#kaya from z nation boi
ghostcaterwaul · 1 year
Overview of My OCs
Putting this under a read more thing because it’s… pretty long even though it’s not even their full bios.
Btw, I'm aware that some of the faceclaims are problematic people, I chose those faceclaims without knowing they were problematic but that's just... How those characters permanently look in my head now so I'm really sorry if some of my faceclaim choices bother people but I'm not likely to change them.
A Chaotic Love (Working Title)
Mallory Blythe A sheltered 18-year-old with a strict religious upbringing. Jeremy’s love interest.
Jeremy Wolfe Typical damaged bad boy with a dark past from the wrong side of town. Mallory’s love interest.
Suburban Secrets (Working Title)
Lieselotte “Lottie” Moon Impulsive and arrogant teenager. “Not like other girls”.
Heloise Moon Lottie’s younger sister. Super smart. In all AP courses.
Devyn and the Roses (Working Title)
Devyn Valentyne Electro-glam punk vocalist and guitarist. Levi’s love interest.
Levi Rose Glam goth Bassist. Devyn’s love interest.
Natalie Rose Goth girl. Keyboards/synths/drum machine. Levi’s sister. Is super possessive of him.
Untitled Occult Detective Series
Elliot Alexander Non-binary punk sci-fi nerd. Saw a UFO when he was 12. Wesley’s significant other.
Wesley Williams Indie emo hipster hacker. Sees dead things. Caffeine addict. Elliot’s boyfriend.
The 100 OCs
Misty Sawyer One of the 100. Arrested for attacking her abusive father. Sweet soft fragile bean. Has Classical-Like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Katie Jane Garside [in the 90s])
Liam Thorne Misty’s best friend. One of the 100. Arrested for helping her hide after she attacked her father. The therapist friend. Has a Z Nation AU and a Stranger Things AU. (Faceclaim: Landon Liboiron)
Elijah Stone One of the 100. Arrested for vandalism. Rebellious, hyper, a bit chaotic. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Dominic Harrison AKA Yungblud)
Nimue kom Floukru Born Storm kom Azgeda. Was too soft and precious for the Ice Nation. led to join Floukru and changed her name to Nimue as a way of running from her past. Became a healer after joining Floukru. (Faceclaim: Lily Rabe)
Z Nation OCs
Vixen Ran away as a teen before the apocalypse. Did some illegal stuff to survive like selling drugs and firearms with an abusive boyfriend. Also has done survival sex work. She was working as a stripper when the apocalypse hit. (Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario)
Riot O’Reilly Grew up with an artist for a mom and a biker for a dad. Dad died in a motorcycle accident when they were 5 years old. was the singer in a touring DIY queerpunk band called Rotten Rainbow Warhead Dolls From Planet 420 and was playing a show when the apocalypse hit. Dyes their hair as often as they can with whatever they can find (even if it’s not exactly hair safe, has even used sharpie ink) to maintain a sense of normalcy. (Faceclaim: Bex Taylor-Klaus)
Izzy Strange A Malkavian glitter punk vocalist with BPD and substance addiction.
Sybil Kross A Malkavian artist with PTSD and abandonment issues. (Faceclaim: Kimberly Freeman)
Multifandom OCs
Jet Gray Goth boy. Videographer. (Faceclaim: Kett Turton [as Clive Webb in Gypsy 83])
Olivia “Olly” Gray Jet’s younger sister. Goth girl. Plays guitar. (Faceclaim: Heather Baron-Gracie)
Leo Anderson A survivor of institutional abuse. drug dealer. Sings and plays guitar. Lives out of his car and often couch surfs. (Faceclaim: Colson Baker AKA Machine Gun Kelly [as Wes in Roadies. If you can find me a faceclaim with that exact hair and MGK's jawline, I might change this faceclaim tbh because I cannot stand MGK now. I've learned too much.])
Emily Walsh Musician. Had to play marriage counselor for her parents from a very young age. (Faceclaim: Tessa Violet [specifically with pink hair])
Other Fandom OCs
Ophelia Power Rangers in Space OC. Purple ranger. Space sorceress born on planet Xoia. Has an otherworldly feline creature from her home planet as a pet named Indigo. (Faceclaim: Sóley Sigurþórs)
Deirdre Doyle The Originals OC. Witch. Lots of trauma. (Faceclaim: Kat Dennings)
Other OCs
Adelaide St. Claire Louisiana Creole trans woman living in New Orleans. Voodoo practitioner. (I’m currently researching everything to do with Voodoo and plan on hiring a sensitivity reader for whichever work I include her in. I promise I won’t fuck it up!)
Astrid Shelley Old lonely widowed witch that lives in the woods on the edge of town. Agoraphobic. Has a familiar, a black vulture named Edgar. (Faceclaim: Anna-Varney Cantodea)
Luca Giger 400 year old vampire. Was sex trafficked at the age of 12, is now voluntarily a full-service sex worker. Was bitten at 20 years old by a client. (Faceclaim: Bartek Borowiec)
Arthur Julius “AJ” Montgomery III Dark academia OC. Artist, writer, musician, stoner. (Faceclaim: Timothee Chalamet)
Stitches the Carnie Ghoul (CW: Horror OC. Proceed with caution) Murderous people-devouring necrophiliac. Keeps some of her victims’ corpses as dolls that she has tea parties with inside her circus tent. (Faceclaim: Peggy Giggles)
Jezebel Bathory A succubus. (Faceclaim: Rose McGowan)
Gwendolyn Lightweaver An angel turned human as a punishment. (Faceclaim: Katherine Shepard AKA Sylvaine)
Ozraphaeus “Ozzy” Embershroud A demon with a pet hellhound named Mordred. (Faceclaim: Ville Valo)
Willa Meadowsong Faerie OC. Seelie court (Faceclaim: Tori Amos)
Gossamer Greywood Faerie OC. Unseelie court. (Faceclaim: Xilmordas)
Alice Hansen An artist, writer and multi-instrumentalist who struggles with undiagnosed mental illnesses and substance abuse. (Faceclaim: Holly Henry)
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myherohcs · 4 years
Single Dad Present Mic scenario/headcanons
Gave him a daughter in this one! I named her Kaya because I got bored using “the child” or “his daughter” the whole time lol. #Kaya In The Skya
warnings: angst, loss of a spouse (no gender), eventual EraserMic, fluff because my boy deserves it, and kinda long! 
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🎙Present Mic would have loved his S/O so much for years and years and years if he was given the chance. They would probably be a hero too, but he's the kind of guy who would love just about anyone. Hero, civilian, quirk, quirkless, Mic believes in love above all else.
🎙But Mic is around heroes so much, he'd probably meet his S/O in the line of duty. They would hit it off quick and everyone would remember the two for having such an easy and passionate love for one another from the beginning.
🎙They were that couple that moved in with each other after only a few months dating, got engaged after six months, and married a year after meeting each other. They would adopt their daughter not long after that.
🎙Everything moved so naturally fast for them and Hizashi would thank his lucky stars for that later on.
🎙He would remember how normal the day had been when he found out he lost his spouse. They died as many heroes do; saving others. The news came to him after a long day of teaching followed by a visit to the radio station to plan an upcoming segment before going home to take over babysitting for his S/O. The tradeoff was short and Hizashi was barely awake when he kissed them goodbye for the night. He would rest and watch over the mostly sleeping 4-year-old, Kaya, while they went out for a  patrol through their hero agency. 
He would get the call in the early hours of the morning. He needed to go to the hospital quickly. It was bad. He didn’t want to bring Kaya, so he called the first person he thought of. 
Shouta had been awake grading papers and almost didn’t answer his phone. It was the perfect time for Hizashi to need help home from the bar and he didn’t know if have the energy for that tonight. But he did answer. Like he always does. He knew immediately by the mere tone of his friend’s voice that something terrible was wrong. Hizashi sounded terrified and he needed Aizawa to watch his daughter for him. He had to go to the hospital. Hizashi didn’t have to explain much after that statement. It was every hero’s nightmare to have a loved one beyond their realm of saving, but unfortunately a common thing in their line of business. Aizawa agreed and Mic was at his apartment in no time and gone again in a flash. Shouta's goddaughter slept soundly through it all. 
🎙Hizashi loss that night would destroy him. He’d need a lot of support from his friends and coworkers in the weeks following the incident.   
🎙It was one of the few times anyone could really remember Hizashi going silent. He is usually so vocal about his feelings, but in this time of great emotion, words failed him. 
When he could speak again, when he could function again, he found himself emotionlessly arranging the funeral and taking care of all the duties one must take care of when they lose a spouse. He took care of his daughter too, but it was done more upon instinct than anything really conscious. A hero’s funeral is one of the worst to deal with. It’s hard to deal with the rampage of emotions being projected onto you. You should honor the hero for their sacrifice, but you must deal with the fact that it was such an avoidable death. The media can swarm depending on the popularity of the hero. Present Mic got it bad. The couple had been very open about their marriage and always in the public eye, and the story of a hero becoming a widowed father was not one to pass up. Hizashi barely batted an eye at the attention. In fact, he barely reacted at all. How could he when he just lost everything? Nemuri and Aizawa stayed with him that night. Surprisingly, it was Aizawa who confronted him about his lack of emotion after the funeral. In a weird, alternate-dimension-type moment, it was Eraser’s turn for once to break Mic out of his shell. 
“You know, it’s illogical to not feel something after this Yamada.“
Hizashi broke down and admitted he was hurting to his friends. He was terrified at raising Kaya alone. He was afraid of going back to work and having to deal with others again. His friends helped him through it all. 
Nemuri and Aizawa took shifts being with Hizashi and helping him take care of Kaya after that. Aizawa took his role as a Godfather seriously. He had accepted years ago that he would never have children. This would be the closest he’d ever come to being a parent and a small part of him wanted to prove that he could be good at that. 
Kaya was old enough to recognize the change in the household and had some trouble accepting her caretaker wasn’t retuning. Hizashi and her both attended therapy to get through this new shift in their life.
🎙 Hizashi took some time off, but went back to work quicker than most expected. Mic thrives when he’s with others and knew the only way he was going to find some semblance of normality again was by getting out there and talking again. 
The main difference now was that he usually had his favorite listener with him. UA has an early education center and Kaya started coming to work with him. They would show up early everyday and Kaya would usually stick with Mic until he had to drop her off and go teach his classes. This meant she was a familiar face in the teacher’s lounge. 
🎙Kaya liked to color during staff meetings. She liked to bring cookies for all the teachers. She would sometimes be tired in the earlier mornings and sleep in Aizawa's sleeping bag while everyone worked and planned for the day. 
🎙She hung around Aizawa all the time. She was enamored with the quiet, dark-haired man who would take care of her and teach her things. She would sometimes nap with Eraser or be allowed to visit his class with her dad. She loved getting to see him and it became obvious to everyone that she saw him as a parent as much as she did her own father. 
🎙One day Kaya woke up sick. She had a fever and Hizashi has to drag her through their morning routine as she feels so tired. Hizashi told her they would go see Recovery Girl when they got to school. 
🎙Aizawa knew something was wrong the moment Hizashi walked into the teacher’s lounge.
Mic hadn’t gelled up his hair that morning. He only ever did that when either he was sick or Kaya was sick. Mic could never be bothered to do extra work like style his hair when he was sick. And when Kaya was under the weather, she liked to hide behind his curtain of hair.
“What’s wrong?”
The other teachers looked up in surprise at Aizawa’s question and Mic smiled at his coworkers. 
“Kaya is feeling a little under the weather today.”
He went over to his work desk and carefully sat down with the child. Shouta reached over to check her temperature and found her too warm for comfort. Kaya had fallen asleep and blinked lazily at Aizawa before yawning and snuggling back into her father.
"Recovery girl will be in soon. Maybe we should go down to her office and wait for her," said Aizawa.
Hizashi would smile at his friend and thank his lucky stars he had someone like Eraser in his life who cared so much for his daughter.
🎙Aizawa was around a lot, but happened to miss the first time Kaya used her quirk.
Hizashi and Kaya had been walking back from visiting Aizawa's class and one moment his daughter was there, the next she was gone.
It scared the living daylights out of Hizashi. He had an inkling it had to do with her quirk as Kaya's preschool teacher had warned him she was at the right age to start any day now. However, nothing could have prepared him.
He raced back to the training grounds to get Aizawa and burst in on his lesson to announce Kaya's disappearance. He had already been shouting from a good distance away and it wasn't until he was almost directly upon Aizawa did he realize his friend was already holding his daughter.
Aizawa stood there stoic as ever as the four-year-old beamed at her father, so excited to see him.
Hizashi dramatically fell over in relief and the students got in a quick laugh before Eraser shooed them off.
"You should keep better track of your daughter, Yamada."
Hizashi laughed, "Yeah, I guess I really should now."
🎙Kaya's quirk was hard to control. She would think about Aizawa or Midnight or someone else she liked being around and would often (without intention) teleport to their side.
One time she spent an afternoon with Principal Nedzu this way. She adored the fluffy, white creature and hung onto every word he said during his long, drawn out conversations. He was unbothered by her sudden appearance in his office and kept her around to give her some pointers about her quirk as apposed to sending her back to the preschool. He would prove to teach Kaya all kinds of things about her quirk and the potential behind it.
Another time she popped in on Toshinori as he was teaching class 1-A. They were in the middle of a training simulation and Toshi had to jump into action to save her from the crossfire between his students. He hadn't moved that quick in weeks and held his All Might form for a good 30 seconds after rescuing the girl as he had gotten terriblly worked up thinking about how much she could have hurt herself. His students stopped their antics to find out what had suddenly brought All Might's hero form out and sent someone to let Present Mic know Kaya was on the training grounds.
🎙Kaya had to wear a special bracelet to alert others of her quirk and had her father's agency's phone number on it for emergencies or in case she teleported somewhere and got lost.
🎙Kaya would learn to better control her teleportation quirk faster than most kids as she had some of the best teachers in the world giving her tips and watching over her.
🎙Aizawa was a big help. He rarely had to erase Kaya's quirk, but it did come in handy on the occasions Kaya couldn't concentrate enough to stay in one place.
🎙Kaya spent all her time with the teachers of UA. They all took it upon themselves to teach her valuable lessons and give her memorable experiences.
🎙People would ask Hizashi if he would ever start dating again, but he would just tell people he already had everything he needed.
He had his daughter and an amazing support system behind him. He was happy.
It wasn't until USJ that he remembered how quick happiness can be taken away.
🎙It felt like losing his spouse all over again. He almost lost Shouta. The one person he can rely on no matter what.
It reminds him that there's no time like the present to live your life and take chances.
🎙He confesses in that hospital room. In a moment of quiet tenderness he tells Shouta he's in love with him and he wants him to move in with him and Kaya. This life could end at any moment, so he wanted Aizawa close to cherish every bit of it.
Aizawa was going to need the extra help anyway, but that's not why he agrees.
He loved Hizashi too.
🎙And together they raise Kaya. And Eri. And Shinsou.
And they both get the big family they always wanted.
And they both enjoy every last day with eachother.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
OK, January 4
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Ashton Kutcher haunted by his mistakes
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Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: Jennifer Garner ready for romance -- Jennifer has proven she’s fine on her own but she’s eager for her happy ending and has even set her sights on some of Hollywood’s most eligible hunks like Chris Evans but seems happily single; she binge-watched Outlander and was totally taken with Sam Heughan and she also finds Martin Henderson very sexy but heard he has a girlfriend 
Page 6: After a tumultuous few years Hayden Panettiere’s 2021 is looking bright and she’s been working on herself since her split from toxic ex-boyfriend Brian Hickerson -- she’s taken control of her life and is making good choices -- she’s been able to rebuild her life and her relationship with her daughter Kaya who lives in Ukraine with her dad and next on her agenda is reviving her once-hot career
Page 7: Justin Bieber who’s been a devoted member of the controversial celeb-favored Hillsong Church for years is studying to become a minister -- Justin has long credited Hillsong and especially charismatic and recently fired pastor Carl Lentz for saving him from his dark period of drugs, public meltdowns and arrests -- Justin doesn’t plan to give up his music career but he feels there’s a bigger calling out there for him
* Jessica Simpson has signed deals for both a docuseries and a fictionalized series based on her life but not everyone is so pumped about her tell-all tendencies and least of all is her ex-husband Nick Lachey -- for Nick it’s just dredging up a past that’s better left alone and Nick hopes that Jessica goes easy on him in the scripted series but deep down knows there’s precious little chance of that
* Madonna is majorly inserting herself in her daughter Lourdes Leon’s love life and she’s constantly on the phone asking how things are going between Lourdes and her socialite beau of three years Jonathan Puglia and she wants to know when they’re making things official -- Madonna even pushes for double dates so she can bring her 26-year-old boyfriend Ahlamalik Williams -- Lourdes appreciates how much her mom cares but she’s finding all the micromanaging too much to handle 
Page 8: Jason Aldean who boasts an $80 million fortune loves splashing his cash around especially when it comes to his children -- the singer who shares son Memphis and daughter Navy with wife Brittany and girls Kendyl and Keeley with his ex likes being seen as the moneybags and leaves tough love to the kids’ moms and he’s always pulling out $100 bills for his teens and buying his little ones new clothes, toys and high-tech gadgets even though they’re so young -- he’s definitely spoiling the kids but nobody complains about it so he just keeps on buying them stuff because nothing makes him happier 
* The milestone 6-0 is still months away but George Clooney is planning to do some serious partying for his birthday and he’s sparing no expense -- he’s looking at celebrations across the States and Europe plus a boys-only getaway to Mexico 
* Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence are having a blast filming their first movie together so much so that tongues are wagging about the pair’s fiery chemistry on the set -- even though Leo and Jen behave like total pros when the cameras aren’t rolling there’s a running joke among the cast and crew that Jen’s marriage to Cooke Maroney could be in trouble -- of course the reality is that Jen is crazy about her husband and Leo who is dating model Camila Morrone has a strict rule never to get involved with costars but still there’s an attraction that can’t be denied 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars get glamorous in glitzy looks -- Alexa Chung, Tiffany Haddish
Page 11: Maya Hawke, Sarah Hyland 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Yara Shahidi vs. Cindy Bruna, Becky G vs. Sofia Carson 
Page 13: Celine Dion vs. Shailene Woodley
Page 14: News in Photos -- Jessie James Decker in a pink bikini in Nashville
Page 15: Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt and their son Gunner doing a Christmas card shoot in L.A., Jessica Alba spent the day handing out Honest goodies at the Baby2Baby Holiday Drive-Thru Distribution in L.A. 
Page 16: Gwen Stefani rocked a cat-themed holiday jumpsuit while on the way to the recording studio in Santa Monica, Leighton Meester surfing in Malibu 
Page 17: Maria Sharapova brought back the 1970s during a photoshoot in L.A., Pink kept it casual during a coffee run to Starbucks in L.A., Tia Mowry returned home with a full trunk of gifts and goodies in L.A. 
Page 18: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Jonas exploring London 
Page 20: Let’s Get Physical -- Robin Wright took her bicycle out for a spin in L.A., Chris Hemsworth shows off his ripped body while lifting a tire, Winnie Harlow in L.A. 
Page 22: Deck the Halls -- newly-engaged Jonathan Bennett gushed of spending his first Christmas with fiance Jaymes Vaughan, Jonathan and Drew Scott dressed as elves 
Page 23: Jon Bon Jovi and his dog, Selena Gomez with her dog Winnie in front of the Christmas tree, Brooke Burke kicked off the season by signing ornaments that will be auctioned off by Operation Smile 
Page 24: Malin Akerman arranged the sheets and blankets and pillows at a Hotel Style Collection from Walmart event in NYC, Jeremy Renner filmed a scene for Hawkeye in NYC, Chrishell Stause stepped out for a morning walk with her rescue pooch Gracie in L.A. 
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Marc Anthony’s elegant estate in Coral Gables, Florida 
Page 28: Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart are planning to renew their vows on Valentine’s Day which is 12 years to the day after Harrison proposed to Calista on their sprawling Jackson Hole, Wyoming ranch -- Calista is incredibly touched that Harrison is organizing this and he’s thoughtfully arranging to have her favorite flowers to be flown in and has already booked a local band and a caterer and baker 
Page 29: Emily Blunt and John Krasinski might be ready for baby No. 3 but friends are encouraging them to get their marriage on track first -- the two have had a tough couple of years and John can be hard to deal with and cranky when he’s working -- while the duo tend to put a super-positive spin on their marriage in public not everyone is convinced things are so rosy at home but Emily wants another child and so does John so they’re willing to take the risk 
* Meghan Markle and Prince Harry plan to kick off 2021 with a much-needed tropical vacation -- after an emotionally turbulent year Meghan and Harry are ready for this break -- following a quiet Christmas at home the couple is looking forward to relaxing on a warm beach somewhere, sleeping in, soaking up nature’s beauty and reconnecting as a couple -- they’re considering a private island in Hawaii or off the coast of Fiji 
Page 30: Taylor Swift who’s been collecting bridal magazines and wedding ideas since she was a teen will have to adjust to the idea of a small sequestered affair when her boyfriend Joe Alwyn officially pops the question -- the once-outgoing singer has turned into a hermit since hooking up with the British actor who insists on total privacy and loathes attention and now Tay’s inner circle is said to be worried that in Joe’s continued efforts to fly under the radar he’ll ultimately nix the lavish nuptials Taylor’s long envisioned
* Justin Timberlake and Olivia Wilde have a past -- dating briefly in 2011 and costarring in two films but they won’t have a future if Justin’s wife Jessica Biel has any say -- Justin is eager to work with newly single Olivia again but the collab between the old pals is a total no-no as far as Jess is concerned because she’s always seen Olivia as a threat and particularly now that she’s split from Jason Sudeikis
* Love Bites -- Bachelor Nation’s Emily Ferguson and hockey player William Karlsson are engaged, Christina Milian and Matt Pokora have another baby on the way, Gleb Savchenko and Cassie Scerbo dating 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Ashton Kutcher haunted by his past -- the actor is wrestling with major demons and regrets -- the grisly murder of his then-girlfriend Ashley Ellerin has stayed with him -- Ashton and wife Mila Kunis have weathered some storms but they’re in a good place now
Page 36: Celebrity Dads and Their Darling Daughters -- Michael and Carys Douglas, John and Ella Bleu Travolta, Lionel and Sofia Richie 
Page 37: Don and Dakota Johnson, Phil and Lily Collins 
Page 38: Ryan and Ava Phillippe, Mark and Lola Consuelos, Johnny and Lily-Rose Depp 
Page 39: Lenny and Zoe Kravitz, Clint and Francesca Eastwood, Alec and Ireland Baldwin, Rod and Ruby Stewart 
Page 40: Interview -- Charlize Theron does it all -- the actress, mom and producer talks about taking on projects that are close to her heart 
Page 42: New Year, New You -- kick-start a healthy 2021 with these celeb-approved wellness resolutions 
Page 46: Style Week -- Good American cofounded by Khloe Kardashian recently launched its first-ever footwear collection 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Brian Austin Green 
Page 58: Buzz -- Prince George and Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis joined their parents Prince William and Duchess Kate on the red carpet for the very first time and held hands on their way to London’s Palladium to watch the National Lottery’s Pantoland
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Gwyneth Paltrow on getting starstruck, Kurt Russell on wife Goldie Hawn’s penchant for sleeping in total darkness, Jimmy Fallon on which SNL costar he’d want to be stuck on a desert island with (Tina Fey), Chrissy Teigen on being embarrassed 
Page 61: Megan Thee Stallion on the guidance she gets from Jay-Z and Beyonce, Frances McDormand on hooking up with husband Joel Coen, Chad Michael Murray on seeing pics from his heartthrob days, Rachel Brosnahan on what the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel fans can look forward to 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Capricorn John Legend turned 42 on December 28
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Larry David 
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ghostcaterwaul-old · 4 years
Overview of My OCs
Putting this under a read more thing because it’s... pretty long even though it’s not even theit full bios.
A Chaotic Love (Working Title)
Mallory Blythe A sheltered 18-year-old with a strict religious upbringing. Jeremy’s love interest.
Jeremy Wolfe Typical damaged bad boy with a dark past from the wrong side of town. Mallory’s love interest.
Suburban Secrets (Working Title)
Lieselotte “Lottie” Moon Impulsive and arrogant teenager. “Not like other girls”.
Heloise Moon Lottie’s younger sister. Super smart. In all AP courses.
Devyn and the Roses (Working Title)
Devyn Valentyne Electro-glam punk vocalist and guitarist. Levi’s love interest.
Levi Rose Glam goth Bassist. Devyn’s love interest.
Natalie Rose Goth girl. Keyboards/synths/drum machine. Levi’s sister. Is super possessive of him.
Untitled Occult Detective Series
Elliot Alexander Non-binary punk sci-fi nerd. Saw a UFO when he was 12. Wesley’s significant other.
Wesley Williams Indie emo hipster hacker. Sees dead things. Caffeine addict. Elliot’s boyfriend.
The 100 OCs
Misty Sawyer One of the 100. Arrested for attacking her abusive father. Sweet soft fragile bean. Has Classical-Like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Katie Jane Garside [in the 90s])
Liam Thorne Misty’s best friend. One of the 100. Arrested for helping her hide after she attacked her father. The therapist friend. Has a Z Nation AU and a Stranger Things AU. (Faceclaim: Landon Liboiron)
Elijah Stone One of the 100. Arrested for vandalism. Rebellious, hyper, a bit chaotic. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Dominic Harrison AKA Yungblud)
Nimue kom Floukru Born Storm kom Azgeda. Was too soft and precious for the Ice Nation. led to join Floukru and changed her name to Nimue as a way of running from her past. Became a healer after joining Floukru. (Faceclaim: Lily Rabe)
Z Nation OCs
Vixen Ran away as a teen before the apocalypse. Did some illegal stuff to survive like selling drugs and firearms with an abusive boyfriend. Also has done survival sex work. She was working as a stripper when the apocalypse hit. (Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario)
Riot O’Reilly Grew up with an artist for a mom and a biker for a dad. Dad died in a motorcycle accident when they were 5 years old. was the singer in a touring DIY queerpunk band called Rotten Rainbow Warhead Dolls From Planet 420 and was playing a show when the apocalypse hit. Dyes their hair as often as they can with whatever they can find (even if it’s not exactly hair safe, has even used sharpie ink) to maintain a sense of normalcy. (Faceclaim: Bex Taylor-Klaus)
Izzy Strange A Malkavian glitter punk vocalist with BPD and substance addiction.
Sybil Valentine A Malkavian artist with PTSD and abandonment issues. (Faceclaim: Kimberly Freeman)
Multifandom OCs
Jet Gray Goth boy. Videographer. (Faceclaim: Kett Turton [as Clive Webb in Gypsy 83])
Olivia “Olly” Gray Jet’s younger sister. Goth girl. Plays guitar. (Faceclaim: Heather Baron-Gracie)
Leo Anderson A survivor of institutional abuse. Weed dealer. Sings and plays guitar. Lives out of his car and often couch surfs. (Faceclaim: Colson Baker AKA Machine Gun Kelly)
Emily Walsh Musician. Was a parentified child. (Faceclaim: Tessa Violet)
Other Fandom OCs
Ophelia Power Rangers in Space OC. Purple ranger. Space sorceress born on planet Xoia. Has an otherworldly feline creature from her home planet as a pet named Indigo. (Faceclaim: Sóley Sigurþórs)
Deirdre Doyle The Originals OC. Witch. Lots of trauma. (Faceclaim: Kat Dennings)
Other OCs
Adelaide St. Claire Louisiana Creole trans woman living in New Orleans. Voodoo practitioner. (I’m currently researching everything to do with Voodoo. I promise I won’t fuck it up!)
Astrid Shelley Old lonely widowed witch that lives in the woods on the edge of town. Agoraphobic. Has a familiar, a black vulture named Edgar. (Faceclaim: Anna-Varney Cantodea)
Luca Giger 400 year old vampire. Was sex trafficked at the age of 12, is now voluntarily a full-service sex worker. Was bitten at 20 years old by a client. (Faceclaim: Bartek Borowiec)
Arthur Julius “AJ” Montgomery III Dark academia OC. Artist, writer, musician, stoner. (Faceclaim: Timothee Chalamet)
Stitches the Carnie Ghoul (CW: Horror OC. Proceed with caution) Murderous people devouring necrophiliac. Keeps some of her victims’ corpses as dolls that she has tea parties with inside her circus tent. (Faceclaim: Peggy Giggles)
Jezebel Bathory A succubus. (Faceclaim: Rose McGowan)
Gwendolyn Lightweaver An angel turned human as a punishment. (Faceclaim: Katherine Shepard AKA Sylvaine)
Ozraphaeus “Ozzy” Embershroud A demon with a pet hellhound named Mordred. (Faceclaim: Ville Valo)
Willa Meadowsong Faerie OC. Seelie court (Faceclaim: Tori Amos)
Gossamer Greywood Faerie OC. Unseelie court. (Faceclaim: Xilmordas)
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Happy birthday!!! Got any birthday headcanons for z nation? (character's b days, how/if they'd celebrate on the road?) (I've had an idea for a while about 10k and Addy getting up to mischief trying to have a party or something and they try to make a cake out of an expired box mix but end up just eating the batter together asdjhsdh)
Thank you!!!
Okay, first of all, that is the cutest fucking thing I've ever read and I'm living for the idea of Addy and 10K trying to bake and then just eating the batter. They are disaster siblings and I love them -- and they would 100% do that.
Second, okay, let's see, well, we know from his "Certified Alive" Newmerica paperwork that 10K was born on July 4th; which is just so fitting for him and I love that.
As for the others, I think Doc is probably a winter birthday (thinking December?), Addy gives me April birthday vibes (no idea why), Warren feels like a September birthday, Murphy is November. As for other secondary characters: Red is either October or August - I genuinely can't decide, Sarge is March, George is June. I'm not sure about CZ or Kaya; and I'm open to suggestions on literally any of the characters birthdays that I headcanoned.
As for celebrating; I feel like 10K probably never did much for his birthday growing up. Like there was probably the birthday his dad first took him hunting, and that was the only like celebration birthday he ever had. Otherwise it wasn't a big deal. His dad wasn't the type to bake a cake and sing to his son.
At some point the group are stopped for the night after setting up camp, and somehow birthdays come up. The others talk about their favorite birthday party growing up and 10K's just like, "....Why would you do that? It's just the day you were born, it's not that big a deal?"
Addy's like, "...Because it's fun. Did you seriously never have a birthday party?"
"When I was twelve my dad took me hunting for the first time."
Doc and Addy exchange a look and then Doc looks back at 10K and says, "...Kid, when's your birthday?"
"I think that's the month we're in now. It's summer for sure. Happy birthday, kid!"
"Uh... Thanks." 10K is still completely confused as to why Doc and Addy are making a big deal out of this. Birthdays were just the day you were born. Why shouldn't it be like every other day?
Doc and Addy come up with a plan because damnit, that boy is getting a birthday party even if it is the apocalypse and he doesn't actually care about his birthday.
This is where your headcanon of Addy and 10K eating expired cake mix comes into play.
The group comes across a small town and a drug/convenience store, which they decide to check out to see if there's any supplies left over -- it's 4yrs into the apocalypse, but you never know.
While looking through the shelves, Addy finds a box of old, two years out of date, birthday cake mix. (it literally says "birthday cake mix" on it). She calls 10K over, and is all excited, "We're gonna make this for your birthday!"
"I don't even know if it's actually my birthday."
"Exactly. It's the apocalypse. Every day can be your birthday! ...Plus don't you think it'd be fun to make Murphy sing to you?"
That last bit is what wins him over and he's like, "...Yeah, okay, fine. How do we make it?"
They look at the directions. They have literally none of the ingredients except for water because, y'know, apocalypse. They also don't have an oven or pans. They mix in water (directly into the bag of mix because they don't have a bowl) and Addy comes up with the idea to take a hubcap off of the car and try using that as a pan. It is a disaster. A very messy disaster. After about an hour of messing around with it, and amusing 10K to no end because this just proves his point that birthdays are unnecessary, she decides to give up on baking it.
She grabs a twig from the ground, lights one end on fire, sticks it in the batter like a candle, and makes the group sing 'happy birthday' and tells 10K to blow out the 'candle' and make a wish. Which he does.
Then she says "We're just gonna eat it like this because I can't bake in the apocalypse."
The two of them stay up most of the night in the bed of the truck when everybody else falls asleep, and 10K admits that, while totally useless and unnecessary, maybe birthday parties were fun after all.
....Sorry, that ended up being super long. 😂 I just have a lot of feelings about those two being found family siblings in the apocalypse. I hope you like it!! Feel free to send me more asks about ZN stuff any time! I love talking about it.
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What I live for In Z Nation
Doc and 10K's wholesome relationship
Murphy being a cryptid and being treated as such
All the women being Badass Queens who take no one's shit.
Doc's Drug wisdom
The Bi and gay energy radiating from nearly all characters.
Everyone being relatable af, and being a straight up mood at times.
Murphy's sass
10k being a precious baby
Lucy making The Man's life harder
Doc explaining sex to Baby Lucy
All the Parodies
Everyone gets high at one point
The gang's denials of being anywhere near famouse places where weird shit went down.
Serena going completely mama Bear
Antler hand!
The fact that the most bizzare or weird shit can happen, and it would fit perfectly into this world.
10k going out of his way to annoy Murphy
Blueberry pie!!!
Murphy actually being caring and protective of his blends, Lucy, the gang, and the talkers.
Everyone being done with Murphy's shit.
Warren and George being supportive of each other.
The fact that they pulled the "you've been dead the entire time" card twice.
Baby boy 5k!!!
Red being a good and caring friend/girlfriend.
Citizen Z playing with J. Z
Kaya waiting and calling out for citizen Z on the radio for two years.
Escorbion becoming just Hector
La Reina and Warren's interactions
Zombie Pimp Murphy
Lucy and Addy
Mack being willing to die and do pretty much anything for Addy.
Nana, just nana.
Skeezy and Sketchy being themselves
Citizen Z and Yuri being best friends
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ajoblotofjunk · 6 years
Z Nation re-watch: 3x03 The One With the Postman
I have to admit that I don't remember individually a lot of what happens in each episode. The season feels much more continuous and specific episode titles don't pop as much for me. For example this one - "Murphy's Miracle." I can't remember what this episode is about, although I think he gets to the water place in Spokane with his new lieutenant guy and his family. Let's find out.
Murphy being as charming as ever here when he encounters the ‘road hogs.’ Heh.
That little girl has to be...what, 5 at the most? She had to have been just a baby when the zompacalypse started. Amazing she's lived as long as she has.
Addy is really enjoying her new z whacker.
Oh it's the mailman episode! Huh.
Maybe my favorite line in the show is in this episode: "These walkers are too slow to be any real threat. You'd have to be an idiot to get killed by them." dyyyyyyyyyyying at The Walking Dead shade.
Kaya trying to motivate Citizen Z is so cute.
Nana is GREAT.
I love that they actually are IN Spokane in the show universe this season, and not just filming there.
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Just gonna leave this cap here for admiration purposes.
Addy: "You're aware that your friends and neighbors want to eat your brains, right?" Postal guy: "They can't help it. It's their nature."
This is funny! And also lays the groundwork for themes the show has continued to explore and expand on in season 3 and 4, of the zombies having their own kind of agency and personality. Lucy especially does this as she befriends so many zombies. I mean look at how 'Grandpa' helps out Doc and Addy at the end of the season. It's a really interesting path they've gone down and it feels purposeful, like it's been laid out since at least season 2 when Murphy felt badly every time they destroyed the zombies. I suspect season 5 will come to terms with this.
He's been living off of the Christmas packages, which again places the timeline of when the infection really happened.
Murphy sure has a lot of ties to and memories of Spokane. I wonder if he's from there.
So the blends do have their own willpower still, it's mostly that Murphy can just overwhelm it if wants to.
Sun Mei: "Their behavior is just a parasitic reaction to stimuli." Postman: "That's where you're wrong."
Sun Mei is not having this 'don't kill them' garbage and tbh I don't blame her.
Some fighting here between Addy and Sun Mei, both trying to be in charge and do what they think is right.
Citizen Z goes in for the kiss but some very sad, but lovely music interrupts. He and Kaya settle for a hug instead.
The music has thrown Sun Mei. It means her mission has been aborted and everyone is dead. (Doc, btw, recognizes the song as "I Have Become Lost To The World." Hee.)
The z's focus on the postman exclusively, even when he DOESN'T have food.
Murphy really enjoyed this Expo of 74, huh?
Murphy: "And this shall be my throne room." No delusions of grandeur here, no sirree.
Murphy is really fucking with 10k's mind here and it's upsetting. He's gone from just being a lovable asshole to being a malicious asshole.
I like that they really did use just the lantern & flashlights to light these scenes. Ups the atmosphere.
Hector freaks out on a zombie and kills it with the Cancelled stamp. Heh.
The citizens were mostly shot in the heart, which means the fake postman guy killed a TON of people.
Oh well he WAS a postman. Just not the postmaster. And he killed every single person. Disgusting.
Hector: "You killed short pants?" Sun Mei: "Not precisely. But he will be spending much more quality time with his friends & neighbors."
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Nana and Pup, living the dream.
Sun Mei: "Zombies don't have a soul." Warren: "Then why do we give them mercy?"
The fundamental question of the show, and a very, very interesting one.
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Like a painting.
Murphy is making 10k sweep. That boy is gonna shoot you, Murphy.
This is so interesting, them wanting Murphy to bite them because the little girl is both healed and - the most important point, which Murphy recognizes - she's not afraid. Everyone on this show has lived in terror for years, it's become a natural part of their day, the underlying momentum behind every breath they take. And Murphy's bite frees them. They don't recognize how it yokes them to him in exchange, but honestly think about that: that may not be the worst compromise. I love this storyline a LOT. It's such a good extrapolation of how people might respond.
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dear-indies · 7 years
Hey guys! I was wondering if y'all could help me with a fc. Female, mid to late twenties, a bit rugged, has the look of a survivor since it's a last of us oc (all apocalyptic and what not) preferably not someone from the 100? Race doesn't matter too much so poc suggestions are encouraged! Thank you so much 💕💕
Jessica De Gouw (The Rezort)
Sarah Ramos (Midnight, Texas) Filipino [one quarter], Scottish, German, French, Irish, English / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Jung So-min (Alice: Boy from Wonderland) Korean. 
Dominique Provost-Chalkley (Wynonna Earp)
Sharni Vinson (You’re Next)
Kinami Haruka (Yuusha Yoshihiko to Maou no Shiro) Japanese. 
Maggie Q (Nikita) Vietnamese / Polish, Irish. 
Emily Kinney (The Walking Dead)
Sonequa Martin (The Walking Dead) African-American. 
Alanna Masterson(The Walking Dead) 
Christine Evangelista (The Walking Dead)
Annie Ilonzeh (Charlie’s Angels) Igbo Nigerian. Polish, English.
Zoe Kravitz (Vincent N Roxxy, The Road Within) African-American / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Kaya Scodelario (Maze Runner)
Nathalie Emmanuel (Game of Thrones, Furious 7) English, Saint Lucian / Dominican.
Naomi Scott (Power Rangers) Scottish, possibly other / Gujarati Indian.
Ahn So-hee (Train to Busan) Korean.
Komatsu Ayaka (Miss Zombie) Japanese. 
Chloe Bennet (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) half Chinese. 
Pisay Pao (Z Nation) Thai. 
Phoebe Tonkin (The Originals) 
Amber Heard (Drive Angry)
Gemma Arterton (The Girl with All the Gifts)
Sarah Dumont (Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse)
Emily Browning (American Gods) 
Antonia Thomas (Misfits) Jamaican / English. 
Jane Levy (Evil Dead) 
Jessica Lucas(Evil Dead) Black Canadian / Caucasian.
Callie Hernandez (Blair Witch 2016)
Valorie Curry(Blair Witch 2016)
Corbin Reid(Blair Witch 2016) Black. 
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
Sundance 2019: 20 Films We Can’t Wait to See in Park City
The Sundance Film Festival is starting tomorrow, January 24th, and promises 11 days of cinematic discovery. The film year doesn’t really start until Sundance starts, premiering some of the movies that will be on year-end lists in 11 months. The 2018 iteration was a particularly strong one, including the premieres of “Sorry to Bother You,” “Blindspotting,” “Eighth Grade,” “Leave No Trace,” “Wildlife,” “Minding the Gap,” “Three Identical Strangers,” “Blaze,” and many more. Looking over the lists of what will play at Sundance over the next week-and-a-half, it’s easy to pick out 20 movies that we’re particularly excited to cover, although we’re just as excited at what will come completely out of nowhere, surprising us with its stellar quality. Come back soon for coverage from Brian Tallerico, Nick Allen, Monica Castillo, Tomris Laffly, and the Ebert Fellows—Niani Scott, Whitney Spencer, and Tiffany Walden, including reviews of all 16 films in the U.S. Dramatic Competition program. Below are twenty stand-outs from various programs that we’re eager to cover, alphabetically, including the official synopsis courtesy of the Sundance Film Festival.
“After the Wedding”
Starring Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams, and Billy Crudup
Written and Directed by Bard Freundlich
Category: Premieres
Isabel (Michelle Williams) has dedicated her life to working with the children in an orphanage in Calcutta. Theresa (Julianne Moore) is the multimillionaire head of a media company who lives with her handsome artist husband (Billy Crudup) and their two adorable twin boys in New York. When word comes to Isabel of a mysterious and generous grant for the financially struggling orphanage, she must travel to New York to meet the benefactor—Theresa—in person. And when Isabel is spontaneously invited to Theresa’s daughter’s wedding, Isabel discovers a connection to Theresa that takes her on an unexpected journey into her own past.
“The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind”
Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Maxwell Simba, and Lily Banda
Written and Directed by Chiwetel Ejiofor
Category: Premieres
Young William Kamkwamba lives with his family in rural Malawi, where he attends school regularly and shows great aptitude for his studies. Yet after land development and poor weather lead to a meager harvest, famine strikes the village, alarming the community and forcing William to drop out of school when his father (Chiwetel Ejiofor) can no longer afford the fees. Determined to find a way out of the life-threatening situation his family is facing, William sneaks into the school library to research—and soon conspires to build a windmill pump to irrigate the land. Caught between his father’s close-minded skepticism and the difficulty of creating a machine out of bicycle parts and scrap materials, William races against the clock to fight for his community’s survival.
“Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile”
Starring Zac Efron, Lily Collins, Haley Joel Osment, Kaya Scoledario, John Malkovich, and Jim Parsons
Directed by Joe Berlinger
Written by Michael Werwie
Category: Premieres
1969. Ted (Zac Efron) is crazy-handsome, smart, charismatic, affectionate. And cautious single mother Liz Kloepfer (Lily Collins) ultimately cannot resist his charms. For her, Ted is a match made in heaven, and she soon falls head over heels in love with the dashing young man. A picture of domestic bliss, the happy couple seems to have it all figured out … until, out of nowhere, their perfect life is shattered. Ted is arrested and charged with a series of increasingly grisly murders. Concern soon turns to paranoia—and, as evidence piles up, Liz is forced to consider that the man with whom she shares her life could actually be a psychopath.
“The Farewell”
Starring Awkwafina, Tzi Ma, Diana Lin, Zhao Shuzhen, Lu Hong, and Jiang Yongbo
Written and Directed by Lulu Wang
Category: U.S. Dramatic Competition
After learning their beloved matriarch has terminal lung cancer, a family opts not to tell her about the diagnosis, instead scheduling an impromptu wedding-reunion back in China. Headstrong and emotional writer Billi rebels against her parents’ directive to stay in New York and joins the family as they awkwardly attempt to rekindle old bonds, throw together a wedding that only grandma is actually looking forward to, and surreptitiously say their goodbyes.
“Greener Grass”
Starring Jocelyn DeBoer, Dawn Luebbe, Beck Bennett, Neil Casey, Mary Holland, and D’Arcy Carden
Written and Directed by Jocelyn DeBoer & Dawn Luebbe
Category: Midnight
Jill and Lisa live in their perfect homes in their idyllic suburban community with their happy families. Their days are spent in the grocery store exchanging fashion tips and at birthday parties complimenting their neighbors’ potluck dips. As the women desperately vie for validation, they struggle to maintain pleasantry and normalcy, even when things get weird. And they do get weird. When Jill gifts Lisa her newborn baby in an altruistic gesture, paranoia overwhelms Jill while her fears and anxieties quickly unravel.
“Late Night”
Starring Emma Thompson, Mindy Kaling, John Lithgow, Paul Walter Hauser, Reid Scott, and Amy Ryan
Directed by Nisha Ganatra
Written by Mindy Kaling
Category: Premieres
Katherine Newbury (Emma Thompson) is a pioneer and legendary host on the late-night talk-show circuit. When she’s accused of being a “woman who hates women,” she puts affirmative action on the to-do list, and—presto!—Molly (Mindy Kaling) is hired as the one woman in Katherine’s all-male writers’ room. But Molly might be too little too late, as the formidable Katherine also faces the reality of low ratings and a network that wants to replace her. Molly, wanting to prove she’s not simply a diversity hire who’s disrupting the comfort of the brotherhood, is determined to help Katherine by revitalizing her show and career—and possibly effect even bigger change at the same time.
“Little Monsters”
Starring Lupita Nyong’o, Alexander England, and Josh Gad
Written and Directed by Abe Forsythe
Category: Midnight
After a rough breakup, directionless Dave (Alexander England) crashes at his sister’s place and spends his days expanding his young nephew’s questionable vocabulary. When an opportunity arises to chaperone an upcoming school excursion alongside the charming and enigmatic teacher, Miss Caroline (Lupita Nyong’o), Dave jumps at the chance to impress her. What he wasn’t anticipating was Teddy McGiggle (Josh Gad), an obnoxious children’s television personality who shapes the excursion’s activities. What he was expecting even less was a zombie invasion, which unfolds after an experiment at a nearby military base goes awry. Armed only with the resourcefulness of kindergartners, Dave, Miss Caroline, and Teddy must work together to keep the monsters at bay and carve a way out with their guts intact.
“Native Son”
Starring Ashton Sanders, Margaret Qualley, Nick Robinson, Kiki Layne, Bill Camp, and Sanaa Lathan
Directed by Rashid Johnson
Written by Suzan-Lori Parks
Category: U.S. Dramatic Competition
Bigger “Big” Thomas, a young African American man, lives with his mother and siblings in Chicago. Half-heartedly involved with a girlfriend, he sports green hair and a punk jacket, smokes weed, and carries a pistol—but rebuffs his buddy’s “easy-money” scheme to knock off a corner store. Full of self-determination, Big accepts a job as the chauffeur for wealthy businessman Will Dalton’s family. Moving into their mansion, he begins driving Dalton’s vehemently progressive daughter, Mary. But his involvement in an accidental death places Big on a collision course with the powerful social forces pitted against him.
“Official Secrets”
Starring Keira Knightley, Matt Smith, Matthew Goode, Rhys Ifans, Adam Bakri, and Ralph Fiennes
Directed by Gavin Hood
Written by Sara Bernstein, Gregory Bernstein, & Gavin Hood
Category: Premieres
Based on the book The Spy Who Tried to Stop a War, Official Secrets tells the true story of British secret-service officer Katharine Gun, who during the immediate run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq leaked a top-secret National Security Agency memo. The memo—which exposed an illegal U.S.-U.K. spying operation against members of the United Nations Security Council—proposed blackmailing smaller, undecided member states into voting for war.
Starring Mark Duplass, Ray Romano, and Christine Woods
Directed by Alex Lehmann
Written by Alex Lehmann & Mark Duplass
Category: Premieres
An unlikely bromance between two misfit neighbors becomes an unexpectedly emotional journey when one of them is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Suddenly facing their mortality, the two bros (who spend their free time playing a game they made up called Paddleton) decide to go on a trip. Yet their literal journey turns into a metaphorical one as their experiences reveal the true bond of friendship—and what that means between two men who use humor to avoid expressing any real emotion.
“Paradise Hills”
Starring Emma Roberts, Danielle Macdonald, Awkwafina, Eiza Gonzalez, Milla Jovovich, and Jeremy Irvine
Directed by Alice Waddington
Written by Nacho Vigalondo & Brian DeLeeuw
Category: NEXT
When Uma wakes up alone on a strange island called Paradise, she instantly suspects it’s anything but. Helmed by the Duchess (Milla Jovovich), Paradise Hills is a center for emotional healing that at its core serves as a reformatory-style boarding school for privileged young women. Yet behind the rose-covered pathways and fairy-tale decor, Uma and her friends learn something more sinister is at work.
“The Report”
Starring Adam Driver, Annette Bening, Jon Hamm, Ted Levine, Maura Tierney, and Michael C. Hall
Written and Directed by Scott Z. Burns
Category: Premieres
Senate staffer Daniel Jones is assigned the daunting task of leading an investigation into the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program. After analyzing extensive evidence, he learns about the “enhanced interrogation techniques”—proven to be brutal, immoral, and ineffective—that the CIA adopted after 9/11. When Jones and the Senate Intelligence Committee attempt to release the results from his investigation, however, the CIA and White House go to great lengths to prevent the truth from getting out.
Starring Rhianne Barreto, Charlie Plummer, Poorna Jagannathan, J.C. MacKenzie, Nick Galitzine, and Lovie Simone
Written and Directed by Pippa Bianco
Category: U.S. Dramatic Competition
After a night of partying, high-school sophomore Mandy discovers that a series of cell-phone videos of her—half-dressed and semiconscious—have gone viral. Struggling to piece together what happened, reeling at how quickly the normalcy of her life has been upended, unsure about her friends’ attempts to usher her back into their normal social routine, and uneasy about her parents’ inclination to take action on her behalf, Mandy has to navigate a landscape littered with others’ good intentions and find a way to heal from a wound she can’t identify.
“The Sunlit Night”
Starring Jenny Slate, Zach Galifianakis, Alex Sharp, Gillian Anderson, and David Paymer
Directed by David Wnendt
Written by Rebecca Dinerstein
Category: Premieres
Summer is off to a terrible start for Frances (Jenny Slate). Her art project fails, her boyfriend unceremoniously kicks her out of his Hamptons home, and, to top it all off, her younger sister reveals she’s engaged just moments before her parents announce their separation. Out of a mixture of panic and frustration, Frances hastily takes an opening for an art residency in Norway and heads off to an isolated island where the sun never sets.
“Them That Follow”
Starring Olivia Colman, Kaitlyn Dever, Alice Englert, Jim Gaffigan, Walton Goggins, and Thomas Mann
Written and Directed by Britt Poulton & Dan Madison Savage
Category: U.S. Dramatic Competition
In the rugged wilderness of Appalachia, the members of an isolated community of Pentecostal snake handlers led by Pastor Lemuel (Walton Goggins) risk their lives to attest themselves before God. Lemuel’s daughter Mara (Alice Englert) prepares for her upcoming wedding to the young believer her father has singled out for her under the watchful eye of Hope (Olivia Colman), while scrambling to hide a secret that has the potential to drive her father’s church to ruin.
“To the Stars”
Starring Kara Hayward, Liana Liberato, Jordana Spiro, Shea Whigham, Malin Akerman, and Tony Hale
Directed by Martha Stephens
Written by Shannon Bradley-Colleary
In a god-fearing small town in 1960s Oklahoma, bespectacled and reclusive teen Iris endures the booze-induced antics of her mother and daily doses of bullying from her classmates. She finds solace in Maggie, the charismatic and enigmatic new girl at school, who hones in on Iris’s untapped potential and coaxes her out of her shell. When Maggie’s mysterious past can no longer be suppressed, the tiny community is thrown into a state of panic, leaving Maggie to take potentially drastic measures and inciting Iris to stand up for her friend and herself.
Directed by Ursula Macfarlane
Category: Documentary Premieres
The inside story of the meteoric rise and monstrous fall of movie titan Harvey Weinstein, Untouchable reveals how Weinstein acquired and deployed his formidable power over the course of decades. Former staffers, college friends, and reporters reflect upon the public perception of Weinstein as a visionary, while detailing his ruthless attempts to preserve his power as scandal threatened to engulf him. In candid, emotional, often-harrowing testimony—with many accusers speaking on camera for the first time—Untouchable exhumes both the method and the collateral damage of Weinstein’s alleged abuse. As the criminal case against him continues, the film questions whether meaningful change in the justice system—and in the film industry—is really possible.
“Velvet Buzzsaw”
Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Toni Collette, Zawe Ashton, Tom Sturridge, and Natalia Dyer
Written and Directed by Dan Gilroy
Category: Premieres
In the cutthroat world of fine-art trading and representation, up-and-coming agent Josephina (Zawe Ashton) stumbles across a secret weapon: hundreds of dazzling paintings left behind after an elderly tenant in her building dies. Ignoring the instructions the clandestine artist left to destroy his work, she promptly starts circulating the paintings, which soon attract the attention of the heavy hitters around her—including her boss Rhodora (Rene Russo), art critic (and Josephina’s sometime lover) Morf (Jake Gyllenhaal), and competing collectors, managers, and curators like Bryson (Billy Magnussen) and Gretchen (Toni Collette). Yet as the deceased artist’s portraits gain posthumous acclaim, they also awaken something imperceptible and sinister that threatens to punish those who have profited from his work.
“The Wolf Hour”
Starring Naomi Watts, Emory Cohen, Jennifer Ehle, Kevin Harrison Jr., and Brennan Brown
Written and Directed by Alistair Banks Griffin
Category: NEXT
It’s July 1977, and New York City is awash with escalating violence. A citywide blackout is triggering fires, looting, and countless arrests, and the Son of Sam murders are riddling the city with panic. June, once a celebrated counterculture figure, attempts to retreat from the chaos by shutting herself inside the yellowed walls of her grandmother’s South Bronx apartment. But her doorbell is ringing incessantly, the heat is unbearable, and creeping paranoia and fear are taking hold. Visitors, some invited, some unsolicited, arrive one by one, and June must determine whom she can trust and whether she can find a path back to her former self.
Starring Armie Hammer, Dakota Johnson, Zazie Beetz, and Brad William Henke
Written and Directed by Babak Anvari
Will is a bartender in New Orleans. He has a great job, great friends, and a girlfriend, Carrie, who loves him. He skates across life’s surface, ignoring complications and concentrating on enjoying the moment. One night at the bar, a violent brawl breaks out, which injures one of his regular customers and causes some college kids to leave behind a cell phone in their haste. Will begins receiving disturbing texts and calls from the stranger’s phone. While Will hopes to not get involved, Carrie gets lost down a rabbit hole investigating this strange malevolence. They’ve discovered something unspeakable, and it’s crawling slowly into the light.
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