#casa Atlantic
beyondfabric · 11 months
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Brand highlight: Casa Atlantic
Inspired by the rich cultural heritage of Casablanca, Casa Atlantic delivers a curated selection of high-quality garments with trademark design and fit.
Having started with a small range of trouser styles, the brand has been slowly incorporating more product categories into their mix, such as knitwear and shirts. Keeping its focus on providing timeless designs with perfect fit, Casa Atlantic is proof that simplicity is perfection, as brilliantly showcased by their lookbooks.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Port of Castro Urdiales, Spain (No. 1)
Castro Urdiales is a seaport of northern Spain, in the autonomous community of Cantabria, situated on the Bay of Biscay. Castro Urdiales is a modern town, although its castle and the Gothic-style parish church of Santa María de la Asunción, date from the Middle Ages. Its chief industries are tourism, fishing, and oil-packing of fish, especially sardines and anchovies. The Lolin and La Castreña anchovy canning factories serve as a reminder of the town's closeness to this industry and its proximity to the sea.
Although the number of people registered in the town is around 32,000, the summer population can double or even triple this figure. The town is popular because of its beaches and scenic harbor.
​ Source: Wikipedia  
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de-olho-na-rua · 1 year
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lightdancer1 · 3 months
Today in Black Military history, the other side of the pond:
Today in Black Military History the bits of Black resistance and the history of slavery in this hemisphere the 1619 Project is determined to erase. Contrary to the views of the Project, and this is where for all that its very centrality in the efforts to censor Black History entirely require defending it solely on those merits, the history of slavery in its modern form starts with the arrival of Columbus in the 1490s and what happened to the Taino in the genocidal devastation of that culture at the hands of the first version of slavery. The span from that to the arrival of the colonists at Jamestown and that first ship in 1619 is the same as the span between people of 2024 and Theodore Roosevelt's time.
Spanish America was much older than the Anglo version, and it is there that the roots of the Atlantic Slave Trade got started from the specific results of slavery, wars, and slave-trading in adding to the plagues in devastating the populations of the Americas. It both intersects with that broader military history because of the Spanish cycles of Indian Wars that sustained it, because of the militaristic roots of Spanish colonialism and the culture of the Reconquista that shaped it.....and as will be shown, because of the specific cultural elements that led to the rise of Maroon communities virtually as soon as slavery itself arose. Equally, as will be shown in a set of focuses, the realities of Black America from the dawn were never a monolith. There were those who endured the misery of the hellbound ships and survived the horrors of slavery within its shackles, those who fought and built their own societies beyond its writ......and those who were bloody-handed warlords as much as their paler-skinned Spanish counterparts and who were part of the same broader imperial enterprise. As in the Anglo colonies racism as we know it took time to consolidate and it was entirely probable at the start that people we would now consider Black had relatively greater rights than would be so a few decades into the imperial system.
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lepetitlugourmand · 6 months
R - La Table d'Antonio Salvatore au Rampoldi - La Truffe Blanche en splendeur
L’emblématique et ultra dynamique Chef étoilé Antonio Salvatore a démontré à nouveau sa virtuosité et son inventivité lors d’un dîner unique et spécial, consacré à la Truffe Blanche, qu’il a orchestré avec passion. Située au sous-sol du légendaire Rampoldi Monaco, La Table d’Antonio Salvatore est une table créative, gastronomique et immersive, qui vous plonge avec intensité dans l’univers du chef…
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¡Casas y cosas abandonadas! ¿Lapsus terrenal? ¿La “Cultura de usar, tirar y jamás reciclar? ¡El sueño (Pesadilla) americano!
Hotel abandonado en Atlantic City
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
Catalina Swimwear
Miss costume da bagno: Catalina. #catalina #swimwear #summer #estate #costumedabagno #storiadellamoda #creatoredistile #creatoredimoda #missuniverso #missusa #perfettamentechic
Catalina, azienda leader di costumi da bagno e abbigliamento sportivo, nasce come produttore di biancheria intima e maglioni con il nome di Bentz Knitting. Nel passato era uno dei primi produttori di abbigliamento della California. Catalina nasce nel 1907 come Bentz Knitting Mills, un piccolo produttore di biancheria intima e maglioni. Con la crescita dell’azienda, ha subito diversi cambi di…
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colonna-durruti · 2 months
A Mario mancano tre anni alla pensione, da 35 è impiegato nella grande distribuzione, in un supermercato Pam di Corso Svizzera a Torino.
A un certo punto la vita comincia a precipitare: il mutuo di casa schizza alle stelle, sua moglie si ammala. Mario stringe i denti, dà fondo ai risparmi. Ma con questi lavori mica metti in banca milioni e i risparmi finiscono presto.
Un giorno perde la testa, sono parole sue, e ruba sei uova e una scamorza affumicata dagli scaffali del supermercato, gli stessi che aveva riempito e su cui aveva vigilato per tanti anni. Lo beccano subito perché lui non è un ladro di professione, è solo un uomo disperato e affamato. Appena viene sorpreso con la scamorza nel sacco, ammette tutto e chiede scusa: “Ho sbagliato, ma vivo una situazione privata ed economica al limite del sostenibile. Non è una giustificazione, solo una spiegazione”.
All’azienda le scuse e la mortificazione non bastano. Il licenziamento in tronco arriva per raccomandata: “Appare particolarmente grave che lei abbia deliberatamente prelevato dagli scaffali di vendita alcune referenze per un valore complessivo di 7,05 euro e sia poi uscito dal negozio senza provvedere al pagamento delle stesse. Le scuse da lei fornite non possono giustificare in alcun modo l’addebito contestato. Considerati violati gli obblighi generali di correttezza, diligenza e buona fede, ritenuto venuto meno l’elemento fiduciario, avendo abusato della sua posizione all’interno dell’organizzazione a proprio indebito vantaggio e a danno della società, le comunichiamo la risoluzione del rapporto di lavoro per giusta causa”.
I sindacati, giudicando la misura del licenziamento sproporzionata, hanno fatto ricorso.
Anche Jean Valjean, il protagonista dei Miserabili, ruba un mezzo pane e per tutta la vita viene inseguito da Javert, il poliziotto che diventerà il simbolo universale della giustizia ottusa e, appunto, sproporzionata.
Ma questi sono gli aggettivi della burocrazia e dei tribunali, abbiamo bisogno di altre parole per capire un sistema disumano, che si basa su uno schiavismo legalizzato che (anche) nella grande distribuzione trova terreno fertile.
Questo sistema feroce – in cui si sono polverizzate le reti sociali (in un alimentari a gestione familiare la vicenda di Mario sarebbe andata a finire nello stesso modo?) e milioni di individui sono esposti alle intemperie del mercato – è pensato a discapito della maggioranza e a vantaggio dei pochi che si spartiscono le ricchezze del mondo, con l’avallo dei governi.
Il nostro, nonostante una situazione di crescente, paurosa povertà, ha abolito il Reddito di cittadinanza anche grazie a un’indegna campagna di stampa portata avanti dai principali giornali italiani per conto di lorsignori.
In un bel libro appena uscito per Einaudi, Antologia degli sconfitti, Niccolò Zancan mette in fila le storie dei nuovi Valjean: nella discesa agli inferi dell’emarginazione gli apre la porta Egle, un’anziana signora che fruga nell’immondizia del mercato di Porta Palazzo, in cerca di verdura per fare il minestrone. Ma nella vita di prima c’erano state una casa, una famiglia, le vacanze a Loano sulla 500. Poi si è ritrovata a vivere con la pensione di reversibilità del marito e la dignità perduta in un cassonetto della spazzatura.
In questo atlante della disperazione c’è tutto il catalogo degli emarginati: un padre separato, un senzacasa che dorme in auto, un cassintegrato, prostitute, migranti, rider. E un ladro di mance che viene licenziato come Mario. L’aiuto cuoco gli dice: “Da te non me lo sarei mai aspettato”. E lui gli risponde, umiliato, “nemmeno io”.
Invece è tutto prevedibile e ha un nome semplice: si chiama povertà. Dei poveri però non frega niente a nessuno, incredibilmente nemmeno dei lavoratori poveri: sono solo numeri nelle statistiche dell’Istat.
Finché non rubano sei uova e una scamorza.
(Silvia Truzzi, FQ 29 febbraio 2024) da Tranchida.
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Hmmm, you can buy this whole building in Atlantic City, New Jersey for $10.9M. Looks like a not-so-great block, but you get to live in the penthouse and that's kind of cheap for a whole hi-rise. AC can be dicey at night, though. There's got to be a reason why they're selling it. There are 6 floors of office space and the apt. has 5bds, 5ba, and is multi-level. Judging by the parking lot, there aren't many renters. I
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The owner's apt. is certainly impressive, though.
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This was probably the height of class/wealth in Atlantic City's hey-day.
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The home has a name, too- “Casa De Cielo.” We should all name our apts. and homes. When I had a house, I called it "Chateau BeauBeau," b/c my last name begins w/a Bo.
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Check out the kitchen. Love the cabinets and handles, plus the quartz counters and backsplashes.
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This is some big butler's pantry. Look at the intercom phone- buttons galore for all the rooms.
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I have never seen a dining room that seats 30. It's massive.
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And, talk about entertaining, this is the bar.
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The wine room is separate.
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This, believe it or not, is the bar's own kitchen. Wow.
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Can you imagine having a room just for family photos?
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Apparently, they also have their own post office in this lobby.
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Primary bedroom. Are those angled mirrors in the ceiling?
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The massive en-suite bath has blue lighting.
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The spa.
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What a library.
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This sitting room has a beautiful inlaid wood corner bar and I love the dogs on the fireplace surround.
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What a cool hall. It feels like a loggia.
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Even the elevator is decorated like a room.
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Look at this fabulous home theater. It's like a dinner theater.
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This fountain is so big, I thought it was a pool.
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Very large rooftop deck with a big outdoor kitchen.
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maryflorlovyblog · 3 months
Paulista Avenue
"Avenida Paulista is a symbol of the city of São Paulo and, in addition to its business vocation and famous bike path, it is one of its main cultural exponents. Theatres, cinemas, museums and cultural and shopping centers are always busy, as are craft fairs and street artist performances. The Museum of Arts and São Paulo - MASP, Casa das Rosas, Parque Trianon, a remnant of the city's native Atlantic Forest, and Parque Prefeito Mario Covas stand out in its extension. On Sundays Paulista is open to pedestrians and brings together cultural and leisure activities."
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charlotte-of-wales · 8 months
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Casa Real has released four pictures of Infanta Sofía prior to leaving to the United Kingdom to start the school course at the UWC Atlantic College in Wales | August 29th, 2023
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leonorandsofia · 6 months
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Casa Real has released a new photograph from Princess Leonor's graduation from the UWC Atlantic College of Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía to mark her 18th birthday.
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ragazzoarcano · 7 months
“Le cose si sfaldano, dice Chatwin, se non le accarezzi ogni tanto. I vasi vogliono acqua e fiori, se no ti cadranno di mano quando li sposti, a me è successo. Guardali, ogni tanto, i quadri appesi a casa tua. Per chi si affaticano se no, aggrappati a quel chiodo per anni? Toccali con la scusa di spolverarli. E fermati, quando si sbilanciano su un lato: lo fanno per attirare l'attenzione.”
— Elvira Seminara, Atlante degli abiti smessi
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felipeandletizia · 6 months
October 25, 2023: Casa Real released new pictures of Princess Leonor ahead of her 18th birthday on October 31st.
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July 3, 2022: Visited the Dali Museum in Girona
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July 16, 2022: Soccer match of the “UEFA Women’s Euro 2022” between Denmark and Spain at Brentford Community Stadium in London, UK
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May 20, 2023: Graduated from UWC Atlantic College in Wales, England
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July 31, 2023: Summer photosession at Alfabia Gardens in Mallorca
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August 17, 2023: Arrival at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza where the princess begun her military training that will last for the next 3 years
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October 21, 2022: Visited Arroes, Pion y Candanal, winner of the 2023 Princess of Asturias Award of Best Asturian Village.
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inklings-challenge · 7 months
2023 Inklings Challenge Participants List
This is an ongoing list of writers who have expressed interest in participating in the 2023 Inklings Challenge. I will be updating this list until October 1st, 2023, at which date everyone on the list will be assigned to one of the three Challenge Teams.
I have erred on the side of including people, so if you’re on the list and you do not want to participate, let me know and I’ll remove you. And it’s very possible I’ve missed names in the shuffle, so if you’re not on the list and you do want to participate, let me know so I can add you.
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lepetitlugourmand · 1 year
La Table d'Antonio Salvatore au Rampoldi - Monaco
La Table d’Antonio Salvatore au Rampoldi – Monaco
Découverte ou redécouverte de l’univers brillant et créatif du Chef étoilé Antonio Salavatore à La Table d’Antonio au Rampoldi à Monaco. Véritable lieu unique, immersif, tel un speakeasy gastronomique, le restaurant de l’emblématique chef italien, qui se situe au sous-sol de l’institution Rampoldi, est une véritable expérience des sens : entre projection d’images envoûtantes, musique douce et…
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