just-an-enby-lemon · 28 days
Sometimes I just think about how Alexander made the party try to defend Oscar Wilde from kidnnappers and named the negociator Dorian. So everyone was like "this is clearly a Dorian Gray reference this has to be a very strong and powerfull man" and were all on edge only for Hamid to very easily kill him and Alex just go "he was just a guy named Dorian, there is actual soldiers outside, he was just a negotiator, completly normal guy, nothing especial."
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fandogamia · 2 years
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Decidle HOLA a #UnaTiraCadaDía, el proyecto de @holasoytimoneda en el que, ADIVINA, sube una tira cada día, tanto en su Instagram como en su Twitter como en el buzón de sus vecinos. Imprime las viñetas y las inserta entre la correspondencia, para hacerles la vida más agradable. Imagina: factura, publicidad, cita médica, publicidad, TIRA CÓMICA. Ojalá todos pudiéramos tener a Timoneda de vecino, pero al menos lo podemos tener como autor webcomiquero, que en la escala de cercanía va entre "amigo de un amigo" y "amor platónico de adolescencia". Algo es algo. #fandogamia #editorial #comic #instacomics #bookstagram #tebeo #webcomic #fanternet #unatiracadadia #tira #humor #totoro #cripto #estafa #criptobro #caca https://www.instagram.com/p/CfR8xDFDhbk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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viejospellejos · 9 months
El criptobro más discretito:
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max-iwtaco · 10 months
the more i learn to appreciate and feel art the more i fucking despise criptobros and all the losers that are trying to turn art into content
like their idea of art is so fundamentally different. they view art as something to own, as a little trinket to put as their profile picture completely ignoring the emotional part of it AND ALSO ruining it for everyone else while claiming its fine for them to use things youve worked on without your consent actually
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canred12 · 1 year
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Los 'criptobros' del pensamiento contemporáneo http://dlvr.it/SjRg8v
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shittytokudetails · 3 years
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in Kyuusei Sentai Wakusaver Season 2 (2021) it’s revealed that green jupiter is actually a criptobro, EW
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en-futubandera · 2 years
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Abogados criptobro, el resultado inevitable de mezclar abogados, coaching y cantidades ilimitadas de cocaina...
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Gotham but is OUAT.
Or a weird magical curse "normalizes" Gotham and makes everyone unhappy in the process. It is a ploy from the goverment into turning the city into a conservative wet drean example of how they can fix crime without having to deal with any of the systemic issues behind it (like they already try to do, except is literally impossible).
Dick Grayson lives in Bludhaben and isn't affected. Until he goes visit his family and realizes his city is all brainwashed (and honestly is a bit weird that there is no queer people, all POC act like "ideal minorities" and let people be assholes to them and everything is somehow more ableist? All the money Bruce spend in funding inclusivity programs and trying to create a less bigoted generation via education and actual suppor for minorities was waste aparently, the Arkham reform too, they had made soo much progress, they had actually reformed some villans, all for this shit? Also why everything looks like a 50's add? He knows Gotham loves it's atemporal aesthetic but cammon it isn't it. ). Well now Dick is the story's Henry and has to convince his family something is wrong and look for what exactaly happened and how to solve it.
Just like OUAT every chapther focus in Dick's (and later his team of people who accepted to help him in his quest) actions and discoveries but also in a flashback about what each characther was doing when the got catched by the curse and how their life was before. And some episodes with the question of is it worth to sacrificie free will if people like Joker will stop being a problem?
#batman#ouat au#dick grayson#he is our protagonist and is very cool#he also feels like tim did when no one else belived bruce was alive#damian eats meat and Dick is soo done#no one can find selina#what is weird because she was living in the mansion before the curse#Penguim became a criptobro and that was the moment Dick decided that is it I can't take this bs anymore#them he saw killer croc being a priest and he decided that he foind the most cursed thing ever#harley is a stay at home mon#she has no kids and had just recovered her license to therapy before the curse#and no Dick doesn't know who this kids are#he is sure they are just some kids that lived across the street and the curse just yanked them from their real parents#ivvy is also nowhere to be found#she ends up being the second member of dick squad#riddler is a middle school teacher and honestly why all the ex rogues are around young kids#ex rogues and the joker who was still active untill the curse and honestly why tf did they give him kids#scarecrow has an antique shop#he had a diploma cammon#tim and steph are dating again and part of a christian youth group#bernard is tim straigth best friend who talks to hin about girls as if they are in a 50's sitcom#Jason is a cop without relations with the Wayne family and that's just getting even more absurd for Dick#barbara is also a middle school teacher and doen't remember their relationship#cass actually didn't change much#the curse is not as efective with metas so duke starts remembering as the events go on#he is the third member of team let's break this curse#batfamily#batman rogues
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welele · 2 years
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Sí hombre, cualquier cosa me espero ya de ese evento...
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welele · 2 months
Cree vivir en "El lobo de Wall Street", pero todo indica que está en "The Office". pic.twitter.com/4FhLgCwn66
— Mauro Entrialgo (@Tyrexito) March 20, 2024
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welele · 2 months
Esto mete miedo al mismísimo diablo pic.twitter.com/MIPhtlc8aj
— offensiveprank (@offensiveprank) March 9, 2024
Imagina esos padres que les despierta todas las madrugadas jugando al just dance.
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welele · 3 months
- ¿Qué tal el día en la tienda? - ¿Te acuerdas de la gorra de 50 € que pusimos a 500 € por si engañábamos a algún flipao? - Noooooo…jajaja. - SIIIII.pic.twitter.com/FrZDHhMR8u
— Javier Durán (@tortondo) March 5, 2024
Se tenía que haber comprado dos, así tendría los estándares más altos (y así se puede tapar el cabezón completo).
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welele · 1 year
Al menos con este vídeo me quedo más tranquilo con el del otro día de dar los 7 millones de la lotería a su mayor hater. Gran troll (o no...)
Debate serio: realidad o comedia finísima? pic.twitter.com/gq5qnAJA8o
— Los Xavales (@losxavales00) April 8, 2023
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welele · 2 years
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Build build build… el mundo actual habla. Mientras, nosotros construimos el nuevo mundo 🌍 👇 pic.twitter.com/toRykGcX6S
— Mani Thawani (@ManiThawani) September 9, 2022
No sé en qué momento el bitcoin, la blockchain y todo eso pasaron de ser una tecnología prometedora a ser algo sin utilidad relevante que solo se utiliza realmente para estafar y especular.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
A possibly terfy criptobro dmed me. That's it. No more Tumblr for me today.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 28 days
The criptobro spend the whole episode just making the worst choices ever based in his beliefs surronding money and cripto, alienated himself from anyone that might care and than had the gal to be mad his high risk "investiment" backfired. That's to say this episode had the most accurated portrait of a criptobro and he totaly deserved what he got.
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