#but sometimes they're like- hey what i was a hulking dude?
erisacolyte · 4 months
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My shapeshifting plasmoid Chaos Sorcerer for a Planescape Torment 5e campaign. They like looking like a 'sexy lady' and have various outfits to play with. They also accidentally fireballed the whole party recently...
All versions of the flats/speed draws will be available for my Patrons: patreon.com/joephilliactheblack Or buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/A2581GB3
Watch on the TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joephilliactheblack/video/7332500499763072289?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7181582400987645445
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
I'm sorry but WHAT is happening in Duel Links??
*CRACKS KNUCKLES* ALRIGHT im certain other people could explain this better than I could (bark at me if any of this is wrong,) but, an attempt at a quick rough tl;dr of it:
so like. an important thing to note with DL is that like..... the in-universe explanation for Duel Links is that it's one of Seto Kaiba's new VR Next Evolution of Dueling Ego Projects, which like, ok sure, he Makes Those, but what's a little alarming with this one is that technically (almost) none of the characters In The Game are actually Those Characters Specifically, they're AI recreations of them with their original self's memories (that's already a lot, right out the gate.) (I say "almost" everyone because I think it's implied DSOD Kaiba and maybe Mokuba actually Are them because it's Their Game and they're always product testing it, there might be others though)
anyway another thing with this situation is that, uh, Most Characters in Duel Links Do Not Know They're AI. They just assume they're the original guy, that's just them! Hanging out in this cool new Duel VR! But then sometimes you DO get characters who actively are aware that they're just code in a video game (Yami Bakura and Bruno 5D's both comment on it), so you have this really interesting ecosystem of duelists who Are aware they don't really exist, and duelists who are None the Wiser. absolutely batshit.
and sure this is all well and fine with like, DM and maybe GX characters, ok sure it makes sense Kaiba would be recreating notable duelists of that era, but i cannot stress enough He Is Also Making AI Recreations of Dead People. DL very much takes place post-manga, post-DSOD. But Yami Yugi is There. Yami Bakura and Yami Marik are Very There. Manga Pegasus is there. Seto "I Will Never Learn to Come to Terms With Grief" Kaiba is actively raising the dead in his little VR card game simulator so they can live forever and there's a 50/50 chance they'll be FULLY AWARE that they died. JESUS.
There's also the hulking elephant in the room of Duel Links Has Been Including Characters From Series Kaiba Has Nothing to Do With For Quite Some Time Now--and a lot of those characters are like HEY. WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE. like I SWEAR someone from either Zexal or Arv-V was actively like "hi what the hell is KaibaCorp" so like...Kaiba's branding is ALL OVER THE VR WORLD EVEN IN THE WORLDS HE DIDNT EXIST IN. It's painting this absolute off the rails picture of Seto Kaiba trying to create this virtual multiverse of The Best Duelists From Every Timeline Living or Dead, and half the guys he's pulling in at this point are like *spawns into a perfect recreation of their hometown with no real idea of who did this* "what in the goddamn."
like guys from zexal/arc-v are actively IN GAME like trying to figure out why this VR world exists and who created it. It's absolutely wild and fascinating to watch. excited to see what happens when they add VRAINS world next month?!?!? idk anything about VRAINS really but it's probably going to make the DL lore even more bananas.
ANYWAY. ALL OF THAT SAID. NOW WE HAVE MAXIMILLION PEGASUS DROPPING IN-GAME OMINOUS SENTIMENTS it's kind of a culmination of all of the aforementioned shit. Duel Links Pegasus (an AI recreation of manga!Pegasus, who is fully aware A.) that's he's dead and B.) that there's multiple worlds and timelines crammed into this Virtual Reality) has a conversation with Paradox (an AI recreation of Paradox the Bonds Beyond Time Yugioh Movie Bad Guy, who, for all intents and purposes, fully believes he's the real dude and he wants to kill-die-explode-murder Pegasus SO BAD) breaking down that "hey, this place unites different histories, and if you kill me duel monsters won't cease to exist. Anyway, I'm not real! Ohoho! This world holds threads of tragedy, Paradox-boy!" <-- (not verbatim. but i wish it was.) Meanwhile Paradox is having a sputtering breakdown right next to him. This is a video game to play yugioh the trading card game.
like. it's just absolutely wild. konami could have just said "hey heres yugioh characters from every series. whatever" but no instead they threw in a bunch of mild psychological horror and inter-series friction and existentialism and it's a freemium video game that i have 600+ hours on on steam. yugioh duel links !
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dissociativecrow · 2 years
8, 18, 36 >:) and 37
8. What was the discovery process like for you?
Oh my god it was HELL.
So, back in high school one of our mutuals was part of a median system. And we looked that up and were like "hey that sounds kinda like me" and then someone promptly was like "no it doesn't, that's just stupid Tumblr cringe shit" and then we forgot about it.
Come 2016-2017, we had an experience where one of us tried to take over the body and kill us, and then another stepped in to abort the attempt at the last moment, while the host was just sitting there like "wtf". Made a weird little AMV inspired by it and then forgot about that.
Finally in 2018 we moved out of our parents' house and started getting really into Hulk comics, and started researching DID to write Bruce more accurately. Here's about how that went down:
"Wait, this isn't NORMAL? Holy fuck I might have a dissociative disorder"
"No you don't. DID isn't even real, it's a sociocognitive phenomenon. This is just another OCD obsession for you."
"But it IS real! All these other people have it! And this explains so much about the past 6 years -"
"God you're such a cringe faker, I can't believe you'd fake a mental illness like this"
"this is so gay lmao you guys are gay"
"Shut up"
"Well YOU GUYS might have DID but *I* sure don't!"
Repeat for like, six months. And then we decided to get therapy for it and it took us another like, four months to open up about plurality and we worked out a whole bunch of shit and... Yadda yadda yadda.
18. Do you have introjects? If so, where do they come from?
G and Edmund are technically Narnia introjects, but they're so far removed from their source that that's basically meaningless.
Birdy is (cringe) an introject of a YouTuber we used to be obsessed with during a really rough time in our life. Like, straight up thought he WAS the dude for a while.
Prof is an introject of Professor Hulk, but he's been dormant for a while.
We also had (have? Idk) an introject of a certain asshole talk radio show host from our childhood, but he hasn't bothered us as much since we came out. Boy that guy was a dick.
36. Name your favorite quality of all the members you can think of! Including yourself! ;)
EVIL. But fine.
G - This one's easy. Their patience and love for all of us, how they're so endlessly willing to work with us, no matter how shitty the individual in question is. I could never lmao.
Birdy - Love this guy's adventurous streak, even if we fight about it sometimes. He just wants to see the world and that's really cool of him.
AP - This is a hard one but I really do admire how passionate he is about his beliefs and human rights and shit. Even if he is a huge dick about it. Ugh I knooooow I'm supposed to be being nice but he's just so - GAH FINE I'LL SHUT UP
Zachary - Well this one is fucking hard because he's an asshole. I guess... He's like a loose cannon that gets pissed off about everything under the sun but... He's right every now and then? Letting myself listen to him sometimes allows me to stand up for myself and asset boundaries, which is normally really hard for me. Still never letting this guy talk though. Ugh.
Me - I like my art! I think I'm pretty good at it. And I like my compassion for other people... That's all I got right now, I think.
37. What’s the most awkward experience you can have that you attribute to plurality?
I actually can't think of anything right now, sorry 😭 Plurality as a whole is an awkward experience for me. I hate talking about it with non-plural friends, I hate people knowing about it outside this weird little corner of the internet, etc etc.
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tangleweave · 3 years
{Groot} 7. What are your opinions on superheros? Super villains? People who have powers but refuse to get involved?8. How do you view people without any superpowers?
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Groot considers the array of questions for several long moments with a ponderous look on his wooden face. Then he holds up a finger (a branch?) and lifts his other arm, upon which his personal computer is located. He dials in a series of commands; moments later, visages begin to appear in bright holography above his arm, faces of the people he considers friends and family... and presumably, opinions he shares.
7. Drax's face resolves. "Any being who would choose to engage its skills for the betterment of others is a hero. Such a title is the highest honor. To say one person is a hero, and to call another a super hero, suggests they are not equal. But it is not the body that makes one extraordinary. It is the resolve to do what must be done. Whether a pirate angel like Thor, or a dude like Quill, the heroic heart deserves its due honor and respect."
The Destroyer's face dissolves, to be replaces by the visage of Carol Danvers. Her eyes are narrowed, and her tone is one of frustration. "'Criminal'? Director, a bank robber is a criminal. Someone who's happy to hurt others while robbing the bank? That's a villain. And a villain who goes on to use the money he stole to fund efforts to hurt everyone he possibly can? That's a super villain. There are those who need to be put in jail... and then there are those that need to be stopped. No matter what. I didn't get into this business just for the law and order bit. I'm here for justice."
And then, Spider-Man appears, holding his hands up as though trying to convey something important. "When's the last time Jonah used his bullhorn to help anyone or anything but his own career? That doesn't sell subscriptions. Being divisive does. It's all a bunch of nonsense and it's not gonna stop me from... look, I can't sit still when people are in trouble. If you can do things to help people, but you don't... then it's on you."
8. A bright-eyed and (literally) bushy-tailed young woman with red hair and large front teeth wavers into the shot. She offers a large grin. "Oh! One of my favorite people in the world? Uhm, probably Dr. Banner. He's so smart an' nice!"
There's a stricken response from off-camera. "The Hulk?!"
Squirrel Girl's face scrunches up. "No, no, not him, he's huge an' gets pretty mean sometimes. Dr. Banner's different."
"But they're the same person!"
"No, they aren't," she argues. "The Hulk sometimes does the right thing an' sometimes he does the selfish thing. A lotta the time, he breaks stuff an' hurts people because he can't control himself bein' angry. Doesn't make him a bad guy but he's really not good to be around that much. Dr. Banner? He's always tryin' to do the right thing. He messes up sometimes but his heart's in the right place. He's the kinda guy that hangs out with the super hero crowd but doesn't think he is one. He could be spendin' time with us or with the regular folks who got regular problems an' he fits right in, but you always know the good ones from the bad, 'cause he's hangin' out with the good ones. An'... really, I think, the only way you know you're a super hero or not is when someone like that wants to hang out with you. Good people who, okay, maybe they can't do what we do, but what's wrong with that? We do what we do 'cause we have to. An' so does anybody who doesn't have all these weird abilities. You don't need a mutant power or to fall into a black hole or whatever... you just gotta... I dunno. Be the kinda person Dr. Banner would wanna hang out with."
She breaks her contemplative face and grins again at the camera holder. "Hey, but don't get me wrong, you're one'a my favorite people, too!"
Groot pauses the hologram in place, then looks to Beth, gives her a measured smile, and points at the odd mutant's freckled face, as if to emphasize that last point... and then he gestures to Beth herself.
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