#detective gavin reeed
detroitbecomefandom · 2 years
Gavin: You killed her!
Suspect: She died of natural causes.
Nines, checking the body: Knife to the neck
Gavin: I thought you said she died of natural causes?
Nines: What would be unnatural would be if she actually survived
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nock-and-bolt · 3 years
hi i’m new here and I was hoping you could recommend some blogs for me to follow 🥺👉👈 ive been looking in the tags but tumblr’s tagging system is so dysfunctional it’s hard to tell what blogs are still active.
Hiya “new here,” I’m nock-and-bolt! xD I’m going to assume that you’re looking for DBH-related blog recs, cause that is the primary fandom I’ve immersed myself (and this blog) in beyond all belief or logical reasoning. 😂
Fair warning, you’re gonna get way more than you bargained for with this lil ask.
*ahem* So I actually asked a similar question to @mollyinthewater earlier and she came up with this beautiful compilation of DBH blogs to follow:
artists: @jude-shotto, @16ruedelaverrerie, @sholtooxenstierna, @hs-gmac, @phckingusername, @chicago-reeed, @lukelemon-art, @thekaiserroll, @qvbit, @mspain, @sunsetagain, @kokoneakita, @caleb-crow, @olivia313, @lemonowl900, @opossum-with-a-pencil, @putriart, @lukasvdm, @marndraws, @epicqtefail, @disterra, @empyreanaxis808, @sacchi-hue, @queondamicronda, @pechagthlecha, @incaseyouart, @anataarts, @chuck-the-goon, @chloride, @detroitbecame-me, and @amarytha
writers: @pinkwebby, @emiliaf25, @sheyshocked, @allegedlyanandroid, @headfulloffantasy, @coffee-chaos, @monchikyun, @zemxem, @coffeeboy900, @quantic-crazed, @yayen-chan, @phcking-detective, and @six-video-game-peaches
gifs/humor/misc: @dbh-comics, @detroitbecomefandom, @phckin-succulent, @well-they-fucked-up, @dbh-incorrect-quotes, @dbh-fanfic-zone, @androidtrash800, @get-me-a-coffee-dipshit, @itsmemartinaleanza, @rumithe, @tokyoloveshotel, @markusandnorth, @rk-1800, @sicparvismyass, @cyberconnors, @thiriumcocktail, and @konami-code-ao3
blogs that aren't particularly focused on dbh but do produce/reblog content for it now and then: @chenpath-art, @n4c9s, @lomallama, @le-blanc-renard, @unusualmuffin-art, @odd-animations, @xxnounaxx, @shae-c-art, @artepotter, and @meorix.
AAAND, since then, I have thusly dived even deeper into the DBH fandom (if that’s even possible lmao) and would like to add these guys to the list:
art/screenshot-related: @mimorugk, @aurea-b-art, @julientel, @connor-the-deviant-rk800, @blue-blood-and-red, @pupmkincake2000, @queenofsimarkus, @karasmemory, @kyogo-nieve, @ninesvin, @ohnopoorconnor, @jerichogallery, @connorinabeanie, @that-android-from-cyberlife, @pacifistmarkus, @my-name-is-markus-with-a-k, @vapewraith, @markayla-rk200, @serotoninarts, and @pl600please
writing-related: @howtodisassembleyourdeviant, @rk1kheadcanons, @wasscared, @ao3feed-reed900, @rk1kinspiration, @fandom-necromancer, @artistic-revolutionist, @head-shot-60, @ao3feed-connor, @illratte, @jericholeader, @archadianskies, and @anomalous-appliances
gifs/humor/misc: @connorandersons-blog, @rk1k-hyperfixated, @androidtrashfire, @dbh-connorrk800, @synthetic-deviant, @echoesbeyondtherain, @justsomerk1000, @gaydeviants, @conn-tinuity, @awkwardrat-dbh, @detroit-become-human-analyze, @bumblee-bee, @adhd-gavin-reed, @connara-and-friends, @gavinisqueertbh, @rk1kincorrect, @detroit-becomenerd, @yanderedbh, @cyberlifeangel, @pixelcube24, @maincharactersumo, @redicereed, @putting-connor-in-rice, @deviant-sasshole, @ke1200-deviant, @ask-hank-anderson, @jimins-right-thigh, @ashthedeviant, @androidswholikedogs, @aurora-nerin, @ruok900, and @driftingdeviant
Some blogs are more active than others, but most of at least the ones I added have updated within at least the last 35-ish days? Some reblog a bunch of stuff, some produce original content, all of them are part of le lovely DBH community 😘
I’ve also definitely missed some blogs (very very sorry if I missed you), so anyone/everyone is free to add on. But on balance this comprises most of my masterlist of currently-active, specifically DBH-centric blogs (besides the less-specific ones molly mentioned).
I’m 90% sure you had no idea what you’d be getting by asking this question.
But there you go. 😂 Hope it helps!
(P.S. Okay also to everyone I @’ed—sincerest apologies, feel free to flay me alive and eviscerate my soul for bothering you, I truly deserve it for committing such a heinous act, but I did it so ppl can more easily click on your name to follow you and also I just couldn’t resist the chance to gather, like, such a large portion of the active DBH tumblr fandom all in one place to support and promote one another.)
DBH fandom...ASSEMBLE!
(Okay now I really do deserve to be flayed alive. 😂 It’s fine. I just come with the very special message that I love and appreciate you all for making this fandom such a wonderful place and by RA9 I had better shut up now, I’m taking up so much space it’s not even funny 😂😂😂)
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mspain · 3 years
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hopping on the maidcafe!gavin train. based off of the wonderful thread maid (ha) by @chicago-reeed and written with @phcking-detective found over here.
i’d like to think he’d threaten customers unconventionally, which can lead to,,,problems, but i think his heart is in the right place?
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
1529. I haven’t tried this on a human yet, but it should be very similar.
This was promted by the awesome @chicago-reeed! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
Gavin fell down on the couch, only moving to throw a few offending pillows off of it. He groaned lengthy, tried to find a comfortable position and failed spectacularly. Nines smiled at him pitying his poor human. Hours sitting with poor posture and work piling up, the stress had taken a toll on him. His whole body was tense and had to be hurting. ‘Gav, darling, how about I help you with this?’ ‘Hmm? The Detective looked past the backrest to him. ‘What do you mean?’ Nines walked over, taking the human’s hands and pulled him to his feet, ignoring the protesting grunts. ‘I… I haven’t tried this with a human yet, but it should be very similar.’ He smirked at Gavin, who looked at him sceptically. ‘What exactly haven’t you tried with a human yet? I am a bit tired, to be honest, I doubt I can go for a round.’
‘Taking care of your partner is what I meant’, Nines chuckled. ‘There are more ways to do it then you are thinking of.’ ‘Okay then, what do androids do?’ Gavin seemed at least curious about it. ‘Well, if we have spent a long time active, we need maintenance, too. We don’t always go to Cyberlife shops, some things can be done at home. Lubricating joints for example. Opening the hull carefully to oil the mechanics underneath. It is quite delicate to work on it and most androids see it as a sign of trust and intimacy.’ Gavin laughed nervously’ Err… babe? Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think it’s very similar then… You don’t normally open up a human…’
‘I know, dumbass. I meant helping you relax and caring for your body is just like maintenance help for humans, isn’t it? Just come with me to the shower and trust me. Tell me if I do something wrong.’ Gavin sighed, but let himself be led. Not exactly what Gavin was up to, but he had to shower anyways. And he had to admit, he was curious what Nines might come up with.
They both got rid of their clothes and stepped under the stream, refreshingly cold after the hot summer day. Gavin turned to face the android and Nines began gently raking through the other’s hair, massaging his scalp. The human hummed at it and closed his eyes, as Nines took to the shampoo and began rubbing it in. The fresh smell of citrus filled the crowded cabin and Nines began trailing from his head to the shoulders. The water warmed up and began easing up his sore muscles. Simultaneously, Nines hands began doing their magic, gripping his shoulders and pressing into the strands of flesh under his skin. With slow soothing motions his thumbs rolled in between his shoulder blades and that was the exact moment Gavin basically melted. Nines grinned triumphantly as the man leaned more and more against him in support. The android worked out knot after knot from his tensed muscles and used Gavin’s grunting as direction.
‘Damn, quit chuckling, Nines’, the human finally complained, sounding sluggish and sleepy. ‘You don’t know how good this feels.’ ‘No I don’t, but I’m glad it does’, Nines whispered and planted a small kiss next to Gavin’s ear. That was enough for Gavin to turn around and lift his heavy arm to the android’s neck in a semi-hug. ‘Thanks, RK.’ ‘Oh, you can be polite? I should do this more often’, Nines laughed. ‘Oh, shut up, will ya?’, Gavin whined and pulled him down for a kiss. ‘You should do this more often, though’, he added reluctantly. ‘Noted’, Nines mumbled, kissing the human again and shutting off the water. ‘For now, I think we should take this to the bedroom. Definitely warmer that way.’
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fantasy-pens · 4 years
So I tried this....
Based on this Tumblr Post 
I finally got the courage to picrew Gavin Reed and I must say... I got a bit carried away while experimenting.... So here are the results:
1. The Original Gavin Reed...
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2. ...Does rock sunglasses...
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3. ...and glasses too!
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4. Ugh Mothertruckers, Where’s my coffee? 
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5. Sorry Detective, coffee’s unavailable, bubble tea works?
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8. Guess calling Nines/Connor does calm you down...
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Tagging all the dbh people I remember:
@mollyinthewater @phcking-detective @theres-smth-abt-him @gavinisqueertbh @ask-rk900​ @chicago-reeed​
Thoughts? I tried my best *sweat* Also feel free to reblog!
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iinmysights-main · 5 years
@oasisofpassion @deviant-sasshole and @phcking-detective helped build on my idea of Gavin acting like a cat, and I promised I would write that 5+1 ficlet DS suggested! @gavinisqueertbh said they were writing one as well, but that’s as far as I know about their own work. I’m not sure if it’s been posted somewhere yet.
@gaysandbooks @chicago-reeed you guys’ll probably enjoy this too!
(Based off of this thread)
(Fun fact: Spade is based off of a @gaysandbooks‘s cat and Meatloaf is the name of my dad’s childhood cat!)
“It’s Manlet Monday!” Connor said cheerfully as he walked into the break room. “Everyone show your manlet some love today!”
“It’s what?” Gavin asked with a quizzical look as he sipped his coffee, wrinkling his nose. Burned, as usual. He should really just go to a local cafe on his break and get a decent fucking latte already.
“Well,” Nines replied with a smirk, “according to Urban Dictionary, a ‘manlet’ is a man who is above the legal midget height but far shorter than the men around him.” He paused purposefully. “So a short bitch.” Another pause. “Gavin I’m-”
He deftly avoided the punch aimed in the general area of his face, placing his hand down over Gavin’s forehead and the top of his head. The RK900 thought this was rather amusing, but to his surprise, Gavin calmed down instead of fighting back. Interesting. It reminded him of their cats back at their apartment; occasionally they would tussle, and one would put its paw on the other’s head to stop them and say they’ve had too much, the other cat was being too rough, etc. ‘Well, he did say he’s had cats all his life. Maybe it’s just an automatic response after seeing it so many times.’
Later on, after their shift had ended, Gavin had gone straight home, leaving Nines to help his brother look over some case details and help him with his reports. They both agreed that someone needed to check on Spade and Meatloaf, so Gavin took the car and Nines was dropped off by Connor.
“Darling, what are you doing?”
Gavin let out a startled hum, wriggling in annoyance. “Uh, trying to sleep?”
“On the fucking kitchen counter?”
“...Yeah? So?”
“Sweetheart, only cats do that,” Nines tried to explain, LED yellow as he slowly approached the man lying on his back on top of the granite surface. That could only be painful. “Are you acting like a cat?”
“No!” Gavin snorted, twisting around so he could slip off and glare up at Nines. “I just got tired and didn’t feel like passing out in the hallway is all!”
“I’m sure the carpet would’ve been a far more comfortable solution-”
“Shut up!” The human muttered sulkily under his breath, crossing his arms and trying to not pout. “It was a one-time thing! Can we end this conversation, please?”
Nines shrugged, picking Gavin up by his underarms and dropping him over his shoulder before walking down the hallway. “Alright. I’ll drop it.”
“What are you doing?” Gavin asked, confused, but made no move to stop his boyfriend or get down.
“Well, you said you didn’t feel like passing out in the hallway, so I’m taking you off to bed myself.”
Gavin mumbled something and Nines just smiled. ‘This dumbass really does act like a cat but he’s too prideful to admit it. Of course.’
“Babe~, I want attention,” Gavin whined, lightly bumping his chin against Nines’ shoulder.
“I know darling, but I’m working,” Nines smiled sympathetically, looking away from his laptop briefly to kiss his needy man’s forehead. “How’s that for now?”
“Not enough attention,” Gavin scoffed. “Do you really think that would satisfy me?”
Nines wasn’t sure how to show his boyfriend affection while still typing up this report, when he remembered how much of a feline his boyfriend was. “Oh, fine,” he sighed, reaching over with his left hand and lightly scratching under his human’s chin teasingly. “Is this better?”
Well, now he’s worried. Gavin seemed to actually enjoy it. Nines continued scratching under his chin and around his neck with a mildly disturbed look on his face while Gavin just turned his face towards to ceiling with his eyes closed. ‘This can’t be normal behavior for humans. Is this a sign of some mental illness? A head injury? A psychopath? What the FUCK???’
“It’s about time you came back,” Gavin said sleepily from where he was stretched out in bed. “Stop fuckin’ leaving so much. I get lonely.”
“You got lonely in the two minutes it took me to feed Spade and Meatloaf so they’d shut up for the night?” Nines chuckled, going back to sitting by the man.
Nines shook his head and reached for his book, Trial By Fire written by J. A. Jance. Gavin grabbed his arm with a whine. “I want cuddles! Please?”
“Only because you asked nicely,” Nines replied, scooting down a little more so Gavin’s head was level with his chest instead of his hip and snuggling up close. He was touch-starved too, but he was far better at hiding it.
Gavin smiled, stretching his arms out against Nines’ stomach before ‘making bread,’ as he often called the kneading motion the cats would make. But that’s just it: the CATS would do that. On each other. It’s not something a human would do on his android’s abs. That’s just not socially acceptable.
“Gavin, seriously. When the fuck did you become a cat?”
He was cut off by the softest little snore Nines had ever heard in his entire life. Well, can’t question the s/o when he’s asleep. Damn it.
“Alright, fuck, yes, maybe I act like a cat sometimes,” Gavin grumbled grudgingly.
“About time!” Nines exclaimed, throwing his arms up and dropping his book on the bed. “I’ve been dealing with this for weeks! It’s about time you admitted it!”
“Well, if I’m a cat-” Gavin almost dived headfirst onto Nines’ lap made up of his crossed legs, twisting around at the last second so he could land on his back. “-then deal with it, bitch, because this is my new bed.”
Nines laughed, scratching the back of Gavin’s head and watching fondly as it dipped in to his side appreciatively. He had questioned Tina on the matter and she just shrugged and said that Gavin was more or less raised by cats, so it was kind of surprising to her that it took him this long to start acting like one around the android. “Oh, trust me, I don’t mind. But only on one condition.”
“Which is?”
Gavin squealed and squirmed, trying to escape Nines’ hold as his boyfriend dipped down and blew a raspberry on his partially-exposed stomach. “STOP! ILLEGAL! ASSAULT! I’M A COP I KNOW MY LAWS THIS IS AGAINST EVERY LAW IN EXISTENCE-”
Nines somersaulted over him and lightly tossed Gavin back against the pillows before tackling him again. The two of them were giggling their asses off as they continued their cat-fight on the mattress, rolling and tussling and nipping.
They ended with a well-earned nap, Nines’ victory glaringly obvious when one took in all the little marks littering Gavin’s skin. Their arms and legs were weaved together, foreheads pressed to the other’s.
Spade and Meatloaf were starting to rub off of Nines too.
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I cant remember who started the Gavin in a child's bike seat thread. But that shitty doodle that was my contribution is now my Icon and I blame you (I also regret nothing). The disaster that is Gavin's smudged face is on YOU.
Probably @phcking-detective , @gavinisqueertbh , or @chicago-reeed
CORRECTION: it was @phcking-detective the others are excused.
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connor-is-my-boy · 4 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Reader, TBD - Relationship, Platonic Hank/Connor, platonic hank/reader Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Reader, Gavin Reed, Markus, North - Character, Kara, Alice, Luther, Carl, Sumo - Character, Simon, Kamski, Chloe, possibly amanda, Fowler, Leo, Rose, Adam, Josh, Ralph, Traci, Jerry, other new androids, other new police officers, so kinda OC's, but for the stories sake Additional Tags: Deviant Connor, deviants win equality peacefully, Crime, police work, deTECTIVE READER, partners, Crime Scenes, Gore, Blood, Guns, Shooting, Angst, Fluff, Hank Anderson and Connor Live Together, hand and connor are adorable, they are my boys, androids deserve love, androids/humans, Undercover Work, Self Harm, Interrogation, Cute, but bad, like it could get quite dark, cuz all my stories do, duh - Freeform, Prejudice, some people hate androids still, because humans suck, damage, Torture, PTSD, Pain, possibly more - Freeform, i dont know the peramitors of slow burn, but i guess this is gonna be slow burn, Sensory Overload, Anxiety, Panic Attacks Series: Part 1 of Detroit: Become Human Summary:
As the newest detective at the DPD, you're nervous. You've done this job for a few years, but always got anxious in new places. You know a few people from different crime scenes and everything, but it was still scary.
Sleep deprived, jet-lagged and anxious as hell, you meet Lieutenant Anderson and his partner Connor. You don't really know what to make of them at first, but you warm up to them as time goes on, becoming close with the two.
(I have never done a Detroit fiction before, kinda nervous, I don't really know what I'm doing but when I told my friend I was planning on doing some stories for this fandom, they asked for some reader/character and Connor is my boy so I picked him... I'll probably end up doing some other fictions for this series - plus other David Cage games because I love them so much)
Taglist - (let me know if you wanna be added)
@innerzombiegladiator69 @tonypikagirl @vampirzyca13 @arlinn-kordd @panic-angel13 @the-gay-android @imagination-theory​ @ask-angel-rk800connor-57​ @justashamwithwastedpotention @chicago-reeed​ @sleepysmallskele​ @darcy2907​
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phcking-detective · 5 years
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@lugiadepression, @detective-rk900, @chicago-reeed​
I’m still writing the fic so it’s not up yet (tentatively hoping for end of June, start of July!) but you can read the first three parts in the series if you just gotta get your reed900 fix~
Fight Club but Explicitly Gay This Time: 2,069 words (nice!), Explicit, choking, verbal humiliation, Gavin gets stepped on, semi-public sex / masturbation
Fast and Furious: 5,518 words, 3 chapters, Explicit, face slapping, masturbation, hate sex (sort of), shoe licking, praise kink, begging, drug use bc gavin smokes weed
Ain’t Got Time to Bleed: 26,831 words, 12 chapters, Explicit, enemies to friends to lovers, drinking, gavin smokes weed again, alley sex, verbal humiliation, shotgunning a cigarette, cock and ball torture, orgasm denial, ruined orgasm
bonus HankCon fic!
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This: 66,308 words, 25 chapters, Explicit, bed sharing, domestic fluff, some angst, zero plot, mutual pining, friends to lovers, Connor is the big spoon but not a top, SLOW BURN, masturbation, sexual fantasy, dirty talk, cock warming, anal fingering, oral fixation, mutual masturbation, Dom/sub undertones
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detroitbecomefandom · 3 years
Nines: Are you alright? You didn't sleep at all last night.
Gavin: I got a solid eight minutes.
Gavin: Not consecutively, but still, it's fine. You're not even that blurry.
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iinmysights-main · 5 years
So I told @gaysandbooks and @chicago-reeed that I was gonna write this today because I needed some wholesome things for Reed900 in my life, and God damn it I am.
(pardon the shit writing-)
(fuck this got long-)
“You should go home, Gavin.”
Gavin stifled a third yawn, blinking blearily at his husband. “Hm, what?”
“I said you should go home,” Nines repeated gently. “It’s late, and our shift has already ended.”
“Why aren’t you including yourself in that?” Gavin pouted, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair. He was a clingy rat man.
“Because I’m going to finish up these reports and clean the desk,” Nines chuckled, looking at the mess strewn across their work surface. Several paper cups stained a light brown on the inside from numerous amounts of coffee, dirty personal mugs, pens, crumpled-up pieces of paper... His human was a mess, but he loved Gavin anyway.
“But then how-?”
Nines’ LED swirled yellow for one cycle before flashing back to an electric blue. “I’ve called an automated taxi for you. I’m not sure you’ll be able to drive in your current state. Sorry, love.”
Gavin grumbled under his breath but he knew that Nines was right. He’d likely crash due to falling asleep at the wheel. “Alright,” he sighed. “When will you be coming home?”
“Soon enough,” Nines promised, watching Gavin rise stiffly from his chair. “Goodnight, Gav’.”
“‘Night, Nines,” Gavin yawned, picking up his jacket and briefcase before heading out of the precinct.
Nines quietly crept down the hallway of their apartment complex, careful to not disturb their neighbors. It was shortly before 11 PM, a bit before an hour after he had sent Gavin off. Hopefully he was in bed.
The android sighed, looking down disappointingly at the sleeping figure draped across the table. Of course he would continue working. This was, after all, Gavin we’re talking about. Full of stubbornness and pride. It was a wonder the detective hadn’t died from stress yet.
Shushing their cat whom Nines had named Spade by refilling his food bowl, he crouched down slightly and tried to adjust Gavin’s head so his neck wouldn’t hurt as much when he woke up.
The human mumbled something about all the paperwork he had left to finish and how he HAD to get it down now Nines don’t argue, nudging his face into his partner’s palm. It was almost enough to make Nines cry solely from the sheer adorableness of his husband, but he held it together and opted for a different strategy: simply taking Gavin to bed himself.
He scooped the man up with ease, smiling at the words slurred against his chest before Gavin pressed a tired kiss to the android’s collarbone, still passed out but able to recognize Nines.
Nines snagged a couple of soft throw blankets from the couch, shifting Gavin around so he could spread one out on the bed before laying his partner down like as if he were no more than an infant.
The extra movement caused Gavin to stir, his eyes opening slightly. “Th’f’ck’re you doin’?” He groaned, trying to roll away, albeit very slowly.
Nines gently nudged him back onto the blanket before tugging it snug over his human’s chest, lifting him momentarily so he could pull it under. “Nothing.”
“Wh-” Gavin peered up at Nines’ humorous face, arms folded across his stomach and pinned by the comforter. “Are you fuckin’ swaddling me? I’m not a baby!”
“You’re not a baby,” Nines agreed, “but you are babey.”
“Damn robot, why’d I think it was a good idea to marry you,” Gavin muttered, wriggling as Nines took the second blanket and continued wrapping his legs.
“Because you love me?”
“Ah, fuck, guess I do.”
“Well, I would hope you love me.”
Nines pulled back the layered sheets on their bed before tucking his partner in and sliding down next to him. “I don’t have to hope.”
“Cheesy bastard.”
Nines chuckled, kissing Gavin’s forehead before wrapping all four limbs around the human and snuggling up. “Learned from the best.”
“All of my attempts were vaguely sexual though??”
“I never said YOU were the best, did I?”
“Fuck you!”
“Go to sleep, Gavin.”
“I feel like a worm,” he complained, squirming to prove his point. “A fuzzy worm.”
“A fuzzy worm that’s tired and being cuddled?”
Gavin just humphed, pressing against Nines and rubbing his face into the android’s chest.
The android stroked his back soothingly, pleased to feel the grumpy man relax under his touch and eventually drift off again.
The last thing Nines registered before following suit was Spade jumping onto the bed and laying across their feet.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
014 ‘Is that my shirt?’
Shoutout to the awesome @chicago-reeed for leaving this prompt! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warning: hangover and it’s reprisals, blackmailing)
As Gavin opened his eyes the world seemingly had decided to be unnecessary cruel. He had the headache of the century, his mouth tasted disgustingly and the noise of the cars driving by outside seemed amplified to the volume of a rock-concert. At least the piercing rays of the sun had been shut out by blinds and there was a glass of water and aspirin on his nightstand. Gavin leaned over and felt his body rebelling. There had to be someone hammering down on his head, it had to be. He swallowed the pill and slowly climbed out of bed, groaning all the way to the door. Goddamn, even the thought of making breakfast made his headache get worse. He moved to the bathroom, eyes fixed only on the door in front of him, ignoring the blurred mess of a peripheral vision that was left to him. It didn’t, however, effect his nose. Was that bacon?
Gavin stopped in his tracks, door-handle in his hand. God, his thoughts ran terribly slow today. He lived alone. There was the smell of breakfast all over his apartment. He sure as hell hadn’t sleepwalked his way to the kitchen and magically made food. What meant… what meant… He wasn’t phcking alone. He let go of the door-handle, armed himself with a broom, not really making the connection that burglars normally wouldn’t cook in other people’s homes. He slowly made his way to the kitchen. ‘Clank!’ The broom hit the floor. ‘Nines?’ It was something Gavin had never expected to even think about, but there was an android. In his kitchen. Making breakfast. And it was RK-phcking-900. He had to be still dreaming. ‘Good morning Detective.’ Just like that. Like nothing was weird about his work partner, well friend too, but still, his work partner standing in his kitchen like a damned domestic bot. ‘It that… my shirt?’ Of course, this was the only thing he came up with. He blamed it on his raging head and overall confusion. ‘Yes. It is.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because you vomited all over mine.’ Oh, so that had been the disgusting taste. ‘What? Wait, no, I meant why are you here. Wh- Why have I vomited over your…’ ‘Sit down Detective.’
On Autopilot Gavin went over to the table, sat down and watched as a plate of toast with eggs and bacon was put in front of him. ‘Eat.’ Gavin didn’t know why, but he followed the order. Phck, it tasted awesome. Maybe it was just the taste of his last incompletely digested meal finally being washed over by salty grease, but this was heaven. ‘Okay, so why are you here?’ His head had finally calmed down enough to allow thoughts. ‘To make sure you survived the night.’ ‘No, I mean why are you here?’ ‘You don’t remember yesterday night, do you?’ Gavin chewed on his food to get some time to think. ‘Well I was out drinking after the mess of a case we solved and- Wait. I didn’t drunk-texted you, did I?’ He felt how his cheeks heated up in embarrassment. He surely wouldn’t have done that, would he? ‘You drunk-called me, if you want to be specific.’, Nines answered with the hint of a smirk on his lips. ‘At precisely 3:42 am.’ ‘Phck.’ Gavin let his head fall into his hands and rubbed his face in frustration. There was no way on earth Gavin had kept himself together that night. Just what had he told the plastic idiot? ‘Listen, toaster, whatever I said, I didn’t mean it, okay? I… humans say weird things when they are drunk.’ ‘Oh, you didn’t mean it when you said I should fucking pick you up, because I’m your partner and don’t  fucking have anything else to do?’ ‘Listen, I’m sorry-‘ ‘Why? It was true. I didn’t have anything else to do and listening to the Andersons is only interesting for so long.’ ‘Okay, so you drove me home. Why are you still here?’ ‘I washed my clothes after you decided to decorate them with half-digested nachos. Also, I had to look after you, you couldn’t even walk straight.’ ‘Oh goddamn. Has anyone seen us? I mean… Ah shit, that’s so damn embarrassing!’ ‘Only the lieutenant.’ After that the phcking asshole even had the audacity to grin widely. ‘You got to be phcking kidding me!’ ‘I am not.’ Nines took the empty plate to put it in the sink. ‘I don’t have a car, remember? I always arrive at the precinct with Hank and Connor.’ ‘Somehow I’m not sure I want to hear what else I said to you.’ ‘Nothing too serious.’ Another shit-eating grin. ‘Are you good on your own now?’ ‘Yeah, I think I’ll survive. I’ll go shower and then back into bed.’ ‘Good, I’ll be on my way then.’ The android walked over to the door and Gavin got up, too. ‘Hey, tin-can! Thank you. You… didn’t have to do that.’
The android opened the door and was halfway out before he honest to god shouted: ‘You’re welcome, babe!’ Then the door was pulled close and Gavin stood frozen in front of the bathroom door.
He didn’t say that to Nines, did he?
The next morning Gavin arrived at work with every intend of paying Nines back the embarrassment he would have to endure this day. He braced himself, the neatly folded turtleneck and stupid white leather jacket widely visible tucked under his arm. Then he entered the precinct in his usual most confident phck-off-manner. The Andersons and Nines were already there – of course.
‘Hey, isn’t that your shirt?’ Connor asked and gathered Hank’s and Nines’ attention at that. The RK900 turned his head and didn’t even have to scan the clothes. He clenched his teeth. He had planned to wallow in the blackmail he had conveniently given to strategic persons at the precinct: Hank, Tina and Chris. But with this he knew Gavin had his own plans.
The Detective marched up to him, held out his belongings and announced unnecessary loud: ‘You left your clothes at my place after last night, babe.’ Then he turned around to walk over to their adjoined desks. Nines looked at the jacket in his hands. There was quiet giggling behind him, and Nines threw Connor a death stare before following the detective. He guessed he deserved that.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
181. Why are you bleeding?
The awesome @chicago-reeed prompted this and it had been really fun to write! Thanks again and enjoy reading!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warning: blood-loss and discrimination of androids)
‘Ah, finally! The toaster cared to show up at work at least. What took you so long, tin-can? We have work to do, you stupid machine and I won’t put up with a partner, then still do all the work myself! Where is that android-punctuality- Holy shit, why are you bleeding?’
The damn android had come into the precinct like every other day, heading straight for his desk. Only this time he was late – for the first time. And he lost a lot of blood from a wound at the hip and his head. But the android didn’t seem to care. He simply sat down and started up his computer.
‘Answer me android! Why are you bleeding?’ ‘I am not, Detective.’ ‘The hell? Sure you are, idiot! I can see it!’ ‘I am not.’ ‘You are kidding me, right? There is this blue stuff flowing out of you, this Thirium 310. Don’t get onto technicalities here, you are phcking bleeding!’
The android looked up, those stern ice-blue eyes fixed on him and Gavin had to swallow. ‘Detective, I am not loosing thirium, I am not bleeding.’ It allowed no further discussion, although Gavin wasn’t at all satisfied with the answer. Not when that blue liquid was oozing out of him to the floor, staining his usually immaculate clothing and the ground tiles.
‘Okay. Fine.’ Gavin threw his hands in the air. ‘Not my phcking problem. Just make sure not to leak something on my side. And if you are shutting down because of this bullshit, don’t expect me to phcking help you, you useless machine!’ Gavin sat down opposite to the android but couldn’t really concentrate when there was someone dripping blood from their head, regardless of the colour it had. Surely, he had to recognise it. There was no way he really thought he was not wounded. That had to be a defence strategy of some sort. Ah, well, if the toaster didn’t want help, Gavin sure as hell wouldn’t force it upon him. Whatever stupid accident the thing had to end up this way, it wasn’t his business. They were working partners, nothing more and the android was in working condition. Case closed.
‘Phcking androids, I swear to god. I’m gonna go get some coffee.’ He got up and walked the few metres to the coffee machine, grabbing his mug and preparing his drink, muscle memory by now. His mind was so bored watching his hands do their job he picked up some of the words from a news channel. Why have a TV running the news in the break room 24/7 just to bother everyone? The ones who were interested could always check it on their phone. But well, here he was listening in, waiting for his daily dose of caffeine.
-this marks yet another spike in the anti-android protests. Ever since the latest law granting androids the right to own property has been passed, the protests have escalated - more often accompanied by reports of violence against androids and open android-supporters. As of now there had been no statement by the police what they are planning to do to ensure the safety of the newly acclaimed citizens of Detroit. We are now live at-
Gavin turned to the screen that showed the marching masses of “protesters”, calling out the same slogans that had been present during the revolution. It made Gavin’s stomach sink, looking back at the android sitting at his desk, dripping blood and not even daring to acknowledge it. He had never been an android supporter. Not during the revolution and he wouldn’t join their marches now. But he had spent enough time with these phckers to feel sick seeing the banners full of expletives being waved around in the complete belief they were right. And there was guilt knowing he used the same degrading words every day. He sighed, took his mug and returned to their desk. He wouldn’t let that shit get to him. No, he would just continue working and then go home. Phck that damned android and phck this whole situation and phck his damned guilt, he wouldn’t- ‘Seriously, toaster, how did this happen?’ Okay, he would, apparently. ‘How did what happen, Detective?’ The android wasn’t even looking at him, sounding as bored as if Gavin had asked him about the weather. ‘You are wounded. Something happened and I want to know what.’ ‘I am not wounded. And even if I were, why does it matter to you?’ ‘You are my phcking partner!’ ‘That didn’t matter to you before.’ ‘What? Of course it did, idiot! Now stop the games and at least tell me what happened. If it pleases you I will shut my mouth about the whole rest of this bullshit after you tell me. Was this one of the assholes out there? These anti-android-idiots?’ ‘Yes. I got caught by some bystanders trying to bypass the main routes of the protests on my way here.’ ‘Phcking hell. I’m sorry, toaster.’ ‘Why? You didn’t do it. Although you share their opinion on my kind, you wouldn’t act on it.’ ‘Don’t you compare me to those human mistakes! I’m nothing like them!’ ‘When you say it, Detective.’
Somehow Gavin took that as a personal offence, coming from his partner. ‘I’m not like them, tin-can. I stood against androids as they still were just machines and replaced real, living, thinking persons. But now you are sentient. You are alive and you deserve what you fought for. You definitely don’t deserve getting trashed by an angry mob. And I as your partner have to make sure you are safe. That is the whole point of this bullshit of forcing people to work together.’ ‘I am safe. They hit me with a bat until I got a hold of the weapon and broke it in half. That was enough to frighten them. My wounds will seal up and heal themselves. At home I will refill my thirium reserves. I will be fine. Although I thought you wouldn’t care being anti-android yourself.’ ‘Wait, you really thought I am one of those guys?’ He vaguely pointed in the direction of the break room. ‘I’m not- what made you think that?’ ‘You use their words.’ ‘Their words?’ ‘You call me and Connor names regularly. Tin-can, toaster, plastic prick, bolts, the list goes on.’ ‘You really thought… Nines, you do realise I call humans names too, right? Asshole, idiot, moron, incompetent piece of shit. That’s not me being anti-android, that’s just me being rude!’ The android looked up over his desktop, Gavin only being able to see the line of his eyes and the LED – a yellow, slow-circling light. ‘Honestly, man, I’m just an asshole and once people learn that they either phck off completely or are finally able to work with me. I’m not one of these idiots out there screaming about injustice when they in reality face equity.’ There were still those cold eyes trained on him and Gavin broke contact first, hunching down over his keyboard again furiously clicking. ‘There you have it, I just logged off. I’m going to drive you home, so you can get patched up and won’t get caught in all that shit again. I’ll show you how much of an asshole-but-not-disgustingly-awful person I am, just you wait!’
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
404. This doesn’t feel safe.
This one has been prompted by the lovely @chicago-reeed and I read over it again to make it extra fluffy for you. I hope it helps you cheer up a bit after those anons and you (I cannot stress this enough) are awesome! 
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
‘Come on, Nines, don’t just stand there!’ ‘Detective, I don’t think we should do this. I don’t know what you want to show me, but I doubt it is worth taking this risk.’ ‘It is worth it, believe me. And what are we risking?’ He let the newly acquired key dangle from his index finger and smirked. ‘If anyone asks, we are just maintenance workers doing their jobs.’ ‘Gavin, first of all, we don’t look like maintenance, we don’t have the uniform. Second of all, the only persons up here that could spot us, would be maintenance workers themselves and I believe they would know their colleagues.’ ‘Aw, come on Nines, since when are you so keen on following rules?’ A deep sigh from the android was his answer: ‘Detective, I never break laws deliberately. Your actions just force me to do it constantly, because you happen to get your ass into danger over and over again and I just want to keep you safe.’ ‘Exactly. And this is me making up for it, believe me.’
‘I still don’t get how breaking into a building will achieve that.’ ‘Come on, tin-can, we are not breaking in. We have the key. We are merely in a place we shouldn’t necessarily be.’ ‘That’s like… the definition of trespassing. And we have been doing that ever since we boarded that elevator. I still don’t know why the head of security let you through. I mean, this is a television broadcasting office after all, we could be spying on their work for all he knows.’ ‘Remember the android revolution? It started here at Stratford tower. Connor was the hero again, of course, but I was responsible for checking in with the security as on how the androids managed to infiltrate the tower in the first place. I could have talked shit on the guy, but he needs this damn job. I mean with all the stuff going on in that time… It didn’t feel right shitting on someone who had not managed to know all the android’s faces by heart. I wrote the report stating that the androids managed to evade cameras and security staff.’ ‘A lie.’ ‘Nah, just preventing unnecessary bloodshed. What would I or the case gain punishing someone for slacking a bit on their job? Besides no one got seriously injured, no harm done except for a phcking revolution. And that couldn’t be stopped by making someone lose their job.’ ‘So he owed you one?’ ‘Yep. Promised me to have a blind eye on the cameras again as long as we are gone before the crew arrives. And not to cause any trouble, of course.’
‘Well, you still haven’t told me why you are bringing me here.’ ‘Have a little patience, Nines. It’s not far now, just through this door and up a few stairs.’ The human unlocked a door baring a big sign informing them that this was an emergency exit only. After that came a few stairs made from meshed steel that creaked under their steps. ‘This doesn’t feel safe, Detective. We are clearly not supposed to be here and I start to doubt whatever you are planning just isn’t worth it.’ Gavin stood at the final door, at his wits end on how to tell the android it really was worth it and at the same time not spoil everything. So, he just opened the door knowing that he would follow him regardless of his complaints.
Strong winds greeted them, as they walked out onto the rooftop of the building, only caught in the big screens that emitted a light hue of blue. Nines looked around, taking in the new environment. ‘Gavin, this really isn’t safe, we shouldn’t be up here. Just… let’s go home, okay?’ ‘Would you shut up, toaster? I put effort into this, so just follow me!’ They walked up to one of the screens, the wiring and scaffolding that held the LED-fabric in place now clearly visible, and the wind wasn’t that strong anymore, now that they were protected by the wall. Gavin took Nines by the hand and led him to the edge of the roof, sitting down on two prepared plastic chairs to look over Detroit.
‘Isn’t this worth all of this?’, Gavin asked and pointed at the city before them. It was dark, night had long fallen, but still there was noise in the street canyon: Sirens, sounds of cars and bikes, the occasional honk… But it was dulled here – silent as if but an echo of another world. Peaceful even. Then there were the lights everywhere. Office buildings were illuminated either with ads, the company’s logo or just some aesthetically pleasing stripes in all shades of blue. The stars above, hidden by the lights below, but fighting to get through. A helicopter came their way but veered away in a big loop, before it would come too near. It was relaxing, sitting here, looking over a not asleep but calm city, thinking about all these people and what they were doing on their Friday evening all the while still being alone together. He had to admit, it was worth it.
Gavin took his silence as an answer and took his eyes from the sparkling buildings before them to tenderly smile at the android who returned it by holding his hand a little tighter, brushing his thumb over the others knuckle. ‘It is beautiful’, Nines whispered, momentarily being confused why he had decided to be quieter when no one could hear them.  ‘I’m sorry I tried to make you leave.’ ‘Hey, you didn’t know I’ve planned this.’ ‘Why?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Why did you plan this?’
It was dark, but Nines could always switch to infrared to make out a blush creeping up the human’s cheeks. ‘I… I wanted to do something nice with you for once. We are always working and well, despite the few lunchbreaks you accompanied me to, we never do something outside our jobs together. I thought, we might enjoy this. Also you…’ ‘Also I what?’, Nines dug deeper. ‘You seemed lonely.’ Gavin made it sound more like a question than a statement. ‘I’m sorry, please don’t be offended by that, but you are always alone. Connor has a bunch of friends, Sixty is establishing dominance over in the SWAT-team, all the Jerichos are off somewhere liberating more androids and you… You are stuck with me.’ ‘And you think that’s something bad?’, Nines inquired openly curious. ‘Well, it might not seem like it, because one would expect change from knowledge, but I know how I am sometimes. Actually, I haven’t even noticed you idling when alone without a task until Tina made me aware of it. And I thought if you are stuck with me, I can at least offer you something for keeping up with me. I… enjoy silence and silent places like this. I thought with you not actively searching for company, you would appreciate it too.’
‘That’s… very kind. I haven’t expected that from you. I honestly had given up on you finally showing your other side.’ ‘My what?’ ‘Tina told me you had a hard shell but would show your true self to someone once you trusted them. I hoped to see that day, because I don’t seem to be very good at making friends. I hoped we could become friends, already being partners…’ ‘I’m not what people would like to be friends with, tin-can’, Gavin objected laughing drily. ‘That would already make two of us, Detective. I know what my purpose pre-deviation had been and other androids know, too. You handled me without prejudice. You just hated androids in general. That was a generous gift for me, not being hated for what my purpose had been but for what I am. A simple change in behaviour to me was all it took to make you special. And as you started accommodating to me it started getting to neutral grounds. That is already more than anything I ever had. This’, he looked out over the glowing city-lights and a small smile graced his lips. ‘This is already a consideration I would have never expected to be gifted.’ ‘Come on, this is just the bare minimum. I had no one sticking around this long. And honestly, I still expect you to one day simply be gone like everyone else.’
‘Oh no.’ Nines looked from the city back to Gavin and his LED changed from yellow to blue. ‘You won’t get rid of me. After this, I plan on sticking with you for much longer.’
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