#but also seeing mac happy and loved for once idk bro
badn3w · 8 months
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I always get whiplash watching Mac's relationship with Carmen because she is the only person we've ever seen be unapologetically into Mac and in turn we see him get all nervous and giddy and it's so ahhhhh and then he immediately ruins it twice
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio | @/rennellnotreynolds | 300k followers | currently havin a midlife crisis at thee moment so cheers! 🍻🏋🏼‍♂️🤨
23 (24) years old
Born & raised in Chatham, England there’s no other place like it to him. Sure when he went on holiday to the villa, it was quite nice but nothing ever beats home. He genuinely believes that he’s meant to be in this place since it’s all he’s ever known & doesn’t think he’ll live anywhere else
Raised by his nan & is an only child. Was at risk of being placed in foster care until his paternal nan came forth to raise him
His father and nan did not have the best relationship due to the way he chose to live his life and Gary was kept away from his nan until he was about 10 years of age
Does not like to talk about his birth parents due to the trauma, which is why he feels like his nan is his everything. His savior and why she means so much to him
His nan once told him that he favors his mother, Gail. He never had the chance to really know her, but was aware that she was very unhappy with herself &, “chose to be with the stars” just before his 5th birthday
That’s one of the reasons why he finds himself always looking up at the stars, usually when he’s drunk out at the docks by himself, he’ll try to talk to his mom, to know her better
I feel like he’s either a cancer or a Libra?
Update: Cancer sun + libra moon + Taurus rising
Went to uni for a semester and thought about architecture as a profession but ultimately felt like uni was NOT for him and eventually juggled around with jobs until he landed into the crane operator field which he found himself to be great at
For as long as he and his nan can remember, he always loved playing with cars, ships, building Legos, (I’m American idk if this is a thing there too or it’s something different/similar so my apologies lol) and putting things together. He never cared for reading instructions, Gary’s a hands on type of guy/learner and it’s how he best communicates
He likes heights, so this job wasn’t an issue it was just getting through the program for 2-3 years that was a pain in his ass but he was determined + knew this was what he was good at and stuck with it.
It was tiring working 40 sometimes over 40 hrs a week but he’s passionate about his work so he’d never dare change it
Due to this job being a lot physically, he would use muscle cream to help his pain or pay to see a masseuse whenever he could or wasn’t being cheap about it + often buys epsom salt to bathe in 3 or so times a week 
Total penny pincher! I can see him being so, his dad told him all about how to hold onto what he’s got and always look for a bargain but with a gambler for a father, you can only imagine how that worked in his favor
Lives with his nan and doesn’t see an issue with it. His mates definitely tease him about it but know how much the woman means to him but still think it’s a major c*ck block for him but it’s a two for one package deal and anyone who doesn’t understand that doesn’t deserve him
Will probably still live in her house once IF she p*sses
Nan is a big fan of wallpaper and has one room in the flat that has squeaky plastic covering most of her furniture ( she loves furniture shopping) & only takes it off once her lady friends come over with consists of a huge cleaning routine which Gary secretly hates but pushes through it while she plays some old tunes on her jukebox
He finds himself singing those exact songs when he’s getting ready for work and actually enjoys them...but don’t ever tell his mates that!
His nan taught him basic household care & he finds himself scolding his mates for not knowing how to wash their underwear & always taking it to their mum’s or having their girlfriends do it for them
Loves washing clothes on a Sunday in the backyard + hanging them on the clothes line. His nan doesn’t believe in washer machines & makes her own detergent
He’s always down for a rooftop hangout, whether drunk or not. To be up almost as high as the stars is such a feeling or hang out with his mates laughing it up
Occasionally smokes cigarettes when he’s really stressed, he’s not proud of the nasty habit and tries his hardest to hide it from his nan & Lottie but they both know
Is in a on and off again relationship with Lottie. She’s met his nan, they both like each other. And that makes Gary extremely happy
Gary is the laid back one out of the two and Lottie is firey and needs constant reminding from Gary that he wants to be with her whereas Gary feels like that’s something she should already know and he’s told her a couple of times before, he’s sure of it. He doesn’t get why she doesn’t get that
Which results in arguments. Lottie chose to live in England for half of the year and goes back to Australia for the other half. Nan encouraged Lottie to live with the two of them until she decided to get her own place in England, or rather the two of them together. Nan doesn’t believe Gary will leave in fear of her being lonely, which she’s not! By all means, nan keeps busy! But Lottie desperately wants to have her own space with Gary away from nan, even tho she adores the spunky lady.
When they don’t see eye to eye she does what she does best and leaves, which is exhausting to Gary
They’ll go days without speaking until the other cracks. At first it would be Gary but since it’s been a year into their relationship, he’s gotten used to it and let’s her come back to him when she’s ready
He cares for Lottie, he really does. And wants this to work but he just wishes they could be more secure in their relationship.
Was a f*ckboy way back when from 18-20 and rarely there’s his old flings who show up just to cause drama knowing that Gary’s got a new girl in his life that LIVES with him, which Gary dreads that this small town knows his business. He hates confrontation but there’s one thing about Lottie, she’s never going to bite her tongue. So whenever those girls do try it with not only her but Gary she goes off.
Gary is protective too so when those messy girls start shit at the pub, he’s instantly trying to get Lottie away from the issue. Then there’s drinks flying and slap fights happening + hair pulling & they’re getting kicked out of the club/pub or even cops called on them.
“This blows. I thought you said you were trying to be better than this, Lottie.” “Me? What about those slags?! They attack not only me but your character too!” Which adds to a list of the reasons they fight.
Nonetheless they do have their fun moments together, getting drunk by the docks, getting random tattoos, hanging with his friends & their significant others, + going to the theatre
Lottie still thinks this town is very slow-pace, sleepy, cloudy and hardly has sun— which is okay to her some days but other day’s it can be dreadful and much different from her fast-pace life but she finds the little things like spending time with Gary to encourage her to stay
Gary likes playing games when he has his free time, like fortnite, red dead redemption, Final fantasy, & SUPER SMASH BROS & almost always plays with Ibrahim who informs him about new games which makes Lottie want to slam her head against the wall since that can take hours
Keeps in touch with all of the boys in villa and makes sure they have zoom meetings as much as they can because he cares about those boys. Noah tries to schedule them but usually it’s happens at random which annoys him but he gets over it. Gary spent month(s) with them. They’re basically his extended family & that’s saying a lot since he views his home to a high standard and has friends here but they’re nothing like his villa brother’s
Also into woodwork. He didn’t think he’d enjoy it but he likes to do it more when the weather gets crisp and he battles with that over cigarettes to ease his worries in life, then goes and have his daily dose of tea
Finally stopped dying his hair that awful yellow and stuck with it. Marisol was the first to see it, after an accidental FaceTime call which was supposed to be just a regular phone call but whatever? They’d all eventually see it if he EVER decided to post to his IG stories!
She compliments him in Spanish yanking her glasses off leaving him highly confused, “is that good?” “If Lottie doesn’t sit on your— which leaves Gary very wide eyed opposed to his raised brows but Marisol is cut off by Graham clearing his throat
Lottie does indeed like it & shows him how much and later asks his option on what color she should dye her hair next. 3 out of the 13 look the exact same to Gary. But he helps her dye her hair which comes out patchy but there’s no way in hell she’s letting anyone else touch her hair. She’s been doing this all on her own for some time now. Gary’s lucky she even allowed him to help her! So she dyes it back to blonde, all of it, and waits a few weeks to dye it all blue
Gary’s definitely into old boy bands especially LFO & serenades, “girl on tv” to Lottie all the time, likes 98 degrees, Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Boys II men, & Dru Hill
As for modern day music, he LOVES to work out to tame impala which never makes sense to his mates but he usually works out the next day after getting shit-faced, he’s also in love with lizzo’s music, laundry day, brockhampton, & rina sawayama
Anthem = mac demarco, “Salad Days”
Celeb crush? Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek, Anne-Marie, Leona Lewis, & Noah Cyrus
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ashtonq247 · 4 years
Kaminari Denki headcannons!!
Bc it’s his bday and I love him (this will not cover his fam bc I switch between backstories with him so much that I just have no clue)
Buckle up bc this is a very long post I did not mean to get this deep lol
Let’s start with the most obvious- he makes friends easily, but I’m not just talking other students, I’m also talking the staff. This boy makes friends with the janitors and the lunch ladies and even the teachers!! He also makes friends with the security bots and pranks them a lot
This stems from him wanting ppl to like him. I think this bc of the fact that his character sheet says he likes all things “trendy” - I think he rlly wants to be known as the cool guy bc he is rlly insecure of himself
And as much as I think he is very trendy, I also think he is a big literature nerd! I believe he is more likely to listen to audio books tho, but I’m not entirely 100% sure though. He tries to keep this underwrap, but eventually he does join momo’s book club and brings completely different analysis to the table :D
He is just generally into the arts (we see this in cannon- he plays guitar, is seen drawing Aizawa, references Hemingway) so I see him as a more creative guy rather than a logically minded dude
This boy has adhd, anxiety, and dyslexia and dyscalcula (he was able to work through dyslexia bc he read so much, but still has problems with his dyscalcula) and this causes issues for him in school. He also a HUGE procrastinator. He often feels stupid and dumb bc if it (also doesn’t help that even his friends joke abt it too, but as long as it’s just a joke he shouldn’t make a big deal abt it right??)
I say he has anxiety because of the way he reacts to when he is training- always panicking and frying his brain. I think what stans between him and being rlly op is his anxiety and view of himself
Speaking of him frying his brain, I headcannon he has litchenburg figures, which if u don’t know r these rlly cool scars that look kinda like branches with what kinda looks like flowers so cool tbh, and BEFORE u say “he obviously doesn’t have them cannonly” let me just say that his quirk affects his brain cannonly!! It’s not weird for it to also affect his skin!!! I think he might have had litchenburg figures if they were more commonly known as it is a very cool thing tbh
I also think that bc his brain gets impacted by his quirk, sometimes his nerves get impacted too. This means he sometimes can’t taste food (and he doesn’t eat it when he can’t taste it, which pisses Bakugo off) and he also can’t feel things as well (I believe the class figures this out after Denki went to poor himself some tea but didn’t know the kettle was still rlly hot and so he grabbed it not knowing he was burning himself until he handed it over to someone who then dropped the pot bc it was so hot- needles to say he had to go to recovery girl that day)
He has never been to the aquarium bc as a child he had terrible control over his quirk and that made ppl nervous to put him near water (he goes as a teen with the bakusquad and is absolutely floored- his favorite creatures are of course all the sting rays, jelly fish, and electric eel- cue bakusquad comparing him to the brainless jellyfish)
He also doesn’t know how to swim till he was in middle school (once he was in better control of his quirk he went out and learned to swim on his own bc he had to learn how if he wanted to be a hero u know? He never quit got the hang of it tho)
Storms make him very energized and his already low ability to focus worsens. Prone to accidentally zapping ppl. He mostly stays in his room when storms happen bc he doesn’t want to hurt ppl/ wreck electronics on accident. He doesn’t even get to chat with friends on the phone bc he would wreck it so storms get rlly lonely :(
Also is basically a lightning rod. It hurts bc of how forceful it is, but it’s also not that big of a deal to him
Is prtty forgetful unfortunately due to all the times he fried his brain. It’s something he really tries not to think about
He probs can’t sleep very easily due to all his energy
He hates frying his brain bc it’s very hard to understand what’s going on when he does. Everything is a lot more sluggish and things are simultaneously way too much and he gets hyper sensitive and at the same time his senses are also very groggy and weird. It’s over all a bad time, but he got used to it
Whenever he fried his brain instead of being all wheyyy and thumbs upy he use to act more vegetative which rlly freaked ppl out so he eventually learned to get to where he is now when he fries his brain
Kids use to take advantage of his whey mode and do pranks on him which often got him hurt, but he never rlly felt it at first so he didn’t mind to bad. As long it was just joking and they were having fun right??
Time for happy ones!! His favorite foods (besides burgers, those r his favorite cannonly) all have some coralation with memes (speggeti tacos, mac n cheese, “chonky” milk, chicken nuggy, etc)
He is a meme lord yes
Stans pikachu (obvi)
U cannot convince me that he doesn’t paint his nails black, maybe with a little lightning bolt on his middle finger. This boy cannonly wears a choker common
He does face masks with Mina!! I believe he cares abt his looks greatly, and does beauty routines with Mina all the time. I’m constantly switching btween wether or not he owns it, or is a bit insecure and tries not to show this side to much to the boys
Why does this show not give him skinny jeans?? I mean common his entire style calls for skinny jeans. Maybe it’s Japan fashion or smth bc if it was in America he’d have skinny jeans bc it’s the trendy thing u know
Cannot cook. Can barely work the microwave. Claims unmarked food and eats it at midnight
Has a lot of weird info stored in his brain- how weather works, psychology stuff, weird facts abt bees, etc- that he learns randomly, never rlly trying to learn them but it sort of just happens u know. This frustrates Bakugo and jirou to no end bc he knows all these useless facts about how 1,200,000 mosquitos is all it takes for them to all at once drain a human of all their blood in a second, but not about how to work the pathagorean theorem
Idk why I think this (and it’s a popular headcannon too), but he knows at least 3/4 languages. It just suits him?? Bc he is a ppl person??? I don’t know??
Gets major test anxiety
Teachers either love him or hate him no in between. A lot of his elementary teachers absolutely hated him and would tear him down by calling him stupid and annoying. In middle school when he learns to control his quirk better, teachers rlly liked him- in the way that class clown trouble makers are liked by teachers. He may not excel in his class but he is a pretty funny dude.
He is constantly either underestimated or overestimated. Kaminari himself does this as well. It’s part of the issue with his hero training
Cats do not like him. They may like being petted bc if the static electricity, but when Kami pets cats he just absorbs the static- no pleasure :(((- or he accidentally has too much static electricity. If so then only tge rlly fluffy cats like him. Either case, shinsou finds a cat that likes kaminari as well and it is very cute :33
THE class prankster. Even on the teachers! The death glare Aizawa gave him on the one time prancing him worked is one kaminari will never forget (he still tries to prank him despite this lol)
Constantly teasing Bakugo as a way to press his buttons. It’s debatable on wether or not this helps bakugo’s anger issues
He is the wingman between Bakugo and Kirishima change my mind!!
Also mandatory kaminari is bisexual headcannon bc he rlly gives me those vibes. I think he doesn’t know yet that he’s bisexual, and when he thinks a fellow bro is hot he thinks he’s just admiring his bro u know. Maybe even thinks he is jealous. He does flirt with all genders tho mostly as a joke. He draws dicks as jokes but he always puts a little too much detail in them for him to rlly be straight
Can be used as a defibrillator as long as he can focus
Honestly there’s so much stuff kaminari has the potential to do with his quirk it’s a shame the manga/anime doesn’t use it
Like I rlly want to see him use his quirk in training to blow out all the lights in a building so he can use it for his advantage
That’d be badass
Also his quirk makes him very hard to be caught when their training. He can slip out of ppls grasp easily with a shock, and he also just has good reflexes in genral (I think this is cannon). Cue class 1-a running around trying and failing to catch him lol. Their best bet is to get him to fry his brain :(
He was popular in school before UA bc of his quirk and bc of how charming and easy to get a long with he is. This lead a lot of his friends to be very shallow. He didn’t rlly think about wether or not someone was trying to be his friend or not, he just liked being liked. This lead him to his whole liking trendy things, and he often felt that if he wasn’t seen as cool or funny his friends would all leave him. His whole rlly liking to talk thing caused a lot of ppl to think he was annoying at times, but he was never rlly able to lose that trait
The bakusquad was the first friend group he got rlly close too. He felt he can be himself around them and be the crackhead he was always meant to be. He still always concerned about wether they might leave him if he’s too annoying bc of anxiety but he’s getting better :)
He is a bringer of chaos and that’s part of his charm! Never dull with Denki around. He’s always doing the weirdest stuff, and ever since Mina, Kiri, and Sero, this has only doubled!
He is always calling Momo a genius (bc she is) and they are rlly good friends
Is an unofficial emo squad member (just look at his hero costume)
A sinnamon roll I’m srry but he ain’t a cinnamon roll. He has a dirty mind lol
Peepee jokes
Probably does tik tok dances I’m sorry
Nintendo fan for life
Xbox or PlayStation?- “Nintendo wut u mean”
Abbreviates so much it’s kinda hard to read,. Like if u thought I was bad this boy is soo much worse
It’s kinda ironic bc he has a very large vocabulary lol
He only uses it when he’s being sassy or very passionate
Mixes his gen z lingo with his big brain vicab to create atrocities of sentences
”bro the rise of the proletariat is lit tbh”
He is the worst to text with. He gives Bakugo aneurysms
Yeet yote to be yoted
3am shower thoughts
Unpopular opinion: i don’t think he likes weed. It probs reminds him too much of his whey mode
He’s a good strategist, but let’s the other team members think of the plans bc of insecurity, and otherwise his anxiety causes his smartness to shut down
Very good at zoning out. Sometimes he accidentally zones out so hard during class he misses the entire lesson and is only brought out bc of the school bell. Aizawa is best at snapping him out of it
Tbh I don’t think UA would be good with mental health. You’d think they’d hire a professional therapist or smth, but maybe it’s bc hero’s are so glorified ppl don’t ever think about these issues
I doubt the teachers had very good teacher training u know
We’ve mostly seen young heroes. I bet that’s bc they die so often, and if they don’t die in battle the mental health issues that stem from trauma and the media’s pressure are such an issue that it’s not uncommon for hero work to have high suicide rates
Anyway I’m starting to lose track of things thanks for coming to my ted talk I think I’ll stop here
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kylecoopers · 5 years
i’m also stealing this from @bastianlis​ and @westcfsalem​ bc quite frankly i’m aLWAYS down to plot and while i’ve tried my best to reach out to everyone, i’ve gotten a little swamped in messages and i think i’ve missed some people. so, in hopes of reaching out to new members and characters i may not have plotted a lot with, here are some plots i think could work for my babes.
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key: plots that are in italics are uber wanted just bc i think it’d be good for growth or just fun to play out !!
kyle cooper. resident sad boi, will agree with you if you try to bully him. kinda over life. trans and proud and pan and proud! avid dog lover, will only accidentally sleep with your ex and feel terrible about it for the rest of his life. rooms with his hubby who’s not his hubby sonny in audax and sonny’s his front man in his own little drug scheme where he sells his adderall so they can afford weed n stuff. really sweet, just wants to make people happy and v v selfless tbh. will die 4 u but will sacrifice u for a dog at the same time. not to be trusted for this reason alone.definitely true good or lawful good like i have no idea which one. definitely uwus and owos unironically. kermit the frog is his fursona even tho he’s definitely not a furry, he just says he is so another furry feels comfortable and if ur reading this u know who u are. intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist 
wanted connections: more antagonistic plots tbh. like give me enemies, give me physical fights, give me him sticking up for his friends since i know he won’t stick up for himself. ex friends that he’s lost along the way. give me more bad influences too who keep him out too late and let him make out with random people in parties during his transitional phase, give me the people he’s making out with. childhood friends are a must too, he grew up in new york and was in the suburbs for a little while but in the city for the other half. and honestly a LOT of people who are getting their supply of adderall from kyle and sonny bc like that’s their secret and there’s none bc we just recently decided it was gonna be an active thing they’re doing. and some more friend plots are always wanted but he lowkey needs his own little emotional support friends for when him and sonny are being useless gays and can’t just tell each other what is going on.
nicole woods. a hot motherfucking mess. will ghost you, collective heartbreaker and occasional other woman. honestly a coward, terrified of her own feelings so she’s always doing dumb shit. chaotic neutral. current roommates with the only person she is 100% selfless for and will kill 4 her or indira tbh. an effortlessly bitchy person, doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut and will tell you what she thinks if it doesn’t have to do with her feelings. proud wiw but will fuck guys, probs is the top regardless won’t lie, 5′3 and full of fury.
intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections: she’s notorious for ghosting people and collecting hearts so having more people she’s fucked over is kinda a need. maybe more enemies like, she has some but she’s probs not number one in terms of how liked she is in lockwood. give me more flings too; she’s biromantic so she’d go any way. maybe a partner in crime she does fuck shit with. she’s from baltimore so she might not have any childhood friends but maybe some friends she made over the internet that ended up going to the same school as her? her stepsiblings are still connections but i’m always down for cousins n such. also hookups n stuff idk if i said that but it’s always welcome.
maple wolfe. the love child of fleetwood mac and hozier’s music tbh. aloof and kinda loner-like, can be found usually drawing somewhere in a quiet place or doing assignments out in the open. probably painted a school mural with a few art friends. used to roommates with tati but now lives in potentas alone. true neutral, really just stays to themself. can be a little too cunning and observant, keeps mental notes on people and tries to figure out their weakness in case they need it. probably wanted to be a forest nymph growing up and when that didn’t happen they were like “well fuck it ig” and went into art. can be kinda short in terms of talking if they’re not comfortable with you but if you bring up the right topics they’ll ramble for hours with thought-provoking conversations and debates about simple things such as who’s the best artist from certain eras and why the only reason things seem bad is because we see everything nowadays. also probs lowkey the epitome of the raven poem by edgar allen poe.
intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections: honestly some flings would be cool and maybe some exes because they’re a cutie. some people they maybe grow close to, maybe people from virginia who they know if there’s even anyone here. and potentially a connection to their secret; someone who was related to the person involved or knows of it for that sweet angst or someone who’s father was the cop on duty that night. art friends who painted a mural with them in memory of tati or something. honestly i’m down for anything w/ them they’re just easy to work with.
jasper beaumont. grade a dumbass, amazing singer, probably has a soundcloud tbh and he wouldn’t be ashamed. doesn’t give a fuck about anything, has mommy and daddy issues, the guy you should bring home if you wanna piss your dad off. honestly loyal as fuck to his friends but once you cross him, you’re done. deals with his issues w/ his fists and is just a violence drive person but he won’t hit w/o warrant. coulda been a comedian, definitely had a vine account that got some sort of traction. will fuck anything that consents and has a pulse. fuck gender norms and will show up to events in whatever the fuck he wants. pronouns are he/him and they/them so pls use correctly. his secret is tba but !! be on the look out ;))
intro | secret (tba!) | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections. hook ups, ride or dies, people he’s taken the blame for because baby boy does lowkey have a huge crime sheet. people he cheated on, people he cheated with, people he was the other man to, flings, exes, way more antagonistic plots, maybe some bromance bc i mean bros. maybe somebody he knows from l.a or people he knows from high school? he was around tati for that. a roommate too! he lives in fidelis
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lysitheaioandeuropa · 6 years
All the vday questions ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
happy vday sis!!!!!
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?- eh, kind of. lmao
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?- 50005% yes. god that can do shit to your heart bro
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in?- 2 years seems to be my typical expiration date
4: Have you ever changed for someone?- i have changed something for someone, yes
5: How is your relationship with your ex?- nonexistent lmfao
6: Have you ever been cheated on?- not that i know of
7: Have you ever cheated?- unfortunately
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating?- probably not
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship?- everything that comes to mind are all equally important
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?- oh it rly depends if the mood strikes or what. i’m usually not into relationships at all and when i get into them they come at me so fucking left field and next thing i know i’m planning a future and shit. it’s literally only happened a couple of times
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”?- i believe in needing space and if someone says they need it then maybe they should be warranted that much.
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?- it’s 2k18 and you’re really still asking for a body count
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?- i regret not being completely honest about my wants/needs
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?- “kids” shouldn’t be having sex, lol. but idk, whatever floats their boat. 16?
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”?- if it’s likelegal and within reason, yes. and rly does depend on the dynamic considering that a lot of the time it isn’t genuine and is a power move.
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”?- maybe not love, but the way my heart did summersaults when she first smiled at me? incredible.
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?- been there done that, yes. it works out
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?- idk, i’m pretty open minded. but snooping is definitely one lmao
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?- i don’t.
20: Are you currently in a relationship?- is that what they call it nowadays?
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?- i think there is room for attempt. but it is difficult to work out
22: Do you think people should date their friends?- if they grow genuine feelings for one another, of course
23: How many relationships have you had?- 4?
24: Do you think love can last forever?- i do not fucking know bro, i doubt that shit daily like i wonder how people rly be out here in love for 50 years
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?- nah fam, wtf
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?- nope
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?- stop forcing shit, don’t date boys you just are not that into, and when you are into one really sit down and think about that bc it’s not normal to think they’d be perfect if only they were a woman
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?- yes
29: What do you notice first about another person?- physical appearance usually. first think i noticed about her was her height, then her face, then her smile
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?- i think pan is most accurate; i can be physically attracted to just about anyone, and not just “two genders” as bi entails. i do have a muuuch stronger leaning toward women though, so i just say i’m gay it rly covers all bases
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?- i don’t think it would and i think/know i could be understanding and supportive. however, i can see how it can take a toll on someone normal, so i can’t imagine on myself, with everything i already have as well. we’d both need to have very healthy coping skills and be getting help and working/communicating with one another, especially if i’m already doing all of the above, they certainly should as well
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?- yes and it sucked. thank GOD it was a bit short lived. he is hands down my worst, slimiest ex and just no i would never again
33: Do you want to get married one day?- i don’t fucking know
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed?- fuck no
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?- most likely cannot, but it depends on me, my sex drive is all over the place but has been more steady recently
36: Are you still a virgin?- nah
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality?- both are, but i might go with personality
38: Do you enjoy love films?- no i don’t lol horror all the way
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?- not roses, but other flowers yes
40: Have you ever had a valentine?- this year i had two lmao (one of them was my roommate before y'all wanna assume i’m hoein’ since that’s how y'all are)
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?- we’re sitting in a blanket, on a rooftop, with the view of the space needle and mountains and cityscape in front of us. fleetwood mac is playing in the background and we’re singing along. i’m laying in her lap, she’s playing with my hair and we’re holding hands. we’re alone, and talking about our future, and our dream house, and things to do together when we’re back home. maybe sandy is with us, considering she’s so well behaved. we’re telling each other stories we haven’t shared with one another yet, and every now and again we share deep and lingering kisses. she’s looking at me like i am literally the only person on earth and there is so much love in her eyes and it is 1000% mutual. her smile and her laughter alone bring me joy. i tell her how much i love her, how she means the entire world to me, and she tells me the same. we stay on the rooftop and watch the sunset over the city and my heart is just so, so, so full. i know she’s right next to me, and we can’t get any closer, but something inside still makes me miss her and yearn for her. we share one last kiss before we leave the seclusion of the rooftop, and walk our way back to our room, taking in more of the sights. we have a glass of wine together, or coffee (since that’s our thing), and we’re together freely, without side glances or judgement on either of us. she’s the light of my life; we’re happy.
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”?- more than once
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends?- depends really, i think you need balance
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?- idk about romantic but i can be nice? lol
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?- i would date this one girl in a heartbeat LMAO, but just bc she is dead ass a 10/10. besides that fuck no all my friends are way too fucking emotional and just not my type and just no. the guys aren’t much of a step up
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”?- lmao, in middle school but i wasn’t too hurt by it, they were cool to be friends with. (if i were a nigga i feel like this answer would be far from this)
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?- i used to stan johnny and winona. besides that i really don’t care enough
48: What’s your favorite love song?- 505. lmao idk if that even counts. dreams by fleetwood mac (even tho it is kinda a break up song but i love it)
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?- so i have been told
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are?51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy?- there are levels to this shit, how much of a douche bag is he really? does he just neglect me but i have access to all the money? bc i would do that.
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?- no considering my advice is always “dump him. drop them. leave her” lmao. it has gotten me into trouble a number of times
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single?- my niggaaaaa, FAR from it lmao. i really fucking THRIVE when i’m alone, but even relationship me looks at other couples like “tsk tsk”
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?- on social media, not really. though i would be skeptical of someone who goes out of their way to deliberately not post their partner
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”?- i can be, but i do chose to hardly ever act on it. shit will irk me and i will know it is irrational or dumb or makes no sense so i’ll try to dismiss it myself, mostly for fear of being called crazy for having and displaying the emotions i’m going through but it is what it is
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship?- i have. not malintentionally
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?- no, not at all. all things considered if someone already has mental health issues a bad breakup can trigger a relapse in depression - etc. is it rational and a good thing? fuck no. but i wouldn’t take it as lightly as to call it silly and dismiss it. get yourself or the other person help.
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship?- independent as fuck but not tryna step on my partner’s toes either. i think we both have to be dominant. maybe me a bit more. (also, i am soooo talking in regards to personalities and not sex for you weirdos out there).
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary?- i have not, i can still give you exact dates from years ago
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships?- none of my business if it floats your boat
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family?- i am by far the least family oriented person in existence so, my partner.
62: How do you define “cheating”?- anything your partner doesn’t want you doing;any boundaries you wouldn’t want crossed
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?- no. maybe i bit unexpected if anything if you guys live together and can have sex/try new things on a daily basis
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?- it’s whatever. i always do something but i’m not wild about it like some other people
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?- big time. i cuddle sandy 25/8
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survivesalem · 4 years
Episode 3 - “This music video is kinda hot to be quite honest.” - Raffy
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I think this may be the end of me. The worst possible thing has happened. We are tribe swapping....I'm the only member of my tribe over here.....its a 5-1-1......oof Can I get an F in chat? Here's to good luck and hope that there is fracture within the 5.
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I am kind of glad to be swapped because it means that I am no longer stuck with a losing tribe. But, it seems no one knows how to edit which just sucks because that will surely mean we will lose the challenge. On the plus side, I have Mac and Jay with me. Our alliance will be stronger than ever! However, Mac let slip earlier that he knows a lot more people than he lets on which means I will allow him to choose the target if we go to tribal council as I don't need to accidentally target someone he's friends with. I feel that I can make stronger connections on my current tribe way more easily than with my old tribe.
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Ben and Evelyn went. Inacts. Bye. Now it’s swap. I’m down the street when I see the “Announcement” pop up and I’m like AHH SHIT. I look at the tribes.....I wouldn’t say I’m in danger but the division is literally 3-3-1. Jessie as the swing vote. I need to work my ass off or flip to get myself safe. Oof I’m worried. Butttttt MUSIC VIDEO CHALLENGE TIMEEEEE. I was away when people discussed the songs, and it’s literally some random song I’ve never heard of. I’d love to bitch and complain but also not, so I’ll just sell this fucking performance xoxo
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So we get tribe swapped and I’m the only og tituba still on the tribe . Gonna list my thoughts on my new tribe members Raft - seems okay we played a game in the past we’re he got out early . Picked the music video song seems to be a take charge personality . Jay : haven’t spoken much don’t vibe yet . Seems very silent Jessie: wow Jessie, it’s finally your challenge please snap or you’ll probably be yeeted off the tribe Lukas: haven’t spoken . Don’t think he’s gonna reach out first so it’s gonna have to be me . Keegan/Harley: played atomic didn’t work together we said we are gonna work together this time so hopefully it happens Mac/ Oak tree man: THIS IS THE MAN I SENT PICTURES OF TREES TO IN ATOMIC. He passes my vibe check . Brien: I’ve actually met him and he seems genuinely hyped that we get to play together . Don’t think he’s voting me off soon Rn my biggest concerns on the tribe are Jay and Lukas due to lack of communication. I’m sure they already have connections most people tend to . Anyways yeah I’m just hoping we win this music video challenge because honestly I love our tribes ideas. Spooky spooky witchy witchy
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Despite being hesitant about editing, I think I am actually doing a pretty good job at this! This is probably going to be the best music video I've ever put together. Brien was talking to me earlier about how he thinks this tribe isn't going to be based on tribal lines. That the game would be more dynamic if we play without it. But, here's the thing, I don't believe that. I think we need to get rid of an original Good member since one of those people will come back if we go to tribal. Plus he wanted to get info out of me already on my old tribe like.... we're not that close bro. At least not yet.
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My dumbass not submitting any confessionals before episode 3. Gotta love that INV1 rating! So, lots has happened. Gizmo and Cameron are sneaky sneaks who have been playing all sides and just being chaotic little shits. Our tribe had multiple alliances by like day 2, even before the first challenge results. Slow down there! We ended up coming in second in a challenge but since 2/3 tribes we’re going To tribal we still had to go. Eve was voted out 4-1-1 against Cameron and ME! How dare they?? I think it was Eve who voted me but whatever. And then we swapped into two tribes! And this is basically Nova Scotia 2.0. We’ve got me and Mac and Jessie! We’ll see if that goes anywhere if we lose a challenge. (This rounds is music videos 🤮) So anyways Brien, Lukas and I are sticking together for a bit based on OG tribes, and I’ll see if I can’t get Jessie or Jay (who I just voted out of Atomic oop) to work with us. But that leaves Mac and Raffy in the outs? Who I both enjoy a lot. So, we’ll see what happens. I don’t see myself being a target right away but you never know.
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Well, I did not like this challenge at all. I'm a pretty shy person so this was really out of my comfort zone. Unfortunately I wasn't able to film a whole lot due to having to travel this weekend, but! I still at least got something in to show I tried. I may have figured a way to get myself into majority which I really need. I just hope we can get it all sorted out today.
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This music video is kinda hot to be quite honest. I think we're going to win, unless they have some editing god on the other side. I would be so disappointed in myself if we lost cause I'm just an amateur. However, I believe that people have appreciated my efforts as editor, so I will most likely survive this round. I just need to protect Jay and Mac. I hope they have started being social with everyone. On this tribe, I want to work with Jessie because she's in the middle of the tribe line split. I have not told Jay or Mac this because I want to keep my cards as close to my chest as possible in the pre-merge. I do not even know if I even want to work with anyone in the long term. In any case, I am hoping to target either Lukas or Brien. I have talked to Lukas the least which is problematic, and Brien is always on game mode seemingly. He's been talking strategy despite not even going to tribal. That's a potential threat. However, I am going to let other people take the lead for this vote. I just want to focus on socially and strategically positioning myself with people that like me.
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so uhhh....we’re doing my least favorite challenge. Music videos are the bane of my existence. I always end up editing and I refuse to do it now. Paolo is supposed to be our editor, but he has gone AWOL. I mean...I could offer to edit, but like.....why not let Paolo lose the challenge for us and then vote him out? Seems like an easy option to me. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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The swap Tituba tribe are safe. HOT. Now. I’m super happy since this is the first time this season I’m immune. I can’t talk game with Liam and I hate this. But omg I need Alex safe. I also need Liam safe. Hopefully someone flops and they can leave. If my tribe lost, I’m pretty sure I would’ve had the numbers to send Keegan home. I make Brien seem like he’s in control of the vote while working with Jay and Raffy for a 4-3 vote or a 5-2 vote. That difference would be if Jessie was on my side or not.
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we lost. i’m excited to start the game and go to tribal. idk what i plan to do yet, but I have ideas about who I want to work with.
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Sad days. It's my first tribal of the season in the post tribe swap, and I'm not really sure where I've ended up on the tribe. I haven't spoken a word to Alex, and I voted Zach out in a prior game, so I don't know if he'll hold that against me. I like Austin, Gizmo, and Dylan, but we've never had a chance to talk game or work together yet. I'm also nervous that people will target me since I did such a bad job at editing compared to the other team, but who knows. It's gonna be a free for all on my end.
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The other tribe, Osbourne, is going to tribal. In our tribe, it’s a 3-3-1 split. On the other tribe, it’s a 5-1-1 split. The 1 person also has the 5 from the other tribe, making all six. That’s worrying. If one of those 5 don’t go home then we may have to throw a challenge or two and make sure the 1 leaves. The only issue, that 1 is Jessie, and I really like them as a person. My new tribe has 3 OG Good; Keegan, Lukas, Brien, as well as 3 Osbourne; myself, Jay and Raffy. Brien is the outlier with Lukas and Keegan being close. Brien fed me useful info of Gizmo being new and close to Lukas and Keegan. On my personal hitlist; is Lukas, Keegan and Austin. I don’t trust those 3 out of the people left in the cast, even despite me and Austin never interacting yet. Austin is sweet but their style gameplay is a lil cutthroat. Pretty much what I’m saying is whoever goes from the opposing tribe is who I target in this tribe when we go to tribal. Either Jessie, or the Keegan/Lukas duo. Anyways, stream Sour Candy by Lady Gaga ft BLACKPINK.
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Keegan definitely voted for Cameron bc he was scared of an idol I’m fairly certain of it but I understand why he did so I’m not mad at him and I think I trust him on this new tribe more then Lukas. But I fear they are a duo and I wanna talk to Jessie and tell her my fears so she knows she can trust me and maybe me her and Keegan can be a group. I wanna work with Jessie bc I know her pregame and met her irl but the only problem is her original tribe has not lost a member and if we don’t vote her out here then the other tribe might stick together and get Alex and Gizmo out before turning on eachother then we could have all of them at a merge which would not be ideal. So I gotta weigh if keeping Jessie as an ally is worth that happening. I had a good convo with Mac Idk where will stand on this new tribe but I wanna work with him bc I think he will always be perceived as more threatening then me. He even bought up the idea of a tengagers alliance with everyone in the game that has a tengaged which is me him Liam Alex and Cameron we will see if all of us are still around come merge time but I’m excited to maybe make that reality once we merge. We both kinda agreed Austin is shady. Keegan Mac and Jessie all just played atomic together which worries me that they will want to stick together on this tribe but I definitely want to work with Mac and I need to make sure he knows it. Atm the person I’m least closest to on my tribe is Jay so if we lose I’d want to try to make a move on him possibly. I wanna work with raffy but he sketches me out in our pms and isn’t willing to give me any info. I fear Keegan and Lukas are too close and I’m a 3rd wheel for them I wanna see if I can enlist macs help to take one of them out maybe Lukas because he talks to me less then Keegan does
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I can't believe that I won a music video challenge with my editing skills. I am so proud of that video! I am going to take the time that we are immune to bond more with my tribe. I think I have gotten the best vibes from Keegan and Jessie. Brien is middling. Lukas and I don't really connect that well. I think I am still good with Jay and Mac, so there's no worry on that front. Now that I edited my tribe to victory, they will all probably like me and want to work with me a lot more. There's the benefit of volunteering as editor hehe.
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So right now I would definitely consider Mac my number one ally and I wanna keep that lowkey so no one sees us as a duo he suggested throwing the next 2 challenges to get a mix of Jessie, Keegan and Lukas out which is interesting and throwing challenges rarely works but I love going to tribal so Im not gonna say no to it. Plus if it helps gizmo stay in the game on the other tribe longer that’s good. I really like him and want to see him make the merge and then maybe we can work together at the merge Mac really seems to think merge will be at 12 and I’m not too sold on that we could have a swap or not merge at 12 So the way this tribe is it’s me and mad together and he is playing Raffy and jay and I’m playing Lukas and Keegan and idk where Jessie figures into all this but I feel bad that she may have to go simply for numbers sake if one of her original tribe doesn’t go at this tribal. I’m trying my best to be social with everyone and I think I’m a good spot to not go if we go to 2 or even 3 tribals in this tribe that’s another reason I’m not opposed to throwing the challenges. I don’t see a reason jay would trust Keegan after he voted him out in atomic so we may be able to get a 5 person majority against Keegan and Lukas who I made sure Mac knew they were right. Or if we have to we can maybe get a unanimous vote against Jessie. Mac and I made all these grand plans to make the end game and have specific numbers come merge but things never work out the way you plan them so I need to have a plans b through z at the ready and I don’t wanna put all my eggs in the Mac train atm even though I think I convinced him to trust me and he can until I feel I can’t beat him or he is more loyal to someone else *cough cough* Liam they are both hosts together on tengaged I played their game so they are close but mac is certainly trying to downplay it I need Keegan and Lukas to trust me until it’s too late for them. Will I have some remorse going for my original tribe ehh not really in games if I see I better route or a better opportunity I’m gonna take it. I think I’m the real swing vote when we have to go to tribal especially if Keegan really thinks he can get Jessie on our side. So that puts me in an interesting spot a spot where I could be loyal to my OG tribe or I could make a move a change the direction of my game for the better. It’s weird bc I’ll have enemies after I make my choice but I need to make sure the allies I make won’t turn on me after I side with them. Idk the choice I’m gonna make yet I need to weigh out the pros and cons and decide accordingly but one thing is for sure I’ll be in charge at the next vote
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Well, we lost the music video challenge. Can't say I'm surprised, we took forever to get it together. There isn't as much activity on this tribe as far as I can see at least. I really want to survive this tribal. I think I've gotten myself into a good position. I'm in a 4 person alliance which is majority, but who knows if they're being honest. I'm currently trying to get in with the three other tribe members. If i can position myself as the swing vote I think that would be good for me at least for this vote.
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Flirting with Brien is fun. Maybe that'll bring us closer and he'll be my goat hehe. But who can never be sure
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Jay brought up in the alliance chat what we are going to do if we have to go to tribal in the future. He's just trying to get out there who would be receptive of working with us (me, Mac, and him). Jay says that he's talked the most with Brien and Lukas. That is strange because I barely talk to Lukas. I probably should get on that. I said I talked the most with Brien and Jessie. I really want to sell them on Jessie so that we can make her work with us which will help us gain a majority on this tribe without stepping on tribal lines. Mac has yet to wake up, so I'm waiting to see what he thinks. It sounds like our alliance might want to work with Brien eventually, but we shall see. I am very hesitant to even mention working with anyone because I do not want to step on toes so early on. Maybe I should try to keep my mouth shut on game talk and work on being social for the time being.
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Mac is spilling the hot tea today. He wants to throw the next immunity challenge to take out either Keegan or Lukas. I am in love with this idea as it puts the target on Mac instead of myself since he was the one who said it. I will just let people fight my battles for me until merge to avoid the big target. Apparently, Keegan is a past winner and Lukas is popular in the community. So, if we take them out now, then we can set ourselves up in a power position late down the line. I can see why Mac made POTS. He is definitely a strategic threat and has a very analytical mind. When I backstab him, I need to do it swiftly and effectively. I hoping that Jay follows through with the plan. I believe that we will target Keegan as he has not been the most active in the chats at all. This could make him the easy vote out. I want to include Jessie in on the plan in order to establish a strong connection with her. This is so when we do merge that she won't fall back to her old tribe and will fall back to us.
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So uh........,,.,,.,.,..,shit hit the fan. Apparently Austin is targeting Dylan and I do yeehaw. I think Dylan and I are going to try and pull votes for austin.
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When that chat was created between Alex, Austin, Gizmo & Myself I knew I had to expose it! AND THAT'S WHAT YA BOI DID! Austin is a rat and I've had shady vibes from him since the beginning and this just confirmed it. I told Dylan, Paolo & Zach what Austin said and some certain people were not that happy. I think it's either Austin or Paolo going but I'm still not 100% but if I managed to get numbers for Austin I'm so SHOOK
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samraclaus · 7 years
Do them all you know you want to
Woah you got me 😵 “200 things you can put in my ask 
200: My crush’s name is: I can’t believe how nosy you are but I’m saying Ezra Miller for this cause you know, I’m not lying 
199: I was born in: Bosnia!!
198: I am really: weird
197: My cellphone company is: T-Mobile 🙄
196: My eye color is: brown
195: My shoe size is: 8-9
194: My ring size is: uhhh it probably like 6 or a little less??
193: My height is: about 5'6
192: I am allergic to: grass :(
191: My 1st car was: no car yet 
190: My 1st job was: chuckecheese :))
189: Last book you read: cellist of Sarajevo 
188: My bed is: comfy as heck 
187: My pet: my best friend
186: My best friend: is beautiful!!
185: My favorite shampoo is: probably Pantene 
184: Xbox or ps3: PS3??
183: Piggy banks are: cute
182: In my pockets: I’m wearing boxer briefs rn lmao 
181: On my calendar: guineas 
180: Marriage is: pretty cool 
179: Spongebob can: always cheer me up 
178: My mom: is amazing I love her 
177: The last three songs I bought were? I never buy songs lol 
176: Last YouTube video watched: uhhhh probably a makeup tutorial 
175: How many cousins do you have? One first cousin so that’s all I count 
174: Do you have any siblings? Just one!! Nanners :B
173: Are your parents divorced? Nooooo
172: Are you taller than your mom? She’s a tiny bit taller 
171: Do you play an instrument? I’ve played the piano, the violin, and the cello lmao 
170: What did you do yesterday? Hmmm I was very sad and didn’t do anything 
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: not for me, I need to get to know someone but maybe for others!
168: Luck: kinda 
167: Fate: maybe 
166: Yourself: no lol 
165: Aliens: YES
164: Heaven: Its a nice thought but probably too good to be true 
163: Hell: I hope it’s not real 
162: God: eh depends. I only use god when I really need him. Which is bad I know 
161: Horoscopes: yes sadly lmao 
160: Soul mates: yeah! Platonic and romantic 
159: Ghosts: yes
158: Gay Marriage: YES!!
157: War: I hate war 
156: Orbs: yeah 
155: Magic: eh 
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs
153: Drunk or High: high 
152: Phone or Online: phone 
151: Red heads or Black haired: black haired!!!
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 
149: Hot or cold: depends. I like in the middle tbh 
148: Summer or winter: in the middle usually 
147: Autumn or Spring: ugh hard question. Probably autumn 
146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
145: Night or Day: night 
144: Oranges or Apples: oranges 
143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonald’s 
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: white!!
140: Mac or PC: mac
139: Flip flops or high heals: neither but high heels I guess
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 
137: Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama!!
135: Burried or cremated: I’m afraid of both tbh
134: Singing or Dancing: singing
133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel 
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Taylor hicks?? 
131: Small town or Big city: small town 
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target 
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: uhhh Ben stiller definitely 
128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure I hate feet 
127: East Coast or West Coast: east 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: I don’t celebrate Christmas so I guess my birthday 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate definitely 
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 
123: Yankees or Red Sox: I don’t care for either 
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: awful 
121: George Bush: bye 
120: Gay Marriage: GREAT 
119: The presidential election: frustrating 
118: Abortion: your body your choice!!
117: MySpace: never had one but such a meme now
116: Reality TV: sadly entertaining 
115: Parents: love them 
114: Back stabbers: bye 
113: Ebay: nice 
112: Facebook: only occasionally entertaining. Good for looking at memories 
111: Work: miss having a job 
110: My Neighbors: weird 
109: Gas Prices: okay for now 
108: Designer Clothes: too expensive 
107: College: also too expensive and scary 
106: Sports: only like soccer and like badminton lmao 
105: My family: great 
104: The future: probably awful 
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: tonight when I hugged my mom cause we cried 
102: Last time you ate: around 7
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: tonight at the cafe. It was some random Bosnian man but still 
100: Cried in front of someone: tonight 
99: Went to a movie theater: wow it’s been a while I don’t remember 
98: Took a vacation: very long time ago but probably gatlinburg a couple summers ago 
97: Swam in a pool: a few month ago 
96: Changed a diaper: never 
95: Got my nails done: never 
94: Went to a wedding: I was 6 and it was my aunts wedding 
93: Broke a bone: I was probably like 8-9. I broke my arm riding my razor scooter 
92: Got a peircing: a long time ago. Only my ears 
91: Broke the law: only a few days ago 
90: Texted: half an hour ago 
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: Nichole or my dad 
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: the comfort/familiarity of being around my family and my room 
87: The last movie I saw: uhhhh I can’t remember tbh 
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: moving in a few days!! 
85: The thing im not looking forward to: going back to college 
84: People call me: samronis
83: The most difficult thing to do is: get up and do anything lmao 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 
81: My zodiac sign is: taurus
80: The first person i talked to today was: sultana
79: First time you had a crush: I was at a friend’s birthday party. I was probably like 6 but I didn’t even know his name and he was a little older than me and wearing all black so I thought he was the coolest person ever. We played tag and I remember looking up at him cause he was at the top of the stairs. I still wonder who he was.
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: I can hide things from everyone 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday when erin and I said the exact same thing at the same time lmao 
76: Right now I am talking to: nobody 
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I guess be a teacher idk 
74: I have/will get a job: hopefully next semester 
73: Tomorrow: nothing new 
72: Today: what 
71: Next Summer: ???
70: Next Weekend: ???
69: I have these pets: guineas 
68: The worst sound in the world: really loud sounds. They scare me so much 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is:
66: People that make you happy: my family, my friends, my guineas 
65: Last time I cried: tonight 
64: My friends are: wonderful 
63: My computer is: new but I never use it 
62: My School: is great tbh 
61: My Car: don’t have one 
60: I lose all respect for people who: don’t respect my boundaries 
59: The movie I cried at was: don’t remember 
58: Your hair color is: blonde currently but very dark naturally 
57: TV shows you watch: PLL, TWD, always rewatching Lost 
56: Favorite web site: idk Tumblr 
55: Your dream vacation: Italy!! 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I was getting my hair bleached once a couple years ago 
53: How do you like your steak cooked: grew up on well done but I’ve seen the light and I love medium well now 
52: My room is: very messy rn 
51: My favorite celebrity is: lily Collins!!
50: Where would you like to be: my new house 
49: Do you want children: yes!
48: Ever been in love: I have no idea 
47: Who’s your best friend: I have more than one but erin is my main bro 
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl 
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: being around people I love 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Tea
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: nope :))
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: not yet but I have some in my head 
41: Have you pre-named your children: yes, I want a girl named Maya
40: Last person I got mad at: probably my mom 
39: I would like to move to: Italy 
38: I wish I was a professional: singer (I would never stop singing)
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: kit Kats probably 
36: Vehicle: fiat
35: President: Obama 
34: State visited: I haven’t been like anywhere but South Carolina is the only one I can think of 
33: Cellphone provider: only experienced one 
32: Athlete: I don’t think I even have one but Messi used to be my fave 
31: Actor: Ezra Miller
30: Actress: Lily Collins
29: Singer: probably Ed Sheeran, he calms me 
28: Band: jobros 😈
27: Clothing store: h&m??
26: Grocery store: Kroger 
25: TV show: Lost 
24: Movie: Les Mis, Sing Street, Princess Diaries 2, Chocolat
23: Website: Peach&Lily or Tumblr??
22: Animal: guineas!!
21: Theme park: uhhh idk I’ve only been to Disney world 
20: Holiday: New Years 
19: Sport to watch: soccer
18: Sport to play: badminton or soccer 
17: Magazine: don’t have one 
16: Book: hmm wow I need to read more :) 
15: Day of the week: Saturday 
14: Beach: the Adriatic Sea in Croatia 
13: Concert attended: I only really like music festivals 
12: Thing to cook: desserts
11: Food: sirnica tbh 
10: Restaurant: probably Sapporo
9: Radio station: ???
8: Yankee candle scent: candles are expensive so idk
7: Perfume: dolce&gabanna light blue 
6: Flower: rose!!
5: Color: green!!
4: Talk show host: I have no idea 
3: Comedian: ??
2: Dog breed: corgi!!
1: did you answer all these truthfully ?” Yes I think so
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01. do i have a good relationship with my parents? well yes and no, they’re abusive fuckers and i hate them a lot of the time but they can also be really nice and cool and fun so idk, mostly a no 02. who did i last say ‘i love you’ to? my friend ella when we said goodnight 03. do i regret anything? pFFFFFT of fucking course i do, many many things 04. am i insecure? oh you betcha 05. what is my relationship status? single as a pringle, my gf that i’ve mentioned in some posts broke up with me a few days ago so lmao 06. how do i want to die? weird question but okay, in my sleep i suppose, like most other people 07. what did i last eat? uhhhh honey wheat twist pretzels last night 08. played any sports? competitively no, and i’m homeschooled so no school sports, but i’ve played gertball and volleyball and other backyard partyish sports 09. do i bite my nails? nope, i either keep them to the quick or long with nail polish so i don’t get that dysphoria ya feel 10. when was my last physical fight? i have no fuckin idea bro, we fight with our words in this household 11. do i like someone? i still got feelings for my ex so yeah 12. have i ever stayed up for 48 hours? tf no, i’ve stayed up for a solid 20-24 tho 13. do i hate anyone at the moment? not that i can feel no, i do have a strong distaste for a lot of people but not hate i don’t think 14. do i miss someone? oh hell yeah, i miss old friends and my aunt that i saw literally yesterday and i miss my kitty Trinity who passed away over a year ago 15. have any pets? yessire i do, four cats and one dog inside and like five cats outside  16. how exactly am i feeling at the moment? pretty meh, i’m real hungry tho, waitin on my brother to make sum mac n cheese for us, but overall chill ig 17. ever made out in the bathroom? i have only had one, count em, one, kiss in my entire life and it was nonconsensual and they were drunk so that’d be a no 18. am i scared of spiders? oh FUCK yeah i am, if i see one it’s usually fine enough as long as they’re stationary and not near me, but if it’s in my room i will hyperventilate and it will be dead shortly. i once had an attack bcuz my fucktard of a brother kicked on at me so that was fun 19. would i go back in time if i was given the chance? i mean probably but i don’t think i would change anything really 20. where was the last place i snogged someone? ‘snogged’? what are we british. uhh the above mentioned kiss was in my best friends guest room of their house, the same best friend that mauled me with their face 21. what are my plans for this weekend? idk, work on my play probably. i have to get it done by the 15th or i fail my grade so woooo 22. do i want to have kids? big fat no 23. do i have piercings? how many? i do, i have the standard two in my ears. i want an additional three that i’m gonna get most likely around christmas 24. what is/are/were my best subject(s)? i don’t think i really have one tbh, writing maybe? ohhhh no definitely art, i love art when it’s fun and they give good assignments 25/ do i miss anyone from my past? just Trinity i think 26. what am i craving right now? well i’m always craving thin mints but a bowl of that mac n cheese that my brother’s making would be absolutely fabulous rn 27. have i ever broken someone’s heart? i know of one instance, but there were probably others as well. i broke up with this abusive fuckboy and had to then talk him out of suicide immediately after so that was fun 28. have i ever been cheated on? no idea, probably 29. have i made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? again, no idea, but probably  30. what’s irritation me right now? nothing particular, just the usual homophobic/transphobic/abusive bullshit i get from people  31. does somebody love me? not romantically i don’t think, but i have people who platonically/familially love me yeah 32. what is my favorite color? i have three, sunset orange, black, and a very specific sea foam blue color 33. do i have trust issues? i do, but i think i’m getting better the more good and non-abusive relationships i have 34. who/what was my last dream about? so if i dream at night it’ll be like three dreams a night, the last one in the set of dreams i had was about greek gods and where everyone stood in the pantheon and why, no clue what that was about 35. who was the last person i cried in front of? uhhh i walked past my brother while i was crying on my way to lock myself in the bathroom 36. do i give out second chance too easily? oh fuck yeah, but i’m working on it 37. is it easier to forgive or forget? forget for sure, my memory is shit XD forgive tho, i never forget when someone has wronged me. usually the deal is when i’ve gotten over the pain, or forgotten about it, i’ll give second chances to the offenders, which i’m working on not doing 38. is this year the best year of my life? i mean probably, i’ve had some of my happiest and worst moments this year 39. how old was i when i had my first kiss? 13 40. have i ever walked outside completely naked? hell naw 51. favorite food? mashed potatoes for sure 52. do i believe everything happens for a reason? i’m Christian so i kinda have to lmao, but yes 53. what is the last thing i did before i went to bed last night? uhhh stuff 54. is cheating ever okay? only in very very specific circumstances 55. am i mean? a lot of the time i think so, but i also think i’m kind a lot more 56. how many people have i fist fought? uh, one? my brother lol, and it wasn’t even fighting i was just so angry i kinda flailed at him 57. do i believe in true love? i guess, i don’t know 58. favorite weather? rain, bonus points if thunder 59. do i like the snow? oh absolutely  60. do i wanna get married? eventually, when i’m ready and have met the right person yeah 61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls me baby? only if dating, and not boys cuz i’m not attracted to them so lmao 62. what makes me happy? oh gosh so many things. baking, cooking, hanging out with friends, reading, writing, petting/playing with cats, ferrets, snakes, drawing, coloring, watching tv, playing video games, music, etc. etc. 63. would i change my name? lmaoooo already did 64. would it be hard to kiss the last person i kissed? uh yah, for obvious reasons 65. my best friend of the opposite sex likes me, what do i do? well if my best male friend liked me then i would have to turn him down bcuz don’t like boys, and if my best female friend liked me i don’t know what i would do tbh, i might date them? as much as i love them and support them and they’re valid as fuck, she’s a transwoman who still looks like a guy so rip 66. do i have a friend of the opposite sex who i can act my complete self around? my best male friend absolutely, other friends unsure about 67. who was the last person of the opposite sex i talked to? female was ella and male was like a casual friend tim 68. who’s the last person i had a deep conversation with? damn, probably my best male friend or my ex  69. do i believe in soulmates? yepper (69? nice) 70. is there anyone i would die for? ending with a big one i see, okay i see how it is. yes, there are many people i would die for.
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