#buy iphone 13 from apple
Your car spies on you and rats you out to insurance companies
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW (Mar 13) in SAN FRANCISCO with ROBIN SLOAN, then Toronto, NYC, Anaheim, and more!
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Another characteristically brilliant Kashmir Hill story for The New York Times reveals another characteristically terrible fact about modern life: your car secretly records fine-grained telemetry about your driving and sells it to data-brokers, who sell it to insurers, who use it as a pretext to gouge you on premiums:
Almost every car manufacturer does this: Hyundai, Nissan, Ford, Chrysler, etc etc:
This is true whether you own or lease the car, and it's separate from the "black box" your insurer might have offered to you in exchange for a discount on your premiums. In other words, even if you say no to the insurer's carrot – a surveillance-based discount – they've got a stick in reserve: buying your nonconsensually harvested data on the open market.
I've always hated that saying, "If you're not paying for the product, you're the product," the reason being that it posits decent treatment as a customer reward program, like the little ramekin warm nuts first class passengers get before takeoff. Companies don't treat you well when you pay them. Companies treat you well when they fear the consequences of treating you badly.
Take Apple. The company offers Ios users a one-tap opt-out from commercial surveillance, and more than 96% of users opted out. Presumably, the other 4% were either confused or on Facebook's payroll. Apple – and its army of cultists – insist that this proves that our world's woes can be traced to cheapskate "consumers" who expected to get something for nothing by using advertising-supported products.
But here's the kicker: right after Apple blocked all its rivals from spying on its customers, it began secretly spying on those customers! Apple has a rival surveillance ad network, and even if you opt out of commercial surveillance on your Iphone, Apple still secretly spies on you and uses the data to target you for ads:
Even if you're paying for the product, you're still the product – provided the company can get away with treating you as the product. Apple can absolutely get away with treating you as the product, because it lacks the historical constraints that prevented Apple – and other companies – from treating you as the product.
As I described in my McLuhan lecture on enshittification, tech firms can be constrained by four forces:
I. Competition
II. Regulation
III. Self-help
IV. Labor
When companies have real competitors – when a sector is composed of dozens or hundreds of roughly evenly matched firms – they have to worry that a maltreated customer might move to a rival. 40 years of antitrust neglect means that corporations were able to buy their way to dominance with predatory mergers and pricing, producing today's inbred, Habsburg capitalism. Apple and Google are a mobile duopoly, Google is a search monopoly, etc. It's not just tech! Every sector looks like this:
Eliminating competition doesn't just deprive customers of alternatives, it also empowers corporations. Liberated from "wasteful competition," companies in concentrated industries can extract massive profits. Think of how both Apple and Google have "competitively" arrived at the same 30% app tax on app sales and transactions, a rate that's more than 1,000% higher than the transaction fees extracted by the (bloated, price-gouging) credit-card sector:
But cartels' power goes beyond the size of their warchest. The real source of a cartel's power is the ease with which a small number of companies can arrive at – and stick to – a common lobbying position. That's where "regulatory capture" comes in: the mobile duopoly has an easier time of capturing its regulators because two companies have an easy time agreeing on how to spend their app-tax billions:
Apple – and Google, and Facebook, and your car company – can violate your privacy because they aren't constrained regulation, just as Uber can violate its drivers' labor rights and Amazon can violate your consumer rights. The tech cartels have captured their regulators and convinced them that the law doesn't apply if it's being broken via an app:
In other words, Apple can spy on you because it's allowed to spy on you. America's last consumer privacy law was passed in 1988, and it bans video-store clerks from leaking your VHS rental history. Congress has taken no action on consumer privacy since the Reagan years:
But tech has some special enshittification-resistant characteristics. The most important of these is interoperability: the fact that computers are universal digital machines that can run any program. HP can design a printer that rejects third-party ink and charge $10,000/gallon for its own colored water, but someone else can write a program that lets you jailbreak your printer so that it accepts any ink cartridge:
Tech companies that contemplated enshittifying their products always had to watch over their shoulders for a rival that might offer a disenshittification tool and use that as a wedge between the company and its customers. If you make your website's ads 20% more obnoxious in anticipation of a 2% increase in gross margins, you have to consider the possibility that 40% of your users will google "how do I block ads?" Because the revenue from a user who blocks ads doesn't stay at 100% of the current levels – it drops to zero, forever (no user ever googles "how do I stop blocking ads?").
The majority of web users are running an ad-blocker:
Web operators made them an offer ("free website in exchange for unlimited surveillance and unfettered intrusions") and they made a counteroffer ("how about 'nah'?"):
Here's the thing: reverse-engineering an app – or any other IP-encumbered technology – is a legal minefield. Just decompiling an app exposes you to felony prosecution: a five year sentence and a $500k fine for violating Section 1201 of the DMCA. But it's not just the DMCA – modern products are surrounded with high-tech tripwires that allow companies to invoke IP law to prevent competitors from augmenting, recongifuring or adapting their products. When a business says it has "IP," it means that it has arranged its legal affairs to allow it to invoke the power of the state to control its customers, critics and competitors:
An "app" is just a web-page skinned in enough IP to make it a crime to add an ad-blocker to it. This is what Jay Freeman calls "felony contempt of business model" and it's everywhere. When companies don't have to worry about users deploying self-help measures to disenshittify their products, they are freed from the constraint that prevents them indulging the impulse to shift value from their customers to themselves.
Apple owes its existence to interoperability – its ability to clone Microsoft Office's file formats for Pages, Numbers and Keynote, which saved the company in the early 2000s – and ever since, it has devoted its existence to making sure no one ever does to Apple what Apple did to Microsoft:
Regulatory capture cuts both ways: it's not just about powerful corporations being free to flout the law, it's also about their ability to enlist the law to punish competitors that might constrain their plans for exploiting their workers, customers, suppliers or other stakeholders.
The final historical constraint on tech companies was their own workers. Tech has very low union-density, but that's in part because individual tech workers enjoyed so much bargaining power due to their scarcity. This is why their bosses pampered them with whimsical campuses filled with gourmet cafeterias, fancy gyms and free massages: it allowed tech companies to convince tech workers to work like government mules by flattering them that they were partners on a mission to bring the world to its digital future:
For tech bosses, this gambit worked well, but failed badly. On the one hand, they were able to get otherwise powerful workers to consent to being "extremely hardcore" by invoking Fobazi Ettarh's spirit of "vocational awe":
On the other hand, when you motivate your workers by appealing to their sense of mission, the downside is that they feel a sense of mission. That means that when you demand that a tech worker enshittifies something they missed their mother's funeral to deliver, they will experience a profound sense of moral injury and refuse, and that worker's bargaining power means that they can make it stick.
Or at least, it did. In this era of mass tech layoffs, when Google can fire 12,000 workers after a $80b stock buyback that would have paid their wages for the next 27 years, tech workers are learning that the answer to "I won't do this and you can't make me" is "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" (AKA "sharpen your blades boys"):
With competition, regulation, self-help and labor cleared away, tech firms – and firms that have wrapped their products around the pluripotently malleable core of digital tech, including automotive makers – are no longer constrained from enshittifying their products.
And that's why your car manufacturer has chosen to spy on you and sell your private information to data-brokers and anyone else who wants it. Not because you didn't pay for the product, so you're the product. It's because they can get away with it.
Cars are enshittified. The dozens of chips that auto makers have shoveled into their car design are only incidentally related to delivering a better product. The primary use for those chips is autoenshittification – access to legal strictures ("IP") that allows them to block modifications and repairs that would interfere with the unfettered abuse of their own customers:
The fact that it's a felony to reverse-engineer and modify a car's software opens the floodgates to all kinds of shitty scams. Remember when Bay Staters were voting on a ballot measure to impose right-to-repair obligations on automakers in Massachusetts? The only reason they needed to have the law intervene to make right-to-repair viable is that Big Car has figured out that if it encrypts its diagnostic messages, it can felonize third-party diagnosis of a car, because decrypting the messages violates the DMCA:
Big Car figured out that VIN locking – DRM for engine components and subassemblies – can felonize the production and the installation of third-party spare parts:
The fact that you can't legally modify your car means that automakers can go back to their pre-2008 ways, when they transformed themselves into unregulated banks that incidentally manufactured the cars they sold subprime loans for. Subprime auto loans – over $1t worth! – absolutely relies on the fact that borrowers' cars can be remotely controlled by lenders. Miss a payment and your car's stereo turns itself on and blares threatening messages at top volume, which you can't turn off. Break the lease agreement that says you won't drive your car over the county line and it will immobilize itself. Try to change any of this software and you'll commit a felony under Section 1201 of the DMCA:
Tesla, naturally, has the most advanced anti-features. Long before BMW tried to rent you your seat-heater and Mercedes tried to sell you a monthly subscription to your accelerator pedal, Teslas were demon-haunted nightmare cars. Miss a Tesla payment and the car will immobilize itself and lock you out until the repo man arrives, then it will blare its horn and back itself out of its parking spot. If you "buy" the right to fully charge your car's battery or use the features it came with, you don't own them – they're repossessed when your car changes hands, meaning you get less money on the used market because your car's next owner has to buy these features all over again:
And all this DRM allows your car maker to install spyware that you're not allowed to remove. They really tipped their hand on this when the R2R ballot measure was steaming towards an 80% victory, with wall-to-wall scare ads that revealed that your car collects so much information about you that allowing third parties to access it could lead to your murder (no, really!):
That's why your car spies on you. Because it can. Because the company that made it lacks constraint, be it market-based, legal, technological or its own workforce's ethics.
One common critique of my enshittification hypothesis is that this is "kind of sensible and normal" because "there’s something off in the consumer mindset that we’ve come to believe that the internet should provide us with amazing products, which bring us joy and happiness and we spend hours of the day on, and should ask nothing back in return":
What this criticism misses is that this isn't the companies bargaining to shift some value from us to them. Enshittification happens when a company can seize all that value, without having to bargain, exploiting law and technology and market power over buyers and sellers to unilaterally alter the way the products and services we rely on work.
A company that doesn't have to fear competitors, regulators, jailbreaking or workers' refusal to enshittify its products doesn't have to bargain, it can take. It's the first lesson they teach you in the Darth Vader MBA: "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further":
Your car spying on you isn't down to your belief that your carmaker "should provide you with amazing products, which brings your joy and happiness you spend hours of the day on, and should ask nothing back in return." It's not because you didn't pay for the product, so now you're the product. It's because they can get away with it.
The consequences of this spying go much further than mere insurance premium hikes, too. Car telemetry sits at the top of the funnel that the unbelievably sleazy data broker industry uses to collect and sell our data. These are the same companies that sell the fact that you visited an abortion clinic to marketers, bounty hunters, advertisers, or vengeful family members pretending to be one of those:
Decades of pro-monopoly policy led to widespread regulatory capture. Corporate cartels use the monopoly profits they extract from us to pay for regulatory inaction, allowing them to extract more profits.
But when it comes to privacy, that period of unchecked corporate power might be coming to an end. The lack of privacy regulation is at the root of so many problems that a pro-privacy movement has an unstoppable constituency working in its favor.
At EFF, we call this "privacy first." Whether you're worried about grifters targeting vulnerable people with conspiracy theories, or teens being targeted with media that harms their mental health, or Americans being spied on by foreign governments, or cops using commercial surveillance data to round up protesters, or your car selling your data to insurance companies, passing that long-overdue privacy legislation would turn off the taps for the data powering all these harms:
Traditional economics fails because it thinks about markets without thinking about power. Monopolies lead to more than market power: they produce regulatory capture, power over workers, and state capture, which felonizes competition through IP law. The story that our problems stem from the fact that we just don't spend enough money, or buy the wrong products, only makes sense if you willfully ignore the power that corporations exert over our lives. It's nice to think that you can shop your way out of a monopoly, because that's a lot easier than voting your way out of a monopoly, but no matter how many times you vote with your wallet, the cartels that control the market will always win:
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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hervench · 2 years
and not to be a curmudgeon or whatever take it up the ass or whatever these bitches say. some things are understandable if u use ur brain. sorry
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sencubussubs · 5 months
NOT SETTLING in manifestation <3
hi lovelies!
Let’s talk about not settling with your manifestations!
For this post i am gonna use an anecdote from my life:
last year i was messing around with manifestation and subliminals. I was listening to the “Apple” subliminal by I want it I got it. I looked up the exact model i wanted: the iphone 13 green and affirmed a couple times that it was mine and how much i loved my iphone 13 and its colour. Not a week later my mom comes in and asks me if i want an iphone 13
to reference, before my parents were never the type to just buy me a new phone, especially since i had an iphone 11 which is honestly still a solid phone! But i did not let that overcomplicate the process.
I was so excited i said yes and i asked for the green to which my mom said she can’t get me a green one.
i thought:
Bummer right? but colour isn’t that important - i am getting a brand new iphone 13!
i allowed the item to be ‘so amazing’ that it was acceptable for me not to get my exact desire.
A couple days later i had my new phone, i was setting it up and i decided that i wanted to really test my manifestation skills and take it further so i affirmed a couple times to myself that i was getting the green iphone 13. Again i did not think too deeply about it, i did not obsess over it. And low and behold the next day my mom came in and asked me if i really wanted a green one, i said yes and she got me the green one.
I did not allow previous beliefs to block my manifestation - my parents not buying me new apple devices and being rather frugal in general.
And i did not settle for a half-baked manifestation.
This is a reminder that you are the creator, you NEVER have to settle.
if the 3D starts reflecting back to you part of your story, do not give into it so fast and decide the other details ‘don’t matter’ because you are so caught up in what you have managed to manifested.
And on the other hand if you don’t like what you’re seeing yet, don’t react in the 3D, don’t complain or think to yourself about hot and cold behaviour from someone or not having a specific item yet - just live your life, remember it is already yours, you do not have to do anything in the 3D to bring it in.
This little manifestation for me is still one that blows my mind, at the time the iphone 13 was still quite new, so i could not wrap my head around me being able to own one, but i simply did not think about it too hard. I did not allow the phone to be something i desperately needed, i did not spend all my time thinking about it. i just lived my life happily, affirming from time to time when i remembered that it was coming to me.
I hope this inspired my little stars NEVER to settle.
This is your world, sieze it.
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srbachchan · 11 months
DAY 5625
Jalsa, Mumbai                 July 12/13,  2023                 Wed/Thu 1:56 AM
🪔 .. July 13 .. birthday wishes to Ef Manoj Kumar Ojha .. Ef Taran Ghantasala .. and Ef Kalpesh N. Gohel from Oman .. love and more from the Ef Family .. ❤️❤️❤️🚩🙏🏻 .. we are in celebration for you all .. Love ❤️
the wise have said .. and we follow .. but the follow of today is different .. there needs to be a reason for the attitude that is needed for the times of today .. 
just one simple thought breaches the connect and then , a million other follow .. follow to which extent .. is unknown .. each says they are in breach and the never ending follows .. so best to be in distance .. 
न रहेगा बाँस न बजेगी बांसुरी  ; झगडे या मुसीबत के मुल कारण को नष्ट कर देना  .. an advice from old sayings .. they were never wrong .. through generations they compiled and educated ..
no longer the wood , no longer the flute  .. to do away with and destroy the main reason for the trouble and diversity .. and how true it has been .. to understand , that sharing ..
the best offering be, of the ultimate deal .. that which has been incomplete, even after the contracts have been signed .. and when the accusations be in reverse , the true colour and tense of the thoughts and words arise and be made public .. 
do not threaten with deeds that you may be proficient with .. just because you have the benefit of experience .. our own individual strength, is large enough to respond in equal matter .. 
sympathy and jealousy .. strains of the same Symphony .. either strung more than the other .. it breaks .. 
and you look forward to it .. a lesser burden .. a lesser responsibility .. 
SO DID THE WISE ADVISE .. generational deterrents made the mind sense for all   .. 
( was wanting to put relevant pictures up here .. brought them to the DeskTop from iPhone photos .. and they refuse to open here ) 
so either the Carrier .. of whom I am fed up and switching to another .. or the Laptop of Apple, that is deliberately doing this in order to make the market for the new one .. this is the Laptop M2 .. supposed to be the superior one and speeds faster than any else .. but the in operation and glitches are in abundance .. and stopping work and all else .. 
so switching to the old one and never to buy the new ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sparklingfireflyy · 2 years
Success stories 3 :
🌸🌸 Appearance : 🌸🌸
Dream body
Lifted butt
Multiple appearance change
Dream face
Desired appearance
Flat belly
Desired nose
Bigger eyes
Multiple appearance changes through subs
Small nose
Clear skin
Grew 7 inches
Appearance changes
🌸🌸 Multiples : 🌸🌸
Dream home + ideal appearance + health + self concept + 4.0 gpa + ideal job + money + skills + good mental health
Perfect school life + wishbook + no anxiety + black baggy cargos + fluent in Russian + desired moments
Parents being Atheist + caring bf apologies from bullies + learning to play 3 instruments + desired university
Df + Db + desired family+ desired house + money + lifestyle + desired friends +170 iq
Ideal face and body + money + changing name + Penthouse
Clear Skin + tall height + better self concept + Lucious hair + ideal face and body
Dream face + body + dad's healing + sp + crystal + ability + curled lashes + $200 + 4 books + a new purse + lip gloss + musical tickets
Healthy hair + macbook + Void + db + df
Kitten + perfect vision + a new friend group + fluent in French + money + dorm room + desired body + lenient parents + new cloths
Internship + appearance change + less financial problems
Rich bf + rich family + new language + dream body + being good at manifesting + social butterfly + green eyes + hair type
Flawless skin + desired body + perfect hair + good voice + hooked nose + height + good school + high paying job + being model
Straight hair + hair growth + perfect skin + smaller waist + desired skateboard + good grades
Long 2a 3a hair + desired face and body + passing all exams + enhanced intelligence + apple products + wealthy family + money
Desired appearance + sp + dream mansion + dream friends
Desired face + desired body + losing 5 kg + dark blonde hair + passing summer school + new wardrobe + new friends + singing and acting
Ideal boyfriend + ideal friends group + career + revised let's death + a lot
Ideal everything + self concept
New apartment + rolls Royce + $890000 + furniture + desired face , hair and body
Seeing 777 and 555 + free vehicles + dream house + shifting + money + losing weight
Dream face + body + sp + dream wardrobe + ideal friends and group
Fashion school + huge money + ideal appearance + confidence + personality + dream closet
Df + Db + sp
Dream college + everything
Lost 5 inches of waist + grew 3 inched + lost 6 kilos + 100000 won + Asian doll face + getting into hybe + 20 inches long hair + free manicure and pedicure
Changing birthday + changing name + birthplace + moving to France + fluency in French + Spanish + desired parents
IPhone 12 + acceptance in yale + airpods pro + meeting soulmate + luxury 3 bedroom apartment + having all A's + desired appearance + many more
A new house + ideal body + people forgiving pasts + simps + shifting to DR + lucid dreaming + a puppy and a kitten
Fast food + clear skin + class being cancelled + ap texting
Friend getting everything wanted + everything + smaller nose
Perfect appearance + pretty privilege + happy and healthy family + rich parents + ideal cloths + penthouse + multiple hobbies and talents
Own apartment + 7 million dollars + desired face and body
Mom buying big piece of land + bags, jackets + glow up + dance skills + good grades + good in Japanese + movie ticket
🌸🌸Illogical : 🌸🌸
Going to mars
Fairy wings
Shifted to different reality
Shifting daily to dr
🌸🌸Void : 🌸🌸
Success story 1
Success story 2
Success story 3
Success story 4
Success story 5
Success story 6
Success story 7
Success story 8
Success story 9
Success story 10
Success story 11
Success story 12
Success story 13
Success story 14
Success story 15
Success story 16
Success story 17
Success story 18
Success story 19
Success story 20
Success story 21
Success story 22
Success story 23
🌸🌸Others : 🌸🌸
IPhone 13 pro
Sammy Ingram fb group pt 1
Sammy Ingram fb group pt 2
Sammy Ingram fb group pt 3
Sammy Ingram fb group pt 4
Father getting new job
Curing lazy eyes
Woke up with ideal life
Photographic memory
Good health
Woke up with everything
Beautiful handwriting
$1200 guitar
Iphone 13
Cancer free
Good grades
Revising age
Got £100, 000
Manifesting everything instantly
From 1 am week challenge (mix)
List of angel's anons success stories
346 notes · View notes
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govindhtech · 10 months
IPhone 15 production before its launch next month
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The company Apple, citing “Demand Concerns,” is expected to reduce iPhone 15 production in advance of the device’s launch the following month
We are hearing fresh insights about the smartphone and what it will have to offer, and the launch of the iPhone 15 by Apple is just a few days away at this point. Since its release, the iPhone 14 has not been considered by customers to be one of the most desirable models of the iPhone line. This is due to the fact that the device is almost indistinguishable from the iPhone 13 in terms of both its appearance and its capabilities.
The corporation is getting ready to deliver significant new features with the iPhone 15, in order to combat the poor demand. However, reports have surfaced suggesting that Apple would implement production constraints on the iPhone 15 in response to a combination of the two primary reasons outlined below.
As a result of problems with the supply chain, Apple is anticipating lower sales forecasts for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models
Analyst Jeff Pu claims that Apple is reducing manufacturing for the iPhone 15 in preparation for the release of the new model. When compared to the iPhone 14, which was released the year before, this indicates that there would be a less number of iPhone variants available. According to the analyst, shipments have been reduced from 83 million units to 77 million units, and there is a clear reason why the corporation could be looking into it.
There is a high probability that manufacturing troubles may arise when Apple releases the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models, both of which will have significant hardware and design updates. According to the expert, the delay is caused by the new Sony camera sensors, lower bezels on the iPhone 15 Pro, and the new grade 5 titanium construction of the smartphones. These three factors together contribute to the delay. If the firm can not come up with an adequate solution, the high manufacturing costs of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro might result in some small supply shortages.
Another issue that was cited by the expert was Apple’s worry about demand. Because of the prolonged global recession, the buying power of end users has been seriously harmed. Apple is concerned about demand. This indicates that there is a possibility of a decrease in demand for the iPhone 15 models by the corporation. As a result, Apple will need to make significant modifications to its flagship smartphones in order to stimulate consumer demand.
Aside from the buying power of the consumer, it is anticipated that the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models would both cost more than the variants that are now available. If Apple really wants for its iPhone 15 models to be successful, the company will need to limit the price increase to a low, even if this requires the company to reduce its profit margins for a period of time. The corporation has revised its forecast for the number of sales it will make because it believes that demand will be lower than normal, despite the fact that this outcome is very improbable.
As was announced before, Apple will have a press event on September 12 to introduce the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models, and the handsets will be available for purchase on September 22. Please keep in mind that the information presented here is only speculative at this point, since Apple has the right to make the ultimate decision. Make sure you remain around so that we can keep you up to speed on the most recent information.
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papitaonlineshop · 1 year
Buy Apple iPhone 14 Plus
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Buy Apple Iphones online at best price with offers in UAE. Select from the best range of Apple Iphones including Apple IPhone 11, Apple Iphones 12, Apple IPhone 13, Apple IPhone SE, Apple IPhone XR and many more.
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just-otter-thoughts · 5 months
The more I look at Apple's products and especially their prices in Brazil specifically, the more I feel like everyone at Apple needs to be beheaded. WHY IS A FUCKING TAG 400 REAIS. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE WHO BUY APPLE PRODUCTS.
A fucking stylus for your iPad? NINE HUNDRED FUCKING REAIS. The iPad itself? FIVE THOUSAND REAIS.
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shespeaksinsongs · 2 years
hey yall! 😄 so as some of you may know, i am saving to move out, and become emancipated to live away from my parents legally.
i’m going to be selling a bunch of my things in order to get more money apart from my part-time job, and that includes some of my electronics!
i’ll be selling:
iphone x (used, in fair condition)
iphone 7+ (used, in good condition)
macbook air 13 (used, in good condition)
i may also be selling an apple watch series 4 in great condition (besides minor scratches), but i’m still unsure
if you are interested in helping me out by buying any of these from me, please dm me!
still working out how much i’ll be pricing them, but i promise i will be completely honest with you about any difficulties i have encountered with any of these electronics.
i love you guys, and hope to get to talking to you more soon. 🤍 happy start of school for those of you who are starting soon, or are already in school!
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texaswandering · 1 year
13 Best IPTV Players for Firestick ( 2023 Update)
In this blog post, you will find the list of the Best IPTV Players for Fire Stick, Fire Television, Android TV Boxes, Smart Televisions, Android Mobiles, iphone, Windows PC and extra. While some of the players on this list don't have a devoted app for Windows as well as macOS, you can utilize them with the help of an Android emulator.
The IPTV Player featured here can be made use of with many IPTV solutions. The vital indicate note is that the applications provided right here are simply the players as well as do not supply any type of IPTV channels.
In order to use these IPTV Player, you must have an existing IPTV subscription. Additionally, your present IPTV registration should sustain M3U playlists or EPG.
IPTV players can work with official as well as third-party IPTV services, and can provide support for M3U playlists and/or EPGs.
List of the Best IPTV Providers:
Cobra IPTV is a budget-friendly live TV with over 21,000 live TV channels and 113,000 VODs you'll have access to a plethora of entertainment options at your fingertips.
==> Visit Cobra IPTV Website
Porsche IPTV is one of the best IPTV services with around 15,000+ live TV channels and has 70,000+ VODs.
==> Visit Porsche IPTV Website
What is IPTV Player?
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An IPTV player is an application or service that can stream IPTV networks using your existing IPTV subscription.  So, you buy an IPTV registration from your supplier as well as play the networks utilizing an IPTV Player.
Many IPTV providers have their own applications or client. You can mount the app independently on the sustained tools.
However, if you utilize multiple IPTV registrations, administration becomes less complicated with an IPTV player. You do not need to install numerous applications from various registrations. You can sign right into every one of them using a single IPTV players.
Most IPTV players need you to sign in either with the M3U playlist link or EPG URL. Some also support API logins.
This implies that your current IPTV service provider must have support for M3U or EPG links or API login .
Typically, upon subscribing to an IPTV service, the M3U or EPG URL and API login details are sent to your registered email address. If you haven't received it, you may need to contact your IPTV provider.
The IPTV players noted here have a link to their corresponding guides. You will discover the setup as well as setup procedure in these guides.
Benefits of Using an IPTV players
Right here are several of the reasons why you would wish to utilize an IPTV players over the indigenous app of your IPTV company:
Usually, the IPTV players are extra user-friendly than the indigenous applications
IPTV players are normally supported on more devices than the APKs from your IPTV company
You can set up and take care of several IPTV subscriptions with a solitary app. There is no need to install several apps from multiple providers
IPTV players are officially available on a lot of tool systems. Unlike, the indigenous apps, they don't have to be sideloaded (other than on Amazon Fire TV & FireStick).
Are IPTV Players Legal?
Yes, they are.
IPTV players merely allow you play IPTV channels from your existing IPTV registration. They do not supply any kind of web content of their very own. They do not host any type of networks. They just promote the playback.
All the IPTV players mentioned in this post can be easily downloaded from official sources such as the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, and more.
Best IPTV Players.
Right here comes our listing of top IPTV players. Take a look.
1. TiviMate IPTV.
TiviMate IPTV conveniently covers our listing of finest IPTV players for evident reasons. The TiviMate IPTV player boasts a vast array of features and a straightforward pricing system. With support for various login methods such as web portals, M3U, and Xtreme Codes, customers can add multiple playlists to their TiviMate IPTV and easily sign in to their preferred IPTV service.
Other head-turning inclusions are set up recording, EPG assistance, information back-up, suggestions, favorites monitoring, catch-up, adult controls, and much more.
The features offered are compelling reasons to upgrade to the premium version, which is priced at $10 per year. There is no issue of accessibility right here. TiviMate players is accessible on all the preferred OS available.
2. IPTV Smarters.
IPTV Smarters is undoubtedly a clever means to manage your IPTV subscriptions. With this application, you do not have to depend on your IPTV company for the interface as well as the video player option. IPTV Smarters allows you incorporate your existing IPTV membership as well as sets out the channels on an user-friendly user interface. Moreover, it comes with its own video player, which is often superior to the default players integrated into the IPTV provider's apps.
With IPTV Smarters IPTV players, you can check in with your existing membership either by means of the Playlist file/M3U URL or by means of Xtream Codes API.
Despite The Fact That Xtream Codes has actually been removed, you can use an equal API if your IPTV provider supports one.
Just like the various other IPTV Players on this list, you can check in with several IPTV subscriptions (from the exact same carrier or various providers).
While IPTV Smarters should be sideloaded onto FireStick and Fire television tools, it is offered formally for Android Mobiles and iphone through Google Play Store and also Application Shop.
3. Flix IPTV.
Flix IPTV gets a recommendation in our checklist of ideal IPTV players. Below's is why.
First of all, there is no concern of accessibility. Flix IPTV can be accessed on virtually all platforms, which is a unique feature of the service.. One can use and accessibility Flix IPTV on Android, iphone, Windows, Mac, FireStick, and Android TV.
The functions listing consists of adult controls, the ability to change motifs, M3U web link support, and also a lovely interface to enjoy the IPTV content.
The video player is where Flix IPTV truly shines.. You get to take pleasure in all the rewards such as subtitles, rest timer, video clip details, forward/backward video clip, as well as more.
When it concerns prices, Flix IPTV offers one week of a cost-free test. After that, you can acquire the premium version at a single fee of EUR7.49 (about $9) for every television or gadget you make use of the app on.
4. Kodi.
Kodi is just one of one of the most prominent media players. It lets you stream on-line content through different addons. You can play films, shows, Live television, and also more.
What lots of do not know is that Kodi can also be utilized as an IPTV player. You can do that utilizing the Kodi addon called PVR IPTV Simple Customer readily available using the main Kodi Add-on Repository.
You can utilize any kind of IPTV Subscription with this addon as long as it supports M3U playlist link or XMLTV EPG LINK.
Kodi works with a variety of tool systems than the other applications on this listing of finest IPTV players. Besides Amazon.com Fire Television, Android Television, Android Mobiles, iphone Mobiles, Kodi likewise works on Windows, Mac, Linux computers, Raspberry Pi, and also extra.
Consequently, if your device doesn't support any one of the above IPTV players, try Kodi with PVR IPTV Simple Customer addon.
5. Perfect players IPTV.
Perfect players is most likely one of the most popular IPTV players currently. With a neat and also easy to use interface, this players allows you stream with your preferred IPTV solution with fairly a simplicity. The app supports numerous URL styles (M3U, XC, XSPF) and EPG styles (XMLTV, JTV).
Evidently, Perfect Player IPTV is an IPTV players and does not host any content of its very own. You should resource the content from the IPTV company that sustain playlists or EPG.
Among the greatest advantages of Perfect players is that it allows you take care of several IPTV subscriptions from the exact same screen. If you are utilizing greater than one IPTV provider, you can access them all in one area.
Perfect players is formally available on iOS as well as Android gadgets through Application Shop and also Play Store. It is sideloaded onto your Amazon FireStick as well as Fire TV devices. You can also download it for Windows as well as Linux from its official web site .
6. GSE Smart IPTV
GSE Smart IPTV is one more IPTV player with the option to sign in with numerous IPTV registrations. This makes it an excellent option to watch channels via all your subscriptions in one location.
Your IPTV service provider must support both playlists and EPG formats for you to have everything you need.
You can either download and install the playlist and/or EPG onto your tool as well as import locally or use a sustained URL/hyperlink. You may also import playlists from an FTP web server. Presently, GSE Smart IPTV sustains both M3U in addition to JSON formats for playlists.
In addition to IPTV, this application additionally allows you play media from the local storage. You can even utilize external players, such as MX players, which is a unique feature.
GSE Smart IPTV has an user-friendly, easy to use interface that allows you get started promptly. Importing M3U and also EPG is easy too.
You can obtain GSE Smart IPTV officially from the Apple Store and also Play Store for iOS as well as Android gadgets respectively. However, it requires to be sideloaded onto Amazon.com Fire TV and also FireStick tools. It is also not readily available on Windows as well as macOS, yet one can utilize it using an Android emulator (such as BlueStacks).
7. Smart IPTV.
One unique aspect of Smart IPTV is that it is a paid IPTV player, with a one-time cost of 5.49 EUR or approximately 6.10 USD per device.. Apparently, all various other solutions on this listing are free.
This IPTV player is compatible with a wide range of devices, including Smart TVs, Android TV Boxes, Amazon Fire TV and FireStick, Mag devices, and many more.. On many devices, you can download it directly from the official application shops. Nonetheless, it requires to be sideloaded onto Amazon FireStick.
Smart IPTV is presently not supported on iphone tools.
While Smart IPTV sustains M3U playlist layout, like the various other players on this checklist, you can import the playlist straight via the application. When you purchase the app for your tool, you are appointed a MAC address. You should most likely to my.siptv.app by means of a mobile or computer system web browser and use the MAC address to post the playlist.
Besides M3U style, Smart IPTV likewise sustains the XMLTV EPG URL.
Smart IPTV is not as straightforward as the other alternatives in this listing of ideal IPTV players. Nevertheless, it is still popular because of multi-device assistance and secure user-client.
SS IPTV is a little down in our checklist for noticeable reasons. All the IPTV players around bring a modern-day UI with user friendly navigation. SS IPTV lacks on that particular front.
In addition to that, it's a qualified IPTV players with all the bells as well as whistles. With many IPTV players, you need an M3U link or an energetic membership to an IPTV service to get started.
That's not the situation here. SS IPTV has partnered with some IPTV service providers out there and they are natively consisted of with the application.
In addition to the above, you can enjoy a variety of user interface languages, support for different themes, playlist add-ons, parental controls, and much more.
SS IPTV is readily available on iphone, Android, Windows, Mac, FireStick, Fire Dice, and Android-based wise TV.
9. GSE Smart IPTV
One of Kodi's staminas is the capability to use it with any kind of IPTV subscription- as long as it sustains M3U playlists-- or a XMLTV EPG LINK. Kodi is likewise suitable with much of the best IPTV players consisting of Amazon.com Fire and Android Television. If your existing gadget doesn't sustain these players, Kodi is a solid option.
10. GSE Smart IPTV.
GSE Smart IPTV has the choice to authorize into numerous IPTV registrations, making it a great option for anybody with multiple streaming solutions. The only point you will certainly need to use this IPTV player is for your IPTV service provider to sustain EPG layouts as well as playlists. You can inspect this by using a sustained link or by importing playlists from a FTP web server. Currently, GSE Smart IPTV sustains both M3U and JSON layouts for playlists.
GSE Smart IPTV will certainly additionally enable you to play media from regional storage space, adding to the energy of this players. You'll likewise be able to make use of external players- such as MX Player. Not only that, yet its interface is likewise easy to use and easy to use.
10. Tivimate.
Tivimate is among the most effective IPTV players readily available for android gadgets. TiviMate offers a 5-day test of the premium version. Premium sets you back $4.99 annually for approximately 5 devices. You can additionally go with the life time version at $19.99. You need to attempt Tivimate Costs Apk for android and also watch newest motion pictures, seasons and various other videos streaming online absolutely free.
11 VLC.
VLC is among those massively preferred media players that we have all come across either recently or a very long time back. Did you understand that it doubles down as one of the most effective IPTV players, too? VLC is a totally free, open-source multimedia platform that supports a large wide variety of platforms and tools. 
It includes an incorporated assistance of all multimedia file formats and also several various streaming methods. When it pertains to sustained OS's, it is available in variations for Windows, Apple, GNU/Linux, Android, ChromeOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and also numerous others in addition. It is both totally free as well as established by volunteers who do it mainly out of love and intrinsic inspiration. It is devoid of spyware, ads, as well as other kinds of paywalls or annoyances. While the performance-oriented and robust user interface may not be to everyone's taste, looking beyond its appearance reveals an exceptional IPTV streaming service that comes loaded with numerous quality-of-life features and enhancements.. Bravo, VLC!
12. iMPlayer.
iMPlayer is another player on our list of the best IPTV players, offering unique capabilities that can turn your IPTV streaming experience into a pleasurable journey instead of a troublesome one. With a wide range of features that enhance and simplify the viewing process, this player enables you to rewind, fast forward, multiview, and even password-protect certain channels., parental guidance, visual stylization, and so on. It has both a free and a premium version for users, the latter one unlocking some of the more advanced features, of course. Depending on the number of devices that you want to cover with your iMPlayer service, there are several one-time purchases, all the way up to 5 devices covered in a single license. iMPlayer makes it easier than ever to manage VOD, recordings, cloud-based services, and remote control features for your IPTV streaming. However, it should be noted that iMPlayer is exclusively available to Android users, as it is compatible with Android phones, Android TV, and Android tablets.
13 Purple IPTV.
Purple IPTV is a clever IPTV player that caters to both end-users and also  IPTV brands looking for a software solution for their user interface and default IPTV player.
Purple IPTV provides a variety of sought-after intelligent functionalities such as an external player, parental controls, recording capabilities, multi-profile support, multi-screen integration, P2P, and a robust built-in VPN. The service is compatible with a wide variety of platforms, such as Android, Fire TV, Apple TV, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Roku, and more, which can be found on their official website. Additionally, the user interface is visually appealing and user-friendly, making it easy for all users to navigate.
Purple IPTV is fully customizable, catering to the needs of individual users as well as IPTV brands that rely on it for their services. This player is even a contender for IPTV brands looking for a solution in our list of best IPTV players. With something for everyone, this player is the perfect choice.
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icloudunlockios · 1 year
iCloud Bypass - The Easiest Way to Unlock iPhone 13
iCloud Bypass is an online web tool that bypasses the iCloud activation lock. It is straightforward to use and has a user-friendly interface.Using iCloud Bypass, you can unlock your iPhone and iPad without entering an Apple ID and password. It is also safe to use, and there are no risks involved.
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Introduction for iCloud Bypass
iCloud Bypass is a tool that enables you to unlock your device without having to enter the Apple ID or password. The tool is ad-free and works on both Windows and Mac computers.
Choosing the best iCloud Bypass tool depends on several factors, such as compatibility, ease of use, and price. However, the most crucial factor is the software’s ability to bypass the iCloud activation lock.
Another aspect is its customer support. Many iCloud bypass tools come with a trial version allowing you to try the software before buying. Some even offer a money-back guarantee.
Some online unlock services work by hacking into Apple servers and unlocking your device. Others require you to access and install software onto your computer.
iCloud Bypass is one of the best ways to remove iCloud lock from your iOS device without jailbreaking it. The process is easy and fast and can be completed within minutes. You can use it on various instruments and models, including iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
Unlock iPhone 13 using iCloud Bypass.
If you own a locked iPhone 13, you may wonder how to unlock it. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest is to use iCloud Bypass.iCloud Bypass is a tool that can help you remove an iCloud activation lock on an Apple device without the need to enter an iCloud ID and password. It is a straightforward process and can be done in just a few minutes.
However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before using this tool. First, you need to understand what iCloud Bypass is and how it works.After that, you must access the software and install it on your computer. You also need to connect the locked device to your computer.
Once the application is installed on your computer, you must select your device and click “Bypass iCloud Activation Lock.” This will start the bypassing process. Once it is completed, you can use the device as a standard. Please do not disconnect the device until it restarts, and do not launch iTunes while this is happening.
More about iCloud Bypass
iCloud Bypass is a powerful software that helps you unlock the iCloud lock without a password. It is one of the most reliable iCloud bypass tools available on the market, and it is also virus free to use.
When you buy an Apple device, it comes with an iCloud activation lock to protect your data. This lock prevents unauthorized users from acquiring and using the device.Sometimes, you may come across second-hand iPhones or iPads still locked with the previous owner’s Apple ID. These devices can be challenging to unlock without a valid Apple ID and password.
However, it is possible to get around this security system. To do so, you need to change the iCloud DNS address on your iOS device.This method can be helpful in cases where you are purchasing a second-hand iPhone or iPad and don’t know the previous owner’s Apple ID or password. It also works if you have forgotten your own Apple ID and password.
What is the main reason for using this Tool?
Having an iPhone, iPad, or Mac that is locked due to iCloud activation is frustrating. But there are ways to unlock iCloud and access your Apple device.Using an iCloud Bypass Tool is the most efficient way to do this. It can remove the iCloud lock from an iPhone, iPad, or Mac in just a few minutes.
It is safe, legal, and fully guaranteed. It also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
There are many iCloud bypass tools in the market, and it must be challenging to choose the right one. Here are a few to consider:
CheckM8 is a popular iCloud Bypass tool that allows you to remove the iCloud lock without jailbreaking. It works on a Mac computer and has a risk-free trial version.
Another tool is iSalvor which is available on Windows and Mac. It has a slick user interface and works on most Apple devices. Salvador also has a hassle-free trial to help you test it before purchasing a license.
The legal background of using iCloud Bypass
One of the most exciting aspects of Apple's iCloud is that anyone with an Internet connection can store and sync all their digital media. To prevent unauthorized access, the company has introduced an iCloud id lock that requires a password to be entered on startup. The iCloud id has helped curb the number of iPhones on the streets, but it has also given rise to a new industry - iPhone cloning. iCloud cloning is a lucrative business for enterprising thieves, coders, and hackers who scour the web looking for the latest and greatest. iCloud cloning has its pitfalls, and if you're not careful, your newfound wealth could be a squishy a$$ instead of a sparkling smartphone.
Advantages of using iCloud Bypass
iCloud is Apple's cloud-based service that keeps your data safe on all iOS devices. It can store photos, files, email messages, and much more. It also allows you to synchronize your devices so that the same information is available across them.
Whenever you set up your device after a factory reset or restore, it sends an activation request to Apple's server. This activates your device and enables it to use iCloud features, such as Find My iPhone, iCloud backups, and iTunes purchases.
  You can bypass the activation process by using the iCloud DNS Bypass method, which changes the activation path sent from Apple's server to another DNS server for authentication. This means you can access your device without signing in with your Apple ID and password.
Bypasser is one of the best iCloud Bypass tools and is very easy to use. You can access a malware-free trial version to test it out and buy a license if you are confident it will work for your device. You can even buy a lifetime license to use it on as many devices as you like.
Conclusion on iCloud Bypass
If you own an iPhone or iPad, you know how frustrating it can be when the iCloud activation lock osmosis is in full force. Whether it's your iOS device or a second-hand one you've purchased, the iCloud activation lock is no fun.
The best way to get around it is to use a tool that is available ad-free on the internet and can easily unlock any Apple device. However, choosing the right iCloud unlocking app can be challenging, especially since there are so many options.
Luckily, we have reviewed seven top-rated iCloud Bypass tools and come up with a short list of the most important ones to consider. Before you can start your search, you need to be aware of the features and specifications of each product. That way, you can find the most relevant iCloud Bypass tool. That includes the legality of the software, its unlocking time, customer support, and other valuable features that will make your iCloud unlocking journey a success.
Finally, on iCloud Bypass
iCloud Bypass bypasses an iPhone/iPad’s activation lock using a software application. It is a popular method among iOS users and has helped many people to unlock their Apple devices.
However, the iCloud bypass process may harm your device in some ways. For example, it can allow other people to access your data. In addition, it may affect the performance of your device.
A few tools out there claim to bypass iCloud, but most of them are scams. They are usually designed to separate a desperate user from their money.
Some of them have been reported to cause damage to a device and can be easily hacked by irresponsible users. Therefore, choosing a legit iCloud bypass tool is a good idea.
Many methods can help you bypass iCloud, including iCloud DNS Bypass and CheckM8. iCloud DNS Bypass works by changing the activation path from the Apple server to another DNS server for authentication.
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techconnectpro · 2 years
Considering upgrading from Apple's iPhone 13 Pro or deciding whether to buy iPhone 14 Pro or not? Check out the top reasons which shows you must go for it.
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girl4music · 2 years
Thinking about switching to Apple Mac… what do I need to know as a lifetime Microsoft Windows user?
So my fully spec’d out Dell XPS 15 9500 packed it in recently after almost 2 years of use (horrific, right? 😲) due to a Windows 11 BIOS update wiping my service tag and making my OS nearly non-functional. It will not let me reprogram the service tag through the BIOS settings so my £2, 500 laptop is now virtually useless since I cannot access the features of the OS within manufacturing mode. Instead of calling up Dell Support (warranty has expired - go figure 🙄) and getting it fixed or even getting it replaced, I’ve been considering switching to an Apple Mac. There’s a couple of reasons why I want to make the switch:
1. Quite frankly, the main reason is I just don’t want to deal with Microsoft Windows anymore. It’s just gotten so bad lately with the constant updates and “upgrades” to Windows 11 that I feel like any Windows PC/laptop I buy no matter how high-end it might be… Windows 11 will just ruin it. And downgrading the OS is going backwards. I don’t want to do that. I like the latest and should-be greatest. But there’s nothing great about Windows 11. Navigating around the OS itself is buggy and laggy as fuck because there’s so many problems that come with “upgrading” to Windows 11. And I know if I buy another Windows PC/laptop, the operating system will either be installed with Windows 11 out-of-the-box or Windows 10 will eventually force me to upgrade to Windows 11. I don’t want to deal. Yes, there will be things I’ll miss about using the Windows OS which are in my comfort zone… but at this point I’ll take the kicks for the ticks because there’s just too many restrictions/limitations as it is so it makes even the familiar and enjoyable parts of Windows frustrating and many of the Windows-only compatible programs/applications I love to use like Microsoft Word and Windows Media Player are bound to these restrictions/limitations. In a nut-shell: Windows is not user-friendly for me anymore. So making a switch is necessary for me.
2. Another reason is I own an iPhone 13 Pro Max so going into the Apple ecosystem should be a seamless transition as far as it’s compatibility with another Apple device goes (please let me know if this is not the case as I don’t know) and that will save me so much time and energy because working an iPhone with Windows is a hassle. It is not easy transferring back and forth from an Apple iPhone to Windows PC/laptop with Microsoft and Apple being rival companies since forever. Suffice to say, I did a system restore on my laptop about a month ago to try and fix some of the bugs Windows 11 has given it, so I’ve lost all my programs/applications and settings. Specifically my 200+ iTunes library playlists which would be massively time-consuming to recreate every single one over again when I could just plug in my iPhone to my laptop and easily transfer them to it. I do have my music, video, photo and document files backed-up to a Seagate external hard-drive, which is compatible with both Windows and Mac, so it’s not an issue for me that I cannot access my files on the laptop anymore due to it constantly being in manufacturing mode because I can still access them on my smart phone and my smart TV. All I would need the laptop for is to download, sync and upload those files to those other devices and to the internet. Plus I also own an external CD/DVD drive which is also compatible with both Windows and Mac just in case I want to do some more TV show ripping. I still have the 3 final seasons of Charmed to store on my external hard-drive and to eventually sync to my iPhone along with Xena and Buffy. Yes, I am that kind of person that likes my favourite TV shows on every device at once because I can’t stand streaming and projecting. It’s slow and a pain in my pocket. I’d rather just have all the video files on all my devices to watch and edit whenever and wherever. That is convenient for me.
3. I’ve been researching about Final Cut Pro because I’ve wanted to get back into video editing my favourite TV shows again and making gifs for them to upload to Tumblr. The way that Final Cut Pro functions so simplistically seems to be right up my alley because I’ve always found it a struggle learning the complicated process of working Adobe Premiere and Photoshop beyond the basics. So I feel like Final Cut Pro would be much more suitable to my needs as a video editor and gif maker and the improvements in speed and efficiency (Adobe programs are crash beasts) will certainly be a great deal more worth it than Premiere and Photoshop ever were to me. Plus - you buy Final Cut Pro once and you have it for always VS monthly payouts to Adobe to keep Premiere/Photoshop and you can do both video editing and gif making on Final Cut Pro so no need for 2 separate programs to do 2 different essentially similar things.
4. Mac’s are quick and quiet simultaneously. They use just as much processing power as a Windows PC/laptop does but the machine is practically silent no matter what you do with or on it. I can’t count how many times I’ve opened up my Dell XPS and just messed around in the OS without opening any programs/applications and the fans on it revved like they were in a monster truck rally. Then I would open internet tabs on websites that automatically played videos and gifs like Tumblr and it would start crashing and self-closing on the application or sometimes even shutting down the machine itself. It was getting beyond aggravating to keep using it when it’s power functionality just wasn’t up to what I paid for it. With a Mac, not only will the compatibility with my iPhone be unrestricted and unlimited straight away… but it will also be extremely quick and quiet straight away.
5. Safari VS Windows Explorer/Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox or any other Windows-based internet browser is night and day difference. Using Safari on my iPhone is a breeze like the fucking wind. It is so fast and efficient and useful and attractive… it absolutely floors any other kind of internet browser I have ever used on it. Which makes me really excited for how it’s going to work on a Mac laptop. If it’s this great to use on an iPhone with an 8th the processing power of a Windows PC/laptop - then I’m sure it’s out of this world to use it on a Mac. Having a really great internet browser matters to me because I am on the internet for all sorts of reasons. Yes, I primarily use the official social media apps for interacting with social media but there are times when I want to use the browser-based version. The actual website. And trying to do that with Chrome or Firefox, or at the very least, Explorer… is horrendous. It is so slow, the tabs and bookmarks are messy, and things just don’t work the way I want them to work. Then I use Safari to do all of that on my iPhone and it’s fantastic. It keeps up with all the browsing I do on the internet no matter how many tabs or bookmarks I have open on it. It’s significantly better than Chrome which is my default browser on my laptop. That’s always been the speediest and most efficient internet browser to use on a Windows PC/laptop but it still doesn’t compare to the ease-of-use Safari gives me on my iPhone. Moving to Mac from Windows will give me Safari immediately. No need to download it. No need to do any updates (I’m guessing - please tell me if I’m wrong) and I really would love to use it on my laptop.
So given these are the reasons why I would want to make the switch from Microsoft to Apple and Windows to Mac… what do I need to know having only ever used the former before aside from with my iPhone? What will I miss? What won’t have a Mac OS replacement? Do the programs/applications and settings function so differently that I won’t get used to them at all? Please let me know what I need to consider before I buy and get rid of the trash I have.
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blogcouponswala · 2 years
Best Gaming Phones India 2022 | Find Our Curated List Of Top Mobiles & Things To Consider Before Buying It
Are you sick of playing games on normal phones that glitch and hang? Then gaming phones are the best options for you because they were made specifically for gaming purposes! These master phones have larger screens, heavier batteries, and more powerful speakers to improve the fluidity of the game's flow.
The newest generation of processors is used in gaming phones. They feature a large amount of RAM to prevent games from hanging in between. These phones' strong processors allow for the creation of several optional add-ons. In addition, one of the greatest accessories for gaming phones is a desktop dock or the cooler described earlier.
5 Best Gaming Phones to Buy 2022
Since the introduction of the Nokia 3310, mobile gaming has been popular. With new CPUs, however, the times and technologies have changed. As a result, we've listed some excellent gaming smartphones that you can purchase in 2022 at reasonable costs below.
Asus ROG Phone 5
OnePlus 9/9 Pro
Samsung Galaxy S21
Apple iPhone 13/13 Pro
Poco X3 Pro
Click on the link for more information
Source : https://couponswala.com/blog/best-gaming-phones-india/
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screenshield23 · 8 days
Buy Apple Iphone 13 Pro Max Glass Screen Protector
Although the Apple Iphone 13 Pro Max Glass Screen Protector doesn't require a screen protector, individuals who want the best possible drop and scratch protection should use one.The screen of the iPhone 13 is shielded by Ceramic Shield, one of the most durable types of glass available.Protection for the iPhone 13 Pro Max comes from Corning Gorilla Glass Victus. 
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