Cielau RISE
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[This user ships Cielau.]
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blaacknoir · 7 years
I ship cielau because they have a really interesting dynamic that can be both fun and rom com ish or serious and darker, depending on the situation. I also feel like they're on each other's level in terms of power dynamics and intelligence, and have the potential to genuinely care about each other. I also find they have enough canon shippy moments and cute interactions to draw my attention to it and hope for more interactions in the future. Anyways yeah lmao
I wonder who this could possibly be…. hmmmmm….
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Really though, I get the appeal of Cielau as a ship (in the future of course), because “friendly bickering and banter” is like… the bread and butter for my ships, lol. And a lot of the things that would make them work as a ship also would work just fine in a platonic setting (which is my personal headcanon for them, a broTP).
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visforvore · 7 years
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Ciel and Lau for kissing meme #2 for anon (you know who you are)
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cielau · 7 years
What do you think Lau and Ciel's favourite things are about each other?
okay okay okay so, it’s weird but I honestly think Ciel’s fav thing about Lau would be how absurd he is. The way he pops in randomly into his life, spouting the weirdest nonsense that (unfortunately) is often too true. That dumb way he acts smart only to have no idea what’s going on. The way he talks about anything and everything while they play cards. Lau is like a breath of fresh air compared to the tight way of life he lives. Does Lau care if he swears and complains about all the stuff he has to do to stay ‘proper’. Hell no, Lau well join in.
Lau’s fav thing about Ciel are the way he views the world, he sees the horrible things life throws at you and he looks at it with fire burning in his eyes. He loves the way Ciel well view him for what he is, someone who’s dumb with smart thoughts. He loves how Ciel is different from anyone else he works with. He too, is almost like a breath of fresh air
This is so cheesy, rip.
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yelenawithaj · 7 years
@finnyisanactualrayofsunshine I was listening to Mulan songs and I have two crazy ideas.
1) Ran Mao teaching the former S4 self-defence with I’ll make a man out of you in the background
2) Lau feeling down so the girls play dress-up-for-the-wedding Chinese traditional version. The song is Bring honor to us. Bonus points if they end up marrying Lau and Ciel with Ran Mao as best man.
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dixvinsblog · 2 years
Un soir dans la Dombes - Gilles Compagnon
Un soir dans la Dombes – Gilles Compagnon
Le soir pose denseson cielau plan ras du muret au fil plat de la mare,en bas du talusde boue grisée,à l’écru bordde ses reflets. Le soir descend largeses palettes lourdesétalées; ses froidures d’ombresur le champde moites senteursd’humus,tout de frais labouré. Le jour se meurt, s’éteint,s’effondre sans fard; surgit un renard esseulécoursant un égaréapeuré faisan. Seul ballet naissant;un…
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recvrsiveloop · 7 years
Cielau, with a prompt of getting Chinese takeout and watching shitty shows on Netflix ? Thank you!
Im pretty sure I know who asked this 😂Hope I didn't disappoint ❤❤It was late Friday night when Lau showed up on the doorstep of Ciel's manor, carrying a shitload of takeout food. When Sebastian opened the door, he just sighed and directed the Chinese man to Ciel's room.When Lau got to his room, he found Ciel binge watching TV. "Want any food?" He asked. Ciel muttered a quiet thanks and took the food from him. "So what's this show about?"Ciel glared at him. "Shut up, this is the good part." He said, glancing back at the screen."Oh, so the Earl likes Netflix more than me?""No I don't!" Ciel sputtered.Lau smiled. "I see. So you do care about me?Ciel sighed. "Shut up."Lau knew that meant he was right, so he quieted down and they spent the rest of the night watching Netflix together.The next morning, Sebastian looked in on them to see that Ciel had fallen asleep on Lau's shoulder. He simply smiled and closed the door.
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abybweisse · 7 years
For the ship thing if you're still doing them could you do cielau where Ciel is like over 18? If you do, thank you!
Well, I had stopped taking requests some time ago and finally finished replying to the ones I had already received. However, give me some time, and I'll eventually get to it. I've saved a pic of your ask, so I'll answer the request as a photo post.
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angeliquenoir1912 · 7 years
What are your kuro ships, if you have any? If you're not comfortable answering, you don't have to
Oh my...where do i start. 
I ship sebciel,  ciellizzy(sorta but its complicated), cielois, grelliam, grell and ronald, will and ronald (kinda), grell and undertaker, vincent and undertaker( assuming vincent was alive), grell and angelina (again, complicated) and of course, cielau. (I used to not like this but its actually kinda cute tbh) and i think thats about it...
I ship mostly everyone with everyone.  I dont have a favorite ship, but there are definitely a few i am against. 
1)undertaker x ciel  (its just wrong on so many levels)
2)vincent and ciel (do i even have to explain)
3)ciel x angelina (Again, self explanatory)
 Anyway, i love questions like this! Send in more!
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And no I’m not even gonna get into all the favours talk this chapter
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This user ships cielau? (Thank you!)
-Mod Sebastian
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blaacknoir · 7 years
My favorite thing about Cielau honestly is the idea that one day, Ciel will be sitting in bed with Lau, ten years from now...
"How long have I been dealing with your bullshit again?"
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cielau · 7 years
What are some of your favourite cielau headcanons?
Ciel and Lau are both horrible at confessing their emotions, so bad. Ciel is stubborn and years of hiding how he feels have made it hard to just freely admit them. His feelings toward Lau get even more complicated by a sense of duty from his arranged marriage with Lizzy (before figuring out that she too has feelings for someone else, they figure it out together). Lau doesn’t have a problem showing his ‘love’ to Ciel through friendly hugs and jokes. He hangs around a lot and spends plenty of time near Ciel. But admitting these deeper feelings is hard for him, cause he doesn’t want to scare off Ciel. Cue years of pining before someone gives in and helps them lol
Lau totally spends more and more time at the mansion, slowly moving in all sneaky like. More of his crap ends up in a spare bedroom and though Ciel notices this, he ignores it (he likes it but won’t say so. His servants are all happy yeee) Man Rao does not move in but is often seen there as well
Lau shows up at the mansion on his bad days as well, putting on a smile and acting normally. Ciel can usually see what’s wrong by this point and the two well have a quiet afternoon drinking tea and perhaps playing chess/cards.
Lau cheats at cards, the loser. They’re mostly even at chess, they enjoy it either way.
Lau really likes sweets. There’s always something on the desert platter when he comes (tho there’s often deserts with just Ciel too) He also gets a bunch of stuff from the Funtom Copany as well.
Ciel totally kept that dress Lau gave him (as noted in the manga) Does he wear it? Who knows. Probably not later, as it’s kinda small.
Ciel has a certain tolerance for dancing. Cause he knows the classics better, he’s more comfortable (Ciel and Lizzy being dancing partners is too cute to pass. Bffs) Lau is more likely to just go with the flow. Them dancing together is always a mess(but fun to watch at least)
Here are some ^^’‘‘ As always, feel free to complain or add on.
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recvrsiveloop · 7 years
Cielau for the something you hate ask meme
Ehh nothing? It’s a cool ship, not much to hate.
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angeliquenoir1912 · 7 years
Request for Cielau stuff if you're interested, from you know who ;) If you don't feel like it though dw about it
Oh you, 🙄🙄😏😏ofc ill draw you some ciellau when i get a chance
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