#bongo cat on desk
forbiddensoul562 · 1 year
Disclaimer: Long post
Basing it on your answer, it is okay that I express to you what I think a fem Mello and Near would turn out like? ( my apologies, if i'm wrong)
A female mello might've put on a mask of intimidating calmness and 'niceness', to appear less angry and hostile when she is young and hadn't joined Wammys house, will cover up her mistakes and mischief camouflage, because Catholic girls might not be given the boys will be boys treatment (and she might be punished more for acting like Canon mello did when he was angry, her anger will be received as hostility, and thus will be condemned, so she will internalize her anger and keep it all inside, like the magma of a volcano about to erupt, those around her at that time found her scary and intimidating, despite her trying to cover it up will facade of coldness. )
With such an amount unexpressed anger she will cope by doing lots of physical activities(also ones considered male because they calm her down when she is about to erupt) and playing around, would still be a mischievous little she that pranks around, people will often mistake her as a girly or pretty boy, or a boy in touch with his femininity(or feminine side, due to the ).
When she gets to wammys, people mistake her for a really cute boy, other boys might try to bully her for looking 'gay'(2000s weren't that progressive, but she fights them real dirty, and they end up at the infirmary, Roger punishes her for such a misdeed, too), they realise she isn't a boy when Matt comes in, she mistakes her for a pretty boy as well (and Mello is kind of sick of it, and thus expresses her annoyance at Matt's assumptions, gossipy informant Linda is there to see that, and spreads the news), but Matt might still feel something even though, it was revealed Mels wasn't a girl, when she snaps at one of the wammy's girls for acting 'weird'(she was courting her) she doesn't repress her anger as much and openly expresses it in a calculative, yet bombastic way, she is a bit of a chaotic ice queen, the children fear yet admire her (and some girls and boys have some special feelings toward her ).
She is still smart, strategic, energetic, and sadistic, she cares about cool, dark style and clothes, like a lot, she wants to look cool and a bit glamorous, Matt her and might bond on that, though, I think that Matt's style will be malleable, she might wear what she thinks will make her blend in as she doesn't want to bring any attention to herself or make herself be noticed for she doesn't want people to give her more L-related work then she has to do, she also does a lot of chores and puts on a mask of a helpful, and normal girl (so she can go unnoticed), Mello had observed it. Her mother had scolded, repremanded, and admonished her for being and caring such 'shallowness' , instead of putting that energy into being a good, God-fearing daughter and girl. Female mello will find Mary comforting and will often pray to her because Mary is a part of mello that she has never been able to express, and that her mother never provided much for she was busy lecturing and chastising her.
What do you think? Should I do a fem near next?
Wow wow wow!
You've clearly put SO much thought into this! There are so many lovely details to pick out here and I am just soaking it in!
PLEASE give me your fem Near interpretation~!
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figdays · 2 years
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Bongo Cat Meme Desk and Screen Accessories // Cursed3DPrintStore
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gcldfanged · 1 year
[Continued from HERE.]
"So are you, Jae." Genesis winked, blowing a kiss to the Turk. "Ah, if only Christmas wasn't so far away! Because I would take you up on that."
"Flattery... does get you places with me," Jae-hyo admits, considering.
Arching a fine eyebrow, he rests his foot against the door frame, effectively barring Rhapsodos from leaving for the moment.
"I feel the need to interrogate further," he mentions casually, removing his foot and grabbing Genesis by the lapels of his ridiculously bright overcoat. His eyelids lower to half mast as he levels his partner with a smirk, angling the tilt of his chin to slant his lips over Gen's.
He backpedals the other male until his legs hit a nearby chair, giving a little push to the Commander's chest so he can sit down and be thoroughly questioned.
"You seem like a traditional romantic... Let me guess, rose petals and champagne?" he laughs, as normally such details were wasted on someone like Jae.
His fingers splay out against the darker gear covering the First's chest, toying with the crossed straps idly.
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ofthepuzzle · 2 years
Have I just bought another ARTFX J figurine of Yami Yuugi? Yes. This one i’ve been trying to find--  
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I already got Atem and the other Yami Yuugi from Kotobukiya. I’m so excited.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 23 days
more somno related billy content please! more more more! slamming my hands against the desk like bongo cat! plsplspls
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wrencatte · 3 months
-smacks my desk bongo-cat style- whump whump whump whUMP WHUMP WHUMP!
He squeezes his eyes shut and presses a hand to his chest, feeling blood squelch up between his fingers. Pain flares briefly then fades disturbingly fast. Oh. That’s not good. “BeeDee?” he breathes. The droid bee-woops quietly, sounding distressed. Not alone. Right. Everyone’s gone but BD-1, at least he has his best friend.
I'm debating if I want to add a second raider because right now Cal got his ass handed to him by a single one - but then again, this is early Koboh and Cal's not at the top of his game before he even gets to this point, so I'm kinda leaning towards no? (also it would add more work for me)
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studywurfavwasian · 2 years
My professor is unintentionally hilarious so I started keeping a list of things he’s said.
My entire department at my school is just filled with hilarious and genuinely kind professors. I am so lucky to have them teaching me a subject that I thoroughly love and enjoy so deeply, as they are so passionate and so dedicated to encouraging academic and personal growth. Not to mention they love a good rant. My friend and I literally plan our schedules around which prof is teaching the course bc we just love some of them so much. 
(This is how we ended up both enrolling for a course about Greek & Roman science & technology, where we may have to write a 2000 word essay about olives. But yk, the olive was so important to Ancient Greek society, and I love olives, so it’s fine.)
But there is this one professor who stands out from the others. For some background information, this professor was one of my first professors at my university. In my first year, he taught me three courses (Latin & Classical Mythology), and I did a Latin reading group session with him, and I had my Greek Literature course with him (so I’ve spent a lot of time studying with him). Studying Latin can be so intimidating (for good reason, the case system is absolutely overwhelming when you first start learning it), but he created such a positive environment that I ended up being able to fall in love with Latin.
This professor is not always the most...organised (he left answers in our online tests by accident at least twice), and just goes on various tangents that take up most of our lecture time. (Although, I think this trait is common in the humanities. Literally look at what I’m doing right now). He likes to go on and on about literature and Hebrew and his years in grad school where he spent hours pouring over translating Plato or Aristotle or Gorgias. I personally find this entertaining and love learning from his little tangents. Plus sometimes he says some pretty funny things. Which I will now share a selection of with you.
**For Legal Reasons (ha), take the quotation marks with a grain of salt.**
“Conserve me sounds like you’re an autumn peach waiting to be put in a jar!”
(Context: we were translating the sentence: ‘Conservate me!’ which does directly translate to ‘conserve me!’ but ‘protect me!’ is just sooooo much better.)
“I suck.” *ends the Bongo meeting*
“Did I do something stupid? I do that a lot.”
*someone asks a question* “Oh, I don’t know.”
“Sometimes I get worried that nobody can hear me, so I have to ask.” *Five minutes after nobody could hear him and he didn’t ask*
“I was driving yesterday and I saw a vanity plate, in Latin! Latin is everywhere!”
“It was all leading up to this very high point of learning Latin!”
“Is anyone listening?” *No response* “Okay.”
“This is my cat Mango” (during online classes)
*Late for a lecture and Mango jumps up on his desk* …. “oh, mango!” *exasperation*
“Does everyone get that?” *No response* “Okay.”
“I get tired of hearing myself talk.”
“There’s a problem with calling it Archaic poetry. But, I’ve called it Archaic poetry.”
“How can class be over just when we’re going to talk about Socratic Irony?” *ducks head in sadness* “I’m just going to go outside and lie down” (it was raining) “…. okay class is over. Mark this as the most pathetic class you’ve taken at [redacted].”
(Context: he showed up ten minutes late and the lecture was very disorganised (I think he did a good job!))
*Begins gesturing to the blank title slide of his powerpoint* “Notice the nice ancient map I have with ocean all the way around, and then all the continents with a nice short kind of Africa, and everything kind of roundish, smushed together, with the Mediterranean (Old world) oversized, Black Sea oversized, and everything stylized once you get out to the East.”
“Some colonial asshole probably, who lived a really dull life and wanted to oppress people.
(I can’t even remember what lecture this was from. I’m thinking it’s our geographical literature lecture. And he’s right lol.)
“Don’t tell the bartender that you’re there for the Inklings, he won’t care. It’s not like I did that or anything.” (Talking about the Eagle and Child pub)
“Scholars are fairly certain there was no access to google at this time.” (Talking about the year 280 AD)
*Everyone in the class agreed that we hate Plato.* Someone says: “I have beef with Plato!” He laughs and just dejectedly says, “aw. I love Plato.”
“A hoplite was kind of like the middle class who could afford heavy armo-- actually, you know what, we don’t need to talk about that.” *moves on and doesn’t finish his sentence*
Some other things he has done that I think are wonderful:
When we were studying Herodotus’ Histories he told us about how when he was in grad school, he used to read Herodotus to his daughter as a bed time story. It got to the point where she would ask for a Herodotus story.
Came into class, took out his laptop, wrote a website URL on the chalkboard, turned around, told us we had to go to that link and fill out a survey and then walked out of the room with all his stuff and didn’t come back for fifteen minutes.
Always had at least one typo in all his pop quizzes. On our quiz for Poetics he wrote ‘Aristotle’ as ‘ARistotle’ and my friend and I looked at each other and made pirate hooks with our fingers.
Hosted a Latin reading group in the summer and gave the people who had been studying latin for less than a year the Vulgate and Ovid’s Metamorphoses. (I gave up so quickly). But went on a ten minute ramble about the word ‘fiat’ and the subjunctive mood (which helped me a lot in second year).
While studying the Vulgate he went on a mini rant about St. Jerome and talked about his authorship when it came to his Latin translation, which spiralled into a 10 minute discussion about Hebrew and his frustrations with it.
Our pop quizzes were 5 multiple choice questions and we finished them before he finished handing them out, only for him to be shocked each time.
Agreed that the Greek Gods act like a squabbling family in the Iliad.
Laughed at my friend’s theory that between the Iliad and the Argonautica it was like they had grown up, and agreed.
Pronounces ‘circe’ like ‘sirsaayyyy’ (very long ‘ay’ sound at the end)
Whenever he writes words on the chalkboard he accidentally writes them in Greek (ancient Greek isn’t a pre-req for this class), and then has to take a minute to figure out how to write it in English.
Said: “Why does everybody read the bloody Republic? Read Symposium” only to realise like 5 minutes later THAT HE SCHEDULED US TO READ THE REPUBLIC. 
TLDR - He’s a very funny man. And he’s a very good professor. He did create what is probably one of the MOST CONFUSING ESSAY QUESTION I’ve ever had the displeasure of creating a thesis for, but that’s beyond the point. I would go on forever, but this is already long. 
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You Can Call Me Eddie
I’m thinking about a new hobby. The bongos. Who doesn’t love the bongos? Although I doubt I have any sense of rhythm, musicality, or perhaps the finger dexterity for the bongos, I think it might be fun and cool. A single conga would also be nice, the sit-down kind, not the Ricky Ricardo carrying with a strap type. However, I have no cultural associations to the Conga, whereas the Bongos have the beatnik affiliation.
You don’t see many beatniks anymore.  Rejecting conformity and consumerism of America can use a comeback.  Long hair, goatee, black turtleneck, dark sunglasses, beret, sandals, and a colorful hip language of their own. “Can you dig it? Groovy daddy-o. He hauled ass before stabling the iron. That square with the icck was eye-balling a doll. Cool cat is on the horn.  That cube is sure off the cob. My used to be is working in varicose alley. The gin mill cowboy is dixie fried. Rent is half a yard, lets jungle up elsewhere”.
I imagine being a hep-cat playing the bongos in a low-lit jazz club. Although not a big fan of turtlenecks, I’d make the sacrifice.  As the bongo guy is traditionally a man of few words, I’d give an occasional “dig it man”, or “focus your audio”.
As the bongos can easily be carried around, I can see myself playing for my neighbors, in a park, and on the back patio in the condo complex. Easy to bring joy to all around you.  Or annoy the loudmouthed neighbor who has had an ongoing daily construction project for 4 months running.
Since there is more than a high probability that I will be bad at the bongos, I'm thinking performance art where you don't have to be good.  
Now the bongos and beatniks of the 1950's were non-conformists.  In my performance piece, I'm thinking of going in the opposite direction. Play the bongos looking like a suburban.  Crew cut, bow tie, Kiss the cook apron, white button down, penny loafers, ”I like Ike” button on shirt, and during the piece put on a gas mask and crawl under a desk for the full 1950's authenticity. 
If not successful, the cymbals are definitely entertaining too!
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grict · 2 years
Okay, but Miguel being kind of a lesser ‘The Creon’ to Suguru’s ‘The Big Bad’ (since Manami seems like ‘The Dragon/Consigliere’).
Cool and calm 3rd in Command ready to walk backwards into Hell itself for his Master. They may be friends and share similar ideals, but Miguel knows that alone, he can’t make the changes/impact that the world needs without Suguru’s innate charisma and vision.
I just want more realistic cult interactions- Geto’s already heavily associated with Buddha in the artwork and imagery, so let Miguel worship him as one who has attained Bodhi.
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planetnine · 4 years
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sidereon-spaceace · 3 years
I want so badly to hop back on ffxiv cuz I'm really impatient to get caught up to current stuff, but on the other hand like. I should probably sleep
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caelumsaltator · 3 years
I’m here to give you your shipping rates -- Accepting! -- @abyssaldynasty
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vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell / pats hands on desk like bongo cat - Boo when are we gonna plot this out so Eula can steal Beau’s heart whenever she looks at him? Huh? Huh? pat pat pat-
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous)
The door to Ch’en’s office flew open with the sounds of a complaining tigress on the other side. “Good morning, Ch’en,” Hoshiguma, Swire under her arm, greeted LGD’s finest. “The three of us need to talk.”
“Are you alright? And why did you bring her to my office?”
“Because carrying you to hers would have set the wrong mood for the conversation.” She plopped her hostage into the chair in front of Ch’en’s desk and posted up in front of the door. “I’m going to keep this short, because I have a patrol in fifteen minutes and I don’t want to be late: Just kiss already.”
The office fell eerily quiet. “What?” Swire asked, shivering.
“I can’t keep defusing your stupid fights and still do my job, and I know neither of you want to admit you like each other, so I’m letting the cat out of the bag.”
“Hoshi, come on, that’s ridiculous!” Ch’en glared at the person in the opposite chair. “Why would I want anything to do with this-”
The Oni returned fire with an evil eye strong enough to silence jet engines. “You talk in your sleep.”
“...Is this how it feels to be on the wrong side of her shield?” The Lung muttered, shivering.
“And as for you, cat.” Hoshiguma scritched her behind the ears, but Swire felt like she was in the hot seat all the same. “I know you’ve had your eye on her since you came here, and I know you’ve made a few moves she ignored entirely. Won’t it be easier to be honest for once?”
She shivered. “I don’t know what you’re-”
“Swire.” One stroke, along the back of her head and lightly touching the base of her neck, snapped everything into perspective for the Feline in a hurry.
“Alright, alright, I’ll say it. Jeez. I feel like I’m being mugged.” Swire sighed, taking a moment to find the words. “I’m sorry. I’ve tried hating you so I didn’t run afoul of Hoshi, but I just can’t. You’re too cute when you’re mad, too beautiful when you’re dressed up, too busy to notice me any other way...How about we just start over, hmm?”
Ch’en cocked her head. “‘Run afoul of Hoshi?’ What do you mean by that?”
“Aren’t you two dating?”
“Pfft, yeah right!” Hoshi guffawed, which echoed around the room. “That’s a good one, cat. Nah, I’m not interested in her.”
The Feline bolted out of her chair. “Then I’ve been acting all tsundere for seven months for NOTHING?!”
“Apparently? I don’t know, Hoshi, she’s said a lot of things-”
“I’ll make up for it, really!” Swire pounced over the desk and landed next to her, head at shoulder-height and perfectly positioned for scritches. “I’ll bring you coffee, I’ll do some of your admin work, I’ll...I’ll- mmm~”
The Lung had finally relented and gone for the kiss. “You had me at admin...She’s so cute when she begs, isn’t she?”
“And with that, my work here is done. The Doctor and I are going for smoothies, so I’ll see you two later.” Just as quickly as she came, she was gone.
“Wait, she...” Ch’en watched the door swing closed behind her. “She wasn’t going on patrol at all. She played us like a pair of bongos.”
Swire shrugged, setting her head on Chen’s thigh. “Oh, well. It was going to happen eventually...You’re a great pillow.”
“If you’re going to sit in my office with me, the least you can do is sit in a chair.”
“Oh, alright.” She got up and rolled the other chair over. “But now I’m too high up for your thighs.”
The Lung tapped her shoulder. “You can put your head here.”
“I suppose it’ll do...Why do you think she really cares about us getting along?”
“Well...” Ch’en sighed. “I had a crush on the Doctor at one point, and she - well, she didn’t approve of that idea.”
Swire raised an eyebrow. “What, did she get mad at you?”
“I suppose I can tell you, but promise me this doesn’t leave my office?”
“Hey, I’m trying to be deredere now, not tsundere.” She grinned. “Cross my heart and hope to die, this conversation never leaves our side.”
And so, with another sigh, Ch’en prepared to tell the tale. (In the future, this will have a link to that story.)
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livedtough · 3 years
@ncthingstars said: ace just comes in and sits on bongo's desk. yep. there he is. like a cat, there's no getting rid of him now.
Bongo does not say no to Ace. No one says no to Ace. And it isn’t really that he wants to, but, well, he has a job to do, too, you know. It might not be so glorious as what Ace himself does, but without him, the whole place would go to ruin. 
That was what he told himself, anyway, and he was relatively sure it was true. 
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But despite that, back straightens, and he looks expectantly at the man before him. “What can I do for you, Ace?”
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antimonarchy · 3 years
If like me you’re staying up late waiting for the Georgia special election results, remember to practice self-care. 
Take a deep breath
Do a short five-minute yoga tutorial or start this course for beginners
Walk around your room for a few minutes
Take a break from your devices/ briefly turn off notifications
Clean your desk / wherever you’re sitting
Have fun with the bongo cat
Read a book
Do a five-minute meditation
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galleryfake · 3 years
; ( slapping my desk like bongo cat ) where are the feitan and phinks rpers i wanna talk headcanons with y’all so baddddd
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