crackedpumpkin · 2 years
ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ʙʟᴏꜱꜱᴏᴍꜱ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴅɪᴍᴇɴꜱɪᴏɴ || ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ
2k12! Leonardo x Waterbender! reader
ᵗʷ: ᵍʳᵃᵖʰⁱᶜ ᵐᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵈᵉˢᶜʳⁱᵖᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱⁿʲᵘʳⁱᵉˢ
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“Donnie.” Now she could set her real plan into motion.
“Yes?” The turtle responds but doesn’t look at her, focused on hacking into the Kraang’s system.
“When you get into the system,” Y/n stares straight ahead at the fight, “Send me home.”
“What?” Donnie pauses, finally looking at her.
“It’s possible, isn’t it?”
“Technically, yes, but I don’t know if I’d be able to-”
“Try. I won’t hold it against you if it fails.” Y/n promises.
Donnie exhales shakily. Just great, even more pressure for him.
“I’ll do my best.”
As the fight went on, more pressure was placed on Donnie to get into the system. The Kraang were already starting up the portal to allow the Technodrome in, and panic was becoming more and more visible on his face. 
Y/n manages to regain some strength in her legs, standing up and creating shields of ice that protected Donnie from the Kraang’s guns that continued to fire away. Donnie wipes away some sweat that collected on his brow, gritting his teeth and continuing to hack away at the Kraang’s system.
“Donnie, we don’t have much time,” Y/n states lowly. She extends a tendril of water wrapped around her arm, knocking away a nearby Kraang bot.
“This thing’s running out of juice!” Leo says anxiously, his weapon taking longer and longer to charge each time. 
“Whatever’s coming through the portal’s gonna be here soon.” 
Donnie lets out a shaky whimper, his face a mere inch away from the screen of his phone as he struggles to decipher the Kraang’s system.
“When’s that forcefield coming Donnie?” Raph reminds him from above, dodging a few blasts as the Kraang continue to fire away.
“I’m working on it!”
“You might wanna work faster!” Y/n looks at the large machine, panic setting in at the thought of failure. 
“Guys, I think I got it!” Donnie presses on one last thing on his phone screen, the toaster he hooked up to the control panel emitting a loud ding. He lights up, turning to check on the portal mechanic.
Y/n beams, seeing the forcefield’s pink glow slowly fade. 
“Yes! All hail me!” Donnie yells in delight, throwing his arms up in celebration.
Y/n lets out a shaky laugh, relief flooding her body. “What about-”
She’s interrupted by the portal lighting up, all three machines emitting a blast that combines together, forming the start of a portal.
“Uh oh, guys?” 
Before Donnie can continue, the beam of the portal shoots up above the building, and a large ship emerges through the dark clouds.
“Holy giant floating shippy-ship.” Mikey breathes out, staring at it through the glass panels.
“Sorry.” Donnie practically squeaks out, Y/n frowning and looking away with downcast eyes. She rubs her arm, swallowing down her disappointment. She could deal with this later, there was another world to help save.
“Leo, do the zippy zappy thing now!” Mikey yells, the four turtles hiding behind the machine’s elevated platform. Y/n protects them the best she can from a distance, but she was running low on water and stamina. As soon as she blocks off some of the Kraang bots from firing at them, they turn and change their targets to her instead.
She yelps and stumbles back with a wince, one of the blasts barely grazing her arm. It tingles, a shallow burn beginning to blister. 
“Comeonbaby, comeonbaby, come on baby!” She hears Leo urging the gun to charge faster, but she couldn’t turn to look, too preoccupied with protecting herself.
“Yes!” Leo cries in relief, “Say goodnight, Kraang!” He stands up and turns, pointing the disintegrator at the Kraang. It starts to glow, and he presses the trigger. Instead of firing, the glow of the weapon dissipates in a split second. 
They all let out a collective gasp, Y/n groaning under her breath at the trouble they were all in. She manages to find a way down amidst all the blasts, crouching down behind Raph. “What happened?”
“I don’t know, the batteries must’ve died or something!” Leo responds, Y/n looking at the clearly exhausted weapon on the ground. 
“And we’ll be joining it unless someone thinks of something!” Raph holds up a Kraang bot he just took down, using it to shield them from the platoon of Kraang bots closing in on them.
“What’s Plan C, Leo?” Donnie asks urgently.
Leo looks around desperately, spotting a Kraang power cell nearby. 
“Donnie, what would happen if I rupture the power cell?” 
“The whole place would go up, with us in it!”
“Go up where?” Y/n asks, not understanding the implication of Donnie’s words. Leo’s eyes narrow and he draws his blade. 
“Go now.” He orders.
“Leo, you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?”
Leo chooses not to answer, swiftly moving away. Y/n’s mind is filled with questions and she’s about to chase after him but is stopped when she feels Raph’s hand around her wrist. She looks up and her eyes meet emerald green. Raph shakes his head.
He tugs her away, and she blindly follows. As soon as they reach a safer area, he lets go of her arm.
“What’s going on? What do you mean ‘go up’?” Y/n questions.
He looks away guiltily.
“No.” She mutters in disbelief, realisation dawning on her, “Nonononono." She turns, about to run back inside and stop Leo. 
“Grab her!” 
Strong arms encircle her midriff, trapping her. She struggles violently, kicking her legs around and trying to escape from Raph’s grasp. “Let me go!” Frustration is evident in her voice, and she sends Donnie a hostile glare.
“You said you’d do your best, not that you would blow it up!” Donnie practically shrinks at the reminder.
“I’m sorry, there wasn’t enough time.” He apologizes weakly.
“Wait, what’s going on?” Mikey asks innocently, his question going unanswered.
“Donnie, that’s my chance to go home,” Y/n begs, her throat closing up. The portal was right there. It was so close, yet so far. 
“Please.” Her voice is barely a whisper, and it breaks in the middle. Raph’s grip on her only tightens. She grits her teeth, her jaw clenched as she feels the hot tears run down her cheeks.
“There’s no other way, Y/n.”
“There has to be! We just need to go back there. You need time, right? I can just buy you some, I’ll even bloodbend!” She attempts to elbow Raph, but the turtle dodges just in time.
There were probably only seconds left. 
Finally managing to catch Raph off guard with her leg kicking his chest, she runs towards the building, only to be knocked back by the impact of a blast. She freezes, her heart pounding in her chest when she sees the top of TCRI explode. 
Raph jumps off the roof from beside her, using his makeshift wings to catch Leo who was free-falling from the explosion. She doesn’t react, every other sound dulled.
One of her only chances to go back to her world was gone. 
She sits down shakily, staring at the ground blankly. Donnie and Mikey both jump off after her, the former apologizing again and again before leaving with an ashamed glance. 
She had to take a minute.
Her hearing gradually returns, and she staggers to her feet when she hears the cries of people on the street. Looking around, she spots the giant ship from earlier firing at the four turtles flying around it. 
Staggering to her feet, she takes a deep inhale, trying to clear her mind of all the anger and frustration she felt for now. Her face is still flushed, and her arms aching from the struggle against Raph.
Even though this meant she couldn’t go home, she promised that she wouldn’t hold it against Donnie, as difficult as it may be. Plus, the people here needed her help.
The blasts tear through the material of their wings easily. Mikey and Donnie plummet towards a rooftop, while Leo and Raph were headed straight into a wall.
Y/n runs over immediately, sending a stream of water towards the two and freezing it with her breath, making a slide that allowed Leo and Raph to land on the ground safely.
They land in an open garbage bin, the two climbing out of it. “Are you guys okay?” Y/n says, draping Leo’s arm around her shoulder.
Raph holds his hand against his forehead, leaning on the garbage bin. Leo slumps against the wall in a similar fashion, Donnie and Mikey running over.
“Been better,” Leo replies weakly. 
Donnie hesitates, glancing at Y/n uncertainly. “You okay now dudette?” Mikey worries. She nods in response, looking at Donnie. Her gaze is firm, and she nods once more to reassure him. Donnie’s shoulders visibly relax, and his gaze softens.
“What do we do now?” Leo stands up in response to Donnie’s loaded question, “We need to talk to Splinter. C’mon.” He leads the way back to the lair, his brothers following suit. 
“Wait. I’ll stay here and help heal the people.” 
Leo hesitates, looking at the technodrome hovering above the city. “Are you sure?”
Y/n nods. She was a waterbender, a fighter, and a student. But she was first and foremost a Northern Water Tribe healer, and a pretty good one too. 
“She can handle herself.” Raph pats her shoulder, glad that she had calmed down. Leo nods. “Be careful.” He says firmly. 
Y/n watches them run off. She extends her arms above her head in a quick stretch and lets her arms fall to her sides. She turns, facing the street. Car alarms were blaring everywhere, and the sirens of police cars were mixed in with the horrified screams of the people in the street. 
There was no time to hesitate. These people needed to get to safety, and now.
“Help me, please!” She turns toward the first cry, masking her horror at the sight of a middle-aged man laying on the street, trapped under a car. She runs toward him, sensing water from a nearby fire hydrant. 
She moves her arm in an arc, causing the water pressure underneath it to increase. The bright red of the fire hydrant pops off of the sidewalk, and she bends the water in a tendril, catching it and placing it on the ground gently.
The man was on the verge of unconsciousness, his words becoming slurred. Y/n bends the water, using it to apply force and topple the car over to the side. She stiffens at the sight. 
The beige shorts he had on revealed a deep red gash from his thigh to his knee, the gaping wound causing a river of red that ran down his pale skin. She’s immune to the heavy scent of iron in the air, her mind racing for the next course of action she should take.
Pressure. She needed to apply pressure. 
Mumbling a quick apology to the unconscious man, she grabs his shirt and takes it off, applying pressure to the wound.
“Hello?” Y/n watches his chest rise and fall before moving her head down towards his nose, checking his breathing. She feels a gentle, but inconsistent brush of air against her ear, worry growing in the pit of her stomach.
She eyes the blue cloth on his leg soaked in blood. This man was dying fast, and she didn’t have much time. She moves the cloth away, unaffected by the crusty, dried-up blood that surrounded the edges of the gash. Now that the stream of blood had lessened, she was able to see how deep the gash was.
Good. It hadn’t hit bone.
Taking a deep breath, Y/n bends the water to encapsulate his entire left leg, her gaze focused. She feels the familiar tingle in her hands, a warmth in her palms. The water begins to glow, and she sees the blood vessels inside start to mend bit by bit. She couldn’t work miracles, but at least the man would be able to keep his leg intact.
She continues to keep this posture for a good five minutes, thankful that the ship was a few streets away. Seeing that most of the vessels and muscle were able to grow back, she lets go when the second layer of skin forms over his wound, most of it now healed. 
She checks his breathing again and is relieved when it's more consistent than before. She bends the water around her, using it to carry the man into the alleyway and laying him gently against the wall. 
She runs back out, surveying the area around her. Spotting a crying girl on the steps of an apartment building, she jogs over. 
“Are you injured?” She asks the girl kindly. The child nods, moving her hands away from her side to reveal a large reddish-pink burn, the skin blistering and raw. Y/n examines it, judging that it was probably from a blast that the Kraang ship had fired.
“Would it be okay if I healed you?” Y/n’s voice is soft and gentle, but the girl shakes her head.
“Mommy said not to talk to strangers.” She sniffles, rubbing her nose while tears continue to flow down her apple-red cheeks.
“Well, my name is Y/n. What’s your name?”
“Well, now we aren’t strangers, are we?” Y/n smiles warmly, and Katie is unable to deny her logic. “May I heal you now, Katie?”
She nods, letting Y/n sit beside her. She hovers her hands over the wound, bending the water she used earlier on the man and allowing it to surround it. Katie whimpers, clutching the frayed strings of her cardigan.
“So Katie, how old are you?” Y/n asks in an attempt to distract her from the pain.
“I’m 10. Are you a witch?” She’s surprised by Katie’s timid voice but relaxes when she sees Katie’s bright and curious expression.
“Well, I’m not a witch, I’m a waterbender. You’re very brave, holding out this long.” Y/n chuckles, trying to ignore the imminent threat looming close by.
“What’s a waterbender?” Katie questions innocently.
“Well, a waterbender is a good person that goes around helping others. And we can heal people, just like how I’m healing you.” Y/n chooses her words carefully, finally letting go of Katie’s wound. It was mostly healed, the skin a light pink, as if the burn never existed. 
“Where’s your mom?” 
“She ran that way.” Katie points in the direction of the Technodrome, and Y/n gulps. 
“Katie,” She squats down, facing the girl and holding her hands gently, “will you do your new friend a favour?” 
The young girl nods. 
“I need you to go into this building and hide, okay?”
Katie nods, and Y/n lets go of her hands, taking a step back and storing the rest of the water in her water bag
"Thank you Miss waterbender.” Y/n pauses on her way down the steps, flashing Katie a small grin in reply. She makes sure the child has entered the building first, before running in the direction of the technodrome.
She smelled the smoke before the fires came into view. Large trashcans lay abandoned on the floor, the scattered trash acting as fuel for the fires to grow and spread. 
She covers her nose with the sleeve of her shirt, coughing as smoke enters her lungs. Scanning the area, she spots big, circular machines flying towards the humongous ship in the sky, entering it through designated ports. 
“Y/n!” A hiss attracts her attention, and she’s grateful at the sight of four familiar turtles. She sneaks over to them, keeping out of the Kraang bot’s line of sight. Squatting down beside Leo, she breathes out a sigh of relief. 
“What’d Master Splinter say?” 
“We couldn’t find him.” Leo frowns. 
“But it turns out, April’s dad was controlled by the Kraang, and she’s now in that ship. We’re planning on getting her back.” Donnie fills her in, and she nods at him gratefully. She looks away quickly, feeling awkward around him.
“We gotta get one of those pods,” Leo says lowly, his breath brushing against Y/n’s ear. She shivers, a tingle tiptoeing up her spine.
“But how? There’re eight Kraang droids between us and there.” Donnie points out from beside her.
“We could create a diversion,” Y/n suggests.
“ ‘Scuse me, how many did you say there were?” Raph asks from behind her. Mikey is beside him and lights up when he spots Y/n.
“Eight,” Leo replies.
“We could all dress up like robots, sneak in.” Mikey proposes with a broad smile and a shrug.
“Or... I could try to override their security codes by-” Donnie is quickly interrupted by grunts, all four turning to see Raph having defeated all of the bots while they were discussing their plan. He spins a dismembered robot head on his sai smugly, looking at all of them. Y/n’s pleasantly surprised, giving him a thumbs up.
“Or.. that, might work. Let’s go!” Leo is just as impressed.
They all hop into the pod and it closes, flying towards the Technodrome.
Y/n stares out of the glass, her eyes darting around to find Katie’s mother. Her shoulders droop when she doesn’t, all the smoke clouding her view. 
“You guys look exhausted.” Y/n folds her arms, leaning against the screen with a tired sigh. 
Raph shrugs. “Used to it.”
“Yeah, well, not with me around.” Y/n pops open the mouth of her water bag, bending the stream of water out of it and dividing it into four separate orbs. She guides them towards each turtle, surrounding their bodies with a thin layer of water while leaving a small gap for their noses.
She closes her eyes and lifts her arms towards them, her palms facing outwards. They start to warm, and the water shimmers a soft blue. When they almost reach the ship, she draws back the water, most of it now gone and she stores whatever is left in her water bag.
“You can heal multiple people at once?” Donnie is amazed by her healing prowess, examining the various cuts and bruises he had received that were now gone.
“Thanks, Y/n! I feel ready to take on a whole army.” Raph exclaims with a chuckle, opening and closing his hand into a fist.
Mikey whoops, scooping Y/n into a hug which she reciprocates with a breathless laugh.
“Thank you,” Leo says sincerely, looking more ready than ever to fight.
“No worries, let’s just get out of this alive.” Y/n’s statement sobers them all up, and now only Raph looks mildly excited about the battle. 
They enter the ship, and Y/n sees the pods ahead of them moving into different holes.
“Okay guys, this is it. On three.” Leo starts to count down, and Raph lifts open the pod, allowing all of them to exit. They take a step out, and Y/n fully prepares to jump down. 
What she didn’t expect, however, was the absence of gravity. “Woah!” She cries out, her arms flailing and legs kicking as they all get caught off guard by the sudden change in their surroundings. 
“What the heck is going on?”
“I think the Kraang forgot to pay their gravity bill!” Mikey flails about, and a robotic arm extends out, the head a concave shape. It attaches itself to Mikey and pulls him into one of the various holes in the wall.
Y/n gasps, about to make her way towards it when a weird sound that resembled Donnie’s computer errors, echoes through the empty tunnel. She hears a groan, turning her head to see Mikey exiting another hole from behind.
“It appears that the Kraang have generated anti-gravitons!”
“Is there any way for you to generate anti-anti gravitons?” 
“You mean, gravitons?”
“Guys, I’m gonna throw up.” Mikey interrupts Leo and Donnie with a warning, his stomach gurgling. “Or up, or down. Or maybe sideways! But one thing’s for sure, I’m majorly gonna throw!” Mikey’s voice thins, his expression nervous.
Before Y/n can warn him, he gets hit from behind by yet another pod, and it doesn’t stop moving.
“We have a job to do, so let’s go,” Leo instructs, and they all grab the sides of the approaching pod with Mikey at the front. 
Y/n stiffens when she spots three of the Kraang nearby, poking Leo’s arm and pointing towards them. His eyes widen in alarm, and he alerts his brothers silently. 
Fortunately, another robot arm extends and grabs the pod they were clinging to, pulling it into a hole and allowing them to avoid detection.
They let go near the entrance of it, hiding in the shadows and waiting for the Kraang to pass.
“Yo, Zero-G is bangin’! The Kraang should turn this into a carnival ride.” Mikey whispers excitedly, hanging upside down above Y/n’s head. 
“Don’t you dare puke on me,” She warns.
“I think they’re more interested in using it to destroy the earth.” Leo points out.
“It could do both.”
A scream interrupts them, and Y/n feels the blood drain from her face when she realizes its owner.
“It’s April!” 
“Could you say that a lil’ louder? I don’t think the entire Technodrome heard you.” Raph hisses sarcastically at Donnie. In a blink, the entrance is blocked off by a wall of Kraang, all staring at the five of them.
“Never mind, they did,” Raph mutters in defeat, taking out his weapons with his brothers. Y/n draws her wooden sword, holding it up firmly in a practised stance.
They start to fight, and Y/n finds it incredibly difficult to maintain her balance. Fortunately, it seemed that a goddess of luck had blessed her, and she narrowly avoids the arms of the Kraang. 
A wooden sword didn’t do much in terms of offence, so she uses it as a bat to hit Kraang towards the other turtles who then used their own sharp weapons to pierce or slice through them.
They soon manage to defeat all the Kraang that surrounded them, but she knew more would be on their way. April’s scream echoes throughout the tunnel again, this time more of an anguished howl, followed by an evil cackle.
Raph pries up a panel using the blade of his sai, moving it aside and heading in. Y/n follows behind him, her eyes squinting and adjusting to the sudden darkness.
“Witness the end of your kind!” Y/n is severely grossed out by the largest, squishiest Kraang she has ever seen, holding back a gag.
“Not if we can help it!” Leo says confidently, his shoulders squared.
Y/n uses all her strength to hold onto the thick wire that dangled from the ceiling, Mikey getting concerned when she looks away.
“The turtles? Kraang won’t be stopped by pathetic mutants.” The giant Kraang sneers.
“At least we’re not stupid aliens!” Mikey fires back.
“Raph, quick!” They all move out of the way, and Raph lets go of the wire. He plummets towards the Kraang head-on, his feet landing firmly in the middle of its face. It cries out in pain, relinquishing its control over the contraption that held April captive.
Seeing it contort in the most horrific of ways, Y/n leans against the wall, unable to suppress her gag. “Nope. I can’t deal with this.” She mutters, staring at the ground as she gags once again.
Donnie fiddles with the restraints and he manages to unlock them. As soon as April is released, she falls forward, Donnie catching her gently just in time.
“You’re my hero.” April murmurs in his arms. He lets out a nervous laugh, his cheeks covered in pink.
“Hey, chuckles. We gotta get outta here.” Raph brings him back down from Cloud Nine. The four turtles climb the wires and make their exit, but they don’t notice Y/n in the corner heaving her guts out.
“Guys?” Y/n finally gets her stomach under control, but still feels queasy.
“You.” She hears a growl and instantly pales, turning to see the gigantic pink Kraang having recovered from Raph’s blow. Its creepy lips turn up into an ominous smile, and panels on the wall come off, landing on the ground with a clatter.
Y/n takes a step back, having to tilt her head up to see the Kraang now fully armed in a metallic battle suit, with tendrils acting as its arms. It swings a tendril towards Y/n, and the latter ducks just in time.
She bends the water out of her water bag, stomping her foot on the ground and turning the remaining water into a pillar of ice that allows her to reach the wires. She pulls herself up, escaping from the Kraang that starts to give chase.
She runs and runs, the booming of her heart furious and incessant. It seemed to swell into a mallet and swing against her rib cage, a drum full of dirt that might burst at any moment. Her legs ached, and her lungs felt like they would collapse any minute.
Still, she ran. She could hear the Kraang running after her, destroying anything and everything in its path.
“Why is it coming toward us?” She vaguely hears Mikey shriek from up ahead, and she forces her legs to keep pumping in a steady rhythm, only stopping when she comes face to face with her friends. 
“You-” Y/n pants, “jerks-”, she grapples for a hold, and her hand lands on Leo’s arm, clinging to it like it was her last string connecting her to life, “left me behind.”  
“I’m so sorry, I thought you were with us.” Leo apologises quickly, holding her tired form up and placing her arm around his shoulders. Sweat drips down Y/n’s brow, and she’s too tired to speak. With all the healing and running, it was truly a wonder how she hadn’t passed out by now.
As the Kraang get closer, the turtles flee with April and Y/n on their backs. She hears the Kraang let out a blood-curdling screech. She flicks her wrist, bending the sweat on her brow into a sharp needle-like blade that she uses all her strength to throw at it. 
It lodges itself between its eyes and it staggers back with a shriek, pulling it out and getting visibly angrier. Y/n’s arm falls to Leo’s shoulder limply, her entire body drained.
Leo quickly hands her to Raph as they approach the last escape pod, running back to save Mikey who was being cornered by the Kraang.
She groans, hanging onto Raph by a thread. He supports her legs, firmly holding her up by her thighs. “We’re almost outta here.” He assures her, and she mumbles something incoherent in response.
Leo runs to them with Mikey, all four are inside the escape pod except for Leo. 
“Leo, hurry!” Donnie urges. 
“You will die here!” The Kraang threatens. 
Y/n watches from Raph’s shoulder, her vision slightly blurry. She could make out Leo charging towards the Kraang, and suddenly she was more awake than ever.
“Set me down.” She urges Raph, letting go of his shoulders. He releases his hold on her legs in surprise, and she summons every last bit of strength in her body. 
She runs towards the Kraang, all three turtles crying out for her and their brother to come back to the escape pod. 
“I can’t hold it back for much longer!” Leo cries out, “Y/n, leave!” 
“Not without you.” She shouts back, forming a gauntlet made of ice onto her right hand. She uses the curved wall to jump towards the Kraang, causing it to stumble as her fist lands squarely in one of its sickly yellowish-coloured eyes. 
The escape pod leaves with everyone else in it, and she thanks the spirits above that they escaped safely.
The chain Leo is using to hold the Kraang back breaks. It stumbles backwards with an enraged cry, the Technodrome exploding. It plummets to the sea, and Y/n’s legs finally give out. She feels herself falling backwards, too weak to hold onto anything.
“Y/n!” Leo calls her name in a panic, using the wall to launch himself towards her. His arm circles her waist, his fingers curling and holding her firmly against him.
“We did it.” She whispers with a soft smile, her hands holding his shoulders.
“We did.” Leo nods, their faces only inches apart as they fall into the ocean below.
The impact almost knocks her out, if not for Leo’s hand behind her head, pulling her even closer against his warm body and shielding her from the ice-cold water that surrounds them both.
They were in the ocean. 
Y/n closes her eyes, moving her hands to rest on her chest and his, an all-too-familiar heat in her palms as she draws on the water around her for energy. 
His fresh bruises and shallow cuts slowly disappear, and Y/n feels some of her energy return. They break through the surface with gasps and splutters, practically drinking in the fresh air. 
Y/n inhales deeply, overjoyed by their victory. She and Leo are still face to face, but not a word is said between them. Their elated smiles put across everything they needed to say.
Her palm rests on his chest still, and she moves it to his shoulder. They take a moment to themselves. The lapping waves entranced her and the murmuring of the waves was almost hypnotic.
Y/n’s eyes drift down to his lips, and she feels him slowly inch closer. Her chest rises and falls steadily, the exhilaration from earlier still coursing through her veins.
Her heart beat faster and faster as Leo’s face came up to her own, stopping when they were just a hair’s breadth apart. She knew that with just a simple movement, her lips would be pressed against his.
So she waited, her eyes shining with a playful glint that practically dared him to take the first step; to take the leap of faith. She sees him hesitate, a flicker of uncertainty flashing across his face. 
So, she does it instead.
He’s clearly taken aback, tensing up as her soft lips brush his. Y/n moves back with a shy smile. 
She parts her lips to speak, but before she has a chance to, he tilts her chin up and kisses her — softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. But before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, she knew that she was kissing him back.
His chapped lips moved unsurely but were firm against hers, and she almost melts at how gentle he is. Her eyes are closed, and her arms rest on his shoulders, pulling him even closer. 
His hands were on her waist, his thumbs massaging a small patch of skin under her shirt in a circle, leaving a trail of fire across her skin each time. 
Finally, they pull away. Y/n’s chest rises and falls steadily, catching her breath after that intense, dizzying kiss. She looks down, watching the rise and fall of Leo’s chest with a giddy smile.
“I gave him nothing but a hard time. If I had to do it all over again, I’d definitely be nicer. I’d apologise to Y/n too for how mean I was to her.” 
The both of them stiffen at the sound of Raph’s voice coming from a short distance away. Y/n turns her head, spotting the escape pod bobbing up and down from the gentle push and pull of the waves in the sea.
“Shall we?” She looks back up, a spark in his ocean-blue eyes making her blush. She nods, letting go of his shoulders and holding his arm gently instead. He grabs a piece of debris from the exploded Kraang ship, using it to keep them both afloat and paddles towards his brothers. 
“Really?” He jokes in reply to Raph’s statement once they’re within earshot.
“Really,” Raph responds, not realizing that he’s right behind him.
“I accept your apology.” Y/n chimes in, sharing an amused smile with Leo.
Raph, who was visibly saddened, perks up in realization. “Leo? Y/n?” He turns and spots the two behind the escape pod. “Leo!” He cries out happily.
Leo chuckles, and Y/n just waves with a smirk.
“Leo!” Raph’s tone turns gruff, “You dorks! You scared the heck out of us!” 
Mikey giggles with a sniff, rubbing his eyes roughly. He helps lift Y/n out of the water, and Raph grabs Leo’s hands to help him.
“We won!” Mikey says, overjoyed at their reunion. Y/n is quickly surrounded by everyone, and she’s pressed against Leo, whom smiles warmly. She flushes, mirroring his smile. She enjoys the hug, basking in their warmth.
“Who saved the world?”
“We saved the world!” The four chime in response to Mikey’s cheer.
“I said: who saved the world?” Mikey repeats in a yell.
“WE SAVED THE WORLD!” They jump for joy, Y/n stumbling a little when she lands. Leo holds her arm gently, helping to steady her balance.
“I SAID-” 
“Stop asking!”
Mikey’s about to yell once more in celebration, but Raph quickly interrupts him with a growl.
“We saved the world.” Y/n laughs softly at Mikey’s mumble. Raph slams a pizza box against his little brother’s face, and it slides off to reveal a slice in Mikey’s mouth.
Y/n grabs a slice for herself, chowing down hungrily. She pauses, feeling someone’s eyes on her.
“What? A girl’s gotta eat after saving the world.” She defends herself, her cheeks flushing a baby pink as Leo chuckles and nods in agreement.
“So, video games?” Y/n sits on the couch, and Mikey joins her with an excited whoop.
Donnie sits beside Mikey, and Raph drapes his arm across the couch behind her, relaxing.
She notices Leo following April into the dojo. She looks away. 
Her hands touch her lips softly, her cheeks now a bright red at the reminder of their most recent kiss. 
“You good?” She’s snapped out of her daze when Raph questions her, sitting upright. “Yeah, I’m good.” She replies a little too quickly.
“Okay.” Raph’s doubtful but lets it go, preoccupied with how he had saved the world.
Y/n sneaks another peek at the dojo, seeing Leo exit. His gaze meets hers and they both flush, looking away. Y/n tries to calm her racing heart.
They’d talk about the kiss another time.
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6maker · 3 years
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King KOF by 6maker
Hey guys!
Enjoy my paint!
If you like this please follow and like❤️🔁😘
Thank you for your help❤️
Looking forward to your request😘
King KOF de 6maker
King KOF de 6maker
!Hola, chicos!
!Disfruta mi pintura!
Si te gusta esto, !síguelo y dale me gusta❤️🔁😘
!!!Gracias por tu ayuda❤️
Esperamos su solicitud😘
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donnerpartyofone · 3 years
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I guess I just sucked a hilarious amount of ink out of this “dying” pen #comeonbaby #itsreallygoodforyourteeth
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grandsol · 3 years
Dammit... Baby... Come on...
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juicybabydoll · 5 years
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How I’m trying to be with somebody’s granddaddy! #saywhatyouwant #wherehisoldassat #comeonbaby #annanicolesmith #lovethatbitch #lovelyelizabeth https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6arDzg9Uk/?igshid=txz4w72msiji
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outlawedbones · 6 years
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So I’ve finished growing a baby...apparently he doesn’t agree though 🤔 It was my due date today and there are no real signs yet that he’s ready to come out...I was convinced he was going to be early, now I’m pretty sure he’s going to be as late as possible! #duedate #40weekspregnant #comeonbaby (at Old Sarum) https://www.instagram.com/p/BphrT_cFSRv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kdd86200mftv
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spy0025 · 3 years
#comeonbaby https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3RTiHhiwu/?igshid=v5qayc2mzse7
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Last bump pic before little boy's arrival! 🤰#40weeks #comeonbaby
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gabyglifestyle · 4 years
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#comeonbaby #tahoe (at Lake Tahoe, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uqa-9AWlL/?igshid=12e06604b8xwv
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ugdigital · 5 years
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What an awesome day it’s turning out to be... #fresh cut, like a million bucks.... (u know the rest 🤣) ... but 4real tho, it’s a grande-ol’ day - crazy that I’m still high on life - as I’m now 12 hours into my 16 hour shift!!! 3pm #comeonbaby!!! #HappyFriday 👊🏾 (at Seidman Cancer Center- UH Hospital) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIX6_fBe9m/?igshid=1cgz9kartfuwa
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doreencita · 5 years
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May the fourth be with you, Meghan⚡️👶🏼🤞🏻👸🏽🤴#sussexroyal #comeonbaby #whenharrymetmeghan https://www.instagram.com/p/BxDMyflgql2MAYyM0Nx9R_JOHi6nwK38zDdIIM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1brs2l3qtskfg
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djkrpt-blog · 5 years
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One of my weapons from 1995 - Ascend & Ultravibe under their better known Dead Dred moniker rattle teeth with Come On Baby - starting with a classic G Funk synth line the jungle breaks roll before a sudden amen and wobble drop that weighs a ton! (Link to listen in my bio) - SHADOW 77 ... #dailydnb #dnb #drumnbass #drumandbass #jungle #deaddred #ascend #ultravibe #comeonbaby #downwiththesound #movingshadow #1995 #amenbreak #techstep #jumpup #dnbdj #dnbproducer #dnbarchive #vinylcollection #blackwax #90smusic #ravemusic #soundsystem #wobblebass #dnbnation #junglistmassive #dnbmusic https://www.instagram.com/p/BwH3agOl1aO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1thevgjaz4xkw
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manujevz-blog · 5 years
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@sidartha 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐲🥴 #ComeOnBaby “La rosas son azules ,las violetas son rojas y tengo que ir al baño” -Patricio estrella. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwFSLRplfBh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o5co9tf7hmvj
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almeriatourism · 7 years
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#comeonbaby! #Visit #almeria #andalusia #spain #europe #world 👗👓👕🌜
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vloggins · 5 years
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#comeonbaby #lightmyfire #comeonbabylightmyfire #firesigns no #dollarsigns #blazingbeauties #customartwork #htjdesigns #burningman #groundscore #stillworks #thuglyf #burgerandfries (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu1-RNfloSa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mkt63zia4rel
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bobglasss · 5 years
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#sextou🍻 #comeonbaby https://www.instagram.com/p/BtneoNxHhX2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p6p43izm22fx
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