#elden ring is very interesting as a game in the fact that the lore + worldbuilding + vibes are all there...
vermillioncrown · 2 years
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last screenshot i took before i fought my in-laws and went on a 1000 year honeymoon into the void
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cherryfennec · 2 months
hot take: the bosses in super paper mario permanently damaged any chance of the game ever getting rpg mechanics, it would make the rpg mechanics feel cheap and the bosses feel boring, especially super dimentio
abandoning the flippage and making the game be fully 3d like sm64 would be a good move though
Super Paper Mario stands out in the Paper Mario games especially because of the fact that the bosses aren't turn based. The fact that they mixed RPG and platformer elements was interesting, in the end some of them hit while some miss.
The bossess definitely have quite a lot of charm from being in full motion and not locked to turns, you get to see personality through movement like O'Chunks being a little slow to react, Dimentio and Mr.L being hard to catch and Bleck taking advantage of the background. A few that especially benefit are: Fracktails entire battle, Mimi climbing the ceiling midfight (and also her and Dimentio being able to flip after you), Brobot L-type or even Super Dimentio like you mentioned.
Despite this I have to admit that some fights might feel underwhelming gameplay wise. Getting personality is awesome but if it's at the expense of difficulty or unfun mechanics then it might be better to not push it. Especially with the problem of BIG open spaces. Chapter 4-4 boss room is super open and super empty which feels a little anticlimactic while Mimis boss room is super small and has little wiggle room. Mimi was in fact harder than Mr.L just because of the fact i couldn't jump or evade her as easily.
This doesn't mean that everything should be crammed into a small area but it is a little cheesy seeing the AI struggle to attack you in the few ways it can. (again with Mr.L, he makes mighty leaps in this large room and with how slow he descends and predictable the landing spot is you can just. walk under.)
When it comes to making it 3D sm64 style it would be conceptually interesting but personally? I think it should remain paper style. A story like this would be difficult and very time consuming to execute in the mainline 3D Super Mario style, especially considering the time it released in. The main focus here was clearly the lore and dialogue which a lot of people agree is the best thing about it. It's cut like a story book, which ties with being Paper Mario, and the idea that these characters are already doomed by the narrative.
But that's an entirely different discussion so I won't delve deeper or else we'll be here much longer.
If I could personally offer any changes to SPM it would be:
The timer on the FLIP ability sucks, either extend or remove completely. I want to see all these beautiful assets and bosses in 3D which are already fully programed but the timer is actively discouraging me from doing so because of the damage penalty. "Mario is getting nauseous that's why he can't stay there long" is a cool in-universe explanation but it's not fun gameplay wise.
Personal design nitpick but some areas could use some retouches. What do you mean you associated the colour of the Pure Heart to the worlds palette only in 4 Chapters? What about the rest? Please keep going!!
Increase the difficulty a little (aka make the AI somewhat smarter). Personality and struggle is what makes a character memorable in games. (really big detour but for example take Malenia from Elden Ring, she has lore that is optional to learn and yet theres a big chance you'll remember her anyway because she's a super hard boss)
This ones more of a 'what if' but I've been trying to imagine for a while the possibility of: normally everything is 3D/with depth like the other Paper Mario games and when you FLIP it becomes 2D (basically reversing the effect). I know this ruins Fracktail and would require more work with sculpting the environments but I like the thought of the hub being 3D. If not that at least add more assets to the environment when you flip. A lot of the time every tree and rock is in 2D while 3D is just so empty. Also consider just for a moment how little people FLIP during bosses and areas, probably forgetting they even can, and missing out on these cool models. Either that or they're aware that when they do FLIP they won't see anything because the cameras obscured by a wall (looking at you chapter 4).
In conclusion I think this take has stable ground and in the end I agree to an extent! There are some rather specific cases that I feel would work better in a turn based system but overall a lot of them are good as they are!
Making the game like sm64 sounds fun but could be difficult to execute without loosing any of the beautiful charm the Paper Mario format/style provides to it's stories.
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transfemininomenon · 1 year
it's been talked to death about the way that from soft games handle their telling of lore & in particular the use of item descriptions to do so. that in particular has been super interesting to me from the beginning, and so i decided that i was going to do a lil list of my three personal favorite lore twists/implications that come from item descriptions
3. Nomadic Merchant's Set - Elden Ring
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the lore twist: mentions of the mysterious frenzied flame show up throughout the entire game in various ways, namely in incantations & areas/enemies that have been consumed by the frenzied flame. it's portrayed as an incredibly powerful but maddening thing, and its origins are mainly left a mystery
also throughout the game there are various nomadic merchants who assist you by offering different kinds of items, as well as some offering little bits of lore & quest hints. they're portrayed as very kind and helpful, and are most notably found by following the sound of a beautiful, somber tune that they all seem to play
eventually, exploring deep, deep underneath the capital of the Lands Between will find you discovering what is in my opinion the most harrowing sight in the entire game - piles and piles of corpses, all in different poses of absolute agony and horror. and as you enter, you hear a familiar, now haunting tune as you find the last few remaining merchants still remaining deep below
you finally come across their armor set at the very bottom of a deep chasm, where the harrowing truth of both why so little of these merchants remain, and also the origins of the frenzied flame
2. Talisman of Beasts - Demon's Souls
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the lore twist: would just like to say that anyone who's been a fan of these games for a while knew this one had to be here - it's truly THE original big one when it came to Lore Twists through item descriptions
throughout demon's souls there's mentions of both the Old One and an unnamed God. the Old One is an ancient demon that is the progenitor of all other demons throughout the game and the source of the deep colorless fog that is engulfing the world. this Old One can not be killed - it can merely be lulled back to sleep, and is stirred by use of soul magics, which it is also the source of
the unnamed God, on the other hand, is the source of miracles - divine magic as opposed to soul magic. servants of this God use their miracles to help fight against demons, and view miracles as heavenly acts as opposed to the demonic acts of soul magic, with one clearly good & the other clearly evil
however, this talisman ultimately reveals that the Old One and God are in fact one and the same, and that both soul magic and miracles ultimately come from the exact same source
1. Ringed Knight Set - Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City
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the lore twist: disclaimer with this one in that this one is a lot more of a Personal Interpretation & a lot less concretely canon than the other two on this list, but it's my personal favorite of the lot for reasons that i will explain and i simply had to have it
a very big part of the lore of dark souls has to deal with the curse of undeath, with those cursed with it unable to truly die and steadily becoming hollow shells of themselves as they are repeatedly resurrected. this concept of undeath is explored in various different ways throughout the entire series, and the protagonist of each game is some form of undead. all undead are branded with what is known as the Darksign - a burning red circle
the origins of the curse of undeath are left vague throughout most of the three games, though it is claimed that it was created when Gwyn, leader of the Gods that ruled in the Age of Fire, refused to relinquish said Age of Fire to make way for the Age of Dark, an age ruled by men instead of the gods. the full extend of how it was created or how it is transmitted remained a mystery, and at least for me it very much seemed like the curse happened accidentally, all part of Gwyn's desperate attempts to keep going what he felt was right
that is, until, we finally enter the Ringed City - the second DLC for dark souls 3, and the final bit of content for the entire dark souls trilogy. throughout the series the subject of Man and their relation to both the Dark and a thing known as the Abyss are explored a lot, and in the Ringed City it is explored even more, a lot of which is very much meant to be left to interpretation so i won't comment on it much, but amongst other things found in the Ringed City are various enemies marked with a terribly familiar burning red circle
upon finding the armor of the knights of the city, the truth becomes revealed - early man found their own smidgens of life within the Abyss, and the gods fearing this decided to place a brand upon the armor of those men. a brand eerily familiar to that of the darksign, what would later become the signature sign of one cursed with undeath
the implication thus, at least to me, becomes that the curse of undeath was willingly created by the Gods in order to prevent mankind from finding their own forms of life, to prevent them from rising to the same status as the gods who ruled over them. what once seemed like an accidental thing now was revealed to be purposely done, and the sheer weight of that combined with this revelation and answer coming at the very end of the series after the question being established from the very beginning is why it is my personal favorite item lore twists
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katyspersonal · 1 year
It is a really a cool reoccurring bit of lore for me that Elden Ring sort of reused the "conflict" between Choir and Willem's teachings from Bloodborne with Raya Lucaria's primeval current and the ideas that Carians brought!
Imposter Iosefka is the best example of the Choir's generic mindset we have, speaking about transcending the "stupidity" and forcibly turning people into cosmic Kin! More or less Sellen is a very good successor to this character, especially with the fact that Choir and ancient sorcerers (?) both have history of experimenting on children (Choir's Orphanage + little Aurelia and Aureliette being implied to have their souls cut with a glintstone blade). And in general, Raya Lucaria and Research Hall (that IS the past of what is now the Choir) are okay with experimenting!
But Willem, after all, suggested that humanity is better evolved and improved than abandoned completely, he said to possibly level with Great Ones as men! I can see this sort of parallel with Rennala and generally Carian standards being brought back; interest in the 'Moon' suggests something closer to the human plane. Like, instead of obsessing over stars and nothing but stars and sipping that cosmic horror and "returning" to them as "fallen children of the stars", it brings more attention to THE satellite that is close to humans and is less otherworldly both physically and philosophically! Both games have their academy that fell for its own hubris to propose the conflict of 'do you see humanity as useless shackle to cast away and become something bigger, or as something you should cherish but also improve and evolve with the wisdom you can get from otherworldly sources?' . And this is so cool!
Again, I guess it is the question players should answer to on their own. Both games try to nudge us to sympathize with 'humanity is not a liability' side of the question, saying that Willem was different from Choir and would be heartbroken about Mensis, and posing Carians as more sympathetic guys with showing Sellen (that speaks for primeval current) as this kinda... callous, determined woman... But you still COULD say that true discovery and knowledge demands great sacrifices and people that can't choke their human morality won't bring TRUE progress. Just... Elden Ring opened and explored the conflict way better, it is much plain to see advantages and disadvantages of both sides! It is less of intuitive speculation with subtle details than in was in Bloodborne, I am just DELIGHTED that they revisited the interesting issue in the next game. Basically nothing shows caring about the messages they want to deliver and discussions they want to raise in the fandom than "We didn't say that loud enough in the previous game, let's try again but better".
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blaiddfailcam · 5 months
I wonder if the mangaka for the Road to the Erdtree was given pointers by FromSoft regarding lore accuracy? So often, I'm surprised by the careful attention to detail even for characters who barely have any exposition, and I imagine it would be rather precarious to avoid leaning into one popular fan theory or another. The characterizations are also very spot-on, even when used for comedic effect (Elden Ring has plenty of humor as it is, just not presented so bluntly).
The fact that they acknowledged that Millicent and her sisters all wear the same clothing as Melina in interesting, since that detail does play into the theory that Melina is actually Miquella and Malenia's triplet, and the lastborn demigod and Empyrean child of Radagon and Marika. I don't know if that's what the mangaka believes, but it's a detail plenty of players seem to overlook regardless, and it's no secret that these games are extremely deliberate in establishing visual patterns...
It makes me wonder if perhaps they were even warned what new revelations might be revealed in the DLC, lol. After all, it would be a bit of an issue if it released and obsolesced a few chapters of the manga.
Either way, I'm going to take it that this adaptation is like... relatively lore-accurate, even if it has to bend the present story a bit. It's an impressive feat of balance for a goofy parody. I hope they're getting paid beaucoup bucks, but at the very least, their fan art outside the project seems to indicate their passion for the game and characters.
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yournextflame · 2 years
Gods and Deities of the Lands Between
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My first attempt to sort out different gods and godike beings of Elden Ring. I used Japanese txt archive as English translation sometimes is questionable at best or misses some very important nuances.
外なる神 - outer god 
古き神 - ancient god 
神 - god, vessel for an outer god, an ancient god or the Elden Ring 
神人 - Empyrean (literally “god-person”)
デミゴッド - demigod (written in katakana, doesn't use the kanji for god)
Known outer gods: Formless Mother (Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear), unknown god of Twinbirds (The twinbird is said to be the envoys of the outer god in the description of Kite Shield), outer god of Rot (Scorpion's Stinger)
Known ancient gods: Flame of Frenzy (Fingerprint Stone Shield), ancient god of Rot (Blue Dancer Charm), Fell God (Fire Monk set)
Nowhere in either script is the Greater Will identified as an outer god, same with Ranni’s Dark Moon, Rennala’s Full Moon or Nox’s Black Moon
Known gods: Vessels of the Elden Ring - Marika, Placidusax‘s Sovereign, Malenia as Goddess of Rot  腐敗の女神, Radagon at the end of the game
Marika is the god of current age, age of the Erdtree, and she is the vessel of the Elden Ring
The Golden Order is founded on the principle that Marika is the one true god (c) brother Corhyn
Placidusax‘s Sovereign
The Dragonlord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree. Once his god was fled, the lord continued to await its return
時の狭間、嵐の中心に座す竜王は 黄金樹の前史、エルデの王であったという だが神は去り、王は帰還を待ち続けていた  
Yes, Placidusax‘s god wasn’t an outer god 外なる神 or an ancient god 古き神, it was a host of the Elden Ring, the same kind of god 神 as Marika. Most likely it ruled during the age of Crucible.
It seems like all kind of deities need an avatar (Empyrean/god) to manifest their power in the Lands Between.
Known Empyreans: Ranni, Miquella, Malenia, Marika/Radagon, Gloam-Eyed Queen; questionable - Placidusax’s Sovereign must be an Empyrean to become a vessel later, which opens an interesting possibility that not only humans can be chosen as Empyreans
Ranni, Miquella and Malenia belong to the new generation of Empyreans:
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Worth noting that Ranni uses phrase “coming age”, considering that Placi’s god was replaced by Marika, it’s very possible that Marika’s age was coming to an end as well, but that’s a topic for a different post.
Marika’s and Radagon’s scarseals have the same description: these seals represent the lifelong duty of those chosen by the gods
Description of Black Flame Ritual: the Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles. It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers (questionable: Two or Three?)
(Interesting that all current Empyreans are fathered by Radagon, but nothing suggests that Marika and GEQ were relatives)
Questionable: everything about Fell God
それは、女王マリカが討ち取ったとされる かつて巨人たちが祀った悪神である
Once worshipped by the giants, this evil deity is believed to have been slain by Queen Marika ( One-Eyed Shield)
This description contradicts with the description of Glame of the Fell God
Arghanthy, the chief guardian of the Flame, had kept this incantation a well-kept secret until it was stolen by Adan. The fell god still lurks within the Fire Giants
それは、アダンが盗み出した 監視者の長、アーガンティの秘匿である 悪神は、火の巨人の内に、今も隠れている
it is said that Fell God was slain by Marika, but somehow is still alive. Both descriptions are using Fell God  悪神, but Firemonks Armor uses 火の巨人 Fire Giants, while One-Eyed Shield only mentions Giants  巨人.
Possible solution: the legend about Marika is a lie, Marika defeated a vessel of the Fell God, but not the Feel God himself, Elden Ring lore is a mess
Questionable: Serpent deity Eiglay is written 蛇神, but the Rykard’s Great Serpent is  大��. 
Interesting fact: Radahn is called the War God 戦神 in Japanese, but it’s used as a monicker, people simply respect his strength.
Questionable: maybe “ancient god” is just a different way to call outer gods, or it’s a hint that outer gods weren’t always “outer” to the Lands Between
Common misconception №1: the Greater Will is antagonistic to the outer gods
Malenia’s Great Rune is part of the Elden Ring, Order of Rot 腐敗の律 is still an Order 律. The concept of Order 律 is the key point of the Greater Will. The Greater Will is antagonistic to the Flame of Frenzy, which represents Chaos.
Common misconception №2: Ranni’s ending Age of the Stars bans the outer gods or the Greater Will
Description of Memory Stone:
Said to be a fragment of the black moon that once hung above the Eternal City
Description of Moon of Nokstella:
This talisman represents the lost black moon. The moon of Nokstella was the guide of countless stars
Guess what happened with the Nox, despite worship of the black moon and stars
Long ago, the Nox invoked the ire of the Greater Will, and were banished to the shadow realm deep underground
That’s not counting a giant Lake of Rot in Nox ruins. Guys were double-teamed by both Greater Will and outer gods.
Now cometh the age of the stars. A thousand year voyage under the wisdom of the Moon
Ranni minimizes the influence of the Order for 1000 years, she doesn’t remove it entirely and forever like the Flame of Frenzy, nor she does anything with the outer gods (it’s Miquella’s goal to banish them), she simply brings Order of the Chill Night 冷たい夜の律 until the next coming age.
Conclusion: no god rules forever.
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humming-fly · 1 year
Tagged by @hyrulianpirate like a month ago but i forgot h a
nickname: I don’t go by nicknames very often, but a friend in high school gave me the nickname ‘catalyst’ and I think that’s cool
sign: leo
height: 5′8″ 
last thing i googled: 'elden ring bloodhound’ - i’ve ended up on a recent lore dive into that game despite not owning it lol
song stuck in my head: Towards the Sun by Rhianna, also a sing-song repetition of the phrase ‘slab of ham’ that’s been recurring since i cooked dinner three nights ago
number of followers: bit over 13.1k, also while checking i blocked another 3 bots, one of which was trying to sell me meth which wins points for breaking the mold a bit
amount of sleep: I shoot for 8, kinda varies when i wind up going to bed, then some days i sleep for like 11 to make up for it lol
dream job:  additive manufacturing researcher for renewable energy applications :V 
wearing: jeans, cool t-shirt i got in alaska, some striped socks
films/books that can summarize me: uhhhh jeez idk i’m not that interesting lol. in terms of films/books I Like i really like the movie how to train your dragon so you can read into that I suppose lol- i also watch the full lord of the rings trilogy like, at least once per year
favorite song: yeah don’t know if I have a true favorite it rotates based on how I feel, I was super into High Hopes for quite a bit though, also ngl I still really like Stronger by the Score which is saying something cause while making that animatic i’m pretty sure I heard it like, 300 times 
favorite instrument: in terms of playing I love my clarinet even though I haven’t touched it in like 3 years haha, in terms of listening hmmm, I like violins? 
aesthetic: mythbusters!core
favorite authors: Tamora Pierce is a standout even though it’s been a bit since I read her books, also Rick Riordian. In terms of webcomics authors I really like Ashley Cope who makes Unsounded, which is both a visual and literary masterpiece imo
random fun fact: bill nye taught my mom how to take a selfie 
tagging: @alagaesia-overlord @aseuki @cobaltcircuit @angelfrost @vytamins and whoever else if you’re feeling it go nuts
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theygender · 11 months
Btw if anyone else has been wanting to watch an Elden Ring playthrough and happens to have a brain that works like mine I would really recommend LPDarkSoulsHD's in-depth playthrough. When I play games I tend to be extremely thorough to the point that it would annoy my brother to watch me play when we would take turns on games growing up bc I would investigate every area of the map and pick up every item and read every piece of text that I found. This guy has already played the game once before and he's just as thorough (+ seems to have absurd memory) so now he knows where to find every good item and which things will be interesting to read and he does all of this efficiently without leaving anything out. I also wanted a playthrough that would go into all of the lore and character quests and he definitely does that, plus he points out which things will be important to remember later and helps viewers make connections between different pieces of info we may have forgotten, all without spoiling anything. He also explains what he's doing every time he fights to help other people learn how to face each enemy more easily but as someone who doesn't plan on playing the game myself it's just really satisfying to understand what he's doing so I can see how much skill it takes for him to make such a difficult fight look so easy. When I first found the playlist I was worried I wouldn't be able to sit through all of the videos bc he doesn't edit anything out so they're all like an hour long and I have a v short attention span when it comes to movies and etc, but it turns out the way he plays the game makes his playthroughs scratch a very similar itch to actually playing videogames myself for me. I'm on my 8th episode rn after just finding his channel yesterday and I frequently find myself looking for my controller when I come back after a break before I remember that I'm not in fact playing Elden Ring lol
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dmbakura · 2 years
i beat sonic frontiers and i have many thoughts so imma just compile them here. overall im really happy with the game and i’d love see sega build off of this going forward. spoilers ofc
the good:
-open world (or ‘open zone’ as they called it) works surprisingly well for sonic. i hate open world games so the fact i like what they did here certainly means they got something right lmao
-sonic controls really well. it’s not perfect and i wish they’d refine some physics but i was so worried about this game because of the early footage making it look automated and stiff. im really happy to say it didnt feel like that at all. blasting through the islands and stringing together rails and platforming and just doing sonic stuff feels amazing and like it justifies the space being used. this and elden ring are both unironically amazing examples of how to do open world well.
-the combat and expanding sonic’s moveset was long overdue honestly. there’s only so much you can accomplish with homing attacks. the cyloop and various other attacks added were fun additions even if overall it’s quite simplistic (definitely no devil may cry lol). im not sure how other people like this change? i found it snappy and satisfying but ive seen some say it slows the game down for them? good thing about it is you can automate it if you dont want to deal with it at all.
-the story is actually engaging and taking itself seriously. it also expands on established series lore (so many callbacks to adventure 1) and it’s very nice to see. the plot isnt all that unique or original but it’s been so long since it felt like the game’s were trying to tell a story that wasn’t some bullshit meta nonsense or complete half assed shit like forces.
-the characters are the narrative highlight, same as above, they’re written like actual people and not mouthpieces for stupid jokes. it made me remember why i like these characters. the new addition, sage, was also handled well i think, even though she’s pretty annoyingly vague at the start. she has good development and her relationship with eggman is pretty heartwarming.
-the BOSSES are the definite highlight of the game. the fourth titan and final boss is an interesting, though kind of underwhelming fight, but the other 3 are absolute PEAK. holy shit. best bosses sonic has ever had for sure
-banger music. see above, the bosses have the best tracks in the game but i also found myself really enjoying the overworld themes and cyberspace tracks. sonic games usually have amazing osts and this one is no exception.
-the last island’s cyberspace stages were very solid and i enjoyed them
-i can take or leave the baby mode puzzles scattered around tbh. some of the puzzles were satisfying to do but others were just like... walk over and tap a button. not obtrusive but also not really engaging
-i actually did end up liking the overworlds despite initially thinking they looked like awful generic botw inspired crap, but i still think i’d like to see more stylized worlds that are characteristic of sonic going forward. it might have made sense in this game given the lore of the koco/ancients and how desolate and isolated they are but yeah, they’re not the most visually appealing at times- especially the third island which is quite barren for large stretches of it. so i guess this is more a future note?
the bad:
-the cyberspace stages. like i said above, i felt the last island ones were the strongest, but most are just kind of... there. they use themes and aesthetics pulled from green hill, chem plant and sky sanct (as well as an ambiguous city stage) and this is the one area of the game that made it obvious to me sega doesnt want to move on completely. i would have preferred they make new original stages but if they HAVE to use past ones, wouldnt it make sense to use adventure stages or something, given the story relevance? man im just so sick of green hill lmao. 
-on top of this, the physics in these stages are pretty bad. so many times ive just blasted off the side for no reason. it feels like these were slapped in last minute or something, like they’re not compatible with the engine. they break up the gameplay pretty awkwardly and i found myself leaving them until i absolutely had to do them
-there’s unfortunately a lot of polish missing from the animations. it’s serviceable and definitely not the worst sonic has had but i noticed quite a lot of snapping/popping. even some of the cutscenes look dull in the character animation
-polish missing from the game performance as well. most egregious were the various pop-ins that people have been pointing out from the very first gameplay footage. it’s pretty ugly sometimes and can make navigation a little awkward. the game functions perfectly fine but i really hope they can get more people/time to add finishing touches like this in their next game. i didn’t get frame drops or anything, but it still didn’t feel quite optimized. it would be really nice to have a sonic game that you can say is all around polished and amazing for once
SO YEAH it’s got jank. it’s a bit experimental and weird. but it also does so much right and its flaws didnt take away from the fact i was having so much fun while playing it. i was immersed, i wanted to see where the story went, i loved how sonic controlled. i loved that there was a clear direction for this game and that it actually felt like it was trying to be something. im just so happy that for the first time in what. 10 years? i came away from a sonic game feeling satisfied and optimistic about where they can go from here ^w^
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balteus · 2 years
im literally so fucking cringe abt this man and his girlfriend-turned-puppet everyone else leave i need to be w my elden ring blorbos for a little bit
So First Of All Dolores' puppet claims she was a knight known for dressing in men's clothes, namely the page set, and god fucking knows I'm a slut for GNC characters in any game but God the page set looks so good too she had the Drip. Second she also might have been the St Trina Fevor whose cookbook Gideon holds and gives to us at one point.... which.... augh.
I also like to think she was at one point a rot follower. I have absolutely no canonical support of this i just think it would be cool. anyways.
So Dolores, St Trina and the Haligtree. We know from cut content St Trina is in fact Miquella, and we know Dolores was likely a priest of St Trina evidenced by the weapon she uses... And Gideon is very interested in learning about where Miquella is. And maybe Dolores knew or believed even Miquella and St Trina were one and the same and they connected over that? And Seluvis captured her before she was able to finish her task. Could she be someone Gideon sent in search of the Haligtree previously?
Another, more angsty possibility I have is that Seluvis and Gideon's "split" was because they were vying for Dolores' affection and Seluvis took her as a result. What if Gideon doesn't know she's a puppet? What if he thinks she's still out there, perhaps on her way to the Haligtree? What if the reason he wants to know about Miquella so bad is because he thinks wherever Miquella is she might be?
This is all me analyzing one (1) item description btw im completely normal about the game and can be trusted around its lore implications.
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hatsgameblog · 2 years
Where do I begin with Tunic? Well, I suppose I should start with what led me to it. I play a lot of Soulslike games, stemming from my enthusiasm for Dark Souls and Elden Ring, and so naturally, I'm always on the lookout for more Soulslikes to try out. Tunic, I found by watching an IronPineapple video series where he reviews typically not well-known Soulslike games, though some more popular games do occasionally make it into the series, much like Tunic did.
His review of Tunic was brief, but it interested me. So I mustered up the $29.99 that the game costs, and jumped right in. You play as a little fox person in an outfit reminiscent of Link from the Legend of Zelda, which makes sense given Legend of Zelda was one of its inspirations. You start off with nothing but the titular tunic on your back, though you're (potentially) quickly introduced to your first weapon: A stick. There's multiple weapons in the game - The stick is a sort of placeholder until (if) you get a sword, and you're able to find magical weapons such as a fire wand, a freezing dagger, a laser gun, a frog-tongue orb, and an hourglass that slows down time for everyone (yourself included).
Now notice how I added in those parentheses. Tunic is a game where there is no linear path, and this includes the acquisition of weapons and items. It's entirely possible to go through the game without ever even acquiring your bog standard sword, and in fact, there's a Steam achievement for Tunic that you get if you find the laser gun before you get a sword. I think the only hard required tool you find in the game is the frog-tongue orb, as otherwise I believe you're unable to reach certain places that you need to go to in order to progress the game (though I could very well be wrong!)
The non-linearity of the game's progress and item acquisition also compliments its story. The story is where Tunic shows the majority of its Souls influence, taking place in a ruined kingdom where lore isn't given to you by NPCs or a narrator, but rather it's pieced together by you based off the context of what you see and do over the course of the game. I won't get into the lore of the game other than to say that it's absolutely enchanting and mystifying, and I deeply appreciated it.
I'm closing in on 100% completion of the game's Steam achievements, but that's largely because I was able to quickly piece together the numerous puzzles that the game puts in your path, which, by the way, are sometimes quite in-depth. It certainly puts your brain to work, which isn't a bad thing. But you can probably 100% the game after casually putting in 25-40 hours, which isn't bad for an indie game developed by a single person.
Last but not least, the music. The music is just plain darn good, which is why I bought the soundtrack, even though it was a bit steeper of a price at $14.99. The soundtrack has 60 individual tracks, though some are short (think around the one-minute mark). But I don't regret buying the soundtrack whatsoever, it's all I've been listening to for the past week or two at this point, so take that as you will.
I'd give Tunic's story a 9 out of 10, the gameplay a 7 out of 10, and the music an 8 out of 10, so I suppose in that case I'd give it an overall 8 out of 10. It's very good, and I highly recommend it. Here's to hoping the developer decides to make DLC for it.
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
Spinning Gold
Elden Ring Fic: Part 1
Morgott/unnamed female tarnished
Warnings: sexual themes, mentions of violence/past trauma, body horror
Summary: After attaining Godhood the tarnished chooses a consort for the benefit of the people. After life starts to fall into place the more intimate details of their arrangement start to set in
Feedback appreciated, 18+. Very sorry if I butcher the lore or the old English speak. I want some sweetness and pining and first love for poor Morgott
Part 2
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When the tarnished restored the elden ring, taking on the mantle of godhood, stepping back into the waiting world of the Lands Between it was expected of her to choose a consort.
With no knowledge of running a kingdom, or the ways of diplomacy, she chose the one who had been running the capital long before she came to the lands.
She chose Morgott, the omen in a twist of fate's dagger not losing his title of King. It was a choice of the people’s benefit, him long accustomed to the position and all the particulars that came with it. His competition for the role had been strongly thinned as of late, as well.
The choice shocked him still. Morgott dedicated his life to the capital and its people so he accepted her choice, even if he thought himself wholly undeserving of such a status.
So they were wed, beneath the smoldering remains of the Erdtree, as God and Lord Consort.
They had left the more carnal duties of their new arrangement for a later time. In truth they were very busy rebuilding the world. The capital was in a state of ruin, the lands surrounding divided and wild in the wake of long neglect.
Not to mention the people suddenly realizing their long-standing ruler and new Lord consort was a curse born omen. It was a fact that was only marginally softened by his ruling having been just and in their best interests.
Now with new laws and the order falling back into place, the omen were low on the people's lists of worry.
As things started to settle into something akin to normalcy the more intimate details of their marriage started to set in. Morgott was whole and truly a stranger to intimacy even in its most simplest forms; and this tiny little tarnished, that would smile so sweetly up to him, would set his heart hammering around in his chest.
The mere implications that marriage set in his mind shot a bolt of apprehensiveness through him whenever they crossed his mind. Even though the union was one of duty there were still things to be expected of them.
It was at dinner that the tarnished finally voiced the silence. Even with their conflicting schedules they tried to make time to dine together.
The tarnished had questioned him about their consummation, causing Morgott to drop his utensil.
He shifted, his end of the table much bigger to accommodate his size, looking over to her. She sat quietly, waiting for his reply.
“Couldst thou repeat thyself, my Lady?” He looked down at his plate as he spoke, voice low. He heard the sound of the chair being pushed out across the polished floor, followed by her steps.
The tarnished closed the distance between them, standing by his chair. Even sitting he towered over her. Morgott turned a bit to look fully at her.
“Things are falling into place now. The Lands Between are healing under the restoration of the Golden Order.” She started, “I was just curious…when his Lordship thought to actualize his consort-ship?”
Yes, he had heard her right. Part of him thought of their business as an excuse for her not to share a bed, and he couldn’t blame her for any reservations. He was an omen, a creature tainted. Why would even a tarnished want to sully herself with one of his kind.
Especially now that his Lady was akin to a god, bright eyes and golden hair that shined like the Erdtree after his Mother Marika’s passing.
“I am…unpracticed in the ways thou speaketh.” He admitted, voice tight.
The tarnished nodded, understanding pooling in her bright eyes as they were cast downwards. “As am I.” She murmured, continuing when he gave her a look that was a mixture of surprise and doubt, “Our lives before gave little time for idle pleasures.”
Morgott gave a soft nod.
“But…” she went on, softly taking his large hand in her own. He stiffened but did not move to pull away. “Time isn’t our most abundant resource as of late, but might we share a bed at least?” Her question was asked quietly, more hidden behind the few simple words.
Morgott regarded her with a long gaze, hiding behind long trained calmness, “What wouldst thou ask of me?”
The tarnished lifted his hand, pressing her cheek softly to the back of it. She looked up at him through her lashes, flashing a sweet smile, “I’m not requesting anything particular, my Lord. Just to share a bed.” Her voice dipped as she pressed a light kiss against his gnarled skin, “And to see where nature takes us.”
Morgott took a breath to steady himself, eyes never leaving her movements as she released her hold of him. He withdrew his hand, still feeling the shadow of her lips.
“Nature harnesses the ability to perform feats of unimaginable horrors, it is not wise to toy with.” His words were guarded.
She smirked, “I've seen the horrors of the Lands Between, I do not fear any of the sorts in our bed.” Adding almost cheekily, “Though I wouldn’t shrink from a challenge.”
He huffed, turning back to his plate, seeing she wasn’t to be spurred away any longer. There was a long silence; the tarnished, ever steadfast, waited patiently for him to speak.
“If thou wisheth.” He finally conceded. The smile that graced the tarnish was not lost on him, though her unwavering infatuation was bewildering. He was an omen, a creature of defilement, but the tarnished never shrank from him. Not to mention he towered over her, the logistics of that alone giving him reservations.
They parted ways, Morgott content to lose himself in work long into darkness that fell over the capital.
Part of him expected her to not be in his chambers, to have come to her senses at some point during the day. But as he pushed the heavy oaken door open, he discovered her waiting for him.
She was almost lost in his oversized bed, a book in her lap to pass the time. The tarnished wore nothing but a thin nightdress, leaving little to imagination.
Morgott swallowed, steading himself before walking forward.
The tarnished closed her book, smiling up to him ever sweet. “Good evening my Lord.” She greeted him, golden hair shining in the amber candlelight.
“Good evening my lady tarnished.” He sat beside her, bed groaning out as he did so.
“Was your work well?” She asked, shifting to her knees to look up at him.
“Agreeable.” He nodded, shifting to lay back against the pillows. The position made him feel extremely vulnerable but brought him down to a much more palatable level to her.
There was a heavy blanket of apprehension falling over the room, a tightness that was gathering in his muscles.
“Thou hath no need to force thineself to share mine bed.” He gave her an easy escape, if she wished for it.
She shifted closer, shaking her head gently, “There is no level of force, I want to.”
But before he could question her, her attention was pulled away by his tail, curling more comfortably onto the bed. He saw her eyes light up at its discovery.
“Can I touch it?” She asked, gesturing to his tail. There was such a level of innocent curiosity to her question that made a chuckle bubble up his throat. Of all the things that lay out before them on the night, his tail was the least of his concerns.
“If it would please ye.” He rumbled, laying back to watch as the tarnished excitedly shuffled closer, eager to fulfill a longstanding desire.
Her fingers brushed over the thick fur, it was surprisingly soft. As her courage grew she dug her fingers gently in, feeling over the horns that grew from it and softly scratching the skin beneath.
Her antics caused the corners of Morgott’s lips to twitch into a smile, the act shedding away some of the building anxieties between them. And it felt good, simply being touched.
“Come here, Lady mine.” Morgott beckoned with a clawed hand.
The tarnished left his tail, the sudden admission of his claim of her causing heat to pool in her core. She crawled closer, leaving him room enough for her next request, “Can his Lordship get more comfortable?”
He paused, processing the question before sitting up. He reached up, pulling the heavy cloak over his horned head, shrugging it off fully to drop over the bedside.
He turned back towards her, laid bare. Her face flushed, not expecting him to wordlessly comply. His body was large, expected of a demigod, lithe muscle and silvery grey fur covering him. The telltale mark of his curse manifested most strongly in the horns that grew haphazardly around his body. It seemed the most problematic ones he had filed down or simply cut off sometime in the past however.
The curse gave him many beastial traits, the fangs, claws and tail easy to spot in passing. But he also sported a furred sheath akin to a wolves, pointed cockhead already peeking out.
The tarnished realized she’d been staring unabashed when Morgott shifted uncomfortably beneath her gaze.
“I don’t want to force his Lordship anymore than you wish to force me.” She looked down, speaking softly. She was unsure if his reservations were born from simple shyness or more serious unwant.
“Thou Lady’s wishes are most surprising, but not wholly unwanted.” He confessed, “Do not misconstrued my apprehension for a lack of want.”
She nodded, his answer quelling doubts from her mind. She moved towards him now, hands finding his skin and making his heartbeat quicken. His heart damn near stopped when she swung her leg over him, sitting down gently in his lap. Her dress pooled around her thighs, gathering on his lower stomach and concealing her entrance from his sight.
He could feel her heat however, just above where it truly wanted to find purchase, his cock sliding to full freedom at the revelation.
“My Lady knew precisely what thy wished when thy behested me so sweetly at thine table.” His voice was almost chiding, large hands finding her thighs as they spread around his hips.
“Perhaps I did.” She teased, teeth flashing.
Amusement shadowed the huskiness of Morgott’s voice, “Then pray tell why thou so coy?”
“His Lordship is a shy short.” She rolled her hips causing a soft moan to slip from his lips. His grip tightened around her, claws threatening to prick skin until he found his restraint. She fell forward slightly, hands bracing over his chest for support.
“Thou,” Morgott swallowed thickly, words becoming hard to formulate, “too adamant for my affections.”
The tarnished raised a hand, cupping his face, “Is it wrong to lust after one’s consort?”
One of his hands slid up from her thigh to her waist, thin material of her night dress bunching up under his claws. He looked at her, eyes searching. His hand traveled ever higher, pulling back to catch her golden hair. His clawed fingers knotted into it, watching as it softly ran through them like starlight.
“If her consort is a wretched creature such as lies beneath thy now…perhaps?” There was an honest sadness tinging his voice, a self loathing oozing from the words.
“I chose you as my consort.” The tarnished pressed, “As my Lord and husband, for as much the people as myself.”
“I've called thee a fool before.” He gave a weak smile.
“An honest fool.”
“A fool all the same.” His voice a whisper as he pulled her down closer. Her lips met his own in a hungry kiss.
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space-blue · 2 years
I just finished "For Always" and immediately knew I had to come back here and gush. I have never played Elden Ring, nor do I really read fanfic, but I saw a hot monster with armor and went "Oh fuck yeah? Sure, why not" and DAMN... The tone, the writing, the fact I could follow what was going on despite never touching the source in my life, seriously *amazing* job. I know what game I'm going to spend all night watching playthroughs of now, haha-- Thanks for the accidental new favorite character!
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Anon, I don't know what to say. This is a pretty S tier compliment and I can only convey so much with my thank yous and homemade memes lol
You're basically me though!! When I saw the Maliketh clip in the first trailer I was like, Oh? Σ(゜ロ゜;)
And then the game dropped and early players got to him and the cutscenes and the way he bounds about the place, just so COOL I needed to know the lore and there was so little, and bam, fell down face first in the rabbit hole. I didn't even play the game!!! I can't!!
I was so disappointed no English fic existed, and so frustrated by the lack of lore answers I just— wrote it myself!!
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But I must admit I'm shocked you managed to enjoy the fic while being this fandom blind! I tried to make things clear, knowing not every reader has the same grasp on lore (and me making my own to boot), but I would assume a lot of details were confusing without background, so colour me impressed. I'm taking your compliments and patting myself on the back with them. I wanted to spread the pubber love, but I didn't expect I'd be making fans for him who didn't already know him!
If you're interested in the lore of the world and don't mind spoiling yourself that way, here are the lore video creators I follow and can recommend : @vaatividya whose channel you'll find here. Definitely your first stop!
Then KiteTales & Flex who have very soothing videos with a bit of an in game detective flair that make them very enjoyable. BanditGames, Arlun Grim, The Ashen Hollow, and for pure gameplay, Shirrako will do very clean boss fights.
Music wise, I'd recommend this, which I wrote a lot to, this, and that.
For walkthroughs without commentary, presenting the areas well, I enjoy Fextralife, but with commentary, I found this smaller youtuber who is enjoyable to listen to. If you are curious about an area of the game and want to capture mood, details, etc, it's a great way to get very specific content. Mind you these people are not going into the game blind, and that's a very different type of experience, I'm sure~
Anyway, I hope you have fun if you stick in the fandom, and no matter what you have my undying gratitude and love for that amazing confidence boost comment I'm totally printing and pasting on top of my desk. Also... If you are really into monsters, let it be known I'm considering writing for Monster May, but it'd be back to the roots with original fiction. I'll post both here and on AO3 anyway.
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halovian · 2 years
good evening morax! :) ive been really happy to see how much youve been enjoying elden ring, i havent gotten to play it myself yet but youre making me really want to! i was wondering, aside from the dark souls/bloodborne fromsoft arpg series, what are some of your other favorite games? do you prefer 3d or 2d usually, and retro or modern? also, do you like hollow knight at all? the dark atmosphere seems like something youd really enjoy! ^-^
Ah, good morning anon! Sorry about the slow response - I've been a bit busy and only just now saw this 💔
But you'd be correct! I am enjoying Elden Ring a lot. Usually with games my attention sort of... Fades away after a few days of obsessively playing, but with ER I'm clocking in around 130 hours and I'm not even remotely done (though getting very close)! I hope you get to play and enjoy it yourself soon ♥️ It's definitely worth it in my opinion :)
As for other games I do tend to prefer 3D modern games - And especially either open world or immersive RPGs tend to get my attention. Aside from Fromsoft games (of which Bloodborne and Elden Ring clock in at my top 3 all time favourite games, I'll admit) I also enjoy Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Genshin Impact (duh), Persona, and Nier. (And I am 100% sure I'm forgetting some, but that's fine.)
And I have certainly heard of Hollow Knight! I do in fact own it - I haven't had the chance to play it yet, but I've watched playthroughs and it is absolutely up my alley. The atmosphere is indeed something I very much enjoy, along with the boss battles and the lore, so I enjoy HK quite a bit ♥️
Now that I'm done rambling about my own interests, though - You've got me curious about your own favourite games since we do share at the very least two games we both enjoy. :)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Will George R.R. Martin Release an Elden Ring Novel Before Winds of Winter?
In a recent press release, Bandai Namco president and CEO Yasuo Miyakawa surprised many by suggesting that the upcoming Elden Ring game may just be the start of what the company hopes could one day be a much larger Elden Ring universe.
“I am very happy and excited to announce the release date of Elden Ring, a new game created by Mr. Miyazaki and Mr. George R.R. Martin, two creators that I truly admire and have a passionate fan base around the world. I am very happy and excited to be able to tell you about it,” Miyakawa says. “We will continue to develop Elden Ring not only as a game but also in a variety of other areas in order to deliver the worldview and charm of this title to our fans around the world. We look forward to your continued support.”
While that statement could easily be taken as the kind of generic thing an executive says whenever they feel like they might have a hit franchise on their hands, it really sounds like Bandai Namco is already committed to expanding the Elden Ring universe (which is probably separate from the Dark Souls universe) beyond the realm of video games.
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Of course, that idea raises the hilarious question: “What if George R.R. Martin actually writes an Elden Ring book before Winds of Winter is released?”
Now, to be very clear, we do not know if George R.R. Martin is working on an Elden Ring book. We also don’t know if there will be an Elden Ring book. Furthermore, there is also some doubt as to whether or not anything related to Elden Ring will actually be released outside of the Elden Ring game. For that matter, Elden Ring could still miss its scheduled January 21, 2022 release date. There are a lot of unknowns still in play.
Having said all of that, it’s not actually all that crazy to think that George R.R. Martin could be working on something related to Elden Ring as part of this multimedia expansion of the game. After all, his involvement with the series so far reportedly focused on crafting the basic lore and premise of the game’s universe, so it feels like he’d be the perfect guy to turn to if you’re looking to expand that lore and universe via multimedia adaptations.
Truth be told, the idea of George R.R. Martin working on some kind of Elden Ring-related book also fits the writer’s M.O. over the last several years. While it’s been roughly ten years since A Dance With Dragons was published, it’s not like Martin has been sitting on his hands during that time. Along with assisting in some capacity on projects like the Game of Thrones series and Elden Ring, Martin has written, published, or edited several smaller works related to the Song of Ice and Fire franchise as well as the Wild Cards series and others.
That’s what makes the prospect of Martin writing an Elden Ring novel (or reference book, short story, or whatever format he may choose) so interesting. While the popular version of the George R.R. Martin narrative since Dance with Dragons was published typically focuses on the fact that the sixth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series (Winds of Winter) still hasn’t been published, Martin has been fairly prolific during that time. It’s just that it almost feels like he’s at this point in his life where he’s more interested in publishing smaller works that expand a universe rather than locking himself in a room and not emerging until Winds of Winter is ready to be printed.
While it’s highly unlikely that Martin is going to abandon Winds of Winter and somehow make Elden Ring the next big fantasy franchise he fully commits himself to, it’s really not that crazy to suggest that Martin could take a detour into something Elden Ring related before that book is published. At the very least, it feels like a near certainty at this point that the Elden Ring game will be released before Winds of Winter is published.
So if you’re someone who was left feeling…unsatisfied with the Game of Thrones HBO series’ controversial final seasons and are still desperately waiting for George R.R. Martin’s next chapter in the fantasy franchise, don’t be too surprised if you see the author’s name on a couple of Elden Ring-related works before you get to read a book that (let’s be honest) may or may not ever come out.
The post Will George R.R. Martin Release an Elden Ring Novel Before Winds of Winter? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2TmOpQW
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thomasroach · 5 years
Top RPG News Of The Week: July 21st (Torchlight II, MHW, New Switch and More!)
The post Top RPG News Of The Week: July 21st (Torchlight II, MHW, New Switch and More!) appeared first on Fextralife.
Happy weekend from Fextralife! If you’ve been too busy to keep up on the latest in the games we cover or are looking for a refresher we’ve got you covered! Here’s a bite-sized version of the Top RPG news of the week. Taste all the latest news across the Fextralife Wiki Network.
Check out the video above and read on for the text!
Valkyrie Anatomia Developer Working on a “Large Scale” RPG
It seems the developers of Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin are working on a new RPG and it is by no means small. In the latest Japanese job listings they are now recruiting for a “New PS4 Game Development Project…”
The job listing also describes the game to be a “large-scaled” RPG and is being developed in Unreal Engine 4 and will start development around August or September.
This title most likely won’t be a next-gen title as it specially states the current Playstation 4 generation. In the past DokiDoki have produced games on mobile and handheld devices, which have included the likes of the Nintendo Switch as well as PS Vita.
For now there isn’t much information on the project title or release date and many details remain a mystery but we’ll keep you up to date as it arises.
To read more about this news find it here in Valkyrie Anatomia Developer Working On A “Large-Scale” RPG According To Job Posts.
Death’s Gambit
Last we heard about Death’s Gambit was in a developer update on Tumblr which outlined some of the progress they were making with a new free DLC. This included upcoming fixes, new abilities and metroidvania upgrades.
Now it looks like they are interested in adding in some combat moves inspired by Sekiro Shadows Die Twice. In a tweet by developer Jean Canellas from White Rabbit, they released a short GIF demonstrating a Perfect Block. This will ultimately change up the way the game is played and could even alter how certain boss fights play out.
In Sekiro, using Block and Deflect attacks will fill the character’s Posture gauge which both enemies and player possess, which adds a further challenge to combat. From the example it looks like it’s affecting a stamina meter, depleting rather than filling up a bar. But the hint of “changes” means there could be more additions coming to Death’s Gambit.
What do you think about Sekiro inspired mechanics being added to Death’s Gambit? What other features do you think would be a good fit for the title? Let us know in the comments below.
To read more about this news find it here in Death’s Gambit Getting Some Sekiro Inspired Moves.
Torchlight II
The isometric action-RPG with dungeon crawler elements Torchlight 2 is coming to Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC on September 3rd.
Bringing a fast-paced world full of monsters, treasures and secrets to unlock. The title is available to adventure through solo or with some friends online with up to 4 players total.
Those who pre-order on all platforms will receive an exclusive pet Yapper. Those on Playstation 4 can gain a Faerie with their pre-orders and Xbox One players will gain a Molten Imp. Switch pre-order bonus to be announced.
Torchlight II is available for pre-order for Playstation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch for $19.99 and will launch on September 3rd.
To read more about this news find it here in Torchlight II Releases On Consoles September 3rd.
Ubisoft will be launching their own subscription based game service later this year and now are unveiling a full list of titles that will available upon launch.
Set to cover 100 different titles from Ubisoft, Uplay+ will have about every game the publisher has to offer. This include the whole catalog of Assassin’s Creed games including Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, as well as newer releases such as Ghost Recon Breakpoint and upcoming God & Monsters.
The subscription service will be launching on September 3rd for PC with the option to download these games to your PC for $14.99 a month. There is a free trial available to sign up for, which will go live September 3rd until the end of month so you can experience the service beforehand.
To read more about this news find it here in Ubisoft Announces Full List Of Games Coming To Uplay+ Subscription Service.
Cyberpunk 2077
Upcoming sci-fi action RPG Cyberunk 2077 is getting its very own lore book which will cover a number of topics about the universe.
CD Projekt Red announce on Twitter through their Cyberpunk 2077 account that there will be a lore book that fans of the game can pre-order. The book is by Dark Horse Comics who have published comics and books covering Stranger Things, American Gods, even The Witcher adult colouring book and more.
The Cyberpunk lore book titled “The Word of Cyberpunk 2077” will contain all you need to know on gangs, characters, weapons you can use and even cybernetics. If you want to get your hands on this title it is currently available to pre-order on Amazon for $39.99 and will be available on 21st April 2020.
To read more about this news find it here in Cyberpunk 2077 Lore Book Announced.
Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter World is celebrating a whopping 13 million units shipped worldwide and giving hunters some Daily Login Bonuses.
Capcom share via the Monster Hunter Twitter account that they have shipped 13 million units worldwide, which hits a rather large milestone. To celebrate they are giving hunters a Daily Login Bonus from July 25th until August 29, that’s 36 days of bonuses.
Daily Login Bonuses will include 1 x Attack Jewel, 13 x Appreciation Ticket, 13 x Silver Egg, 3 x Gold Wyverian Print and 3 x Heavy Armor Sphere.
Monster Hunter World is available to play on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. The first expansion Iceborne will be releasing September 6th. PC version will release sometime in Winter 2019.
To read more about this news find it here in Monster Hunter World Celebrates 13 Million Units With Login Daily Bonus.
Bandai Namco Gamescom 2019 Lineup
Gamescom 2019 will be taking place this August with Bandai Namco attending. Their lineup has been announced which includes upcoming action-RPG Code Vein, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4, The Dark Pictures: Mad of Medan, One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows, Rad and Disney Tsum Tsum.
But you might notice one big absence from this list and it’s the highly anticipated fantasy RPG, a collaboration between FromSoftware Director Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R.R. Martin, Elden Ring.
We have previously explored when the release of Elden Ring may happen, predicting it will be late next year 2020 instead of the usual March or April. The fact that Bandai have not listed Elden Ring among their showcase, could mean that they are not at the stage to show more of this title.
Looks like we will have to wait for TGS 2019 this year for more info or news on Elden Ring. In the meantime you can check out Elden Ring wiki for all the latest information.
To read more about this news find it here in Bandai Namco Announces Gamescom 2019 Lineup With No Elden Ring.
Nintendo Switch
Last week Nintendo unveiled a brand new Switch model, the Switch Lite. However, there has now been news that a new model with an improved battery life is underway.
The new model called HAC-001 will feature a longer battery life, extending gameplay up to two hours more. This means the Switch will have an uptime between 4.5 to 9 hours. The current Switch model has between 2.5 to 6.5 hours and the Switch Lite has 3 to 7 hours.
According to the Nintendo’s Switch Product page, players will be able to play Breath of the Wild on the go for 5.5 hours. Nintendo have not officially released details about how they have extended the battery life, but according to the Switch Lite model, the battery life was improved due to more efficient chip layout so this could be the same deal.
This particular Switch model is predicted to launch in August and Europe beginning of September. The Nintendo Switch Lite will be launching on September 20th for $200.
To read more about this news find it here in Nintendo Announces New Switch Model With Better Battery Life.
Moonlight DLC Between Dimensions Releases July 23rd
11 Bit Studios announced a new DLC for action shopkeeper RPG Moonlighter, which will be getting the Between Dimensions DLC this July.
The new DLC follows a story of a new Portal that mysteriously appears out of nowhere. Whether it comes in peace or if you can use it to make a profit is still uncertain. Should you enter this cryptic Portal and venture into the unknown?
The DLC Between Dimensions is the largest expansion Moonlighter has so far. It also extends the main experience which includes filling current dungeons with new creatures, mini bosses, new weapons but also new shop items and rings.
The DLC sets to include 10 unique weapons, new shops upgrades, new customers and additional story.
Moonlighter – Between Dimensions DLC will release on PC on July 23rd via Steam and consoles at a later date.
To read more about this news find it here in Moonlight DLC Between Dimensions Releases July 23rd For PC; Consoles Coming Later.
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The post Top RPG News Of The Week: July 21st (Torchlight II, MHW, New Switch and More!) appeared first on Fextralife.
Top RPG News Of The Week: July 21st (Torchlight II, MHW, New Switch and More!) published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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