emeraldsubliminals · 6 months
Success story with proof!
i swear no method is the best manifesting method cause tell me why two years after a friend did something really messed up to me and avoided any contact just suddenly texts me to apologize, i thought she would’ve apologized on a date significant like my birthday or whatever, not a random Saturday.
enough ranting, all I did was :
yesterday i was having a rough time, and when i'm upset i end up overthinking my entire life ,even though i barely think about her normally, so i decided to attempt to manifest an apology for some closure, literally the first day i decide to manifest this, she does!
every time I thought about her/ got reminded of her by something, Id act as if she’d already apologized, just remind myself that it was dumb of me to even care anymore eg.
“I don’t care, she already apologized anyway.”
even though she hadn’t even attempted an apology., if your wondering why I wanted an apology just to not be friends with her again, it was nice to hear about how she’s doing and just hearing she thought about me brang me comfort yk? (Also the fact that she texted at exactly 2:22??)
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YOU DONT NEED ALL THOSE FANCY METHODS TO MANIFEST!!! All you need is a proper mindset and attitude, you don’t need to constantly repeat affirmations, you just have to affirm whenever you think about what you desire, all you need is to pretend you got results.
e.g. , looking in the mirror and realizing you ‘ dont ’ have those big lips you’ve been desiring, just remind yourself that you don’t care since you’ve already got big lips no matter what the 3D shows you.
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emeraldsubliminals · 8 days
do you think manifesting a fictional character to be real here is possible? like not someone *like* them but *actually* them? (i know about shifting but i want them to be real in this reality too)
so sorry i didn’t see this!
i don’t know much about shifting as that personally isn’t my thing, but i totally think you can manifest them with some limitations, i mean you obviously can’t manifest a 2D character to life but you could manifest someone with the same traits and appearance but as a human, and for characters played by actors i’m sure you could manifest a doppelganger with the character traits, someone’s probably already attempted this so it’d be good to try and find a post like that.
honestly though i personally wouldn’t try manifesting a legitimate 2D character because i’m too paranoid and would be scared i’d end up hallucinating or something
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emeraldsubliminals · 6 months
the one thing I hate about being a subliminal creator is making the affirmations cause tell me why I’m spending 3 hours on thinking and wording the affirmations just for it to be like 40 affirmations and end up being a 2 minute long video that barely gets views!! (◞‸◟)
(But it all ends up worth it because of the results!!)
my channel
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