#deans a sable
ratshien · 2 years
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somethign absolutely deranged came over me like two weeks ago and i drew the monarch and hank as ferrets
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riddled-fingers · 5 months
does dean winchester is gay
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yeah but dont tell him that
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murderfly · 2 years
(( something happened in my brain earlier and I drew both the monarch and hank as ferrets. I put a little coat on the monarch. There is a long description of my other ferret assignments in the tags
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bitterkarella · 8 months
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i want you to sssay hello to Rowling: graham lineham Lineham: [wearing foil hat] free masons run the country Rowling: he'sss got sssome great ideasss you should hear
Poe: joanne you don't need to bring him here Poe: like, you really don't Rowling: he hass thingsss to sssay and you're ALL going to hear them Poe: this is really kind of off topic for us here Rowling: EVERYONE will hear them
Rowling: ssssee, yearsss ago i disssmisssed graham lineham'ssss babble as the bad opticsss ravingsss of a lunatic Rowling: but now that the overton window hass sshifted Rowling: i'm proud to sssay thessse bad opticsss ravingsss are quite good actually!
Rowling: go ahead, graham, tell them what you told me Lineham: trans people produce no great films, no music, no art Lineham: they're incapable of doing this basic human thing because they're subhuman Lineham: untermensch, if you will Rowling: isssn't he great?
Lineham: trans books are always universally panned because of their incoherence Billy Martin: Hailey Piper: Eve Harms: Gretchen Felker-Martin: Joe Koch: M. Lopes da Silva: Arden Powell: Lor Gislason: Julya Oui: LC von Hessen: GE Woods: Michelle Belanger: Rain Corbyn: SA Chant:
FT Catulla: Viktor Athelstan: Meagan Hotz: Ziggy Schutz: Rose Sable: WN Derring-Judith: Charles Maria Tor: Devaki Devay: Dayna Ingram: Ori Jay: Ai Burton: Gabriel Valentine: Cosmin-Mihai Birsan: Jei D Marcade: Rhiannon Rasmussen: Max Turner: Taylor J Pitts: Vincent Endwell:
Bri Crozier: Theo Hendrie: Derek des Anges: Briar Ripley Page: Winter Holmes: gaast: Maya Deane: Charles-Elizabeth Boyles: Layne van Rensburg: Amanda M Blake: May Leitz: Alison Rumfitt: Rivers Solomon: Lillian Boyd: Torrey Peters: Taliesin Neith: Daniel M. Lavery: Joss Lake: Aubrey Wood: Jonah Wu:
Daphne du Maurier: Patricia Highsmith: Franz Kafka: Kafka: wait Kafka: why did the camera pan to me
Barker: oh you know why haha Poe: clive Kafka: why Kafka: [hugging blåhaj] i don't know what you mean
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 3 months
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Sugar Gals - Where are they now?
Sonnet - Voiced by Kerry Washington. Sonnet grew up to be an art connoisseur. She introduced 'Pop Art' to the other tribes. The design on her pants is supposed to be based on Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe, but like a Troll version of it.
Scout - Voiced by Stephanie Beatriz. Did a complete 180 from her tomboyish band persona and is now a feminine full time stay at home mom. She has a side hustle of selling stickers and polymer clay jewellery.
Summer - Voiced by Ester Dean (Yes she already voiced Legsly but we were robbed when they did not utilise the wonderful voice that were provided!) Summer continued to be an entertainer. Think, Hannah Montana meets Jojo Siwa meets Emma from the Wiggles. Summer's hair is still pink, the purple hair is a wig.
Sable - Voiced by Emmy Rossum. Sable became an elegant actress. Stars in the Troll equivalent of Broadway Plays.
Sage - Voiced by Amanda Seyfreid. Sage is a Karen. Always thinks Trolls from the other Tribes are gonna steal her bag. She is head of the Pod Owners Association and complains to managers about stuff. (Look, I can't make every OC likeable okay :D )
The downfall of Sugar Gals was ultimately because of some getting more spotlight and attention than the others. Arguments occurred and then the Troll Tree Escape happened. After that they just sorta...didn't perform anymore. They made their peace with each other since then.
With the reunion of Brozone, there have been rumours of other older bands reuniting as well. We'll just have to wait and see. <3
A continuation of that random post I did a while ago. I picked voice actresses that seem to be only seen for one of their roles. Emmy Rossum for example, is only ever seen as Fiona from Shameless when she is a very talented opera singer.
Probs noone cares but this was a lot of fun trying to continue the random story of these official/unofficial characters.
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skarlette1 · 1 year
Pearl Girls: Cocked and Loaded
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–Part of the Pearl Girls series.
“That bitch Alexis Ames is going to pay for daring to lay hands on me,” Professor Patriarchy growled as he reclined against the dark leather of his bed’s padded headboard. He still wore the tuxedo shirt from last night’s Trustee’s Ball, but his pants sat on the dresser where I’d neatly folded them in preparation for dry cleaning.
I had never paid too much mind to my own clothes when I was just Yvonne Yates, college student, and I was rather hard on my costumes as the superheroine Sable. However, Professor Patriarchy was such a great man that he made me understand the importance of caring properly for everything that touched his skin.
At the moment, the most important thing touching his precious skin was the mouth of my roommate Thora Thames. She lay on her belly between the Professor’s thighs, her head bobbing up and down on his thick, manly shaft. I had my hands buried in her blond hair, pressing the subtle pressure points that would manipulate her brain, exactly like the Professor had taught me. I’d been sucking the Professor’s cock all semester and knew precisely how much suction he preferred, exactly where he liked a little tongue pressure, and how much spit to let dribble from my lips around his shaft. Thora had only learned her place at the Professor’s heel a few days ago, so her experience was limited. It was up to me to work her mouth like a puppet around his cock. Plus, her mouth was smaller than mine, and her lips softer. Of course the Professor would desire her tight throat and my honed technique combined into one beautiful blowjob. It was only fitting that he got the best of everything.
I wasn’t jealous that the Professor visited so much more attention on Thora than me these past few days. It didn’t make sense for a woman to be jealous at all. Jealousy was a feeling of anger about someone else getting something that you thought belonged to you. The Professor had showed me that nothing belonged to me—not my desires, not my pleasure, not my body, not my mind. All of me belonged to him.
“When that uptight bitch Ames finally learns her place, I’m going fuck her up the ass so hard that my cum spurts out her nostrils.” Professor Patriarchy tweaked and twisted both my nipples in frustration. I couldn’t contain my squeal of shock-and-pleasure. He preferred when I was seen and not heard, but the touch of his hands on my heavy breasts was amazing. Plus, I was filled with gratitude that even if my mouth couldn’t please him, my titties still could. Combined, the pleasure was too much to keep bottled inside.
The Professor was so angry, he didn’t even notice my lapse of control. He kept venting. “With Ames as the Dean’s lapdog, I need a plan to teach the bitch her proper place. Plans require information.” He closed his eyes, still scowling. Only a tiny growl in the back of his throat let me know how much he was relishing the feel of Thora’s tonsils against his cock. I smiled, proud at how well I was puppetting my roommate in sucking him off.
The Professor’s eyes snapped open and gazed right through me. “You’re a student, slut. What do you know about her?”
“Me, Professor?”
“Of course, you, slut. The Material Girl won’t be saying much with her mouth full of meat, will she?”
“Um, no, Professor,” I stammered.
“Then let me break it down into small, specific questions for your tiny, female brain: How many of Alexis Ames’ classes did you take?”
I’d learned my place too well to even consider lying to him. “None, Professor.”
“None?” He squeezed my nipples harder. “But she pulled you aside at the Trustee’s Ball. She spoke to you like she knew you. Why?”
“Because she does know me, Professor. Or, knew me, before you taught me my proper place.”
“If you weren’t her student, what kind of relationship could you possibly have?”
“She was my … “ I struggled for the right words to make him understand. While I could never lie to the Professor, I couldn’t imagine he would understand just what it meant to be the superheroine Sable, standing at Argent’s side. The superheroic life was so outlandish, bizarre, and downright weird. Someone of such noble aspirations, cultured tastes, and rarefied ideas as Professor Patriarchy would find it … ridiculous. I had learned my place at his heel so so deeply that I wanted to impress him more than anything in the world. Perhaps I could put it in terms that, while honest, made me seem less like a freak in his eyes. “She was my … mentor.”
“The woman nearly twisted my arm off! That’s quite a passionate reaction for a mentor. There’s nothing else?”
He had me cornered. I couldn’t lie to him. The most shameful truth would have to come out. “She was also my … um, I was her … I mean, we were … We were lovers.”
“Lovers? Filthy. Cunts licking cunts without a man to please are disgusting.” He let go of my tits, leaving me gasping. Folding his hands behind his head, the Professor continued, “Disgusting, but potentially useful. Ames struck me as a straight arrow. Not someone who would breach decorum to fuck a student, not even one as delectable as you, slut.” Butteflies swirled in my belly when he called me delectable. “Threatening to reveal her serial ethical violations will knock that snotty bitch off her high horse. Tell me, what other students has she taken advantage of?”
“No one, Professor. I was the only student that she … I mean, what we had was ... um … I … I ...” I hung my head in shame. “I seduced her.” While nothing was straightforward about my relationship with Alexis, this was the simplest version of the truth.
“You seduced her? Revolting. You’re lucky I found you and taught you your place.”
“Yes, Professor. I am so very, very lucky you chose to teach me.”
“You certainly are ...” He pondered a few more minutes, thrusting slightly in and out of Thora’s throat. I intensified her suction, hoping to distract him from this train of thought. The Professor’s eyes rolled back and he growled, a sure sign he was close to filling her belly with cum. It made me so happy to please him.
Suddenly, the Professor sat up and pushed Thora off his cock. “I have a plan! It’s flawless. You seduced her once, slut. You will simply do it again.”
“Yes, you’ll act like the arrogant, entitled, repressed bitch that you used to think you were. The kind of cunt you were with her.” He moved close to me on the bed, looming over me. His eyes stared right into my heart. Despite my super strength, I felt so small before weight of his attention. “Get her to take you back.”
“I don’t know, Professor. We haven’t spoken, like, at all, since I learned my proper place. She keeps making excuses not to see me. I don’t ...” My throat clenched, unwilling to speak the words I had never admitted to myself “I don’t think she wants me anymore.”
“No matter how many degrees she has, she’s still just a stupid, needy cunt. She doesn’t know what she wants until a man tell her.” His thick, commanding fingers slid between my legs, drowning my thoughts in lust.
“Alexis isn’t like that. At least, she wasn’t... Oooohhh ... But she was so different at the Trustee’s Ball.” The insistent probing of his fingers between my legs distracted me from reflecting on how different I must have seemed to Alexis.
“Fine. She’s different.” He paused in thought, my pussy clenching helplessly around his thick fingers. “So, use that difference. She tried to rescue you from me at the Ball. Lean into that. Be the victim. Be the helpless little girl trapped by a wicked man, and hoping for her dear lesbian mentor to save her from a fate worse than death. She’ll want to charge in like a goddamn superhero and snatch you away from my evil clutches. That’s when you’ll strike.”
I was so aroused I could barely follow his words. “Strike? You want me to hit Alexis?”
“No! Well, maybe. I want you to get close enough to run your fingers through her hair. Then you can deploy my memory focus technique across her scalp to reshape her thoughts.”
“I don’t know, Professor. Alexis is … um … stronger … than me. Stronger than I ever was.”
“She’s just a bit of trim, like all women are. She can’t possibly be strong enough to resist my focus technique. No woman can. You don’t even need to completely sculpt her mind like you did with this amazing cocksucker with the beauty mark. Just get her relaxed and open enough for me to arrive and finish teaching the bitch her place.”
No one had ever fingered me as hot as Professor Patriarchy. My whole body was on fire. How could I tell him anything but the truth? “I can try, Professor. I just don’t think it’s gonna—”
“Think? No one is asking you to think, slut.” He pulled out his fingers, leaving me trembling with frustrated need. “I have instructed you and you will execute my instructions. I thought you had firmly learned your place...”
I wanted to say anything to make him touch me again. “I did! I did, Professor! I know my place! It’s just that Alexis—”
“This isn’t about her. It’s about you and your place. You obviously need more motivation. Get on your hands and knees, slut.”
I scrambled into position. As uncertain as I was about my ability to capture Alexis for the Professor, I trembled with excitement that he was going to fuck me. My head swam with bliss the moment his cock brushed my drooling pussy lips. When he sank his heavenly seven inches into me, I squealed.
“Lean back into me, slut.”
Spreading my knees for better support, I leaned back. Careful to not disturb his cock’s perfect place inside me, I stretched up and back until I could feel the warmth of the Professor’s chest against my back. Still kneeling, I was almost upright.
“Time to remind you of your place, slut.” Professor Patriarchy’s big, guiding hands gripped my head. Commanding fingers pressed and stroked against my skull, playing my brain like a harpsichord. He stroked behind my ear and my arms spread themselves wide.
“New girl! Grab this slut’s arms and hold her tight.”
Thora took my elbows and pulled them back. She must have been kneeling behind the Professor. We sandwiched him between us. He began to fuck me with slow, precise movements of his hips. The pressure on my head enhanced the pleasure in my pussy. The craving for his cock, for his thrusts, for the orgasm they promised, grew inside me. Some small part of me knew I shouldn’t follow it; knew he was going to use my lust against me—and against Alexis. I should resist the craving.
Should didn’t matter. Professor Patriarchy made the choice for me; one tap of his finger against my temple forced me to chase the orgasm. His thrust, his pace, his angle, they were all perfect. Pleasure flooded my body, drowning me in utter bliss. The more he thrust, the bigger my looming orgasm became. It was irresistible, a toe-curling, soul-crushing, pleasure storm that would explode like fireworks across my soul in just a few more strokes. I moaned with every breath.
A few more strokes and I would crest, cumming all over the Professor’s brilliant cock.
Just a few more strokes to cum. I heard myself whining like some bitch in heat. It barely sounded like me, more like my submissive soul shoved out through my throat. Held helplessly by Thora and the Professor, I could do little more than tremble, and pray for climax quickly. “Please!”
“Begging won’t help you, slut. Only obeying will give you what you crave.”
The Professor shifted his grip on my head. Like throwing gasoline on a fire, my need to cum flared even hotter in my body. “I will obey Professor Patriarchy. I will … oh! Oh! O-bey Professor!”
“You will cum when Alexis submits to me.”
My hips rocked back and forth in a desperate blur, racing to claim the release I needed. My mouth babbled the words his fingers told me to say. “I will cum … ooooohhhh … will cum when Alexis … ohmygodohmygod … when Alexis submits!”
“Good girl. Unngh!” The Professor buried his shaft balls-deep inside me, spurting his sizzling spunk into my throbbing twat. Normally, I would have cum several times already, with the arrival of his glorious orgasm pushing me over the edge into one more climax. But Alexis hadn’t yet submitted. My pussy just throbbed around his twitching cock, milking every drop of sticky sweetness that should have made me cum.
Instead, it just made me want to cum that much more. All I could think about was how amazing it would feel to watch Alexis kneel before Professor Patriarchy. I knew, down deep in my brain stem that there would be no climax for me until her knee touched the floor at his feet. I laid on the bed, shuddering with denial. As Thora gently licked the Professor’s cock clean I knew he’d fucked every bit of resistance out of me.
The undeniable orgasm craving his shaft had inseminated me with was more potent than gunpowder. He’d turned me into his weapon, and like a revolver, I was cocked and loaded.
Nothing would stop me from finding Alexis Ames and teaching her the proper place of all women: groveling at the foot of Professor Patriarchy.
–To Be Continued …
Like what you read? Will you buy me a coffee and request something rich to sink my teeth into? Or peek into the depths of my longer fiction?
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ladylilithprime · 3 months
In Health
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Boy King of Hell Sam Winchester, Magical Twins Of Two Types, Touch Starvation, Tattoos, Faerie Culture, Trust, Discussion of Magical Gender Reassignment Through Faerie Glamour, Trans Amelia Novak, Mentions of Contractual Pregnancy
Summary: Meeting your boyfriend's magical twin who shares his body can be a tricky situation, especially when that twin is king of a hell dimension. It goes better than expected, and gives Sam the confidence to share another secret with his lovers.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 28: Shy
Read on AO3
MEETING YOUR FAERIE boyfriend's magical twin under safe conditions was apparently a bit of a process when your boyfriend's twin was known to be much more aggressive and prone to violence. Per Cas's request, they waited until nobody was sick (Jimmy unfortunately caught the same flu, though Sam managed to escape it) and Jack was safely over at Donna and Amelia's place for a sleepover with Donna's foster son Matt before Sam sat the twins down on the couch and stepped back.
"Remember, I don't really know how he's going to react to you," Sam cautioned them. "The kinds of people he's most used to dealing with are demons and people trying to kill us, so just... be as completely honest as you can and keep your hands where he can see them?"
"We will," Jimmy and Cas agreed, nodding. Sam nodded back, then took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
For a moment, nothing visibly happened save for a kind of frozen stillness coming over Sam. Then his skin seemed to ripple and change, becoming slightly darker and then darker still in patches black as ink as a black nine-pointed star appeared in the center of his forehead and spread outwards in twisting, angular lines, intricate knotwork and runic patterns tracing their way across his face and neck and bare chest and arms and every other place Cas and Jimmy could see. The simple jeans Sam had been wearing seemed to blink out of sight to be replaced with black leather that matched the massive black and red bat-like wings that seemed to unfold from the shadows at his back, a matching black and red tail with a three-wedged spear-like tip sweeping around to hover just in front like a weapon at the ready. Chestnut brown hair darkened to sable and lengthened until it was to his waist, even as curving black horns with sharp golden points seemed to grow up from beneath his hair above his closed eyes. Then those eyes opened, showing a full sclera of glowing gold surrounding narrow slitted pupils.
"You are John Castiel Novak and James Constantine Novak," the much more resonant voice of their lover intoned. "My name is Gethserefael."
"You're just... telling us?" Jimmy couldn't help but ask, blinking. It had taken months and an alicorn attack before Jimmy and Cas had learned Sam's full true name from Dean yelling it, and a couple of painfully awkward conversations afterwards before any of them had cautiously broached the subject and Sam had told them what his name meant and given them permission to call him by it in private. "Just like that?"
"Serendderch holds both your names and trusts you with his own," Gethserefael said with a one-shouldered shrug that also moved his corresponding wing. "As well, you are both fully human and not magically inclined. What can you do to me from knowing my name?"
"Nothing that we'd also be willing to do," Cas admitted, earning a flicker of a smile from Gethserefael. Jimmy kind of suspected that his question had been rhetorical. "Do you have a preferred nickname or alias that you would like us to use?"
"Not especially," Gethserefael said after a momentary pause. Those golden, glowing eyes were harder to read than Sam's usually were, but Jimmy thought he might have been surprised by the question. "Lucifer calls me Samael, but then he also calls Serendderch that name, as if there is no difference between us. Most of the demons I must deal with call me 'my Lord' or 'Majesty' or some such title, which feels inappropriate to demand of my twin's lovers."
"Is it alright with you if we come up with a nickname or two for you ourselves?" Jimmy asked. "What's your name mean? I'm guessing something to do with stars..."
"'Dark star prince' is the most direct translation," Gethserefael said, one hand coming up to gesture at the star mark on his forehead and incidentally drawing attention to the blackened fingers and gold-tipped claws on his hands. "You may choose a shorter form of name for me if you prefer. I believe my twin's son refers to me as 'Uncle Geth', though we have yet to meet."
"We'll think on it for now," Cas said, exchanging a look with Jimmy. "May we ask questions about your chosen glamour?"
"You may," Gethserefael agreed, eyebrows going up. "I may decide not to answer them."
"We accept that," Jimmy agreed as Cas nodded. "Why the tattoos? Don't get me wrong, they look amazing, but they also look like they go everywhere ."
"They do," Gethserefael said, extending his arms and turning them for them to see, then folded his wings in and twisted a bit so they could see the lines across his sides and back. "These are the same wardmarks that Serendderch has beneath his own glamours, except that his are blue and I glamour them black to match the color and level of intimidation from my other glamoured features."
"Do you feel sensation from your glamoured extremities?" Cas asked, leaning forward very slightly and studying the curving tail that was actually twitching at the tip much like a cat's might.
"Of course," Gethserefael said, sounding a bit surprised. "It would not be very effectively intimidating to be knocking into walls or people or overturning furniture by accident because I could not track the positioning of my wings or tail. Likewise the need to avoid low doorways or light fixtures to avoid knocking into them with my horns."
"But they're illusions, right?" Jimmy blinked, tilting his head to get a different angle of line of sight on the wall behind the wings. Sure enough, there were shadows of them and the tail. "How do they have substance?"
"How is Amelia Jane Everett's womb able to allow her to conceive a child with her egg and your seed?" Gethserefael asked with a shrug. "The magic is the same. Just because a glamour is considered an illusion does not mean it isn't real."
That was producing some very interesting thoughts and Jimmy had to ruthlessly keep those thoughts from wandering down a more lustful path. The mention of Amelia's pregnancy worked as a decent distraction, because he had been wondering about how it had worked and how it differed from the spell Sam had done for him and Cas, but it hadn't felt polite to ask. It still didn't, but... "Is it going to affect the baby that Amelia's egg is part of the glamour?"
"Doubtful," Gethserefael said, a visibly thoughtful expression crossing his face. "The eggs were formed from extant sperm cells present in her testes when they became her ovaries, so the genetic material is the same and once the child is born it won't matter." He shrugged. "If you want a more comprehensive explanation of the mechanics behind glamour magic, it would be best to ask Serendderch as he is the one who studied extensively with Math after my genesis and Ceridmael's temper tantrum over my existence."
The name was vaguely familiar, but it took a moment for Jimmy to place where he had heard it and he very nearly swallowed his tongue. "Er, Dean definitely hasn't given us permission to use his true name."
"So don't," Gethserefael said with a negligent shrug. "My use of it has little to do with you. You already knew it, so I am not giving you new information, and he is not here to complain. I don't see him frequently enough to bother with his aliases, and I don't like him enough to grant him a nickname."
"Do you have a nickname for Sam?" Cas asked curiously.
"He has never indicated a desire for one."
"Well, if you feel inclined to call us Jimmy and Cas, we don't mind," Jimmy offered. "Or other nicknames if you'd rather make up your own."
"We like you enough to use nicknames with you, even if it's taking a bit to think of a good one," Cas added.
That got them the biggest change in expression yet, as Gethserefael's eyes went wide and his pupils expanded to nearly swallow up the golden glow in black, his wings quivering. He looked so surprised, so utterly bewildered at the pronouncement that Cas and Jimmy liked him, that Jimmy almost wanted to track Dean down and punch him. Hadn't Sam said Gethserefael was only about five or six hundred years old? Jimmy didn't know exactly what that translated to in faerie years, but he knew it was still almost a third of Sam's own age!
"You really mean that," he said, almost wonderingly.
"We know the futility of lying to a faerie, and we have no interest in lying to a friend," Jimmy told him with a shrug of his own. "We would very much like to be your friends."
"Curious," Gethserefael murmured, studying them both with that same thoughtful expression from before. "Iago," he said after a moment, pointing at Jimmy, then pointed to Cas. "Ioan. These are your given names as they would be spoken in Serendderch's homeland, but no one else here in this realm would think to call you by these names. They will be my names for you."
"Austra," Jimmy said, smiling a little sheepishly. "I've kinda been calling Sam my North Star in my head since he told us what his name means, and 'Austra' means 'south' in Latin while also sounding like 'astra' which means 'star'."
"Aurus," Cas suggested. "Latin for 'gold' like your eyes and the tips of your horns and claws. Also similar to Austra without being exactly the same so that it's distinctly my nickname for you and not Jimmy's. Can we hug you?"
"What?" Gethserefael actually blinked at them from surprise this time. "You... what?"
"Can we hug you? Well, may we hug you, really," Cas amended. "I know we probably can, but it's still polite to ask first, and asking if we can touch you might have come out wrong."
"If you would rather not be touched or hugged, you can say no," Jimmy added when Gethserefael continued to just stare at them. "We won't be offended."
"Why?" That bewildered expression from before that had tugged at Jimmy's chest so hard was back, and it was no less gut-wrenching for being more prepared.
"Platonic affection," Cas answered promptly. "For you as yourself and not just as a part of Sam, who is your brother but not the same person."
"Again, only if you're comfortable with it, Austra," Jimmy reiterated. "And that's because we want to respect your personal boundaries. We respect your intimidation factor, which is seriously awesome by the way, but we aren't afraid of you."
The assurance seemed to take Gethserefael even more aback than the initial request. Or maybe it was the active use of the nickname, Jimmy couldn't tell. He made himself wait, letting Gethserefael take his time to think about it, watching the way his hands flexed and his wings and tail kept twitching. Beside him, he could feel Cas making an effort to stay still and relaxed as he waited with Jimmy for their answer.
"Okay," Gethserefael said at length, extending his hands palms-up to Cas and Jimmy as he swept his tail to the side and out of the way.
He tensed visibly when they leaned forward to stand and Jimmy made sure to keep his body relaxed and his hands in plain sight as he slowly got up from the couch, Cas beside him. Together they approached Gethserefael and very gently took his hands, feeling the way they were trembling. Gethserefael was trembling.
"You can change your mind if this is too much," Jimmy said softly.
"No judgment," Cas added.
Gethserefael shook his head shortly, swallowing. This close Jimmy could see the varying shades of gold beneath the glow in his eyes around the catlike pupils. "I want to know how it feels."
Over five hundred years old and never hugged. Jimmy carefully didn't let himself think about that heartbreaking admission as he stepped closer, Cas at his side, and slid his hand carefully along Gethserefael's arm until he and Cas were fully embracing him, being mindful of the long hair and wings so as not to pull or pinch. After a few seconds, Jimmy murmured, "You can hug back if you want."
"Oh," Gethserefael mumbled, barely louder than a breath. Slowly, haltingly, his arms came up and very carefully wrapped around Jimmy and Cas, breath and tension rushing out of him in a whoosh as Jimmy smiled softly against his shoulder, catching a faint scent of sulfur and smoke clinging to his skin. "Oh!"
Jimmy noticed the moment Sam came back. He didn't precisely shrink in their arms, but the presence that had accompanied the horns, wings and tail vanished and the arms that held them became firmer and more confident. "It's okay," Sam murmured, the change in voice equally noticeable. "Everything's okay... he just got a bit too overwhelmed."
"Getting hugged more would be good for him," Jimmy murmured as he nuzzled into Sam's shoulder, breathing in the familiar scents of sage and clover and cinnamon and sandalwood.
"Exposure therapy," Cas hummed in agreement. Jimmy felt the shift and then heard the sounds of his brother and their lover kissing. "Mmmm... hi."
"Hi, Cas," Sam chuckled softly. "Jimmy? You gonna come up from there?"
"In a minute," Jimmy said into Sam's shoulder, offering the skin beneath his lips a kiss. "Wanna make sure you get your own hug, too."
"You're amazing," Sam murmured, arms flexing tighter in a squeeze. "You're both so amazing... how did I get so lucky that the Universe conspired to bring the two of you to me?"
"Mutual gift-giving," Cas suggested, making Jimmy giggle just a bit. "Hm. The blue brings out the silver-gray in your eyes."
Jimmy's eyes snapped open, going cross-eyed in an effort to get a look at the bare skin beneath his face without pulling away. It didn't work, and with a disgruntled sigh he lifted his head and drew back enough to look up into Sam's face. His eyes went wide. "Oh, wow!"
It was definitely Sam, with all the usual features Jimmy was used to seeing in most of the usual shades. His chestnut hair had the familiar highlights of blonde hidden in the rich brown. His eyes were the same bursting kaleidoscopic sunflowers of color that always made Jimmy's breath catch a little to meet directly, though the pupils remained slitted rather than round. However, the delicately pointed ears Jimmy enjoyed nibbling on when they were getting amorous were threaded with silver piercings he had never seen before, and his warm, pale brown skin was covered with the same tattoos Jimmy had seen on Gethserefael, only in a deep and vibrant blue rather than black.
And they did bring out the silver gray in Sam's eyes, just as Cas said.
"This is me without any of my glamours," Sam murmured, answering the question Jimmy hadn't even thought to ask. "All the tattoos are all me... and yes, they do go everywhere."
"Will you show us?" Cas asked, his voice dropping lower the way it did when he was thinking about dragging Sam to bed.
"And tell us what they mean?" Jimmy added, matching his twin's tone and relishing in the soft pink blush and shiver of desire Sam gave them in return.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
yesss queen post your list when you have it done!!
so circa 2020 i think i said my wrestling crushes and i will kinda base it off of that..there are too many damn wrestlers for the love of god. it made me think because well, do i REALLY like these wrestlers or is it the persona they put on? it can be from any era right? i hope so lol.
BASED ON THE CHARACTER: Sable (let me explain. y’all gotta hear me out. listen to my vision..), Chris Jericho, Dawn Marie (don’t ask. or do..i just think girls are NEAT),,,Dean Ambrose, CM Punk, Mankind (yes you’re witnessing mental illness…), Triple H, Randy Orton
BASED ON THE PERSON: *looks around…* truth be told i think this doesn’t count anywhere because most of my “true” crushes fall in the both category down below
Both because well. Yeah: Trish Stratus, Jeff Hardy, Mickie James, Lita (yeah im a lita apologist), Raven, Edge, Christian, Kofi Kingston, Shane McMahon, Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam
aaand i cant even think of anyone else!!!!!!! brain running empty. if y’all can think of others to ask feel free to do so, im just pulling out the ones i KNOW
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soldier-requests · 5 months
Hello! I was needing some names for Blu Scout kin, masc/androgynous leaning. Kinda like a midwest emo vibe about him.
hello!! i'm not super sure about this one but hopefully you find something you like here :].
all the names are under the cut!
scout (sorry i think i'm funny LOL)
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veedzactus · 8 months
Veedz t’offre une visite guidée du Dean’s Blue Hole
Zoom sur le Dean's Blue Hole, situé aux Bahamas. Cette merveille naturelle est le trou bleu le plus profond du monde, plongeant à une profondeur impressionnante de 200 mètres. Direction la chaîne YouTube de Veedz pour admirer ses plages de sable blanc, qui attire les plongeurs du monde entier !
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benrunschicago · 1 year
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Good feeling to hit my goal! Both total mileage, long run, all while also doing 6 strides every other day, two tempo efforts during the long run, and a handful of mobility and strength.
I’ve never done any of this stuff, ever, really. Keep this up another 272 days and I might be able to shave 2 and 1/4 hours off my marathon PR… In Morocco last year I briefly kept up a marathon plan for a couple of weeks but I cut corners and did not have an aerobic base. And this is all base building for later.
So having said that, what is my running story?
Well at 18 years old, I volunteered at Ironman Florida and never having run more than the local Strawberry Festival 5k, I got inspired and signed up for a year later to do Ironman Florida. I had 12 months to go from non athlete to Ironman finisher—on the way I did a half Ironman, and a marathon by myself. My first marathon ever was me going out at 5 am ok the Florida highway, marking the miles with my car and putting bottles in the grass with yellow tape so I don’t run past it.
Having been home recently and thought about it, I’m the first generation who came of age going straight into ultramarathons, rather than doing marathons for twenty years and graduating up. My first ultra was in 2005, at the Marathon des Sables, and it was at the pool there waiting to head out into the desert to run 155 miles that someone first showed me this new book by some guy name Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man. And with the ultramarathon mentality, I’d run just for completion, doing 50k runs on my own, and sometimes doing 3 “real” road marathons in a month. For the past twenty years it’s been like that, culminating in finishing the LAVS 500K and the TGNY 100 miler.
Now getting older I’m going back to more traditional running roots, trying to see how fast I can go at the big races. And so Chicago will be my first to really train and do all the key workouts like intervals, etc. Also as a recent father there are a number of benefits to running marathons instead of ultras—it’s nice to be home and be done when my daughter wakes up, just like it’s nice not to run carrying food or water or a giant backpack!
So this is a fun experiment. My dad did Boston and others and has a PR of 2:46–I grew up seeing his medals and race photos on the wall—so one of my goals is to qualify for Boston and have him there.
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skowhegan · 2 years
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Jonathan berger (F '15), Nayland blake (F '02, '17), Danielle Dean (A '12) Jane Dickson (F '90), Ellen Gallagher (A '93, F '05) Ralph Lemon (F '17), Walter Matthews (A '17), Dave McKenzie (F '11, '17 A '00), Rodney McMillian (A '00) Wu Tsang (F '17), Lucy Raven (F '19), Jason Rhoades (A '88), Sable Elyse Smith (A '15) Denyse Thomasos (A '88) & Trinh T. Minh-hah (F '96)
2022 Whitney Biennial: Quiet as It’s Kept 99 Gansevoort St, New York, NY April 6–November 5
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citruscas · 2 years
WAIT. regarding acnhnatural which villagers do u think would be besties with cas
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Coolest Undertaker posters through the years
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 1 month
which artist do you wish to have a voice in the next trolls movie?
Hello Gorgeous 💖
They should do the equivalent with Anna Kendrick with what they did with Justin Timberlake and NSYNC.
I mean they already had Skylar Austin (Jesse in Pitch Perfect) as Branch in the TV Show.
ESTER DEAN we were ROBBED. She is Cynthia Rose in Pitch Perfect and she voices Legsly. They have this absolutely legendary singer/songwriter/actress and Legsly is barely in the movie! 🔥 I think they should use her again in the future and actually utilize her voice which is why I cast her as one of my OCs. 😊
But I can imagine them casting Ruby Rose as a random Troll. Not sure who, maybe a Rock Troll. Ohhh she can be my other OC 😈 sweet.
Should I just write an OC list with their voices? Okay you talked me into it. ❤️‍🔥💋
Main Characters Children:
Princess Harmony 🎶 - Lili Reinhart (Betty from Riverdale)
Princess Rosiepuff 🌹- Hailee Steinfeld (Pitch Perfect)
Prince Ace - Currently a baby but when he is older? Jesse McCartney.
Princess Clover 🍀- Hilary Duff (Lizzie McQuire)
Prince Birdie 🐦- Juan Pablo De Pace (Fernando in Fuller House)
Angel 🪽- Donald Glover (Childish Gambino)
Phoenix 🔥- Jared Padalecki (Sam from Supernatural)
Sugar Gals:
Sable 🍸- Emmy Rossum (Fiona from Shameless)
Sage 🛍️- Amanda Seyfreid (Karen Sykes from Mean Girls)
Scout 🪖- Stephanie Beatriz (Rosa from Brooklyn 99)
Summer 🫧- Ester Dean (Cynthia Rose from Pitch Perfect)
Sonnet 🎨- Kerry Washington (Olivia Pope from Scandal)
Floyd's Ex Boyfriend Saga:
Cider 🍺- Robert Patrick (Terminator)
Steel 🎸- Will Arnett (Arrested Development)
Dom ❤️- Zachary Levi (Chuck/Shazam/Flynn Ryder)
Halen 🥀- Ruby Rose (From Pitch Perfect) (Dom's Sister named for Van Halen)
Cabaret 🪶 - Alex Brightman (Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss)
Jewel 💎- J.K Simmons (J. Jonah. Jameson in Spiderman)
These will most likely change 😈😝
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skarlette1 · 1 year
Pearl Girls: Roommate Recruited
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--A part of the Pearl Girls series, told from Sable’s point of view.
The semester was nearly over and I wasn’t sure if I had done enough to please my professor. While the Yvonne Yates that had started classes a few months ago would have been worried about pleasing her professor as a student, I’d expanded my scope considerably. I was devoted to pleasing Professor Paulson (also known as Professor Patriarchy) as his assistant, as his housekeeper, as his comfort-giver, and, most importantly, as his cock-worshipping, cum-swallowing, sex-obsessed submissive slut.
It had been a life-changing semester.
At the moment, I was concerned that I hadn’t sucked his cock well enough. I’d barely started deep-throating him when Professor Paulson sent me out of his office to take a phone call with the Dean. I knew he probably wanted to focus on convincing the Dean to invite him to the Trustee’s Ball without being distracted by my silly-girl lust for his handsome shaft. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d failed somehow.
To distract myself from my failure, I scrolled through my social media feed on my phone. It was all gossip and memes and selfies. Nothing important. Nothing about how to please the Professor.
“Stop right there, Yvonne,” the Professor snapped from over my shoulder. “Go back.”
“Go back into your office, Professor? I don’t understand.” I looked up at him in confusion.
“No, you silly, useless girl!” the Professor said. Laying a hand on my dark hair, he turned my head back toward my phone. “Scroll backwards. There’s a picture I want to see … further … there! Who is she?”
“That’s my roommate. Thora Thames. You wouldn’t know her, Professor. She’s not in any of your classes.”
“Show me other pictures of her. Can your phone do that?”
The Professor was so cute when he didn’t understand technology. I called up all my pictures of Thora and showed them to the Professor, one by one.
“Is this beauty mark of hers real? The one above her lip on the right side?” His voice simmered with excitement.
“Yes, Professor.” It made no sense to me why he was interested in in Thora’s face.
“Her hair is still dyed this exact shade of blond?”
“Yes, Professor.”
“Perfect! I’ve secured an invitation to the Trustee’s Ball. I’ll need both you and your roommate on my arm for the Trustee’s Ball.”
I had no idea how to respond, as I was both happy that I could serve him and jealous that I wasn’t enough. “That’s quite an honor, Professor, but I don’t know if Thora will see it that way. She’s already ... um, devoted to someone else.” I hoped that I wouldn’t need to explain how Thora was … kinda weird. She was the Libido League’s biggest fan and had sworn she wouldn’t have sex with anyone until she’d been with a member of the team. How ironic that her roommate was secretly a superheroine and she had no idea!
The Professor’s voice snapped me back to attention. “The girl’s feelings are meaningless, Yvonne. I need her, but I have no access. You’re her roommate and her friend. You’ll use my mental focus technique to teach her her proper place.”
My pussy tingled at the words “proper place.” I’d experienced so much pleasure learning my proper place on my knees before the Professor. If I’d still been the superheroine Sable, I would have protected Thora from a man who would completely dominate her. If I’d still been Yvonne Yates, Thora’s friend, I would have warned her that she was in danger.
As it was, I lowered my eyes and said, “I obey Professor Patriarchy.”
# # #
When I returned to our dorm room that evening, Thora was hunched over her laptop, typing up a paper. She was already dressed for bed in an oversize T-shirt and boxer shorts. She’d pulled her shoulder-length blond hair into the two tight braids she always slept in. On the wall beside her bed there hung a framed poster of the Libido League. Thora looked up at me with a big smile. “Hi, Yvonne. Getting changed for one of your dates or maybe a costume contest at a bar downtown?”
“Not tonight, Thora. I thought I’d stay in and relax tonight.”
“Sounds nice. Wish I could join you but I need to work on my paper about the cultural impact of Captain Alpha.”
As tempting as it was to relax into our friendly chatter, Professor Patriarchy had given me a mission. “I don’t want to keep you from your work, but you’re going to ruin your neck if you hold that position too long.”
“Really? I feel fine.”
Some part of me was glad that she pushed back. However, that part didn’t control my words or actions. The part of me that blissfully served Professor Patriarchy said, “You’ve been lucky, Thora. I’ve seen girls with nerve pinches from bad posture. Slide over here and let me massage your neck.”
Thora and I had never had a neck-massaging type of friendship before. Her look of surprise made me hope that she would see through my ploy. Maybe she’d contact the Libido League to report my strange behavior. Maybe Argent would burst through the window and take me in her arms and���
A moment later, Thora shrugged. “Seems weird, but I guess I needed a break anyway.”
So much for hope.
Thora shifted to the edge of the bed, her back against my belly. Taking her thin shoulders in my hands, I started to gently massage her muscles. I rubbed and squeezed her in the precise manner Professor Patriarchy had taught me would induce feelings of relaxation and agreeableness. I’d always found Thora attractive. Once upon a time, kneading her flesh in my hands would have aroused me because of the sensuality of her feminine beauty. Now, I was aroused by the prospect of using her body to please Professor Patriarchy.
After I felt her body loosening under my touch for several minutes, it was time to test it. “You’re so tense, Thora. You need to relax more. Loosening these braids will help.”
“Huh?” Thora took a few moments as my words percolated through her relaxed mind. Slowly, she placed her hand protectively over her braids. “I don’t know …”
I continued my long, gentle strokes over her neck, shoulders, and back. I could almost feel my fingertips working the doubts out of her stubborn, knotted mind. “You know you want to relax. The braids are tight. You want to be loose. Start with your braids. Loosen them.”
Thora was quiet for a long moment. I carefully matched the tempo of my strokes to her slowed breathing. Her hands trembled for a moment, then started to unweave her perfect blond braids.
As she worked to loosen her delicate plaits of hair, I glanced at the Libido League poster above Thora’s bed. The photo had been taken on the first day I had been made a full member of the League. I remembered how proud I’d felt at the team’s trust in me. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Captain Alpha and Doctor Q, I swore to myself I would never let them down. That I would never give Argent a reason to be disappointed in me.
Argent ... my mentor … Alexis Ames … my lover … that is, former lover whom I hadn’t even texted in weeks …
I couldn’t bear that stupid, naive smile on my face in the poster. I buried my face in my hands, although I could never hide from the shame of what I’d become. I was supposed to be protecting innocents like Thora, not seducing them with my own hands. My eyes prickled with tears beneath my fingers.
My fingertips brushed my hairline. The slight pressure pushed aside the guilt and shame welling up inside me. My scalp longed for touch and drew my fingers deeper into my hair, each fingertip pressing and stroking and rubbing the exact spots on my scalp that Professor Patriarchy had taught me to touch.
The exact patterns that put me in my place.
Thora’s voice was soft and dazed. “Yvonne? … You … um … you stopped the … um ... massage ...”
Looking up, I smiled. Not that simpering, stuck-up, self-important smile of Sable in the poster, but the docile, grateful, fulfilled smile of a girl who knows how to serve her Master. “I’m glad you liked the neck massage, Thora. You’ll like the scalp massage even better.”
Repositioning myself, I was able to watch Thora’s face in a small mirror she had on her bedside table. Her brows were knit with effort, likely yearning to understand why she’d unwoven the braids she loved to sleep in. Even so, her features were soft, as she hadn’t roused herself from the daze of my massage. It was my duty to make sure she never would.
Sliding my fingers into her blond hair, I watched her face relax. I knew the sort of pleasure washing over her right now. The first mental focus session felt like nothing else in my life. When her eyes rolled back and she sighed, I knew I had her.
As I massaged Thora’s scalp, I whispered barely loud enough to be heard. Professor Patriarchy had taught me what to say. Had taught me how to put Thora in her place before him. How to make her understand that she belonged on her knees. It was natural. It was blissful. It was perfect. Her needs were nothing. His whims were everything.
Sometimes I would explain another way that she belonged to Professor Patriarchy—such as his right to touch her whenever and however he pleased—and Thora’s eyelids would flutter or her mouth would twitch down toward a frown. These were signs of resistance. The Professor had taught me how to deal with that as well.
“Your body is beautiful, isn’t it, Thora?” I said, putting a touch of scold into my voice.
“... yes ...”
“Your body brings you pleasure, doesn’t it?”
“... yes ...”
“Your pleasure is greater when you’re free of stress, isn’t it?”
“... um … yes ...”
“There’s no stress when you do what you ought to, isn’t there?”
“... uh … um … yes?”
“Being touched by Professor Patriarchy is what you ought to do, isn’t it?”
Her features twitched. “... um … n-n-no ...”
I pressed the spot on her scalp that smoothed away her ability to say the letter “n.” Her mouth hung open.
“Being touched by Professor Patriarchy is what you ought to do, isn’t it, Thora?” Cradling Thora’s head between my hands, I gently nodded it forward and back. Forward and back. Forward and back. Her face wore a look of confusion.
“Being touched by Professor Patriarchy is what you ought to do, isn’t it, Thora?” I kept nodding her head, the pressure points of my fingertips making her open and agreeable. Forward and back. Forward and back. The movement of her own body told her mind what to say.
“... uh … y-y-yes …?”
“Good girl,” I said, rubbing her scalp to reward her with pleasure. Her facial features melted into blissful openness.
I continued through Professor Patriarchy’s lessons. Rubbing his wisdom into her head with my fingertips was almost as good as doing it to myself. It was proof that he had filled my mind with his wisdom so that my vessel could overflow into Thora. I massaged her willpower away for hours, teaching her the same mantras of devotion that raced through my mind like a lick on the clit. Professor Patriarchy would train Thora how to feel the same way.
When I was certain that she was deep enough to follow me without my fingers in her hair, I ordered her to get her coat. Watching Thora’s dazed, dreamy expression, I could see she was quick becoming the exact opposite of the strong, confident heroines of the Libido League she had once admired. We walked out of the dorm toward the parking lot where Professor Patriarchy waited in his big Cadillac with the lights off. Once Thora got into that car, there would be no escape for her. She would become just as mindlessly devoted to the Professor as I was.
There was still a part of me knew I could stop this. With my super-powers, I could take Thora into my arms and soar into the sky. That part knew that I could rescue both of us from Professor Patriarchy without breaking a sweat.
No, that’s not quite true. It’s more like I remembered that there once had been a part of me that could have escaped, but that part had been so completely rubbed out of my personality that it was little more than a hazy memory, like a song you haven’t heard in years.
Opening the back door of the car, I helped Thora inside and slid in next to her. “Thora belongs to you now, Professor Patriarchy.”
“Good girl, Yvonne. Rub yourself to a nice little cummy while I continue Thora’s education.”
“Yes, Professor Patriarchy,” I gasped as we sped off into the night. I was finally certain I had pleased the Professor and had never been happier.
--To Be Continued …
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All my fiction is on sale at Smashwords from December 15, 2022 through January 1, 2023, including my newest erotic novel, Panther’s Passion!
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