safrona-shadowsun · 2 years
Safrona receives a box, wrapped in deep purple paper, and topped with a black velvet ribbon. A tag reads: From Bolivos Dawnlight and Antoinette Bourseiller. Inside are three wines, one named Charlotte Rosé, Sweet Violet, and the last dubbed Black Butterfly. The last, Black Butterfly, has a label reading "Not for consumption by the living." A note inside the box is left underneath the wines. "We both hope all is well."
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The generously dressed box had caught the eye of the younger Shadowsun first upon being brought into Empyrean Star Trades, though Wenne gave it up to her elder sister as needed when the tag was properly investigated. It by no means stifled Wenne's curiosity however.
"Dawnlight and Bour...seller? Sounds very glamourous! Ooh! Open it, Saf! Let's see!"
"Bolivos...there's a name I haven't heard from a time." Safrona attempted to reflect. She wasn't left to her own thoughts in the wake of her sister's insistence. "You'd think it was Winter's Veil the way you're going on about it all," she spoke flatly. "Calm down, I'll open it."
"Why are you taking your bloody time with the packaging? Stars, Saf, just open it!" One of the bottles was nearly snatched into Wenne's hands upon the unveiling. "Wine! Hah! They know you well, don't they?"
Safrona poured attention over the bottle labeled Sweet Violet now as if she handled an artifact, chuckling. "They've definitely been paying attention."
"Should I get us some glasses? Pop one of these open? It's late enough in the day to indulge, I think."
"Mmmn..." Safrona hummed in consideration as she finished with the short, sweet note inside. Her eye caught the labeling of the last bottle dubbed Black Butterfly. It was collected in her other hand quickly. "I think I'll keep these on the top shelves. Especially this one. Personal collection. Assure these are not sold off."
"Bah, " Wennefer sighed, and helped bring out a sliding ladder in the office to reach the top most shelves. "I'm keeping one of these on a lower shelf. I know you."
"Careful," Safrona half-teased. "I might never open them now just to spite you, sister."
{ @themeanbunny ! - thank you!!! }
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themeanbunny · 2 years
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Bolivos working hard on his mechanohog~
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themeanbunny-art · 5 years
Oh look a pretty nerd I haven't drawn in forever!
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"Personal log, Lieutenant Chaebi, stardate... whatever. This... has got to be a dream. I'm aboard the USS Lativel. Somewhere down the hallway is the Captain's quarters... and Captain Amanda Kirk. The Amanda Kirk! The daughter of them two...! The stories I grew up on, the legendary love that brought me to join Starfleet, to see if I too could go out there and see the stars through someone else's eyes... I just... can't belie— oh, hello? Lieutenant Bolivo here. Yes? Yes, right away, sir! Oh my... Gotta rush already, engineering needs all hands. Whatever it is, I can handle it. This... this is gonna be my adventure! My greatest adventure! Chaebi... out."
Welcome to my newly refurbished Star Trek blog! ♡
My name is Chaebi. I use they/them pronouns and I'll be assuming the role of my OC, a junior warp core engineer on the USS Lativel.
The Lativel is a small, deep space science vessel, captained by the young but promising Amanda Kirk, the adopted half-Romulan daughter of the legends themselves. Chaebi has idolized James Kirk and S'chn T'gai Spock their entire life. To walk in their footsteps, and perhaps earn Amanda's friendship, is everything they dream of...
This blog serves, from now on, as their 'personal log'. As them, I'll continue to do what I have done for months—filling the void with gif sets, art, edits, spirky book recs, and whatever other fan content I may come up with!
Who knows, once I get the hang of how to draw comics, I might even tell you the story of Captain Amanda Kirk, and her eccentric, aspiring First Officer, Lieutenant Chaebi ♡
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mon-fransze · 5 years
Országok, nemzetek és nemzetiségek
Általában nem szokták szeretni a diákok, mert gyakorlatilag ehhez csupán segg kell. Pedig nehézségek nélkül meg lehet tanulni az országokat es a belőlük képzett mellékneveket. Maximum a madagaszkári lehet fura, ami ugye malgache lesz. Mindenképpen ajánlom bevágásra, legyünk igényesek a környezetünkre és ismerjük franciául is a világot! Ahol nincs névelő, az azt jelenti, hogy névelő nélkül használtatik, ellenben neme van. :)
l`Afghanistan (m) → afghan → afghano-‘afgán’
l`Afrique (f) → africain → africano-‘afrikai’
l`Afrique centrale →centrafricain → centrafricano-‘közép-afrikai’
l`Afrique du Sud → sudafricain → sudafricano-‘dél-afrikai’
l`Albanie (f) → albanais → albano-‘albán’
l`Algérie (f) → algérien → algéro-‘algériai’
l`Allemagne (f) → allemand → germano-‘német’
l`Amérique (f) → américain → américano-‘amerikai’
l`Andorre (f) → andorran → andorro-‘andorrai’
l`Angleterre (f) → anglais → anglo-‘angol’
l`Angola (m) → angolais → angolo-‘angolai’
l`Antarctique (f) → antarctique → antarctico-‘antarktiszi, déli-sarkvidéki-’
l`Arabie saoudite (f) → saoudien → saoudo-‘szaúd-arábiai’
l`Arctique (f) → arctique → arctico-‘északi-sarki’
l`Argentine (f) → argentin → argentino-‘argentin’
l`Arménie (f) → arménien → arméno-‘örmény’
l`Asie (f) → asiatique → asiatico-‘ázsiai’
l`Atlantique (f) (océan ~) → atlantique → atlantico-‘atlanti’
l`Australie (f) → australien → australo-‘ausztráliai’
l`Autriche (f) → autrichien → austro-‘ausztriai’
l`Azerbaïdjan (m) → azéri → azéro-‘azeri’
les Bahamas (f) → bahaméen → bahaméo-‘Bahama-szigeteki’
Bahreïn (m) → bahreïnien → bahreïno-‘bahreini’
la Baltique → balte → balto-‘balti’
le Bangladesh → bangladais → banglado-‘bangladesi’
la Barbade → barbadien → barbado-‘barbadosi’
la Belgique → belge → belgo-‘belga’
le Bénin → béninois → bénino-‘benini’
le Bhoutan → bhoutanais → bhoutano-‘bhutáni’
le Biélorussie → biélorusse → biélorusso-‘fehérorosz’
la Birmanie → birman → birmano-‘burmai’
la Bolivie → bolivien → bolivo-‘bolíviai’
la Bosnie → bosniaque/bosnien → bosniaco-/bosno-‘bosnyák/boszniai’
le Botswana → botswanais → botswano-‘botswanai’
le Brésil → brésilien → brésilo-‘brazil’
Brunéi (m) → brunéien → brunéo-‘brunei’
la Bulgarie → bulgare → bulgaro-‘bolgár’
le Burkina Faso → burkinabè → burkinabo-‘Burkina Fasó-i’
le Burundi → burundais → burundo-‘burundi’
le Cambodge → cambodgien → khméro-‘kambodzsai’
le Cameroun → camerounais → camerouno-‘kameruni’
le Canada → canadien → canado-‘kanadai’
le Cap-Vert → capverdien → cap-verdo-‘zöld-foki-szigeteki’
le Chili → chilien → chilo-‘chilei’
la Chine → chinois → sino-‘kínai’
Chypre (f) → chypriote →chyprio-‘ciprusi’
la Colombie → colombien → colombo-‘kolumbiai’
le Congo → congolais → congolo-‘kongói’
la Corée → coréen → coréo-(nord-coréo-, sud-coréo-) ‘koreai’ (‘észak-koreai’, ‘dél-koreai’)
le Costa Rica → costaricain → costarico-‘Costa Rica-i’
la Côte d’Ivoire → ivoirien →ivoiro-‘elefántcsontparti’
la Croatie → croate → croato-‘horvát’
le Cuba → cubain → cubano-‘kubai’
le Danemark → danois → dano-‘dán’
Djibouti (m) → djiboutien → djibouto-‘dzsibuti’
la Dominique → dominicain → dominico-‘dominikai’
l`Écosse (f) → écossais → écosso-‘skót’
l`Égypte (f) → égyptien → égypto-‘egyiptomi’
l`Espagne (f) → espagnol → hispano-‘spanyol’
l`Estonie → estonien → esto-‘észt’
les États-Unis → américain → américano-‘amerikai’
l`Éthiopie (f) → éthiopien →éthio-‘etióp’
l`Europe (f) → européen → euro-‘európai’
la Finlande → finlandais → finno-‘finn’
la France → français → franco-‘francia’
le Gabon → gabonais → gabono-‘gaboni’
Galles (Pays de Galles) → gallois → gallo-‘walesi’
la Gambie → gambien → gambo-‘gambiai’
la Géorgie → géorgien → géorgo-‘grúziai’
le Ghana → ghanéen → ghanéo-‘ghánai’
la Grande-Bretagne → britannique → britanno-’brit’
la Grèce → grec → gréco-‘görög’
le Guatémala → guatemaltèque → guatémaltéco-‘guatemalai’
la Guinée → guinéen → guinéo-‘guineai’
le Guyane → guyanien → guyano-‘guyanai’
Haïti (m) → haïtien → haïto-‘haiti’
le Honduras → hondurien → honduro-‘hondurasi’
la Hongrie → hongrois → hungaro-‘magyar’
l`Inde (f) → indien → indo-‘indiai’
l`Indonésie (f) →indonésien → indonéso-‘indonéziai’
l`Irak/Iraq (m) → irakien/iraquien → irako-/iraquo-‘iraki’
l`Iran (m) → iranien → irano-‘iráni’
l`Irlande (f) → irlandais → irlando-‘ír’
l`Islande (f) → islandais → islando-‘izlandi’
Israël (m) → israélien → israélo-‘izraeli’
l`Italie (f) → italien → italo-‘olasz’
le Japon → japonais → nippo-‘japán’
la Jordanie → jordanien → jordano-‘jordán’
le Kazakhstan → kazakh → kazakho-‘kazah’
le Kenya → kenyan → kenyano-‘kenyai’
le Kirghizstan → kirghiz → kirghizo-‘kirgiz’
le Koweït → koweïtien → koweïto-‘kuvaiti’
le Laos → laotien → lao-‘laoszi’
la Lettonie → letton → letto-‘lett’
le Liban → libanais → libano-‘libanoni’
le Libéria → libérien → libéro-‘libériai’
la Libye → libyen → libyo-‘líbiai’
le Liechtenstein → liechtensteinois → liechtensteino-‘liechtensteini’
la Lituanie → lituanien → lituano-‘litván’
le Luxembourg → luxembourgeois → luxembourgo-‘luxemburgi’
la Macédoine → macédonien → macédo-, macédono-‘macedón’
Madagascar (f) → malgache → malgacho-‘madagaszkári’
la Malaisie → malais/malaisien → malaiso-‘maláj’
le Mali → malien → malo-‘mali’
Malte (f) → maltais → malto-‘máltai’
le Maroc → marocain → maroco-‘marokkói’
la Mauritanie → mauritanien → mauritano-‘mauritániai’
la Méditerranée → méditerranéen → méditerranéo-‘mediterrán’, ‘földközi-tengeri’
le Mexique → mexicain → mexico-‘mexikói’
la Moldavie → moldave → moldavo-‘moldáv’
Monaco (m) → monégasque → monégasco-‘monacói’
la Mongolie → mongol → mongolo-‘mongol’
le Monténégro → monténégrin → monténégrino-‘montenegrói’
le Mozambique → mozambicain → mozambico-‘mozambiki’
la Namibie → namibien → namibo-‘namíbiai’
le Népal→ népalais → népalo-‘nepáli’
le Nicaragua → nicaraguayen → nicaraguo-‘nicaraguai’
le Niger → nigérien → nigéro-‘nigeri’
le Nigéria → nigérian → nigériano-‘nigériai’
la Norvège → norvégien → norvégo-‘norvég’
la Nouvelle-Zélande → néo-zélandais → néo-zélando-‘új-zélandi’
Oman (m) → omani → omano-‘ománi’
l`Ouganda (m) → ougandais → ougando-‘ugandai’
l`Ouzbékistan (m) → ouzbek → ouzbéko-‘üzbég’
la Pacifique (océan ~) → pacifique → pacifico-‘csendes-óceáni’
le Pakistan → pakistanais → pakistano-‘pakisztáni’
la Palestine → palestinien → palestino-‘palesztin’
le Panama → panaméen → panaméo-‘panamai’
le Paraguay → paraguayen → paraguayo-‘paraguayi’
les Pays de Galles (m) → gallois → gallo-‘walesi’
les Pays-Bas (m) → néerlandais/hollandais → néerlando-/hollando-‘holland’
le Pérou → péruvien → péruvo-‘perui’
les Philippines (f) → philippin → philippino-‘Fülöp-szigeteki’
la Pologne → polonais → polono-‘lengyel’
le Portugal → portugais → luso-‘portugál’
le Qatar → qatari → qataro-‘katari’
la République centrafricaine → centrafricain → centrafricano-‘közép-afrikai köztársasági’
la République dominicaine → dominicain → dominicano ‘dominikai köztársasági’
la Roumanie → roumain → roumano-‘román’
le Royaume-Uni → britannique → britanno-‘brit’
la Russie → russe → russo-‘orosz’
le Rwanda → rwandais → rwando-‘ruandai’
Saint-Marin (m) → saint-marinais → saint-marino-‘San Marinó-i’
le Salvador → salvadorien → salvadoro-‘salvadori’
la Scandinavie → scandinave → scandinavo-‘skandináv’
le Sénégal → sénégalais → sénégalo-‘szenegáli’
la Serbie → serbe → serbo-‘szerb’
les Seychelles (f) → seychellois → seychello-‘Seychelle-szigeteki’
la Sierra léone → sierraléonais → sierraléono-‘sierra leone-i’
Singapour (f) → singapourien → singapouro ‘szingapúri’
la Slovaquie → slovaque → slovaco-‘szlovák’
la Slovénie → slovène → slovéno-‘szlovén’
la Somalie → somalien → somalo-‘szomáliai’
le Soudan → soudanais → soudano-‘szudáni’
le Sri Lanka → srilankais/cingalais → srilanko-/cingalo-‘Srí Lanka-i’
la Suède → suédois → suédo-‘svéd’
la Suisse → suisse → suisso-, helvético-‘svájci’
le Suriname → surinamien → surinamo ‘suriname-i’
le Swaziland → swazi → swazo-‘szváziföldi’
la Syrie → syrien → syro-‘szíriai’
le Tadjikistan → tadjik → tadjiko-‘tádzsikisztáni’
la Tanzanie → tanzanien → tanzano-‘tanzániai’
le Tchad → tchadien → tchado-‘csádi’
la Tchéquie → tchèque → tchéco-‘cseh’
la Thaïlande → thaïlandais → thaïlando-‘thaiföldi’
le Tibet → tibétain → tibéto-‘tibeti
le Togo → togolais → togolo-‘togói’
Trinité-et-Tobago (f) → trinidadien → trinidado-‘trinidádi’
la Tunisie → tunisien → tuniso-/tunisio-‘tunéziai’
le Turkménistan → turkmène → turkméno-‘türkmén’
la Turquie → turc → turco-‘török’
l`Ukraine (f) → ukrainien → ukraino-‘ukrán’
l`Uruguay (m) → uruguayen → uruguayo-‘uruguayi’
Vatican (m) → vatican → vaticano-‘vatikáni’
le Venezuela → vénézuélien → vénézuélo-‘venezuelai’
le Vietnam → vietnamien → vietnamo-‘vietnámi’
le Yémen → yéménite → yéméno-‘jemeni’
la Zambie → zambien → zambio-‘zambiai’
le Zimbabwe → zimbabwéen → zimbabwéo-‘zimbabwei’
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littlesweethyena · 7 years
3 settimane post partum
Il nostro piccolo è arrivato qualche settimana fa, ha stravolto il nostro mondo. Non sono riuscita finora a trovare il tempo per scrivere, onestamente non ho quasi il tempo per pensare. Mi sento dentro una bolla, fisicamente sto abbastanza male. Oggi volevo uscire per la prima volta, invece sto andando al pronto soccorso a controllare lo stato dei punti della dolorosissima episiotomia che mi hanno fatto. Non riesco a stare seduta o in piedi. Penso alla Bolivo che una settimana dopo il parto è andata al mare e a Clio Make-up che dopo pochissimo era a farsi un brunch con la mamma e la lenticchia a seguito. Non so se ridere o piangere, ma ho il sospetto che abbiano ordinato i loro figli su amazon... Noi siamo reclusi a casa da settimane, io sto un vero schifo e accudire il piccolo in queste condizioni è una sfida, certi momenti mi sento sopraffatta. Sono felice, ma attendo con ansia di arrivare a uno stato delle cose 'normale': voglio stare bene...non come la Bolivo, mi basterebbe potermi sedere senza tirar giù tutti i santi da Sant'Antonio a san Zenone!
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parezcomafalda-blog · 7 years
Understanding Blueberry? Well, they are very nutritious and are from the most powerful source of acids.
Understanding Blueberry? Well, they are very nutritious and are from the most powerful source of acids While selling blueberry oxygen in Appendix, is a natural nature. Due to the great list of health drafts, the Bolivo Rateet always appreciates the rich source of resources that prevent acccation. These antioxidants are titaniacens. Additionally, these are compounds that are for reducing burns and even keep in mind our heart disease and cancer. Why is bulk berry extraction used by many people? Extraction of bulbery is used for medical purposes to be treated for prevention and prevention: heart disease. Alzheimeric disease. Age-related Molecular Diagnosis • Digabis · Hi-Colysis · High-pressure Pressure • Alcohol prepares with anti-aged benefits. The Blackberry Extraction Benefits did not work much more on the benefits of bulberry berry, but everything was done, we know it's a lot of stuff that will help us. These are as follows: 1. High pressure of blood - This is the use of blackberry eczema, it can be kept in blood pressure in a chak that equals high blood pressure in one's body. It is also cordoned to reduce stress pressure for diabetes, it is a major cause of heart attack. Alzheimer's disease - Arct can cause disease alienation to protect brain from poisonous effects Amilede Beta. It is a matter that causes disease in developing a disease. Thanksgiving - Blackberry extracts are a great contribution to sugar disease because it helps in reducing sugar. Cancer - Some students have proven that blooming can help with the fight against milk. This reduces the risk of cancer cells in the body. There is not much to be used for long term use, but if you manage sugarcane diseases from acne intelligence, then you should be careful with your diabetic medicines at the time of care. There are alternatives of bulb extract extracts, many natural things that have antioxidants. This includes Acai, Bilberry, Chawkberry, Auditorium, and Small Cherry. You can also buy all the products or other pomegranates like grapes, pomegranates and so on. You get a great deal online at Plantnat.com. See now! Potente is a 12-year sewage berry extracting machine. They have independent independence laboratories, technical designs and raw materials. So they can control the quality of the source.
0 notes
gravekeeper-anna · 9 years
The Mender and the Gravekeep
( Continued rp from here.)
The gravekeeper lofted a brow at Bolivos as far as his mention of the new pair of ears. “Wouldn’t they now? Why, I’ve heard the blood elves have quite the talent with magic after all! Or so I’ve heard?” The spectral forsaken gave a wry smile, careful, as to not burst her stitches. “I’ve never been. Now mind you, I know the little pretty orb is just around the front of the city, but I just can’t bring myself to touch it to go to Silvermoon!” She seized up her shoulders, wrinkling her nose. “Much too much color, I’ve heard!”
She chuckled at the sheepish offering of a name. “My, that’s a mouthful. Bo-li-vos Fist-ern-ius. Well it’s a pleasure!” She nodded toward his little bow and shrugged a little. “They just call me ‘Anna’ here. Nothing too fancy!” She spiraled a pale, spindly finger at Bolivos. “Youuuu look like you would like some tea, Mister Fisternius! Am I right?”
( themeanbunny )
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safrona-shadowsun · 6 years
What Kind of Donut Would You Be?
The Courier would be a Red Velvet Donut.
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Tagged by the lovely @claudia-campbell! Thank you!
Tagging: @mremaknu, @lilthessa, @pinpep, @shedwyn , @murkeyglglgl, @aranyaphoenix, @unabashedrebel, @puppet-master-jihye, @themadamelioness, @belillinafireseeker, @katyrsclinic, @inistellan, @wiedaashcroft, @niklosadamant, @s-p-giffy, @bolivos-dawnlight, @nym-wildseeker, @rineah-darkfall, @nixalegos, @thehumbleknight, @bourbonandbadluck, @shaeli-dawson, @braedensunstorm, @alastar-wyatt, @ranekvilmas, @olivia-lovecraft, @risrielthron @dae-shadowvale, @anierous-sunblade....and many more that would like to do this!
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themeanbunny · 2 years
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themeanbunny · 2 years
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Family portrait~
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themeanbunny · 2 years
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A pride Bolivos~
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themeanbunny · 2 years
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When someone you were close to gets a weird doppelgänger that doesn’t know you very well? Ouch.
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themeanbunny · 2 years
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So Bolivos began using his enchanted spectacles more to look less Undead. Makes him feel more safe.
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safrona-shadowsun · 6 years
Upon one of the tables in the corner of the Legerdemain Lounge sat a familiar pair of half-moon spectacles; seemingly forgotten as they sat next to a nearly finished cup of coffee.
Safrona caught sight of the familiar spectacles just before they would be swept from the little table. The serving girl was working too hurriedly to clear the Ledgermaine for the morning rush however. Watching on with a forming wry smile, the near-empty cup was easily knocked over to splash it’s remnants across the table she’d only just wiped down. The poor girl was scrambling now, a few choice words whispered just under a frustrated breath. The importer brought it on herself to intervene with a knowing smile, bringing an extra rag over from the bar.
“Nothing going quite so right this morning, is it?” Safrona chuckled, the soft spot she had for the plight of the girl touched on. They were the same in a field of often underappreciated services. The waitress had for the moment stared at the lady in red, however, surprised. “Miss…Safrona?” The name was a slow revelation from the server.
Another patient chuckle left the lady’s lips, wiping down the table herself. “Of course, lovely girl. I’m only here everyday, you know.”
“Ohhh, hehe…um yes. ” The girl breathed a long sigh. “It’s been a niiiiightmare this morning, I’m so sorry. And so many in red here recently! I think the cloak is catching on, Miss Saf!” The serving girl fidgeted, not quite sure what to do with herself.
“Mmm, maybe I ought to add more colors to the closet. Is that what you’re trying to say…?” Safrona spoke with a light tease. The serving girl of course stared again, lips gasping out for words like a fish gulping for air.
“Yes…? I mean! Only…if…you wanted?” The girl cringed.
Tentatively plucking the glasses from the server, Safrona remained amused, and expertly disarming. “Don’t let my lingering love for this cloak distract you too deeply, lovely. I’ll take these - I know who they belong too. You’ve a few more tables to get to, I do think.”
Said glasses would be left at the First Aid clinic where the Courier knew the Mender Bolivos to make his appearances. Busy morning commutes giving neither the time to convene, the glasses were accompanied by a fancy napkin from the famed Lounge, personalized by the crowning “L” in a fade of violet color. The Courier’s inked words were scribbled in a flow across:
“I imagine you’re a mess without your glasses. Let me know one day if you’ll be needing anything else from your Courier.”
Be well,~S
{Always good to hear from you, @themeanbunny! Enjoy a small story I apparently needed to write! Cameo of Serving Girl NPC is @sanguinesorceress’s fault lol}
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safrona-shadowsun · 7 years
"Hello Miss Safrona!" A sing-song voice of a young woman rang out in the streets of Dalaran. The voice belonged to Anne, often seen at the good doctor's clinic until a few months ago where she's been absent.
Early morning slipped across Dalaran with the start to business traffic, and the Scarlet Courier gave pause on the way to the Merchant's Square, her ear catching the sound of her name. Not 'Courier', or 'Red', or a dozen other monikers, but a -name-. It inspired more warmth behind the usual projected smile, the importer turning to fully give her greeter her attention. "Well hello there," Safrona lilted on, recognizing the face, but not so much the name. She might have spoken to the friendly undead girl once or twice before in passing, and she couldn't recall if some quick trade had been arranged within that - life had happened since then, demonic armies invaded, lives lost or scattered to the winds to Nether knew where. Still, Safrona silently chided herself and hid her pang of guilt well, hoped she could simply fall into the moment the girl might reintroduce herself. Saraj was so much better with picking names out of the air. Ethereals didn't falter when they didn't yet have their morning coffee..."It's been a while, yes?" Her eyes slipped from her friendly greeter, indicating the direction of the clinic. "I imagine Mender Bolivos has been busy. And elsewhere? I can't remember the last time he ordered a supply drop from me." Bolivos Fisternius. She couldn't forget -that- name, at least. "Or has your friend turned to a less hectic practice?"{ @themeanbunny }
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