#b!ds rex
isame-allen · 3 months
Cross in a onesie + one of the drawing the lyrics wip
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felinefractious · 9 months
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Curly Kilimanjaro Brilliant Spark
🐱 Selkirk Rex
📸 Elena Nikonova [Brilliant Spark]
🎨 Red Smoke Bicolor
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inkblackorchid · 10 months
Okay I gotta get that out somewhere and you’re the best person to ask that but I feel like my brain is going wild and reaching but like,,, I wanna see the whole design of Godwin‘s Daedalus times because I feel like Crow‘s WRPG riding jacket looks super similar to the one he wears in the Flashbacks where he jumps from the bridge and 🥹🥹🥹 idk it might just be the color and the details but I think that would be so cute. Literally the Daedalus Legend is one of my fav things about Satellite lore.
Finally, finally I can answer this ask! I'm sorry it took so long but I had to go back and rewatch like three episodes to even find young Rex Goodwin's design because as it turns out, the guy is seen in riding gear in exactly two flashbacks in the entire show and I was incapable of finding an animator's reference for him.
So. Allow me to put on my nerd hat and break down my findings for you.
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Exhibit A: Crow's riding suit. (These were the best screenshots I had of it). So, basic colour scheme: Brown, black, orange, and yellow/gold. Simple enough. Note the simple collar that splits off into Crow's usual, high collar and the shape of his jacket closure.
As for Goodwin...
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Exhibit B: Young Goodwin's first design, as we see him when Crow tells the story of the legendary duellist. And yes, you read that right: Young Goodwin actually has two designs, and as you'll see, this is going to turn out to be a bit of an inconsistency. (Also, excuse the garbage quality of the images. This guy is hard to get a hold of, for one, and for some reason, my internet did not like rewatching this episode.) Anyway, note the lack of sleeves and shoulder pads. Also, no gloves. You could argue that the detailing around the split collar here is also brown-ish gold, though. All around not very safe motorcycling gear. Not much protection offered. Also, there's a button. I could not figure out what for. Moving on.
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Exhibit C: Yoing Goodwin's second design, the one we see in the flashback when Yusei talks to him during the DS arc's final duel. Funnily enough, this one has sleeves! And shoulder pads! (And they're not the same colour as Crow's, but vaguely the same shape.) Also, knee pads again. And heavy-duty boots to go with them this time. What's more, the brown-ish/golden detailing is a lot more obvious here. And Goodwin has gloves here, but unlike Crow's, they disappear under his jacket. The colour scheme isn't far off from Crow's riding suit, though.
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Exhibit D: Their backs. (It was impossible to get a back shot of young Goodwin #2, I'm sorry) What stands out here is that Crow's outfit is all around more detailed. But then, given that Goodwin's outfit is presumably thrown together with whatever he had, whereas Crow's is a professional riding suit, that's not all that surprising. Both have diagonal thingies here. If they serve a functional purpose, I have not found it.
Verdict: So, here's the thing. I can definitely see some similarities here. The shoulder pads have the same shape, both have yellow/brown/golden detailing around the collar and the front of the jacket, and at least going from Goodwin's second design, both have black gloves, too. And, of course, all three jackets are brown. I don't know if that's enough to say that Crow intentionally took inspiration from the man who built the Daedalus bridge, but you can see some nods here and there, I'd say. (If nothing else, it might be a cheeky add-in by the animators.) As for the inconsistency between Goodwin's two designs, allow me to introduce a silly headcanon: Since the first design is seen in Crow's version of the story of the legendary duellist, this may be how Crow imagined him to look. Even though Goodwin's "real" design is slightly different (and safer lmao).
But yeah, make of this what you will! This was all I could find, haha.
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flamingo-rex · 2 years
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Cat ch.22でライブを演ってくれたドラムの
10/7(金) FRIDGE@尾道 Cat ch.22
開場18:30 開演19:00
〒722-0045 広島県尾道市久保2-14-3
出演 FRIDGE、Kaz.(Flamingo rex)
What's in the FRIDGE ??
fridge(フリッジ)= 冷蔵庫の意。堀尾哲二(Ds)、酒井ちふみ(Vo)、静沢真紀(G)、有福珍(B) からなる4人組ロックバンド。2006年京都にて、堀尾哲二(Dr)を中心に結成。そのしなやかなグルーヴで、ブルース、ファンク、ロック、ポップスの狭間を、縦横無尽に駆け回る。堀尾哲二のファンクドラム、静沢マキのブルースギター、有福珍のグルーヴを支えるベース、そして自由な色彩を放つ酒井ちふみのボーカル。フリッジの『ニュー・グルーヴィン.ロック』。日本に生まれた新しいロックの感性。
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thefactualsphere · 2 years
"Wait, I can fix him." Rex grabs Fact and starts shaking him a little. "God, you're so fragile. Can't handle a baseball bat and a fist to the head like a proper robot."
They really don't make them like Beth does anymore, huh? Sure, Same models, But as time went on the materials used to make these things definitely were relying on "Quantity over Quality" now. But LCD screens would never change- Glass and LED's would never NOT be fragile. Just like human eyes! The android didn't seem to sustain any more damage except for the rattling of burnt out and broke lights in his optic. He then raises his hand and slapped the human's hand away from him. "Get you--R han_-dS 0-ff m--E!" Then it seems to click. "...A h--Uman? Oh n---Nn--O no no nO, You'--re n0t supp0sed to be up h-----h--hhere. You'-re supposed to b--e in your s--tasis pod. She-She- She- She- She's no--ot gonna like THAT.."
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After days of gloom and rain, the sky’s clouds parted ways for Alexander James O’Connor, better known as Rex Orange County, to brighten up the gloomy Vancouver weather. It feels like the WHO CARES? tour – his second time coming to Canada’s west coast – coaxed the sun out for one day and provided the perfect backdrop to a fashion-studded crowd at the PNE Amphitheatre on June 8th, 2022. The concert was as playful and colourful as Rex himself, and you could tell it was one not to miss.
Apparently a lot of people were lined up for 8 hours prior to the show. I was not one of those people, but it shows the kind of fanbase Rex has garnered over the years — dedicated, loyal, and eclectic. Someone even brought a Nintendo DS to record the show, which received a shoutout of approval from Rex himself. As an all-ages show, there was a mix of younger, rowdier fans at the front and in the pit, and more chill folks in the back. Overall, Rex playing his most popular tunes against a setting sky provided the perfect atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. 
The PNE Amphitheatre is not everyone’s favourite venue for a multitude of reasons; parking, location, price, and sound quality are just a few gripes I and others share. However, I think Rex was able to perform a show that was perfect for an outdoor concert. His three opening songs of “Making Time,” “Keep it Up,” and “Amazing” all share the same whimsical dance quality that makes you want to fall in love, especially with his crooning vocals. If you wanted to dance outside of the pit — and people did dance, in wide spinning circles, in salsa-esque coupled pairs, and in little secluded groups — you definitely could, and that felt pretty special. 
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One thing to highlight is Rex’s vocals. Many have praised Rex’s smooth vocals as the unique ‘thing’ he brings to all of his music, and after seeing him perform live I would definitely agree. His voice carries stage presence, even when the set is just lights and his band. It has a twang that rumbles beneath the creaminess of his voice, and this especially comes through in his rendition of Minnie Riperton’s “Lovin’ You” and “Untitled” from his Apricot Princess album. During these songs that feature more raw singing, the crisp, quirky instrumental of Rex’s accompanying band is delicious to hear as well.
Rex also played “Corduroy Dreams” from his 2015 album, Bcos U Will Never B Free. He made a point to introduce the song as ‘one for the fans that have followed him for a long time,’ and I thought that was pretty sweet and personable for such a packed setlist of a show. Actually, Rex was pretty interactive with his fans for a larger concert, asking everyone to put their phones away and ‘be human with him in the moment,’ also joking that ‘if your friends didn’t get a ticket, they don’t get to share this with us.’
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In contrast, for his most recent album and the feature of the tour, WHO CARES?, the stage transforms and so does Rex’s energy. The stage featured a backdrop of rainbow letters, flashing colourful flowers, and even more strobe lights to set the mood for some of his bouncier songs. Rex encouraged (and even challenged!) the crowd multiple times to cheer, jump, and sing along as he played popular hits like “Open a Window,” his single with Tyler, the Creator, and “If You Want It,” a funky, jazzy number.
The best part of the evening – and I think most people would agree as it’s popping up on TikTok everywhere – is “Loving is Easy.” For this song, WHO CARES? beach balls were released into the crowd and bounced around for as long as the crowd allowed it, filling the sky with child-like joy and energy. Against an already dim sky, I could see the silhouette of raised hands trying to keep the balls in the air, and just a bunch of people playing in the crowd. I saw a few lucky folks leave with them.
I think Rex Orange County lived up to the hype. At least in my peripheral circle, there was a lot of buzz about this concert. He is extremely beloved and you can tell his music is very important to a lot of people. The concert made for a memorable, dance-filled night despite the venue, and we have Rex to thank for bringing sun to what looks like Vancouver’s rainiest June in a while!
Written by: Alexa Tarrayo Photographed by: Rachael Buckoski
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eleutheramina · 4 years
Is Scoopshipping Good Writing? An Extremely Long Text Post
This is partially a response post to criticism of the ship and Jack’s development in the Dark Signers arc, and partially my own analysis of Jack and Carly’s relationship--specifically whether it is congruous with Jack’s Fortune Cup characterization and whether it says anything meaningful besides just invoking the Power of Love. 
It’s been over 10 years since 5D’s first aired, which is surreal. I still remember thinking the whole concept was ludicrous at first, but it eventually became my favorite Yugioh series (though I usually ignore the series post-episode 64 and consider the first 64 episodes by themselves). It was really primarily because of these two fools that I started watching in earnest:
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I shipped them big time. Even now, I still really adore their relationship. Most of my ships I end up becoming less obsessed with over time, but Jack/Carly continues even to this day to captivate my heart and imagination. 
Recently, though, I’ve been thinking about the question, is their relationship good writing? Especially in how consistent it is with Jack’s characterization in the Fortune Cup arc, and whether or not it works to develop him as a character afterward.
(Of course, my personal stakes in the question is, should I be shipping them? While ships obviously don’t have to be well-written in canon or anything like that for someone to ship them, it’s significant to me because so much of the reason I liked Jack/Carly in the past is because it did feel decent character development, especially in contrast to what came after the Dark Signers arc.)
Why I’m Writing This
This sense of doubt about the writing of their relationship is especially spurred on by this character analysis of Jack:
“A lot of people seem to think that the introduction of Carly and the whole romancey subplot developed Jack as a character and for the better. I could not disagree more. If there's one word I'd associate with Jack prior to his entire development and dignity as a character going down the crapper, I'd have to say it's 'ego'. How did Rex/Jaeger get him to sell out his friends, steal Yusei's stuff and join him? He appealed to Jack's ego. How did he persuade him to stay after his first loss to Yusei? By telling him about the signer and reassuring him, again, that he was special. Overall, Jack just struck me as a very focused and driven character, intent on achieving his own goals on his own. He actively pushed away everyone who tried to get close to him, most obviously Mikage, who is consistently worrying over him but whom he never spares as much as a thought or a kind word for in return. Ever. This egocentric attitude is also, at the risk of over-analyzing, consistent with Red Dragon Archfiend, both in its moving away every defensive obstacle in its way and in its actively destroying any monsters that didn't join it in attacking. I generally don't like going onto this level of symbolism because it so easily devolves into semantic nonsense, but given the parallels here and the similarly fitting effects of Yusei's Stardust, I thought it worth mentioning. This would also lend a bit of further significance to him handing the card over to Yusei before the tournament, not only affirming his egocentric wish to beat Yusei at his strongest (and thus redeem himself for their last duel) but also his rejection of the self-sacrificing/others first mentality that the card represents. His obsession with Red Dragon Archfiend after that duel is also consistent with this interpretation, with Jack pushing himself even harder to prove to himself that his way is correct.
“Overall, I don't object to the notion of Jack learning to be less ego-centric as development, but the way the dark signer arc handled it was beyond contrived and ham-fisted, pushing him into an impromptu romance that was completely inconsistent with egocentric personality thus far and completely glossing over the far more interesting questions of how he'd rebuild his ego after essentially losing his entire self-image as the king in front of everyone. Instead, apparently all he needed was for a crazy lady to abduct him from hospital, blackmail him for the sake of her own career, then give a few lines of generic encouragement and invoke the power of love. From where I'm standing, it was obvious that he was intended to be Yusei's main foil, representing a pragmatic, egocentric worldview to contrast with his idealistic views on bonds and friendship, but equally clear that that idea was quickly scrapped in favor of shipping bait and deifying Yusei.
“Jack Atlus, he deserved a far better closure to his development than Stockholm syndrome.” --Aea (http://neoarkcradle.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=26&pid=735)
Before I get to what I think is actually pretty solid about this analysis, I want to address some points. The idea of Carly being “crazy” is pretty hyperbolic. Calling what she did “abduct[ion]” is just inaccurate--after all, Jack asks her to take him out of the hospital, and he also refuses to return when Mikage and Ushio go to get him. Of course, he tries to leave her place in episode 31, but he also seems to willingly return there at the end of the episode. Because she wasn’t really kidnapping him or holding him at her home against his will, their relationship isn’t Stockholm syndrome.
I do think there’s some validity to the idea of her blackmailing him for her career. She does try to draw attention to him when they’re out in public in episode 31 in order to get him to stick around so that she can get a scoop from him. As comically as it is presented in the episode, that’s nonetheless what she does (and she also tries to leverage his lack of gratitude, too!). But she does ultimately feels remorse for that and resolves to not write any article that would hurt a duelist (even despite the fact that Jack lets her write what she wants about him), which is glossed over in this analysis of Jack.
I also don’t think that the encouragement she gave Jack was super original. Here’s the exact quote (which she says in response to Jack divulging his past to her):
“If you get the picture that much, why don’t you just start your life over again? The old Jack died in that battle with Yusei. Now it’s time for the real Jack Atlas to live. Plus, it’d help you in becoming a real King, right?”
Essentially, she tells him that he can get back up again after his loss and be even better than he was before. Yeah, at face value, it is pretty generic. But I do think that it does speak into a lot of what he was struggling with, at least as it is depicted after his defeat.  Now, whether these are things that make sense for him to struggle with is a different issue that I’ll discuss in a later section.
And finally, I do think that Jack/Carly invokes the power of love trope. At least, Jack invokes it himself when he is talking back to Godwin in episode 63: “No matter how much I deny it, I cannot escape from what’s known as ‘bonds.’ And what helped me understand that was one woman’s love!” I don’t think the power of love is necessarily a bad thing, and I think it makes sense for someone who gave up their bonds from the past to pursue his own goal to be able to be moved and changed by someone genuinely caring for them.
Now, whether or not it was a good decision to have love be the driving force in Jack’s character development during the Dark Signers arc is a different question, which brings me to the points of Aea’s analysis that I find really compelling and want to grapple with.
What I read Aea as primarily saying is that Jack in the Fortune Cup arc is depicted as a highly egocentric person, and that his plotline with Carly in the Dark Signers arc is a) inconsistent with that previous characterization and b) not as interesting as a plotline in which his egocentrism could continue to serve as foil to Yusei’s worldview.
I think a lot of that makes sense. I do think Jack was driven by his ego, and I do think that it might’ve been more interesting if his self-driven worldview were able to be given as much validity as Yusei’s idealistic, others-driven worldview, which is ultimately what is privileged. I can also see how Jack being primarily motivated by saving Carly during the latter half of the DS arc may be incongruous with his egocentrism just 20 or so episodes before.
At the same time, though, I think there are a lot of directions 5D’s could have gone which have the potential to be more interesting than the one it actually went, so rather than wondering about what could have been, it would be more worthwhile to examine Jack/Carly’s plotline and see whether or not it is inconsistent with Jack’s previous characterization, and also to see if it has any merit of its own as far as it develops Jack’s character. 
Particularly, I am going to argue that a) although perhaps not as well executed as it could be, it made sense for Jack’s character to need to change after the Fortune Cup arc, and the way it changes is not incongruous with his previous characterization. Indeed, Jack’s character development in the Dark Signers arc centers around him reconceptualizing what being a King is.
Also, b) Jack and Carly’s relationship ultimately deals with and says interesting things about the idea of being driven by oneself that, rather than totally undermining the mentality that initially drove Jack to abandon his friends to become King, gives it some nuance.
Point A: It made sense for Jack’s character to need to change after the Fortune Cup arc, and the way it changes is not incongruous with his previous characterization. Indeed, Jack’s character development in the Dark Signers arc centers around him reconceptualizing what being a King is.
So throughout the course of one arc, Jack goes from being a man who is motivated primarily by himself and his desires (to the point of being willing to put down others for them), to a man whose main reason for action is someone else’s well being. It does seem like a stark change. Rewatching the Jack/Carly duel, the sheer amount of concern for Carly that Jack shows is pretty astounding.
But I think that it’s understandable for there to need to be a change. For one, the particular reason why Jack lost to Yusei in episode 26 in the first place is because he tried to win using the same strategy as before--he wanted to redeem himself for his first near loss. Clearly there is a need for a change: Jack loses not once but twice to Yusei in the same season, and Yusei also cites Jack’s pride as a King as his reason for his loss.
The drama between Yusei and Jack during the Fortune Cup arc is driven by Jack losing to Yusei and needing to duel and beat him again to redeem himself and prove he’s the better duelist--that he truly deserves the title of King. In episode 6, when Jack realizes he would have lost to Yusei, it’s clear that he’s not driven by how his fans perceive him. While his fans have no idea that he lost, he’s nonetheless still bothered because he, the King, knows. In episode 8, Jack feels like he’s not the King anymore, even though Mikage says he still seems like one. The cheers of his fans sound hollow because he knows he doesn’t deserve them.
Something I find interesting is Jack’s awareness of his counterfeit Kingship revealed through his calling himself a clown. After his initial defeat, Jack asks Mikage if he’s a clown in episode 8, in episode 25 he asks Godwin to release Rally and co as “reward for a clown,” and in episode 31, he also uses the language of a clown when he talks to Carly: “Back then, I gave up everything, and what I gained from it was the path to being a King who continually acts like a clown as he lies about his true identity.”
Because of this, the way I see Jack’s character is that his identity as the King was made counterfeit at almost the very beginning of the series (episode 5). He then spends the entire rest of the Fortune Cup arc trying to regain his original conception of his King identity, only to ultimately fail. From Jack’s own language, I think we’re meant to see this as Jack’s foolishness. While it may have seemed fine for two years, the King identity that he had held onto no longer worked for him. When confronted by someone from his past, his King identity starts to crumble--first he’s defeated not once but twice, then it’s revealed he’s actually from Satellite, etc. In episode 25, he even shows awareness that Godwin baited him with the idea of being a duel king; when Godwin asks if that isn’t what he wanted, Jack says that he wanted to rule as “the King [he] truly desired to be.” Indeed, it’s revealed that he wasn’t even valued by Godwin for himself, but rather as a means of getting to Yusei. It makes sense, then, that his development after his defeat should center around letting go of his original conception of his King identity and discovering something more true.
All of these realizations are those that Jack comes to more or less on his own; Carly even says that Jack already “get[s] the picture.” So I do think it is congruous with Jack’s Fortune Cup characterization for him to need to find a new way of being King in the Dark Signers arc. Hence the need to start over, as Carly suggests. (And which is revisited in episode 37 when Jack talks to Mikage again, episode 59 when Carly does her fortune telling stuff, etc.)
I think it’s because Carly gives him hope after he loses his King identity that she makes such a mark on him and effectively becomes his main motivation in the DS arc. And I mean, Jack in the DS arc is still pretty aloof and pushes others away—he makes it clear to Yusei that he “hasn’t become anyone’s friend” in episode 45, and he really doesn’t rely on anyone else even as he angsts over Carly. No one even knows the identity of the Dark Signer he’s fighting. While Yusei still draws on his friends for strength, we see Jack continue his independent streak. Heck, he even pushes Carly away! (And she honestly probably would have been better off and not have gotten killed if she had just stuck with him, but that’s for another AU...)
An aside - I sometimes read people saying that they think Mikage could have filled the same role Carly did. Maybe, if written differently, she could have. But I think it’s notable that when Jack is angsting about having lost his sense of being a King in episode 8, Mikage is not really able to understand or speak to him in a way that actually meets him where he is. She clearly cares about him, but I think she’s not able to get past the image of the King that she and his fans project on him. I think Carly is able to empathize with his pain more. When Jack calls himself foolish and a clown, Carly doesn’t try to convince him he’s wrong--instead, she says something more like, “Sure, that’s true--but that doesn’t have to still be who you are.”
Point B: Jack and Carly’s relationship ultimately deals with and says interesting things about the idea of being driven by oneself that, rather than totally undermining the mentality that initially drove Jack to abandon his friends to become King, gives it some nuance.
I would argue that this is because Carly’s own character, as well as their relationship in general, deals a lot with themes of selfishness. While not presented as starkly as Jack’s self-drive is, it is obvious that Carly is someone who is self-driven and desires to achieve her goals, not completely unlike Jack. Her first appearance has her going past a swath of reporters to talk to Godwin, and her subsequent interaction with her boss shows that her job is precarious and that the scoops she seeks after are at least in part to keep her job. Like Jack, she came from a lower class background (although “the streets” rather than Satellite), and she doesn’t seem to have any close ties (Angela the reporter might count, but that’s a stretch). And when she goes to talk with Yusei and Dick Pitt after their duel, her concern is not with their wellbeing but about getting information from them for a scoop. “Straight ahead is the only way for me,” is something she repeats, showing that she knows where she wants to go and is determined to get there.
Indeed, Carly would not have met Jack at all if she had not snuck into the hospital trying to learn if he was truly from Satellite. She is someone who is driven primarily by herself, albeit more innocuously than Jack is. This also underlies why she was willing to “blackmail” Jack into going to the amusement park with her. She needs a scoop and is ready to do what it takes to get it.
But, we see how in the same episode, she starts thinking less of herself and more about another--Jack. She thinks, “He’s really hurting inside. And here am I trying to write an article about it. Am I a bad person for that?” She considers what he is going through, rather than just her own needs. When she defends Jack to Angela, she is driven not by her desire to keep Angela from getting her scoop, but a genuine care for Jack. And when she figures out he’s going to the tower to look at Satellite, it’s only by inhabiting his point of view and thinking about what he may want. Yet the question she asks herself--whether or not it’s bad to be writing a scoop about him (after all, it is her job, as Angela points out)--is an important one for her.
As self-driven as Carly is, she realizes she has limits--that is, she would not go as far as to hurt another person to achieve her own goals. Jack, on the other hand, has already done that, putting Rally in peril and taking Yusei’s card in order to get to Neo Domino City and become King.
We see again how Carly can be self-driven when she tries to get closer to Jack after he leaves, and when it is ultimately an illusion of happiness with Jack that causes her to fall back into her Dark Signer persona. Yet even then, it is clear that she does not want to hurt anyone, and Jack repeatedly reiterates this.
This culminates in the conversation she has with Jack before she dies: Carly: I loved cheering people on who tried their hardest like you, Jack. Despite that, because I tried to wish for such selfish happiness, I must’ve been wrong for doing so, huh? Jack: That’s nonsense! Everyone has the right to wish for happiness. If you’re saying that’s a crime, then I’m just as guilty!
Carly says herself that she was motivated by her own desires. Jack, in affirming her desire to obtain happiness, also affirms the ambition that drove him to abandon his friends. However, we see in how Carly is reluctant to hurt others that while it is not bad to want to pursue one’s goals and happiness, it is important to consider the impact on other people. It wasn’t bad for Carly to want to be with Jack, but it would obviously be bad for that to necessitate the deaths of many; it’s not bad for her to want to write a successful story, but it’s bad for her to take advantage of duelists’ like Jack’s pain to tell that story. This allows us to view the Jack in the FC arc in a new light: his desire to escape Satellite and become a King wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t right of him to harm others in order to get there.
Ultimately, Jack and Carly’s relationship is about two people learning how to pursue their happiness and also learning to put each other’s happiness first.
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docexe-mx · 5 years
While several of my prior wish list picks didn’t happen, I’m very satisfied with both the base roster of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, as well as with the DLC characters that have been announced/released so far.
That being said, l can’t deny that the announcement of more DLC coming has prompted me to prepare another wish list. As with the prior ones, I won’t be particularly sad or angered if any of my picks don’t happen, but I definitely will be elated. (Heck, as things stand, I will probably accept anyone/anything they add to the game provided it at least has an interesting move-set).
Some base assumptions made before going into the list:
Until stated otherwise by the development team, I’m assuming that, besides the fifth character of the Fighter Pass still pending reveal, we will get at the very least a Second Season/Fighter Pass that will contain the same exact amount of content as the first Fighter Pass: Five new characters, each with their own stage, music tracks and Spirit battles.
I’m assuming that, as with prior DLC on the Fighter Pass, all the new characters will be Third Party rather than Nintendo owned. I don’t expect more Microsoft or Sony owned characters, however (yes, Banjo and Kazooie are finally in the game, but they honestly feel more like an especial exception, rather than any indication of things going forward).
I’m also assuming that characters already in the game as Spirits, Assist Trophies or Mii Costumes won’t be part of the upcoming DLC (so, sadly, no Geno, no Rayman, no Shantae and no X ;_;).
Without further ado and in no particular order:
KOS-MOS from Xenosaga. A somewhat unlikely pick, but then again, Bandai Namco is one of the few Third Party publishers already present in Smash Bros. that don’t have multiple playable characters in the game (conspicuously even, given they are helping to develop it). Given that KOS-MOS seems to be one of their characters that most often shows in crossover games, her inclusion seems plausible. Now, if I have to be honest, I particularly want her because I think the Xeno series (and by extension, Monolith Soft, the studio responsible for all its iterations and which has been a great asset for Nintendo in recent years) deserves more representation in Smash Bros. However, with Elma, Rex and Pyra/Mithra out of the competition by virtue of being Spirits, KOS-MOS is the best bet to get another Xeno character in the game (mind you, I do like her design and think her move-set could potentially be interesting).
Nightmare from Soul Calibur (with Sigfried as an alternate costume). A very unlikely pick. While Terry Bogard being announced as the next DLC character makes me think we will see at least another fighting game character as DLC, it’s way more likely that we will see a Tekken character than one from Soul Calibur, by virtue of the former being more popular than the later. However, as I have mentioned before, I don’t really play Tekken, and Soul Calibur is my favorite 3D Fighter franchise, so pardon me again for the blatant favoritism.  
Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden. This one seems like a no-brainer by this point. Ninja Gaiden is one of the few iconic franchises originating from the NES era that hasn’t appeared in Smash Bros. yet, and Koei Tecmo has maintained a close relationship with Nintendo in recent years (even helping with the development of Fire Emblem: Three Houses). Furthermore, Hayabusa is probably their most iconic character, not only being the protagonist of Ninja Gaiden (both the original NES series, as well as the modern reboot series), but also a mainstay in the Dead or Alive franchise, and even having cameos and guest appearances in the Warriors franchise.
Crash Bandicoot. Somewhat unlikely but not impossible. His major disadvantage is that he comes from a Western franchise, and Masahiro Sakurai and Nintendo tend to prioritize Japanese franchises when it comes to deciding on newcomers for Smash. That being said, the fact that the games on the original PlayStation were very popular in Japan and that the franchise is currently having a renaissance of sorts help his chances. If I have to be honest, while I have developed a soft spot for Crash after playing the N. Sane Trilogy recently, I mostly want him in Smash Bros. for a) The inherent appeal of having him battling Mario and Sonic as the big videogame mascot characters from the 90’s, b) the sheer irony of Nintendo getting three (3!) Third Party PSX icons (Crash, Snake and Cloud) in their exclusive fighting crossover when Sony didn’t even manage to do that for theirs.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze from Assassin’s Creed. Another unlikely but not necessarily impossible pick. The major issue against him is that he comes from another Western franchise, his major advantage is that it’s Ubisoft’s most popular and best-selling franchise worldwide, and Ubisoft remains as one of Nintendo’s major Third Party supporters. Now, if this franchise do comes to Smash Bros., I think they could pick any protagonist to represent it (possibly even go the Hero route and have several protagonists as alternate costumes with the same move-set), but Ezio seems to be the most iconic of them, hence why I have chosen him as my pick (and before somebody asks or protests: Yes, he has actually made an appearance on a game for a Nintendo console: Assassin’s Creed Discovery for the Nintendo DS).
A character from Capcom. This one is admittedly cheating on my part. Capcom has so many iconic characters and franchises (several of which have historical ties with Nintendo consoles or finally arrived to them thanks to the Switch) that you could fill an entire Fighter Pass solely with them. However, it seems that Nintendo is trying to spread their collaborations among several companies, rather than privileging a single one in particular, so at most I would only expect one or two characters from Capcom as part of Ultimate’s DLC. But rather than engage in the monumental task of boiling down the selection to only one or two characters, I will simply list here all the Capcom characters that I think would be neat to see in Ultimate: Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney, Rad Spencer from Bionic Commando, Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers, Frank West from Dead Rising, Dante from Devil May Cry, Mike Haggar from Final Fight, Firebrand from Gargoyle’s Quest/Demon’s Crest, Sir Arthur from Ghost n’ Goblins, Amaterasu from Okami, Leon S. Kennedy and/or Claire Redfield and/or Chris Redfield and/or Jill Valentine and/or Albert Wesker from Resident Evil (yeah, I couldn’t boil down this franchise to one specific pick, it just has too many iconic characters without a single one being more representative than the rest), Strider Hiryu from Strider, Joe from Viewtiful Joe.
Finally, a bonus pick: A character that I honestly believe is so incredibly unlikely to ever get into Smash Bros. that I’m not really considering him seriously, but I would laugh out loud if it actually happens:
The Doom Guy/Doom Marine/Doom Slayer from (duh!) Doom: It seems like this character has gotten a lot of clamor among certain circles of the Smash Bros. community in recent times. I can only assume that he started as what you could call “an ironic meme pick”: Most of the people who originally talked about him and proposed him for Smash Bros. didn’t actually want him in the game, but it was fun to bring him up given the incongruity of such an ultra-violent character appearing in an E10+ rated game …Then characters like Bayonetta and Joker were actually added to Smash Bros., and people started to consider him as a serious candidate. In his favor: The Doom series actually has historical appearances on Nintendo consoles (the SNES got a version of the original Doom running with the Super FX chip that powered Star Fox; Doom 64 was an acclaimed game that was exclusive to the N64 until very recently), the entire series is going to be playable on the Switch after Doom Eternal releases, and if you can tone down Bayonetta enough for her to appear in an E10+ rated game, you can certainly do the same with the Doom Slayer. Against him: He comes from another Western franchise, but unlike Ubisoft or Activision Blizzard (which have been long time Third Party publishers on Nintendo consoles), Bethesda only started to support Nintendo on the Switch era; most importantly however: the First Person Shooter genre is exceptionally unpopular in Japan (and Doom as well by extension), it’s pretty much a niche genre there in the same way that RPG’s used to be in the West. So, for those reasons, I’m not really expecting to see the Doom Slayer in Ultimate’s DLC, even if, strictly speaking, is not out of the realm of possibility for that to happen.
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renewja649 · 3 years
Cheat Game Metro 2033
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In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event, annihilating almost all mankind and turning the Earth's surface into a poisonous wasteland. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow underground, and human civilization entered a new Dark Age. The year is 2033. An entire generation has been born and raised underground, and their besieged Metro Station-Cities struggle for survival, with each other, and the mutant horrors that await outside. You are Artyom, born in the last days before the fire, but raised underground. Having never ventured beyond the city limits, one fateful event sparks a desperate mission to the heart of the Metro system, to warn the remnants of mankind of a terrible impending threat. Your journey takes you from the forgotten catacombs beneath the subway to the desolate wastelands above, where your actions will determine the fate of mankind. But what if the real threat comes from within? Metro 2033 Redux is the definitive version of the cult classic ‘Metro 2033’, available on Nintendo Switch™ for the first time. Fans of the original game will find the unique world of Metro transformed with incredible lighting, physics and dynamic weather effects. Newcomers will get the chance to experience one of the finest story-driven shooters of all time; an epic adventure combining gripping survival horror, exploration and tactical combat and stealth. All the gameplay improvements and features from the acclaimed sequel ‘Metro: Last Light’ have been transferred to Metro 2033 Redux – superior AI, controls, animation, weapon handling and many more – to create a thrilling experience for newcomers and veterans alike. With two unique play-styles, and the legendary Ranger Mode included, Metro 2033 Redux offers hours of AAA gameplay for an incredible price. • Immerse yourself in the Moscow Metro - witness one of the most atmospheric worlds in gaming, available on Nintendo Switch™ for the first time. • Brave the horrors of the Russian apocalypse - equip your gasmask and an arsenal of hand-made weaponry as you face the threat of deadly mutants, human foes, and the terrifying environment itself • Two unique Play Styles : 'Spartan' and 'Survival' - approach the game as a slow-burn Survival Horror, or tackle it with the combat skills of a Spartan Ranger in these two unique modes • The legendary Ranger Mode returns - dare you play the fearsome Ranger Mode? No HUD, UI, deadlier combat and limited resources combine to create the ultimate immersive experience
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More details on the official game page of Metro 2033 Redux .
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pmiller1 · 3 years
What If Shiki Misaki Was In Smash
I have been watching BrawlFan1, Whom made video of what he (and other) if some character was in Super Smash Brother. Talking about Move Set what they would use in Smash. And wild they there some character may not be in Smash or less likely, it is fun to come up with what they move and skill would be in Smash. And for me, being Inspired by his work. I will give my own idea for Shiki Misaki. Also spoilers those what wish to watch the Anime, going blind.
Fashionable and fabulous. Shiki the 1st ever partner ot Neku Sakurabe. After a fighter over his best friend, she run off and just so happen to end up the Reaper Game, with the cost of her own appearance, taking the appearance of her best friends and the one that she envy, Eri. Yep, Shiki isn't the red headed young lady that see in the game, she kinda nerdy looking girl in Green, we let to think that she is Eri, not that Shiki taken her appearance.
Still she with luck, she join a pack to Neku and the two become partner, it didn't really start off well with Neku's anti socialness and him getting suspicious with her, that almost have her been kill by Neku hand. Still with lukcy timing have met Sanae Hanekoma, known as Mr. H. Have giving the wisdom of trusting your partner. Witch the two take to hard.
That by Day 6, Neku start to see Shiki as just like him and starting to open up, with him able to help her with her own in secrecy and help see that it was all an misunderstnding as Eri beilived that Shiki would be a seamstress and getting all working being a fashion designer, it just she word it wrong didn't mean to hurt her that way. Making Shiki determined to beat the game.
Now she in the Smash, determined to win Smash, by herself or with her partner Neku.
Shiki would be a Light wirght class the same as Neku with Two Jump and Wall Jump (thank to flowmosion in KHDDD, those she wasn't seen without but I like to think she did).
The Gimmicks
Of course wouldn't be alone even without Neku, As her main weapons, her stuffed animal Mr Mew will be joining with her. As Shiki's psych involves her animating Mr. Mew through Groove Pawn, a Psychokinesis-type pin. The stuffed animal comes alive and becomes a ferocious, clawing beast that attacks enemies.
In the game, Mr Mew deal all of the Shiki's damage for her and wild she can work like Pokémon Trainer, being in the background. It not really necessary, As the Pokémon Trainer only have there three Pokémon and really it just be Mr Mew instead as Shiki. And really, it best she doesn't have the same fate as Rex.
Instead She will have the same Gimmicks as Rosalina with her Lumas. But with my own ideal. For starter Mr Mew is indestructible, any attack will not deal any damage. He can be knockback, he can also be pick up as an throwing item if you grab the stuffed Cat.
Shiki will act as Mr Mew own hit box, So really you must aim at her then Mr Mew, Of course she wouldn't be helpless and defenseless as she can attach herself. In fact, She kinda have two attack in one imput. One with she holding Mr Mew with and one without, her picking will have her holding Mr Mew and will started out with her holding him in the start and respwn.
Most of Shiki attack with Mr Mew will be middle Damage, Wild Shiki solo will have weaker and somewhat pityful attack herself. However Mr Mew with have his own attack pool and all of his is stonger attack up to able to knockout.
Mr Mew will be a lighter wrighter, is faster then Shiki, Can walkjump. He also have a semi-cpu AI that only make him move around, but Shiki input will move with her. He seem have an mind of his own that even she not sure herself.
She can move Mr Mew even if she shilded, in fact it a good way to controlled Mr Mew without moving Shiki herself.
The A Attack
Shiki's Jab with Mr Mew, she will skack Mr Mew body from the Right, then the Back from the she does a hammer smash with Mr Mew doing his 1st slash attack, then his next and does the same hammer smash. With the Shiki holding Mr Mew in fount of her as he does a does a rapided punchs. Shiki by herself, she will smack with her right arms and does a backhand and those a hammer smash, She have no rapided jab. Where Mr Mew himself will does the same slash attack ending with the same hammer smash and rapided pusch. Wild Shiki deosn't have rapieded she will have her hand out holding onto left hand as Mr Mew does this.
Shiki's Dash Attack with Mr Mew will have her does a spin holding Mr Mew around her with this she throwing Mr Mew, acting a projectile in a long ace. This will atacted Mr Mew from her. Shiki by herself will try to spin but end up tipping on her back as her head deal the damage that contact her, she deal little damage herself if she hit a oppented and will be in a backdown. Mr Mew will deal a long kicked with his left leg.
Shiki's Side Tilt with Mr Mew will have Shiki does a knee kick where she also swing Mr Mew as he does long kick. Doing the pose of her level 1 fusion attack, this hold true for Shiki isn't with Mr Mew as she still does a knee kick as swing her arms back. Mr Mew himself will does a knee kick himself.
Shiki's Up Tilt with Mr Mew will have her swing Mr Mew up as he does a upper kicks. Like with her Side Tilt, she does the same without with Mr Mew. Swing her arms upwhere. Where Mr Mew does a round kick.
Shiki's Down Tilt does a slide kick. This is one of the move Mr Mew with Shiki dosen't really changed anything other then her holding Mr Mew on her arms. But she does go longer with Mr Mew. And Mr Mew does the same slide kick.
Shiki's Side Smash, she does something that got from Young Xehanort dose in DDD. Yep, She kick Mr Mew, those not as cruel and voluntary on Mr Mew part. As kick Mr Mew as Mr Mew does a long rollout attack, again become a projectile long ace. Shiki will still kick even without Mr Mew. And Mr Mew will still rollout, but not as long as when he was kicked.
Shiki's Up Smash with Mr Mew, She hold down with Mr Mew as she those Mr Mew up high as he does upper cut attack. Shiki will chear for Mr Mew without holding him, As does a unintentionally does her own upper cut. As Mr Mew jump and does the same upper cut.
Shiki's Down Smash will be another move that make no different whever she holding Mr Mew or Not. In fact she make two copy of Mr Mew beside her that deal there Mr. Mew Punch! Attack. This is attack that she got when she under the imprinted of Megumi Kitaniji, As one of act to stop Neku and Beat at the end of Week 3. As she was able to conjurer more of her stuffed animal. As for Mr Mew himself when he isn't with Shiki, he was do his own Punchs, front and back.
Shiki's Neutral Aerial will spin around with her arms out, Mr Mew extending her ranged if she hold him. Other wise Mr Mew himself will does his own Lariat attack.
Shiki's Forward Aerial, she does her own air attack in the DS. As she made Mr Mew chaged forward attack in the air. Throwing Mr Mew. Shiki will does the same air attack and Mr Mew will still chaged forward in the air.
Shiki's Back Aerial, she will does a top to botten swing behind her, as she hold onto Mr Mew tail. As he does he down cut attack. Both will be the same when seaperted.
Shiki's Up Aerial will be a up swing, as she hold Mr Mew tail again. as he do his own up swing.
Shiki's Down Aerial will be another move that doesn't changed if she hold Mr Mew or Not. as she will just does a stomp kick with both of her best friend boot, spicking anyone that are under it. Mr Mew himself will fallow suit, doing his own stomp kick.
The Grabs
Shiki will be the only that can grab. However Mr Mew will give her grabs move an exter attack. As she will hold the oppenes with both of her hand. Mr Mew will be in front of her.
She'll Pummel by kicking them, As Mr Mew will punch them.
Her's Forward Throw will have her push them far. With Mr Mew jumping to dilver a punch to them.
Her's Back Throw, she jump over them as she give them a back kick. With Mr Mew will headbutt them when they land on him.
Her's Up Throw will have her suplexes the oppenes, however Mr Mew do an upper cut when there land on him.
Her's Down Throw will Throw them down on the grounded, With Mr Mew will do a head dive on them.
The B Attacks
Before we get into her Special, I should keep in mind you that she can be partners to Neku. And wild her normal attack can be her own, Her Special move should be as close to Neku Special moved. So Shiki's three special will have something that work well with Neku and wound count as Neku own Move set if Shiki is his partners.
So for her Neutral Special, to make it work with Neku's Pyrokinesis. She will use Me Mew Lariat! As Mr Mew will spin around, deal multiple damage, as you be able to Mr Mew by draging him with the cursor with Neku. However she will be Pink herself. Infact Neku and Shiki will have Mr Mew does the Lariat, wild on FIRE! As Pyrokinesis will the same as Mr Mew. Infact, the cursor will be where Mr Mew is at if he alone. Other wise, they start with Shiki.
Her Side Special, To compear to Neku's Thunderbolt/Lightning Arrester/Lightning Bolt. She will make Mr Mew fire laser from the Eyes! A move that she have done in her Level 3 Fusion Attacks. However Shiki's charged will be diffented from Neku. As uncharged, Mr Mew will fire a small laser that act as projectile, midcharged will have a long laser projectile. And fully charged will have Mr Mew will have a bigger enengy beam that will be a long as the blase zone. And yes, it all from Mr Mew, even if she holding him or he by himself he will fire where he facsing.
Her Up Special, she will show us her best seamstress skill as she will move will be a tether recovery. As use her needle and sting to make a makeshift rope as she hold onto to, As the needle hit on Edge. If she hit a oppenes she will pull toward her or if in air, she pull herself toward them, jumping off them. With Mr Mew, he be the end of her tether, making it easy to pull up and be longer as her normal tether. Now you may be woundering how this world work with Neku's Teleport. Well actully it doesn't. You see Neku will Teleport if he alone or not in proxenty with Shiki (and his partners). As if she is in proxenty with her, two will grab upon eash other as Shiki will use her tether. Pulling Neku and herself up with him.
As for her Down Special, she will conjurer or teleported Mr Mew back toward her/ However that not all, she will also pull a ESP Cards. Five Card. Waves, Circle, Cross, Star and Square at random. With Star being rare and Square being very rare. Waves will buff her ground and sleep but lower her jump and air attack. Circle will give her better jump and air attack, but lower her sleep and ground attack. Cross will have her Bassic Attack buff, but weaken her Special attack. Star will buff defense but weaken all her attack. And Square will buff her speed, jump, all attack. All of them lasting for 10s. And you only have one card effec even if respan Mr Mew.
For Shiki's FINAL SMASH, she will pull the same Black Hold as Neku FS. Teleporting them to same Shibuya as she and Neku perfrom they level Level 3 Fusion Attacks. As she'll have have Mew being as tall as the build as it fire laser into the trap opponents, deal a lot of damage as She and Neku stand on his shoulder.
The Other Stuff
For Shiki's 1st outfit it will be the same outfit she wear as Eri, A Green skirt with a brown waist pack, a Red-Pink tubetop with a small yellow jackic and his brown fashion caps. Brown heal-boots with Yellow straping. And her Red-Pink long hair. Of course Shiki will be censor to be kid friendly, as she will have black tight short under her skirt and the skirt will be bigger and will cover of hip. And Mr Mew will be in from he was in the UG, A black cat with white inner ear in his cat ears.
And wild we at it, Kirby wild not only having Shiki's hair and cap, but will his own Mr Mew. Poyo-Mew! As Poyo-Mew will be just Mr Mew Head with feet and sub arms, kinda like Kirby himself. In order for Poyo-Mew to copy any of Kirby Move, Incuding his Specials. However Kirby will not been able to hold onto Poyo-Mew and both of them will have the same damage output for better and wrost.
Her 2nd outfit will take on her own Favorite brand, D+B or known as Dangerous Buffalo. Wearing Skinny Jeans (Black), Cowboy Boots (Red), Knit Casquette and Vest-Blouse Combo. Mr Mew will be brown with purple horn that represent the D-B logo.
Her 3rd punk outfit. She will wear a Blue Raglan Tee and have Spiked Choker, both of them being some Shiki bosted abikity from Tigre Punks. She will also wear Skirt Bondage Combo and White Rubbersoles. Mr Mew will have same red Spiked Choker and Double-spiked Cuff on his arms, he will have had a tiger's paten like with Tigre Punks itself.
Her 4th hip outfit. She will wear Funky Shades, When You're in Love, Let's Dance and Sunshine One-piece. All from Hip Snake. Mr Mew will actually be Mowzy, the Mascot from Mus Rattus.
Her 5th top-class outfit. She will Cocktail Queen getup with Crimson Stilettos and Silver Baron. Those three from Pegaso. But she will also wear Pureheart Pendant from Pavo Real, A accessory that give Shiki a Nag-free Escape ability. As for Mr Mew will wear a full on white tuxedo, as if he wearing the Tweed Gentleman outfit.
Her 6th Gothic outfit. She wear of ability excused from Lapin Angelique, Ribbon Bonnet and Bandage Pants. Along with a Bunny Parka as her top. Mr Mew will be replaced as M'sieur Lapin instead.
Her 7th School outfit. She will wear the none other then Sailor Suit, reminds her of that bittersweet day she stood in the rain. I mean, it implay that it her Sailor Suit. She will also wear glasses and be the one without any headwear or anything over her head. Mr Mew wearing his own school outfit. The same Boys' Uniform with Blazer that Neku wear for his alt skin.
And her 8th outfit. She will wear the Iron Maiden's One-piece, A top & bottom from the 3rd week gamemaster Mitsuki Konishi, for that she will had the same glassis as Konishi and had bloned her. Mr Mew will have the same patten as her noise form, from Sanae Hanekoma, yeah, it will be the blue Panthera Cantus of verion of Tigris Cantus. Don't want to mix up from 3rd outfit.
Now you maybe be wounder why I didn't add alt for her Real form in the mix. Well, it wouldn't really fit with any of theme of outfit. Plus, the game never fully show in the game. Just in the Ending. Heck, Another Day have in her Ero forn even if, there are alive and never taken part of the game for no real reason other then lazyness. I don't think Smash would really give an alt of her real self. And really she in another game, even if not the reaper game, her fee have to be payed.
Enter will be the same as Neku, but coming out of a Pink Beam of Light
Each of her Taunts will have the three set in one. One with both of them, another with Shiki alone and one for Mr Mew. Also these taunts will triger when Neku press his own taunts, being the same press taunts, if also out in battle.
Her Up Taunts with both of them will have She'll drog Mr Mew as both of them those here her level 3 fusion pose. Wild she saying "Ready to Fight!" her own spin of level 1 fusion quotes. As you can tell, Shiki alone will do the same pose, along with Mr Mew alone. It just, She wouldn't pick him up in the end.
Her Side Tanuts, If she hold Mr Mew she will Throw down Mr Mew as, Jump in anger as she does in her angry Emotion Sprite. Saying "Why don't you back off!" With Mr Mew looking up as Shiki worry and confused. Shiki alone will just have Jump in anger as before. And Mr Mew will does his own fisticuffs tanuts.
Her Down Tanuts. She will does her own battle-ready pose as she said "Losing's not an option!" she will hold Mr Mew one arms if he with her. Other wise Mr Mew just stand and spin his tail like a cowboy rope.
Her idal will have check her phone if she doesn't have Mr Mew with her, If she does she does hold him close, moving him around, giving a light play with him.
Her Up victory will be where she teleported in the center. As she does the same pose from the box cover. Saying "Haha. What a rush!"
Her Left victory will be same as Neku's victory with her. However she ajust her cap does the Level 3 Fusion rose. Saying "Talk about seamless!"
Her Right victory will actually be the same as Neku's Right victory with her, Up to having the same alt outfit with her. (Neku will be camera faceing back of Neku with a hand light thought him as he turn with the camera toward Shiki, who smashing holding Mr Mew, as the two give a fight five. Like with Ending with when Neku and Shiki met in the RG )
And that is What If Shiki Misaki Was In Smash. Man, what is they to say, I love this character and fully support this young lady as a character and good love interest for Neku. Sure I have taken some stench for her move as well. She does relay on Mr Mew for most of her battle. But that does make her be very campy but I think that the best setup for her, Even with Neku. Really, she support Neku and Mr Mew at best.
But still if you like this or want to tell me your own ideal move set for her let me know.
And go watch BrawlFan1 on youtube. He awesome and does a better job and I. And I loved to see what moveset he have for not just Shiki, but Neku and other.
Over all, I hope you enjoyed this and thank for reading.
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effectsdatabase · 7 years
Weekly overview (2017, week 03): 8 new brands and 139 new pedals
8 new brands
API Audio
Grindstone Audio
Plus Pedal
Quiet Theory Soundworks
Quilter Labs
139 new effects
Alexander Pedals Sky Fi - Reverb & Delay
Ampeg Classic Analog Bass Preamp
Ampeg Scrambler Bass Overdrive
API Audio TranZformer GT Guitar Pedal - Compressor / EQ / DI
API Audio TranZformer LX Bass Pedal - Compressor / EQ / DI
AudioSprockets TD1 ToneDexter - Acoustic Preamp
Baroni Lab Mini Amp
Boss DS-1-4A 40th Anniversary Distortion
Boss EV-30 Expression Pedal
Braking Train Pedals Frequency Control Fuzz
Catalinbread Belle Epoch Deluxe - Echo Unit CB-3
Catalinbread Epoch Pre - Preamp/Buffer
Chase Bliss Audio Brothers - Analog Gainstage
CIOKS Overkill - 25th Anniversary Power Supply
Crazy Tube Circuits Deranged - Envelope Filter
Crazy Tube Circuits Echotopia - 4-Head Tape Echo
Crazy Tube Circuits Space Charged - Tube Overdrive/Distortion
Crazy Tube Circuits Splash Mk3 Stereo +
Crazy Tube Circuits White Whale - Reverb & Tremolo
Darkglass Electronics Alpha-Omega - Dual Bass Overdrive
Death By Audio Echo Master - Lo-Fi Echo with Effects Loop
Death By Audio Evil Filter
Death By Audio Micro Dream
Deep Trip Muffasaur
Deep Trip Pagebender - Tonebender MkII
Diamond f-Octave
Diamond Reverb
DigiTech CabDryVR - Dual Cabinet Simulator
DigiTech FreqOut - Natural Feedback Creator
DOD Mini Expression
DOD Mini Volume
DOD Rubberneck - Analog Delay
Dwarfcraft Devices Super Wizard
EarthQuaker Devices Space Spiral - Modulated Delay
EBS Black Haze - Overdrive
EBS Drive Me Crazy - Distortion
EBS The Drive - Booster
Electro-Harmonix Blurst - Modulated Filter
Electro-Harmonix Canyon - Delay & Looper
Electro-Harmonix Operation Overlord - Allied Overdrive
Empress Effects EchoSystem - Dual Engine Delay
Empress Effects Tremolo 2 - 10th Anniversary Edition
F Bass Big F Boost
Foxpedal Novaplex - Delay
Foxpedal Quiver - Harmonic Tremolo
Friedman Amplification Buxom Boost
Friedman Amplification Dirty Shirley
Friedman Amplification Motor City Drive
Fuzzrocious Blast Furnace - Gated Fuzz with Momentary Delay
GFI System Specular Eclipse - Reverb/Delay
Glou-Glou Deja-Vu - Multi-Modulation Phaser & Filter
Grace Design Bix - Instrument Preamplifier
Grindstone Audio Nightshade - Overdrive
Grindstone Audio Reveal - Clean Boost
Gurus Amps Sinusoid - Optic Tremolo & Springs Reverb
Hotone Audio Nano Legacy series Britwind - Dual Channel Preamp/Power Amplifier Pedal
Hotone Audio Patch Kommander - Programmable Loop Switcher
Hotone Audio Skyline series Wally+ - Looper
Hotone Audio Xtomp Mini
JHS Pedals + PaxAM + Ryan Adams VCR - High Grade Volume/Chorus/Reverb
JHS Pedals The Milkman - Boost/Echo
Jonny Rock Gear Dino Range - Compressor
Jonny Rock Gear Dude Screamer - Overdrive
Jonny Rock Gear Dyna Boost
Jonny Rock Gear Jojo Cake - Disto/Fuzz
Jonny Rock Gear Moby Depth - Digital Spring Reverb
Jonny Rock Gear Octofuzzy
Jonny Rock Gear Pop Corner - Overdrive
Jonny Rock Gear The Clowntaur - OD/Booster
Jonny Rock Gear The Pink Pit - Reverb
Jonny Rock Gear The Rewolver - JFET Driver
Jonny Rock Gear Wave Rider - Tap Tempo Optical Tremolo
Jonny Rock Gear Ze Mixette - Loop Blender
Keeley Electronics D&M Drive - That Pedal Show signature Boost+Overdrive
Keeley Electronics Filaments - Overdrive
Lehle Mono Volume 90 - Precision Magnetic Sensor
Lehle Stereo Volume - Precision Magnetic Sensor
LunaStone TOD-1 TrueOverDrive1
Mellowtone Dunk Tank - Reverb
Meris Mercury7 - Reverb
Meris Ottobit Jr
Midnight 30 Music Artisan series Preamp + Boost
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 001
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 002
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 003
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 004
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 005
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 006
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 007
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 008
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 009
Mooer Audio Micro Preamp 010
MXR Custom Shop CSP-036 Il Diavolo Overdrive
MXR M-108S Ten Band EQ
MXR M-291 Mini Dyna Comp - Mini Compressor
One Control (designed by BJF) Sonic Silver Peg - SVT Amplifier Emulator
Orange Acoustic Pre
Orange Kongpressor - Compressor
Outlaw Effects Kerosene - Mini Power Supply
Outlaw Effects Rocker Box - Tremolo
Outlaw Effects Six Shooter II - Mini Tuner Pedal
Ovaltone GD-013 - Gravitational Drive Zero-Thirteen
Ovaltone White Face - Hybrid Tube Pre-Amp
Pigtronix Micro Disnortion - Parallel/Series Overdrive/Fuzz
Plus Pedal
Quiet Theory Soundworks Prelude - Delay & Reverb
Quilter Labs MicroBlock 45
Rabbit Hole FX Phaser
Red Panda Tensor - Reverse/Tape Stop Effects
Reuss Musical Instruments DB-01 Double Bender
Reuss Musical Instruments TB-01 Tone Booster
Sadowsky Bass Preamp
Satellite Amplifiers Bass Eradicator - 12AT7 Bass Preamp
Satellite Amplifiers Golden Harem - Sub-Octave Fuzz
Satellite Amplifiers White - Amp Emulator
Seymour Duncan Andromeda - Dynamic Delay
Seymour Duncan PowerStage 170
Sobbat BS-1S Boost Drive Breaker - Booster
Sobbat DB-1S Drive Breaker
Sobbat DB-2S Drive Breaker - Overdrive
Sobbat ODB-1S Over Drive Breaker
Suhr A.C.E. - Analog Cabinet Emulator
Suhr Eclipse - Dual OD/Distortion
T-Rex Binson Echorec
Tech 21 Q\Strip - 4-Band Vintage Console EQ with Parametric Mids
Trace Acoustic Transit-A - Acoustic Pre-Amp and Effects
Trace Elliot Transit-B - Performance Bass Pre-Amp
Tsakalis Audio Works Experience - Fuzz Octave
Tsakalis Audio Works Hubble - MosFET Booster
Tsakalis Audio Works Multicab Sim
Tsakalis Audio Works Tilay - Time Layer Delay
VFE Pedals Dragon - Dynamic Overdrive
VFE Pedals Pinball - Tilt Equalizer
VFE Pedals Standout - Mid Booster
Walrus Audio RED - High-Gain Distortion
Wampler Pedals Dracarys - Distortion
Way Huge WHE408 Russian Pickle - Fuzz
Wrought Iron Orcrist Overdrive
Xvive Mini series E1 Echoman - Analog Delay
Overviews of the previous weeks: http://bit.ly/1IWSBXM
Discuss these updates at the forum: http://bit.ly/2jHSvgL
from Effects Database http://bit.ly/2jHZhDb
3 notes · View notes
isame-allen · 6 months
Too lazy to come up with ori names
Tumblr media
12 notes · View notes
Which member of the current administration should you challenge to a fistfight at 3 am in a Denny’s parking lot?
Pick a secular (in theory) U.S. Holiday:
A. Thanksgiving
B. Fourth of July
C. Labor Day
D. Earth Day
Pick a deadly sin
A. Gluttony
B. Sloth
C. Greed
D. Envy
Which Republican Senator would you most like to have a drink (beer, coffee, tea, whatever) with?
A. Wait Paul Ryan isn’t a senator? I’m so confused
B. Ted Cruz
C. Shelley Capito
D. Lisa Murkowski
Which Fox News/GOP topic makes you the most angry?
A. “A woman’s body has a way of shutting that down”
B. The war on Christmas
C. #alllivesmatter
D. Creationism
If you could be one of these superheroes, which would you choose?
A. Iron Man
B. Doctor Manhattan
C. Captain Marvel
D. Captain Planet
If you had to have one of these pinterest-y breakfast items which would it be?
A. Chia seeds
B. Overnight oats
C. Egg in a bell pepper container
D. Bulletproof coffee
Which is your favorite streaming service original TV show?
A. The Handmaid’s Tale
B. Stranger Things
C. House of Cards
D. Jessica Jones
Which is the worst take on this list of bad Tumblr takes?
A. The McElroy brothers probably think Lin Manuel Miranda is black
B. Telling people to stop comparing everything to Harry Potter is ableist
C. The “you are vlad” vampire pun is “aphobic and possibly TERF-y”
D. Taking your meds is problematic
If you mostly got As: Betsy DeVos
If you mostly got Bs: Rick Perry
If you got mostly Cs: Jared and/or Ivanka
If you got mostly Ds: Scott Pruitt
If you have a tie/show no real trend: Jeff Sessions
If any of the above get fired in the future, replace them with the following in the order in which they were fired, repeat as needed:
Stephen Miller
Steve Mnuchin
Rex Tillerson
Ryan Zinke
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Whoever gets appointed in Price’s place
Is Kellyanne Conway even real or was she a collective fever dream
Oh fuck Gorka’s wife still works there huh yeah her then
Just go melee style fuck it
0 notes
everettwilkinson · 7 years
TRUMP meets the Pope — THEIR GIFTS to each other — ANNIE KARNI on Trump’s good trip… so far — MNUCHIN’s Freedom Caucus huddle — SCOOP: Big ad buy to help Senate Ds
Listen to the Playbook Audio Briefing http://bit.ly/2rginHg … Subscribe on iTunes http://apple.co/2eX6Eay … Visit the online home of Playbook http://politi.co/2f51Jnf
Good Wednesday morning. BULLETIN — AP at 5:35 a.m.: “MANCHESTER, England (AP) – Manchester police say they have made three more arrests over pop concert bombing.”
Story Continued Below
EXCHANGE OF THE DAY, from President Donald Trump��s trip to the Vatican, per pooler Carol Lee of the Wall Street Journal: “The pope asked Melania Trump, referring to POTUS: ‘What do you give him to eat, pizza?’ She repeated ‘pizza.’ … Per Vatican pool the pope and Melania were actually talking about potica, which apparently is a Slovenian treat. Not pizza.”
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP had a busy morning. He went to the Vatican, met the pope and then headed to Villa Taverna to meet with Italian Prime Minister Pablo Gentiloni.
— SCENES FROM THE VATICAN: From Carol Lee’s pool report: “The first person pool saw POTUS introduce to Pope Francis was Rex Tillerson. ‘This is my secretary of state,’ POTUS explained. H.R. McMaster was next. POTUS introduced him by name. When POTUS introduced Hope Hicks to the pope, your pooler believes he told him she has worked for him for a long time. Then Dan Scavino, Brian Hook, Keith Schiller and others.
TRUMP MEETS THE POPE — PHOTOS! — The handshake http://bit.ly/2qjg1lQ … The pair sitting at a desk http://bit.ly/2qb3Egv … TRUMP ON THE POPE, per a pool report from Carol at the meeting with the prime minister: “He is something. We had a fantastic meeting.”
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: http://politi.co/2lQswbh
THE EXCHANGING OF THE GIFTS — Trump gave the Pope a case of books from Martin Luther King Jr. The Pope gave Trump a medal by a Roman artist that he said is an olive, which is a symbol of peace. “We can use peace,” Trump said, per pooler Carol Lee. The Pope also gave Trump three books he regularly sends to Catholics “on the topics of family, the joy of the gospel and ‘care of our common home, the environment.’” The pope gave Trump Laudato Si, his encyclical on climate change and the environment. White House printout on Trump gift http://politi.co/2rghpdX
ANNIE KARNI IN JERUSALEM (she’s now with POTUS in Rome now) — “How Trump’s aides pulled off Middle East tour”: “Trump’s relatively successful swing through the Middle East was due to the fact that, for the most part, he didn’t get in his own way. It was also the result of months of careful planning. A decision was made early on to visit a part of the world where Trump is venerated and feared, and to pack his schedule so that he mostly stayed on message and, according to one aide, ‘didn’t have time to tweet.’ But a key factor was the role played by Dina Powell, H.R. McMaster and Jared Kushner, who brought a combination of government experience and understanding that Trump wanted to get some negotiated wins on the board.
“Kushner had been in talks with the Saudis about a possible visit since the early days of the transition. … The trip served as something of a public capstone to Powell’s quick rise in a White House she joined as a domestic economic adviser primarily focused on helping Ivanka Trump navigate the role she wanted to play on women’s issues. Now Powell serves in a dual role. … Powell has been quietly elevated on the National Security Council for months, but her growing power was on full public display in the Middle East. … Powell, according to an administration official, was also instrumental in helping to craft the language Trump used in his Sunday speech on Islam, with a particular interest in his use of language about women’s rights.” http://politi.co/2rfLp9F
— BUT, BUT, BUT… “If Kushner has a Mideast peace plan, it’s a secret so far,” by Reuters’ Jeff Mason and Luke Baker: “To demonstrate its fairness, the Trump administration invited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the White House weeks before Trump’s trip to Israel. Kushner and Greenblatt had a two-hour breakfast in Washington with Abbas before Abbas met with Trump, according to a source familiar with the meeting. … [B]oth sides have to be cautious about how they deal with Kushner. Nobody will want to insult someone so close to the president by dismissing a proposal out of hand, said Dan Shapiro, the U.S. ambassador to Israel for six years under President Barack Obama.” http://reut.rs/2qfsBmK
HOT MICS! — “In Trump’s private moments, it’s small talk and compliments,” by AP’s Josef Federman and Aya Batrawy in Jerusalem: “What do world leaders talk about when they are alone? Not much, it seems. President Donald Trump spent part of his two-day visit to Israel with open microphones nearby, giving the world a small glimpse into his private banter with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu between official appearances. They chatted about paint on the walls, their wives and where to stand during a ceremony. And they exchanged compliments — lots of compliments. This presidential small talk provided just some of the memorable moments of Trump’s swing through the Middle East, the first stop on his first overseas trip as president. There was an awkward Saudi sword dance, an airport selfie with a pushy Israeli lawmaker and a possible snub by Melania Trump.” http://apne.ws/2rz6tI3
CLICKER – “Trump in Israel and the West Bank: The top photos from his trip,” curated by Kristen East — 37 pix http://politi.co/2qj3zlU
PLAYBOOK EXCLUSIVE — The Senate Majority PAC’s affiliated nonprofit Majority Forward is dropping an initial $3.5 million in TV and digital ads in six states this week. Both groups are designed to bolster the Senate Democratic leadership. The ads are running in Arizona, Indiana, Nevada, Missouri, Montana and North Dakota. The spots, which are individually tailored to each state, do not mention Trump. “This is an opportunity to let working families know what their senator is doing to make a difference,” said JB Poersch, president of Majority Forward. “While some falsely harangue of a culture of ‘fake news;’ working families deserve to know the facts.” The ads in Missouri http://bit.ly/2rz38c0 … Arizona http://bit.ly/2qV8r2J … North Dakota http://bit.ly/2qUK734 … Montana http://bit.ly/2qV1oXX
INSIDE MNUCHIN’S FREEDOM CAUCUS HUDDLE — TREASURY SECRETARY SECRETARY STEVEN MNUCHIN has been all over the Hill recently. He’s met with the Tuesday Group, Ways and Means members, members of leadership and just about anyone who will listen. But, perhaps his most significant meeting was Tuesday afternoon when he huddled with the House Freedom Caucus and other conservatives. THE MAIN MESSAGES: Mnuchin threw cold water on the border-adjustment tax, a tax on imports favored by Speaker Paul Ryan. Mnuchin thinks tax reform can happen by the end of 2017 (PAGING RICH RUBIN!) And the Freedom Caucus seems willing to work with the Trump administration to expedite tax reform — if the White House drops the BAT.
COMING ATTRACTIONS — “NATO rolls out the red carpet, buffs its image for Trump,” by AP’s Lorne Cook in Brussels: “NATO is not only rolling out the red carpet for U.S. President Donald Trump in Brussels Thursday, but the military alliance — which Trump has declared obsolete — has been busy repackaging its image and is ready to unveil a new headquarters worth 1 billion euros ($1.12 billion).
“In recent months, member nations have strained to show they are ramping up defense spending as Trump has demanded. And while they agree with the chief of the alliance’s most powerful member that NATO can do more to fight terrorism, they say it can be achieved with more of the same; training and mentoring troops in Afghanistan, and equipping local forces in Iraq so they can better fight the Islamic State group themselves. …
“Indeed, as part of the repackaging to be announced during Trump’s 24-hour visit to the city he branded a hellhole,’ NATO is likely to agree to join the 68-nation international coalition fighting IS. The move is symbolically important, especially since the group claimed responsibility Tuesday for a deadly explosion at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. An anti-terror coordinator may also be named, but most changes will be cosmetic.” http://apne.ws/2rSw0bF
****** A message from the Coalition for Affordable Prescription Drugs (CAPD): One in two Americans rely on their employers for health care benefits including affordable access to prescription drugs. That’s why employers are partnering with PBMs to provide access to effective medications at the most affordable price and improve health outcomes. Learn more at www.affordableprescriptiondrugs.org. ******
THIS WEEK’S BIG POLITICAL STORY — “Republicans: Montana special election ‘closer than it should be’,” by Elena Schneider and Gabe Debenedetti in Great Falls: “Republican Greg Gianforte’s closing motivational speech to voters ahead of Thursday’s special House election in Montana is the same thing GOP strategists are whispering in private: ‘This race is closer than it should be.’
“It’s a recurring nightmare of a pattern for Republicans around the country, as traditional GOP strongholds prove more difficult and expensive for the party to hold than it ever anticipated when President Donald Trump plucked House members like Ryan Zinke, the former Montana Republican now running the Interior Department, for his Cabinet. Gianforte is still favored to keep the seat red, but a state Trump carried by 20 percentage points last year became a battleground in the past few months.
“Democrat Rob Quist, a folk singer and first-time candidate, has raised more than $6 million for his campaign, including $1 million in the past week alone as energized Democratic donors pour online cash into political causes this year. Quist hopes that enthusiasm also contributes to an outsize turnout — as it did in special elections in Kansas and Georgia earlier this year — for the oddly scheduled Thursday election, happening just before a holiday weekend.” http://politi.co/2qaR6pa
— WHAT REPUBLICANS WILL SAY IF THEY LOSE: Gianforte was a weak candidate in a challenging environment. WHAT THE GOP WILL SAY IF THEY WIN: We won a seat Democrats poured money into in a tough political environment with a president with flagging approval numbers. We’re well positioned for next November. THE TRUTH: People make more of special elections than they should.
FOR YOUR RADAR — “Manchester suicide bomber likely did not act alone, Britain says,” by Reuters’ Michael Holden and Andy Bruce in Manchester, England: “The Manchester suicide bomber who killed 22 people at a pop concert venue packed with children likely did not act alone, a minister said on Wednesday as soldiers were being deployed to key sites to help prevent further attacks. The official threat level in Britain was raised late on Tuesday for the first time in a decade to its highest level, ‘critical’, meaning an attack could be imminent.
“Interior minister Amber Rudd said up to 3,800 soldiers would be deployed on Britain’s streets, taking on guard duties at places like Buckingham Palace and Downing Street to free up police to focus on patrols and investigatory work. … She also said Abedi had been known to security services before the bombing. Abedi was born in Manchester in 1994 to parents of Libyan origin …
“Asked about reports that Abedi had recently returned from Libya, Rudd said she believed that had now been confirmed. French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said British investigators had told French authorities Abedi had probably traveled to Syria as well and that he had ‘proven links’ to the Islamic State militant group.” http://reut.rs/2qaxXnq
–“Who are the victims of the Manchester terror attack?” by The Daily Telegraph’s Helena Horton http://bit.ly/2qj06Uw
NEW POLITICO/MORNING CONSULT POLL — “Poll: Voters back Russia special prosecutor,” by Steven Shepard: “Voters are applauding the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election and any connections to Donald Trump’s campaign. But, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, voters aren’t ready to begin the constitutional process of impeaching the president and removing him from office.
“Nearly two-thirds of voters, 63 percent, either ‘strongly’ or ‘somewhat’ agree with the Justice Department’s decision to appoint former FBI Director Robert Mueller to oversee the Russia probe, the poll shows. Only 21 percent of voters disagree with the decision to appoint a special counsel. The vast majority of Democratic voters, 80 percent, support the decision to appoint an outside prosecutor — but so do half of Republicans and 58 percent of independents.
“On impeachment, 38 percent of voters want Congress to begin the process of removing Trump from office. A plurality, 46 percent, do not want impeachment proceedings against Trump. Sixteen percent of voters don’t know or have no opinion. Most Democratic lawmakers have discounted the possibility that Congress will work actively to remove Trump, at least given the current state of the investigation.
“But Democratic voters are more eager to move forward, the poll shows: More than two-thirds, 68 percent, want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings now. Comparatively, only 12 percent of GOP voters and 33 percent of independents want Congress to launch impeachment efforts.” http://politi.co/2rgrI1I
INSIDE THE ROOM — “Trump calls Kim Jong Un a ‘madman with nuclear weapons,’ according to transcript of Duterte call,” by WaPo’s David Nakamura and Barton Gellman: “President Trump labeled North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un a ‘madman with nuclear weapons’ during a private phone conversation with Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte last month, just days before stating publicly that he would be ‘honored to meet with Kim.
“In the April 29 call, Trump sought Duterte’s input on whether Kim is ‘stable or not stable’ and expressed some satisfaction in North Korea’s recent failed missile tests, noting that ‘all his rockets are crashing. That’s the good news,’ according to a transcript of the conversation made by the Philippines government on May 2 and obtained Tuesday by The Washington Post. Duterte responded that Kim is ‘playing with his bombs, his toys’ and offered that ‘his mind is not working well and he just might go crazy one moment.’ That prompted Trump to point out that the United States has ‘a lot of firepower over there,’ including ‘two nuclear submarines’ sent by the Pentagon to the region last month.” http://wapo.st/2ryyAaw
— NYT GETS DETAILS — LEAD OF THE DAY: “President Trump praised President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines in a phone call last month for doing an ‘unbelievable job on the drug problem’ in the island nation where the government has sanctioned gunning down suspects in the streets. … Mr. Duterte responded that drugs were ‘the scourge of my nation now, and I have to do something to preserve the Filipino nation.’ Mr. Trump responded that ‘we had a previous president who did not understand that,’ an apparent reference to President Barack Obama, ‘but I understand that.’” http://nyti.ms/2rPtN1B
–“Read the Full Transcript of Trump’s Call with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte,” by The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill, Alex Emmons and Ryan Grim: http://bit.ly/2q9ZPIv
— AP alert at 5:03 a.m.: “MANILA, Philippines (AP) – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte says ‘we are in state of emergency’ and skirmishes with militants are continuing.”
NEW POLICY — FOR RAND PAUL AND JUSTIN AMASH’S REVIEW — “Proposed Rules Would Allow U.S. to Track and Destroy Drones,” by NYT’s Charlie Savage: “The Trump administration is asking Congress to give the federal government sweeping powers to track, hack and destroy any type of drone over domestic soil with a new exception to laws governing surveillance, computer privacy and aircraft protection, according to a document obtained by The New York Times. … The draft bill’s language would authorize the government to summarily track, seize control of and use force to destroy any unmanned aircraft it determines may pose a security threat to an area designated for special protection.” http://nyti.ms/2qNX5iq
–“Trump advisers call for privatizing some public assets to build new infrastructure,” by WaPo’s Michael Laris: “The Trump administration, determined to overhaul and modernize the nation’s infrastructure, is drafting plans to privatize some public assets such as airports, bridges, highway rest stops and other facilities, according to top officials and advisers. In his proposed budget released Tuesday, President Trump called for spending $200 billion over 10 years to ‘incentivize’ private, state and local spending on infrastructure. Trump advisers said that to entice state and local governments to sell some of their assets, the administration is considering paying them a bonus. The proceeds of the sales would then go to other infrastructure projects.” http://wapo.st/2qO1l1K
BUDGET DREAMLAND — “Trump’s Path to a Balanced Budget Paved With Accounting Gimmicks,” by Bloomberg’s Erik Wasson, Steve Dennis and Justin Sink: “Presidents have long used budget gimmicks to create the illusion they’re reducing the deficit. Donald Trump’s $4.1 billion spending plan harnesses nearly all the greatest hits. The White House said Trump’s request for fiscal 2018 would generate a fiscal surplus by 2027 after $3.6 trillion in spending reductions and $2.1 trillion in economic growth-induced revenue increases. Those conclusions rely on phantom tax increases, phony spending cuts and unrealistic growth assumptions. In other words, Trump’s budget avoids making hard choices that would be needed to get anywhere near a balanced budget.” https://bloom.bg/2rPpFi6
–“Donald Trump’s Balanced Budget Goal Rests on Questionable Assumptions,” by WSJ’s Nick Timiraos: http://on.wsj.com/2qagewg
— REMEMBER: Congress has to pass a budget. If they don’t, tax reform can’t happen. Health care is already stalled. That’s a tough message — and reality — for the GOP.
DAN DIAMOND GETS RESULTS! “White House dials back cuts to drug control office,” by Politico Pulse author Dan Diamond: “The White House has backed down from its controversial proposal to virtually eliminate funding for the federal drug control office amid a nationwide opioid epidemic. The administration was originally eyeing a 95 percent cut to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, POLITICO first reported earlier this month. … But after facing pressure from Republican and Democratic lawmakers — especially those in states ravaged by the opioid epidemic — the White House is proposing $369 million for the office in 2018, amounting to a 5 percent cut.” http://politi.co/2qUNC9D … Subscribe to Politico Pulse http://politi.co/2rPuYOj
JOSH ROGIN in WaPo, “Graham: Trump’s State Department budget could cause ‘a lot of Benghazis’”: “The Trump administration’s fiscal 2018 State Department budget proposal irresponsibly cuts diplomacy and diplomatic security in a way that could cause ‘a lot of Benghazis,’ according to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C), chairman of the Senate appropriations subcommittee on the State Department and foreign operations. He promised that Congress would reject the cuts. ‘If we implemented this budget, we’d have to retreat from the world and put a lot of people at risk,’ Graham said … Overall, the Trump administration is proposing to cut the budget for the State Department and USAID, from the $54.9 billion estimated total in fiscal 2017 to $37.6 billion in fiscal 2018 — a reduction of $17.3 billion, or 31 percent.” http://wapo.st/2qfmhvz
THE RESISTANCE — “Progressive activists to unveil new $80 million network,” by CNN’s Gregory Krieg: “The anti-Trump ‘resistance’ movement is growing — and getting richer. At their spring gala Tuesday night, the Center for Popular Democracy Action will unveil a new $80 million effort to coordinate the work of dozens of smaller progressive groups from around the country. The activist organization’s new initiative — which, as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit political organization, is not required to disclose its donors — arrives as part of a broader effort on the left to channel anger at the Trump administration into a lasting power base, with the ability to influence policy debates within the Democratic Party while boosting candidates on the local, state and federal levels.
“The growing network spans 32 states, with 48 local partners, as part of concentrated effort to mobilize new voters — pushing back on voter ID laws and partisan gerrymandering efforts while pumping up campaigns for automatic voter registration programs — ahead of the 2018 midterms and 2020 general election. Organizers say they are also targeting six state legislatures they believe are ripe to flip to Democratic control.” http://cnn.it/2qa11f0
— FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: NATE GATTEN has been hired as SVP of government affairs for American Airlines. He will be based in D.C. and is expected to start later this summer. He currently is managing director and head of global government relations for JPMorgan Chase. He also is an alum of American Capitol Group, Fannie Mae, Sen. Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah) and the Senate Banking Committee. NOTE: Both Delta and United Airlines are still looking for new heads of their D.C. federal government affairs operations.
— THE NATIONAL RETAIL FEDERATION is bringing 20 executives today to D.C. to pressure Congress and the administration to drop the BAT tax. They’ll meet with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Labor Secretary Alex Acosta and two dozen members of Congress.
–PENNY PRITZKER, former Obama commerce secretary, spoke last night at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Leadership Awards Dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel, where she focused on the economic costs of Trump’s policies: “[C]onsider the costs of the Administration’s approach to trade. The president and his team are fixated on reversing our trade deficits. It has become an obsession—one that is fundamentally misplaced. Indeed, any economist will tell you that trade deficits are not a good measure of the strength of an economy, and they are an even worse measure of whether a trade agreement is working.” Read her full remarks http://politi.co/2qaXi0r
SHOT — “Melania Trump Snubs ANOTHER Of Donald’s Attempts To Hold Her Hand” — HuffPost http://bit.ly/2qiXeHc
CHASER — “Obama’s White House photographer [Pete Souza] trolls the Trumps’ hand-holding failures on Instagram,” by WaPo’s Amy B Wang: http://wapo.st/2qV04nN
PHOTO DU JOUR: Ivanka Trump, first lady Melania Trump, and President Donald Trump stand with Pope Francis during a meeting at the Vatican on May 24. | Evan Vucci/AP Photo
IF YOU WATCH ONE THING – Last night PBS’ “Frontline” premiered a new documentary called “Bannon’s War”: “The inside story of Trump adviser Stephen Bannon’s war — with radical Islam, Washington and White House rivals.” The film include cameos by Bob Costa, Peter Baker, Emily Bazelon, David Bossie, Alex Marlow, Joel Pollak, Abigail Hauslohner, Dan Balz, Ben Shapiro, David Urban, Josh Green, Kurt Bardella, Uri Friedman, Marc Fisher, Matt Viser, Jane Mayer and Ann Hornaday. Bannon did not participate. The full doc http://to.pbs.org/2qa0v0c
UPDATE — “Sheriff David Clarke says he’s unsure if Trump administration will still hire him after plagiarism report,” by CNN’s Nathan McDermott and Andrew Kaczynski: http://cnn.it/2qUQNhv
TRUMP’S LEGAL TEAM — “Trump set to tap longtime lawyer Kasowitz to lead legal fight,” by Josh Dawsey: “President Donald Trump plans to select Marc Kasowitz — his longtime, New York-based lawyer — to lead his outside legal team as an investigation of Russian election interference heats up, an administration official said. Kasowitz has represented Trump in legal matters for decades and is considered to have the president’s trust. He has a well-established rapport with Trump and has spoken to him regularly since Trump was sworn into office.
“In selecting Kasowitz, Trump once again is turning to a person with extensive experience working with him — rather than a seasoned, Washington-based operator — to deal with a high profile challenge. While Kasowitz is expected to take the lead on Trump’s outside legal team, the administration source said it is not yet clear how large an operation that will be. Administration officials are still not certain of the scope of the work but expect intense action over the summer, as the probe led by FBI special counsel Robert Mueller heats up.” http://politi.co/2qa65Qv
FLASHBACK – BuzzFeed, March 23, “Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Is Defending Russia’s Biggest Bank: Marc E. Kasowitz, who has represented Donald Trump for more than 15 years, was recently named a lead attorney in a federal civil lawsuit against Sberbank, which is majority-owned by the Russian government,” by Anthony Cormier, Jeremy Singer-Vine and John Templon: http://bzfd.it/2qO4IFS
WHAT BRAD BAUMAN IS READING — “We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder,” by Mary Rich and Joel Rich in WaPo: “Seth’s death has been turned into a political football. Every day we wake up to new headlines, new lies, new factual errors, new people approaching us to take advantage of us and Seth’s legacy. It just won’t stop. The amount of pain and anguish this has caused us is unbearable. With every conspiratorial flare-up, we are forced to relive Seth’s murder and a small piece of us dies as more of Seth’s memory is torn away from us.” http://wapo.st/2qUDHAV
— “Hannity steps back from DNC staffer conspiracies,” by Cristiano Lima: “Fox News host Sean Hannity said on Tuesday he would step back from discussing the murder of former DNC staffer Seth Rich, hours after the slain staffer’s family made an emotional public plea for media figures to ‘stop politicizing our son’s murder.’ Hannity, who has devoted numerous segments of his program in recent weeks to an unproven conspiracy that Rich, a former staffer for the [DNC], had been murdered as retaliation for leaking documents to WikiLeaks, said he would not continue discussing the matter out of respect for Rich’s family.
‘’Out of respect for the family’s wishes for now, I am not discussing this matter at this time,’ Hannity said on his program. The Fox News host said he made the decision to reign in his coverage of the killing that after speaking directly with Rich’s brother. ‘My heart, my soul, my prayer goes out to them during this very difficult time,’ he said.
“Hannity’s retreat came hours after the Fox News personality seemed content to double-down on conspiracies surrounding Rich’s 2016 murder. The WikiLeaks retaliation theory has been widely debunked, and on Tuesday Fox News retracted a May 16 online article on the investigation surrounding Rich’s murder – an article Hannity heavily-promoted on his primetime cable news show.” http://politi.co/2qV3cA6
****** A message from the Coalition for Affordable Prescription Drugs (CAPD): As list prices for brand drugs continue to rise, employers are partnering with PBMs to keep drug costs under control. In fact, every dollar an employer invests in a PBM service returns six dollars in savings. Learn more at www.affordableprescriptiondrugs.org. ******
VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN in POLITICO Magazine, “Trump Is America’s Most Honest President: He just can’t help himself from blurting out the truth—even when it’s self-sabotage”: “[W]e’re accustomed to thinking of Trump as chronically deceptive and flat-out wrong, and he commonly is—about crowd sizes, illegal voting, his “fine-tuned machine” of an administration, the Iraq War, 9/11 cheering, the list is endless. But someone must be putting truth serum in Trump’s second scoop of ice cream these days. No matter the stakes, he doesn’t have even a White House junior aide’s gift for circumspection, spin or truth-shading. Lately, in fact, Trump can’t shut up even when almost everything is at stake. In a town of snakes and double-agents, the president’s extreme emotional transparency would be admirable, a sign of vulnerability, sincerity, guilelessness—that is, if it weren’t so self-incriminating.” http://politi.co/2rg0gBc
DEEP DIVE – BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK’s new cover story — “When the Patient Is a Gold Mine: The Trouble With Rare-Disease Drugs,” by Benjamin Elgin, Doni Bloomfield, and Caroline Chen: “With a flagship treatment that helps fewer than 11,000 people, how is Alexion making so much money?” https://buswk.co/Alexion23 … The cover http://bit.ly/2qOsWzE
HOLLYWOODLAND — FOR CHRIS LICHT — “Stephen Colbert Wins 2016-17 TV Season In Late-Night, Taking On Donald Trump,” by Deadline’s Lisa de Moraes: “Colbert’s CBS Late Show will win the 2016-17 TV season in total viewers – CBS’ first win over NBC’s The Tonight Show in overall audience with a season-long host since the 1994-95 TV season.” http://bit.ly/2qf4u7Q
–“Jon Stewart and HBO Cancel Animated Shorts Project,” by NYT’s John Koblin: “Mr. Stewart, the former host of ‘The Daily Show’ on Comedy Central, was brought on in November 2015 to create digital shorts that would appear on the network’s digital apps like HBO Now and HBO Go. But 18 months after signing the deal, the two have agreed to shelve it, saying that the project was significantly more complicated than both sides expected. Mr. Stewart signed a four-year contract, and he will remain at HBO to pursue other efforts.” http://nyti.ms/2rSAqPF
SPOTTED Bob Woodward and frequent New York Times writer Alyson Krueger yesterday at the Watergate Hotel — pic http://politi.co/2qUU1Q6 … President Obama’s former LGBT liaisons — Brian Bond, Gautam Raghavan, Aditi Hardikar, and Raffi Freedman-Gurspan — at dinner last night with Valerie Jarrett at Kapnos Taverna — pic http://politi.co/2qUzxJr … Scott Pruitt talking yesterday to the American Iron and Steel Institute and Steel Manufacturers Association at the Four Seasons … newlywed David Brooks yesterday afternoon in a blue suit dragging his suitcase down Louisiana Ave., NW, in the direction of Union Station
OUT AND ABOUT — SPOTTED last night at the Harvard Kennedy School retirement party at the Graham Allison Dining Room for “soft power” professor Joe Nye, hosted by David Gergen: Ban Ki Moon, Iris Bohnet, Marshall Ganz, Richard Parker, Molly Nye and their 3 sons: Ben, John, and Dan, John Deutsch, Graham Allison, Gary Samore, Doug Elmendorf, Jeanne Marasca, Holly Sargent, granddaughter Sage Nye, Juliette Kayyem, Joe and Marina McCarthy.
TRANSITIONS — Carolyn Fiddler has her last day on Friday at the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee as national communications director. On June 5, she joins Daily Kos as political editor and senior communications adviser, bringing her state politics expertise to the organization as it increases its focus on state legislative elections ahead of the next round of redistricting. … Andrew Malcolm is joining Exelon’s public advocacy team after seven years with Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.), most recently as deputy chief of staff. …
… Let America Vote, a voting rights organization started by Jason Kander, has tapped Abe Rakov, Kander’s former campaign manager, to be executive director. Bernie 2016 alum Brendan Summers will be campaigns director. Sylvia Ruiz, former director of Hispanic paid media at Hillary for America, will be political director. Austin Laufersweiler, former deputy press secretary for Kander’s campaign, will be press secretary.
WELCOME TO THE WORLD – Heather Hunter, executive producer for WMAL Radio in DC and contributing writer at the Daily Caller and Lifezette, and Derek Hunter, radio host on WBAL Radio in Baltimore, columnist at Townhall.com and contributing editor at the Daily Caller, post on Facebook: “At 11:18 pm [Monday] night, my husband Derek Hunter and I welcomed Quinn Carol Elizabeth Hunter into the world. She is 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Special thanks to my parents for quickly flying up after my water broke during a commercial break on my radio show at 5:30 am [Monday] morning. … She’s finally here and adorable.” Pics http://politi.co/2qUph3V … http://politi.co/2qadbo3
BIRTHDAYS OF THE DAY: independent consultant Giovanna Gray Lockhart. How she’s celebrating: “Joe is taking me on a surprise dinner date tonight and then over the weekend we’ll have a gathering with close friends.” Read her Playbook Plus Q&A: http://politi.co/2qOsbXs … Kasie Hunt, NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent. How she’s celebrating: “Dinner with my husband at Tyber Creek Wine Bar, the newest restaurant near our house in Truxton Circle DC. Then Nats baseball on Friday with our friends Carrie Dann and Luke Dickinson and cake with my parents and sister over the weekend!” Q&A: http://politi.co/2qaU3pU
BIRTHDAYS: Rory Cooper, managing director at Purple Strategies and the pride of Franklin, Mich. … Eric Schwerin, president of Rosemont Seneca Advisors … Bob Dylan is 76 … Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) is 68 … Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.) is 57 … Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) is 63 … Politico alum Sara Olson, now senior manager of corporate affairs at Molson Coors in Denver … Randall Baker Whitestone III, principal and director of comms. for the Americas at Carlyle (h/t Keil) … NPR’s Tom Bowman … Ben Milakofsky, chief of staff at The National September 11 Memorial & Museum, is 33 … Mark Bescher, Unilever’s manager of federal gov’t relations and external affairs … Chelsea Koski, EVP at Signal Group … Uber’s Emily Holman …
… Bob Franken … former CT. Gov. John Rowland — in prison again — is 6-0 … Deborah Hart Strober, co-author of histories of the Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan presidencies (h/t Gerald) … UFCW’s Meredith Ritchie … Madeleine O’Connor, director of comms at the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research … Henock Dory … Fred Duval … Bloomberg’s Alisa Parenti … Tom Maher … Rana Abtar of Al Hurra … Natasha Lawrence … Jane Mosbacher Morris … Debbie Goldberg, director of development at Schwarzman Scholars … Daniel Zingale … Jim Atwood … Kevin Tierney (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Priscilla Presley is 72 … Rosanne Cash is 62 (h/ts AP)
****** A message from the Coalition for Affordable Prescription Drugs (CAPD): One in two Americans rely on their employers to provide health care benefits. So, employers partner with PBMs to provide access to effective medications at the most affordable price. PBMs drive savings in part by using clinical expertise to identify generic alternatives that achieve the same health outcomes for a lower price. With generics accounting for 89 percent of prescriptions filled in 2015, but only 27 percent of drug costs, that represents a savings of $227 billion across the U.S. health care system in just one year. Learn more at www.affordableprescriptiondrugs.org. ******
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from CapitalistHQ.com http://capitalisthq.com/trump-meets-the-pope-their-gifts-to-each-other-annie-karni-on-trumps-good-trip-so-far-mnuchins-freedom-caucus-huddle-scoop-big-ad-buy-to-help-senate-ds/
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
lego star wars iii the clone wars wii
lego star wars iii the clone wars wii
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
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Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform Developer: Traveller’s Tales Publisher: Lucas Arts ESRB Rating: Everyone-10 Release Date: March 22, 2011
Holding A Saber Hilt
NOTE: THIS CHEAT REQUIRES VADER’S APPRENTICE AND DUAL WIELD! First, turn into Vader’s apprentice. Then turn on his saber and then turn it off and right before he puts it away pause the game, then turn on “Dual Wield” and un-pause. He should have a Lightsaber Hilt in his hand with no saber extended!
3 Blades
The first thing that you need is: Darth Maul or Savage Oppress. Next, go on the level called “The Hidden Enemy” and when you go to face Ventress in the room with three sets of stairs, be either Savage or Maul and Dubble-jump and Slam. Then take the other one of her Light sabers and Maul or Savage will have a Daul saber and a single bladed Lightsaber.
Password Cheats
EDENECGeonosian Starfighter unlocked. qd2c31Character Studs 2d7jnsRegenerate Hearts 6mz5chStud Magnet n1ckr1Score X10 byfsaqScore X8 sebhgrScore X6 43t5e5Score X4 yzphuvScore X2 b1d3w3Super Speeders csd5naMinikit Detector j46p7aInvincibility gchp7sFast Build x1v4n2Dark Side 3F5L56Perfect Deflect bs828kSuper Saber Cut c4es4rDual Wield 4gt3vqGlow in the Dark
Cheat Codes List
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room: Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus Darth Maul: Rookies Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush! Greedo: The Hidden Enemy Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Yoda’s Lightsaber Walking Stick Glitch
NOTE: THIS GLITCH REQUIRES DUAL WIELD; CHEAT CODE = C4ES4RFirstly, go into Extras and make sure Dual Wield is turned OFF. Now change into Yoda and make sure your light-sabers are away. Next, simply turn Dual Wield ON and half of Yoda’s walking stick will be a light-saber handle. This is a really cool glitch and I use it every time I play this game.
General Grievous Or Asajj Ventress Lightsaber Glitch
NOTE: THIS GLITCH ONLY WORKS WITH GENERAL GRIEVOUS AND ASAJJ VENTRESS. Firstly, change into General Grievous or Asajj Ventress and make sure your lightsabers are away. Next, go into an elevator and just as the screen goes black, hit Z to get your lightsabers out. If timed correctly, and depending on which character you’re being, General Grievous should only have one green lightsaber out and Asajj Ventress should only have one red lightsaber out. This may take some practise to get the right timing, but it is a really cool glitch and I use it every time I play this game.
Rapid Fire Glitch
You’re going to need 2 players for this glitch. First get player one (or 2) choose a custom character that doesn’t have a machine gun, but he has to have a gun , choose him then have player 2 go to the custom character place on the good ship, go to the character that player 1 is, then have player 2 switch player 1s gun to machine gun, go back & if you hold the attack button player 1s gun will start firing real fast! Its really helpful for getting rid of retards that attack you. (Note: I’ve only done this on Wii).
Yoda Floor Slam Glitch!
NOTE: THIS GLITCH REQUIRES DUAL WIELD, YODA AND TIMING SKILLS! Firstly change into Yoda and go next to any elevator. Next, turn on dual wield. Then go into elevator ( With Light sabers off ) and as soon as the lights go black, press the Z Button. If done correctly, Yoda’s Light saber blade should not be attached to his Light saber hilt ( You shouldn’t see the blade at all ) until you move. Once you are out of the elevator Yoda should have only one light saber. Then, Dubble-jump and press the B button or swing the remote ( While in the air ) and Yoda will do a Floor slam.
Currently no guide available.
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naoyakoike · 7 years
1/11,18,25(wed) 「ヘヴニーズブリッジ」 @仙川キックバックカフェ スタート19:30 入場無料 要予約
定例教養イヴェント、ヘヴニーズブリッジです。 毎週僕らのライブだけでなくバンドオーナーのマレさんが日本人の知らない日本の歴史やエピソードを発信しております。今時自国の教養無しで語る時事問題ほど無粋なものはないのであーる、ということで入場無料。
1/8,15,22,29(sun) 「サンデイアフタヌーンサービス」 @仙川キックバックカフェ スタート15:00前後 入場無料
こちらは定例バラエティイベントでございます。 休日に生演奏が無料で聴きながらカフェでのんびり。ああ何と羨ましいことか。 ええと僕と来たら普段のんびりと言えば薄暗い場所が多いものですからたまにはカフェでデートなどと洒落こみたいだなんて思っております笑。 のんびり屋の皆様是非。
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1/?(??) 『桜JAM』
@甲府桜座カフェ オープン19:00/スタート19:30 参加費1000円+1d(500円)
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1/28(土) 『上海の夜♭10 -Perfect/President/Animation/Plan』 @下北沢サーカス 前売¥2500/当日¥3000+1d+1SNS オープン1900/スタート1930
トークセッション: 『オリコン‐ビルボード間の距離』 ゲスト:AKI48(レコード会社・洋楽担当) ライヴ:辻村小池ペア(仮) 辻村泰彦(vo.cho) 小池直也(sx.key.rap) 中原豪士(eb) 妹尾武朋(ds)
-------------- 「やあ、最高な大統領。 あなたをアニメにする計画があるんだ」 伝説のダンスパーティを現代に妄想/捏造する『上海の夜』第10夜。 東京五輪まであと3年と迫った2017年。日本と世界の音楽的関係は今どうなっているのか?色々と探っていこうと思います。 トークセッションはゲストに海外事情に詳しい女子、AKI48を迎えます。議題は日本に於ける洋楽、海外に於ける邦楽、元音楽家が動かすヤベえメディア・VICE JAPANについて、さらにPPAPの真価など! ライヴは奈良から上京して来たばかりの、辻村くんと私の特別ユニット。東京ジャズシーンからの星野源となるか?
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