums butler per se. I had never asked her for a thing but I might ask for a lift home after the camp. I nodded. “Do you have everything or do I need to stop” there was the tone I had been missing for the past couple days. 
“I have everything” I nodded and then the car ride was silent. Driving in the parking lot I could see a bunch of my friends and the other class, I forgot they were coming. Getting out I moved to the boot and grabbed my suitcase. “Bye Mum” I called out from the boot and got a quick reply and then she was off. I walked over to the group and Aizawa began to talk, I made it just in time.
“Now that you are finished up your first semester at UA high. It’s time for summer vacation to finally begin” I was pulling at my hair still slightly damp from the shower I had taken that morning. It wasn’t dripping onto the jumper so I was happy with it. “However, don’t think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making” why was he always so serious, it made me on edge and scared for whenever he spoke. “This camp will be to push you beyond your limits” I wanted to but in saying he already had with my exam but a swift bite of my lip and I was silenced. “You’re aiming to become plus ultra” then we were waiting to leave. 
I sighed and felt my hair again, I hoped it would dry but I knew it was only bothering me because I was thinking about it. I stood with a few other people talking about my suitcase having been put on the bus by someone I had never seen before. I was excited and nervous all at once. I watched as Kaminari and Mina left the conversation to dance with a red-faced Uraraka clapping for camp. They all looked so excited. 
“I heard some of class A has to take extra courses. Does that mean they failed the final exams, that would be so embarrassing? Especially because you are meant to be so much better than my class. All of you must be waddling in shame” the blonde boy from 1-B shouted his eyes wide and voice loud. I seriously didn’t like him, he really had a problem but he fell to the ground with one hit upside the head from Kendo and he was out. He didn’t like my class but...there was no but, he was just rude. 
She picked him up with ease by his collar “Don’t mind him” he was then dragged towards the bus and I wondered how many hours a day he was knocked out on average I would be quite interested in the outcome. 
“Oh the rest of class B” Midoriya smiled and I turned to see some familiar faces looking back at me. I couldn’t see any distaste or anger when I met their eyes so I didn’t look away but I was nervous. 
“It’s nice to see you outside the sports festival” her eyes were so wide and she had this smirk on her face but from no one batting an eye I figured that was just her personality "I guess now we’re not technically rivals” I don’t think Monoma got that memo. I saw a few nods and I smiled to the class.
“Time to get on the bus” Kendo called out from the door, I wasn’t sure if she was the class Rep but I knew whatever she said everyone listened too. Like a big sister, though I liked it. The class had someone they trusted and always looked too. Everyone in class B began to board and I looked to my class if we were meant to follow. 
Though my thoughts were short-lived “Attention Class A our bus is here” Iidas’ arms were moving frantically his face stern and serious. “Line up in seating order” we all boarded and I moved to where I was meant to be sitting down and then looking out the window. 
“I am seated with you, I think” I turned to see Todoroki and then sat down with me next to him. The lords are blessing me once again. He was so graceful as he sat down, not even making a sound. 
“I brought the charger” I smiled and he spoke a quick ‘thank you’ as he proceeded to explain he lost track of time with his Mum “Don’t mention it, I stress so I would have had a spare even if you didn’t ask me beforehand” I laughed and he smiled, it was so small but I caught it, or did I imagine it. 
We began to drive off, I wondered how long a trip it would be to the destination “Listen up, you’ll be on this bus about an hour before our first stop” it seemed all my questions were having immediate responses today. “Make sure you stay focused” Aizawa was one of the most serious people I had ever met. 
“Why aren’t we blasting some music” of course it was Kaminari to say something like that. I was laughing lightly at the comment. I looked behind Todoroki and I and saw Bakugou and Tokoyami then in front was Tsu and Uraraka. 
“No one should be standing that is a safety hazard, please remain seated” A definitely standing and angry or more so worried Iida yelled. I don’t think one person cared for what Aizawa had said or they just chose to ignore it. “Do not open that window” I laughed again quietly.  
The journey may have only been an hour but it was far too long for my back on the uncomfortable seats. I had filled the time talking to Todoroki, just about anything and everything. Showing him things on my phone and him doing the same. We talked and it felt so natural and easy to talk to him. We talked until we were told to get off where he moved to let me out first, I made sure to thank him. When getting off I held my skirt jumping down off the rather high last step of the bus and sighed out walking forward into the group then moving to stand with Todoroki again. 
“Finally, I needed to get off that bus” I agreed with Kaminari, it was an hour but a long hour. I didn’t regret it though, I got to talk to Todoroki for an hour which was by far a bonus in my books. Mineta cried about having to go to the bathroom though from what I could see we were just on the side of the road. 
“You didn’t think we stopped here so you could stretch your legs did you” I turned seeing Aizawa, hands in his pockets and leaning back in a lazy stance like he was built to just standstill. Mineta stood in front of him begging to be able to go to the bathroom. 
Then the door to the mysterious random car opened “Hey Eraser” so they knew Aizawa and judging by his lack of care, we weren’t in danger. Aizawa bowed and commented that it had been quite a while since he had seen the person still in the car. Then two girls jumped out one wearing pink and the other blue. Dressed in cat costumes. “You’re feline fantasies are here”
“Purfectly cute and cat-like girls” I mean they weren’t wrong they did have the whole look going for them. I was confused, this is why we had stopped for a few girls to just jump around in front of us. 
“You can call us the wild, wild pussy cats” they finished their little routine and posed with a smaller boy standing next to them. They sure were confident and loud, I’m sure Mic would get along with them quite well. Though the class stood in silence. 
“These are the Pro heroes you’ll be working with for summer training camp” I didn’t doubt they were heroes but they did scare me. I wasn’t a fan of overly loud people… I was a fan of one overly loud person. They, on the other hand, were a bit too much for my liking. 
“They are a four-person hero team that specialises in mountain rescues. The pussy cats were founded when we were kids” I saw the two women stumble at his words, they didn’t like their age being mentioned. “Like forever ago” another hit to the ego. “This marks their twelfth year working as-” Midoriya was fanboying again, eyes wide with a matching smile though he was cut off by a hand, paw, to the face. 
“I’m pretty sure your mouth must be off” I was right, they were sensitive about their age. It was the blue one who had a problem and I stepped slightly closer to Todoroki being a little scared of the women. “I’m eighteen at heart” of course she was. 
We all collectively bowed and said our Hellos as of Aizawa's request. I was confused about why we had stopped if they were going to be our guides for the next week. I didn’t understand why we couldn’t meet them at camp. Though I didn’t voice my questions opting for just standing with Todoroki. 
“We own this whole stretch of land, everything you can see” I was impressed, to say the least, it was a lot of land they owned not to mention how dense the forest was. It was the pink one talking, she seemed kind and loving “The camp you're staying at is there, at the base of the mountain” her voice was so calm as she simply pointed out into the area she owned. 
It was quite far, I tilted my head in confusion. Why were we here then? “Uh, why did we stop all the way up here instead?” Uraraka asked Tsu to turn to face her friend. She voiced all our thoughts and I was grateful not even wanting to speak with the blue cat still on a rampage. 
“I’m afraid we both know the answer to that” was I missing something? Had I not read something or was I not listening? I looked around and saw a few people shaking their heads in disbelief. 
“That can’t be right,” Sato said slowly his head shaking, what was I missing. I looked out, we were on the side of a mountain. What were we going to do from here? Like sure it was nice to see where we would be staying but weren’t we just wasting time. 
“Ok, back on the bus” Sero whispered his voice shaky and nervous. “Let’s go” wait, no they couldn’t be serious. I was reading this wrong, I had to be. Sero slowly turned to the bus as did a few others as we all agreed.
“The current time is nine-thirty in the morning” why was she mentioning the time. I was losing my mind, this couldn’t be real right? I felt my heart speed, why was time mentioned. “If you’re fast about it, you might make it there by noon” she smiled her tail slowly waving behind her. They weren’t going to make us walk there, were they?
I watched as everyone began to run to the bus in a panic, I just stayed still. If they wanted this to happen, we weren’t getting a choice about it. Sure I was angry but a simple bridge to the camp, we’d be there within the hour. It was easy, annoying but easy nonetheless. 
“Kitties that don’t make it there by twelve don’t get any lunch” she called out and I sighed looking to my fellow peers running, or at least making a break for the bus. I walked over a little more so I could see them. 
“You should have guessed students” Aizawa began his voice monotone and easy to read, he didn’t care. He was changing his mind. “The training camp” the blue one dropped in front of the group a collective yell being heard. “Has already begun” just before anything happened I felt something clasp to my wrist. “You need to work on not having a quirk” I was confused and then I was being thrown off a mountain. 
“I swear I’m going to kill you Aizawa” I screamed my body going flying through the air as I held my skirt down trying to have some form of decency why of course I wasn’t allowed my quirk, why would I? The teachers loved making my life difficult. 
We were all falling, dirt coming with us, the blue one. The blue one could control dirt? Or at least something like that. I held down my skirt as I was falling, I couldn’t believe we had been thrown off a cliff. We all landed with a shout and some groans.
“Good news” I looked up at the pink cat, her smile genuine and wide as she leaned over the rails to view us. “This is private land so you can use your quirks as much as you want too” I stood quickly feeling rage boil inside me. “You have three full hours, you should be able to make it to the facility in that time” was she joking, was this some kind of sick joke? “That is if you can get through the beast forest” I walked over. 
“What quirk” I yelled and held up my arm showing the bracelet “I don’t get my quirk, what kind of absolute bullshit is this'” I was furious. I didn’t like not having my quirk or at least being equal with my classmates. “Aizawa” I yelled and saw his face lean over, I dangled my arm in the air “Hello” I screamed. 
“Your quirk would allow everyone to easily get through without so much as a thought. So I take the quirk you work on your physical abilities and the class gets to learn” he was smiling, I could hear the smirk in his voice as I steamed. Rage and anger boiling in my veins. 
“No” I shook my head, “First the exam and now this. This isn’t fair” I yelled out, I knew my class was behind me. I knew they could see me losing my mind. I was so angry, why could I not just be treated like the rest of them. 
“Your quirk is unfair” he shrugged...shrugged. He just shrugged it off! My hands were shaking as I had so many thoughts running through my head. I was so mad as I gripped my head in anger. 
I didn’t answer turning and watched as Mineta ran into the woods, he needed a bathroom. Though with the sound of a growl I looked up seeing a forest monster of sorts, big root teeth and arms as thick as logs. I heard a few screams but I was running.
I was so angry that my quirk had been taken I jumped high into the air and growled as I came crashing down onto the creatures head my foot landing and splitting the wood and dirt. I landed and looked back up the teachers “Fuck your forest” I screamed and then I was off again walking deeper into the woods with the class following. 
“Y/N are you ok” I turned to see Midoriya and I knew everyone was watching me as I continued to walk, my footfalls loud and deep. Anyone could see I was angry, I was so angry. 
“Do I look ok” I glared at the green-headed teen and he shook his head “There’s your answer” I grit my teeth and clenched my fists. “I am going to destroy each and every one of these pathetic little monsters and then when I get to camp I am going to lose my shit” I finished. “These monsters are just dirt, the blues quirk” I added. 
We walked through the woods and slowly more and more began to appear, the next one was flying. Of course, this was going to be difficult. Why wouldn’t it be? We were working together to kill as many as possible. 
“Seven in total, they’re coming” Jiro called out as I jumped from tree to tree. I jumped onto a flying one, digging my hand into the wing and pulling back, breaking it. The beast began to fall as I jumped not being crushed with it. I walked over and slammed my foot down into the creature it didn’t get back up. 
Sato and Kirishima beat one while Dark Shadow and Ojiro took down another one. Mineta was running as well but Kaminari had used far too much electricity and his brain short-circuiting due to the intensity. I ran and picked him up before he was hit again. Iida kicked one, how many of these things were there? I was running with Kaminari, he was quite light. Toru was good at luring the monsters to set locations so the others could attack. Mina throwing acid on the legs making them fall. I could have ended this fight so quickly but no I wasn’t allowed my quirk. I placed down Kaminari with Shoji and I was off again trying to pull off the bracelet, it didn’t work. 
I was fighting one, my mind clear and body fast as I ran through the legs and jumped on it’s back running up the back “Bakugou” I called out and kicked the creatures head forward making the weak spot on top of the head seeable. A yell and an explosion the creature was pieces. I fell through the air holding my skirt as I landed. “No quirk no fucking pants” I cursed. 
Momo had made a canon and was blasting the creature while Tsu and Uraraka were working together by just throwing them in the air with zero gravity and then making them crash into the ground harshly. I watched as Bakugou continued to explode things. He seemed very happy. I continued to run as one followed me. There were more than seven now, there had to be.
“Ojiro, Tokoyami '' I called out and then ducked skidding along with my knees beneath a large branch as the creature got caught and then was destroyed by the two of them. “Thanks,” I called out. 
“No problem” I heard in response and I was off again, running and jumping through the tree and ground. Dodging the creatures moved and their domino effect in the forest. I had to not get hurt. My knees were covered in dirt and I was sure my clothes were too. 
Todoroki and Bakugou were working together. Ice slid along the ground rising and covering the legs and torsos of the monster then while they were stopped Bakugou came in with devastating blows. Exploding the dirt and smoke being created. They were flawless, I ran past jumping up to land the final blow, a kick to the top of the head as my leg fell all the way through as I landed on the ground crouching. Then Todoroki and Bakugou were running with me. 
There were so many of them. She could make them quickly I could at least give her that but by the time we thought we were almost to the camp the sun was setting. Anger was boiling through my body. I was covered in dirt. I was flung into the air with my ass on full display as I went to cover myself I was going to be hit but was caught by none other than Bakugou. Who had given me quite a bit of a tongue lashing with flushed cheeks? 
When we saw the ‘clearing’ I was on a march. Half the people could barely stand, we were holding each other up. What kind of bullshit was this, on the first day? We hadn’t even made it to the camp! Todoroki was shivering, Bakugou holding his arm, Iida not even able to use one of his legs, Kaminari was out of power. Everyone was like this, I was tired, exhausted. I hadn’t been able to use my quirk which could have helped my friends. 
“I hope you are happy” I called out anger dripping from my lips as I walked out of the treeline my peers following “Do you have any idea how hard that was with no quirk” I threw my hands out in anger. “But no, who cares about Y/N she’s so strong and can do it” I made a digging motion with one hand. “Take this stupid bracelet off me this second” I was in front of Aizawa now. 
“You said that would only take like three hours” Sero gasped out. He was right, they had said that. Aizawa moved forward to unlock the bracelet, he was smirking at me. I was so mad. 
“I guessed we based it on how long it would take us, sorry” that’s all we got. A weak apology and a smile. We had fought our guts out and all we got was a sorry. I was shaking as Aizawa finally managed to get the bracelet off me. 
“You were too strong for this exercise. Your peers need to catch up” I understood why he did it but it was unfair to throw me into a beast infested forest with no quirk and no heads up. I walked away back to the group rubbing my wrist. 
“I thought it would take you kids even longer” it was the blue one, her paws over her mouth. It was her quirk we were fighting, a good quirk but I wanted to throw her off a cliff. “But you did a lot better against my dirt monsters then I thought you would” she smiled her voice light and high pitched, she had to be kidding? Was she doing this now, while we were all on the verge of collapsing? “You guys were seriously great, especially the five of you” she pointed to Iida, Mirdoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou and I. “It seems like you’ve had quite a bit of experience and the girl. Even without a quirk you still did some damage” Some? I did quite a bit of damage, I had my quirk back. I could do a lot more. "I call dibs on these kittens. I’ll groom them myself"
She came lunging at us and I simply put her in a box “I’m fine, thank you” I whispered out and raised my hand into the sky as the box began to float. I could feel her trying to get out “Much better” I sighed. 
Midoriya pointed out the little boy that had been with the two women all day, I had noticed him but didn’t care for children. I hated children, disgusting little things. “Oh he’s my cousin's son, he just lives with us now. Don’t be shy Kota, say hi to everyone. You’re going to be around them for the next week” 
“Y/N let her go” I sighed and dropped her from the sky, her tail spiked and she landed looking back to me with a scowl I glared back uninterested. Midoriya walked over to the small boy who seemed rather angry at the world. 
“Hi, my name is Midoriya.” Why was he trying to make friends with the child? I grimaced and a shiver ran through my body at the mere thought of talking to a child. “I’m from the UA highschool hero course, it’s nice to meet you” his hand was outstretched but Midoriya wasn’t met with a light or gentle handshake but a hard and powerful punch to his lower regions. He fell. I think I saw his soul leave him.  
Iida was running over within a second “What a low blow” I laughed silently, he wasn’t wrong. The blow was quite low. Iida managed to catch the falling boy in his arms “You fiend of a child” just another thing to add to the list of why I hated children. “A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable” I could imagine. 
“The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes” my face fell, he seemed to be angry. Teeth grit and eyes flared. Something had happened, no one hated with so much passion for no reason. 
“I can put him in a box” I swirled my hand mist falling from my skin like ink onto the ground. I had no shame just locking him inside a little endless prison for a few hours, days. 
“No” I heard Aizawa and let my quirk fade “We are not doing that” I could hear Iida still yelling as I sighed and looked away shrugged. “He’s just a kid” I didn’t care if he was eighty or eight he was being rude. 
“That brats got spunk” Bakugou smiled to the little human as I shook my head. He seems too proud of the little boy, I looked to the fallen Midoriya and realised this little kid was probably his favourite person right now. 
“He’s like a mini version of you” I turned to hear Todoroki, he had a point though. The kid did act like Bakugou in a way, a more immature Bakugou. I wondered what the two of them were like as kids. Would we have gotten along? They were the only children I would have been able to handle. 
“What are you talking about” Todoroki has made him mad again, Bakugou was storming over to the duel haired hero in training with a bounce in his step, a bounce ready to crush the other's skull. “Shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell” he was offended but if he liked the child I didn’t see why he was acting this way, I thought it could have been a compliment. 
“Yeah sure” Todoroki had simply stated as I walked over and pushed them away from each other with a shake of my head. It wasn’t worth it, not while we were all so tired. Also, I didn’t care for their little conversation about the kid, he was a rude little shit. I only had room for one in my life and that position was filled. 
“Enough playing around, get your stuff off the bus” they hadn’t even done us the courtesy of taking our things in. They had plenty of time to do it. “Once your bags are in your rooms, we will have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you can bathe and sleep” the last two options were looking appealing right now. I would happily skip dinner to bathe now and sleep. “Tomorrow your training starts in earnest, better get a move on” 
We all walked towards the bus and I could see everyone struggling. I did love my class and they had helped me out all day. I walked in front of them all bending down to open the hatch. “Thank you for helping me today” I whispered and I made a little illusion for everyone. Getting all their bags “You just have to get the copy to your rooms” 
“Thank you” I was engulfed in a hug by Mina who was crying and rubbing her face into my shoulder in thanks. I pet her hand as an illusion walked over and helped her in ‘my’ arms as she cried. 
“Y/N you are honestly a goddess” Kirishima bowed and I flushed waving my hand in dismissal. I was just doing something nice, they deserved it after today and these illusions took next to no effort for me. They were easy, I had been making them since I was a young one. 
“It’s thanks for dealing with me being in a bad mood all day” I looked up and could see the thankful looks from everyone as a copy followed them holding their things as we walked into the building. I saw the boys sigh in defeat as we got to the crossroads “The illusion will stay, no need to worry” then the sighs of relief. 
Placing everyone's things in the room the illusion would bow and then fall into mist as I helped the girls move their things into their rooms and places they wanted them. I was thanked the whole time and waved it off. Making our way to the cafeteria we all sat down and said our thanks and began to eat. It was good, more than good. It was perfect. 
I ate slowly not having much of an appetite from the exams, I sat next to Bakugou or more so Bakugou had taken the seat next to me. I smiled that he wanted to sit with me. My other side was then occupied by Todoroki who was more than interested in the food. I saw Kirishima just shovelling rice into his mouth, he wasn’t chewing, I watched more. Not chewing, there was no way. 
Bakugou was doing the same and Todoroki was following, slower but just as eager. I ate slowly not eating too much, just enough to fill me. I knew I was getting a few looks but I didn’t care. The beef was nice and had a nice seasoning. I grabbed another piece of a plate and within one bite I moved to pick up the little plate and put it in front of Bakugou who took a piece and then took the plate. It was spicy. 
“This is amazing” he nodded and added it into his rice, no one else was eating it so I’m sure he could eat the rest of it with no issues. I turned and saw Todoroki looking for the water with his glass in hand and a jug was placed in front of him the illusion falling from stealing it from another table. 
“Thank you” he whispered and drank down his water, sighing out happily in contempt. I had finished eating and offered my leftover rice to the still eating Bakugou who didn’t hesitate to take the bowl and continue eating. 
Once everyone was done it was time for the bath, I was more than excited to sit and soak in a nice hot bath. I was walking slowly my head lolling to the side as I walked with the girls. Once in the room I grabbed anything I would or could need and I was off to the bath. I walked in happily my head beginning to clear with all the steam. 
Everyone was getting undressed as I looked down, I had never been one to get nude in front of people, sure I had been in changing rooms but never fully naked, I took to the stalls most of the time. I set up an illusion to cover myself as I walked out of the bath. I could see the confused faces but no one said anything. Stepping into the bath, so hot and sending a nice shiver up my body. I dropped into the water, it came up to my waist, I walked forward and let the water slowly rise to my chest. The rest of the girls came in and we all sat around a rock. I lowered myself so only my head was out of the water and let the illusion fade the water full of different healing properties making it not clear. 
“This feels amazing” Mina called out her voice happy as she moved to sit on the rock we were all crowded around. I nodded in agreement, the hot spring was lovely and just what my muscles desired after the day I had had. 
“You are to stop this at once Mineta. What you are doing is demeaning for both the girls and yourself” we all went silent at the loud voice of our class Rep and the seemingly hurried aquatic steps. What was going on over there? “It’s shameful behaviour” then it registered, Mineta was being a pervert as per usual. Why was he allowed within a hundred metres of any female I wasn’t sure. 
I wasn’t sure what Mineta had responded but judging by the loud bangs slowly going up the wall, he was climbing. How in the fuck was he climbing a straight wall? His quirk, I shivered. They were getting closer and none of the girls seemed to be able to move. 
“Get down here this instant” Iida once more, so he was climbing. I stood from the bath and sighed. I was tired, putting up my hands slowly I rose a wall around us. Mineta couldn’t look in. 
“He needs to find a hobby” I whispered and dropped back into the water as the rest of the girls looked over. I could see a few of them eyeing my shoulder. I froze and then an illusion went over the scar, it was fine. They’d think it was a mistake. 
“Before you become a hero, you should learn how to be a good human” I looked up and saw Kota at the top of the wall separating the girls and boys bathing areas. I let the illusion of us fall, as he pushed Mineta off the wall with a slap of his hand. 
“I’ll get you for this” Mineta yelled and then there was a scream, I think he landed on someone. I sighed and sunk lower into the pool. This was a lot for my mental capacity to take right now. Why was he in the hero course?
“Mineta is the worst isn’t he” Tsu croaked out in a quick reply. I nodded into the water not wanting to verbally respond like a few other of the girls did. I still wasn’t a fan of the child but I inwardly thanked him for being there. 
“Thanks so much, Kota-babe” Mina called out her arms rising to put thumbs up at the kid as she sat on the rock. We were all standing together and I watched as Mina smiled in thanks. “We owe you one” I didn’t owe him anything but I was thankful for him.  
He turned and looked at us and within a split second, he was falling off the top of the wall. I sighed, I was sure one of the boys was going to catch him. Perhaps he had a quirk of his own. 
“Lookout” I could hear the child being caught, I was right and it was none other than the green-headed Midoriya. See, the child was fine without my help. I just wanted to soak and then go to sleep. 
We soaked for a while longer and then it was time to leave and head to bed. As I walked out of the bath I covered myself in mist and made my way into the building to grab my full body towel. Covering myself I sighed out and grabbed my things as I made my way back to the room. I could have gotten dressed there but I wanted to change in the comfort of my room or at least the shared room. 
I walked down the hall and then into the room, opening my suitcase to grab my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I dried myself and got dressed, I was running on instinct and willpower at this point. Grabbing I pulled down the jumper over my pants and looked in the mirror. I wished I grabbed Bakugous, his jumper was a lot warmer than this one. I left the bathroom and got my bed ready for the night. The other girls were talking and having fun as I brought out all my chargers moving over to the wall to plug them in and remembered I hadn’t given Todoroki his charger. 
“Hey guys” I called out and the conversation stopped as I bent down to retrieve the charger I had packed for him “I’m just going to give Todoroki a charger he asked me to bring for him” I stood my eyes falling and tired “If I’m not back in twenty” I paused and shook my head “Come save me from Mineta”
“You got it” Mina replied and a few others nodded with smiles as I did too. “We will come and find you” she put up her thumbs and bounced on her bed happily. 
I bent down and got the PowerPoint I had bought and walked over handing it to the girls “Also I bought a PowerPoint so all of us could charge our phones. I didn’t expect there to be a lot of power points” I could see the love blossom in their eyes as I smiled and then left as I heard a chorus of thanks. 
I walked through the building making my way to the boys' rooms. It wasn’t too late but I was on the verge of passing out as I'm sure many of them were too. It was an easy find and I could hear some chatter. I walked up to the door and knocked lightly thrice all conversation stopped. 
“I’ll get it” Kirishima, he was always first to volunteer. I loved that we got along and that he was my friend. I heard quickened footfalls as the door was open and his face fell into one of confusion “Oh hey Y/N” he grew awkward “I thought you were Aizawa” I laughed as he moved from the doorway “Come in, how can we help you” 
Everyone was looking at me in my large jumper, short shorts and shin-high dinosaur socks I flushed and looked away shaking my hands “Oh no, I’m just here for Todoroki” that sounded weird. I looked over and now all the boys were looking to the duel haired male who was rolling out his bed. “I brought the charger you texted about” I held up the cord and he was walking over. 
“Oh, I forgot, thank you” his voice was smooth as I held out the cord “I could have gotten it in the morning” he answered, I shrugged and tilted my head with a light shake my head. “Thank you again Y/N” 
“No issues but I’m going to go before I pass out” I heard a few laughs as I turned to leave “Night boys” I called over my shoulder to the room full of my class. 
“Goodnight” It was all over the place and different voices chirping in all at once but I closed the door and began the walk back to my room. I loved my class with all my heart, they were so amazing and I couldn't’ ask for anything better. 
The walk was short and once I was back in my room I smiled at the jokes the girls were making that I arrived safely. Not too long after were we heading to bed. Lights out and chargers on we all laid down and I was out within seconds.
________________________________________________________________Chapter 9 
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Armada Review episode 9-13
I am putting the read more so that you do not have to read all of this if you do not want to. This is a review for episodes 9-13  season 1 and again, a reminder, these are my thoughts, if you don’t agree with what I have to say that fine but please respect my thought and opinions on what I think about the serious.
Okay so we at the end of this season which mean will be going into season 2 and oh boy I am hipped because that things started to fall into place and kinda where I watch the serious more. But where not here to talk about season 2 and we not here to talk about season 1 as a whole, that in another post which here is the link if you want to read the summer of my review for the whole season as a whole and what I think was good, what need to be fix and what things really made it good or bad.
Anyway, so here the review for 9-13 starting with.
season 1 episode 9 Confrontation:
Okay, so this is the episode that come back from a previous episode of which was call Carnival, and if you read my review on that episode that was the episode that was just not a good episode in my opinion. So you think I would hate this episode too. No, it not that bad and in fact it make more of a point of why that episode was pointless. So it pick up with the bullies Billy and Fred, talking about seeing the Autobots and them talking about how they might be evil or not good, and them saying some thing about them being from the future. Which just made me laugh and insert joke here: 
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I know I’m a nerd.
But it was mostly them talking about what happen and how no one, saw anything that day. Even thought I call bull shit on that, but still the bullies see are young main children hero heading to the Autobot base and try to follow them, before all of the kids are confuted with Cyclonus, who kidnaps the the bullies, which turn make the Autobot have to go and get them, they ask for the min cons they say no, they fight. Which end up with the other main kids and bullies getting taken hoisted by Megatron, which in turn force them to have to give up there min cons to save the kids, however Rad is able to use Laserbake to shock Megatron into drop the other kids expect himself, which then Fred, fight back with Laserbeak and even ask Megatron min con why they can’t be friends which stunts him because I guess he never thought about that? And then it end with Hotshot kick Fred out of Megatron hand saving him and having the Depections retreat. Fred and Billy are welcome into the team, even thought they are later not show in this season expect till the last of this season episode 13 Swoop. 
So overall this episode has some pro and cons to it. The pros, I like that they show that this kid can get kidnap by the Depections and that even thought technically Fred and Billy are not on the Autobot team or with the other kids Optimus still calls them his kids and want to project them and the Autobots care about them too. I also thought it was interesting about Fred talking to the Megatron min con not only is that brave to do but this could have gone into a very interesting scenario, does the min con really follow Megatron because it wants too or does it do it out of fear, which you could say he does do it out of fear but he almost seem like he could have made a choose to not listen to Megatron. 
Which if they had gone that route, rather then having Fred get upset and leave, I think it would have been interesting to see what Megatron does and how he act to a min con not listening or obeying him. He already wanting more power and to control the min con, to just have one not obey him, would have show us that the min con have in fact choose and even could have show what Megatron would do to a min con who didn’t listen to him. They could have even gotten dark and crush the min con and that would have made interesting impact to the serious. 
However, they didn’t do that but if they had, I think it would be just amazing to see them dare to do something like that to a min con during the first season. I mean we do see him later in this season forcing a min con to wake up, but to see him kill one would just be interesting. 
So the cons, this episode had too many back and for, kids are kidnap, then they are not, and then they are again. They don’t fight for every long and I feel like the other kids were a little to mean to Fred and Billy in the began when Alexia ask if they were going to join them and they laugh it off as if they are not important. I am summing they are for jokes. But honestly, I think if any character should be treat with more repeat it Fred, he always the butt of the joke about bring fat but he really has a good heart and I just feel bad that he treat so wrong. Maybe that why I somewhat like this episode but at the same time didn’t think this is one you need to see. The only reason to see it would be because you would need to know why Fred and Billy are know part of the Autobot team. Other then that it an episode you could skip. 
The next episode however, oh boy here we go!! 
Season 1 Episode 10 Underground: 
Oh my god, this was the episode that I love the most only because of one reason and one reason only. It gave us Smokescreen!!
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No, no, not that Smokescreen, that from Prime.
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Yes!! This beautiful old guy that I like to call grandpa of the team and you can not tell me otherwise. That what he is to me and always will be! He is the wonderful commandment of Kup and Ratchet or any older mech from the transformers serious and I just love him so much! 
But I getting off track, so this episode is about there being a min con in the city subway, the Autobot, children and Depiction are looking for the min con down in the subways. The children fine the min con on their own, are attacked by the min con that the Depiction told to search by themself because they can’t really transformer down in the subway like the Autobots can. 
The children run from the min con and some mysterious robot, that they children think it might be a Depiction when it only are good old friend Smokescreen who come to save the children from the Depiction who tried to kill them to get the min con, which cause them to get buried by rocks, Cyclonus get his first min con which is somewhat strong but isn’t really that as strong as Starscream. They retried and the Autobot go to save the kids only to see there good old friend Smokesceen has project the children and has finally reunited with the Autobot after he got separated from them when they first when to come down to earth and is know part of the Autobot team!
This episode start off a bit slow but it is worth it at the end to fine out that we get a new Autobot join the team, and this is where the serious become really inserting because of reason I will later talk about in other season to come as why this become inserting and make the show really good.
 For know Smokesceen off the bat, has this old man, won’t take shit from anyone, and is a really close friend to everyone, he also a very good fighter and I just love his voice, it the type of voice that sound very kick ass old man voice that you get from a lot of characters in show. It just a good voice that fix the character so well. I just loved how he fight with his hook and he just is overall a good interaction to talk about other Autobot past as well as being helpful for in the next episodes with fighting the Depiction because they are know out number with this new addition to the team.  So I do recommend this episode just because it bring in a very cool and wonderful character to the mix!
The next episode is season 1 episode 11 Ruin
This episode was really interesting and began to bring up a lot of question which I loved so much!
So the Autobots get this messaged from a hologram of a girl from a ancient city that has sank along time ago. They messaged at the began is asking for help, they go down to the city and are right way having to fight the Depection while Optimus who has the children, get shot at and has to quickly bring them into the city before he leave to fight the Depection while the chidren have to go into the city because they have to look for the min con. While they are there, they fine out the truth of why their city was sank to the ground and discover a truth about how powerful the min con are especially the min cons that form the Star Saber and how dangerous it is for them to be in the wrong hands.
 The Depection get one of the min con that forms the Star Saber and The city falls and get distorted and leave Carlos heart broken about not being able to save the pretty hologram girl who he was very much wanting to save her image and help her from being erased, which then Rad comforts him and tell him that he might see her again some day. 
So, first I just want to point out this, I was looking at the wiki for Carlos and the first thing it has on there for an instruction to him is this: 
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If you having a hard time reading it, I’ll just get you to the point you to the words that is very cringe and focus on this pacific episode. “Fantasizes about holographic dead girls” no joke, that is what it say! 
It blow my mind that is the instruction to Carlos in the wiki has for poor Carlos and I want to defined him on this because this is a bad instruction to a character that isn’t really that bad. First it is only one girl not girls! He not think about hologram girl all the time, just one.
Second Carlos, just is a kind and caring person who just wanted to keep her image alive. He wasn’t fantasying about her because he thought she was beautiful, even thought she is and he did like her look. I think there was more to it then just that. He wanted to save her from being erase and forgot by time.  He wanted to make her last moments not so sad and painful, even if she not real and is only a hologram. Yes, this serious can be corny and silly, but Carlos, just care about her and want to saver her that it.
Other then that this episode was good, and it help bring around the idea about maybe no one should be controlling the min cons and that there might be more to the story then what the children or audience know. We can’t just assume that what the Autobot are doing better then what the Depection are doing. Yes, they wear the end and purple badges but there more to it then just that and this episode and the next one, it wonderful bring that up and make you question what they are doing.
With that said in the next episode Season 1 episode 12 Prehistory
In this episode Rad start question the Autobot about why they need the min cons. He ask why they can’t just stop fighting and why do the Autobot get to make the choose and not the min cons. Which then Optimus Prime, start talking about the history of their war, about foreshadowing a big mystery about the min cons that they just came out of the blue and that they where very strong and where stared to be use by the Depections and other to fight in the war. He talk about sending them away, and later in the show, they another signal for a min con which is most like the Star Saber that has been foreshadowing for some time again and they go to get it off of an amusement park that as a volcano that is active and is going off. The Depection and Autobot start fight, the children hide with the autobot min cons, until the see the min con in the volcano and the min cons that are working with the Autobot finally start help and make the Rad see that the min cons do in fact have a choose to fight with the Autobot or not. 
After a while they are able to get the min con and finally are able to convents the children to keep believing in them and trusting what they are doing is right.
This episode brought a lot of question and also made me think about things. On one hand, yes what the Autobot are doing is right, they trying to save the min cons from going into the wrong hands, but also at the same time the problem raise with them want to use them to project them, and yes, the min cons that are working with the Autobots do want to help but it does set up a lot of question if what they are doing is right and if when everything is over, will thing be change or will they turn on the min cons. 
It really make you think with both of these episode together about if the Autobots are really good or not, and why they are still fight for so long before the min cons came into being, they say the Deceptions were righting to gain power, but because I have read mtmte and other comics it make me think that maybe Optimus is somewhat make the story a bit more different then it really is, honestly I think the Depections want to be treat equality and the Autbots didn’t want that again we don’t get the side of the story from the Depections and even if we did we wouldn’t be sure if we could turn Megatron to tell the story correctly or not, maybe Starscream would but it bring up a question about trust in story and what other say. This episode is really intresting and I love to know what you think, do you think Optimus might have been elaborating the story a bit or do you think he was being honest?
Finally we get to the last episode of the season and the one of most turning point of the serious. 
Season 1 episode 13 Swoop
In this episode the Depection figure out a way to brake into the base and try to steal the two min cons that make the Star Saber, the Autobot try to project them with there base, meanwhile Fred and Billy get caught up in all of this when there being show around which cause the Autobots to lower there defeats because they have to project the kids from getting hurt, the other Alexia, Carros and Rad go to save Fred and Billy from getting hurt and are even able to trick Cyclonus in a very claver way. Which then the Autobot have to face off with each Depection to get them either trap, hurt or even both, to keep them from getting the min cons.
However, Megatron is able to make them form into the Star Saber but luckily Hotshot is able to not only use the min cons but also us it to damaged Megatron a little bit before he retires and the Autobot know have the powerful Star saber which is given to Hotshot to use to fight the Depections. Megatron scream that he will get them next time you know team rocket style and that is the end of the season!! 
So with this episode how did I feel well. 
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It was okay! It wasn’t as good as the other once before it, but for the finally, it was a good episode to end on. It show the Autbots how they would handle if the Depections did brake into their base. How each one use there strangest and teamwork to keep everyone safe. Even the kids thought of a great idea that was very good way to get ride one of the Depections. Optimus and Megatron had a good fight and I thought it was great that Optimus didn’t get the Star Saber and Hotshot was the one to use it because he was able to use his skill and the in encouraging of the kids to fight Megatron. I also thought it was so cool to see Megatron antler be cut off like that showing how strong that sword is and how embarrassing that has to be get his ass kick not by Optimus but by young Hotshot. So overall this is a good episode to end the serious and wrap up everything nice for the most part and really hypes you up for the next season.  
So, I do recommend this episodes the biggest one I think not to miss are the episode 10-13 just because they bring the whole serious together and it just a lot of fun. The animation is good in this episode too, even thought there are some funny moment with the animation but mostly there really well draw and the music is good too. Overall yeah, I say go watch this episode sometime soon because there worth watch them and I had a lot of fun rewatching this episode. It brought me back to my childhood and why I love Transformers so much. 
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bluegarners · 4 years
If you're taking asks I would love to hear your thoughs about the Ric arc and the current state of Nightwing comics!!!!!!!!!! :))
Oh goodness, where to begin...
To start, I share a lot of the same opinions as @nightwingmyboi and @hood-ex ~~ they have very extensive and well thought out takes on the Ric Arc and the general direction DC has decided to take Dick Grayson with, along with his legacy of Nightwing. I highly suggest you read some of their posts about it, as they are very informative and probably more well versed in explaining opinions, haha!
So, my thoughts on the Ric Arc? Like most fans of Nightwing, I believe it kinda sucked ass. Like, sucked ass in the way where DC kinda just forgot characterizations (again), made it all about Batman (again), and ignored good side characters (Bea). The only thing positive I can really say about that whole arc was the art- I really enjoyed the take on Dick's features in Nightwing #74. I was happy they gave him more ethnic looking features with the fuller lips and the more angular nose. (However, they kinda screwed up with the heights??? Jason was tiny!! Barely 5' 4" it looked like LOL) The colors were pretty as well, Ryan Benjamin is a favorite artist of mine, and most of the scenes were fluid.
Another positive I can say about the Ric Arc is one of the very beginning scenes, where Damian goes to see Dick in the hospital while he's still recovering. It was moving that they let Damian be an impatient child when "demanding" for Dick to wake up, and then follow it up with him essentially fleeing and crying when he's not answered. Of course, Damian isn't really mentioned again after this, but it was still really nice to see this side of his character.
The plot.... where do I start? I don't think I'll get too much into it because it'll only frusturate me more sdfslhf but I'll say this. While I am a fan of Dick Grayson angst, DC made it very... unenjoyable, for lack of a better word. It felt like they just threw in as many villains as possible, what with the introduction of the new "sidekick" for Joker, aka Punchline, the Court of Owls appearing for a very brief time just to screw with Dick's memory more, KGBeast and Bane conspiring to get to Batman through Nightwing BY SHOOTING HIM IN THE HEAD (okay, mini rant here: DC, if you're going to make this comic about Nightwing, please please please actually make it about Nightwing. Make the problem about him, not Batman. I get that Bane is kind of the main motivator here, what with him trying to break Batman by killing his oldest allie and destroying his marriage with Seleina, but surely there are writers at the DC headquarters that can come up with a separate problem that doesn't always involve Batman. Surely that's possible right? Nightwing's whole persona was made so he could be recognized separately from Batman; stepping away from Robin was supposed to free Dick of his restrictive ties to the Bat symbol. By always tying Dick's problems immediately back to Batman or one of his enemies, it defeats the purpose of Nightwing being his own hero with his own villians and his own freakin city with its own dozens of problems!!)
Continuing on with villains, here's what I can remember off the top of my head: KGBeast, Bane, Punchline, Joker, Harely (not really, but I'm going to add her anyway), Talon, and the Court of Owls. Now, this is going to controversial, but I'm also going to add the Batfam as part of that list, and here's why. They didn't care. Plain and simple, they didn't care about Ric, they only cared about Dick and what he could do for them. There were a grand total of maybe three times where the Batfam reached out to Ric to try and reason with him, but before all of that, they re-traumatized an already amnesiac and confused person by showing him get assassinated. Like, Bruce. Wth?? I know a lot of this was mostly character assassination, especially with Barbara, but come on. Barbara was really weird throughout this entire arc, and even after he goes back to "normal", she blames Dick for being mean to her, completely ignoring the fact that he didn't know who she was half the time. And that he was, ya know,
mind controlled by multiple villains for a majority of the comic.
Moving past all of that, since I feel like I could rant for ages about it, I didn't like how abruptly they ended that arc. The crystal being my main problem. DC has many scapegoats, the lazerous pit being their biggest imo, but a crystal? All they had to do was show it to him and BOOM cured??? There was no character development. The build up to it could hardly be called build up, as it was done and over with in the span of a few panels. Nothing felt high stakes anymore, and then after he got his memories back, everyone cheered and was like "yay, he's back to normal! you were a real ass to us, and we're not going to apologize for leaving you homeless and left to fend for yourself against all these villains even though you had no memories! oh, but don't worry! we were watching this whole time, so we just let all that stuff happen to you! wow, so glad you're back- we really need Nightwing, but I guess having Dick back is okay too."
That's a very crass interpretation of what went down, but that's what happened. Bruce's half assed excuse of "I was always watching" was awful because then it just leads to more problems of, oh well, if you were always there, why didn't you rent him an apartment so he didn't have to live out of his taxi? Or get him out of trouble and bar fights? Or stop the Joker from getting him and taking control of his mind? Or any numerous terrible things that happened to Ric? It's just annoying that no one seems to actually try and emphathize with what Dick went through, and it's all getting brushed to the side in favour of, "oh, well, back to work!"
They could've gone down so many pathways with Dick getting shot in the head, but instead they gave him amnesia, trauma, bad reception from the fam, and being passed around from villian to villain just to be used over and over again. It felt like this weird dump fest where the writers just woke up one morning and was like, "how many characters can we fit into this arc to get the most amount of readers as possible? How can we become more controversial?"
I know that in the arc after Ric, we're getting some of the aftermath. I'm so so happy they let Dick cry over Alfred's death (he really needed that release of emotions, poor boy has been bottling them up for the sake of others [again, DC, I know he's supposed to be the emotionally controlled one, but please let him be healthy with his emotions and not a shut in with them]) but they still haven't addressed Damian? Like, Dick and Damian were arguably the closest before shit hit the fan, and Dick isn't wondering where the kid is? Or exactly what happened with Alfred and how Damian witnessed it?? A large part of it is the Batfam not telling Dick any of it and kind of just leaving him to his own devices now that the "issue" has been resolved (sound familiar? history repeats itself yet again....). Something else that bugs me a bit is that everyone is telling Dick what he should be feeling/thinking/doing/etc. No one's letting him... grieve. Like, Dick just got his memories back and he's probably grappling with old trauma that's now fresh in his face. Additionally, everyone is assuming he's just going to go back to normal, as if none of what just happened, well, happened. They're erasing this brand spanking new trauma, along with the news that Alfred was murdered, and the fact that Dick is still trying to do his best for his family because it's whats expected of him. I mentioned earlier that Barbara was being really weird, @nightwingmyboi actually already made a post about it, but when Dick tries to apologize and talk to her about what happened when he was Ric, she just kind of... runs away? Dramatically? Didn't even attempt to hear what dick had to say- she was just so consumed with her own hurt that talking wasn't an option for whatever reason. WHICH IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF HER CHARACTER. It's frusturating because Dick is doing his best to apologize to people when he should have nothing to apologize for- he wasn't under any of his own control and the things he did while Ric or "Dickie-boy" weren't under his own will. If anything, Dick is the one that should get an apology and a hug; he's been through so much and no one seems to be acknowledging that.
All of that to say: I liked the idea of what the Ric arc could've offered, but the plot fell through and just disappointed a lot of people. I'm hoping a lot of the issues presented in the Ric arc that went unaddressed do end up being properly resolved in the newer arcs coming out, but I'm not going to be surprised if it doesn't. Sorry for the long answer LOL
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Alexithymia - Bambam, Part 2
Part 1 
Hello everyone! Just as promised, here is part two of our Bambam angst. I really took my time writing this so it would make it a valuable experience for you, too! Enjoy~
~5k words 
Warning: implication of violence and mental instability 
It took you a while to get accustomed to reality again. Firstly, to get accustomed to your own body; only after would you fight back into reality. The first month was pure torture.
A week into your admission into the hospital, you opened your eyes groggily, the sudden colorless surroundings and the pungent smell of chlorine forcing a groan out of your lungs. You felt someone rush to your side, the voice a distant buzz before you regained consciousness fully. You tilted your head to the side and recognized your mother and your best friend by your side. After a weak inquiry about your whereabouts, you put two and two together.
You tried pushing yourself up, but a sharp pain in your abdomen denied your intention. As soon as you winced in discomfort, the memories rushed in your mind fresh and haunting about that night. It all happened so fast. You felt a pair of strong arms shoving you into a back alley, threatening you with a knife. They didn’t stop when you offered them your belongings, though, and forced themselves upon you. The disgust you felt pooling in your stomach awoke you immediately.
A doctor was summoned to your room to check on you and detail your state. He explained how the surgery went and the relatively short amount of time needed to get you up and about. He hesitated to comment on your mental state and the aftermath the assault might have had on you. A psychologist would eventually come to talk to you and establish further examination and medication.
All of them knew just by taking a simple look at you; you were disgusted with yourself. You convinced yourself of the inevitable when a nurse helped you the next day to the bathroom. You leaned against the sink and took a long look at you in the mirror; you were pale, weak and most of all miserable. Tears were prickling at your eyes but you had no energy to cry or wail. There was an uneasy emptiness in your chest.
Returning to your room, you found your manager, the surgeon, along with your best friend and from what you could gather a detective. The nurse helped you to bed and they greeted you. You figured there would be an investigation, but such events occurred so often that it looked rather strange for a detective to personally come and ask you questions. He started by informing you they had caught the culprits and a lawsuit was in full bloom. The court hearing would take place that week and they would probably be found guilty and sent to prison for many years to come.
So you answered the detective’s questions with an apathetic calm, having surprisingly little trouble in narrating that night’s events. He noted everything diligently and wondered if it was possible for you to come to testify in the courtroom. The doctor gave his approval, so you had no problem agreeing either. The least you could do was put those bastards behind bars for good.
You couldn’t suppress your curiosity so you thanked your manager for the effort he put into the investigation. You were shocked to hear Bambam was, in fact, taking care of every legal aspect of it. Then you were angered by it. You couldn’t accept what he was doing in your stead and didn’t acknowledge the explanation that your best friend gave you. No matter how rich or influential he was, you stated pretty clearly that you did not want anything to do with him anymore, including his guilty help in the matter. It was even harder to come to terms with the fact that you on your own were pretty much meaningless.
The next day, the members came for a visit, all except the one you wanted to lash out at. They came with a cheerful mood as they usually did and you accepted their huge bouquet of flowers and their thoughtful words. You recognized the flower arrangement and it irritated you that Bambam was the one choosing them because he alone knew your favorites.
He didn’t show up and his members failed to mention him, their slightly stiffened expressions answering your silent question instead. All of them hoped you’d be back to being their photographer and you must have hurt them collectively when you replied that you didn’t know if that was possible anymore and if it did, it would be a while. They took turns embracing you; Yugyeom’s was a little lingering, his eyes expressing a silent apology that wasn’t his. The members didn’t look at you any differently as you expected, no. If anything, their respect and affection for you grew larger and you felt sorry for distancing yourself from them. Even if it ultimately was for your own good.
The rest of the days you spent in the hospital, a fresh bouquet of flowers was delivered to your room every morning and your best friend had to talk you out of throwing them away. The last thing you needed was pitiful affection from the same man that betrayed you. You didn’t blame him for what happened the night you walked away, it would have been hypocritical to say so. But you blamed him for breaking your trust in people. For breaking your already scattered heart.
You remembered how the lens of your camera shattered on the floor of his living room and grabbed a hold of your chest. You choked a sob, trying to bury the pieces away.
You saw Bambam in the courtroom, the day of the trial. When the doors of the audience opened you recognized his slender silhouette, dressed in a dark green velvet costume. It took you a while to get accustomed to his presence there and it was especially difficult to hold yourself together. You made eye contact only once, despite him watching attentively how the best lawyer in the country handled your case. Everything was very thorough and well planned, it was evident how much effort he put into it.
Your manager guided your wheelchair to the stand and your eyes briefly met his. It was abrupt but you swore you had never seen his heart so heavy. He looked away just as fast and during your entire testimony, he listened without actually looking. As soon as the judge gave the verdict and subsequently offering the both of you the desired outcome, he stormed out, robbing you of any chance for answers.
 The first therapy session was the worst. The doctor was otherwise nice and patient, but the whole atmosphere was different from the courtroom where you said everything so detached. In front of your psychologist was infinitely harder to open up not because you were afraid of judgment, but because you convinced yourself you did not want another chance to fix yourself. You almost had a panic attack and left before it even began.
At first, you went to the doctor twice a week for sessions, and another two for check-ups. They told you there would be a rather noticeable scar left on your abdomen and you unconsciously placed your hand over it every time they brought it up. Your own body became a stranger to you and you faced difficulties in mundane tasks such as showering, or dressing. The first couple of nights, you’d wake up sweating from vicious nightmares and hug your knees to your chest as if trying to erase the undesired memories.
It felt oppressive when the psychologist forced you to dive deeper into the memories, trying to make you relieve them so that you could learn to accept them, then get over them. It was an agonizing process every time you’d scan the events. There were occasions in which you wanted to give up and shut yourself away from the world.
Of course, your lawsuit made the front page, with Bambam being the main benefactor. Although he did not give any extensive interviews, they made him look like an angel on Earth for doing such an impressive act of justice. Then there were speculations circulating that the two of you were secretly dating and he felt a manly need to obtain justice for his girlfriend. It wasn’t his fault, but you were getting angrier and angrier at him.
Thanks to that, however, you did not give up on therapy. Slowly, with timid steps, you started making progress and in record time, you managed to look the facts straight in the eye without batting an eyelash. The doctor was pleased with the results and praised you for your efforts. But she was a skilled psychologist, with a fine eye for unnoticeable details. So she asked you whether you were let down by any particular individual.
You then revealed your past relationship and the emotional abuse you were subjected to. She listened calmly to your story and showed you a gentle smile toward the end.
“This certainly is something dreadful and I am happy that you got over it.”
You nodded your head but commented on her silence. “But?”
“But it doesn’t look like that is the problem anymore.”
All your way home you contemplated her words. She was not mistaken. The events of the past were long forgotten and sealed in a corner of your being that you would never open again. The side effects would take place, yes, but they weren’t having any control over you. So what was really the matter?
In your quest to learn how to live your life to the fullest again, you signed up for some photography classes to polish your skills and also remind yourself why you fell in love with it in the first place. Your last fight with Bambam left you without any professional lens to use for training. You took a seat at the kitchen table and took your laptop to check if your favorite shop still had the ones you used; you couldn’t afford to get the latest professional ones. You remembered there was a gift box you left unopened from the time the boys came to visit you because you did not find any needed energy to welcome any good in your life.
You rose from the table to get the beautiful lilac box and smiled to yourself as you fiddled with the beautiful silver ribbon. Your eyes widened when you saw the equipment you needed and wanted and took it in your hands gently. There was a small note attached to the package and you bit your lower lip when you recognized the handwriting.
‘I’m sorry for ruining it. I hope this is what you need.’
The problem became pretty clear.
You couldn’t bring yourself to use what he got you. You didn’t know if you were stubborn, or that accepting his gift would make you think about him again. You were bewildered that day in the courtroom. He went through a lot of phases. At first stoic with a cold glint in his eyes, then expectant of his work and then when your eyes met…sorrow, pain, regret. You didn’t realize it then, but it confused you and it was the kind of confusion that eroded your heart and poisoned your mind. And more than anything, you wanted to be done with him.
You put the equipment in your bag and left for the first class.
 “Did you figure out what the problem is?” the doctor asked you on your next session, crossing her legs expectantly.
“Yes.” You mumbled, taking a deep breath before starting to talk about Bambam.
You weren’t aware when you started describing your goofy encounters, the good first impression that he made and your genuine interest in his apparent jokester personality. You recalled the dedication which you put in their group shots and the little extra time you’d spend with him to work on the best angles. Then you remembered that one time you came late for their shoot because you overslept from fatigue and he defended you in front of the staff.
Somewhere along the way, you started smiling about your late dinners and the songs he’d send you after each of them, claiming they’d remind him of something that you did. Or the little messages that he’d send to tease you that you were losing sleep to chat with him. In the mornings he didn’t have schedules, he’d pop by with coffee and various cakes, always making fun of the craters under your eyes.
“One time, he sent me a really ugly meme because I made such a weird face at a guy who wiped his nose with his hand!”
You started laughing and finally relaxed your body in the armchair. You brushed your hair behind your ear and blinked in surprise. You were actually talking leisurely about him, without any apparent bad feelings.
 However, Bambam never contacted you. The last encounter you had was at the trial and even then you didn’t exchange any words. You saw it coming. You figured he would ignore you now that he didn’t have any particular reason to see you. You individualized the dedication to your process as a way to tie any loose ends between the two of you. The flowers, you tied to his members and even the obvious note in the present box did not convince you it was his choice of present. So you kept your silence as well.
Your photography classes were progressing excellently and you talked to your manager about slowly coming back in the industry. It was easy to find clients for you. Various groups had been trying to get your attention for a while and it also was the perfect chance to put you back on the map. So you did the photoshoots for some debuts, or season greetings. A couple of days in, you were contacted by the fashion magazines, requesting your artistic touch on some projects.
The work you were venturing yourself into became a crucial element in your healing process. You engrossed yourself in what you did best and it wasn’t hard for you to get back your reputation. Because it was going smoothly, your therapy sessions decreased to one every two weeks. And everyone was so supportive of you. But you missed something in your daily activities, and you missed it dearly. It wasn’t that the others were bad models or were uncooperative, but they weren’t what you were used to, they didn’t bring that familiarity.
 “Y/N, are you familiar with the term ‘alexithymia’?”
“Not particularly, no.”
“It is a term that roughly describes the incapacity to express one’s feelings. And I think that both you and Bambam suffer from our little friend here.”
You looked at the therapist and opened your mouth to say something but decided against it. The serene look she had on her face made you realize you would play yourself yet again.
“It is not necessarily a bad thing,” she continued. “People that face this kind of problem go through a lot of episodes together until they finally realize feelings have to be expressed before they become oppressive. It is more of a self-discovering journey.”
You sighed and your eyes fell to your lap. You were hotheaded and a quick judge. Recalling all the events you confessed to your therapist, you started seeing the little faults and the communication barrier the two of you unconsciously started building between the two of you. It was an unwelcome introspection; however necessary it might have been.
“Do you trust him?”
“I do.” You admitted, looking back at her. “I wouldn’t have told him about my past otherwise, no?”
It was reassurance you needed. You admitted your own feelings and that you might have been wrong to judge everything so harshly, but it wasn’t that one-sided. More than anything, you were afraid.
“I understand he has some questionable habits from your point of view, but I also understand that he chose to walk a better path ever since you started growing close. Or am I wrong?”
Not wrong but not completely right either. “What should I do then?”
“Commitment issues are something one works upon, from both sides. I think you have to allow him to explain himself. It looks to me like neither of you did this in front of each other.”
 You were preparing for dinner when your phone lit up.
“Yes, manager?”
“Ah, sorry to trouble you at this time. I got a call for a shooting. It was Got7’s manager.”
Your heart sank into your stomach. “Is it?”
“It’s only Jackson, Jaebum and Jinyoung. It looks like they won some online contest that granted them a public ad. It wasn’t exactly confidential that you were back to work and it looks like they insisted on working with you.”
You let out a shaky sigh and put the pan away. You needed more time to make up your mind.
“What do I tell them?”
“I’ll come over to the studio in the morning to sign the papers.”
You had been fixing the last details of the shooting with the crew along with installing your camera when you heard the three boys greeting you in unison. You turned to them with a smile on your lips and squealed as Jackson rushed to pull you into a hug.
“Seun-ah.” Jinyoung chuckled and tugged his friend away. “Let her breathe, would you?”
“I don’t mind, really. I missed you guys!”
“Likewise” Jaebum dipped his head in a bow. “We heard you were back in the game and we couldn’t be more excited.”
“Yeah! You are so busy now we were afraid you’d turn us down.” Jackson pouted and you nudged his side.
“You all know I have a weakness for you.”
The three of you laughed together and it was the first time in a long time you felt content with yourself. You missed your friends terribly. “So, I see you’re all dolled up boys! Shall we kick it?”
It didn’t take long for them to get accustomed to you again and it was a surprise how accurately you remembered their strong points. The shoot flew by rapidly in good spirits. You showed them a couple of your stills and were met by their adorable stunned expressions.
“Come on, it’s not like it’s your first time working with me!” you told Jackson as Jaebum and Jinyoung walked away with their manager to discuss something.
“For real, you have no idea how much we missed your subtle touch. You really are a genius.”
You looked away for a moment, clearing your throat. It was your one chance to open Pandora’s box.
“Say, Jackson…”
He perked up at you. “Hmm?”
“How’s Bambam these days?”
Jackson couldn’t hide the conspicuous surprise on his features and it made you uncomfortable. He sensed it and waved his hands frantically. “No, no, it’s not like that! He wasn’t, I wasn’t expecting you to ask about him.”
You challenged. “How so?”
“Bambam thinks you hate him.”
You winced and nodded your head. He must have thought so about you after you openly stated that you wanted nothing more with him. “He’s changed after… after everything. I don’t think he’s touched anyone after you. I’m not saying you should do something about it, but would you at least hear him out?”
You were at a loss for words. You knew Jackson as the kind and trusting person he was and part of you wanted to believe he said it for the sake of his own friend. But you also knew Jackson was not a liar and the sincerity of his statement twisted the lock in your heart. You didn’t have time to react.
“Good work today, Y/N!” their manager congratulated you and you had to muster a great amount of concentration to smile. “See, if there’s not much trouble for you, I’ve discussed with Jaebum and Jinyoung. Would you mind being our photographer for the comeback photoshoot?”
The boys looked expectantly at you. The last months had been a hardship for you and you certainly came back from a place you would never want anyone to be. But it also showed you what your priorities were, how much you loved your life and your job, your friends and your family and how devastated banning yourself from these things made you. Perhaps, in retrospect, you would have done things differently. You don’t have the past. You have the future ahead and your own choices to make.
“You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
 The night before the photo shoot you didn’t sleep a wink. You kept replaying your therapist’s words in your head and spent a lot of time confronting your heart. What did you really want? What would you really do? What would he do instead? If anything, Jackson offered an opening and anyone would see it clear as day it was the only one you’d get. You’d never been the type to let someone see right through and you didn’t. You somehow knew he was able to.
In spite of the lack of sleep, you didn’t look as bad as you expected. Maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through your veins that kept you alert. Per usual, you were the last to arrive whereas everyone was done and ready. You caught the boys playing a game of rock-paper-scissors.
“Tone down the punishments, would you? I don’t want to take photos of your ruined selves.”
They turned to you and the ones that did not get the chance to see you swarmed around you. Bambam kept his distance, watching you from afar. You glanced at him and granted him a delicate smile that caught him off guard. He turned his head to look behind him and make sure he was the one you were smiling at.
“Let’s be professional.” You concluded and they chuckled at you, taking their respective turns for the shoot.
Bambam was the last in line and he kept on pacing around nervously while you did your magic. He noticed that you were using the equipment he bought for you and felt droplets of sweat traversing his forehead. Seeing you for the first time in months was getting him even more nervous as he thought he’d be. In fact, he never anticipated he’d see you again.
“Okay, Mark, you can go home!” You joked and he clicked his tongue at you. “Can I take a quick break? I forgot how cautious I have to be when working with these boys. Just having them focused is a mission in itself.”
The staff granted you permission and you walked to the back of the set where your chair was. You plopped down into it and put the camera on the side table. A small pain in your lower abdomen made you grab at your scar. You closed your eyes to relax your body.
“Are you okay?”
A familiar voice echoed in the air and you nodded your head softly. No amount of preparation could have you ready for that moment but you had to face it head-on. You opened your eyes and noticed Bambam kneeling down in front of you. You forgot how tall he was in comparison to you.
“I’m okay. It happens sometimes when there is much to do.”
His eyes were soft and weary. He always overworked himself to keep him distracted from something. And you hated seeing him like that.
You leaned over, a soft smile playing at your lips. “Can you not look at me like that? It’s making me sad.”
Bambam chuckled. “I’m sorry. I see you after so much time and I’m already making you uncomfortable.”
You lowered your head and looked away. Bambam really changed; he started having that air of maturity around him and a certain sense of responsibility. Jackson’s words popped into your mind.
“I am sorry about those press articles. I know you didn’t want any ties to me and I really tried calming everything down. You cannot really make them shut their mouths.”
“That was nothing. It was to be expected.” you waved your hand dismissively. 
“Say, Y/N… Jackson-hyung said you asked about me.”
Of course he did. You nodded. “I did.”
It was unclear to you all that time why you kept on wondering about him. And if you weren’t asking yourself, others would tell you. Even when you wanted to distance yourself from him, you were just pulled closer. But you finally woke up from your induced lucid dreams. You took a small breath and leaned over.
“I don’t hate you, Bambam.”
He furrowed his brows as if trying to make sense of your words. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“But I thought—I kept my distance because I thought you wanted me to disappear from your life.”
Bambam grabbed at the sides of his head. You stood silent, waiting for him to continue. “God, you have no idea how happy that makes me.”
He livened up. “There were so many things I didn’t get to tell you or explain to you. Jesus when I saw you on that stand and how depleted of life you were…it destroyed me.”
Bambam had an intention to grab your hands but clasped his own instead. “I blame myself so much for what happened to you that I cannot breathe properly. That’s why I took it upon myself to punish those monsters. I had to see it done with my own eyes.”
You took a hold of your loose shirt and struggled to comprehend the intensity of his words. Bambam was conveying everything with passion as though he would never be able to again.
“I never blamed you for what happened to me, Bambam.” You exhaled shakily. “It was not your fault any of that happened.”
He ran his fingers over his forehead, rubbing at his temples. “It is my fault.”
“Bam, it could have happened any other day—“
“It is my fault.” Bambam rose his head and his eyes found yours effortlessly. “I was supposed to tell you everything that night. And you wouldn’t have left and none of this would have tormented you!”
Your heart skipped a beat. “Everything?”
“Yes, everything. I wanted to tell you that I had been having sex with your apprentice way before we had anything. That she was my fuck buddy long before I realized I was mortified of touching anyone else that wasn’t you.”
Bambam took a deep breath and you could bet he could hear your rapid heartbeat hammering in your chest. “I was ashamed that I was screwing your friends, but I meant to tell you I cut it off entirely when we started spending time together seriously. You have no idea how much peace talking to you at night brought me. I didn’t need any of that shit if I had you with me, even by text.”
“I was so determined to make you happy, really. I finally had someone who brought out the best in me and I just wanted to give you the same. I swear I didn’t mean to fall in love with you and I did and I still do.”
He reached out to unclasp your fingers and slowly intertwine them with his own. “When you told me about what had bothered you so deeply, I was the happiest man alive. You opened up your heart to me and trust me when I say I was absolutely terrified. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with it and I am not blaming that fucking wine or anything, but I’ve never known what making love to someone meant until you.”
You looked down at his hands then back at him. “I know you have absolutely no reason to believe me after how big of an asshole I was to you. I am sorry that I can’t take it back.”
Bambam wanted to retreat his hands and sit up but you followed his movements. “I should apologize too. For judging you so harshly. I should have given you credit.”
He tilted his head slightly. “I still am going to therapy and I still am fighting my demons, but it made me realize that there were a lot of things I didn’t tell you. And an important one is that I fell in love with you too and I kept it to myself because I never bothered to listen to your side of the story.”
Bambam’s face was petrified, his lips slightly parted. He wasn’t even blinking. You blushed at his reaction.
“I need some time to come to terms with this, but I am still yours. If you want me with all the damage and the scars.”
Bambam pulled you into a tight embrace, a hand curled into your hair and the other circled around your waist. He was trembling but his warmth enveloped you and you took in his familiar scent. His breathing was uneven when you wrapped your arms around his middle. His heart was beating just as fast as yours.
“You could be anything for all I care. I want you as you are.”
You chuckled and nested your head into his chest. You missed that feeling of safety whenever Bambam would pull you into his embrace. Unlike any other time, his hug was soothing and compassionate. It would be an adventure to discover how much of an adventure lover Bambam would be.
“I think we need to stop now because I feel like I’ll cry and you don’t take photos of my ruined self.”
You laughed loudly and pulled away. Bambam resisted the urge to kiss you; he wanted to do it right and was determined to give you as much time as you needed. And as much help as he could give.
“That’s very true.” You took the camera from the table and pointed to the set, starting to give him some friendly advice. He clicked his tongue and turned to look at you.
“Y/N, really now. I am the best model around. Make sure you can handle me before actually trying to lecture me.”
You scoffed. “Is that so? Make sure you don’t exude too much of your big ego. I’m afraid the lens will crack again.”
You walked away. Bambam watched your back and smiled to himself. “This time nothing will be destroyed.”
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myherohcs · 4 years
Single Dad Present Mic scenario/headcanons
Gave him a daughter in this one! I named her Kaya because I got bored using “the child” or “his daughter” the whole time lol. #Kaya In The Skya
warnings: angst, loss of a spouse (no gender), eventual EraserMic, fluff because my boy deserves it, and kinda long! 
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🎙Present Mic would have loved his S/O so much for years and years and years if he was given the chance. They would probably be a hero too, but he's the kind of guy who would love just about anyone. Hero, civilian, quirk, quirkless, Mic believes in love above all else.
🎙But Mic is around heroes so much, he'd probably meet his S/O in the line of duty. They would hit it off quick and everyone would remember the two for having such an easy and passionate love for one another from the beginning.
🎙They were that couple that moved in with each other after only a few months dating, got engaged after six months, and married a year after meeting each other. They would adopt their daughter not long after that.
🎙Everything moved so naturally fast for them and Hizashi would thank his lucky stars for that later on.
🎙He would remember how normal the day had been when he found out he lost his spouse. They died as many heroes do; saving others. The news came to him after a long day of teaching followed by a visit to the radio station to plan an upcoming segment before going home to take over babysitting for his S/O. The tradeoff was short and Hizashi was barely awake when he kissed them goodbye for the night. He would rest and watch over the mostly sleeping 4-year-old, Kaya, while they went out for a  patrol through their hero agency. 
He would get the call in the early hours of the morning. He needed to go to the hospital quickly. It was bad. He didn’t want to bring Kaya, so he called the first person he thought of. 
Shouta had been awake grading papers and almost didn’t answer his phone. It was the perfect time for Hizashi to need help home from the bar and he didn’t know if have the energy for that tonight. But he did answer. Like he always does. He knew immediately by the mere tone of his friend’s voice that something terrible was wrong. Hizashi sounded terrified and he needed Aizawa to watch his daughter for him. He had to go to the hospital. Hizashi didn’t have to explain much after that statement. It was every hero’s nightmare to have a loved one beyond their realm of saving, but unfortunately a common thing in their line of business. Aizawa agreed and Mic was at his apartment in no time and gone again in a flash. Shouta's goddaughter slept soundly through it all. 
🎙Hizashi loss that night would destroy him. He’d need a lot of support from his friends and coworkers in the weeks following the incident.   
🎙It was one of the few times anyone could really remember Hizashi going silent. He is usually so vocal about his feelings, but in this time of great emotion, words failed him. 
When he could speak again, when he could function again, he found himself emotionlessly arranging the funeral and taking care of all the duties one must take care of when they lose a spouse. He took care of his daughter too, but it was done more upon instinct than anything really conscious. A hero’s funeral is one of the worst to deal with. It’s hard to deal with the rampage of emotions being projected onto you. You should honor the hero for their sacrifice, but you must deal with the fact that it was such an avoidable death. The media can swarm depending on the popularity of the hero. Present Mic got it bad. The couple had been very open about their marriage and always in the public eye, and the story of a hero becoming a widowed father was not one to pass up. Hizashi barely batted an eye at the attention. In fact, he barely reacted at all. How could he when he just lost everything? Nemuri and Aizawa stayed with him that night. Surprisingly, it was Aizawa who confronted him about his lack of emotion after the funeral. In a weird, alternate-dimension-type moment, it was Eraser’s turn for once to break Mic out of his shell. 
“You know, it’s illogical to not feel something after this Yamada.“
Hizashi broke down and admitted he was hurting to his friends. He was terrified at raising Kaya alone. He was afraid of going back to work and having to deal with others again. His friends helped him through it all. 
Nemuri and Aizawa took shifts being with Hizashi and helping him take care of Kaya after that. Aizawa took his role as a Godfather seriously. He had accepted years ago that he would never have children. This would be the closest he’d ever come to being a parent and a small part of him wanted to prove that he could be good at that. 
Kaya was old enough to recognize the change in the household and had some trouble accepting her caretaker wasn’t retuning. Hizashi and her both attended therapy to get through this new shift in their life.
🎙 Hizashi took some time off, but went back to work quicker than most expected. Mic thrives when he’s with others and knew the only way he was going to find some semblance of normality again was by getting out there and talking again. 
The main difference now was that he usually had his favorite listener with him. UA has an early education center and Kaya started coming to work with him. They would show up early everyday and Kaya would usually stick with Mic until he had to drop her off and go teach his classes. This meant she was a familiar face in the teacher’s lounge. 
🎙Kaya liked to color during staff meetings. She liked to bring cookies for all the teachers. She would sometimes be tired in the earlier mornings and sleep in Aizawa's sleeping bag while everyone worked and planned for the day. 
🎙She hung around Aizawa all the time. She was enamored with the quiet, dark-haired man who would take care of her and teach her things. She would sometimes nap with Eraser or be allowed to visit his class with her dad. She loved getting to see him and it became obvious to everyone that she saw him as a parent as much as she did her own father. 
🎙One day Kaya woke up sick. She had a fever and Hizashi has to drag her through their morning routine as she feels so tired. Hizashi told her they would go see Recovery Girl when they got to school. 
🎙Aizawa knew something was wrong the moment Hizashi walked into the teacher’s lounge.
Mic hadn’t gelled up his hair that morning. He only ever did that when either he was sick or Kaya was sick. Mic could never be bothered to do extra work like style his hair when he was sick. And when Kaya was under the weather, she liked to hide behind his curtain of hair.
“What’s wrong?”
The other teachers looked up in surprise at Aizawa’s question and Mic smiled at his coworkers. 
“Kaya is feeling a little under the weather today.”
He went over to his work desk and carefully sat down with the child. Shouta reached over to check her temperature and found her too warm for comfort. Kaya had fallen asleep and blinked lazily at Aizawa before yawning and snuggling back into her father.
"Recovery girl will be in soon. Maybe we should go down to her office and wait for her," said Aizawa.
Hizashi would smile at his friend and thank his lucky stars he had someone like Eraser in his life who cared so much for his daughter.
🎙Aizawa was around a lot, but happened to miss the first time Kaya used her quirk.
Hizashi and Kaya had been walking back from visiting Aizawa's class and one moment his daughter was there, the next she was gone.
It scared the living daylights out of Hizashi. He had an inkling it had to do with her quirk as Kaya's preschool teacher had warned him she was at the right age to start any day now. However, nothing could have prepared him.
He raced back to the training grounds to get Aizawa and burst in on his lesson to announce Kaya's disappearance. He had already been shouting from a good distance away and it wasn't until he was almost directly upon Aizawa did he realize his friend was already holding his daughter.
Aizawa stood there stoic as ever as the four-year-old beamed at her father, so excited to see him.
Hizashi dramatically fell over in relief and the students got in a quick laugh before Eraser shooed them off.
"You should keep better track of your daughter, Yamada."
Hizashi laughed, "Yeah, I guess I really should now."
🎙Kaya's quirk was hard to control. She would think about Aizawa or Midnight or someone else she liked being around and would often (without intention) teleport to their side.
One time she spent an afternoon with Principal Nedzu this way. She adored the fluffy, white creature and hung onto every word he said during his long, drawn out conversations. He was unbothered by her sudden appearance in his office and kept her around to give her some pointers about her quirk as apposed to sending her back to the preschool. He would prove to teach Kaya all kinds of things about her quirk and the potential behind it.
Another time she popped in on Toshinori as he was teaching class 1-A. They were in the middle of a training simulation and Toshi had to jump into action to save her from the crossfire between his students. He hadn't moved that quick in weeks and held his All Might form for a good 30 seconds after rescuing the girl as he had gotten terriblly worked up thinking about how much she could have hurt herself. His students stopped their antics to find out what had suddenly brought All Might's hero form out and sent someone to let Present Mic know Kaya was on the training grounds.
🎙Kaya had to wear a special bracelet to alert others of her quirk and had her father's agency's phone number on it for emergencies or in case she teleported somewhere and got lost.
🎙Kaya would learn to better control her teleportation quirk faster than most kids as she had some of the best teachers in the world giving her tips and watching over her.
🎙Aizawa was a big help. He rarely had to erase Kaya's quirk, but it did come in handy on the occasions Kaya couldn't concentrate enough to stay in one place.
🎙Kaya spent all her time with the teachers of UA. They all took it upon themselves to teach her valuable lessons and give her memorable experiences.
🎙People would ask Hizashi if he would ever start dating again, but he would just tell people he already had everything he needed.
He had his daughter and an amazing support system behind him. He was happy.
It wasn't until USJ that he remembered how quick happiness can be taken away.
🎙It felt like losing his spouse all over again. He almost lost Shouta. The one person he can rely on no matter what.
It reminds him that there's no time like the present to live your life and take chances.
🎙He confesses in that hospital room. In a moment of quiet tenderness he tells Shouta he's in love with him and he wants him to move in with him and Kaya. This life could end at any moment, so he wanted Aizawa close to cherish every bit of it.
Aizawa was going to need the extra help anyway, but that's not why he agrees.
He loved Hizashi too.
🎙And together they raise Kaya. And Eri. And Shinsou.
And they both get the big family they always wanted.
And they both enjoy every last day with eachother.
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9uk · 5 years
Let Me Stay Close To You : part 6
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⌲ summary : you were finally free from the worst nightmare of your life in high school. the doors of college welcomed you with open arms, you were set on living your best life in here, away from the toxicity back at home. that shimmer of hope in restoring your life, was somehow effortlessly crushed by a tap on your shoulder. “Hey Y/N, why don’t you say we catch up for a moment?”
⌲ pairing : bully!jungkook x reader
⌲ word count : 5.6k
⌲ genre: angst
⌲ warnings : mentions of abuse, snakes
⌲ a/n : i’m so so sorry this is unedited and written at 4 am & i just wanna thank you guys for waiting and please give me all the feedback i need to improve so bad. idk sometimes i think my writing is little draggy but it is lacking lots of info as well, or maybe i don’t like to read long descriptions or something idk lol just tell me ur opinion.
part five >  part six  > epilogue
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It is a feeling long gone but never forgotten.
It must be the most cruel joke of the year—Jeon Jungkook in the arms of Y/N.
He feels breathless, like the infinite darkness has consumed all the oxygen in his lungs, sucking every last bit of him out of his body like the blackhole. He hated it. He absolutely detested it.
The dark. It was something that reminded him of the times he hid in the corner of his bedroom, praying with bleeding lips —that he had bitten down onto so hard out of fear—and trembling hands, as he awaited the lashing he was going to receive. 
He started to think that it was happening on a daily basis now, how at any point in time at night he father would bust into the room with a cane, his dark figure looming by his door and Jungkook would shudder away as the tears involuntarily slip from his eyes.
 At 3 am, he would sit by his window and watch the moon with much resentment, silently as he sinks into the abyss of the night. 
The deep cuts and harsh bruises on his body was painful. But nothing could compare to the betrayal he felt when he sees his mother happily chatting over tea with a friend—all this while, when he was locked up in a random room—almost getting beaten to death with a thick rod away in the late hours of the night.
Jungkook doesn’t care if he gets caught loitering in the open hallway like that, he had nothing to lose and was ready to risk it all if he was granted just one look of his loving mother. 
He missed her a lot. 
The quiet times he spent in the suffocating room made him think about how much he took her love for granted.
 Was love supposed to be earned? 
He didn’t know that love—something he thought was the warm embrace of his birth giver, the extra marshmallows she would pop into his hot chocolate, the peonies she picked and tucked into his hair, the voice as smooth as silk aiding him into a deep slumber—would too, consist of a unimaginable amount of lies after lies, betrayal at its finest, and the revelation of the ugly side of it all. 
Her eyes fall onto his frail figure, one that has been tortured physically to a point of plain damage.
He was a hundred percent sure it was his mom—from the way she habitually blinks with her right eye a couple of times between normal blinks, from the way her fingers wrap around the entire teacup rather than the mini handle. Yet, instead of her eyes widening and growing with worry for her child being abused beyond the line of humanity—she furrows her brow, and her gaze turns into a glare, one he always faced when he picks on his vegetables, and she storms to him, grabbing him by the sleeve of his shirt, dragging him back to the room where he’d belonged.
She aggressively shoved at his shoulder, “You’d better dare not come out of here again. If father sees you, I don’t know what he will do to you. And I won’t be able to help you.” She wipes at her skirt, as if she had just laid her hands on a piece of garbage.
“Mommy!” He can’t help but cry out at her entire change in attitude towards him,
before her face contorts in disgust, slamming the wooden door in his face followed by a locking noise at the keyhole.
Jungkook refuses to believe what had just happened, so he screams as loud as he could, not caring about how piercing the shrills of his voice were—hoping that she would hear his expression of his misery through the seperation and feel at least a tinge of pity for him.
 He sucks in a deep breath, tears successfully rolling down his face a waterfall, and he screams even louder if that was possible—he wants her to have his yells of plea engraved in the back of her head, appearing every so often to haunt her in her sleep and taint her with guilt. He wants his mother to snap back to her old self, the one who would be carefully placing bandaids over the tears on his skin.
Unfortunately, her footsteps fades into the distance, and she returns to teatime with her acquaintance, shredding all of her last bit of conscience for her son.
A piece of garbage he was.
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Freedom shined like a butterfly crawling out if its cocoon bathing in fresh sunlight for the very first time. 
Jungkook was released from his room like a convict when the grim news of the passing of his brother arrived to the household. He wasn’t even allowed to attend his biological brother’s funeral, like he was a bad omen or something of the sort.
During this period of time, he was frequently left alone in his room with his usual three meals and toys he grew bored of. The monster didn’t visit at night, for the grieving over his brother was too much to bear apparently. It gave him enough time for his injuries to heal, a skin forming over them barely covering anything except to provide protection against infections honestly.
However, after a several days pass the door unlocks and he trembles in pure terror. Was this his fate?
That there would be no end to the treatment his own family gave him, that he would have to spend all his birthdays along with his Ironman plushie as he sang himself to being an age older.
He prayed, for it was all he could do.
To his surprise, he never knew the bedroom door opening this time, was to a whole new world for him. Jungkook begin going to school, being able to eat meals at the main dining table, put his foot up on the couch if he wished, enjoy hot showers and roam freely—even out of the estate.
A unfamiliar yet eye-opening concept of life.
He wasn’t complaining.
His father remained cold as ice towards him and he couldn’t bother much about his mother, after seeing the way she left him to drown on his own in a pool of misery and despair. He was no longer desperate for parental love or attention, they ignored him but kept him in check when needed and he enjoyed life more than he could have ever imagined.
‘Study hard’ and ‘Take over the company’ were two phrases he heard a lot coming from both freaks and he just did as told, knowing how his grades would get him whatever he wanted now.
He didn’t even have to ask, and the poshest car or the latest limited edition pair of shoes would arrive at his doorstep. 
His life seemed almost perfect now, except that he still hasn’t learnt how to sleep with the lights off. 
And that is because he simply can’t. The absence of light would bring him back to those days where he tossed and turned with nightmares swirling in his mind, worries overtaking his pounding heart and his father showing up with a potential weapon in hand. 
He doesn’t see his father often, assuming he is coped up at the office with work and his mother still endlessly mourning over the loss of his brother, finger tracing over his smiling features in his middle school portrait. The boy was long gone but never erased from his mother’s heart.
 While he was at the brink of death and she did not even bat an eye.
 He was smart—he just had to be obedient and he would get whatever he wanted, no more bad treatments anymore—he was now treated like a king. Sometimes he thinks that he owes his life to his brother. 
It was like a sacrifice made to save him from his predicament.
A really, depressing and tragic sacrifice.
One that switched the initial plan of the Jeon Family and their business—one that his parents decided to use and groom Jungkook to become the heir.
One that made the girl stop visiting ever since.
One that changed the destinies of the two children who met at the company dinner.
Jungkook has never fallen asleep with the lights switched off before. 
That is, until he did exactly so in your bedroom.
 He is unable to comprehend how he actually managed to do just so, fall asleep peacefully in complete darkness. Nonetheless, he did wake up after a couple of hours breaking out in cold sweat with his arms clutched around your stiffening form. 
Jungkook hates how the feeling of holding and pulling you close to him is so comforting in an unexplainable manner, and how you felt nothing less than home. Jungkook is beginning to doubt why the hell he started these petty grudges with you—when you were a fibre away from the woman he used to love wholeheartedly. Keyword : used to. However, it was a tad too late for regrets.
 He was only left with two choices of compensation and reconciliation. They were undeniably difficult to carry out, especially having hurt someone to an extent that far it’s almost outrageous. He thinks what he has done in the past to you is absolutely unforgivable. 
Because if he was asked to do the same for his father’s mistakes, there would be only one option.
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“You’re back early today. No dates or parties to attend tonight?” You cheekily tease as Sooyoung walks through the front door.
 A few moments later, she doesn’t reply as she settles her bag down onto the couch and toss the car keys onto the table.
 There was resentment written all over her face, she looked annoyed and in an extremely bad mood. You decided to keep quiet, considering that it isn’t the best time to speak when she felt this way over god knows what.
Sooyoung fumbles around some clothes, before she is heading for the door again, completely ignoring your existence.
  No, please just Jungkook ignoring me would suffice.
You couldn’t let this slide and worry about what you had done to offend her for the whole night.
Just as she slings her bag over her shoulders, you open your mouth again. 
“Sooyoung-ah, where are you going?”
She barely even looks over her shoulder to face you, before replying, “To meet Seulgi and Wendy.” 
She was brushing you off so casually.
 You felt like this more than the number of fingers on both hands could count, when people offered you help after Jungkook threw your pencil case in the bin or poured your lunch over your papers, you would think there would be a chance in making proper friends with them and escape this cruel torment. It wasn’t until you tried to sit with them in lunch and the whole group of students suddenly went quiet, the feeling uncomfortable to beyond. It’s like your presence made them stop discussing about anything, they awkwardly scratched the back of their necks before hurriedly placing the food trays back and scurrying off to class, leaving you alone at the table.
 It was silly of you to think that people have begun to accept you just because they offered you a piece of tissue paper.
That day, you looked at your food and watched the tear drops fall into the gravy.
And from then on, you never went down for lunch ever again.
You’re thinking about why you weren’t invited, especially when it was always the four of you, no more or less. You didn’t want to lose this precious bunch of friends, and you surely weren’t overthinking when you felt that they were leaving you out on purpose.
“Uh, I’m not invited?” 
The words came out way more obnoxious than you had intended, it had an aftertaste of bitterness and spite. You regret it immediately as you witness her face fall even more, into an irritated frown.
“You want to be invited after what you did at the party?”
Kiss Taehyung? Scold Jungkook? What was it?
“What... I did at the party?” You genuinely question, scanning every small action or word you had done or said back then.
“Oh c’mon. Let’s quit playing dumb. You clearly knew how much Seulgi liked Taehyung and you had the audacity to make out with him?”
Your lips parted in shock. Sooyoung was clearly the one who suggested to go over and converse with Taehyung, as well as the one who left you alone with him. 
Why was she being so pretentious about the whole situation?
Did she like him?
But you had to admit Seulgi totally slipped your mind when Taehyung wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and kissed you hard.
“I just-“ You try to explain yourself. Only to face a dead end. 
It was your fault, and all the fingers were pointed at you right now. You exhaled, “My mind wasn’t in a clear state when that happened, and I just went with the flow, I really did not mean to hurt Seulgi or anything-“
Wow, you sounded even more pretentious than Sooyoung.
“Do you know how upset Seulgi got, when Taehyung was filling her up with details of how you practically threw yourself at him like a whore?” ‘And disappointed’ She mumbled softly to herself, but it wasn’t missed by your ear.
 “I never knew behind this facade of obedience and innocence lied someone who was so sly and disloyal.”
Your friends felt betrayed. 
You had no words to retaliate or argue with what Sooyoung had just said—because you think it’s true, you see yourself as that kind of a person too.
 You ignored the fact that Sooyoung kept complimenting Taehyung right in your face, that nothing really happened between the both of you that night thanks to a certain someone, and that Taehyung deviously lied about you throwing yourself at him. It happened because of both parties’ consents and desires. 
And despite all these facts that they never went to consider before labelling you as a whore, the damage has been done. 
The true colours have been revealed.
She swipes her car keys off the countertop when you’re left speechless and guilty, heading out once more. 
You felt like crying, but for some reason you couldn’t.
It was something you should have expected from the very start.
Losing the people you hold close to your heart was something you were beginning to get so used to. This felt worse, because you chose to hurt them.
People would comfort you by saying that it is unintentional and that you didn’t have the need to feel bad or upset, but you’re starting to feel like a monster yourself. You are rather thankful for your first ever friends after so long to leave your side, because it’s what an asshole like you deserves. 
A new chance had already been granted to you, and yet just so easily and quickly—you screwed everything up. Maybe a person like you did not deserve to live a normal life. 
You were meant to be alone, you always have been and you always will. 
The loud slam of the wooden door is a finger snap to your face, and you realise why all those years you had shut yourself off from people—you don’t think you are able to handle the kind of pain that squeezes tightly at your heart and constricts your chest when they leave. 
If people come and go so easily, you had might as well not let them enter at all. You think it saves a few more heartbreaks and opportunities of getting hurt.
Your whole body is stinging with numbness as your mind is nothing but a blank, you walk over to the coffee table—one which you and Sooyoung had shared the local pastries over a season of Friends for one too many a times—and ur heart clenches at that. 
Sly and disloyal. 
You don’t think you are able to forget those words that callously shot like daggers at you—for it was done by someone you loved and cherished a lot since you offered to share that damn kettle.
Picking up your wallet, you flip it open only to be met with the genuine smiles—something that the both of you often shared when you were younger. 
The old photograph was taken in the middle of summer, when two carefree kids hung out at the beach with silly floats and fancy swimsuits, rainbow popsicles in their hands. The glaring sun light as seen in the picture reminded you of how your childhood was filled with nothing but fragrant flowers and fresh sunshine, that made one feel young, wild and free.
You never saw that sunlight again.
Instead, you choose to view the moon in the darkest shade of night now, admiring how celestial and full it looked—to replace the emptiness you felt in your heart. Junghyun is someone you would rarely forget, for the round shining whiteness in the sea of black was always there as a constant reminder of the boy who played a major part in your younger years.
“Look at the moon, if you ever feel sad. Then think about me,” Your best friend nudges your elbow with a playful quirk of his brow, he turns to look at your tear stained face with something close to adoration. “And always remember that no matter where I will be,”
“…I will always love you.”
You chuckle at how stupid you must sound, reciting something as small as a foolish promise between two kids to comfort yourself. You’re laughing and yet, the tears never seem to stop falling from your eyes. 
The memories of that fateful day was sewn into your mind—the two of you were kicking water in the shallow pool, only for you to carelessly drop the Tamagotchi you have in hand into the water. Junghyun immediately dives in forgetting about any form of hesitation, fishing out your sinking device like a lifeguard. ‘It’s okay’ he says, ‘I’ll get you something even better.’ When your pet is glitched out and doesn’t respond to your commands anymore, you began wailing like the little brat you are. After he wipes your tears causing an unbearably cute pout is formed on your tiny features, he said those words you’d never thought you would cling onto for life. That night, it was the first time he ever asked for something from his parents.
Both adults were initially confused by the sudden request, but compiled to it anyway without further questions. And when Junghyun woke up to a brand new Nintendo DS placed on his study desk, his face gleamed with satisfaction.
There’s a knot forming in your throat and your lungs are deprived of air as you attempt to cease the relentless sobbing. 
The illumination of the moon—for some reason—seems extraordinarily fluorescent tonight.
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The anatomy project has long been finalised and submitted. The grades of it would even be released by the end of this week. It’s been over weeks since Jungkook and you have ever spoken a word to each other. Since the complicated yet warm hug had taken place between the both of you, you detached yourself from his body after your breath steadied and your mind clear of the drunken, built-up frustration—only muttering an excuse to hurriedly leave before he could say anything else to you. 
You left him standing there feeling more peculiar than ever. 
The hug, the party. You words slap him across the face once more as he recalls the exact thing you had said to him. 
You were never more right.
 He was this horrible, sick-minded and sadistic piece of trash—was he any better than the man who beat him to death on a daily basis?
Taehyung wasn’t the best for you, but he had no right to interrupt whatever was going on at that point in time between the both of you.
 Simply because he wasn’t any better. 
In fact, he feels like he’s much worse than his friend—who sticks his dick in every living thing—Jungkook is a dick himself.
At least Taehyung was nice without trying and he knew the correct things to say or do, even more so he knew how to control his emotions and temper. Maybe that’s how he gets all the girls hung up on him even after he uses them like rags of clothes.
Jungkook wasn’t good at any of that. 
Properly communicating and interacting with people just wasn’t his forté.
 If he’s angry, he lifts his hand. If he’s happy, he says things that cross the line. If he’s sad, he converts that to anger and resort to violence to shield that one bit of vulnerability from anyone, not wanting to seem weak at all. 
That is why his circle of friends is small, and he feels like he doesn’t even truly know and understand any of them. But you? Damn, you knew his temper like the back of your hand, you’ve seen him in his angriest form, you’ve witnessed fear overcome every cell of him and undergo a panic attack, you’ve watched him on the brink of tears as he ventured through another nightmare—and yet, he knew nothing about you.
You would forever remain as this mysterious and unpredictable person to him—and that, never failed to make him feel exasperated by the overpowering need to explore every millimetre of you, inside out. 
He was unable to identify your soft spots or pick on your weaknesses—you were typically unreactive to anything that he does. 
The time he spent in college with you was nothing but an emotional rollercoaster, an absolute train-wreck. 
In class, he wouldn’t even notice your presence for you snuck in five minutes late in a dark hoodie and black jeans, lurking in the corner of the lecture hall, before hastily leaving the second the lecturer ended the lesson.
He realises that you were becoming similar to the girl in high school, he notices that your group of friends at the cafeteria had one person missing and it was always you. He wonders if you have “left the squad” or aren’t on talking terms anymore. He wonders what had happened to cause the falling out between you and your friends. Or maybe you were just being yourself, avoiding contact with humans in general. Like a shadow, you loomed in the secret spaces, disappearing and reappearing as and when you wished.
It wasn’t until that day he roamed the streets around town, exploring the people and places a little with his giant camera. He felt like a tourist in a foreign country when he was actually studying and living on this land.
 For him, everywhere felt foreign, even the posh villa (and many other more estates) he owned didn’t even feel like home. Nothing was close to the feeling of his mother’s fingers intertwined with his own—aforementioned lady long gone and burnt to ashes in the back of his mind.
Home—a feeling he cannot grasp despite the fountains of cash and power coming his way, the throne at the very top of JEON entertainment hungrily waiting for him to take over—Jungkook only felt it again after what seemed like decades, in your fucking bed, hugging you to sleep. 
The thoughts of you are shaken away violently when he—whether by fate or luck— decides to enter a fast food restaurant wanting to grab some fries. Not only did he get the strips of potatoes he craved for, he also managed to spot you just behind the counter, eyes wide and brows raised. It was adorable to see how you acted like you didn’t notice him at all, clearing your throat and blindly meddling with the smoothie machine.
Jungkook simply snickers at your obvious reaction.
It was almost as if the sight of you effortlessly stuck a smile to his face.
The joint only had customers leaving one by one after dinner time, the queue to the cashier nonexistent and he made good use of that matter of fact.
He confidently strides up to you—acting like he didn’t recently get yelled at by you, then hugged you, and at the very same time get ditched by you—and you quickly whisper to one of your colleague’s ear, begging him to take Jungkook’s order for you. Judging by how you were speedily undoing your apron, he takes the hint and waits for a while before backtracking and joining you in the bathroom with a smirk plastered on his face.
He had you trapped and not even your shadow wouldn’t be able to escape this time.
“Hello.” He greets lowly with his palm of the wall and his legs crossed, taking up the whole doorway when you emerge from the cubicle.
“Oh my fuck-“ You jump and his heart does little somersaults.
“Long time no-“
“Is there something you need?” He is cut off short in the speed of light, your dumbass face looking unbothered to the point where it’s scary.
Your tone is dead and dull, lacking any sort of energy and emotion, but the prompt sounds snarky coming out of you.
Your gaze was in all directions other than in his, you seemed uninterested and distant.
He shrugs it away, before answering, “Yes actually. I will wait till you knock off.” 
You want to argue and tell him that it’s a bad idea, and that he was the last person you want to see—but he spins to leave leaving you no choice.
Jungkook emitted a stench that leaks of a strong sense of dread and burning infuriation inside of you. The whole restaurant smells of Jungkook and you want to shun away from his incessant staring at your working form.
 “Is that handsome dude your boyfriend?” Kihyun points to the culprit of your everlasting dread and the persistent sighs coming out of you with his chin and he pokes your side with a side of his lips curling upwards. 
You squeak and smack his hand away, “Is not.” 
He scoffs at the firm denying of yours and continues, since number of customers were at minimum and there was nothing much to do left with a quarter to closing.
“As if. Why the hell is waiting for you then?” You roll your eyes.
When he obtains silence, he proceeds to press at your buttons.
  “To hold hands and smooch on the way home together!” He purposefully sings aloud for Jungkook to hear and you kick his butt trying to shut him up.
It’s a pity Kihyun is a young father of twins and the most fun and easygoing manager you could ever have. To tell the truth, he’s part of the reason why you’d stay working at this shitty place. You’d think he would make a great bestfriend if not for his age and family responsibilities. His personality also sadly resembled your late bestfriend a lot—funny, selfless and wise.
It was the first time you couldn’t even bear to clock out, because that would mean it was time to deal with Jungkook.
He excitedly leapt up from his seat, making his way to your side as you hooked your bag over your shoulder. It had been a long day of school and work, and Jungkook was there to extend it even more. Your shoulders visibly slouch at the thought. 
Stepping out of the restaurant, Jungkook stood beside you with a takeaway in hand, looking like he’s been dying to ask you stuff. You didn’t feel like interacting with anybody though, just wanted to be on your bed as soon as possible after standing for what seemed like ages past the clock.
“Are you hungry?” He is looking at you with those big round eyes again, and you shift your gaze to the floor, afraid to meet his brown orbs.
What the fuck.
“I bought this for you.”
Your head shoot up, then flicked to the plastic bag he’s carrying with one hand.
No fucking way. Wasn’t that his supper or something?
“W-What.. you didn’t have to-“ He throws the bag of burger and fries into your hands without blinking and you struggle to catch it.
“It’s actually okay.” You couldn’t accept his kind gesture or some reverse psychology effect he was trying to make you feel. 
The grumble in your stomach comes on cue, roaring louder than thunder.
You nervously laugh before helplessly stealing a fry from the bag, contradicting your earlier sentence.
“Great. Now you’ve accepted my offer, you have to answer three of my questions.” He shoots you a winning grin. You were already shoving the fifth fry into your mouth, munching away without any care in the world.
Fuck it, three questions it is. The fries tasted too damn good for you to give it back or run away from the golden crispy and fluffy treat.
Jungkook bites on his lips and contemplates for quite a while. Like the question was a hard one to raise. You tap at your feet in a bit of anticipation. Just a bit.
“Why does it seem like you’re avoiding me?” He finally gets it out.
It wasn’t just him, you had practically cut off all contact with any ape that was intelligent enough to speak and alienated yourself from this world. You wouldn’t even greet the birds in the morning like you always do, you just suffocated in the haze of self-pity and hatred.
“I’m just busy working.” You kept your words to minimal, not wanting Jungkook prying into your personal thoughts and feelings about yourself.
Lame excuse, that’s what Jungkook thinks of your short answer. But he is popping out his second question mark. 
“Hmm, seems fair.” He fakes and cocks a brow up. 
“Then what happened to you and Sooyoung or something,” 
The fact that he remembers your friend’s name almost lets a chortle slip from your lips. Your expression remains stoic—you were a professional at concealing the display of your real emotions—and even though you’re pretty upset at how the topic of the friends you once had was raised after so long, you reply from the bottom of your heart, “I don’t want to be associated with anyone right now.” 
It was the truth, and it wouldn’t hurt Sooyoung or you in any way.
He hums in understanding before, “Then... are you alright?”
You want to cry.
 Why does Jungkook, number one asshat and jerk towards you your whole life, have to act so sweet and caring when you’re at your lowest? It makes your heart want to give in and succumb to him completely. You had rather die.
The affection and concern Jeon Jungkook is showing you is too much for you to handle, and you don’t know what to make that of. 
Why does he even fucking care if you were okay or not?
You instantly turn on your heel—a copy of your actions back then when you first met Jungkook again—ready to escape the conversation and rush home—like you should have done ever since he stepped foot into your workplace. Jungkook has been recently making you feel things and all sorts of things—from the first time you bumped into him at a party, or when he laid over you and fell asleep like a baby, and embracing you after he made you cry— the last thing you want is to even feel anything.
It doesn’t take longer than a second before Jungkook is stomping towards your leaving form. He wasn’t going to be left hanging off a cliff by you, twice.
Being asked about your wellbeing was like mishandling an unpinned grenade, causing a spark in a room filled with methane and running through a minefield.
A wrong move and instead of exploding, you would vanish into thin air in a snap.
“What the fuck is up with you?” Jungkook grabs your arm in time to halt you and narrows his eyes sternly at you.
“One moment you’re cuddling with me, and then you’re scolding me, and another you’re hugging me back, and now you’re trying to run away from me.” The confrontation sounds like something that would happen within a couple and an inevitable blush grows on his cheeks as he tries to stay as fierce as ever. 
You look surprised upon his rant, but there was no response.
You were at a loss of words until, “If you can answer this, then I won’t distance myself anymore.”
You’ve had enough, and closure is what you both needed most.
“What are we? We’re not friends, nor are we acting like enemies, and we’re not together either.”
You put the truth out in the open like a glass ball handled with butter fingers , exposed and fragile to touch.
“Maybe this is what it feels like when you go against, to try and change something that’s meant to be, what we’re meant to be forever–” His features softened and his grip loosens as the realisation dawns upon the two of you, allowing your hand to fall by your side. 
You huff in a deep breath, sparing a brief moment to collect every thought and reach your conclusion.
 “Bully and victim.”
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What We Did, pt. 15
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Summary:  After finding out you were pregnant, Bucky agrees to help you leave the hero life. The two of you go to Seattle, and hamper down for six months until you start dreaming of a certain someone. Convinced the dreams are a sign, you and Bucky go back to New York. Will everyone be happy to see the pair of you? What questions will they have? And will the lie Bucky and you made up finally resurface? 
A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my main bitch @childishhoebinoo again.
Warnings: //cheating//pregnancy//ADULT STUFF//
Chapter Fifteen: Innocence
You followed him out of the bar, the cool breeze touched your cheeks when he looked over his shoulder to you. His face had this rough air to it, as if he was keeping a secret or desperately needed ten cups of coffee and stat. There was no denying that Clint was attractive, but his personality had been the thing to draw you in. The dry sense of humor and the human of him, he was essentially the most normal of the bunch, and that made him relatable. The two of you had been good friends, but not like Nat and him – it was different, there was something there. You hadn’t meant to fall into some sort of limbo with the married man, it just happened over time – slow steady time. The meaningful glances, the goofing around and teasing, and not to mention the alcohol. All of it was the reason you were walking back to the hotel with Clint, while the others stayed back to drink more. None of them batted an eye at the announcement that the two of you were calling it a night, why would they? You were all friends, and Barton was happily married, everything was innocence.
Except it wasn’t.
Nothing was innocent about you inviting Clint into your room, and nothing that happened after the door closed behind him was pure of thought. It was madness between the sheets, his skin against yours, his mouth on yours, and him inside you, moving deeper and deeper until the two of you had fallen selfishly asleep – nothing to make you toss and turn. Not even the shame and guilt of it all.
That, that was left for the morning.
Laura sat in the dining room, waiting patiently as Bucky and you excused yourselves back to the living room for a moment, out of sight and hearing range. You held a hand to your belly as you stumbled over to the couch, near hysterics as Bucky attempted to calm you down.
“How can I remain calm? The woman whose husband knocked me up is in my dining room,” you whispered harshly, instantly feeling terrible for taking it out on him. Bucky sighed and walked over to you, pulling you into his arms – where it all felt safe. “James, what am I going to say?”
Tears fell down your face as he slowly pulled you off him, holding you gently by the shoulders. His eyes were soft and warm, his lips in a slight frown.
“You’re a strong woman, you’re going to go in there and tell her the truth – that’s all there is to do.” Nodding, you brushed away a tear as Bucky leaned forward to kiss your forehead. “It’s going to bed okay, sweetheart. This is the hardest part of this all, just think about what comes after – your little boy.”
“Our little boy,” you corrected, taking a deep breath to gather the courage. He asked if you wanted him to sit with you, but you declined. “It has to be me, it has to be.”
Laura looked up with a polite smile as you walked in with two cups of tea, placing one down in front of you. She thanked you quietly and watched as you took a seat across from her, the two of you sitting in awkwardness until she pulled out the sonogram that Clint had taken from the apartment. She stared down at it, her fingers touching it carefully. Tears formed in her eyes and you had never felt more suitable for hell in your life. You could see it on her face, she knew the truth, but wanted so desperately to be wrong. You did too. What you wouldn’t give to erase her pain, to make Bucky the biological father of your son.
“You know, when Clint first introduced me to Natasha, I was a bit jealous,” Laura admitted with an embarrassed shrug. “She’s so beautiful and she could do things I couldn’t, but Clint had seen something in her. He was right, she’s amazing. I love her like a sister and I realized there was never anything to worry about.”
She paused, her chin quivering as she regained her composure.
“I felt silly,” she confessed, her eyes going back down to the sonogram. “Then I met you and at first I thought it was just like Nat. I was excited to get to know you, but remember that one time you all came down to the farm?”
“For the baby shower…”
She nodded, her eyes locked onto you. The hatred, you could feel it burning into you as she sighed.
“I caught you and Clint in a moment, you had said something to him and he laughed. It wasn’t any laugh,” she explained, tears coming down the side of her face. “It was the laugh he reserved for me. His wife. The love of his life, the mother of his children. It was my laugh and he gave it to you. I knew then I had to keep my eye out for you, but I didn’t think it would come to this.”
Laura shook her head and pushed the sonogram away. “I found this in Clint’s wallet, he can be an idiot sometimes. He thinks too much with his heart, of course he’s going to want to take care of his child. I know my husband and he won’t let this go.”
“Laura, I don’t want anything from him…Bucky…”
“I heard,” she interrupted. “But tell me how that is fair? You get to live in this gorgeous house, with a good man and a new baby while my family is in shambles? What about my kids? Their perspective of their father will be changed, there is no hiding this. That is Clint’s son, and nothing will ever change that, we both know him. He’s going to want to do the right thing.”
“I know, I’ve tried to talk –“
“- that’s another thing. I need you to back off, I want to save my marriage and my family. If we’re going to get this through, I don’t need you around.”
“Laura,” you straightened up, hands on the table. “I want nothing more than to pretend this never happened. I never wanted Clint to know, this wasn’t the plan.”
“Was sleeping with my husband the plan? You were his friend, I trusted my husband, I trusted all of you…”
“There’s no one to blame but Clint and I. The others, they had nothing to do with this,” you asserted, not wanting this to tarnish Natasha’s relationship with the Barton clan. Just thinking about her finding out, it made you want to throw up. “I just want to disappear from everyone’s life, that’s why we are here. I don’t want to cause any more damage.”
Laura sat still, taking everything, you laid out. Her face was pale as she seemed to be lost in her own thought until she finally gazed up at you. Her mouth opened and closed twice before she cleared her throat and said she just needed to know one thing.
“Do you love him?”
The question hurt your heart, because of course you did. How could you not? He had given you a child and like Laura said, that would never change. He had been your best friend for so long and you’d be lying if you said there had been no ounce of feelings, but it wasn’t like that. It was never going to be like that, so why make it worse.
“No,” you said quietly, shaking your head. “I don’t love Clint, not like that.”
Laura stared at you for a long moment, as if she was trying to figure if you were telling the truth. Finally, without a word, she got up from her chair and walked of out the dining room. Seconds later, as your heart beat rapidly, the front door opened then closed. When it became quiet, your just sat there, stunned and gutted. Reaching over for the sonogram, you looked at the photo of your child and felt a sense of relief.
“That was the hardest part.” Bucky walked into room, making a beeline to you. He stood behind you, his hands on your shoulder as he rubbed them, telling it would all be fine. “You were so strong.”
“You heard?”
“I was listening from the other room, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” you assured him, dipping your head back into his chest. “She hates me and I don’t blame her. I just hope she can forgive Clint, she knows her husband, she has to know he isn’t a bad guy.”
“You lied to her.”
Your frowned, pulling away to turn to face Bucky. “What are you talking about?”
He shrugged with a pained smile. “When she asked if you loved him, you said not like that…”
“Bucky, I’ve told you…”
“Baby, you’re not a great liar. I could hear it in your voice and I think Laura could too. You love Barton, and I understand, it doesn’t change anything between us. I just wish you’d be honest with yourself.”
You got up from the chair and faced Bucky, turning him to you. Reaching over, you held his face in your hands and smiled. “It doesn’t matter. Whatever happened between Clint and I, whatever feelings we shared for each other could never compare to what I feel for you. Those feelings for him have faded and eventually will be completely gone, but the way I feel about you – I want that forever.”
Bucky smiled then, giving out a little chuckle as you leaned in to kiss him. He held you close to his body and whispered that he loved you in-between kisses and when the two of you pulled away, because the baby was not happy, you grinned.
“I’ve had enough drama for today, can we just go watch a movie now?”
“Yeah, baby,” Bucky said, grabbing a hold of your hand. “Let’s go watch a movie.”
Forever tags:
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brittanybutler · 5 years
My thoughts on the novelization of the Kim Possible movie! Minor spoilers.
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Okay, so I caved and bought a digital copy of the live action Kim Possible movie novelization and, uh... I have some thoughts. Continue reading for some general information and my opinion on the overall vibe. Nothing toooo spoiler-y or deep. Well, I get deep with my analysis... but I’m not analyzing anything too big. Just minor things and lines that aren’t important to the storyline but can give you a pretty good idea of what the movie will be like. There are no details that I would consider major or huge plot points in this post. If you’ve seen all of the trailers/sneak peeks and are familiar with the film’s summary, you should be alright. Basically, keep reading if you want to know what to mentally prepare yourself for lol.
Right off the bat, all I’m gonna say is that judging from the dialogue alone -- it’s definitely geared towards kids. Young kids. I don’t think teenagers will think this is cool. Just as I feared, there’s cheesy use of social media (selfies, live-streaming, youtube) and annoying 2010s slang (“shook” “fam” “kthanksbye,” etc.) I don’t understand why they feel the need to throw in stuff like that to make it ~current~??? It just makes it feel awkward and trying too hard to be relatable. I think keeping it relatively timeless and omitting slang and selfies would’ve been the better option for a live action adaptation of something as iconic as Kim Possible. There’s already enough technology with her freaking holographic Kimmunicator and gadgets! haha. It’s 2019. We all know that smartphones are a thing. They’re normalized now. You don’t need to shove it in our face, haha. I mean, Kim said some dated slang in the cartoon and flip phones were prominent... but it’s a cartoon. It works. With live action, it gets a little dicey. You want these characters to feel like people who talk like real people, ya know?!
Something that made me cringe beyond belief is the first scene at Bueno Nacho. Athena named her dog “Ron Stop-pit-bull” (I kid you not) so Ron says something about wanting to be a freaking dog when he grows up??? So Athena and Ron literally proceed to woof like dogs and break into laughter about it......??? I have no idea how that’s not gonna be cringeworthy on screen. I wanted to die just from reading it. Some people assumed this photo from J-14 magazine was behind the scenes, but it does in fact happen in the movie: 
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One thing that sorta rubbed me the wrong way is that they talk about Kim and Ron being famous heroes on the news and everything a liiiiittle too much. Athena being a superfan of Kim and Ron kinda goes along with that and could potentially feel a little overkill. The morons who think that Kim had a secret identity are gonna have a field day with that lol. Ugh.
The holographic Kimmunicator is a really cool update for this generation since the original one was essentially a smartphone with FaceTime and wouldn’t be nearly has forward thinking as it was in 2002. Towards the end of the KP series it was updated to a wristwatch, among a few other different designs (but a wristwatch also wouldn’t be forward thinking today thanks to Apple Watches) and now it’s a necklace. I like that! 
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The only issue is that it’s not very discreet. Wade pops up a lot throughout the movie and as we saw in the sneak peek, the hologram is pretty huge. I hope the size can vary or something? Because that could be weird when Wade beeps Kim at school and stuff. It was handy when cartoon Kim could casually whip out the handheld, open her locker and talk to Wade on the computer, or glance at her wrist. Not sure how this is gonna fly in other situations:
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Also, this sneak peek makes more sense in context. I figured it would. People are seriously overreacting. They portray Kim as a perfectionist and she desperately wants to be on time for her first day of high school. It’s not “WHY is Kim using her gadgets and Wade’s help for an every day situation?!?! UGHH” like people are complaining about. It makes sense to me. It’s cute! That barrel roll is still completely unnecessary though, hahahahaha. But, I’m embracing the random stunts like that. I think it’s hysterical. 
I know a lot of people (myself included) were upset about Kim not being a cheerleader, but she actually is! Or at least, she was...? And is still interested in cheer at the beginning of the movie. So that’s nice! Kim being a cheerleader was necessary on the show because it helped us make sense of all her flips and kicks and such during missions. It’s a really important part of her character so I was sooo happy to see that it wasn’t completely erased!
I still want to be surprised by the movie, so I just skimmed it and skipped a lot of pages. But yeaaaah. That’s the general gist of it. I feel like I’ve read enough to know that I should keep my expectations lower than I originally planned. This doesn’t mean the movie is going to be terrible or anything. The junior novelizations usually leave out a lot of things (the book felt extremely short? Granted, I skipped a lot.. but yeah) and the whole story is written in a way that’s cheesy and simple for little kids to read. Like, I’m not gonna lie. I was pretty much cringing non-stop. I have a junior novelization of The Even Stevens Movie and it’s cringy as HECK. They even changed some of the dialogue for whatever reason! But the movie isn’t nearly as cringy and is clearly a campy self-aware flick once you watch it. I’m hoping KP will be the same way.
I can’t help but worry that it’ll translate to screen as suuuuper lame though. Let’s hope the actors can pull it off convincingly. I want to love Ron (I stand by my word that Sean Giambrone is the perfect choice) but he’s seeming a little too dumb at points, overly kid friendly and hunky dory! Like a literal human cartoon. He trips over his shoelaces and falls victim to other clichés like that. Some of the lines he has are... oh boy. [i.e. *sees a giant statue of a brain* “WOW! I didn’t know brains were so big! How do they fit in our heads?!” -- An actual Ron Stoppable quote.] In a cartoon, a line like that works. But live action? Ehhh. It all depends on Sean’s delivery though, and I have faith in him but... dang, he has some awkward dialogue to work with.
I’m a huge fan of The Goldbergs, so Ron is the main thing I’m excited about if I’m being totally honest. I will say, the first two chapters are the only parts I read fully (since they were the free sample) and I liked it. It’s action packed and fun. We’ve actually seen a lot of it in the trailers already so if you wanna read it, it doesn’t spoil too much at all. Ron’s grand entrance is cute and wacky and I actually smiled really hard while reading and picturing it. :)
I’m not a big fan of how Rufus is introduced. They made a major change and it kinda genuinely upset me. But, I will say.. they at least give us an explanation for why Rufus is so smart and aware. That’s kinda cool, since in a 2d cartoon you don’t need to question why a naked mole rat can talk and point and help Kim and Ron lol. I’m horrified of how the CGI will look in action though. From the one photo we’ve seen, he looks kinda terrifying imo: 
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I’ve said before that instead of attempting to go for a ~realistic~ feel, they might’ve been better off keeping 2d animated Rufus and having a vibe similar to Space Jam lol. I mean, Kim Possible is a cartoon that makes no logical since in real life so I don’t think that would’ve hurt. Or maybe I’m just sad because 2d Rufus is sooo adorable. I’m gonna miss him so much. 
EDIT: They’ve officially released some footage of Rufus in action and he looks waaaaaay better than I expected! Yay!
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As everyone has predicted, from the few parts I read.. Drakken and Shego seem awesome and on point! Pretty funny as well. I don’t have any complaints about them. Rest assured, Shego delivers her sarcastic remarks a ton. I actually laughed out loud at one of them omg. From what we’ve seen, Todd is doing a fantastic Drakken and Taylor has great deadpan delivery. I have a feeling they might steal the show tbh!
So, yeah. Make of this what you will!
I’m still really excited for the movie, but I’m relieved to have my expectations in check now. 
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skarabrae-stone · 6 years
Bucky’s house is simple, just one main room plus a bathroom. Steve looks askance at the glass-less windows and the curtain serving for a door.
“Aren’t you worried about animals getting in?”
“Nah. All the entrances have forcefields, nothing can get in.” Bucky presses a button or something, and a table folds out from the wall. “They’d keep humans out, too, but the kids want to come in here all the damn time, so I kept the settings pretty minimal.”
“The kids, huh?” says Steve, amused. Bucky’s always been a soft touch for children.
Bucky is unruffled. “Yup. They’ve decided I’m their new favorite toy.”
“Well, as long as it doesn’t bother you.”
“God, no.” Bucky takes a breath, turning to look at him with heartbreaking sincerity. “They like me, Steve. They don’t—they’re not afraid. I… I’d forgotten. What that’s like.”
Steve can almost hear the crack of his heart breaking, and can’t resist putting a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “I’m glad, Buck,” he says quietly. “You deserve something good.”
Bucky gives an uneven shrug, mouth tilting in the cynical smile that Steve remembers from the war; he’d hated it then, and he doesn’t like it any better now. “Jury’s still out on that one, I think.”
He wants to argue, but before he can marshal the words, Bucky frowns and says, “Jesus, Steve, you’re still in your uniform. You should take a shower.”
“I didn’t bring anything to change into,” Steve admits. Now that he thinks about it, that was a stupid oversight. Then again, he hadn’t really been sure that Bucky would want him to stay. Not after everything, all the trouble Steve’s caused him.
“I’ve got stuff.” Bucky waves a hand toward the bathroom. “Go on. There’s towels in there. I’ll get you clothes.”
Steve can’t help the soft, stupid smile at even this minor show of hospitality. “Thanks, Buck.”
Bucky shakes his head, waves toward the bathroom. “Go on.”
He showers and changes into the clothes Bucky leaves for him, a soft cotton tunic and loose pants, and goes out to the main room.
There’s a pot of something boiling on the stove, and Bucky is cutting vegetables with a slicing tool that can be wielded one-handed. For a moment, Steve just stands there, drinking in every detail of him: the way his dark hair brushes his shoulders, the flex of his arm, the curve of his cheek. It still feels so impossible, that he’s really here, really real; Steve keeps thinking that he’ll wake up and find that this was a dream, and Bucky’s body is still lying somewhere in the frozen Alps.
“Something wrong?” Bucky asks, without turning.
He feels himself flush. All he wants to do is drape himself over Bucky’s back, hook his chin over his shoulder and press his cheek to Bucky’s. He forces himself to stand still. “Nothing’s wrong. Just… can’t believe we’re here, is all.”
Together, he means, but doesn’t say it. There are boundaries between them, invisible lines drawn in their many years apart. He doesn’t know the right things to say to Bucky now, after everything the past seventy years has thrown at them; it feels safer to say nothing at all.
Bucky lowers his head, so that his hair swings forward and obscures his face. “I’m sorry,” he says quietly. “I know you didn’t want me to go back into cryo.”
God, I’m an idiot, he thinks. “Bucky, no, hey.” He crosses the room to stand in front of him, so Bucky can see his face. “Bucky, it’s not… I’m not—angry, or… you don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
“I think I kinda do.”
And Steve, he needs to make this right, needs to make sure this is one thing Bucky can’t flagellate himself for. “Bucky, I was selfish, okay? I’d only—I’d only just got you back, and I couldn’t stand the thought of—” losing you again. “I wanted you around, because I always want you around, and I wasn’t thinking. But it was—it was your choice, and I had no right to ask any different of you. I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t say anything, so Steve adds, “You were trying to keep everyone safe, Buck. Looking out for others, just like you always do. And I—I think you did the right thing. I’m not gonna say it wasn’t hard—it was, for both of us. I can’t—God, I can’t even imagine what it’s been like for you. But I think you did the right thing.”
There’s another long moment of silence, and then Bucky sighs, and turns his head enough to offer Steve a soft little smile that fails to erase the sadness in his eyes. “If you say so.”
“Damn straight,” says Steve, trying for a little humor, and is rewarded when Bucky’s smile broadens. “Anything I can help with?”
“You could cut up that squash,” says Bucky, nodding at it. “It’s a little unwieldy with just the one arm.”
Steve carries the squash in question to the other side of the table, and begins peeling it. “Shuri said they were working on a new arm for you.”
“Yeah.” He doesn’t say anything else, just carries his cutting board over to the wok on the stovetop and dumping the contents in.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Steve can occasionally take a hint, so he shuts up and concentrates on the squash, cutting it into even little cubes with more precision than is probably necessary.
Bucky smiles again when he notices. “You’ve still got the artist’s eye, Rogers.”
Steve ducks his head. “Not much of an artist, anymore.”
“You stopped drawing?”
“I was a little busy,” he says defensively. “What with alien invasions and saving the world, and all.”
“You’ve got time now,” Bucky points out. “Or are you—are you going back out again?”
Steve thinks—hopes—he sounds unhappy at the idea. He stretches his legs out under the table with a sigh, feeling sore muscles stretch and pull. “Well, yeah, but not for—a little while. When the next crisis hits, I guess.”
Bucky nods, hair swinging in front of his face again, and hands Steve a jar of honey to open.
 It’s fully dark by the time they finish dinner. Steve takes the compost out to the designated area, away from the houses, where it will be turned and watered and eventually used to fertilize the village’s gardens. The moon is just clearing the treetops, gleaming white and far larger than Steve is used to. He’d expected it to be quiet, but it’s not: insects chirp and buzz in the trees, and the howls and squeaks and growls of various animals echo from the depths of the jungle, just loud enough to be heard by his enhanced ears. Bats flit overhead, and he cranes his head to watch them swoop and dive, feeding on whatever insects dwell here.
I could get used to this, he thinks. The thought surprises him—not just that a city boy like him could grow to love the trees and savannah of this African nation, but that he could contemplate settling somewhere. It’s still a long way from a family and a white picket fence, but the idea of having a home somewhere, anywhere—it’s frightening, in a way. Getting attached to something, he’s learned, just leads to more pain when it’s inevitably torn away again.
Don’t dwell on it, he tells himself sternly. Wishing won’t change anything.
When he returns to the house, he finds Bucky sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed only in a pair of loose sleep-pants. There’s something incredibly beautiful about him like this, the low light softening his face and gleaming on his well-defined muscles, his long dark hair and the slight smile playing around his lips. Steve is walking toward him before he’s even aware of moving, pulled as if by a magnet; he comes to himself just in time, stopping just out of reach. He stuffs his hands in his pockets in an effort to control himself, his want, his need to touch.
“Bucky,” he starts, and can’t think of anything else to say. He just stands there, staring, enchanted and awkward.
Bucky’s eyes are dark, unreadable in the uncertain light. “I’m fucked up, Steve,” he says, for the second time that evening. “Are you sure you’re okay with that?”
“Of course I am, Bucky, you’ve got to know—of course.” Steve clenches his fists in his pockets. This is important. It’s important to do this right. “I know it’s not the same,” he says quietly, “but I’m not—I haven’t been. In the best place. For awhile. I guess…” He takes a breath, blows it out. It’s incredibly hard to admit, even to Bucky—Bucky, for whom he’d do anything, anything at all. Who has always known him better than anyone else in the world. “I guess I’m a little fucked-up, too.”
“Okay, then.”
Bucky’s mouth curves into something more like a smile, making him look years younger—as young as he actually is, when you take away the years spent in cryo. “Okay,” he repeats, and holds out his hand. “Come here, punk.”
Steve lets out a soft, wordless breath, and takes a step closer. Bucky’s head is tilted up toward him, hand still outstretched, and Steve falls to his knees, slotting in between Bucky’s legs.
“Bucky,” he says, and it feels like a prayer.
Bucky leans forward, until their faces are almost touching. “You sure you want this?” he breathes.
Steve makes a noise that is halfway to a sob. “Please.”
Then finally, finally, Bucky closes that last bit of distance between them, touching his mouth to Steve’s.
His lips are dry and a little chapped, and when he opens his mouth, he tastes of wintergreen—toothpaste, Steve thinks hazily, he must have brushed his teeth—and then he realizes that Bucky must have planned this, must have known how he looked, sitting shirtless on the bed—and the knowledge that Bucky is here, that Bucky remembers, that Bucky still wants him, after everything, crashes over him, and he gasps into Bucky’s mouth, pressing closer, his hands gripping Bucky’s hips hard enough to bruise.
Bucky doesn’t seem to mind; he bites Steve’s lip and swipes his tongue across his teeth, making him gasp and shudder, and Steve doesn’t deserve this, his callused palm cupping Steve’s cheek and his muscular thighs pressing against his ribs and his perfect mouth hot and needy on Steve’s; he doesn’t deserve Bucky’s love, his charity, after all the trouble he’s caused him, all the suffering and fighting and anguish. He sinks a hand into Bucky’s hair, feeling the long, silky strands, so different from the last time they did this—before the ice, before he fell. Bucky’s mouth is wet and warm and beautiful, and Steve doesn’t ever want it to end—wants this moment to go on and on forever, even as he feels that this is something fleeting, stolen before the next disaster.
Their panting breaths are the only sound in the room; they have long ago learned to communicate their desires without sound, back in their thin-walled apartment in Brooklyn, and again inside the flimsy privacy of the canvas tents they used during the war. Apparently, it’s a habit neither of them have lost. There’s an edge of desperation to Steve’s movements, the knowledge that this will inevitably be torn away from him, that anything so wonderful, so perfect, cannot possibly last.
Bucky pulls away, and it takes every ounce of his self-control not to chase after him. “Steve, wait.”
Steve looks at him, the loop of oh shit, you’ve gone too far, you’ve gone too fast, you’ve scared him off, he doesn’t want you anymore so loud in his head that it takes him a moment to hear what Bucky is actually saying.
“You’re crying.”
Bucky brushes his thumb across the ridge of Steve’s cheekbone, his expression concerned and unbearably tender. “You’re crying.”
Steve echoes the movement, and is momentarily surprised when his fingers come away wet. “Oh.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he says quickly. “Nothing, I’m not—I’m sorry, it’s stupid—”
He stops, bowing his head, and shuts his eyes. Idiot, he thinks. You just had to go and ruin it, didn’t you, you couldn’t hold onto your stupid emotions for ten fucking minutes—
Cool fingers touch his chin, lifting his head. He forces himself to meet Bucky’s gaze, flushing with humiliation. But Bucky’s face holds none of the castigation Steve himself is feeling.
“What’s wrong?” he repeats quietly.
Such a simple phrase, but it hits Steve like a sledgehammer, smashing the walls he’s tried to build around himself for so many years. For so long, he’s tried to be brave, tried to be tough, tried to prove that he was more than just a skinny little kid or a meaningless figurehead or a patriotic relic of a bygone age. He’s wrapped himself in Captain America, the title just as much a shield as the vibranium one he threw away, burying all his loss and fear and loneliness deep down, where the cracks wouldn’t show.
Sam had come the closest to those buried feelings, but then they’d had to save the world, and then again and again and again, and Steve doesn’t know whether it’s stoicism or cowardice that kept him from confiding in him. He doesn’t know whether it’s cowardice now, to put this on Bucky—Bucky, who’s been through so much, who shouldn’t have to deal with Steve’s shit on top of everything else—or merely weakness.
In the end, it doesn’t matter; Steve has never had much defense against Bucky, and he’s too weary to hide any longer. Much as he hates himself for it, it’s an incredible relief just to lay his burdens at Bucky’s feet.
“It’s stupid,” he says again, a token protest.
Bucky runs his fingers through Steve’s hair, and it feels like a benediction. “Tell me.”
“I just—I’m afraid,” he confesses. “You—I’ve lost you so many times, and I just—I can’t lose you again, I couldn’t stand it—and I—Christ, I’m sorry, I wanted to—I wanted this to be good, and now I’ve gone and ruined it—”
“Steve, buddy, sweetheart,” says Bucky, “You didn’t ruin this, you can’t—you can’t ruin what we got, HYDRA tried for seventy fucking years and they still didn’t succeed.” His accent is becoming increasingly Brooklyn, and his fingers tighten in Steve’s hair. “You don’t gotta be ashamed, Stevie, you didn’t—you got every right to feel that way. You got every right.”
Steve hides his face in Bucky’s thigh. “I’m supposed to be stronger than this,” he mumbles.
Above him, Bucky’s voice is warm with sympathy. “Oh, baby, who told you you weren’t allowed to feel, huh?”
“Nobody told me, they all just—assumed—and I didn’t want to look—”
“Weak,” Bucky finishes. “You stubborn son of a bitch, you never change, do you?”
“Don’t talk about my ma that way.”
“You’re right, your ma was a saint, I don’t know how she managed to raise such a goddamned little punk like you,” says Bucky fondly, and gives his hair a little tug. “Get up here, that floor’s gonna kill your knees.”
“My knees are fine,” Steve protests, but he complies anyway, letting Bucky steer him to a seat on the bed.
Bucky rests his hand on Steve’s shoulder, meeting his eyes squarely. “Listen,” he says. “I can’t promise you it’s gonna be alright. We’ve both seen too much to believe that. But we can—we can take what’s given, hold on tight—we can have this, this moment, right now. And if you need to cry, you go ahead and cry. Lord knows you’ve been through enough.”
His voice breaks, and Steve burrows into him, holding him tight, offering as well as receiving comfort.
“You can, too,” he says hoarsely. “Cry, I mean. I won’t—I don’t mind.”
“I know,” says Bucky, and for awhile neither of them say anything else, just cling to each other, as though if they just hold tight enough, they can keep the world from ripping them apart again.
Finally, Steve pulls away, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. “You’re incredible, you know that?” he says hoarsely. “Everything that’s happened, and you’re still… you’re still you.”
Bucky gropes for a handkerchief on the bedside table. “I’m not really,” he says. “Just—bits and pieces, trying to hold together.”
“Well, your bits and pieces are doing a damn good job, then.”
Bucky blows his nose, and gives a watery smile. “You always did see the best in me.”
“As opposed to you, who constantly overlooked my sterling qualities.”
“Shut up, punk.”
They grin at each other.
Steve says, “Can we try kissing again? I promise not to cry this time.”
“You better not. It’s hurting my fragile ego.”
Steve laughs, and leans forward to kiss him. Bucky responds enthusiastically, and soon they’re lying on the bed, bodies flush against each other as they explore each other with mouths and hands.
This could be heaven, Steve thinks, and then Bucky nips the sensitive skin beneath his ear, and he ceases to think at all.
 “You know I’ll follow you anywhere, Steve,” Bucky says the next morning, lying in bed with his head propped up on a small mountain of pillows.
Steve makes a small, wounded sound, remembering a badly-lit pub, and Bucky’s eyes all hollow despite his smirking mouth. “Bucky, you don’t have to—”
His hand comes down on Steve’s neck, a gentle pressure that always meant, calm down, shut up for a minute, I got you.
He obeys, biting his lip to keep the words from spilling out.
“I’ll follow you anywhere,” Bucky repeats. “But I…” He squeezes his eyes shut, hunches his shoulders a little. “I’m so tired, Stevie. I’m so tired of fighting.”
His voice is hoarse, barely more than a whisper, and he looks… afraid. As though this is too much to ask, as though he expects Steve to force him to the front lines. Again.
Just like all the other times, Steve thinks bitterly. How could I have been so selfish? He reaches out, brushing the pad of his thumb over Bucky’s cheek, smoothing over the side of his neck, across his collarbone.
“You don’t have to fight,” he says quietly. “Your war’s over, Bucky. You can rest.”
“And what about you?” Bucky asks, opening his eyes. “You ever gonna quit? Leave saving the world to someone else, for a change?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yeah,” he says at last, with a shuddering breath. “Yeah, I guess I do. But I can’t—I won’t try to keep you either, Stevie. God knows it’s never worked before.”
Steve winces at that, at the truth of it. “I don’t know what to do,” he admits. “The truth is… I’m tired, too, Bucky. We all are. But I don’t know if we can quit.”
“You didn’t sign up for a life sentence, Stevie.”
He sighs, deeply. “I know, Buck. I know. I just… I been fighting so long, I don’t know what else I’d do. Seems like the only thing I’m good for, anymore.”
“Steve, you’re thirty years old. I think you’ve got time to figure it out.”
“Oh, never mind, you’re too old to change your ways. Forget I said anything.”
Steve snorts. “You’re such a smartass.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“So what are you going to do?” Steve asks curiously. “Have you thought about it?”
“Well, yeah,” says Bucky. “A bit.” He takes a deep breath, as though steeling himself for Steve’s reaction. “Shuri said… Shuri thinks I’ve got a, a talent, for mechanics. You know I—I used to like to tinker with stuff, back when… anyway. She thought, she said I could maybe help her out. Mostly just do what she says, probably, but… yeah.” He looks at Steve nervously. “What do you think?”
“Bucky, I… that’s wonderful,” says Steve warmly. “I’m so proud of you.”
Bucky’s blush is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. “Thanks.”
Steve wraps his arms around him again, breathes in the soft, spicy scent of him. They have possibilities, he thinks. They have choices. And here in Wakanda, miles and years from anything they’ve ever known, perhaps they even have a future.
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