In your eyes, we will never be good enough.
Adults expect so much from our gerneration. I dont undertsand how im supposed to act like an adult all the time, but not get treated like one. They want us to grow up, but not be entitled to the same things that they are. It’s “thier house” until we have to clean it top to bottom. Its “start comunicating with the ourisde world instead of constantly being on the damn phone” and then its, “Stop going to parties you have to prioritatze your future”
If you want us to be so indepedent, please take your hand off the strings you manipulate us with.
And its funny, because it Its always somehow “because of the phone” IM SORRY THAT WE DONT HAVEN IT THAT EASY!!! We cant keep living like this. The world is so harsh to us as it is. 
THIS is why we are the stronger generation. Because of YOU. We have been broken and put back together again more times than we can count. If we were running the world already, things would be so much better. We have suffered so much. Start treating us with some respect. Because one day, we are going to thank you. Thank you for helping us see how utterly flawed and broken we are. Guess who we get it from? 
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te-amozevris · 4 months
For all of us who din get normal parenting, this is it. Some days i stil process
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honey-baby666 · 10 months
talked to my dad tonight, its always awkward forgiving my parents for the fuck shit they do, ahhh the things you do to stay in the will
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Soy una mala madre
Soy una mala mamá.
Siempre lo he sido.
Desde el primer día con mi primer hijo en brazos me di cuenta que ya la estaba regando.
Pensé que lo podría corregir con los otros dos pero no fue así.
En algunas cosas creo que soy peor todavía.
Todos los días hay algo que me comprueba que soy mala madre.
Y doy gracias por ello.
No me importa.
Nunca pensé ser la mejor ni ganar un premio.
Solo he pensado en que daré lo que más pueda y hasta donde mi amor y entender puedan y eso será suficiente.
Deberán de sobrevivir a pesar de tenerme de mamá.
Serán como tengan que ser con, y a pesar de sus circunstancias.
Y así debe ser.
Soy una mala madre porque me equivoco todos los días.
Porque no los entiendo y me desesperan.
Porque a veces quiero tiempo para mí y hacer cosas que solo a mí me gustan.
Soy una mala madre porque no quiero jugar Xbox y no tengo ganas de jugar a las muñecas tampoco.
Porque quiero ver mi película de terror y no tener que bajar a dar de cenar.
Porque hay ocasiones en que no los aguanto y tengo ganas de que me den dos minutos de paz y tranquilidad.
Ese tipo de mamá soy.
Soy la que tiene flojera de hacer el desayuno.
La que quisiera dormir otro ratito unas 7 -8 horas extras.
La que no tiene ganas de ver Belly y Beto o la Casa de muñecas de Gabby por enésima vez. Ni me interesa la siguiente temporada de Cobra Kai o ver otro episodio de Naruto.
La que prefiere escuchar a P¡ink o Keane y no “el ratón vaquero”.
Soy una mala madre porque se que tienen que comer verduras pero hoy tengo ganas de pizza .
Porque me quiero bañar solita sin que estén tocando a la puerta del baño.
Soy mala madre porque les digo que se laven los dientes y cuando me piden ayuda quisiera que ya lo hicieran solitos.
Soy una mala madre porque les he dicho que es importante leer un cuento para ir a dormir, y en ocasiones solo quiero ir a la cama directo sin escalas.
La que los consiente demasiado y luego los regaña o castiga porque están muy consentidos.
Soy la que les prohíbe algo pero luego les deja jugar o hacer eso mismo cuando se me pasa.
Soy bipolar porque los amo con toda mi alma y quiero medio ahorcarlos  de vez en cuando (en sentido figurado).
Soy una mala mamá porque les digo mentiras, pero les exijo siempre hablar con la verdad.
Porque les pido que por favor no se guarden las cosas y siempre me cuenten que tienen y que sienten, aunque yo no sepa hacerlo y llore a escondidas.
Soy mala madre al contradecirme con lo que digo y hago.
Porque se que deben lavar los platos cuando les toca y los termino lavando yo.
Porque si no tienen ganas de estudiar hoy, no los obligo .
Porque si quieren dormir otro ratito si los dejo.
Porque si quieren jugar mas rato les doy ese permiso.
Soy mala madre porque muchas, a lo mejor la mayoría de las veces no tengo idea de lo que hago y voy componiendo como puedo.
Porque yo misma aprendo a fregadazos con cada cosa que voy haciendo.
Pero aquí estoy y así debe ser.
No me arrepiento porque cada mal paso que doy me deja ver todo lo bueno que hago para ellos.
Porque a pesar de tener una mala madre se que son felices y eso me llena por completo.
Porque así fuera la mejor madre del mundo nada garantiza cómo terminen ellos el día de mañana.
Soy mala madre porque no quiero que crezcan y quiero que se queden más tiempo conmigo.
Porque se que tienen que volar y sueño con que eso pase, pero soy egoísta y me encanta verlos conmigo.
Soy una mala madre y me encanta serlo.
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bkshowofficial · 1 year
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We’re back folks!!! Join us this Friday from 6-9 Pacific on @tripl3troubl3radio #wereback #werebackbitches #return #returnofthejedi #returnofthemack #backhome #backinthesaddle #backinthesaddleagain #badparenting #notworksafeapproved #idiots #numbskullshows (at Ely, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9tDF1O3BT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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timbitsandbullshit · 1 year
Birthday parties
Started recently working as a birthday party host, everything has been going well until today...
Todays party was for a six year old boy, no issues there, the issues started when I was trying to get him to lineup for his first activity. The child decided he wanted to bring his toys with him, unfortunately I had to tell him he had to leave them behind so that way he did not lose them or have other children in the same area steal them. So the child goes to put them away but then tries to sneak some into his pockets, I gently lean down and say “Hey buddy I know you want to bring you’re toys but I’m scared they will get lost or other children may try to take them” he goes back and puts them all away but then tries to put one in his pocket without me seeing, I look at the parents and after the third time of telling him he finally listens.
Fast forward to when I am serving them pizza I ask the birthday boy “Would you like cheese or pepperoni?” “I want pop” he states I’m like “Well alright but I need to pass pizza out, which kind would you like?” “I want pop” he states again. Finally the father intervenes and starts pouring the drinks just to help me out so i can get the child to tell me which kind of pizza he would like.
Fast forward again to when I start bringing the cake in, the kids are all playing with toys which is fine so I kindly ask them to all sit down so we can sing happy birthday and serve cake. “I don’t want cake!” the child yells I continue doing my thing setting the cake down and waiting for the kids, I ask again for them to sit down and only then do the parents finally intervene on telling the birthday child to take a seat so we can move on with the party. (mind you I was also stressed as I was running late on everything for the party because of scheduling issues)
The whole time I am trying to get the kids to listen and behave the parents are just eyeballing instead of parenting their child. incredibly frustrating day, in the end they tipped me $10 which I think was deserved for having to run the party and parent their child.
stay tuned for more party nightmares.
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frontmezzjunkies · 2 years
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#spBadParent #frontmezzjunkies reviews: #InsChoi's new play #BadParent co-produced by @soulpeppertheatre @vactheatre @prairie_theatre d: #MegRoe w/ #JosetteJorge & #RaugiYu #SoulpepperTheatre #VancouverAsianCanadianTheatre #PrairieTheatreExchange #theaTO https://frontmezzjunkies.com/2022/09/27/soulpepper-bad-parent/ (at Soulpepper Theatre Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDLLVZuvb7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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superfuffa · 2 years
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Venezia con ventordici gradi all'ombra e la FFP2 sul vaporetto. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 #badparenting #papagenial #inLoveWithLéon #çaferadessouvenirs (à Riva degli Schiavoni) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgwtNkhsd0j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spaguettifeo · 2 years
A veces quiero abrir un Tumblr para cada uno de los temas que rondan por mi mente, pero después digo "al chile, que hueva". Mejor voy a escribir todo en uno mismo y a ver que sale de este. No entiendo como es que me volví tan quejumbrosa, pero siento que tiene mucho que ver la forma en la que mi mamá fue conmigo. Que tonta, más bien eso fue lo que me hizo ser ese tipo de persona. Los papás a menudo no se dan cuenta del daño que le hace a los hijos el hecho de que los sobreprotejan. Me dijo la psicóloga que eso era también una forma de violencia. Y que normalizado lo tenemos. No nos preparan para el mundo. nos preparan para escondernos y correr a ellos cada vez que lo necesitemos. No lo he hecho. Cada vez que he sentido que el mundo se me cae, no he ido corriendo con mi mamá a pedirle ayuda. Una parte de mi no se permitiría hacerlo. aunque otra parte lo único que quiere hacer es irse a acurrucar a los brazos de su mamá y ya que el mundo se acabe.
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sheniq · 2 years
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Crimo dad washes hands of guilt but talked with son about a mass shooting night before Highland Park massacre HIGHLAND PARK, Ill. – The dad of the accused Fourth of July parade killer told The Post on Wednesday that his son talked about a mass shooting in Denmark the night before allegedly launching his own massacre — and the dad washed his hands of any guilt over how the suspect got his gun. The father, Robert Crimo Jr. — who has tapped one of R. Kelly’s lawyers to battle claims that he helped his mentally disturbed kid buy guns — said that the night before Monday’s shooting, he and son Robert Crimo III discussed the 22-year-old Danish man who shot and killed three people at a mall outside Copenhagen on Sunday.  “He goes, ‘Yeah, that guy is an idiot.’ That’s what he said!” the dad recalled his son saying of the Denmark shooter. The father said his son added, “People like that … [commit mass shootings] to amp up the people that want to ban all guns.” “I talked to him 13 hours before [Monday’s massacre]. That’s why I guess I’m in such shock. … Like, did he have a psychiatric break or something?” the father said of his son. On Tuesday, Steven Greenberg, who previously represented R. Kelly in the fallen singing superstar’s federal sex-trafficking case out of Brooklyn, announced that Crimo Jr. and his estranged wife, Denise, had retained him in the wake of their son’s arrest.  The father, a onetime local mayoral candidate who used to run a neighborhood sandwich shop, has faced a wave of criticism for sponsoring his son’s gun license application, which allowed Crimo III to buy four guns, including his alleged slay weapon, before age 21. #robertcrimo #highlandparkillinois #highlandparkshooting #robertcrimoiii #badparenting https://www.instagram.com/p/CfxxR0usoLd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gregorychatman · 2 years
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So, I was nervously driving to get a Covid test last Saturday & saw this license plate.. GT 2 IT. So, this is my working title: Get to It! #kindness #twentyfourhoursaday #healingafterloss #workingthroughgrief #studentsoflife #personalprayer #emotionalsobriety #everydayiwritethebook #anonymousbookclub #loveisallthatmatters #poeticlicense #badparenting #nolimitsfordeafchildren #peace #letters #writingworks #travelingmercies #theunteachableten https://www.instagram.com/p/CeVqM6qrXIW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saw this on reddit during my one(1) annual visit to the platform and was wondering if it’s safe for either participant, as there seems to be a bit of a heated discussion in the comments.
Link for everyone - this is a video of a small child sitting on the couch and holding a Burmese python.
As long as this interaction is supervised, this is really no different from letting your child sit and play with a large dog. Everyone in this interaction seems comfortable and content, and it's clearly being supervised, so I don't see any issues here. This snake is obviously tame, and the child is obviously used to the snake. The kid's old enough to know how to handle an animal appropriately.
Of course, even though a large snake like this is not an innately malicious animal, large snakes are powerful, so I would be very careful with supervising. I would make sure the child doesn't carry the snake on her own (she couldn't pick this snake up anyway), and I'd make sure she never wraps the snake around her neck and always holds and pets the snake in a way that's appropriate and comfortable for the snake.
Giant snakes like Burms, when tame, are notorious for puppy-dog temperaments and being incredibly easy to handle for a snake of their size (they should never be handled alone, but they're easy for snakes in that size range). I would personally be far more wary of a bite if I was letting a child hold a 4-foot kingsnake.
As long as this is closely supervised, I think this is just as safe as letting a child play with a large dog.
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ms-revived-frogs · 9 months
A man with a Tiktok account by the name Armando Vasquez just publicly bullied his toddler daughter and the video got 1.4 million likes. He basically smashed her face with whip cream and laughed as she instantly started crying. I literally recoiled when I heard how loud the smash was and then seeing it panned, not to some teenage girl that I thought (would still be mean), but to a toddler.
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Then in another video he jokes that he's going to "go get the whip cream" to which she leans away and says "no", all while Dear Old Dad laughs at her. It's titled "Baby Eloise has PTSD now".
Then when people told him off for this behaviour and told him to respect his daughter since she's still in her developmental and learning stages, he replies he did it because "that shit was funny".
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I am so sick of this new trend of bullying your children on Tiktok and using their (rightfully) emotional reactions for views and likes. Because you know that if this little girl didn't cry when being smashed with whipping cream, he likely wouldn't have posted it. Why? Because narcissists want a reaction, and they also want to exert control. Both of which he accomplished here. He earned a fear response from his daughter while going viral on social media. And now with all this shit, he's taught her that control can be exerted over her by use of fear and physical intimidation. "Family humour" Tiktok is riddled with men who are overall just bad fathers and bad people. There was another video I saw that I can't find now, but a woman was going through some of his older videos and found one where he admitted to anger issues and thought anger management treatment wasn't important. I just want to stress to women that it is so, so, so important who you decide to have children with and what faults you choose to ignore because this very small taste for sadistic humour will grow as his daughter ages and becomes more independent of him. And then what would he do to exert control over her? Although I can't only just blame this bad father, since the mother appears to go along with it in these videos. But really what is this little girl learning? That Daddy can and will use physical intimidation and public humiliation to scare her, even when she hasn't done anything wrong. She's learned at such a young age to be scared of men, even the ones she's supposed to trust.
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taiyejeremiah · 5 months
Part 2/3: God’s advice to African managers in American companies 😳😳😳🤔🤔🤔😍😍😍🥳🥳🥳
#africanmanagers #manager #managers #americanmanagers #goodmanagers #badmanagers #staff #staffs #coworkers #workers #office #job #corporateworld #warehouse #humanresources #landlord #housemates #roomforrent #salary #jobinterview #performancereview #wickedmanagers #badparents #badsisters #manipulativeparents #Godspurpose #Godsdestiny #testimonies #saveothers #impacttheworld
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aghila · 7 months
Do not blame 2K kids - Blame this over doing parents , especially this first gen better living parents Continuous guilt trip, pressure and their unhealthy knowledge about parenting make kids to get rid of their life !!
This society is sick !! Negative happiness index and everyone has their own way of depression - lack of confidence and lack of trust about their own society , Insecurity, and fake lifestyle and zero trustworthy .
These duckers get into next gen growth and leads them to kill themselves and blame them.
#badparenting #society
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funthingsfortoddlers · 11 months
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Sometimes a different point of view is just what you need!
Check out more fun memes here: www.funthingsfortoddlers.com/memes/toddler-memes/
#toddlermums #badparent #toddlerfun #toddlermum #toddlermumgoldcoast #toddleryears #toddlermeme #toddlerjokes #funthingsfortoddlers #toddlersgoldcoast #goldcoasttoddler #mumoftoddlers #mumoftoddler #mumoftoddlergoldcoast #toddlerlifegoldcoast #toddlerlife
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