#best dedicated server hosting services
bulltenwebhosting · 8 months
Best Web Hosting Services of 2023: Bullten
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Your website's success depends on picking the Best Web Hosting Provider. Finding the hosting company that best meets your needs might be difficult given the plethora of options currently accessible. One of the leading web hosting companies in 2023 will be examined in more detail in this blog post: Bullten. We'll look at what distinguishes Bullten in the crowded hosting market and why it can be the best option for your website.
About Bullten
Bullten is a web hosting business that has gained notoriety when it first entered the market. Bullten has established a reputation for being a top option for both organizations and individuals by placing a significant emphasis on offering dependable, secure, and high-performance hosting services.
Key Features of Bullten Hosting
Performance: Bullten offers high-performance hosting with SSD storage and powerful servers. This ensures that your website loads quickly and can handle traffic spikes without a hitch, contributing to a better user experience.
Security: Security is a top priority for Bullten. They provide robust security features, including DDoS protection, firewalls, malware scanning, and regular backups, to keep your website safe from online threats.
99.9% Uptime Guarantee: Bullten is committed to keeping your website online and accessible. They offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee, which means your site will be available to visitors nearly all the time.
Excellent Customer Support: Bullten prides itself on offering exceptional customer support. Their knowledgeable and responsive support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues or questions you may have.
Scalability: Whether you're running a small personal blog or a large e-commerce store, Bullten offers scalable hosting solutions to meet your needs. You can easily upgrade your hosting plan as your website grows.
Choice of Hosting Plans: Bullten provides a variety of hosting plans, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and more. This versatility allows you to choose the hosting solution that best fits your requirements and budget.
Free SSL Certificates: SSL certificates are crucial for securing data transmission between your website and visitors. Bullten includes free SSL certificates with their hosting plans, enhancing the trustworthiness of your site.
Easy-to-Use Control Panel: Bullten offers a user-friendly control panel that makes it simple to manage your hosting account, install applications, and monitor your website's performance.
Why Choose Bullten in 2023?
In a crowded market of web hosting providers, Bullten stands out for several reasons:
Reliability: Bullten's commitment to uptime and server performance ensures that your website remains accessible to your audience, minimizing downtime and potential revenue loss.
Security: With the increasing number of cyber threats, having robust security measures in place is essential. Bullten's comprehensive security features give you peace of mind.
Customer Support: Exceptional customer support can make all the difference when you encounter technical issues or need assistance. Bullten's 24/7 support team is there to help you whenever you need it.
Scalability: As your website grows, you can seamlessly upgrade your hosting plan with Bullten, eliminating the need for migration headaches.
The success of your website or online business depends on your choice of web hosting provider. Bullten is demonstrating that it is a leading player in the web hosting sector in 2023 as a result of its performance, security, dependability, and superior customer service. Bullten is unquestionably a company to take into consideration for your hosting requirements if you're seeking for a supplier who checks all the right boxes. Make a wise choice and provide your website with the hosting it requires.
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bigbirdweb1 · 7 days
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hostingably · 11 months
Are you ready to take your online presence to the next level? Look no further, because Hostingably is here to supercharge your website hosting experience like never before!
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articlelevy25 · 1 year
8best wordpress reseller hosting2023
best wordpress reseller hosting Anyone who is looking for a web hosting service has likely heard of WordPress. WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites and blogs around the globe. What many people don’t know is that WordPress.com is not the only way to host a WordPress site. There are actually a number of different WordPress hosting options…
View On WordPress
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perfectiongeeks · 1 year
The Business of Cloud Hosting Is Growing Faster than Ever
The cloud refers to software, applications, and other services that run on the internet rather than a remote server. Many firms operate cloud technology in some capacity to augment or streamline their current processes, including hosting, data storage, and app deployment.In short, cloud technology lets companies reengineer their back-end architectures (servers, databases, application software, and more) and put them in virtual environments where they can be accessed remotely without needing physical server hardware of their own. Cloud services (also known as web services) are a blanket way to convey these computing powers. The cloud also lets any worker with an internet connection access authorized company systems and programs.
Visit us:
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hostplanethosting · 2 years
How Important Is Dedicated Server Hosting? Why Should You Use It?
Wondering why you need a dedicated server for your website? Hostplanet web hosting services offer affordable and suitable options for you. 
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Like many new website owners, you probably should choose affordable web hosting services that provide shared hosting. After all, this is the cheapest option and budget matters. However, as your site grows, it's important to know when to upgrade to something richer. With so many options, what is a dedicated server and why should you invest in the best Dedicated Server Hosting Plans?
The answer lies in why you want to upgrade in the first place. For example, we may see an immediate increase in traffic, or we may expect an increase in the near future. When you buy Dedicated Server Hosting Plan, it offers better security features and can have a positive impact on page load times.
What is a dedicated server?
Dedicated server web website hosting is essentially the method by which your internet site has its very own server. This offers immense power and flexibility but usually comes at an extra cost with website hosting companies. 
Why do you need dedicated server hosting companies?
Dedicated hosting is one of the most powerful server plans available alongside cloud hosting. However, if you need it, please ask. Let's take a look at 4 reasons why you should consider opening your wallet!
1. Your website is growing and needs to be able to handle increasing traffic
If you expect your website to grow rapidly, we recommend moving to a dedicated server now. For example, if your website is still using shared hosting when traffic increases, Performance can be significantly degraded. This can be a slippery slope with high bounce rates and lost revenue. It's important to take the time to migrate your site and "fix" performance before potential problems arise.
2. Security is your website concern
Security is important for any website, but it's especially important for websites that handle sensitive information. This could be confidential emails, credit card numbers, sensitive customer information, etc. It is very important to protect this information and our website from viruses, hacks and other risks.
3. It's important to control the server
The final reason to choose a dedicated server over other options is a simple one: control. We pointed this out in the previous section, but dedicated hosting gives you complete control over how your server is in use. 
When Should You Choose a Dedicated Server?
Consider whether your website traffic is growing. If your numbers are much higher than before, it may be time to switch from your current plan. You can choose between VPS, cloud hosting, and dedicated hosting. However, dedicated web hosting services are superior to VPS when it comes to security simply because you have complete control over how your servers run and function. 
If your website is struggling to keep up with increased traffic, it may be time to move your website to a dedicated server. It hosts your website, which not only helps your website perform better but also helps improve page load times and optimizes security. Hostplanet offers hosting services at an affordable range. They also provide WordPress website hosting if you are promoting your new blog. 
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oudelinc · 2 years
We provide our server from 30 Data centers, Across 19 Locations Worldwide.
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hostingg · 2 years
Best Managed Server Hosting
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Managed hosting is an IT hosting model in which the client leases servers or cloud computing resources from a service provider is responsible for overseeing the administration of the client environment or specific aspects of the client environment.
Why is managed server hosting the right choice for your business?
Best Managed server hosting is like renting a storage space from a managed server provider and letting them manage your rack space depending on the upgrade or downgrade of bandwidth.
5 reasons why buying a managed server from reliable managed dedicated server companies can just be the right choice for your business:
Reduced Operating Costs
Unmanaged hosting servers incur a lot of hidden costs that companies overlook initially but they really hamper the finances in the longer run. Managed dedicated server companies have managed server that offers stress-free outsourcing of the administrative needs to a third party and thus eliminate the extra costs.
Server Monitoring
These services are flexible in nature and ensure continuous monitoring of the servers so that the website runs seamlessly. It also detects vulnerabilities and reduces the risk of website downtime. Buying a managed server from a reliable managed server provider can be significant.
Expert Security and Control
The user being a single tenant has full control over the hardware, software, and other operating systems that are managed by the hosting provider. While you focus on the business, managed dedicated server companies will run regular viral scans, audit, and update the OS.
Performance and Innovation
Managed dedicated server companies minimize cloud storage wastage and adjust as per the customer demands to enhance performance and push the companies towards innovation.
Staying Compliant
Managed dedicated server companies are the preferred partners for websites that run highly regulated data. They free up the time for you to focus on business development while they keep a close watch on the website so you stay compliant with the changing laws and data safer than ever.
In nutshell, managed dedicated server hosting is designed to leave you with ample time and energy to expand the business.
How can you choose the right managed server provider for your business from our list?
Look for these features and offers before you decide to hire a managed server hosting provider for your business:
Backup and disaster recovery
While security and maintaining uptime is the utmost priority of any managed dedicated server hosting provider, unavoidable disasters are a possibility. Look for a managed server provider who can help backup the critical information and has recovery protocols in place to bring the business up and running in a short time.
Server maintenance
Look for a managed server provider that offers a dedicated resource to manage the server as and when needed so that your in-house IT staff can focus on other business needs.
Dedicated support
Your website deserves 24*7 emergency support. Having dedicated support will relieve you from training your staff without compromising on expert advice. Choose a managed dedicated server hosting provider who offers 24/7 dedicated support.
The managed dedicated server hosting should be flexible enough to adjust   seamlessly to step-up and step-down in the business needs without making significant changes in the infrastructure.
Hardware and OS choices
Every business is different and uses a different set of OS and hardware to operate. Look for a managed server provider that offers flexibility in choosing the hardware and OS as per the business.
A properly managed dedicated server hosting solution will not only enhance the performance of the website but also ensure that you are ready for the scale without added costs. Choose from our list of top-rated managed dedicated server companies.
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hostingservers · 2 years
Shared Server Hosting Vs Managed Server Hosting
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What Is Shared Server Hosting?
Shared server hosting is a lot like living in an apartment building with a courtyard, garden or pool that is also used by your neighbors. With this type of web hosting, you share the same physical server with other businesses or users. There is no reason to be concerned, though. No one using the server is able to see what others have on it. With shared hosting, you simply share some of the physical resources with other users.
It is a good choice for:
Blogs and personal websites
Small to midsize companies
E-commerce sites expecting up to 500 visitors per day
People who are planning start-ups
Shared server hosting services are a terrific entry point into web hosting, allowing you to enjoy affordable hosting as your business expands.
Advantages of Shared Server Hosting
With shared hosting, you won't have to worry about upgrades because most of them are done automatically. Since you won't have to maintain your own server, no technical expertise is required. You are able to install different types of software, including virtual software, without concern. It's a great choice if you have minimal traffic or are just looking for hosting that's easy to maintain.
What is Managed Hosting?
Managed hosting keeps the day-to-day management of servers, system hardware, and system software in the hands of the web hosting provider. Hardware and other operating features are typically leased to a client as part of a service agreement. Receiving application-level management feels a lot like having a red carpet rolled out for you. It will also feel that way for your website visitors when they encounter a platform that loads quickly, reliably, and smoothly.
Managed server hosting is an efficient choice for:
Small businesses with limited IT staff
Online stores with high traffic
Online enterprises that require up-to-date security features
Websites with heavy back-end needs
Getting Started
How do you create a solid, state-of-the-art IT infrastructure when you don't actually know anything about IT infrastructure? It’s easy—just hire the right company to take care of it for you.
Managed hosting is a flexible option because you're able to create solutions that adjust to your demands and requirements. You can even keep adjusting solutions as your volume grows and changes. That means you won't be biting your nails while worrying that your website might crash every time you run a promotion or push out content that's bound to get a large response.
The biggest perk of choosing a managed hosting solution is that you'll always have support. You can count on qualified support professionals to respond when there is an issue affecting the front-end or back-end performance of your website. This can have a huge impact if your website being down or compromised means you could lose traffic or sales. In addition, you won't have to worry about taking care of routine server maintenance.
Getting the Best Value for Your Investment
Managed hosting is one of the best investments a small business can make while having an elegant, reputable online presence. It offers you the chance to run a website optimized for performance and pre-configured for easy maintenance.
Managed hosting gives you access to state-of-the-art technology even if you're not ready to invest in your own IT team or don't have the time or knowledge to get your hands dirty in the world of coding. You also won't be stuck with the responsibility of investing in costly hardware or staying ahead of system upgrades the way you would if you were handling your hosting needs using an in-house method.
A Web Hosting Solution That Upgrades with You
You won't get locked into doing things one way when you go with managed hosting. You have the freedom to adjust your web hosting plan as your business grows or changes direction. Your website will be able to handle spikes in traffic without any hiccups. You're essentially giving up the hard work of keeping a website running without giving up creative or administrative control. The best of both worlds!
Ready to Put Managed Hosting to Work for You?
HostingSeekers offers a one-stop spot for all your managed hosting needs. Experience what it's like to have a website run by pros without giving up control. Give it a try!
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skarlettskwrl · 2 years
Embedding images on AO3: A Guide
Since AO3 doesn't host images themselves, we'll just have to host them elsewhere.
In this guide we will use Google Drive, Discord, https://postimages.org/, or Tumblr as possible choices to host our images.
Step One: Grabbing the URL
Google Drive:
In google drive create a new folder where the image(s) or sub folders for further organization.
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Right click and select New Folder, name this folder what ever you what.
Now upload your image(s)
Right click on your image and hit share
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Under General Access ensure it is set to Anyone with the link
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Hit Copy link
The link you have should look something like this
**https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mzOp9pOYhaWahgJP6yVFXbtYagCQ_0Up/view?usp=sharing **
But as is it won't work! We need to modify it first!
Copy the string of random numbers and letters after /d/ and before /view?
Here's a template https://drive.google.com/uc?id=
paste your string after id=
your new link should look some thing like this...
Now, you have a working link from Google Drive ready to use.
This Google Drive portion was from this guide here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28132845
I have a personal discord server I use for sharing links and other information between devices/OSs. Alternatively, you can create a discord server dedicated to AO3 link hosting.
Create a new text channel. I’ll call mine ao3-image-links in this example.
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Once you’ve uploaded your image click/tap on it and hit Open original
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Or on mobile tap this icon to open the original.
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Copy the link from your browser’s address bar on desktop.
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from mobile tap the share button then Copy URL
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This will give you the full resolution of the image rather than the condensed preview you’d get from the Copy Link in Discord.
Now, you have a working link from Google Drive ready to use.
Using a image hosting service like https://postimages.org/
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You can create an account for free with this one. This is pretty straightforward so I’ll gloss over. Hit the sign up button. Then, enter your desired email
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Once logged in you will be presented with this page
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Upload your image, and you will be taken to this page.
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Copy Direct link
Now you have a working link from postimg.cc ready to use.
Tumblr (mobile):
Tumblr is not always the best to use as blogs can get deleted or URLs can change here. But I’ll include it here anyway.
Long tap the image you wish to use in a post.
You will be presented with this menu.
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Tap share photo. 
Then you will be presented with another menu.
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Tap Copy URL
On Desktop (Google Chrome Browser)
Right on the image in the post.
You will be presented with this menu...
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Click copy the image address.
Now you have a working link from Tumblr ready to use.
Now, you are ready to embed.
Step 2: Inserting and fitting the image
Go to the new/ existing chapter you wish to be embed.
Make sure in the HTML editor view.
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This is located next to the rich text button in the Worktext section, as shown.
Now, find the place in the text where the image should go...
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<p>  <img src="https://i.postimg.cc/8zG9ZNMw/blob-danny.jpg" width="270" height="600" /> </p>
For this image, it was much too large. So, I modified it with the width and height modifiers.
**First you must find the dimensions of the image. **
This can be done with the same image URL from earlier. With this online tool.
In this example, my image is 1080x2400
Once you have the dimensions, you can find the aspect ratio.
Use this calculator:
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Once have the aspect ratio, you can half or quarter the height or width and calculate for the one you don't have.
Example I've quartered my height as halving it was still to big.
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In my case the dimensions are now 600 by 270 which fits the page much better.
These will be your new dimensions.
Record them.
Here is a blank template to paste in.
<img src="" alt="" width="" height=""/>
src is the path to the URL.
alt is the alternative text for the image. This is used for accessibility as well as be a modern web standard.
width is the image width in pixels
height is the image height in pixels
You insert your values in between the double quotes.
_*remember to close your quote _
*remember to close your image tag
Make sure in the Rich Text editor view.
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Set the cursor where you want the image. Click image icon.
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Set the values in this form.
Use the URL we generated in one of the previous 4 options.
Set the Image description
The width and height may be input automatically,  if not consult the HTML OPTION for finding the dimensions and aspect ratio of the image.
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Here’s how it looks after posting
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Shout out to @playedcrowd5610 for inspiring me to make this guide.
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bulltenwebhosting · 1 year
Best Web Hosting For Small Business in 2023
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Best Web Hosting For Small Business in 2023
In the current digital era, any small business must have a strong online presence in order to succeed. A key component of establishing that presence is reliable web hosting for small business. Choosing the right web hosting provider can significantly impact the performance, security, and accessibility of your website. In this article, we will explore the benefits of reliable web hosting services and how they can help boost your small business.
 Why is Web Hosting Important?
Web hosting is the process of storing your website's files on a server and making them accessible to users on the internet. It plays a crucial role in ensuring your website is available 24/7, loads quickly, and remains secure from potential cyber threats. Here are some key reasons why web hosting is important for your small business:
1. Improved Website Performance
Reliable web hosting services utilise high-speed servers and advanced technologies to optimise website performance. This results in faster loading times, reducing bounce rates and improving user experience.
2. Enhanced Security
Web hosting providers offer robust security measures such as firewalls, malware scanning, and regular backups to safeguard your website and valuable data. This protects your business and builds trust with your customers.
3. High Uptime and Availability
Reliable web hosting ensures that your website remains accessible to users at all times. Downtime can lead to missed opportunities and negatively impact your business reputation.
4. Scalability
As your small business grows, your website's needs may change. With reliable web hosting services, you can easily scale up your resources, such as storage and bandwidth, to accommodate increased traffic and demand.
6. Technical Support
Reliable web hosting providers offer responsive customer support to assist you with any technical issues or concerns. This ensures that you can focus on your business while leaving the technical aspects to the experts.
How Can Reliable Web Hosting Services Boost Your Small Business?
Choosing the right web hosting services can provide several benefits that directly contribute to the growth and success of your small business. Let's explore how reliable web hosting services can boost your business:
 1. Increased Website Traffic and Visibility
A fast-loading website with minimal downtime attracts more visitors and enhances your search engine rankings. Search engines like Google prioritise websites that offer a smooth user experience. Reliable web hosting services ensure that your website is always available, leading to higher visibility and increased organic traffic.
2. Improved Customer Experience
In today's fast-paced digital world, users expect websites to load quickly and provide a seamless browsing experience. Slow-loading websites or frequent downtime can frustrate visitors and drive them away to competitors. Reliable web hosting services optimise website performance, resulting in improved user experience and customer satisfaction.
3. Secure Online Transactions
If your small business involves online transactions, such as e-commerce or accepting payments, security is of paramount importance. Reliable web hosting services employ encryption protocols and SSL certificates to secure sensitive customer information and provide a safe browsing experience. This builds trust with your customers and encourages them to make purchases on your website.
4. Effective SEO Strategies
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for small businesses to improve their online visibility and attract targeted traffic. Reliable web hosting services contribute to SEO efforts by ensuring website uptime, fast loading times, and responsive design. These factors positively impact your search engine rankings and make it easier for potential customers to find your business online.
5. Scalability for Business Growth
As your small business expands, you may experience increased website traffic and the need for additional resources. Reliable web hosting services offer scalability options, allowing you to easily upgrade your hosting plan to accommodate growing demands. This flexibility ensures that your website can handle increased traffic and maintain optimal performance.
6. Professional Branding
A personalised domain name and professional email address contribute to building a strong brand identity. Reliable hosting managed services allow you to register a domain name that reflects your business and create custom email addresses using that domain. This adds credibility to your communication and helps establish your brand in the digital landscape.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How do I choose the right web hosting provider for my small business?
A: When choosing a web hosting provider, consider factors such as reliability, security, speed, customer support, scalability, and pricing. Read reviews, compare features, and assess your business's specific needs before making a decision.
Q: What is the difference between shared hosting and dedicated hosting?
A: Shared hosting involves multiple websites sharing resources on a single server, making it cost-effective for small businesses. Dedicated hosting provides a server exclusively for your website, offering enhanced performance and customization options.
Q: Can I transfer my website to a different web hosting provider?
A: Yes, website migration is possible. Most web hosting providers offer migration services or provide guidance on transferring your website files, databases, and configurations to their servers.
Q: Is it necessary to have an SSL certificate for my small business website?
A: Yes, an SSL certificate is essential, especially if your website collects sensitive information or processes online transactions. It encrypts data transmitted between your website and users, ensuring secure communication and protecting customer data.
Q: Can I upgrade my hosting plan as my small business grows?
A: Yes, reliable web hosting providers offer scalable hosting plans that allow you to upgrade resources such as storage, bandwidth, and processing power to accommodate your business's growth.
Q: Can I host multiple websites under one hosting account?
A: Many web hosting providers offer plans that allow hosting multiple websites under a single account. This can be cost-effective if you have multiple small business websites to manage.
In today's digital landscape, a reliable web hosting service is vital for the success of your small business. It not only ensures your website is accessible, secure, and performs well but also contributes to increased traffic, improved customer experience, and effective SEO strategies. By choosing a reputable web hosting provider, you can boost your small business, establish a strong online presence, and drive growth in the competitive digital market.
Boost Your Small Business with Reliable fully managed hosting services and unlock the potential for online success!
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audio-luddite · 4 months
I was talking with a guy.
Hey if I am mentioning it here it was about audio.
The question was how to get started in serious audio (lets not call it audiophile yet). It is a remarkably simple and yet complex question. Spend lots of money?
So to start, the front end is the tricky bit. That is source and control. Source is what you are listening too. Control is selection of source, if you have more than one, and basic volume control. In most systems control is the preamplifier.
The back end is the speakers and power amplifier. Actually really simple. What fits in your home and how much can you afford. Easy to change if you want.
The first big issue is source. By that I mean hard copied media or virtual. The first is category is CDs and their ilk such as SACD etc, and of course Vinyl LPs. The second is streaming online.
The second one first. (interesting sentence that but perfectly correct)
Streaming is far from simple. It has the least initial cost for the media as it is just a subscription fee (forever). It has an enormous even overwhelming variety and quantity of content. It also is only permission to use the content, but you do not own it. You can have a huge "collection" but it is virtual. Also there is a controversy about payments to artists.
Often not said is that almost all the streaming services are at or below CD quality. CD quality is not considered truly great by the tribes. That is all I am going to say about that right now.
The hardware is not simple for high end streaming. In very general terms you need a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), a box to buffer or hold the downloaded files, and a computer to do the downloads and host the streaming service software. That is three boxes. In high end they are all expensive of course.
There are devices that do all three things, but they are not cheap. They also do not have the quality of the "best" systems.
Audiophiles like dedicated computers and streaming servers and DACs of eye watering expense.
In summary the streaming front end is very expensive. In my looking about for adding that to my system it is thousands of dollars. Conservatively about $5000 for my quality goal. Emphasis on that is only the front end.
Now to my thesis.
I say the least cost path to high end sound is with vinyl. WTF?! A high end capable Turntable starts at hundreds of dollars. Much more can be spent, but in today's local classified ads there are dozens under $500 and a few very good ones up to $1000. An older model refurbished unit is perfectly fine for the job. And I mean high end sound extraction. Brands such as Technics, Rega, Thorens, Micro Seki, Kenwood, Pioneer are good candidates.
A high end phonograph pickup or cartridge can be had for under $500 bucks. I have three all around $400 ish or less. I like Grado, and Audio Technica. There are more, but I don't have any of those. Moving coils need not apply. Those are euphonic, which is they add seductive sounds that are not in the source material.
That is the whole vinyl source hardware list. Under $1400 bucks or less and you are up and running. The only caveat is your control preamp needs to have a phono input which most old ones do.
In my case have a high end hybrid tube FET preamp that can be had for $2000 or less depending on the phase of the moon. You need that anyway. My opinion is the preamp is the major contributor to the overall performance of your system.
So that brings the full front end to less than $3400 for a high end system. If you take into account all my extra phono cartridges I still spent less than that. Just.
There is an intriguing option in a high end integrated amplifier from Technics (SU-G700) that is a preamp and DAC and very good class D amplifier with a phono input for about $2400 USD. Just add speakers and turntable and you are over the threshold to high end. It is rather spooky. If I had to start from scratch I would be tempted. Far less than an ARC suite. I could no longer claim I was a Luddite though.
Yes with vinyl you still have to buy LPs, unless you are an old fart like me and have hundreds, but it is actually rather fun. Compared to the initial cost of a high end streaming system the cost of an extensive LP library looks reasonable. I search for high quality boutique stuff usually, but I also find stuff in the racks. Garage sales anyone?
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I have high end sound in my home. I dare say it is the best sounding system I have every heard. Vinyl is not a compromise. There is a lot to be said for getting up to flip a record every 20 minutes. Hell I have a watch that nags me to get up and move if I stay seated for more than an hour. (yes I am a geek) It's good for you Mr couch potato.
Obviously to play at this game money will be spent. You can start off modestly and build over time (decades in my case) or jump in. In the end you will have a sonic place to spend time appreciating art at the highest level.
Interesting that I really cannot afford to add high end streaming to my system. I don't need to.
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
Hey I fell in love with your cheesecake hcs and had an idea that you can type into whatever you want..hcs, a story, etc.
What if y/n was poor and overworked...like working at a Cafe to get most of their money but also acting as a server at her parties for extra pocket money and instead of saving her...that's how they meet...y/n juggling multiple jobs...one job to have a roof over their head and food on the table and another job for like clothes and possibly wants but mostly needs....can imagine cheesecake would see how overworked they were and how they work themselves to the bone just to keep themselves a float and give everyone the best service!
Btw also want an anon name but...idk what it should be....I requested a few times before but never gave myself an anon name...maybe I can be...🦭 or maybe 🧸anon? Whichever you prefer!
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Spared No Expense 1.5
Welcome aboard, 🦭 anon! I have some of the events of your request switched around, hope that’s okay with you!
Cheesecake Cookie hired a bunch of service cookies for her parties, but noticed that cookies would eagerly await for one of them if they catch their attention. Guests would laugh and smile when this cookie was at their table, who provided them nothing but the best as they serve them their drinks.
Cheesecake wouldn’t think much of it until the end of the party when guests are leaving, they’re always mentioning this cookie and just how much of a delight they were! They hope Cheesecake hires them again! That was when Cheesecake’s curiosity was peaked.
She hosts another party and this time, has this cookie everyone is talking so much about be her personal service cookie. She finally got to meet them when she needed a refill, this cookie introduced themselves as Y/N Cookie, and warmly asked if she wanted a refill.
Cheesecake wasn’t going to lie, being catered to and treated so warmly made herself feel warm too. There were no signs of you being in any way bothered by her many requests for food or drinks, always facing her with your dedicated smile.
The guests at her party did grumble that Cheesecake was having you all to herself. They wanted your service too!
She was all over you when the party ended and hired staff were leaving, shaking your hand and personally introducing herself. She felt like a queen after receiving your service, she simply must hire you again in future parties.
Absolutely flabbergasted when she couldn’t hire you for a later party, you were busy for that time and simply couldn’t attend the festivities. Cheesecake hired the regular service cookies she always does…
But it was clear that the atmosphere wasn’t the same without you. Guests weren’t as enthusiastic to have their orders brought to them, they appreciated the service cookies that were there, but it was clear that it was you that they wished to see the most.
Cheesecake understood their plight, you made them and especially her feel like they’re at the top of the world with your compliments and warm greetings. You just brighten the whole room up with your attitude. Not having you there made her feel…empty.
She looked you up, she hired investigators, anything that could get more of your info and find out where you were and your place of work. She was rather shocked at the amount of places that you worked at. She wrote down the list and visited each of them.
One day, she arrived into the Sandwich Shop, surprising the people inside. The daughter of Buttercream Choco Cookie was in their shop?!
She is to be given the absolute best service, so the manager requested a cookie to be her waiter. Cheesecake would then see you approaching her table, giving her the same smile you had always given her. She came to the place you worked? What a small world!
The next day was a stop at a cafe where you just so happened to be a waiter for too. You were serving Almond Cookie when she came in, he chuckled at whatever you said to him, ending with a wink. She didn’t know why, but this made her feel…jealous…
Next one was a fast food place. Cheesecake really didn’t feel like she belonged here, but she had to see you. She was taking the drive through when she spotted you coming out of the restaurant, wearing roller skates and a hat. She came to another place of your work? A bit odd, but you were happy to serve her!
It came ahead when she decided to check out your home, she was really taken aback that it was this tiny apartment that you lived in as she spotted you walking out, presumably to your next job. She stopped you right as you were about to enter your car, surprised to see her here.
You confessed after prying from her that you were pretty much living from paycheck to paycheck and to make ends meet, you took on multiple jobs to do that. Yeah, you were tired beyond hell when you came home, but if it meant to make money and make cookies smile with your service, then that was your choice.
Cheesecake would not allow this. A cookie as wonderful as you was struggling to live? She was not having it.
She held your hands in hers and makes the request that you work for her and for her only. She could give you all the coins you could ever want, buy you all the things you could ever want, provide for every need and want you ever thought about.
No more of instant ramen, you were getting expensive meals. No more of your old wardrobe, you were getting the finest selection of clothing you want. That old car of yours will become one of the latest models on the market. She wants to make sure you were treated right for a cookie like yourself, your hard work and dedication to customer service is to be rewarded on the same level.
Not to mention, she kinda has a thing for you. You treated her so well at her parties that she must take you out to dinner.
In other words, you’re totally getting spoiled both financially and with her love.
You were always by her side when cookies came over to her mansion, where she treated you with love and admiration.
Called you her darling, her love, her dear, her sunset. Whatever lovey dovey nickname she can come up with.
If any cookie had complaints about you, they just needed to talk to Cheesecake Cookie and she’ll gladly throw them out of the party. She knew you more then anyone and will not tolerate slander against you.
She’s fine if cookies had complimented you, it’s when they go further with them that she’ll start having a problem. She’ll bring up the rule that guests were not to flirt with staff! It was odd since this rule seemed only to apply to you.
Rich cookies at her party wanted to hire you for their own gatherings? They’ll have to negotiate with Cheesecake, she won’t stop you if you wanted to help them out, but she at least wants to make sure you’ll be okay servicing over there.
She still hired spies to attend the party to make sure no cookies tried any funny business with you. She would be livid if any of them got their horrid hands on you.
Has a whole room of paintings dedicated to you, she’s that smitten. Though she had to sneak around questions Butter Pretzel was asking to her. She was wondering about the cookie in the paintings and asked if she could possibly meet them?
Cheesecake tried every excuse she can come up with to decline as you whistled in the very next room, prepping for a party. The less competition, the better she says.
She’s not afraid of getting rid of competition, her wealth means she can hire whoever she can to get the job done, she won’t dirty her own hands if she can get others to instead. She’s the only one who can love you as much as she does.
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pintsizebear · 11 months
A quick guide on diversifying your internet use
Big social media is going to keep being disappointing because their wants and needs don't come anywhere close to aligning with their users wants and needs. EVERY big social media site or app will eventually misalign with its users, because having the entire internet's worth of people in one place is unsustainable for moderation and for financial reasons. It's an unavoidable fate for sites that are supposed to be the hub for everything.
It doesn't have to be that way. Start diversifying the sites you use BEFORE your favorite social media site becomes basically unusable or goes down completely. Take some power away from big tech corporations. Drag your friends into it too, you don't have to explore alone!
Here's a few examples of things you can do:
Join some forums There's forums for basically everything you can think of, from toy collecting, to discussion of specific disabilities, to gardening, to niche roleplay topics, and they've been running for decades so there's immense amounts of knowledge on them. Plus, people tend to be super friendly and welcoming of newbies, so you're likely to make new friends if you post regularly on them. Googling/searching for a topic + "forum"/"discussion board" (like "knitting forum" or "paper mache discussion board") will generally get you what you're looking for. Save your favorites and give them a visit every now and then!
Subscribe to some RSS feeds RSS feeds make it incredibly simple to get updates and news from your favorite websites, including a lot of social media sites! RSS readers + aggregators take the RSS information from your chosen websites (+ tumblrs, twitters, youtube channels, etc) and puts them into an easy to browse format, all in one place. Readers and aggregators are available as browser addons, desktop programs, mobile apps, email subscriptions, embeddable widgets, whatever suits your needs best. Your RSS subscriptions aren't subject to annoying, everchanging, unpredictable algorithms. They'll only show you what you're subscribed to and they'll be in chronological order. Most of them are completely free and have no ads.
Make your own website Having your own website fucking rules and you're fully in charge of everything about it. Make a blog, make an art gallery, use it as a personal image or video host, show your ass, who cares. It's yours to do what you want! Free web hosting: While free hosting is a lot more limited in what you can do, it's also much more accessible if you're not sure you want to fully commit to running a website or if you just want something to throw info on a couple times a year. A few popular examples are NeoCities (also offers a decent paid option,) Cloudflare Pages, and GitHub Pages (SFW only.) Paid web hosting: Paid hosting is generally better for people who are more dedicated to running a site, such as people who need a stable platform for work related stuff (artists, online stores, etc.) You'll generally want your own domain name (like youtube.com or wikipedia.org) which you can get at sites like namecheap, namesilo, or porkbun. Many webhosts offer free subdomain names (like how tumblr blogs are yourblogname.tumblr.com) but having your own domain makes it easy to move to another host if you need to without your url changing. Your choice of web host depends heavily on your price bracket, what you plan to use it for, features you need, if you need to host NSFW content, how much traffic you expect, etc. Contact the support team of any web host you're looking at to make sure they offer what you need before you buy their services. Shared web hosting (where multiple websites are hosted on the same server) is generally the cheapest and most accessible option for the majority of people looking to run a website. Unless you're planning on having several thousands of people on your site all at once on a regular basis, that's probably the option you want. Avoid anything owned by EIG/Newfold Digital. Self-hosting: This is the most complicated option, but also the most versatile. With self-hosting, you're only really limited to the laws of your region and the bandwidth you get from your internet provider, rather than the limits put in place by a hosting company. Take this option only if you're willing to set up a dedicated server and get into all the technical stuff that comes with it. Here's an okay guide for how to get started, though you'll want to do a lot more research beyond this.
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managedserversus · 1 year
Best Website Hosting and Management Service Providers
When it comes to establishing an online presence, having a reliable website hosting and management service provider is crucial. Whether you are a small business owner, a blogger, or an aspiring entrepreneur, choosing the right hosting provider can greatly impact the success of your website. In this article, we will explore some of the best website hosting and management service providers available today.
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1. Bluehost
Bluehost is a popular hosting provider known for its reliability and excellent customer support. They offer a wide range of hosting plans to suit various needs, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. Bluehost also provides a user-friendly interface and a one-click WordPress installation, making it a great choice for beginners. With their 99.9% uptime guarantee, your website will be up and running smoothly.
2. SiteGround
SiteGround is another top-notch hosting provider known for its exceptional performance and advanced security features. They offer a range of hosting options, including shared hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated servers. SiteGround also provides free daily backups, a free SSL certificate, and a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure fast loading times for your website. Their knowledgeable support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues.
3. HostGator
HostGator is a well-established hosting provider that offers affordable plans without compromising on quality. They provide shared hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated hosting options to cater to different website needs. HostGator offers a user-friendly control panel and a one-click WordPress installation. They also have a 45-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try their services risk-free.
4. DreamHost
DreamHost is a reliable hosting provider known for its commitment to privacy and security. They offer shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting plans. DreamHost provides a powerful website builder and a one-click installer for popular applications like WordPress. They also have an impressive 100% uptime guarantee and offer unlimited bandwidth, making them an excellent choice for growing websites.
5. A2 Hosting
A2 Hosting is a high-performance hosting provider that focuses on speed and optimization. They offer shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting plans. A2 Hosting uses SSD storage and a turbo server option to deliver fast loading times for your website. They also provide a free SSL certificate and a 24/7 Guru Crew support team to assist you with any technical issues.
Choosing the best website hosting and management service provider for your needs can be a daunting task. However, considering factors such as reliability, performance, customer support, and security can help you make an informed decision. The providers mentioned in this article are among the best in the industry and offer a range of plans to accommodate different website requirements. Evaluate your needs and compare the features and pricing of these providers to find the one that suits you best. With the right hosting provider, you can ensure that your website is secure, fast, and always accessible to your visitors.
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rubyshaha21 · 3 months
Why Stay With Hostlegends Max?
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In the competitive world of online business, having a reliable web hosting provider is paramount to success. Among the myriad of options available, Hostlegends Max stands out as a trusted partner for individuals and businesses alike. With a commitment to excellence and a plethora of features tailored to meet various hosting needs, Hostlegends Max offers an unparalleled hosting experience.
Introduction to Hostlegends Max Hostlegends Max is a leading web hosting provider renowned for its exceptional services and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. With years of experience in the industry, Hostlegends Max has established itself as a reliable partner for individuals and businesses seeking top-notch hosting solutions.
Benefits of Choosing Hostlegends Max Reliable Hosting Services At Hostlegends Max, reliability is at the core of everything we do. We understand the importance of keeping your website up and running smoothly, which is why we employ state-of-the-art infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies to ensure maximum uptime and minimal downtime.
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Enhanced Security Features Security is paramount in the digital landscape, and Hostlegends Max takes it seriously. Our hosting platform is equipped with robust security measures to safeguard your website against malicious threats, ensuring the safety and integrity of your data. Exceptional Customer Support We pride ourselves on providing unparalleled customer support to our clients. Our team of knowledgeable experts is available 24/7 to address any queries or concerns you may have, ensuring a seamless hosting experience from start to finish.
Hosting Plans Offered by Hostlegends Max Hostlegends Max offers a range of hosting plans to suit various needs and budgets: Shared Hosting Ideal for small businesses and personal websites, shared hosting provides a cost-effective solution for hosting your website on a shared server with other users. VPS Hosting For businesses that require more control and flexibility, VPS hosting offers dedicated resources within a virtualized environment, allowing for greater customization and scalability. Dedicated Server Hosting For high-traffic websites and mission-critical applications, dedicated server hosting provides unparalleled performance and reliability with a dedicated server solely for your use.
How to Sign Up with Hostlegends Max Signing up with Hostlegends Max is quick and easy. Simply visit our website, select the hosting plan that best suits your needs, and follow the prompts to complete the registration process. Our friendly support team is available to assist you every step of the way.
Tips for Maximizing Your Experience with Hostlegends Max Optimizing Website Performance To ensure optimal performance of your website, consider implementing optimization techniques such as caching, image compression, and content delivery networks (CDNs). Utilizing Additional Features Take advantage of additional features offered by Hostlegends Max, such as SSL certificates, website builders, and one-click installation of popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials Don't just take our word for it – hear what our satisfied customers have to say about their experience with Hostlegends Max. Read reviews and testimonials from real users to gain insight into the quality of our services and the level of satisfaction we strive to deliver.
Conclusion In conclusion, Hostlegends Max is the ultimate destination for individuals and businesses seeking reliable, secure, and affordable web hosting solutions. With a wide range of hosting plans to choose from, exceptional customer support, and a commitment to excellence, Hostlegends Max is the perfect partner for all your hosting needs.
FAQs Is Hostlegends Max suitable for beginners? Absolutely! Hostlegends Max offers user-friendly hosting solutions tailored to meet the needs of beginners and experienced users alike. Can I upgrade my hosting plan with Hostlegends Max? Yes, you can easily upgrade your hosting plan with Hostlegends Max as your website grows and your needs evolve. Does Hostlegends Max offer domain registration services? Yes, Hostlegends Max offers domain registration services in addition to web hosting. Is customer support available 24/7? Yes, our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have. Does Hostlegends Max offer a money-back guarantee? Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all hosting plans for your peace of mind.
To get Hostlegends Max, click here
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