#but also like the thing that made me realize this was people who deny saikis blatant crush because they think he just wants to BE him
oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
realizing that rifutas crush on teruhashi is just a parallel of saikis crush on satou except she isnt a huge tsundere and also actually might have a chance with her
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ghost1643 · 3 years
Saiki K corpse bride au
So before we start let me tell you this is a non ship fic for Saiki. It's more like a revival short story about friendship more than romantic relationship.
It is also based off an old AU idea I had of necromancer Shun.
It also works with trans Saiki, which is canon.
Our story starts when Shun is 8 and the family dog runs out into the road. He doesn't know how when he stops to think about it. He just remembers his baby brother and dog going out to play, then popping his head out to seeing the car hit it.
His brother screams running to their mother leaving Shun to go pick up the poor thing. He slowly takes them into his arms sniffling as he wraps their tiny body up with his own coat to keep his brother from being scared for life.
Shun then sits on the lawn sniffling cradling the dog in his arms. Yet, as he mourns he finds he cut himself on something. Maybe it was the dog's claw. Maybe it was on the road. All he knows it's that his blood dropped on the dogs nose...and suddenly he could feel it's body shifting.
The dogs body shifted back to the way it was before and it wide awake. Just like that he preforms his only revival as his mother comes rushing out. Thankfully when the dog is brought back, sure with a broken leg, but he brought him back. He brought back their dog.
A dog that lived for another 5 years until turning 15 and dying peacefully in its sleep.
He's also revived bugs before. Right after this he found a smushed butterfly and got curious if maybe his dog wasn't really dead...maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him.
So he pricks his finger and drops some of his blood on the smushed butterfly. The butterfly pops back into its lively form, flying off. He's resurrected a butterfly.
And from there he starts to convince himself that he's the jet black wing, just like in the manga. He's determined to prove that he's got this power for a reason. He has to have them for a reason.
....which comes back to bite him in the butt one day in high school.
So to put it simply ...shun messed up. Let's just say that.
To be honest he should have thought this through more. All he knew was that his friends asked him to come to a Halloween party, and he was determined to prove he was the jet black wing once there. They had been joking about the powers he had told them he had.
"No Shin I can get most of it. Like the magic hand thing I could see how that pops into your head." Aren sighs looking at him. Shun blushed looking down at the campfire as his few friends talked around him about him.
"Yeah, and we can see how you got the whole magic bought thing.." Chisato says leaning back holding a drink in her hand.
"Look I can do the stu-
"We're not saying you can't we just go a big question.Like how did you get necromancy out of it?" Nedō asks looking genuinely curious.
"What do you mean? I've done it before."
"Suuuuureee you have." Aren sighs.
"No I mean it! My brothers dog go hit by a car and I brought him back! And I brought bugs back before! I mean it!" Shun says determined, mainly cause this is on the one thing he knows he can do. He has done it before. It's the one thing that's made him determined to prove he's special.
"We know it's just kinda hard to believe."
"Oh and Reita talking to ghost is easier to believe!" Shun blurts out glaring at the purple haired boy.
"Yeah well I don't claim to be able to bring them back!"
By now other students are seeing the argument and have stopped to watch.
"Look we aren't-"
"NO, NO I am sick of being to butt of the joke! I will prove it to you! I will revive something for you guys! Name anything! Name a single dead thing and I will revive it!" He yells determined to prove himself. He's done with this all. He's gonna prove he's special and not a liar.
"Shun you don't have to. We just wanna know where the idea came from." Aren sighs holding his hand trying to be supportive. To him this is just his friend trying to find a way to explain why he was so ignored as a child.
"No I'll do it! Name one thing! One thing an I will bring it back!"
"Oh we could send him the the corpse forest!" Saiko suggested from the watching crowd. Everyone just looks seeming pale.
You see the corpse forest is an old forest where people have said to been buried after being murdered for years. So they are told not to go there under any circumstance. Like at all.
So yeah, Shun goes with his friends to the forest to prove he cane revive a body. From here things are gonna spiral.
Once in the forest the classmates keep looking for a dead thing. And for once they find nothing but a creepy forest.
After a while they go to give up when they find a branch that Nendo is certain is a hand. Yet, to everyone else it looks like an old withered branch. It looks like it has been through hell and is ready to give out. Not to mention Reita hasn't seen a single ghost here so this isn't a dead person.
Regardless of this they have Shun probe his powers. They have him prick his finger on a rock and have a drop of his blood fall onto the corpse. Fro there they wait...some classmates to tell jokes and his friends to be there for emotional support when it doesn't work again.
So they wait
And wait
And wait.
Nothing happens so the jokes dusty coming from the classmates. Ones about the powerful jet black and his skills. Ones that make him tear up a bit, quickly rubbing his eyes getting a tear wiped off his face which also lands on his hand...
And that’s when it happens.
The branch traces up grabbing the person slides to it, which happens to be Saiko. Everyone screams running off except for Shin and his buds. At first some start to try and pry the hands off of him in a blind panic. Then suddenly Shun drops to his knees and starts digging the hand up. No one clues into why until the digging brings up another hand that’s been trying to free itself.
That’s when those who stuck around realize Shun brought back a person. He brought back a dead person who was currently suffocating in the ground.
Needless to say they dig with him just as the hand lets go of Shun. That is except for Nendo. He seems to just be holding the hand that’s above ground now which he explains had been shaking in fear seconds ago.
As they dig they soon unbury a pink haired corpse who is gasping for breath while their body reforms, while shaking for a second. Once they catch their breath they all just sit around for a second wondering what the hell just happened when Nendo speaks up, still seeming to hold the hand, (that is now clinging to him since the corpse is still scared crap less of what they just experienced no matter how much he denies it) speaks up.
“So we’re all buddies with a necromancy..pretty cool...”
The body Shun brought back belonged to Saiki, a young Psyche from the 1800’s, who was killed by a supposed suitor for identify different from his birth gender. A suitor who may or may not have stole Saikis money when he was killed, and may have buried him alive without telling any one of their families. And by bringing him back, Shun has effectively given him a second chance at life..a life with enhanced powers.
Turns out once when a Psychic is revived their powers just jump up and get better. Shun doesn’t know how gut all he knows for sure is when Saiki first described his power to read minds and float an object in the air, he definitely didn’t mention being able to teleport.
Of course they learn this together when Shun moves Saiki into his father’s old abandoned work room which hasn’t been used for year since his dad left. And it takes so readjusting for the both of them. Shun, to have a person in his life who was picked on for being special too and having someone who acts more like a father than his ever did in his life. Saiki, for living in a more accepting time and with new powers seeming to pop up every other day now.
Thankful Shun’s friends are there to help keep the peace and keep everyone happy...and in Nendō’s case get some new people to try new restaurants with.
Either way they’re happy he’s around, and happy to have a new friend.
(This idea may be built upon more later down the line lol)
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suckerforsaikik · 5 years
Hypothetically, HYPOTHETICALLY, if someone were to write a Saiki Kusou no Psi nan crossover with assassination classroom. In your opinion, what would be the funniest, clever or most mysterious way to integrate him into class 3-E? (Assuming you've read/watched the series that is).
(this took way too long because i ended up binging the whole series for ‘research’)
Summary: Saiki tries to hide his psychic powers from the assassination classroom when he finds himself in their world.
Saiki needed to stop getting himself into these situations. He didn’t know which gods felt the need to torment him like they did, but an angry letter of complaint to their office wasn’t enough to make up for what happened.
It started as soon as he woke up. Approximately 0.0076 seconds after he got out of his bed, Saiki had noticed something wasn’t right.His limiter had fallen out during his sleep, and was now partially under the pillow. His bed and the better chunk of his room were submerged in sand, which went on for miles. Using his clairvoyance, Saiki still couldn’t see any people for a good 50 kilometres. He had found himself in the middle of the desert.
“Yare yare, I must’ve teleported.”
He then had tried teleporting to his house, but he couldn’t find it. He went through the whole neighbourhood, but his dad and mom didn’t seem to… exist? He even checked the whole country, But popping up all over Japan attracted the attention of a few parties.
And that eventually ended up with him here, With a government agent prattling on about whatever threat the world faced. After revealing his telekinesis on a surveillance camera (thankfully they never found out about his teleportation), the government of Japan had noticed him, and had immediately dragged him to a secret government bunker, talking about how they knew he had special powers. Not that he was listening. Instead, he was worrying over what had happened to everyone he know. The latest theory he had come up with was he had hopped a dimension. It only happened once before, and ended with him running from powerful espers from the 7th division of Claw. He soon realized it would take a day to get back to his normal dimension when he was trying to get back, so that was probably the minimum amount of time he’d have to spend here.
“What a cliche trope”  Saiki sighed. “I’ll just have to play along, I guess”
“-the reward is 30 billion yen to kill that yellow monster. Will you do it?” The annoying side character agent, who introduced himself as Shiro, finished.
Saiki rolled his eyes. Even if he’d rather spend the day taking advantage of this universe’s coffee jelly, he knew he couldn’t escape the plot. If he tried running, he would just get dragged back into it for some stupid reason, or he’d be pulled into another, more ridiculous, story. It was the only thing that could beat him.
A nod confirmed his alliance.
“Excellent! I’ll get you prepared.” Saiki’s mind-reading abilities told him Shiro wasn’t the most mentally stable, but he figured he’d have a few episodes before Shiro went full crazy.
“Time to get you enrolled in the assassination classroom.”
(Somewhere in a sketchy government facility)
A bloodstained report smacked onto the desk of the prime minister.
“We have intel.” the spy who had delivered the file spoke, with his toque shading his eyes, and you could only see his dark pupils drilling down into your head.
“What’s it aboot?” The prime minister’s eyes had seen his fair share of wars, they were dark and unbreakable like a beaver’s den. He pulled the files toward him, examining the files with the intensity of as if they were tickets to a professional hockey game.
“The Japanese have been keeping secrets from us, sir. They have been hosting a dangerous octopus creature, who says they’ll destroy the Earth next March.”
“Those bastards.” The prime minister stood up from his desk, causing his chair to scrape the floor as it moved away from him.
“When I’m done with them, I’ll show them no mercy.” He furrowed his brows. “I’d bet a toonie they thought we couldn’t help because we’re a ‘peaceful’ country. I’ll show them… when we BLOW UP THAT MONSTER OURSELVES!!”
“How do you plan to accomplish that, sir?”
“Heat seeking missiles. We aim it right at the students so that damn octopus can’t escape, then we bomb the whole thing with anti-teacher pellets.”
“Sorry for doubting your plan, sir.”
“Sorry for making you doubt my plan.”
“I hear we’re getting another student transfer, Kayano!” Nagisa stopped to chat with his fellow student on the way to their mountain school.
“Do you think they’ll be normal this time?” Kayana said.
“Doubtful” Itona appeared. “The only transfer students we have are freaks. I had tentacles, Ritsu’s an assassination machine, and Karma has too many problems to be ‘normal’.” he listed the transfer students’ ‘quirks’ on his fingers.
“You might want to stop insulting me,” behind Itona, Karma stood. He smirked, then said “But I wouldn’t disagree.”
Everyone made their way to class, where KoroSensei was waiting.
“Hello class.” He tittered. “ The new transfer student comes today, and he has ALREADY challenged me to a fight, so we’re moving quite fast. Ooh, telekinesis? How intriguing!”
After staring at the note intently, KoroSensei held it up, showing japanese kanas spelling out the time and place for meeting, along with the students known powers.
“Now please be patient, everyone. The student should arrive right–”
The door to the classroom blew open. Shiro stepped into the scene, with Saiki a few seconds behind him, yet already regretting it.
“Hi.” Saiki said.
Stepping into the classroom, The minds of the students told Saiki about the previous fights of different rivals of Korosensei. All of them had failed, obviously. They tried to kill him, got beaten badly, then learned the value of friendship and working together. It seemed that was what was expected of him as a transfer. Saiki could at least help speed the process up.
‘Alright,’ he thought, ‘ I guess I have to do it.’
He held up his hands in surrender.
“Oh no. You are too strong, I can see it now. There is no way I can beat you. I’m so sorry, Shiro, I guess I’m giving up.” He walked off to the empty seat in the corner of the classroom, right next to a window. He smirked. A few more hours and he’d be out of this classroom .
“W-What?!” Shiro sputtered, stepping closer to Saiki with an intent to murder, “You’re supposed to fight. Get up and KILL HIM!!” he reached to grab Saiki’s shoulder’s before Korosensei’s tentacles pulled him away.
“You’re not allowed to hurt any of my students, Shiro.” Korosensei said, smiling. “Please excuse yourself from this classroom.”
Shiro left, albeit slowly. Saiki’s recently created plan was going well.
As Korosensei started the lesson, a student with flashy red hair (‘Karma Akabane’ Saiki noticed) leaned over to talk to him from the other desk.
“So, I heard you had telekinesis.” Karma face was two inches from Saiki. Saiki couldn’t really deny his powers here. He nodded.
“Interesting!” His face was now just an inch away. “Can I have an example?”
Yare yare. Saiki waved his hands, and a spoon flew into his hand from a nearby lunchbox. Letting go of it so it could float on its own, the metal spoon bent before Karma’s widening eyes. He let out a gasp,  making everyone turn to see the spoon that was levitating thanks to a certain psychic’s powers. Now he had an audience.
“Wow! I guess it’s true. How much power do you have?  Can you lift a car? A train? Could you fix the moon?”
“Why would I need to-” Shoot. That was close to revealing himself as an outsider. His telepathy showed him the broken crescent moon that all the class was thinking about. Could he fix it? He would have to take out his limiter and turn it back seven years, though it wouldn’t be hard theoretically. But if he said yes, that would mean they would ask him to fix it. It also wouldn’t make sense to how he could fix a whole moon and not defeat a yellow octopus man. Lying was the better option here. “I mean, no, Nothing bigger than spoons.”
“Um, okay.” The whole class was staring at him now. He could tell they were suspicious. He just had to switch the subject, and then they would forget.
“So what are those weird pink balls on your head?”
Shoot. He had forgotten to telepathically suggest they were hairpins. Being the center of attention was too dangerous.
“They’re my hairpins.” Everyone seemed to accept that, thank the gods.
“Wow! Can I pull them out and see them?” one classmate reached for his head.
Yare yare. He might not survive today.
As Saiki was being tortured by the students of 3-E, Korosensei was sitting read The Great Gatsby. Even when he was thoroughly enjoying his book, his nose caught the faint smell of chemicals. Normally this wouldn’t be the biggest issue, but the chemicals were a fuel-oxidizer mixture, they were up in the air, and they were coming closer at a rate too fast to be a plane. Missiles, then. He could smell out the steam of infrared electricity, so they were heat-seeking missiles, specifically. Why would anyone send heat-seeking missiles to him? He didn’t produce that much heat, so the missile would more likely go to actual people like-
The children.
They were aiming for the schoolchildren, to keep him here. Korosensei couldn’t smell it now, but he bet there was also an anti-sensei missile searing through the sky towards him.
How could he solve this? He needed to stop the missiles, firstly. Should he tell the students? No, that would only worry them about problem with an obvious solution.
He flew off from his desk in the classroom. At Mach 20, disabling the missiles would be easier than stopping them physically with his lack of strength. Then he would have to bury them in the ocean, or maybe space. Speeding up to the closest missile, he noticed a Canadian flag design on its side.
“Canada, hmm? It’s always the quiet ones.”
He tried to open up the hatch to the missiles wires, but his tentacles burst as he touched the metal plating.
“Anti-sensei plating.” that made it harder. He could go back and grab his napkin to hold it, but he couldn’t navigate the wire system accurately with such a huge handicap. The only option was to evacuate the students and hopefully get out of the missiles range.
He flew back to the classroom, where a certain psychic was sitting.
Of course, Saiki knew about the missiles. With a quick check using clairvoyance, he counted 3 in total. Heading straight for them at about Mach 15. There was enough explosives to decimate the whole mountain. Korosensei may try and save all his students, but there were only 20 seconds left. He wouldn’t make it.
Korosensei quickly shoved his students out the door of the classroom.  He talked quickly as he persuaded them out of the building, but he was too agitated to fully explain the situation. Now there were 15 seconds. The missiles could be seen before Saiki and rest of the students were all outdoors. Everyone immediately realized what KoroSensei had been trying to do, and started to sprint, but no one here was fast enough to escape except Korosensei, and he would not abandon his students. 10 seconds. They seemed to realize the couldn’t outrun their death, so they just stood, motionless, wondering what would happen next. Less than 5 seconds left.
Saiki knew he had to do it. They would question it, and ask him why he hadn’t used his powers. But even if he hated confrontation, and talking, and socializing, that wouldn’t matter if they were dead. His rule of not interfering would be broken, but he could make an exception. No matter what excuse he made to himself, he knew he wouldn’t run away.
Two seconds left.
Saiki calmly stepped forwards to the missiles, putting himself in front of all his classmates. His hands stretched out before him. Like they were frozen in time, all three missiles slowed to a stop, five feet away from the students they were to kill.
But that was only a temporary solution. Taking out his limiter, Saiki set the missiles to seven years in the past. Plates of metal materialized to take their place, and fell to the grass. The clattered onto the ground unceremoniously
No one spoke.
“Wow.” Karma was the first to break the silence, “One question. How?”
“I’m uh… not from around here.” Saiki fiddled with his hands too much to be normal. He’d rather get hit by a missile than be asked awkward questions in front of a crowd.
“You’re American??!”
“No, that’s-” Why was everyone so stupid? “A bit farther than that.”
“You’re an alien!!”
“No…(Yare yare) well, close enough.”
“So why?” Nagisa asked. He seemed to have completely recovered from the shock of certain death, and now stood in his usual pose. Not cocky or reserved, but unfazed.
“Why what?”
“Why would you lie?”
“Because then you’d ask me to kill KoroSensei,” This much talking and honesty was getting uncomfortable. He might end up teleporting away from his problems.
“You can?”
Korosensei had gotten over the attempted bombing of his students and his regular smile was now imprinted on his face. “Now now, class, I’m sure he wouldn’t be able to,” he coughed. “So you aren’t remaining to study with our class?”
“No, I have 20 hours left in this universe”
“So you’re staying with us until then.”
“I was going to go and grab some coffee jelly from-”
“Great! We can teach you some assassination moves!”
They started to forcefully drag Saiki up the mountain, back into the classroom.
“So Saiki,” Karma said, in a cheery tone, “Can you fix the moon?”
“Yes, I’m powerful enough to.”
“Will you fix it, please?”
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Can I please have Nagito and Korekiyo and possibly Byakuya (if you are up for it) with a reader who’s the ultimate love interest? They’re talent is basically being good at charming others, dates, social cues etc , they would be extremely popular with both the men and ladies! Think like senpai from Funkin Friday Night or Teruhashi from Saiki K!
Ok so here’s the thing...
I suck at writing Korekiyo.
He was never my favorite in the game and so I never actually got to know him, but I know the basics?? But also not really. I’ll happily attempt this, Anon, but I can’t promise Kiyo will be any good.
But I also know people request him to other blogs a lot so I’m expecting him too. So maybe this’ll be a good chance for me to start improving?
Ok so I just watched Korekiyo free time events and I’m just even more lost 🥲 I’ll do my best, Anon.
Headcannons under the cut!
Nagito, Byakuya, and Korekiyo with an Ultimate Love Interest S/O
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While Nagito loves all ultimates, yours confused him at first
Love interest? What does that mean?
When he learns that you’re just really charismatic and understand social cues and stuff, he’s very impressed!
He’s a bit socially awkward (no duh) so he admires that you’re so smooth with everything you say
He also doesn’t think much of it when you start flirting with him
It’s just your talent! You don’t ACTUALLY like trash like him!
Well you do, and you want to date him
You finally ask him on a date, wanting to see if your advances made him uncomfortable first
They clearly didn’t, so you asked him to lunch!
Obviously he said yes, he’d be honored to help you train in your ultimate!
He really doesn’t get it that you’re actually interested in him
On said date you were hit on a total of 13 times, 2 people bought you a coffee with their number attached, and one weirdo even tried sitting at your table
Nagito felt... jealous?
He didn’t get why he felt jealous, it wasn’t like you were actually on a date clueless bish
You eventually got sick of it and left early with him, now walking along a pathway in a park nearby
You keep apologizing to him and explain that when people hear your ultimate they see it as a free ticket to a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner and how much it irks you
Aaaaand things finally click for him
“Y/N... then, is it possible that you asked me on this date for your own desires and not your ultimate?”
You confirm, and his face lights up!
“Th-Then let us continue our date somewhere where others cannot come up to you!.... sorry. I overstepped-“
“Nagito no! I want to!!”
You two finish your date with little interruption. Then you plan your second date. And your third. And fourth and fifth and sixth-
You quickly become an official couple, and now you’re a LOT more bothered by people flirting with you because you know Nagito gets jealous
But at the end of the day, Nagito is your boyfriend and the one you love and he knows that
He actually enjoys sending you into a cafe alone first before a date, only to see you get hit on by a few people
Because you’re such a charmer and they think you’re toooootally into them, then this lanky little man walks in, kisses you in public, and you turn to talk to him
He likes to see other people confused as to how someone like him caught your attention so easily
(That was kinda long I’m sorry)
He thinks you’ve got to be full of yourself before he meets you
Ultimate love interest? They must think they’re so amazing, such a charmer...
Well you are a charmer, and you charmed him
He denies it at first, tells the others that he spends so much time with you out of curiosity to see how you interact with people
Soon he refers to you (only to a select few because he has a reputation) as a friend, and starts to realize that it isn’t annoyance that someone is speaking in his presence when they interrupt his lunches with you
It’s jealousy
Because you just???? Take it?
You even seem to flirt back sometimes??
Before he knows it he’s studying whoever you seem to fancy a bit more so he can figure out your type, but there’s no connection
Boy, girl, age, height, race, hair, even eye color, you don’t seem to have a specific type
You manage all personalities and he can’t figure out what you like about anyone
Little does he know you’re trying to impress him with your skills to make anyone happy
Finally, after months of research, he notices something
You’ve never flirted back with anyone who remotely acts like him
Ah, so he’s definitely not your type...
Well, come to think of it, sometimes you seem flustered by those who act like him
There’s only one way to find out...
“Y/N, I had plans this weekend but they were canceled. Since I have nothing better to do, you’re going to hang out with me in my dorm.”
He was trying to ask you out but it turned into an order and he felt kinda bad but didn’t say that
But you agreed, so hey, he gets a win
When you show up at his dorm with a box of chocolates and a bouquet, he is pleasantly surprised
“Well, since this is a date, I had to make a good impression!”
“I never said this was a date.”
“You didn’t need to.”
He notices you watching his every move, touching him (not like that pervs) at just the right moments to keep his interest in you
Dang, you’re good at this
He also notices how focused you are. He can tell you’re determined to make this date go perfectly
He can tell he’s exactly your type
“Y/N, since your enjoying yourself so much, we’ll do this again sometime soon.”
“Please tell me you’re asking me on a second date.”
“.....I suppose I am, yes.”
Once you two become official, he becomes so protective but in his own way
If he notices a person hitting on you, he’ll approach them privately and either threaten them or pay them to back off
He knows you’d never flirt with another person now that you two are together, but he can never be too sure that people won’t try to get hands with you
Korekiyo (I’m so sorry if this is bad)
He is extremely interested in you from the start
He wants to study what about you makes all of humanity swoon over you!
He finds your charisma and social skills amazing, you always know what to say and when to say it, and you always leave the other person with a little flutter in their heart
He wants to experiment and see how you act in a situation where you are bombarded of sorts
So he asks you on a date to a cafe where he knows a bunch of the kids go to for lunch
He knows a lot of the people who continuously flirt with you go there, so he wants to see how you handle it
And you did amazing
Rejecting people so kindly that it almost sounded like they were the ones rejecting you as to not damage their ego
Politely explaining that you’re on a date
A date with him
You actually are going to admit you’re there with him?
He’s seen as creepy to a lot of people, and most people in the cafe actually assumed he was just another creepy dude there to flirt with you
But no, you said you were with him, and that you were trying to enjoy it
As he walked you home, he had to question you
“Y/N, why is it that you do not seem bothered by my presence?”
“Um... because I like you?”
“You do?”
“I wouldn’t have said yes to the date if I didn’t. Speaking of, when’s the next one?”
He holds back in asking you to be his girlfriend/boyfriend/partner right then and there
But you do become official soon after
A lot like Nagito, he likes sending you into cafes to see others flirt worth you only for him to be the one to sweep you off your feet
I don’t think he’d get jealous very easily, he trusts you and knows you’re good at getting people to leave
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I really hope I did ok with Kiyo. Please give me feedback so I can improve him!
Bonus: when I watched the Kiyo free time events, I lost it at this part:
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Anyway! Thanks for reading and remember to drink water!
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Thank you for coming to my TED talk,
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