#clothes would be fuzzy which wouldn’t match the texture of his actual clothes
daily-isabeau · 1 month
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Thinking about a possible Isa plush
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delimeful · 3 years
mere monstrosity (1)
warnings: spiders, misunderstandings, captivity
Logan woke up to the familiar soft chime of his alarm, and rolled out of bed bleary-eyed but ready to get the day started. He kept quiet as he crept out of the room.
He didn’t bother grabbing his glasses, knowing that they’d only be of use after his shower. His feet knew the way from his bedroom to the bathroom by heart, and he preferred to shower in the dark to avoid the likelihood of getting one of his light-sensitivity migraines, so he didn’t reach for the lightswitch either.
Instead, he pushed quietly past the half-open door and fumbled for the shower knob, cranking it up to exactly the point before it turned scalding.
The water flickered on a moment later, and amidst the clamor of droplets against ceramic, he heard an indistinct, high-pitched noise, like a chirp or squeak.
“A mouse?” he muttered to himself, squinting at the dark, blurry interior of the shower.
He couldn’t hear anything else over the spray, so he quickly turned the shower off and stepped back to flick the lightswitch on, potential headaches be damned.
He pulled the shower curtain fully to the side, and blinked at the sight of a blurry black splotch in the corner of his bathtub. Leaning in a little further, he could briefly make out individual legs, long and numerous, before they were pulled closer and blended in with the rest of the shape.
“You are… a considerably large spider,” he informed it, grateful that it was him and not Patton who had found it. The resulting terrified shriek would have woken him and Janus, and probably most of the neighbors for that matter. “Are you a tarantula? Are tarantulas even native to this area?”
The spider, rather predictably, didn’t respond, and Logan recalled that he’d just doused the poor thing with jets of cold water. It was probably curling all its limbs in a mock death-curl, trying to process the unexpected threat to its breathing and body temperature.
He reached over to the counter and carefully removed the collection of multicolored toothbrushes from the plastic cup next to their sink, tapping it against the side of the counter to clear out any remaining dust.
“Try to stay still, alright?” he coaxed in a low voice, crouching and leaning over the tub to get a better angle. “I don’t want to catch any of your limbs, just keep them all tucked in close like that and I’ll get you out of there.”
To his surprise, the spider really didn’t make any sudden moves, remaining frozen as he settled the cup over it. The only reason he was sure it was still alive was the tiny motion of its front legs, two little investigative nudges against the edge of the cup.
“Excellent job,” he praised, his curiosity only growing. Most of the spiders he had cupped would immediately run at the glass with arms lifted in threat, or run in frantic circles along the edges seeking an escape. Of course, none of them had been this large. Most wild tarantulas were hunters, though, not spinners. Aggression would serve them well, so why was this one so docile? Was it an escaped pet? Had the cold water been that shocking?
He quickly retrieved a folder from the living room, returning to find that the plastic cup had shifted a couple of inches. It was large enough to push it, then.
“Just a little bit more,” he continued to soothe, carefully sliding the folder under the cup bit by bit, allowing the spider time to shift its legs onto the folder so the tips wouldn’t be pinched. He then carefully lifted the whole ensemble up, keeping a cautious hand on top of the cup. “There we go.”
The kitchen was dimly lit, the small light under the microwave still on so that anyone getting water in the middle of the night wouldn’t trip or run into anything in the dark. Logan glanced at the front door for a long moment, and then gave in to the urge to investigate his catch a bit closer. It would be irresponsible to just release a domesticated tarantula into the wild, after all.
He set the cup and folder down carefully on the counter, and then placed a heavy ceramic plate on top of the cup, reasoning that it was better to make sure the spider wouldn’t push the cup-- and itself-- right off the counter.
“One moment.” That done, he went into his room to retrieve his glasses, leaving the light off so as to not wake up Janus, who had only gotten in from his night shift a few hours ago. His roommate normally slept heavily once he managed to get to sleep, so Logan didn’t have to worry about waking him by climbing out of their shared bed, but better not to risk turning the lights on in the first place.
The world came into a much clearer focus once he’d pushed his glasses into their proper place atop his nose, and with his vision improved, he had no problems finding the hall closet and rummaging through it for one of Janus’s old terrariums.
He set the glass case down on the kitchen counter without any furnishings inside-- he was only planning to get a good look at the specimen, after all-- and flicked on the kitchen light before carefully moving the trapped spider into the terrarium and then lifting the cup away.
The spider frantically scuttled back, smacking thorax-first into the glass wall of the terrarium, and Logan frowned contemplatively at the sight of it.
It was certainly a tarantula, one that he’d probably be able to find online fairly easily with the distinctive white stripes along it’s eight fuzzy legs. Concerningly enough, there was an odd swelling protrusion on the anterior part of the body. It was a similar dark shade to the rest of the body, but almost larger than the thorax, and it blocked off any sight of the pedipalps, fangs, or eyes.
The texture didn’t seem to match the carapace… Perhaps it was a piece of garbage or organic waste that had gotten stuck on the creature? If it hindered movement, that could explain why it had been so still earlier.
It wasn’t still now, exhibiting an odd vibrating throughout its body that Logan had never witnessed from a spider before. He would certainly be doing some research into arthropods after this.
Well, at the very least, he could see if that protruding material would come loose.
Logan carefully pulled on one of Janus’s thick leather gloves, one of the more worn sets in case the spider had urticating hairs, and then reached down. The spider seemed to spot his shadow, going by the way it stiffened, and he reminded himself that though he didn’t know the species and many tarantulas were venomous, it was incredibly unlikely their venom would be able to do more than hurt him.
Confidence restored, he continued reaching down until his fingers met the odd lump, at which point a low, guttural hiss sounded, and the spider threw its front legs up and lunged, slapping its limbs down against the floor of the terrarium in threat.
Logan remained undeterred by the small tantrum, instead focusing on the fact that the obstruction was loose, almost like shed skin on a snake. Studying the spider carefully, he pinched it gently between two fingers, trying to discern what in the world it could possibly be.
The next three movements happened in rapid succession.
First, Logan tugged lightly at the material caught between his fingers. Second, the spider recoiled sharply, pulling away from his grip with surprising strength. And third, the covering came loose, the spider pulling free from it and leaving a limp swathe of fabric hanging from Logan’s fingers.
Below him, now uncovered, there was pale skin, a mop of bedraggled hair, and a tiny, terrified human face.
Logan froze, staring down at it-- them with wide eyes.
The being he’d mistaken for a spider was actually a drider, a creature of myth that was apparently all too real. Logan couldn’t help how stunned he felt. Even apart from the shock of the discovery, there was the shock of their size. Driders were said to have a human-sized spider half, not the other way around!
Below, the drider was still frozen in place, staring right back up at him. He could see the way their little chest was heaving with quick, panicked breaths, could feel the way the tiny makeshift poncho in his hand was sodden and cold, and he felt guilt strike him like a ruler across knuckles.
“I-- Hold on a moment, please,” he managed, his mind racing as he stepped back, turning and hurrying out of the room.
Once again, the hall closet held exactly what he needed, and he mentally rescinded all his past complaints about the amount of extra snake care items Janus had stashed away in their storage closet like a dragon’s hoard.
The heat lamp was compact enough to fit easily in the terrarium, where the spider-person had scuttled back to press themself into the furthest corner, limbs pulled in tightly in what had to be a fear response.
Logan set the lamp carefully inside and plugged it in, sighing in relief when the bulb lit up and began to glow orange. “This lamp is designed for reptiles, not arthropods, so it may be too hot for extended use. However, it will work temporarily as a heat source to get rid of excess moisture, so I encourage you to use it.”
The drider was glaring up at him with the tiniest scowl he’d ever seen, front legs still lifted up defensively, but didn’t say a word.
“Do you speak?” Logan asked, and received only silence in return. “I suppose I should have guessed as much, seeing as you haven’t responded to any of my previous statements. Do you understand me? Do we speak the same language?”
The drider glared harder.
“I find it hard to believe that you have animal-level intelligence,” Logan continued, now mostly to himself. He lifted a hand, displaying the poncho he still held. “Although some birds can ‘sew’, construction of clothing to cover one’s form is a complex and distinctly human sentiment.”
Still, nothing. Their gaze was caught by the poncho for a moment before they looked away entirely, looking for all the world to be sulking.
Logan sighed, and then slowly moved to place the poncho next to the heat lamp, laying it out flat for easier drying. “I’m going to attend to my morning routine. It should only take me a few moments, but please feel free to call or make noise if you need my attention between now and then.”
The drider’s expression had eased into confusion at the sight of their garment laid out before them, but their legs remained warily upright as Logan left the room.
As promised, he only made a brief stop to make sure both of his roommates were still soundly asleep before climbing into the shower and preparing himself for the day, roughly fifteen minutes behind schedule.
It wasn’t too disruptive-- it had eaten into the time he normally allotted for sitting at the table and eating breakfast, so that would have to be skipped today, but it wasn’t the end of the world.
Honestly, he’d likely spend the rest of the day thinking about the surprise addition to his morning. There were so many questions he’d love to ask, but seeing as the creature had attempted to hide their existence even at risk of being perceived as a normal spider (and therefore possibly squashed), he expected he wouldn’t be receiving any answers.
Talkative or not, the drider clearly had sapient levels of intelligence, and Logan was loath to start off humanity’s relationship with a vulnerable and secretive species by keeping them trapped in a snake terrarium against their will.
Even if he was willing to weigh scientific advancement over his morals, his roommates would never allow it. Patton would naturally be terrified and possibly sympathetic when witnessing their clear terror, and he’d had enough extensive debates on ethics with Janus to know that his opinion on keeping them captive would be much the same.
So, when he returned to the kitchen and saw them toppling over and scurrying back from the heat lamp that they’d clearly been attempting to use as a makeshift ladder to freedom, Logan didn’t bother commenting, simply moving forward and looking them over.
“You seem to have mostly dried,” he stated instead, able to appreciate the subtle design work of the poncho better now that it wasn’t being used as camouflage. The drider gripped it like they thought he might take it away.
They would react fairly badly to him reaching out with his hand, and reasonably so. Logan hadn’t exactly done much except douse, capture, and then gently interrogate them. Not exactly trustworthy behavior.
He studied the terrarium for a moment before grabbing a washcloth and draping it over the side, providing an easy textured surface for the spider to climb up. There. “You are free to go.”
The surprised expression that flashed across their face was almost comical.
“I’m not sure what your purpose in the bathroom was, but I’d ask you to be more careful in the future. One of my roommates…,” Logan sighed through his nose, exasperated even imagining it. “Well, suffice to say you should avoid him at all costs.”
The tiny drider continued to stare at him, gaze occasionally flickering over to the towel with clear suspicion. It was saddening to be so distrusted, but perhaps this show of goodwill would help prove that he didn’t intend any harm? He hoped he hadn’t frightened them from the residence entirely-- he shuddered at the many, many potential dangers the creature would find outside.
“My roommates will wake later in the day, so if you intend to avoid their notice, I’d suggest leaving the enclosure as soon as I have departed for work,” he gave a little farewell wave, not reacting to the slight flinch it elicited from the little guy. “It-- well, you probably don’t share the sentiment, but still-- it was nice to meet you. Goodbye.”
Forcing himself not to turn back and get one last look, Logan hurried out the door.
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‘As The World Falls Down’ - ‘Danger’ Ray x Reader Fic
Based lightly on ‘As the world falls down’ from Labyrinth, Reader attends a midnight ball, but all is not as it seems. 
Word count: 3.4K Rating: SFW CW: Elixir, drugs, cult behaviour, creepy Ray, forced Elixir Reader: Gender neutral Disclaimer: this isn’t how I actually think the Elixir would affect someone but I wanted to keep the fairytale aspect to the story!
Reblogs appreciated!! <3
‘You’ll drink it, right? And then you can stay here with us forever. We’ll never have to be apart.’ Ray said, the blue bottle sitting between his half-gloved hands. He seemed nervous, but eager for you to have it. You’d already told him that you wanted to stay at Magenta and be a part of Mint Eye with him, hence he had brought you the Elixir that everyone was required to take to cleanse themselves. You wanted to stay, but you had seen the effect that the liquid had on Ray, but you were a little bit tentative to actually put it to your lips.
You’d grown such tenderness and genuine affection for Ray, and you were leaving behind a life that you didn’t really care for, so why would you not want to stay in Mint Eye? You nodded, reaching out your hands to take the bottle from him. He smiled, but the smile did not match the emotion in his eyes. There was a sweetness to his lips, but an intensity and darkness to his gaze that was… unsettling to pinpoint.
‘A-ah… It won’t hurt, right?’ You asked, taking a seat on the side of your bed. The colour reminded you of those sugary isotonic drinks that you saw teenagers drinking outside of schools or on the weekend, but you were certain that it was not the same liquid.
‘Maybe just a little…’ He started, ‘but I’ve flavoured it to taste like peaches, just for you. You’ll be happy with us, a place where you can truly belong. Don’t you want to stay with me? To feel held?’
You did. Though you’d come here by chance, you’d found people who longed to feel loved and needed. The life you’d left behind was nothing compared to the one that could lay ahead for you, and yet, why were you so scared to take the final plunge?
‘Okay…’ You took the heart-shaped bottle from him. You watched Ray as you uncorked the bottle, feeling somewhat as though you were about to drink the poison from a fairytale or a movie. But of course, surely this Elixir was nothing like that. Ray wouldn’t do that. That smile of his meant no harm. He cared for you and wanted you to stay with him at Magenta.
The first thing you noticed after opening the bottle was the heavy scent of peaches, Ray really must have poured a lot of nectar into the Elixir to cover up its original smell, which burned your eyes. Perhaps smelling it wasn’t the best idea. Perhaps drinking it wasn’t the best idea. You were hesitant, but it was the only way you would get to stay with him. You took one more glance at Ray, who stood in front of you smiling in all his princely attire, before pressing the bottle to your lips.
Instantly, the Elixir overwhelmed all of your senses. Though it was seeped in peach flavourings, it did little to cover the burning sensation it left in your mouth and throat. It was like drinking nail varnish remover, or pure gasoline. It hurt. You choked, spluttering slightly into the back of your hand.
Ray handed you a glass of water, smoothing out your hair and assuring you that the pain will pass. It was all part of joining Mint Eye. You had to purify yourself of the person you were before you entered Magenta. It had to happen in order to find true salvation with the Savior. You continued to choke on the liquid as you felt it hit your stomach. Did Ray… really drink this every day? How was he even still standing? No wonder he looked so ill all of the time.
The longer it was in your stomach, the worse you started to feel despite Ray’s reassurances that you would be okay.
‘Ray, I don’t feel too good, I think I’m gonna…’ You barely finished the sentence before your head started to spin. Your eyelids fluttered shut in an attempt to ground yourself and focus on sitting upright, but to little avail. You began to fall back onto the bed, but your head never hit the pillow, so that the last sensation you felt before the slumber took over you was the sensation of Ray’s hand supporting your neck and shoulders.
‘I have you, my Princess. I’ll never let you fall…’ He whispered as you began to lose consciousness. He mumbled something else that you couldn’t quite make out, but it sounded awfully like ‘For anyone else.’
You woke up, or at least you think you did. Nothing was real, and yet, it had to be. You were already on your feet, being guided down the maze of corridors. Everything was a daze, and it felt as though you were dreaming, yet you could have sworn that the footsteps you were taking felt undeniably real. Illuminated only by the cloaked men carrying candles, you caught a glance of yourself in a mirror on the wall and gasped. You hadn’t really had the chance to process much since regaining your consciousness. It hadn’t occurred to you that the clothes you fell asleep in were not the ones you had woken up in.
The dress was huge: white and crystallised. It was something from a fairy-tale, beautiful from everyway you turned. As soon as you realised you were the one wearing it, you couldn’t believe you had missed it in the first place. It took up the entire lower half of your vision with its endless layers of silk and satin. You paused at your reflection, trying to take in as much of the detail as you could in the dim lighting. The sleeves were great cream-puffs of fabric and the tight corset held your torso rigidly in place. At any other time, you might have complained about the confines of a corset, but it felt as though it was holding you together as you lost grip on everything else around you. The dress was somewhat bridal, but the princess aesthetic far outshone that of a matrimony. You carried your eyes upwards, giggling slightly as your face warped in the mirror and you pawed at the heavy necklace that sat over your collarbones.
Your hair had been done too, littered with small star pins which sparkled against the mirror. Those weren’t yours, you didn’t own anything like that, so how had you come to get them? In the haze of half-consciousness, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care as you reached a wavy hand up to tap your fingertips along the hair pins, as though to make sure that they were really there. They certainly felt real, but nothing felt real. The textures were all wrong, the colours too bright. There were so many of them and they were so beautiful that you wished you could take them out of the dream with you whenever you woke up.
A cough resonated from behind you, it was the cloaked Believers who had been leading you through the corridors. They did not raise their eyes to meet you, but stared downwards as the one on the left said; ‘Your presence is greatly anticipated.’
‘Who?’ You asked, bewildered as to the fact they were talking to you. For some reason, you had assumed that they couldn’t speak. Were they real?
‘Yours.’ The other one deadpanned.
‘Me? Mine?’ You responded, confused.
‘Oh.’ Well, they must have been real! You stumbled slightly over the front of the dress as you moved to follow them. You hadn’t even thought to ask where you were going. Really, it hadn’t even occurred to you that there was a destination, you had simply found yourself walking with them and continued on the journey they had been leading you on.
They brought you to a pair of heavy, ornate doors. Some thought lost within your brain told you that you recognised the door, but you couldn’t find the connecting memory to remember where the doors led to. You attempted to ask them but found that your reverie had taken your voice. You swallowed thickly and remained silent until the door opened. They ushered you in with a ‘For Paradise’ before leaving.
The sounds of life were the first thing to reach your diluted senses. Bursts of music unlike those you had heard within Mint Eye before reached your ears. It was rich, elegant music only achieved with live instruments and talent. It was overwhelming to have so many of your senses assaulted at once, so it took a few moments to gather your bearings. Your eyes began to focus on the surroundings and you slowly realised you were in Magenta’s throne room. Yet, you had never seen so many people gathered in here. The room of people seemed to dance and spin, mingling in their cliques and couples. Masks of all told tales of trickery, of lust, wealth, and status but few bore of identity or name. There were so many masked faces, with each masquerade domino covered in a thin layer of black crushed velvet which absorbed any of the light cast upon it. You were the only one without a mask, yet you had not woken up with one so you could not be to blame for the feeling of exposure. At least, that was what you told yourself as each masked face followed your shaky steps.
A blonde woman smiled at you, offering you her hand. Her mask was slightly different, your eyes were a little too fuzzy to make it out, but it looked as though she had a little decorative side pieces and sequins, setting her apart from the other guests. You knew her, but you could not place exactly how in that moment. Her warm smile made you want to trust her, so you had no reservations in taking her outstretched hand and following her lead. The blonde woman pulled you through the crowds as they parted for her with each step she took. They parted even before she got near to them, making sure she had plenty of space to walk through. You had to watch your feet as they walked so you didn’t stumble over the both of you, consciously kicking the front of the dress so the material didn’t drag along the floor.
‘Ray… You shouldn’t leave her lost like this. I don’t want to see my lambs running astray.’ The blonde woman said as she suddenly stopped walking.
‘You’re right, my Savior… It won’t happen again.’
That voice. Despite your delirium, you knew that voice. Ray.
You had no control over your own movements but watched as the woman moved your hand from hers to Rays. She seemed satisfied with the exchange and, before returning to the party, added; ‘See to it that it doesn’t.’
‘Y-you look beautiful. I chose your dress myself; I hope it is to your liking.’ He stuttered slightly, though tried to feign the confidence of his Prince Charming aesthetic. You followed his voice upwards until you reached his face and notice that he was also wearing one of the black masks. Like the blonde woman, Ray’s domino was a little different to the others: it was the same black velvet but this time it was stitched with the same silver thread that adorned your dress. The small stitches swirls along the right-hand side of his mask, occasionally catching the light when he turned.
He looked at you with such intensity that your felt your heart begin to race. Cinderella had found her Prince.
You opened your mouth to try to reply to Ray, but your voice had yet to return so no noise actually managed to make its way past your lips. He smiled, seemingly understanding the fact you couldn’t speak. Perhaps that was why he was smiling.
You noticed that the music had changed, and people had started to dance in couples with one another. Ray seemed to notice it too, but he did not look surprised. If anything, he seemed expectant. Ray turned and picked up a small flurry of flowers from the table behind him. Oh, what was the word for that? A cottage…? College…? Corsage? Corsage! You were glad to have found the correct word as Ray tentatively slid the flowers onto your wrist and tightened the ribbon. He hummed along to the new song, watching with pride as he watched you inspect the flowers.
‘I chose them from the garden just for you. Would you like to know what they are? These are red roses, which symbolise longing and desire. Those ones are Jonquil, they are like very small Daffodils and there are many of them as My Savior favours Daffodils, so I keep them in the garden. They mean reciprocation of affection. I find them rather sweet; they grow in clusters and yet… they yearn for love…’ He trailed off, lightly tapping the petal. ‘Finally, these ones are yellow Hyacinth, in Floriography the meaning differs depending on the colour, but these ones… They mean jealousy.’
Ray didn’t really give you the time to mull over the meanings he had told you before he once again swept you up with a different conversation.
‘My Princess, might I have this dance?’ Ray bowed, smiling with one arm crossed over his chest in a princely manner. You nodded, giggling at a somewhat over-dramatic curtsey you had attempted to do. My, what an idyllic dream! You didn’t wake to wake up, reality would never be as sweet.
The Ray you knew was never usually so calm, collected. You knew him as a nervous, over exhausted, and a little bit flustered. The Ray of your dreamy reverie was more calculated in his movements.
Ray’s gloved hand took your bare one and the other slipped around your waist. You’d never attempted to ballroom dance, but little mattered in an illusion such a this, so it wouldn’t matter if you were to miss a step or two. You placed your hand over Ray’s shoulder and lifted the arm he was holding to match his stance.
There's such a sad love Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel Open and closed Within your eyes I'll place the sky Within your eyes
A space parted for the two of you on the dancefloor as you noticed people seemed to move for Ray in the same manner that they did for the blonde woman. Ray seemed a little bit nervous to lead, but his grip on your hand told you that he was determined to keep you in his arms regardless of whether he knew the steps confidently or not. Knowing Ray, he had memorised them again and again.
Through his mask, his blue eyes were dedicated to your face, neck, and the enveloping of your hand and his. It was as though he couldn’t get enough of the sight of your hands intertwined like that together. You felt the hand on your waist begin to guide you gently as he took one step forward, then another back: pulling you with him in beat to the music.
You lost yourself to your thoughts and to the music. He looked like a prince and- did he say he had picked your dress himself? He had dressed you like a princess. It seemed fitting, since he already claimed you to be one, and had decorated your room as though you really were one. His own personal Princess. You had to be dreaming, nothing that felt so beautiful could ever truly be real. You had to wake up at some point or another.
There's such a fooled heart Beatin' so fast In search of new dreams A love that will last
After a moment, you had to snap yourself out of your own thoughts and focus on being led. Ray had indeed memorised the steps to the dance, and apparently had memorised your steps too since he guided each movement of yours, possessing your body in the dance as though it was one with his own.
He spun you around, grinning as he watched you spin again and again, as though you were just a small Ballerina in a decorative music box: dancing on command whenever the box was opened. Ray pulled you in to a dip, holding on to your back and not really letting you support yourself, which you did not mind. It was hard to control your own weight in dreams, everything felt so weightless and floaty that you somehow praised your own illusion for making everything seem so realistic. Within your heart I'll place the moon Within your heart
Slowly, your stomach began to churn. Maybe in your dream, you were still not one for dancing. You felt as your breathing got a little heavier by the moment as the colour started to drain away from the room. People were no longer dancing happily in beat as they had once done, they stood; scared and tense, watching as you turned to face them one by one. They were masked and cloaked, for sure, but they were not enjoying the party. They were moving closer.
The grand music you had heard was no longer playing, and the weightlessness you felt turned to breathlessness as you felt the true tightness of the corset around your waist. The heaviness of so many layers of satin, lace, and silk grounded you to the floor and made it impossible to move, let alone run, like your feet were willing you to do. Cinderella would not leave the ball tonight.
You had to ask Ray, he wouldn’t lie to you… Would he? This was your dream; you could control what happened! Why was it turning into a nightmare?
As the pain sweeps through Makes no sense for you
‘R-Ray… What’s going on…?’
Ray’s face suddenly changed. He broke off the dance and stood still for a moment, watching as you tilted your head in confusion and a glimmer of fear. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the same blue liquid you had drank before falling asleep. You shook your head, not wanting to feel the sickness that came with such a commitment. He seemed both disappointed and dissatisfied with your reluctance. You couldn’t stop the shaking that had started, heavy tremors that wracked your body to the bone.
‘Ray… did you not use the correct dosage? See, look how the poor child suffers. You don’t want to make her leave, do you Ray?’ The same blonde woman from earlier said. You frantically turned, looking to find her face, but she was just a faceless voice in the blurring crowd.
‘No, my Savior.’ Ray said, grabbing one of your wrists. He didn’t squeeze tighter than necessary, but it was more than apparent that you were not escaping his grip any time soon. There was a desperation to it.
‘Then do it like I instructed you.’ She said. Ray swallowed and nodded, popping open the cork to the bottle with his freehand and pressing it against your lips.
Every thrill is gone Wasn't too much fun at all
It took a moment of coughing and spluttering for the wrongs to right themselves again, as Ray took the bottle away from your lips. The overwhelming flavour of peaches filled all of your senses and choked you. Whoever said that peaches were a symbol of family and unity had never taken a bite of one so infected. The sweetness was a danger in itself, it hid the darkness laying within. Sugar-coating it. You hadn’t noticed the burn of the Elixir as much this time, probably since you weren’t really drinking it. It fell down your open throat and pooled as poison into your stomach.
‘You’ll be happy with us, my Princess…’ He repeated as you held your throat and coughed. You were dizzy, so dizzy. The room seemed to spin and, if it were not for Ray’s chest, you would have fallen forward onto the ground. You wheezed onto him form, squeezing your eyes shut until the pounding in your chest and head began to even themselves out.
But I'll be there for you As the world falls down
When your eyes opened once more, the colour returned to the room and the music resonated throughout each nerve ending in your body. The room was alive once again and you could feel it. Ray was looking at you and smiling. You were still dreaming; the clock had not yet struck Twelve.
Falling As the world falls down
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highsviolets · 4 years
It’s one of those rare weekend afternoons in which your schedules align and you are savoring every minute; taking in the view from your spot on Javier’s couch.
Draped along the leather, you rest your chin on your hands and watch the scene in front of you: the hot hiss of the iron, the soothing, low stroke of it against the cotton of Javi’s dress shirts; the man himself, standing shirtless, wearing only jeans; a cigarette dangling from his lips as his face is a frown of concentration. Your gaze lingering on the tight bunch of his broad shoulders as it moves the iron back and forth, his long, lean arms as he stretches across the board, the cinch of his belly as he twists with the movement.
“See anything you like?”, he teases, bringing you out of your dazed stare.
“Always”, you reply with a smile and he winks at you, leaning to blow one last puff of smoke up at the ceiling while stamping out his cigarette.
You watch him for a while longer and when he finishes the shirt he is working on, he holds it up to inspect his handiwork, sharply snapping it in the air before reaching for a hanger.
The snapping though. Why is that so arousing? Was it the sharp sound? The frown on his face as he did it? His broad shoulders flexing with the effort of it? The way his body moved with the whole motion of it?
Your eyes still on his body, you focus now on the waist band of his jeans; the soft trail of hair that leads into them, the dip just to the side of his hipbone, the way the top button is undone.
Getting off the couch, you walk over to his neatly hung rack of shirts and making sure you are facing him, you peel off your tank top and toss it onto the floor, along with your bra. He stops ironing; watching.
You smirk, fingering through the fabrics until you find his favorite shirt; a soft teal one and you pull it off the hanger, shrugging it on. Your frame engulfed in it, he only has eyes for the strip of skin that shows straight down the middle; your throat, your chest, your belly. Watching you slowly button it, he finally speaks.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
You shrug, feigning nonchalance. “I just wanted to check out the fit. You know, as someone who deals with clothing all day.”
He hums in response, setting the iron down and turning it off. Walking towards you, he stops your hands with his; much larger against your own and you look at him, waiting.
“I think”, he murmurs, his voice going straight to your core, “as someone in the costume business, you might actually want to check out the construction of the seams.”
“Is that so”, you reply, your mouth gone slightly dry with how close he is standing next to you; the warm heat of his body so close.
“To do that, I think it would be better if we took this off.” His eyes on yours, you feel his knuckles brush against your sternum as he starts undoing the buttons. He undoes one, then another, then stops and you aren’t sure what is going on when he brings your hands up and presses them over the next button.
“I’ll tell you what”, he says, walking back over to the couch and sitting down, his hips shifting forward so he can recline. “Why don’t you continue and I’ll watch.”
The picture of ease in front of you, you wouldn’t even tell he was aroused save for the bulge in his tight pants, the length of it pressed against his thigh and you want the upper hand back, so you follow him to the couch and climb onto his lap; the shirt gaping away from your chest as you settle into your straddle across his thighs.
Only two buttons holding the fabric together, you follow his gaze and look down at your body, your whole chest on display and you smile, looking back up at him.
“Look, Javi”, you tease. “I’m you.”
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“Is that so, sweetheart?” he murmurs, lips barely moving. His dark eyes are still trained on your bare skin, eagerly devouring the sight.
“Mmmhmm.” Your hand trails up his chest, splaying across his collarbone. Raising your hand to your mouth in a fist, you mimic clearing your throat, speaking in a deep voice. “Agent Javier Peña, DEA,” you say, tongue fumbling slightly as your lips curl in a smile around the unfamiliar words. “See?” You tuck a strand of hair behind his ear with your spare hand. “Just like you.”
Javi’s expression matches your own, adding in a slight eyebrow raise that heightens the pit of desire settling in your core. “Almost perfect,” he compliments.
“Almost?” you pout. Looking down at him, hitching your breath as he skims up the sides of your torso with his broad hands under the teal fabric, you think you catch a glimpse of devilry cross his face.
“Almost,” he confirms, sliding one hand over to cup your breast. “You see, baby,” Javi continues to explain, watching your features furrow in an effort to remain focused, “if you were me, you wouldn’t be wearing a shirt at all.” Sure he’s entrapped you in your own logic, he smirks as he squeezes your breast.
Taking a deep breath, you glide your hands down his arms, pushing on his muscled forearms to force his hands off of your body. It’s a sure thing, your hands steady despite the mounting chaos in your brain, the fuzziness that always threatens to overtake you when you’re with him — be it his eyes, or his hands, or the patch of skin on chest that’s always visible when he takes off his tie, tossing it on the table as soon as he walks in. (To be fair, you’ve only seen him do it once. But it was such quick thing that instinct told you it was a habitual act, like the way he irons his shirts in smooth, undisturbed strokes).
“Javi,” you reply stiffly, precisely, arching an eyebrow, “is that any way to speak to a government official?” Your tongue hits the roof of your mouth as you tsk, tearing your gaze away from his parted mouth.
It’s raining again, warm pellets of the stuff dappling against the window in muted thunks. A few drops dribble down the glass in perplexing hindrances, crossing over and around each other. Something about the pattern makes you ache, sparking a deep need for you to let this man know how safe you feel with him in his apartment on a Sunday afternoon, half naked on his couch, watching him iron as rain slants across the city.
“What is it, querida?” Javi sits up slightly, and you shift on lap as his long fingers trail down your arm in an attempt to soothe you. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Urgency laces his voice like poison does a drink, delicately slipping from one word into the next in mounting need. The shadow of his jawline catches your eye as he follows your gaze out the window. “Is there…” he squints. “Is there something out there?”
Higher up now that he’s moved, you card your fingers through the rest of his hair now, admiring its silken texture. It reminds you of some of the fabric in which you dress clients, the kind used by the highest fashion houses to create pieces of wearable art. Perhaps he is your own art, something you both view and create, adding dashes of interpretation to his twisting complexities. He is a technē and a fine art, both a craft and something higher all at once. Aristotle was right about mimesis: the artist in you mingles among the logician in him.
You’re on the cusp of saying so when your eyes gravitate to his chocolate pools, concern etched into every feature. “No, baby,” you whisper instead with a smile, eyes never leaving his, cradling his head in your hands. “Just very happy here with you, is all.”
Blessed deliverance washes across his features, the gesture matching that of rain just beyond the wall. In its place he inserts a wicked grin, one that makes his eyes crinkle and your toes curl. “Could you be better?”
Nimble fingers fly to the remaining buttons on his teal shirt. “Hm, I don’t know,” you muse as the shirt falls open, exposing the rest of your skin at last. “Show me what you’ve got, Javier Peña. How happy can you make me?”
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Javi tags: @frannyzooey @catsnkooks @littlevodika @justrunamok @anakin-danvers @goldafterglow @goldenkenobi @teaofpeach @cri-me-a-river  @yespolkadotkitty @rentskenobi @a-seeker-of-imagination @leias-left-hair-bun @nelba // taglist // what i listened to  // facetime javi series masterlist
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simply-m-a-d · 6 years
Late With You
Heyy @chocoazelle I’m your secret Santa!! I went with the Yullen prompt and had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you like it! Happy Holidays! (´∀`)
(Special thanks to @loony-in-a-blue-box , thanks for helping me with the last check up friend! 
And thanks to @dgmsecretsanta2k17 for organizing this event!)
Summary: Allen’s not a shopping person, neither is Kanda. But both of them manage, and who knows, they could even find some time for themselves. 
“Only you’d think of buying Christmas gifts on freaking Christmas Eve, of fucking course…” Kanda grumbled as he glared at another running kids’ back. “Oh shut up, everyone knows the best deals are today.” Allen grumbled back before literally diving into another pile of clothes. “Best deals my ass…” Kanda ignored the sharp glare thrown at him by a woman standing a few meters away with her kid. That hadn’t been his first ‘curse’ of the day and that was definitely not gonna be the last disapproving glance he’d get. “Stop whining and help me choose,” Allen finally reappeared from between the many different garments, holding a blue sweater decorated with small polar bears. “How about this one?” “That’s the ugliest sweater I’ve seen today,” Allen narrowed his eyes at him, his hands clenching on the soft fabric. “Who did you want to give it to?” “Lavi” “Perfect then” “You’re not helping!” He threw the soft sweater right at Kanda’s face, who simply snorted, catching it before it fell. “I’m being serious though, he’d wear anything with white bears on it.” Kanda lifted said sweater higher to take a better look at it. The deep blue was horrible to his eyes but the colour contrasted nicely with Lavi’s hair and the small bears were in different positions, supposedly showing a rolling action. “You mean polar bears” Kanda didn’t miss Allen’s smirk at that. “Same shit, a bear is a bear.” Another woman, now an old lady previously inspecting a horrible pink sweater, raised her eyes towards them in a displeased scowl. Allen’s laugh was worth it though so he simply raised an eyebrow at the woman. “Okay, we’re taking this one then!” They moved to the equally horrifying long line to pay and Kanda felt like simply grabbing the damn sweater and running towards the exit. He simply groaned instead. “How many gifts are we missing?” As they moved two steps forward Kanda felt sorry for the people having to work today. No one deserved being yelled by grumpy clients for stuff that was their own fault, like the man in front yelling about some stupid discount that had expired since November. “Hmmm…” Allen lifted a hand to count and just with that Kanda felt like kicking his boyfriend. “Five if I’m not wrong…” “I hate you” Once again, Allen’s soft laugh made him relax. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, as long as he was by his side then Kanda could stand it. **** Kanda definitely couldn’t stand it. “Remind me again why can’t I kill the carolers?” “Well I’m pretty sure that’s considered homicide, which is completely illegal and would definitely take you to jail.” Kanda narrowed his eyes at the group of people standing besides the unnecessarily huge tree in the middle of the shopping mall, he seemed to be considering the idea quite seriously despite what Allen had just said. Allen couldn’t blame him though, this was, after all, the fifth time the group sang 'All I want for Christmas’. Allen pulled him deeper into the shop by the sleeve of his jacket, Kanda’s body moving without any kind of resistance even when his eyes were still focused on the happy group of carolers. “C'mon we gotta find something for Timothy.” At the name Kanda’s eyes immediately went back to the shop. Allen smiled at that, so he did have a soft spot for the kid after all. The shop was huge. From jackets to cat socks to reindeer pajamas, it had it all and Allen felt a bit lost as he looked around. Timothy wasn’t much of a jacket or sweater wearer, he only wore them while he and Emilia were outside, getting rid of them as soon as they were inside any passably-warm building. Hence the difficulty of finding a proper gift and the reason this was the last gift missing. At some point Allen felt Kanda leaving his side to wander around, he didn’t give it much attention as he moved towards the other side. There were so many things Allen was getting dizzy, too many colours and textures, and he was inspecting a red fuzzy shirt when something fell in front of him. He looked to his right only to find Kanda averting his eyes, the very tip of his ears a light pink. Allen looked down to see whatever his boyfriend had dropped in front of him. What he found was a black beanie with small cat ears, in the front it read 'Purrfect holidays’ embroidered in white. It came with matching black gloves which had white spots on the palm side, representing the cat’s paws, and to complete the set, a black scarf with white spots. Everything was soft and fluffy to the touch and Allen simply adored it. It was the perfect gift and the fact that Kanda had chosen it only made it better for some reason. Allen looked at the taller man who still wouldn’t look back at him, though his ears were slowly getting pinker. Allen’s smile only widen at that, and he pulled on Kanda’s sleeve to bring him down, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before dragging him towards the checkpoint. Kanda’s grumbling about 'doing that so suddenly, you idiot…’ held no harm at all and Allen simply chuckled at it. “So you do have a soft spot for him…” “Shut up and pay you idiot” Allen didn’t miss Kanda’s hand tightening against his own, or the way his voice went a tad softer though. He gave the taller man a soft small smile before paying. (Once they were out of the shop though, 'All I want for Christmas’ was starting all over again. Allen swore he saw Kanda’s eye twitch. “That’s it.” It took Allen a lot of pulling and a surprise kiss to finally drag his boyfriend away from the carolers). **** “Unless you wanna lose a hand, put that down. Now.” Allen’s smirk grew larger and honestly, Kanda felt like throwing him the bottle of champagne he was carrying if only to keep him and the abomination in his hands away. “Oh c'mon Kanda, just for a second.” Allen got one step closer, the horrible reindeer headband in his hands raised a bit higher and Kanda gave a step back. “Who knows where that’s been and you want to put it on my head? Fuck off.” Kanda glared at the headband even as Allen lowered it down, laughing at his expression. “It’s literally just a headband, come here,” the shorter man started approaching and Kanda barely had time to put the bottle down before a strong hand was pulling him from his scarf. He struggled to push Allen back, and when he finally managed it was a bit too late. “Hah! There it is!” Kanda could hear the small bells hanging from the reindeer headband softly chiming as he moved his head, the pressure of it on his forehead was horrible and he narrowed his eyes at his laughing boyfriend. He grabbed the closest headband from the stand besides him and slowly made his way towards the still laughing man, only when Kanda was at arms reach did Allen notice him, his eyes going straight to the similar monstrosity in his hands. “Oh god…” he barely had time to sprint to the side, Kanda quickly taking a hold of his jacket’s hoodie, pulling him back and quickly placing the headband in place. He didn’t even know what the headband represented, a moving green hat with a single bell was attached to it, probably some type of 'Santa’s helper’. It was a horrible thing and Kanda couldn’t help but snort at it, Allen’s face making it even better to the point he actually started laughing. Until he heard the sound of the phone camera. His laugh immediately died and he looked at Allen, the foxy grin over his face made Kanda’s eyes narrow. “You didn’t” Allen’s grin grew wider. “Oh I did” And so the wrestling to get the phone started. Kanda kept cursing and grumbling something like 'you little shit…’ while he desperately tried to pull the phone out of Allen’s pocket, whose laugh ringed through the whole Target aisle. It was only when a worker passed by, a very old lady, clearing her throat and glaring at them that they stopped. The woman went on her way. Kanda took the headband off, and turned around at the sound of mumbled cursing. Allen’s hair was stuck to the headband’s metal spiral that allowed the hat to move, making it impossible for him to take it off. Kanda snorted. “Oh sweet karma” Allen glared at him. “Shut up and help me,” Kanda smirked at him but moved to help anyway, slowly untangling the locks of hair until the horrible thing was finally pulled off the soft white hair. Allen smiled at Kanda before pulling him towards their shopping cart. “Let’s get out of here.” They paid for the stuff they got for the dinner and headed out, the sun was starting to go down even though it was barely 5:00 pm. The wonders of winter. Allen stared at Kanda as they put the stuff in the car, his face looked relaxed, his hair falling down the sides and his cheeks slightly pink from the cold. Allen found himself unconsciously smiling. “Hey Kanda” the taller man didn’t look at him. “What now?” “Let’s go on a date” that made him turn around. He stared at Allen for a few seconds before a small smile appeared on his face. And Allen smiled back. **** The city center was alive. Christmas lights and decorations hanged from every light post, from the roofs and even from some of the electricity cables above their heads. Almost every tree they passed was covered with colorful lights, reindeer light decorations stood in almost every park or green area now covered with snow, and music came from everywhere, from every shop and bar or café still open. Kanda followed Allen very closely, the amount of people running errands of last minute passing through the walkway not allowing them to go side by side. Kanda had no idea where the shorter man was taking him, with all these people he was having difficulties to identify the streets and from his previous questions the only answer he had gotten from the other man had been 'You’ll see’ accompanied of a smirk. The crunch of snow under his boots and the cold air hitting his face made him regret their decision of leaving the car a few blocks behind more and more as the minutes passed. That was until Allen finally stopped, their destinations right in front of them. Kanda immediately recognized it and the wide smile Allen threw at him before pulling him inside made him snort. The small café was just as he remembered. It had been a while since the last time they had been there but those were the same booths and that was the same smell of tea and coffee in perfect harmony. Kanda was pulling Allen to a certain booth by the window before someone working there even noticed them. They took their place one in front of the other and ordered as soon as the waitress arrived. Kanda couldn’t stop looking at Allen, who was looking out the window. He seemed very happy, all wide smile and bright eyes and messy hair, and when he turned to look at Kanda he looked surprised for a moment to find the taller man already staring at him, then the smile widened even more, a flash of teeth added to it and Kanda smiled back. Allen, on the other hand, loved to see Kanda like this, so relaxed and comfortable and that soft smile was making him feel all giddy and the way his soft hair was still perfectly in place, framing his face, made him want to simply pull the taller man towards him and smooch the hell out of him. He was about to do so when their food arrived and he was a bit grateful for that. The cake was just as good as they remembered, Kanda was not surprised at all when he looked up a few minutes later just to find Allen’s slice gone, his own still occupying a big part of his plate. Without a second thought he cut a piece of his slice and raised the spoon towards Allen, and without any hesitation Allen simply opened his mouth and let Kanda feed him, the soft flavor of green tea immediately spreading in his mouth, making Allen close his eyes. They continued like that, sharing what was left of the cake, sharing the same spoon and Kanda simply pushed his own cup of warm tea towards Allen when he finished his own cocoa, the latter once again taking it with no hesitation and with a grateful hum. They paid as soon as they were done, and once they were out they started walking back the way they had come. “So you didn’t forget Kanda!” The sudden statement startled him, and Kanda couldn’t help but grunt. “How could I forget, you idiot…” Allen’s sudden laugh at that made some people turn towards them, Kanda simply glared at them and they moved on. “Yeah…you’re right…” Allen’s expression went completely soft and honestly, Kanda felt like kicking him into a pile of snow and kissing him at the same time. Allen meanwhile, had a sudden warmth spreading from his stomach all the way to his toes and hands, happiness invading every part of his body. Kanda was right. After all, they couldn’t simply forget the place they had gone together for the first time a couple of years ago. **** “Hey Kanda,” Kanda’s only response was a hum, his pace never halting and his eyes focused on the sidewalk. They were close to the car and Kanda was focused on the task of getting there before freezing to death. “Dance with me.” “The fuck does that even me-” Kanda’s voice died in his throat as Allen abruptly pulled him towards him, into what was supposed to be a big green area but that right now was covered by a heavy blanket of snow. Even though the snow only reached a few inches above his ankles, almost to mid calf for Allen, the cold immediately started sipping into their pants, spreading throughout their bodies. Kanda hissed as the snow started melting over his pants, throwing a glare at the shorter man. “I hate you so much right now”. Allen’s playful smirk grew, the mischievous glint on his eyes amplifying, not caring about Kanda’s mortified glare and even pulling him deeper into the field. Despite Kanda’s mortification with the cold he moved towards Allen, his body never once offering any kind of resistance and before he knew it strong arms were circling his torso, guiding him to the rhythm of some melody only Allen could listen to. It was difficult for them to move, the position was completely awkward for a dance, the heavy snow making their steps slower, and  the freezing wind was hitting them right in the face. But it was also perfect. Their bodies were flush together, Allen’s head positioned a bit below Kanda’s shoulder, Kanda’s chin resting lightly over that silvery white hair, now and then their arms unconsciously tightened, and Kanda’s body trembled every few minutes, making Allen softly laugh and the sound of it warming Kanda from inside out. The shops around the area were closing, the streets emptying more and more as time passed. The Christmas lights remained, illuminating them along with the moonlight, softening and sharpening their features at the same time and as Allen raised his face to look at Kanda, as Kanda cradled Allen’s face with his hands, it hit them both just how much they cared for the other. Then Allen was smiling, his eyes holding so much love, such raw and strong emotions showing there, making Kanda feel exposed and vulnerable but he didn’t care, not as long as it was this person. And when Kanda smiled back, features softening and eyes sparkling with just as much love, with wild and uncontrollable feeling, Allen felt the air leave his lungs, felt like he was drowning in this person and thought about how that didn’t sound bad at all. And then hands were moving to each other’s hair, and they were kissing, oh so softly but it was enough. Better than enough. The smell of pine surrounded them, and when it was over Allen moved his mouth to Kanda’s ear. “We still have to wrap the gifs” his voice barely a whisper and Kanda groaned against his hair. “Shut up” **** “What are you doing to that poor wrapping paper?” Allen received a ball of said wrapping paper directly to the face as an answer, followed by some grumbling. “We should’ve gotten the damn bags, so much fucking easier…” Allen couldn’t help but snort at Kanda’s cursing before moving to help him. “And where’s the fun in that Kan-da~” Kanda’s eyes narrowed before he hit Allen’s head with the roll of wrapping paper. Allen laughed and took the roll, moving to show Kanda how to do it. “You just have to do this…” And so he did the whole process. By the end he had a perfectly wrapped gift and Kanda was blankly staring at him. A few seconds passed before the taller man started walking towards the door of the room they were packing the gifts in. “I’m leaving” Kanda’s defeated voice almost made Allen laugh, thinking wrapping gifts was so difficult for Kanda was a bit cute. “Oh c'mon, at least help me with the tape!” “Fuck you” And with that the door shut closed, leaving Allen alone in the room. Kanda came back a few minutes later though, gift bags in hand. **** They were opening gifts when the clock reached midnight. Everyone was hugging someone, Lena hugging Lavi, Marie hugging Miranda, Timothy giving short hugs to everybody close enough. Kanda and Allen were on the couch though, Kanda’s hands cradling Allen’s face once more, slowly bringing him closer and leaving a soft kiss on Allen’s forehead. Allen’s smile was so warm and wide, with a hint of teeth, as he moved to press their foreheads together. “Happy birthday Allen” Allen bopped Kanda’s nose. “Merry Christmas Kanda” Kanda returned the gesture. “Oh for fucks sake, just kiss already!” They heard the shout before they felt the small mistletoe hitting them. Kanda turned towards Lavi. “You’re so dead, you damn rabbit!” And as everyone in the room, even Allen, laughed, as Kanda stood up and Lavi went running, they both were thinking the same. 'I love him.’
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