#cannes ff
robfanforlife · 1 year
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ejcmedia · 1 year
Surfer à Cannes : une discipline impossible ?
Surfer à Cannes : une discipline impossible ?
Labellisée « ville de surf » depuis le 29 juillet 2022, la nouvelle a étonné locaux et adeptes de ce sport de glisse. Et pourtant, la mairie assure développer la pratique. Axel surfe depuis plusieurs années dans la baie de CannesL’occasion pour notre journaliste de se mettre à l’eau ! Au-delà des clichés du film Brice de Nice, il est possible de prendre des vagues en Méditerranée. Quatorze…
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bcacstuff · 3 months
Some seem to like to diss people for no reason without doing more research/neutral thinking. They'd realize that it is the way it is by design/organization of this particular festival where they do these stars for the main actors of the films/shows that are being featured.
I agree, the problem mainly is people trying to compare this event with the Oscars, the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. It's not the FF of Cannes or Venice.
It's a Belgium Film Festival in rather a small town at the coast of the North Sea. [quote from the website] Distinguishing itself with a unique Flemish film programme and an inclusive, audience-friendly, but above all atmospheric character. [end of quote]
Dries is a Flemish film maker and why it is on the program, they have a number of Flemish film makers, actors and people from the industry there.
For Belgium, it's one of the most known and biggest festival, for the world it's a small one and quite unknown. Just to put things in perspective. No need to diss an event trying to compare it with events you can't compare it with, or the actors or film makers that are present, receive awards (yes there are awards as well, 2 different ones, called the Jamies (online video award) and the Ensors (Flemish film and tv awards), get their name on the Walk of Fame or get an award for Life Time achievement.
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Ali Abbasi’s ‘THE APPRENTICE’ starring Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong will compete at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival
This is going to be Sebastian’s first Cannes FF!
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f0point5 · 7 months
ok so victoria's with max but WHERE ARE THEY
Yeah honestly can these people start geotagging ffs
I’m presuming she’s with him in Monaco, because I follow the jet tracker Twitter and the jet is in Cannes (I presume parked bc it’s cheaper than leaving it in Nice - that airport wild). So she must have come to him.
Pretty sure that means Kelly is back in Paris bc I’m pretty sure those two aren’t keen on each other. But Kelly is normally good for content so that sucks if she’s not there
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supersupika · 1 month
CuLLing tips. NoVVV.
{Next time, use y➰ur manners. Please and thank y➰u g➰ a l➰ng way.}
{Y➰u sh➰uld make y➰ur cullees a t➰p pri➰rity. Pr➰tect them with y➰ur life. They are under y➰ur care because they cann➰t care f➰r themselves.}
{Make sure y➰ur cullees are happy and safe, especially the ➰nes with mind p➰wers…and teals, wh➰ f➰r s➰me reas➰n, never cull easy. 👁️‍🗨️ give them all their ➰wn separate recuperac➰➰ns, with f➰ur in a respitebl➰ck. Stackable recuperac➰➰ns are a lifesaver. 👁️‍🗨️ als➰ keep l➰ts ➰f fun things t➰ d➰ ar➰und the hive, like puzzles, games, and vari➰us electr➰nics. 👁️‍🗨️ als➰ have a small bl➰ck dedicated t➰ helping cullees calm d➰wn--it's a padded bl➰ck with a bunch ➰f blankets, pill➰ws, stuffies, incense, and adjustable white n➰ise.}
{Have s➰lid rules. 👁️‍🗨️ never let mine leave the pr➰perty al➰ne. They need either me ➰r s➰metr➰ll 👁️‍🗨️ have verified as trustw➰rthy with them if they wish t➰ venture ➰ff ➰f the pr➰perty. 👁️‍🗨️ set a curfew (adjustable depending ➰n the seas➰n) which dictates that they must be in the hive bef➰re sunrise. They all have ch➰res which change every wipe and they must c➰mplete them ➰n time and efficiently if they wish t➰ av➰id c➰nsequences and receive their all➰wance.}
{Oh, yes! Have c➰nsequences at the ready if y➰ur cullees act ➰ut. 👁️‍🗨️ give mine depending ➰n h➰w bad they acted. 👁️‍🗨️f they refuse t➰ d➰ ch➰res, they may l➰se s➰me privileges, like electr➰nics, staying up late, having friends ➰ver, and leaving the hive. Alternatively, 👁️‍🗨️ give them extra ch➰res t➰ make up f➰r the ➰nes they refuse t➰ d➰ ➰r d➰ck their all➰wance. The p➰ssibilities are nearly endless, but d➰n't get t➰➰ caught up in it! Y➰u sh➰uld never aim t➰ hurt y➰ur cullees, just reprimand them.}
{S➰me cullees may have special needs. Make sure these are acc➰unted f➰r and that y➰ur hive is accessible t➰ said special needs. 👁️‍🗨️ have a few differently abled cullees in my care right n➰w, and 👁️‍🗨️ d➰ what 👁️‍🗨️ can t➰ help them navigate their night t➰ night life with as little difficulties as p➰ssible.}
{👁️‍🗨️ h➰pe these tips are helpful! Ab➰ve all, y➰ur cullee sh➰uld be happy en➰ugh t➰ n➰t cause tr➰uble, and that resp➰nsibility ultimately falls ➰n y➰u. Happy culling!}
Next time, use your manners. Please and thank you go a long way.
You should make your cullees a top priority. Protect them with your life. They are under your care because they cannot care for themselves.
Make sure your cullees are happy and safe, especially the ones with mind powers…and teals, who for some reason, never cull easy. I give them all their own separate recuperacoons, with four in a [bedroom]. [Bunk beds] are a lifesaver. I also keep lots of fun things to do around the hive, like puzzles, games, and various electronics. I also have a small [room] dedicated to helping cullees calm down--it's a padded [room] with a bunch of blankets, pillows, stuffies, incense, and adjustable white noise.
Have solid rules. I never let mine leave the property alone. They need either me or some[one] I have verified as trustworthy with them if they wish to venture off of the property. I set a curfew (adjustable depending on the season) which dictates that they must be in the [house] before sunrise. They all have chores which change every [week] and they must complete them on time and efficiently if they wish to avoid consequences and receive their allowance.
Oh, yes! Have consequences at the ready if your cullees act out. I give mine depending on how bad they acted. If they refuse to do chores, they may lose some privileges, like electronics, staying up late, having friends over, and leaving the [house]. Alternatively, I give them extra chores to make up for the ones they refuse to do or dock their allowance. The possibilities are nearly endless, but don't get too caught up in it! You should never aim to hurt your cullees, just reprimand them.
Some cullees may have special needs. Make sure these are accounted for and that your [house] is accessible to said special needs. I have a few differently abled cullees in my care right now, and I do what I can to help them navigate their [day to day] life with as little difficulties as possible.
I hope these tips are helpful! Above all, your cullee should be happy enough to not cause trouble, and that responsibility ultimately falls on you. Happy culling!
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silvyysthings · 1 year
I’m scared abt hoes response to the article. I’m scared trash reporters will pick up on her lies again. I’m tired and want this story to end for him. He deserved to be heard and does not deserve her “debunking”. For ffs if she has something to say she should say it to the authorities. Not on her goddamn Ig account.
I think after yesterday's interview, a lot of things have been absolutely debunked by Armie himself. It's what we hoped he would do and I hope that those responsible put a big " the end" to this ridiculous story that has dragged on for 2 years. She was a stalker, I'm not afraid of her threats , I'm blocked by her on instagram but some mutuals are sending me what she's posting, trying to justify herself that she was in Cannes or Nice for him.
Bitch we saw you stalking him in London behind him, there's video evidence🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤢
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eefos · 1 year
Thanks for the tag! @peachyspaceslvt
Tagging: @bullet-train-2022 @princeresnikov @tangerinesgf @tangerineswife @tangybug @tangerinesour @meduzza13 @definitionsfading @fijiwaterbottle
➠ last song: people, The Blaze have just released a new album after 4 years on Friday, and it’s fucking perfect. Here’s my fav song from the new album. AND PLEASE, search on YouTube Territory by The Blaze. The video clip actually won an award at Cannes Film Festival.
➠ last show/movie: Yesterday I’ve finished season 4 of You and I was NOT looking forward to it because it should’ve ended after season 1/2 but now we are getting a FIFTH season ffs. And yes I did not care what happened in season 4 so I’ve missed a lot of important things I guess, but I don’t care. Yesterday I also watched and finished the Netflix Documentary about MH370: The Plane that Dissapeared lol. (I love airplanes) But I usually love movie more, I am waiting for season 3 of Ted Lasso and season 4 of Succession.
➠ currently watching: nothing really, I want to start The Last of Us since all the episodes are now online.
➠ currently reading: Three Assassins by Isaka Kotaro, but I’m having a hard time going through the book.
➠ current obsession: BULLET TRAIN, can you blame me after I’ve rediscovered Aaron Taylor-Johnson? It’s funny, my niece and I sometimes go to town and watch 2/3/4 movies in one day. The day that we were going to do it, I was not feeling well (to suffocate by coughing lol), I was basically sick but I wanted to go to the theatres anyway. The first movie in the morning was Where the Crawdads Sing, and it was just meh, I did love Harris Dickinson in it cuz he’s handsome 😂 then the second film was BULLET TRAIN. And it was such a pleasant surprise!
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
How long we think “Kaustin” - Kaia and Austin are going to last? seems they’ve been together for almost a year (she was also with Jacob for a year before they spilt) so i think he’s probably going to take her to the Oscar’s with him I just find it weird that he never takes his sister with him to these awards instead or his father he did have his sister with him one time at the elvis premiere she was on the redcarpt with him but i never seen his dad i wonder if they have a good relationship
Lol Chiiiiile....😅 I've already posted my thoughts before on Kaustin Berger in several posts here:
RE: The Oscars... While I definitely feel that Austin is certainly deserving of an Oscar nod for "Elvis" (especially after everything he went through... 🥴👀), I usually don't like predicting things way in advance. Let's worry first about if he's even going to be nominated or invited before we wonder about who he's bringing to the Oscars, shall we?? 😅 (I think he will probably at least be invited)
RE: His dad... He seems close to both his sister AND his dad to me? His dad was even at Cannes with him for the "Elvis" premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May, and I remember Austin saying in an interview that it was the first time his dad had ever even been out of the country.
FF to min. 4:21
In fact, at the Cannes event, Austin was saying hello to ppl in the audience and someone mentioned that his dad was right there (I guess he didn't think he would be able to find him in the crowd lol) and he got so excited and rushed over to his dad, and accidentally kissed him on the lips while reaching over for a hug lol. 🤣
He's really close w/his sister, so I don't worry about that. And his mom... Well... I've always thought it was really sad that Austin's mom died when he was only 23 years old.😭 That is SO YOUNG to lose a mother... 😔 You can tell they were really close too. So I feel bad in that respect for him that his mom never got to see him in his element now.
What's even CRAZIER is that Austin was the same exact age as Elvis when Elvis lost his own mother to death. 😔 Talk about freaky! 🥴
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bostoncaregiver · 8 months
FF - Cherry Trance
45% thc half gram indica joints
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med684blogs · 1 year
Blog 4
Company Mission Statement: The goal of our company is to produce original works of cinematic art. The company will focus on making work that is not only original, but unique and creative as well. Our budgets are considered low to most other major studios. However, we have enough trust in our directors and want to let them create whatever work that they want to.
5 Film Markets:
Hot Docs - Based in Canada Hot Docs is a pretty affordable market that would suit the Heathers remake very well. They would be a great way to market the film.
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Marche Du Film - This film market has ties to the Cannes film festival which is a very prestigious film festival. A lot of the worlds biggest movies start out at a film festival like Cannes. It is a little on the expensive side, but it would be worth it.
Independent Film Week - This film market is based in New York and has a pretty good track record. It also is extremely affordable at just 60$ per submission. This would be a cheap, effective way to get the film on the map.
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European Film Market - Based in Germany, this film market could really help the film's chances of being a successful, well liked film. The cost of attendance is a bit high at 500$ per submission, however it would be an amazing way to get the word out on the film, especially for the overseas film market.
American Film Market - Based in Santa Monica, California the American Film Market is the dream market a filmmaker can get into. It would help the film reach a much bigger audience in the United States especially. The cost is a little high, but in the long run it would be worth it.
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5 Film Festivals:
Sundance Film Festival - Sundance film festival takes place in California. It is held every year; early on in the year. 100,000 dollars is an estimate of how much it will cost for someone to enter their film.
Cannes Film Festival - Held in Cannes, France, the Cannes Film Festival is the MOST prestigious award show. Many classics made their debut at Cannes. It cost nearly 4,000 to go to Cannes and even more than that if you want VIP passes.
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Toronto International Film Festival - Held in Toronto, Canada this film festival is easily one of the best. So many classics made their debut at this film festival. It is the perfect place to debut your feature film. The cost can range anywhere from 1,000 - 8,000$
South by Southwest Film Festival - South By Southwest is a Texas film festival that premieres some pretty interesting work every year. It is great because Texas is a huge hotspot for filmmakers due to their tax incentives. Cost of submission will be 5,000$.
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Venice Film Festival - Venice FF takes place in Venice Italy. They throw the festival once a year and premiere some prestigious works from some very famous filmmakers. The cost of submission is anywhere between $6k-$8k.
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bicavasal · 2 years
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