#yeah i know im reaching and i dont care
oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
realizing that rifutas crush on teruhashi is just a parallel of saikis crush on satou except she isnt a huge tsundere and also actually might have a chance with her
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ihaventsleptinweekz · 13 hours
dont really know how to explain to my father that your children wont hate you so much.. if you stop hating them... like dude if your 7 year old kid has been really argumentative recently your solution should not be to scream at him or spank him or hit him until he starts liking you again. try. idk. playing with him??? giving him a gift?? offering to do something with him??? idk man it kinda just seems like love is the answer dude idk what to tell u.
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cynthrey · 2 years
Imagine been born with the ability to turn whatever you write into a reality. You could create people out of nowhere, you could create amazing creatures with just a few descriptions, you could create entire worlds just by writing them down on a paper. But you can't, not right now. Right now your power is not enough. You are not the one making the story, the story is writing itself and you are just a vessel it is using to come true. And the story is making someone you care for suffer. You have to write it, you have to write it all. You have to write how the person who helped you find yourself, helped you accept yourself, is beaten over and over just so others can have their happy ending. Just so the story can end, you keep on writing and writing just so the story can finally end.
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hectickazz · 3 months
working at those roblox customer service job games is insane. because last night there was some guy who kept being a smartass and the way he was ordering made me want to pull my hair out and run into the woods. "You want a bacon burger without pork.. so.. a normal burger?" "no. bacon burger with no pork" "but bacon is pork." "N o."
(i just gave him a normal bacon burger, i really have no clue. you ask for a bacon burger, you're getting the freakinf bacon burger)
"Do you want your ice cream in a cup or a cone?" "yes."
this guy was at my register for a total of maybe 20 or 30 minutes i have no CLUE
he was right on the edge of what counted as trolling. like, teetering off a cliffside. I was very close to calling a moderator at some point.
These people put you through hell and back. they make you growl like a wild animal at the screen. they drain you of every ounce of whimsy and life you have. and then, out of nowhere, they tip you 500 freaking robux for what im assuming is the big finale. an unexpected plot twist. (and compensation,) and then they leave.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
i just started tweaking over someone saying minedai is one sided. THEY DONT GET IT THEY DO NOT GET IT. Sorry no sane person reads the rggo stories and goes wow this is so one sided
in all fairness not everyone's seen the rggo stories so i get it tbh
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
found out that rascal's owner took him again while i was out, and he's probably not gonna be back since the semester's almost over. i don't even know if his owner's coming back next semester, if i'll ever see him again. if he'll ever see me again. why do they wait until im not around to do this? why do they never let me say goodbye to him?
#i didnt really get to process it bc i found out when i was hanging w a friend but. im processing it now#sigh.. i dont know. i dont know.#at the end of the day he is and has always been someone else's cat. i can't control what she does with him#no matter what i think of it. she can always take him away. but every time it happens im just. im tired yknow?#it's worth it to me to have him around. i love him dearly and i want him to be in a home where he's actually cared for (which i have done my#best to provide) but he's just. not mine. and every time it happens i back up and think man. im such a sucker.#i don't think people manipulate me often. not in an ongoing way i mean. i don't think ppl see me as valuable enough to most of the time.#but damn. she really found my weak spots didn't she. free petcare courtesy of one chump who can't live without animals around. sigh#he deserves stability but he deserves love more. this weird shared custody thing is better for him i think. and frankly i also love him.#im not the priority here but my feelings are like. there. him being taken away without even telling me first hurts. i'd like to be able to#say goodbye to him. im not saying he has to stay or this has to go on but couldn't they just.. consider my feelings a bit more?#just bc you're fine with dropping your cat off somewhere for weeks not knowing when you'll see him again and not visiting doesn't mean i am#and i kind of feel like my roommate is part of this. after all it's not like his owner can just break into our room and take him#and if im always out when they do it there's a chance roomie's just shipping him off whenever she gets sick of him.#she's done it before. even after she agreed so vehemently with me about never wanting him to go back to such treatment and stuff early on.#she's been spraying him for little reason lately too. and i mean i get being a little more cautious with some things bc her neck's broken#but she's really fixated on how much he smells and bites and stuff and talks about how if i wasn't around she'd consider eating him#and then other times she's like that's my pookie. i don't get it. like yeah i tell rascal to fuck off sometimes bc he hurts me but it's not#like a hateful thing. i dont resent him for it i'm just annoyed sometimes bc he's maiming me a little. he's my baby. how could i loathe him?#so it makes me think that roomie might be blaming his transfers on his owner bc she doesn't want me to judge her#and like. this is her room too. it's not her fault she's more bothered by the smell than me. if she doesn't want to be bitten and clawed all#the time i can sympathize. i don't wanna force her to house him. but i wish she'd just be honest with me i guess#like. what if his owner decides to give him away without telling me? i'd take him in in a heartbeat. even though i know it's a bad idea.#but i'm worried he'll fall out of my reach completely. and at the very least I'd like to be able to say goodbye first. that's all.
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munamania · 2 months
and is there not just generally a certain level of decency that would make you like ease up on a person who's obviously more than a little frazzled i am sorry that i cant process all my feelings and regurgitate them to you in an easily digestible manner while im actively In a situation or have a prepared disclaimer about how im so sorry but im just overwhelmed and need you to leave me alone right now or whatever else maybe i just dont know maybe i cant tell you exactly what im feeling or need and if i have to figure it out and explain that to you my brain is going to explode. but you could read the room. is there not a point where a friend would probably just go oh okay let me not continue pushing this person let me take a moment to reflect on their state and perhaps try to ease that or at least not keep fucking pushing on it. and also maybe not choose these moments to make otherwise innocuous but contextually just kinda meanspirited jabs. ok whatever
#not to be a sensitive little bitch except im not.#i dont want to be rude or too explicitly open about the things i dont really like to talk about#but sometimes. frankly. people need to take on the weight of their own feelings. insecurities. thoughts. etc and then some#some of us grew up with little to no emotional support and in fact took on the weight of their family's issues and the brunt of their#emotional immaturity and sometimes that makes someone feel fundamentally rattled and unsafe in moments like that#some of us had pretty much every big personal emotional. thing. that happened to them minimized and turned into some tragic#family conversation. or had someone reply like huh idk if that could have happened to you i certainly dont remember that#and then you wonder if people were ever looking out for you and if the ones that did just truly didnt care.#um. anyway. this is not just to be like oh im so quirky and different and traumatized lol but im reaching a boiling point when it comes#to people just like. doing this shit. or whatever. im going to start screaming#i shouldnt have to bare my fucking soul to you for you to go oh huh maybe this is a sensitive subject perhaps#frankly we arent the same and we dont relate and aw bummerooni ik im not the only sufferer but good god.#our lives were very different in some ways!#and sometimes all i want is for someone to say its ok kid you did good#again. not to be dramatic. but when ive talked about MY upheaval of feelings or w/e like if thats been impacting#how ive been acting and people start crying at me or get all whatever. oh it makes me wanna be the one to pass the torch#yeah man imagine how tired we are.#ok talking incoherently now so im gonna go do my job i guess.#abby talks#i know no one will save me but maybe sometimes it’d be nice to share the weight regardless
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slimeciclecock · 3 months
Forgive me for the person I'll become when Missa releases all his new music <- delusional
#been on a missa kick lately which I've never really shared#been getting reeeeally into some of his music and lowkey getting a crush on him 😳🥰#and like. who cares if its been a month or smth. im still very obsessed with that stream he did where he showed off music he was working on#like his voice is insanely good and im going crazy like. to this day i still dont know if he plans to release all that or if that was just-#-scrapped music. with how excited he was when showing music i dont think its scrapped? but idk#dont wanna get my hopes up but. gah#also im just gonna come right out and say it. missa sinfonia is fucking hot as hell#he's so insanely hot and attractive and the music makes him hotter and he's so funny and grhgrgjfrh#ive been a little bit a lot obsessed lately. oh my god how are you so damn attractive#ive kinda told myself that if i ever get a partner the first thing i would do is show him missa and make them fall for him like i did#he's like. handsome like a guy from my culture. does that make sense#missa sinfonia has malay guy swag#i think i can say that here yeah. ive spoken my mother tongue language here#sorry im reaching he just reminds me of someone irl. but also. missa is hot asf i need someone to shake hands with me#frickin. schoolgirl crush on a funny mexican youtuber#ive watched more missa videos than i thought i would and its embarrassing how giddy i would get watching like#i am in my 20s but i am resting my chin on my hand like 🥰#brother I've fallen someone pull me back up i cant do this today
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i’m gonna be honest about something there are still things i’m afraid to post about on here bc i’m always worried about what other people think of me. so if i suddenly start rbing shit from a fandom you wouldn’t expect or a ship you don’t like, please be prepared. i’m sorry but i’m trying to practice self-care <33
#im trying not to care#its hard when i constantly see ppl shitting on characters i like that are overrated or overhated#or fandoms that everyone seems to dislike#im a naturally sensitive person and im not trying to sound annoying when i say that but its true#i get pissy and i get rly sad rly easily. and i feel rejected sometimes. (probably the rsd if i do have adhd tbh 💀💀 i also have anxiety and#im p sure you can have rsd w anxiety)#but yeah i know i keep making these dramatic ass posts abt fandoms but its stressing me out sm just thinking abt posting from a fandom#that i think you guys would find me weird for posting abt#and its not even that bad its just fandoms that have had drama or some shit. that ive literally never been involved in bc i live under a#rock and just like to read the fics#but yh just. im feeling resentment towards the tumblr community lately bc i constantly feel judged so if i start randomly unfollowing ppl#then ive reached my breaking point#sorry guys 😔🙏 like i said i gotta practice self-care at some point#literally everyone else just posts what they want to have post and im trying to afraid conflict or smth by not posting abt some things#but ykw i really dont want to give a shit#so yh im gonna try#and you guys can either deal w it or unfollow bc you think im weird ig 💀💀 even though this is literally tumblr 💀💀 but you do you#also pretend i said avoid conflict not afraid#somewhat a vent post?#ALSO SHIPS OMG#i do not give a fuck okay#if the ship is not weird i could not give less of a shit#ship madwheeler for all i care!! its so annoying when theres this constant feeling of judgment surrounding every ship communities deem weird#even though the actual weird ships are out there. being read abt. being shipped.#oh and another thing#theres a difference between ships you ship in canon and ships you ship only in fanon. like its so annoying when ppl say a ship doesnt make#sense this is what fanfiction is for !!#also i like my crack ships and im not going to stop enjoying fanfic just bc ppl think a ship isnt as good as their favorites 🫶🫶#anygays tumblr stop being so judgmental challenge /aff 🫶 rly need to curate my experience or im gonna go insane#PRETEND I SAID WHAT THEY WANT TO POST CRYING THE TYPOS
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dream-launch · 1 year
How come when people talk about like tryna support people who are in a very rough place mentally they always give the usual you're not alone I'm there for you but never actually make any effort to be there - no reaching out, no desire to even wanna talk - like it's just bullshitting cause they know it would sound too obviously mean to be like oh your not okay? Well too bad don't bother me with that shit I don't care enough about you.
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agayconcept · 2 years
hi hello i woke up to an emaillllllllll
guess it sent thru their automatic system bc i got it way outside of business hours which is why i'd stopped checking and didnt see it till today
it listed the next 3 dates n times they could fit me in (bc its literally a 15-20 min appt max so its nbd *angrily side eyes them for lying and telling me no slots would be available for weeks*) and ONE IS ON MONDAY. THIS MONDAY. 48 HOURS FROM NOW.
it says i have to call as soon as they open monday to claim a slot and if by then it's not available anymore then i'll have to pick a different one but i am gonna be the FIRST mf-ing person on that fuckin phone queue u bet ur ass
idk so there's the update y'all. i should hopefully be starting treatment this week thanks to this new doctor's persistence and support. i'm very relieved, esp knowing its just for a few appts until the new year when i can switch over. fuck yes.
(for the inevitable question: no this doesnt erase the legal issues and report being done on my drs office. that will be ongoing. theyre also still witholding other things i need and denying me other services. BUT this?? this they cannae ignore any longer bc now multiple other drs, offices, legal reps and outreach workers have kept their phones ringing off the hook. wouldnt be surprised if the reason theyre giving in now is just to stop me & my backup from annoying the absolute shit out of them tbh. ah well idc why as long as it happens.)
anyway. time for happy dance? yes? lets make it seasonally appropriate
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valpuduzz · 1 month
god im supposed to be working on a project but i think this is a venty kind of night. i dont feel good at all. im sorry (anything suicidal that im mentioning isnt meant to be taken seriously btw, im just going through it)
#the meowing of a cat 🐱#vent#i dont think i want to go to DC anymore for the con. but i also dont want to go to mexico. and i rlly dont want a job#i dont want to hang out with anyone i dont want to see anyone i want to be left alone. i want to rot in my room#i just wanna shrivel up and die and i want to kill myself#i really really want to kill myself#i really really really want to kill myself#it's really hard to cry. i feel empty and on edge and like ive been put into this earth to suffer and yet i cant cry#and oh yeah here we go. crush problems once again. im sorry my dear mutuals#i love him so much i love him i love him but. i have no right to love him. i wish my feelings never latched on to him like this#i barely talk to him except when we voice call in the server im in. i dont have the right to love him like this#i kinda just wish he could straight up just tell me he hates me so i could finally have peace of mind.#i wish i knew how to talk to him. i wish i wish i wish. but i cant. because my desperation is so obvious and i'll come off as a creep#the last thing i want to do is make him uncomfortable#i think what hurts the most is that no matter how many times i tell him he's my friend and that i love him he wont know#the extent of my feelings for him. im jealous of his close friends because i know i'll never be close or special to him#because i dont know how#i already told him how i felt a while ago in march. and you cant confess to someone again#one time is okay. two times is being much too forceful and desperate#ive been trying so so so so fucking hard to get over these feelings. he's just a fucking crush ive only know for like three months#and yet it fucking hurts so fucking bad i fucking hate it i hate that my brain has put aside the friends who actually care about me#for a crush who even though is a dear friend of mine isnt as close to me as the other people in my life#genuinely think i should kill myself for this and im not lying#i hate this so much i hate that ive been abandoning my friends for him. but i love him so much i love him so fucking much#and i cant just randomly say that out of nowhere because he's gonna know im still in love with him and he'll hate me for forcing him#my biggest fear is he forces himself to like me back. i'd never forgive myself#im so sorry to my friends but this crush shit has taken over my mind and it's not good and it's toxic and i hate it#i wish i had an excuse to leave his life but that would mean he'd think he did nothing wrong when he did nothing to me#the only person to blame in this situation is me myself and i#fuck i reached tag limit OOPS
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a-sleepy-ginger · 2 months
Got cuddles from both cat and dog
Got some time alone in the house
Ate an orange
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
grabbing rainbow sherbet vodka for the stream because I know it's what ichi would want 🤞
bro grabbing that fucking super mario vodka what the shit 😭
#snap chats#i dont know what im gonna get...... i SHOULD get soju since i can get more for cheaper#and soju's more potent now innit... but i am a sake fan... sake my best friend..#but i like my sake hot. unless its nigori then OF COURSE you have to have it chilled....#gddammit i left my shot glass at my moms. i didnt think id need it </3#maybe sake's the game then.....#just to make sure i dont ACTUALY black out NO DID I TELL THE TIME I BLAKCED OUT FOR THE FIRST AND ONLY TIME#ILL TELL IT AGAIN SINCE ITS TOPICAL IT WAS THE NIGHT OF MY SISTER'S WEDDING#and i went out post-wedding drinking with my dad and my sis and her hubby yeah#and /im/ a master of acting like im fine when im not when i care to and since i never want to look A Fool in front of my father again#i acted fine after i reached the point where I Very Much Was Not Fine#LIKE THERE WERE DRINKS AT THE WEDDING OOFC BUT I ALSO GOT SOME WHISKEY AT A BAR WE WENT TO#AND SO EVENTUALLY MY DAD AND HIS WIFE AND I ALL GO BACK TO THE HOTEL WE'RE ALL STAYING AT#god theyre so embarrassing i was walking (read: wobbling) back to the room i shared with my bro#and theyre just :) 👋 Good Niiiight We're Gonna Watch You Go Until You're Safe :) 👋 <- im literally down the hall from them#and the fucking. SECOND i get into my room im just hhoUUGGHGHHH BROTHER OF MINE. WHAT IS HAPPENING#i dont remember what happened i know i started watching Why Dont You Play In Hell again and then i suddenly woke up in my bed#I WAS ON THE COUCH LIKE I CANNOT STRESS THE ABRUPTNESS OF ME WAKING UP IN BED#I SAT ON THE COUCH TO WATCH THE MOVIE I THINK I GOT 27 MINUTES IN AND I BLINKED AND I INSTATRANSMISSIONED#hilarious. anyway i refuse to let that happen ever again AFLKEFJKAJ#so sake's the call. i think. idk we'll see what my wallet thinks cause the sake is a lil pricier than the soju..#it a special occasion live a little. is what ill tell myself ☠️
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kingerpiece · 10 months
if you reach out to offer to talk about a kin and I cant find anything abt the mentioned kin on ur blog, or direct me to a sideblog with the information Im not gonna reach out man Im ngl
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gamblersdoll · 10 days
“stop fuckin running.” he says, punctuating every word with a thrust. “knew exactly what you were doing earlier, slut!” he seethes, grinding the tip of his cock into a spot that only he could reach.
“fuck— i know! im sorry!” you moan and choke, head being forced into the plush throw blanket.
“fuckin’ slut wanted this cock? you get this cock.” with a growl in his throat, slamming himself back into you. shit, was he that mad about you sitting in his lap? “yeah, you know?”
“yes– fuck im so sorry! fuck!” you scream, legs shaking in ecstasy as you try to keep them open. you cry when he slaps your ass, hand prints indented into your skin.
he never responds, hands on your hips as he plows himself into you from behind. only growls emit from his throat when he starts a rhythm that makes him feel good. he was mad, mad that you didnt ask to sit on his lap, yet he didnt care if you did. the only difference being that you were in public.
so was he mad about something so small? yes. thats exactly that.
but he loves random punishments, and you do too.
“going to ruin your fuckin’ whore body.” he laughs, nails digging into your skin. “you dont get to cum, i get to.” he cruelly says, angling himself to go deeper. he hits a spot that felt deeper than your cervix, and that kicks him off. “take it, take it, take it!”
your eyes roll back to your skull, brain being fried from the constant thrusts into your cunt and having to not scream his name.
he pulls himself, spurting white, thick ropes of cum on your ass and back. it ran hot, burned even if you could call it that. you try to sit up, yet he slams you back down.
“you thought i was finished with you? another thing to punish you for.”
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