#bc robin was his parents' legacy and jason is bruce's adopted kid but DICK was his parents' (all three) kid FIRST
Kidcat AU? Who is the kid? are they a literal cat at any point?
KIDCAT AU KIDCAT AU this is mine and @lady-stormbraver's baby (Lady gets credit bc she's my brainstorming and plotting partner on it)!!!! the kid is Tim because I watched The Batman 2022, saw Bruce and Selina being weird stalkers (affectionate) and I went oh hey you know who else is a stalker and has a lot of love in his heart? TIMBERLY. and decided I wanted a Reevesverse Stray AU. this version of Selina sooooo needs a weird little nerd kid following in her shadow. also a big part of the premise is that 1) Jason and Tim hit it off, realize that they consider each other brothers, and decide they're going to Parent Trap(TM) Bruce and Selina, and 2) Dick is in his Hot Mess Era and is wearing a leather jacket with the Discowing suit and at one point ill-advisedly bleached his hair because he thought it would tick off Bruce and he's not great at being an older brother to one little sibling, let alone one (official) little sibling AND the cat-themed tagalong who's hanging around nowadays. this scene takes place a fair bit through the AU and is kind of a turning point in Dickie's character arc in this 'verse.
Batman is out of town, which means Nightwing is in town.
B isn't actually that far, just swapped cities for the night because a lead he'd been tailing ended up taking him to Blüd and he asked Dick, stiltedly and struggling, to cover his patrol route in Gotham tonight. Dick had agreed, because he's been on better terms with Bruce lately and is trying to keep it that way and not completely live up to his name, like Jason likes to say. Anyway, he's not patrolling alone. He's just babysitting, really, though he figures if Selina is out she's keeping her eyes on the kids as well, and possibly him, too.
Robin and Stray took a separate patrol route from his, and Dick had argued with Jason for ten minutes before they took it to Alfred, who cleared that they're allowed to split off like that. Dick does not really want to be babysitting, but he also really doesn't want to screw it up.
"Nightwing!" Comes a sudden, loud cry through his earpiece that almost makes Dick, even with a literal lifetime of practiced balance, miss his landing. "Dick, something's wrong," Jason says, voice tight. "Tim passed out and won't wake up and shit, I'm breaking the names rule, just- Dick, help."
Dick feels like someone's dumped a glass of ice water over his head and maybe broken the glass on his skull for good measure. The chill settles directly under his ribs. Jason never asks for help, not his help, at least. His mind plays a dozen scenarios of gas or gunshots or gang fights and he grapples to the top of the nearest building almost on instinct. When lost, climb to a high point. He deliberately stills at the top, takes a slow breath so his voice won't shake. That one momentary pause is better than the minutes he may have to spend calming Jason if he lets him hear the terror Dick is feeling. "What's your location, Robin?" He asks, sends the request to Alfred, back at the Manor, at the same time.
Jason replies immediately with two street names, the closest corner he remembers, at the same time Alfred pings with a precise coordinate. The running leap Dick takes off the building isn't as smooth as it would be otherwise, if he wasn't responsible for Jason and Tim tonight. If he wasn't freaking terrified thinking of things that could have happened to Sel's tiny little shadow who, yeah, okay, Dick is a bit fond of himself. What Jason could be dealing with, the goddamned protective instincts in that kid has for everyone but himself sometimes. No extra flips tonight, no wasting time on showing off or having fun. It wouldn't be fun, anyway, tonight.
Dick isn't Nightwing when he touches down, not really. He's just a teenager looking for another teenager and the little kid they've both claimed as brother. Sometimes he thinks that's all that holds him and Jason together, other than Bruce. He finds what he's looking for on a roof, tucked away in the nook formed between a high concrete railing and the roof access stairs to the building below.
Jason is a bright flare of red and green and Dick rushes toward him, only remembering too late that Jason flinches, and badly, and that he should have slowed down. Tim is slumped in Jason's arms, black cat-eared hood already pulled down away from his face, the older boy curled protectively around the little black form.
"Robin," Dick says, snapping himself back into Nightwing mode, "Report. What happened?"
"I don't know," Jason snaps, eyes flicking back and forth from Tim, who looks half-conscious, at least, to Dick like he thinks Dick is going to try and take Tim away from him. "He seemed off all night, kinda slow, I guess? We were patrolling like normal, nothing weird, but he just... collapsed. He's burning up."
"Okay," Dick says. "Okay." Slowly, this time, a lot like how he acts with victims — although he hates thinking of it like that, because this is, essentially, his brothers — he reaches towards Tim.
Jason all but growls at him, holding the smaller boy tighter. "Don't touch him."
Dick sits back on his heels. "Jason," he says, "Jay, you've gotta let me check him out, okay?"
Jason eyes him from behind his mask, and it feels a lot like he's taking that one second that Dick took earlier to calm himself. It feels like Dick is becoming both a big brother and Nightwing at the same time. "Okay," he says, and visibly makes himself relax when Dick reaches out again.
"It's okay," Dick says, briefly placing a hand on Jason's head without even thinking about it as he checks Tim's pulse with the other. It's quick, fluttery but not uneven. "You're right, he's running a pretty high fever." Tim's eyelids flicker, and Dick brings a hand up to his face, taps his cheek gently with one gloved finger. "Heya, kitten, you with us?"
Tim blinks sluggishly, eyes half-lidded and clearly not totally lucid. "Nigh'wing?" He mumbles, body suddenly tensing like he's trying to sit up, but Jason holds him tight.
"Relax, baby cat, be still," Jason says, frowning down at him as Tim squirms momentarily. He glances up to make eye contact with Dick, but mostly they both stay fixated on the youngest of them.
Tim stills, his head resting against Jason's shoulder. "Jay..." he breathes, relaxing against this older boy, whose face goes softer than Dick even knew it could.
"We should get him home," Dick says quietly. Jason looks up at him, and Dick can see the but you only have a motorbike counter coming a mile away. "I'll call the 'Mobile."
"F...reakin' autopilot," Jason scoffs, but Dick can see some of the tension ease out of him. "Dick?"
"Hm?" Dick stands to watch for the headlights of the Batmobile. Hopefully Alfred has been on comms tonight and already sent a message to Selina, because Dick feels like he's juggling and not very smoothly.
Jason hesitates long enough to make Dick turn, catching the moment Jason turns his wide, greenish-blue eyes from staring after Dick back to focus on Tim. "Will you call B, too?" He asks, his voice just a little shaky.
Dick sighs. "Yeah, Jay. I'm calling him."
At the end of the day, or in this case, at the end of the night, he wants his dad too. Maybe that's another thing that holds them together.
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figofswords · 2 years
please share your battinson thoughts! i am no thoughts head empty except for a large neon sign that says GIVE HIM A ROBIN but i would love to hear what others think.
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SO. first up, robin:
-thematically speaking, including a robin ties in well with the first movie's conclusion that what gotham needs is someone to bring hope, not exact vengeance. in batman lore robin serves as the light to batman's darkness, balancing him out and causing him to be kinder, happier, and overall better. batman improves when he has a robin with him. if batman is going to become a beacon of hope, he's going to need a robin.
-other major themes in the first movie include: fathers and sons/legacy, orphans (especially what happens to those orphans who are forgotten, as the riddler drives home), and social issues such as governmental corruption. these all support a robin in the sequel, the first two for obvious reasons and the last because both dick grayson and jason todd become robin as a result of being victims of such issues (dick's parents being murdered as collateral damage in mob violence, jason's childhood in crime alley and time on gotham's streets after his parents' death)
-one of the main inspirations for the batman’s plot is batman: the long halloween. the sequel to this comic, batman: dark victory, features the introduction of dick grayson as bruce's ward and as robin. robin: year one follows directly from the plot of dark victory and is one my favorite robin comics.
dick grayson:
-the og! most adaptations, when choosing one robin to use, go with dick because he was the robin originator and held the role from 1940-1984 in terms of comic publication. this makes him the longest-running robin and the most obvious choice.
-as mentioned, dick's origins deal heavily with mob violence, in particular tony zucco. in batman: dark victory (see above), zucco works for sal maroni. if you'll remember, maroni is kind of a major recurring plot point in the batman.
-dick is the og batman foil. he cracks jokes where batman is silent. he dresses in bright colors and takes to fighting like it's a performance rather than clinging to the shadows. if the point is to bring a light to batman, dick is a stronger choice than jason due to jason's anger and darker approach to being robin. that said, dick is often viewed as being very light-hearted and sometimes even silly to the point where people are concerned he wouldn't mesh well with the darker, grittier tones of live-action batman adaptations, but in truth dick has plenty of grit. recently orphaned, newly adopted dick grayson is a little edgelord, all sneaking out at night to track down his parents' killers and yelling at batman when he intervenes, so i think he would mesh just fine.
jason todd:
-if batman's going to focus more on social injustices towards the invisible people of the city, jason is our man. in particular, the recurring plot points about "drop" trade happening in gotham in the batman would tie in well to jason's repeated encounters with drug trade in the comics (his mother being an addict, his anger towards drug dealers when he comes back as the red hood, etc. jason v drug trade is a whole Thing)
-i think it would be interesting if that joker gang kid at the start of the movie turned out to be jason because jason's story is obviously very intertwined with the joker. this would be an alteration to his backstory but i think this kid trying to get away from this gang because he doesn't really want to be a part of this and then ending up getting taken under batman's wing could be really cool to see, especially if that kid is jason. it would explain his anger towards the joker in a way that doesn't necessitate his death and could set up that connection with red hood, joker's former alias. also! joker gang kid is played by jay lycurgo, who plays tim drake in the titans live action tv show. I haven’t seen the titans tv show bc I heard it’s bad but this feels on-purpose.
-jason lore is important to batman: hush. more on hush in a sec but i'm curious how they'd do that plot line without having pre-established a death in the family lore. if jason's in the second movie, maybe hush is the third movie? idk but it's one reason i could see them using jason instead of dick
-this isn't evidence but please imagine battinson going back to his car to find the wheels stolen. that would be funny as shit. i 100% believe this version of batman would look at the kid who stole his tires, flashback to riddler mocking him about orphans, and be like yes. the reasonable decision here is to adopt this child.
-during the riddler's video "exposing" the waynes we learn about a journalist by the name of edward elliot (I think?? I might be misremembering the edward part but it was definitely something elliot). the video talks about hush money and the word "hush" is written across a photograph of the journalist. in batman: hush, hush is revealed to be one thomas elliot. there's no fucking way this is a coincidence.
-near the end of batman: hush it's revealed that the real mastermind behind everything was the riddler. "gotham loves a comeback story". hi hello
-the long halloween is a retelling of two-face's origins. i'm not actually sure why they made riddler the antagonist but i could see them putting two-face in later movies.
-gotham is going to need a new DA. what if it was great upstanding man harvey dent :))) i'm sure nothing bad will happen with him
-if they're doing batman: hush they need clayface. they could probably work around this actually but like. in the comics clayface is a big part of it. that's my entire reasoning
barbara gordon:
-if there's a robin that means babs is already Around. gordon could easily name-drop her. gordon could be having marriage issues with barbara senior over him being a workaholic, as seen in the comics. he could deal with this while also dealing with plot. bring your daughter to work day!
aaaaand that's all for now thanks for listening i gotta do homework and go to sleep but these are my most current conspiracy theories about the batman so glad you asked have a good night
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spock-smokes-weed · 3 years
So redhead Jason isn’t canon anymore?,bc I Always feel it doesn’t make any sense that Bruce will make Jason Dyes his hair bc he won’t him look like dick
So sorry it took me so long to get to this!! Life has been busy!!!
So Jason’s actual time as Robin (1983-1988) was kinda convoluted. So when he was first introduced, his backstory was basically just copy pasted from Dick’s. Grew up in the circus, parents tragically die, gets adopted by Bruce, all of its just repacked Dick Grayson. But he was a ginger so he was different I guess. Then Bruce was like “hey kid dye your hair” so no one would notice that Robin was a different kid now.
Then Crisis on Infinite Earths Happened. It was clear that people weren’t liking the Dick Grayson clone, so Jason got a new backstory and new personality. This is where we get the backstory of him being a street rat who got caught stealing the tires off the Batmobile. And he’s got natural black hair now. I think everyone realized Jason being a secret ginger was kinda dumb, so it got quietly thrown away along with his original backstory. The only one who ever payed attention to it was Grant Morrison but they’re a hack anyway.
Jason is so fascinating to me because he only really had like 3 years of being the angry Robin before he died. So much of Jason’s legacy and who he was is tied up in the memories of the people who are mourning him. We never really got to know who this kid was, so all we really have is what we learn from Dick and Bruce.
That’s also why we deserve more stories with Robin Jason!!! I want to know who this kid was!!!!
Anyway read Nightwing Year One. It had a very cute Robin Jason.
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delusionland · 3 years
your last post about jason dying or wanting bruce to kill the joker; i have two questions for you: would jason be pissed and/or touched and/or something else if he found out that dick killed the joker and bruce had kate bring him back to life and do you have a reason as to why did bruce have kate bring the joker back to life?
ur hc about dick & jason pretty much mirrors my own, except for me i try to see it mainly thru jason’s perspective.
he’s a regular gotham kid who hears stories about robin. he wants to be robin so bad. robin is the coolest guy in the world. and then he gets adopted by batman and he gets to BE robin. ‘robin’ is not dick. ‘robin’ is something more, something batman takes and gives. it’s not dick’s family legacy, it’s not dick’s to give or take. robin is the supercool sidekick, whose actually cooler than batman ‘: P’ (picture baby jason with his tongue out like that lol)
so then dick comes in, and he’s jason’s older brother, and of course dick is nice to the kid, but also he’s angry at bruce? he’s angry at bruce bc bruce gave jason something jason was told he EARNED?
it sours his opinion on dick for a long while. he’s still reverent about his brother---but he has never felt like he earned dick’s respect. and also u have to remember, bruce was always comparing jason to dick. which makes jason put dick as robin on this untouchable pedestal---but their relationship is strained with bitterness is by definition one-sided bc dick as robin no longer exists and never will again?
so when dick kills the joker. it feels like a hand on the shoulder. it feels like someone in the batfamily is seeing jason, seeing babs, seeing harley, seeing all the people joker’s killed, and is saying ‘that was wrong.’ when dick kills the joker, he does so as nightwing---but he also does so as someone in the batfam who is Voted Most Likely To Become Batman, Probably (battle of the cowl was crazy tho lmfao).
i feel like. jason would want to get a non-alcoholic beer with dick after that. he doesn’t know how to feel about it, exactly. but it feels like for the first time---someone is trying to relate to him as he is, as a person, right now AND the pain he experienced as a child.
i also do have a reason bruce has kate bring the joker back.
it’s not a good reason.
i realized this while i was watching under the red hood.
batman honestly thinks he will become the joker if he kills the joker.
he is already a man in a costume, breaking people’s bones. bruce has so much empathy for every single person he fights. and yet, it feels good to hurt people, even as he later offers them jobs & money in wayne enterprises social programs.
bruce is afraid that his wry sense of humor, his genre savviness, his love of hurting people and dressing in a themeatic costume, his obsession with all these things, his gadgets that mirror the joker’s, his contigency plan full of ways to ‘stop’ his friends----
bruce thinks that killing the joker IS his one bad day, that leads to him, the batman, becoming a costumed villain that murders people indiscriminately for ANY percieved wrongdoing.
and i’m not talking about ‘bruce murders murderers.’
bruce believes he will murder fucking everyone. it’s slippery slope thinking. he thinks he will murder politicians, he thinks he will murder cops, he thinks he will murder henchmen who just need money to suppor their children, he thinks he will murder people he just doesn’t like, which includes, unfortunately, ALL his friends, ALL his family.
and he pictures... liking it.
the joker has unfortunately become the linchpin to his sanity. his litmus test. if he kills the joker, which he wants to do so badly, if he loses empathy for the joker, then he will kill everyone. but if he doesn’t kill the joker---then he’s still a good person : ) he hasn’t ‘crossed the line.’ even after all the shit he’s done to his family, turning them into child soldiers, making them just as crazy and obsessive as he is, he would never really ‘hurt them.’ bc he would never even cross the line with joker! 
(this is, i’ve noticed, something abusers do a lot. i didn’t do that to you. quit whining. it could be so much worse. *i* could be so much worse.)
slippery slope thinking becomes circular thinking.
batman has to be a good person. he has to be right. if he isn’t a good person, and he isn’t right, then what was he doing all this for? he HAS to be justice. he HAS to be the protector of gotham city. if he’s not the protector of gotham city, little boys like bruce wayne will lose their parents. if he doesn’t train robins, then little boys like bruce wayne will never become batman and be able to protect gotham city and then little boys like bruce wayne will lose their parents.
'nothing has changed. nothing at all.’ that’s what bruce says after he SAVES the joker AND the red hood from dying.
‘stupid and careless.’ that’s what he says, twice, in a row, after he finds out jason’s not really dead.
everything is on bruce’s shoulders. everything has to be perfect. if everything isn’t perfect, if everything isn’t planned, if joker isn’t right where i put him last---then everything falls apart, and little boys like bruce wayne lose their parents.
bruce wayne is a deeply deranged man who is obsessed with life. prolonging life. keeping people alive. death haunts him. it’s the worst thing that can possibly happen. it’s the worst thing you can possibly do to another man.
he is haunted by an infinite amount of futures where his parents are still alive. if joker is dead, he is haunted by an infinite amount of futures where joker has turned his life around, and it is bruce’s FAULT he is dead and it is on BRUCE’S head that those futures no longer exist.
joker has to be alive. moreso, unfortunately, than his children.
he can’t exactly make a shrine to the JOKER in his batcave to stare at, now can he?
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redroseworks · 4 years
you should talk abt your earth-116 oc kids 👀
Akajsjakakah ok you asked for it lol
Idk where to start
Oh wait the three dc ocs that are kinda sort of their own thing except for one anyway
Lynn Small aka Selkie. Gothamite. Half Atleantean. Hates their dad. Goth. Eventually a sorcerer. Bad at coping.
Quatashia McFadden aka Lady Iris. Wonder Woman stan. Her mom is the goddess Iris. Would be offended by the pjo books. Retires from being a hero very early in life.
Jivika Chabra aka Kali. Her bio mother is lady shiva who donated her egg for a gay assassin couple to use with a surrogate. Yeah it's a long story. Also jivika isnt happy that they wanted her to be an assassin later in life. But like she only finds that out when they're both dead? They weren't planning on actually training her till she was 18 anyway. At least she can yell at their ghosts. Would kin Danny Phantom. She ends up dating Emiko Queen while in college!
Now my dickroy kiddos
Valerie Harper-Grayson. Adopted when she was three. Part Atleantean. Damian is her favorite Uncle bc he is almost always up for taking her to the aquarium. Then again Damian is basically all the Harper-Grayson kiddos fav Uncle. She never gets into the whole vigilante/hero business.
John Bo Harper-Grayson. Yeah John Bo is his whole first name. He goes by Bo. Hes biologically Roy and dicks kid. He'll eventually become Nightwing but he stays out of vigilante stuff till hes about 19.
Dylras Harper-Grayson. He was adopted as a baby from New Tamaran! He was rescued from uhh human/alien traffickers. He becomes Flamebird to Bo's Nightwing.
So now Bo's best friend: Jordan Lance-Queen! Haldinahollie's kid.
Jordan is biologically Hal's and a surrogate. They literally tried to find a surrogate that looked like Dinah. Jordan ends up being nonbinary so luckily they already had a gender neutral name. They'll eventually become Green Arrow! Their main goal in life is to make Bo suffer.
And then there are the Kent-Waynes and Allen-Waynes. Timkonbart kiddos.
Logan Kent-Wayne is tim and kons kid. Hes a really sweet kid though I havent wrote him as well him yet since I've mainly written him in a time period where he hasn't come out yet. He literally named himself after an actor cough garfield logan cough from a science fiction show he liked but then he found out said actor is friends with his uncle dick and he will never admit this.
Then there are the actually older than Logan twins. Except their clones. Made by lex luthor with DNA from kon and tim, Clark and Bruce Kent-Wayne use to be known as Alexander and Alexa Legacy. Maybe they were a little evil but they changed. They wanted to choose new names for their new lifes and asked tim, bart, and kon about names. Bruce's gender identity came out when he choose the name Bruce. Bruce and Robbie Troy end up dating (for a second time, first time being back when b was a little evil) and doing humanitarian work around the globe while also being heroes. Clark ends up going to Metropolis University to study elementary education!
And then there are tim and bart's pair of twins Meloni and Dana Allen-Wayne. I've only written them as babies so far so I havent given them much thought
Oh that reminds me Thad Allen (used to be Thawne but I feel like thad would change it) has an adopted son who he named Max
Now these two aren't kiddos but: Ezra and Amber Kane, Bette Kanes parents. Ezra is the youngest kid of whatever the fuck martha and Jacob's parents names were. He was a bit of a surprise considering his parents were pretty old when he was born so hes like 20 years younger than his closest sibling in age jacob. Hes also only like 8 years older than bruce and doted on his nephew as much as he could and hes the inspiration of the whole brucue wayne playboy act despite him not being a playboy at all but anyway. Hes also a pro tennis player. Amber Kane is his wife and best friend. She once dated Janet Drake. She had a shitty life and despite being an actress her childhood is still mainly secret. A few vague details are known but not specific not that it matters anyway. Her parents died when she was young and was taken in by some not so good people who got away with it bc they had money. Ezra and Amber spend any minute they can with Bette bc they love her and she is the light of their lives (well besides each other).
Then there's Faith, Bane, and Soledad Kerzner. Scandal, Kay, and Liana's kids. Faith and Bane are biologically Lianas with Thomas Blake as the sperm donor. Soledad was adopted when she was two . Faith... is a bit rebellious and gets caught up in some shit she really shouldn't have. Bane and Soledad are two characters I havent really explored yet but anyway they all love their three moms.
Viola and Robin Thomas are Duke Thomas and Jackson hyde's adopted kids. Viola is Martian which is really difficult considering her abilities. Shes a sweet kid though and really likes to help her dads! Robin is an Atleantean baby Jackson saved and brought home and it was kinda like that icarly meme (duke: jackson what do you have there? Jackson, holding robin and a smoothie: a smoothie) but like more dramatic bc Jackson was injured and had only come home because it was close and he really needed to actually go to a hospital anyway yay. Viola will become the signal and robin will become aqualad on day
Oh and there's Lilith "Lili" Bloomberg. Shes rose Wilson and eddie Bloomberg's daughter. She likes to watch blue devil. Shes really sensitive. Rose and eddie never got married to each other but Rose and Mia dearden married when Lilith was sorta young and eddie was married to jason todd for a little while before they got divorced and later he enters a relationship with zach zatara but I havent decided if that will last or not. Lilith is really close with tommy Blake bc hes kind of like an older brother to her
And then there's mystery girl wilson... I have yet to name her but shes a character I'm working on but her dad is slade
And that's it for now. There's more but I dont feel like going into then right now. But there more like Jason Todd's group of adopted kiddos and some others but I feel like this answer is getting way too long
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thisbrilliantsky · 7 years
area secondhand fan explains: why there are five robins
OK SO: the first robin was dick grayson, romani son of trapeze pair "the flying graysons"- young (newly batman) bruce wayne witnessed dick's parents fall to their deaths as a result of sabotage, and adopted lil eight-year-old dick, who then (a couple years later??) became his protege/sidekick. and they were adorable and everything was dandy until dick was about eighteen and started wanting more Responsibility but bruce was like, nah son. so they had a Falling Out and dick left gotham and went to bludhaven where he became nightwing (after a therapeutic heart-to-heart with his buddy/mentor superman but that's another story). dick grayson is awesome and Good and Pure and loves his family so much ;-;
second robin: jason todd, abandoned, gutsy street kid - so bruce was being all broody and I Dont Need A Sidekick Anyway Dick Can Do What He Wants but then one night some punk kid tried to steal the batmobile's tires?? and bruce was like???? and the kid tried to fight him??? with a tire iron?? so bruce was like: Yes. He's Perfect. so he adopted lil 12yo? jason. and it was awesome and everything was dandy until three years later jason was trying to find his mom (his real mom - his abusive dad had abandoned him and his stepmom and they'd ended up on the streets and then she abandoned jason?? or something) and bruce let him bc reasons and he found her?? but she betrayed him?? idk exactly how it happened but the joker kidnapped jason and tortured him and then left him in a warehouse and then blew up it up. :((( and bruce was too late. so jason died at 15 and it was awful and bruce will never forgive himself. (and neither will dick......who had patched things up with bruce by now and was Older Broing it up with jason) BUT THEN (in at least one version of the story) somehow or other the league of shadows got a hold of jason's body?? and threw him in the lazarus pit and resurrected him. (another version has him coming back to life IN HIS COFFIN SIX FEET UNDER bc of some superhero science thing AND HAVING TO CLAW HIS WAY OUT ug h) and eventually jason turns up in gotham again as the red hood; and he's.....angry. and angsty. and just. he's mostly mad bc bruce didn't kill the joker. he captured him and turned him over to the authorities, but then he freaking escaped and that along with the fact of the third robin jason's like??? seriously?? i mattered that little to you?? ;-; im so sad
THIRD ROBIN: tim drake, genius and coffee addict, probably - so bruce was all I Am The Scum of The Earth I Will Never Take A Kid Crimefighting Again and being all broody and sad but then this 13yo kid shows up and is like, "hi, i'm tim, i'm 13 and i'm here to tell u what ur problem is" and bruce is like.....where are ur parents. "at home." what are u talking about. "i know that you're batman" ur delusion son. "no actually i'm not, here's a graph of how i figured out that you, bruce wayne, are batman, and that your adopted son, dick grayson, is nightwing (formerly robin)" ........what do u want. "i want to be robin" yeah that's not happening. "oh gee wouldn't it be A Shame if someone were to get a hold of this info........" are u blackmailing me, kid. "a little" are you kidding me. "no." why do u want to be robin. "bc batman needs a robin." .... "ur just a broody pair of fists otherwise, u know" SO YEAH tim convinces him to let him be robin and tim is actually a brilliant detective and everything is dandy for a while (if a bit tense......bruce kinda keeps tim at arm's length for a while, tho dick warms up to him p quick) and then jason shows up again so Drama happens and then??? tim's parents are murdered??? and idk. sad things happen and bruce ends up adopting tim and admitting that he'd always thought of him as a son AND ALSO tim leads the teen titans and is bros with superboy and a bunch of other teen heroes
OK NOW fourth robin: damian wayne, bruce's only biological child, smol and lethal, kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day - so APPARENTLY ten years before (??? when he was training with the league of shadows to get his Ninja Skills or something??) bruce had a Thing with talia al ghul, the daughter of ra's al ghul (the Big Bad Guy of the league) and unbeknownst to bruce, she got pregnant and had a son. bc they are the League of Shadows and are just Extra about everything, they basically raised damian to be a lil assassin and by the time he's 10 he's killed.......idk how many ppl. and he's a genius and an artist but?? his mom and granddad are super harsh as u might imagine. but he grows up hearing stories about how his father is this mighty warrior and worthy opponent and stuff and he decides he wants to meet him so he just?? turns up in gotham like, "Hello Father, I am the son u never knew u had, and I am here to prove myself to u but it's not like i need ur approval or anything, see I am completely competent on my own, in fact i am better than u, see how i effortlessly kill this thug (please love me)." and bruce is just.......lowkey horrified and highkey ????????? and it kinda goes badly bc bruce has this thing where he never kills ppl (see: not killing the joker even tho he murdered jason) and he's v strict about it and he doesn't have the time or the inclination to deal with a murder child. and he inadvertently crushes lil damian's murder heart. BUT dick is there and he's like??? bruce??? he's ur son??? and when bruce is still an emotionally constipated jerk about it dick takes damian under his wing (pun intended) and trains him in the Batfam Way. for whatever reason (i think bruce faked his death???) dick took on the role of batman for a while and damian became his robin. damian pretended at first that he was Above everyone and Didnt Need any training but he really is just a 10yo who wants to be loved and he actually has a really soft heart and he ends up becoming really close to dick (tho he continues to antagonize tim (now red robin) but NOT bc he feels threatened by him that would be ABSURD) and eventually bruce comes around and he and damian start bonding and so everything is dandy for a while bUT THEN stuff goes down and damian gets killed while protected dick. AND ITS HORRIBLE AND EVERYONE BLAMES THEMSELVES (including tim ;-;) bUT THEN talia and the league of shadows throws damian in the lazarus pit and resurrects him?? or something. he ends up in the pit somehow. and bruce comes to get him and he comes home and is robin again and he's become so into this whole "no killing" thing that he is now a vegetarian. and he loves animals. he adopted a cow. and a dog. and. he pretends to be so tough but he's really just smol and traumatized ;-; he wants to be good so badly and he's tRYING
and that's really all i can tell u about the Robin Legacy™ bc duke is p new and i dont actually know much about him :||
thank u for ur time~
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