#but if you leave him for a few months with the gang hes eventually gonna realize that being nonbinary is banger actually
vasito-de-leche · 27 days
Do you have any specific queer headcannons of r1999 characters if so which ones and why?
I wrote a bunch of stuff for this post but then tumblr fucked me up and reloaded without saving it so here we are..... rewriting it all over again ... OAUGH. usually I default to seeing everyone as Vaguely Bisexual and Not Cis until stated otherwise, but you asked for specifics so here we go!
6 is aromantic or demiromantic.
On one hand, it's because I love projecting on my faves. On the other hand, it's because he genuinely doesn't feel like the type of person to be interested in relationships. But this isn't something that's tied to any potential disgust, repulsion or even trauma related to his Revelation and struggle against fate -- to me, 6 just doesn't feel romantic attraction. At the very least, nothing strong enough to consider pursuing. It's not in his priorities. I really dislike this specific thing that fandoms do in which every single character who is introverted, or who happens to be alone/isolated (either by chance or by choice) is secretly lonely, touch starved, pining and desperate for attention and romantic love. It feels like such a huge disrespect for their equally important platonic or familial relationships. 6 already holds a lot of love for his own community and his childhood friends, a type of affection that is shown in his subtle and unique ways. I like it when his character focuses on those aspects instead!
Mesmer Jr. is aromantic and asexual.
In her case, she's the opposite of 6. Mesmer Jr.'s trauma and OCD is much too intense for her to even consider the idea of an emotional or physical bond with anyone. She's disgusted at the idea of touching others so casually, and she's afraid at the possibility of allowing a person (someone she logically cannot have any control over) into her life because what if they throw her off her schedule? What if they mess every meticulous thing she's planned for herself and her mental stability? What if she loses her grip? Yes, it's plausible that she may find a partner who works perfectly with the way she needs things to be, and yes, you can headcanon that she heals and her OCD becomes "manageable" enough to have a stable relationship, but personally? I just like it when characters don't get to have stereotypical happy endings in which everything gets better through love and friendship and support -- like, yeah everyone loves to see their faves happy and all but eh... It's a bit of projection on my part! Some people don't get to heal and do all the things their disabilities prevented them from doing, even if we're given all this support and love. Some of us just have to find ways around these things, anything that works for us that makes our lives easier.
Sweetheart is queer but has a complex relationship with love. In a somewhat similar vein, Blonney has gone through every single letter of the LGTBQ+ community.
I tried my best to explain my thoughts on Sweetheart but at this point she deserves her own post because it's honestly a LOT, this single part was just too long so I cut it out entirely. Just trust me when I say she's queer and has a very complex relationship with love. In Blonney's case, we discussed the possibility of her being written as comphet and it got me to think a little about her. I see Blonney as the type of girl who presents as a straight bimbo, following the themes of her character and all, but who has constant crisis after crisis in the privacy of her bedroom, the only place she's allowed to be more than just a blondie. This constant journey questioning her orientations and gender happens entirely in her head and in private. I like to think that she just has these long monologues in her head. Sure, she's identified as straight her whole life, but maybe bisexual works better because there was that one girl she kept meeting under the bleachers. Oh, but maybe she's a lesbian, since all her boyfriends are just huge disappointments and none of them ever make her truly happy. Oh, but maybe that's just because she has bad taste in men, there was that one guy in class who keeps making her laugh after all. Ahh, this would be so much easier if she were a guy, her femininity is mostly performative after all. Ah, but she actually really loves pink and fashion... Nonbinary then? No, she's not the type to pick something so vague, it's one or the other. Oh, how about both? Genderfluid! Etc etc. If you ask her about how she identifies, she'll simply brush you off with a "What's it to you? That's none of your business, creep!" and move on, but this is something very personal to her. So far, she knows she likes being femme presenting and that she likes Jessica!
Eagle is a trans girl.
Have you guys seen those posts going around tumblr about how important it is that trans women exist because they fight for their own womanhood and girlhood in a world that constantly looks down upon feminine things and all women as a whole? Yeah. Yeah. Eagle being a scout that fights so hard to prove herself, the feelings of not belonging into the Boy Scouts and seeing how the Girl Scouts are created eventually, a space for her. The fact that she visits her father's grave so that he can see her grow up.
Kaalaa Baunaa, Oliver Fog, Medicine Pocket and Melania are probably bisexual, but they're super busy with work so they don't have time to address that.
Self-explanatory <3 I do like to think that Kaalaa and Medpoc are more chill about it, Kaalaa because she's a grown ass woman who is very mature, and Medpoc because they genuinely give no fucking shits about dating in general, so who cares about confirming whether they're bisexual or not. Oliver Fog is a little more flustered at the idea of exploring his orientation and whatnot, but it's tolerable. BUT MELANIA? I LOVE to think that she's FULLY aware that the MOMENT she acknowledges her bisexuality, she will have a crisis and then what will she do? She has 3 papers due next week and a heist this weekend, she can't possibly sit there wondering about liking girls! She's got things to do!
And here's the extra round of HCs that don't require that much text to explain or that lean towards being more silly!
Eternity has literally outlived the concept of gender. She/They royalty.
37 has QRPs instead. It Just Works. No one but herself and her partners understand the dynamics, though. As god intended <3
APPLe is a raging bisexual and has been spotted in many gay bars. Regulus is also bisexual.
The world would've been a better place if Bette was a butch lesbian.
Balloon Party and An-An Lee play with gender like its playdough.
Baby Blue is Not Cis and she's Not Straight either because none of that shit matters to her anymore, since she's been disconnected from reality and society for so long. She also doesn't care about labelling herself.
Diggers is trans, but no one can figure out which way exactly. It doesn't help that he refuses to clarify either. The same thing happens with John Titor, except she's very vocal about being a transwoman.
Bunny Bunny is bisexual but she hasn't realized this yet. In similar fashion, Horropedia is bisexual but he just forgets about it sometimes.
Druvis III as a trans woman goes hand in hand with Forget Me Not as a gay man. This is why they're both super divorced.
Leilani is pansexual because she prefers the colors of that specific flag over the bisexual one. Spathodea is pansexual because the personal distinction between pansexuality and bisexuality matters to her.
Tennant is bisexual because she can scam and seduce more people that way.
The Fool is nonbinary. Mf should've been born in the 2020's, I just KNOW he would've loved mirrorgender.
Zima is in the closet not out of shame but out of safety. Just in case.
Sotheby assumes that every girl in the world likes girls. So far no one has been able to prove her wrong because all she does is interact with other sapphic girls.
Pavia is nonbinary out of spite. But I also love transguy Pavia HCs so so so much, give that guy boobs, he would never get top surgery <3
Vertin is nonbinary too but she doesn't care about people knowing about it. She does, however, make the effort to be a little androgynous, as a treat for herself.
Madam Z and Katz absolutely had a Situationship going on during university. Katz was bicurious and Madam Z helped her experiment. Now the Situationship is between Madam Z and Constantine, the latter using Madam Z as a rebound after fumbling her relationship with Vertin's mother <- the machinations in my brain will astonish you.
TTT is genderfluid by virtue of being a picture on a TV, so I like to think she can just shift her appearance. In similar fashion, gender means nothing to Alien T and Voyager because they're aliens.
I specifically love the idea of all of the 1.2 gang joking about how Tooth Fairy is their token straight adult figure -- she's actually bi and asexual, but likes to keep that to herself so the kids can make their little jokes and have fun.
Enigma is gay and homophobic because his self-loathing is just that strong.
Turns out that the push Click needed to explore his own sexuality was getting killed on the battlefield, so now he's free to be gay. perhaps bicurious.
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majorproblems77 · 1 month
LU Update! So welcome back to the analysis corner with me!
We have another LU update! Called Moving forward we see the heroes leave the town and make their way to the location that Sky found. With learning a little more about the team as a whole.
With 10 pages there's a lot of information to work through so I hope you are sitting comfortably
As always Linked universe (LU) belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, I own none of the pictures I'm using and please give the original post some love. It's very well done and I love this comic so much.
You can find the comic here!
And as always there are spoilers abound for the most recent update!
Now sit back, grab some water and snacks and let's do this!
So before we get started im just gonna say that the brain cell is pinging around this lot so much that I'm bound to miss some stuff. But I shall try my best to get everything I wanna say said.
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It was only some of you, captain, dont forget that.
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(Oblatory look at my blorbo picture, he's so sweet. Blorbo blorbo blorbo)
Okay I'll behave this time
(No i won't)
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I can understand the concern from the captain, as a captain from the army during a time of war secrets are dangerous. He's probably thinking if Twilight has concealed this what else has he concealed.
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And then we get snarky wars again
I missed the snarky captain, he's wonderful.
Also the line about double duty, Come on captain, you know full well that patrol is an important part of a group dynamic like this.
This also confirms that the group have had encounters with monsters outside of what we've seen. As the line from wars about missing fights implies that they've fought a bunch of stuff. But we've only really seen wolfie in a fight back in the sunset arc.
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Twilight fondly mentioning Midna, I'm so proud of him.
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These two are the goddamn brothers ever and I love them dearly. Also, the knowledge we are about to be given about how this works is very exciting.
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The brothers ever
All of them
Twilight thinking Wild had more than two brain cells. I love him. And the hug? The hug gives me life.
Also the captain, the captain is a point to talk about here. This feels like an accusatory sentence. The "You dont say?"
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Me trying to figure out how time travel works in LU.
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Legend, why are you so grumpy about this? Like he looks angry to hear this.
Four thinking about the implications of this sentence. I can literally hear the brain cell bouncing as it pings from hero to hero as they try to figure out this time travel thing.
Wind is a small bean as well look at him. The youngest I love the eyes.
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Ahh, so thats the explanation. A spirit wolf that helped guide him on his journey which he trusted so much that he thought that the wolf he saw here was just another spirit until twi changed in front of him.
But this line from him is so sad. "Right after my resurrection" and "we both would have known the grave." This feels like as a person wild is at peace with it but doesn't want others to have to go through what he did. He's a chill dude and i love him for that to be honest.
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Meanwhile, my blorbo Sky is out here trying to get actual work done. This is 10/10 the sksw dousing experience if you've not played it. You just swing the sword around while it pings at you until you eventually find what you are looking for.
Fi is trying her best.
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Lads all of you need to remember that not all of you have had things that perform transformation magic. Im surprised (But also not surprised) That Time doesn't have anything to say about this. Like my man has used a tone of different transformation masks that change him into various different things and has one that turns him into a god.
The magic users ganging up on the non-magic users, like please behave.
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Ahh Time, Time is the disappointed old man that has to coral a bunch of kids. And Wild is like the most kid of them all. (Tell me why I'd love to know! :D) (Which makes sense if we take LU to be at most a few months after the end of his game. Wild would be 18 at most.)
the sort of conversation you dont want to involve yourself in Time trust me on this one.
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Feels bad for twi man he earned that title and to have it reduced to just some guy.
Wild is gonna get told off by Time if he ain't careful, that's his blood descendant right there and we all know he has a soft spot for him.
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This is important, because I'm pretty sure most of them did at one point.
Another thing that appears to be a constant amongst the team is the need to conceal an identity. Either from them or them to others.
I'm not versed in all of their games so I can't go into full details but these guys ain't the only ones. Pretty much all of them have. The spirit of courage does love secrets, doesn't it?
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Thats my blorbo and he's so sad help he
Blorbo blorbo blorbo
Give him a hug and reboot Fi and it'll be fine.
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To echo the words of Time.
Now this depends on what exactly Sky was dousing, was he dousing the portal, the helmet outside the portal? The postman even?
My money is on the helmet outside the portal, so that Dink came back into this timeline to retrieve it before leaving. But I may be incorrect on that account because Fi is able to track people as well as objects (Sksw would often have you tracking Zelda directly)
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I was wondering how they were going to do it. But with Twilight able to track it they'll be able to use a combination of dousing and him sniffing out Dink's scent to be able to find him no matter where he might be.
It's so distinct, twilight you know by saying that you're gonna have some of these guys asking questions. Just wait for the next campfire story time it's gonna come up.
I can see Wind and Twilight having a conversation like this.
"What does Dink smell like?" "What?" "You heard me."
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Oh he's so excited look at him!
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Oh four.
I wonder if we are gonna have a four and Twilight conversation about this, with four's past he's understandably worried about the use of dark magic in one of his friends.
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Oh come on legend lighten up, the child has never seen something like this before.
I'm glad Hyrule is coming in for his defence and all but 5 minutes ago Hyrule you were with Legend and saying to Wild that there's a load of items that do it.
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Why is wind just so wonderful?
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Look at him go!
Thats gotta be Wind, He's been so excited about this I can't see it being anyone else.
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Bark Bark!
Wolfie beloved.
Im here for more brotherly content from the team, they are wonderful.
Now lets go find us a Lizard, or iron knuckle or whatever he transforms into next.
And thats all from me! I loved this update and there was so much to unpack I know I've missed stuff! But I hope you enjoyed it! :)
(Also apologies for spelling mistakes I'm sick rn but wanted to get this done)
Have a great day!
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idk if your requests for the numbered ficlets are closed but could you do #4 for ponyboy? Only if you have the time, don't wanna be a burden.
Outsiders Prompt Fic #10- No it ain't! It ain't ok!
HI hon! Not a burden at all, I had so much fun writing this one and I hope you enjoy reading it as much and I enjoyed writing it. (For those of you paying attention, yes, I know this is not the order I said I would write these in in but what can I say, inspiration struck.)
Something is wrong with Ponyboy.
He’s doing his best to hide it- talking with Johnny, goading Steve, laughing with Soda-  and if Darry was still just his big brother instead of his guardian he probably wouldn’t have noticed, but he’s been the kid’s primary caregiver for almost a year now and he’s learned Pony’s tells.
His brother’s face is a bit pale, and he’s leaning into Johnny's side a bit more than he usually would. He’d eaten a decent amount of dinner, so Darry’s hoping he isn’t coming down with the stomach flu, but at this point in time he isn’t ruling anything out. He also isn’t about to make any rash decisions. Keeping a cool head had taken some practice after first becoming Pony and Soda’s guardian. At first, the barest hint of a sniffle had left him panicking, all too aware that mom and dad were gone and his little brothers being sick was his problem to deal with. The free clinic must have been sick of him calling those first few months, he’s sure of it. Now though, he’s learned to calm down some, and take things as they come. 
He’s supposed to be going out this weekend. Tim Shepard of all people had talked him into it, mentioning he was heading down to Texas of all places and invited him along. He’d been hesitant at first, unwilling to get involved in any of the Shepard gang’s shenanigans, but Tim had assured him none of his gang was coming along and it didn’t have anything to do with his business, so Darry had eventually caved. Strange as it was to admit, he and Shepard had grown remarkably close over the past year. If you’d told him back in high school that in three years time his closest friend outside of the gang would be jailbird Tim Shepard, he’d have laughed in your face. Now though, now that he’s gotten to know Tim better, it makes sense. They’re two sides of the same coin, and Tim had been remarkably helpful when he was figuring out the whole parenting thing. Anyone who could keep Curly Shepard alive for fifteen years was someone Darry wasn’t ashamed to ask parenting advice from.
So he’d been looking forward to this weekend. Tim had sworn it would be a good chance for the two of them to relax and get away from their kids, and as anxious as he was to leave Soda andPpony by their lonesome, he also couldn’t deny the lure of a holiday with no responsibilities was incredibly appealing. So he’d agreed, and Tim was supposed to come by in the morning to pick him up.
If Ponyboy gets any paler though, Darry knows he’s gonna have to call and cancel. He’d never be able to relax if he knew Ponyboy was sick, and the last thing he’d wanna do is stress Tim out on his holiday. God knows Tim deserves a break even more than he does. 
Besides, Pony gets clingy when he’s sick, always has, and Darry knows it’s been hard for him since mom and dad died. He himself notices their absence the most when he’s sitting at the table, filling out bills, or when one of his brothers has a problem he doesn’t immediately know how to solve; but Pony and Soda miss them most when they’re sick. Pony wakes up from dreams calling out for dad, and Soda still cries for mom when he’s delirious from fever. He can’t leave if Pony’s getting sick, he just can’t. He’s no substitute for mom and dad, he knows it, but it’s his job to look out for him now that they aren’t here and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do his very best- and that includes being around for Pony to cling to when he isn’t feeling well.
Still, there's no need to catastrophize yet. Maybe Pony’s just tired from track practice and needs a good night’s sleep. He keeps an eye on his youngest brother as he passes back and forth through the living room, packing his bag. Pony seems to be holding his own. At the very least he doesn’t seem to be getting worse. 
He finishes packing around 9:30, and parks himself in the recliner, watching as Johnny continues to trounce his brothers and Steve at poker, despite Soda’s many attempts to cheat. Pony yawns more and more the longer they play and gives up around quarter past ten, using Johnny for support as he shakily climbs to his feet.
“Think I’m gonna’ turn in before Johnny steals all the smokes I have.”
“You might have the right idea kid,” Steve glowers, always a sore loser, “we’re gettin’ cleaned out.”
Johnny’s ever so slightly smug grin doesn’t quite fit behind his hands of cards. 
“What’s the matter Steve? Scared you’ll lose again?”
Steve lunges at him and they start tussling, knocking into Ponyboy as they do so. Pony stumbles a bit- more than he should, considering the boys' play fighting isn’t anywhere near properly rough.
Catching Soda’s eye, Darry can tell he isn’t the only one who noticed.
“Pony c’mere a minute.”
If he couldn’t tell something was up with Pony before, the kid’s badly disguised deer in headlights look would have given it away right now.
Beckoning him closer, Darry brushes his baby brother's mop of hair out of his eyes, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead.
Hm. Warm, but not as bad as he’d expected. 
“You feelin’ ok?”
Pony bats his hand away, “I’m fine Dar.”
“Let’s get a thermometer to prove that, huh?” Darry shook his head, “C’mon little buddy.”
He wraps an arm around his youngest brother’s shoulders, answering Soda’s concerned look with a reassuring smile as he carefully sidesteps Steve and Johnny’s wrestling match.
“I’m fine Dar, I mean it, just a little tired is all.” 
The heavy way he’s leaning against him tells a different story, as did the thermometer a minute later when he pulled it out of Pony’s mouth.
“You’re runnin’ a fever,” Darry tells him, like he hadn’t seen the result himself, “what else is up? You’re dead pale. Is your stomach hurting?”
“No.” Pony crosses his arms mulishly. “I told you, I’m fine.”
Oh so he’s going to be stubborn. That’s fine. Two can play at that game, and Darry always wins.
“You got a headache?” 
“Are you lyin’ to me?”
He looks so young, all lost and grumpy sitting on the edge of the bathtub where Darry had pressed him when he was taking his temperature. Darry can feel himself soften, is sure it must show in his eyes. His eyes have always betrayed him when it comes to emotions.
“What else kid? You gotta let me help you.”
“Just my head,” Pony mumbles, “and I’m a little dizzy but I think it’s just ‘cause I’m tired.”
“I’ll get you some water and some aspirin,” Darry promises, “you get ready for bed ok? I’ll bring it to ya.” 
He ruffles his hair, wincing at the heat radiating off his forehead, and goes to get a glass from the kitchen.
“Ponyboy alright?” Soda asks as soon as he steps into the living room, eyes bright with a specific kind of worry only their baby brother can draw out of him, and Darry claps a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“Just has a bit of a headache is all. You keep playin’ your game, I got him.”
Soda only hesitates a moment before nodding, dropping back down beside Steve. He’s gotten a lot better about that lately, about letting Darry and Ponyboy figure out how to get along better, and letting Darry do some of the more nurturing stuff Ponyboy needs. Darry knows it isn’t easy for him- Soda doesn’t like to share, especially when it comes to Ponyboy, even more so when it comes to taking care of him- and he appreciates it more than he can say. It’s far easier for him and Pony to get along and settle into their not-just-brothers-but-not-quite-a-parent dynamic, when Darry doesn’t always have to be the bad cop.
He fills a glass with water and makes his way to Pony’s room, where his brother is asleep already, auburn hair mussed and cheek smushed into his pillow. Darry smiles a moment, a strange feeling he’s had since becoming Pony’s guardian swelling in his chest, that isn’t quite parental but is somewhat stronger than simply brotherly swelling in his chest. Pony looks so sweet like this, so soft and young. He’s getting mighty big now, but it’s at times like this that Darry remembers how young fourteen really is.
“Hey baby,” he hates to wake him, but the kid needs meds, “up you get, I got you some aspirin.”
Ponyboy’s eyes blink open before he can shake him.
 “I wasn’t asleep” he says, a note of petulance in his tone, ”I was just resting my eyes.”
“Ok.” Darry isn’t gonna fight him on that, just cradles his head while he swallows the pills and gulps down his water.
“There,” Darry takes the empty glass from Pony’s hand and sets it on the nightstand, “get some sleep alright? I’ll check on you before I go to bed, and if you’re not better in the morning I’ll call the clinic.”
“You’n Tim are leaving in the morning.”
“Ponyboy I ain’t goin’ anywhere if you’re sick,” he ignores the slight disappointment curdling in his stomach. He knew what he was doing when he signed those guardianship papers, knew what he was giving up. Doesn’t regret it either. “I’ll call Tim in the morning and cancel.”
Tim would understand. He’d never admit it, but Darry know’s he’d do the same if Angela or Curly got real sick last minute,
“No!” Ponyboy sits up so fast he nearly headbuts Darry in the nose. “No, you can't!”
“It’s ok Ponyboy-” he starts, reaching to try and soothe him, but Ponyboy squirms away, tears welling in his eyes.
“No it ain’t! It ain’t ok!”
“Hey, hey,” he reaches for him again, and this time Pony allows himself to get tucked into Darry’s side, “what’s goin’ on? Where’s this comin’ from? How come you don’t want me to stay with you?”
“It ain’t that!” Ponyboy gives him a wounded look, and Darry has never been so confused and worried in his life, “You just- you never go anywhere anymore and I know you were looking forward to this weekend away. More than that you deserve it, you’re always workin’ so hard and keeping track of me and Soda-”
“Pony, I don't care about all that. If you’re sick-”
“I ain’t gonna be the reason you miss your holiday.” Ponyboy crosses his arms, his face back in that godforsaken stubborn pout Darry loved and hated in equal measure, “I ain’t.”
“Ponyboy, listen to me,” he takes him by the shoulders, forcing him to make eye contact, “I am your guardian. More than that, I’m your big brother. It’s my job to make sure you're alright, and that’s gonna mean missing some things sometimes. I’m okay with that. It's part of the whole bein’ responsible thing.”
Ponyboy finally meets his gaze, stubborn expression melting away as his lip wobbles and his eyes fill with tears, the water a gloss over such a deep well of pain Darry feels his heart break before Pony even opens his mouth.
“I’m ruining your life,” his brother whispers, sounding so broken Darry can’t stand it, “You could’ve gone to college if it weren’t for me. You coulda gone somewhere and done something, and now you can’t even have a social life without me getting sick and fucking everything up.”
“Ponyboy,” he doesn't know what else to do but pull him into a hug, rocking him gently, “You aren’t ruining my life at all. You are my life, don’t you get that? You and Soda. I’d be miserable if I went to college or did any of those things because it would mean I’d have lost you guys, and I can’t even think about that, ok? And I still got a social life, I’m just lucky enough now to have a buddy who knows what it’s like to have to reschedule stuff and not get all pissy about it.”
“Tim gets pissy at everyone.” Pony mutters into his shoulder, but Darry can feel him grinning and knows he must've gotten through to him. 
“Not at me.”
“That right?” Ponyboy pulls away, familiar sass returning, “you must be pretty special then, huh?”
Darry feels his cheeks flushing.
“Ok, y’know what little buddy? You’re sick, go to bed, sleepy time now.”
He ruffles his brother’s hair and flees the room, waiting in the hallway until the telltale rustling of Pony getting settled ceases, then peeks back in.
Ponyboy is curled peacefully on his side, eyes closed, chest rising and falling slowly. 
Sure he’ll be ok, Darry creeps back to the living room. He’ll call Tim in the morning, but for now he’ll wait up a little longer so he can check on Pony once more before he goes to bed.
After all, this is what he signed up for, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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lychee-drinks · 1 year
Can i request a scenario where
Vasco and jay's s/o take away cuddling access for a month? Like they're in a fight or something
Hope this wasn't too confusing!
Vasco and Jay’s reaction to their S/O taking away cuddling for a month after a fight
(a/n): don’t actually do this in real life
So you and Vasco got into a fight over the fact that Vasco always chooses Burn Knuckles over you. You didn’t mind that he valued them a lot and part of the reason why you fell for him were his ideals in the gang. But more often than not, if he had the choice to go to the arcade with Burn Knuckles or to hang out with you, he’d choose Burn Knuckles.
This was a habit of his and it wasn’t the first time the two of you argued over this. Because sure, you understood the issues with gang violence going on and how he wanted to be a dedicated leader, but he was neglecting someone important in the process.
So in retaliation, you banned him from cuddling and a lot of affection from you.
Vasco didn’t know of course. You didn’t want to tell him.
Whenever you and Vasco met, Vasco was always affectionate and would hug you tight. But after your decision, you brushed him off.
“Sorry I’m not feeling it.”
And Vasco was dumbfounded, because you always hugged him back.
He thought nothing of it at first and eventually, he realized you weren’t being affectionate or even cuddling him whenever the two of you did hang out. If he was chilling at yours watching a movie, you would sit up the whole time.
It’s eating him up inside. It’s making him anxious and he’s asking Jace what’s up. He isn’t gonna hold himself back so he asks you what’s up and if there’s something wrong. He’s on his knees and everything.
“Hey, you’ve been really distant to me lately please tell me what’s wrong because it’s really eating me up inside.”
And then you feel bad. The look on Vasco’s face is that he was genuinely worried there was something you were hiding from him.
So you apologize to him, telling him that you just wanted to get some petty revenge, but he really needed to make a change. So he understood the message that he really needed to focus on you and you learned that you should never do something like this again.
Jay Hong
You and Jay got into a fight over Jay’s secretiveness. He’s always been the quiet type of guy, doesn’t really explain things and unintentionally leaves things out.
So then there’s a bad miscommunication between the two of you, not because you didn’t understand, but he didn’t explain something important to you. And it pisses you off because you just want to understand him better.
What’s the answer that you choose? To take away cuddling access for a month.
Jay is an affectionate person. He’s more hugging over talking much. So hearing this from you, it will sound like hell.
You’re upfront about it to Jay and he’s devastated. Jay is a person of few to no words at all and communicates through his affection.
Since you’re pissed at him, you turn down his advances and when you do so, he’s left standing there wondering why.
It’s a bit of a painful look he has that I don’t think you could continue doing that for a month.
So with Jay, don’t take away his cuddling access for a month over an argument because you will lose one of his main forms of communication and his hurt look will devastate you.
But once you really talk with him, he gets the message and really tries to make a change.
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houseoftulips · 2 years
Our Day Off Together | Tokyo Revengers ~ the one when you wake up to see that your husband still remains in bed with you
➤ ft: timelapse!draken, mutō yasuhiro x housewife!fem reader
➤ content warning: fluff, suggestive a bit, tinge bit of angst, mentions of previous arguments, lovesick husbands, reader has kids (mutō’s), reader is pregnant (draken), draken’s part is an AU as well (no tomen gang)
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Mutō Yasuhiro
For months he hasn’t been home, mentally that is. He’s been working non-stop with the Tomen Gang since a few opposing gangs started causing problems in some parts of Tomen’s territory.
You had voiced out to Mutō about your concerns for his health because you can see how tired he’s been but it caused raised voices and tears in your eyes when he dismissed you.
“I care so much about you, ‘Hiro. I don’t want to watch you drown yourself with work 24/7,” you sniffled as you wiped away your tears, “The girls miss you… I miss you…”
You then walked away from him, leaving him in his study room with guilt building in his chest. He loves you and your twin girls with all he’s got. He didn’t mean to snap at you, he’s actually not one to snap at anyone because he’s always been so calm and collected. Work has been beating his ass to the rim and he was blinded by that. He thought that working overtime would eventually bring him back home to be with his family but it only pushed you away.
So he logged off of his computer and left the sea of papers behind to join you in bed but…you’re already sleeping. Tear stains on your cheeks with your nose red as a tomato shows that’s you had cried yourself to sleep. Mutō sighed in guilt once again before leaning down and kissing your forehead with a mumbled, “I’m sorry, my darling.”
The next morning you were greeted with the sun creeping through your curtains. You blinked away the brightness letting your eyes slowly adjust as your mind recapped about last night’s argument. Your lip quivered at the remembrance of your husband’s raised voice making you also sniffle in more sadness.
That was until you felt a warm arm wrap around your waist…
You gasp a bit as you snapped your head towards the familiar person holding you in his arms. You were met with brown and tired eyes with your widened ones because you couldn’t remember the last time you woke up with him in bed and in his arms.
“You’re…you’re home?” you questioned with a whisper.
Mutō hummed with his eyes closed and a nod before cleaning his throat. His sleepy voice you missed so much was music to your ears. “I called Mikey last night…,” he mumbled as he pulled you to face him completely, “…told him I needed time off for my girls…”
He then opened his tired eyes again with a soft smile as he cupped your cheek and caressed your skin with his thumb. “I apologize for raising my voice at you. I don’t like fighting with you, my darling. I’m sorry,” he whispered to you but in a way it was loud a clear.
You smiled and sighed happily as you nuzzled your cheek against his palm. “It’s okay…,” you whispered back, “It just hurt to see you overwork yourself, my love.”
Mutō nodded in understanding before taking your left hand and kissing the diamond rock on your ring finger. Something he does to show you how much he loves you and how devoted he is to you. “I see that now,” he smiled softly, “I’m yours till the end of the week.”
You laughed happily as you leaned up to give him a kiss. Your hands on his naked chest with his cupping both sides of your face made your knees weak. The kiss was slow and intimate as always. He never rushed because he loved how soft your lips were. “The girls are gonna be happy seeing their papa home,” you said breathlessly as you both pulled away from the kiss.
Muto laughed as he gently nudged his nose against yours as a silent way to ask for another kiss. “I know but I want some time with my wife…just for a bit, yeah?”
You giggled before getting pulled into another kiss. You hummed happily as you ran your fingers through his hair pulling him on top of you. The tug on his roots made him groan into the kiss but before he could even engulf you into his arms, two pairs of feet were heard outside your door.
Then lo-and-behold, Muto was cockblocked by his own kids. They barged through the door with happy squeals and faces seeing their papa home. “Papa!!” they squealed together as they jumped into bed with you two.
“There are my girls!” he laughed as he hesitantly rolled off of you. You laughed a bit knowing that he wanted more time with you in the morning but you’d treat him later when the girls are asleep.
“Are you going to our music practice today?” one of the girls asked with puppy eyes that are in fact also his eyes.
Muto smiled at both his daughters before giving each of them a kiss on their forehead. “Yes I am, and…I’ll be home all week so we can have our tea parties together like we used too,” he said making the girls gasped in unison.
Long story short, he was dragged out of bed immediately after he said that. Leaving you with a kiss and a promise that he will spend the rest of the week with you too.
If your daughters don’t cockblock him again…
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Ryuguji Ken (Draken)
The night prior was rough and so has been the last few weeks. Draken was drowning in broken, damaged, and anything of the sort of motorcycles.
You love that he’s getting customers left and right but it’s taking a toll on his sleep schedule or whatever was left of it. But when you showed up to the shop and saw him still working on the same broken bike, you had to say something. You weren’t trying to scold him it was more in a comforting way.
And when you did say something he blew up on you. You caressed your growing baby bump to comfort yourself as your husband snapped at you. You knew it was the stress talking but his tone of voice was something he never let out on you.
“I don’t fuckin’ understand what your talk in’ about! I’m tryna get this shit done!” he shouted.
“Ken…,” you began to cry to him which shut him up immediately, “I just want you home…a-and to take care of yourself, that’s all.”
Then you left him alone in the shop. You drove back home as you tears kept spilling all while he’s standing in his pool of guilt on his feet. He didn’t realize how absent he’s been especially at such a important time with you guys getting ready to bring a baby into the world. He promised you, you weren’t going to be alone during your pregnancy and here he was. Not home with you.
He closed up shop as fast as he could so he can stop by the convenience story to get you flowers and your favorite take out spot that you’ve been craving since you got into your second trimester but now your nearing the end of it as he just realized. But when he came home it was silent and the lights were off.
You had gone to bed right after you got home. You were already tired just from the pregnancy but having a screaming match with your husband was the cherry on top to that. You had cried yourself to sleep was very much evident on your cheeks. Draken sighed with a soft smile as he caressed your cheek with his knuckles. “M’sorry, sweetheart,” he mumbled before kissing your cheek then going down to your plump stomach. “I’m sorry too, little man,” he kissed your stomach.
The next morning you were disturbed with a violent kick to your rib. You groaned in pain as you rolled onto your back as your little boy began to move around a bit trying to get comfy. He then kicked you again making you wince.
Just as you were about to rub the rib that was nearly kicked out of your body, another yet familiar hand beat you to it. “What’s going on, doll?” Draken asked in his sleepy voice as he moved his warm hand over your stomach.
You looked at him with wide eyes and didn’t say anything at first despite the tinge of pain you were feeling on your ribs as your baby boy kept moving around. “Why are you home?” you asked out of genuine curiosity because it’s been a while since you woke up with him by your side.
Draken locked his eyes with yours. Guilt was washing through his black irises as he intertwined his fingers with yours over your stomach. “Called the guys up last night to cover my shifts for the next week… I’m sorry for yellin’ at you when you were just lookin’ after me,” he said softly.
You smiled softly as you squeezed his hand as a silent way to tell him that you forgive him. He moved closer to you as he kissed your temple and wrapped his arm around you as you remained on your back. “You didn’t have to take a week off,” you said to him as you nudged your nose against his.
“Yes I did… Told you I was gonna be there for ya’ so you don’t feel like your going through this pregnancy alone but I broke that promise,” he mumbled as he played with your fingers with his, “M’sorry, doll.”
“It’s okay, honey,” you said before kissing him softly, “You’re here with me now but I just ask that you take care of yourself too, m’kay?” you said against his lips.
“Yes, ma’am,” he smiled before pulling your face with his warm and calloused hand towards his lips. “My sweet girl, I missed you,” he groaned against your lips as you began to run your fingers through his black hair. “Doin’ so well carrying our baby, yeah?”
Before you could answer he slipped his tongue into your mouth making the both of you moan happily into each other’s mouths. He rolled on top of you being cared of your growing stomach then pulled away from your soft lips to admire you from his position. “Fuck you’re so beautiful,” he smiled sweetly making you giggle, “Can’t wait to make another baby with you…”
Your eyes widened as you laughed a bit more. “Another?! I haven’t even pushed this baby out yet,” you laughed as you pointed at your stomach.
“So? I’ll just knock ya’ up again as soon as I can after you push this baby out,” he chuckled as he leaned down to your lips again. “We’re gonna go for a girl next time.”
Five weeks later, you pushed out a healthy and chunky baby boy, 9lbs; 3 oz with hair as black as his daddy’s. Ken looked at you with proud smile on his face as he held your newborn in his arms at your home. “Our little girl is next,” he winked at you.
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thegreencanary · 2 years
Evil is everywhere
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Okay I absolutely LOVED the request this is based off of. Also that gif makes me cry every time.
A/N: This is my work and I don’t give anyone the permission to post it anywhere claiming to be someone else’s. I worked hard on this, if you enjoy it please interact. Requests are open.
Summary: Just because Vecna is gone doesn’t mean you’re not in danger anymore.
TW: Kidnapping, Abuse, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Torture. MINORS YOU KNOW ITS A DNI GO FIND STEVE.
A/N: if y’all can’t tell I absolutely LOVE dark themed stories, but please, please, please if the tags scare you or possibly trigger you; just move on. Mental health first babes. ❤️
Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
It was over, Vecna was finally defeated. El lay next to you unconscious and you gently scooped her up in your arms. You had to find Billy, he took Max and Lucas to the other side of the house to fight off some terrifying zombie vampire looking creatures. Steve and the rest of the gang had set up protection check ins; after almost losing Eddie he wanted to make sure no one else got that level of wounded. Nancy was the first to find you two and she guided you back to Billy and then eventually to everyone else.
El spent a week recovering but everyone felt so much better. The whole town seemed like it had a sickness removed from it, until people started disappearing again. Dustin and the kids had been going around Hawkins figuring out how to close all the portals and they swore there was no activity coming from them. Even Hopper agreed, each missing person looked like a kidnapping over an Upside Down issue. That’s how you found yourself at home on a Saturday night, alone. Hawkins had a fucking curfew. Everything shut down after 10:00pm. No one was allowed to go out unless it was absolutely necessary and you couldn’t go out alone.
You dad worked the graveyard shift at the hospital and your mom died a few years back, so you couldn’t ever leave because you had no one to go with. Tonight you rolled your eyes at the dumb movie you picked to watch, perking up when the phone rang.
“Y/L/N residence this is Y/N speaking.”
“I think I know the sound of my own girlfriends voice.”
A dumb smile lit up your features.
“Billy! Where are you staying tonight?”
He and Max had kind of been drifters since the start of the lockdown. He knew to not be at Neil’s house when it started because being trapped with that monster would have been worse than being kidnapped.
“Harringtons again. We’re probably going to be here for a few months since his parents fucked off to some other country for a while.”
Steve lived close to you, less than 3 miles, if you jogged you could be there in 30 minutes.
“Before you say anything you’re staying your ass at home. I don’t want you getting pulled over for driving this late and if you even think about walking over here I’m gonna personally kick your ass.”
You laughed. He basically just read your mind.
“Come on Billy. I haven’t seen you in weeks…I miss you. I miss…”
You trailed off, he wasn’t one to be mushy so you didn’t want to talk about how you missed the calm you felt with him. You missed his big arms wrapped around you while you watched a movie, you missed giving him the little touches he was so deprived of. You just missed physically seeing and touching your boyfriend.
“Babe just look at a photo of me and masturbate. You’ll feel better.”
His laugh over the phone was something you wanted to commit to memory forever. While you yelled embarrassed at him he just chuckled and you could see in your mind the grin he was giving you.
“Billy I swear to God.”
You were red down to your toes. Despite his reputation as the selfish sex god of Hawkins high, you two had never actually slept together. Your relationship was slow to start, since you mainly hung out with his sister and her friends; but he actually got to know you and you got to know him. He opened up to you fully and when you didn’t judge or reject him, he promised to try and be what you deserved. Some days were better than others but he was a good boyfriend.
“Yeah yeah I know. Look I just wanted to call and let you know where I was staying for the next few days. You should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow baby.”
You had an interview at the radio station. It was just for a secretary role but it was a way to get your foot in the door.
“Thanks for remembering Billy. I’ll talk to you later okay?”
*I love you*. You wanted to say it but you two hadn’t dropped that bomb yet. You didn’t want to scare him off since you knew he was a very guarded person. He said his goodbyes and you hung up the phone. Maybe sleep was a good idea.
No matter how good the idea was, the sleep never came. You were too nervous for the interview so when 6am rolled around you got up, showered and got ready. You had about 8 hours to kill…which was great. The curfew was lifted at 9am and your interview was at 2 so you made breakfast and just counted down the moments until you could go outside.
Your dad dragged himself in at 8:45am and he passed out on the couch. You set him up with a blanket and pillow and grabbed his keys and wallet. The two of you needed more food and he trusted you not to do anything stupid, most of the time you didn’t.
Finally the curfew time was up and you were heading to the store. It was eerie lack of people that were around today, you had a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. Pulling into the parking lot there were only 5 other cars in the lot, so you made sure to park closer to the front of the mini mart.
No one was inside except for the hung over teenagers that worked there. Quickly grabbing your items you headed back to your car, only to find the door swung wide open.
*Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. My dad is going to kill me.* he loved his car, if someone stole the radio or something out of it you’d definitely be grounded for a year. Rushing over you didn’t see anything missing, but you realized why too late. Feeling a painful blow to the back of your head, immediately you went limp. The groceries spilled all over the ground as you were tossed in a truck bed, covered and taken in broad daylight.
A/N: Definitely gonna be a series. The next part will be A LOT darker. So just warning you now!! Xx ❤️
Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
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blairwritingscript · 2 years
"Partners in Crime p1"
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PAIRINGS: Venom/Eddie x Reader
SUMMARY: It all comes down to you being a very nonchalant bounty hunter desperate for a vacation or distraction, you got what you asked for and found... a partner?
WARNINGS: Mentions of fighting. little cursing. little alcohol.
A/N: B/N = bounty's name imma leave the name to your imagination. Venom's text is written like this :) also I DO take requests.
* Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3 *
God did you want a vacation, but sadly your job didn't really work that way. It was your third bounty this month and it was only the 8th. Normally you would be hunting the lesser dangerous kind of people such as drug dealers or small gangs.
Your previous and first bounty this month was an example, it was someone who was illegally shipping stolen objects for a little while. It was rather easy since he was quite sloppy in "erasing" any traces.
this one was different. it felt.. different.
it took you long before you got a lead about B/N's whereabouts, but you found one anyways. It was all the way over in San Francisco though. At least it was a city with mostly little crimes so there shouldn't have been anything major to worry about.
As soon as you arrived at the airport you ordered a cap to a hotel downtown. Being a bounty hunter has its perks such as having quite a great loan. you didn't go to a 5-star hotel, you didn't want to have to much attention on you right away so you went for the slightly less expensive 4 star hotel.
Immediately plugging in your laptop you search the web a bit, news and blogs mostly helped you with finding locations of sketchy places.
Apparently it wasn't your lucky day cause you found absolutely nothing. Looking outside of your window you saw that the sun had already began to set. then your eyes moved to the bed and boy did it look comfortable right now.
You stood up from your spot on the sofa and and went through suitcase, picking up short and a thin tank top.
the night went by fast, too fast for your liking if you had to be honest.
You stayed in your improvised pajama's as you spend yet another part of your day looking online. it finally payed off when you saw something about suspected dealing in a bar only a few streets away from your hotel. you decided to go there later in the evening.
Well later came. You had dressed up nicely and went ahead on your 'mission' to find more info or perhaps find your bounty right away.
When you arrived at the bar you sat down at the higher stools on the right corner of where the bartender was toying around with the drinks, from this angle you could keep the whole place in check. Thinking you totally deserved it you ordered a Bloody Mary for yourself as well.
There were a few loners sitting around (probably trying to drink their problems away) you also spotted 2 couples and a little party in the other corner of the bar. You sighed quietly and sipped your drink.
Eddie flinches slightly at the sudden voice in his head. "what?" He whispered.
"I'm sensing a weird smell in this place" Venom told him making Eddie look around a bit.
"I don't smell anything, maybe you smell the beer or something" Eddie dismissed venom's sense.
"You don't smell it because you're an idiot, Eddie"
Eddie frowned "ouch" he whispered annoyed. He on the other hand was already working on his 7th glass. "quit it man" he continued grumpily
Venom really wanted to smack Eddie right there and then. instead of doing that he just casually used Eddie to look at where the smell could be coming from.
Eventually he traced it to.. you. at first he wasn't sure if it actually came from you or the spot where you were currently seated. For now he's just gonna stay low.
Back to you and lady luck seemed to be on your side again. a man entered from one of the doors behind the bar. he wasn't much taller then you, blond hair, tattoo on his wrist and he definitely did not skip arm day!
Of course you have dealt with worse then him, even going as far as hunting down some sort of robot from Sokovia? But that didn't mean you could underestimate anyone that came in your path.
When he was about to walk out you paid for your drink and followed him from a few feet away.
Venom noticed it and he just left, not even feeling the slightest of guild for the bartender whatsoever. First as Eddie since he was out because of his low tolerance for alcohol.
When he was outside he walked after you a little wobbly and then went into an alley and became himself. climbing up a building and following you from up there.
After some minutes of following B/N he finally went into an alley himself. you thought nothing of it and did the same. big mistake.
Right when you turn the corner he holds out a knife towards you. "You think i'm so stupid that i wouldn't notice you tracking me, doll?"
you frowned at the little nickname, taking out a pair of daggers. you moved a bit so that your back wasn't vulnerable from behind as it was turned to the main street.
The guy put on a scowl when he didn't get an answer from you. He charged at you, his blade swinging every way except yours. you were better at dodging then fighting and that gave you countless opportunities to take him down.
you had to counter his blade with yours a few times but managed to make him run head first into the wall, giving you all the time you need to grab the handcuffs out of your pocket that you had carefully tucked there before you left your room.
It went all so smoothly, but all of a sudden something made a loud thud sound behind you. you were ready to turn around and face whoever was standing there. that was the original second plan but then you were roughly (and rudely) shoved against the wall. it took you a second to get your vision back, you looked at where you bounty is supposed to be but of course! he was just running away! escaping you just when you were so close to having the job done!
You shook your head and looked the direction of whoever or whatever made that happen.
that's when you say it.. him? her?
"You shouldn't do bad things, but i'm sure you'll make a good sn-"
honestly you didn't even care at this point. you stomped towards it like an angry toddler. pointing up at him aggressively.
"What is your problem!? Now my bounty is GONE because of YOU!"
Venom's eyes widened, not having expected a reaction like that from.. well.. anyone. he was frozen in place.
"i don't know what you are but have you ever heard of minding your own business?!" you shoved your finger into his chest, making him stumble back a little bit.
Everything hit him then. You're a hunter for bad people, like them.
"i am sorry" He said. it was so out of the blue that now you were frozen.
your shoulders slowly relaxed, a deep and bottled up sigh coming from you while rubbing your face in frustration. it was kinda cute to the symbiote.
you gave it one last glare before turning around and walking away.
Venom followed you, he made at first sure that there weren't any (or at least not a lot) of people walking in the street.
"you're not scared?" he asked quietly, walking a few meters behind you. it was annoying but it was a distraction from the silence that the night brought.
"why would i be? you're just an ass who messed up my hunt" you actually were a little freaked out because it's not on a regular base that you get followed around by an alien or whatever that thing is.
"i said i am sorry" venom got closer.
"you already said that but sorry doesn't make this situation better" you check your phone if there is anything on someone with maybe half a concussion walking through the street but yet again nothing show up.
"where are we going?" venom was now beside you, staring at you with those eyes?
you stopped "we?" you asked genuinely confused. "why would you want to come wherever i go?"
"i want to make up for it, that and you are interesting" you squinted your eyes, looking him up and down. interesting? you weren't sure if you had to take that as a complement, but besides his earlier attempt to do who knows what he seemed to be calm right now, friendly even.
"I'm going back to the hotel i stay in" you continued to walk again, it wasn't far and you were only a couple of streets away now but you were tired of today's events even when you stayed in your pj's for half of it.
"Do you want a lift?" Venom offered. "a lift?" you thought.
"but yo-" you started but were cut off when venom picked you up bridal style. He jumped up and latched onto a flat with his free arm. you hid your face from the wind and the only place to do that was his chest.
You wanted to scream your lungs out as venom casually hopped building after building. Your stomach began to feel like it wanted to scream too. You tapped Venom against his chest, hoping he would see it as a sign to stop. he did stop only not because of your tapping.
He looked down at you. "which hotel are you staying in?"
"first put me down please" you rubbed the bridge of your nose.
He did as you asked, you stepped closer to the edge of the roof. "Be careful" it was kinda sweet that he cared about your safety so you backed away for him. "501 Geary St, you know where that is?"
he nodded and was about to pick you up again. "ho ho, wait a second" you put your hands in front of you, gesturing to not do that.
"What's your name big guy?" you ask as you cock your head to the right.
"We are Venom" He said with confidence.
"We?" you questioned.
"ehh don't worry about it" He gives you a toothy smile. just the fact that you know that that is a smile considering how he almost always looks like he's smiling.
"okay? anyways, can i hold onto your back this time?" you smiled back.
He turns just like that, his back towards someone who is used to hunting people down (both legally and illegally). though you do have to admit that you wouldn't just try to hurt or capture some alien out of nowhere.
You climbed onto his back and we took off into the right direction this time. it was already past 1.30 am by the time you finally arrived at the window to your room. you opened it an got inside, happy when the warmth of it hit you cold skin.
the smile from before had returned to your face, hair a bit messy from the ride "you have anywhere you can stay, Venom?"
It took him a second to reply "i do, but it's very late" is what he said because he didn't want to admit that he didn't want to go, not even for Eddie who was still out cold.
you step aside, making room for him to come inside "then stay here"
He looked around. Eddie would have never been able to afford this. it was a large room with everything someone would need including a massive bed and TV.
you watched him admire the place, a small smirk forming onto your lips. you wanted to offer him the sofa but the you remembered his size. you sighed "you can take the bed if you want, i will sleep on the sofa"
Venom wanted to protest but he understood your decision. "thank you"
"lemme change real quick" you rushed over to your suitcase that was neatly placed on a rocking chair next to your bed, grabbing the pj's your wore the night before. you excused yourself again as you went to the bathroom to put them on.
Meanwhile Venom walked around until he got reminded that he was still with Eddie. He heard a soft grunt coming from the man within. feeling that he hadn't woken up he continued waiting patiently for you to come back.
as soon as you came back you flopped down onto the sofa, sleepiness overtaking you making you almost forget about your guest. you looked up "you can go to sleep if you want, or you can do.. ehm.. whatever you do?" you yawned halfway through that sentence.
"Goodnight" he passed you the bed's blanket which you happily accepted "Goodnight, V". he lay down on the bed. you wrapped yourself up in the blanket and fell asleep some minutes later while Venom was indulging in your smell that was printed in the bed. He smiled at himself and closed his eyes, ready to dream.
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sk1ttery · 10 months
Wallflower AU Things :))
Set a few months prior to Graves’ accident.
“Kid, I’m gonna need to to tell me your name.” The police officer taps his pen against his clipboard, eyeing Hot-Shot.
Hot-Shot shifts in the uncomfortable plastic seat, sneakers squeaking against the lenoleum floors. He crosses his arms and huffs slightly, blowing his hair out of his eyes.
The cop purses his lips. “How old are you?”
Hot-Shot stares him down, adamant in not answering.
“Can you tell me the names of those boys you were with?”
Hot-Shot turns his gaze to the clock, pointedly avoiding eye contact.
There’s an irritated sigh. “Son, I can do this all day…”
Perfect. So can he.
“…Or you could make this easier for both of us and tell me who you robbed that store with.” He prompts, sounding more impatient by the minute.
An uncomfortable silence falls over them before the officer sighs heavily and pushes his glasses to the top of his head. Hot-Shot can see the indents on the his nose.
“Look, kid. You’re in here every other week and it’s always because the same boys screwed you over and left you behind. I know you have some code or- whatever you want to call it, but is that really worth your future? Why don’t you just tell me your name.”
“Shouldn’t it be in your files or some shit? Considering I’m here so much.”
“So you can talk.”
“Yeah. But why would I talk to a fuckin’ pig like you.”
There’s no way he’s ratting out his friends. His old man and mama taught him better than that.
Deny. Deny. Deny.
“Did you rob that store last night.” The cop ignores the insult.
“I don’t know. Did you see me rob it.”
The officer looks exhasperated and sits back, pinching this bridge of his nose and muttering what sounds like a prayer before standing up abruptly.
Hot-Shot flinches at the sudden movement.
“I’m not doing this. I can’t-“ He walks off, probably to find a co-worker or some shit.
Hot-Shot watches the cop talk to a coworker. They keep glancing over at him and whispering to each other. He turns his gaze to the officer’s desk, studying his belongings.
The station doors slide open and he looks around only to see a very irritated looking Graves walk in.
Oh, shit.
Graves marches past him, raising a hand in a ‘don’t’ motion before Hot-Shot can get a word out, as he approaches the officers and decends into a heated conversation.
He’ll never understand how Graves does it. He was sure he was fucked this time, but then Graves swoops in and saves his ass.
“…Graves-“ He starts to say after they’ve been sat in the car in silence for maybe ten minutes.
Graves lifts his head from where he’d been resting it against the steering wheel.
“You told me you were done with this shit, mate- I thought after you left home you’d leave them too.”
“It was just one job.” Hot-Shot mutters.
“You say that every time. ‘Just one job.’ ‘One more job.’ ‘This is the last one, Graves.’ It never is- The whole point of you leaving was to escape that shit. But you keep going back to those fucking low-life-“
“They’re my friends-“ Hot-Shot interrupts, turning to meet Graves’ gaze.
“I’m your friend. They’re gang members. There’s difference, Forest.”
“Is there??”
“Friends don’t leave friends behind.”
Hot-Shot shuts his mouth and turns his gaze away, slumping down in his seat. He refuses to admit Graves is right.
“Don’t start sulking because I’m right.”
“Fuck you, man.” He bites out.
“Why, for caring?” Graves sounds tired. Maybe Hot-Shot’s been pushing too much...
“Look.” Graves says eventually. “I- I know you think they’re your friends, Shot, but one of these days- Sooner or later, they’re going to leave you bleeding somewhere. And I know you know that, deep down.”
Hot-Shot doesn’t answer. Maybe he does know that. Those guys have never done anything for him or to help him. Despite how much he’s done for them. How much he’s risked. How he bends over backwards for them-
Graves reaches out and ruffles his hair but Hot-Shot ducks away. He’s not in the mood.
Graves retracts his hand. “Let’s just go home,” He mutters, starting the car.
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eric-the-bmo · 10 months
Blood and Silicon Ep5: The Dice Hate Us
[Summary: Blake and Leo decide to go check out the garage without Pauline. It doesn’t go well.]
Picking up from last episode, Blake goes off to feed from the woman Pauline brought in, leaving her and Leo alone in her office. There’s some silence, and eventually Pauline pauses from her typing (where she’s typing up all the information we gathered from the census quest) and lets Leo know that if anything is bothering him, he can talk to her about it. He holds his hands and says he just can’t tell her those things at the moment. She goes back to typing. Sebastian enters the room and asks Pauline for some time off, since college classes are going to be starting up eventually in the spring. She grants it to him, and he leaves. She goes back to transcribing the documents we got from Victor, and Leo pulls out his notebook to try and decipher some of the code he’d written down.
Blake returns from feeding and asks what they should do next; Leo suggests the garage and once again is immediately shut down. Blake offers to drive Leo home, and the two start to exit the club.
On the way out, Seb stops the two of them and recommends Leo change his wardrobe, since he doesn’t dress like everyone else at the club and is getting looks about it. Leo acknowledges this, drawing his coat closer around himself, and he and Blake exit the club and get into the Gangrel’s car.
Leo starts smoking a cigarette as they drive, and few minutes into the ride he realizes this isn’t the way to his apartment.
“Where are you taking me?” “...Somewhere I shouldn’t be.”
Leo is reasonably a bit terrified hearing that, but Blake is all “wait no hold on im not gonna kill you,” and it turns out they go to the garage of the Ashen Rose gang. There’s a chain link fence surrounding the perimeter, and a guard standing by the garage door entrance.
They get out of the car, and Blake asks Leo how long they should stake this out- Leo, a bit impatient from hunger, says “Or I could just do this” and turns invisible. Unfortunately, this causes him to gain a point of Hunger; His Beast begins yelling at him, and he tells it to shut up. Blake asks if he’s okay, but Leo ignores him and goes to investigate. His Beast tells him to go after the guard, she’s a Thinblood, won’t her blood taste great? He heavily considers this, but decides to stalk the perimeter of the chain fence to find an opening.
While trying to do this and be stealthy, Leo avoids kicking a can, and he’s very proud of himself, but then accidentally kicks a cat, which lets out a yell (and then knocks over a metal pipe!!!), and he’s like “oh god we fucked up,” and due to the hunger and anxiety of creeping around, he starts to dissociate because oh shit, oh my god they might get caught.
Trisha, the Thinblood guard, looks over and begins to head towards the sound; Blake realizes he should cause a distraction, and so he does a great impression of another cat.
Leo, still invisible, tries to continue finding a way through the fence, but ends up hitting the fence. His Beast goes full-paranoid- Leo fucked up, the guard is going to notice, they fucked up, they’re going to get caught oh god they should run- and so he runs away.
Smash cut to Pauline, still doing her paperwork. Sebastian enters her office and asks how long she’s been working with Blake and Leo [the answer is about a month for Blake, and only a few days for Leo]. He then asks if she’s certain she can trust them. Pauline responds that she can, and warns Sebastian to be careful.
Cut back to Leo. He’s stopped running now, as his paranoia has now worn off, but he’s still incredibly hungry. He goes off into the alleyways of the city, still invisible, and eventually finds an extremely drunken man sleeping behind a liquor store. He bites down and begins to feed, ending his invisibility.
Blake, not knowing that his companion ran off, tries to see if Leo had managed to make his way into the garage or not. He spots a vent on one side of the garage, and determines that no, Leo didn’t make it in, actually. He decides to wait and see if Leo will come back, and that he’ll go out and search for him after enough time has passed.
Meanwhile, Leo’s still been drinking the man’s blood, and is aware that if he continues to do so he’ll also get drunk. He doesn’t really care- in fact, part of him is looking forward to it. He drinks, and while his Beast is practically chanting at him to drain the man, and while he’s still a bit hungry, Leo pulls away so that he doesn’t end up breaking one of the Chronicle Tenants [The weak deserve protection]; and at this point he realizes he doesn’t know where he is. That’s fine; he can try and retrace his steps.
Blake decides to go find Leo, going down alleyways and whisper-calling his name. He eventually finds the Malkavian, and is relieved at this a bit, because 1) he found him, and 2) Leo being drunk at least means he fed, yknow? He asks Leo what happened and Leo responds that he got lost, and the two of them sit down. Blake asks how he’s feeling, which leads to an interesting interaction:
[”At least he’s not yelling at me anymore!” “??? Why would I yell at you?” “No, no, not you- J.” “...Is J still here with you?” (laughing) “He’s just not yelling at me anymore.”]
Blake gets Leo to look at him- letting him know he doesn’t have Pauline’s dominate abilities- and gets him to agree that they’re not going to tell her any of this; it stays between them. They head back to the car.
Inside, Leo asks Blade why he took them to the garage, since he seemed against it; Blake said it was his way of apologizing for being a stick in the mud (and also Leo needs to learn some lessons). Leo then asks what was up with the look Blake gave him after meeting with Victor (specifically, after Leo asked the Nosferatu to look into someone named Jeremiah). Blake says it just reminded him of his own past, and refused to elaborate any further. Blake sends Leo a text after dropping him off a few blocks from his apartment to make sure he got home safe.
The next night we meet up at the Asylum- Leo actually has on a black sweater this time to try and blend in better. Pauline’s printed out her documents and has put them all in a black folder. The trio heads to her office, and she calls up Zane the drug dealer, telling him she’s got someone interested in the drugs the Ashen Rose gang is selling. He says to go to the Northeast dealers, and warns her that their stuff is dangerous; also, it’s too early in the night for them to be out selling it at the moment. She thanks him and hangs up.
Blake and Leo somehow manage to convince Pauline to let them go check out the garage, and she’s all “okay, you wanna go so bad? fine.”
Pauline does not want to do this, but here we are, at the garage. Blake pretends to just now spot the vent, and he and Pauline try and do a “stand on the shoulders” thing to get Leo up there, but the dice continue to hate the players here, so even after two tries they’re unable to do this. Blake somehow ends up ripping the vent off its hinges, I think, which makes a Loud Noise. This, like the night before, alerts the guard.
Blake gets on the roof somehow???? Leo uses Obfuscate to hide, and Pauline waits. When the guard shows up, Pauline casts Dominate [”There was a thief here, but you scared him away. Everything is fine.”], and when the guard leaves she heads the other way.
Trisha the guard meets up with another gang member who wanted to see what was up, and the two get into an argument; because why would someone try to steal from this garage, as far as everyone knows nothing is in there?- they should change locations, the other guard is saying. Trisha is adamant it’s okay, since she scared the thief away. The other guard opens up the garage door; Leo sees his chance and goes in.
There's all sorts of alchemical stuff in there; tables with shelves and vials and weird components in jars, notebooks with alchemy equations/numbers, some of the weed the gang was making- but the main thing was this: There is a fridge laying on its back. Black tubes are running from it, dripping liquid into containers and running up to the alchemical equipment on the tables. Leo is certain there’s a vampire in there, perhaps, but is unable to check; The two gang members were in front of the open garage entrance, and doing something like that would cause the invisibility to end- and even if he were to do it again super quickly, it wouldn’t hide the fact that the fridge would be open.
However, Leo manages to grab some stuff (alchemical components, a notebook, some weed), and does the Quick Invisibility idea mentioned above for it. The trio all gets tf out of there and into the car, where Leo tells them about his Vampire Fridge theory. 
The session ends with the coterie heading over to meet Harrison at his bar- It’s time to give him the information they learned from the census interviews, and to receive their reward (aka, feeding territory so they can eat without trespassing/fear of getting staked)
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crimsononiarataki · 5 months
Kyo decided it was time to tug Itto to his level gently by Itto’s jacket “come here you big lug” he says giggling and gives him a smooch on the lips, he then smiles as he pulls away “I do like you, I don’t care if you are an Oni, I’m staying right here, with you..I’m not going anywhere”
The Oni wasn't sure what to expect when Kyokai walked over to him, mostly because the other male had been staying with the gang for a few months now. He likely thought that the other wanted to let him know he was leaving, which, honestly, the Oni expected. What he DIDN'T expect was to be tugged down toward the other, which would cause his eyes to widen considerably. He had a feeling Shinobu was somewhere lurking, probably keeping an eye on him as she often did, despite the Oni having not gotten in trouble in some time.
In fact, he'd even stayed out of jail since meeting the smaller male all those months ago. He'd, of course, seen Kyokai wear his kimono a couple times, usually for an event of some sort, or a festival. He thought the smaller male looked great in it, and he'd even said as much the first or second time the albino wore it. Obviously, he'd not been sure that his innocent comment could be taken any way other than how he THOUGHT he meant it.
"Big lug?"
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Those were the words that came forth from the Oni's mouth prior to feeling Kyokai kissing him. After the accidental kiss, followed by the instinctual one, they'd not kissed again. Sure, there were a few nights where the Oni woke from a dead sleep to find the smaller male curled up next to him, but he thought nothing of it. After all, Kyokai had admitted to him that he felt SAFE near the Oni. It was ONE of the reasons that the albino's seemingly temporary room was right beside the taller males.
His eyes would remain rather close to comically wide as Kyokai pulled away from the abrupt kiss. It wasn't at all unwanted, of course, it wasn't like the Oni would admit that. Why would he when he knew most humans hated his kind? They went out of their way to throw beans around for no reason other than to 'ward off Oni' or to chase them out of town. There was a reason the Gang's headquarters was in the wilderness as it was. Aside from the Oni having sensitive hearing, he didn't want to be around the humans when they were having their various bean throwing days. It was an absolute NIGHTMARE due to his allergies.
He'd remain frozen for a bit, likely longer than he might even realize, his heart would be hammering away in his chest, feeling almost like ti was going to jump right out! Eventually, he'd take a breath, not realizing he'd been all but holding it since their lips met. Kyokai would know the Oni hadn't walked away or anything like that, as he'd be able to not only hear his heart beating, but also hear him breathing once he took a breath again.
"W-what was that for?"
Of course he'd ask that. After all, the Oni had no idea what 'love' was, at least, not the romantic kind. He was used to familial love, such as what his Granny Oni gave him. She was human, sure, but she'd gained the nickname for taking him in when he was a child. His eyes would search Kyokai's face, all but drinking in every various detail. Should the smaller male be flushed due to his action of kissing the taller male, that would be one detail, and should the smaller male have any scars, the Oni would likely spot them as well. Not that he'd ever judge someone for having scars or anything like that.
"You mean it? You're gonna stay?"
Never mind that he was forgoing mentioning anything about Kyokai admitting to liking him despite him being an Oni, and staying for HIM. He was mostly excited that his new friend was planning on staying. Before he could stop himself, he'd lean down a bit further and wrap his arms around the tiny male, picking him up and all but squishing him to his broad chest. Not that Kyokai would see what was going on, but he'd feel something, at the very least. Mostly the sudden feeling of air, as the Oni excitedly spun him around while holding him.
"We've gotta tell the gang! They'll be so excited you decided to stay!"
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
i’m gonna make a master list for this lil series cause i am NOT doin all of em in one go, i’ll do 3 or 4 characters a post, and if u wanna see a character in the next post u could just like tell me SO YEA🫶🏽
alright, ponyboy i feel like is envy bc throughout the whole book you can see that he always compares things (for example he has a big thing for comparing looks) a huge example if this in the book is with sodas looks and his, he sees soda as moviestar handsome but when he talks about his looks he lowkey does put himself down quite a bit up up to the point where he legit doesn’t see that he’s actually quite attractive himself (as stated by johnny in the lot that one time and what mark said in twttin, pony canonically does not see himself as attractive) so i believe that bc pony compares himself w other ppl so much wishing he had this that and the third, he tends to put himself down in the process and he comes up w this version of himself nobody else rlly sees bc it’s honestly just all in his head due to all the comparisons he does, he sees things in black and white most of the time and thinks that if he doesn’t have it, it’s bad or somethin like that, so basically just bc he’s comparing and contrasting himself w other ppl it’s gonna lead to his downfall at some point bc he’s coming up w different versions of himself and essentially other people instead of seeing them for what they actually r bc of what he does when analyzing other ppl, so he’s the sin of envy
now with darry i feel like he’s pride, not exactly the typical version of pride, shit it might not even be the best word for him, but i still believe it’s pride. i say pride bc we all know that darry is seen as superman in the gang and he pretty much takes that role seriously as he is the oldest and essentially physically the strongest in the gang, so he sees himself as like the protector, especially after his parents died, he had a bunch of grieving ppl and ppl who r abused in their family homes to take under his wing, so he always felt like he had to put on this persona of being like closed off and “unshakeable” and it’s led him to just bottle up all his feelings so he would keep that wall of security up. now as we all know this pretty much leads him to close other people off and just not let ppl in and bottle up his emotions and we honestly kinda see the consequences of that, bc of all the stress he got over the few months we all know darry slapped pony out of anger (u could also say he was overwhelmed but like u still get the idea). so yea, because darry always put up this wall of strength to come off as like a protector bc that’s what the gang honestly sees him as in a way, this leads him to bottle up his emotions and while he’s he is a patient person eventually bc of all that he one day just breaks down and that leads to his essential downfall, putting him as the sin of pride.
on to sodapop curtis!!!!!!i think hes hes lust, now i do not think hes lustful however hes the closest to the idea we can get there w him soooo yea. but anyways with sodapop i personally feel like he always gets caught up in the idea of live that sometimes he just lost in it, hes pretty much a hopeless romantic and he’ll do anything for the other person (ofc he has limits and standards but mf u get what im sayin here) even if it means changing himself just a lil bit, but i specifically said that hes lust because of the way he acts when someone he desires just leaves him (yea im talkin about sandy LMAOOOOO) like think about it, he was ready to pretty much do anything for sandy, even wanted to marry her all at like 16, shit i think he even had a plan for it, showing that hes lowkey ready to do anything and everything for someone if he wants them enough, and what im saying especially goes for after sandy leaves, he goes in a fucking spiral and he honestly just doesnt know what to do w himself. soda is a social person and i feel like he depends on other ppl for his energy (this also helps w my headcanons for steve and soda l, but i wont go into it here, if u want me to do that i could do that on a whole other post) and mood and that leads him to being basically kinda like a ppl pleaser, and in doing all that he kinda loses himself, so like i said while he might not the thee best person for lust, he is right in their alley
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sunny6677 · 1 year
(A Spooky Month AU Series)
PART 6/CHAPTER 6: A Nightmare.
Summary: A 19-year old Skid ends up moving back to his old town for the sake of nostalgia. But he finds himself surrounded by familiar faces.
Skid would lay upon upon cushion of his bed, as sleep began to take over his mind, and the shadows of the night mercilessly taunted him as if they had been almost real living things. As he softly went into the deep shadows of slumber, he'd grumble—thoughts and flashes of horrifying faces appeared in the vision of his eyes that had been shut, this had always happened anytime he tried to sleep and had been anxious. Alas, he kept himself laying down, and faintly recalled the last few moments he ha spent here as a child.
He could recall the day before he went into the Orphanage, the day after he had fought with Pump verbally—he hadnt known then that Pump had meant it when he said he didnt want to be friends anymore, and had only hoped to himself that Pump would eventually forgive him for whatever he did. He would walk along the streets, exploring the town one last time before he had to leave until he had been "adopted", as June had put it. Innocently, his child-self had wondered if that was a word that had to do with his mom, that maybe she'd come for him once she had returned from being this thing called "dead'". Innocence was pure bliss, but a chain; and he had been its addicted prisoner.
Frank had given him several ice-creamd that day, and he had been grateful, though his stomach hurt severely as he licked and licked at the sweet material of the cold frozen cream that had been laced with milk slightly. "Take it, kid," Frank had said, "It's all yours." Skid was grateful, or at least he thought himself to be. But even so, it felt lonelier without Pump standing there to have some ice cream too. Frank had even asked where Pump had been. And in order to prevent his friend from getting into any sort of trouble or confrontation, he had just said that he felt like being alone that day.
As he wondered the streets, he had passed the gang of bullies who used to torment him and Pump—Roy, surprisingly Ross, and Robert. He was hunched over, hoping they wouldn't mess with him ths time. He had been surprised when they hadnt said anything as he walked off into the dark town, but had been dissapointed slightly when he heard Roy call out to him. As he turned around, Roy and the other two had walked up to him.
"Hey, i'm sorry for what happened to your mom, dude." Roy had said. "Yeah, dude—are you gonna be okay?" Ross had said. "I'll I'll fine," Skid had said with a forced smile, "she'll be coming back soon.. right?" Skids expression slightly faltered when all three of the boys had looked at him with a face he hadnt ever seen them look at him with before. The boys had tried to explain she wouldnt be coming back—and Skid had forced himself to remain calm the entire time they spoke of what happened. 'Dont say it. Stop saying it. I dont want to think about it!' Skid had begged inside of his mind mentally. Skid hadnt minded their comforts, yet even so, the way they looked at him—he didnt know why, but he hated it. This had been the first time he had discovered that he.. didnt like people being worried for him.
He had remembered what Kevin had said to him once he had gone to visit the candy store for the last time, and unexpectedly, he gave him that same expression people kept staring at him with. He hadnt been grumpy like he usually was, and had only calmly spoke to him as Skid hesitantly spoke to him. Kevin had asked where "the other one" had been, though Skid did not dare to answer. Alas, Kevin only pulled out a bag, and asked him how much candy he had wanted. Skid appreciated the gesture, and had only picked out a select few. He didnt think he'd ever see Kevin being so kind before, he had always been so grouchy when ir came to himself and Pump.
Streber hadnt done as much as the others had, but when the two happened to run into eachother on that day, he had knelt down and allowed Skid to talk with him about how he felt about the whole situation. Skid had begun to cry shortly, venting out his feelings and about everything that had happened. He just wanted to go home. To see his mom. Streber only looked down at him with that same face everyone else had given him, an only hugged him, muttering the most comforting things he could.
Skid had remembered leaving, waving a goodbye to everyone he had recognized, and even though he waved to Pump whom had been in the crowd, Pump did not wave back or do anything. He only stared with furrowed brows and a slight pout, the mask being completely torn off—his arms had been crossed as well. Skid could only let his expression falter, and just deal with the pain of his friend possibly never forgiving him.
For whatever he had done. He still had not known whatever he had done. Even now.
Skid began to feel himself slowly drifting into sleep, and had only finally recognized the slow, sleepy yet quick feeling of.. dreaming. His eyes opened inside of this dream he had been having, and his dream-self looked around the oddly familiar interior, only recognizing it as Junes house once he had taken a better look around.
Then, he heard a small but familiar voice speak from below him, and was met with a familiar pair of eyes sealed behind a large pumpkin mask. "You—" The small figure had cried, "You liar!" It had been quite obvious that this was Pump from the very beginning of this dream. "You lied to me! You lied to her! Your—you always have been a liar, havent you?!" Skid hadnt said anything to the small voice for a few moments, only breathing out in shock; "Pump.."
"Your—Your a meanie, Skid!" Pump cried, "You—You dont care about anything, you dont care about me, you dont care about her!" His whining voice had began to shiver up and sound as if he were on the brink of tears. "I'm—n—no, i—I do care about you, Pump!" Skid had taken notice of his body suddenly becoming smaller, his dream-self had become how he used to look when he was a child, yet he ignored it.
"Yeah, right! I bet you only care about that spooky month, and I bet you only care about that dumb dance!" Pump hadnt done the dance this time, only stomping his foot in rage. Skid hadnt known why, but his body quivered with frustration right then and there, and he began to raise his voice in its volume; "Thats not the only thing I care about, Pump! Where is this coming from?! Why cant you just give me a real answer?!"
Skid had known this hadnt been what he had said, in fact, he had known how the argument had gone back then, replaying it over and over in his mind as regret filled hia chest. Yet even so, his frustration got the best of himself in the dream, and he had yelled anyway.
His face only stopped in horror once he had noticed the shocked look on Pumps face. That look—that look that Pump stared at him with the moment their friendship shattered into pieces. "You.. you meanie! Liar, liar, liar!" His voice began to become distorted as the voices of multiple people in his life began to fill his mind, and the room began to slowly turn a bright red as he covered his ears. Though he had only stopped for a moment, and noticed the body of his mother his brain had created for his dream, red all over her body.
"Why didnt you save me, Skid?" Her voice had been louder than the others, but still, it had been distorted as if she were some sort of demon. "Why didnt you do anything to help me?"
"Mom, i.." Skid breathed out awkwardly, he began to hear a heartbeat thudding loudly—as his mother began to chant along with the others, calling him a liar in unison. Skid collapsed to his knees in the dream, feeling himself beginning to panic from the inner torment of his mind.
He screamed inside of the dream, barely hearing his voice over the distorted chanting. He screamed so loud that he had barely noticed the ominous yet large shadow figure of adult Pump that appeared in his dream, and loomed over him so, slowly consuming his body—
"Agh! Aghh!"
He screamed, and had woken up.
What had that dream been? It had been enough for him to begin to panic obviously. His heart was beating rapidly, and he had been hyperventilating. Clasping a hand over his chest, he mentally tried out the breathing exercises his therapist had given him, and of course, they had worked. But as he slowly managed to calm down, he could only stare at his wall, in a blank state of mind from what had happened.
He only began to let himself cry slowly.
"Hes still mad at you?"
That had been what Lillith had asked him once he had gotten onto the phone with her, and he only sighed in reply. "Yes.. I dont think what you said is true anymore, Lillith. He—he told me he didnt want me around, he told me he didnt need me! He told me he didnt want me.. i—I dont know what I did wrong, Lillith.." Skid desperately cried as he took the waffle he had made for himself into his mouth and slowly chewed its surface, "I dont know why he hates me.."
"Geez.." Lillith said, "Thats a long grudge.." Skid only nodded, eating his waffle as he slightly pouted in frustration and sadness. Sadness had been all he had felt since he had argued with Pump, and sadness was what he was reliant on. Lillith sighed, and only went silent for a few moments. "What do you think I should do, Lillith? I dont know why he hates me.." Skid pouted, eating his waffle in a slow and depressing way, loneliness consuming his soul whole.
"Well, i dont know exactly what to do," Lillith sighed, "but this may be a misunderstanding still. You might have to somehow get him to listen to you so you can tell him what you intended on doing, whatever it is that you planned on doing—" Skid I then cut her off without meaning to; "I try, but then he gets mad and says I dont care about him or my mom because I smiled at him.. whatever thats supposed to mean."
"Why did you smile at him?" Lilllith asked.
"..I didnt want him to be sad. He was sad about my mom being dead too, so I didnt want him to feel alone.. so I smiled at him so he wouldnt worry about me. I wanted to comfort him, but.. thats when he got mad." Skid explained, sounding almost tired as a slunched over onto the couch. Lillith went silent for a few seconds, and spoke into the phone; "This may be more of a difficult matter of miscommunication than I thought.. is he in therapy?"
"..I dont know, I didnt ask." Skid answered.
"Well.. we might have to find a way for you two to understand eachother better, that way, we can solve this once and for all. I know you may not want to, but you may have to approach him again so you two can have a serious discussion about this. I'll.. I'll even go with you, if you'd like me to." Lillith offered.
"If you want to," Skid simply sighed, "then you can I guess."
Lillith only muttered something he couldn't make out, he had tried asking her what she had said, but then suddenly, she spoke once more—"That reminds me, what was that about the dream you had last night? You never really quite explained to me what it was about."
Skid had only muttered with a hesitant tone, "It.. Its not important."
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Okay, so my idea for this (possible?) fic/series is a cross over with the outsiders and the black phone characters. And basically what happens is the reader (or my oc haven't decided which one it's gonna be yet) is the youngest of the Curtis family, but their not younger than Ponyboy by much, only a couple of months, and just like what Pony and Darry's relationship was like at the beginning of the book, they don't dig each other at all, and it's just consistent arguing between the 2 of them, and its because reader never listens, and just doesn't care about the consequences of their actions, and is being the rebellious little shit they've been after Mr. and Mrs. Curtis died. And so one day reader and Darry are arguing again and Soda and Pony are trying to get them to stop arguing again and the entire gang is watching it unfold. Then the reader just blows up saying things that are getting to Darry and possibly Pony and Soda and it gets to the point where Darry goes silent and even then the reader doesn't stop yelling at him, and after the reader finally stops yelling they take a deep breath and look at Darry directly in the eyes which they haven't done since the argument started, and they say on the verge of tears, in the most wobbly but still slightly yelling voice they've had in a long time, "you know what Darry? I haven't been sure about a lot of things since mom and dad died, but I'm pretty damn sure that you'd throw me into a children's home the second you'd got the chance if soda and pony would only let you!" and with that they head up stairs with a slam of their bedroom door and they start calling people because the reader can't take anymore of the yelling and arguing, so they've ultimately decided to leave! But nobody picks up and so they just start packing all the necessities they need before throwing their coat and hat on, grabbing their back pack and duffle bag and running down stairs, pushing past Dallas and Two-bit on the way out the door. while their running down the street they hear everyone else running and calling after them to stop but they don't, finally the reader manages to get away from everyone, ducking into an alleyway and catching their breath before continuing to run. (Now here's where the black phone characters come in!) the reader hasn't stopped running since they stopped to catch their breath a few blocks back at the alleyway and because they keep looking over their shoulder to see if the guys are still following them they bump into the grabber, but since he's dressed as a guy who does magic, they think that he's just a magician. and the grabber tries to lure the reader in the same way he lured Finney in, asking them to grab his top hat, telling them that he does magic, and asking them if they would like to see a "magic trick". To which the reader declines claiming they got to catch a train, but the grabber does not let up and keeps on insisting that he shows them a magic trick before they leave. and eventually the reader caves in and that's when the grabber takes the reader and drives away, but unbeknownst to him a few kids just happen to see the last little bit go down and-... and that's all I got so far and just for some contexts they were still on the east side of town when the reader was taken. sorry this was so long again! Have a good day or night! and please let me know if you would like some more info context wise! -bones 🦴
Hey!! I apologize for taking so long to reply to this, my ADHD has been acting up today and the big block of words really messed with my head- but I think it’s a really cool concept! I’m really digging the story, I’m a big fan of both medias you’ve got there, and I’d be totally psyched to hear whatever thoughts you have! Can’t even imagine what the boys would do when they realize Reader’s gone missing-
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obscureoperations · 2 years
them w/an s/o apologizing for being a pathetic waste of time <3
Noooo! 🥺😭Mkay here goes..
It was rare that Martin got to witness you in such a way, usually you were the beacon of positivity. It was one of the things that first attracted him to you..your ability to light up a room. You balanced each other out perfectly, you offset his somber demeanor. He found himself starting to smile and laugh more from the very day that he met you.
But this was something different entirely, the young man had no idea what to do. You seemed to grow progressively somber and withdrawn over the past few days. He found you sitting at the edge of the windowsill around two thirty in the afternoon. He had gotten off work early and was surprised to see your car in the driveway. He was so excited to come in and see you.
He watched you for a moment from the doorframe, with your head in your hands. What was wrong. The moment he heard you sniffle, he's instantly at your side.. you were still startled to see him. Wiping at your eyes, you try your best to offer a cheery smile. Martin was having none of it. Wiping at your cheeks leaning in to kiss your forehead.
"I-Im sorry..."
He was extremely confused. He was used to being the one to dish out apologies. With a sigh, he leans in pressing his forehead against yours.
"Sorry for what love?"
A woosh of air escapes your lungs and Martin pulls you close.
"F-for being such a waste of space."
He was baffled, honestly at a loss for words. What did you mean a waste of space? You were the most important person in the world to him, surely you knew that.
More tears begin to stream down your cheeks , and st as qickly Martin wipes them away.
"Don't ever say that. I--I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you."
The past few months sped by in a blur, the mime was the happiest he had ever been. To think the two of you met completely by accident when he spotted your bike at the side of the road. The gang pulled over instantly when they saw you crumpled down on the pavement. The mirror of your bike was completely shattered laying a few feet to the left.
Needless to say they came to a complete still and alerted the medic, Whiteface had no idea what was going on. Carefully peering out the side of the traveling tent, he finally realized there was an accident. Not one to be able to stomach blood and gore, the slender sprite stayed in the tent. Oddly anxious, he found himself praying that this stranger would be alright. 
Days pass and apparently they decided to scoop you up and take you to your actual destination. They didn't mind, Billy had officially taken the crown of another city, so for the most part the crew was just celebrating the win. He liked to stay in the tent with Merlin as he tends to your wounds and brings you sacred offerings. Things that would help you heal, Small satchels filled with various powders.
He grew to really enjoy your presence and for the most part, you seemed to like the company. You always made a point to apologize for being such an inconvenience.. The mime tried his best to assure that was not the case. Personal improvisational shows, juggling various objects he fond in the room. The sound of your laughter was msic to his ears--it was rare that he got to get this close to his audience.
As time passes, the mime finds himself liking you more than he actually should. The moment he arose, he couldn't wait to get to your bunker. He wanted to see how well Merlin's magic was working. You seemed to grow stronger by the day, and it excited him--but at the same time left him with a sense of dread. You were gonna leave eventually. That much could have been expected, but the mime really didn’t think about that. Too wrapped up in basking in your  presence-- it surprised him to find you quietly sniffling in the corner of the room one morning.
The moment, he unzip the tent you appear startled, quickly wiping at your eyes. His first thought was that you were in pain, and contemplated calling for Merlin. You try your best to play it off. “Mornin’ sunshine..” That was the nickname you officially gave him. He was having none of it.. the sprite eases his way into the tent, clasping it behind him, before rushing to your side.
In an attempt to meet your gaze, you glance away even as he moves to cup your cheeks. Wiping the stray tears away, his heart hammers against his ribs like a caged bird. This was the closest he’s ever been to you. Actually touching you in a way not merely in passing. He hated seeing you in pain. What happened? Whiteface tries his best to get you to look at him.
“I’m sorry.” you finally whisper. At this point he was completely baffled. He settles on lightly pressing his forehead against yours, silently hoping that you’d continue to speak.
“I’m sorry for being such a waste of space..” 
Where on earth was this coming from.. did someone say something? The wheels begin to spin in his mind. All of the gang, himself included were happy to have you along for the ride. The more the merrier. You told such funny stories from your travels, if anything you seemed to bring new life to the crew. A solo cyclist.. none of them could fathom such a thing.
A few more tears spill which you promptly wipe away, he could  tell you were growing increasingly embarrassed. 
“I’m healing up now.. I should probably try to work on my bik-”
In an instant, His lips are on yours, just lightly..as if testing the waters. You can feel his heartbeat hammering against his ribs..he was so nervous. But why?
You draw him close as you deepen the kiss
Sweetness was not in the realm of Abe’s vocabulary, something seemed to switch over the day that he met you. Shivering, curled away at the furthest corner of the kennel--repulsed at the sound of his voice. He had nearly beaten his brother to a bloody pulp the moment he had the audacity to slap you. you were his. No harvest, no offerings. You were going to stay in that house with him. You were going to love him eventually.
 Abe left Luke stalking off to his room with a broken nose and quite a few bruises--at this point he didn’t really care. The hose was empty, Luke had gone off to take out his aggression, Cynthia left to collect some herbs. He could hear you scurrying around in the kennel and decided it was time for you to eat.
Taking his time to heat up a can of soup on the gas stove, Abe begins rummaging through the cabinets. In search of garlic powder, black pepper, anything that would make the meal in itself all the more rewarding. With a sigh, he carries the steaming bowl over to the kennel, only to find you huddled up at the farthest corner of the cage.
“Pookie!” He whistles, kicking at the kennel causing you to wince and cover your ears. So cute. He loosens a few buttons on his shirt before easing the steaming bowl into the cage.
“You need to eat darlin’“
You practically convulse, you had no idea when he slipped open the locks. You needed to escape but the warm savoury scent began to overwhelm you. Plain chicken sop the way your dad used to make. The scent was both comforting and completely nauseating. More tears begin to spill. Incoherent words as you try and convince him to let you go. Not good for the harvest. You weren’t a virgin. Yo had so many impurities in your system.
“I-’m just-- a waste of space.. please just let me go..”
You weren’t a waste of anything. You were his chance at a semblance or normality.
Abe found himself leaning in reaching for the lapel of your shirt. He presses his face to your neck inhaling your scent.
“You’re not a waste of nothin’ sweetheart. I’ll see if I can get you strong enough to run away from me.”
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superlistist · 1 year
What would the Jojo’s be like at a concert?
These are my personal headcannon so, if you don’t agree with them more power to you, but this is how I think they would be/act
(I’ve also only watched jojo up until part 4)
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Goes with you to a concert, but is mostly there for moral support, he doesn’t really listen to modern music but is very supportive and puts you on his shoulders
Will not go in the pit. He’s read horror stories of people getting trampled and refuses to go in there. He also will do his best to discourage you from going in
He’s gonna act as a personal bodyguard and do his best to keep predators away from you
After the concert he definitely says something like “well that was something!” But like positively
Orders pizza after
Joseph(young Joseph)
Whether he listens to the band/artist you’re going to the concert for, he spent the past 3 days listening to every single song so he could hype himself up for the concert
Life of the party, at some points the surrounding group was looking at Joseph more than at the actual artist they were going to see. He definitely wears glow sticks everywhere, in his pockets, bracelets, around his neck, everywhere, he was even giving them out
He’s in the pit, people come up to him a lot to ask to be picked up for crowd surfing. He has never crowd surfed himself but he would totally do it
Brings his own snacks and merch, sells them 10x cheaper than what they're selling at the venue so he can make the money he spent on the tickets for you guys. Eventually gets kicked out for it
He says he’s going to walk you home after the party and ends up sleeping on the floor and or couch of your apartment/house. He spent breakfast talking about the entire time at the concert
He told you no at first. He ended up going because you either dragged him out the house or promised him something after the concert. He’s a serious bore on the way there and stares out the window or he’s on his phone.
He stays as far away from the music as possible mostly because he has some sort of sound sensitivity. You as his friend respects that but he tells you to do whatever you want
After about half an hour he warms up and actually does like the music and is lightly bobbing his head.
People ask him to help them crowd surf and instead of answering he just watches them till they walk away
He liked the concert but will never tell you
For your birthday or special event he got you a t-shirt that the artist signed and has a picture of you guys at the event. Insists that he just got it online and that it wasn’t big of a deal, but he bought it at the concert and never told you
He’s been excited all month, he literally bought his tickets 10 months ago and hasn’t stopped talking about it. he’s been pregaming for 7 weeks
He was fully decked out in merch, he even bought a vintage camera for the cool effects so the pictures look cool.
He started crying when the artist came on stage and literally screamed his heart out.
He was jumping for joy and definitely lost something he went in with inside the pit. Maybe it was a shoe, maybe his phone? Whatever it was he didn’t leave with everything he came in with.
He was absolutely starving and bought you guys brownies and chicken wings
He spends literally the rest of the month talking about everything you guys did together. He starts planning the next concert the day after
He has enough money to hire the artist to hold a private concert for him and the gang but goes into the hall for the “experience”
He wasn’t excited but he did his research and listened to a few songs.
He’s not present most of the concert since he likely doesn’t listen to way too much music. Something’s he actually enjoys and even dances a little and has a good time but it’s majority of the time passive
He buys you whatever you want but he does expect you to eventually pay it forward(not necessarily through money alone, maybe through favors or chores?)
He tells you he likes it after but Definitely wouldn’t go again
Much like josuke she’s super excited, she gets Eremes to come too. She blames the concert for anything she can’t properly fulfill (ie “sorry I was late I was busy planning my concert!”)
Buys a full weekend hotel, trip, and transportation, this hotel is a serious getaway for her and she makes sure to make the most of it
Goes into the pit the entire time. She’s literally never not in the pit, she doesn’t even leave to eat or use the bathroom and focuses on the concert
She was totally invited on stage and passionately sang whatever song was being played. When she got down she literally passed out from happiness
The next morning she down plays it a little but is extremely giddy whenever someone asks her about it
She remembers the concert with you basically till she dies
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Would you care to elaborate about your P03² ship?
ABSO-FUCKING-LITELY. It's actually a pretty cute ship imo, if a bit weird
So the entire premise of P03 swap AU is the P03s of Mystery of the Scrybe, Humanity's Edge and Lost Souls somehow switch places with each other. H'sE P03 goes to LS universe, LS Poe goes to MotS universe, and MotS P03 (gonna call them Pace from this point on) goes to H'sE universe.
Now the thing about Humanity's Edge, is that it's more of a big bag of AUs? Basically, the only standard thing about this AU is the worldbuilding and some of the backstories, but the actual plot and relationships may vary. So in this story I decided to make the scrybes former friends that are super dysfunctional and toxic yet stick to the status quo, perhaps out of habit alone, and P03, unfortunately, joined the other three when their relationship already began to sour so he doesn't have the best experience with the other three. It's well past the events of this AU's version of act 3, where P03 felt betrayed and hurt and thus lashed out and tried to hurt others in return, leading to his takeover, and even after he was toppled down and went away for a few months to collect himself, none of them addressed the root cause of all of this and the wounds never truly healed. Their relationship took a sharp decline following these events. The P03 swap AU itself opens with Leshy badly injuring P03 in a fight (he HATES IT when P03 trespasses on his territory).
I thought it'd just be a neat contrast. Lost Souls scrybes (and Like) are in a long-term loving relationship, MotS scrybes are good friends and work well together, and Humanity's Edge scrybes would barely hesitate to fucking murder each other.
P03 slowly unlearns their toxic behaviours and realises how bad their situation was when the Lost Souls gang treat them with kindness and compassion even though it's technically the reason their partner isn't there. So P03 isn't excited to return home but it still works on trying to find a way just because returning Poe home is the right thing to do and it doesn't want the people who treated it with such kindness to miss them.
They do eventually manage to connect the dimensions (and then connect to MotS dimension when it turns out to be a three-way swap (though it is a relief that Poe wasn't the one who was subjected to the mess of H'sE scrybes' bullshit)). Unfortunately, P03 has no idea how to close the passages without some disastrous results (they might have jumped the gun a little bit) so the 3 groups opt to instead build structures around them and protect them for now. And yeah P03 did get his ass chewed out for this.
It's also worth mentioning that Pace is rough on the outside but soft on the inside. Appears abrasive and unpleasant to be around hut once you get to know them better they're ultimately a kind and'll care for you and treat you with respect if you show them the same respect. But they also don't let people walk all over them and are quite loud about it. So they truly gave H'sE scrybes hell. See, P03 wouldn't shy from starting and joining fights, but would immediately back down if things got physical as they're physically the weakest scrybe and are more built for speed and agility (but that's also a problem sometimes too thanks to their chronic pain and joint problems). Meantime, not only would Pace not back down when threatened, they'd goat the other scrybes on and dare them to do something. Pace and H'sE Grimora, Leshy and Magnificus are like these videos of a pissed-off honey badger attacking lions. They could easily fold him like clean laundry but don't.
Anyway, back on topic. The three P03s start to work together on how to close the rifts. Though Poe isn't doing much on the account of them having no powers or knowledge like the other two, and eventually just starts coming over to learn or hand tools over, but most of the time dips to hang with others leaving Pace and P03 alone. P03 also starts spending a lot less time home, finding any excuse to leave that place, and spending time with Pace starts to be a regular thing for them. The two get along well and start to develop a close friendship.
It gets to the point that when P03 eventually finally finds out how to close the rifts he just...chooses not to tell anyone. Eventually, though, Pace finds a way too and invites P03 over to excitedly tell them the news, only to realise that P03 looks very...off. Pace knew that P03 would be sad in some way about separating but they never expected this, they thought it'd be at least a little bit excited.
When pressed about this P03 eventually admits that he knew for a while and didn't want to cut connections, he didn't want to leave Pace, he said that he now knew just how bad his and the other scrybes' situation was and that it felt overwhelming, and he didn't want to be alone again. But after a pause, they admit it's what the others want so it'd be selfish for them to not go through with the plan they already agreed on months ago, and tries to reassure Pace that they'll be fine.
Pace pauses at that, looks at the papers they're holding and promptly tears them to shreds. P03's surprised but before they can even ask anything Pace grabs them and pulls them into a hug, promising that they'll never be alone again. P03's shocked at first but gladly hugs them back.
I haven't thought of specifics after that but it's the Gay Turnpoint™ for them and they start having a weird little gay thing going on that neither of them wants to admit to having because that's weird. But they grow closer and eventually do admit to each other yeah we're so fucking gay.
In other plot threads, P03 also develops a close friendship with the LS gang, confronts the other scrybes about their messed-up situation which they agree on as it eventually hit them too, and Lech and Leshy also have a gay thing going on because Blue said so.
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