#conscious manifesting
sencubussubs · 3 months
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Hi lovelies,
I have talked a lot about reacting to the 3D but not this pivotal point! SO if you read this before my other 3D/ Circumstances related posts - good.
What does the 3D being Neutral mean?
The 3D means quite literally nothing. No, not just in the “ignore unwanted circumstances way”, the 3D itself and everything that happens in it is entirely ‘neutral’ it has no actual consequence on or causes from itself (the 3D). Because of this, anything that happens in the 3D only matters if you give value to it - not by interacting with it, but with what meanings you attach to events, people, ‘circumstances’ or whatever else in your inner world. Everything that happens in the 3D is inherently neutral, and what comes out of it is entirely dependent on how you perceive the event and if/how you continue to think about it.
After all it is the law of assumption, your assumptions - dominant thoughts are reflected into the 3D.
This is why it is easier than you might think to change the 3D - by for example ignoring a circumstance - and where the idea of “where your focus lies will manifest” comes from.
How is the 3D neutral if it stems from our Dominant Thoughts?
Yes, the 3D is a reflection of your dominant thoughts - assumptions - however it is only a reflection and an experience. The 3D’s position as a reflection is where its neutrality comes from: if you look in the mirror and don’t like your hair, you don’t blame the reflection, you change self.
Your reflection can not do anything to you to change it - thus it is neutral. The only way you create changes in your reflection is by changing self , perhaps because the reflection makes you feel a certain way, however, as creator you can decide how you let the reflection impact you.
(this is like the simplest way i can describe it)
Anything that happens in the 3D has no impact until you give it meaning. The reason most actions and events in the 3D continue or unfold in certain ways , is because you unconsciously and automatically assign meaning to things you perceive and experience. This is normal, humans are habitual creatures that act and react based on stimuli and repetition. Additionally if you live by assumptions like “everything happens for a reason” you will take 3D events much more seriously, so the 3D will not feel neutral - but it is.
When you take the time to consciously decide if an event, person or circumstance aligns with you as the version of yourself who has your desire, you are able to remove the meaning / impact or, conversely ,emphasize the meaning of it: This is when you’ll typically see the true neutrality of the 3D, because you really do get to pick and choose what stays and goes with no consequences.
Even if the 3D has, let’s say, an ongoing ‘plot’ where your SP doesn’t want a relationship with you, this literally can change in an instant as soon as you change your dominant thoughts.
The 3D is a reflection, it can not and will not argue facts and logic with you to keep a circumstance ongoing. If you look in the mirror and then put on a hat, your reflection is not going to refuse to put on a hat. like it does not have that power! The only way you give the 3d that power is by looking in the mirror and going “oh i don’t have a hat :(“ and then not putting on a hat.
Validating the 3D by letting it impact you is just validating pre-existing dominant thoughts, if they don’t serve you, don’t let them thrive!
The irrelevance of taking action
You can not change your reflection by breaking your mirror
I believe that is a quote from Neville and it explains this principle quite well. Since the 3D is a reflection of your dominant thoughts, you can only really change it with your dominant thoughts again (to change your reflection you do not do anything to the mirror you see it through, you change self). As such nothing you see in the reflection matters, only how you choose to perceive it and there from react to it (internally) does.
This is the choice between: “i don’t have a hat” versus going to put on a hat - just to clarify the hat is a metaphor for changes to your assumptions lol.
Don’t get me wrong, if you have a strong ass - i am talking netherite armour level - self concept, you likely can do whatever you want in the 3D and get what you want - but that also starts from within, with that self concept and denying all the times you took action in the 3D and didn’t get what you wanted. I also don’t like meddling with unfavourable 3D because i don’t want to give the circumstances my validation, time and attention.
This doesn’t mean that every action in the 3D is what i’m talking about, if i am hungry i eat, i am talking specifically about not needing to take action in regard to your desires.
How do we attach meaning to the 3D?
We do this unconsciously like over 95% of the time (i am using this value to give you an idea, this is not a scientifically confirmed statistic lol.) Most of the time this is done due to previous experiences.
Someone messages you saying they don’t want to talk.
Since your associations to good relationships means people want to communicate and enjoy each other’s presence, you create the assumption they don’t like you, or will continue not to want to talk to you.
This is someone who you value highly and are desperate to have a good relationship with so you also find it easier to believe that you messed up to make this happen // that they wouldn’t want to talk to you - because of you.
This then develops an assumption of your relationship with that person that they do not like you and as such the relationship diminishes.
Since we are so used to deriving our understanding of the world from 3D experiences, we automatically apply meaning to new experiences based on old ones. Now just because most of the meaning we have attached to the 3D up until this point has been unconscious using logic and pattern recognition does NOT mean it has to stay that way. Since anything that happens in the 3D is inherently neutral, you don’t have to associate - in your inner world - with anything you don’t like.
Logically being told someone doesn’t want talk to you may follow the neural pathway of “if A (doesn’t want to talk to me) then b (doesn’t value or like me)” of course you can add in all the assumption that that lead up to that like “Event A (does not want to talk to me) was based off of D (assumption that i am not valued or worth being appreciated in relationships) and E (SP is amazing and deserves good relationships)” but like we could keep going like that all day…
However, who gives a fuck about ‘logical thinking’ (nerd ass emoji). On a more serious note, since your inner world (or as neville often put it your imagination) is what the 3D reflects, and you can imagine anything, you have no reason to follow or feed “logical” assumptions that make you feel bad. You do not have to internally validate any 3D circumstance or dominant thought that does not serve you. If you are able to avoid such in the 3D as well, great! if not, it doesn’t matter.
Actions like doing your job to pay your bills while changing your internal beliefs and knowing you have the better fun job internally, does not mean you are validating the belief that you are stuck at the job that sucks, cause 3D action doesn’t matter. Your internal will be reflected and you will be at the fun job in the 3D in no time, as long as you persist and don’t give in.
Only if you actively continue to think that you are stuck there and how much you hate it (and basically deeping your situation) then you are validating those beliefs.
An Important Note about the 3D and Law of Assumption
Just because the 3D is a reflection of your assumptions does not mean it isn’t real. I totally understand why some LoAss followers say it isn’t real, i personally don’t really know how i feel about that but my point is: Don’t just be a dick to people because of the lack of impact the 3D has. If you enjoy being a dick to people you likely have the assumption that they are affected by it - so yes, you are hurting people. REAL PEOPLE.
I get that the law is personal and you can do whatever you want, but if you decide to use any of the Law to hurt people etc honestly just get off of my page, my content isn’t for you. I believe people deserve to know about the law to live good lives, and no ethically good life requires the suffering of others. You have the choice on how to live your life, make the right one.
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thegoldenuzi · 2 years
Free Will Part 2
So we’ve covered the basics in part 1. Let’s talk about how to use it for guaranteed results every time.
This requires you to let go of resistance because that need for control can be strong for this next part. But first let’s look at that quote from Neville again.
"This warning was given to man in the famous Golden Rule - "Do unto others that which you would have them do unto you." You may desire something for yourself or you may desire for another.”
"If your desire concerns another make sure that the thing desired is acceptable to that other. The reason for this warning is that your consciousness is God, the giver of all gifts. Therefore, that which you feel and believe to be true of another is a gift you have given him. The gift that is not accepted returns to the giver."
- NevilleGoddard
You know how you always want the best for yourself? Start wanting the best for others. If someone tells you they’re having a hard time. Don’t mentally react in acceptance of whatever they just told you. Imagine them happy and satisfied. Your inner conversations should be about your ideal scenario. Not accepting and reacting to the things you don’t approve of.
Neville had a friend tell him that he was going to be fired. The company was going out of business. So he imagined his friend “gainfully employed” and making 25% more money. Same thing happened with a friend who was sick. He imagined giving them a compliment on how well they are and then saying “I’ve never felt better”. They can accept or reject this blessing but whatever you send gets returned to you. If you imagine something nice for others that positivity returns to you. And the same goes for the opposite.
Now for the elephant in the room. Relationships. This is the part where you need to let go of resistance. I’ve made a post about relationships before but this goes for friendships or familial relationships as well. Imagine them happy and satisfied. Do not condition this. Don’t fall into the spiral trap of “what if they’re happy with someone else?” “What if it’s not me?”
Whoever you’re with, wouldn’t you want to look at them and see them happy? Wouldn’t it make you feel good to know that they’re content? You should always want what’s best for you. So if it’s a relationship you shouldn’t confine it to forcing a person to be with you. You should be manifesting being in your ideal relationship with that ideal person. Because if it’s your ideal then it will be what the other person wants as well. You both will be happy and satisfied because you’re perfect for each other. If you and your friend have an issue. (Assuming you want to save the friendship) imagine them happy. Experience the knowing that everything is harmonious between you two. At any point if they reject it, the blessing will return to you. You can only change your experience in relation to the world and others. Instead of experiencing resistance, force and separation, choose better. Choose harmony, happiness and genuine fulfillment for yourself and others. When you send that out, should you get a refund on your blessing it will benefit you greatly.
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intuitive-wanderess · 2 years
Here are some things I like to remind myself of when intentionally manifesting…
Get clear on your vision, but recognize that the vision will get clearer the more you pursue it.
When it comes to this area of your life, make your vision the ONLY focus. Don't put awareness on what is or what was unless it's helping you sharpen your ideal vision.
Fail forward and try, try again. You can never get it wrong so long as you don’t quit. Don’t let the fear of failure prevent you from starting. Remain flexible, open minded and keep going. Feel your way through. Trust yourself.
I don’t focus on resisting the NOW. I’m not trying to force a manifestation. I’m simply clear on what I want, what it will take to get there and I allow my awareness & attention (aka energy) to go to that vision in a way that feels good.
I do like to focus on what it will take to get there (such as I’ll need $100 for this or I’ll need to know which kind of car) but that can vary depending on the desire. It’s not used to figure out HOW to manifest it, but rather to make it feel more real in my mind.
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rawhoneybliss · 10 months
What you want, wants you too. Trust.
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young-goddessx · 2 months
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yourmoonie · 4 months
Everything starts from 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣, aka everything starts from 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏
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When you imagine something and mentally accept it as yours, it becomes YOURS: 🪞
"I can imagine myself as a millionaire"
"I can imagine myself being in a healthy loving and committed relationship"
"I can imagine myself xyz"
"An assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact." - Neville Goddard
So if you can't believe that it's "possible", ITS OKAY, do this instead:
- Define your desire
- Decide that it's yours
- Accept that the creation is done
- There is no separation
You are not manifesting, you are BEING
Just how my beloved Neville says "when you plant the seed, let it grow" your concern shouldn't be
- "when and how"
bcs when you are satisfied with the root, you will find peace WITHIN
You ARE the UNIVERSE, experiencing itself
'As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul'
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msperfect777 · 10 months
how to know you are only consciousness
⭐️part one of the understanding consciousness & non dualism series
you are consciousness. you are not the body or the mind or the ego or the thoughts or experiences; those are what you think you are, they are the false self because the real you is....consciousness.
nothing can exist without you being conscious of it first. things exist because you are aware of them and as consciousness, you are always aware and can only be aware. for example, you are aware of these words right now right? 10 seconds ago you were not aware of the wall or sky above you so it did not exist to you 10 seconds ago. most likely, you are now aware of the wall/sky bc i pointed it out so now, the wall/sky exists to you. you are consciousness/awareness and you are always aware of something.
since you are always aware and things only exist when you become of aware of them, the only thing you are is awareness = consciousness.
"you" are looking at your screen right now and "you" read these words but what is the thing that acknowledges or notices that the screen is there or that the words are there? consciousness, awareness. look at "your" shirt or hand or an object and tell me how do you know its there. you might say its because you see it with "your" eyes or you feel it on "your body" but that would be incorrect. you are only consciousness; you are not the human body. the shirt and words are there bc you are aware of them; you (consciousness) are observing them. i use quotations on the "you" to emphasize the fact that this human body is not you, that is your false self:
(human body, ego, emotions, thoughts = false self ; consciousness, awareness, the observer, imagination = your true self, identity)
let me give you another scenario: let say you cannot see anything, you cannot hear, touch, taste, or smell anything. you would still be aware and know that you are still present because you are always consciousness and you are always aware. the removal of the five senses and human body cannot remove the fact that you are awareness. the five senses do not matter because consciousness is all there is. if there was no human body, you would still be aware because consciousness / awareness is your true identity. think about it though: if there were no five senses, you would still be aware. this proves that the five senses are not you, the human body is not you, consciousness is what you really are and only are.
let me speak more about the human body and thoughts, emotions, etc. when "you" (your false self / human body) experiences pain, that comes and goes therefore its temporary. you, consciousness, is only aware of that pain and when you think you are the human body, you think that you are experiencing this pain which is false. let me give you a personal example: one day i was sitting on my couch doing my homework and everything was quiet but i got up and i kicked down my big ass metal water bottle that was on the floor and it fell over and made a really loud noise. since i forgot the water bottle was there and because i got scared of the sudden noise, i literally heard and felt my heart beating so loud. at the same time, it was raining quietly outside and i remember hearing my heart beating but i thought no, i hear it bc im aware of it so i turned my attention to the sound of rain outside (i became aware of the rain) and when i did, i literally didnt hear my heart beating anymore bc i was not aware of it and i was aware of the rain instead; my beating heart did not exist in that moment. then i became aware of my heart beating again instead of the rain and i heard and felt my heart again and not the rain.
the point of this story is that, that "pain" or "feeling" left once i was not aware of it anymore. it was temporary because my true self (consciousness) was not really feeling that pain; the false self felt the pain of "my" heart beating only because i was aware of it. same thing applies with thoughts, they are temporary, they come and go while consciousness never leaves. "you" think you are the one who thinks these thoughts which is false. why? ... because you are only awareness. these thoughts exist only bc you are aware of them. as consciousness, you can only be aware, you can only be the observer; you cannot experience pain, pleasure, etc. you only observe, be aware of that pain and pleasure. the ego is also the false self. ego = thoughts, beliefs, emotions. when you think that learning about non dualism is hard, that the ego that makes it seem hard to understand, thats not the real you (consciousness).
now you know that you are not the human body, you are consciousness that is observing, being aware of the human body and those so called experiences and feelings, etc.
© msperfect777
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conscious-manifesta · 8 months
Any time I got disappointed that my desires not being present in my 3d, I simply tell myself:
At this point, I simply remind myself:
And then I go on the rest of my day, with a deep knowing that I am God.
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bellonamanifests · 2 years
I’m the creator of my reality. Nothing has the power to frighten or silence me. There is no power outside of me, I’m invincible. I get what I want, because I say so(@electrasoul<3) and that is fucking law. This is my world and you have no choice but to conform to my wishes. Failure is not in my vocabulary. How could I not be confident, when this world just reflects me. I am free of fear and doubt because the only think I can ever encounter is myself. I am completely safe and secure. The physical world doesn’t limit me anymore.
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disasterhimbo · 17 days
I’m not scared of covid because I have OCD. I’m scared of covid because the scientific data shows that it’s prevalent and dangerous. I have hygiene-focused OCD because society, including the medical establishment, has shown that they are not willing to protect or care for me. I already have long covid, I could die or lose a lot of quality of life if I get it again.
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sencubussubs · 1 month
hi loves, i haven’t been super active lately but here are some things i have manifested so far in 2024:
- the sony headphones (mentioned in another post) (for free)
- my ping to stop spiking in my videogames
- fiction books to get me out of a reading slump (for free)
- new cool friends outside my friend group
- an old SP to contact me (have him blocked everywhere so it was amusing to see him find a way to contact me)
- new clothes that my mom paid for
- going back to uni asap (4 days) after an extreme emergency
- a brand new laptop (for free)
- getting 50 euros off of my groceries (this was really fun)
- also specifically the iced coffee sachets i wanted being on sale
- exceptional uni work/performance (with low effort)
- my friend buying me cookies for no reason
- sanrio stuff becoming available in my city
- extra monthly income that i don’t have to work for, literally just given to me
- my neighbour’s cat being playful with me (used to always ignore me LITERALLY WOULD AVOID EYE CONTACT W ME)
- my own cat becoming more social & wanting affection
- moving to a bigger room in my apartment & my roommates moving out
- double bed both in my apartment and at my parents house
and so on…
i have highlighted some of the ones i think people might be most interested in.
You deserve this too bubba.
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thegoldenuzi · 2 years
Free Will
This concept alone is one that people seem to get so confused about. So let’s talk about it.
Do others have free will??
Yes. Plain and simple. We all have the same abilities. When we manifest regarding others it’s not about the other person. We are manifesting an experience. If we are attempting to change a relationship we are changing our relationship in relation to that other person. What you imagine about that person determines their position in your life.
Neville told a story about a woman who had a boss that was constantly rude to her. He helped her understand that his behavior towards her was a result of her constant imaginings about him. She would mentally complain and argue with him and as a result the behavior continued. It was only when she revised her reactions and imagined them having positive interactions, did he behave differently towards her. The way you react to people or perceive them determines how they show up in your life.
"This warning was given to man in the famous Golden Rule- "Do unto others that which you would have them do unto you." You may desire something for yourself or you may desire for another."
"If your desire concerns another make sure that the thing desired is acceptable to that other. The reason for this warning is that your consciousness is God, the giver of all gifts. Therefore, that which you feel and believe to be true of another is a gift you have given him. The gift that is not accepted returns to the giver." -Neville Goddard
Since we are all connected, people known and unknown play a part in your desires coming to pass. Does this mean we control them? No. Our desires are also connected. So somehow even the tiniest interaction is in harmony with that persons desires. With that being said, they can reject your imaginal act about them at any time. This goes back to my “return to sender” post. If someone has a specific experience they’re trying to project onto you, you can easily reject it and that will return back to them. This works the same way for anything. You can’t force someone to do what you want. You can only change yourself. You can only change your experience with that person. Which is why it could seem that you got that sp to do what you want in that moment. But when they reject that experience things change. Everything is about YOU. Not the other person. Whether it be family, friends, a partner, coworkers etc.
✨Biggest takeaway✨
Surrender to what you would like to experience. Don’t make it about the other person because it’s never about them. When you surrender to what you want, the perfect people and circumstances come together. When you think you’re controlling someone’s actions it only offers resistance. As they can accept or reject at any moment. We are all connected so what you imagine for others will be returned to you, should they reject it. But the good news is that you also have the ability to reject any experience others send you. So be mindful. Revise your reactions to them. You can only change yourself in relation to the person or circumstance by noticing your beliefs in that moment.
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ivemanifest · 8 months
Nurture yourself like a pretty plant you want to see flower 🪷
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rawhoneybliss · 1 year
Within the next 6 months your life is going to look completely different. You're going to be very happy with the changes.
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chillwithnea · 2 months
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yourmoonie · 11 days
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"I don't want to manifest my sp for another 7 months, how can I speed up my manifestation?"
1st: don't be so 3D oriented
2nd: your 3D will conform based on your own beliefs and assumptions
3rd: You are the one who decides you are the one who decides the timing. You are the one who is the CONSCIOUS selector of YOUR reality. Take your power back.
Methods are just tools, it's YOU who manifests, not the method. Methods can just help you to get into state of the wish fulfilled.
State is the one that produces everything. Your` actions, reactions, thoughts and everything.
So don't brat yourself up over your thoughts or circumstances and just go WITHIN.
Relax and be in the knowing that its yours!
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