d4and20 · 3 months
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We are not sure if we are calling this the Super Deluxe or something like that, but we are DONE!
Capt. Rozey's Drawing Maps : Nine Faces is here!
We are quite excited to offer this as our first physical product! Each book comes with two stickers to help expand your imagination! 
An instructional video and lesson is on the horizon. It will act as a companion to this book whether you have the first digital edition, this physical edition or both! 
We cannot wait to see what you all come up with, what faces do you want to create?!
Each book costs 5$. They will be available at conventions! In the meantime you can order one directly from Adam by emailing him ( d4editor at gmail dot com ) with "DM9F" in the subject line.
- Duchess
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havensdaughter · 1 year
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her name is Jaen.
Just wanted to make a little update.
The work continues, albeit alittle slower now…
4.14.23 / roze
havensdaughter.com | d4and20.com
coming…at somepoint 😅
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d4and20 · 1 year
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PROMO TIME 😼🏴‍☠️⚓️ 8.15.23AD
Please enjoy the Digital Special Edition of Captain Rozey's Drawing Maps! : Nine Faces!!
download your copy here! - https://d4and20.wordpress.com/books/
P.S the new site is still under construction so sorry but…we are also working on a physical special edition of the book 😺😅 no pressure tho right? Coming Soon!!
- Duch, Dir. O' Marketing
d4+20 | d4and20.com
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d4and20 · 1 year
“Is this thing on?”
Formally announcing that we have stepped into the age of motion!
--> youtube dot com at d4editor <--
- DM :: 12/15/22
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d4and20 · 8 years
the masthead
“Logic + Empathy”
d4and20.com aka d4+20 sequential arts studio and publishing
Kyle Roze is the dude who started it and runs the operation. He is not listing any titles for the moment aside from “Cartoonist”.
Roze has been making art all of his life. Having taken classes in just about everything before entering high school, he has always had a mind full of many ideas. The Internet’s push towards individual self publication was an eye opener for Roze, but it has taken him some time to figure out a way to frame his artistic output into something that can be packaged. Making the distinction between being a “comic book artist” and being a “cartoonist” was the key. To that end over the past few years he has been working, learning, and focusing in order to create d4+20. His drive is to talk about life with clarity and with as much humor that can be mustered out of his observations…with Logic and Empathy.
d4+20 is produced by sandkastle llc©️2022
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