#boys planet kamden x reader
fryuteih · 1 year
I'm Into Older Guys!
Na Kamden x Reader
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High School AU where reader is into older guys to the dismay of Kamden, who's in the same grade.
Note: The writing in this post probably sucks so read at your own discretion if you hate bad writing ✍️. (First work too & it's too many words long)
It was a well-known fact to those who spent time with you, that you took an interest to older males. Your friends, most especially, knew this.
Said friends would often find themselves stuck, listening to your banters about how this celebrity in his late 30's had the "most beautiful" jawline, how this senior from photography club was so "passionate" about his craft, how this upperclassmen looked at you with the "dreamiest" eyes a bit too long in the school cafeteria, and so on. Your banters were, to put it, "over excessive and delusional" in the words of your best friend named "Keita".
"Can you shut your delulu-ness for 1 second?" Keita exasperatingly whisper-screams infront of you.
Currently, Keita, Kamden, Jay and you were seated at the school cafeteria. The four of you often spent breaks together and had frequent hangouts or study sessions after school. So, it was no suprise that the lot of you were currently seated together during lunch.
"No! Look behind you! He literally is shooting me love-eyes!" You whisper-scream back, trying to make a point.
"I think he's shooting love-eyes at Karina" Jay pipes up from beside you, gesturing behind him with his eyes.
"Exactly! You're just a delusional idiot" Keita happily claps and gives Jay an affirming shoulder pat.
"Hey, I'm not taking sides, ok? I'm just saying what I think is happening."
"You guys are just haters, for real. Kamden, tell them he's shooting love-eyes at me!" You expectantly waited for Kamden who was beside Keita, to prove them wrong.
In response, Kamden sighs tiredly and rubs his forehead with his unoccupied hand. The boy was quiet up until this point as he was trying to eat in peace, and so, was tuning out to your group's banter. He was especially skilled in zoning out, but somehow, he couldn't whenever you were talking. You were assertive and loud when you wanted to and it was difficult to ignore, right now was a prime example.
"Leave me out of this" He whispers solemnly
"Look you made him sad!" Keita points at Kamden with a mouth full of food
"One: Gross, Two: I didn't mean to!"
"Awwww, Kamden are you sad? C'mere" Jay tries to comfort his friend by attempting to hug him, arms outstretched towards the boy infront of him and upper body leaning forward. Leading your hand to forcefully stop him by the stomach in an attempt to avoid the tray of food infront of him splattering on his shirt. Kamden instinctively rejects Jay's efforts with his body and seemingly had lost his appetite, dropping his utensils down.
"Jay can you stop? You're making a scene." You try to mediate the situation as people started side-eyeing at Jay and his antics.
"This wouldn't have happened.." Keita takes a big bite of food "..if you weren't delusional over older guys way out of your league." He finishes with a mouth full of food
You grimace at the boy infront of you "One: You're actually disgusting, you need to stop that. Two: Are you trying to make a point?"
"Yeah, stop making everyone uncomfortable over your addiction on ancient men and start going for guys age-appropriate."
"Please, a mere one to three, sometimes even five year age-gap isn't that bad." You were going to continue your tangent, already opening your mouth to say the next words, but was soon interrupted.
"You should start eating, lunch is going to end soon and you've barely touched your food." Kamden says before you could continue talking
"I didn't know their salad was going to be this bland." You defend, still restraining Jay "Anyway, back to what I was"
"Here, you like potatoes right?" Kamden nudges his tray of food containing an already one-fourth eaten dish with some potatoes on it towards you "Next time, think about what you're going to eat thoughtfully."
"I-" You were going to reject the offer, guilty that the boy was giving you his food out of pity, but was once again interrupted
"I lost my appetite anyways, it's better to not waste it." Kamden shuts you down
You accept the offer, taking Kamden's tray of food with your hand that wasn't restraining the persistent Jay, "If you change your mind and still want to eat, I can buy you food later after class."
"Whatever, eat already." Kamden says while Keita shoots him a look, raising one eyebrow
You sweetly smile at the boy that offered you food and start eating, then you refocus your attention to Keita, "Anyway, age doesn't define whether or not their out of my league."
"Nahhh, anyone older than you is too mature for your kid attitude." Keita argues, yet again with a mouth full of food "If you don't want to be a kid, maybe stop your obsession over older guys for a bit, yeah?"
"I'm not gonna change my standards just because you're a hater, besides, why should the world care when I'm not hurting anyone."
Kamden scoffs, seemingly at your statement which makes Keita howl in laughter causing him to choke on his food. You laugh, trying to muffle your laughter with your hand as Kamden stares at you, head resting on his right hand. On the other hand, this makes Jay stop his incessant attempts to hug Kamden and transfer his attention to patting Keita's back profusely.
You were about to go off at Keita about how karma had bit him, patting his back lightly as you were shaking from laughing too hard, but his continuous choking was starting to become concerning. Too concerning that people were full-blown staring at your table now. Too much concerning that the Kamden who usually ignored your group's antics had started hoisting Keita up to get him to the clinic, putting one of the boy's arms around his shoulders. Most concerning when Keita had started spitting out his food. You started to wrap Keita's other arm around your shoulders and helped Kamden lead Keita to the clinic. Jay trailed behind the three of you, telling reassuring statements to Keita while the on-goers you lot passed by stared at the predicament and Keita, well, continued letting out the most gruesome choking sounds.
Once the group reached the clinic, the nurse quickly ushered Keita to sit on a bed. The nurse then made Keita lean forward and gave him the loudest back blows you've ever heard. The boy almost had his eyes gauging out but it wasn't for naught as the food he was choking on, went out from his esophagus.
"Rest here for a while boy." Keita was one step ahead of the nurse, moving his body to lay sideways on the bed. The nurse then looked at Kamden, Jay and you, "The bell rung a few minutes ago, all of you go now, I'll give you an excuse slip for being late to class. The youth should really learn first-aid" The nurse whispers the last part
You all comply with the nurse, taking your slips and bidding farewell to the silent Keita. Walking down the hall together, you finally reach the intersection where you would part ways with Kamden and Jay who had class in the other hallway.
"Jay go ahead without me, I need to buy water" Kamden says pointing to the hallway you were going
"Isn't there a vending machine with water there? Why waste the time, you might get in trouble for being too late" You question pointing to the hallway where Jay and Kamden's class was.
"I don't like the water there, it tastes fishy." Kamden scrunched his face while waving at Jay to go.
"Alright, you're dead meat to Ms. Lee tho. Enjoy walking together while I walk in loneliness" Jay bids farewell, shooting Kamden a look, eyes squinting.
"You should bring your tumbler next time to save on money." You direct to Kamden as the two of you walked down the hallway.
"Hey [name]"
"Hi Kamden"
"Don't feel guilty about what happened, Keita was bound to choke on his food these days"
You chuckle, "Yeah, I can't help it tho. He did keep talking because I kept talking to him."
He chuckles back, "That's how you always are, huh?.. Besides, this'll probably stop him from talking with his mouth full."
The both of you stop at the vending machine. Kamden raises his eyebrow at you.
"It wont hurt waiting for you a while, yeah?" You say
Kamden smiles, buying two bottles of water. He offers you the other one, "Here you didn't drink water after eating, right?"
"Oh right, how much is a bottle of water again?"
"No need to pay me, it's a hassle if you give me money now."
"You already gave me your lunch, I don't want to use you that much." You say guiltily
"Come on, we're going to be even later now. Just take it, you said that you would treat me after school, yeah?"
You reluctantly take the bottle of water from Kamden, "I'll remind you everyday from now on to bring your water bottle"
Kamden silently nods and waves goodbye at you, walking fastly to his class. You don't think much of what he did and paced to your classroom, thinking heavily on what Keita had said to you.
Once classes were dismissed for the day, you rushed to the clinic, thinking that Keita would still be there. Just like what you had thought, he was there, sleeping soundly.
You sat down on the chair beside the bed where Keita laid. A few seconds passed and you watched as Keita's breathing pattern started to slow down. You panic and guiltily reminisce about what Keita had said to you earlier at lunch that had led to him choking. Was it really that bad that you liked older guys? Keita did just want what was best for you, because who would he pester if you weren't fine? Jay would only get too apologetic whenever someone was bothering him for whatever reason and Kamden would only avoid someone annoying him. You felt the same way about Keita, he was your good friend that you could always rely on to not hold grudges for something idiotic. Keita wouldn't necessarily forgive but he would get back at you, it was a mutual friendship.
Your thoughts then wandered to times you and Keita spent together.
"Keita! Look, look!!" You excitedly brought your phone up to your best friend's face
"Okay, okay! Be glad you're my only friend right now" Keita mumbles "What? A 50-year old man's profiting off a concert?"
"One: He's 37 years old. Two: let's go together! He's going here."
Keita thinks for a second, "Admit it, dogs are better"
"Cats are superior"
Keita sighs at your stuborness and then thinks for another second, "You're lucky I like his music, otherwise I wouldn't agree."
"So you're going?" You excitedly ask
"Yeah, it'd be cool to actually see an artist in action. Besides, I want to see how he's attracting so many people."
"One: Omg omg you're actually agreeing. Two: He has a jawline that can slice a person in two."
"That's weird"
You decide not to argue with Keita as he had already agreed to go with you and might take his word on it back if you provoked him. You were going to show Keita in real-life anyways how handsome this male artist was and how influential his career must be with all the fans at the concert as evidence. An experienced artist like him knew the ways of life and used that to uplift his career, it was admirable to you and so was his jawline.
When the concert was finished, to put it, Keita officially was a fan with you as the both of you blasted his music on the way home.
You stood at the front door of your best friend's house. After pestering Keita to let you visit, he finally let down. Was there an ulterior motive for wanting to visit? Yes. What was it? Well, you rung the doorbell to Keita's residence and only a few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Matthew who was smiling so very brightly. Matthew was Keita's older brother by 3 years and that meant 3 years older than you.
"Oh hey [name]! So nice to meet you, Keita said that you were coming!"
"O-oh yeah, nice to meet you too" You bowed at him, hiding the crimson rising to your face
"Yahhh, no need for formalities around me! It makes me feel old." Matthew ruffles your hair "Come in, come in!"
Matthew leads you to their living room where Keita was residing. Keita looks at you with an unpleasant look and pats the space beside him on the couch repeatedly and loudly.
"Be nicer to your friend, Keita!" Matthew playfully berates "Their a guest!"
"Yeah, yeah, stop shouting. You'll make my ears bleed."
"Be nicer to your older brother" You pipe in
"Don't tell me what to do, guest!"
Matthew laughs at the two of you, "I'll prepare drinks for the both of you! You like iced tea, [name]?" He looks at you
"Ofcourse! Anything will do haha" You smile
"Great! I'll get that prepared!" Matthew pats your back lightly and sets off to the kitchen
You sit down next to Keita as he stares at you in disgust, "Try not to drool over my brother challenge" He whispers
"Your brother is so cool, I can't believe you two are related." You whisper back
"I'm actually going to curse you out, be happy I even let you in here."
"Gosh, your brother is handsome and well-kept." You continue whispering as Keita deepens his disgusted stare, "So well-mannered and kind, he even asked if I liked Iced tea."
"Iced tea is all we have, idiot."
You shoot him a look, "Try being like your brother and maybe you'll get someone to look at you."
"Hope you guys are having fun!" Matthew comes in with two iced teas. It couldn't be helped but to notice his smile. His smile that showed so much of his pearly whites, it felt illegal to see premium content for free. The way that he sets two coasters for the iced teas so that the table wouldn't get wet was so endearing, his mother must have thought him well. The way that he told you and Keita to enjoy your time at their home made you think of how he must be such a caring brother and person overall. After finishing drinking your refreshments, he refused your help to clean up, one could only imagine how he must be a person of service.
Let's just say that Keita was even more reluctant to invite you over again.
It was a Friday and classes were dismissed, but unfortunately, club time was scheduled so students couldn't go home yet. Well, it was unfortunate for most but not for you. Why? Club time was a time to see the person you joined the club for.
"Hurry up Keita!!"
"Damn be patient for one second, he probably isn't there yet!"
"Well I can't risk wasting a second to see him"
"Ok dang!" Keita huffs as he quickly shoves his things into his bag.
The two of you set off to your club room as you shared the same club, photography club, to be exact. As you reached the club room, a second-year classroom, it was already set in groups meaning that every four desks were put together to face one another. You hurried to sit at the group table upfront while Keita followed you. Both of you sat, facing one another.
"Remind me why I even joined."
"Because the club president is always open to share his limitless expertise on photography." You matter-a-factly say
"Well, well, well, don't we have two early-birds here."
You turned around towards the entrance door to see Park Hanbin, a senior and the club president, in all of his glory. He struts towards the front of the classroom and sits on the teacher's desk, "Don't mind me here, let's wait for the others to come. Go do whatever you kids do these days."
You try to subtlety stare at the blue-haired man who was looking at his camera's gallery, he was chic and never afraid to make a statement hence the blue hair. A confident man was so appealing as they would hold themselves in a manner that is sharp and takes your attention in a fraction of a second.
Keita couldn't help but roll his eyes at you and the situation he was in. It seemed as if his eyes would roll out of his eyes until two people approached your table.
"Uhm hey are these seats available or are you guys saving it for other people?" A boy with brown hair questions the two of you, behind him was another boy with black hair seemingly trying not to look at the both of you.
"Those seats are free, you can sit with us if that's what you intend." Keita answers for the both of you as you were to occupied admiring the club president still on his camera.
"Awesome! Thanks!" The brunette ushers the other boy to sit beside you and then sits beside Keita, "Oh, my name's Jay by the way and my friend over here is Kamden!"
"Eyy, I'm Keita and that over there is [name]. I wouldnt blame you if you forget their name, their pretty irrelevant." Keita smiles warmly at Jay and Kamden
"I think they're pretty cool.." Kamden murmurs side-eyeing you
"Really?" Keita looked like the whole world was upside down
"Ohh yeah! I think [name] is pretty cool too! Me and Kamden think everyone's cool!" Jay tries to laugh it off
"You guys sure are enthusiastic.. I like that!" Keita says enthusiastically to which Jay smiles widely to
More people started pouring in and soon Park Hanbin started to lecture the people in the classroom about types of photography. He shows his own examples of the type of photography he was explaining, be it shadows, clouds, and the lot.
A person listening to him could see how passionate he was about photography and what he was doing. The way he led the class on photography was exemplary and showed off the authority he had in the matter which was so very intriguing to you.
While you stared at Hanbin, Kamden stared at your focused state. Your eyes didn't waver from Hanbin at all and your hand jot down notes so quickly about what the club president was lecturing. Your dedication was entertaining compared to the long and never-ending talks of Hanbin.
Soon, another bell rung, signaling that club time was over but Park Hanbin didn't let anyone go yet. He had already locked the exit door prior and was guarding the entrance door. He had the key to exit door and was tauntingly showcasing it on the palm of his hand. His wit was applaudable to you and you didn't mind doing overtime unlike the others who were waiting to go home.
Once Hanbin had actually finished his lecture and dismissed the class, he didn't forget to tell everyone that he was free for any questions anytime. You couldn't help but sigh, you were enthralled at how the boy was willing to sacrifice so much time on photography.
"We should definitely hang out together sometime!" Keita finger-guns Jay and Kamden
"Yo, that'd be awesome! You love that idea dont you, Kamden?" Jay wiggles his eyebrows
"If it's alright with [name]"
"Eh, don't worry about them. Hey, [name]!" Keita calls for your attention
"Y-yeah?" You say caught off-guard by your day-dreaming
"Y-y-y-yeah" Keita mocks you
"Not cool" Kamden says while Jay laughs and pats Kamden on the back, seemingly trying to play what Kamden said as a joke.
"Because I'm a nice person who's considerate of others' feelings, I would like to ask you if it'd be alright to hang out with these fine gentlemen." Keita shows off Jay and Kamden
You roll your eyes and finally get a good look at the two boys whom you didn't pay much attention to earlier. You pointed at Kamden, shaking your index finger. He was familiar and you were trying to remember where you knew him from. Kamden starts to fidget with his hands under the weight of your stare.
"Leave the poor man alone, [name]. I'm your only friend, don't scare off potential other friends."
"N-no, it's alright." Kamden's face starts to turn slightly red and the pace of his fidgeting hands quicken.
You suddenly snap your fingers, "You were my classmate once, yeah?" You excitedly ask after remembering
"Oh, yeah" Kamden cooly says, stopping his hands from fidgeting.
"Great! You know each other, let's hang out!" Jay excitedly claps, jumping up and down.
"Yeah, you guys totally made that boring lecture fun." Keita smiles
"You wouldn't be saying that if you listened." You defend your club president.
"I did try to, but I couldn't because it was boring." Keita shows you a thumbs-down.
"I thought it was fun" Kamden says monotonously
"Ofcourse you found it fun" Jay wiggles his eyebrows
"[name]" A gruff voice calls out to you
You look over to Keita and see him awake
"Whew, you're alive" You jokingly whisper, though a part of you wasn't really joking.
"I've been awake for a while now" Keita admits to you
"And I've been thinking that I should just let you be on your love for older guys."
"Yah, let's not talk about that for now." You say not wanting to feel even more guilty.
"I can actually hook you up with an older guy, you know?"
"What? I said let's not talk about that right now."
"You were born on 2001, right"
"Same year as you" You say, giving up and soaking in your guilt.
"You know Kamden was born in the year 2000."
"He's in the year level as us though? Our year is only filled with people born in 2001 to 2002, as far as I know."
"Yeah he and his twin were placed in our grade level during first grade, for some reason, probably enrolled late."
"He always acted older than us, no?"
"I could help you guys get together"
"Did I mention that he was the older twin?"
You sat in silence as Keita kept talking. You didn't know that Kamden was older than you, you always assumed you were the same age.
"Keita, you're awake! You wouldn't believe how mad Ms. Lee was at Kamden!" Jay threw himself at Keita
"Hey" You jumped slightly on your seat as Kamden placed his hand on your shoulder, "I just said hey, no need to be scared." Keita chuckles lowly at you, his Adam's apple moving ever so slightly.
Was Kamden's voice this deep? Did Kamden have eudermic hands all this time? Why is Kamden looking at you so intensely?
"Did you drink the water I gave you?"
You could only nod. This make Kamden tilt his head at you and scrunch his eyebrows together. He looked like a lost cat, you thought. His eyes were sparkling like a cat's. His hair was fluffy like cat's fur. His pink pout resembled a cat's smile when its purs.
"Yo Kamden, what's your type?" Keita loudly asks for the boy's attention, holding Jay in his arms
"Hey, hey?" Jay questions, smiling and wiggling his eyebrows like he always does
"Why?" Kamden plainly asks
"Oh you know.." Keita ponders for a short while, "Someone might be interested in you and I happen to be their helper."
"Well, they shouldn't really change themselves for me if that's the case."
Was Kamden always thoughtful? You asked yourself, and then your thoughts started to spiral. Did Kamden ever care for other people? Was Kamden always this considerate of others? Now that you thought about it, Kamden always acted more mature than the average person your age.
"It's club time right?" Keita asks and everyone turned to look at you expectantly. That included Kamden, who was now looking back at you.
Unknowingly you had been staring at Kamden but you didn't break your gaze as he reciprocated your stare. His eyes were intriguing, a really dark brown that was almost black. It was under small lids and small eyelashes and over slightly dark eyebags. Kamden always took his studies seriously, it wasn't a secret to you that he didn't want to be overtaken by his twin brother, hence, why he worked hard. Kamden always worked hard, you remembered how he would always be awake at late hours of the night. Citing the times you would message him during those late hours and he would always respond, under the reason that he was awake because of an assignement or studying. Now that you thought about it, Kamden was always available for you, when either Jay was asleep or Keita was ignoring you, Kamden always answered whatever idiocracy or academic question you had. His attentiveness towards you had made you more motivated as his his constant help made an assignment easier, a sad moment less sad, and a day happier. You could always rely on Kamden to be there for you, always.
"Earth to [name]" Keita mimics an echo, repeating your name repeatedly and each time in a softer volume all the while smirking
"Oh yeah what is it?" You snap out of your trance and look over to Keita
"I said, isn't it club right now?"
"Ohh yeahh" You suddenly remembered
"So, I can't go and I need someone to bring me home because my mom can't pick me up" Keita smugly says
"Maybe [name] can bring you home." Jay suggests as he quickly brings his index finger to Keita's mouth to sush him and quickly retracts it, seemingly trying to stop Keita from refusing his suggestion.
"No, club is important to [name]. I can bring you home." Kamden refutes Jay's suggestion
Kamden really is thoughtful, you thought.
Kamden's statement seemingly makes Jay and Keita smile knowingly at each other, "You know what? I remembered that I left my house key in Jay's locker. Jay should bring me home."
"Oh yeah, right, totally. Kamden and [name], you guys go to club without us, I'll bring Keita home." Jay says gesturing the both of his hands for the both of you to go.
"Alright" Kamden looks suspiciously at the pair and gently pulls on your forearm, signaling for the both of you to go, "You don't want to be anymore late, yeah?"
Kamden really was well-mannered, you remembered how he would always touch you gently whenever needed. You also remembered how he would always remind you of things whether it'd be to take care of yourself or of other things, Kamden was always so put-together, "Yeah".
"Well, well, well, I'd never thought the two of you would be late." Park Hanbin's voice booms in the middle of his lecture as he sees Kamden and [name] entering from the front door, "Especially this late"
"Apologies, our friend wanted to see us at the clinic before going home. Keita and Jay won't be present." Kamden says quickly to Hanbin
"Ahh, yes, yes, I guess one of you youngsters was the one who choked earlier lunch." Hanbin clasps his hands together, "Well, hurry up and get seated, I'll excuse your tardiness today. Try not to get in any more trouble, kay? [name], right?"
Kamden nods for you as you seemed to be pre-occupied being in a daze and softly grabs your wrist to lead you to the unoccupied seats at the back.
Once the two of you were seated, Kamden found difficulty in letting you wrist go. Sure, the two of you had frequent physical contact but it led for the boy to yearn for more. You were warm on days that he wanted warmth and you were cold on days that he wanted to cool down. Simply holding you for a few seconds wasn't enough.
But Kamden had to have boundaries, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, that was what he didn't want to do the most. So, he lets go of you. He stares at you longingly, you were looking down at your desk, so he couldn't necessarilly see your face well. It didn't matter though as he remembers your face well, already having memorized you from his moments with you, moments where you were afar, and moments in his imagination.
Whether you were frowning, smiling or resting, Kamden found his eyes at ease in making you the default to look at. When your face rests, Kamden rests, making looking at you an easy job that paid in time seeing you, a better pay was almost non-existent. When your face frowns, Kamden worries. He doesn't frown incase it would lower your spirits down, rather, he tries to cheer you up indirectly, whether it'd be buying you drinks or taking care of measly tasks for you. When he knows what's making you frown or when you tell him yourself, he's more than motivated to give you small words of encouragement. When your face smiles, Kamden tries not to smile. It's almost impossible but he manages everytime to hold his smile in. He's the happiest when you smile genuinely because it's what makes you happy.
Kamden wants to be happy. That's what a normal person wants.
So, he started talking with Park Hanbin a while ago. He asked for an opportunity to see the upperclassmen in the guise that he wanted extra photography lessons. The ulterior motive was to get the older boy to take an interest in you. In the so called "extra photography lessons", he would slip in a good word or two about you. After the lesson, he would ask for another one, continuing his act of making you look good infront of Hanbin. It wasn't hard as he would just list down the things he liked about you. When he would take pictures of clouds, he would tell Hanbin how you were imaginative and creative, how you frequently said how a cloud resembled a persian cat you once owned named "Grill", no matter how far from the truth the cloud was. When Hanbin would tell him to change his shutter speed, Kamden would relay how you would always explain the different shutter speeds to him for different outputs, saying how diligent of a club member of the photography club you were and how you would always listen to Hanbin's lectures.
Soon enough, he didn't have to try and involve you in the lessons as Hanbin would now be the one to frequently ask questions about you. Hanbin was well-mannered, passionate and most importantly, older than you.
That's what you had always wanted in a partner, the two of you would be a good match, you would be happy. Kamden would always think about you being happy. That would make him happy.
Kamden reminisces the older times
It was a sunny day, much to everyone's luck from a certain class in 4th grade. It was this class' class field trip day to an aquarium. Kamden wouldn't lie, he was happy to spend time with his friends socializing for once. So, he looked forward for the field trip.
On the bus ride to the aquarium, obnoxious noise resounded from the back. Kamden looks back and sees the infamous group of boys from his class who were known to be free-loaders on group assignments and obnoxious in general.
Unfortunately, Kamden was groupmates for school projects with one of the boys from that group. What was worse was that he was the group leader and had just enough of the free-loading boy. This led to Kamden snitching to his teacher about how the boy had never contributed anything and pleading for fair treatment. Kamden could only surmise that the teacher had a talking-to with the boy as the boy was unusually less-vulgar around him, it made him uneasy. This uneasiness wasn't reduced in any way as he would be almost sure that he'd hear his name every now and then whenever the group of obnoxious boys talked with each other.
Once the bus dropped off the class at the aquarium, the field trip went smoothly. Kamden was having fun with his friends, pointing at sharks and unique sea creatures along the way. That was until a bucket of ice cream was splattered across the hallway they were walking on. The culprit? The group of obnoxious free-loading boys, though some of the boys were missing and that included Kamden's free-loading groupmate.
"Oh no. Hey Kamden fetch us a mop would ya? You're the tallest after all." One of the obnoxious boys smugly asks
"Why should he? You guys made that mess." Kamden turns his head to see that you were the one to defend him.
"Well Mrs. Ban sure would stop this field trip if she found out that we made a mess, that's her nature. Doesn't matter who did it, everyone will face the consequence." One of the obnoxious boys seethed, "Let's not waste time, shall we? The sooner you get this cleaned, the more chance that Mrs. Ban won't find out."
You looked like you were going to say something back but Kamden wanted to get this over with, "Alright, I'll get a mop." Kamden turns to the other direction to set out for the cleaning supplies.
Kamden remembers that an aquarium staff had instructed the class to clean up after any mess they made and mapped out where the cleaning supplies were.
"So you're just going to follow me?" Kamden awkwardly side-eyes you
"I thought that maybe the mop might be too big or heavy for you to carry alone."
"Oh" He dryly says
"Where's Mrs. Ban anyway, isn't she supposed to watch over us?" You try to make conversation
"Yeah.." Kamden really didn't know how to respond to you
The two of you walked in silence, Kamden never really interacted with you in class and never bumped into you in past school years, so, it was akward to talk to you now. Kamden and you further set out to the cleaning supplies and then reached the echinoderms part of the aquarium. The aquarium became quiet. He guessed that no one found echinoderms interesting. Though, that silence was quickly shattered,
"Well if it isn't the snitch, Kamden." His free loading groupmate tauntingly says, "The snitch Kamden, fell right into my trap."
The other missing members of the obnoxious group laugh, revealing themselves.
"And now, he's gonna pay for being a snitch." The obnoxious boys crack their knuckles while Kamden is paralyzed, not knowing what to do. He was outnumbered, but so he thought.
"Did you know that starfishes are part of echinoderms." You say matter-a-factly rather than questioning, "Starfishes unlike their organism name aren't actually fishes, they don't have gills, scales, or fins like a normal fish, and also have no blood."
You continue your banter, not letting anyone interrupt you by raising you tone of voice whenever someone did try. Kamden stares at and listens to you. He never really saw this side of you, you were loud and guarding when needed to, he guessed. The more he listened to you, the more he assumes that you were passionate about certain things, like starfishes, he guessed. Though he was confused at your sudden banter, he couldn't really complain, as it was preventing him from being beaten up. Soon enough, your banters were becoming interesting to him.
"Starfish are actually edible and safe to consume but certain species are poisonous and dangerous, so, be careful on what kind of starfish you eat. That's how my cat died." You suddenly halt your banter.
Kamden snaps out of his trance and looks to where the group of obnoxious boys were. They weren't there anymore.
"Seemed like you scared them off." Kamden tries to awkwardly joke with you, "Oh uh, sorry about your cat."
"Hey Kamden, what club should we join?" Jay excitedly shakes Kamden, "There's so many options"
As Jay jumps up and down, Kamden stares at you and Keita who were conversing, just infront of him and Jay. It was club opening day, wherein multiple booths of each club were placed in the school field, to let students to choose their clubs and for club officers to recruit people into their clubs. Though it was noisy and there were a lot of people passing by, he could still hear your's and Keita's conversation.
"You're joining photography club for a singular guy?" Keita asks in disbelief
"Well, that singular guy is extremely talented."
"Extremely talented at scaring and boreing people away."
"You don't have to join me, I'm not changing my mind." You cross your arms, "Besides, I'm not hurting anyone by my own choice."
Keita groans, "You do know that you're my only friend right now, can you be a little lenient?"
"I'm joining photography club."
Jay seems to catch on to what Kamden was distracted by, "Heyy, you're staring at them again"
"Huh, oh what, no."
"Hmmm sure, what's their name by the way?"
"So you were staring at them! No less eavesdropping!"
Kamden's eyes widen, "Lower your voice, would you?"
"Photography club, huh. I heard the club president is scary but I guess their adamant on joining."
"Their always passionate on what they like."
Jay wiggles his eyebrows at Kamden who has not stopped staring at you, "You know what? I kinda want to join the photography club, Kamden."
"Here" Kamden gives you a drink
"What is this for?"
"Nothing, I just thought to give you some."
"You keep buying me drinks, I'm starting to feel guilty."
"You always feel guilty when you shouldn't. Besides, you buy me food a lot of the time, don't you remember?"
"I guess.."
Kamden sits beside you on the bench. Silence sets in, the both of you don't hang out much alone without Keita and Jay. It just so happened that you and Keita fought, and Jay went off to cool Keita down.
"Do you and Jay fight alot?" You break the silence
"I ignore him alot but Jay isn't the type to argue."
"Do you argue?"
"Not really, arguing is tiring." Kamden pats your back gently, "Though, it's normal to fight. It happens when you care enough for something or someone."
You stay silent, sipping on the drink Kamden gave you.
"Not to say I don't care for Jay." Kamden laughs awkwardly, "It's just that people have different ways of showing how they care for things."
"I get what your saying now, you can stop being uncomfortable. Sorry I involved you guys." You take a sip of your drink, "You know, you sound like a 70-year old guy sometimes."
"So you're into me?" Kamden joke
You laugh and clutch your stomach, not being able to stop laughing. Kamden chuckles, your smile was enticing. It was serene and alleviated the stress he was currently going through. He then realizes that it was always like that, his problems seemed to be solved whenever you were around, even if you just simply smiled. What you did to him was amazing.
"You know, I started liking older guys since I was a kid." You said in between laughs, "There was this teenager who worked at the zoo my family frequented at and he would always entertain the kids. He was handsome, confident but well-mannered, would cheer up any kid crying, and would slip a piece of candy every now and then. He'd tell me facts about wildlife, but he was especially passionate about sea animals, more specifically, starfishes. He said they were the easiest to look after. His words influenced me so much that I would beg my family to buy me a starfish but they found it weird. One day the guy asked me if I wanted to look after something for him. I said yes because I wanted to impress him and so, he gave me a white fluffy cat. My family was mad because they'd thought that I stole an animal from the zoo. So, they took me and the cat back to the zoo, only to find out that the cat wasn't part of the zoo's care and that the guy that gave me the cat quit the day of. My family decided that I should just keep the cat. I don't really remember much of what happened during that time but a thought always stuck to me, I'm going to marry a guy just like him."
Kamden listened to you intensely throughout your talk.
"I'm sorry, I probably bored you to death" you chuckle
"No, no. I like hearing whatever you have to say." It was true, he always did, and he always wants to hear you. He always wants to see you, he always wants to be close to you, but he wasn't your type. So, Kamden tries ever so slightly to not smile at you, afraid that he might want you more. He didn't want to reach a point where he would try to take you, try to ruin your dreams of marrying an older guy.
Kamden stares at you, you were still looking down at your table. He couldn't deny the fact that he didn't want you, he loved you. Wanting you was superficial, he didn't want to claim or force you to be there with him 24/7, he just wanted you happy. He realized that when he started setting you and Hanbin together. If he wanted you, he wouldn't be doing what he did. Who didn't want you to be happy though? Your face was too loveable, your eyes yearned for passion, your lips creased to spread melodies of joy, and you were staring back at him.
Kamden gets caught off guard, how long have you been staring back at him?
"And that's it for today! You're all dismissed, except you, [name], can you stay for a bit?" Park Hanbin disrupts Kamden's thoughts.
This was it. Kamden thought. He gently pats your shoulder and gives you a thumbs up. You look confusedly at him.
"Good luck" Kamden whispers to you, subtly pointing at Hanbin with his thumb.
As he starts to walk towards the door, you stand up to follow him but he stops you at your place, "Don't ruin this for me" he whispers to you and quickly exits the scene.
It was 4 A.M. in the morning, Kamden had trouble sleeping. "How were you doing?" Circled in his mind a lot. He didn't reply to any messages Jay and Keita sent him, asking him how his time with you went. Infact, he had turned his phone off as soon as he reached his bed from school.
A notification went off on his phone. It was you. He only had his notifications on for you. He rushed to open his phone.
"Can you come to that Cafe next to school tomorrow? 12PM? I'm nervous. Bring your tumbler by the way"
Before he rushed to respond to you, he saw a text message from Hanbin that was sent earlier at 6PM.
"Hey, hey, hey, Kamden! tha cafe nxt to the schol tmrrw @12PM!!!"
Hanbin had asked you out on a date. You were probably nervous so he responds to your text message to agree to be the third-wheel.
"Yeah. Goodluck. Dont be nervous, I'll be there :)" Kamden responds only to you. He waits for your reply that doesn't come.
11:00AM, Kamden was one hour early. Due to the lack of sleep, he had forgotten his phone but somehow remembered to bring his water bottle.
11:30AM, You arrive, Kamden doesn't make himself known, to try and not disrupt any momentum on your date with Hanbin.
12:00PM, Hanbin was supposed to arrive by now, maybe he was just a little late. You start texting away on your phone.
12:30PM, Hanbin still hadn't arrived, Kamden started to get angry. He would've texted Hanbin himself asking where was he but he didn't have his phone with him.
1:00PM, It seemed like you were stood up, so you left the cafe.
Kamden couldn't express how angry he was, you? Were stood up? Kamden thought that Hanbin was a man, a man good enough for you. But he assumed wrong. He was angry at himself for assuming so wrong, for letting you get stood up. He follows you out the cafe.
"Hey, [name]! I'm sorry, I didn't know he would be that type of guy." He says catching up to you
"Oh, there you are. Where were you?" You ask seemingly upset at Kamden
"I was in the cafe, I didn't want to interrupt your date with Hanbin but he never showed up." Kamden sighs "I'm so sorry [name]"
"Date? I just texted you to meet me at the Cafe at 12. What do you mean date with Hanbin?" You ask, growing frustrated.
"Oh, you weren't going on a date with Hanbin?" Kamden looks confusedly at you, infamously tilting his head.
"No! I just wanted to talk with you, what made you think that?"
"Oh well you guys talked alone yesterday, so I thought.."
"So you thought what? Look, I just wanted to talk to you. I don't know how you reached to that conclusion." You look away at Kamden, too frustrated.
"I'm sorry it's just that I was trying to make Hanbin like you by telling him nice things about you and that's why I thought he asked you out on a date yesterday." Kamden confesses to you
"What?" You look back at Kamden
Kamden stays silent, accepting his fate that you were going to end your friendship right then and there.
"So, you were just trying to set us together?" You gulp down on your words, "So, you don't like me?"
Kamden's eyes widen, "I like you! No, I love you! Wait, where? I love you a lot. Where did you hear that, love?" Once he ended his sentence, he wanted to end his life. Why would he say it like that?
"So, you like me?" You confusedly ask
"I love you" He couldn't stop his mouth from opening and releasing awkward things out in the wild
"I love you too then."
Kamden doesn't believe your words, "What about Hanbin?"
"Hanbin? He told me that you liked me alot. He said that you wouldn't stop talking about me."
"I love you" You smile awkwardly at Kamden
Kamden puts his hands on either sides of your shoulders, "I was born on June 9, 2001, emphasis on 2001, the same year as you. I'm not any older than you are."
"Oh really?" You weren't surprised anymore that Keita would lie to you, "That doesn't change anything though. I love you." You smile awkwardly yet again at Kamden.
"Why though?" Kamden raises his voice, bringing his hands up to the nape of your neck, "I'm not older than you, like that guy from the zoo."
"You remembered." You say not surprised, "That's why I love you."
Your answer was vague but Kamden understood you, he always did, "You know I'm the younger twin right?" He asks in disbelief, bringing his hands up from your nape to cup your face.
"I love you."
Kamden doesn't say it back but he does bring your faces closer to one another. Close enough that his lips touched yours.
This story has reached to its end. I don't know whether or not Kamden is the younger twin or not, I pulled it out of my ass. A lot of what I wrote was pulled out from my ass. If you saw that Chainsaw Man reference, you didn't. I'm sorry if you read all of that and found it underwhelming or not good in general. I tried my best. I might make a ZB1 x reader fiction story, might. Thank you for spending your time reading.
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gnwkiss · 1 year
✧. ┊    rating my ex boyfriends, BOYS PLANET
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IN WHICH, you rate you ex boyfriends on twitter and some of them happen to see it
WARNINGS, mild language
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i just thought this would be fun and it was
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skzooe · 1 year
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na kamden as your bf
you and kamden being that awkward & awkward couple hcs
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you wake up with him being completely on top of you while sleeping
on days when he wakes up first, he rushes to the kitchen to make breakfast before you wake up
usually always at home together
mostly just cuddling in bed
he loves baking with you
begs you to play video games with him
whenever you two go out, it's usually gym dates
attempts to hold your hand but gets embarrassed/shy
loves flexing his muscles to you
his ears turn red from all the compliments you give him
takes you shopping and buys whatever you want
you take interest in something from the shelf and the next thing you know kamden is paying for it at the cash registers
"here you go" with the straightest but sweetest look on his face (INSERT THAT POU IMAGE OMG)
you two barely sleep so you go for late night walks where there is no one around
secret and quick kisses on your cheek is what he loves doing
you eventually get tired and he gives you a piggyback home
scary movies on the couch with cuddling and snacks is a MUST
he loves playing with your hair and just pampering you generally
"do you want me to give you a bath?" "do you need me to get your clothes?" "are you hungry?" "should i make food?"
you both end up falling asleep together with arms and legs all over the place
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© skzooe
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itaerae · 1 year
may i please request switch team as ur boyfriend 🙏 fem reader please
switch team as your bf 💭💭
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pairing: na kamden, kim taerae, terazono keita, park hanbin, yoon jongwoo, zhang shuaibo x fem!reader
word count: 487
warnings: none ! (not proofread)
notes: i TRIED my best ᴖ̈ tysm for the request !
ᥫ᭡ na kamden
⋆ he adores study dates ! bby is an engineering major, you better help him out
⋆ will zone out at times and just stares at your face, pou behavior
⋆ y’all def having matching pou plushies, you can’t convince me otherwise
⋆ he doesn’t show much affection outside, but inside he’s over the moon for you <3
⋆ his love language is def acts of service; he loves the feeling of being able to do things for you !
ᥫ᭡ kim taerae
⋆ let’s you plan matching outfits ! (his fashion is atrocious, taerae ily but no absolutely not)
⋆ he has that glowing smile on his face every time he’s around you, a whipped man for sure
⋆ y’all def go karaoke for fun, but then he laughs at you when his score is higher
⋆ takes you out for ice cream afterwards though ! a win-win for both
⋆ his love language is physical touch; bby can’t keep his eyes and limbs off you, he’s attached 24/7 <3
ᥫ᭡ terazono keita
⋆ you tease him for his height and in return he teases your rapping lol
⋆ he takes you on the cutest dates, precious :(
⋆ WILL show up at your doorstep unexpectedly, be prepared to open it !
⋆ he loves being around you, you’re his comfort person; he loves how he can just naturally express himself with you
⋆ his love language is somewhere in between quality time and acts of service <3
ᥫ᭡ park hanbin
⋆ he’s very stressed out being a group leader sometimes and doubts if he’s too harsh, you’re like his stress reliever :((
⋆ melts into your affection all day, everyday
⋆ he swears y’all are soulmates, lives by the words match made in heaven
⋆ matching everything; keychains, shoes, clothes, food, etc. he loves to show off your matching accessories on dates !
⋆ his love language is words of affirmation ! whether it’s receiving or giving, it doesn’t really matter <3
ᥫ᭡ yoon jongwoo
⋆ he SCREAMS bf material, is indeed the perfect bf
⋆ loves to take you on late night dates or drives ! whether its 11 PM or 3 AM, any time can be date time
⋆ indulges in deep life convos with you purely because he finds your thoughts and opinions comforting :((
⋆ cuddling is a must, he WILL hold you for hours. there’s no getting out of this one !
⋆ his love language is quality time; he adores every single moment with you <3
ᥫ᭡ zhang shuaibo
⋆ bobo teaches you twice choreographies !
⋆ precious likes to buy matching stuffed animals with you ! y’alls rooms are def cluttered with hello kitty things
⋆ quality time with you is def doing each other’s make-up + skincare !
⋆ sometimes he just needs to reboot, just let him be lol 🧍🏻
⋆ his love language is words of affirmation; pls shower the boy in compliments, he deserves it <3 (poor bby doesn’t deserve the hate he's getting ˙◠˙)
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solarwoniii · 1 year
na kamden as your boyfriend - boys planet
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hcs + ranking ehehe
sleeping beside kamden - 6/10
i just know he sleeps good. like so good that when you see him sleeping you want to sleep as well bc he looks so peaceful.
HE CUDDLES GOOD TOO >< his hugs are warm and comforting and just rly nice to be in.
he looses the other 4 marks bc i just feel like he would be the most ANNOYING SHIT to wake up when it's time to get ready for work or errands or whatnot because no matter how much he sleeps he always wants more 🙄 like he'll keep asking for another ten minutes in bed AND BEG for u to stay with him for that time
literally will not wake up unless you smack him over the head with a pillow. and then he'll be all whiny n shit BOY SHUT THE FUCK UP.
going on dates with kamden - 10/10
idk i feel like overall dates w/ him wld be so nice T^T he wld treat u like a princess JSJSJSJJJSJJS I WANT HIM
will have set times every two weeks when he will drop everything to go out with u bc he hates the idea of being too busy to spend time with u
ok quick random things i think he wld do for u in public ; ORDER FOR U EFJIDNJIED (AND HAVE UR ORDER MEMORISED DONT EXPECT TO HAVE TO TELL HIM TWICE WHAT U LIKE), tie ur shoelaces (dead rn), hold your hand when he walks with you, give u head pats, let u choose where u want to go, share his food with you (psst even if he complains with that 'but you said you didn't want anything!!' shit just know he absolutely loves it when u eat his food SO DONT LISTEN TO A WORD HE SAYS), buy u cute gifts that he thinks resembles you.
kamden comforting you when you're sad - 10000000/10
idk if this man has implanted y/n senses or something BUT HE JUST KNOWS WHEN YOURE UPSET AND HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO FEEL BETTER
lots of hugs :(((( like i said hes an amazing hugger, that alone will cure your sadness at least temporarily.
will talk to you about if thats what you want to do,, hes the best listener and hes so supportive and attentive to you. he will find any way possible to help you fix the situation bcs he doesnt want you to feel like you're alone in anything T^T
then he cooks you your comfort food and eats with you and then puts on your favourite movie while he gives you even more cuddles on the couch, this time wrapped in fluffy blankets.
kamden apologising to you after/during a fight - 1000/10
he is the type to get upset and possibly start to cry when you're angry at him because he loves you so so so much and he would never ever ever hurt you intentionally :( he would definitely hug you while youre in the middle of yelling and say he'd sorry once he notices you starting to get upset as well.
but if you guys manage a whole fight without him apologising then expect it soon, because this man cannot live without you 😭
he will apologise with a gift or a hug or movie tickets for the both of you or your favourite food or something to compensate for what he did. i feel like his apologies aren't that verbal bc hes lwk scared of u and a lot more physical HELP but even so you can tell that he's sincerely sorry and that he regrets what he did.
kamden getting jealous - 9/10
ehehhehehe he would be so cute
bc he struggles with talking to people he doesn't know he will be just quiet and observing the whole thing
but as soon as the person leaves he will be the whiniest big baby 😭😭bro will not allow you to leave his side for the rest of the day and for the rest of the week he will be doing whatever he can to make sure he proves to you that hes way better than anyone else (WHICH HE IS‼️)
will be the happiest boy alive when you tell him that you love no one but him <333
kamden overall - 10372023586492392892732927328/10
kamden is the sweetest boyfriend ever and will love you more than himself <33 you are his world and he will make sure you know that because he doesn't want to have you any other way.
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faithst · 1 year
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synopsis kamden is a bit shy when it comes to affection and you both have yet to have a first kiss.
pairing bf!kamden x gn!reader
genre fluff wc 0.5k warnings mentions of snacks (nothing happens w them)
mentions jay
note thank you for requesting ❤️ i hope you enjoy this !
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when kamden invited you over for a movie night, you happily agreed and definitely did not plan to make a move on him.
although dating for a month or two now, you have yet to kiss your lovely boyfriend on the lips. he’s a pretty shy guy in general, but he’s even more shy in displays of affection. you didn’t want to rush him into doing something but something felt like this was the moment and tonight was the night.
ringing the doorbell, you waited for the door to open as you heard footsteps nearing the door. the door swung open revealing jay, kamden’s roommate and best friend. “hi! come in!” he stepped back, allowing you into their shared place.
“kamden’s in the kitchen, preparing some snacks” he told before you could ask, he basically read your mind! you made your way there and saw your lover pouring some popcorn into a bowl. “i see that you’ve been preparing” you say, earning a smile from him.
he brought along the bowl to the living room and you were amazed at how much he prepared. the blankets and pillows lining up creating a makeshift fort. you make yourself comfortable on the sheets, shifting around to make some room for kamden.
“it’s just us tonight. i asked jay to give us alone time.” he mentioned, a bit relieved. kamden pressed play on the movie and settled back with you. during the movie, you couldn’t help to ponder how you were going to proceed to the next level with him. how exactly were you going to initiate it?
you started slowly, putting your head on his shoulder. then, your hand made its way to his as you intertwine them. kamden looked at your gestures and all you could do was give a soft smile. you occasionally squeezed his hand as if to signal a hint. this went on for quite a while until kamden spoke up “can i tell you something?” moving his whole body to face you, now holding onto both of your hands.
you quirk an eyebrow, following his movements. “the reason i asked to hangout today was for.. this.” he’s a bit hesitant as he leans in closer, taking a deep breath midway and placing a soft peck to your lips that took you by surprise. it was quick and delicate but it was enough to make you flush a rosy red, too stunned to speak upon your boyfriend’s abrupt bold move.
“wait, did you not want that? i just thou-” you cut his sentence off by pulling him in again and this time; he didn’t think twice to kiss you back. the kiss was tender as kamden deepens it, hands finding their way to your hips. he smiled into the kiss and you felt butterflies swarm your stomach, almost making you sick.
as you part to catch your breath, a voice pops out from behind you “oh my god! my friends are all grown up!” jay comments as he wipes a fake tear from the corner of his eye. kamden sighs as he gets up to push his friend back to his room, a bit annoyed “come on! i told you to leave us alone!”
when he came back, his pout from jay interrupting quickly turned into a shy smile as he rubs his nape “so.. do you wanna do that again?”
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© keiwook
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
My heart keeps on
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pairing: na kamden x secret s/o reader
pronouns: none used
genre: canonverse  (finale), angst ish, fluff
tw/tags: long distance relationship, very emo in general, a lot of tears LIKE A LOT, you surprise kamden twice, citing ep 12 as my ref for all this, kinda secret relationship, realities of dating a trainee/idol, reunions so more emo, cuddles, cheek kissing, using a pic as a page break, yes the title is fr kam’s rap in switch ty for noticing 💜
wc: 2178
summary: kamden hasn’t seen you in over a year. you surprise him.
a/n this was supposed to be a gift fic for 101 followers but y'all are 200 now 😭😱 omg so thanks so much for supporting my little blog!!! I know this took a little longer than expected so thanks so much for patiently waiting! 💜Special thanks to the anon who sent me an ask about missing kamden and especially to @seok02 for giving me the motivation to finish this fic and kinda just helping me with the overall process 💜💜💜
check my pinned for more fics!
“Star Creator, we always thank you and love you!”
They wrap up the pajama party livestream, thanking the staff and staying to chat as the cameras are switched off. (Or so they think, lol)
“The vibe was pretty good,” Kamden tells Matthew. The other boy agreeing instantly.
“I think we were able to show new sides of ourselves.”
Suddenly the staff play a recording, surprising them all. It’s video messages from Star creators all over the world for them to watch. Kamden grabs a fluffy pillow as he watches everyone slowly get emotional. Seungeon cries. Zhang Hao cries. Yujin cries. Almost everyone is crying. 
Kamden gets a message from a fan in Norway, which is pretty cool. Then, something he never expected happens. He recognises your voice before he even realises it’s you.
“Kamden, annyeong~”
The pillow falls off his lap.
It’s you. It’s really you. You who he hasn’t been able to video call in a few days because of practice and your schedule and the time difference. He almost calls out your name but it sits tight in his throat, unable to reach you. 
You’re on screen, wearing one of the shirts you’ve stolen from him, holding onto the plushie he bought for you at that silly little shop after you insisted it looked like him. God, he hasn’t seen you in over a year.
“Dude, you okay?” Jay asks him softly.
He must look like an idiot, eyes blown wide, mouth slightly open, hanging onto every word that comes out of your mouth.
“I’ve been watching Boy’s Planet since the teasers were released. And you’ve always been my favourite.”
Kamden knows. You’ve been spamming your chat with him with all these little clips from the PR videos to the behind the scenes footage. Screenshots of you voting for him on the Mnet+ app, comments you’ve left on his fancam videos, even the funny memes you found of him on Twitter all greet him when he opens his phone after practice.
Hope my favourite trainee is doing well and staying healthy! Take care of yourself and know I’m always rooting for you! I love and miss you so much! Hoping for your debut!
Your messages are his favourite. And speaking of:
“I’ve made a little compilation of photos right here. I hope you like how I decorated them, I really tried my best~”
All the trainees ooh and ahh over the handmade album you bring up to the screen compiled with photos of him from the program and cute little notes and stickers. Kamden can’t move, can’t talk. 
Because that’s your album, the one you had insisted on starting when he and you began dating. He knows that if you flipped to the other pages, it would be full of photos of both of you, dates, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, awards that either of you might have won, events that were important to you or him or both of you, everything carefully labelled. It was one of your favourite things to print out all the photos and he’d help you decorate them.
He can’t believe you kept that up after he left for Korea.
“You’ve stood out to me in every performance. You’re so talented and so many people are cheering you on so please remember to have confidence in yourself.” Your voice wavers a little towards the end of the sentence and as slight as it is, he catches that. He knows you.
Kamden only registers the wetness on his cheeks when the tears are already going, fast and furious. He reaches up, trying to dab them away gently with his sleeve. On screen, you blink rapidly and he knows you’re trying your best not to cry either. Even thousands of miles away, on a video you probably recorded weeks ago, you and him are still in sync. Maybe the rest of the trainees don’t see it but he does. Of course he does.
“I hope you take care of yourself always. Make sure to eat enough and get enough rest. I’ll be voting for you everyday so just do your best in practice and performing and us Star Creators will take care of the rest. We’ll support you so you can achieve your dream of debuting~”
To everyone else, you were just a particularly supportive fan. But to Kamden, you were his person, the one he was devoted to and he can’t help it, sobbing a little into his sleeve. Several pats on the back as the other trainees around him try to comfort him. He can’t help but cry even more. Why were you so far away? Why couldn’t you be here where he could hug you and kiss you and just be with you?
“Na Kamden hwaiting! Saranghae~”
That’s it. He turns and buries his face fully into his hands as if doing that would soak up all the tears that won’t stop coming. Matthew and Jay have scooted over, voices overlapping as they rub his shoulders and back and ask what’s wrong. Even Zhang Hao’s hovering a little on the side, equally concerned.
Maybe he’ll say something later, when there are no mics and no cameras. He’s been training for years and you’ve both agreed that in a career like the one he aspires to get into, keeping it quiet would be the best. Idols don’t date. Idols don’t have a significant other in a whole other country that they call when they can find free time. Even when it comes to casual conversation where there isn’t a camera directly trained on them, Kamden just doesn’t say anything.
They do ask him later. And when he says you’re a close friend he hasn’t seen in awhile, their faces light up in recognition. He leaves it at that.
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You walk into the arena with a little trepidation. 
It’s all been a blur. Packing your things, flying to Korea, meeting up with Kamden’s mom and brother who have been kind enough to get you a ticket pass for the family section. Of course, he has no idea you’re even here.
You’re quite a bit more nervous about surprising him than you thought. While you’d give anything to see him again, it was a little risky in such a public venue with so many people watching and cameras everywhere filming almost any angle. Maybe you can be discreet enough if you do break down but Kamden’s on stage, the spotlights bright and on him. Fans are probably filming him on their own devices.
At this point, you’ll just have to trust your boyfriend to keep his reactions to a believable level. You don’t stand too close to his family, trying to keep your distance but also staying near enough that you’d be in the same general direction if Kamden glanced your way.
You end up on the side, along with a few other people who seem to be dressed as discreetly as you, masks on too. The looks you exchange seem to come to a general understanding of why you’re all here and who you’re here for.
Kamden doesn’t notice you when the Top 18 first file in. You don’t expect him to but you see him though. There’s a growing knot in your stomach, emotions welling up from actually seeing him not through a screen but so close that you could walk on stage and touch him. You don’t do that, of course. But still, he’s so near that it almost hurts not being able to throw yourself into his arms for a hug.
You’ve wanted this so much, especially after more than a year of not seeing him. But right now, you feel frozen. You only watch as they start getting into positions for the signal song. Fans are cheering, even the family members and friends of the trainees are calling out words of support. Still, your voice sticks to your throat, as much as you want to shout out, something keeps you from doing it.
Good thing Kamden’s brother does it for you. It probably surprises you and his mom more than it should but who can blame you when he almost never does that? Kamden’s surprised too, maybe it’s a twin thing but he immediately stands up straighter looking for where his brother’s voice is coming from.
And then he sees you.
His eyes meet yours and they widen considerably. His mouth even drops open a little. You’re smiling so much and you’re sure it shows from how your eyes crinkle, just a little glossy. But you’re not going to cry just yet. Instead, you wave at him. He can’t do much more than give a little wave back before they seem to be ready to start filming. 
Suddenly, your heart feels just a little lighter. You step back and watch him dance the signal song. You’ve seen him do it a thousand times, every time you stream his video. It feels so surreal, being able to see it like this, right in front of you. When the song ends, you see his eyes flick back in your direction, searching for your face. When he finds it, his expression brightens.
It’s amazing, watching someone you love do what they love. Sure, you’ve seen Kamden dance, you’ve gotten him to sing and even rap for you a little before. But it’s different with the stage and the lights and the crowd and he looks so comfortable there. You laugh when you see the Jelly Pop teaser, maybe you’ll get him to wear that dress again, just so you can get photos. The final song is almost bittersweet and you try your best but a few tears do slip out.
He’s messaged you about barely making it to the finale, you’ve monitored the program, watched his rank. You both know his chances are slim. But they’re possible. Still, he’s told you that he’s prepared for the equal possibility of not debuting. His company should have plans, he assured you. You watch him walk over to every one of his fellow trainees who’ve made it to debut, offering hugs and congratulating them. And as the number of spots dwindle, you keep your hopes up but you begin to accept it as well.
By the time they’ve called third, you watch as he walks over to Matthew, one of the trainees he’s closest with from what he’s told you. Maybe he lingers a little longer. Maybe you catch his eyes as he looks over. Hwaiting! You mouth, shaking your fists a little in encouragement. The emotions are swirling inside you. When the camera pans over to him, he’s teary eyed, covering his face the way he always does when he gets like that. You can’t help it. The emotions are starting to spill over and you breathe between the occasional tears.
After they announce the ninth place, everything suddenly starts moving so fast and so slow. They wrap up filming. The audience begins to file out. The cameras switch off one by one. You go backstage.
When he walks in, mic gone, still in that uniform that you keep teasing about, you don’t hold back. His arms wrap around you and you fall into him, holding him so tightly you wish you didn’t need to let go. And then both of you start crying.
“I missed you so much, Kam.” You’re holding onto the fabric of his jacket, gripping at it so desperately you’re almost afraid it might rip.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” He manages, his head somehow buried on your shoulder, tears soaking the cloth of your shirt.
“Surprise?” It comes out weak, a little shaky as you both laugh brokenly through your sobs.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” He holds you even tighter, like he’s afraid you might fade into thin air.
“I’ll be here for a while.” You tell him. “I wish I could’ve come sooner but-”
“It’s okay seriously, you’re here now.” If he squeezes you anymore, you feel like your heart might burst. “I’m so happy to see you.”
He goes back with you. There’s few brief introductions to Jay and Matthew and a few other trainees he’s grown close with, nudges and knowing looks and raised eyebrows. But it’s nothing to stress about, you manage to make it back under the radar.
You feel him watching you as you grab a few more things from your suitcase after both of you have showered and you’re wearing another one of his old shirts. Before you know it, your legs are tangled together, your head resting on his shoulder, your hands intertwined. 
“I don’t want to sleep,” he says quietly. “I don’t want to wake up and find out this is a dream and you aren’t here.”
“You aren’t dreaming, Kam.” You reassure him, lifting your head to kiss his cheek. Even in the privacy of this room, he blushes.
“Even if I didn’t make it, at least I have you.”
“You do, Kam. You always do.” And you know he will make it, one day.
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harus-simp · 1 year
Late night walks
-Kamden x reader-
Warning: none, just pure fluff
Author's note: Here's a little headcanon I thought of :))
Just enjoy our pou <3
The best way to make kamden's heart go crazy is to spend time with you, but particularly late night walks get a special place there.
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Alright so Kamden and you had been going out for a while establishing a really nice and stable relationship
You guys relied on each other a lot, because communication is crucial and sexy
He felt so loved and appreciated by you he swore he could almost taste the sweetness dripping out from your words
Quality time was his favourite love language, so going on little dates was a must for him, specially indoor dates
But he also enjoyed those were you went to places not too crowded
Almost keeping you as his treasure, not wanting to expose you to the world
His favourite date was particularly late night walks through your neighbourhood
He just texted you really late, knowing well you were probably watching some series or a film
And once you were okay with him coming he was literally at your door in like 15 minutes or less, he wasn't gonna waste any time seeing his beloved one <3
So once you got ready and had put on a hoodie and a jacket properly you both went on your little adventures
You walked hand in hand in a peaceful silence, don't needing any words to describe how well it felt to be in each other's company there
You stopped in your tracks once you saw a swing and went to it immediately like a child, making kamden melt internally from cuteness
He swinged you while he just admired how you laughed almost childishly, and if there was another swing available he would also sat there and rocked himself a little
Once you got bored you just went to a bench and talked about anything that came to your mind
Actually these were your favourite talks, 3 am being the time were your brain got more creative and deep
So the conversations took another turn and left you to express yourselves in your most fred form
And you bet you were cuddling
Of course you were
He couldn't keep his hands to himself right there
Needing warmth at such late hours made you both get tangled and piece perfectly like a puzzle
You placing your head on his chest and just curling up made his heart fuzzy
He also loved to be like that because he sensed from your sudden smile that you could hear his quick heartbeat, making you see how much he loved you and how much of an effect you had on him
Yeah, these were definitely our little pou's best moments with his significant other ❤️
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hazyskyline · 11 months
poukie | n. kamden
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desc. | kamden and (y/n) have been in a long distance relationship for 2 years, and (y/n) plans a little surprise for kamden.
pairing | boyfriend!kamden x gn!reader (no pronouns used)
word count | 659
genre | fluff
warnings | none
bold text - (y/n)’s messages | italicized text - kamden’s messages
kam, i miss u 😕😕
i miss you too 😔😢
it had been 1 year since kamden went back to korea, 2 years since you got together, and 3 years since you first met him. you met him in a dance class back in the states and the two of you hit it off immediately. the day ended with both of you getting each other’s number.
if i go to korea.. can we binge watch boys planet and ur fancams?
if u come, ill make sure to block all the videos on every device when u walk into the airport
wow, youre just the master of sarcasm arent u
guilty as charged 🫡
you have to say, he was good at making you happy. he was even better at making you miss him. if only you could actually go to korea.. wait.
“why don’t i go to korea?!” you said, having an eureka moment.
you quickly opened your browser and looked up flights to korea. a flight to korea in two days. you booked the flight and the countdown started.
always found guilty of that charge mr. na
sry kamden but i have to go now, i love u poukie 😍😍)
not that nickname again.. i love u too (y/n) 🫶
you shut off your phone and grabbed your luggage. though it was two days away, a little early packing never hurt anyone..
it was the day. the day! you grabbed the luggage you packed when you pulled an allnighter, too excited to fall asleep that night. you literally, LITERALLY, ran out your door. you rushed to put your luggage and get into you uber.
you sat down and pulled out your phone, instantly pulling up your texts with “poukie ❤️”
ill see u in 12 hours 😘😘
hm? what do you mean? do you want to facetime? im free right now if you want
you’ll see, oh btw are u free in 12 hours?
yes… why?
no particular reason! ☺️
im slightly concerned babe..
your uber arrived at the airport. you grabbed your luggage from the trunk and walked into the airport. you slowly went through the process. security, walking to your gate, and waiting. pulling up kamden’s texts again, you messaged him.
i do wanna facetime but ill be busy for like 12 hours, so ill text u when im done!!
awh, i wanted to see u :c, have a nice 12 hours :p
your boarding group was called and you quickly went onto the plane. you practically sprinted to your seat, stowed away your carry-on, and sat in your seat. you eagerly awaited for the plane to take off and for you to finally see your boyfriend again.
“- please fasten your seatbelt, put your tray up, and prepare for landing”
you rubbed your eyes before a flight attendant came to tell you to buckle up. you groggily obliged before remembering where you were.
you got a burst of energy, your brain now bouncing off the walls of your skull with excitement.
the plane landed and you and the other passengers slowly siphoned out of the plane.
as soon as you got to the waiting area where the next group was waiting to board, you pulled out your phone.
no response.
no new messages.
hm? yeah whats up?
can you pick me up?
what? i mean unless i can drive across an ocean, im afraid i cant
check my location 🤭🤭
…what are you doing in korea?
you laughed, drawing attention from the people getting on the plane. you excused yourself and walked to the exits of incheon airport.
well.. remember when i said i missed you. i got an amazing idea, to go to korea!
why would you do that! it’s so.. impulsive! 🫠🫠
well theres no avoiding it now so.. can you pick me up from the airport :D
… of course i can love.
you were extremely happy and excited to spend the next two weeks with your lovely poukie.
a.n | please tell me y’all get the pun with poukie 🙏🙏 (pou as in the character he looks like and pookie as in the silly little nickname) i love kamden. also you cannot convince me otherwise that kamden wouldn’t use emoticons in his texts, ESPECIALLY “:p”
feel free to leave criticism in the comments!!
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i520u · 11 months
⸝⸝ ꒰ 𝟏𝟏 : 𝟏𝟏 ꒱
highschool!gyuvin x fem!reader 、masterlist
book one 【 star-crossed 】
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SYNOPSIS -͟͟͞☆ gyuvin tells himself that he’ll be okay, and losing friends is a part of growing up. he firmly believes that having to move schools in a different city was the universe telling him to try again. he then meets you, and he hates you. he knows he should be thankful that you saved his life, but every time he sees you, he gets annoyed.
GENRE -͟͟͞☆ social media au, fluff, enemies to lovers, comedy (attempted 😿), angst, sfw, maybe slow burn, pining
FEATURING -͟͟͞☆ zb1’s gyuvin hanbin ricky gunwook yujin matthew, riize’s jung sungchan, aespa’s ningning winter karina, boys’ planet’s jeonghyeon kamden
WARNINGS -͟͟͞☆ profanities, kys jokes, kms jokes, substances abuse, drug abuse, underage drinking/smoking, mental illness jokes, etc. warnings will be stated in each chapters!
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y/n’s friends
gyuvin’s friends
taglist request is closed .𖥔 ݁ ˖
000. 18:57
001. 03:02
002. 07:31
003. 08:12
004. 09:42
005. 19:56
006. 16:33
007. 03:41
008. 23:44
009. 21:37
010. 20:10
011. 11:13
012. 00:38
013. 14:09
014. 15:57
015. 18:21
016. 21:45
017. 17:02
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
reaction to the lipstick trend (pt.2) ㅡ park hanbin, junhyeon, kamden
boys planet trainees x gn!reader
genre : fluff
pt. 1 here
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• P.Hanbin
at first, hanbin bring that trend up as a joke... but he didn't expect you to be so hyped up about it and to run to find the lipstick. he's not complaining tho, he thinks you're cute when you're excited about something. even more if the something is peppering his face with kisses.
when you came back, you had two different colors. you plopped on his laps, sitting sideways, as you showed both of the colors.
"which one do you prefer?"
an idea bloomed in hanbin's mind. you know, there are basic principles for an healthy relationship. one of the main point is to trust your significant other. however, you made a mistake by trusting hanbin, because he was literally going to scam you in order to get more kisses.
faking hesitation, hanbin chooses the pinkish one.
you fell into his trap with no problem, applying the lipstick on yourself with hanbin telling you when it was good since you had no mirror with you.
your attention went back to him, and with no hesitation whatsoever, you started planting soft kisses all over his face. they were longer than a simple peck, to make sure the stain would be visible enough.
hanbin closed his eyes, a shy smile that he tried to refrain on his face. you started with his nose, then moved down to his chin, back to his cheeks. he savored the feeling of your soft lips on his skin as you kissed his jaw. your kisses ended up going to his forehead and you finished, looking at his pleased face.
hanbin didn't open his eyes yet, thinking you would kiss him more. when he felt one of your hand ruffling his hair, only one of his eyes popped open.
"you're already done?" he asked.
"yes! i think you have enough marks on your face."
"could've let you kiss me all day" he muttered inaudibly as you grabbed your phone. it was okay, he had a plan anyway.
"should we record now?" you said and he nodded.
you recorded the video the same way it was done on tiktok, and you sat with him to review it, making sure it was good enough to post. you loved it. hanbin loved it. but it isn't about love right now, it's about being a fraud. hanbin was a fraud but that is a okay, because scammers also deserves a love story!
"i think we should do it again because the color isn't suitable with the light of the room. it's not pretty enough with the color of my hair neither. when i think about it, maybe we should try again with your other lipstick."
everything goes according to plan because you were completly oblivious to his stratagem. you simply grabbed something to wash away the stains on his face and the color on your lips. he let you cup his face while you softly brushed a tissue against his skin to take off the previous kisses. that's how hanbin, a mastermind, succeeded in making you do that trend three times in a row in order to have more kisses.
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• Kamden
"i would rather stand naked in alaska cornered by a hundred people than do this."
you felt like your jaw dropped to the ground when kamden replied this to your request. sure, you knew he would be reluctant, but not that much! he just couldn't take this seriously, the whole concept sounded stupid to him.
"so. you want me to sit here in front of a camera while you reapply lipstick but you fail just for the sake of failing and i use my finger to do... whatever they are doing on that tiktok and then i have to look at you like i'm.... yeah no. do it with your teddy bear or something."
you whined at his brutally honest opinion, a bit shocked considering the fact he spit his venom with a straight face.
"what? it's cute, right?" you insisted, sure he was going to change his mind for you. he looked at you as you gave him dejected puppy eyes. kamden scoffed, looking away. there was no way he's falling for this. no, he was stronger than this. in his opinion, intimacy was supposed to stay... intimate. why would people on the internet have to see this kind of content from you two? plus, it just ruins a moment to turn on a camera while he's with you. it's staged. it's not natural.
you sighed in defeat, realizing there was really no way in hell kamden would do this.
"right... that's okay, i'll ask a friend to do it with me."
"yeah, just do tha- what?"
an alarm has been triggered in kamden's brain. if you did this with a friend, wasn't it weird? and what friend were you going to do it with?
"what friend?"
"you mean 'who'?"
"yeah, who?"
"i don't know, maybe jay."
it was enough for kamden to change his mind. he pointed his finger at you, with a new found energy.
"bring that damn lipstick." your face lit up at his words.
"we're doing it?" you exclaimed.
"yeah, only if you don't post the video."
you nodded frantically. after you went to grab what was need for the video, you sat next to him. "you're ready?" you asked, "yeah, whatever".
despite his grumpy attitude, you weren't oblivious to the way he played nervously with his fingers when you planted the first kiss. you weren't oblivious to the fact that he was biting his inner cheek in order to not smile, either. you knew he liked it, otherwise you wouldn't have done it.
kamden knew he liked it as well. but how could he show it? it would be embarassing after all the fuss he made not to do the challenge. you guys filmed the video, and you respected your promise by not posting it online, keeping it to yourself. this was the day kamden realized he loved cheek kisses the best, and he waited for you to sleep to send himself the video secretly.
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• Junhyeon
you literally asked the wrong person. yes, junhyeon accepted your request, but there was something about him you forgot. junhyeon would combust if he didn't create a mess each day. even a little one, it was fine by him, but this menace could not go to bed happily if he didn't participate into chaos.
"how about i apply the lipstick on your lips for you?" he proposed. you didn't think about it twice, handing him the makeup supply. you felt the makeup on your lips as junhyeon was putting it for you. at first he did it right, but you noticed that little by little, a smirk appeared on his face and he started to go overline. pulling your face away, you jokingly hit his arm.
"what are you doing" you said, acting like you were mad even if you find the joke funny.
"what? isn't overlining the lips trendy?" junhyeon responded, acting innocent.
"yeah, act like it wasn't one of your jokes" you rolled your eyes still pretending to be annoyed.
"you were so pretty i couldn't stay focused, that's why" junhyeon explained in a dramatic tone.
you made an exaggerated grimace after hearing his cheesy words, hitting him once again. junhyeon's laugh ringed through your ears while you were catching a tissue to clean up your lips. he looked at you from afar, a smile on his face. junhyeon got up from the couch he was sitting on and went to backhug you. you put your hands on his as you felt his lips planting soft kisses to your jaw.
"i'll do it properly this time, if you still want to do it" junhyeon said, resting his head on your shoulder.
"is it another joke" you answered with a straight face.
you whined while he started laughing once again. hearing your complaints, he didn't let go of you to make you turn around and face him. then, junhyeon leaned in to kiss your lips quickly. "i'm kidding, i'll be serious this time. i want kisses too."
after that, junhyeon got kisses from you indeed, but not because of the trend.
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yushipie · 4 months
Fluff:💌 Smut:🔞 Coming soon:👀
haobin x reader 🔞
haobin x reader 🔞
ricky: 👀
gunwook: 👀
Fantasy boys
corruption kink 🔞
First date 👀💌
cuddling w gyurae 💌
first time 🔞
academic rivals 🔞
Sub Hikari
Jealous Hikari (⚠️) 👀
myungjae: 👀🔞
hikaru: 👀🔞
Academic rivals to lover's pt 1 💌
Boys planet
haruto maeda
first time w reader 🔞
Kamden: 👀🔞
jay chang: 👀🔞
zihao: 👀🔞
Yungyu social media au 💌
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skzooe · 1 year
i absolutely love the lipstick stain trend!
i need a part 3 with junhyeon in it, pretty pleasee
you are doing great, keep up the good work! :)
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lipstick stain trend,,💌 p.3
p.1 p.2 p.3
with; taerae, keita, kamden, gyuvin, junhyeon, matthew
[note;; i waffled towards the end bc i ran outa ideas but not sure if this is still in trend so sorry for the wait!! ❣️]
for those who don't know 💋💋💋
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such a romantic guy
will place roses and candles around you to "set the mood" of the video
"waitwait, we need more flowers"
a perfectionist fr
he's so into it as you place kiss marks on his face
you can just tell how he's trying to hide his huge smile
honestly fighting the urge to kiss you back
he couldn't help it, so he ran his thumb across your stained red lips, holding your hips for support
turns into a LONG ASS makeout sesh
you both pull away and hes just staring at you with love in his eyes and just smiles so beautifully 😭
“i could spend the whole day doing just this.”
(promoting my taerae picnic date fic bc why not🤷‍♀️)
when you show him the video he gets SO SMILEY
his smile literally lights up the whole room its so cute
how could he say no
when you cup his face and start kissing him he literally WONT STOP SMILING
"your lips are so soft"
he loves it too much that he starts giggling like a girl uncontrollably
when you finish the video he just blurts out the most random things
is he drunk???????
tight cuddles and kisses straight after bc he's just like that
we already know how kamden is
he's an average user on tiktok so he might know about it already
so when you ask him he's just like: 🙂🧍‍♂️
he doesn't really mind since he's down for anything with you
"im down"
he just sits there in silence as you pepper kisses on his face
he doesn't really make eye contact with you because he's SO SHYY
when you start giving kisses on his neck, he gets so flustered and his ears turn red
he didn't want you to see how red he was, so he pulled you in and cuddled you as tight as he could on his chest
you noticed his ears which you found adorable
"you're so cute when you're flustered"
"you make me lose control."
(honestly got me kicking my feet while writing this icl)
sooooo clingy
physical touch king
would do ANYTHING to spend more time w you
"do you-"
dawg im not done talking?????
while you put on the lipstick you picked out, gyuvin is just laying on your lap playing with the strings of your hoodie
istg he's never separating from you
cup his cheeks and he will MELTT
you try to kiss his cheek, but he swerves his lips onto yours 🤧
he thought he was so slick with it
"i really, really want to kiss you again"
as you're about to lay kisses on his cheek, he pulls you close and places his lips onto yours
only bc he just cant get enough of your touch
goes on for ageeeessss
you both pull out with heavy breaths, looking so flushed and dizzy with pink cheeks
he has smudged lipstick all over his mouth which you find so cute
he just chuckles
"you got lipstick all over me"
you're sat on the counter of the kitchen as junhyeon heats up his food
you stumble across a video of the trend which you found soo cute
you show him and he is just so goofy and confident about it🤧
"do you wanna do this?"
you get the lipstick from your bag and apply it to your lips while he approaches you
he's hovering over you with hands on the counter, each on your sides
as you're kissing his face, you accidentally smudge one which makes him whinee
"i think i deserve a kiss."
he's smirking sooo slyly
he puts his hand on your waist as he pulled in close
you're both lost in the moment as he says
"i wanted to do this so damn bad"
(the food hello??????)
you're both snuggled up on the couch watching tiktoks together when you both come across this trend you wanted to try out
matthew rushes to get your lipstick because he's so committed to helping you
he's so sweet about it that he won't stop asking questions
"is this colour okay?"
"does my outfit look good?"
"should i fix the lighting?"
you tug on his collar to apply the lipstick onto his face
which makes him sooo shy and cute
his ears automatically turn red in which he tries to hide with a smile
as you film the video, he just looks at you with a huge smile
"you look heavenly."
literally cant take your eyes off you
the comments go WILDD
💬: find me a man that looks at me like that
mattew will treasure that video FOREVER
shares it to everyone he knows. his friends, his family, EVERYONE
"was that okay? i'd love to do that again"
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© skzooe
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jangse0hye0n · 1 year
Word count: 1428
Pairing: Shen Ricky x f!reader
Warnings: Suggestive content (not smut), (let me know if there are others)
Scenario: She is a stylist and things get heated when she had to style the over me team during the artist battle mission.
You work as a stylist and make up artist for idols, and your latest work had been on the boys planet survival show. You've been styling the boys ever since their star level test days. On the day of the star level test, you were assigned to style the Yue Hua boys (both K and G groups), Jay and Kamden, and also Lee Yedam. Ever since then, you've been stuck styling the Yue Hua boys and you got pretty close to them since they were your age. You were pretty young to be a stylist, that's what everyone always says, but your make up and clothes never fail to impress the director of the show. Every shoot, there was always 2 Yue Hua boys on your list, especially now that there are less boys, you became one of the permanent stylist on the team. There was 1 that never missed to be on your list though, Shen Ricky.
Every shoot, every stage, his name was always on your list of the trainees you had to style. At first you just thought it was a coinsidence since you got to style the back door teams. Then you got to style Rush hour and Zoom, also when the boys planet's families over you got to style over me and switch. You and Ricky always had this tension, this tingly feeling, those butterflies in your stomach when ever his hands lingers over yours when you gave him his clothes, his eyes never leaving you when you fix his hair of and accessory on his stage outfit, the way his eyes lock with yours when your done applying his eye make up. Your face always heats up when you catch him staring at you while you fix the other trainees hair or applying their make up. His eyes always has this tint of jealousy in them, but you never wanted to overthink that possibly someone like Ricky could have a thing for you. He was always one of the shyer boys though, unlike Zhang Hao and Gyuvin who are laughing at everything and anything they see.
Zhang Hao is a very easy person to talk to, he was fun and he loved to teased the other boys with every little thing they do. He also liked to make jokes when your applying his make up and it causes you to have to re do some parts sometimes. Zhang Hao is an overall friendly person, and that's how he is every time he sees you. Today was no exception, you were tying the red and black piece of fabric each member is wearing in different places, Hao has it around his wrist and the sleeve of his shirt. Jay has it on his waist, Quan Jui has it on his arm and his wrists, Jeonghyeon too had one red and one black on his wrists. You were assigned to tie Zhang Hao, Jay, and Quan Jui. While you were tying the red fabric on his arm, you over heard your co stylist, Jihye giving Ricky his piece and saying to tie it on his thigh. Jihye is well aware of you and Ricky's little relationship even if it is nothing, and she did this on purpose to tease you. Your ears turned red while you were tying off the last piece on Quan Rui's wrist.
During their performance, the entire time you were watching backstage, and you couldn't keep your eyes off of Ricky. One piece on his waist, another on his thigh. "You should really thank me for his look today you know" Jihye whispered as she noticed how your mind is blank while staring at the screen of the boy's performance. Your head turned to face her, ears red, she had done it on purpose and now she was admitting it to you. Jihye had a very satisfied smirk on her face, "I can't believe you did that on purpose". Your team was called on by the camera directors because Switch team was about to go perform soon and they had to touch up their make up. You grabbed your brushes and a comb to fix their hair. While you were fixing Kamden's hair, the over me team came back stage since they were done with their performance. You made eye contact with Ricky, he had sweat dripping from his face and the other stylists rushed to give them towels and fans. Jihye nudged you, gave you a fan, towels, and tissues, she snatched the comb and hair spray out of your hands and pushed you towards Ricky.
You were flustered but quickly gathered back your composure to stay professional. when you finally faced Ricky, he was still kinda catching his breath and his eyes were filled with anticipation as he saw you. You grabbed his bottle and gave it to him with a fan. While you were using the towel to carefully wipe his sweat off, trying your best to not wipe off a lot of his make up. His eyes were filled with amusement as he looked at you focused on him, sure you were doing your job but you looked cute to him while you were doing it due to the height difference. Ricky's legs were spread a bit wide, so you could reach easier. after getting all the sweat off his face you gave him a new towel for the sweat on the back of his neck. You put a tissue on his forehead while touching up his face make up. You held his face to fix his lips, and his heart skipped a beat. You finished him of by applying some powder on his face. "All done, you can keep the fan until you have to go back" you took his water and walked away. "Uh y-y/n!" Ricky quickly thought of an excuse since he still wanted to spend some time with you. You stopped your movements and turned back to face him, "Yes?" you looked at Ricky as he was trying to say something. "Can you get me more water please?" he said in a sweet tone, you couldn't help but smile. "Yea sure, one sec" you put down your things and went to the pile of water bottles in the corner. You went back to Ricky and gave it to him, "thanks y/n" he smiled as he cracked open the bottle, you nodded and turned to Jihye as she called you to fix Jongwoo's hair. Ricky watched you as you walked off to Jongwoo. He heard his name being called by Hao and just like that he had to leave.
The long shoot had finally ended and the over me team went back into the dressing room to change their clothes. Jeonghyeon walked up to you asking for your help untying the fabric off his wrists. In the corner of your eye you could see Ricky sitting on the couch staring at you. He leaned comfortably on the couch, he saw you were done with Jeonghyeon and quickly called you over. "Can you also help me untie this one" pointing to the one on his thigh, "I think i tied it too tight earlier" he smiled while you stared at him blankly "please?" you sighed, you felt like he was teasing you on purpose. You crouched down beside his thigh and started untying the fabric. Ricky untied the one on his waist easily, and he looked down where you were, your hand busy untying the fabric, his eyes focused on you, just you. He didn't even notice Zhang Hao and Quan Jui looking at him with the most childish smile on their faces, already planning about teasing him later in the dorms. You finished and he thanked you, got up to change, and for some reason he grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the back of the room. "Rick-" he looked around and saw that everyone in the room was busy with their own thing. That was his green light to pull you into the changing stall. "What are you doing Ricky i'm not supposed to be in-" he cut you off by putting his finger on your lips telling you to be quiet. You were still confused since Ricky just looked at you, his eyes went down to your lips and his leaned in closer, his lips beside your ear, "can I?" he whispered. You gave him a small nod and he looked at you, gently held your face by your shin with his free hand, and connected your lips.
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Your Wish Is Granted
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(part one) (part two) wc: 2.6k warnings: light swearing, a bit of angst, fluffy ending pronouns: none used; n/a (reader is a trainee on boys planet, but it's just a story-- you can pretend any gender is allowed to compete, it doesn't affect the story!) summary: it's been radio silence from park hanbin ever since his favoritetrainee!reader left after the second elimination. did hanbin forget about them? is he interested in someone new? and will this potential couple be able to reconcile at the finale? 👀 ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ i KNOW y'all didn't see this coming but... my pal bp-zb1fics kind of convinced me like a week ago lol everyone say thank you lexxxx. i LOVE how this turned out. this is a text AND written fic and i think it's super fun this way. i hope you enjoy this final installment of phanbin x favoritetrainee!reader :)
╭──────────.★..─╮ april 7th ╰─..★.──────────╯
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"BITCH WHAT!?" Woongki shouts into the phone immediately after you pick up. "What happened!?"
You sigh. "Nothing happened... I guess that's the problem."
"But you kissed him!" He exclaims. "And he said he wouldn't forget about you!"
A sad laugh escapes your lips. "I thought maybe you were all just super busy preparing for the Artist Battle, and I totally understand that. But the more you texted me over the last two weeks and the longer I went with radio silence from him..."
Woongki is uncharacteristically quiet on the other end of the phone.
"What?" You ask, a little seed of worry sprouting in you. "What's wrong?"
"But I saw him on his phone every night," he says softly. "I thought he was texting you."
Your heart sinks to your stomach. Was it true? Had Hanbin really moved on to someone new?
"I'm so sorry, babe," Woongki comforts. "I don't know for sure that he was texting someone else, but..."
"But what other explanation could there be?" You finish his thought for him.
"Ugh!" He groans in frustration. "How could Hanbin do that? I never could've imagined that he'd play with your feelings like that."
You're not quite sure what to say. A lump growing in your throat, you try to force out some nonchalant response but you just can't.
"Hey," Woongki coos, clearly just as upset as you are-- if not more. "Do you want me to go beat him up for you?"
The thought of Woongki and Hanbin in a fist fight is enough to make you reluctantly laugh. "Are you sure you'd win that fight?"
"Okay, rude," he responds, a pout audible in his tone. "Seriously though. Should I go talk to him? Ask him what his deal is?"
You have to admit it's a little tempting. The past two weeks were hard enough wondering when Hanbin was finally going to send you a message. But now, thinking that it could be because he isn't interested in you anymore-- and didn't even have the decency to let you know.
"I don't think it's a good idea," you decide finally. "I don't want him knowing I've wasted so much time and energy thinking about him when he didn't miss me at all."
"(Y/N)," Woongki sighs sadly. "You don't need to feel bad for any of this. He deserves to feel bad for this!"
"I knowww," you respond softly, trying to force a smile back on your face despite the situation. "I love you, Woongki boy. You're literally the best."
"Are you free tomorrow?" He asks excitedly. "We can get boba with Seowonnie and shit talk Hanbin!"
"Count me in."
╭──────────.★..─╮ april 13th ╰─..★.──────────╯
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The sudden call of your name as you're walking down the busy street to your favorite coffee shop. You turn back around in the direction of the sound, your eyes landing on two familiar faces standing outside the salad shoppe.
"Yo, what the hell?" Kamden calls as you walk towards them slowly. "I thought you were busy this afternoon!"
Unsure of what to say as you approach Kamden and Matthew under the shoppe awning, you try not to let your uncertainty creep onto your face. "Oh hey guys!"
"Liar," Matthew mumbles, a little suspicious pout on his lips.
You roll your eyes, a laugh now escaping you. "You guys are so needy. I'm just grabbing coffee quickly before I get back to studying."
"Look at you, smartypants," Kamden teases, taking a sip of his iced tea.
"Why are you guys all the way out in this part of the city?" You ask curiously. "Had to be a bit of a bus ride."
"Hanbin wanted to come here actually," Matthew explains with a shrug. "He said he and Taerae had been talking about it."
You frown. "Oh."
Your eyes widen when Matthew's words finally register in your brain. The whole reason you'd said no to lunch with the boys in the first place was because Hanbin would be there.
"Um, where--... Where is Hanbin?" You ask, looking around nervously.
"I knew you'd want to get a glimpse of your boyfriend," Kamden says, smirking.
Matthew shakes his head uncertainly. "Taerae and Hanbin have been attached at the hip lately. Every time I see them, they're always whispering about something."
Your eyebrows raise as you consider this. Could the person Hanbin's been texting every night be... Kim Taerae?
"Really?" Kamden asks, frowning. "I haven't noticed."
"I mean, even right now," Matthew continues, pointing to the salad shop behind him. "They're both still in there after they told us to wait outside for a minute."
Your stomach flips a bit at this revelation. Taerae had always been so supportive of your little crush on Hanbin-- even when you weren't ready to admit it yet. Had he secretly been plotting against you this whole time?
"I'm sorry guys," you apologize quickly, starting to back away from Matthew and Kamden. "I really have to get going now. Text me next time you're going out-- I'll try to make it!"
"Good luck with your schoolwork!" Matthew calls, waving at you.
Kamden smiles, but you can see the slight suspicion in his eyes. "See you soon, (Y/N)!"
You walk back in the direction of your apartment, giving up on your coffee for today.
╭──────────.★..─╮ april 19th ╰─..★.──────────╯
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"Who are you texting?" Woongki asks, lying upside down on your couch-- his hair gently scraping the carpet as his face grows a bit redder every minute.
You groan, "Taerae."
"NO!" Woongki screams, haphazardly maneuvering himself until he's sitting upright. "Oh my god, what did he say?"
"He asked if I was coming tomorrow," you answer, rolling your eyes. "Obviously I'm coming tomorrow. I have to. Everybody has to."
"Yeah, right? I wonder why he'd ask you that," he muses, pushing his lips into a pout. "Maybe he wants to confront you publicly!"
You think about quiet Taerae for a moment. His big, dorky glasses, his broad, dimpled smile... his incredibly endearing loser energy. You couldn't imagine that Taerae was planning to humiliate you in front of all of your friends. On the other hand, you couldn't have imagined before a week ago that Taerae would potentially steal your crush from you.
"I doubt it," you respond.
"Hmm," Woongki hums. "I guess he could be asking for Hanbin? Being his little spy."
"Maybe," you agree, picking up your phone again and scrolling to Hanbin's contact. "You don't think this is my fault right?"
"Your fault!?" Woongki exclaims, outstretching his arms to you. You take both his hands in yours as you sit on the floor in front of him. "How would it be your fault!?"
"Maybe he doesn't want to date a loser," you say, sulking dramatically.
"Well who would?" Woongki asks, grinning. "Good thing you're not one."
"What would I do without you?" You ask rhetorically, resting your chin on his leg.
"Die," he says matter-of-factly. "You'd die."
"I'd also have no one to paint my nails for the finale."
"Exactly as I said," he responds with a grin, sifting through the container of your nail polishes before pulling out a steel blue color. "You'd die."
╭──────────.★..─╮ april 20th ╰─..★.──────────╯
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You're surprised your bottom lip hasn't started bleeding yet considering how much you've been chewing at it. Your blazer constricting you slightly, you roll your shoulders back hoping to stretch the fabric slightly and relieve the binding tension.
Hwang Minhyun is about to finally announce P09 after an absolutely nail-biting four hours. Poor little Yujin has to go home in literal minutes, so Minhyun has started rushing like crazy.
You watch as Hanbin presses his lips together, wringing his hands as he waits nervously-- Minhyun speeding up the reading of the result greatly as compared to P08-P01.
"The trainee in Ninth Place and therefore taking the final spot in ZeroBaseOne..." Minhyun pauses, because he just can't help himself. "Is..."
"Han Yujin!"
You jump to your feet as all of your fellow trainees do, showing your support for the young boy. But your eyes are still fixed on Hanbin. He's smiling, nodding as he accepts his fate. You think that maybe he knew the chances were slim...
But, as you know all too well, preparation doesn't make it hurt any less.
Seowon rests his head on your shoulder from behind you. "Are we happy? Are we sad?"
You sigh. "Both."
The finale ends and all of the trainees start making their rounds; congratulating your friends or consoling them. You give Kamden a huge hug, joking that now you both can debut together.
The celebration moves backstage as the arena begins to empty. You're jumping up and down with Matthew when you feel a buzz in your pocket.
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You look up at Matthew, sighing as you smile apologetically. "I've been summoned."
"Go talk to your boyfriend!" Matthew encourages, pushing you off down the hall. "I'm sure he's eager to see you."
"Right," you mumble, making your way to the door labeled 'East Wing'. "Boyfriend."
You pull the door open, surprised when the hallway is completely empty. You walk forward cautiously, wondering if Hanbin is actually playing some mean prank on you.
You jump, your hand clutching your heart as you try to catch your breath. You turn around to find Hanbin grinning at you.
"Am I really that scary?" He teases. You look down to see a little purple gift bag in his hands.
But the adrenaline is pumping through you now as a result of his little entrance. Not stopping to think it through, you find yourself suddenly laying into him:
"Are you kidding me!? You don't text me for a whole month and you think you can just walk up behind me, give me a heart attack, and then act like nothing's happened?"
Hanbin's head tilts to the side confusedly. "What do you--?"
"I get it-- believe me!" You cut him off. "You don't like me anymore. You like Taerae. That's fine."
"I like Taerae!?"
"I know! I just said I get it. You can like each other all you want. But you could've at least done me the courtesy of texting me and telling me. I was..."
You falter, a lump beginning to build in your throat. Hanbin's just blinking back at you, eyes wide in surprise. "I was really worried about you," you manage to say. "And I missed you. And to find out you didn't give a shit about me the whole time!? I can't believe you, Park Hanbin!"
Taking a breath, you look at Hanbin now. He's biting his lip, corners of his mouth turned up-- clearly trying to keep himself from smiling.
Your brow furrows confusedly. "Why--... Why are you--?"
"God I like you so much," he says, finally breaking out into a grin. "So, so much."
"What?" You ask, taken aback by his unexpected sentiment. "No you don't. You didn't text me for a month!"
"No," Hanbin responds, pressing his lips together. "You didn't text me for a month."
You blink back at him; unsure of what to say. "Wh--... What do you mean?"
"You never gave me your number."
Oh fuck.
"I put mine in your phone before the second elimination, but... you never gave me yours," he explains, visibly enjoying the look of horror and shame that is playing out on your face.
After a long moment, all you can manage to squeak out is: "Oh."
Hanbin's brow raises expectantly. "So is there any of your little spiel before this that you'd like to take back now?"
You nod pitifully. "Yes."
"Which part?"
"All of it," you mumble. "I'm so sorry."
"That's what I thought you'd say," he says with a smirk before his expression softens. "And I'll forgive you."
"Really?" You respond hopefully.
"Of course," Hanbin affirms with a nod. "But..."
"Oh no."
"I just think that if you got to tell me off," he says, giving you a mischievous smile. "Then I should get to tell you off, too."
Your bottom lip tucks between your teeth as you smile sheepishly. "I guess it's only fair, yeah."
Hanbin smiles at you fondly before a melodramatic dramatic anger suddenly shifts his expression. "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE TEXTED ME FOR A WHOLE MONTH!? I kept waiting for you to text me or call me or, god forbid Facetime me so I could see your adorable face! I was so worried about you. Not to mention, I missed you so much."
Your heart melts at his words; so ashamed you'd been so silly.
"AND THEN," Hanbin continues, his eyes narrowing. "To hear that you had the time to text Woongki and Kamden and Taerae but not me!? I thought you didn't like me anymore. I was devastated."
He pouts, his brow furrowing cutely as your heart pounds in your chest. You ask quietly, "Why didn't you just ask someone for my number?"
"BE. CAUSE," he sighs dramatically, emphasizing each syllable. "I didn't want to seem clingy or anything."
You throw your arms around Hanbin, unable to hold back any longer. Squeezing him tightly, you feel him reciprocate the embrace-- one arm snaked around your waist and the other holding your back comfortingly.
"So you're not dating Taerae?"
"Ew, no. I'm not dating Taerae," he says with a laugh, pulling back from the hug to see your face. "Taerae's just the one person I was confiding in about you. I didn't want any of the other trainees gossiping too much about you."
"Of course," you say sadly. You should've known Hanbin had actually just been trying to protect you.
Hanbin holds out the purple gift bag to you now with a smile. "Taerae actually told me that you'd mentioned you liked that salad shoppe we went to for lunch last week. I actually got you a gift card after we ate when Kamden said you couldn't come that day."
"You are the sweetest ever... and I'm an idiot," you say, shaking your head as you continue to grip onto each other for dear life. "But I have to go now."
"What?" He asks, brow furrowing confusedly. "What do you mean? Where are you going? I'm coming with you."
Lacing your fingers in his, you begin to pull him with you down the hallway and back towards the dressing room area.
"I owe the new main vocalist of ZeroBaseOne a little apology."
“Eh, I think he can wait,” Hanbin says suddenly, smirking as he stops walking. You try to keep pulling him forward, but he’s fixed to the floor like a stone statue. Curse those perfect dancer muscles.
“Hanbinnie,” you whine, stepping towards him with a pout.
“(Y/N),” he says softly, giving your arm a small tug until your faces are inches apart. He seems to admire you for a moment, studying every inch of your face until his lips are on yours.
You’re lost in the moment, arms wrapping around his neck to bring him closer to you. You don’t even consider where you are or who could see you and take a picture and ruin both of your careers. You’re too busy finally kissing Hanbin after a whole month of absolute insanity. And it's everything you'd wished for and more...
“Oh my god,” a voice calls behind you. “What do you think you’re doing!?”
Entirely caught off guard, you’re immediately set into panic mode. You detach every part of your body from Hanbin’s and jump at least two feet away from him.
“APOLOGIZING TO TAERAE!” You shout the first thing that pops into your head before turning around to see who is watching you.
Taerae frowns, brow furrowing nervously. “You… You’re apologizing to me by making out with Hanbin?”
You and Hanbin turn to look at each other, equally shocked by being caught. After a moment, you both turn back to Taerae and nod; simultaneously answering, “Yes.”
Taerae stares at you for a second before finally shrugging:
“Apology accepted.”
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faithst · 1 year
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synopsis kamden comforts you during a thunderstorm
pairing bf!kamden x gn!reader
genre fluff wc 0.7k warnings mentions of food
about reader and kamden bickering (playfully), reader is scared of thunderstorms, reader doesn’t want to admit to being scared, kamden best bf <3
notes HI I HOPE THIS HELPED YOUR DROUGHT ! thankee for requesting and i hope you enjoy this <3
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a typical night with kamden, nothing out of the ordinary as you prance downstairs in a good mood. that was until you saw him on the couch "hey! that's my side of the couch." you proclaim, absolutely betrayed that your boyfriend had broken the agreement; you get the left side and he gets the other.
kamden always agreed, never questioning why you insisted on being on the left side but today, he thought he would find the reason behind it. as you stood there, one hand over your mouth and the other clutching your phone as you walked towards him.
"hey, babe! come sit here." he innocently smiled, patting the space that was supposedly 'his spot' inviting you to sit down. you frown, letting yourself fall down onto the couch as kamden gladly reaches for you, pulling you closer “this spot is 100% more comfortable than mine, no wonder you insisted.” he let out a chuckle, wrapping his arms around your body that was lying down on his chest.
you weren’t bothered by the fact he stole your spot, of course not! that’d be childish of you. though if he decided to do it again the following night; he’d have to have a talk with you.
resting your head on his chest, his body heat and presence calming you as you start getting peckish "i'm gonna grab some strawberries." you simply tell, moving his arms off of you and alarming a sleepy kamden "actually.. i kind of finished them..?" the uncertainty to tell you clearly visible in his tone, you couldn't believe him tonight.
first your spot, now your strawberries? it would've been alright if it were some other fruit but it wasn't. "i'm sorry, they just looked juicy and i couldn't help myself!" he tried to defend himself but all the excuses became a blur to you as you plop right back onto the couch, filling your cheeks with air.
"you knew those were mine.." you trail off, slowly forming a pout. kamden tries to shift closer, only for you to pull away “do you still want this side?” he asks in attempt to win your heart over but he was met with an awful silent tension filling the air. oh no.
kamden sat there, a few inches away from you and the only noise that could be heard were the ones coming from your phone. every time he wanted to open his mouth, nothing came out. he basically accepted his fate. he began scrolling through his phone too, searching for advice and getting nothing in return.
soon enough, it started raining; drops could be heard outside followed by a grumble that was getting louder every turn. kamden knew you hated them, despising every loud noise known to man. as he places down his phone, the lights go out and the fans stop turning. a blackout. okay this was fine to you, the dark didn’t bother you but the sudden thunder did, covering your ears in response.
this was okay. another loud thunder struck down making you flinch. again, another making the walls vibrate. kamden quietly shifted closer to you during these harsh sounds, waiting for a signal for it to be okay to do something. he saw the tears forming in your eyes and pulled you closer, replacing the hands over your ears with his.
“it’s so loud..” you squeak out, straddling him with a strong hold around his waist. “i’m so scared..” your voice trembles as kamden places a kiss on your forehead “talk to me. it’ll distract you, i promise.” at first, you thought this was another ploy to get you to talk to him (although you were already all over him) but you were too caught up in the moment that you held onto him for dear life when there was another strike.
he started asking questions; dumb questions like ‘how are you?’ obviously, you weren’t okay but it did lighten the mood. the questions turned into story-telling where he exaggerated every point with big hand gestures and you in his arms. the rain eventually stopped and you hadn’t even realised.
some kind of sense of relief, comfort you felt with him tied with the coziness of his presence. you drifted off to sleep, forgetting the bickering earlier and remembering this precious moment.
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© keiwook | 2023
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