#blogging about 2010 dw what is happening
preciouslandmermaid · 28 days
I’m thinking about Amy Pond this morning and how Moffat didn’t give her any identity outside of The Doctor (and Rory).
Like series 5, we go through this whole thing where Amy “gets her parents back” and we literally NEVER see them again. And then Amy’s childhood friend, who we had never heard of, is revealed to be tied to the Doctor as well.
She’s shown to be a successful model during series 6, but that fact doesn’t go anywhere. We don’t see her friends. We don’t even know if she HAS friends.
River Song also has a similar problem—her story is intrinsically tied to the Doctor. And although Amy and River are technically mother and daughter, we don’t really get to see that, like does River come around and visit her parents when not traveling with the Doctor? What do they talk about ??
And on the note about children, iirc, Amy can’t (?) have any more children due to what her kidnappers did to her. But, on the same hand, it was never said that Amy wanted children or was upset that she missed out on the opportunity to raise Melody (it’s literally never mentioned again).
All the of NuWho companions, save for Martha, wanted to travel with the Doctor forever and ultimately their stories end in tragedy. I get that.
But then other companions, like Rose, Martha, and Donna - they all had people OUTSIDE the Doctor, which grounded them, tied to their humanity, to their earthly humanness.
I love Amy, but she is subjected to some poor writing choices. I know the viewers can fill in the blanks - we can assume she and Rory have lives outside traveling with the Doctor. But without seeing these people, it’s hard to connect when let’s say Earth is threatened. When the cyber men were trying to take over, Rose was concerned about her mum ! And we were too! Because we saw her mum and saw how much Rose loved her.
I know Amy’s arc ultimately ends with her “choosing Rory” (I guess because idk this wasn’t made clear when she married the guy idk).
But, consider this, consider how much more impactful her story would’ve been if she had like - I dunno - a sweet grandma who would tell her bedtime stories. The grandma gets some quips in about The Doctors fashion choices.
Rather than the Doctor realizing the Ponds are getting older (Amy’s glasses), it’s Amy realizing that her grandma is getting older, and the allure of traveling the stars is fading. She realizes that she wants to have her own child to tell stories to. And she wants her grandma to be alive to share in those stories. Hell, maybe she still finds a love for writing and becomes an author.
Amy makes the choice (much like Martha did) to leave the TARDIS. Rory comes too (I do think Moffat disliked Rory but that’s another topic). The Doctor is welcome to visit.
And when he does, he sees a slightly older Amy Pond, carrying a child that looks just like her, towards her grandmother in a wheelchair in the garden.
They let each other go. Unlike Rose and Ten who simply couldn’t let go because of the deep love they had for another.
The Doctor and Amy (or maybe it’s just Amy) have “grown up”. Amy has made a choice FOR HERSELF. After everything she’s seen, endured, all the trauma and suffering and grief - she creates her own happy ending.
It’s 8:00am right now - so who knows if this makes sense.
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tutuandscoot · 11 months
I’m sorry you had a bad day! Sending you hugs and kisses. My go to serotonin boost is that 2010 worlds interview where they’re in their farrucas costumes and T can’t stop giggling 🥰 she’s so cute because 95% of the time T is so poised and polished in interviews but if she gets hit with a Scott-induced giggle fit 😂 she’s hopeless and it’s adorable. And idk how to explain but Scott’s voice does something so cute the way he says “she’s so happy, she has the giggles.” Also they must’ve been so tired?? They were truly insane doing worlds right after they won gold at their first freakin Olympics. I love that pic of them on the worlds 2010 podium with T holding onto S with his arms wrapped around her, his head leaning against hers. They look like they could just fall asleep right there 🥺
That last bit: maybe THAT’s what he means when he says she’s often restless when she sleeps 😄🥲🥹
Also on that last bit YES I always feel like that in their hugs (The Hug™️or just any cuddles) and I feel weird saying that bc.. @ the crazies but it’s not in a sexual/romantic way it’s just that they truly are each other home and feel so safe they could legitimately loose consciousness and wake up in the same safe place they left 🥹 (kinda said something along the lines of that in this post from my bby blogging days).
Ahh that giggle moment at worlds is the cutest!! I also find the story behind it really funny: apparently he has a habit of picking up accents when they’re in other counties and he retells it that he was speaking kinda in an Italian accent.. which I don’t really hear.. he seams to just be speaking in his normal super lovely Canadian accent.. but as with many things them it must’ve been something so tiny and subtle that only T picked up on and that just sent her packing.. which tbh makes it even more endearing. And poor sweet T she was trying so hard to pull it together, not appear rude and he does such a good job of covering for her like saying ‘oh well I’m ready for tomorrow but T we’ll have to sort out’ and you just know after this whole thing they both cracked up into a fit of laughter (once they were out of the press area). I love this side of them- that silly best friend stuff and where they know eachother so well and the inside joke is so specific and they can tease each other in the most harmless way 💖
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Later in that clip the interviewer asks them ‘who is your biggest competition’ and I have to say (while I’m sure all skaters/teams get asked it) it’s always really bothered me how they would be asked about their competitors.. like wtf this is VM’s interview. Completely off from the event we are talking about here but like their interview after winning 2017 worlds, how she asks about the 🇫🇷. WHY?? How rude to take the focus away from VM in their moment of glory to praise their competitors (which VM being so sportsman like and humble and nice to everyone would of course say great things- things the 🇫🇷 probably don’t deserve considering their lack of sportsmanship). It’s like a 1 min interview and they have to spend half of it talking about another team. I’ve seen quite a few instances of it happening with DW being the ‘other team’ but god it makes me mad..
Then on the podium it’s so clear how exhausted they were.. in the K+C almost non-responsive to the score and confirmation they had won their first worlds (which btw they were the only oly gold medalists to go on and win worlds the same year- Yuna was second and the pairs and mens winners weren’t there). Them ‘singing’ the anthem is kinda sad in contrasting it to singing it at the olys. There’s some commentary (somewhere) of the team Canada person at the time from worlds saying they aren’t sure if VM will continue- many teams/skaters after a success like this would cut their losses and hit the pro circuit. It’s odd to think there were people in team Canada so on the outskirts of what was really going on with VM.. but it also may have just been a non-answer answer as to not give people a narrative VM didn’t want out yet.. but as they’ve said it was clear they would continue.
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Such a sweet moment encapsulating a momentous achievement- only the second Canadians to win ID worlds, and after they broke nearly every record under the sun. A moment on top of the world, embracing and just feeling so grateful, a moment of centring, feeling present, eyes closed to shut out the rest of the world. A silent “good job kiddo” from him probably, and T just feeling like she did it, she didn’t let him down, she’s still standing and is a world champion, for now at least.. everything was perfect.
And not to take anything away from this moment- their feels were completely validated, whether it was joy or exhaustion or anything else, but a few years later when she would burst into tears realising after winning a second world title thinking this wasn’t satisfying.. just propelling their journey even further..
-Go to VM moment for a serotonin boost!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I've been following your blog for maybe 2 months now and I'm a bit confused on your relationship with your followers. I often see you get anon messages that have truly nothing to do with anything you talk about on your blog or are not even a question they want to ask you.
Do you just provide a space for people to tell an idea and you just?? share it? It's just half of the time you only put "------ ------" as a response ( and truthfully half of the time there's nothing to add) and I don't know why someone would ask something if they don't want conversation.
So do you provide space for like?? anonymous submissions of random takes and that's why? I'm just trying to understand I mean no judgement whatsoever.
Haha. Why do people always ask me this?
I got on tumblr in 2010 to check out the next place fandom was moving. I made a personal account, just like I had on LJ and DW. Over time, I stopped reblogging as many things from my fandoms because I wasn't using tumblr as much. I never bothered to turn off anon asks.
At some point, I had enough posts about fandom history and titty bans go viral that randos started finding me. Probably, a lot of people clearing out to Twitter made Tumblr quieter too, so I was more findable among the remaining people.
Anon was still on. Results are predictable.
I use -- as a separator. These days, I begin every ask post with them because there was a period where Tumblr had a bug that hid the first paragraph of ask replies, and the -- would be the eaten first paragraph. The bug is presumably long gone, but it's a convenient visual break.
This remains, as it has always been, my personal tumblr where I post whatever random thoughts I have, usually about fandom or knitting or something.
So, no, I don't provide a space as some sort of blog topic. I just tend to post most asks people send me, and humanity likes to talk.
If you want to understand what's happening here, you have to think of it in terms of tipping points of virality—of visibility—on this chaotic internet where everyone's searching for connection and can't find anything.
Here are some charts from a post I made a few months ago because I wanted to quantify the change in the asks I get (and also compare what years I was actually active on which platform).
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I haven't changed.
But how the 'recommended for you' algorithm treats me or how frequently other people's reblogs from me show up those 3 necessary times on a dashboard within a certain window to stick in a person's brain has.
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mercuryonparklane · 1 year
Just decided to check my drafts for the first time in months and figured I may as well post some…
Honestly, I think I made a similar post a while back, but this little paragraph about Liz haunts me:
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Where did the woman who wrote this in her book about Taylor get this info? Because it does match what a fan, who attended that 13 hour meet and greet Taylor did in 2010, said that Liz told him.
He said that Liz told him she met Taylor when she only had one song out (that song being “Tim McGraw):
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So, if the author of that book is correct, this means it’s possible that Liz and Taylor met in summer 2006. Taylor played her first show in LA at Whisky a Go Go on July 24th, 2006 (yeah, this is the “Emily has a boyfriend…” show), which was almost exactly a year before she played the OC Fair (Liz was there with the radio station she was working for at the time), where this picture would be taken:
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Liz tweeted about how the manager of The Runaways booked her first gig in West Hollywood when she was 15. So Liz was playing shows in West Hollywood, where Whisky a Go Go is located, years before Taylor played there. Being that Liz is a fan of country music and wanted to be a country singer, it’s possible that she was aware of that show (which was actually headlined by Jack Ingram). 
Here’s what Taylor said about how they met in an interview about the mv for TSOU:
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Taylor said that she told Liz she should “audition for some TV talent show”. Lo and behold, Liz tried out for American Idol in August 2006, a couple weeks after Taylor’s first LA show. According to her vocal coach’s website, she made it to the Top 50. 
I have watched every video out there from the LA auditions-Top 50 from that season and I haven’t even seen a glimpse of her, but I did find this picture (where they spelled her name wrong):
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And this comment someone made on a blog post about the LA auditions when that episode aired in January 2007:
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That would match up for that LA show in July 2006 being the actual first time they met. Then, Liz supposedly went to the BI show in SB in December that year. The SB show was obviously after debut was released, but technically “Tim McGraw” was still the only single she had, so this could have still been their first meeting. 
So, possibly they met in July 2006 at the Whisky a Go Go show, where Liz could have sang for Taylor and Taylor suggested she try out for a talent show. Two weeks later, Liz tried out for AI. 4 months later she went to Taylor’s show at BI in SB. She then met Taylor again at the OC Fair show in July 2007. The next time they met, that we know of, was in February 2008 when Taylor performed on DW, the talent show that Liz competed on (this is when Taylor wrote the Myspace blog with the whole “there was always something different about her”). 
This is where it gets even more speculative... when Taylor was on DW, she insinuated that Liz had been going to her shows “all the time”:
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One reviewer even went so far as to refer to Liz as a “Swift groupie” based on what Taylor said on the show:
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To me, this makes it seems like they met more than just the two known times (at the BI and OC Fair shows) before Taylor’s DW appearance. Taylor played quite a few shows in California between July 2006 and February 2008. Liz worked for a country radio station for some of that time and was obviously a fan of Taylor, so it’s not that much of a stretch to say that it’s at least possible that she went to some of those other shows. 
Of course, the auditions for DW were in September 2007, so it could have been the OC fair show where Liz actually sang for Taylor and Taylor encouraged her to try out for a talent show. Liz did try out for DW a few months later. Then, coincidentally, Taylor just so happened to perform on an episode of the show and was the only musical guest (aside from the High School Musical cast, which makes sense because Disney owns ABC). Of course, Julianne was there that night, as well, watching her then fiancé compete on the show.
I know I have mentioned this before, but there is potentially so much missing between whatever date it was when they actually first met and when Liz first performed with Taylor. It seems so different from how she met pretty much every other person who has ever been in her band. It would be such a wild coincidence if Liz really went in to the audition to be Taylor’s backup singer with no clue as to who she was auditioning for. And maybe it doesn’t mean they were vague about the whole thing because they are hiding a secret relationship. It could be that Taylor (and/or her team) decided it was best not to encourage fans to think they too could be handpicked to join Taylor’s band out of a meet and greet line.
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peanut2509 · 6 years
one of these get to know you memes
tagged by @tamablepumpkin​ @ilulinati​ and (unofficially) @charmayder​
1.Nicknames:  Lesby, Les, Peanut in primary school (though that’s only stuck around as a username)
2.Gender: female (i think? i would take $15 for my gender tho)
3.Star sign: Libra
4.Height: 160?cm (5'2")
5.Time: 16:43
6.Birthday: 25 Sep
7.Favorite band(s): my chemical romance, fall out boy, panic! at the disco, green day (yeah i’m stuck in 2005 fight me about it)
8.Favorite solo artist(s): malinda kathleen reese, lindsey stirling, jess moskaluke
9.Song stuck in my head: zachte G harde L by Jos van Oss (thanks @pigeonsaregayculture​)
10.Last movie I watched: i don’t remember. probably Moana
11.Last show I watched: how i met your mother 
12.When did I make my blog: 2010-2011?
13.What do I post: whatever happens to be holding my current attention? lately DnD, critical role and taz, misc. memes, with a smattering of other fandom and pretty pictures
14.last thing i googled: bushfire
15.Do I have any other blogs: yeah but they’ve been dead for years, i used to co-run a DW blog and an IT Crowd blog with a friend 
16. Do I get asks: not really
17. Why did I chose this url: peanut was my primary school nickname, 2509 is my birthday i am a simple peasant
18.Following: 76
19.Followers: 296
21. Average Hours of Sleep: 9-ish
22.Lucky number: 13
23.Instruments: used to play piano as a kid. played the flute in high school. still sporadically muck around on the ukulele and guitar. also i sing okay, if that counts?
24.What am I wearing: star wars tee, pyjama shorts and watermelon socks
26.Dream job: fucked if i know hey
27.Dream trip: Europe tour!!!
28.Favorite food: many. i love cheese and chocolate even tho i have a low tolerance of lactose it’s a curse
29.Nationality: my passport says Singapore
30.Favourite season: winter, i love making a nest of 1000 blankets to hide under
People to tag:
@saltiest-queen​ @saboompje​ @pigeonsaregayculture​ @marlieswolf96​ @amethyst-nerdery​ @ssailit​ @yansquid​ 
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themeresthobby · 7 years
From Holmes to Sherlock by Mattias Boström
Or, ‘I hear of Sherlock everywhen’.
This book was released in August 2017, and I pre-ordered it. I’d never pre-ordered anything before.
It wasn’t because I had sky-high expectations, I just looked forward to a structured, but fairly wide-reaching, introduction to the meta, the history, the whatever-you-want-to-call-it of Sherlock Holmes. The circumstances that spawned the stories, and the circumstances the stories spawned. And this had good reviews, and is/was up to date. I didn’t actually search for something like this, I only learnt of it when I happened to see the author’s Twitter account.
I enjoyed it. It was written in narrative form, so it was basically a biography of Sherlock Holmes the phenomenon. While there is a time an place for more academic treatments, this served the purpose I read it for.
Under the cut: description and highlights of the contents, plus digressions.
Twice the length of The Great Detective, which I posted about before here. Incidentally, in The Great Detective, the author mentioned he and Boström, childhood pen-pals who lost touch, found out they were writing similar books at the same time by coincidence
Before anything else, I imagine parts of this would be good springboards for further research for people who study intellectual property laws. There is discussion of unauthorised Swedish translations, Danish films, and, of course, those German penny-dreadfuls, all during Doyle’s lifetime. And it also covers the Klinger v Conan Doyle Estate case.
I found it useful as a thorough primer - I know about the most famous and most recent ‘story beats’, but I have a hard time deciding which other topics to explore. This was a smörgåsbord. (If I’m copy-pasting ö for Boström, might as well go all the way.)
A who’s who of Holmesiana*, and history. Like those pastiches with a bunch of historical figures squeezed in, except they were actually there.
*(Anglosphere, save for Lenfilm Holmes and short background on Holmes in Russia, those Nordic copyright issues, and a sentence about Holmes being popular in Japan.)
Side note: Six Degrees of Sherlock Holmes? So many possibilities! Google turned up this blog post and this DW thread.
Some important figures are introduced without being named until a short while later. Not the best for more cynical/’get to the point!’ readers, but like I said, this was written as a narrative. I found the guessing-game device charming.
A large portion of this involved Doyle and his heirs, though enough was about the people behind adaptations and fan culture to keep this from veering into Doyleana.
But even in the Doyle-era chapters, minor players got their time to shine. Here are two who stuck with me (summarised, not quoted):
Arthur Whitaker, architect and ornithologist, wrote a Sherlock Holmes story called ‘The Man Who Was Wanted’ and sent it to Conan Doyle, only for Doyle’s heirs to claim, decades later, that Doyle had written it. He cleared up the matter within the last six months of his life, but never published the handbook on British birds he had been working on.
Jeannie Gwynne Bethany, grew up with her father, a mathematician, as her only teacher. She had wanted to become a doctor, and had attended lectures and studied medicine. (No indication of where in reference list or in text.) She became a published fiction writer and married Cambridge science professor George Thomas Bettany, who also worked as an editor for the publisher Ward, Lock & Co. One day, George asked her to judge a manuscript. She was enthusiastic, even feeling sure it was written by a doctor. The publisher accepted it and included it in November 1887′s Beeton’s Christmas Annual.
And I didn’t know George Edalji showed up to the Festival of Britain Sherlock Holmes exhibition. Wow.
And that exhibition featured “genuine Victorian dust” from “the most neglected room” of the British Museum.
There were mentions of some nice things we couldn’t have, like those in this post. Reference for the contents of that screenplay was the author’s correspondence with Paul Herbert and Peter E. Blau.
Pastiche writers who got the most of the spotlight: Mitch Cullin and Nicholas Meyer. Some description of Laurie R. King’s Russell-verse. Very short mentions of Lyndsay Faye and Anthony Horowitz, and others.
Lenfilm Holmes!
Young Sherlock Holmes got its own chapters. For a movie I didn’t like, reading about how it was made was interesting.
And for a movie that was never made: Sherlock Holmes and the Vengeance of Dracula. Moriarty would have brought Dracula’s sarcophagus back to Britain and Holmes would have to team up with Moriarty to stop him. Still a better Holmes story than The Asylum’s.
The Great Mouse Detective’s CGI clockwork sequence was a homage to Miyazaki’s The Castle of Cagliostro. Miyazaki also directed Sherlock Hound. Six degrees, I’m telling you.
Name echoes! I like seeing minor coincidences. Eille Norwood’s surname by birth was Brett, while Jeremy Brett’s was a stage name. Joseph Bell was the name of a radio announcer who was part of Edith Meiser’s radio dramas.
The introduction and last few chapters featured BBC Sherlock, but mainly background, praise, and nothing very in-depth. You can deduce how enthusiastic I am about that series from my blog content.
Guy Ritchie’s movies and Elementary also got chapters of their own, but again, nothing too in-depth to the eyes of someone who was vaguely in the loop when they started. Frogwares was acknowledged. Graphic novels were acknowledged, but nothing specific.
Wait a minute, it didn’t mention The Asylum’s Sherlock Holmes... and A Case of Evil... arguably the spiritual successors to those early Danish and German films. But who am I to judge, I haven’t watched them. What if I unironically like them. What if.
History is in the making as I type - this book came too soon to record the highlights of the late 2010s: Sherlock Gnomes and Will Ferrell’s Holmes and Watson.
(But seriously, I hope Holmes and Watson will be funny. I mean, IMDB says they’ve cast Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, and Queen Victoria. What could go wrong?)
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geraldmazzame8-blog · 5 years
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It all started with this picture on 1 April 2010
With a big tear in my eye I close my DW blog “Abenteuer Sport” today. After almost nine years (six years for the English version “Adventure Sports”) it’s over due to DW-internal decisions.
I would like to thank you very much! You climbers and other adventurers who have always been open to me in the past years. You loyal readers who motivated me to continue with your encouraging comments. And you donators for our aid project “School up!” who made the reconstruction of the school in Thulosirubari possible after the devastating earthquake in Nepal in 2015.
We haven’t yet reached the finish line in this small mountain village. This is one of the reasons why I have decided to continue to report in the same familiar way about what is happening on the highest mountains of the world – in my new, now completely private blog “Abenteuer Berg” (Adventure Mountain). I hope you feel well informed and entertained there too. Most likely I won’t be able to keep up with the number of blog posts I wrote for “Adventure Sports”. But I do my best. And in a modification of the old French formula the heralds used to proclaim the death of the king, I say: The blog is dead, long live the blog!
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sherlockgayaturgy · 7 years
wait, how is sherlock writers and the johnlock audience an abusive relationship?
Hey there anon! I’m really glad you asked this question, because I’ve been mulling over some thoughts for a while now and been wanting to do a big post about it for some time. My answer is going to be long – I’ll put a TL;DR at the bottom if you just want the short version.
Long version:
Before I get into things, I want to provide this definition of psychological abuse:
Psychological abuse (also referred to as psychological violence, emotional abuse ormental abuse) is a form of abuse, characterized by a person subjecting, or exposing, another person to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
That’s a pretty loose definition. You could make the argument that you don’t know someone is engaging in behavior that another person is triggered by, so it’s a pretty slippery slope. If someone were to show me a picture of a spider because they thought it was cool and they didn’t know that I am severely arachnophobic, would that be a form of abuse? Probably not. If they did it with the intention to cause me pain however, that’s another story.
So the question we have to ask ourselves is this: do Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat knowingly engage in abusive behavior with their fanbase? How do we determine that when we’re looking at a creator to fan relationship rather than an intimate person to person one?
Well, we look at their words an actions regarding their relationship to their fans. And there is. A lot.
Moffat and Gatiss’s troublesome relationship to their fans isn’t actually just within the Johnlock/TJLC community, and it isn’t even specific just to Sherlock. Moffat got into big trouble with regards to representation on Doctor Who when he first took over (and the BBC have since pressed him to do better on that front after so many people complained.)
First off, Moffat is pretty famous for not being able to take criticism, in any form. He regularly lashes out at people (fans and professional critics alike) who question the decisions he makes. Gatiss isn’t much better on this front, though he’s certainly more diplomatic about things IMO. There is, however, this line that he delivered:
“I did a phone-in after the Christmas special a few years ago and someone said [Sherlock] was too complicated for people to follow. I said, ‘Oh, go and pour some warm paste into your mouth….Go and read a children’s book with hard pages if you don’t want to be challenged. We’re making the show we want to make. We don’t make it a certain way because fans are pressuring us.” [x]
This is coming out of an interview where someone said aspects of The Final Problem didn’t make sense. Which is true, and that’s not because fans weren’t paying attention. If you know anything about the hardcore Sherlock fandom, you know that we pay attention to details in the show. And much of what happened in The Final Problem didn’t relate back to previous episodes. It seemed like a slap-dash attempt to explain problems that were too big for the writers to cleverly explain (even though a lot of TJLCers had a much simpler explanation for these events). But Moffat and Gatiss are adament: they do NOT want to hear criticism from anybody – and it’s not just TJLCers who didn’t like the episode.
Second point: they lie. Repeatedly. Enthusiastically. They love lying. It’s one of their top tactics for keeping fans excited about what’s to come. Here’s a few quotes:
Steven Moffat (regarding DW’s 50th Anniversary Special:  “I’ve been lying my arse off for months — you know nothing!” [x]
(Steven Moffat also said at a panel about The Abominable Bride that people believed him when he said it had nothing to do with the rest of the series because he said that, i.e. he lied but I cannot find that link right now).
So it’s not really a question that people would of course also assume that they’re lying when asked about explicit Johnlock. They admit they lie, they admit they use it as one of their main spoiler prevention tactics, and they admit to doing so quite gleefully.
Now we come to the big issue: is this abusive behavior? I already talked about abuse needing to be done in an intentionally malicious fashion. Well, here’s some evidence to suggest Moffat and Gatiss do so with the intention NOT to create good television, but to mess with their audiences:
Mark Gatiss: It’s good to play games on people.
Steven Moffat: There’s something really cool about scaring children. Traumatize a generation. That’s what it’s all about.
Steven Moffat: See what I’m writing now? People are going to cry. CRY!
And many more.
Now, with regards specifically to Johnlock and the TJLC sections of the fandom.
Speaking as one of them, I can say that one of the main pieces of evidence for TJLC relied upon the above argument that the showrunners lie. We encouraged one another not to ask questions about johnlock at panels because, TPTB would of course lie. So it’s not surprising to me at all that a large portion of TJLCers continue to believe that the showrunners are lying, even now, and that our “rug pull moment” is still coming. Many more people are choosing to believe in order to cope with the crushing realization that we were queerbaited by two men, one of whom happens to be gay himself. Gatiss admitted in a 2010 Buzz article that he loved playing with the homoerotic tension between Sherlock and John. Both Moffat and Gatiss recently admitted at the Cambridge Q&A that they may have taken the gay jokes too far. That’s a devastating thing to have to come to terms with for the section of the fandom that identifies as LGTBQ+.
Which brings me to the final part of the above definition: the effects on the abuse victim. We were psychologically traumatized by this event to varying degrees. Some people were relatively okay but experiencing sadness or anger. Some people lost sleep, found their eating habits changed, or were unable to work on other things because of this. As someone who has been an admin on the TJLC Support Group blog, I’ve personally seen messages from people who were harming themselves because of what happened. The LGTBQ+ community is already a vulnerable one, and many of the Sherlock fandom in particular are on the younger side.
All the elements of psychological abuse are present. This is not a trivial matter.
TL;DR Moffat and Gatiss exhibit classic psychological abuser characteristics in the way they approach fans of their work (not just the Johnlockers in the Sherlock fandom). They lie to prevent spoilers. They take joy in seeing people get upset. They react extremely negatively to any form of criticism. Johnlock fans (especially those who identify as LGTBQ+) are particularly susceptible to this behavior because of the inherent vulnerability of their community. Moffat and Gatiss have admitted recently that the whole Johnlock affair was based upon a joke that got out of control, and that has had devastating psychological consequences for many in this section of the fandom. 
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notsoslimshady · 7 years
Hi! I was just wondering what your opinion on Taylor Swift is? You seem to really like her music but lately I've noticed you reblogging some critiques of her as well? This isn't meant to come across accusatory - just curious! xx
Sorry, I don’t know when you sent this because I don’t checkmy inbox on tumblr mobile so I’m really sorry if I’m answering this super late!Also it’s okay dw
I’m gonna give you a really long answer because I don’tthink I’ve ever talked about this before and I’m waiting for something to loadlol
Up until the 1989 era I really loved and supported her, anddefended her from any criticism. She’d helped me a lot and I thought she was agreat role model. Any feud with a celeb was one-sided in my opinion – she wascompletely innocent. As such, I don’t really have a problem with her earlysongs. I know some fans think Better Than Revenge was problematic but I don’treally feel that way personally, because at the time I heard it/related to it Isupported Taylor 100% and it was just a sassy break-up song. I get how it canbe perceived as problematic, but 2010-me never saw it that way so I stillnaturally have the same impression of the song since I don’t listen to it asmuch now.
I think I started to get a more well-rounded (? (Sceptical?))view of Taylor when she started following fans on tumblr in the Red/1989 era,because I didn’t think it was fair that she seemed to pick favourites and yetloyal fans who didn’t have dedicated blogs were ignored. This is obviously allpersonal to me, and I know there are lots of different views on this. Imo itkinda seemed like a bit of a popularity contest – “you worship me the most so I’llgive you my attention in return”. I still liked Taylor, though, and when thewhole Bad Blood/Katy Perry drama kicked off I was on Taylor’s side.
I don’t really know what came next for me: Hiddleswift or Kimyeor the “squad”. At first, the squad was all about girl power to me and I lovedit, like in the Red era when Taylor was friends with non-supermodels like Lordeand Lena Dunham and it seemed genuine. A few months ago, though, I read anarticle with Chloe Moretz saying she’d been invited to join the squad (but didn’t)and idk I started to believe that maybe there was something a little manufacturedabout it. It seemed like a clique instead of a genuine, happened-by-chance friendshipgroup. As for Hiddleswift, I never believed that, and I reckon that that waswhen the cracks in my support for Taylor really started to show lol. In myopinion, it was a massive publicity stunt and so obviously fake (to me) and Ijust … couldn’t believe that she thought she was getting away with it. Maybe itwas real, I don’t know for sure and I doubt anyone ever will, but imo it wasoverexposure and made me question how much of Taylor’s life was real and howmuch was a big publicity stunt. I think it was about that time that I startedto follow an anti-Taylor blog (not a hate blog, just a blog with a shadier viewon her than I had) because they had some of the same views. I looked back oneverything in a new light – maybe Taylor really did “steal” Selena away fromDemi Lovato; maybe Katy wasn’t that bad and Taylor used her innocent image as away to play the victim; maybe the infamous phone call with Joe Jonas wasactually cut short by Taylor and was something she used. Idk. It doesn’t reallymatter because this is all personal to me and I’m not trying to make astatement or anything.Don’t even get me started on Kimye, either. In my honest opinion, they allacted like high school teenagers instead of grown adults, but I think Taylorreally dug a hole and that’s the first time I remember actually thinking shewas a snake. I also (imo) don’t think it was right for her to complain about a “narrative”when she herself built an entire career on writing songs about exes and was theone to draw out the 2009 “imma let you finish” drama instead of moving on. Thatwhole situation didn’t sit right with me and I started to see her with lessbiased eyes. I may be completely wrong, and it’s really not my place to makeany kind of judgement on Taylor as a person considering I don’t know her, butas a fan I just started to doubt her persona a little.
I still love her music, and I’d buy any album she released,but I think I’ve got a bit more cynical now (for good or bad) so I don’t reallysupport her as much as I used to.
This has been such a long reply omg but I just want to saynow that I don’t hate her (in case anyone replies thinking I do) and I’m still afan of her music. These are my personal feelings and that’s all
Thank you for asking!!!!!
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mercuryonparklane · 3 years
After Taylor performed on DW, she was writing about what a sweetheart Liz is, and how there was always something different about her that stuck out in her mind, in her MySpace blog. There was no mention of Julianne, who seems to have been at the taping, being there but I wouldn’t be supposed if they interacted that night. The Taylianne and Tayliz timelines, if both actually happened in some capacity, do seem to overlap at times...
Also, ATW and TSOU (they were both at the CMT Awards in 2009 and 2010) are about Julianne... yes, this is my head cannon, but it’s not totally impossible.
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