crimeronan · 8 months
my love language is spending 9 straight hours painstakingly excruciatingly obnoxiously and inexorably line-editing my partner's original fiction. u all want me so bad.
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mitchmarner · 1 year
“The refs are biased against my specific team!” have you considered that the refs are all just indiscriminately terrible at their jobs. the refs almost certainly aren’t targeting your team because they hate you. they’re just bad at their jobs to the point of professional negligence, and sometimes their deep incompetence has worse outcomes for your team by total accident rather than design.
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marbleshape · 1 year
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remember when the bangups guest starred on welcome home??
a silly self indulgent piece hehe
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lord-shitbox · 5 months
I've figured out why the Tough Guys™ with blood on their knuckles crack their finger joints by squeezing a fist instead of bending their fingers backwards. If you bend your fingers backwards with a scab on your knuckles it's owie
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bapdaydreams · 1 year
Would anyone be down if I started writing B.A.P ship fics again? Like DaeJae or BangUp or JongLo?
Of course, I will slowly get into writing y/n fics too cuz I really am missing our B.A.P bbys.
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
I’m always endeared by how comically garish impulse’s skins end up being. to be clear: the artists who have done the skins have done a BANGUP job, they’re excellent skins. I do truly believe the problem is impulse. the problem is impulse going “surely neon yellow is an acceptable color scheme” and also “surely this time my haircut decisions aren’t comically ridiculous”. and then we get the newest impulse skin. and it’s comically garish. as expected. because it’s mainly NEON YELLOW. it’s great,
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Bangup shortcake
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dramatic-disraeli · 4 months
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feartoxinjelloshot · 3 months
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vis a vis my last post, shockingly, hugo isnt actually dead :P the surgeons do a pretty bangup job of putting his face back together. this may seem unrealistic but i referenced it fairly extensively off of IRL animal maulings, so its about as accurate as its going to get. if i was really gunning for accuracy he would probably have his teeth covered but i like the exposed-teeth visual effect too much to do that sorry hugo L
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
What always kills me about the cousin thing was that they did such a bangup awful job of making the relationship look platonic that like everyone I knew was convinced that they were incestuous or that they were covering up their relationship by pretending to be related (which I guess from a certain perspective really was the truth *g*)
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bonefall · 9 months
When I read that Thrushpelt post for a moment my british brain malfunctioned and though Thistleclaw was saying something about the Queen of England and I was like: ?????
Thistleclaw would never violate THAT Queen's rights because he'd be a fucking royalist. Guy who calls the new one (idk his name, Charlie? Charlie Windsor... 3??) a Bangup Bloke or whatever royalists say I'm american
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therealkachingg · 1 year
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before and after. methinks i did a bangup job
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allieinarden · 8 months
“Suppose I am writing a novel. I write ‘Mary laid down her work; next moment came a knock at the door!’ For Mary who has to live in the imaginary time of my story there is no interval between putting down the work and hearing the knock. But I, who am Mary’s maker, do not live in that imaginary time at all. Between writing the first half of that sentence and the second, I might sit down for three hours and think steadily about Mary. I could think about Mary as if she were the only character in the book and for as long as I pleased, and the hours I spent in doing so would not appear in Mary’s time (the time inside the story) at all.”
—C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity doing a bangup job convincing me he doesn’t have a Catholic outlook
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marbleshape · 1 year
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found out about @partycoffin ‘s welcome home and the aesthetic is SO wonderful and i had to draw my own 60s OCs as puppets!! i got lazy with the colouring tho lmao. ignore charlie’s highlighter hair 😭​
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mercurialmalcontent · 9 months
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Algorithm’s doing a bangup job suggesting a character from something I haven’t and will never watch.
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hoodoo12 · 5 months
Two show Wednesday
"Two show Tuesday" sounds better, but the travel plans didn't work out that way.
I saw a play and a musical. Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors and Spamalot. Mild spoilers under the cut (mostly for Spamalot).
Dracula was in an off Broadway production in a theater of ~250 seats. It was nice to be in such an intimate theater; even though we were fourth row the stage was so much closer because there was no pit. I loved the set design! They did a lot with a little. The show was a tight 90 minutes so there was no lag time or dragging out the plot. Out of the five actors, four of them played multiple roles, sometimes in the same scene!
Because the show was short and a comedy, I'd call it Dracula-lite or Cliffs Notes Dracula lol. There were changes to some backstories and genderswapping, and Dracula had a change of heart at the end. There were puppets, a bat on a stick, lots of black lace well-cut men, and every actor did an absolutely bangup job with the comedy.
Before it was a stage show, it was a radio drama -- oops, podcast. The podcast starred a ton of stars: Christopher Sieber, John Stamos, Annaleigh Ashford, Laura Benanti, Alex Brightman, James Monroe Iglehart, Richard Kind, Rob McClure, Ashley Park, Alan Tudyk, Kathy Fitzgerald, Jeff Kready, and Orville Mendoza.
Listen to it here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Broadway Podcast Network.
Second show was Spamalot! I was excited to see the differences between the Kennedy Center and Broadway.
The sets were slightly different: bigger, flashier, with an expensive looking forest. If you know, you know, lol. Some lines were changed but nothing drastic. God was Steve Martin, which is apropos. It was Leslie Kritzer's first night back after being sick; she made reference to that and her improv game is top notch.
Ethan Slater was great. The person I went with said they could hear his Spongebob voice when he sang as Prince Herbert but I didn't hear that (I laugh too hard at those scenes because they're my favorite). The person sitting to my other side had never seen the show or knew much about Monty Python (apparently) and he was INTO IT. I loved that he enjoyed it so much and some of it took him by surprise.
I really enjoyed Taran Killan. He made Sir Lancelot his own versus aping was Alex Brightman did and it worked. His French Taunter also got huge laughs because he dragged some of it out to an awkward amount of time but got the audience into it, which brought it back around to funny again. You know Justin Collette's outrageously long scream when Lydia heads into the Netherworld? Increase that time by about two minutes and that's what Killan did during one specific part of the scene. His costume for "His Name is Lancelot" was also different with many more bedazzled flames, lol
Good quick trip with good shows!
ps: We stopped at a random cafe before Spamalot and David Josefsburg was there! I tagged him on my IG and he dmed me back, lol
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