useless-catalanfacts · 7 months
Rossejat de fideus or fideus rossejats (could be translated as "blonded noodles") is a typical dish from the South of Catalonia, particularly around the Camp de Tarragona area.
Similar kinds of dishes are also very popular in the cuisine of the rest of the Catalan Countries' coast. For example, the most famous one is fideuà/fideuada from the Valencian Country, which usually also includes mussels and is often made with thicker noodles.
Out of all the variations, in this video the cook Sergi de Meià shows us how to cook the version from the town Calafell.
The pasta used in this recipe is one of the traditional Catalan pastas, the thin short noodles we call "angel hair". I've been looking around the internet and there doesn't seem to be an exact English translation, the closest is "vermicelli" (which are like spaghetti but thinner), but the noodles for this dish should be cut in short pieces, not long like spaghetti.
Source: The video was made by Consolat de Mar and is one of the recipes that will be included in their book Tres quarts de mil·leni, which the organisation is publishing to celebrate their 750th anniversary, highlighting the relationship between the sea and the cuisine of the Catalan Countries. Subtitles added by me.
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arkanocbd · 3 months
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Explorando los Notables Beneficios del CBD: Un Recorrido por sus Impactos en el Bienestar
Como apasionado por la salud y el bienestar, me complace compartir información valiosa sobre
los beneficios del CBD, un compuesto que ha ganado popularidad en el ámbito de la salud
natural. A continuación, exploraremos algunos de los impactos positivos que el CBD puede tener
en nuestra vida diaria.
1. Alivio del Estrés y la Ansiedad:
El CBD ha demostrado ser una herramienta eficaz para reducir el estrés y la ansiedad. Actúa
sobre los receptores cerebrales relacionados con el manejo del estrés, ofreciendo una sensación
de calma sin provocar efectos secundarios psicoactivos.
2. Mejora del Sueño:
Para aquellos que sufren de trastornos del sueño, el CBD puede ser un aliado valioso. Sus
propiedades relajantes pueden ayudar a calmar la mente y mejorar la calidad del sueño,
permitiendo un descanso más reparador.
3. Propiedades Antiinflamatorias:
Estudios han sugerido que el CBD posee propiedades antiinflamatorias, lo que lo convierte en
una opción interesante para quienes buscan alivio en condiciones inflamatorias como la artritis.
4. Alivio del Dolor:
Numerosos testimonios respaldan la capacidad del CBD para reducir el dolor crónico. Su
interacción con receptores endocannabinoides puede tener un impacto positivo en la gestión del
dolor, ofreciendo un enfoque más natural.
5. Mejora del Estado de Ánimo:
El CBD puede influir en la producción y absorción de neurotransmisores relacionados con el
estado de ánimo, lo que podría ser beneficioso para aquellos que buscan estabilizar su bienestar
6. Soporte para la Salud Cardiovascular:
Investigaciones sugieren que el CBD podría contribuir a la salud cardiovascular al reducir la
presión arterial y tener efectos protectores contra el estrés oxidativo, factores clave para un
corazón saludable.
7. Propiedades Anticonvulsivas:
El CBD ha demostrado ser eficaz en el tratamiento de ciertos trastornos convulsivos. Su
capacidad anticonvulsiva ha llevado al desarrollo de medicamentos basados en CBD para
afecciones como la epilepsia.
8. Ayuda en Trastornos Digestivos:
Para aquellos que experimentan problemas digestivos, el CBD puede ofrecer alivio. Sus
propiedades antiinflamatorias pueden ser beneficiosas para condiciones como el síndrome del
intestino irritable (SII).
9. Promoción de la Concentración y la Claridad Mental:
Muchos usuarios informan que el CBD mejora la concentración y la claridad mental. Este efecto
puede ser valioso para enfrentar desafíos diarios con una mente más enfocada.
10. Apoyo en la Recuperación Muscular:
Atletas y entusiastas del fitness recurren al CBD para ayudar en la recuperación muscular. Sus
propiedades antiinflamatorias pueden reducir la inflamación y el dolor asociados con el ejercicio
11. Potencial Antipsicótico:
Se ha estudiado el uso del CBD como un agente antipsicótico, mostrando prometedores
resultados en el tratamiento de condiciones como la esquizofrenia.
12. Bienestar de la Piel:
Aplicado tópicamente, el CBD puede contribuir al bienestar de la piel. Se ha asociado con
propiedades antioxidantes y antiinflamatorias que pueden beneficiar la salud cutánea.
Al explorar los múltiples impactos positivos del CBD, queda claro que este compuesto natural va
más allá de aliviar el estrés y la ansiedad. Considera incorporar el CBD de manera informada y
consulta con profesionales de la salud para optimizar sus beneficios en tu vida cotidiana.
¡Descubre el potencial transformador del CBD para un bienestar integral!
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a-desmoral · 1 year
Las obras presentadas para participar en el 9° Festival Internacional de Arte de Geoje, bajo el tema de “La vida es arte”, a celebrarse en octubre próximo en el Museo Temático de Haegeumgang, se expusieron el pasado 22 y 23 de abril en Calafell, Centre Civic Cinema Iris. Contamos con una Jurado española muy especial, Gloria Grau Ruiz, quién concilia su labor artística con la coordinación y…
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Reparamos aire acondicionado en #tarragona Albinyana, Alcover, Almoster, Altafulla, Bellvei, Bonavista, Tarragona, Botarell, Bràfim, Calafell, Cambrils, Campclar, Tarragona, Castellvell del Camp, Cinc Estrelles, Tarragona, Clará, Tarragona, Coma-Ruga, Tarragona, Constantí, Tarragona, Costa Dorada, Tarragona, Creixell, Cunit, El Catllar, El Milà, Tarragona, El Morell, El Pla de Santa María, El Rourell, Tarragona, El Serrallo, Tarragona, El Vendrell, Els Garidells, Tarragona, Els Garrofers, Els Pallaresos, Gavarres, Tarragona, Gavina, Tarragona, Hospitalet de l'Infant, La Bisbal del Penedès, La Cabana, Tarragona, La Canonja, Tarragona, La Floresta, Tarragona, La Granja, Tarragona, La Masó, Tarragona #aiguamurcia #albinyana #alcover #almoster #altafulla #bellvei #bonavistatarragona #botarell #brafim #calafell #cambrils #campclartarragona #castellvelldelcamp #cincestrellestarragona #claratarragona #comarugatarragona constantitarragona #costadoradatarragona #creixell #cunit #elcatllar #elmilatarragona #elmorell #tarragona #manya #cerrajeros #persianeros #serrallers #fontaneros #electricistas https://rapidtecnic.com (en Lampistes Tarragona Electricistes Serrallers) https://www.instagram.com/p/ComhKhwt6zP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zonashirt · 1 year
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Que San Valentín no te pille sin estas camisetas! King Queen. Personalízalas con vuestros números del amor 🧡 . . #sanvalentin #regalosoriginales #regalosanvalentin #camisetaspersonalizadas #camisetasparaparejas #camisetasparejas #camisetaskingqueen #camisetasking #camisetasqueen #calafell #vilanovailageltru #sitges #barcelona #madrid #granada #camisetasdeamor #amor #love #lovequotes (en Calafell, Cataluna, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn6Stb1ItBU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tarotbarato5euros · 1 year
Tarot Predictivo Barato On Line, capricornio tarot amor
Soy un esoterista hereditario. Durante más de 30 años, mis habilidades y cartas del Tarot te han permitido encontrar y eliminar las causas de tus problemas. Te ayudaré a recordar el pasado, tomar conciencia del presente y encontrar la mejor solución para lograr tu objetivo en el futuro. Siento la energía por voz o fantasma, corrijo el biocampo.
Tarot Y Videncia:
🇪🇸: +34 932 995 463 - 806 556 213
🇺🇸 Estados Unidos: +1 21 37 84 79 82
🇲🇽 MEXICO: +52 55 84 21 13 51
🇦🇷 ARGENTINA: +54 11 59 84 40 88
🇨🇴 COLOMBIA: +57 15 08 73 39
¿Luchas por seguir adelante? Obtén respuestas instantáneas con una Lectura de Tarot.
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peregrinatioblog · 2 years
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11.06.2022 Segur UE – Torredembarra UD 0:1 Estadi Municipal Juan Ríos, Calafell (100)
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antorcha-profetica · 2 years
Bello canto
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disease · 3 months
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Lanzamiento del sistema de “Historia de Salud Integrada” en el Hospital de Berisso
#Salud | Lanzamiento del sistema de “Historia de Salud Integrada” en el #Hospital de #Berisso
El intendente de Berisso, Fabián Cagliardi, encabezó el lanzamiento del sistema de “Historia de Salud integrada y Clínica digital”, un proyecto llevado a cabo en conjunto con el Hospital local, el Municipio y el Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.La puesta en marcha de este sistema permite la gestión de pacientes, turnos y el fortalecimiento del trabajo en red, mejorando los…
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fuckin-cinderella · 10 months
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#hotrod #ford #ford34 #98octanoscalafell #calafell #cataluña #spain #vintage #classic
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livgr3 · 8 months
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night Viewing Response
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(this scene literally changed the trajectory of my life)
I love this film so much!!!!! I've watched it for a few MAC classes and done a good amount of projects on it, it's one of my favorite films of all time so please bear with me if I have a lot to say :).
To start, I have to say I don't wholly agree with Abdi and Calafell's interpretation of The Girl in their text. The authors describe the titular Girl as a "forlorn chador-wearing feminist-vampire-vigilante, attempting to rid the fictional world of Bad City ... from the violence of patriarchy" (358). It's not that this is a completely inaccurate description, per se, as The Girl inevitably disrupts the patriarchy (which I will of course get into later), and can be revered by women audiences as a sort of feminist icon. Within the world of the film, however, I think this description is a bit heavy-handed, overlooking the intricacies and nuances of her character and her motives.
I don't feel that The Girl is this untouchable vigilante figure who's acts are always for the sake of liberating women and dismantling the patriarchy, even if she does end up doing so. In fact, I think the most feminist and empowering thing about her is that she sometimes acts out of her own self interest and her desire to feel human love. I feel like girlboss feminism has created this "I don't need a man" mindset, but my favorite part of the film is that Amirpour dared to portray that badass women, too, can still desire to be loved.
Ok, now for some actual formal analysis.
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What is so cool about this film is that Amirpour uses the form of cinema itself, and its masculine traditions, to display a disruption of the patriarchy. It's notable that The Girl does not appear for the first 20ish (?) minutes of the film. We are instead introduced to three male characters with stylistic influences of old Westerns as well as the works of James Dean, all trademarks of western masculinity. We might expect the film that follows to be Arash's face off against the nefarious Saeed, a sort of dick-measuring contest (for lack of better words lol) that we are all too used to in these kinds of films. When we first do meet The Girl, she is framed through the gaze of Saeed, an emobodied masculine force proven to be physically dangerous. While Saeed sees The Girl while in the car with Atti, Amirpour cleverly utilizes the constructions of the male gaze. The audience sees The Girl only as Saeed does: in the mirror, over his shoudler, then not at all. The same occurs when the two cross paths on the sidewalk moments later. At this point, The Girl is still on the periphery of a masculine narrative.
Then, Amirpour does something interesting. As The Girl enters Saeed's apartment, the cinematic gaze gradually shifts. The space is overwhelmingy, obnoxiously "masculine." As The Girl takes it all in with disgust, we begin to see how ridiculous this masculine aesthetic truly is. Still, she is alone and physically small within a space that might as well be masculinity itself, with a dangerous man and his predictably disgusting motives. As the two get closer, Amirpour really hones in on compositions of the male gaze. In the scene GIFed above, Saeed is above The Girl, emphasizing her physical size. Her face is in focus, presumably to show its seductive nature as he is seeing it.
Despite my qualms with the Abdi and Calafell reading, they had a point that really stood out to me, and that applies a lot here. They remark that The Girl's vampirism "allows her to fight patriarchy; however, she is still living within a patriarchal society in which her raced, classed, and gendered body is disciplined" (365). Amirpour plays with societal expectations of how The Girl and her body would typically be positioned in this moment. With Saeed looking down at her and placing his finger in her mouth, she appears disempowered. In an instant, all of these expectations are turned on their head. After biting off Saeed's finger, it is him that is now disempowered, whimpering on the floor. When he looks up at the girl, she is no longer seductively framed. Her face is covered in his blood and she looks terrifying. In this moment, the patriarchal narrative of the film has been disrupted. What follows is discordance, a cynical view of the world now through The Girl's gaze.
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alexdonovann · 8 months
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
The initial meeting between the Girl and Arash in A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (Amirpour, 2014) makes use of cinematography to emphasize parallels between the two people, and place them on an even playing field. The scene shows shots of Arash and the Girl separately, establishing them as individuals but simultaneously suggesting their similarities. The girl is backlit making her appear ominous and almost threatening, while Arash is lit by the street lamp that he’s been staring at, putting him in a more vulnerable position. The camera then pulls back to show a two shot of them both, balancing them on opposite sides of the screen thereby suggesting their equality. The camera angle, additionally, makes the Girl appear to be the same height as Arash, but when they get closer to each other it becomes clear that he is actually much taller. The Girl’s chador visually parallels Arash’s vampire cape but while his draws attention to him, the Girl’s chador allows her to be visible yet blend into the shadows “therefore enabling possibilities for transgression” (Abdi & Calafell, 2017). In this way, she is empowered, entirely herself and well within her comfort zone, while Arash is playing dress up, and pretending to be someone else.
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sarahnasoni · 8 months
Viewing Response 2: Dispersed Peoples II
The film we watched in class, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014), by Ana Lily Amirpour is an Iranian Horror film about a vampire. The film is about a female vampire who preys on men that she deems have shown disrespect to women. The movie deconstructs societal norms and conventional gender expectations, offering a poignant critique of the inherent power imbalances that surface when a society prioritizes and shields men at the expense of women. The skateboard scene from the film portrays the concept of resistive monstrosity as articulated by Shadee Abdi and Bernadette Marie Calafell’s “Queer Utopias and a (Feminist) Iranian Vampire: A Critical Analysis of Resistive Monstrosity in A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night”. One night the vampire encounters a young boy who is skateboarding the streets. Him skateboarding embodies childhood rebellion and defiance. The vampire dressed in what is either a chador or cape, stays alongside the boy. After the vampire talks to the boy scaring him into being "good" he runs away and leaves his skateboard which she picks up and takes to the streets. Abdi and Calafell's analysis helps us understand that this scene challenges both societal norms and gender roles. The skateboard he rides is normally associated with youthful freedom but serves as a metaphorical bridge between their very different worlds as she takes to riding it after he has left it. Abdi and Calafell explain how this scene This scene is a beautiful embodiment of resistive monstrosity as described. The vampire in this movie is a symbol of femininity and she exudes power by riding the skateboard which can be seen as an act of rebellion. In this scene the vampire defies the typical portrayal of monstrosity and becomes liberating force that is defying gender norms and expectations represents a feminist icon. The filmmakers have transformed the traditional vampire archetype into a symbol of resistance. Abdi and Calafell highlight the elements contributing to its status as a "queer utopia" through the film's mise en scène. These elements include the deliberate absence of vibrant colors, which cultivates an unsettling atmosphere, and the substantial use of silence throughout the movie, intensifying the already ominous moments. Abdi also mentions the important role costume design plays as the vampire wears a Chador, but seems to act more like a cape to the vampire, which portrays her as a superhero. Having the Chador play such a vital role shows the use of cultural and as Abdi and Calafell explain enables possibilities for transgression. Overall this skateboarding scene exudes power and femininity as she takes part in a "masculine act of rebellion".
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Cambia tus viejos enchufes con nosotros en #tarragona Aiguamurcia, Albinyana, Alcover, Almoster, Altafulla, Bellvei, Bonavista, Tarragona, Botarell, Bràfim, Calafell, Cambrils, Campclar, Tarragona, Castellvell del Camp, Cinc Estrelles, Tarragona, Clará, Tarragona, Coma-Ruga, Tarragona, Constantí, Tarragona, Costa Dorada, Tarragona, Creixell, Cunit, El Catllar, El Milà, Tarragona, El Morell, El Pla de Santa María, El Rourell, Tarragona, El Serrallo, Tarragona, El Vendrell, Els Garidells, Tarragona, Els Garrofers, Els Pallaresos, Gavarres, Tarragona, Gavina, Tarragona, Hospitalet de l'Infant, La Bisbal del Penedès, La Cabana, Tarragona, La Canonja, Tarragona, La Floresta, Tarragona, La Granja, Tarragona, La Masó, Tarragona #aiguamurcia #albinyana #alcover #almoster #altafulla #bellvei #bonavistatarragona #botarell #brafim #calafell #cambrils #campclartarragona #castellvelldelcamp #cincestrellestarragona #claratarragona #comarugatarragona constantitarragona #costadoradatarragona #creixell #cunit #elcatllar #elmilatarragona #elmorell #tarragona #manya #cerrajeros #persianeros #serrallers #fontaneros #electricistas https://rapidtecnic.com (en Lampistes Tarragona Electricistes Serrallers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUHvbwN7Gy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zonashirt · 1 year
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Me encanta cómo quedaron las sudaderas que me encargaron desde @searatsgame @petoons, Gracias @luckyjinx__ !! . . #sudaderaspersonalizadas #sudaderasestampadas #sudaderasconcapucha #customshirts #barcelona #calafell #zonashirt #estampamostusideas #estampamostusproyectos #sitges https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRH5OdI2n3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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