#even though their storyline was so fucking boring like 😭
the amount of things I pretended to care about on riverdale tumblr woah
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liaa--qb · 19 days
do you think that team black Stans takes this hotd war topic too much And They are very much hypocrite ?? I was new in this fandom and stand with team black. I hate to say this many of them spoil whole fun on Twitter debate.I have seen their jealousy alot at Aemond getting more attention than some of their characters by audience.They made stories about him like he r@ped Alys.They would have hated daeron if he was there since first season lmao. What's your take on team black stans. Don't mistake me as a Aemond wife. I am against team green but admitting I kinda liked his character only as villian. Helaena is the only person I love in team green
EXACTLY ! This..... EXACTLY this.. see firstly m not a team supporter or stan here. I am just enjoying d show till it's tolerable😅. I just want a good show dat's it. I am not on Twitter thankfully, I am well aware what goes on there n you can hate Aemond all u want. He's a villian ofcourse 🙏🏻
Fire and blood was boring but show has chance to be better atleast though if they ever want to try😑... Regarding ur take , it's gonna be bit long now as I don't do this long stuff unless it's a fic😭
lemme tell the truth now.... ik many dumb ones are not gonna like it 😂
yes there are majority of hypocrite team black Stans who would make up these bullshits mainly with Aemond like "they gave Jace's qualities to Aemond, Aemond r*ped Alys". Jace's one was the most random 😂
bitch... like where you thought after reading the book n watching show that they gave Jace's qualities to Aemond 💀😭 ??? Where... I read the book too😂. My friends who actually introduced me to hotd who are book purists too , even they laughed on this theory when I told them.
" Jace and Aegon were adapted exactly the way they were in the books ! " It's a fact Listen I love Tom Glynn Carney too (like how can you not🥵) but sorry to those Aegon girlies who were just saying that they forcefully made Aegon a r*pist. He was like this in the book very much. They both were shown correctly how they should have been in s1.
Both green and blacks were given some good and bad shots equally in show. Bad n good shots for God's sake doesn't mean one is Angel and other one being devil. It's about writing or storyline regarding both teams. N this whole jealousy or hypocrisy towards Aemond of some team black stans is nothing but a childish stupidity to me and it's obvious that Aemond would get alot attention in show than many N y not ? 🤦🏻‍♀️
[ top 3 characters from both teams will get attention. Show will be divided into two teams from Team black it's Rhaenyra, Daemon , Colrys n (someone with corlys) who would be focused more N from team Green it would Alicent, Aegon, Aemond. Majority of Attention would be given to Rhaenyra, Alicent n Aegon as they are main 3 . It should be very much clear to every person who read the book , to me it was as I read only after watching the S1 trailer. Wasn't this very much obvious in the book. ]
Also Aemond never r*ped or assaulted Alys in the book. We never got inside of their relationship in book. He can in the show though🤷🏻‍♀️.... if makers want to. He took her as war prize which was very much common for every guy winning war.
Honestly Alys was far yrs older fucking powerful witch😭 she would eat Aemond alive be fr if she wanted to. She would have killed him way easily in starting itself . Yes there relationship was problematic n it was power imbalance both sides. They both were using each other. Aemond was clearly under her spell or either for her powers and so was Alys. Who was taking her best from Aemond's position whatever she could get from both sides.
If Grrm lit wanted to show that Aemond r*ped Alys he would have done it very well like he does this with his all other characters who were actually r@pists but he didn't. On the contrary side he wrote Aemond as evil goth twink who never wanted to scare the ladies at court n wore eye patch bcz of that😂. Same guy was making out with his floris and fell hard under spell of strong bastard witch calling her 'my lady !'
Let me clear that also Aemond not being a r@pist doesn't make him a less bad person either. He was a sadist tyrant n murderer psychopath in book. This is what made him a villian or bad guy. But the problem with some team black Stans is that they knew that audience will start giving him the ' typical Kylo ren' treatment which he's getting. ( Idk how one cannot see this coming after reading dance of d in FNB, it was very much predicted I knew it). They don't want to give any good points to any team green characters in their silly game. Like as if audience don't hype bad guys more than good guys😑.
Same way when same audience hyped Daemon more than Harwin then they don't have any problem but if audience likes Aemond n Daeron more than team black kids then their ass hate to see this n would write whole new made up reasons for not to like any team green member while cheering any other character which they like for same thing.
Funny thing is that many team black daemon lovers would write how he was right man, he killed all r*pist from city while this is the same daemon who fucks literally little girls who are prostitutes n loves it which is very much written in book. Ofcourse mysaria was with him since her childhood. As prostitutes have no other options. Taking prince like daemon and Aegon was better for their survival.
He is canon p*dophile in book but yes if Aemond is r@pist then Daemon's account of doing r@pe is way higher than Aemond even before when Aemond was born. Now why would those black Stans admit this ? 😂 never....... Believe me when I say that some of them are that level of jokers who would say that Maegor is good and daeron is bad just because he is from team green.
I really like daemon too n daemon had his bad qualities n good qualities both 🧡atleast I like the way he is . It clearly shows that some Stans they cannot even like or hate the character for what they are. They are dumbass kids watching some cartoon fight with two team. They just want to hate one team for any reason n like other team for any random reason
Mind you....many of them even hate Helaena unnecessary but same time would love Laena and for what ????🤡🤡
what I hated regarding Aemond in show :-
now things I accept that Aemond not killing Luce was very much wrong and I hated that too. Because it was not good for plot tbh for me. It's just messing up with already messed up world building. Aemond as a villian got a very much reason to Luce n y should he not ? now that's thing I genuinely think that was done wrong regarding Aemond's character, people hating it is very much justified because it very much makes luc's death stupid rather than sad.
But making up reasons like they gave everything to Aemond like they didn't made Aemond totally bad during drift mark scene as we get sympathy for rhaena n we understood her reason for being angry on Aemond atleast n Aemond insulting her. but in books it's lit Nyra's kids who were not minding their own business n Aemond was just beating them n throwing them far away from him instead of killing them with rock like in the show but ofcourse this wasn't visible to team black Stans. Because in the book honestly Aemond was very much correct during drift mark scene.
They removed viserys's taunting Aemond regarding dragon which was very important.
They showed Harwin beating Criston but we all know it was Criston who took both Harwin and Daemon easily and so many of I started to count regarding team green were done equally wrong.
just see the dumbness and hyporcrisy I once saw Darkling and rhys Stans saying bullshit about Aegon and Aemond 😂😂. Same Darkling who physically assaulted Alina, abused her. The one who gave little girls like Genya to get r@ped by the old hag king for his benefit n
the way LB wrote him I can very say that she hated him as well. And Rhys is whole another level bullshit 😂if started to write. They were not even a good written bad guys. These same idiots would typing whole ass reasons to like them. It's funny that Darkling supporters would hate Otto hightower as if they aren't the same thing 🤣. Otto slays more as compared Darkling.
many of them pretend to care about representation saying that 'Jace should not have Sara n it would hurt baela n would make her unwanted ' while same time giving thousand reasons of there was nothing bet Nettles and Daemon so that it would not harm their Daemyra. So many of them were happy when there wasn't any news regarding nettles. ( It's not only team black , many of team green stans r equally hypocrite here you asked me of team black )
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thegreymoon · 2 months
The Story of Minglan
I've been fighting off a monster of a headache all day with copious amounts of coffee but that could only go so far and I had to take painkillers in the end, so I am now in a drug-induced happy haze, very ready to bask in happy feels and root for the OTP 🖤
I love how he sees the real her.
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Qi Heng only ever saw her public face, Liang Han also never realised her true character and thought she was obedient and boring. I think He Hongwen came the closest to understanding her, but he is nowhere close to being her intellectual equal. She would have run circles around him and though her life might have been peaceful at his side (though with that family of his, even this is doubtful), it would never have been as fulfilling as it will be with a man who can match her.
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LMAO, if he keeps this up, she really will smack him 🤣🤣
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He's just lucky he's so cute.
LOL, deserved 💪💪
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I still maintain he should have approached her directly.
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(With that said, as much as I despise Qi Heng, this actor is crazy beautiful and he is really tempting me to watch Guardian at long last 😭😭)
LOL, it is not fate.
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It is your shitty classism, ego and garbage behaviour.
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Oh, shut up.
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I am still mad about him suggesting that brain-dead plan to kidnap the princess and get all their families executed for it.
Also, he is a liar.
He revealed just now that he had decided to marry Minglan after she gave him advice on Rongjie. That was after he saved her from the pirates. It was before the whole Prince Yan disaster. This either means that this storyline is inconsistent or that he never actually intended to follow through with what he was offering. He expected Qi Heng to turn him down just so that he could go, "BuT i tRiEd tO HeLp yOu!" and absolve himself of guilt for backstabbing a peer because even then he knew that he would be going after Minglan himself. Honestly, I actually like this interpretation better than him being genuine in his offer, but it is still unnecessary. Qi Heng renounced all claim to Minglan when he married another woman. Gu Tingye owed and still owes him nothing.
Minglan is a whole-ass human person with her own agency, thoughts and feelings. She is not a leftover piece of pizza you can call dibs on. Qi Heng had his chance, the best chance of all her suitors because she actually liked him, and he blew it. Minglan wouldn't take him now if he was the last man on Earth.
LMAO, yes, tear him a new one, Tingye!
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Yes, Qi Heng, either shit or get off the pot.
The nerve of him.
The self-serving selfishness.
Both he and his evil mother need to be taken down several pegs.
It is called having 🌟self-respect🌟
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I love Minglan, she has a spine of steel and a very long memory. She neither forgets nor forgives her grudges.
LMAO, end him, queen 😂😂
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I love Xiaotao 💙
Perfect 🤗
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booksandpaperss · 7 months
kind of obsessed with the fact you've slowly gotten more blatant with heartstopper hate lmfao😭 it's like. fine to me it's cute but NOTHING SERIOUS IS EVER GOING ON so I gotta be in a really specific mood for it I still haven't watched s2. definitely couldn't be a fixation. and everyone fucking loves it it's the best thing since sliced bread and I'm like. why tho. and then any critique of it is sorta dumbed down to "oh you just don't like how sweet it is but teenagers deserve sweet romance" like ok but why's it gotta be boring though. and too healthy like beyond normal levels of healthy. like this is missing even the usual human levels of miscommunication. and it gets resolved too easy. sorry this was supposed to cut off 4 sentences ago I'm realizing now in your inbox that I apparently have beef with heartstopper
LKSSJJSJS LISTEN listen. I don’t even hate it. truly. I even genuinely enjoyed myself during the nick and Charlie parts bc that’s the part that thought is actually put into. I just hate how much everyone loves it so blindly
honestly my biggest beef with it is that it’s marketed and treated as the most genuine and diverse groundbreaking queer storyline there is when that’s literally so far from true and it really really shows ppls true colors when they think this bc the sapphics and POC are literal props it’s actually absurd for a show that’s supposed to be a safe space for queer ppl
and god do I hate that part of the reason it’s so popular is bc it portrays these queer teenagers as never having a single, physical thought in their entire life. there was this whole plot centered around one single hickey that Charlie had??? and something abt the physical attraction portion of it all, which they did try to show btw, felt disingenuous to me. and I know that’s why it’s so palatable to a mainstream audience and it pisses me off and again it just doesn’t feel genuine. which is ironically one of the main arguments against heartstopper criticism: “it’s not cringe it’s just earnest” when yeah maybe it’s Trying to be earnest but when u look at it from more than a surface level lens it’s not rlly succeeding
and I know the aroace storyline in season 2 with Isaac resonated with a lot of people and I think that’s wonderful, and I actually do think that was something that was done well, but how can you have a storyline around asexuality when you don’t show the contrast in how it is being an allosexual queer person. there was a whole lot of romantic attraction going on but even more tip toeing around the sexual attraction aspect. and I don’t expect it to be like sex education for example in terms of the focus on sex obv , but the lack of acknowledgment of that aspect of the queer experience paired with how much the uwu wholesomeness of it all is played up rlly rubs me the wrong way. once again: it feels dishonest
I was actually talking about this with one of my mutuals the other day and they pointed out that it is very plain that alice olseman did not consult a single queer man in the writers room. and if someone can prove this wrong be my guest but I rlly don’t think the whole physical attraction component would have been done so badly had an actual queer man been on the team. feels kind of like back in summer 2022 when byler shippers would literally shun and harass anyone who even implied that Will’s feelings for Mike probably included physical attraction meanwhile Noah Schnapp himself was making jokes about it bc he’s an actual gay teenager.
not gonna even get into right now how Tara and darcy felt even more like props this season than in the last one and I didn’t even like watching their scenes bc the writing itself felt performative. that’s a whole other post.
and man, wouldn’t it have been so nice if there had actually been people of color in that writers room. On a purely surface level heartstopper has a very diverse cast but once again, peel away even one layer and you realize it’s a bunch of tokenism, which brings me full circle back to my original point: you can’t say it’s peak representation and diversity when it’s whitewashed as hell and doesn’t gaf abt sapphics despite literally being written by one. guess she chose her whiteness over her queerness even when writing a queer story which wowwww sooooo original.
okayyyy anyways did NOT mean to write a whole essay but u discovering ur own beef reminded me of mine lmaooo
all of this was to say that basically I’m not gonna pretend I didn’t enjoy myself during parts of the show, and I don’t wanna shame ppl for liking it that is not at all what I’m trying to do here, it has its own place in queer media and if a show like this came out in like 2010 it would be groundbreaking despite its issues (but again it’s literally 2023 do fucking better) , but I take issue with people treating it like something it’s not and with the amount of love it gets I feel like I have to be really loud about my criticism of it, especially bc usually the criticism of the show that gets any attention isn’t even slandering it for the right reasons and like. if ur gonna hate on something queer and popular do it right
oh and heartstopper writers? maybe try speaking with an actual teenager once in your life before writing their dialogue they do not fucking communicate that well
okay I’m done now finally 🫡
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tomiyeee · 1 year
possible spoilers for the gamefor anyone who hasnt played(?):
Yo if the boys decided to travel teyvat would they follow the traveller's initial storyline? Except with a bit of a canon diversion? Would they pull a traveller and go through every nation? I like to think when the turtle bros get to sumeru Donnie is straight up staying at the akademiya, no one can get him out. I'm also interested on how their reactions would be to overworld bosses. Most importantly
Whos the best at windtrace between all of them?
(Zamn I just dropped so much uhhh sorry I think I fried my brain a lil😵‍💫)
unfortunately, i've never tried windtrace so i have no idea 😭 i think they had it during the hiatus i took from the game jdsklfjdslk. sorry!
as for the other questions though.. (putting under a cut so this post isn't too long for non-genshin followers)
i'm not sure if they'd have much reason to visit every nation, since in my AU at least, they are basically just like regular teyvat citizens. i do think that donnie would particularly be drawn to sumeru and (from what i know) fontaine bc of the technological advancements. i might actually try to incorporate elements from those into his design cuz he totally would take inspiration from their tech (wonder if the purple dragons would be from either of those nations? 🤔). mikey would also probably really enjoy doing adventure guild commissions in sumeru bc like. some of them are literally "bounce on some mushrooms" or "play whack-a-mole". you can't tell me those wouldn't be his absolute favorites to do. and i think they'd all be at least a little bit interested in visiting inazuma to learn about splinter's history and where he grew up, since he moved to mondstadt to raise the boys :O
the bit about the bosses though is kinda funny jfkdsljf imagine raph just desperately trying to keep his brothers shielded through azhdaha and geovishap attacks 😂 i think they'd all have pretty good synergy with each other to get through fights with relative ease, but they definitely would get bored while grinding and start to fuck around at some point. mikey def would try to make friends with some of the enemies and it probably almost works on some of the more sentient ones, even if all it does is baffle them enough to stop attacking temporarily.
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juneviews · 9 months
omg I saw your post about the jungle and I have to rant because I’m so conflicted! On the one hand it has some of my favs in it and so I want to adore it, but on the other hand the whole thing is just MESSY. And from what I’ve heard of the source material, they’ve stuck to it super closely including dedicating a chapter/episode to each character and I think it’s that (plus the really underwhelming production values) that’s bothering me the most. As far as I’m aware there’s no overarching storyline and so it comes across as a series of short stories set in the same place. I also do recognise though that the actor schedules were also apparently really difficult to work around, and that’s probably affected the series in regards to scenes with the full or most of the cast.
Having said all that, I’ve definitely seen A LOT worse from gmmtv even in recent years and I keep reminding myself that at least it’s messy in a fun, sexy way rather than completely bland (apart from leemook which broke my heart because I was looking forward to seeing them together again). For example if I go by series this year, UMG looked beautiful and was acted well but was horrifically boring, double savage almost tried to market itself as a pseudo bl with perth and ohm and was tedious to get through, I couldn’t get past the first episode of loneliness society and I wasn’t enamoured with 10yt except for view and off. And that’s not me even touching on some of the underwhelming bls.
Also I am trying to keep the faith and have hope because I feel there’s been a drastic improvement from episode 1 to episode 6 and that scene with the twins fighting each other in the parking lot in particular was so good and such an amazing performance from Nanon who apparently worked for 6 hours shooting it and I commend him going so hard for something as unserious as this
okay so first of all I agree with mostly everything you said in this post! I didn't even know the show was adapted from an original material, now the one episode per character makes much more sense! but yeah the lack of overarching material IS an issue, but on top of that the writing is so bad?? from the shows you've mentioned I've only seen 10yt & loneliness society, which I both liked enough & personally I think the writing for these shows is MILES better than for the jungle. I agree that ep 6 was the best episode so far, and it's down to nanon's AMAZING performance & also his great chemistry with mild, but all of that could not cover how SHIT the writing was this ep. nithan is DISAPPOINTED that naannam does a no show to her engagement ceremony EVEN THOUGH she now believes him to be a cheater and a MURDERER??? then he shows up & SHE'S HAPPY???? then the real naannam arrives & professes his love without clearing the air once & telling her the truth AND SHE STILL ACCEPTS TO BE WITH HIM?????? the twins make up OUT OF NOWHERE??? and say they love each other OUT OF NOWHERE???? in fact, I was so confused as to which twin was who until I watched this latest ep, and believe we shouldn't have known of naanfah existence at all until the reveal to punpun's character so WE'D BE SHOCKED TOO!!! yes that would've been a cliche plot twist, but at least there would have BEEN a plot twist! I just cannot, tbh. it's giving the three gentlebros level of writing but with even less screen time & I actually liked t3gb bc it was a silly surface level romcom whereas this does not want to be one but most absolutely is. the dichotomy is killing me I fucking hate it here 😭
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celiastjamesoscar · 5 months
Oh, I'll 100% get it. It only took me a weekend to beat it the first time, so I'll have no problem doing that again. And last time I even worked so I didn't just play for 3 days straight, I was forced to stop. This time I'll be more prepared. I will upgrade my shotgun or whatever to get the explosive bullets or shells or whatever. I didn't do that the first time. I regretted it... I was not prepared for the Rat King at all. I'll play it and give you a full detailed report! I think everyone assumed Slytherin would be the house and were mad when it wasn't. My house is Ravenclaw which is why I chose it first and then I'm also a Slytherin, so I want it to be second. Then Gryffindor gets the most side quests. Hufflepuff really just has a super short quest to Azkaban, they got nothing else to offer. I think a full game where you have to do the Goblet of Fire sounds like it would be awesome, that's what I want.
I never even finished the book. Hell, I couldn't finish the movie. I tried to watch it like times. I was so bored. Ended up just using SparkNotes or something like that to learn everything. The other half of the class got to read Harry Potter (Goblet of Fire aka my favorite HP movie) which at least I would have seen the movie for that. Never read any of those books though.
I can think of 2 times recently where I've willingly asked someone where something was. One was 3 years ago, I asked a Target employee if they had any of the Danny Phantom Funko Pops (they were a NYCC exclusive, and I missed the online drop). It took me like 10 minutes to ask him though. Then last year, I asked a Walmart employee (I think) where the covid tests were cause I couldn't find them to save my life. There might be more but those are the only 2 that come to mind.
Only taking a weekend to beat the storyline is hella impressive. It took me about 3 months because I was so upset about Joel. Now that we know what we are getting into, it won’t be so bad. SEEING THE RATKING FOR THE FIRST TIME WAS ACTUALLY TRAUMATIZING 😭😭 i literally screamed “what the fuck is that?!?” You will definitely have to give me a full report, I am expecting it! I mean, Slytherin is associated with all things evil, so I also thought it would get to go there. The goblet of fire sounds so cool!!! I really hope it is a DLC at some point, it would make the game so much better
I don’t blame you for not being able to finish the book or the movie. SparkNotes is the best thing to ever be created. Goblet of Fire is amazing movie too, one of the best HP movies
Asking store employees where to find something is so embarrassing for no reason. Those funko pops being exclusive to NYCC is actually evil. Walmart literally hides those covid tests though 😭 they are so hard to find
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nia26 · 1 year
My thoughts live reacting to gmmtv 2023 mock trailers and long gmmtv rant:
- THE INTEREST : I don’t really care for Bright but this type of role fits him best. The trailer was shot beautifully but I’m over these creditor/debtor storylines very basic and overdone. Depending on how the official trailer looks I might watch
-BEAUTY NEWBIE : 98% chance I won’t be watching this one. I haven’t heard of the Korean original but it looks like a commentary on beauty standards but done in a non-critical performative way that is already overdone. I don’t know who the lead actress is but I probably would’ve checked this out if Great and Fah were the leads instead.
-OUR SKYY 2: 100% won’t be watching this 😭 All of the original shows I dropped early, never watched, and wont ever be going back to watch 💀 I don’t have any attachment to these stories, characters, or ships to even invest my time and watch this.
-MIDNIGHT MUSEUM: Most likely will watch this 👀 I love dark fantasy so I’m interested to see what this entails. There’s also some strong actors/my favs in this Gun, Tor, Foei, and Namtan. The premise and actors definitely sparked my interest. I need to see who will be the director and screenwriter.
-THE JUNGLE: 100% won’t be watching this 😭 I think this is the same team that did ps I hate you but this one looks way less interesting. Gmmtv didn’t add subs either so maybe I would’ve been more intrigued if I knew what was happening idk 😂
-DANGEROUS ROMANCE: This surprisingly sparked my interest 😭 but this definitely looks like gmmtv trying to have another bad buddy moment but make it kinda “darker/mature” I guess idk 🙄? I think PerthChimon look cute together and from what I’ve seen from them they are pretty good actors (two things which will probably carry this show just like OhmNanon did with bad buddy). I will most likely check this out when it airs.
-FACELESS LOVE: I will not be watching this. Nothing about it got my interest at all. The cgi looks silly and just overall a boring premise.
-ONLY FRIENDS: OH I ABSOLUTELY WILL BE WATCHING THIS! Seated front row with popcorn and extra butter. A messy gay ass group of friend all fucking each other’s boyfriends, one sided crushes, sex tapes, fwb, and whole bunch of other debauchery oh yes. And gmmtv’s legendary, iconic, messy gay director jojo is of course the mastermind. Need this on my screen January 1st at midnight.
-LONELINESS SOCIETY : This looks like a cute and funny romcom. They spoiled the whole show in the trailer but I will still watch. I already like Joss and Jan but these new faces really got me interested. I’m interested in all the characters and all three couples storylines but I will probably enjoy the silly gullible family most. I will definitely be seated
-LAST TWILIGHT : This one looks cute. Queer media with lead characters that have an impairment/disability are rare so I’m glad it’s represented here. I’m nervous though cause I dropped Vice versa so hopefully this show has a better screen writer. I will definitely check this out
-WEDNESDAY CLUB: This is a less interesting hetero version of only friends mixed with the college version of the jungle idk 😭 I wanted to like it cause it’s about a messy, backstabbing, friend group which I eat up but it just fell flat idk. I don’t think it’s messy or fucked up enough for me especially after watching the only friends trailer. If the official trailer looks better I might check it out
-COOKING CRUSH: Will not be watching this. Trailer was boring. Thai cooking dramas having always been a snoozefest to me also this is 10 steps back for OffGun after their mature show Not Me. Also how they gonna have Apple in this and not make her a lesbian and it looks like she dies also? 😒
-The show with Dew and Prim kinda looks cute but the story isnt interesting enough to be invested in. If the screenwriter adds something unique to the plot I might check it out
- 23.5: This looks really cute! gmmtv is finally producing a gl so of course I’m seated. I’m mad though cause they could’ve had another gl side couple instead of a bl side couple but baby steps I guess 😒
-HIDDEN AGENDA: I’m definitely way more interested in the side characters and side couples than joongdunk and their storyline. I will likely check this out for everyone but the main pair 😬
-DOUBLE SAVAGE: This looks interesting 👀 I’m not sure what happened to cause all this family drama (murder?) but I like it. Strong actors Ohm, Perth, Foei, and Film so that’s even better. I’m worried tho cause this kinda looks similar to 10 years ticket so hopefully this ain’t a recycled storyline. If the official trailer shows more of the plot I will definitely watch.
-FIND YOURSELF: Wont be watching this. The trailer did nothing for me very boring. Gmmtv’s other age gap romcom trailer Loneliness Society was more interesting, cute, and funny to me.
-A BOSS AND A BABE: This was cute. Gmmtv needed to give ForceBook a redemption cause they really dropped the ball with Enchanté. I’m really rooting for this to be good cause ForceBook are cute together and can act. Boss/employee trope is basic and overdone but hopefully they have a good screenwriter and director to make things interesting. I will definitely be watching.
-ENIGMA: This looks interesting. I like the dark supernatural thriller genre. Also, the makers of The Gifted and F4 are behind this so it will definitely be well produced with a good storyline. However, I don’t know if Win and Prim can pull off these types of roles . Them as leads doesn’t make me want to watch unfortunately, but I will try and look past that and check it out cause I know the story will probably be really good
The shows I’m most excited for and will 100% be seated for are 23.5 and Only Friends.
The shows that I’m interested in and will most likely be watching are: Midnight museum, Dangerous romance, Loneliness Society, Last twilight, A boss and a babe.
The shows I’m kinda interested in but I need to see the final official trailer to determine if I want to watch or not are: Enigma, Double Savage, Hidden Agenda, The Interest, Wednesday Club.
Everything else I’m not really interested in watching (unless changes are made) or I don’t want to watch at all.
Overall, gmmtv 2023 trailers were underwhelming and same old same old. Only 2 out of the 18 trailers really got me excited. Gmmtv also lied about next year being “diverse”. I wouldn’t even consider 23.5 a gl cause there’s still a bl couple in there when they easily could’ve made them a gl couple or even better multiple gl couples. Everything else is just hetero and BLs like every year with the same faces/couples we saw this year. Also majority of the shows are still centered around school, a couple office romances, and similar/recycled storylines.
I think Mama Gogo was the only gmmtv series this year I finished and liked all the way through. Everything else I ended up not liking, dropped or didn’t watch at all. I fear I might be disappointed next year with gmmtv like I was this year. I know Only Friends won’t disappoint me cause Jojo is behind it but everything else I’m not sure.
Also, I think it’s so dumb gmmtv announces so many series for the next year knowing they can’t release all of them cause they still need to air half of the series they announce for the current year that will get pushed to next year. Unless gmmtv airs like 3-4 shows everyday more than half of gmmtv 2023 shows won’t be aired until 2024 cause they still got like 5-7 gmmtv 2022 series that will air in 2023. That’s another reason why gmmtv 2022 shows weren’t that good cause they have to rush and push these shows out.
Someone made a good point on Twitter saying “gmmtv aren’t willing to try or test new because their redundancy is constantly rewarded. Why try to make something new when they know they can get us to eat the same thing they already know how to make. Gmmtv loves low effort stakes and we reward them for it.” It sucks that gmmtv follows the same formula every year but fans eat up their mediocrity so they really don’t have a reason to change.
Anyways I hope 23.5 and Only Friends are released early next year but I know that’s not gonna happen 😭
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etherealfroggy · 2 years
So I got home from school yesterday and binged almost the whole season. I stopped halfway through episode 6 cos I had to go to bed but I wanted to share my thoughts so far. SPOILERS AHEAD!!
1. Episode 4 is by far my favourite episode. I've fallen in love with Max this season. And that last sequence about friendship and her realising how loved and wanted she is and just running desperately to the friends she had been running AWAY from all this time was so so beautiful I was BALLINGGGG like real crying lmao. And it resonates so much with me as someone who has dealt with mental health issues. I don't know if I'll ever recover cause I keep replaying that scene in my head. Sadie Sink is amazing and I will be adding "Running Up That Hill" to my liked songs.
2. I think my favorite storyline is definitely the Creel House storyline. I like the gang and they have the most "mystery-solving season one" kind of vibe so I like them the most. Also they're the only ones in Hawkins which will always be my favorite place!
3. El's storyline follows closely behind though. I love her so much and it's so interesting finding out her past and I'm scared of what we'll find but I'm also intrigued and I can't wait for her to work though all these memories and get her powers back.
5. Murray and Joyce are bad ass as well. Glad Murray got to have his karate chop moment in the spotlight lmao
6. I love Argyle (as expected) and I love the dynamic he has going with Jonathan. They're hilarious and their commentary after the roller rink incident was just amazing to watch. I love the actors.
7. So very disappointed in Byler :( I'm still holding onto hope but there's only three and a half episodes of the last season and they haven't hinted to it enough or in a well-enough-executed way. No hints that Mike might like Will back apart from their weird reunion at the airport and the moments where they show Will pining for Mike don't feel natural. Their dynamic is so off and honestly really boring and I hate to admit that. Just Will supporting Mike and nothing else. It's all Will has been doing this whole season and it makes me so mad.
I really hope they don't mess this up. It looks like they might be going down the "unrequited" road or even if they're going for Byler i'm scared its going to be badly executed :( Idk...just feeling like whatever happens I won't like it. I would rather have no byler/will liking mike than have it done badly. Fingers crossed though - maybe they can salvage it in the last episodes.
8. On the same note of Will this season...doubly disappointed. I feel like he has nothing to do again except even worse. Like...all he does is give emotional support to El and Mike and that's it?? They haven't really made it clear how he might be pining over Mike so it really looks like he has nothing personally going on for him. He's my favorite character and the one I was most excited to see really thrive this season. I thought they would give him a chance in the spotlight or at least make him relevant again but NO. Nothing as of now :( And it's really bad because they found a way to handle all the other characters pretty well even though I feared the cast was too large. Fucking Chrissie had more going on for her than William😭
9. I think the California gang is lacking in general honestly. I like Argyle and Jonathan's dynamic and that one-shot shooting sequence was cool but its the most boring storyline this season. I don't really find it interesting tbh and it really sucks not to but oh well🤷
If anyone wants to give their thoughts, feel free - I would really love some reassurance in Byler if there is any😭 I was so sure it was gonna happen this season but so far...it's been a letdown.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
No the song was not GOOD I mean have you heard the original?! It's hilariously bad so the Eng version is even worse better idusjdhdhdusbdbs. Yeah we can be his cats 👁👄👁
Hwa is a siren HE LURES US WITH HIS HIPS! Vampire Seonghwa is always on my mind it's just peak Hwa for me
Yessss I think he used to be too shy to do those "cool" things, but now despite feeling embarrassed he goes for it anyway because HE LIKES WHEN ATINYS ARE FOOLED 😭 and the reactions yeah he loves that and good for him. Pls leave Jongho alone 💀 also Hongjoong HE DOESN'T WANNA SHOW YOU HIS ABS MAN HATES EXERCISING TOO
There seems to be some spiders epidemic going helpppp. Also there are so many bugs in general 😭 why can't they leave me alooooooneeeeee, get your own houses! Shockingly there aren't many mosquitoes these days?
I heard from my Exo-ls friends that some things haven't been continued and they're still waiting for more clues. Yeah Skz doesn't rely on their storyline as heavily, but you can see elements of it throughout their MVs like Side Effects, Astronaut, Levanter. Noeasy and especially Oddinary had huge story behind them with the sound monster, then Felix was the main character in Oddinary we theorised they referenced Alice in Wonderland. Some people dislike lore which is fine, but I don't get the complaints? I think Aespa and Kwangya is a bit cringy and SM is trying too hard to incorporate Kwangya in other artists' music, but the AI and black mamba ideas are actually not bad
I saw the leak I wonder which one is the title? So many leaks with this cb, kinda sad. So the pre orders dropped and tbh I'm not too happy we're back to squares RIP MY SHELF DESIGN also it means smaller photobooks...whack, not to mention they got rid of the lyric postcards and replaced them with ID PHOTOCARDS?! Yeah I get it the whole government thing, but those are so useless. I saw people on twt being happy and I'm like huh? The covers are... whatever, I gave up on interesting Ateez cover designs, lmaooooo. I woke up and I need to complain maybe it's the period and I need to deal with my GO too 😭 I saw USA has some exclusive versions like jewel cases 💀 and the amount of fan signs/video calls already. Maybe I'll win one 😭
Omg really?! I forgot about The Great Seducer, but now it makes sense that bb!Hwa was based on him
Size kink when she's 2cm taller than San 😭😭😭 you'll never catch me with that kink too.
Lmao but people are on much higher levels though. I play during work when I'm bored which is almost always hhahahdahaghaga. I know bestie I'm going to another party this weekend COME OVER. I missed two ATZ songs because I arrived late I was big mad :////
That sucks you can't see her even though she's coming to your city, fuck uni who needs to be a lawyer! Yes and her response after the backlash was a bit, hmmm... tainted her image for sure, but it was probably her company so it's not her choice, but yeah some companies actually see the backlash and cancel their NFT plans, like A.C.E's company for example
The fake tweets are funny, but yes sometimes I'm just like???
NEED TO SINK MY TEETH INTO SEONGHWA'S COLLARBONES BUT HIS ARMS ARE NEXT! My friends went to Uni Kon and said it was scorching so no wonder the artists were sweating buckets 😭😭😭😭 but I also hate seeing Hwa in the Wang shorts again because that man is 💀💀💀💀💀 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10736079/Designer-Alexander-Wang-returns-accused-sexually-assaulting-male-transgender-models.html sorry for the Daily Mail link but yeah. So when I saw someone say @ AW on twt PLEASE HIRE SEONGHWA AS YOUR MODEL I WAS LIKE NOOOOOOO DO NOOOOOOT.
Oooooh I saw that miss tenelkadjowrites published another Seonghwa fic 👀 I think I need to wait until I'm period-free to read it cause now the vibe is ruined khdhsudhjsbshshs - DV 💖
hello hi!!
No the song was not GOOD I mean have you heard the original?! It's hilariously bad so the Eng version is even worse better idusjdhdhdusbdbs. Yeah we can be his cats 👁👄👁
FBWMFBWK WORSE BETTER 😭😭😭 his cats??? what type bESTIE theres categories fbwhhdjd
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Hwa is a siren HE LURES US WITH HIS HIPS! Vampire Seonghwa is always on my mind it's just peak Hwa for me
FORGET SIREN HWA BELLY DANCING AU FT.MISS SHAKIRA FBWNFHS 😭😭😭 vampire hwa omg,,, i don’t think there’s many out there tbh ive seen someone but it’s usually that period sex thing and 😭😭😭???? 🔫🔫
Yessss I think he used to be too shy to do those "cool" things, but now despite feeling embarrassed he goes for it anyway because HE LIKES WHEN ATINYS ARE FOOLED 😭 and the reactions yeah he loves that and good for him. Pls leave Jongho alone 💀 also Hongjoong HE DOESN'T WANNA SHOW YOU HIS ABS MAN HATES EXERCISING TOO
YESSS BRWNDHEK EXACTLY HE FUCKING DOES IT ANYWAY ITS LIKE A ENEMIES TO LOVERS CAT MOUSE RELATIONSHIP AND WE ALL KNOW HE MF LOVES THAT no fr pls leave him alone,,, i knew someone who would constant say “i wanna lick their abs” bestie pls it’s been 2 mins 😭😭🤚🏼 FBWNDHSK EXACTLY JUST APPRECIATE THE SONGS 😭😭
There seems to be some spiders epidemic going helpppp. Also there are so many bugs in general 😭 why can't they leave me alooooooneeeeee, get your own houses! Shockingly there aren't many mosquitoes these days?
I heard from my Exo-ls friends that some things haven't been continued and they're still waiting for more clues. Yeah Skz doesn't rely on their storyline as heavily, but you can see elements of it throughout their MVs like Side Effects, Astronaut, Levanter. Noeasy and especially Oddinary had huge story behind them with the sound monster, then Felix was the main character in Oddinary we theorised they referenced Alice in Wonderland. Some people dislike lore which is fine, but I don't get the complaints? I think Aespa and Kwangya is a bit cringy and SM is trying too hard to incorporate Kwangya in other artists' music, but the AI and black mamba ideas are actually not bad
EXACTLY THAT !!!! been waiting ages for a proper comeback so we can get answers but sm 🔫🔫 aHHHHHH is what is their universe called?? AYO ALICE IN THE WONDERLAND?? 👁🤚🏼👁 why is it disliked? is seems too coolio??? tbh i didn’t think jyp would be a group to ever have theories yet here we are dbdbd YEAAAH THAT KWANGYA SHIT i get the idea but why not just let groups have their own universes 😭😭😭 i liked the black mamba concept esp!! the two world between AI and them,,, bc kwangya don’t make sense 😭😭😭
I saw the leak I wonder which one is the title? So many leaks with this cb, kinda sad. So the pre orders dropped and tbh I'm not too happy we're back to squares RIP MY SHELF DESIGN also it means smaller photobooks...whack, not to mention they got rid of the lyric postcards and replaced them with ID PHOTOCARDS?! Yeah I get it the whole government thing, but those are so useless. I saw people on twt being happy and I'm like huh? The covers are... whatever, I gave up on interesting Ateez cover designs, lmaooooo. I woke up and I need to complain maybe it's the period and I need to deal with my GO too 😭 I saw USA has some exclusive versions like jewel cases 💀 and the amount of fan signs/video calls already. Maybe I'll win one 😭
YEAH SOMEONE SENT IT TO ME 😭😭 it looks intimidatingly good tho esp the songs,,,, no.2 (this for anyone wondering is not the name no im not gonna reveal it fbdb) sounds better be some bombass beat drop,,,, FBWKDHWK NO BC WHY ARE WE BACK AT SQUARES THEY FUCKING NEVER FIT AND ARE SO THICK 😭😭😭 omg i forgot,,, smaller photo books but watch the photos be so pretty and we can’t even see half of it 😭😭😭ID CARDS RIGHT??? LIKE SOME GOVERNMENT JAIL CELL OR SOMETHING omg did u see the blue version, the poster looks like them in their halateez outfits yeah gave up on the designs 😭😭😭 saw this one by an atiny and the way id buy it all in an is at buy if they were like this,,, BESTIE DID U GET THE SIGNED ONES????
Omg really?! I forgot about The Great Seducer, but now it makes sense that bb!Hwa was based on him
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Size kink when she's 2cm taller than San 😭😭😭 you'll never catch me with that kink too.
Lmao but people are on much higher levels though. I play during work when I'm bored which is almost always hhahahdahaghaga. I know bestie I'm going to another party this weekend COME OVER. I missed two ATZ songs because I arrived late I was big mad :////
That sucks you can't see her even though she's coming to your city, fuck uni who needs to be a lawyer! Yes and her response after the backlash was a bit, hmmm... tainted her image for sure, but it was probably her company so it's not her choice, but yeah some companies actually see the backlash and cancel their NFT plans, like A.C.E's company for example
LMFAOOOO 😭😭 i tbh would rather go see dean bc he comes here often dbdbd rEALLY?? omg i just saw it and the ratios of the twt’s fbwnfbsn oH YEAH DEF PPL ARE SAYING GASLIT?? GIRLBOSS?? 😭😭🤚🏼 ACE FTW TBH AT LEAST THEY ACKNOWLEDGE WTF IS WRONG WITH THEM NFTS u know kun was my bias but that mofo also got an nft 😭😭😭 for jay chou 😭😭???? disgrace???
The fake tweets are funny, but yes sometimes I'm just like???
NEED TO SINK MY TEETH INTO SEONGHWA'S COLLARBONES BUT HIS ARMS ARE NEXT! My friends went to Uni Kon and said it was scorching so no wonder the artists were sweating buckets 😭😭😭😭 but I also hate seeing Hwa in the Wang shorts again because that man is 💀💀💀💀💀 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10736079/Designer-Alexander-Wang-returns-accused-sexually-assaulting-male-transgender-models.html sorry for the Daily Mail link but yeah. So when I saw someone say @ AW on twt PLEASE HIRE SEONGHWA AS YOUR MODEL I WAS LIKE NOOOOOOO DO NOOOOOOT.
JFVWDE DV ANON VAMPIRE ERA STARTING FBFBF 😭😭😭 omg no wonder it must be like one of those hot wind days 🔫🔫 one of my friends korea met btob’s minhyuk (at a fanmeet outside) aND HE WAS SWEATING ALL SHINY BUT HE STILL LOOKED SO FINE FBFBF oh man yeah,,,, when i see idols w him i just want to log out 🔫 i also understand that some idols have to end up being civil to them at events bc they also cant directly say shit,,, the when he first wore it a while back?? in fireworks era and did that one sigh 😭😭 NAURRR PLS NOT AS THAT BRANDS MODEL FBEN SEONGHWA EITHER FOR DIOR OR CHANEL OR YSL NO IN BETWEEN
Oooooh I saw that miss tenelkadjowrites published another Seonghwa fic 👀 I think I need to wait until I'm period-free to read it cause now the vibe is ruined khdhsudhjsbshshs - DV 💖
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akane171 · 2 years
😭😭😭😭 "YOU WERE MY BROTHER, ANAKIN, I LOVED YOU!" "I HATE YOU!" 😭😭😭😭🙈 Please excuse me while I go ugly sob over this tragic BROTP all over again😭😭😭😭😭🙈 They have best and worst kind of dynamics though it all🙈😍😭 *crying noises*
True true😂 Tho only angst with no happiness or only happiness before (e.g. Anakin and Obi-Wan's friendship) leaves ugly never fading scars😭😭😭🙈
Ohhh, that's actually really cool that there's an explicit distinction between the kind of tales🤔😍 I haven't heard of such a distinction in any other language yet, just general differentiations of terms according to exact content (e.g. does it include Animals or is it based on real life etc)🤔 And haha, Yess, the terms *do* "sound" cool😍🙈 Maybe the fairy thing is because their ancient tales had fairies in them? I don't even know, your guess is as good as mine🤷🏻‍♀️😅
Ohhh, you meant the angst she pulled 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Well, yes, that one week alone was more than enough angst to last😅🙈 But hey, I didn't even do anything, how am I nearly as bad?? I never had them not be happy in the end!😱😖 Plus, if I am nearly as bad, you are clearly at least just as bad!😂
Well, The Mortal Instruments books actually kinda had incest in them as well (which did kinda fucked me up, or rather annoy me, back then, cause not only did I not like the main character, but then she also had to get involved with who she later thought was her brother and after that even kissed and was lusted after by her real brother...)😅😩😩 Tho fanfics still managed to do worse😅
O.M.G.! YESSS! WHO freaking thought FIRST PERSON, PRESENT NARRATIVE was a good idea?? It's just WEIRD AND CRINGE!🙈😖 The only books I've ever read that used first person and were actually good were the Percy Jackson books (tho, tbh, I typically avoid that perspective at all costs cause I just can't read the stuff from cringing -PJO excluded ofc😅🙈)
You know what's even worse? Dumb af translations of books!😅 I've been told there is a Swedish(? Not sure if it was swedish) book that is brilliant with witty jokes and weird storylines which do make sense in the end thanks to a overall background story/plot, but the German (or was it English?) translation was so bad that it left out the WHOLE BACKGROUND STORY which made it a horrible, boring read😅🤦🏻‍♀️
Lol, okay, that just sounds like shit, I'm sorry you read that book😅🙈
There, there *comforting pats* 😔
Yesss😍 And ohhh, true, that was a problem😅🤦🏻‍♀️🙈
Aww,  but non-existence is so much nicer😖😭😭
Oh, LOL, now that you pointed it out, she does sound kinda shitty😅🙈😂🤦🏻‍♀️ The actress is cool tho, very funny and nice🤔😂🤷🏻‍♀️
...That...actually sounds really cool😯 Oh god, now I want a Season 2 even more😭😭😭🙈🙈😅😅 But how would they even go back to the Containment? Maybe my memory is screwed again, but didn't they find a cure at the end of Season 1?😅🤔
🤷🏻‍♀️😅 I'm terrible at names and nicknames and don't really have any of my own (unless you count ones made up by friends just to semi-annoy me with how stupid they sound) 😂🙈🤷🏻‍♀️ Seriously, people with nickname-y names are so lucky😂😂😉
Well, it was a better relationship than anakin and amidala, for sure.
That was the most tragic relationship in the movies, you can't change my mind.
Aka the relationship you will remember forever :)))))
i don't know either, but now you made me think I should google it harder, lol.
Sure, you just didn't pour the angsty scenarios with AU Mon-El suffering for centuries and then dying in vain. MHMHMHMHHM What doesn't change you are horrible angster, my deaaaaaaaar
Sure, sure, sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, only guilty people are excusing themselves so.
I have heard, internet was full of that book, ships, movie (?) ans a tv show on some point (what basically made me super not interested).
...what kind of soap opera it was? D: And yes, people can unleash their imagination in fics and it ends on some... super,... imaginative slash FUCKING WEIRD places.
Well, The Hunger Games were not terrible with this kind of narrative, yet, the author is not that good to slay it. But, interesting story (still, Battle Royale is 10 times better)
Yeah, translations can suck. I sometimes feel the translations to Polish of the newest Stormlight Archive were given to some dumbass translator who translates some sentences with google trans and translates some phrasal verbs literally. And it kills a lot of joy, because I know the stories in English slay.
There is a special kind of hell for that person who massacred that "Swedish" story, seriously =='
I seriosuly disliked her since her first apperance and CHEERED when she died. No hate for the actress, of course, she did what she got.
I think they found vaccine or something, but hey, viruses can mutate. Or make people zombies. Karamel in zombieland would be fun too xD
Aww, your friends give you annoying nicknames? That's so sweet xD any particular that annoyed you the most?
Kat is a part of my name and in Polish it means "executioner" so you can guess why i love it xD
Have a nice weeekeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend. It's finally nice weather so I could rode my bike and dayum, tomorrow I'm going to die xD
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
it’s always so crazy to me when ppl complain abt how much sfw build up there is in multi chap fics. for me personally i usually can’t get into a fic unless there’s some type of buildup yk? esp when it comes to multi chap fics. like i’ve read some fics where there was a long smut scene every chapter and the chapters themselves weren’t long to begin w so it was almost entirely smut. i was like damn do we even have some sort of connection w the character outside of just fucking? 💀do we even know their favorite color😭? and no shade to the ppl that write those types of fics n the readers. everyone can have their preferences. some ppl just wanna read smut n go abt their day n don’t need all the fluffy stuff. but it’s just sad when i see ppl complain abt how there’s too much sfw parts in multi chap fics (or fics in gen) n also when ppl pressure the writer to add more smut scenes n just completely take for granted the importance that sfw buildup has in fics when establishing the overall storyline. that’s really part of the reason i stopped using wattpad so long ago too. along w the fact that most of the fics i see on there r written by minors n as i was getting older i just feel didn’t feel comfortable reading fics written by a fifteen yo, i would see ppl leaving comments complaining abt how boring the sfw parts were n them rushing the author to add more smut. it’s just really disheartening all together ://
this is like. a mixed bag. im the same way though, i normally need like. HELLLAAA plot and HELLAAA depth before i can really get horny for a character in a fic. and honestly i think some things are better w/o smut. for the most part i think smut in long fic should progress the plot but that's just me and a personal pref
AND LIKE!! everyone is diff. to each your own i suppose.
it's not an issue always. sometimes i just wanna read some freak nasty stuff and a lot of people are the same. but yeah, i think like.. the pressure to add nsfw for no real reason can definitely dampen the writing experience. i don't think it happens like. QUITE as much on here as it does with other platforms. wattpad is quite frankly a cesspool for that sorta thing but yeah i get what you mean.
it just is what it is. one of those growing pains with where fandom i think is right now. i think it'll probably get better with time but for now it sucks
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okay imma keep it real wit y'all i hated gen 8 when it was announced and i still to this day don't know how to feel about it 😭
it's because of fuckin' gigantimax i know it fuckin' is—NO LISTEN TO ME.
gen 6, the kalos region: was way too easy and the story wasn't handled properly, but had some very nice pokemon and introduced reusable tms and hms which was very needed and fairy type pokemon which were also very needed because the dragons were getting out of control. it also introduced mega evolution, the best thing they added on to franchise, gameplay wise and lore wise; fully evolved pokemon being able to achieve a higher level of power through the bond of pokemon & trainer or somehow else? it genuinely fits in the universe. also yveltal, xerneas, and zygarde are fuckin' sick ass pokemon no i will not be taking criticism because all criticism regarding them is fuckin' invalid so!
gen 7, the alola region: basically a whole new woooorrrlllddddd. it's pretty okay, lots of wins, losses, and ties with this one. it got rid of hms which was very Yes and it introduced regional variants which was fuckin' amazing because a fandom concept was basically made real, i.e "bulbasaur but make it fire type." and now i wasn't big on z-moves cause like how was this supposed to fit in with the wider universe? but then i realized that it's not supposed to cause like i mentioned earlier alola is a whole new woooorrrlllddddd, z-moves are unique to alola, just as island kahunas and the trials are unique to it, this gen is all about culture and even the pokemon are good at representing it, even the legendaries! so I'm chill with all that. now, ultra beasts? fuckin'...time lines? game freak what the fuck is that? why even? no. just no.
gen 8...the galar region...*sigh*: first of all, why do the graphics for this game look ass? we're on a new generation of console now the game should not be lookin' this ass, y'all. and the story...what even is the fuckin' story? at least gen 6 had a legible storyline, i can't even tell what this one is. also game freak could find the power to remake 649 pokemon in 3D for gen 6 and continue adding to the number of 3D pokemon up till gen 7 but they just cannot do it for gen 8 which takes place on a powerful new console okay okay okay oka—
the new pokemon are nice. i like them very much, and the continuation of regional variants is very much appreciated. the dog legendaries are average, only zacian is cool. the horses are badass, and the bear is nice too. the bird trio is back but they're variants and they're evil which is very exciting. eternatus scares me which is very good i also appreciate that a lot. calyrex scares me in the bad way and i do not appreciate that at all; his design gives me the damn creeps. the characters are all nice but a lot of them are very...surface level? eh, it's not that important to me but i don't like most of them. those characters i do like though, i love.
what the fucking fuck, game freak. this is the most gimmicky thing to ever have gimmicked. and it's a boring gimmick too. yes, gigantimax pisses me off because it doesn't fit in with the wider universe but it also pisses me off because it doesn't even have a good reason to exist in galar, either. YEAH YEAH, i know eternatus is a legendary and also a dynamax which gives the entire galar region power spots which enables regular pokemon to dynamax BUT that's not a good reason because why do all other pokemon need to be able to dynamax? why couldn't eternatus be THE dynamax legendary? why couldn't that have been it's Thing? it has higher stats than arceus for crying out loud! it would've made sense!!
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so, in conclusion: bring back mega evolution. it's superior.
also kalos remakes when?
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juneviews · 5 years
I finally watched the 1st episode of WTD:FC and the pop x oat seems like the only reason to even continue😂I'll admit when I watched season one, i was watching it for pree rambo but this season they're just so bloody annoying and messy. Even though pop oat seems very VERY slow burning, I think they have some very cute moments and you can really see how much oat likes pop when they were eating dinner and driving in the car singing songs😭😭 and there season 1 kiss was actually really cute😭😭❤🦑
PS I'd rather have random cute moments from pop oat than all the weird angst from preerambo. I wish their stories didn't have to cross over. I want them separate but I know rambo is about to be a dumb PETTY butt hurt bitch and do something awful since he thinks pree likes oat😑 just see a therapist, work through your issues and disperse. Also this other storyline they added is super weird and there's not enough episodes for them to do this (just give popoat more time and remove the extra😭🦑)
lol I'm gonna admit it: ep 1 is boring and ep 3 is pure shit. Ep 2 isn't much better but there's a 6 min scene of them being in denial about their love and I was so there for the angst.
What I love about PopxOat are truly the chemistry between the two actors. You can feel that they are really comfortable with each other and that makes cute scenes like the ones in ep 1 feel more natural. Although I admit that the singing car scene was really cringy but kinda cute at the same time haha
And not to spoil anything but I do think we're going to start moving along with their story in ep 4 so I'm excited about that even though they'll probably have 5 minutes of screen time...
About your PS... yep. That's completely what I think. Especially since Pree x Rambo spent 15 episodes breaking up in season 1. MOVE THE FUCK ON, THANKS.
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