#click and drag danganronpa
pyrobuyo · 4 months
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Ryoma Yoshi..
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I just realized the fifth trial of v3 could have gone COMPLETELY different in my ghost au oh no
// SPOILERS for Danganronpa V3
I rewatched the trial recently and just got to the end when Kaito exits the Exisal to stop everyone from reaching the wrong vote, and it got me thinking.
We aren't completely sure whether Kokichi was killed by the hydraulic press or by the poison. It could've been totally possible for him to succumb to the poison while he was laying on the press waiting for it to lower.
We have no idea how long it actually takes for the Strike-9 poison to circulate through the body, and after Kaito and Kokichi switched places, he could've succumbed to the poison while Kaito was getting back up to the controls and setting back up to lower the press.
It's totally possible for him to have died of the poison and for Maki to be the actual Blackened, but as the player we had no way of confirming his cause of death. Not even Monokuma knew because the cameras were disabled! That was the whole shtick of the case! Monokuma relied completely on Shuichis deduction for this, and he concluded that Kokichi was killed with the press.
BUT in ghost au, we WOULD get confirmation of the killer and victim but not until that moment that Kaito exited the Exisal.
Kokichis ghost could've been hanging out in there through the whole trial until that point and exited with Kaito to see everyone's expressions up close. No one would really have made the conclusion that killers see their victims ghost until they became a Blackened themselves, but Kaito didn't know that so he wouldn't have been off put by not seeing Kokichis ghost. Dude was scared of ghosts after all so it would've sent him into a panic attack anyway.
But imagine when Kaito exits the Exisal and Kokichi's bloodied ghost follows, only visible to Maki. Imagine her shock when she sees both of them still supposedly alive in front of her. Imagine the rage that would boil her blood and send her bolting over to Kokichi to try to strangle or stab him, reaching out for his spindly neck to take him down-
Only for her to phase right through him.
She falls to the floor, to her hands and knees and is hit with an entirely new shock at the realization. Oh. Oh no. Shuichi and Kaito are moving to help her up and pay no attention to the bloodied Kokichi standing beside them, asking her if she's okay after tripping like that.
That's why Gonta was acting so weird in the previous trial, saying that Miu was still with them and even more confused about why there was a trial being held. They dismissed it as her being with them in spirit, but the others had no clue how literal that was.
Kaede didn't kill Rantaro, but if she had, it would've been a dead giveaway if she was freaking out about a ghost.
Kirumis spiral at the end of her trial was probably driven by Ryoma teasing her with the occasional quip until she lost it.
Korekiyo has probably seen enough ghosts to last a lifetime, so two more would've been nothing.
Only when Gonta had killed Miu did things click.
Maki would look at Kokichi in abject horror, and he would stare back with the exact same expression because this would completely ruin his plan. She would absolutely take the chance to give up her own life to save Kaito. She had done it so many times throughout the trial already, but that was just denial. Denial that Kaito could've been dead and that she could've been the one that killed him.
The trial would drag on for longer, and Shuichi would reach the same conclusion that killers saw their victims ghost. Kaito's skin would go cold because, if that's true, then why couldn't he see Kokichi? He was supposed to be the Blackened. Not Maki. Not Maki.
Maki and Kaito would argue for both stances, desperate to save the other, until Monokuma confirms that, yes, the Blackeneds can see the ghost of their respective victim, because hey, Tsumugi has been able to see Rantaro this entire time. On the cameras, the other culprits have been talking to themselves after killing their victims, but not in a mental spiral. More of a conversation with the dead body before them, except the victim was responding.
Maki would be executed because of this, and Kaito's moral would tank because he a) just lost the love of his life, b) survived when he wasn't supposed to and c) all of that work, all of that planning Kokichi had put into this trial to end the killing game once and for all was completely wasted. He would go numb. He was ready to give up his own life for this, but Maki didn't deserve this. Maki was supposed to live, not him. This wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. The only thing trusting Kokichi got him was the love of his life dying before his very eyes when it was supposed to be him.
Oh God now i wanna write a fic where this happens
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ari-but-unhinged · 12 days
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Art for Toritsuka/Hairo fic where I explored what was meant to be a crack ship and is now one of my favourite (??) ships in Saiki k- PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
(A long rant ensues so, if you don’t want that then that’s all good and you don’t have to click, but if you’re interested, then welcome to my rant about a rare pair i love!)
Of course, I started out by simply laughing at the “I hate men” line Toritsuka said about Hairo and thinking writing a crack taken seriously fic would be funny and it would be a nice break before I started this other fic I have planned that is going to be an even bigger endeavour with Saiki k x Danganronpa. What I didn’t see happening was for this Torihai fic to completely take over my brain space and end up with a fic just shy of 20,000 words.
This may not seem like a lot, but I usually only write fics in 1,000-2,000s so this is a lot for me, especially since I’m a slow writer/editor so it takes me a while.
Part of the reason I love these two together is because of the inherent dynamic of Hairo’s inspirational preachiness and how it doesn’t work on Toritsuka, and how it might be refreshing for Hairo to have someone who challenges him (and not in the fake way Teruhashi does, with Toritsuka being very upfront and honest about it). Toritsuka also, because he’s so upfront about his feelings, helps Hairo to express certain emotions like annoyance/sadness that he wouldn’t normally express outwardly. Something else too is that Toritsuka tends to be very physically affectionate, and I don’t know that Hairo is used to that (I haven’t seen any examples of him being physically affectionate in any other way than a bro way) so that could be refreshing as well. Also, also, Toritsuka is Hairo’s gym buddy who was reluctantly dragged along that day Saiki was trying to avoid everyone and no one can change my mind lol (this, in Hairo’s mind, forms a bond between them that can never be broken and he will never stop reminding Toritsuka of this when they hang out).
I just think their dynamic can be playful/fun because they’re both real with each other if that makes sense?
On Toritsuka’s side of things, he doesn’t have a lot of friends and the friends he does have he either doesn’t have any chemistry with or hate him (Saiki lol), so I think it’d be nice for him to have someone who is extremely caring/attentive to his friends and clearly cares deeply about them and shows it often. Because of this, Hairo shows interest in Toritsuka’s life, and for someone who probably hasn’t had many friends, that would mean a lot. Also the fact that Hairo cares so much for Toritsuka sets an example as to how to be a good friend/human would behave and could help him grow as a person (which are always the best friendships/relationships when they grow together rather than staying stagnant and dragging each other down). Being more caring of others and allow him to develop his interpersonal relationships with more than just ghosts, instead with real humans.
Also, I’ve taken to calling them the “errand boys” because it’s a great prompt to force two people who are polar opposites and would never interact to hang out/do an activity together, so I thought it fit them perfectly.
In the fic I changed a few things from canon (sexualities obviously- Tori is bi/queer and Hairo is gay. Although quick side-tangent- I’ve written Tori/Kaidou, Tori/Akechi, and now Tori/Hairo and all three of them either are Asexual or are often headcanonned as ace by the community/me and I just find it very funny that the horniest character is continuously shipped with them. I only realized I did this after I first started writing the fic.)
- Hairo explicitly has psychic powers (it’s something they can bond over and it’s something that plays off of Hairo’s emotions. Cue a lot of blushing not only because of embarrassment but also actual literal heat rushing to his face.)
- Hairo was raised by a single parent (His family is never mentioned so I just made one up)
- Personal headcanon, but I feel like Toritsuka might occasionally pretend to not see spirits in order to avoid getting approached.
- Toritsuka’s backstory has been slightly altered and has a lot more angst to an already pretty sad backstory (it’s played for laughs, but imagine how that would’ve felt for him :( he realized he lost two people he loved in a matter of minutes. Also, he’s a child when this happens so that’s even sadder. I honestly wonder if they died somewhere in the house or he was just there and his guardians didn’t know, like??? How???)
If this made you interested in reading the fic which this is all about, I’ll link it at the end, but if you were just here for the rant, that’s cool too! I’m obsessed with these two because they’re adorable and I must spread the gospel of Torihai.
Link to original fic-
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marysunshine23 · 7 months
The "Tumblr Sexyman" Formula - It's Not What You Think
I know it sounds click-baity but hear me out.
Noun Tumblr sexyman (plural Tumblr sexymen) (fandom slang) A male fictional character (often conventionally unattractive or non-human) with a particularly devoted fanbase on Tumblr.
So, what makes a Tumblr sexyman? Is it the suit? Is it the height? Is it the face?
TL;DR - It's confidence and sass.
Some people might be confused. Think of any tumblr sexyman and why you might like him. And you don't have to think about it very hard. So I'm gonna break down the ones I know/know enough about.
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The Onceler
Ah, yes, the one who started it all; The Onceler. With his boyish face, his hipster fashion, his guitar, and his thirst for fame, he was an unintentionally sexy guy. Dreamworks did not plan this. At all. So what about this gangly, clumsy, people-pleasing, one-hit-wonder of a man child is attractive? Well, first and foremost, he makes it clear that he is confident that he has a good idea and that it can be accomplished. He has a plan, he knows how to execute it, he just needs some attention. And when people give him flack for this "stupid idea", he rolls his eyes and makes a snide remark. He's not afraid to tell people where to shove it (except his family, but that's an abusive relationship for you.)
It just so happens that he's got a boyish face and a nice sense of style. But what makes him attractive is his confidence and sass. Next!
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Bill Cipher
Now how can a literal animate symbol of the illuminaty be sexy? Well, he's basically a God, so of course he's confident that if the stars align in his favor, he can do whatever the fuck he wants. And when he's underestimated, he's got loads of backhanded compliments and off-handed remarks to make people feel dumb. Confidence and sass.
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Now we have the man, or rather skeleton, that broke the suit rule; Sans. Talk to this guy for more than five minutes and you see he basically lives and breathes sass. And whenever you start getting violent, he makes sure you know that he is a threat. He doesn't even have to do much to show that despite only having 1 HP, you do not want to cross this little skelly-man. Between the jokes and passive-aggressive warnings to deter you from hurting Papyrus, there's no doubt that Sans is full of sass and confidence.
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Komaeda Nagito
Komaeda Nagito; love him or hate him, he's almost the poster child of tumblr sexymen. His sass and confidence are so apparent that it becomes annoying despite the confidence not necessarily being within himself. His confidence in his luck and hope drive him to be the most loved, hated, and feared character in the Danganronpa series. His sass often comes in the form of backhanded comments that he "doesn't realize" aren't compliments. Not to mention the fact that despite his attitude and self-deprecating talk, everyone knows he's a threat. Sass and confidence in it's most unusual form.
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Alastor, one of the revivals of the suit and tie schtick. There's no question of his confidence; when one is an overlord, you can't help but exude it. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't even attempt to be subtle about his sass like some of the other men in this post. If he thinks something is stupid, he'll tell you in the most eloquent and flavorful way he can; all while avoiding profanities. There's no doubt that he is basically a copy-paste example of the traditional sassy and confident sexyman.
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Angel Dust
I know my previous example was from Hazbin but there's a reason that Angel Dust is here. Angel is an example of a sexyman who leans into a femboy. Angel is known for wearing the stereotypical suit top in a way that makes him appear to have breasts. He forgoes the suit pants for a mini-skirt and sexyboots, and often wears drag. He's sexy and he knows it. He's the gay friend girls wish they could date, he's the gay friend that will tell that creep at the bar to fuck off and leave you alone, and he's 100% the gay friend you make out with when you're drunk. Angel Dust isn't just a tumblr sexyman, he's what women love about gay men. And that comes with a boat load of sass and confidence.
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The latest entry into the tumblr sexyman gallery, Jax from The Amazing Digital Circus. Next to Nagito and Bill, Jax might be one of the meaner sexymen. He not only cares what others think, he doesn't care much about other people's emotional or physical well-being; and he's vocal about it through snide remarks and backhanded compliments. He is who he is and that isn't about to change. And he brings in that tall and skinny stereotype. Though it might become a stereotype that Michael Kovach needs to voice them as well; because like Angel Dust, Michael sells that confidence and sass.
Tumblr Sexymen aren't necessarily sexy for their appearance, the definition even states that very often they're not conventionally attractive. What we're attracted to is someone who is confident enough to tell people off and sassy enough to do it in a way that is funny. Humans find confidence attractive, and we often will overlook appearance if someone is funny enough. Sass is playful, and it makes us feel at ease. These sexymen are confident enough to develop power, but playful enough to not feel like an immediate threat. None of the tumblr sexymen are the type of guy you'd run into on the street; some of them are charismatic, some of them are kinda dorky, but all of them are people you'd want on your side during a fight. If they care about you, they'll stand up for you and be able to knock down the opponent a couple pegs.
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Killing Game Chapter Order: Danganronpa Deduction Production
A killing game set on Black Bear White Studios, a secluded movie studio.
Note: This is not FUJIKO'S original class. This is her male counterpart Fujio Tokuma, The Ultimate Socialite.
Executions go to those who already have one prior to writing this out:
Protagonist: Yuka Mukami, the Ultimate Chess Champion Support: Mayako Nakajima (The Ultimate Prosecutor)/Einosuke Sato (The Ultimate Informant/Consigliere)
This killing game would have a path system which effects the approach that Yuka takes when navigating through the killing game: the side of Justice (Mayako), the side of Survival (Einosuke) or the side of Independence (Yuka herself). If you chose the side of justice, Yuka would approach the cases in a relatively humane way, choosing to try and bait out confessions with very specific word changes and waiting for the opportunity that the blackened to slip and reveal themselves. If you chose the side of survival, Yuka would approach the cases with the idea that being civil could never work in situations like this. Learning to get the information she wants/needs through intimidation tactics and lying her way into exposing the truth. If you chose the side of Independence, Yuka would learn to navigate the killing game and the trials her own way, adopting principles of both sides while trying to discover what her place is in this killing game and her life leading up to it.
Antagonist: Mayako Nakajima/Einosuke Sato Mastermind: Ren Hanabi
Chapter 1: Motive: The Phone
There are two phones hidden around the studio. The first students to physically touch the phones will get the chance to call a loved one for a minute.
Victim: Yori Sugawara Blackened: Lola Halliday Execution: Ring of Fire
Lola reached for her classmates, crying out in hopes that someone could sympathize with her. She had a good reason, one she was sure that the others would understand. But no one would look at her, avoiding her gaze at all costs. Her pleas had fallen upon deaf ears. The door behind her swung open and a metal chain launched out, clamping onto her ankle with a click of the lock. In one swift pull, Lola was yanked to the ground and dragged into a dark corridor. She desperately clawed at the concrete beneath her, her hands and fingertips becoming rugged. Her face already became red and puffy with fearful tears. Another door behind her swung open and she was flung out into an open world. Beneath her was an island that had been engulfed by the lava of an erupted volcano. Any wild-life that had yet to have been destroyed were crying out for someone to save them. In the reflection of Lola’s ember eyes was the scene of a small town set that had been set aflame. On the roofs of the buildings were large groups of monokumas, some in “tears” and others crying out for her destruction. That she was the reason why they were facing their impending doom. The chain continued to pull her towards the active volcano and came to a sudden halt, holding her above the mouth of the beast. Lola closed her eyes from the heat as well as a slow acceptance of her death. The ground beneath her rumbled. Instead of the clamp around her ankle immediately letting go, the arm dipped down and flicked up quickly. Her body was flung up into the air, causing her to do flips. At the peak of her stunt, a giant monokuma emerged from within the molten lava with an open mouth. And Lola was consumed in one chomp. The Monokuma, happy with its treat, held its hands in the air and twirled around in its descent back into the volcano.
Chapter 2: Motive: Till Death Do We Part
If the blackened gets away with the murder, they get to choose one person to take with them. They can refuse to take anyone with them.
Victim: Daichi Sugawara Blackened: Kenji Inoue Execution: Siren's Call
Kenji sat in a dark room that was illuminated by the light of a single candle. A small table separated him from a beautiful faceless girl, and, on top of it was the candle and a slim vase holding two peonies, one red and one pink. The two were faced away from each other but were aware of each other’s presence. The girl starts to sing a sinful harmony, immediately catching the attention of the boy. He goes to turn to the girl but a large sign falls in front of his face reading "Do Not Look!". Kenji, at first, obeys and keeps his back turned. But then another girl appears, even more beautiful than the last. She began to sing along with the other, piquing Kenji’s interest. He tries to take a glance at the two but one of his eyes was shot, replacing it with a blood-covered nightshade. The Ikebana Artist let out a pained cry and a warm stream of blood slid down his cheek. His breathing speeds up and his hands gripped onto the fabric of his pants. One after another, more girls piled on the other side of the table and their siren’s song grew louder and louder. His ears started to ring at the pitch of their voices and the wall holding back his urges was starting to break. He made a promise, one he had broken so many times. One he would finally pay his dues for. His right hand drifted from his lap and towards the group of girls behind him. That’s when his hand was also shot with a petunia, effectively rooting it to the floor. His hand oozed more of the light pink fluid. This was his last chance to make things right for both him and for her. So, through a pained wince, he closed his right eye. The choir of girls had quieted with the sound of Kenji’s heartbeat replacing it in his ears. He forced down a gulp and flinched at the sudden weight in his lap. A delicate finger traced over his chest directly where his heart was. “Who does your heart belong to?” A feminine voice cooed. The boy’s lips parted but nothing came of it. He struggled to remember the name of the girl he promised his life to. There was a burning sensation engulfing his heart. He knew that his time was ticking and that it was ticking fast. His breathing grew erratic; his mind was scattering to find the name. Kenji opened his mouth and a single magnolia petal slipped out. That’s when he remembered but it was far too late. His heart and chest burst open and an elegant magnolia bush blossomed from within it. Each flower was tainted with bright pink splatters. The weight of the bush forced him to fall back, his head turned to the table. And, with his last bit of strength, his eye opened to see that the pink peony has wilted with a single petal falling into the candle flame.
Chapter 3: Motive: None Victim 1: Katsuki Akahoshi Victim 2: Fujio Tokuma Almost Killed: Hisai Sanae Blackened: Isabella Miyoshi Execution: Hope's Peak All-Stars
Isa is shown waving happily to the audience. Groups of cheerleading mannequins were lined up on both sides of her, waving white and black pom-poms as she did. A spotlight flashed onto the cheer squad and, at the command of Isa, they started their routine.  Jumps, flips and all kinds of tricks were performed, making the crowd of monokumas go wild. The icing on the cake was a quintuple tumble coming from the Ultimate Cheerleader herself. She stood up straight and held up her hands proudly. Yet, instead of hearing the impressed screams of the crowd, all lights flickered off, plunging the entire field into darkness. A single spotlight flashed, revealing Isa to be hooked up to a strange machine. Her arms, legs and neck were being held still by chains. Her mouth was a slightly agape in a curiosity and over her eyes was a blindfold. Another spotlight flashed over monokuma, sitting behind a joystick device that seemingly went to the machine. With its iconic wicked smile, it smashed a red button on the controller and the machine let out a nerve-wracking noise in startup.  The monokuma grabbed onto the joystick and started to move it around. And, like clockwork, all chains started to twist and turn, commanding Isa to do their bidding. Twisting her body in uncomfortable positions, testing the limits of her flexibility. The Monokuma jerked the joystick around in inhuman speeds, the chains following suit. Her bones were being crushed, her organs collapsing under the intense speeds and pressure. Her head was spinning and her brain was being tossed around in its cage. The Monokuma had been too rough with the controller and had effectively broken off the joystick. The machine went haywire and tossed the girl around, all parts of it starting to self-destruct. The bear bolted, leaving the machine by itself. The machine exploded in a large dust cloud and a strange orb fell from it. The wind cleared away the dust to reveal a ball of flesh and blood, viciously molded together to create a human meatball of the Ultimate Cheerleader.
Chapter 4: Motive: Nomination Videos
Each student walks into the “Editing Office” and is forced into separate rooms. Each room has a tv, a dvd player and a disc that has their name on it. Each disc holds a reel of their life before the killing game but it was their lives before the events of the killing game and who nominated them to be apart of it.
Victim: Mantaro Takemura Blackened: Toru Marin Execution: Mutiny
Toru is set on a large ship at sea. The tides were wild and the thunderstorms around her roared. Toru stood inside the captain’s quarters. The things around her slid around the room as the boat rocked from the rough seas. The crew burst through the door and forced her out. They all pointed to a large Kraken attacking the ship. She motioned for the crew to take it on by themselves.  The crew looked at each other and then back to the captain. They all grabbed her and started pushing her towards the Kraken. She struggled in their grasps, her heels dug into the wooden floorboards, everything she could to stop the men. But it was futile as she was so much smaller and weaker than the collective. The Kraken wrapped a tentacle around the ship and lifted it out of the sea. Its cry sent a few of the men flying overboard. The crew picked up the girl as an offering for the beast. The Kraken, pleased with their sacrifice, took Toru from the crew. But before the Kraken could throw her into her mouth, a harpoon series of harpoons was shot at the creature, by the crew no less. She tried to yell out for them to stop but they didn’t listen and she was struck in the stomach with a harpoon. The beast, filled with holes and harpoons, collapsed into the water, bringing the sailor with him. Leaving the water to transform from a dark blue to bright pink.
Chapter 5: Motive: Insomniac's Lullaby
The students wake up with a metal collar around their necks. Monokuma announces that they are something similar to dog collars. The catch is that they have a time bank that they depletes when they sleep. Once someone runs out of time, the collar will release a 1200-watt shock that will kill the collar wearer. The collars will break once a body has been discovered.
Victim: Mayako Nakajima/Einosuke Sato (Depending on which path you took) Blackened: Chiyo Kageyama Execution: Only A Witch
Chiyo sat on her knees in the center of a theatre stage, dressed in witch clothing. Around her neck was a rope tied into the form of a noose that leads up into the ceiling. Her eyes darted up to the audience filled monokumas in various wigs and masks that reflected all of the people in her life. Her parents, loved ones, passed friends. All who took their lives because of her curse.  A being  wearing a burlap sack over her head danced onto the stage. She bowed to the audience and stood in the stance of the fool. Like magic, a rope fell from the ceiling and into the girl’s hands. Her head tilted slightly to expose a sadistic smile underneath the sack. The executioner pulled the rope down and on the other side, Chiyo was lifted up, her entire body hovering above the stage floor. Her body jerked and struggled against the rope around her neck. But her arms made no effort to pry it away. But she didn’t need to, as the movement from her body made the rope scratch against the medium. The occultist’s face paled, her breathing became sparse and her vision started to blur. With one last jerk, the rope snapped at her weight. Chiyo fell down and crashed into the floor. The executioner peered into the hole and watched her fall with a maliciously curious smile. She hit concrete with a hard thud, slowly marinating herself in a strange pool of liquid. Chiyo hissed at the pain that surged through her entire body. She wasn’t sure if she had shattered any bones but god did it feel like it. The smell of the liquid was intense and immediately recognized what it was. A torch was lit from the other side of the room. Her eyes darted to the torch and the being from before holding it. They waved it around haphazardly before tossing it, her mouth feigning a worried “O”. It landed in the liquid; the fire quickly expanding and running straight to Chiyo, illuminating the dungeon as it went. The occultist scurried to her feet and sprinted away from the swiftly approaching flames. The gap between the two gradually lessened and it wasn’t long before the flame started to take hold onto Chiyo’s shoes, then her stockings and then her skirt. She kicked off her shoes and hoped it would make it easier for her to run. But that effort proved to be fruitless. Desperate to free herself from its grip, she shed herself of what was remaining of her skirt and her blouse, leaving her in her underwear. The girl smacked into a metal door. Her hands frantically patted for the handle door. The fire and the flames were approaching faster and faster, riding the gasoline like a wave. At the last second, she was able to find the metal knob and opened the door. She rushed inside and closed the door behind her.  Large floodlights flashed on, showing a roman colosseum completely filled with cheering monokuma. All with stones in their robotic paws. A feminine “yoohoo” caught Chiyo’s attention. Her eyes followed the voice where she saw the being once again with a tossing a small pebble in their hand. They didn’t bother to pull down the sack that had been raised to be above their nose. Their arm slowly raised to point to Chiyo. Pew. All at once, everyone in the crowd started to throw stones at Chiyo. Chiyo tried to move away but was pelted left and right by the rocks. And no matter where she could have gone, a flurry of stones would have hit her. Despite having nothing to shield herself or to cushion the blow, Chiyo stood in the colosseum, covered in blood and bruises. She clung onto her tiny thread of life. Her swaying body was approached by the executioner. They tilted her head in question, remaining wordless. Do you wish to know who I am? Their gripped onto the burlap sack and pulled it off. Through a fading vision Chiyo’s brown eyes met her own. The clone held up the pebble to Chiyo. They winked playfully at the occultist. They flicked it at her and it hit the center of her forehead. A sinister smile was flashed at the sight of Chiyo’s body collapsing to the ground.
Chapter 6: 'Joint' Execution: Yuka Mukami/Ren Hanabi (But she escapes in the end)
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logicroute · 1 year
Reasons why I don't like Your Turn to Die
I have stated my dislike for the game called 'Your Turn to Die' many times on my blog, and I thought of why not list all of my reasons here. It is going to be in a list format
It's a worst version of Danganronpa
I have seen character personalities stolen by the creator of YTTD from the Danganronpa creator. Such as with Shin Tsukimi and Kokichi Ouma
The cast is far too small for a death game, if you can call it that
Despite being a 'death game' the characters cannot kill each other outside of the 'main games'
Speaking of main games, they are so long and dragged out for no reason, just let us vote who dies the first voting session so we can go back to the gameplay, which is just point and click.
I don't see how anyone could like this cast of characters or get attached to them
And that ends my list, remember to hit that like button and follow me for more Danganronpa content.
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glitchydyke · 2 years
omg i just started danganronpa… i have No idea what to do or what the game is abt <3 can u summarize it or give me any hints for playing??
SO. there’s five games total: three visual novels, one third person adventure, and one that’s kind of a visual novel board game type deal?? i haven’t played that yet but it’s non-canon so it’s not vital. there’s also an anime adaptation of the first game and an anime you watch after playing the first two and the adventure game!! i’ll talk abt the visual novels here since those are the main three (+ honestly it’s been a while since i watched the shooter game)
the three visual novels all have the same plot essentially: a class of “ultimates” (kids who are designated The Best At Their Specific Talent) are trapped somewhere (school in the first game, an island in the second, then a different school for the third). for a while, everything is fine, and although they’re understandably freaked out by the prospect of not being allowed to leave, they’re relatively calm. that is, until a robotic bear named monokuma shows up, tells them they they really ARE all trapped, and that the only way to escape the place they’re being held is to kill another classmate and get away with it. there’s also a motive each chapter, to give the kids even more incentive to kill, incase being trapped forever wasn’t enough to tip them over the edge.
so each chapter, things are okay for a few days. people are stressed, but no murder happens - in these sections, you get what are called “free time events”, which is where you can go find your favourite characters and spend time with them! by spending time with them and giving them gifts that they like (gifts are gotten by exchanging coins, which you find around the game and earn from trials), you level up your relationship with them. the highest level of relationship gets you both a gift from them and a bonus you can use in the class trial (better aim, more time, etc). and it’s also just fun to hang out w the characters and talk to them!! you can also skip free time events if you’re not interested, though.
THEN there’s the murder. a death happens, and you get the monokuma file - a little document w basic info abt the body: location, method of death, time of death, etc (the specific info differentiates from case to case). you then get time to spend investigating, which is a point and click type activity, you click on evidence to get a little bit of dialogue about it and then it’s added to your “truth bullets”, which are what you use in the class trial. sometimes during investigations you’ll be forced to investigate with other characters, since each game has a designated antagonist + helper character.
THEN there’s the trials!! the living classmates are all gathered in a trial room, and based on the evidence you’ve collected, you have to solve the murder. if you find the culprit, the culprit is executed. accuse the wrong person? everybody else is executed, and the culprit gets to leave. during the trial you use your truth bullets, the pieces of evidence you’ve collected, to refute statements - i.e. a character will say something along the lines of “well, the death happened at midnight”, and you’ll have to cycle through your bullets to find the evidence that contradicts that. there’s also minigames in the trials, that differ from game to game. some of them include hangman’s gambit, where you have to spell out a word relevant to the case, and logic dive, where you’re in an astral-projection type world, and you’re asked questions about the case and have to steer towards the correct answer. there’s also ones that are in every case, like bullet time battle, a rhythm game where you break through statements, and closing argument, where you put together a manga of the events of the case.
after you’ve found the culprit, you then watch their execution - they’re dragged to an elaborate stage, and brutally killed in a way that’s usually a sick joke or irony on their ultimate talent. the executions (barring a select few), are FASCINATING to watch and analyse.. there’s a few that i think about regularly <3
through all of this, the protagonist and the surviving classmates also slowly put together information they’ve collected to discover “the mastermind” as they call it - the person who locked them up and is forcing them to kill each other.
so through each game, you’ll get to hang out with the characters and learn more about them, investigate their deaths, find the murderer in the class trials, and uncover the mystery of why you’re trapped with no hope of escape <3
for advice?? honestly just… do free time events with your favourite characters and learn more about them. don’t be afraid to look up solutions for the class trials if you need them, but try your best to stay away from spoilers about the murderers and the masterminds, it’s way more fun that way. i spoiled a lot of the games for myself and i rlly wish i could go back and watch/play them for the first time again.
also danganronpa has a lot of flaws, so be aware of that. it’s a product of it’s time and it wasn’t made by great people. it’s genuinely a wonderful game and it’s dearly important to me, but it’s important to note going in that there’s a decent amount of gross stuff. don’t let that ruin it for you though, it is a rlly fun game series !!!
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drakor127 · 2 years
Y'know how I have a villain team called Team Nocturne? Well, they have a rival faction in the form of the Sky Gang: a gathering of people who they wronged who turned out to make pretty good friends themselves. While Team Nocturne are the villain team that you feel slightly bad loving the escapades of, the Sky Gang are the rainbows, fluff, sunshine, secret crippling depression and anxiety, and pep-talkers of the multiverse. They’re the deuteragonist team as opposed to the “villains” of the story. They also have “leaders,” but they were picked up a little less quickly than the Team Nocturne founders, instead coming together over the span of a much longer quest. These people are:
Zap (Skylanders) - Heart of the team and the person who pulled them all together, he witnessed Team Nocturne wreaking chaos on his world, and decided no one gets to treat his home like that and get away with it! Because of this and Vathek escaping prison, he's now collecting pals from all worlds to fight against evil, stop Louise, Vathek and their gang and do as much good as they can do! (While having sleepovers, and coping with life.)
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Seiko Kimura, Ruruka Ando and Sonosuke Izayoi (Danganronpa) - Between Vathek and the still-looming threat of Junko's will, these three joined with Zap when he tracked Louise and her Familiars to the world of Danganronpa and interfered with the Final Killing Game.
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Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long (RWBY): Before they could get the Staff of Creation, Sonosuke interrupted them on their path and directed them right back around to Vale with the news that Roman Torchwick was back in action. After an incident involving the Quartet and Team RWBY and ORNJ having to team up and actually kill the massive Grimm unleashed in the V3 endgame, they all headed out to Radiant Garden together to continue their mission.
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Ada (Lamb): the Eight Misfits found her while exploring worlds and they clicked immediately as pals. Then Team Nocturne, who was hiding out in a farm at the time, sparked a rise in anarchy through the town (Louise and Vathek view Zap and Seiko as the Valjean and Covette to their Javert, the Holmes and Watson to their Moriarty, the Yin to their Yang, the Cain to their Able, and wanted them to prove themselves), and Ada was advised by her dad to leave for her own safety, so she went traveling with them.
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Mine (Akame Ga Kill): The Sky Gang came to Night Raid's base for more information on Louise and Vathek. When Mine heard one of their targets was with them, she decided to get involved personally.
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Vice (Kamen Rider Revice): Post series. Ruruka made a trip to Japan to see if she could head off Vathek's latest scheme, and ran into Blue Bird along the way. After helping them protect Japan from a very near miss, the Sky Gang invited them to come travel with him. Only Vice (after being revived) accepted at first, the others wanting to clean things up on their homeworld.
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Emily, Kelsey, Lily, April and Chloe (Glitter Force) - Were dragged into this because Nargo planned to siphon the negativity in people's hearts to have Louise become the new Emperor Nogo (Emperor Nargo, if you will.)
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Rabbids Luigi (Mario + Rabbids) - the Phantom is back, so why not join with the weirdos to stop him.
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Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa) - Post-Chapter 3 trial. Xehanort requested Makoto Naegi be used as a vessel, and Celestia went in his place so her friend didn’t have to (besides she was going to get executed). But the first chance she got, Celestia noped out of the Castle That Never Was…where Zap had just crash-landed. Celestia patched up Zap's ship (using what experience she had), and immediately became part of the crew. (Worth noting: in this AU, Celestia is basically a redemption story, trying to be a better person to make up for the shit she pulled.)
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The Penguins (Madagascar) - These guys joined mostly because Vathek planned to take their world and recruited Salvador.
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Donald Duck (KH) - He joined mostly because these guys are trying to stop Vathek and Organization XIII.
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Smart Cookies (Sesame Street) - Cookie can use his super eating and problem solving skills to help the Sky Gang, besides Team Nocturne recruited the Crumb.
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Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill) - Vathek went after her sister, she's mad. Besides, Team Nocturne recruited Nui.
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Lila (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) - She joined mostly to make sure no one goes through what she did. (Those who saw the reboot 2022 movie know why.)
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Chaos (Sonic) - Tikal was taken from him, he gonna fry some hides.
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Snorky (Banana Splits) - Rebuilt to help save lives.
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Fei Wu (Miraculous Ladybug) - She was recruited mostly because Mei Shi saw potential.
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Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) - Joined to finally end her mom.
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Neptunia (Hyperdimension Neptunia) - Joined to have fun and save some lives.
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Vinnie Cannoli (Guns, Gore and Cannolis) - Joined mostly to have some fun.
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Nostalgia Critic (Nostalgia Critic) - Joined mostly because this team needs some genius.
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Qiqi (Genshin Impact) - Qiqi joined mostly because her ice is needed.
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Dr. Livesy (Soviet Treasure Island) - Joined because these people need a medic besides Seiko.
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Kyouka Jirou (My Hero Academia) - Joined because this group is trying to have fun.
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Kinger, Gangle, Jax, Pomni, Zooble, Ragatha, Caine and Bubble (Amazing Digital Circus) - Joined mostly because the Gloink Queen joined Team Nocturne and Caine thought it would be an adventure.
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2, 12, 48, 50 :)
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
My results for this are a bit funny thanks to fandom hopping and co-writes, but ultimately I think they do mostly represent what I like to write.
From the top: Humor, Fluff, Oma Kokichi is a Little Shit, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa)
While I haven't touched Danganronpa as a fandom in some time (and as mostly dragged into writing fics for it by my co-writer), those particular tags are fairly emblematic of my overall sensibilities as a writer. I like characters being able to just exist and interact outside of the dramatic stakes of the story they're in and I unfortunately think I'm funny, so I tend towards more mundane comedy and banter whenever a fic concept allows it. The only tags truly missing from the lineup are Hurt/Comfort and Conversations, as anyone who follows my writing on the LU Discord server can attest. I will rip out your heart over a single heartfelt conversation between two characters who will then proceed on to comfort each other and heal.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Tying into my answer to 14 here, tropes like this tend to be ones that are popularly executed in ways I find uninteresting because they rely on perceptions of what that trope should be instead of letting possible nuances of the trope show. But if that trope ends up being used in a new way, possibly even deconstructed and then reconstructed in the process, then chances are I'll like that particular use of it.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
That would be A Guide to Living (Again) by cerame! It's a darkverse fic centered on Shadow so I know it's not for everyone, but if you do like that then I highly recommend it.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
In that case, as an extension of my answer to 2 I'll go with 3: What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
While I certainly go for more mundane concept than some, I would say the one thing I always come back to are conversations between characters. Heartfelt or not, angsty or not, funny or not, I thrive writing two people just talking to each other to discover and reveal layers of the characters. Or, as I often phrase it, I just like writing Two Dudes Talking.
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soldier-d0wn · 2 months
So I am in a Danganronpa Crossover server and I recently played Magnus, and Magnus decided to do some killing and got executed. I wrote a big execution for him and everything so I decided to share it with you all! :]
Obvious TW for death and blood, as well as for guns and razor blades
Having accepted his fate, Magnus resisted little as he was dragged off by a chain. Eventually he found himself in a room with extremely red lighting and with nothing but a door in front of him. Loud music could also be heard blaring, and upon closer inspection, Magnus recognized the song. The Hammer. The only song he ever got to write for Dethklok. And its lyrics seemed ironic to him now.
*I was born from liquid hatred*
*An exoskeleton of steel*
*My nerves are cauterized*
*I feel no pain*
*I am your nightmare and*
*It's far too real*
With nowhere else to go, Magnus approached the door and cautiously opened it, entering the room. Inside, the floor was covered in broken glass and above him metal saws spun around rapidly, leaving only enough room for him to crawl. He also noticed that now the drum set part of the song was amplified over everything else.
Before he could react, the door slammed shut behind him, pushing him and causing him to fall onto the glass face first. He was lucky that none of it pierced into his eyes, but he groaned out in pain as he moved onto his hands and knees and began slowly crawling, laying low as the saws barely missed him.
Once the rows of saws finally ended, Magnus painfully got back on his feet. There he was presented with another door. Upon opening it he entered into another room, this time inside was a giant guitar acting as a pendulum and swinging across a thin pathway with a pit below. Looking into the pit showed wolves at the bottom. It could also be heard that the drums had been turned back down, meanwhile the lead guitar part had been amplified. That's when Magnus made the connection: each of these rooms connected to his deceased band mates. The last room was Pickles's room since he was a heavy drinker and left beer bottles everywhere. Now this was Skwisgaar's room, and Skwisgaar really only had one hobby; playing guitar.
This one was the easiest so far, as all Magnus had to do was time it so he wouldn't get hit as he walked, which Magnus did so. Once to the other side, the next door was there. Upon opening it was a mostly empty room. All there was was a table with a chocolate cupcake and a small sign that said ‘Next door only opens after you eat me.’ now the Rhythm guitar has been amplified over the rest of the instruments. This must be Toki's room, Magnus's replacement. The sweetest member with a sweet tooth. How ironic that that same sweet tooth made him a diabetic as well.
Magnus went up to the cupcake, clearly suspicious of it, before reluctantly eating it. It took him a second before his eyes widened and he spat up the cupcake along with a sizable amount of blood. Turns out his suspicions were correct and a razor blade had been baked into it. Even so, Magnus forced himself to push through as he went up to the next door and opened it. This next room looked… completely empty. All that seemed different was the Bass being amplified. However, once Magnus took a step forward a clicking noise could be heard. He looked up at the ceiling, and saw it was lined with an array of guns pointed down at him. Of course this was Murderface's room. He was a red-blooded, second amendment loving American after all.
Magnus booked it for the door at the end of the room, as a chorus of gunshots began going off at random times. One bullet ended up piercing through Magnus's left arm, but Magnus pushed through as he forced himself through the door. In this room the music had gone back to normal, and there was no other doors to go through. There was also a giant hammer lifted above him The song kept going, and Magnus could hear it nearing its end.
*Apocalypse fury*
*Seared with spiteful flame*
*I'm a killing device*
*And you'll die if you think my name*
Magnus looked up as he realized what was left. Pure fear filled his eyes, yet all he could do was smile. He smiled as Nathan's voice rang out to seal his fate, like how he beat him down when Magnus turned violent.
***I'm the hammer***
And just like that, the hammer dropped. It only took a few seconds to reduce the Rockstar into nothing but a splatter of blood.
*Truly a brutal way to go, isn't it?*
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darishima · 1 year
fandom post
alright i'm in too many fandoms to list in just my intro post so i'm gonna put them all here. this isn't actually every show i've seen, just the ones i like enough that i might post about them at some point. i'll probably keep adding to this post as i collect more fandoms like shiny rocks
anime fandoms: attack on titan azumanga daioh banana fish berserk black butler bludgeoning angel dokuro-chan blue lock bocchi the rock bungo stray dogs chainsaw man cowboy bebop cyberpunk: edgerunners danganronpa (games & anime) death note demon slayer dr stone flcl fruits basket fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood (and 2003) haikyuu hell's paradise hunter x hunter jujutsu kaisen junji ito kakegurui kase-san and morning glories kimi ni todoke komi can't communicate k-on! link click lucky star made in abyss madoka magica mob psycho 100 my hero academia nana neon genesis evangelion nichijou no game no life one piece oshi no ko ouran high school host club panty & stocking with garterbelt sailor moon saint young men serial experiments lain sk8 the infinity skip and loafer soul eater spy x family the disastrous life of saiki k the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya the promised neverland trigun toilet-bound hanako-kun tokyo ghoul yuri on ice yu yu hakusho watamote wonder egg priority
non-anime fandoms: atla battlebots fear and hunger + funger termina hannibal house md last night in soho my little pony needy streamer overload rupaul's drag race saya no uta the good place the scapegracers the school for good and evil tolkienverse vocaloid/utau wings of fire
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This is how everyone will remember Miu Iruma from now on.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jdbHyWL
by MilosTrawmaw
Miu gets dragged to heaven and everyone watches.
Words: 668, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Crack fics that aren't really crack fics
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kokichi Oma, Shuichi Saihara, Gonta Gokuhara, Miu Iruma, Angie Yonaga, Kirumi Tojo, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), kaede Akamatsu(briefly mentioned)
Additional Tags: I made this when I was 12, Crack fic(i think), canon Shuichi oblivious to kokichi’s advances, Miu can’t get into Heaven because her sweater puppies are to big, Spoilers for chapter 4 in Danganronpa v3 relating to character death, i was unhinged when i wrote this, long live Danganronpa, bury me with this fic printed on top of my coffin, Gonta being 10 times dumber than everyone thinks he is, Angie’s only dialogue involves her talking about Atua, the grape emoji, Improper use of whats that up in the sky its a bird no its a plane its a superhero meme, Iruma Miu Being Iruma Miu, Kokichi not being robophobic, Bug pervert, Miu meets an angel, Name Calling, Gonta doesint want to be here, short but beautiful, i shipped Saioma just by watching a compilation about them, i surprising wrote Kokichi and Shuichi pretty good if i say so myself, a lot of insults, its bad but is it really that bad?, I would say i dont know how to tag but this is my first time and im the tag connoisseur right now, Kokichi never gives up on shuichi, Mentioning kaede is Kokichi’s trump card to shuichi, Shuichi is still emo, Badly written arguments, K1B0 is the definition of Alexa, that one really well made vocaloid kokichi song, Sweater Puppies, if you get it you get it, non sexual Miu, the Emo boy song is Shuichi’s and you cant tell me other wise, Shuichi definitely listen to Mitski on a daily basis, Monokuma who?, K1-B0 has too many fan names and i still stand by that fact, Gonta is not a bug pervert, Shuichi is a material gwurlll, I showed my aunt this, She was traumatized, not family friendly, Unless your family is made up of psychopaths or danganronpa fans, 3 years and i just now post this, Wattpad fans named K1B0 too many things, I read Wattpad at the time so that explains my style of fic for this, Gay Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi Is a Little Shit, Oma Kokichi Being Oma Kokichi, Eventual Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, at least thats what Kokichi wants, Kokichi’s love song to Shuichi is Emo boy by Ayesha erotica and you can’t change my mind, Kokichi’s second love song for Shuichi is Cpr x misery, Kokichi’s third love song for Shuichi is the Sweet little Bumble bee song, i should make a playlist, I should call her…, Shuichi is too depressed about Kaede to think about his sexuality and relationships, kokichi thinks he can fix that, will Kokichi cure Shuichi’s depression or make it worse?, we might never know, Oh wait we do, Do the math for my age, Die hard Danganronpa fan over here, if you read this your gay, i infected you as soon as you clicked, im done
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jdbHyWL
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the-foxy34 · 4 years
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Awesome Click and Drag made by my even more awesome best friend Tamashinohi !
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Danganronpa click and drag game!
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butter-bunny · 3 years
Who kills you
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Who you kill
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Who has a crush on you
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who stalks you
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who is your best friend
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Who acuses you at a trial
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chioriangel · 4 years
Woo look a danganronpa click & drag
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Free to use for whatever! Includes all characters from all 3 DR games and a few bonus characters. Also, on some browsers like Opera it doesn’t work. Also seizure warning, but, ehh, if you’re reading this it’s kinda too late anyway...
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