themeanbunny · 2 years
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A pride Bolivos~
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sheikaharts · 10 months
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Sunshine boy
My half elf, Izzy Everspring on Moon Guard :3
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laurenwalshart · 1 year
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Trying to get out of a little hiatus funk by drawing my ocs. Her name is Lady Alunethil Autumnvale, Quel’dorei ranger of the Silver Covenant.
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eighthdoctor · 4 months
Same anon who sent in the ask about kink culture on Azeroth wayyy back in November, back at it like 2 months later (uh oops lol) with a follow-up question: in the answer to my previous ask you went a bit into how in certain cultures on Azeroth there are aspects of BDSM that are considered more normalized (the main example you gave was orcs being into heavy S/M stuff), and I was hoping you would be willing to go into that whole idea a bit more *but* revolving around the Quel’dorei specifically. Part of what I’m trying to get at here is that in the answer to my second question you went into how Jaina’s cultural upbringing influences her views on kink, so now I’m curious about where Sylvanas is coming from in all this.
Yo! Two links for context for everyone else:
Kink culture on Azeroth
Sylvanas's approach to relationships (...NSFW)
So here's two things about the quel'dorei: They're very long lived, and they have a complicated, hierarchical society.
Obviously you can take this in a number of directions but here's my proposal: The quel'dorei predominantly self assort into either sequential monogamy (a series of partners but only one at a time) or monogamy with extra-pair mating (long term relationship with one person and periodic, less intense flings on the side).
Why not more typical polyamory? Because of that hierarchy/formality. We're all super aware that any polycule is going to involve copious amounts of drama over who takes precedence and it ends up looking like you dropped a ball of string. Not that there aren't quel'dorei in polycules and throuples, but standard is you have a primary partner and then may have additional flings.
In these relationships someone is Assigned Dom By Society. Someone is in charge. It is common for this to be kinky and sexual but that's not essential; on the other hand someone does pay when they go out to eat. A certain amount of dictating your partner's choices is typical.
Sylvanas being a Windrunner, the expectation is that of course she's going to be the dom. The only family she could date where that would be questionable would be the Sunstriders and, well, political nonsense. This would be more problematic if she weren't who she is, but Sylvanas has had control issues from day one so the ability to dictate the relationship from the get-go is incredibly appealing to her.
It is perfectly normal and unsurprising then that Sylvanas has a revolving door of girlfriends. It's a little odd that they're so time-bound (only when she's in Silvermoon, never when she's on duty) and that she shows no signs of slowing down on this, but absolutely no one cares that she has a new girlfriend every year or that she openly flaunts them as a new possession.
(Similarly, the only thing gossip-worthy about Kael'thas's revolving door of partners is that so many of them are human. Again the expectation is that he'll eventually pick one--a quel'dorei, please--to sire an heir on but otherwise, of course he keeps coming home with another Kirin Tor student on his arm, paying their way, buying them clothing and other gifts, introducing them to all the biggest names, then dumping them and moving on. Some combo of sugar daddy, mentor, and 24/7 dominant.)
(This isn't intrinsically an abuse of power, in a society where this is normal and there are other forms of social support if your partner does turn out to be a dickwad, HOWEVER one, he's the prince and two, in no way does he communicate the expectations here to Jaina so like. Still a dick.)
The stereotypical traditional quel'dorei relationship--equivalent to a 50s marriage, aka very few people now OR then actually lived this but it exists in cultural consciousness--veeery very closely resembles a 24/7 D/s relationship.
It's not that the dom is necessarily making major life choices without other input, but like, if they go out to eat, one person is ordering the food for both of them. It's a little gesture, an easy way to signal rank, I'm taking care of you, I'm protecting you--it helps that the higher ranked individual is also presumed to be more socially adept, I am literally making sure you don't make any social faux pas, I will provide a buffer against other people being assholes.
Does Sylvanas expect this in a relationship with Jaina? No. Lmao. This is Jaina.
Buuuuut as alluded to early on (very, very alluded to, Sylvanas is not acknowledging she's doing this), she does have a drive to care and provide for her partner, she wants to feed Jaina, give her things, watch over her, these are all very hard-coded (biologically and culturally) quel'dorei things that put her in the role of the dominant, which somewhat scans but not totally.
Now the sex: Total high protocol bullshit, as Jo summarized it.
There are named positions. There are orders and punishments. There's a reasonable amount of degradation and objectification. Branding/tattoos/piercing are fairly common in long-term relationships. Lots of D/s obviously, lots of discipline, with S&M and bondage as less common but still present trends.
Not that you'll see someone on a leash on the streets of Silvermoon (any more than you would in, say, LA) but you will see someone walking a half step to the side and behind their partners and holding that position, checking in before talking to others, etc.
Anyway this plays out in fic for Sylvaina so I'm not going to go too into details but. Yeah. I'll probably reblog this closer to fic-end when it gets REAL funky.
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heartpiercer · 1 year
LFC - Marsira Ith’valin
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「 general information 」
FULL NAME: Marsira Elayne Ith’valin
NICKNAME(S): Mar, Mars, Marsi
TITLE(S): The Heartpiercer, of the Unseen Path
AGE: 182
DATE OF BIRTH: June 27th
RACE: Quel’dorei
GENDER: Female, cisgender.
MARITAL STATUS: Single, never married.
PROFESSION(S): Mercenary, sharpshooter, dragonrider, ranger of the Unseen Path. Former Farstrider (Captain), Ex-SI:7 (Director)
LANGUAGES: Thalassian, Common, Draconic, Sign
「 physicality & appearance 」
HAIR: Crimson red, wavy, shoulder blade length
EYES: Deep blue
HEIGHT: 5’10”
BUILD: Mesomorphic; muscular and athletic. Archer’s build.
A jagged scar that darts by the corner of her right eye and stops just below her left cheekbone
An odd fern-like scar on her left bicep that stretches down her arm.
Freckles dotted across her cheeks.
Green, dragon-like tattoos on her arms and torso.
A lip ring, center of bottom lip.
A tongue piercing
Dagger, heart and playing card earrings.
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「 personality & traits 」
Reserved even on the best of days, Marsira is more often a quiet observer than she is an engager in conversation. She's a decent conversationalist when spoken to, piercing the person in question with her bright blue eyes all the while. There is a certain kindness there, shrouded from the world at large in the shadowy fog of snark and sarcasm; kept safe from those who would use and abuse it.
Despite her quietness, there's an overwhelming aura of confidence and power about her. She's blunt, and by her own admission is easily annoyed by those who prevaricate or don't speak their mind. She does have her moments of frustration that can turn into fiery outbursts, but it is not a common occurrence.
Want to know more? Interact or RP!
「personal information 」
HOBBIES: Whittling, blacksmithing, drawing, reading
SKILL(S): Archery, trapper, tracker, survivalist, sharpshooter, bounty hunter.
RESIDENCE: Elwynn Forest
BIRTHPLACE: Quel’thalas
AFFILIATIONS: The Unseen Path, Glove & Gauntlet
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「 relations 」
Erzaen Ith’valin, father. 
Sylrise Ith’valin-Duskfeather, mother. †
Her drake, a black dragon named Avoth.
A blue hydra named Ire.
「 habits & vices」
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
「 other/ooc 」
FACE REFERENCE(S):Katherine Mcnamara
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Janet Varney as Avatar Korra
SERVER: Moon Guard - Alliance
Although this is an Alliance-aligned character, she won’t outright attack those of the Horde; she is currently far more preoccupied with what’s happening on the Dragon Isles to be bothered.
I will not interact/roleplay with minors or anyone under the age of 18.
Though I am fine writing characters in more intimate situations if it is appropriate, do not try to force ERP or expect it in any way when writing with me. Should you do so, it will likely end in a block.
I will not write with godmodders (ex. never misses a hit and never gets hit, their character is so overpowered that they’re basically a god and can’t ever lose, etc).
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celedyn · 10 months
Celedyn’s Backstory: Extremely Annotated Edition
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Very important disclaimer: while I enjoy deep diving into lore and using it as a foundation to make my own connections and conclusions, my connections are for my own entertainment and should in no way be considered “right.” If you have built different conclusions from the story, I absolutely love what you have done as well and truly, if we are RPing together I will not contradict you or tell you that you are wrong. Referencing canon can make some people feel on edge or scrutinized, but it’s important that while this post may go deep dive into where I pulled these bits of lore from it doesn’t mean my connection is the one true way. 
Regarding Celedyn’s age, while there are a lot of ideas about elven life spans out there, there is lore to support extreme longevity in the Quel’dorei. We had seen multiple examples of elves that were at least in the 2700+ range due to their participation in the Troll Wars (see in game book The Guardians of Tirisfal which is dated at 2700 Before Dark Portal and details historic events that take place after the conclusion of the Troll Wars. (https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Guardians_of_Tirisfal and backed up by Chronicles 1 pg 133) known participants : Anasterian, survived until 22 ADP. Galell survived until some time after 26 ADP. (Per Blood of the Highborne ch.1) Dar’Khan survived until 22 ADP then risen into undeath. (Per Blood of the Highborne ch.1) Liadrin, Lor’themar, Halduron (Per Blood of the Highborne ch.1) Alleria (Per the Warcraft Encyclopedia online entry confirmed canon by Sean Copeland and archived at https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Warcraft_Encyclopedia/Alleria_Windrunner)  survived to the current timeline. 
A real obscure pull is the Elven Engineers: survived from establishment of Dalaran (~2700 BDP per Chronicles 1 pg 134) to 22 ADP (“Prince Kael, the other engineers and I helped to build Dalaran's original defenses.” Warcraft 3 secret chapter The Crossing  https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Crossing_(WC3_BloodElf) 
Of course all of those seemed really really old until we got Lorash Sunbeam born in Tirisfal Glades (A Good War pg 50) where the Quel’Dorei first landed in 7,000 BDP (Chronicles 1 pg 118) placing his birth prior to their 6,800 BDP immigration to Quel Thalas (Chronicles 1 pg 120 and https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Founding_of_Quel%27Thalas ) and survived to ~34 ADP along with his mother born an undefined time prior to that and survived until the scourge invasion of Silvermoon 22 ADP. 
All this is to say that Quel’Dorei have a lot of room for maximum ages. I personally like the headcanon that subsequent generations of Quel’Dorei are less long lived than their Highborne ancestors because it leaves room for people who like a shorter lifespan, but Celedyn is OLD old and much like Alleria who gave birth to Arator in Outland while she was at least in the 2800ish range and is flawless and beautiful every time Blizzard puts her in a cutscene, he does not show it. 
Celedyn was a participant in the Troll Wars in that I treat it as a period that all elves were participants. It was a time that they were under so much pressure that complete extinction was eminent (“Clearly the trolls were winning”… “without assistance from Arator, the trolls would soon destroy Quel’Thalas” … “Teaching the arcane arts to the humans could easily lead to disaster. Yet as much as this possibility troubled Anasterian, his own people were facing exctinction.” Chronicles 1 pg 130) and I handle it as a period of martial law where the entire combat capable population was drafted into service with no room for civilians.
In contrast with contemporary Quel’Thalas, even with 90% of the population wiped out in the aftermath of Arthas’s attack we don’t see that same level of desperation. The Horde and the Alliance are sending emissaries courting Quel’Thalas to join them and when Lor’themar sends his letter of acceptance following the Forsaken’s assistance with Dar’Khan; his tone is much more that he is pleased they will not look weak than one of compromising for the purposes of survival. ( https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/quest=9621/envoy-to-the-horde  and https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/item=23930/letter-sealed-by-sylvanas)
Celedyn has foundational training in magic, which I treat as just having been common in Quel’Thalan schooling and life, but he was not a particularly exceptional spellcaster and he is gentle in nature and cowardly and unsuited to combat. Instead, most of his service during the Troll Wars was as a messenger and scout, where he could take advantage of his talent for running away to find a military unit capable of protecting him.
The elves already knew that arcane magic attracted the attention of the Burning Legion. (“Many of the high elves grew wary of their rampant use of arcane magic, fearing it could draw the Burning Legion to Azeroth once again. Dath’Remar sent his most powerful arcanists to find a solution. Over several decades they built a series of monolithic Runestones around Quel’Thalas’s borders. This barrier was called Ban’dinoriel, or “the Gatekeeper” in the high elven tongue. It would prevent others from detecting the elves’ usage of arcane magic” Chronicles 1 pg 121) (“The shield was tied to a series of monolithic Runestones, relics that prevented the Burning Legion and other outsiders from detecting the arcane magics wielded by the high elves. They also weakened the powers of their enemies, such as the Amani trolls.” Chronicles 2 pg 162)
Ban’dinoriel is a term used inconsistently in lore. It seems to be a blanket name for all of the multiple systems of protection around Quel’Thalas, including the two elfgate shields and the protective monolithic Runestones. 
As best I am able to decipher, the First Elfgate is tied to the protection from magical detection, offensive spells, and supression of hostile behavior from animals that surrounds the full borders of Quel’Thalas and is powered by the Monolithic Runestones. When Orgim had Gul’dan dismantle the monolitic Runestone at Caer Darrow, it restored their magic and allowed them to storm through Quel’Thalas. (With the Runestone desecrated, the Horde’s death knights and other spellcasters regained their powers” Chronicles 2 pg 164) Some form of repair may have been done to this barrier or potentially only to the Elfgate itself, because Arthas had to destroy this Elfgate on his march.
An additional barrier around Silvermoon is described as being summoned by magi during Ogrim’s assault and powered by the Sunwell at the time (“Their fire washes over the city but does not touch it, and their claws are repelled by an invisible barrier they cannot break.” “It is the Sunwell,” Gul’dan commented, turning back to take part in the conversation. “The elven source of magic. It gives them immense power.” Tides of Darkness ch 15) by the time Arthas is marching through Quel’Thalas the Silvermoon barrier is supported by a series of mooncrystals and it is also called Ban’dinoriel (“Thus interconnected, the crystals created a field of energy known as Ban’dinoriel - The Gatekeeper.” Arthas: Rise of the Lich King ch 19) 
Sometimes the second elfgate is treated as being part of the protections around Silvermoon city and sometimes it is interpreted as part of the protection around Eversong woods that is represented in game by Eversong still being lush and green while the Ghostlands is withered after being burned down by the red dragonflight, but your guess is as good as mine. (“Silvermoon City was protected by a number of magical barriers. Two were the elfgates, which were positioned at strategic points on the main road to the capital. The third and most powerful barrier was called Ban’dinoriel. It was an impenetrable shield that derived its power from the Sunwell.” Chronicles 3 pg 63)
People may have multiple interpretations for what all this means or if one defense superseded another or if there was a continuity error, but for the purposes of this post I will use Ban’dinoriel broadly for all magical systems of elven protection, including any systems that suppress offensive magic and any systems that physically block attacks or invaders, and I will only use Runestones when referring to monolithic Runestones. 
Bringing this all back to Celedyn, he previously had a fiancé, Ardoras. Ardoras was what would be presently called a balance druid, an expert on the astral connections between nature and the arcane. His shan’do was one of the creators of the monolithic Runestones and had trained Ardoras to assist with and one day be his successor in their maintenance.  
During the Troll Wars the first human mages are trained, and they are wildly talented (“Although the humans lacked grace and subtlety in their castings, they possessed a startling natural affinity to magic.” Chronicles 1 pg 130) but following the Troll Wars, Ardoras was upset with he way the human mages had been handled, that they had been given power without warning and that their elven teachers had taught them how to function as weapons but had not taught them of the risks or offered guidance on defense. He discussed all of this with his fiancé Celedyn and it fostered sedition in the pair as things worsened and the formerly nomadic humans began to establish permanent colonies only to have them besieged by the Burning Legion, still without the mages aware that they were the cause of the attacks. (The Guardians of Tirisfal https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Guardians_of_Tirisfal) 
The Quel’thalan druids were particularly sensitive to these assaults. They remembered well the risks that came from unchecked magic, and the choice that the first druid Malfurion had made to banish the arcane affiliated Highborne (To clarify, while the Sundering took place 10,000 BDP, the exile of the Highborne was not until 7,300 BDP and I assume that there were druids trained in that time that due to family ties and other relationships or simply using arcane as part of their own practices; who went alongside the exiled Highborne.) They knew that sharing the exact secrets of Ban’dinoriel’s protection would put the elven kingdom at too great a risk, but they could not stand idly by; and so they decided they would extend the barrier of protection themselves.
They didn’t explain why they had offered to gift an elven artifact to the nearby settlement of Caer Darrow; and the Barov family certainly wasn’t about to question it. In secret they had built another monolithic Runestone, bound it to Ban’dinoriel and delivered it to the island. Unfortunately, they had greatly overestimated the Barov’s capacity for discretion, and soon word of this offering reached the ears of the magisters.
What the druids did not know is that the magi that ruled Quel’Thalas the Council of Silvermoon, were already well aware of the problem and had a solution of their own in mind, one that would allow them a level of political influence over the human kingdom (“Having agreed that they could not prohibit the use of magic, the Council of Silvermoon and the magocragy of Dalaran decided on another solution. Together, they formed a clandestine order to deal with the demonic invaders.” Chronicles 1 pg135) and the druid’s solution of simply extending Quel’Thalas’s protection threatened their ability to monitor and control the human mages that were rampantly growing in both numbers and power.
The Council’s retaliation was swift and succinct. Overnight; magisters capable of manipulating the thoughts and memories of others (See the interaction in the Silvermoon bazaar. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Priest_Ennas   While some people feel this level of totalitarianism was reflective of Kael’Thas’s reign, it is important to note that Silvermoon was never under his direct rule. After learning Anasterian and the Council had died during Arthas’s march on Quel’Danas, he destroyed the corrupted Sunwell, named Lor’themar his regent and immediately departed for Dalaran and later Outland) were dispatched, the druids of had their minds overwritten, and the history of their contributions to Quel’Thalas were erased (This is meta commentary relating to early concept maps featuring a world tree in Quel’Thalas  https://twitter.com/manaborne/status/1449913597950300162?s=46&t=lRdyqF10RdSWO2uXdPr8Pw that was then downgraded Thas’alah to just being a pretty cool tree, and the original manual for Warcraft II Tides of Darkness saying that the Caer Darrow runestone was placed by Elven Druids https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Warcraft_II:_Tides_of_Darkness_manual#The_Runestone_at_Caer_Darrowwhich was later changed in the Warcraft Encyclopedia to “Elven Magi”) 
Celedyn was not directly involved in the creation of the Caer Darrow monolithic Runestone, but he accompanied Ardoras, and he knew that what the druids were doing was in defiance of the ruling powers of Quel’thalas. Shortly after their return to Silvermoon, he came to visit Ardoras late one night after an evening of partying and debauchery and he found his fiancé calm and content and not recognizing him at all. He ran to get help from Ardoras’s shan’do but found that he was calm and content and not recognizing him at all. When Celedyn returned to his own home, he noticed the door was very slightly ajar. He turned around and he started walking and did not stop and that was the last time he saw Quel’Thalas. 
Bonus content for people who made it this far and presumably just love obscure citations about druidic presence in Quel’Thalas: 
See Emmarel Shadewarden, sent by the Unseen Path to fight alongside Talanas Windrunner against the Amani (“I fought alongside its first wielder, Talanas Windrunner, during an Amani troll incursion.”  https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Rendezvous_with_the_Courier#Notes ) I personally don’t interpret this was the contemporary invasion associated with the Zul’Aman raid. We are told that the bow Thas’Dorah has been passed though multiple Windrunner generations of Ranger Generals (Including Grandmother Alleria her daughter Lireesa, and Current Alleria who refused the title but took the bow then lost it.) and while one may interpret that Talanas passed down the title and weapon while he was still alive and simply survived until the contemporary Zul’Aman conflict where he met Emmarel, I am not aware of us ever seeing elven ascension working that way. Anasterian and Lireesa both passed their titles on when they died and Anasterian is treated as being past his prime while still retaining the title by the time Arthas is attacking. By the time the ZA raid came out, the title of Ranger General had already passed down many generations and I think that is because Talanas was already long dead.
Dath’Remar did step down as LEADER following the creation of Ban’Dinoriel (Chronicles 1, pg 121) but not explicitly as King and the King of Quel’thalas has not been the political leader since the establishment of the Convocation of Silvermoon (“The Convocation of Silvermoon was founded as the ruling power over Quel'Thalas, though the Sunstrider Dynasty maintained a modicum of political power. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Founding_of_Quel%27Thalas ) I don’t put an upper limit on the start or length of the Troll Wars but it is note worthy that Talanas was declared Ranger General in them; and Current Alleria who is at least three generations removed also fought in them but she was not offered the title of Ranger General until her mother Lireesa died in the Second War (“It wasn't until the orcs allied with the Amani trolls and turned their attention to Quel'Thalas that the Highborne understood the true threat. Many elven rangers--including Lireesa Windrunner, the ranger-general--died in a bloody attack.”  https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Tales_of_the_Hunt#:~:text=Tales%20of%20the%20Hunt%20is,lore%20about%20the%20hunter%20artifacts. ) and YES dear reader that does mean Sylvanas was not originally intended to be the military head and only held the role for 2 decades at the most and maybe that’s why she’s not very good at leadership.
All that is to say I think there’s good lore evidence that for one reason or another the druids of the Unseen Path had some level of involvement in the Troll Wars, maybe as an investigation into the heavy use of Loa delivered by the Zandalari (“tens of thousands of troll fighters exploded from the shadowy forests. Monstrous loa demigods marched alongside the Amani, infusing their troll adherents with supernatural might” Chronicles 1 pg 129)
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garrennorassin · 2 years
Garren Norassin
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Art by sbeep
The Basics ––– –
Name: Garren Irrus Norassin
Nickname(s): ‘Gin’
Age: Young Adult
Birthday: June 4th
Race: Half Kaldorei / Half Quel’dorei
Gender:  Male
Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Snow white
Eyes:  Glowing silver with a hint of powder blue
Height: 6′0″
Build: Slender but toned
Distinguishing Marks: His skin tone is a very pale purplish-blue, but his ears are shaped more like those of a Quel’dorei. He’s often mistaken for a Ren’dorei, but can also pass as a Kaldorei, Quel’dorei, and even as a Sin’dorei on occasion. Grab bag elf!
Tattoos: Various shaped arrows along the insides of all fingers and across the tops of both thumbs.
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Piercings: None
Common Accessories: His mother’s bow, his grandfather’s silver Norassin crest ring, and his grandmother’s silver necklace with a jeweled charm that represents The White Lady and The Blue Child.
Likeness: Lucky Blue Smith
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Personal Information––– –
Profession: None currently that have stuck, at the moment he does odd jobs anywhere he can to make money.
Hobbies:  Archery, making arrows, long distance running (gotta run away from those problems), swimming, listening to music, he used to play harp and may pick that up again once settled.
Languages: Darnassian, Common, Orcish
Residence: Formerly Darnassus, then Moonglade with his guardians and other refugees. Currently staying with his guardians but needing a new place to live!
Birthplace: Darnassus
Religion:  Elune
Patron Deity:  Elune
Fears: Large fires, war, never belonging anywhere
Personality: Given who his parents are, he’s got some serious anger issues at times; they are both very hot-headed and stubborn, and he’s inherited a lot of that. It doesn’t help that he’s not had the best life, being constantly surrounded by death and losing everyone you love at such a young age will mess you up. Despite all of that, he tries to show compassion and kindness, especially for those that have been in similar situations. He can be playful and charming when he feels comfortable, cold and closed-off when not. He’s even slightly manipulative at times, but he is a product of his upbringing and you learn to get what you need however you can when in dire situations. Overall, he’s just very lost and trying to find his way.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse:  None
Children:  None
Parents:  Callia Norassin (Deceased and in Maldraxxus) and Xylaes Qin’oril (Alive and living in Dalaran - @xylaes​​)
Siblings:  None
Other Relatives: All deceased in the burning of Teldrassil
Pets: None
Sex & Romance ––– -
Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious
Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch
Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch | unknown
Libido: Not really known at this time. He’s only recently come of age and his life has been in a constant state of turmoil over the past five years, so it’s not been at the top of his list.
Turn ons: Long legs, pretty smiles, compassion, wild streaks
Turn offs: Bad hygiene, liars, narcissists, bullies 
Love Language: Words of Affirmation, Touch 
Relationship Tendencies: He’s never been in a serious relationship!
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Socially
Drugs: Socially
Alcohol: Socially
RP Hooks ––– –
DARNASSUS: He lived in Darnassus up until Teldrassil was burned down. He was still a ‘teenager’ at the time, so he was attending school and doing other teenage things.
MOONGLADE: After Teldrassil was destroyed, he moved to Moonglade with his guardians and could be found around the refugee camps.
WHAT IS HE? - He’s obviously an elf, but given his mother was a Kaldorei and his father a Quel’dorei, he received an interesting mixture of the two and it’s a bit indiscernible to pinpoint exactly which type of elf he is. I welcome characters to be curious about this, but it’s possible he may get offended depending on how he’s asked (which is OoC fine with me).
Looking For ––– –
Friends, mostly! He’s a brand new character and just starting out on his own in life! While he does have Xylaes (his father) around to help him, those two still have a fairly strained relationship and he could use some friends and whatever else!
Any type of RP whether it’s one-and-done or long-term if we click - slice of life, casual, fluff, dark, etc. I’m fairly open to anything as long as he’s not being killed off!
How to Contact ––– –
OoC: Here on tumblr, my main tumblr I follow from is @theconstructsworld​, or on Discord at Elysium#0072
IC: WrA Alliance in-game name is ‘Garrenne’ (A MG version will likely pop up at some point too!) - He will not be IC in game until the timeskip happens on November 15th!  After that he’ll be found mostly in Dalaran, and around various casual events being hosted. Always feel free to approach me in-game, or if you’re shy you can whisper me too!
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alliesweetsong · 6 months
LFRP: Allie Sweetsong
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Face/Voice Inspiration: Gal Gadot
SERVER: Moon Guard
Full Name: Allisel Sweetsong though most just call her Allie
Pronunciation: Alley-sell
Name Meaning:  The meaning of Allie is “noble kind”.
Age: Adult (Elven Equivalent of late twenties)
Race: Quel’dorei turned Ren’dorei
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Hair: brown 
Eyes: Sky Blue
Skin: fair, warm toned
Height: 5'7”
Build: Athletic, toned
Clothing Style: Out in the field: Light, leather armor, something that allows for swift movement but doesn’t skimp on protection Off Duty, lounging about: Casual clothing usually something to support a pistol holster.
Jewelry: Ear Piercings
Class: Hunter
Profession: Allie has served as a bodyguard and bartender. During the 4th war she served as a combat scout where she came into her own. Though officially discharged from Active Duty among the 7th Legion, post war she maintains relationships with those she needs to, should they have need of her once more. 
Exercise Habits: A Morning Run to the range, A run back to her home and weight training
Diet: Mostly high calorie stuff
Physical/Psychological Ailments: None that any see.
Birthplace: Quel’Thalas
Residence: Duskwood
Father: Taimal Sweetsong (Alive)
Mother: Eona Sweetsong (Alive) 
Siblings: unknown
Relationships: Happy with @theron-valteric
Children: A son named Coron
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(Art by @art-zoratrix ) 
Talents: Superb Aiming and weapons discipline. Trained in archery, but has since picked up a rifle instead.   has the ability to read a given situation and analyze how to approach
Shortcomings: Can often misjudge people and their intentions, (Seeing them as a friend when really an enemy etc) “Loyal to a fault” is known to lose her temper rapidly if arguments escalate 
Languages: Common,Thalassian
Temperament: Mostly warm, outgoing, friendly. Has a sunny disposition. 
Speech Style: Eloquent though she still gets hung up on common phrases that humans use. 
Hobbies: reading, making explosives and munitions, relaxing beachside
Habits: Drinks socially
Drive/Motivation: Literally to help others. As cliché as that sounds. She enjoys helping others complete menial tasks or large missions. She doesn’t do it for money, nor notoriety, in fact she tends to get embarrassed if people recognize her. She does it to make Azeroth a better place. 
Fears: Being surrounded, fire, has underlying abadonment issues, doesn’t enjoy super large crowds, Warlocks
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A bit about me i've been roleplaying for a little over a decade. From WoW to Star Trek to FF14. These days I don't have alot of time for super long rp arcs in game but i do still enjoy those. I mostly enjoy writing slice of life, atleast right now while im getting reacquainted with Azeroth after 3 years, but i enjoy a wide range of rp too. Will mirror most people. Im super outgoing and pretty reasonable. I do have anxiety so if you see me huddled in a corner somewhere don't hesitate to walk up! Im usually just to nervous to start the interaction.
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lady-of-the-mirror · 3 months
Lord-Archon Shakiena Shal'assan
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The Basics-
FULL NAME: Shakiena Auvelia Shal'assan
OFFICIAL TITLES: Lord of the Still Waters & Silver Trees, Archon of the North, Lichbane, Lady of the Mirror
AGE: 170 years
BIRTHDAY: December 24th, 468 KC (128 BDP)
RACE: Quel’dorei, (half Highborne)
GENDER: Cisgender Female
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married to Lady Alice Graves
FACTION: Faction neutral.
physical appearance-
HAIR: Snow White
EYE COLOR: Glowing Ocean Blue, sclera’s lightly tainted violet.
HEIGHT: 6’ 1” (6’ 3" when in heels)
BUILD: Mesomorph, athletic & muscular.
Sigil of the Knight-Archons tattooed on her sternum. Closer inspection (if one dared or was allowed) they would be able to see the ink is covering over a thin vertical scar.
On her ribs, ancient Highborne runic scripture spelling out Alairius Vashreen-Shal’assan, Shakiena’s son’s name.
Three long claw scars down the middle of her back.
When in proper attire or viewing is allowed, several scars cover the arcanist’s right thigh in a curved pattern, and appear to be large bite marks (and therefore the scars are on both sides of the leg.)
(NEW!) A glowing blue scar along the underside of her left ribcage.
Shal’assan House signets on her right ring and middle fingers.
Handcrafted pocket watch
Silver ornamental headpiece, and ornate ear ornamentation.
Jewelry. Studs on both earlobes and one on the right nostril
Handcrafted pendant made from a strange bluish white crystal.
Imbued runic wrappings over her hands and feet.
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PROFESSION(S): Nobility, mage hunter, professional enchanter.
HOBBIES: Honing her enchanting craft, gardening.
LANGUAGES: Spoken: Common, Thalassian. Comprehension: Most languages via arcanic means.
RESIDENCE: Star’s Shadow Sanctum, Spire’s Fall, North Shal’assan; Crystalsong Forest, Northrend
BIRTHPLACE: Dalaran, Arathi 
RELIGION: None, and non-spiritual
FEARS: Paralysis, loneliness, abandonment.
SPOUSE/PARTNER: Romantically involved with Lady Alice Graves
CHILDREN: Alairius Vashreen-Shal’assan; Born: September 16th, 635 KC (38 ADP)
PARENTS: Alairius Shal’assan (father; deceased), Shi’leyne Shal’assan (Mother; deceased), Efreet (surrogate; alive)
OTHER RELATIVES: All deceased (to her knowledge)
PETS: None
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Extroverted / Introverted / In Between
Disorganized / Organized / In Between
Close Minded / Open Minded / In Between
Calm / Anxious / In Between
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In Between
Cautious / Reckless / In Between
Patient / Impatient / In Between
Outspoken / Reserved / In Between
Leader / Follower / In Between
Hard-Working / Lazy / In Between
Emphatic / Unemphatic / In Between
Optimistic / Pessimistic / In Between
Traditional / Modern / In Between
Cultured / Uncultured / In Between
Loyal / Disloyal / Unknown / In Between
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Additional Information-
SMOKING HABIT: Never / Tried but didn’t stick / Sometimes / Frequently / In Excess
DRUGS: Never / Tried but didn’t stick / Sometimes / Frequently / In Excess
ALCOHOL: Never / Tried but didn’t stick / Sometimes / Frequently / In Excess
You may know/know of her if...
You were a member of the Kirin Tor, or a mage/spellcaster, or have spent a significant amount of time in Dalaran prior to the Fourth War.
You are of elven heritage, whether you be Quel'dorei, Sin'dorei, Ren'dorei, or Highborne.
You participated in the Nexus War and/or were privy to goings-on pertaining to the Purge of Dalaran.
You are a member of her home's armed forces, or a resident of her holdings.
You know of or are a friend of her wife, Alice Graves.
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xalaeth · 1 year
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A little gift for @faewyrm of Lyrinn after she gets her tattoos! Inspired by Kaldorei and Quel’dorei tattoos is a mix of both her parents!
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themeanbunny · 2 years
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When someone you were close to gets a weird doppelgänger that doesn’t know you very well? Ouch.
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fio-renze · 1 year
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“Ma’am. Ms. Silverbell is here to see you.”  
Fiorenze frowned and ran a hand through her bi-colored hair, “Did she say why?” 
Keranna tossed her a prim smirk from the doorway, “Not particularly, though one can guess.” 
“Would it be prudent to send her away? I can’t say I’m keen on receiving guests, Ker.” That was certainly the truth. 
“Ma’am, if I may be frank,” her head of House didn’t wait for her permission to be so and continued on, “If you were looking for an opportunity to gain control of your personal direction, this is it.” 
Fiorenze screwed her eyes shut in a tight grimace before nodding. This was a way out of waiting for the other shoe to drop, and could force some hands along the way. “Stall her for a moment or two while I dress, will you? I’ll receive her in Mother’s study shortly.” 
‘A moment or two’ certainly became a drawn out ‘bit too long’. Choosing the right chemise, robe and elegant over-robe was important, and the cream, sunrise orange and daffodil yellow ensemble settled more in the Sunmote range of colors than they did the Tel’vaiel. Keranna had taught her how to roll her hair into a soft chignon, pierced through and held fast with an orchid hair pin carved from bone and sharp enough to do some real damage in skilled hands. 
The last bit was her illusion; a delicate magical facade that covered over her pallor and slightly hollow cheeks in favor of the bright, warm her from months ago. That was the right person to have this meeting, not the declining failure. 
Sheizara stood up immediately when the current Lady Tel’vaiel finally entered the room, but didn’t bow, and had a seat again once the Lady had sat herself. “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, my friend Garren has been encouraging me to talk to you and I was in the neighborhood…” 
Fiorenze managed to maintain a neutral expression through that bit of new information, “Of course. Talk to me about what?” 
The other woman looked back at her a little wide-eyed, clearly terrified to a small degree, “...Ah. I’d um. Well. I— and I mean no disrespect to you or your marriage to my late half-brother, but —I believe that I have a claim to the Tel’vaiel estate and its wealth and I would like that. Not the titles, so much, but—” 
It really had only been a matter of time. Fiorenze felt her blood pounding in her ears as her stomach dropped, “I see.” 
This was it, wasn’t it? A moment to take some control and be decisive. 
“I believe you are correct, Miss Silverbell. My, that is to say, the Estate lawyers will be made available to you. This could potentially be a fairly long, drawn out process but my head of House has already spent some time cataloging what on the Estate came from the Sunmotes’ ledgers and what originally belonged to your family. I do hope that, and my cooperation to formally withdraw from those titles in your favor as a direct blood relation to the former Lord, will speed things along.” 
Sheizara stared for a moment, gobsmacked, mouth opening and closing a bit like a struggling fish before she nodded awkwardly, “I’ll admit I didn’t— I mean— Thank you? That’s very—” 
“Generous, yes,” Fiorenze cut her sister-in-law off before she could stumble her way through her statement further, “but from here on you’ll need to work through the lawyers and not me, especially with your status as a Quel’dorei national of Stormwind City.” 
“Oh. That makes sense, I guess. Do you wanna like… get dinner or drinks or something sometime? As, I dunno, weird family?” Shei’s earnestness in the offer was palpable. 
Fiorenze’s eyebrows shot up a bit before she smiled placidly, “Mm, I’ll have to think on it. But I do have other appointments today, so I hope you’ll forgive me for ducking out. Keranna will put you in touch with your legal team and answer any other questions you may have.”
She stood and swept out of the room before Sheizara could really say anything else and hurried back to her personal rooms with shaking hands and a racing heart.
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valfromonline · 6 months
Val Dawnhollow
The Dawnhollow line enjoys significant prestige in Silvermoon. Val's father earned the bulk of it, the celebrated Magister Latrodectus, heroic warmage of the Quel’dorei, risen to prominence relatively recently amid the Second and Third Wars. There are many- elves and men alike- who would be dead now if not for his valour.
Val came of age in these times of volatility. The pride of House Dawnhollow. She had inherited much of her father’s talent: an exceptional mage in all respects, level-headed and capable in battle, proven in the Second and Third Wars, the one promising scion to succeed him as head of the house.
Had it not been for the destruction of the Sunwell, that is.
Arcane withdrawal had affected all in the family, but none so severely as Val. She wasted gradually, holding firm at first, but soon becoming barely able to stay conscious for more than a few seconds at a time, and then not at all.
Desperate, and with all the backing the House could muster, the Magister had his ailing daughter sent to a shielded Dalaran, early in its stages of reconstruction, in hopes of receiving treatment that a stricken and overwhelmed Silvermoon could not provide. A fortune in coin was spent on keeping her clinging just barely to life, comatose and withered.
To her carers, it seemed a lost cause. Until a miracle occurred: The Sunwell was reignited, and her vigour with it. Even if her body would never fully physically recover from the ordeal, Val was conscious again and her mind sound. She could walk, she could talk, and she could cast.
Her father, overjoyed, immediately began plans for her return. Preparations were made for a grand and extravagant gala. But Val, who had never supported Silvermoon's withdrawal from the Alliance after the Second War to begin with, reacted predictably poorly to the news of her people's new identity as Horde.
She did not return. What should have been a celebration for the ages became one of the greatest embarrassments of the time amongst the Silvermoon nobility. And utter heartbreak for her father, who, despite having the means, could not bring himself to force the matter.
He would forgive her one day, she hoped, when Quel'Thalas returned to the Alliance. Then would they be properly reunited once more.
She would do all she could to ensure it.
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eighthdoctor · 6 months
"#...enter jaina monsterfucker extraordinaire--" Ok, based on this tag, do you have any headcannons about how cross-racial relationships are viewed in Azeroth? I also don't play the game and only read fanfic, so I'm curious if you have particular headcanons that are/n't what might actually be in the source material. Though Sylvanas might be considered actually "monstrous" by some in a way other races aren't to each other, the question still stands. Jaina/Thrall is also a popular headcanon aswell
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(from a comment on @mylordshesacactus's Reunification)
The fundamental problem here is that Azeroth is phenomenally racist, and Warcraft itself is also phenomenally racist. The racism is coming from inside the house. It's baked in. The underlying idea is that race war is a real and inevitable thing and of course these groups will hate each other because they look different, and also the Evil and Uncivilized groups are expressly based on non-European real world people.
Like, in the lore, there's a handful, maybe a dozen, of known mixed-race characters. There's scads and scads of roleplayers who have PCs of every mixing imaginable, but in canon? Like, the ones off the top of my head are (a) Vereesa's children and (b) the result of rape. That's it.
So, Watsonian, we have peoples who are so rabidly hateful that there are extraordinarily few cross-racial relationships, even fewer that are consensual, even though all evidence is that everyone could interbreed (...even if they are, in fact, from space). And the Doylist explanation is that character morphs are hard and the devs are lazy and they would rather write a worldstate where no human has ever fucked a troll than put some effort into it.
The upshot of all of this is that, despite living in a world where there are, commonplace, a dozen humanoid races of varying levels of 'monstrosity', all available evidence is that Azeroth standards of 'monsterfucker" exactly map to American standards, aka, Jaina is a monsterfucker by [checks notes] having sex with Kalec in human form.
Humans don’t have relationships with quel’dorei. They don’t have relationships with dwarves, or with gnomes, or any non-human race. It’s not just human exceptionalism, for once, because there’s also no evidence of any relationships between, say, Darkspear trolls and orcs either.
Meanwhile, Jaina’s canonical relationships are with Mr Compulsory Heterosexuality, and also a dragon. Her primary fanon ships are with an orc (as you mention), a kaldorei, and…Sylvanas. Arthas aside, Jaina…doesn’t express interest in any humans. Simple explanation is that Jaina isn’t really into humans. Humans are boring, humans are easily spooked.
As I write her, Jaina’s got a million kinks, and one of them is she wants a little danger. A little spice. Something more than vanilla in missionary, something with an edge. Something interesting, something novel, Thrall has this in spades—this isn’t necessarily about playing into the violent savage thing but y’all, that size. Holy shit. Pained? Nothing but edges.
So Jaina’s not necessarily, say, into something that’s properly an eldritch abomination or completely non-humanoid—although I’m open to arguments on that front—but I’m very confident she’s after something non-human that would absolutely be called ‘monsterfucking’ by your average human on Azeroth.
(Related: It’s soooooo fucking obvious that not only do the Windrunner sisters have a human fetish, but that it’s not at all common or acceptable in Quel’thalas—even aside from the ‘walked through a portal’ bit, Alleria’s hardly in Quel'thalas after marrying Turalyon, Vereesa lives in Dalaran. There’s extenuating circumstances in both cases—Turaylon’s a dick, Rhonin has tenure in Dalaran—but it sure is interesting that our two human-elf relationships both live(d) with humans and Vereesa doesn’t return to primarily socializing with other quel’dorei until after Rhonin’s death. Then there’s Sylvanas and Nathanos, and I am absolutely not writing that as a ship but it is popularly rumored and it is something on Sylvanas’s end, that Sylvanas is into humans and can’t shake that rumor.)
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wyrmguardsecrets · 6 months
I LOVE the less common pairings in relationship rp!
I have had Draenei and human, Kaldorei and human, Kaldorei and dwarf, Quel’dorei and human, Shal’dorei and Sin’dorei, demon and human, demon and Kaldorei.
There is a lot of humans there I realize as I type it, but there are a lot of humans in general! Just wait till the war within and I smooch an Earthen too.
<3 love wins
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longveil · 1 year
Report 638-05y: Claims to Title
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[Photo by Mathias Reding on Unsplash]
Report 638-05y: Claims to Title, Seraanna Longveil
Seraanna Longveil (ren’dorei), and her younger sister Annadia (sin’dorei), are the only known survivors of the Morrowsun bloodline, a house once thought to have gone extinct in the Fall of Quel’thalas.
Morrowsun was a quel’dorei house of modest holdings on the southern borders - the Marches - of Quel’thalas. Almost a century before the First War, Lord Vaeran Morrowsun, formally addressed as Marquis, entered into an alliance of marriage with Telnia Roselight, the daughter of a well-placed merchant family. The Roselights received entry into title and nobility and all it entailed, while Morrowsun gained much-needed resources and an entry into finance.
It was an open secret that the marriage was one of alliance, not love, and that Vaeran kept a mistress, Aralya Longveil, known since his youth. Telnia gave birth to a son hailed as the Morrowsun heir, cementing the union of Morrowsun and Roselight. Meanwhile, the daughters of Vaeran’s mistress, Seraanna and Annadia, were considered illegitimate lest Roselight withdraw their alliance.
Arthas Menethil’s scourging of Quel’thalas ravaged Morrowsun lands, and the Morrowsun line was slaughtered in the ensuing carnage. Similarly, Aralya perished when the Lich King’s forces reached Silvermoon but her grown daughters, Seraanna and Annadia, survived the invasion and harsh times immediately thereafter (see historical report 001-06g). With House Morrowsun thought extinct, Kael’thas and his Magisters seized most of its assets and redistributed them to their allies as Quel’thalas attempted to rebuild.
Thirty-four years later, near the closing of the Fourth War, a packet of documents was presented to the offices of Regent Lord Lor’themar Theron. (Refer to report 631-12c regarding disturbance and fire in the Ghostlands.) Dated from the run-up to the Scourge invasions and bearing Vaeran Morrowsun’s witnessed seal, the documents conferred legitimacy upon Seraanna and Annadia as heirs of Morrowsun “should my house otherwise come to ruin.”
The solicitors involved, Vor’min and Alesstus Evercrown, presented a case that managed to survive the challenges of the noble houses that had profited from the fall of Morrowsun. Ultimately, the sisters were allowed to claim the house name, title, and remaining (uninhabitable) estate - on the condition of renouncing any claim to the lands and assets previously seized and redistributed.
Seraanna now holds the title of Marquessa (Lady of the Marches) of Morrowsun although she rarely uses the title and has shown little interest in noble machinations, particularly as ren’dorei remain unwelcome in Silvermoon. She owns, through legitimate agents, (vetted, no irregularities found) a controlling interest in a building on the edge of Stormwind Harbor where she often makes her residence. However, she’s spent most of the last three years near the Temple of the Jade Serpent in Pandaria’s Jade Forest (cross reference report 636-18m, subheading “Alchemist”)
Annadia, using her affected surname of Thorn, seems even even less inclined to politics and prefers her role as Captain of the Aralya’diel, a newly-christened clipper from the shipyards of Suramar (report 637-12e). Not only is it unusual to see a private vessel completed while both navies are still under reconstruction, the Aralya'diel has a difficult-to-obtain dispensation to dock in Alliance harbors (request permission to examine signing authorizations, cross-reference with financial transactions and spending patterns). Such dispensations are a recent development of the armistice; Horde crew or passengers of such vessels are limited to the docks and harbor only.
The brothers Evercrown remain as Morrowsun’s solicitors and representatives in matters of business and finance. (Background checks have not borne fruit, refer to assets in Dalaran and Suramar for further investigation.)
Queries submitted to Stormwind's intelligence agencies have resulted only in documents so redacted as to be useless. Similar queries to Silvermoon have returned only the registration of House Morrowsun upon the rolls, with no other matters addressed.
– Respectfully submitted, Agent C. Nath
Agent’s note: I understand that previous reports establish Longveil as a person of interest, and Thorn’s actions and associations as a potential infiltration risk, but neither seem to bear inclination or motive to pose meaningful threat. The Evercrowns are most notable for escaping notice but, while I expected them to have a more visible profile, they seem to operate only rarely within Alliance purvey. Permission requested to reduce priority of this line of research for higher priority subjects.
Response: Request denied. Continue research and observation.
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